#taeyong is hurting my heart
orbitunbreakable · 10 months
Currently mentally experiencing the Kpop equivalent to a messy breakup where at first the feelings weren't super serious
then I fell hard for his Babygirlism, Manic Pixie Dream Girl personality, and interesting music (even let some of his fun friends hang out in my brain space)
but then I found out he's into gross shit and now I'm throwing Him and his shit out on the front lawn (removing all his/his group's music from my Likes playlist and blocking them all on Spotify)
Anyway this is why I don't fuck with boy groups and This experience has just cemented that distrust I am refusing to get attached to another male celebrities ever again
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elix8r · 1 year
it’s raining, it’s pouring
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PAIRING: cheetah hybrid!mark x house cat hybrid!y/n
GENRES: hybrid!au, smut, angst, enemies to ?
SUMMARY: Hating Mark could almost be considered your part-time job ever since Taeyong adopted him. But on one fateful night, a raging storm strikes, and with Taeyong nowhere to be found, you find yourself seeking an unlikely source of comfort - your annoying cheetah roommate.
WARNING: meandom!mark, brattysub!y/n, profanity, y/n being really mean to mark, unprotected sex, manhandling, humiliation, degradation, anal, foot stuff, face-fucking, rough sex, overall filthy stuff
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Up until three years ago, your life could be described as utter paradise. With Taeyong being the best owner you could ask for, and living in the coveted top-floor penthouse, you couldn't have any complaints. That was, of course, until your owner one day brought home another hybrid without previously warning you. Apparently, the previous owner of the cheetah hybrid was moving back to America, leaving him in need of a new home. Being the generous owner he was, Taeyong offered to take him in without hesitation (and without discussing it with you beforehand).
The moment Mark walked through the front door, your feelings towards the fellow feline were set, and they had yet to change. He was nothing but a nuisance to you, and despite being in the same cat family, he seemed to be nothing like you. You even attempted to paw at his ears many times before, trying to confirm if he really was a cheetah and not an overgrown puppy. However, each time, you would be met with cries and protests from him, while instinctively his claws extended, confirming that he was indeed a cat.
By now, Taeyong had accepted that you were never going to be best buds with Mark (though the latter still tried his best, despite knowing your response each time). In the beginning, he had hoped that you would get over your distaste for the boy and ultimately welcome him to the family, but as time went on and you showed no change of heart, your owner had to accept the reality.
Mark always took your food, bed, and even toys that were specifically given to you by Taeyong. He was an annoying presence in your life, who seemed to not get the hint that you wanted nothing to do with him. And as always, the exact thing was currently happening as you caught Mark rolling around and leaving his scent all over the new bedding that Taeyong had gotten for you.
"But yours is so much better! I just wanted to try it out, just a little, plus you smell good!" Mark's ears slightly folded down as he desperately tried to explain why you had found him sleeping in your bed.
"That's not my problem! Take it up with Taeyong if you have complaints and stop getting into my stuff. It's getting really fucking annoying and creepy you perv," you sent him a harsh glare, and your eyebrows furrowed in distaste as you could now smell him all over your sleeping area.
"Why can't you share? I mean, Taeyong always tells us to play nice and get along with each other, but no matter how hard I try, you never do! You're always so mean to me, and I don't even know what I've done!" Mark pouted, clearly upset with how you were reacting to him. From the beginning, all he wanted was to be friends with you, but you seemed to reject him at every turn.
"Why do I have to share if Taeyong bought it specifically for me? I mean, I was here first anyway. You should just be happy that Taeyong even took you in. Otherwise, you'd probably be one of those strays we always see outside. You should be thankful for what you got, so stop trying to take my stuff too. Anyways, get out of my room," you huffed towards your bed, barely giving him a second look. You knew that you were probably a bit too harsh with your words, but your annoyance took over, and you couldn't take back what was already said.
Mark was hurt and defeated. He knew there was no point in arguing with you so he nodded quietly and left your room and headed towards his, where he turned to his computer so that he would be able to take his mind off of you and focus on playing games with his friends.
"Bro, she's such a bitch. I mean, I don't know how you deal with her. I've only met her once, and during that time, she almost clawed my eyes out," his friend Jeno, responded sympathetically upon hearing about what had happened.
"Yeah, I feel bad for you, man. Me and Jaemin get along fine, so I can't even imagine what it's like living 24/7 with someone you don't get along with. Oof, it sounds like a nightmare," Haechan shuddered at the thought, and Jaemin nodded in agreement.
"Why don't you just fight back and assert your dominance over her? I mean, you are the stronger breed. She'll have to respect you once you scare her straight. Use your predator advantages, and maybe she'll realize that you're not one to be messed with," Jaemin suggested, trying to help Mark find a solution. His words did intrigue Mark, and he had to admit that he had thought about what Jaemin was suggesting. However, he had hoped he wouldn't have to resort to using his powers against you and that you would eventually warm up to him on your own.
Typing and clicking noises filled the conversation for a couple of seconds as they all played online together. "Yeah, I guess. I'll think about it," Mark finally replied.
And think about it he did for the next few hours as he continued to play games with his friends. The topic of you didn't come up again as they were all too engrossed in their gaming. Meanwhile, Mark remained preoccupied with thoughts of you. He was so engrossed in the games that he didn't realize the time or the weather outside, something you were keenly aware of.
Taeyong should have been home by now, yet not a single sign of him was to be seen. You had been waiting patiently for your owner while spending time scrapbooking. Every once in a while, you would peer out your window to see if he was here yet as you were always able to predict when he would be coming in. But today, he seemed to be taking longer. The sky had been turning darker and darker, which laid an uneasy feeling inside of you.
It was quite embarrassing to admit, but even at your grown age, you were still deadly afraid of storms. You were unable to withstand them without the comfort of Taeyong nearby, and with no sign of him, you were becoming antsy. Where was he? Was he okay? These were all thoughts that ran through your mind as you went through all the scenarios of where your owner could be, but every single one led to a bad ending that you didn’t want. So you tried your best to get back into crafting.
Of course, that didn't last long as out of nowhere, a flash of lightning could be seen, followed by a clap of thunder so loud that it shook the house. You yelped out loudly as you felt yourself tremble. The lights flickered for a couple of seconds as rain could be heard heavily pouring down, and now you genuinely felt fear. There was nothing you could do except tuck yourself deeply under your blanket while hoping for the rain to settle down, but your wishes were in vain as there was no indication of it stopping anytime soon, and Taeyong was still not home.
You had already tried texting him and dialing his number, but it went straight to voicemail, which further drove you to worry. What if he had decided he had enough of you and chose to leave you? This thought, above all, made your stomach drop, and tears pricked at your eyes. Despite it being totally irrational and unwarranted, it was still a possibility and it scared you. Suddenly, another thunder could be heard, which once again instigated a whimper out of you. Without fully realizing what you were doing, you found yourself walking towards Mark’s door.
You weren’t sure that you had ever knocked on his door purposely, but here you were knocking. Laughs and talking could be heard from inside the room and you wondered how he wasn’t bothered by everything going on. While you frowned while trying to pull your blanket around your shoulders tighter, the door finally opened and revealed a confused Mark.
You looked absolutely terrified, which was not a look he was familiar with despite living with you for about three years now. You were visibly shaken and your eyes were wide with fear. Instantly, Mark was concerned.
"Hey, what’s wrong?" His brows were furrowed as he noticed you on the verge of crying (though you weren't sure if it was because of the storm, the absence of Taeyong, or even the embarrassing fact that you came crawling to Mark's room).
"Have you heard from Taeyong?" Your usual catty tone was nowhere to be found as you asked with a soft voice.
Until now, Mark hadn’t realized that his owner had not come home when he was supposed to, but at the realization, he too became worried. "No, I don't. I guess I just realized that he hasn't come home yet."
His response made your eyes widen. It was hard to believe that while you were worrying in your room, the thought of Taeyong hadn't crossed Mark's mind even once. "What do you mean you didn't realize? I know he's been coming home later recently, but not this late! I mean, haven't you seen what it's like outside right now? Where is he?"
It was obvious that you were beyond stressed, and even without smelling you, Mark could feel anxiety radiating off of you. It was indeed storming terribly outside, and now Mark was becoming worried knowing that Taeyong was out there. But seeing your state, he came to the conclusion that it would do no one any good to have the both of you freaking out.
"Hey, I'm sure he's fine. I bet he's just waiting out the storm at his work. Why don't you come in here and wait together for him?" His words did not do much to ease your tension, but you did oblige (if it were other circumstances, you would never agree to enter his room, but desperate times called for desperate measures).
"But why isn't he answering my calls then? He knows that I hate storms, and I can't go through them without him! Mark, what if he's never coming back?" You had plopped yourself on top of his bed, eyes wide and lips quivering.
Mark sighed. "Y/N, now you're being ridiculous. Why would he just abandon us? He's probably not getting a signal or something more reasonable."
His dismissive response lacked empathy for your concerns, and you were now shedding tears. "What do you mean more reasonable? I think my concerns are valid! Maybe he's tired of us fighting all the time! I mean, we haven't been the best for him, and I know he's been having a hard time with us. It’s possible that he had it with us and just abandoned us to run away!"
The concern he previously felt was now gone as your dramatic rant slowly started to irk him more and more. Everyone knew that you were the main instigator of your fights, always being unfriendly towards Mark, so to have you group him with you had him scoffing. "You mean more like you were not being a good hybrid like you should have been. I mean, you're the one always instigating fights. I try my best to deal with you, but you're so bratty. Honestly, I'm surprised Taeyong's been able to deal with you this long."
Throughout the three years of living with Mark, you could only count a handful of times that he responded to you in such a manner. He was usually mild-mannered and overall just nice, so hearing this from him had you shocked. It was such a switch and instantly, you could feel his annoyance towards you in the air.
"Ma-Mark, what do you mean?" Your cries had yet to stop, and Mark rolled his eyes at you. Were you that dumb that you hadn't caught on to how frustrated Taeyong had recently been with your behavior? Taeyong was usually very tolerant, but even he was having a hard time with you.
"Jesus Y/N, are you seriously that stupid?" Even Mark was shocked at how he was talking to you, but this pent-up anger towards you had been a long time coming. He had been holding it all in, trying to be as good as he can to you despite your actions towards him, but now he was reaching a boiling point. He was beyond annoyed, and maybe this cold hard wake-up call was needed for you to start behaving better.
"I'm not stupid! Who do you think you are to talk to me like that, you fucking bastard?" You tried to sound strong while defending yourself against his harsh words, yet the tears seemed to not stop. Frustratingly, you got up to further confront him, but to your surprise, his hands came up around your neck and forced you back on the bed. Clearly, your words had further driven him to anger.
It was clear that Mark was angry. He had never put his hands on you this way, and in response, you were also fuming. How dare he put his hands on you? "Get your filthy ass hands off me!"
Mark didn't listen, though, as he pushed you further into the bed and hovered over you. His eyes held a fiery rage that you weren't sure you had ever encountered, certainly not from Mark. No trace of your bravado could be found, and for the first time, you cowered in his presence. Chills ran down your body as you felt his tail moving all over your bare legs. Amidst the fear you felt from the feline, another emotion bubbled beneath your lower belly.
Never in a million years would you have expected yourself to be turned on by Mark, but here you were, unconsciously purring in response to his actions. The once sweet and amiable Mark was gone, and this new version of him that showcased himself in front of you was one that you couldn't help but find yourself incredibly attracted to. Alas, you realized that you, just a common domesticated house kitty, were no match for the fast and strong beast that Mark presented himself to be.
"You know I've been quite understanding toward you. I put up with your attitude for three fucking years, yet here you are, still not realizing how much of a spoiled and ungrateful little kitty you've been. Despite taking all your shit, here you still are with the audacity to be in my room and still be a bitch when I nicely allowed you in to comfort you. It's obvious Taeyong hasn't been doing a good job taming you to be the nice house cat you're bred to be. But enough is enough, and clearly, the soft approach isn't working, so I guess I'll have to be the one to straighten you out."
And with that, he pressed his lips against yours roughly, making his intentions clear that he wouldn't go easy on you. Teeth clicked against each other and as the kiss deepened, you found yourself caught between conflicting emotions. Maybe, you did deserve this, but at the same time, you couldn't help but feel a part of you unwilling to surrender to Mark's dominance this easily.
His hands roughly dragged themselves all over your body as you panted heavily against his lips. In an attempt to take charge, you wrapped your legs around his waist, intending to twist him around and position yourself on top. However, his quick instincts kicked in, and he caught on before you could even execute your plans. He immediately pinned you under him again.
"Tsk tsk, I told you. I'm in charge today, and that little move you tried to pull on me is going to cost you now," Mark growled, and all you could manage in response was a small whimper. Your body struggled to adjust to not being the one in control.
His hands were burning hot as they hurriedly moved to strip you of the only article of clothing that you were wearing. It was a large shirt that engulfed you, and most days you had no issue with it being the only thing you wore around the house. You found it to be the most comfortable and unrestricting for your tail, allowing you to move freely without any discomfort. However, if you had been made aware beforehand of the situation you were currently in, you would have reconsidered.
Being fully bare in front of Mark while he was still fully clothed made you feel hot in humiliation, but you fought against your impulse to cover yourself. Instead, you held your head high and maintained unwavering eye contact with the male feline before you. A devilish smirk ghosted his pretty face as his eyes started to move down, unashamedly wandering all over your naked figure and taking in every curve, making sure to not miss a single spot.
“Get on your knees.” His voice was stern and Mark could feel his pants get tighter and tighter.
“What if I don’t want to?” You coyly eyed him, still stubborn and unwilling to give in as easily as you knew Mark hoped you would.
With a firm grip on your chin, he was clearly losing his patience with you. "Don't make me repeat myself again. Get on your knees," he demanded with less composure than before. Reluctantly, you complied, but your gaze held a sparkle of mischievousness, indicating your satisfaction at successfully getting under his skin.
Your hands moved at a tortuously slow speed as you undressed him, knowing that it would be more fuel to the fire already ignited within him. This cat-and-mouse game you seemed to be dragging Mark into was entertaining you like nothing else before. Any previous anxiety and worry you had regarding Taeyong were not even thoughts in your mind right now, as you were fully occupied with pushing Mark to the edge. Pissed-off Mark seemed to be your favorite version of him, and it was a shame that it took three years for you to be graced with its presence, but better late than never.
You must have underestimated Mark though as you suddenly felt pressure on your clit. His foot had flexed up roughly against your pussy reminding you of who was in charge. You were biting back your moans as he seemed to have no plans of moving his foot while you finally got his pants off. Yanking his underwear down with the pants, his dick instantly freed, almost smacking your face.
"Fuck, Mark," you marveled at the sight. Even from the day you met him, you couldn’t deny (no matter how much you wanted to) that Mark was beautiful, but now it was fully confirmed that he was indeed absolute perfection.
With his cock glistening and tip pulsing red, your ears twitched as you felt yourself getting even further dazed with arousal. Your hands hesitantly wrapped themselves around his length and you heard a small groan release from within him. Your hands were incredibly soft and nothing compared to anything Mark had previously experienced. The slow strokes became increasingly faster and with wide eyes, you inched your head towards his slit before tentatively dipping your tongue in his slit.
“Shit, keep going.” He instructed and you could hear his breaths get more erratic the more you started to use your tongue.
You ran your tongue over the underside of his shaft before returning to his head wrapping your mouth around it. Mark was insanely receptive as you could feel his tail once again swiftly moving around your body the further you sank down his length. Once you could feel him hitting the back of your throat, you started to guide yourself back and forth, adopting a steady pace. Your hands moved to work in tandem with your mouth around what your mouth couldn’t reach.
With hollowed cheeks and reddened eyes that stared straight into his, just the sight alone could have him cumming. His hand rested gently against the back of your head and as he felt more and more pleasure, his hips started to penetrate deeper into your mouth. Then all of a sudden, Mark felt your teeth gently scraping against his dick which instantly had him harshly grabbing a hold of your hair and ripping you off his length.
Your head was pulled all the way back, almost straining your neck, but the only thing you could do was giggle at his reaction once you saw his face. With a stern warning he gave you with his eyes, you were shoved back down his cock with even more force than before. He mercilessly fucked your mouth and your claws dug deep into his thighs, yet he couldn’t care less. Deep grunts and lewd noises of you gagging and choking around him filled the room as tears drenched your face. You were sopping wet by now and in attempts to find some relief, you grinded down against his foot.
“Fuck, almost there,” he moans, and with one last deep thrust, you feel spurts of his cum painting your throat.
You try your best to swallow his load, but it’s too much as some seep out from the corner of your mouth and after what seems like forever, Mark pulls you off of him. Deep gasps come from you as you try your best to catch your breath, but it seems like he has no intentions of stopping as you’re quickly yanked up from the floor and thrown on the bed.
“Look at this,” Mark held your legs open wide as he examined your drenched pussy. “I mean you were grinding against my feet so fucking hard. You liked getting off against my feet? Fucking nasty whore. I mean that’s fucking embarrassing how desperate you are”
“Fuck, off.” You angrily spat out while you attempted to close your legs. It was indeed humiliating that Mark was making you feel and act like this.
He smirked at your words, "Oh yeah? You really want me to fuck off? Cause I will, I mean I already got my fix, no need to continue on." Panic instantaneously coursed through you at his suggestion to leave you like this, and without hesitation, you desperately reached for his wrist, holding him from leaving you.
"Wait, no. Mark, please," you begged. You knew he was getting off on this control he had over you, but you couldn’t really care less. There was only one thing you wanted right now, and you would do just about anything to get it.
“Why? I don’t owe you anything. All you’ve ever done for me was treat me like shit. Maybe you should’ve been a better kitty then.” You were losing your mind the more seconds went by he wasn’t touching you.
“Please Mark, I’m sorry.” Your eyes welled up, frantically begging for him. “I’ll do anything, please. I promise.”
As sadistic as it was, Mark couldn’t help but absolutely love seeing you like this. You looked helpless and desperate. “Anything?”
You furiously nodded. “Yes! Anything, Mark. Please, touch me. Use me!”
“So you’d let me choke you or do this?” He pinched your nipples hard and despite the pain, you continued to nod. “What about this? You like this?” Mark’s hand traveled down to your tail and tugged on it. Tails on hybrids were known to be off-limits to others as it was one of the most sensitive parts of your body so to have Mark do this to you was not only demeaning but also overwhelming, but you still nodded.
“Hmm, maybe you really are willing to let me do anything. What about here? Will you let me use it?” His thumb rubbed against the rim of virgin hole. You’ve had sex plenty of times but never had you ventured to have your rear penetrated.
Your already widened eyes grew even bigger at what Mark was insinuating, clearly taken aback by the feeling of his thumb. It was an unfamiliar sensation, but this didn’t necessarily mean that you were against it. Slowly, you nodded, letting out a soft whine at the new sensation that you were growing to enjoy.
“Please Mark, give me anything.” Your answer clearly satisfied him as he moved to rest his cock, which had hardened again, on your heat.
Smacking the head of his dick against your clit had you loudly moaning and without warning, he fully plunged into you, giving you no respite to adjust to his hard length before pounding himself into you. Squelching noises filled the room and while you would have most definitely been embarrassed if this was any other scenario, you were a little too preoccupied with screaming Mark’s name loudly as you felt indescribable pleasure.
Mark seemed to be sharing a similar sentiment to yours as he also let out loud moans and grunts as he continued to snap into you. You felt heavenly, so warm and tight, almost as if you were made specially for him and if he could, Mark would want to stay buried inside of you for the rest of his life.
“Ngh, so good! Please don’t stop!” You were practically screaming as your claws sunk themselves into Mark’s back in an attempt to hold onto something. You were incoherent and babbling all sorts of things.
Suddenly, when you thought you couldn’t feel any better, you felt the rough pads of Mark’s fingers roughly rubbing themselves against your engorged clit. Instantly, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and it didn’t take long before you felt as if the Earth was stuttering on its axis as you came.
Tears poured down your pretty face as you sobbed, but it seemed as though Mark was not through with you. Swiftly, he flipped you around, yanking your tail up, which had you shrieking in sensitivity. Your ass immediately perked up while your body slumped forward, completely at his mercy.
“Look at you, so pretty in submission.” You could hear him smiling as he teased you. He admired your pussy, so puffy and glistening from your orgasm before gathering your release onto his fingers and spreading them on your unbreached hole.
All you could do was gasp against your mattress at the sensation, clearly aware of what he was trying to do. Slowly, he prodded his finger into the hole, testing the waters on how you would react before going further. You were trembling against his finger, mewling out as your hands tightly gripped the sheets on his bed. The mix of vulnerability and excitement overwhelmed you, and you couldn't deny the pleasure that was slowly building within you.
“Fuck, you’re so tight, I’m barely able to get this finger in. How’re you going to be able to take my cock princess?” Quickly you whined back at his words.
“Mhm, I can ugh, I can take it. I promise.” You’re barely able to breathe out before you went back to being a moaning mess as Mark started to move his finger around.
Mark loved how receptive you were to everything he was doing to you. Deciding to try another one, he slowly slid another finger into your incredibly taut hole. You were clenching hard around him, but the second his hands wrapped around your tail again, you seemed to loosen up, which gave him room to scissor his fingers around.
“Please, just put it in. I need you, Mark please!” Your patience was waning and while you appreciated his attempts to loosen you up, knowing that it was not only your first time but also due to his substantial size, you were tired of waiting and now just wanted him in you.
Mark didn’t need to be told twice and he quickly yanked his fingers out before positioning himself on your pulsating hole. He gradually pushed into you and instantly, the tightness around his head had him rolling his head back. As he pushed himself further into you, your whimpers got louder as your back arched further to get closer to him. It was painful and an unfamiliar sensation, but the pleasure outweighed any other feeling and you were determined to take him all.
“Shit, you’re so fucking tight around me babe.” Mark mused as he finally sunk all of himself into you before pausing for a second to take everything in. Then, he started to rock himself at a slow pace before adopting a steady pace that was comfortable for both of you.
Once again, lewd sounds of moans and pants filled the room that was potently covered in the scent of sex. Your body quivered against his with his tight grip was the only thing keeping your body from fully slumping over. As you felt yourself loosening up, you felt Mark quickening his pace as he was now pounding relentlessly into you. His balls were harshly slapping themselves against your sensitive clit and you already felt yourself coming close to releasing for a second time tonight.
“Keep going, I’m close! Don’t stop!” You pleaded and it seemed that Mark was also coming close to combusting as you felt him tightly gripping your shoulders to give himself more momentum to thrust into you.
Ringing in your ears came first before everything seemed to cut to white noise as you felt yourself convulsing. You weren’t even sure if you were even awake, let alone alive as the sensation continued. As Mark continued to slam into you, chasing his release, he felt spurts of wetness coming from you. You were squirting and at the realization, Mark instantly came. Ropes of his cum painted your inside and when he finally pulled out, the sight alone was filthy and absolutely porn-worthy. Your hole continued to clench over nothing and his cum slowly seeped out creating an image that Mark knew he would have forever ingrained in his mind.
You had gone fully limp on the bed, with only small twitches giving an indication that you were, in fact, still alive. Mark had completely fucked you into oblivion, and not a single ounce of your previous bratty attitude seemed to have withstood as you didn't even bat an eye when Mark wrapped his arms around you both, trying to recover and catch your breath.
“Guys, I’m here! I’m so sorry, the rain had everyone—what the fuck!” Out of nowhere, the door to the room slammed open, showcasing your owner standing drenched from the rain and sporting a wide smile that quickly disappeared at the sight his two hybrids were found in. Shit, both of you had totally forgotten about Taeyong.
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: happy birthday mark lee love you sm and stay rawr xd <3
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chenlesfavorite · 2 months
Heading to Buckingham Palace was going to be an experience, one that you knew you were going to enjoy. Your experience in London so far wasn’t quite the most exciting one as you were just staying at the hotel, due to the intense jetlag you had gotten but now that you were feeling better, you couldn’t wait to explore with the others.
But... being excited to visit new places wasn’t the only emotion overtaking you. The other emotion that was flowing through you was also nervousness, why exactly nervousness?
That had a simple answer; maybe one your head wouldn’t understand at the moment, but your heart definitely did. The answer was Mark Lee.
Sitting next to him on the plane ride, sharing a room?
It certainly had your heart skipping beats at many moments, how could it not? The man who has broken into your heart, switching your gaze from Taeyong to him, with so little effort as well.
You didn’t understand why, and how you fell for Mark so easily. Was it because of the way he did things? The way he acts around you? Him helping you with a difficult subject? His voice?
It made your head hurt, and think way too much about it. Why are crushes such an annoying little thing?
Sighing, you decide to get up from your bed as you still need to get ready to head to Buckingham Palace with the others. Mark had already left the room a few minutes ago because he needed to talk with Johnny and Taeyong for whatever reason. You didn’t indulge in it too much as it was his business and not yours.
You have finished picking out your outfit for the visit, and now you are at such a difficult decision. What lipstick, and or lipgloss, should you put on? “Why am I having such a hard time deciding what to put on my lips... this is stupid.” You mumble to yourself, both of your hands on your hips as you sigh.
“I say the lipgloss would look nice on you.” A voice surprises you- you turn around and it is no other than the man who makes you feel like you’re on cloud nine, Mark Lee. Your eyes take a good look at him, all the way from the top to the bottom, inspecting every little spot and detail on him.
His dreamy brown eyes looking down at you with his brown hair just slightly covering the upper part of his eyes. He’s wearing an oversized white shirt with a navy blue jacket on top, and the long khaki cargo pants on the bottom, his hands shoved in the pockets, the pants were paired with some white sneakers. However, your eyes taking notice of his outfit and visuals wasn’t the only thing. Your nose was also invaded by the smell of his cologne; a warm smell that was joined by an amber scent.
You two were quite in a close position, your back was pressed against the bathroom countertop, your hands holding the corners of it while Mark’s torso was almost touching yours. The breath in your throat got stuck there for a second before you turned around, your eyes looking down at the countertop where the lipstick and lipglosses were spread on.
“The lipgloss? Got.. got it.” Your voice was soft and breathy; you take the lipgloss and look up in the mirror, applying it to your lips. But your eyes weren’t exactly focused on the way you were applying the lipgloss, instead, they were sneaking to Mark, who was standing behind you with a small smile plastered onto his face, but his gaze was not on the mirror, but on you.
You could barely focus on the lipgloss, all that you could keep your attention on was the way Mark’s warm breath was hitting your face just so slightly, the way his gaze was fixated on you, and his eyes did not move a single time away from your face. His hand slowly trying to reach over to your other hand that was resting on the countertop.
Mark’s hand eventually slides onto yours, his pinky finger treading with yours faintly. You get a sudden electric feeling, it cursed throughout your entire body. The way his hand rested on yours, it felt... right. Good. Almost as if his hand... was made for yours. The warmth you felt from it was the exact same you felt that day in the haunted house.
The moment quickly ended once you awkwardly cleared your throat, and put the lipgloss down, closing the lid of it once you applied it fully. Mark backed away as well, scratching the back of his head as he looked down at the floor. “Uh, you look great, by the way, dude...” He says, his voice sounding taut. “Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself.” You replied, with a light chuckle.
You would never admit out loud but... you had wished the moment would have gone further.
‘Why can’t you kiss me already, Mark Lee?’
GOT MY ION YOU : chapter 25 — lipgloss or lipstick?
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! author’s note : wanted to give y’all a little marky/n meal hehe <3
✮⋆˙ taglist : @nanaxwi @yyangj3lly @morkiee @alethea-moon @neocrashed @junviadinho @hyuck-me @injunified @candied-czennie @dudekiss3r @neozon3nha @nosungluv @starfilledgaze @luvtyunn @mystverse @multifandomania @bitchzitschimi
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starillusion13 · 11 months
Imagine your friends!NCT are secretly mafias, falling in love with you…
[I’m doing with my bias line so if your bias is missing means they are my bias wreckers and as am being ot23(I will always be their supporter so don’t expect I love any of the members less) please read the end note.]
Remember this is my top bias line:
Lee Taeyong
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Being the leader of the biggest mafia gang, NCT he is very passionate about his life. Never for once he thought of getting you in his life. An innocent but suicidal girl but also a very daring girl. He is attracted to you because of your multiple personalities and this is the reason he finds you different from other girls. He is good at pretending that he is not getting attracted to you day by day or simply he is deeply in love with you. But what about you? No one knows as you are just friends with him, a very close one. It’s a very simple story. But the problem is that you are only familiar with mafias in story book but you don’t know the dark secrets of your cute and handsome friend, Lee Taeyong.
Kim Doyoung
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Your most caring friend who literally takes care of you like an older brother but he has made it clear not to call him your brother. He treats you more than you ever need. He takes you on luxury friendly dates when Taeyong(his bestfriend) is busy or that man would not leave his chance to tag along( you are afterall spending his money even with Doyoung). His gummy smile is everything you need before going to work. Those gummy smiles hide the devilish smirk when he is torturing his victim brutally and his sharp eyes watching the helpless condition of them. But to you, he can heal your every pain as a true friend.
Jung Jaehyun
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the most charming guy you have ever met. Anyone would want him as their boyfriend including you but you bet he has girlfriend as you feel he hides things from you and that can be possible if it’s his gf. Once late at night you came across him on the streets and you thought him as any celebrity and that’s how your friendship began. He has the show-off attitude and would always buy you costly dresses, jewelry and other accessories and urge you to wear them on friendly dates and workplace. He has this possessiveness in his every move and words as if he owns you. He is a loyal NCT mafia member who has swear not to get distract by anything but why he is losing his mind for you.
Lee Mark
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the sweetest and the most innocent guy. You feel this urge to protect this silly boy from this cruel world. Cruel world? He is a walking devil with a facade of innocence. His silly speech, his innocent heartily laughs and his securing embrace is like alluring you to trust him with your whole. But it’s a trap to keep you close. You don’t know how his awkward behaviors in front of you are just the opposite when he plants bullets in his enemy’s head and throat. His soft big and innocent eyes are the dangerous hell-hole for his victims.
Lee Jeno
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well, you doubt him as a gangster sometimes because of his physique and personality. But He can’t be because next moment he is giving off his eye smile melting your heart along with his sweet gestures. A perfect soft boyfriend with some dominating aura. He likes to order you around like those are simple and sweet but somehow he has that controlling attitude. His helpless and worried expression if you are hurt for some reason is just the opposite from the one when he makes sure to burn the victim or bury it 6-feet under and his eyes burning with the rage of revenge, nowhere to be seen those cute eyes looking at you in awe and adoration.
Lee Haechan
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a playful menace. You question sometimes why you are being friends with him in first place. His teasings are out of hand and loses your mind but the next moment he is the dearest friend to you. But you have fun with him in sleepovers, sneaking out for late night long drives playing ‘Highway to Heaven’ and he sings along the song’s bridge, his fav part ‘oh she’s so bad, I’ll make it last’ and looks at you in your eyes. Even behind his mischievousness, there is a lover boy. He cuddles you to comfort and a perfect bestfriend and you are thankful for such a nice friend. But you don’t know that the annoying boy with heavenly vocals is a hacker of the ruthless mafia gang, NCT.
Na Jaemin
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a total cat person. He even has an insta account for his cats and mentioned himself as their father and you as their mother. A boy with heart on his sleeves and he doesn’t let a moment to fall in vain without making you blush. A family man and not gonna lie you have a little crush on him. His endearments and sweet gestures always make you feel like that you are a couple and sometimes some people even assume it. Even if you deny it, he proudly smiles and agrees with them. But this sweet Angel boy is the devil who can shoot someone and bury them in a stance and then act like he tugged his cats in bed to sleep.
I’m writing such above things just casually because even if it’s late at night yet am not feeling sleepy😭 actually I was preparing a NCT! Mafia draft so felt like sharing some imagines. If you guys need any particular member imagine then you can send me asks(also Yuta Lucas Renjun Ten Yangyang and Kun are also in my bias list tho🥹)
Should I make a NCT! Mafia series with my bias line x reader? Of course after finishing ‘Like We Just Met’?
Perma Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon [open!]
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loudstan · 4 months
hiii i was wondering if you would be down to do a small drabble based on that part where soobin had managed to pull yn out of the circle but with a twist? taeyong did not manage to arrive in time causing him to take advantage of her? i mean, let's be honest she would probably allow it, it's soobin after all
joke's on you because I have wanted to write this for a long time! So let's do it right now!
Warnings: manipulative soobin, cheating, dubious, not a happy ending.
You let out an exhausted sigh.
“Soobin,” you said when his grasp on your arms tightened. “let me go.”
For a few seconds, he only stared back into your eyes. 
“No,” he finally murmured, sneaking his arms around your waist and pulling you even closer.
“I’m not in the mood for your jokes,” you warned him, squirming in his arms.
“Good, because I am not joking.”
“You can’t–”
“Can’t I?” he purred. With a rapid movement, he had you with your back pushed on the wet grass, hovering over you. “Silly little human,” he teased. “Look at the time.”
Your heart stopped when you noticed the faint moonlight illuminating the fae prince’s fair skin. It was way past dusk.
You gulped. “S-soobin, please–,” your voice broke when you felt his fingertips caress your face. “Don’t hurt m-me,” you begged.
“Hurt you?” he echoed. “You know that is not what I want,” he trailed off when his thumb made contact with your lower lip.
Realizing what he was referring to, you turned your head to the side, breaking free from his touch. “Don’t– Soobin, please, we’re friends!”
He grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look at him again. “Friends…,” he scoffed like you had just insulted him. “Do you let all your friends court you?”
“I never–When d-did I–” you stuttered.
Soobin raised his eyebrows. “For someone who is writing a book about faes, you know absolutely nothing about us,” he sighed, using his free hand to reach for one of the berries that were scattered on the grass. “These are the sweetest berries you can find. I picked them myself,” he said casually, placing it over your lips. “Did you think I kept bringing them  to you because I am a good neighbor?” 
You were about to reply that that was exactly what you thought when he pushed the small fruit past your lips. True to what he had said, it was incredibly sweet, but now that you were aware of the implications of his gift you knew you shouldn’t accept it. So you spit it out. 
His expression remained calm, but the slight twitch in his eye told you he didn’t appreciate the attitude you were giving him. He pretended he didn’t feel you squirming under him to get free, as he unhurriedly grabbed another fruit and offered it to you.
You kept your lips sealed and scratched his arms stubbornly. He was equally, if not more stubborn, and he kept trying to feed you no matter how hard you made it for him. 
“WHY?!” He finally snapped after the 10th wasted berry. “You have been enjoying my courting for weeks! Why refuse now?!”
You stilled at his outburst. You had never seen him lose composure like this. He was panting heavily on top of you, his brows furrowed in anger and confusion. He looked so…human.
“I have never met someone as insolent and infuriating as you!” he continued. “Do you not understand the position you are in?! I reign over the entire forest and every single creature that inhabits it. That includes you. I own you!”
“P-please–” you tried to speak but you started sobbing quietly.
“Shh…,” he tried to soothe you, immediately regretting the way he had spoken to you. What was it about you that kept making him lose his cool? “I apologize,” he whispered, resting his forehead on yours and wiping your tears away gently. “That was very uncivil of me. No more tears, Y/N, please,” he begged you. 
“Y-you have to let m-me go…,” you insisted.
He shook his head urgently. “No,” he whispered, kissing your tear-stained cheeks. “Anything but that.”
“Does not deserve you,” Soobin growled against your lips. “Keeps disappearing and leaving you all alone. He makes you sad, Y/N.”
“No–” your protest was interrupted by the prince’s soft lips pressed firmly against yours. He moved his lips softly, but his hand on your jaw held your head tightly. He took advantage of your surprised gasp to lick and taste every corner of your mouth, moaning at the realization that he was finally tasting you. And you tasted better than he imagined.
A loud noise took him out of his daze and he quickly lifted his head to search for the possible threat. The last thing he needed was alpha showing up. Not that he would give you up now that he had finally had a taste of you. 
But there was nobody out there. 
He tilted his head and then he felt a slight tingle on his left cheek. 
He turned to look at you and saw you holding your right hand and wincing. Your palm was reddened. 
His own hand reached for his cheek as his lips curled into a wicked smirk. You had slapped the fae prince. 
“Did you really think a weak human could harm an immortal?” he asked you incredulously. 
“I… I just w-wanted you to s-stop—”
“Do not lie to me,” he warned you.
“I’m not–”
“You know I can feel everything you feel,” he reminded you, caressing your face lovingly. “I can feel your guilt, your fear… but you do not feel repulsed by me.”
You tensed and blushed.
“And now you are embarrassed,” he continued, chuckling and kissing your neck. “Oh, you love it right here,” he sighed, nibbling on a spot of your neck that had you gasping. “You exude such intense desire when I do this…” he breathed out shakily.
“Soobin–...” you whined, trying to push him away by pulling his hair. “I r-really c-can’t…”
“Y/N…” he whispered, rutting his hips experimentally and savoring the pleasure that consumed your body. “I can feel how much you enjoy this. Let go…” he meant for it to be a command, but he was practically begging you.
He could easily feed off this for eternity. He planned to.
But you were being so unnecessarily difficult. He was giving you what your boyfriend refused to give you and you were enjoying it. So, why were you rejecting him? Because you felt guilty? Because you were confused? Because you loved that bastard?
He felt a pang of jealousy and decided to try a different approach.
“This is your f-fault, you know?” he continued, trying to keep his voice even as he rocked his hips and you gave him the cutest little noises in response. “You have been so miserable these days…all you have been feeding me are gloomy feelings,” he pouted.
“I–,” you breathed out, biting your lip when he pressed his hips against yours harder.
“I spent all my afternoons here with you,” he taunted. "All to help you write your book, but you only give me insipid negative energy in return…”
“I d-didn’t mean–…” 
“I’m starving, Y/N,” he growled, suddenly stilling and looking into your eyes. “You did this to me.”
You gasped for air and pressed your legs together, embarrassed at the stickiness between your legs. You were horny and embarrassed.
“I’m s-so sorry,” you whimpered.
“Then do something about it,” he commanded. “Feed me something appetizing.”
You gulped. “T-tomorrow–”
“I…I can’t just feel good out of n-nowhere,” you complained.
He scoffed. “Useless human. I have to do everything myself,” he muttered, unbuttoning your blouse and pretending to be annoyed.
“Soobin!” you objected grabbing his hands nervously. 
He glared at you. He wasn’t actually mad at you. He wanted to hug you and tell you that he didn’t think you were useless, that you were the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, and that he would take care of you better than your stupid boyfriend. He wanted to treat you gently. But right now he had to stay in character. You were so close to giving in.
“We had a deal, Y/N,” he reminded you.  He omitted that he had never specified what type of emotions you were supposed to give him in exchange for his help these past weeks. You had honored the deal by letting him feed off whatever you were feeling in those moments. 
But he was hoping you were too lust-drunk and remorseful to notice.
“I know,...I’m s-sorry,” you whispered as another tear slid down your face.
He fought back a victorious smirk. “I will make it good for you,” he promised, kissing your chest and caressing your trembling body. 
You felt terrible for not listening to your boyfriend when he told you to stay away from Soobin. You felt remorseful for taking so much time from Soobin without giving him anything in return. 
But what was worse was that you liked Soobin’s touch. How could you be such a terrible girlfriend?
“What you feel is natural, Y/N,” Soobin suddenly said, sensing your guilt. “You are loyal to a man who does not tend to your needs. Your body needs this,” he assured you, massaging your breasts gently.
You covered your face with your hands and Soobin chuckled.
“W-will you–,” you gulped nervously, feeling his lips traveling further down. “Will you l-let me go when you are satisfied?”
“Of course,” he mumbled, kissing your navel and making you shiver. 
He would let you go when he was satisfied. Which would be never.
“A-and I can go home after?” you asked while he pulled down your shorts
He paused and looked at your conflicted face. He kissed your thighs lovingly and, as usual, chose his words very carefully.
“You will go home,” he declared before diving in.
He never said whose home.
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daydreamingyuta · 10 months
NCT as Husbands Series: Taeyong
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summary: fluff, drabble, husband!taeyong wc: 459 nct as husbands masterlist
My heart loves the idea of husband!Taeyong so much! I just know that he would be such a kind and gentle husband. He's the type of person to pour his heart into absolutely everything he does, so you know that he'll do the same for you which is just so 🥹
Also, the way this man would look at you!!! Like your marriage would be the type of marriage where any and everyone can just TELL he adores you.
Also this may be controversial but he would get a tattoo for you! Like either something significant to you orr you both get cute matching tattoos because he’s in this relationship for life and wants something like a tattoo to commemorate that fact!
and so protective of you! like he never ever wants to see you upset and just wants to protect you from all the bad in the world. Obviously, that’s impossible, so when someone does hurt you, he can be hard on himself for 'allowing that to happen' but you always remind him that he’s the absolute best husband ever 🥹 and sometimes bad things happen and that’s ok.
Definitely tries his best to stay strong for you, but you teach him that a relationship flourishes when you are vulnerable with each other, which he really takes to heart and applies!
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You were just about to start getting ready, when you happen to look outside and realize that it's pouring rain. Taeyong must have noticed at the same time you did, because he comes behind you and rests his chin on your shoulder as he pouts. "This isn't going out weather." You say and he agrees by shaking his head. "What should we do?" Taeyong asks, which leads to you doing a variety of things to fill up your evening. You played a card game, watched some tv, and listened to some music. After all this, you both agreed to start getting ready for bed, which is why you were confused as to how you ended up straddling him and getting ready to give him a 'makeover' fifteen minutes later. You decided not to question it though, because you knew you were going to enjoy every second of this. You first start by putting his hair into high pigtails, trying hard not to laugh at his cuteness. After a quick look into the mirror, he seemed to approve of his new hair-do, so you move onto his makeup. "Make me beautiful." He says, his hands absentmindedly tapping on the small of your back as you work. "Impossible, you're already the most beautiful to me without any fancy makeup or hair style, bubu." He doesn't try to deny it this time, melting at his favorite little pet name.
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acescavern · 1 year
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Navi - M.list
Pairing: Soulmate!Johnny x Soulmate! reader, Taeyong x reader. ( Ft Mark, Jungwoo, Ten, Jaehyun, Taeil, Yuta. Mentions Jaemin once.)
Genre: Heavy angst my guys, soulmates au, neo frat au, university au, fluff, Hanahaki Soulmate trope.
Synopsis: Taeyong had been perfectly happy to sit back and watch you and Johnny be together. However, when he starts to notice certain behaviors that are all too familiar, he finds himself unable to watch you slowly die. Just because Johnny may not love you anymore... doesn't mean Taeyong doesn't love you either.
wc: 4.9k
Warnings: Heavy angst, Blood, Mentions of death, suffering, choking, johnny is unfaithful, it's a Hanahaki au so they basically cough up dead and thorned flowers. It's not a graphic description but there are descriptions of pain too, mentions of weight loss due to being unwell, Unrequited love, hurt, Taeyong's been in love with the reader since before her and Johnny got together, heavy rejection, soulmate rejection ( Just because i have written this does NOT mean that i think any one of the nct members would cheat or act thi way. this is pure FICTION.) Please let me know if i have missed any warnings
Note: Hi! I have a few fics in the works but I'm worried I wont get them done for Halloween. So, I am blessing you with this heart-breaking fic. I wanted to release this fic early as a thank you for all your love on Operation Rizz! Now, this is the same frat universe as all my other NCT fics. they can all be read as stand alone though, so don't worry! Any feedback is once again appreciated. I do not own the concept of Hanahaki.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated
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Soulmates were supposed to be someone's everything—the one person who was meant specifically for them. Someone you can lean on and cherish, who would dote and adore you. Someone to dish out as much love to you as you unto them. To stay by your side and grow old together. However, some people are already at that stage when they meet their destined person. There was also the worry of some people not having a soulmate. Legend says that only the blessed are gifted with such. 
Gifted? Yes. To many, the Soulmate system is a curse - depending on what type you are assigned to. Tattoos? Easy. Mind reading? Okay a little more difficult. Red string? That practically takes you straight to them.  Eternal life? Near impossible! You could spend many years with someone you thought was a soulmate only to see a wrinkle and realize you aren’t made for each other at all. Seeing things in black and white only to suddenly be overwhelmed with color at a music festival and not know who the hell you’d bumped into in that massive crowd that could possibly be your soulmate. Not everyone even had a soulmate, they could be with whoever they wanted without consequences. 
But there was one type in particular that nobody wanted. Hanahaki. Named after the fictional Japanese Hanahaki Disease. It comes from the Japanese words Hana - meaning flower and Hakimasu - quite literally meaning, to throw up. 
In a soulmate's case, when they first meet each other a seed is awakened. It grows thorned roses - the flowers of love - cradling the person’s heart and twining around inside their lungs. For the most part, other than the occasional flutter and heartburn, it goes unnoticeable. So long as the soulmate reciprocates the feelings of love. But, should one soulmate start to fall out of love? The other will suffer terribly. The flowers will die, the spikey stems squeezing at the organs they were once gently caressing with love. Crushing in their anguish.
Of course, unlike the other soulmate types, there are two ways out of Hanahaki... Let the weight of the unreciprocated love drag on painfully until you die, or convince your health insurance to accept the cost of the operation to remove the offending plants. However, by the time one realizes they are soulmates, it is likely that the bond has already been unreciprocated. 
Taeyong knew this. He knew this because it happened to him. He had once been on the receiving end of the agonizing scratch of dead rose stems climbing up his throat in a mess of blood and wilted petals. Taeyong had nearly died. He recognized the signs clearly and that was the reason he was so shocked to see them in who he did. 
Johnny’s soulmate.
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Taeyong first took notice when you walked through the door of the club. A celebration night to celebrate the frat’s anniversary alongside Taeyong’s new choreographer position in the dance studio he works in. Your face had a slightly paler tone and although you were doing a good job at keeping your breathing even… Taeyong recognized the telltale signs of a wince when you took the air in too harshly. 
But when he saw Johnny approach you and press a loving kiss to your forehead, he scolded himself for thinking such things. Taeyong knew something was up though, your smile didn’t meet your eyes and when you congratulated him with a hug, he swore he could feel your body tremble. 
He tried not to worry too much throughout the night but when he saw Johnny by the bar, his charming smile dazzled at some sorority girls that had been invited… Taeyong wondered where you’d gone. The disappointment within him only grew when he watched his best friend and frat brother go home with one of them. 
So, maybe his suspicions were correct. A few weeks passed and he’d not seen a glimpse of you, Johnny hadn’t even uttered your name. The rapper hadn’t had time to sit him down and ask him about the incident. Until now. 
Taeyong dabbed the sweat from his brow with the neckline of his shirt, swiping his water bottle from the floor. He shuffled toward his friend, watching as he grinned at his phone as he typed. He was talking to someone and Taeyong only hoped it was you. That you’d both mended things to stop it getting worse. The thought of it all being a misunderstanding had a relieved smile spreading across his face as he settled on the floor next to Johnny. 
“You texting ____? Tell her I said Hey.” Taeyong said, twisting the cap off his drink to take a swig. Taeyong was almost taken aback at the irritated flash that crossed Johnny’s expression at the mention of your name. 
If Taeyong wasn’t so observant, he would have missed it. Johnny shook his head, swiftly locking his phone when his leader went to peer over his shoulder. “It’s not. It’s Yuki.” 
Taeyong’s eyebrows scrunched, posture freezing for a moment. “The sorority girl you went home with?” He tried to keep his tone level. Memories of the same thing happening to himself reoccur in his mind. “What about ____?” The question hung awkwardly in the air, Johnny staring at Taeyong as if he’d asked something ridiculous. 
“What about her?” He shrugged. “Just because I do stupid things, doesn't mean I don’t love her. She’s my soulmate.” He paused, an almost defeated sigh sagging at his shoulders. “The only one I got.” 
Taeyong took notice of the slight bitterness in his words. Almost as if he didn’t realize that he did it. “Do you?” 
Johnny rubbed at the back of his neck, his mouth opening but no words coming out. Once again, a defeated shrug of his shoulders. “Yeah… yes.” He cleared his throat as his voice broke. “I’m sure we’d of noticed by now if I hadn’t.”  Johnny left no room for debate, standing up with a clap of his hands to suggest they continue their lacrosse practice.
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You knew. You knew Johnny’s feelings for you were dwindling. You were reminded every time you coughed. Reminded by the way your breath left you in an agonizing squeeze when Johnny would kiss your forehead.  
But, even though you knew… it didn’t make you love him any less. You knew what he got up to when your nights weren't spent together. You didn’t do a thing, didn’t bring it up. You almost tried to ignore it. You loved Johnny. You always would. And, as long as you continued to love him, he wouldn’t have the same fate as you. You would never wish this pain on him even if he was the cause. 
You wished you’d heeded Mark’s seemingly lighthearted warning at the beginning of your relationship. ‘He’s one of my closest friends but he doesn’t always do the right thing, just… please be careful.’ Mark had said one evening. You hadn’t truly understood why he had said it, nor did you get to question him before Johnny had slid his arm around your middle. 
You understood perfectly now. Especially as a sharp tickle wheezed in the back of your throat, your eyes discreetly scanning the new text message from your seat at the very back row of English lit class. ‘Can we rain check date night again? Coach is being a hardass and wants us to stay late.’ For the third week running, the same excuse. Sure, you’d seen Johnny. But Thursday was always date night. Something you’d both stuck to like glue once before. 
Pain twisted in your chest, your breath rough. You brought the sleeve of your hoodie to your mouth, attempting a discreet cough. It didn’t do anything for you, the feeling like you’d swallowed razorblades. The world felt like it was spinning for a moment and you had to close your eyes and count to ten to steady it again. 
One look at your sleeve had you frowning. The next stage had started. You’d read about this. Discoloured petals. You’d only coughed up one but one was enough for you to be sure. With one last attempt at clearing your throat, you brushed the blackened petal to the ground. 
Taeyong shared this class with you. Whilst he didn’t often sit next to you, he was mostly always on the same row. Not many people occupied the back row and so, when he heard the muffled hack come from your direction he had looked over, shoulders tensing as he watched you. 
He approached you at the end of class, watching your sluggish movements as you shoved your laptop back into your bag. “____, Are you alright?” He asked softly, noting the sheen of sickly sweat coasting your forehead. 
Lips pressed firmly together, you nodded. You were certain if you opened your mouth you'd start coughing and choking again but you didn’t want to be rude. “I’m fine.” Bad idea. “Sorry, Yong, I gotta go-” Taeyong had never heard your voice so scratchy and coarse. He had also never seen you flee so quickly before he could even open his mouth, your notepad falling from your unzipped bag as you vanished before his eyes. 
As he knelt down to collect it from the ground, his fingers made contact with a velvety, withered texture. 
A blackened rose petal. 
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 The next time Taeyong saw you, you were much worse than he could have imagined. He had only turned up at your apartment because he assumed Johnny had left his phone at your place. He couldn’t really understand the rushed words of ‘Shit! I left my phone at her place, I’m already late!’ When Taeyong offered to go and get it, he naturally thought of your place. 
So when you answered the door, he was standing frozen at the sight of you. Your eyes had bags under them that would put JFK airport to shame. Your complexion was grey, lips cracked and dry. Taeyong could definitely see you’d lost some weight too, your knitted sweater nearly slipping off one shoulder. His gaze caught onto the marks along your neck, long red streaks almost looking like you had been clawing at it in your agony. Your winced call of his name kicked his brain into gear. 
“Now isn’t a good ti-” His hands flew out to rub and pat your back as your words were interrupted. 
Taeyong’s heart broke as he watched you struggle. You couldn’t get your breath, your face turning red from the strenuosity. Taeyong backed you into your apartment, kicking the door closed behind him. He sat you on your couch, disappearing from view for a moment.
You didn’t even take note of what exactly was being thrust under your nose, only that it would catch what your body rejected. One of his hands held the bucket, the other sweeping your hair away from your face. It was all too familiar for him. Except for Taeyong, he had done it alone. 
“It’s okay, ____” He hushed, palm flattened over your back to rub comforting circles. “Breath through your nose and count to ten. It helps.” 
You did as such, shoulders relaxing as the air finally seeped into your lungs. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, sighing at the crimson residue that was becoming all too familiar. You opened your mouth to speak, only to be gently hushed once more. 
“It’s okay, it’ll hurt too much if you talk.” He set the bucket down on the side table. “You should get yourself some grapeseed oil. A teaspoon a day should at least prevent the attacks so often.” Taeyong didn’t look at you as he spoke, his hands busying themselves with opening the small drawer to your coffee table in search of tissues. 
“You mean this?” You rasped, pulling the small droplet bottle from your pocket, and setting it down on the surface before you. Taeyong’s eyebrows creased. 
It was the exact same bottle he was sure he had. Though, catching sight of the label on the bottle he knew it was his bottle. ‘Taeyong’  scribbled messily on the labeled sticker. He looked at you expectantly. 
“Johnny gave it to me.” Just uttering his name sent a pang of hurt through you, a wave of emotion rippling from your jaw to the tips of your toes. 
Taeyong understood immediately, a deep sigh resonating as he nodded once. “He knows then.” To which you nodded, eyes fixed on your lap. 
He had never seen you cry, and he would hate to admit it but your eyes looked pretty when you did. It was as if the glaze of tears enhanced the colors of your iris. “He doesn’t know it’s this bad. He thinks the tickle has just started.” 
“____, you’re dying and you’re telling me Johnny hasn’t noticed yet?” To say that Taeyong was in disbelief was an understatement. The new knowledge that Johnny knew now had floored him. 
Why? Because Johnny hadn’t once let it show. Taeyong had been around the guy all week and he was still the happy comedic genius he always was. Not a hint of anything bothering him. 
“Yong, It’s okay. I..” You drew your knees up to your chest, patting the spot next to you for him. “I’ve come to terms with it.” 
“Come to terms with it?!” He spluttered. “____, you are in your twenties! You can’t be okay with dying in your twenties.” His hand raked through his hair, eyes blinking rapidly like he couldn't come to terms with how calm you looked right now. 
Taeyong could feel the anger bubbling up in his chest, his gaze hardening as he addressed you once more. “You know he’s been seeing her too, don’t you?”
You were silent, shame eating at your subconscious. “If I ignore it then he won’t have to be like this too.” 
Taeyong sprung up to his feet. “Wake up! He’s out there living his life with no regrets and you’re the one to suffer? I can’t…” He shook his head, shoving his clenched fists into his pockets. “I’m sorry, I just-” With one last shake of his head, Taeyong left you there. The slam of your front door announcing his absence.
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Johnny remembered the conversation between the two of you very clearly. He was convinced he still loved you a lot. Just not in the way you need. At first, he thought it was doubt, but as time went on he started to notice the dry tickly cough and the abundance of petals scattered in your trash. He was sure it wasn’t harmful yet, certain that he still held the love in his heart for you. 
Johnny didn’t love Yuki. She was fun. She was different. She wasn’t you. He could spend time with her without any strings attached. It was freeing, knowing he wasn't destined to be with her no matter what. 
He felt guilt at first. He didn’t like lying to you, but it was for his own selfish gain that he did. Johnny had seen Taeyong go through the pain and near death of a soulmate falling out of love, he didn’t want that for himself. Johnny had too much to live for, as arrogant and self-centred as that sounded. 
 He remembered what you said when he gave you the vial of grapeseed oil, how your shaky hands had placed over his own. How you told him it was okay, it wasn’t his fault. But Johnny couldn’t help but think it was. Johnny tried so hard to make himself love you still. Your words of comfort swirled in his mind and kept him up at night. ‘Nobody can help who they do and don’t love. Feelings change, People don’t’ You’d said to him.
Johnny felt ashamed. Being unfaithful to you whilst you still loved him with every ounce of your soul. Deep down, Johnny knew you only had two options he just hoped you made a decision before it was too late. 
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Taeyong had been seen by barely anyone all week. It was as if he was attending his classes and then picking up every extra shift or odd job imaginable. The Neos were even more shocked when Mark slapped a flier down on the dining table ping pong table in front of some of the brothers. A for sale flier, advertising their frat leader’s motorcycle. The very same one that he cherished and spent a fortune to modify. 
“Do you think he’s in debt?” Jungwoo frowned, setting his beer on the table. 
That question alone earned a chortled laugh. “Woo, we’re in university. We’re all in debt.” Yuta clapped him on the back. “But, on a serious note, He’s been acting super weird lately.” 
Everyone launched into debate, trying to determine why Taeyong would be selling his pride and joy so suddenly. Conversation ceased when the front door opened and the man in question shuffled into the open-plan living space with an exhausted wave. 
“Ty, are you actually selling the bandit?” The question came from Taeil, Neo frat’s oldest member. 
Taeyong moved through the living area, taking a seat at one of the beanbags littered around the table. “Already sold it.” He bobbed his head in a nod. 
It earned him many concerned looks. “Are you in trouble or something? Are you trying to cover the water bill from when Mark broke the faucet?” 
“No, Jae. I’m not in trouble. It’s not for me.”  He reassured, his voice dying down quietly. “It’s for ____.” 
Everyone stopped. Mark locked his phone, Yuta stopped chipping at his nail polish, and Taeil nearly spat out his beer. Jaehyun and Jungwoo were already staring at him. 
Taeyong took a deep breath, anticipating the question.It didn’t take long for him to catch them up to speed.  “You haven’t noticed? I can’t watch her die. Even if she’s come to terms with it.” 
“She’s not been to class for a few weeks. Professor Choi just straight-up skips over her name now. I’m guessing they know.” Jaehyun hummed. 
“Hm, Jaemin said he saw her last week on his midnight ramen run.” Mark recalled, “Said she looked like something out of living dead.” 
“Mark,” Taeyong gave him a warning look. The younger just shrugged his shoulders. “I’m going to book the operation for her. She doesn’t know. I just need the deposit. After that, it’s monthly payments. I can scrape enough together for the monthly just fine.” He looked pained. “Whenever I see her, it’s like I’m watching myself go through it again.” 
One by one, Jaehyun, Mark, Jungwoo, Yuta, and Taeil offered their help. 
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The six of them didn’t make it known what their plans were but soon enough, after Taeyong had put what he had already saved with what the others offered, it was enough. He rocked up to the private medical center, cash in an envelope that was tucked neatly within the inside pocket of his jacket. 
Taeyong was pleasantly surprised that he was allowed to schedule and pay the deposit on your behalf. Acting on best interest. The receptionist did stress that you needed to fill in the form and sign consent upon arrival but Taeyong was more pleased that he was giving you a chance at life. That there was a possibility that you could carry on.
What he didn’t expect, was your immediate refusal when he brought the leaflet and forms over to your apartment the following morning. The smile dropped from his face as you tried to hide away from him.  ‘He could die.’ You’d cried at him. And whilst it had been proven he wouldn't, you were convinced. 
“He won’t, ____.” Taeyong begged. “Please, you can’t just accept this.” The bed dipped as he sat on the edge. The many times he had visited you now, you had always been. The last time you got up to open the door, Taeyong honestly worried that you would pass away right there on the doorstep. He took your spare key after that. 
Taeyong’s gentle fingers lifted the damp wash cloth from the bowl at your bedside, running the cool material over your brow and cheeks. A light smile twitched at the corner of your lips, the sensation easing your fever, only a little but it was better than before. He knew he wasn’t going to get many more words from you this evening. You’d exhausted yourself already for the evening. Taeyong was just content enough to sit here and care for you. 
Honestly, before it was known that you were Johnny’s soulmate, Taeyong had hoped you’d notice him. He had often found himself wishing that it wouldn’t last so he could at least have a shot with you. His hopes were crushed when Johnny had run through the fraternity declaring you were both soulmates. Taeyong had made peace with the idea that maybe he was meant to be alone, satisfied just by seeing you whenever Johnny brought you over to hang out. 
He never wished for this, though. 
Tenderest of touches brushed your hair away from where it had clung to your forehead. Taeyong clicking on the standing fan in an attempt to offer you some cool relief. “Trust me, ____.” He whispered, voice brittle. “I went through this.” His confession had your right eye cracking open. 
“Back in the first year,” Taeyong recalled. “Watching you and Johnny go through this… it’s like a mirror. I nearly died,” He picked up your hand, engulfing it in both of his own. “I refused the operation until it was nearly too late. For the same reason, actually.” 
Your fingers twitched in his own, your index finger hooking around his thumb to offer comfort. You have suspected Taeyong had some close experience with this. Especially in the way he always seemed to understand your pain, the sad gazes, and his drive to help you. You had never expected that he would be the one in your position though. The meer thought had tears welling up in your eyes. You seemed to cry a lot around the man these days. 
“He didn’t die though. Apparently, he just… coughed up the root.” He lifted your hand, the ghosting feeling of his lips against your knuckles. “I promise you, Johnny won’t die… At least think about it.” To which you nodded in agreement. 
Taeyong made you soup, your favorite kind. You weren’t even sure how he knew it was your favorite but he did. He parted from you with a lingering kiss to your hairline. Just like every night. This form of unrequited love seemed to of hurt him more than his last. 
He’d left the forms and leaflets on the empty bed space by your feet.
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You’d asked Taeyong not to come over for the last four days. As worried as he was, he had to respect your wishes. You didn’t want him to see your sudden decline as you entered the last stage of the rejection. Meaning, that Johnny had almost fallen completely out of love with you now. 
You were expecting it, Taeyong too. You and Johnny had broken things off the last time you saw each other. Both of you doing so without even having to clarify the matter. He was free. Almost. 
Taeyong had been stressed all week, even his frat brothers had given him a wide berth. Many put it down to the lacrosse game the pending evening. Only a select few really knew that it was because today was the same day Taeyong had scheduled for your surgery. 
He hadn’t known it was the same day as the game, Jungwoo uttering the words with caution the day before. Taeyong swore to himself that he thought he booked it for next week. He didn’t even know if you were going to accept it… Any time he brought it up you tended to change the subject. 
How Taeyong managed to even pass the ball with steady swings amazed even himself, his hands hadn’t stopped shaking. He had nearly skipped the game in favor of being with you, but he knew he couldn’t.  The game had gone smoothly, they were winning by one. In fact, Johnny had to take the penalty shot. 
The whole field waited on bated breath, all eyes on Johnny as he just stood there, his expression morphed in such a way that Taeyong exchanged a look with Jaehyun.
“Seo! Take the damn shot already!” The coach didn’t even get through his ending word before Johnny’s form curled over, knees slamming into the ground. 
Taeyong rushed over as his friend tore off his helmet and spat his mouthguard to the ground. He would worry about that later. Taeyong slid to his knees beside Johnny, his own helmet crashing to the ground out of his grip. 
Johnny had never felt such pain. His airways were burning. The sensation in his chest felt like all the oxygen was being torn from him. The team crowded around him, blocking anyone else's view of the scene.  A choked cough left his throat, a shout of agony following after. Petals. Blood. Stems.  The flower was unwinding itself, pulling at the roots from within his chest and lungs. 
The team managed to maneuver Johnny back to the locker rooms, it took four of them to carry him but soon the male was slumped against the tiles of the showers. Taeyong was beside him once again. “Cough it up Johnny, you’ll do more damage if you don’t.” He tugged Johnny’s arm to sit him forward, his fist thumping down in the center of his back. “Johnny, come on!” 
To say Taeyong was relieved when Johnny finally started coughing again was an understatement. “You gotta carry it on, it’ll hurt but I’ve got you.” He pleaded over the sound of his friend’s cries and chokes. 
Johnny doesn’t know how long he continuously coughed for. All he knew was the last one to shake through his body finally offered him release, Taeyong tugging him away from the mangled mix of plant and blood only to rip him, Johnny, from his shock-induced state by shoving him under the freezing cold shower stream - kit and all. 
A big, clear breath left him. 
“What the fuck, John?” Ten peaked his head around the corner, having raced in after the team to check on his best friend. 
“Dude, that's your flower.” Mark grimaced, crouched down next to the offending object. 
The announcement made Johnny’s spine straighten, and Taeyong hung his head. “What does it mean?” Johnny shakily stood, pressing the button to stop the stream of cold water. 
It was fascinating how Johnny already felt better. He felt no pull in his chest, no weakness even after the whole ordeal. He felt new. But if he felt like this… then what had happened to you? The realization of what had happened weighed heavy on his guilt. 
He turned to address the sort of traumatized, faces around him but it wasn’t him that spoke up. It was Taeyong. “It means I need to find ____.” 
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Taeyong had raced past his teammates and into the locker room without any further explanation. His phone cramped between his ear and shoulder as he tugged on his sweats at record speed. “C’mon, Petal. Pick up.” He swore to himself, only removing the device from his ear to throw on a t-shirt from his locker. It was a term of endearment he had taken to calling you of late, though quite often when you were too dazed to notice. 
He ignored the looks of confusion from his friends. Well, from those other than Mark and Jaehyun. From the look on Johnny’s face, he was still piecing things together. Taeyong didn’t have time for that, snatching the keys for the beat-up Honda he had gotten recently and sprinting from the room. 
Taeyong continued to call you on the way to your apartment. He had just hoped you’d gotten yourself to the appointment. He didn’t want to think about the possibility of losing you like this. He found himself afraid to enter your building, scared of what he may find. His head thumped against the steering wheel, eyes burning with unshed tears. You had to be okay. 
His phone buzzed, body jumped when he saw your name flash on the screen. He swiped to answer, bringing it up to his ear with a relieved sigh. “____.” He listened to your breathing for a split second, registering the steady beeps in the background. 
“Is he alive?” Your tone was filled with urgency but your voice was clearer than Taeyong had heard in weeks. It had a relieved laugh bubbling from his chest, salty droplets cascading down his cheeks and leaving his tear ducts with the tension in him. 
“He’s fine.” He sniffled, rubbing at his face. “ Petal, you’re okay. I tho-” You interrupted him with a soothing call of his name. 
“You were right.” He listened to you pause, the sounds of you sipping through a straw present in the receiver. “There are things I do have to live for.” You spoke quietly. “The first one being myself.” 
He hummed in agreement, starting up the car again. “Yeah? I’ll be there soon and you can tell me all about the second, Petal.” He was rewarded with a breathy laugh. “What?”
“Petal.” You murmured, Taeyong could hear the slumber lingering back into your tone. 
“Get some rest. I’ll be there soon.” He was about to pull the phone away from his ear when you quietly called his name again. 
“Yes?” He hummed, clicking the hands-free and setting the phone into the holder on the dash. 
“Can I tell you my second reason?” 
“What’s that, Petal?” He smiled softly to himself. 
“It’s you.”
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©Acescavern - I do not give permission for my works to be copied, translated or reposted
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softsan · 4 months
・⊹ 🎐 ˙ ̟!! NCT MAFIA AU
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key: fluff 🤍 , angst 🖇️ , suggestive 🍶 , smut 🥛 , adult themes 🍚 , coming soon 📨 , in progress 🎧 , completed 📑 , requests 📁 .
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˚ 🫧 ⊹ dare the devil, make him smile. — taeyong 40k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - you were the only surviving heir of the old-time mafia kingpin that had ruled the four territories. you were long thought to be dead, living the normal life you had always wanted...until you run into a taeyong, a formidable ghost from your past. you are then thrown back into the mafia underbelly, reuniting with enemies you had hoped had forgotten you. will you run away? sill you stand beside yaeyong, kingpin of the north, and be his queen? or will you take your rightful revenge?  parts: | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 |
˚ 🫧 ⊹ pay the devil's price, baby you're mine. — taeil 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ heavy hearts wasted on worthless words. — johnny 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ darkest love, my sweetest nightmare. — yuta 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ slipping between us, suffering by fate. — kun 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ leave every bottle as empty as my promises. — doyoung 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ never forget those eyes, such a beautiful smile. — ten 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ embrace it, a sickness brought by a puzzle piece. — jaehyun 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ lonely monster, what does your heart desire. — winwin 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ love like you, stay a little longer. — jungwoo 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ tear the strings that pull at my soul. — mark 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ meaningless to hesitate, but we still do. — renjun 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ let's believe it's different than ever before. — xiaojun 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ a tragic hero's love and its rising sheild. — hendery 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ compelled by sweet lies and violent delights. — jeno 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ feel out hearts collide, yours again. — haechan 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ running out of reasons by we can't let do. — jaemin 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ all the love we had, how bad it hurts. — yangyang 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
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© softsan - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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writemekpop · 2 years
Sleepless | Lee Taeyeong
Summary: Your boyfriend Taeyong has been moaning your name in his nightmares, but he refuses to tell you why...
Genre: Established relationship AU, angsty
Word Count: 0.8k
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“Y/n! Stop!” Taeyong begged, his tear-streaked face squeezed against the mattress.  
He woke up with a jolt, his terrified eyes meeting yours.
Your boyfriend’s nightmares had been going on for a week. Every night, he cried your name in his sleep, his voice husky and breathless.
“Baby, I’m here, it’s okay,” you whispered, wrapping your hands over his broad shoulders. “What was it about?”
“Nothing. I’m fine,” he said, rolling to face the other side of the bed.
“That’s the fifth time this week. You’re not fine.”
“I’ll sleep in the spare room tomorrow,” Taeyong replied gruffly, as if the conversation was over.
“I don’t care about my sleep, Taeyong, I care about you. I think it would help to talk about it.” You ran your fingers over his rippling back muscles.
Taeyong turned to face you. His lips opened for a moment… then he shook his head. “You wouldn’t understand.”
His words stung. You knew Taeyong had had a traumatic experience when he was a kid, and you hadn’t, but… he had never made you feel bad about it.
You bit your lip. “Fine then. Sleep in the spare room – for a week.”
The bed was chilly without your boyfriend in it. The white bedsheet could have been an iceberg.
For a few nights, you put up with his tortured nightmare sounds through the wall.
Then one night, you heard a sound that you would never forget. It was a howl, a sound of pure anguish, that tore through the air. You had to go and check on Taeyong.  
You rushed to the bed in the spare room to wake him up.
Taeyong’s eyes shot open. They looked weirdly glassy, like he was looking through you.
“Did it burn you? Oh, baby, let me kiss your wounds!” Taeyong said.
Taeyong’s lips stroked your face, your neck, your waist, as his anxious eyes roamed over every inch of you.
“W-what are you talking about?” you said. “You’re scaring me…”
Taeyong squeezed you into his chest, his arms caging you in a hug. He pressed a soft kiss on your lips, then pulled you into his arms again. “Not too bad – singed hair – second degree – we’ll be alright.”
In your hair, he whispered, “I thought I’d lost you, I thought I’d lost my angel…” 
Your heart swelling, you held his head in your hands, forcing him to look at you. “Baby! Nightmare – that’s all it is.”
Taeyong froze. Like a blind man seeing for the first time, he looked in wonder at the small bedroom, then back at you.
“But the… fire…” he said.
Taeyong sat down on the bed, hard. The mask had fallen again, and his face was unreadable. “Sorry. ‘Nother nightmare. Go back to sleep.”
“No Taeyong… what fire?” you said, sitting next to him.
When Taeyong met your eyes, his face was stony and you knew he wanted to shut you out yet again.
But after a long moment, something in him softened.  
“When I was twelve – some people who hated my father burnt our house down. If I hadn’t warned my parents, I would have lost them.”
He took your hand and kissed it. “Ever since we moved in together, I’ve been getting these nightmares, where it’s you getting hurt – only – I can’t save you this time…”
Your heart throbbed with love for Taeyong. All this time, he had been worrying about you.  
“You should have just told me!” you said.
Taeyong chuckled hoarsely. “Honestly, it feels good to tell you.”
“Of course, it does, you idiot. I’m your girlfriend,” you said, lightly punching his stomach. You looked into his eyes. “I can’t understand what you’ve been through, but let me just listen, okay?”
Taeyong nodded warmly. “I’ll never hide another thing from you, baby.”  
“Wanna go back to sleep? You can come back to the master bedroom,” you said, chuckling.
“Can’t sleep,” Taeyong said, glaring at the corner as if he was warning the shadows not to come any closer.
“Well, I can think of a much better way to pass the time,” you said, eyeing him through your lashes. You let your fingers skate innocently to the waistband of his shorts… then underneath…
A grunt sounding in his throat, Taeyong swept you effortlessly into his arms and carried you into the master bedroom.
“You, my dear, are plenty hot enough to start a fire,” you giggled.
Taeyong’s smile dropped.
“Too soon?” you asked.
“Definitely too soon,” Taeyong agreed, but he was smiling. He leaned in to kiss you again.
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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strrykais · 16 days
lie with you - room for one more?
wc : 1220
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what hyungseo said really had you in a weird place the rest of the night. you tried not to let the others know, you didn't want to ruin chenle's party.
you sat on the couch watching some of the guys play beer pong, you were drinking in hopes to forget that maybe you were actually a shit person. you never meant to hurt hyungseo and you never would of thought that the reason could be because you liked someone else. before you could even register what your mind just said you felt the couch slightly shift.
"hey mopey." taeyong says with a drunken grin.
"what do you want tae." you say rolling your eyes, placing the cup to your lips.
"i have to use the bathroom and you just so happen to be my chosen substitute." he says bouncing off the seat pulling at your arms.
"no no no i'm okay ask nayeon or mina i'm okay really." fighting his strength off. the battle between the both you stops when you see jisung in the corner of your eye. you quickly stand up cause taeyong to stumble at your actions.
"okay ill do it. lets go.'' you pull taeyong towards the table slotting yourself in between him and doyoung in hopes their height hid you.
"doyoung this is your partner, ill be right back." and with that you watch taeyong rush past the table in the direction of the bathroom.
you slowly turn to look up at doyoung giving him a smile, he returns it.
"ever played before?" he says handing you the pong ball. you take it and nod, doyoung steps back allowing you to put yourself in the middle of the table. with a deep breathe you aim at one of the red cups across the table ignoring the way mark and jenos face was eye level with the cups in hope to throw you off.
chunking the ball at the cups, it smacks right into the forehead of mark. hand clamping over your mouth to not burst out laughing.
you do hear doyoung laughing out loud, arm swinging over your shoulder.
"dude what the fuck? does my forehead look like a cup hole?" mark says rubbing the sore spot, as jeno is bend over laughing.
"you arent very good at this i see." doyoung say leaning down.
"no i am, i was just trying to use marks forehead as a backboard, as you can see it worked." you giggle out when you notice the ball actually made it into a cup. this caused the group to burst out even harder.
taeyong was gone for a while now, so you decided to play another round with the guys. you also noticed that jisung was not that far away from you talking to some people, sneaking glances at you. you were feeling really hot under his gaze. doyoung was able to sink the ball into the last cup. cheering out he wraps his arms around you picking you up and spinning you around. laughing out as he puts you down, you feel hand on the small of your back turning to see jisung smiling down at you.
"can i borrow her?" jisung asks doyoung who nods and walks out to mark.
"i wanna show you something." jisung says slipping his hands into yours and leading you up the stairs.
you only nod, heart pounding trying not to think of something unholy, you watch how he weaves his way through people and slowing pushing open a door, turning on the lights and gently gesturing for you to walk in first.
you slowly step in further taking in the simple decor. you walk towards the bedside table to see a picture of jisung and chenle when they were younger.
"this is chenles place?'' you ask, taking in the other photos around the room. jisung nods leaning against the door.
"yeah its his summer home, this would be my room when i would come stay with him." he says watching you walking around touching every little thing as to memorize it.
"you guys go way back i see." you smile as you stare at the photo him and chenle in basketball uniforms. cute. " what did you want to show me." you say looking back at him, watching as he reaches out turning off the lights.
letting your eyes adjust to the dark, you hear him say 'look up', when you do you smile at the little glow in the dark stars on the ceiling.
you felt him before you could see him, he slowly reached out to cup your face to face him. you were getting nervous, really, really nervous.
"i like you, like a lot. i think i always have this type of gravitational pull towards you and i could never understand why. and i think im finally to realize i was slowly falling for you. i know you just broke up with him and we can go slow i dont care as long as you can be mine.'' his voice was so sweet and soft and with every word he slowly bent down lips hovering over yours. "can i kiss you, please?"
he sounded so desperate, you don't know what came over you when you mumble out a yes smacking your lips straight into his.
jisung felt like he was dreaming, he never kissed a girl that he liked this much, it was euphoric. you hands reach up to grip at his hair causing him to let out a little groan, using this opportunity to stick your tongue into his mouth. jisung reaches down behind your thigh, understanding you jump up wrapping your legs around his torso.
jisung leads you both to the bed, both continuing to make out. needing air you pull back watching him as he gently lays you down on your back. going straight to your neck leaving kisses and nipping at it. jisung was trying so so hard to not bust right this second, he never realized how much you had this effect on him. pushing himself back jisung reaches behind his head pulling off his shirt throwing it across the dark room.
you lean up running your hands from his abs up to his chest and finally his shoulders pulling him down on you. jisung kisses your lips softly, playing with the hem of your shirt.
"take it off jisung please." your breathy voice, was all jisung need before he started lifting your shirt up, teasingly slow.
"yo jisung you in her-" the door swings open revealing a very shocked donghyyuck. jisung quickly pulls down your shirt back down as you stare shockingly at hyuck. the dropped jaw slowly turns to a wide smirk.
"and i wasn't invited this is fake as fuck, got room for one more?" he says as jisung grabs a pillow chunking it towards donghyuck who quickly shuts the door before it can hit him.
jisung sighs letting his head fall onto your chest as you pet his head.
"we should probably stop. knowing him, he is probably listening." jisung says placing a kiss on your forehead pulling you up.
"no im not.'' you hear hyucks muffled voice behind the door and jisung threw another pillow at it.
jisung stares at you reaching out to fix your messed up hair.
''so pretty."
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a/n : they kissseddddd :0 i was gonna do more but i realized i could not :p also in the next couple of chapters time is passing, you can tell with the dates on tweets :)
tags : @onlyhyunjin @nctjunie @sunghoonsgfreal @neozon3nha @mystverse @multifandomania @joyzluvr @222brainrot @mmjhh1998 @yyangj3lly @choibeommie @hyuck-me @dudekiss3r @somerandomf1fan
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veryajunice · 7 months
i couldn't watch the documentary without crying. my xuxi... i really don't know what to say, it hurts so much. literally he said that he wanted to die. what if it had happened? what if he had committed suicide? all the stupid creatures would have loved him and been sorry for him if that had happened, right? but after a incident like that, every single those cruel who caused it would have been an 'angel' and said things like "we love you, we are so sorry, we'll miss you etc." right? after it was all over, we would literally have lost someone because of the bullshit they said without knowing anything about the truth. like what happened to moonbin, to sulli, to jonghyun, to hara and to more innocent and beautiful people like them... you remember how they left us? yeah because of some human garbage saying bad things about them, causing them for nothing and bullying them for no reason. what if we had lost one more person again, how would you live with it? even one word you say can change someone's life in every way, you know? a word can make a person live or a word can cause their end...
he was a sunshine but they stole his brightness. he lost his precious smile since then, he looks so fucking tired. when he said he couldn't eat for a while or lost his hair, i couldn't help myself crying, i felt so bad for him. and maybe some people don't know that but every single thing he said he had been through during his hiatus like not getting out of bed or losing appetite etc. are literally major depression symptoms... and it's so sad to see that someone who has the brightest smile like him was in depression like for 6 months or maybe longer... guys, he is a HUMAN like me like you like us.
a fucking stupid sasaeng ruined his life and the most heartbreaking part is that people believed that bich not him and forced him to apologise for something he even hadn't done. and the funnier thing is the "company" haven't done any single thing about it, hah- ah sorry wait the company has done something, right?! yeah just have made him apologise to this shit again and again. even he himself exposed that person, yeah because our really thoughtful (!) company never takes action. so he had to get his life in order.
and the other heartbreaking thing is when he said "i really want to be with them". lucas has always been the sunshine of the group, the mood maker of the group, the giant baby of the group... he has been there for every single of them since the beginning. and actually he still is as we have seen even though the company tried so hard to not make him obvious with a mask and a beanie lol. but you know how nct members are important to him and how he is important to the members. i really don't know how they felt about this situation... especially every wayv member, mark, haechan, chenle, renjun, taeyong and jungwoo. they all couldn't say anything about it and forced to act like nothing happened. but at least it still makes me happy to see them together and supporting each other no matter what.
though everything has been hard, my baby is so strong. i'm so glad he opens his heart to us and sharing hard times he went through. maybe we failed to protect the most loving person, our sunshine but i'm sure he will get over every single bad thing. because he has his fans, his friends, his members... i hope everything will be better for him. he deserves the world. we still love you like the first day our little giant baby. i want to see you smiling brightly again. we care about you a lot, darling. we love you wong yukhei. and i'm looking forward to seeing your new activities! fighting my man!
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the-hellhounds · 7 months
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Walking around in the cemetery, Ravi grumbled to himself as he carried a dead supernatural being in his arms. "Stupid windigos," he muttered under his breath as he found one of the nemetons in which was placed beyond the cemetery. "Always making a mess when they eat humans."
Dropping the supernatural to the tree, he wipes his jacket off from the blood that leaked off of the wendigos' mouth. Having had to fight off the being from potentially running off again to feast on more unsuspecting humans, Ravi had arrived on time to witness it bite a deputies arm.
"Now burn in hell, you shit face." He growls lowly as he sets on fire the body of the wendigo. Leaving it to burn into the nemeton, he walks back to the rows of graves and headstones until he stops dead in his tracks. Raising his head as his nose picked up the familiar scent, Ravi makes a turn towards a burial that had two stone creatures in the shape of kitsunes.
Upon further approach, his senses go on high alert as he hears the heartbeat of someone buried alive.
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"They're coming..." Jake says by the window of Jaemin's house as he peeked out to see their lost friends stalking towards them in beserker outfits.
Johnny breathed out as he rolled his shoulders and looked to Jaehyun. "Let's not die today, okay?" He says to his friend as they all got ready to fight the biggest fight of their entire lives.
As Chenle and Renjun got everyone's mates and loved ones hidden in the bunker, the rest stood their ground. Igniting themselves to be engulfed in flames, they let out deep roars to indicate that they wouldn't back down.
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Pulling out an unconscious Taeyong from the grave that had oxygen tanks buried with him. Ravi couldn't believe he had found the leader to the pack that had gone missing for months.
"Come on... come on, wake up." He shook Taeyong's body, hoping he'd gain consciousness, but nothing helped.
"He won't wake up unless they get the sword through the nogistunes' heart." A deep voice says from behind Ravi. Turning his head, he spots Chanyeol standing before him. "It's how they got Donghyuck back. But they must piece back the sword quickly before it notices that you found Taeyong." Chanyeol says.
Without wasting another minute, Ravi quickly pulls out his phone and calls the first person on his contacts. "Get the sword fixed." He barks out into his phone as he hears the growls and roars of his pack from the background on the other end of the call. "I found him."
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Getting thrown halfway across three houses in the territory, Haechan groans in pain as he gets Sunwoo thrown onto him. "How much do you weigh?" He groans as he pushes the younger off of him.
"Not as much as you do," Sunwoo answered with snarl as he looked down to see a gash in his thigh from one of the beserkers. "Fucking great. Now mom's going to lose her shit."
"How old is your mom?" Haechan asks, getting an unbelievable stare from Sunwoo as if he didn't just ask something ridiculous at the time.
"You're not fucking my sons mother!" Hanbin growled as he stood in front of them to protect Sunwoo from getting hurt further.
Whining from behind him, Haechan pouts. "Why not? You got to her first!" He says just as Hanbin moved when a berserker threw another punch that landed on Haechan's cheek. "Fuck!"
"Karma's a bitch, isn't it?" Sunwoo snickered as he ran off to help his father with an Oni that was attacking him.
Making a face towards the new kid, Haechan snarls his lip as he fought back the berserker.
"Haven't you learned your lesson?" Jaemin says as he appears and helps him with Jeno. "You just can't be throwing yourself at other men's women like that, or you'll get punched by a beserker, which happens to be one of our friends." He says sarcastically.
Grumbling, Haechan held the arm that had a sharp bone as a weapon so they could take down Kai, which was the beserker they were fighting among the others.
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Running to hide from the nogistune while Johnny distracted it, Jaehyun held the sword that would be used to vanquish the spirit.
"Then why cause so much chaos?" Johnny yelled as he got beat down by the Oni that held him. "What for? It only causes pain to others."
The nogistune smirked in such a way that looked frightening on Taeyong's face. "Because how else would I feed? I can't feed off of others' happiness, and I know Taeyong isn't happy." It says as it walked dangerously slow towards Johnny that heaved in pain from the wounds he had. "Haechan wasn't happy either, but somehow, his loved ones always found a way to get him back."
"Loved ones," Johnny spits out, "something you'll never have."
Throwing a punch to his jaw, Taeyong growls into his face. "And it'll also be something you'll never experience-" he goes to say, but stops when he senses something. Turning his head up to the sky, the nogistune feels that the real Taeyong had been found. "No. This can't be..." He whispers as he doesn't notice Jaehyun approach him.
"But it can." Jaehyun plunges the sword deep in the nogistunes back as it pierces it right through his heart.
As the nogistune lets out piercing cries, the Oni begin to disappear into thin air. The beserkers stop attacking, their eyes fading into their normal colors as if snapping out of it.
The hounds all let out relieved breathes as their friends begin to take off the bear skulls they had on.
"Guys, I feel funny," YangYang says as he drops his skull helmet to the ground.
"That's because you have a gash on your side," Ten tells the younger as he walks over to him in his own beserker outfit.
Looking down to where he now felt the pain, YangYang felt dizzy. "Oh," he says before collapsing into Kun's arms from seeing so much blood.
"Everyone hurt, get to my medical hut," Kun announces as he takes an unconscious YangYang with him.
Baekhyun stared at Changkyun, his sharpened bone weapon having missed Kyun's head by an inch into the dirt ground. "Kyun?" He asks as the younger stared with widen eyes up at him.
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"YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!!" Jake suddenly yelled feet away from them as both Baekhyun and Kyun looked over to see Chris having stabbed the ground between Jake's legs.
"Mate, why were your legs even opened!? You dodge if a sharp weapon comes at you!" Chris yells back at him as he too had snapped back to normal.
"You were about to stab me in the dick!! I had to open them after you swiped my legs!" Dropping his head back, he breathes heavily in pure tiredness from fighting for his life.
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As everyone was getting treated, San sat down next to Taeyong, who had been silently drinking beer.
"You okay?" San asks as he opened up a can of beer to drink with him.
Taeyong sighed as he dropped his head back, his neck popping as he lifted it back up. "Not really..." He answered. "I'm the leader to my pack. I should've protected my friends, my family... but I failed. I put them all at risk."
"You didn't fail them," San tells him with a pat to his shoulder. "Having a nogistune inside you is something no one can avoid, but having friends to help get you back means that you've proved yourself as a great leader."
"Papa?" Minjun asks as he comes waddling over to Haechan and Jeno with power ranger bandages.
"Thanks, buddy," Haechan smiles softly to his one year old that looked up at him worriedly.
"I don't think a power ranger bandage will cover much..." Jeno whispers while holding his thigh that was covered in blood. Lifting up the baby hound in his arms, he cradles him while Haechan cleaned up his wound. "But thank you for helping, Minjunnie," he smiles as he presses a kiss to his cheek.
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Ravi appears to help out! 🤧: @badbf-cb ( lisa ♥︎ ) - @fantasyaespa ( ningning ♥︎ ) - @fallenangel-oc ( staci & alya ♥︎ × ♥︎ ) - @lovesick-hyuck ( ♥︎ ) - @witch-renjunnie ( ♥︎ ) - @raiden-oc ( 🌺 ♥︎ ) @monsterhigh-cb ( jaemin ♥︎ ) - @livealittleoc-cb ( jay & ace ★ × ♠︎ ) - @multi-esme
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xdjville · 6 months
pairing: taeyong x gn!reader
genre: angst, hurt with no comfort
cw: none
word count: ~490
author's note: i'm sad so here's my first ever angsty piece (i think)! please be nice to the first born 🙏
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the sound of door slamming echoed in taeyong's head as he stood in the middle of his living room, alone.
eyes not focused on anything in particular, he stared blankly into the void of the dimly lit room. the tinnitus in his ears was so overwhelmingly loud that it almost made his head spin, hindering all attempts to collect his thoughts and fathom the situation he found himself in.
his breaths were short and shallow, his heart racing, and taeyong thought he somehow might be drowning. or perhaps he hoped that's what was happening, and that this was all some sort of a dream and soon someone would soon carry him to the shore.
but there were no arms grasping his weak body and he didn't wake up on the sand, and that realisation forced him to clutch onto the backrest of his sofa as his knees lost all strength.
only then that he was finally able to move his gaze and see clearly again his eyes roamed around the room frantically in search of something. he didn't know what that something was, but he hoped for anything that would convince him that you were still there.
but he found nothing, only silent whispers of the wind coming through the left ajar windows, the echo of your voice, full of despair and anger he'd never realised you had, and this goddamn endless buzzing in his ears keeping him company in the desolation of his apartment.
but when taeyong shifted his weight to rest his hip on the cushion, arm getting too shaky to keep him from falling any longer, he caught a glimpse of something laying on the floor as it reflected the ceiling lights for a fraction of a second.
still not conscious enough to be able to move closer, he tried his best to make out the shape of the tiny object in the half-light, squinting his eyes as it contorted and morphed into something that perhaps could be recognised.
when the contour settled in the right place to reveal the item, taeyong's heart sank.
the silver ring shined softly against the dark wood, rhinestones flickering as if imitating shattered pieces of a promise left behind.
his vision became blurred by the tears welling in his eyes before he could take any more than a glimpse of the almost painfully familiar shape, his own maching piece of the jewelry burning hot against his ring finger.
his throat clenched so tight he chocked on his breath, sobs cut short to barely audible gasps. he fell to his knees, faltering under the weight of the shadows of memories as he suffocated on the bitter taste of the consequences of his actions lingering in the air.
at once, everything around him fell silent. the wind ceased to sough, your voice reverberating bewteen the walls quieted down, even the merciless tinnitus seemed to have left him.
and he was left all alone.
#taglist ➼♡ @bambisnc
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onyourfifi · 10 months
childish | lee taeyong
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▣ | pairing : classmate!taeyong x reader
▣ | genre : fluff, confession with lego flowers + building something with you
▣ | word count : 860
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you've loved lego ever since you were a kid. you remember getting your first lego set, it was one of those lego friends sets. you loved the idea of being able to create anything with the little blocks. to this day, you find yourself buying a small set and building in your free time.
during class, taeyong overheard you and your friends talking about the lego sets you wanted to buy. just like you, he liked building legos.
"have you guys seen all the lego botanical sets? they're so prettyy" your friend asks.
"oh my god yes, those lego flowers are wayy better than real ones. they can last forever" you say excitedly.
lego flowers huh? taeyong thought. he's been thinking about asking you out for a while now. after seeing your beautiful smile and the way you talk to your friends so happily, how could he not like you. after learning about how much you like lego, just like him, he thought it was the perfect way you guys could go out together.
after class, he goes out to the lego store to buy you the lego flower bouquet you talked about. as he looks around, you enter the store and walk in his direction. he catches a glimpse of you in the corner of his eye and can't help but stare. you're in such a casual outfit, sweatpants and a hoodie, yet you still looked so beautiful to him.
you catch him staring at you, "oh hi taeyong! didn't think i would see you here"
"oh hey, yeah just looking around. what are you doing here?"
"oh i just came to buy another set to build. i go through them so quickly, my wallet hurts" you both laugh. you look at the shelves that taeyong was around, "the lego botanical sets huh? i never saw you as someone who would like those."
"oh no, it's not for me" please don't ask who it's for.
"oooo is it for someone speciallll?" you tease.
"n-no nothing like that" he stutters, you caught him off guard.
you giggle, "well, i would recommend the cherry blossom set, they’re new and they're so pretty, they're on my list to buy"
"oh okay, thank you."
"of course! you can talk to me about lego anytime, it's my whole personality"
taeyong goes home with the cherry blossom lego flowers and another set for you two to build together, the bonsai tree set. as he builds the flowers, he remembers how relaxing it is to build these sets. he liked seeing the progress and how it slowly turns into the final product. his mind then wandered to you. he can imagine the both of you building the set together, listening to music, laughing, getting to know each other, and just being able to do something you both love, together.
he comes to class the next day with the flowers and lego set tucked in his bag. he wrapped the flowers as if they were real with paper and some white mesh. he planned to catch you after class and finally ask you out.
the bell goes for lunch and as you walk out of the class you hear your name being called.
"y/n! can i talk to you for a second?"
"hey taeyong! of course, what's up?"
"so, i know how much you like lego sets and stuff, and, gosh i don't know how to say this..."
he pulls out the lego flowers from his bag and holds them in front of you. you could feel a smile grow on your face as he explains to you how long you've been on his mind for.
"honestly, your love for legos made me fall in love with you even more. you get so excited over all the new sets and you get so passionate. not only that, but lego brings out my inner child and i feel like i could be so free and childish with you."
you could feel your cheeks warm, and your smile has never been brighter.
"gosh taeyong... this makes me so happy, you have no idea. i've been building sets with my friends, but there’s something so different when you build something with someone you love. the connection and atmosphere are so much more different. i would love to experience that with you.”
taeyong’s heart was beating so fast. you wanted to experience the same moment with him, that same connection he wanted.
“oh right, about that,” he pulls out the bonsai tree set, you gasp, “i also got this that I was thinking we could do together?”
“i would love to do that with you.”
later that week, he came to your house to build the set. you showed him all the sets you have and where you usually build them, though the two of you opted for the floor. just like taeyong imagined, you two were laughing and talking to each other comfortably. you finally had someone who you could be a kid with again. you felt freer and more loved than ever.
“thank you taeyong for asking me out like this, you did it so perfectly.”
“you’re welcome love.”
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a/n: lowkey hoping someone brings me lego flowers one day. D:
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127tyong · 2 years
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Pairing: Taeyong X Reader
Genre: Smut, Childhood Friends AU, Reader is in her 20s, Caught Masturbating (Taeyong)
Warnings: (This is so vanilla. Like, the most vanilla shit I've ever written. It's just sex y'all.)
Word Count: 3k
In your eyes, Taeyong was practically a baby. You grew up living in the same neighborhood as him, and would constantly go to his house after school. You always had a key to wherever he was living, even after you both entered the workforce and were adults, you would still go to his house and spend time with him, comforting each other.
You would never admit this, since Taeyong was such a nerd, but you always thought he was cute. After all, you spent your entire life with him, watching his highs and lows. Something about him made you giggle and your heart palpitate.
But today, after work, you went to his house, wanting to drink with him since you were stressed out, but he wasn’t home. Slipping off your heels, you massaged your feet through your stockings. Finally deciding to just go through his manga collection, you laid on his bed, and flipped through a random edition of  “One Piece,” of which Taeyong owned the entire collection.
After about 30 minutes, you heard the front door click open, then lock shut as Taeyong returned home. “You’re here?” Taeyong asked from the living room after he saw your shoes by the door.
“Yeah!” You called back, not wanting to move from the warmth of his bed.
“Ugh, I'm so tired…” Taeyong mumbled as he walked through the door, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. Taeyong’s eyes widened after he saw you on his bed. “What are you doing? You’re breaking the spine!” Taeyong ran to grab the book from you, but you pushed him away.
“God… you’re such a fucking nerd.” You scoffed as Taeyong practically got on his knees and whined, begging you to give him the manga back.
“Excuse me, I prefer the term “otaku”, thank you very much!” Taeyong rolled his eyes. “Now let go!” His face was resting on your stomach as he shook your arms.
You tossed the paperback book onto his bed. “Yeah, whatever.”
“Hey! That’s my precious Nami cover page!” Taeyong scurried to pick up the book and placed it back onto his bookshelf.
“You only like her because she has big boobs.” You scoffed. 
“No, it’s not like that!” He sighed, joining you under the covers of his twin sized bed, his face uncomfortably close to yours. “Besides, she’s not even my ideal type.”
“Whatever you say.” Sighing, you pat Taeyong’s head. He always did need more comforting than anyone else you had ever been friends with. The whiny, clingy, version of Taeyong remained the same even after all these years.
Taeyong rubbed his face on the collar of your button up shirt, his arms tightening around your waist. “Am I hurting you?” And kind of, he was practically resting all of his body weight on your chest. He was way too comfortable with lying on your boobs as a grown man. 
“Ugh, you should really buy a bigger bed, you have a huge bedroom just to fill it up with manga and figures. How are you planning on ever getting married?” You ran your hands through his hair, your fingernails scratching his head.
Taeyong sat up, getting off you. He slid his glasses back on and brushed his hair back into place. “Do you want to drink with me?”
Taeyong snorted, shifting to look you in the eye. “You really think I’ll get married?”
You pulled his glasses off and fluffed his hair up. “You know, you’d look really good if you actually wanted to…” Your hands slid down his cheeks, your palms cupping his jaw, feeling the sharp bone on your fingertips. Biting your lip, you really thought he looked good, even with his glasses on. He couldn't hide his pretty face behind thick glasses frames or a messy haircut, and you knew it.
Taeyong swallowed another shot, the bottle practically empty. He was sitting on his living room floor, a movie playing in the background.
“Tyong, don’t you think that's enough?” Sitting on the couch behind him, you only let yourself take a few sips of your drink, not letting your eyes leave Taeyong, worried he would do something stupid the moment you did.
He was always like this… Never able to feel how drunk or high he was until he was past the point of no return. You had many memories of him in college where he poured 4 shots of vodka into his Coke, saying it wasn’t even strong, then blacking out in the living room, passing out, waking up, and finally joining you in your bed.
“Come on, let's go to bed.” You helped him stand up, his arm around your shoulders. 
You grabbed the bottle from him. “Yongie, that’s enough.”
“You’re no fun!” He whined, his head hitting your knee.
Taeyong whined, his voice almost grating. “No…! Stay and drink with me!”
You sighed, dragging Taeyong into his bedroom. “Fuck!” You stubbed your toe against his dresser. You dropped Taeyong, instinctively grabbing your toe. “Sorry! I’m sorry!” You looked down at Taeyong, who was too drunk to realize you had even dropped him, and you tossed him onto his bed. You unbuttoned his shirt for him, trying to get him comfortable so he could sleep.
“Do my pants.” He groaned, rubbing his eyes with his arm.
“No, I don’t really want to.” You sighed. 
“Fine.” He went under his blanket and took his pants off himself.
“I’m going home.” You rolled your eyes, not wanting to deal with drunk Taeyong anymore.
“No..!” He whined, sitting up. “Come here.”
How could you say no to that face? “Fine. Only until you sleep.” You took your bra and stockings off, then joined him. 
You sat on the edge of his bed, tucking him into bed. “Good night, Taeyong.”
He grabbed onto your wrist before you could even stand up. “Just until I sleep?” He begged, pouting.
His hot breath was next to your face, and it was sick how naturally his arm wrapped around your waist. It was disgusting how Taeyong made your heart flutter, but he didn’t even think twice about you. You knew he only cared about two things, himself, and his manga collection. But even still, you let yourself imagine what it would’ve been like if Taeyong liked you back, so you let yourself fall asleep in his arms.
“Shit. Fuck. What did I do?” You felt Taeyong sit up next to you, his arms ripping off your waist.
“What?” You asked groggily, rubbing your eyes to wake yourself up.
Taeyong ran out of bed, quickly grabbing some pants out of his closet. “Did we… uh…” 
“What? No. You were drunk. Besides, I don’t think you could fuck me even if you were sober.” You pulled the covers up over your chest. “Can I steal some clothes? I have work in…” You grabbed your phone off the charger. “40 minutes.”
“Yeah, I think I have some of your clothes from the last time you slept over.” Taeyong looked in his dresser, tossing you one of your old shirts and skirts. 
“Do you mind if I wear some of your boxers?” You hooked your bra back on, watching Taeyong go through his closet.
“I’m sorry?” Taeyong deeply exhaled.
“Well, it’s not like I can wear these panties for a 2nd day. Besides, you wash your underwear… right?” You buttoned your shirt up.
“Um…” Taeyong tossed a pair of black boxers at you. “I’m gonna shower… or something.” He left you in his room, waving his hand around.
You got dressed and made your way to his bathroom.
“What the fuck!” Taeyong screamed, his shower curtain blocking your view of him, but he stuck his head out.
“I just need to brush my hair and my teeth! You don’t mind if I use your toothbrush, right?” You started to comb your hair with his brush.
“I guess not? Just get out!” Taeyong retracted his head back into the shower.
You brushed your teeth. “You’re the best! I’m gonna head out after this!”
“Fuck, I forgot my phone.” You realized when you were already at work.
You decided to head back to Taeyong's house during your lunch break.
When you went inside, you tried to be as quiet as possible, so as to not scare any of his neighbors, but you assumed Taeyong was still at work.
When you went into Taeyong’s room, you were unprepared for what you saw.
“Fuck! What are you doing Taeyong?” You hissed at him.
He was laying on his bed, cock in his hand, cum dripping all over his abs and fingers. And in his other hand were your panties, pressed against his face like a pervert. Whiny moans, moaning your name escaped his mouth.
“I- I’m sorry!” Taeyong jumped up, trying to walk towards you. 
You instinctively backed up, not knowing what to say. If he was a teenage boy, you could make an excuse for him, saying he’s just a kid… But he’s nearly 30, and you know he wasn’t even a virgin, since you both lost your virginity in high school. You really didn’t think he even masturbated while thinking about actual girls, assuming he just watched hentai. And you certainly didn’t think he masturbated while thinking about you. 
So, you mumbled the only thing you could really think at that point. “You’re gonna get cum on me.”
Taeyong sighed and slid some pants on and went into the bathroom to wash his hands.
You grabbed your phone off the floor and nearly ran out of his house.
“Wait!” Taeyong called after you.
You waved him off, not even wanting to make eye contact with him.“Taeyong, I really don’t wanna talk to you-” 
He grabbed your shoulder, stopping you. 
“Tae-” You sighed, your hand already on the doorknob, ready to leave.
His arms wrapped around your waist, holding you in a back hug. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled. “You know that right?”
“I have to go to work.” You sighed, sliding your phone into your jacket pocket.
“I’m really sorry, I promise I am, I promise I will never do that again…” You felt tears on your neck, and the water on Taeyong’s hands made your stomach cold.
He was so pathetic, like a little baby begging his mommy for forgiveness after breaking a vase. 
You turned around and kissed the tears off his cheeks, petting his head, soothing him. “It’s okay. I’m not mad.”
That was a lie. A ball of anger, frustration, and nerves started filling your throat. You tried to swallow it down, but it didn’t let you. Letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, you forced yourself to face Taeyong and hug him.
“I’m sorry…” He whined, holding onto your waist.
“I know, but you understand that was hard for me to walk in on, right?” You tried to pull away from the hug, but his grip didn’t loosen. His boner kept poking you, rubbing against your stomach. You wondered how he could be hard in this situation, in front of you after you saw that… Your cheeks flushed, not knowing how to handle the thought of Taeyong fucking you, his moans so raw and pathetic, his head thrown back. “Taeyong, let go, I have to go back to work…”
“No.” He whined into your ear. 
You sighed, pulling out your phone and texting your boss something urgent came up at home and you wouldn’t be able to come back, which was only a half lie. “Fine…”
“You know I love you, right?” Taeyong kissed your neck, tickling you. He pushed you against the front door, pinning you there. You silently wondered when he’d let you go, his hands falling down your back and onto your hips, his chin still resting on your shoulder.
“Of course, I love you too.” You pat his back, wishing he’d get off you. 
“Would you… suck me off?” Taeyong finally let go of you, taking half a step back.
“What? Taeyong, I think you’ve just been single too long…” You shook your head, forcing it to clear of any impure thoughts, any hope, any expectations.
Taeyong’s thumb glazed over your lips, his fingers gently brushing over your neck, making you look up into his eyes. Eyes that lost their innocent, child-like look, and that have turned dark, lustful. Lustful for you. “Don’t you want me?”
“Taeyong, let's stop this already…” You mumbled through Taeyong’s thumb.
Taeyong’s lips made contact with your neck, licking its most sensitive spot. “I don’t think you really want to.” He was gentle, sweetly sucking, making you press your head back, your back arching.
A whiny voice escaped your throat, a voice you never knew you could make. You clutched onto Taeyong’s waist, your fingers digging into the waistband of his sweatpants, pulling him towards you. 
You felt Taeyong’s lips curl into a smirk on your neck. His hands swept down to your shirt collar, unbuttoning your shirt, then sliding towards your back to unhook your bra. His hands explored your body, a body he’s touched multiple times, yet he’s touching you as if it was his first. Squeezing your breasts in his hands, then immediately going under your skirt, rubbing your clit through his boxers.
“Can’t believe you’re wearing my boxers… Fucking hell.” Taeyong gritted his teeth, pushing your shoulders down, forcing you on the floor.
You slid his sweatpants down, his cock slapping his stomach before hitting your lips. Licking the cum off his dick, you let yourself swallow everything, looking up at Taeyong. Kissing the tip of his cock, you gently edged him, licking, kissing, but not actually sucking it.
Taeyong laughed to himself, biting his lip. “Fuck… the girl I was just masturbating to is on her knees in front of me…” His pretty moans kept you going, cockhead nearly turning purple from being teased from your kisses. “Ugh, hurry up, please…” He groaned, words stretched out from throwing his neck back.
“Why should I?” You spoke, his dick still on your lips, causing the soundwaves of your voice to vibrate against him. “You’ve been nothing but mean to me today, so why should I?”
“You’re too fucking mean… Watched me humiliate myself and still won’t help me…” Taeyong’s hands reached the back of your head, fingers interlaced into your hair. “I’ll do it myself then.” 
Your lips parted on their own, throbbing cock sliding into your mouth. He started gentle, not wanting to hurt you, but he gradually let himself go, thrusting harder down into your throat, hitting the back. Choking on it caused your eyes to start tearing up, the sloppy sound of your saliva echoing in his living room. You slapped on his thighs, trying to get him to stop, his grip on your hair just tightening. Taeyong thrusted thrice, before pulling out and squirting his cum on your lips and cheeks.
You coughed a bit, stroking your throat to help the feeling of an abused throat go away. “Taeyong! What the fuck?”
“You look cute when you’re covered in my cum.” Taeyong went into the kitchen then tossed you a towel.
Wiping your face off, you lazily stood up, going back into Taeyong’s bedroom, tossing yourself onto his bed, Taeyong following. “I was right.”
“I’m gonna fuck the source of my horny dreams.” Taeyong mumbled, biting his lip. 
“About what?” Taeyong watched you undress yourself, tossing your clothes on the floor.
“It’s going to be hard to have sex on a twin sized bed, you should’ve bought a king, or queen at least…” You pulled down the boxers you were wearing, sliding onto your hands and knees. “Are you ready?”
He hurriedly slid his length inside you, plunging in. Hands grabbed around your waist, forcing you up, pressing his body into yours, lips nibbling at your neck and ear. Taeyong’s long, longer and harder than a man who’s came a thousand times already should be. Fucking you like a virgin, like he’s never fucked a girl before, whiny, pathetic, moaning your name into your ear, ragged, unpredictable thrusts, hurting your core. His hands made their way down to your clit, rubbing circles into it. “Do you feel good?” He asked between heavy breaths, the heat of his gasps for air on your neck. He felt like his dick would melt inside you, sucking him in, so warm. He swore he could feel your heartbeat while he was inside you, your legs shaking and vibrating from how aroused you were. 
It was nearly idiotic of him to even ask, your cries louder than his moans, feeling overstimulated and overwhelmed. He was too much, doing everything he could to make you climax all at once. “Fuck! Yes!” You screamed at him, about to cry from how good you felt all at once. It was almost sickening how even while having sex with you, he still wanted to make sure you felt good, and how he didn’t even realize how much you liked it…
“So much better than I ever dreamed of.” Taeyong’s fingers are covered in your juices, making him lick them. “Taste even better.” Your neck was bitten up, hickeys that wouldn’t go away for weeks, and trailed down to your shoulder. 
You wondered if Taeyong felt the same way about you… If he loved you the way you loved him, if you were the last thought he had before he went to bed, and the first in the morning… Wanton moans in your ear made your fears subside, figuring he could only act like this because he loves you. He was so romantic, even if he didn’t realize it. Constantly reminding you how good you feel around his cock, how pretty you are… Everything about Taeyong made you dizzy.
“Taeyong, I’m gonna…” Your head fell forward, toes curling, whining for him.
“Me too, cum with me…” Taeyong’s fingers returned to your clit, trying to make you climax.
“Taeyong, Taeyong… Taeyong!” You moaned his name out as you reached your climax.
“I love you! I love you so much…” He screamed as he came into your womb, thick ropes of white cum filling you up. He dropped you, making you plop onto the bed.
You backed up, sitting on his bed. “I, um, should take a shower… and eat lunch…” You clutched on your stomach, womb abused.
Taeyong hummed. “Say it back.” He cupped your cheek, wiping your tears.
“Say what?” Your back hit the wall as you sat.
“Tell me you love me.” Taeyong started kissing you, looking at you with those big, innocent, brown eyes. Looking at you as if your neck wasn’t covered in his bite marks, as if he didn’t just fuck your brains out.
“You know I love you.” You kissed him back, arms wrapping around his neck. “I love you.”
He pushed you, making you lay back down. “Good.” He lined his cock back up to your pussy lips. “Then I’ll fuck you some more, alright?”
“Ugh… Only if you buy a bigger bed tomorrow, and get your manga collection out of the bedroom.” You pressed a hand against his cheek, pouting.
“Only if you marry me.”
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rosietaeyongswife · 2 months
i'm your baby | lee taeyong
genre: angst, thriller synopsis: Tell your baby, that I'm your baby tw: stalking, cursing, depression, alcohol and drugs consumption, suggestive themes, blood, murder.
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If there would be someone to blame for your problems in life, it has to be you. It wasn't anyone else choices, but yours. Instead of being grateful for what you have, you'd rather destroy everying you have in a sake of your stupid thinking. Only if life wasn't so cruel to you.
Even in times when you were in depths of hell, he was always there for you. He has never left you side, not once. No matter how far you've been pushing him away, he would stay because he loved you.
"Can we talk?" Taeyong's voice was low and shaky. He was sitting on the floor outside of the bathroom, waiting for you to get out. "Please?"
It's one of those bad days. You didn't have any energy to do anything, nor to talk with your boyfriend. He was there for you to help you, but you couldn't let him.
"Why cant' you leave me alone?"
"Baby, let's talk. I love you, please. I hate it when you're having a breakdown and you won't let me help." He was close to crying, while you were on the floor with a blank expression. "I can do everything in my power to make you happy. Just let me try."
Everytime it ends the same way. Suddenly, you're depressed, everything's bothering you, and Taeyong is the only one, who try to fix it. It breaks your heart piece by piece. He deserves better.
"I love you too."
You wish you could do something to feel better, to escape this shithole once and for all. Being with Taeyong is like being in your comfort zone. He brings you comfort, even though you hurt him with your actions. You want him to be happy.
"I love you so much." Taeyong was whispering in your ear, as he was kissing down your neck, with one hand in your panties. "I love you, your body and your everything."
"Fuck me, Taeyong. I want it."
In times like those, you're deeply in love. You chase your climax with him by your side. He makes you cum, treats you as his prize, and he's there for you in most intimate way ever possible. You feel secure with him.
You're selfish. You're keeping Taeyong by yourself, yet he needs to put up with your shit. You should stop being selfish, and let Taeyong live a little. He's stuck with a wreck. With a person with a long gone soul.
"Dr. Yeong said I should switch medicines." Taeyong looked up at you from his book. "I don't want to. I feel like I'm living in a lifeless body. Not living, but surviving, perhaps."
"Baby, he wants what's the best for you. We can do it together, I'm here for you anytime."
"That's the issue, Taeyong." You scoffed. "You're there for me anytime I need, you're sacrificing yourself for me. That's not okay with me. It's not fair to you."
He could only stare at you with his soft eyes. Taeyong saw the best in you. In his eyes, you were his precious girl. He wants to hold you in his arms forever, and never let go. His heart aches at your pain. It really does.
"I want to do it. It brings me joy to help you. I love you, and that's what matteres."
Within secons both of you were kissing as if your life depended on it. He is the great lover and you want to be selfish to be with him. It has to be your biggest sin - being in love with Lee Taeyong. Letting him be in love with you may be even worse, though.
Alcohol wasn't your preffered drink, but now you feel at ease thanks to it. Bottle, then two, maybe four? They make you feel better. Alcohol is better for you than those pills, Dr. Yeong is giving you.
"Are you going to vomit?" Taeyong was sitting with you on a bathroom's floor with your hair in his hands. "I told you not to do it. It''s bad for you."
He came back from work to see you laying on the floor, not moving with a bunch of empty bottles next to you. Taeyong has noticed, you've been drinking a lot. It's becoming a problem.
"I don't know. I'm sorry."
The next second you're throwing up while Taeyong is there to support you, no matter what.
You felt ashamed of yourself to present yourself in such a horrible way in front of you lover. That's an endless cycle.
"What the fuck? Y/N?" Taeyong opened the door to your shared bedroom but it was locked. "Why didn't you go to job? And you don't pick up anyone's calls?"
Silence. There was no response, and that's when Taeyong's blood preassure probably went a bit higher than it should.
"Baby? Are you alright?"
Again, no response. Adrenaline rushed through him, and the next second he was demolishing his bedroom's door. The sight broke his heart. You were unconcious on the floor. His world fall apart. He was panicking again.
"She overdosed on drugs, Mr. Lee." A woman in her 50s explained what happened to you, while you weren't awake. "Few more minutes and you would've found her dead there, sir. If I was you, I'd sign her up for a rehab."
"Drugs? She doesn't take drugs, she could never."
"Sir, it's not the first time she took those. I'm certain she has issues with this. I'd reccomend you talk with her about therapy, she doesn't look healthy, nor alright."
Taeyong was extra protective of you. He wasn't feeling good about leaving your side. Your heart breaks everyday more for him. He doesn't deserves what you've been putting him through.
"I signed you for a rehab."
"My mother told me about it." He handed you your bags. "I'm going to miss you a lot."
"Don't say that, or I may cry."
There was a lot of time for you to think. Rehab lasted two weeks, before you dropped out. You weren't addicted, you just wanted to do something to endure your pain. Taeyong was crying when he saw you. A bit healthier looking with a soft smile.
"I missed you, God. I wanted to get there and stay with you, baby. I love you so much."
A single tear run down your cheek.
"We need to break up. I love you but it's not fair. I can't be with you, if I'm making you suffer."
"What are you talking about? I love you and you're telling me-"
"Don't overcomplicate it. I love you. Please, find someone that may treat you the way you deserves. I'm fuckin tired of this mess. I'm not myself, I've lost myself a long time ago." The way he ws looking at you was screaming betrayal. Your heart ached at the sight but there's nothing you could do. "Don't you want to be free? Why can't you see I'm destroying you bit by bit, Taeyong? It's selfish to let you stay with me, even though I love you the most in the whole world."
The man standing in front of you had tears in his eyes. He was shocked, as he didn't expect you to break his heart in such a cruel way on a random Thursday.
"Fuck! You can't be doing this to me, Y/N! I love you! Not once have I felt bad about anything. I've never pitied you. Never!" He felt as he was going crazy. "I love you, and if I could.." Taeyong touched your hands. "I'd take away all your pain from you to put it on me. I'm sure about that. I will kill for you, I will lose everything for you. Please, don't do it. I can't live without you, Y/N. Please!"
What a mess you've made. The scene was cruel, sad, and desperate. The man you've loved your whole life is on his knees begging you to stay, while you can't do it. To be loved is to be changed, that's why you can't stay. This time, you're the one that got away.
"It's all an illusion, Taeyong. The longer you're with me, the more you're losing yourself. I feel like a thief in this relationship. I transfer my hardships on you."
"I love you, Y/N. You're my home, my everything. Why you're doing it to me?" A single tear came down your chin. "But I love you so.."
"Please, let me go.."
Two years later
Life is full of unexpected events. Living so long taught you a few hard lessons. Regret must be the worst one. Regret was so sorrow, and so hurtful. If you could turn back time, you would've done it long time ago. Past two years taught you a lot about yourself. Everything can be fixed, what a surprise! Therapy could help you, you only had to change a therapist. After few weeks you made sense. Life made sense. It wasn't all colorful, but you were better than before. Just without emotions.
That's what kept you sane. Every single emotion was lost inside of you, so you could live a peacful life. Until up some point. Memories of Taeyong.
As you felt better, your mind played tricks on you. Random moments with Taeyong popped in your head. First date, first kiss, first sex, and first trip together. Every little thing you had known about him, was now all you could think about. You've developed an obsession.
That's what you are. The therapist told you it might be a part of your healing journey. Little did he know, how fast could it transform into unhealthy obsession.
"He has a wife now." Your mother voice woke you up from your thoughts. She was talking to you about how wrong it is to still fantasize about him. "It was your choice to break things off. You can't return into his life as if nothing had happened."
She was right, but you couldn't process that yet.
"He loved me first. I want to talk to him, I've missed him."
"And ruin his life? Y/N, you left this life. You left him." Another reminder of your bad decision. "Taeyong met someone else, he's happy and in love with her. She's in his life, and you're not."
"Don't everyone deserve second chance? I've had enough of pain in my life, all I want is to talk with him. I want to see him, even if he's not with me."
Your mother forbid you from seeing Lee Taeyong. She made it clear, that meeting with him would complicate both of your lifes. Well, you had to came up with something else to be able to check on him.
Every other day, late at night, you would find yourself by windows of his new house. He's usually hanging out with his new girl, doing nothing but couple things. The way he was holding her, reminded you of how much you've loved to feel him. Every little touch of his made you hot. He seems happy, which broke you heart in half. Was he that happy with you? Does he love her more than he did you? A lot of questions popped in your head, yet there was no answeres for them.
Eventually, your mother found out about it and told your therapist. He was surprised, as he didn't expect you to do it.
"It's considered as crime, are you aware of that?" Nod. "If you keep hanging on the past, then you'll never recover fully. You had to drop Taeyong to be able to find yourself. Being like this, you're destroying what you've been building for so long."
"I love him. I can't help myself, but go there and look at them. He looks so happy, and it makes me wonder if he was even happy with me. Sometimes I think our relationship was fake, and he did pity me, after all." The young male was looking at you disappointed. He knew every detail about your relationship, and he was more than sure about the fact that Lee Taeyong loved you. "I held him back, back then. I'd love to be with him now, that I'm fixed."
"Y/N, Taeyong loved every inch of you. I'm sure he still does, but it's no longer the same love both of you shared mutually. It's a love that created through hardships of your relationship."
Nothing could stop you from visiting Taeyong's house. Your parents, even the therapist didn't suspect a thing since you've learned how to cover that. You found a job that is an online job, yet you made them believe you're going to the office every single evening and you're better now.
However, Taeyong must have suspected something. He must feel watched, as he have started to close blinds. There was no other option that breaking in. It felt as if you were some kind of psychopath but could you care? Not even a bit.
One night left you astonished. As you were hidding in a dark closet in Taeyong's bedroom, both he and his girlfriend began to kiss on their bed. At first it was an innocent act, until he got to undress her. The scene made you feel as if someone was stabbing you with a thousands of knives at once. He was craving someone else in front of you. He desried someone else, not you. Breathing suddenly became hard.
"Harder, Yongie. I love it!" She was moaning with her tits out, and his dick burried inside of her. The sight was so sinister, and sinful. "Fuck, more!"
"You like it, huh? You like being fucked dumb, love?"
This voice.
He used to be like that with you. Everytime, he would've fucked you dumb until you couldn't walk. In your relationship, you've fucked almost every day. Taeyong and his new girlfriend aren't as frequent with it.
It came into your realization, that you've been crying silently in Taeyong's closet.
"I love you, Yongie."
You used to call him that everytime. Now he's called that by an another woman.
Ever since that day, you've became a mad woman. As you had never touched cigarettes in your life, now it was your daily task. A need, perhaps. Your whole persona was even colder, than before. In your mind, there was something wrong. Taeyong was in love with the other woman. She was foreign in your life. She should've never been with him. It's not right. You found yourself often watching movies about crazy woman like Gone Girl, or Girl Interrupted. A desire to get rid of that girl arose in you.
"Are you feeling okay? You've been acting weird. Dying your red black, smoking, wearing black clothes and heels all the time. It's so unfamiliar with you."
Your mother was asking you, while you had a cigarette in your hand and smirk on your face.
"Why would I not be okay? I enjoy my life to the fullest. I love life, mum. I'm so glad I get to get another chance, and be okay with who am I."
"You have no idea how happy I'm to hear that! Hope, that Taeyong is now long forgotten."
"Oh, he is."
Nightmares showed up suddenly one day. It was a loop of you in a furry. Madness and red was all you could see in the nightmares. It felt so vivid, made you think it may be real.
Taeyong was all the time with her, now considered, an enemy. It stopped bothering you as you knew it won't take long to get rid of her. She needs to be stopped. She's taking your man from you.
"Did you hear that?" A girl asked, while both she and Taeyong were enjoying TV in their living room. The sound came from the kitchen, where both of them were looking at with a slightly scared expressions. "What's that?"
"Stay here. I'll check that."
Taeyong was alarmed, and his insticts told him to grab some kind of weapon to protect himself and his girl. He was slowly approaching the kitchen but he couldn't see anyone there. He sighed, thinking it might be something falling off.
"It's nothing, maybe-"
He stopped what he was about to say when he notticed you. You were standing in his living room with a huge grin on your face. Wearing black heels, black flare pants and a white shirt with a black coat on. Looking as beautiful as ever. He was shocked to see you insdie.
"I missed you, Yongie."
"Who is she? What the fuck are you doing in our home?!" The girl was asking a lot of questions, as she was confused what a stanger is doing in her home and why would she knew her boyfriend. "Taeyong, tell her to leave! She broke in!"
"Y/N, what are you doing here? Why would you break in? Is everything okay?"
His worried expression made you chuckle. Taeyong Lee hasn't changed at all.
"This is cute, Taeyong. I feel as good as ever. Everything is alright, I just came by."
"I need you to leave. You doesn't look fine, nor okay. Are you having an episode?"
"It's not an episode." You got your hidden knife out of your pocket, which made a girl on the sofa gasp. "I feel tired, after all I've seen past these months. I thought I'm the only one you love, Yongie."
"She has a knife, God!"
This situation was stressful and Taeyong was shocked to the core. It was so surreal.
"Well, you left me two years ago. I loved you, I still do but we're past now. I have a wife and I'm doing alright."
"But I was your baby. I love you, and there's no place for an another person in our life." You took a glance at frightened girl on the sofa, she was frozen to the core. "You love me, I know you do. You can't have an another baby." You turned back to Taeyong. "Tell your baby, that I'm your baby." You nodded at her. Taeyong could baerly breathe. "I'm your baby, Taeyong."
Even though it was a horror scene, Taeyong felt weak. He felt weakend by you. He has never stopped loving you. His little girl. He found a peace with someone else, but his feelings never changed.
"You're my baby, Y/N. I love you but I need you to put the knife down." He tried to get closer, but you stopped him. "Please. You may hurt someone."
"There's no place for her, Taeyong. I need to do something to make us happy."
Before Taeyong could've reacted, you were already stabbing his wife in the chest. You were in a furry, driven by madness. Everything you saw was red. Blood was splashing all around and at you. She was screaming but no one could hear her. Stab after stab. Taeyong was watching in horror as you were killing his wife.
"Fuck, stop!"
He held you tightly, as you dropped the knife. The lifeless body of Taeyong's wife was laying down on the sofa, as you were hugging Taeyong.
"I love you, and I'm so fuckin sorry about that. I had to do it. Please, forgive me." You were sobbing in Taeyong's arms. "Please, Yongie."
"Everything's going to be alright, I love you too. Shh, we're going to be fine, Y/N. I promise."
Next thing you knew was his lips on top of yours. Kiss you've been craving for so long, happened finally. His touch made you feel alive again.
"I want you all to myself."
"We need to get rid of that mess first." Never would you have guessed that Taeyong would help you to get away with killing his wife. "We need to do it first, then we can have each other."
After all, you're his baby.
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