#tagging these as salt so I don’t clog up the main tags
m3nt4llyr4v3d · 3 months
One thing that kind of (absolutely) bothers me about this show is the weird… avoidance?? Or major mistakes or flaws the characters have??
(This is me going off of the top of my head, and sooooo much personal bias is in this, be warned)
I’ve seen this being talked around the critical tab a bit and I just wanted to ramble: for some odd reason, the show is very consistent with blaming/placing fault on a character’s minor flaws, but the major shortcomings are just brushed aside (this somewhat applies to some parts of the fandom as well)! A few examples I could think of off the top of my head:
Marinette- Marinette’s blamed by the narrative for things she can’t even control or have nothing to do with anything. Like, in Penalteam, where she has to work to be a team player?? Even though in the episodes beforehand Chat’s whole thing was that he felt like he was being replaced/ set aside by the whole team??? At the same time, Derision made every instance of Marinette’s more unsavory acts in regards to Adrien (which was originally absurd comedy) into something serious because it’s a trauma response now! Which means every instance of her doing those things is now under the context of “oh god this is a traumatized teenager potentially breaking the law due to a trauma response and absolutely needs therapy!!”, while also… just… quietly sweeping all that under the rug under the guise of “well she does those things BECAUSE of the trauma” while not acknowledging just how many bad implications are there now. (I could go a full hour talking about how much Derision fucked EVERY. SINGLE. CHARACTER. OVER.) Oh, and her being secretive with Chat for… no reason? This one is kind of acknowledged but also, the crux of the issue is brushed aside in the season 4 finale? Like, in Kuro Neko when Chat is trying to, like alleviate some of her duties by gathering some of the Miraculous cause he also knows some of their identities? And she says no and says he’s wasting her time? I get he was pestering her about it, I do, but the authors were saying that her reasoning with being secretive was that she was had so much responsibility… but when the opportunity arises for someone to alleviate that, she turns it down? (Honestly liked the fanon reason that she was scared of Chat Blanc timeline and him getting to close to her way more)
Adrien- His naivety in specific situations (the whole “taking the high road” advice) being criticized HEAVILY, when it’s kind of understandable he would give that? I get that it’s bad advice in this situation, I don’t think he’s part of the problem for giving it though. But his pushiness towards Ladybug? The godawful communication he had in Season 4 (this is a Ladybug issue too)? Nah, let’s just ignore that. His… really concerning mental health (Guilttrip anyone? I mean he literally tries to cataclysm himself why is no one talking about this?) What are you talkin’ aboutttt, it’s all good here! In fact, we’ll never bring that up again, how does that sound? (Please delve more into that in season 6 dear god)
Chloe- It’s… understandable??? When the show harps on her being a bully I guess?? But the issue I have with that is that the show acts like this is the WORST thing she’s done, being a petty vindictive teenager. The show rarely brings up her failures at being a superhero (for how much some fans bring up the train scene, I’m 1000% sure the show literally forgot) or the fact that she, y’know. Literally betrayed Ladybug and worked with Hawkmoth! For how much the show loves dogging on her and treating her like a secondary villain I’d expect like, a little bit more in showing that off? Also, the literal two grown adults setting her up as a scapegoat for the whole mayor thing, then the show acting like she’s the one at fault still?? And that sending her away with her mother was a good thing????
Gabriel- “Oh he’s too obsessed with his Ladybug to actually save his wife! He’s cold and distant but still loving actually!” What about his neglect? What about him literally ignoring his wife’s wishes (there was no way he didn’t know beforehand I’m sorry)? I genuinely don’t care that he “made the right choice” with his wish, he stabbed Marinette in the back to do so. Literally LOCKED ADRIEN IN A WHITE ROOM AND AT SOME POINT WAS ATTEMPTING TO AKUMATIZE HIM…! But nah, he’s just too ambitious, he’s a loving father, whatareyatalkinabout? He’s a hero! (😨)
Andre (Bourgeois)- “His flaws are that he gave up on his dream to live an unhappy life! Oh but we’re gonna ignore his role as a literal corrupt politician, look he’s redeemed now! He even sent that she-demon Chloe away! What do you mean he literally raised this child to act this way? Nah, everything is Chloe’s fault and we’re not even going to acknowledge his hand in literally raising her with these values since she was basically in elementary school! Look he’s adopting Zoe, isn’t that sweet? Nevermind how we just won’t acknowledge where Mr. Lee is, if he’s alive, or if Zoe is even okay with everything that just happened! (I mean, cmon, she literally lived with Audrey for years, she would reasonably be a little put off by this, even if she thinks Chloe is a lost cause)
These are just a few I could think of, though. Honestly my biggest wish is that the show would stop bringing the character’s least offensive trait/fault (compared to others) and truly acknowledge the worse aspects of them.
Bit that’s just me rambling like a madman, I’d love to know what you guys would think!
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pokenimagines · 2 years
Submission Guidelines
Request Template:
In order to make things easier, please copy and paste one of these six templates depending on what you're requesting. I ask that you use this so that not only will I have a clear view of what you want, but so people reading my content will be able to make an informed decision if they would like to read the contents of the request: (Bolded words are for you to fill out)
Platonic SFW Character | Headcanons | Request Information
Platonic SFW Character | Fic | Request Information
Romantic SFW Character | Headcanons | Request Information
Romantic SFW Character | Fic | Request Information
NSFW Character | Headcanon | Request Information
NSFW Character | Fic | Request Information
Character = The name of the character I'll be writing for.
Request Information = What you're wanting me to write. If you don't fill this out, I will delete. Don't just state a character, I need something to go off of.
Romantic vs Platonic = How you want me to go about the request. Will I be writing them in a romantic or a platonic way.
If you want to gush about characters or say something to me personally in a request, you're more than welcome. Just state the request beforehand.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or Queenie on our main blogs @salticart and @queeniesrose or ask in the inbox. Queenie and I aren't able to DM on this blog as it's a joint account.
Things I will write:
NSFW (All NSFW posts will be tagged "Spicy Salt", so if you don't wish for this content to appear on your feed, block that tag).
Romantic Relationships (This will be for 18+ characters only)
Friendship/Platonic Relationships (I will write for the minors of the series with these relationships exclusively)
Found Family Dynamics (Can be for any character)
Soft Yandere (If it gets into anything that is iffy and goes into the Non-Con/Dub-Con category, then I won't write it)
List of Scarlet/Violet Characters
List of Sword and Shield Characters
List of Sun and Moon Characters
List of Legends of Arceus Characters
Things I won’t write:
Romanticizing Underaged Characters: I will age up characters for certain requests, however if it involve anything romantic or sexual on a character that is canon underaged, then I will not be writing it. I understand a lot of the games don't state character ages, but there's some characters that you just know are underaged.
Non-con or Dub-con
Suicide/Self harm, eating disorders, mentions of rape. Mainly things that can trigger people or myself!
DDLG, Water sports, Scat, I refuse to write it so never ask.
Pet play of any kind (including puppy play, kitten play, pony play, etc) [NO HORSES]
Things referring to kids or pregnancy, or being parents. I know it’s a weird one but I have a bit of a phobia of children and such due to my job so I’d prefer not to write that stuff.
Disabilities: I don't think I can accurately write for a disability that I do not have, and I don't want to misrepresent serious topics. In order to stop this from happening, I choose not to write it.
I know there’s more when I remember them I’ll update this!
Things to keep in mind:
- I'm more likely to write your request if you put in the proper formatting that is at the top of the post.
- When sending in a request, please only do one character. It takes me a lot longer to do multiple characters at a time, and clogs up the ask box. So one character per request. Thank you!
- Please do not ask for a specific gender. I do non binary to keep it all inclusive. If it's for a smutty story, I will be writing two versions if what's in the pants is absolutely necessary. There’s plenty of gendered imagines out there, I want everyone to feel included. Hella hard when you’re non-binary or the opposite gender and you’re trying to read an imagine with a gender you don’t identify with.
- If I’m uncomfortable with a request at all, and it’s anonymous, I’ll just delete it. So if you sent an interesting request that ends up not being written, please don’t send it in again. I don’t delete anything unless I refuse to write it.
- If you sent in a request when they’re closed, I will also be deleting said request. You can always resend it in once they’re open. This is to just help keep my box as clear as possible so I can focus on what needs to be done. Don’t ask me to keep it in the box for when they open up again. That’s counter intuitive to my box being closed and makes me a bit upset.
- If I have an imagine already written but it doesn’t include the characters you like, you can always send and ask for a continuation with the characters you like, I’ll be more than happy to do so!
- It might take a while to get to certain imagines. I work a full-time job and and run another writing blog for Twisted Wonderland, so I'm vey busy.
- You can request more than one thing, I don’t mind, just don’t send me a list of 100 things to write, please.
- If you happen to find a list of prompts you’d think would be fun for me to go through, send it to me. I’ll totally do requests off prompt lists
Discord Server
Hello everyone! As the new games have been released we wanted to do an ad for our discord server! We have been revamping the server in hopes of creating a better experience for all who join and that we will get some new friends!
We do have some rules for the server, along with a few perks. This includes:
To join the server, you MUST be at least 16 years of age.
Similar to here, anything underage/pedophilia related will not be tolerated.
No transphobic/homophobic/terf behavior will be tolerated.
Advanced notice of when the inbox is open!
Reward roles! With a bot we have in the server, the more you level up through chatting, the more cosmetic roles you can get. (This is new, and will go live after games are released.)
For those who RP or are interested in trying out RP for the first time, we will be revamping our RP section. We hope to get this more active again.
Besides the Pokémon related stuff, we have also have a writers section and an artist section for you to share your work!
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lazarus-lazuli · 3 years
Loki and Sylvie aren’t endgame and here’s why:
The TL;DR version: The director herself confirmed that their relationship is not going to be romantic. I could literally just leave it at that. Please calm down and stop clogging the tag with outraged posts about something that’s not even happening, thank you.
But I also want to argue that the episode itself makes it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that they’re not gonna be a couple. Hit the read more to learn why I think that. Or don’t, honestly the fact the director confirmed this should be enough to assuage you, I’m just actively choosing to be annoying at this point.
If you pay attention to the text of the episode, it’s pretty clear that no, Loki and Sylvie aren’t getting together. Heteronormativity in media may have corrupted us enough to jump to that conclusion (because in most shows a man and woman interacting for five or more minutes in a meaningful way = romance), but I don’t think that was the writers’ intention. Hell, if anything, the episode makes a stronger argument for Mobius and Loki getting together which I’ll touch on a bit as well. And while I do ship them I don’t think they’ll be endgame either since Disney is incredibly fucking homophobic and we’re lucky we even got bi Loki; the Pacific Ocean will be a desert before we get to see him with another man. 
So a few ways the episode told us that Sylvie and Loki aren’t gonna get together:
1) Ravonna and Mobius have a VERY important conversation in her office, not just in the sense of Mobius realizing “Oh shit I’ve been lied to”, but in the sense that she talks about their relationship. She makes a point to define their relationship as a friendship several times, while also making it clear that they have a deep emotional connection to each other - one that transcends time and space. It’s a type of relationship that often gets skewed as romantic when we’re talking about tropes, but no, in their case it’s set in stone that their relationship is completely platonic. Character wise the whole thing gets thrown away since she was very much onto him and proceeds to stab him in the back minutes later, but writing wise it was a very important point they were trying to make to the audience. Like, it was important both in universe and for the audience but for different reasons, if that makes sense. Since they established this strong connection between Loki and Sylvie at the very beginning of the episode - strong enough to cause a fucking Nexus Event - they also wanted to sprinkle in the idea that a strong connection does not necessarily equal a romantic one.
2) The main thing people took away from the conversation between Loki and Mobius was that Mobius was jealous - which, yeah, that’s valid and I agree. I mean he was deadass acting like a scorned boyfriend who just caught his partner cheating on him. But another big takeaway that people need was not only did the show itself confirm that Sylvie x Loki is gross (I mean for God’s sake they’re the exact same person; Sylvie was literally confirmed to just be the AFAB version of him IN THE COLD OPENING), but the whole idea of them being together all came from Mobius. All we know is that Loki cares for her - the feelings he’s experiencing are confusing for him because he’s a loner who hasn’t had any friends at all until Mobius and her came along. The one who’s defining those feelings by insisting they must be romantic is Mobius. This is to get under Loki’s skin because he is jealous. Loki never once gives into the idea of their relationship being romantic, even when Mobius lies about Sylvie being pruned just to get a reaction. Loki may not know EXACTLY how he feels since it’s all new to him, but even he’s not obtuse enough to think that he’s actually falling in love with himself. Mobius is just angry at Loki in this scene for multiple reasons, thus all of the romantic interpretation falls on his shoulders. He’s literally just jumping to conclusions. 
Also when he says Sylvie got pruned Loki just gets visibly upset for a moment, but when Mobius himself gets pruned Loki CRIES and is fucked up about it to the point that even Sylvie picks up on it. So make of that what you will (I will make of that that Loki and Mobius are IN LOVE). 
3) Final point: people got REALLY IN THEIR FEELINGS about the scene where Loki tries to confess to Sylvie. And yeah at first glance, it is somewhat set up like a romantic scene - someone actually posted “what in the Y/N x Loki is this” and honestly I had to laugh at that one because I agree it kind of has that vibe, especially since he starts the whole thing off by saying he’s new to feeling the way he does. But based on everything we know about them and everything that happened up until that point of the episode, LOKI IS VERY MUCH NOT ABOUT TO CONFESS HIS UNDYING LOVE FOR HER. His feelings for sure, but not necessarily romantic ones. He even has his hands on her shoulders - a gesture of affection, but not one that can be read as exclusively romantic. He’s just grabbing her attention, holding her there (since she does seem freaked out - maybe in her mind she thinks he’s about to confess his love, which is actually pretty funny). While there may be a misunderstanding on the part of the characters, I think the text itself makes it pretty clear that no, Loki is not in love with this woman. He ultimately just wants to tell her he cares about her and wants to stick with her through whatever happens; that they’ll make it through together. If you’re cynical you can be like “It was at the very least set up to LOOK romantic to bait the audience” and yeah, I see it too. That’s completely possible. Granted, instead of baiting people with a “OOO, what’s he gonna say?!”, it more so rubbed salt in the wounds of the people who have been queerbaited by TV shows in the past because all they could see was “Bi Man Falls for His Female Self Then Dies” which is bad so I can’t blame them for being upset. But given the context of the show it’s also very much not what happened. 
And hey, I’m just as affected by queerbaiting - I was a Magician’s fan for fuck’s sake. I know queerbaiting when I see it and as far as I’m concerned, if there’s any queerbaiting in this show, it is NOT coming from the interpretation of Loki literally wanting to fuck himself. We will be donning our clown wigs and big red noses for a different reason (that reason involving Disney being Disney). If you’re choosing to be optimistic about the possibility of Loki and Mobius getting together, I fucking commend you and hope you’re right. It would be really amazing and satisfying if they did. I’m not holding my breath, though. Sadly just because Loki x Sylvie won’t be a thing doesn’t mean Loki x Mobius will be, either.
Anyway, I hope this explanation helped to clear up the fact that no, Marvel is not advocating for selfcest and never was. This isn’t Johnny Test. I think it’s good to be critical of Disney and Marvel because they’re both very flawed, but that requires actually watching the content instead of making surface level assumptions based on what you saw at first glance, you know?
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justasparkwritings · 3 years
Butter: A Collaborative Fantasy
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A collaborative fantasy... please feel free to add to your master lists, to reblog and leave comments, to tag other writers. If more people write chunks, I will update this as the MAIN Butter & Unsalted collaborative filthy fantasy. 
Additions to the story are getting lost in the other likes/reblogs (who ever thought I’d say that?), so PLEASE tag me! If you add on to the story - try and do it on the original post! 
Banner - me
OG prompt: Okay who is writing the fic Butter and it’s sequel, Unsalted?
what was her name again? margeríne?
sounded french. hoseok couldn’t exactly recall. all he could think about was her golden glow, the way she glistened. how smooth and creamy and delicious she looked in the candlelight.
just one look and hoseok knew —
he was toast.
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Nothing could compare to. her -  not even Olivia, with her dark eyes. and long lashes fluttering so prettily against her cheeks when he took her extra virginity. 
He knew she deserved better, not a man functioning. like an. emotionally detached, well-oiled machine, but as he got lost in her heat all he could think of was how badly he wished he was churning someone else. 
The image of skimming her sweet cream played like a feedback loop inside his head and when he spilled himself all over the woman underneath him, it was someone else’s name that slipped past his lips. 
As Olivia peppered a row of kisses along his jaw he buried his face in her hair, ears burning and the mess between their bodies a sticky reminder of his shame. Even after all this time, he knew no one could ever butter his croissant like Margeríne. 
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Her memory was as sweetly-salted as the tears that ran down his fresh-baked cheeks
—the way she had rendered at his touch, creamy and moist, oleascent, at least 80% fat.
He bid his farewells to Olivia, the taste of their lovemaking already rancid on his tongue. Without a second glance he slid out the door and melted into the night.
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It is fate when he sees Margeríne next on a Friday morning at Cat’s Tall Milk Café. Olivia is all but forgotten as Margeríne strides up to serve him with his plate, hot and ready.
The morning light that filters through the windows envelopes her in the softest glow and he once again wonders if her skin is as supple as it looks. Hoseok watches, hypnotized with the way sweat rolls down her forehead and drips onto his toasted bread, painting it in splatters of milky white and golden yellow.
Oh, how he would much rather her cream be drippin’ elsewhere— He takes in a sharp inhale and wills away the dirty thoughts. All in due time…
Boldly, he takes her hand before she can leave. “Please, let me take you out to the pastures this weekend!” It is to his great delight that she accepts.
Later that evening, a freshly waxed and glistening Margeríne tosses in bed and recounts her meeting with the most dashing man. She can’t wait to see if Hoseok will be The One who can whip her hard enough to make her cream.
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Seokjin stared at her, perplexed. “Are you sure?”
“Positive,” Hoseok answered, cheeks burned from the summer heat.
“I just can’t believe she’s not butter,” Seokjin stared mystified at the spot she seemed to have melted from.
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“I know... She looks just like her doesn’t she?”
“Yes, but it’s been centuries... The odds of her reappearing are spread so thin—”
“You saw the same thing I did. I don’t care what she’s calling herself this time around.”
“Well,” Seokjin drawled, a clever smirk drifting across his lips, “there’s only one way to find out isn’t there.”
Hoseok knew what was coming next, but the words still sent a sizzling shock of sensations down his spine.
“You’ll have to taste her.”
The younger man shook his head wryly.
“And how exactly do you propose I do that?”
Seokjin leaned back against the bar, letting his smirk deepen into shameless grin.
“I can tell you right now it’s going to take a lot of bread.”
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"Are you serious? I can't just walk over and butter her up. What if I scare her?" Hoseok hissed as the older man rolled his eyes in an annoyed manner.
"Look, either you take your chances or crumble for another century without her. We both know what that did to you."
Hoseok knew Seokjin was right. He'd waited for far too long to let this opportunity pass — but how would he control his churning stomach when he approached his girl, suppress the urge to call her by her old nickname Buttercup? As he'd always used to.
"Go and tell her you loaf her, Hoseok."
The man in question turned around, eyebrows furrowing as he asked, "What did you say?"
Seokjin sighed. "You love her. Tell her."
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"Love her? Straight away? Won't that be a bit too.. greasy?" Hoseok asked.
"There's nothing like too much grease, Hoseok. We literally saved the burnt bread in the morning by over greasing it. Go ahead."
Hoseok sighed. His friend was about as useful as a butter knife in spreading cold butter.
"Look, unless you jam your way into her life, she's going to see you as this unnecessary, ignorant hole in the bread she's baking."
"That's why we use butter, right? clog up the hole-y bread and relish the creamy goodness surrounding the hard centre?"
Focus, Hoseok, focus.
"Yeah, but there's a very small margarine of error you can loose your Buttercup by. Unless you go overboard, you'll slip all over and make a mess. Butter her up, figuratively and literally."
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Before Hoseok could gather his nerves to make his way over, he and Seokjin were joined by Jimin, their golden haired friend sauntering over excitedly.
“Did you guys see her?” He asked in a theatrical whisper, groaning with his hands on his chest. “She’s absolutely divine, can’t wait to melt her on my tongue!”
Seokjin grimaced at his choice of words, opting to flick him not so gently on the forehead as he scowled. Hoseok, however, was still processing his friend’s comment.
“You like her?” He asked, incredulous, suddenly worried about competition.
Jimin smirked, an eyebrow raised, before chuckling. “Don’t spread this around, but me and her? Let’s just say we’ve been enjoying each other since the time I lost my jams.”
Hoseok could not help the way his heart jolted with envy.
(unsure which came first, @joheunsaram​ or @hobipaint​) 
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
In thinking about tags and tagging hate comments, I've realized that not a lot of people know how/what that means, so here is some advice from your local former-salt poster.
If you mention something by name, it will pop up in tumblr search. For instance, if I just say Adrien Agreste, this can pop up when anyone searches for Adrien Agreste, even if I don't tag him (because tumblr is coded by beavers). The easiest way to circumvent this is by breaking up his name with // so Ad//rien Ag//reste or something similar. Alternatively, you can come up with a nickname for whoever or whatever you're talking about so that people who see your post on your blog will know what you are referring to, but it will 100% keep it out of searches. Continuing to use Adrien as an example because people clown on him a lot, you might refer to him as sunshine boy or the cat boy in your posts instead of referring to him by name. Most of my followers know I've adopted this method for a certain other boy in the show, but that's besides the point 😏
That brings us to tagging. Now this is personal preference for me, but I've found it to be effective. Using the same logic as above, if anything in your tags contains a character or ship name, it's going to pop up in the search. All of my Ladrien Wednesday posts pop up in the Ladrien search because they contain the word Ladrien, even though I don't tag them exclusively as "#ladrien". Even if you tag something as "[character] salt" or "anti [ship]" you've still used the name. And while someone could just blacklist that tag, a lot of the time they have to see the content first before they block the tag. The advice I'm giving here is how to keep your posts out of these searches entirely. Personally, I use the same nickname method as above. So, for instance when I wanted to talk about a character I don't particularly care for, I adopted the tag "#blue one salt" for all posts on that subject matter. And ya know what, my posts never popped up in his tags. People who follow me were still welcome to blacklist that tag if they didnt want to see those posts too.
Now all you non-salty people might be saying, "But, Cat, then we will have a million tags to blacklist" and here's the thing: tumblr is at its heart, a curate your own experience platform. What you see directly correlates to who you are choosing to follow, or where you are choosing to look. No one holds a gun to your head and says follow this person or search this tag. If someone posts content you don't like, unfollow them. But if they have established a consistent tagging system, it's then your job to decide what you do and don't want to see. My blacklist is a mile long, but ya know what? I don't see shit I don't want to anymore. Imagine that. It takes maybe 10 seconds to add something to the blacklist.
If other people are being considerate enough to provide you a means, but you're too lazy to use it, that's on you, friend. If someone consistently posts content that bothers you, unfollow them. "But what if I like their fic/art" no one is telling you that you can't tune back in every now and then to check for the stuff you want to see. If it's fic, they likely post it on another platform that has the option to follow or subscribe to a story. If it's art, a lot of people have a personal art tag, or a tag for a particular AU they're doing, or hell even an instagram. Follow those tags.
At the end of the day, regardless of what people do, it's your job to tailor your experience how you want it. Grow up and make those decisions for yourself. Absolutely do not content police. Ask someone to tag something, sure, but never ever say "I don't like this, you shouldn't have posted it" because you could easily just unfollow them.
Personally, I don't care if people like or dislike certain characters/ships, and I feel like a lot of people in fandom don't. What we care about is when you insert those negative opinions into spaces that are meant to be positive. Someone going through the Adrien Agreste tag is likely looking for cute art or fanfic involving him. What they don't want to see is why you think he is a literal spawn of satan. Or whatever you're posting about. And you can argue that they can blacklist tags and curate their own experience, which is true and they should, but you can also choose to not be an asshole and make it easier for them to do so. Because at best people will just block you, but at worst you may start some discourse and get an angry mob in your inbox. We all have to work together in this regard. Salters should be considerate enough to keep their hate out of primary tags, and non-salty people should utilize the filtering/blacklist system available to them to avoid content they don't wish to see.
Be considerate. That's all anyone is asking. Personally, I have no problem with people expressing their opinions on their own blogs, but you need to do so responsibly. Give people the option to see your posts by using proper tagging and censoring. "But Cat, if I don't use main tags how will anyone ever see my posts?" I hear you, but here's the thing: using the main tags won't always attract the people you want on your posts. If your intention is to send out a mating call for other people that think like you, use the ml salt tag (because people perusing that tag are often looking for salt) or join a discord or some shit. There are plenty of them in this fandom. By posting all of your character/ship hate in main tags, all you're doing is clogging the tag, pissing people off, and making fandom less enjoyable for everyone. Just don't be a dick. That's all anyone wants.
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paintedface · 6 years
takes some time
summary: you encounter your ex, the infamous lance tucker, and despite the nasty breakup, you feel him drawing you back in
pairing: lance tucker x reader
word count: 4257 words
warnings: angst, a bit of shaming, a lot of fluff (don’t worry, i still have a heart)
notes: hello! thank you so much to the beautiful @cumonbucky for motivating me constantly on this fic, and sharing my love for lance the dickhead.
it’s been 5000 years since i’ve posted a fic, and unfortunately there may not be fics for a while due to a europe choir tour and a two month camp that I go to in about a month (the latter being without wifi!!) and I’ll try to schedule some things, but in the mean time, enjoy this lancey stuff
Permanent Tags are OPEN | masterlist
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“Ah, Y/N Y/L/N, I didn’t expect to see you back here.”
You tense, before bringing yourself to turn around. You instantly feel a pang to your heart when you see the man before you.
“Lance Tucker. Well, I’m only here to talk to Hope.” You give him a bitter smile, jerking your chin in the direction of Hope’s office.
He smirks, leaning against the wall with his arms folded over his chest. “You sure about that? Or did you just wanna see me again?”
You have to tell yourself to breathe, or else you’ll tell him that yes, I did want to see you again. But you manage to keep your breath under control, though your smile drops.
“I was hoping not to run into you, actually.” You say levelly, eyeing him warily. His hand flies to his heart, his expression feigning hurt.
“Ouch, that’s not very nice of you, sweetheart.” He pouts, and you can feel your nails dig into your palms as he watches your composure begin to crumble in a matter of seconds.
“Don’t pretend to be nice, Lance.” You say harshly, your bottom lip beginning to tremble slightly.
Your shaking voice lowers to something barely above a whisper. “You’re the one who cut it off.”
Before he can say something, you turn to cross the gym sharply, where Hope is coming out of her office. You can’t give Lance the satisfaction of being able to break you. You quickly wipe your eyes before you greet Hope, her wide grin making you smile again, as she pulls you into a hug.
“Run into Lance, yet?” Hope asks, the two of you now in her office. You sighs, nodding in resignation and crossing your arms over your chest.
“Yeah, just before we came in here. I almost cried in front of him.” You mutter, still ashamed.
She raises an eyebrow, coming around the desk to sit on it, in front of your chair. “Shit, girl, you’ve got to let him go. He’s the one that should be crying like a fucking baby, for letting you go.”
Hope goes silent for a moment, before saying, “What actually happened? I know the vague details but I’m pretty much in the dark.”
Tears prick your eyes at the thought of reliving that goddamn night, and seeing him again just put more salt in the wound. “I…”
Her face softens instantly, putting a hand on your shoulder gently. “You don’t have to tell me if he was really that much of a manwhore.”
You let out a slightly teary laugh at her description of him, shaking your head. “It’s okay, I wanna tell you, because I know you slap guys better than anyone I know.”
Her grin is fast and sharp. “You’re right about that. Now tell me, so I know how hard to do it.”
8 months ago
“Lance? Wh-what are you doing?” You whisper, heart beating fast as you watch your long term boyfriend throw the last of his things into his luggage.
He snorts, rolling his eyes. “Surely you knew it was coming to this. We were never going to last, Y/N.” He slings his jacket over his shoulder as your hands begin to tremble.
“Everyone knows that I’m too good for you, Y/N. Everyone.” Lance scoffs, before heading to the entrance. You can’t believe what you’re hearing, because everything seemed fine yesterday and now it’s just crashing down. Tears are filling your eyes at a rapid pace as he opens the door.
“Oh, and don’t try calling me. I don’t need your voice clogging up my voicemail.” He says swiftly, before walking out without sparing you another glance.
Your breath feels like it’s been torn out with a fist, as you let your tears flow freely, knees feeling as if they’re about to buckle at any moment. You let out a sob, and another, and another, because you don’t know where you went wrong.
Hope’s mouth is agape as you finish your story, looking down at your lap so you don’t cry again at the memories.
“Fuck, Y/N, that’s horrible.” She murmurs gently, in contrast to her teasing tone beforehand, hugging you closely.
You bite your lip to keep the tears in as you wrap your arms around her, burying your head in her shoulder.
“I didn’t know he was such a dick, but how can you even stand to talk to him now? You didn’t deserve any of that.”
You shrug, pulling away reluctantly. “I probably did and…”
“Girl, stop.” Hope gives you a glare and you shut up. “You’re one of the best people I know, you’re so fucking kind, funny and beautiful and I would honestly date you if I wasn’t dating Ben.”
You give a weak chuckle, standing up. “Ben’s good, fuck off. Don’t ditch him.”
Hope gives you a smile, flicking her fringe out of her eyes. “I won’t. I’ll go speak to Lance as you make your escape, I’ll make sure to make him bruise.”
She heads out of the door before you, instantly crossing the gym towards Lance, who’s doing one handed push ups on the gym floor. You quickly dodge out of the building, not wanting to be caught by the man. Because from the conversation you had with him before, he’s out to make your life a living hell.
“Hey sugartits.” Lance gets up from his push ups to greet Hope. Before he can even properly stand up, he sees Hope’s arm move, and the next thing, he’s stumbling to the side, his cheek throbbing in pain.
He groans, hands flying up to cup his cheek, glaring at Hope. “What the fuck, Hope?! What did I do this time?!” The sting was growing, and he knew that it, for sure, was gonna at least leave a mark for a couple of days.
If looks could kill, Lance would’ve been dead, right on the spot. Hope’s hands are curled into fists, and for her small stature, she could be intimidating when she wanted to.
“How the fuck could you have done such a shitty thing to Y/N?! And have the goddamn audacity to even talk to her when she came back?!” Hope yells, her voice increasing in pitch and volume. Lance winces at her harsh words, looking away, eyes lingering on the exit of the gym.
“I don’t know.” Is all he says, and Hope scoffs, reaching out to shove him lightly in the chest.
“Bull shit, you don’t know. I thought you were the perfect damn couple! Her kindness outweighed your dick personality, and you made her laugh so much. I know something went down between the two of you, but I didn’t know it was just you.” The anger in her voice lowers, and she shakes her head. “Why?”
He bites his lip, gesturing helplessly with his right hand. He knew he couldn’t give Hope a half-assed answer, because she’d fucking know. “I thought it’d be for the best. She’s...better off without me so I made her leave. I made her leave.” His voice cracks on the last sentence, and Hope’s face softens, if only a little.
“Lance, you gotta know that I still hate you, but if you loved her, you should’ve stayed with her. You think she’s better off without you but you hurt her more than you helped her. You made her so happy, Lance, when you guys were in a relationship, it was like a sappy teen movie and though it was so fucking cheesy, it was the happiest I’ve ever seen either of you.” She crosses her arms, looking up at the taller man.
Lance sighs, left hand massaging his increasingly red cheek. “I didn’t know what to fucking do. I was gonna fuck it up at some point, right? So I did it the way that everyone expects me to; to ditch them because I’m so far up my own ass.”
“Yeah, but you could’ve talked it out if you did fuck up at some point. You didn’t even give her a choice, and you hurt her in the process.” Hope’s tone gets harsher at the end and her eyes widen in surprise at the sight of tears at the corner of Lance’s.
“I loved her, Hope. I still fucking love her, but I went and ruined it, and I don’t know how to talk to her anymore.” He whispers, mind going back to your interaction earlier that day, heart clenching at your expression.
Hope tilts her head, and he can see the gears turning in her head. “I have a plan, but I’m only doing this for Y/N’s happiness, not yours. I still won’t forgive you and I never will, especially if you fuck it up this time as well.”
“Wait, really?” Lance asks softly, and she nods, walking towards her office.
“Come with me, dickbreath, and we’ll talk strategy.”
7 months ago
Like he said, you never called him. But every night, Lance had his phone in his hand, his only connection to you now, waiting for your name to appear on his screen, but it never happened.
He’d been living like this for a month, eat breakfast, go to work, have lunch, come back home, have dinner and and then just think back over all the memories he ever had with you. It’s his fault, he knows, but he knew that he couldn’t call you. He broke your goddamn heart, for fuck’s sake, as if you’d pick up.
He sighs, putting the phone down as his eyes flickered over to the picture frame on his coffee table. It’s a picture of you and him, on your first anniversary, when you went to a pop up carnival. He has his arm wrapped around your waist closely, lips hovering over your hair as you smile brightly at the photographer, the bright lights of the ferris wheel illuminating the two of you.
Lance picks up the photo, tears slipping out of his eyes as he smiles at the memory, but mourns the loss of the thought of never having a moment like that ever again. All because of him.
Present day
“Hit me baby one more-“
You scramble to get your phone to stop your Britney Spears ringtone, pressing answer and holding it up to your ear.
“Main bitch! I have somebody I want you to meet.” Hope’s cheerful voice blares through the phone’s speaker and you grimace, settling back onto the pristine hotel blankets.
“I don’t want to meet anyone, Hope. I just wanna take a bubble bath tonight, because I bought a shit ton of bath products from the mall.” You sigh, crossing one leg over the other.
“Yeah, that’s fine, I scheduled your blind date for tomorrow night.”
“What?! You already booked it?!” You screech, sitting up straight.
Hope laughs from the other side and you groan. “Hell yeah I did, it’ll be at 7:00pm, Sylvio’s, that fancy restaurant you like, don’t you dare be late. I’ll be there to introduce you to the date.”
You huff, shaking your head even though she can’t see it. “And this date, did you rope them into it?”
There’s a moment of silence where you think she’s hung up, but then she speaks. “No. He was more than willing.” You sense that there’s more meaning behind those few words, but before you can ask, the line clicks off.
Sighing, you set your phone down and you get off the bed, heading towards your bathroom. You need that bath now.
A nervous smile comes across your face as you look at yourself in your mirror. You’ve done well, choosing out a dress that looks elegant yet modern, and that defines your form beautifully. You haven’t done much with your hair but you’ve styled it slightly, along with some subtle makeup to accentuate your features.
You check the time again, before grabbing your purse. Your Uber’s coming in five minutes, and Hope would murder you if you were late. Quickly checking things over, you exit your apartment block, quickly getting into the car and getting on your way to Sylvio’s.
You’ve had a few dates on your own accord, not Hope’s, after your break up with Lance, but that still doesn’t change your nervous mindset. What if they don’t like me? What if I make a bad impression? What if… The worries are endless, but you try to make conversation with the driver, to distract yourself. He makes for a pleasant talk, bidding you a kind goodbye and good luck as you step out of the car.  
Your low heels click across the pavement, pulling the heavy door of the restaurant open. You can see Hope instantly, her blonde hair pulled into her classic ponytail, accompanied by Ben. You smile and wave at her, and she beams, heading over to you.
“Y/N! You’re here!” She embraces you, and pulls away, nodding to the steward at the front of the restaurant. “She’s with me.”
The restaurant is just as beautiful as you remember; delicate chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings, the tables decorated with roses, candles and gold cutlery. Everything is set under a warm colour theme, making it feel cosy despite the magnitude of it all.
You look across the lines of tables, and your eyes land on a person that you know way too well. You stiffen instantly, feeling your chest tighten as you notice the empty seat opposite of him.
“Hope.” You whisper nervously, and she looks at you. “Lance is here.”
She raises an eyebrow, noticing your line of gaze. “Yeah?”
“I can’t fucking stand to see him necking with another girl, right next to me. I can’t. I’m not that strong.” You gesture to the empty seat, hands beginning to tremble. God, as much as he’s been an utter asshole, your stomach still turns at the idea of Lance being with somebody else, somebody better, than you.
“Well luckily, you won’t have to.” Hope says simply, and your eyebrows furrow in confusion, until Lance catches your eye.
And it feels like your heart almost stops, at the tentative smile he gives you as he stands up. Fuck, he’s walking towards you, Hope and Ben, with his eyes locked on yours.
“Hey.” He says, furtively glancing at Hope.
She sighs, crossing her arms. “Don’t fuck this up Lance, because I will personally rip your head off. Y/N,” Hope jerks her chin towards Lance. “Your blind date, Lance Tucker.”
Your mouth parts slightly in shock, heart thumping wildly in your chest, and before you can ask Hope what the hell is happening, her and Ben have already disappeared from the restaurant.
“I bet this is your worst nightmare, hey?” Lance chuckles despondently, his tone bordering heavily on something that sounds a lot like shame.
“I…” You trail off, eyes looking anywhere but his face, which unfortunately, is his gorgeous body. He’s wearing a dark blue suit with red accents, tailored to show off his lean figure, with a white shirt with the top two buttons undone. Typical, he obviously can’t stray from the American flag.
“I just...don’t know what’s going on.” You finish quietly, eyes trailing back to his face.
He gives you another nervous, small smile, gesturing towards the table that he was sitting at. “I’ll explain, I promise, because you deserve at least an explanation for...everything.” He says softly, pulling out your chair for you. You sit down, willing your legs not to crumble beneath you.
A waitress comes around to ask whether you’d like a drink, and you ask for a light champagne, whereas Lance gets a red wine. You then order your food, barely concentrating on what you’re getting.
“Did...Hope know about this?” Is the first thing you say when the waitress leaves. 
He nods, combing a hand through his hair. “She did. But she wasn’t trying to betray you or anything she was just…”
“I understand, Lance, but…” You gesture around his face vaguely, “why did you set this up? Last time we talked, you were sort of a...dick.” You end in barely a whisper and he sighs, eyes flickering from your lips to your eyes.
“Yeah, I was. I still am, and I was as well, back...back all those months ago.” He mutters, taking the wine from the waitress, handing you your champagne.
You take a hesitant sip as you wait for him to continue, letting the fizzy bubbles on your tongue distract you from what’s actually going on.
“So I...everything that I’m gonna say may seem insincere but god, Y/N, I swear I’m only speaking the truth. I don’t wanna be that classic fuckboy who pretends to be sorry, not anymore.” He says softly, leaning forward a little, and the edge of your mouth quirks up a little. He grins as well, but it fades as he drums his fingers on the edge of the table, not knowing where to begin.
“First of all, I’m sorry for the morning a few days ago. I just...I was scared, and I didn’t know how to act, and I know that sounds like bullshit but fuck, I get so nervous.” Lance bites his lip, before continuing.
“I didn’t mean anything I ever said to you, especially during our...break up. I promise you that. The thing is I...I never felt good enough for you, Y/N. You’re such a nice, beautiful, caring and intelligent person and with my history, I’ve always felt that I never deserved you.” He gulps, looking down at his lap. “I always had felt that I had never deserved you.”
Your breath hitches in your throat, but you don’t say anything. “And I was scared that the press would come after you once they found out that we were full on dating. They always did that with me, whenever I was seen with a girl, they would drag her right through the mud, even if they didn’t know who she was. And I didn’t want that to happen to you, because I didn’t want to get you hurt.”
“Lance, that wasn’t your decision though. And you could’ve...talked to me, instead of tearing us apart.” You say quietly, and his head shoots up to look at you, eyes shining a little.
“I know, and I realise that now. Instead, I was the biggest dickhead and I hurt you more than the press ever could, because of my own insecurity. And for all of that, I’m sorry, I’m so goddamn sorry.” He plays with the cuff of his shirt, but his eyes are still focused on you, albeit teary 
The two of you fall silent, except for thanking the waitress that brings your food. Your meal is more than delicious, bursts of flavour inside your mouth, but your mind can’t savour the taste like it usually does. It’s so goddamn distracted by what the hell is going on, and whether or not to trust Lance.
Lance sneaks looks at you during the meal, the chatter of the other restaurant patrons surrounding the two of you. He looks nervous, almost scared, as if he’s a skittish kitten that’s afraid of making a wrong move and getting punished.
You ache to reach out and hold his hand again, because fuck, you know that he’s telling the truth, but you don’t know if you can accept it.
“I can...get why you did it, Lance.” You say, once the two of you have finished and paid. He raises an eyebrow, as if he doesn’t get why you’d get it.
“But I...you really hurt me, and I can’t get over that so easily.” You fiddle with the hem of your dress, not wanting to look at him, in case his reaction made you give in.
If you had looked, you probably would’ve. His face falls immediately, teeth digging into his bottom lip in harsh acceptance, nodding slowly.
“I know. I know. But thank you for...for hearing me out.” He mumbles, as you both stand up. Your heart clenches at his despondent voice, but you need time, and you know he understands.
“It’s okay. And...thank you, Lance, for telling me.” You offer him a small smile, before brushing your lips against his cheek lightly. He stiffens under your touch, not expecting it, but you can see his skin flush as you pull away.
You give him a tight nod, trying not to let on any more emotion, as you turn and walk away from him.
The next few days are horrible. You keep thinking back to that night, how much you wish you could go back and actually resolve it all. It may sound cheesy, but he’ll never leave your mind, no matter how hard you try to distract yourself from the situation. Hope’s been telling you how much Lance has been moping around the gym, and it just makes the guilt sink further.
You miss him, and fuck, you want him back. You know that you’ve accepted his apology, but you don’t know if you can wait any longer. You just want to hold him again. It’s almost like torture to you. Trying not to touch him in the past week has taken so much goddamn willpower, and you’re ready to let it go.
Dialling Hope’s number with slightly trembling hands, you hold your phone up to your ear. “Hope? Where’s Lance’s apartment?”
Lance wouldn’t be back from the gym for another hour, but you wanted to get there early, just in case. So here you are, sitting outside of Lance’s apartment for god knows how long already, hands shoved in the pockets of your sweater dress and eyes focused on your lap. You’re trying to figure out what to say, and there are reams of sentences that you could say, but you still don’t know how to talk to h-
“Y/N?” A voice asks softly, breaking you out of your thoughts. You look up, and oh god, it’s Lance. His skin is glowing from the exercise, his hair slicked back a little, and dressed in his classic tracksuit.
You stand up quickly, dusting off your dress, embarrassed. “H-hey.” You stutter out quickly, your coherent thoughts conveniently disappearing from your mind.
The two of you stare at each other for a moment, unable to form anything to say. Finally, you just give in, deciding that actions speak louder than words, right?
He opens his mouth to say something but you’ve wrapped your arms around his body, almost melting into him at the feel of the press of his body against yours again.
You pause when you realise that he’s not hugging you back, and you instantly feel a pang of hurt in your chest as you pull away. You thought that he wanted you back, so why was he-
Warm arms pull you back into his chest, shattering that doubtful train of thought as he cradled you softly but tightly in his embrace, lips pressing to the top of your head. You rest your head on his chest, feeling your bottom lip begin to quiver as he delicately runs his hand through your hair.
“Hey, baby.” He mumbles, pressing you impossibly closer as you relax in his hold.
You bury your face into his t-shirt, hiding the tears that are suddenly building in your eyes. “Hey.” You whisper, voice muffled by the t-shirt. Lance lets out a weak chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief.
“I missed you.” His voice cracks a little as he speaks, and you tilt your head to look at him. His steel blue eyes are brimming with tears as well but despite it, he grins, and you can finally feel like you can smile back.
You wake up with a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, clutching you close as if afraid to let go. You blink, wincing as the light comes into your vision, letting out a soft yawn as your eyes focus on your surroundings.
You’re at Lance’s apartment. The memories of the past afternoon and evening come flooding back to you, and you smile, remembering how Lance treated you to a homemade dinner and then a beautiful bath, finished with holding you as the two of you drifted off to sleep.
“Y/N?” A hoarse voice speaks behind you, and you turn a little to see Lance staring at you, his voice still sleep-heavy.
“Morning.” You say shyly, and his mouth breaks into a wide, albeit tired, smile.
“For the record…” He tilts your chin up with his fingers, “I adore the sound of your voice. I used to want to…call you, even if it was just your voicemail, because god, I missed it.”
You tilt your head, cheeks warming a little. “Really?”
He pulls you flush against his chest, nuzzling into the crook of your neck as you stroke his fluffy hair lightly. “Yeah, really…I thought yesterday was a...a dream.” He murmurs, and you raise an eyebrow. 
He inhales sharply, gazing back at you. “Because sometimes it did happen, in my dreams. But it would always end in me fucking up again.”
You sigh at his remark, shifting a little so you can tap his nose. He wrinkles it and you laugh softly, his face lighting up at the sound of it. “I trust that you won’t fuck up again, and I’ll stay. I promise.”
“I won’t do anything to push you away again, I swear on my heart.” Lance breathes, and you smile as he hugs you closer, kissing your forehead.
The two of you have a lot to clear up, but you know that you’ll handle it together.
permanent tags (possibly closing): @vibranium-arm / @gallifreyansass / @omalleysgirl22 / @girlwith100names / @buckysinthesinbin / @infinitishuri / @buckyofthemyscira / @iamwarrenspeace / @alohabucky / @cuddlysteven / @buckybarnesappreciationsociety / @debbielovesbucky / @metal-armed-dino / @helloitscrowley / @sebastian-stans-thighs / @fantastic-fantasy-fanfics / @lorna-danee / @feelmyroarrrr / @mjuikoli / @megan-atthedisco-blog / @yoyolovesbucky / @sebbies / @carriefish-er / @jurassicbarnes / @ssweet-empowerment / @shieldagentofthemonth / @palaiasaurus64 / @i-love-superhero / @infiniteholland / @ailynalonso15 / @bywonater / @vanillaicecrusher / @titty-teetee / @breezy1415 / @the-geeky-engineer / @mercedesbarnes / @bioticgoddess / @thewonderfulworldofafangirl / @realgreglestrade / @memory-of-a-goldfish / @amynotsantiago / @bandbooktvaddict / @edgyroses / @buckysmaingirl / @thefridgeismybestie / @cumonbucky / @untimelyideasforstories / @ridingmoxley / @jadalecki-jackles / @peters-vlogs / @em--z / @hdthdthdt / @thefridgeismybestie / @jamie-leah / @heyrogers / @ivy-16-18 / @marvlemarvlemarvlemarvle / @nephilimseb / @saveyourbucky / @wonderless-screwup / @rashinyx2002 / @httpmcrvel / @thunderous-flower / @buckys-newarm / @cordysblog / @swanky-batman / @bythebloodofafangirl / @disneymarina / @whyisbuckyso / @katiekitty261 / @plaid-skirt / @stan-by-me / @samwinchxtr / @mypage-myfandoms / @its-daydreamer23 / @goldenkillmonger / @savonid / @ohhhotstan / @softlysgtbarnes / @perksofeatingbacon / @sweet-barnes / @clever-theorist-painter / @thesergeantandstevie / @hewassortapunkroque / @rosescentedblood / @swtltlmrvlgrl / @thisismysecrethappyplace / @sydm15
(strike through means I couldn't tag you, sorry!)
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krupnick · 5 years
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———  BASICS! ♡
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡ if you ever see a tumblr post of edward elric dancing to gloria estefan’s “conga” floating around the fma rpc abyss, know that deactivated ‘miraclemother’ account was Me back in 2015. i dont know why that thing got so many notes but it did. 2! ♡ When I was in sixth grade, my class had to make write own story for a Language Arts project, and the end result for that was getting them sent in and turned into actual books! I was excited! But apparently what I wrote was too good for a kid my age because the teacher called it plagiarism and never published my book. Even though I paid for it. I’m still hurt. :) But I got that little laminated construction paper book I made it into around here somewhere.. it’s got tears on the corners and her grades & notes all over my pages but wcyd. the salt never ends. 3! ♡ My first concert was a Korn, Flyleaf and Evanescence concert. In the mosh pit. When I was like 14. I don’t know how I survived. 8) eventually my dad realized his daughter didn’t want to check out on life just yet due to being crushed by drunk & shirtless dudes bodyslamming each other across the field and we left .. towards the end. after spending hours down in The Pit.
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PLATFORMS USED! ♡ Nickelodeon Message Boards [all the way back in the early 2000s LOL. my starting point.], MLAATR Message Boards, AIM, MSN messenger, Yahoo IM, LiveJournal, Discord and eventually Tumblr. 
FEMALE OR MALE! ♡ Females 100%.  LEAST FAVORITE FACE(S)! ♡ Ehh.. idk? Maybe The Joker, but he’s got some great reaction faces for icons so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The Suicide Squad one seems to activate a flight instinct tho //laughs// SO I GUESS THAT COUNTS?? MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡ Both are ... so necessary. There’s no “or”, it’s “AND” for me. I have so many characters both original and canon that I want to rp on Tumblr, but don’t have the time to spend 3 hours hunting for the perfect theme and THEN the whole design/about/blahblah process. Well I guess I can, but I don’t want to. Multis have saved my life and my sanity, and the singles I make now are purely because they won’t fit on the multis or I just want them to have their own run-a-muck space. For sideblogs, I use them for the multis to have aesthetic/musing/interest/headcanon dumps so I don’t end up clogging up the main blog. When you find something for a specific character every five minutes and don’t want to clog your main drafts, it’s a Life Saver. FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡ I adore fluff. I’m eeeehhhhh on angst. I love smut.   PLOT / MEMES! ♡ Both, but in the same vein? Plotting can give me a lot of anxiety. I don’t want to be that dead end in a conversation with boring ideas that eventually make my partner lose interest, so I just.. meme it up. I usually pray people are coming to me with ideas when they want to do something //laughs.
TAGGED BY! ♡ @rollingsnowsmasher​ - thank you, pumpkin! <3 TAGGING! ♡ yoooooou.
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blue-likethebird · 5 years
Hi! My name’s Bluebird, my pronouns are they/them, and I write fics, metas, reviews and whatever else strikes my fancy. This is my writing blog. If you wanna be mutuals, dm me for my main!
»»————- ♡ ————-««
I’m an ace lesbian who sometimes uses queer to describe myself (I’ll tag it q word for anyone who asks) with adhd and a love for writing! I’m always up for fic requests unless I’ve closed them to work on other things so DM me if you want a fic! I don’t discourse very frequently unless I’m writing fandom metas or the like, but you should know that I don’t support unhealthy (read: pedophilic, incestous, or abusive) relationships and I’m uncomfortable with the “it’s just fiction!” crowd, but won’t condone or participate in the harassment of others for the discourse side they’re on.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Anything highlighted in pink is something I post spoilers about semi-often
Romellura (not Voltron, just them)
She Ra and the Princesses of Power
The Promised Neverland/Yakusoku no Neverland
Yuri on Ice (I rarely post about it, if I do it’s milasara)
The Princess and the Frog
Star Wars (primarily the prequel trilogy, clone wars, rebels and rogue one; also some of the OT. The sequels were squandered potential)
»»————- ♡ ————-««
For your navigating this soup of hyperfixations convenience!
All my original posts are tagged with bluebird.txt
My Writing: #Bluebird Writes
Metas: #Bluebird Thinks
Live-blogging: #Bluebird Liveblogs (fandom) {ie: bluebird liveblogs Spop}
Salt Posts: #Salty Wench
Miscellaneous thoughts and me talking to myself: #babbles
Related to Current Hyperfixations: #Hyperfixation Tag
Related to past hyperfixations: #Old Hyperfixations
Related to zines I’m involved in: #Blue’s Zine Archive
Fandom Tags/Bad Jokes:
Haikyuu!!: Volleyboys
BNHA: Quirky
SPOP: Sword Lesbian
Voltron: Vee El Dee
Star Wars: Space Battles
The Princess and the Frog: I Just Do Not. Kiss. Frogs.
Yuri!!! on Ice: Kiss Kiss Fall On Ice
The Promised Neverland: New Meat
Miraculous: CatBug
Fandoms I don’t post about enough to warrant a tag of their own: Random Fandom Hours
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Please don’t interact if:
You meet standard dni criteria (terf, truscum, anti feminist, anti blm, the like)
You post proana, thinspo or anti recovery crap. (Note this is not a blanket ban on people who are mentally ill or have eating disorders. I’ve got those too I just don’t want to see harmful content)
You’re against trans headcanons, Autistic/ADHD headcanons, costume redesigns (especially of the bnha girls) or think blackwashing is a thing.
You post nsfw of characters who are canonically minors
You ship shaladin or bkdk (I’m sorry, it’s not an issue with you personally)
Other BYF Stuff:
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whittertwitter · 2 years
1, 5, 6, 8, 12, 20, 23, 26, 27 sorry for the long list I just need to hear this SALT
Anything goes, but I think I’m going to stick with The Untamed, Word of Honor, Final Fantasy (specifically FFXIV), and Persona for these since since they’re the fandoms I’m most actively seeking out content for.
1: What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Obligatory disclaimer that if you (general you) like any of these, that’s totally fine; I’ve limited myself to ones that just make me go “Huh?” instead of ones I actively dislike. (I’m also going to censor ship names—even the ones I like—so I don’t clog up ship tags.)
For The Untamed: Pretty much any post-canon Jiang Cheng ship that isn’t Cheng//qing in a Wen Qing lives AU. (Though I’m intrigued by Cheng//ning or Jiang Cheng throupling it up with Wang//xian, depending on the circumstances.) I feel like there’s a general fandom desire to see Jiang Cheng in a relationship, but there just aren’t that many characters still alive and single by the end of the series, and I personally don’t see them as having the kind of automatic chemistry with JC that most of the fandom clearly sees.
Also most F/F Mianmian ships, because for some reason fandom has made Mianmian the patron saint of girl-kissing even though she doesn’t interact with most of the ladies she gets shipped with. (All while completely sleeping on other F/F ships like Madam Yu/Madam Jin, I might add.)
Word of Honor: …So I actually do get it, but I am mildly puzzled at just how popular Ye//xie has become. Like, it’s currently tied with one of the canon couples on AO3, and the only ships that outnumber it are THE main couple and RPF of the main couple’s actors. Not bad for a ship that has one canon interaction and seems to be mostly built on the idea of cucking Zhao Jing for great justice. XD (Though I might have to be the change I want to see in the world and create content for a Scorpion Sect/Bureau of the Unfaithful polycule.)
Final Fantasy: I’m not going to touch any of the single-player games with a thirty-nine and a half foot pole, as some of those ship wars have been raging so long they’re old enough to drink; I will instead kick the hornet’s nest that is FFXIV and say I do not understand the appeal of the cherry catboy. XD Specifically people trying to push him as the canon love interest for the WoL (player character).
Persona: Pretty much any Sumire ship besides her with Joker because P5R doesn’t do the best job of integrating her into the Phantom Thieves, but Sumi//taba in particular because it actually crops up as a side pairing in a lot of fics despite them barely interacting.
5: Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Not ruined, per se, but…
The Untamed: So I do like Wang//xian, but I don’t follow many Wang//xian-focused blogs due to how many of them uphold the main pairing as the true arbiters of moral virtue and spend a good chunk of their time hating on my favorite characters.
Also most Wen Qing ships, because there’s a tendency among fans who ship her with characters besides Jiang Cheng to warp him into a pushy incel. And Cheng//su because the idea of it was cute at first, but I quickly discovered that some fans (especially the ones who added Nie Huaisang to the mix) were Jin Guangyao haters whose main draw to the pairing was seeing Jin Guangyao get cheated on.
Final Fantasy: I have become so thoroughly sick of every couple involved in FFVII’s Love Triangle Debate that even seeing one of them in passing causes me to roll my eyes. XD Also I still ship WoL/Emet-Selch to a certain extent, but I’ve been side-eyeing other shippers over their behavior post-EW. It’s like getting the slightest hint of official approval got to their heads, and they started pearl-clutching over other WoL/villain ships even though they were on the receiving end of that behavior not too long ago.
Persona: In a similar vein, Ake//shu; I still ship it, but I’m very picky about both characterization as well as the writer’s opinions on other morally ambiguous sadboys, as there was a wave of hypocritical moralizing from some Ake//shu shippers after P5R’s vindication. (Like, “If you own a Darth Vader Funko Pop, you should be put before a firing squad!” while happily stanning the pancake boy and saying he should have a little more murder, as a treat.) In particular, I truly loathe the widely-accepted fanon that turns one of my favorite new characters into a mustache-twirling cardboard cutout of a villain who only exists in their fics to create scenarios that one half of Ake//shu must rescue the other from.
6: Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
Not that I can think of, no.
8: Have you received anon hate? What about?
Nope, as I turned anon asks off back when I first made my blog all those years ago. XD
12: Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Can’t think of any for The Untamed, Word of Honor, or Persona, but…
Final Fantasy: I’m going to be basic and say that ARR and SB both get way more hate than they deserve; ARR provides the setup for so much amazing payoff in ShB and EW that I’m flabbergasted at the people who still insist you should just skip it, and SB might split its attention too much, but it has a lot of standout moments. (Plus it properly introduces Zenos, and for that alone it deserves all the love.)
20: What is the purest ship in the fandom?
I don’t typically consider “pure” to be s as compliment, so I’ll interpret this one as which ship makes me go “D’aww!”
The Untamed: Honestly kind of hard to narrow down; I have a lot of ships, and most of them make me go “D’aww.” Jin Guangyao ships in particular often get that reaction out of me. (Which probably doesn’t fit the original “pure” definition, but meh.)
Word of Honor: Gu Xiang/Cao Weining. (What’s their ship name?) I’m rewatching WoH with my sister this time, and literally any time they interact we both go “D’aww!”
Final Fantasy: WoL/Haurchefant, I say through my tears. XD
Persona: From P3, I’d say FeMC with any of her love interests. (Except Ken.)
23: Unpopular character you love?
Oh, so very many. XD
The Untamed: Jiang Cheng, Jin Guangyao, and Su Minshan are the big ones; Su Minshan is probably the only one of those three who’s genuinely unpopular, as Jiang Cheng and Jin Guangyao do have their fair share of fans. (Their haters just tend to be uniquely unhinged; I almost added Xue Yang here, but at least his haters usually limit themselves to hating him for the crimes he actually committed in canon instead of making shit up.) Also Jiang Yanli doesn’t have tons of haters, but the ones she has can get weirdly intense about it?
Persona: Takuto Maruki did nothing wrong, actually. XD Yet another character who has done bad things, but the fandom seems determined to blame him for shit he didn’t do or ascribe motives to his actions that directly contradict canon.
26: Most shippable character?
The Untamed: Jin Guangyao, by a landslide. XD Most characters I can imagine one or two ships for, maybe three or four, but he gets a whole fucking armada.
Word of Honor: Maybe Liu Qianqiao? I think she’s the character who has the most “Ooh, maybe there could be something there?” moments with other characters. (Though it is a closer race than The Untamed, with Zhou Zishu and Xie’er not too far behind, if not tied.)
Persona: The protagonists. XD
27: Least shippable character?
Leaving aside characters obviously meant to be unlikeable, of course.
The Untamed: Nie Mingjue and Song Lan; I can’t quite put my finger on why, but I do find it kind of difficult to ship them outside of 3//zun and Song//xue//xiao, respectively. (And with the former, I can be very picky about 3/:zun characterization and dynamics, as I tend not to ship it in the sense of it being fully reciprocated on all three sides at the same time.) Jin Zixuan can also be kind of difficult to ship with people besides Jiang Yanli, but the reverse does not hold true for me.
Word of Honor: Zhang Chengling, mostly because there aren’t really any characters close to him in age besides his eventual, post-canon wife.
Persona: For P3, saying Ken is kind of like shooting fish in a barrel, so I’ll say Junpei because he’s in a relationship with Chidori but Atlus not being able to decide whether she’s canonically dead or alive kind of leaves him in limbo. (Though of the newer games, P3 seems to have the fewest bits of ship tease between the party members, with Yuka//mitsu being the one with the strongest backing.) For P4, probably Rise, because she’s pretty thoroughly focused on Yu, but if you decide not to romance her there isn’t really a default backup ship for her like Yuki//chie or Kan//nao. For P5, Sumire, as previously mentioned.
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grimmseye · 7 years
I don’t have a clever title, but Bakugou just wants to kiss his boyfriend
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Brief appearances of other students
Other Tags: Kissing/Making Out, This Gets a T-Rating For More Than Just Bakugou’s Language, Kirishima Gets Unfortunate Bodily Fluids In His Mouth And No One Has A Good Time, Unspecified Timeframe
Anonymous said: I don't have any prompts but I can tell you silly stuff I think about. Like how their is going to be a point where Bakugou cuts his lips on Kirishima's teeth. Or Kiri licking Baku's hand bc that's hot right but didn't think about how his sweat is basically nitroglycerin. Ingesting that is a very smart.
A note: the class doesn’t know they’re dating in this. The narration is not accurate to the reality. 
— — — —
Bakugou lives for summertime. He embodies it, heat in his veins, his skin, his eyes. God, his eyes put the sun to shame. They’re huge and wild and blazing and Kirishima falls right into them, he licks his lips and the salt-sweat and wishes he could taste it from Bakugou’s lips instead.
The thoughts are fleeting, more feelings than words. They pulse through his brain with each beat of his racing heart. No time to dwell, because Bakugou is suddenly so close, too close, and it’s all he can do to get his head down in time. The air ignites. Bakugou deals his blows and then leaps away to prepare for another barrage, a sneering grin on his face, a challenge.
Kirishima sucks in a breath and wills. And when Bakugou flies at him he doesn’t try to drop or dodge but meets him head-on. The blows land against him, ringing in his ears, smoke clogging his vision. He swipes his way through the screen and barrels on, catches a flash of shock in those molten eyes before impacting him.
Bakugou thuds on the ground, and Kirishima drops with him. It’s a struggle to pin him now because he thrashes like a wild thing, teeth snapping and body squirming and layering bomb after bomb on Kirishima’s hardened skin. His flesh aches down to its pores, his lungs burn, he’s running out of time.
He grasps Bakugou’s hands, palm-to-palm, and twists one up above his head, the next shoved into the grass by his face. Like this the force of his explosions echo back against his own hands, and he has to curb them to keep from fracturing his own bones. Bakugou’s chest heaves. His eyes are riveted on Kirishima’s, mouth parted around his breaths.
Kirishima leans down further, pushes more of his weight into Bakugou. It’s a struggle to breathe, let alone speak in this form, so his voice comes out as a grinding rasp: “I win.”
And Bakugou gives. He goes limp, a surrender, and Kirishima’s armor falls away. He sucks in a breath, but doesn’t let up. There’s no such thing as relaxing until the villains are packed away for containment.
Bakugou’s mouth is stretched in a grin, the kind of ecstatic satisfaction that comes from a good fight. He’s gorgeous. Raw power embodied, unstoppable and uncontainable, but Kirishima has him for this moment.
When Kirishima leans forward, Bakugou’s eyes roll towards him. He lowers himself inch by inch, gaze never breaking from Bakugou, and Bakugou doesn’t make a single move to stop him. Their noses brush.
They wrench away. Kirishima rolls off of Bakugou and lands in a half-crouch. Tetsutetsu is charging from across the field -- must have seen them sparring. Or heard them, with all the noise they make between the explosions and their roars. “You kick his ass?” He hollers, pumping a fist in the air. “Come on, lemme give you a real fight!”
Bakugou snorts. Kirishima peers over his shoulder, heat flushing over his cheeks, but Bakugou is staring up at the sky.
“Yeah, let’s do it!” He shouts back, pushing himself up to his feet and going to meet his friend.
The taste of salt is sweet on his tongue.
Movie nights are apparently a tradition now that they all live in the dorms. They draw straws to determine the pecking order, only because Bakugou nearly got in a fistfight with Deku over which All Might movie they should watch the first time -- for once, the curly-haired boy had risen to his challenge, which only pissed him off more.
Tonight was Sparky’s night. Naturally, he had absolute trash taste. It was a foreign movie, subtitled. He hadn’t expected him to put on a romance of all things, but Mina had elbowed him firmly in the gut when he opened his mouth to say something. That wasn’t what deterred him. It was just that after she pulled that stunt, Kirishima took notice and told him in soft tones to let it go.
“He’s nervous as hell, man,” Kirishima murmured, gesturing with his eyes to Kaminari. Who, now that Bakugou was looking, did look jumpy. “And he’s trusting us not to give him a hard time. Besides, nothing is wrong with a romance.” The last words peter off into a mumble.
Is he blushing, or is that the reflection of his hair?
Bakugou squints and leans forward. The color deepens; he’s definitely blushing.
“Oh my god,” he scoffs. “You’re one of those fucking saps, aren’t you?”
“Wh -- no!”
“You’re as shitty a liar as your hair.” He snorts and tromps over to a couch, dropping heavily down onto it and swinging his feet up to take up all the cushions.
Kirishima follows with a huff of, “That doesn’t make sense.” He shoves at Bakugou until he rolls over and Kirishima can tuck himself against him, Bakugou draping a willing arm over his side. His hair is down, so it doesn’t jab him in the fucking chin.
They had to establish a rule for Kirishima: all cuddling must be done below the chin while his hair is up.
Sero and Mina are making kissy faces at them. Bakugou bares his teeth but they both just cackle and prance off to join Kaminari — they’re perfect for one another, a trio of fucking morons.
Somewhere along the way they became his, those three and Kirishima — though the his for Sero and Kaminari and Mina and the his for Kirishima are so, so different — and he can’t just let them go now.
The movie is, stunningly, not terrible. It has an underlying mystery that is just engaging enough for keep Bakugou’s eyes open. Kirishima is into it, though. He can tell because there’s a scene where the main character is crying after the death of — her brother? Her best friend? Bakugou wasn’t paying enough attention, apparently. But whatever happened, Kirishima begins to shake just a little.
Bakugou wraps his arm tighter around him and holds him like that until it eases. Kirishima turns, and they shift around a little so they can mostly face each other. His eyes are glossy in the television’s flickering light.
He wants to kiss him. There’s no reason he couldn’t. Except that it feels as though the entire class is watching them, even when he knows their eyes are on the movie. So he skims his lips over Kirishima’s forehead, a promise, later.
Later finds them in Kirishima’s dorm. It’s the furthest from the rest, gives the most privacy. They acknowledge it with flushed faces, the lingering implication of what they need privacy for hanging in their brains like a fog.
It’s dissipated now, or maybe it’s only gotten thicker, because they simply don’t care about implications. Kirishima has him pressed back into the pillows, straddling his waist. He cups Bakugou’s face because he’s sentimental like that, insists on holding him like he’s something cherished.
He kisses him slow and chaste, but not out of any shyness. It’s all languid heat, dripping down his spine and pooling in his belly. Bakugou gets impatient fast. He gets a hand fisted in Kirishima’s hair and tugs at the roots, relishes the whine that catches in his throat. It gets the message across. Kirishima puffs a breath against his lips and then slots their mouths together, open and wet.
Bakugou paws at his back, down to the hem of his shirt. Kirishima licks into his mouth, up against the roof of his mouth. His breath catches, his fingers curl tight in the cotton. When Kirishima backs off, Bakugou pursues, the hand in his hair keeping him still as he kisses him hard.
A groan vibrates against his tongue and he shudders, eyes wound shut. Teeth close on his lower lip. The nip is careful, but it sends a jolt to his belly that makes Bakugou jerk.
Then he’s hissing and clutching his mouth. Kirishima blinks widely at him, looking like a confused puppy, or more like a shark with blood smeared on his fucking chainsaw teeth.
“Did you —?” Kirishima licks his teeth and his face twists. “Oh my god.”
“Shut the fuck up.” God his lip must be fucking lacerated. It’s dripping into his palms.
“Dude your blood is in my mouth.” He seems caught on that fact, mouth hanging open as though he’s afraid to let it touch his tongue.
“Congratulations you fucking vampire! Can you get off your ass and get me a tissue or some shit?” Bakugou snaps. At last, Kirishima springs into action, grabbing the tissue box so Bakugou can start mopping up the mess.
His lip is swollen the next day. Kaminari looks at him, and then at Kirishima who is inconspicuously avoiding all eye-contact with his boyfriend. The moment realization flashes in his eyes, Bakugou snarls and draws a finger across his throat. It keeps his silence.
He knows that Mitsuki and Masaru like him. They’re always delighted to have him over.
“I’m so glad that Katsuki has a friend like you,” Masaru tells him, smiling kindly down at Kirishima. And Kirishima of course grins back and thanks him. But.
He can’t help how his brain stuttered on the word friend. Bakugou doesn’t correct him. Kirishima doesn’t expect him to, but it still stings.
“Do you ever plan to tell them?” Kirishima asks. He tries not to sound petulant. He gets it, as much as he can. The fear of parents knowing has never been his. His mothers knew everything there was to know about their son, his fears and his dreams and all his favorite things. They were the first to learn of his crush on Bakugou. He told them the same day he had his first kiss.
Bakugou shrugs. It’s listless.
Deep down, Kirishima is sure it will all work out. But Bakugou is scared, even if he’d sooner cut out his own tongue than admit it, so he doesn’t press. “I’ll be there whenever you’re ready,” he promises. He traces patterns on Bakugou’s leg, but does not take his hand, or kiss his lips, and it is a good thing because Mitsuki does not knock before opening the door. To an outsider, they look like two boys, two friends, anything but in love.
They wait until nighttime. A futon is setup for Kirishima to stay on, but he crawls up into Bakugou’s bed as soon as the hallway light goes out. They lay together and they press silent lips to each other’s skin.
Kirishima turns kind of fuzzy when he’s drunk on affection.
Bakugou admires his work, easing away from his thoroughly-kissed boyfriend and biting his own lip with a barely-concealed grin at the sight of him. Swollen lips and a flushed face, eyes hazy and dark. Delayed, he seems to realize Bakugou had pulled away, as he reaches for him in unsteady grabs. A mumble of, “K’tsuki,” leaves him.
Bakugou lets him figure it out, Kirishima’s hand finding his shoulder and winding around him to pull himself closer. “Katsuki,” he sighs again, and presses kisses over the line of his jaw. Each one trails a little bit closer, until their breath mingles, low eyes meeting in the dark.
For once, Bakugou’s touch is tentative, skimming Kirishima’s cheek. He watches red eyes fall shut, Kirishima nudging into the touch. It makes his chest feel full, his blood feel hot. Kirishima lifts his hands to hold Bakugou’s in place, nuzzling and kissing his fingers.
Breath comes unsteadily to Bakugou’s lungs. He’s enraptured, watching Kirishima, watching his eyes peek open again. His lips part, rows of sharp teeth opening for a pink tongue that drags slow over his palm.
Then Kirishima’s nose wrinkles. He jerks back, entire face scrunched up as he begins to gag. “Oh fuck,” he coughs, “jesus christ that burns!”
Bakugou doesn’t even have the capacity for frustration at this point. He slumps down onto the mattress and tries to come to terms with the fact that he will never be able to just kiss his god damn boyfriend.
Kirishima is staring at Kaminari. So is Bakugou.
“I, uh.” Kirishima blinks rapidly. “What?”
“I said, how the hell are you still single?” Kaminari raises his eyebrows at him. “Like dude, I’d date you. There are a ton of gay guys — or bi, whatever — here. Like, way more than I thought. How the hell are you still single?”
Bakugou says, “He’s not,” at the same time Kirishima gasps, “I’m not though?”
Kaminari gapes. “Dude! You — when the hell? And why didn’t you tell me?”
Kirishima and Bakugou just stare. Then they look at each other. “You’re telling me,” Bakugou says, slow, “that you don’t know who the fuck he’s dating?”
“You do?”
“Holy shit.” There’s an incredulous laugh in Kirishima’s voice. The class is beginning to pay attention now.
“You’re dating someone, Kirishima?” Uraraka asks, sounding surprised. “Ahh, he must be lucky.”
Kirishima drops his head into his hands. He’s shaking with silent laughter. Bakugou is shaking too, but it’s because his heart is palpitating and he’s not sure if he should scream or just shove his hand in Sparky’s face and go boom.
He does neither of these things. Instead he take’s Kirishima by the chin and presses their lips together, maintaining glaring eye contact with Kaminari. When he pulls back, Kirishima giggles. “Dude,” he snorts, leaning his head against Bakugou’s shoulder. “How do they not know?”
“We’re surrounded by fucking idiots, that’s how.”
There’s silence. And then Kaminari screams, and the class joins in, and nobody shuts the fuck up until Aizawa comes in and threatens them all with detention.
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bookishplays-blog · 7 years
some advice
so, you’re joining the hamilton fandom and want to produce content? great!! scared of the unofficial etiquette in this mess? let me help. (disclaimer: this is an UNOFFICIAL guideline. i’m aware that this fandom is a problematic mess that’s full of discourse and the only adult ones tend to be actual legal adults. don’t fuckin @ me saying that hur durr i’m wrong and should rot in hell. this is based off personal experience.)
-SHIPS •Most pairings are accepted. The main ones are Hamilton/Laurens, Hamilton/Burr, Hamilton/Eliza, Jefferson/Madison, Jefferson/Hamilton, Washington/Lafayette, Maria/Eliza (or any Schuyler sister rly) and Mulligan/Lafayette. These usually have the most content, but also contain the most discourse. There’s also some major minor character ships out there; Lee/Seabury, Lee/KG3, Seabury/KG3 etc. I found Eacker/Philip H smut once. This fandom is literally the reason why Rule 34 exists. If it exists, there is porn of it. •Polyamorous ships are widely accepted. I don’t ship any personally, but a few big ones are Hamilton/Eliza/Laurens, Laurens/Hamilton/Lafayette/Mulligan, Hamilton/Jefferson/Madison, etc. Basically, a lot of people like the idea of Hamilton’s cheating being converted into a happy, consensual relationship that’s polygamous, and that’s okay. (Please note I’m not equating cheating with polyamory. Hamilton being a dirty cheater doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with poly ships if you don’t want, but to me it seems particularly common, especially with the ships containing Hamilton and Eliza.) •And I know you want to ask; what’s not accepted? Hard question. This fandom loves its angst, so there aren’t many ships that seem untouchable. For the love of God, though, don’t write anything that’s incestuous. I’m talking father/son, sibling/sibling. Don’t make any of Hamilton’s kids end up with the characters in the show. No, Washington/Hamilton doesn’t count as incest, although I personally can’t stand it. •BASICALLY, don’t be a dick. Also, bear in mind that James Reynolds is the Umbridge of this fandom. If you portray his relationship with Maria as anything less than abusive, there will be riots. I’ve yet to see an (educated) James Reynolds apologist.
•In terms of physical appearance, this fandom is a little wishy-washy on guidelines, unofficial or no. Tip: don’t whitewash if you’re drawing/writing them as their musical characters. Just don’t whitewash in general. This fandom seems to be okay with historical-era fanart and fanfic, which usually involves the characters looking like they did historically, but don’t romanticise them. Don’t romanticise them in general, but especially if you’re making them historical-era. •SPEAKING OF ROMANTICISING, these characters were BAD PEOPLE. Jefferson owned slaves, Burr owned slaves, Washington owned slaves, the Schuylers owned slaves, evidence points to Hamilton owning at least one slave. Don’t let the Alexander apologists fool you; they were bad people historically. Don’t refer to them, ESPECIALLY I HISTORICAL CONTEXT, as ‘cinnamon rolls’. They were misogynists against the rights of women and minorities. Don’t forget that, no matter how much you like their characters. The Jefferson you like is portrayed by a black Jew; the Jefferson in history was a racist with a history of sexual assault and a slavery apologist. •KEEPING THAT IN MIND, personality-wise, what we get from the musical is a little murky. Peggy is a great example of this. Fanon Peggy is very outspoken, sarcastic and a typical millenial. In the musical, she’s shy, hides behind her older sisters and very cautious. This is because of the fact that a) Peggy’s vocals are only apparent in one song through listening alone and b) historically Peggy was very similar to fanon Peggy. THIS DOESN’T MATTER. PORTRAY THEM HOWEVER YOU THINK SUITS BEST. Don’t let the musical force you to make Eliza’s main trait be 'nice’. For all you Laurens stans out there, it’s okay to let him have interests other than art, turtles and Hamilton. Feel free to give them depth, complexities, flaws. Not only is it fucking refreshing amongst the collection of bland chatfics and high school AUs that seem to reduce each character to a single trait, it’s good for original character practice as well. •THE SCHUYLER SISTERS get their own section. If you’re doing something historical, remember that they had other siblings. It’s generally agreed that Angelica and Eliza were closest, but Angelica and Peggy and Eliza and Peggy are shown in the musical as being close too (see Angelica dancing with Peggy and hugging her in Satisfied, and Peggy helping Eliza put away her letters and being dragged along with her in Helpless and The Schuyler Sisters). Sometimes it seems that fics reduce them to plot devices, minor characters or love interests; I won’t go all 'SJW!1!1!1’ on you but they are their own people as well, and flesh them out. (This problem is not as common in artwork, since art of them tends to focus on them either as a trio or Satisfied and Helpless companion pieces starring Angelica and Eliza.) Also, fun fact that this fandom seems to have overlooked - all three of them could play instruments. -REVOLUTIONARY SET AND DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICANS. Things to remember include Madison and Hamilton being friends before Jefferson showed up, Jefferson and Lafayette being close, Mulligan historically being Hamilton’s biggest hypeman (oh, I wish I was kidding) and Laurens and Lafayette being close friends. As for Burr, he’s traditionally relegated to the strange outsider by the fandom. This is more of a personal view, but Burr started off as a member of the Revolutionary Set, and progressed into a Democratic Republican, and this fandom likes to forget that. -THEODOSIA JR. Theodosia is never seen, only mentioned, which basically means everything about her is fanon. Literally. The only confirmed thing about her are her parents. This means Theodosia is good for inserting an audience-type character into; she’s an empty vessel, essentially, so anything you do to her involves zero fact checking. BEAR IN MIND that Theodosia is usually shipped with Philip, and that some members of the fandom will have expectations of her. Ignore those people. Theodosia is a shell of an OC, so as long as you don’t murder her in childhood or something, there’s no real discourse you have to be wary of. (Apart from Philip/Theodosia discourse, which is apparently a thing? But there’s discourse in practically every ship, so by all means, ignore that too.) •UNMENTIONED/UNSEEN CHARACTERS. I’m talking Ben Franklin, John Adams, James Monroe, Governor Clinton, them. John Adams appears to be universally hated, John Jay is often used as a filler or plot device, and the others are just used as names. Don’t bother about continuity with them.
-SOME COMMON AU IDEAS •High School/College Modern AU. This is a big one. There are flaws in it, namely romanticising too much and relegating major characters to 'minor’ status, but it’s so widely used that it’s good to know if you’re new here. •Modern Government/Law AU. Another big one. Not as commonly used because ugh, research and maturity, but there’s a massive pro to them - more complex themes and 'child’ characters can be added because the main lot are usually older. My personal favourite. •Chatroom AU. What it sounds - no real fic, just usernames and text speak. Good for laughs or plain fights, but bad for complex emotion, fluff, angst, or major plot. Also, they clog up the tags of less major ships, especially on AO3. •Soulmate AU. A variety of soulmate AUs exist, but essentially boil down to having some kind of matching mark, etc. Amazing for angst, fluff, plot and character development, but not so great for humour or multi-chapter fics. •Domestic AUs. Exactly as they sound. Massive fluff traps, no real substance but they’re amazing if you’ve had a shitty day and need something to cheer you up. Fan favourite.
So there you go! Everything you need to know if you’re entering the Hamilton fandom, give or take a few things. Don’t bash ships, don’t romanticise them too much, and take Ron Chernow’s content with a pinch of salt (he’s known for 'not finding’ easily accessible content regarding the women of the Hamilverse). Good luck!
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civilizedskincare · 7 years
Best Body Wash for Men – More Than Just Soap – 2017 Reviews
Gone are the days when you go down to the grocery store and buy a rack of this gross Dial “Gold” bars of soap and scrub yourself down like a coal miner. Men are starting to realize that what they use to clean their skin matters not only in maintaining healthy skin, but also in smelling like a civilized man.
Best men’s body wash for dry skin
Cetaphil Restoraderm, Eczema Calming Body Wash
Best smelling body wash for men
L'Occitane CADE Reinvigorating Shower Gel for Men
Best natural body wash for men
Dirty Springwash Shower Gel by Lush
Best moisturizing body wash for men
HoneySkin Organics Gentle Moisturizing Organic Face & Body Wash
Best all-in-one body wash for men
Lab Series Skincare for Men Pro LS All-in-One Body Wash
Best overall body wash for men
TOM Ford OUD Wood Shower GEL
Your men’s body wash is more than just soap
ANYTHING that touches your skin has to power to dry it out, make you break out in acne or make you smell like and entire room of fat-tie wearing, polyester-covered Legionnaires. If that reference is a little old for ya, let’s just say bad soap makes you smell like your 65 year old uncle Stu who still lives with your grandma.
It’s time to take your soap seriously, gents. Here at Civilized Skincare, we believe that nothing should get near your body unless it’s good for your skin, makes you smell irresistible to your lover(s), and is full good, natural ingredients.
The best body wash for men’s skin
So what are some of the ingredients that need to go into your body wash? Your body is no dummy! For years, it seems the skincare manufacturing industry has been trying to see how many chemicals they can wedge into your products making them cheaper to manufacture and allowing them to sit on the shelf for years and years. The problem is that your body has no idea what to do with all of these possible toxins so it just does what it normally does. It absorbs! Can you imagine how many crazy substances your body comes into contact every day? Don’t actively ADD to this chemical storm by using bad body wash.
Let’s talk about a few things your body wash should have in it and try to find out what’s best for you from there. Basically, the closer to the nature the ingredients in your skin care are, the more your skin will know what to do with these amazing ingredients in order to improve your skin’s health.
Here are a bunch of things that you want in your skin care products:
Coconut Oil. With all its antibacterial and anti-oxidation properties, coconut in anything is like a full-course meal for your skin. It also boosts your immune system and makes you smell like a sexy surfer. It’s also loaded with healthy fats, strengthens epidermal tissue, and is great at removing dead skin cells.
Apple Cider Vinegar. This is an amazing natural cleanser that kills bacteria, prevents acne and functions as an antifungal dynamo when it hits your skin.
Sea Salt. When sea salt is added to your body wash as an exfoliant, it helps your skin so much! Sea salt soothes skin, removes dead cells, helps with breakouts by balancing the natural oils in your skin and help the skin stay moist.
Avocado. This fatty wonderfruit is packed with vitamins your skin loves. Not only should you eat avocados daily, you get an extra boost when they show up in you men’s body wash.
Aloe Vera. You rub it on your skin for sunburns. If it can fix that, imagine what glorious goodness it give to healthy skin
Shea Butter. If you have dry skin, this stuff is the best!
Now these are only a handful of ingredients you’d like to see in your body products, but there are tons more that do wonders for cleaning and preparing your skin. Things like castor oil, jojoba oil, raw honey, lemon essential oil, tea tree oil, argan oil, almond oil, and lavender essential oil all make you skin smile. Any skin products with these ingredients are going to hook up your skin perfectly.
What about the things to avoid in the best body wash for men?
Inorganic compounds
Petroleum gels (clogs pores)
Parabens (preservative)
Toluene (thinner)
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (kidney damage)
Synthetic colors
Getting these chemicals on your skin, not only messes with your skin, it messes with your immune system, your respiratory system, and can really damage internal organs if you expose yourself to them enough.
So what’s the best men’s body wash?
Here are a few of our favorite body washes that pretty much all guys can get behind. We split them into categories so you can find exactly what you are looking for.
Best men’s body wash for dry skin
Cetaphil Restoraderm, Eczema Calming Body Wash
OK so the label says it’s for eczema, but make no mistake, this provides some serious dry skin relief no matter if you just dry out a little or you have a full-blown skin condition. This formulation features their patented Filaggrin and ceramide technology that simply spells out the most perfect dry skin relief you’ve ever felt. Not only that, they take out all the harsh chemicals, fragrances, and paraben that make you break out and dry out your skin even further. This stuff is safe for all types of skin, allergies and even little babies and is one of the most dermatologist recommended body washes you find out there.
Best smelling body wash for men
L'Occitane CADE Reinvigorating Shower Gel for Men
Oh my God, The SMELL! L’Occitane is mostly known for its women’s skincare products, but their CADE line of products are bound to make anyone who gets close enough to you to swoon like a teenager in love. If you want sexy people to always be angling to get closer to you, this is the best body wash for men who want to smell like an international spy/intrepid astronaut/sexy lumberjack. There is nothing better, fellas. I dare you to find a more desirable smell!
Best natural body wash for men
Dirty Springwash Shower Gel by Lush
You’re gonna love Lush’s products. They load up their products with natural ingredients and everything they make is worth a try. We love this one because it’s like waking up to a tingle party! The spearmint in this body wash leaves you skin feeling cool and invigorated. These ingredients are totally VEGAN so you know all the fluffy bunnies were left alone in the making of this product. The great thing about Lush’s body wash is that they use very little water to make them so you don’t need to use a huge handful to get the kind of lather you want out of your shower gels.
Best moisturizing body wash for men
HoneySkin Organics Gentle Moisturizing Organic Face & Body Wash
This all organic formula does just about everything you can imagine. Not only is it effective in clearing up seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, acne, and rosacea, if you have normal skin, it moistens it ‘til it’s plump and supple! Aloe Vera is the main ingredient that goes into this cleanser and you will feel it every time you hop out of the shower! It’s also made with medical grade Manuka honey that’s a powerful anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral, clarifying your skin. This will be the last moisturizing body wash you will ever use in your life. Nothing else will even come close..
Best all-in-one body wash for men
Lab Series Skincare for Men Pro LS All-in-One Body Wash
As they say on the label, you can use this on your body and your face, you can wash your hair, you can even shave with it. It works fantastically for all of them. I think it’s best as a body wash, but it’s a perfect wash to bring to the gym or for traveling.
Best overall body wash for men
TOM Ford OUD Wood Shower GEL
Some might freak out at the $90 price tag, but once you’ve taken a shower with this body wash, you will be impressed with how actually happy you feel! That is no joke! The smell is gorgeous and whatever they put in this stuff will actually make you walk up to a complete stranger and ask them to feel how smooth your skin is. This is crazy good.
Thoughts on the best body wash for men’s skin
We are all different creatures with different skincare needs. Some of us have skin allergies. Some of us have skin conditions. Some of us have acne or rashes or any number of things we would like to fix about our skin. Great body wash is about looking good (and smelling good) in our own skins. You’re only born with the skin you’re in so you seriously have to take care of it.
No longer can you use mass produced skin care products that make you dry or oily or make you smell like everyone else on the bus. You have an amazing chance to stand out in the crowd by taking expert care of your skin and wearing a scent that might actually make you seem more intelligent and more mysterious that you might truly be.
Don’t skimp when it comes to your body cleanser and you will never have a reason to feel self-conscious whenever you spend some time with completely naked sexy lover wearing nothing but desire on their face. Oooooh baby! The best body wash for men will make you eager to be right there…
The post Best Body Wash for Men – More Than Just Soap – 2017 Reviews appeared first on Civilized Skin Care.
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