#taiketsu means confrontation in japanese
susustories · 4 years
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Warnings: Swearing.
Pairing: Todoroki Shouto x Reader
Word count: 2005
Anonymous:  this can be either platonic or romantic, but, todoroki’s friend/s/o just fighting endeavor (with her tongue and witty words) and the entire family’s there for that- like she’s now apart of the family and can go to family dinners and stuff, you’re not doing financially well? oh, that’s weird how did a frack ton of money just appear? you have a bad family, screw them just live here we already have a room for you. being bullied- oh boy is he in the hospital
A/N: Aaa, this was nice to write! It’s a cute idea, but i was in an angsty mood so I tried very hard to keep the fluffy atmosphere and I hope I did it right! I was originally going to do it like a small headcanons post or a very small scenario thing but here we are. Thank you for the request!!
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You and Todoroki have been dating for a few months now, and usually, it would mean that you should’ve at least met his family once. But Todoroki wasn’t a very common case, you learned, and you were still learning with each day you spent with him. 
It took him a while to open up to you at first, but you were patient with him. When you found out about..well, everything, you were glad you were. 
Apparently nothing was beneath the Number One Bastard as you dubbed him now, and you were disappointed. Your blood boiled whenever you saw him on screen, whenever people praised him as if he weren’t the bastard he truly is. You couldn’t blame them, but it still upset you.
You couldn’t imagine how bad it must be for him to constantly be told how amazing and heroic his abuser was. How people wanted to see him grow up to be a ‘great hero like him.’ Every time that happened you found a way to end the conversation and go back where you two could be alone, so you could give him the most reassuring hug you could give. It was your best, and it was enough for him- that’s what he said.
You both already did so much to keep your relationship on the low, and although he told you that Endeavor changed, you understood why he was still anxious. Back then, anything his father saw as a distraction had to be removed so Shouto could stay focused on the goal he had in mind for him, and he was afraid of losing you, even if it seemed unlikely now.
So when he came to tell you that you were going to see that bastard, you were worried. “Why? I thought you didn’t want him to know?” You asked softly, sitting next to him, your hand gently running through his soft, fluffy hair.
He melted into the touch, his arms gently wrapping around you as he cuddled closer to you. Todoroki desired affection, having been starved from it at a very young age, and you were glad to offer. It still made you smile how he looked so cute cuddling close to you like a small child, and he had a way of making it look very cute, but you didn’t know his secret yet.
He sighed, “He found out.”
“Oh.” Came your intelligent reply. You took a deep breath, pulling him closer. “It’s alright, it’ll be okay. I’ll make sure nothing goes wrong, alright? Besides, even if he decides to be an asshole I won’t let him! I’m not training to be a hero for nothing! I’ll be there for you, Shoucchan.” You said encouragingly as you held him close. You’d make sure nothing goes wrong. 
You were serious about everything you said that time, and your words manifested into actions a few days later during your visit. 
Shouto’s sister was present, and you were honestly glad. She was just as great as Shouto had told you, she was kind and very humble. Unlike some people.
He asked you about your family, your quirk, your internship, your grades- it frustrated you to no end. You hated sitting around and being interrogated like some sort of criminal. Fuyumi tried her best to lighten up the atmosphere, but it didn’t do much. It didn’t help that you already hated him before coming here, and seeing him in person just elevated those feelings. He may have changed, ever so slightly, but he still bothered you. Whenever you saw him you couldn’t help but think of the man he was to Shouto and his family. Sure, maybe you shouldn’t have reacted so strongly to his mere presence, but you did.
Just as he opened his mouth to ask another question, you stood up, glaring at him with utter disgust and all that anger you’ve been trying to bury deep inside you this whole time. “Enough!” You could see the Todoroki siblings stiffen in their seats while Endeavor looked shocked for a moment at your outburst, before glaring right back at you, daring you to continue. 
“You’re not checking the specifications for some headphones for God’s sake! I didn’t come here to be interrogated. You’re so entitled for someone who doesn’t have enough common sense to deal with a five year old, dammit!” His eyes widened slightly at the last comment, knowing exactly what you were hinting at, but you weren’t done yet. No, you were just getting started.
“People put you on a pedestal as if you were some sort of God, but you’re only a selfish bastard who doesn't care about anyone but himself, and you know it! You’re-” Shouto gently put a hand on your shoulder, giving you a gentle squeeze to calm you down, whispering quietly. “Y/N, it’s fine. How about we leave? I’ll tell Fuyu you liked the food, and maybe we can all go meet up later if you want.” He suggested calmly, trying to deescalate the situation.
You grit your teeth, then nodded, letting out a huff of disappointment. You were mad, yes, but you weren’t going to upset Shouto. You glanced back at his bastard of a father, then frowned upon noticing the guilt in his eyes.You felt bad, you shouldn’t feel so bad for someone like him but you weren’t some heartless monster. 
You sighed softly as you walked out with Todoroki, hoping Fuyumi-san could forgive you, you really wanted to show her more appreciation for the food she prepared, but the damage was already done. You just wanted to get out of there before you could mess things up more. However, you do admit that yelling at him felt nice. He deserved getting called out on his bullshit for once.
Todoroki took your hand in his as he led you out and walked aimlessly with you in the quiet streets of Musutafu. He was silent for a few minutes, and you were worried you had upset him, then he spoke up as a soft smile tugged at his face.
“Thank you, Y/N.” He said, stopping and turning to fully face you, squeezing your hand gently.
You blushed slightly at the comment, you expected him to be upset at you for ruining things, it’s not like he wanted to invite you to dinner, but you thought he would’ve preferred it if nothing like that had happened. It wasn’t the best first impression after all.
“You...I was anxious at first, when we went there, but after what you did…” He smiled wider, his heterochromatic eyes conveying too many emotions at once for you to understand, but his love and admiration for you were clear as day.
“I love you, so much. You’re always ready to do anything for me, and I want you to know that I’d always be willing to do the same. And I want to apologize for never telling him to stop, but back then I-”
You tackled him in a tight hug, tiptoeing to kiss his cheek, catching him off guard. “First off, you don’t need to thank me, I’d be glad to do that any day, you know. I love you too, Shoucchan. I know it must’ve been stressful for you, so you don’t need to apologize, alright? I know that you’ll be there for me when I need you to be, you always are.” You mumbled quietly as he held you, arms tightly wrapped around you in a gentle, warm embrace as the snow continued to fall around you both. 
“I know. I’m not upset that you did that, I’m just...surprised, impressed even.” He chuckled softly, holding you tighter, warming his left side slightly and making you cuddle closer to him. 
He buried his face in your hair, closing his eyes.“People are always intimidated by him and his status as the Number One hero, I was just...shocked to see someone scream at him like that.” He murmured softly, his tone fond as his warm fingers ran through your hair in the cold winter. You smiled, hugging him tighter. “You should’ve listened when I told you I didn’t give a shit about his hero rank.” You commented, smirking slightly as you pressed another kiss to his cheek. He looked so pretty during winter for some reason, and there was always something about his cheeks that made you want to kiss him. He looked so soft...like a small little child. It suited him, he was so sweet and cute, he might as well be one himself.
He nodded, his eyes looking directly into yours, his thumb gently brushing against your lower lip. “I’m so lucky, aren’t I?” Before you could even think of a response, you felt his lips softly press against yours, his arms wrapped around your waist and lifting you up. You closed your eyes, kissing back, letting your hands cup his soft face as the blush on your cheeks only got brighter. You could see a light blush on his cheeks once you opened your eyes again to stare back at his.
Then, you decided to break silence, clearing your throat as you noticed people looking at the couple who just randomly kissed in the street. And maybe the prettiest boy they’ll ever see.
“So..cold soba?” You said, your face flushed in embarrassment.
He nodded with a smile. “Cold soba.”
A few weeks and family meetings —Excluding Endeavour—later, you and the Todoroki’s have begun getting closer, especially you and the oldest brother, Natsuo. 
You would hang out with them, and maybe stay over sometimes at Fuyumi’s insistence, and they were good company. When Shouto mentioned the first meeting with Endeavour to Natsuo in front of you, you weren’t sure what to expect, but certainly not a “Ha, he had it coming!”. And with that, your friendship blossomed. 
He would do your homework for you sometimes, and even drive you to places, and in turn, you and him would have some relatively harmless fun at the flame hero’s expense. 
For instance, there was this one day where he told you he needed you for an important task, and you decided to go and meet him up near Endeavor’s place, and he stood there with some eggs, a mischievous grin on his face as he told you he wanted you to egg his father’s house with him. 
Truth to be said, it was an important task, and you weren’t disappointed.
Fuyumi on the other hand, enjoyed seeing Shouto happy with you. She loved her siblings, and she’d do anything to ensure that they were happy, and seeing Shouto smile and laugh with you around made her happier than anything else. She wasn’t a fan of arguments but she never got upset with you because of it. Fuyumi would make you chocolate chip cookies, and give you some each week, she was like a second mother to you, except better.
She was also smart, and a teacher, so you went to her with advice a lot and she always helped. She helped you correct grammatical errors in your essays, which you were endlessly grateful for because you were always busy with your work study.
The two of your would go shopping together sometimes, and whenever your gaze lingered on something for too long, she noticed. She was more observant than you’d given her credit for at first, but it was a pleasant surprise when she got you that black coat you’d wanted to buy back at the store with her.  
When they moved out after Shouto started working with his friends, they invited you over more, and you always felt right at home there...they never made you feel pressured to participate in activities you didn’t want to, or act a certain way. It felt like being with your family, but different.
It was a nice kind of different, you told yourself, a content smile on your face as you and Fuyumi watched a cute cartoon movie about gems.
Yeah, a nice kind.
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imperfekti · 5 years
St Icarus 40.5 profile
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St Icarus (Yamagata)
Appearance of an remarkable emerging force.
The tennis club’s history is rather short, but the players who’ve been organised are growing rapidly from the training. This year, they achieved their first participation in the national tournament.
Choking back tears at first round of their first national tournament! Even at their first time on the big stage they went for the first battle without cowardice, but Yamabuki - having went through Kantou’s fierce battles - won with experience. But from on, if they gain more experience, substantial growth can be expected.
Tennis club data Captain: Richard Sakata (3rd year) Vice-captain: Munekata Keisuke (3rd year) Treasurer: Izumi Katsuhiko (3rd year) General affairs (manager): Tanabe Satoshi (2nd year) Advisor: Marco Tiepolo Club membership: 30 people
“No one can catch up with my speed!” *1
Lively and proud of being nimble-footed, *2 Richard Sakata
British of Japanese descent, he came as an exchange student from a sister school, but liked Japan and officially entered the school this year.
Profile Birthday (sign): February 28th (Aquarius) Blood-type: AB Hobby: clubbing Preferred type: someone who can drink
At the national tournament raffle, instead of offering greetings the captain Sakata tried tripping Tezuka, the player hailed as the strongest within middle school tennis. *3 There’s an impression of a big-shot in that fearlessness.
Even though the team’s elimination is already decided, Sakata faced Yamabuki’s Sengoku in a confrontation of captains without losing his ease. *4 Both of them brought forth their strength, and indeed it became a refreshing match.
National tournament match results
Round 1: St Icarus vs Yamabuki 1-4 S3 Munekata vs Nishikiori 6-4 D2 Abe-Shirahata vs Nitobe-Kita 4-6 S2 Nawano vs Muromachi 5-7 D1 Takahashi-Hoshikawa vs Minami-Higashikata 3-6 S1 Sakata vs Sengoku 4-6
Though these first matches were close, Yamabuki is strong in competitive settings, while St Icarus showed their lack of experience.
Even though they couldn’t reach a first win in the nationals, it likely became a good experience.
Scans provided by @dimensionaltennis - thank you!
This one had some tricky sentences, so a bit of guessing was involved. Please offer any corrections if you find mistakes!
*1 Not sure if the last syllables of the line are supposed to mean something or if he uses some nonsensical additions like some characters do.
*2 This was one of the tricky parts, so don’t judge him too much for it.
*3 Somewhat unsure about Tezuka’s description.
*4 Seems weird they would call it “buchou taiketsu” since Sengoku is not one, but that’s what it says. 
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