#take the dye man to gerudo town
thatguylainey · 1 year
So I’ve been waiting, like everyone else, for tears of the kingdom. So in the meantime, I’ve been messing around in breath of the wild, and in my search for korok seeds, I have found some cool spots!
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My favorites to visit have been the three secret springs in the hebra region! Some other places in these shots may be familiar, some may not. I forget how vast and beautiful botw’s map is. Sure, it can be empty at times but there’s always some cool areas to poke your head into. Maybe you’ll find a korok, or a bear to ride around and terrorize local travelers with! Go out and explore, look around the map and see if any landmarks or forests catch your eye and go explore them! Who knows, you might find something new or you’ll be able to compare and contrast breath of the wilds map with tears of the kingdoms! So go out and explore! Make the wait worth it!
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nimsahara · 4 years
Stupid ideas time:
So what if when the group of Links first come to Legend’s time, they start looking for him but he’s currently in Labrinthia, or something, so Ravio tags along with the gang. He would probably end up in charge of all the money spending because he’s greedy af. The gang at first is like ‘a dark Link??’ (Warriors, Time, and Wind probably never saw his face during the war because of the bunny hood and also they’re just dumb) and Four’s probably thinking Ravio’s a shadow. Hyrule has a hunch that Ravio isn’t the Hero of Legend but he likes Ravio too much to say anything.
Then, the group would discover that they in fact got the wrong hero when they return to Legend’s era, but surprise it’s still the wrong person. This time Fable and Legend have swapped places, likely because Legend things some political figure is planning something and he wants to stab them before he has to save Hyrule again. So, instead of the Hero, the group is traveling with the Princess guised as the hero. Wild would probably be the first to notice that Fable isn’t a ‘man’ like the rest of them, but it just gives him room to discuss his adventures in Gerudo Town with her. Fable would probably tell the group that her ‘sister’ is the ‘Princess’ but struggle slightly not to accidentally out herself. You may ask how does she defend herself during attacks, but this girl is in Smash Bros she’s the last person you need to be concerned about. Hyrule is probably on to the fact that once again this person is not the Hero of Legend.
When they’re back in Legend’s era, they go to meet the ‘Princess’ and realize pretty quickly that the ‘Princess’ is a guy in a dress. They don’t comment on it of course because that would be rude (and let’s be real Legend would probably pull of the look). Legend immediately updates Fable on what’s happened while she was gone and also rubs her for taking a vacation from her royal duties without telling him. This is when the group finds out that they’ve been bamboozled once again and the ‘Princess’ is actually the real Hero of Legend.
I’m pretty sure the castle guards don’t necessarily like Legend (brainwashing and what not) but they’re aware that he and the Princess swap places and just play along with it whenever they do. Legend would probably magically dye his hair completely blonde just to sell the ruse and if he had long hair it’d be even less suspicious.
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fatefulfaerie · 4 years
Honesty Part 3
Part One here
Part Two here
Link always enjoyed running errands.
Although most people at the castle knew him as silent and stoic, the villagers here in Hateno knew him as the carefree person he used to be. And here, he could afford to relax a bit without that pressure for an entire week.
He still carried the sword upon his back, but away from the castle it seemed a touch lighter.
All sorts of vendors were outside today, selling wares foreign to the typical Hateno shops because today was the day Hateno participated in what Hyrulean merchants refer to as “the grand tour”. Simply enough, it was an biannual event where merchants of all kinds travel to each village one after the other, garnering a great amount of business and letting Hyruleans know of new wares to purchase or new shops to travel to over the next six months. 
Link was at the Mabe Village’s booth, scanning stacks of blue-labeled milk when a woman caught the corner of his eye.
She was kneeling before Hateno’s small goddess statue, her brown cloak and hood concealing her features and yet the shoulder it draped upon hinted at a demure figure. Link gave a small smile, the woman reminding him of his princess and her devotion to her prayers.
“Milk, huh?” He heard a customer ask beside him, distracting Link from his thoughts of Zelda completely and looking over to the Hylian making conversation with him.
“Yeah,” Link said in reply. “I’m running errands for my mom.”
“You know what milk goes great with,” the Hylian continued. “Bananas.”
Link’s eyes narrowed slightly and it only took him a couple seconds before he withdrew his sword, hastened to behind the Hylian, and held the sword to his neck. Link didn’t move even as the people around him gasped at the violence.
“What is the meaning of this?” The Hylian asked. “What did I do?”
“You’re a Yiga scout,” Link barked harshly into his ears. “Aren’t you?”
“Yiga?” The Hylian asked. “What’s a Yiga?”
“Break it up, you two!” A man said, running and recognizing Link. “Link? What are you doing? Let that man go immediately!”
“Sorry for the commotion, Mayor,” Link said. “But this man is part of the Yiga Clan.”
“Are you sure?” The Mayor asked amidst shocked whispers.
“Positive,” Link said.
The Hylian gave a wry smirk.
“Very good, Hero,” he said, the last word quite mockingly. “You figured me out before I could arrange your death for you. Don’t think this means we’re done though.”
With that, the Yiga member disappeared in a red puff of smoke, reappearing on the rooftop of the dye shop clad in full Yiga attire. Link jumped away from where two Yiga arrows dug into the ground beneath his feet. Yet, as soon as Link spotted the Yiga member on the rooftop, the red figure dispelled into another puff of smoke.
Link looked around himself, seemingly everywhere for a hue of red before he spotted the Yiga appear near the West side of town, right by the inn. 
Link noticed the pious woman from before in danger of getting hurt, shying away in cowardice and yet too close for comfort to the battle.
“Get behind me!” He yelled to the woman, who did so quickly. 
As soon as she left his line of sight, Link didn’t hesitate as he threw his sword with an exclamation of the effort it took, the sword soon plunging deep into the chest of the Yiga and forcing him to collapse dead onto the ground.
Link let out a sigh of relief at the lack of movement, and yet feared that the Yiga had gotten brave enough to attack him in the middle of town. He worried for Zelda in the castle, he worried for his family, and he worried for Hyrule before he brought himself back to this moment.
“Are you okay?” He asked as he turned around to the woman. Yet, as soon as blue eyes met green, Link’s eyes widened with panic.
He inhaled to make sense of who he saw beneath the cloak when the Mayor’s “thank you so much, Link,” brought him out of it. Link turned to face the Mayor. “How can I repay you?”
“Not necessary,” Link said with a wave of his hand. “I’m happy to keep Hateno safe.”
“And its denizens too, it seems,” the mayor stated. “Although I don’t think I’ve met your friend.”
“Uhm,” Link said, looking at Zelda and still partly shocked that she was here.
A name.
A name that wasn’t Zelda.
She seemed to be searching for one too as they stared at each other in a prolonged silence.
Link looked out at the rest of the vendors and said the first thing he saw.
“Pot.” He said, inwardly panicked as soon as he did. The mayor raised a brow.
“P-Pat,” Link corrected. “Her…her name is Pat…”
The awkward silence hung in the air.
“Tricia,” Link finally finished. “Yes, Patricia.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you Patricia,” the mayor said, shaking her hand. “I hope the rest of your time here in Hateno is a bit less exciting.”
“I hope so too,” Zelda said with a smile, before the mayor walked off with a nod to appease the citizens. It wasn’t long before she felt a firm hand clutch her elbow and nearly pull her into a nearby cooking stall, out of sight and out of earshot from everyone else.
“What are you doing here?” Link asked, half-whispering as soon as their gazes met each other.
Zelda could see the rising anger in his blue eyes and she furrowed her brow to combat it.
“Why did you leave?” She asked.
“I didn’t leave,” he argued, his voice still quieted. “I’ve earned a week off from my duties. I figured I would take it now after postponing it for so long. I thought it was okay because you would be protected by my temporary replacement at the castle. Did you run away?”
“Of course I didn’t run away, Link.” Zelda said with her hands on her hips. “I told the King I had a dream about the goddess statue in Gerudo Town, so I convinced him to let me pray there under Urbosa’s watch. Urbosa is in on it. She knows I…”
Zelda stopped herself, shame overcoming her at saying her next words out loud. She averted her gaze.
“She knows I followed you to Hateno.”
Zelda shook her head as she looked back up at Link, who was of course listening intently.
“I’m so sorry, Link,” she insisted. “I must sound crazy to you and saying it out loud…I was so upset that you got a week off from the castle that I gave myself a week off…but in consequence I took yours away.”
Link was already shaking his head.
“It’s not you I wanted to take a break from, Your Highness,” Link explained. “I just wanted to see my family. That’s all, I promise. If I’m being honest, I actually like that you’re here.”
Zelda’s lips started to curve into a smirk.
“Are you saying you missed me?” She asked teasingly.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” Link said with a small chuckle.
But he did miss her. He missed the smile he was seeing now, he missed staring into these green eyes, he missed this warm feeling in his heart, he missed the sound of her voice and the color of her hair and the wave of her hand.
The wave of her hand?
“Link?” Zelda asked as she waved her hand in front of his eyes glazed over with love.
He blinked his eyes with a slight twitch of his head.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Are you okay?” She asked. “You looked like you were somewhere else completely.”
“Yes,” Link said with a slight blush. “Y-yes, I’m fine. What do you say we go home?”
Link had offered his bent arm, but Zelda didn’t take it, her lips parting.
“I figured I would stay at the inn,” she said.
“Well I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“Like it or not, Your Highness, you’ve put yourself under my protection. And if I’m being honest, it seems to me that you are starting to prefer my company over just any other soldier. As your protector, I’m not letting you stay in the inn only to find you assassinated by the Yiga in the morning.”
“I suppose you bring up a good point,” Zelda said, linking her arm with his.
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cryptidcrone · 4 years
uh oh
I got bitch slapped by an idea for an AU of one of my own stories, which is hubris I’ve never really dreamed of
but a while a back I did to the waters and the wild, which centers around Urbosa’s grief and fear after the Queen died and Rhoam refused to honor Imelda’s wish for Zelda to be fostered with Urbosa. So Urbosa tries to take Zelda with her, back to Gerudo Town. She gets as far as the stables when Arakna stops her and talks her down.
But what if she didn’t talk her down?
Urbosa and Arakna get out of Hyrule Castle with Zelda in tow, and go on the run. Arakna cuts and dyes Urbosa and Zelda’s hair, finds them clothes more appropriate to merchants, and helps them hide while she goes to tell the Elders and Urbosa’s sister Ubari what’s going on.
Urbosa refuses to let her own actions endanger her tribe, so she formally abdicates her chieftainship and hands the crown off to Ubari. For the next few months Urbosa and Arakna and Zelda live on the run, sleeping rough and rarely staying on one place for more than a few days at a time.
They form a happy enough family unit, though Urbosa wants to settle somewhere for Zelda’s sake, especially with winter coming on. She takes on some mercenary work, Arakna uses her merchant contacts to get food or clothing or a place to stay, Zelda becomes a foraging fiend. They get by. Zelda’s having the time of her life, free of strain and responsibility, and though she misses Mother and sometimes Father she at least can spend time with her Mata and Vante Arakna!
One day Zelda gets sick, though. Very sick. And Urbosa has heard that there is a very great healer in Zora’s Domain, someone who is known for never turning a supplicant away. So Urbosa bundles Zelda up and basically runs the fucking gauntlet through monster infested territory to get her little bird to the Zora capitol.
King Dorephon and his people are startled when a massive woman with a sword in one hand, a dying child in the other, and an arrow between her ribs staggers into their kingdom, tells them to save her daughter, and passes out.
After this inauspicious start, Urbosa and her weird little family settle down into Zora’s Domain as the King’s supplicants, sacred to Hylia and protected under the laws of hospitality. Urbosa confesses some of her situation-- by her culture’s laws, this child is as much hers as the father’s, but she cannot get justice among the Hylians, so she resorted to desperate measures. (Dorephon’s not stupid; he’s heard of the crisis in central Hyrule, has seen the wanted posters. He makes the connection. But anyone who would brave the nightmarish forests around the Domain with just a blade is clearly a devoted parent, regardless of blood, and he doesn’t appreciate being sassed by a man a quarter of his size, so he lets the three fugitives stay.)
Urbosa makes herself useful around the kingdom by slaughtering monsters for them, and recovering lost people and goods. And doing all in her power to serve the Princess Mipha, to whom she owes Zelda’s life and her own. They form a fast friendship, mutually supportive as they rear their respective charges, each of them quiet trying to help the other through her grief (Mipha’s mother, Queen Riona, died a decade previously but she has not had a chance to properly grieve). Mipha finds Urbosa dashing and mysterious and wonderfully kind, and it makes her little unprepared heart go BOOM, and the next thing she knows she’s trying to determine how to make her intentions known to the hot, monster-hunting single mom.
Anyway that’s all I have for now, but watch this space in the future for this political drama/family drama/bittersweet romcom!
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iwroteinapastlife · 6 years
Zelink Month Day 13!
Week 3: The Passion of Friendship
Day 13: Rooftops
Dear Diary,
Link and I finally arrived in Gerudo Town today, him dressed in some rather handsome clothes befitting of a Gerudo man—come to think of it, where did he get those?—and me terribly sick of the taste of chilly elixirs. But the most splendid thing happened when we were still at the bazaar before reaching town. While I was buying some supplies from the local vendors, Link sneaked off somewhere and when he returned, he was dressed as a Gerudo woman!
I must have had quite a look on my face because he immediately rushed to explain that wearing that outfit was the only way he could get into the town in the first place. But really, all that was going through my mind was amazement at how lovely he looked dressed like that! I must say, Link makes a rather cute woman, and the desert clothing is very flattering on his body. Of course, I immediately insisted on buying my own set upon entering town. When we return to Hateno, I intend to dye mine pink.
I finally met Lady Riju today. She is young, but every bit a force to be reckoned with as the Gerudo chieftains before her. And much like me, she has a wonderful guard by her side at all times.
We came here because I wanted to check in to see how they were doing now that Ganon is gone, and I’m happy to say that all here is well. Apparently, people are out traveling a lot more now that it’s safe, so the town’s business is even better than usual.
I expect we should be seeing that all across Hyrule in the coming months. I will surely find out soon as Link and I have planned a great deal of travel—both to check in with the people and also so that he can show me some of the things he has discovered. Some of the places he wants to go he won’t tell me though; he says it’s a surprise. Needless to say, I’m excited.
Now I must make my confession: I let myself get terribly distracted from scientific pursuits today.
Link and I had planned to get back to expanding the compendium after speaking with Riju today. There are a great deal of items and creatures out here in the desert that we won’t be able to find anywhere else. We started with what we could find in town, taking pictures of the weapons that the Gerudo warriors use and the sand seals—the sand seals!—but as the sun rose higher into the sky, the more unbearable the heat became.
Link told me to change into the clothes we had bought, and he was right, those certainly helped, but…
Well, when I stepped out of the changing room and Link saw me, I’m pretty sure I caught a bit of blush peeking out from behind his veil.
He said he knew a good way to cool off, and led me up the stairs of the palace until we were up by the rooftops of the town. It turns out there’s an entire system of streams up there! We took off our shoes and walked around in the cool, refreshing water, peering down at the town underneath us as we went.
It was fun, especially once we began splashing each other with the water. I don’t remember who started it, but eventually we were chasing each other around in those streams like children, and I was reminded again of what my mother said about love between friends. Whether we’re taking pictures out in nature, staring up at the stars, or kicking water at one another, being with Link never ceases to make me smile.
Remember how I said that nothing had really changed between us though? Well, I was wrong. I found out today when I slipped and fell.
I swear he wasn’t that close to me, but being the ever ready knight that he is, Link caught me, and we both went toppling down into the water. At first I was absolutely frightened. He had managed to take the brunt of the fall so that I would land on top of him, and I worried that his head might have hit the tile. But the second I started fussing, he promised he was okay, and he even started laughing and said that I won. I realized a moment later that he was talking about the fact that his entire backside was now soaked.
We laughed together then, and that was when things changed. I can still feel his arm around my waist as it was in that moment. His veil had fallen loose from the fall, leaving his pink cheeks and toothy grin full on display, and somehow, staring at him and admiring him while so close was different than every other time I’ve admired him before.
I don’t know when we stopped laughing, but we reached this almost magical point where we were just staring at each other with giddy smiles, and I… I started leaning closer to him, and almost as if he could read my mind, he reached up and unfastened my veil, and…
And we kissed.
I had never kissed anyone before. I’m positive I didn’t do it right. But that didn’t change the fact that it was absolutely breathtaking. I hope it was the first of many.
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janazzaa · 7 years
The Founding of Tarrey Town
Fandom: Breath of the Wild Characters: Link, Hudson Summary:  Hudson was grateful for the trust Bolson had in him, but the Tarrey Town project was just a little too big for him. Thankfully, this kid didn’t mind giving a hand. AO3
Hudson liked the little guy. Polite, quiet, dependable - much like himself. Perhaps that was why when the little guy found him he accepted his aid. After all, the project he had in mind was huge and would take years to accomplish by himself. While this guy might not stay for long, a little help wouldn’t be a bad idea.
But even after he dragged dozens of tree logs to Hudson’s campsite, they had a long way to go.
After collecting enough wood for Hudson that could be cut into planks for the day, the little guy huffed and fell to the grass in a heap of limbs. His chest heaved from overexertion, as he had been chopping down trees since midday until past dusk.
Hudson could not help but feel gracious in spite the little progress truly made. “This is only the beginning for me,” Hudson told him. “Can I have the wood?”
The boy lifted his hand into a thumbs up that shook then let it flop back down.
Having made enough progress on removing the stone for today, Hudson grabbed his water skin and knelt beside the boy. “Do you have anywhere to be soon?” He asked the little guy as he handed over the water skin.
The kid drank from it greedily dripping it on himself and sputtering from his laid out position. When he finished he wiped his mouth and shook his head.
“Good. We can make dinner.”
Hudson didn’t wait for his response before taking some sticks and branches still left on the hauled wood into a balanced pyramid and with flint and a knife he began sending sparks at the kindle. “I caught some fish just before you showed up to help. You prefer grilled or fried?”
Hudson left no room to decline the meal. And so the two stoked their little fire below the metal plate where their fish fried. The blonde pulled from his pack rice balls tucked away between leaves and offered one to Hudson.
The kid didn’t talk much which was fine for Hudson. After all, he wasn’t one to make much conversation, preferring to observe and accept what people asked of him. But it could get old, a reason for why Hudson decided to start his own project. As his own boss, however, he was expected - or, he guessed, expected of himself - to be efficient, meaning to know what materials he would need and when he would get them. With just himself, it meant if he didn’t collect the metal and wood, he couldn’t build anything that day.
Having this little guy sure was a big help, even if it was only one day.
When the kid got up and thanked him for the meal, Hudson suggested he stay.
“You’ll get lost out in the dark.”
And so they slept beside the fire.
When Hudson woke, he expected to find his newfound friend to have left. He was a seasoned traveler, obviously from the extensive gear, the type to follow the wind and twisting turns of a the river. His shoes would be well worn and gloves falling apart.
He wasn’t in sight, but many of his things were still at the campsite, like his pack and shield. He didn’t notice at first, but beside the fire, not far from his own belongings a plate of rice and eggs sat balanced on a stone. Beside it was a note that read “For Hudson.”
Thoughtful kid.
With his breakfast in hand, Hudson drew himself to his feet fighting off the last of sleep, then dragged his feet to the edge of the cliff where his little Tarrey Town Project was based. He dug in to his meal and considered if even his mother could cook as well as this guy. The rice was seasoned with something he had never tasted before, a spicy but sweet coat around the grains of rice. Perhaps that was the Goron spice he had heard of, something rather rare outside of Death Mountain. It took sheer willpower to not scarf it down in one bite.
He owed the little guy his thanks and searched for him from the cliff side, eye the horizon until noticing the forest surrounding Akkala Lake - or rather, what had once been its forest.
The tree fell beside the boy and Hudson couldn’t help but laugh.
Chopping down trees. At the crack of dawn. It was like a path of chaos. Everything behind the boy had been chopped down already leaving nothing but stumps and logs rolled onto the path ready to be lugged back up to the project area in the middle of Akkala Lake along with his efforts from the day before. Ahead of him were dozens upon dozens of trees, but knowing this boy’s speed and strength, they would be no match.
Hudson decided he liked his new friend and coworker.
Sure the houses were being built but what was the point of no one knew of it? He imagined it would perish, a ghost town only told as legend. He still had a lot of work to do even with the little guy’s help.
The little blonde worked fast and clean, his movements measured and his eyes focused as he cut wood into planks for floor boards.
“So I was thinking…”
The boy looked away from his work and tilted his head.
“These boulders are driving me nuts…” Hudson thought for a moment. “But we need someone of brute strength, more than myself.”
The boy nodded.
“But the company’s got strict rules. People with ‘Son’ in their name only… We need a help removing this stone.”
And it was as if Hylia herself had shone his light on him.
“Maybe you can find a Goron.”
He knew the guy was light on his feet and his horse to be stronger and faster than most. If he didn’t know better, he would say it was the same horse told in legends, one that accompanied the Hero that once stood beside the late Princess’ side. It was said to be natural born, raised and nurtured by an unforgiving land but having the sharp-mindedness of a man and the gentleness to her rider as a mother.
And even with such skills and tools at his disposal, Hudson did not expect the little guy to accomplish his goal in two short days.
Greyson of the Goron and his son Pelison (a fine name) arrived far earlier than he expected. More talkative than himself, Hudson preferred to listen to the older Goron’s tales of Death Mountain (not a fine name) and its intense heat and peculiar travelers.
“A tin man for a Hylian comes in and asks if I’m looking for work then says he’s gonna talk to Chief. Wonder if Chief knows him. He looked familiar.”
“He is certainly a seasoned traveler.”
“'Course. I just hope this place will be good for Pelison. He needs a place he can call home.”
Hudson considered his words and answered truthfully. “We have a long way to go.”
“Dunno, that kid is fast and easy to like. If he could bring in some business owners, this place could be up and running in only weeks.”
“The Bolson Construction Company rules are strict. Finding someone with 'Son’ in their name who are interested is like finding a needle in a haystack.”
“You doubt him?”
Hudson laughed at that. “No, if anyone can get this job done, it’ll be him.”
“Who knows, maybe he will find Pelison a new mother. Or perhaps a Mrs. Hudson.”
And once more Hudson was laughing, enjoying the simple chatter. This kid sure had a knack for finding good people.
“You’re always looking at that thing.”
The boy perked up at Hudson’s words, looking away from the tablet.
“What does it do?”
He watched him bite his lip and get lost in thought as he always did with Hudson. For sure the kid was quick on his feet against the monsters surrounding Akkala, but in times of peace, he took his time processing, indulging in the small luxury few have the chance to. It was in these moments he seemed most at peace, calm, safe, and Hudson was gleeful to have won such trust.
The boy tapped the tablet and a blue light shimmered across it, the hue of ancient technology, like the crystal eye of the guardians. He handed it to Hudson.
“Oh! Are you sure?” Even when the guy left his belongings at camp, the tablet was not one of those belongings. He had never seen it not in his hands or attached at his hip.
He only smiled and handed it to Hudson who awkwardly held it, unsure of how to hold such technology. The kid lent on Hudson to see the screen and tapped a green icon, and the screen changed to …
Hudson had not seen such a tool in his lifetime, but his mother had told him about them. The Sheikah, before their seclusion, could capture scenery with only a click, with details greater than any painting.
The grass of a picture was lush, almost soft, like he could brush his fingers through it.
The boy leans over and swipes the picture away and a new one appeared, one of molten rock and stone with licks of flames surrounding. At the center stood a Goron who wore a handkerchief of Hylian royalty blue around his neck and beside him stood a statue of metal and rubber? There were slots at the face plate and between the slots-
“That is you! I didn’t recognize you!” His laugh bellowed, shaking his stomach and beside him the boy smiled warmly. He swiped to another picture, one of the young man with a silver haired child on a night of the Blood Moon. He held the child above his head and the child cupped his hands around the Blood Moon, as if the Blood Moon was nothing more than a luminescent stone in her hands.
“Amazing. May I see more?”
Nodding his head, the boy took Hudson’s finger and swiped the screen, showing how to sort through the different photos. Another appeared of Hateno, while Karson and himself worked on the new house the young man had bought. Then another when the boy had just left the dye shop. “Those colors suit you,” Hudson complimented offhandedly. Another image must have been taken in the Gerudo Desert based off of the golden sand that seemed to sparkle with the angle of the sun that had half set in the West. The sky had changed to a purplish hue, then orange around the sun, then a golden yellow much like the sand at the sun’s core.
Hudson was awestruck at such beauty at his fingertips. These were sights he had only dreamed of, something he wished the Bolson Construction Company would make him travel to see for himself. “Incredible.”
He turned to ask the young man about the context of the picture, but he quickly shut his mouth holding back a fond smile.
Beside him, head rested on Hudson’s arm, the boy slept.
Similarly to Greyson, Fyson arrived much quicker than Hudson expected. Fyson was younger too, leaving the “nest” for the first time in hopes of making a name for himself, not so different from Hudson who left home young when Bolson first found him. But as he listened to the young man’s desire to start his own shop, Hudson couldn’t help but take him under his “wing.”
Then Rhondson.
Rhondson, a Gerudo who had left home in search of work with little success until the little guy stumbled upon her. How she wasn’t employed was beyond him. Her skill was beyond anything he had seen before, her silks the finest, softest, and strong. Even in metal work to create the necessary buckles and pins, Rhondson’s hands were steady and strong, soft yet sturdy.
Finding a treasure such as her, one who cared for him with the same strength and gentleness, the same love and admiration, he thought only existed in stories.
And it was thanks to the little guy that he stood before his wife to be in the middle of Tarrey Town in front of Hylia’s statue, being blessed by a Zoran priest with Rito and Goron and Hylian friends wishing them the best. Flower petals fluttered down around them, a tradition of a Hylian wedding that represents endless love.
Such a variety of races, who when Calamity struck had hid away in their territories afraid that it was the Hylians who brought on such destruction, now all share the same space giving a Hylian and Gerudo their blessings. It was a sign of healing, that Hyrule wasn’t destroyed by Ganon, only set back, and it would heal, just like a burn on the skin. The grass grew back where fire had scorched and collapsed homes and wedding altars. While it took time, homes can be rebuilt, and people can cherish each other without fear.
Hudson could never thank his friend enough for what he did for him. If not for his companionship, Hudson would have likely gone mad. The project would have taken years just to build, let alone to bring in people who would stay. Sure, there was still work to be done, but his aid put them on the map. Brought in traders and citizens, shopkeepers of all trades.
He brought him his beloved Rhonson.
And so he couldn’t thank the little guy enough for all his work. And so with much thought, he decided it be important that the little guy’s name be a part in Tarrey Town’s founding.
“Tarrey Town. Founded by Hudson and Link.” The sign hung inside the inn, a golden plaque that would engrave them in history.
Plus, being married to a seamstress meant his friend often had his equipment repaired, especially his shoes and gloves.
Tarrey Town had its normal bustling of travelers and traders the day Calamity was vanquished. Word spread from the travelers who had seen the castle from a distance.
“The Princess may finally rest,” a traveler had told Hudson. “The Hero has returned.”
Funny that Hudson had never considered his friend, the one who aided in building an entire town and wanted nothing in return, who brought him his beloved Rhondson, would also be the Hero to stop Calamity Ganon. Nor did he believe the lost princess would be alive, only in a slumber similarly to her knight’s as she did not age.
Link hadn’t been around in some time when the first villages cheered for the princess and knight’s return.
Nonetheless, Hudson still stood as Link’s best man at his and the Princess’ wedding, one that took place not on the castle steps as her father’s had, but rather at the center of a little trade town, one caressed by Lake Akkala and blessed by Hylia herself, as Hudson would say, as petals fluttered in the wind as a promise for the years to come.
It was a step away from tradition, much like the princess herself, who asked to take up sword and travel with her knight as a scholar, who discarded dresses for hiking gear and spoke to her subjects as equals.
Yes, she was untraditional for one of royal blood. And perhaps that wasn’t a bad thing.
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spaceyweirdo · 7 years
My experience with Breath of the Wild
“oh hey i remember that name that was a character in [x zelda game]”
“i’m good at vidyea games!” (immediate failure) “...i’m decent at vidyea games!”]
(doing something that uses stamina) “oh-oh, running outta breath but i, oh-oh, i got stamina"
“hey nintendo why can’t i pet the animals?? this is a huge problem. 0/10 this game is fucking unplayable”
“i’m gonna clear out this monster camp... and then i’m gonna take all their stuff”
“a blood moon! fucking finally! now i can re-fight those minibosses i killed!”
must... have... all... the... clothes...
“wait what do you mean i’ve only found 50 shrines? out of how many? ...isn’t it like, 130 or some shit? fuckin hell”
“is that a reference to [x zelda game]?”
“ocarina of time link has nothin’ on wild link. sleepin’ for 7 years? try 100, bitch”
(playing mix and match dress up with link) “this looks good with this. i’m a goddamn fashion icon. look at me, i look so good.”
i have to rescue every horse i see being ridden by a bokoblin
also 3 of my horses are rescues. the other two are the royal white horse and the giant horse
my horses are named nabooru (giant horse), legend (royal white horse), bubblegum (pink with white spots, mane dyed purple), chocolate (brown and white with black mane), and becky (brown and white with mane dyed red)
“oh look it’s a bolkolbin” “...i think they’re called bokoblins” “i know, but i like pronouncing the enemies’ names wrong. it’s a power move.”
“would you... bang a zora?” “yeah, but not the old-school zoras, 3d zelda game zoras.”
“lizer? lizer! i found a lizer!”
“i found a treeman. i found a little treeman with a leaf face”
never killing any animals unless i have to because it makes me sad
“i will pick these flowers... i will give them to my love. where is the ‘give flowers to fish prince’ button?”
“i need foods. i gotta make some foods.”
painful puns
“i’mma get all the fuckin’ memories, i swear to hylia”
taking pictures of everything
“wild link is a strong contender for prettiest link but skyward sword link is also very, very pretty”
“i got the mothafucken master sword, bitch, y’all don’t stand a chance against me” “...are you seriously using the master sword on a bokoblin camp?” “it makes me feel epic, shut up!”
“...oh my god the divine beasts are named after characters from previous games. how did i not see this sooner? medoh, medli; rudania, darunia; naboris, nabooru; ruta, ruto...” “i do not recognize any of those names.” “you are a disgrace and i demand that you go change out of that zelda shirt right now”
“oh... great... more goop... more ganon goop...” “please do not call it that. it’s blight”
“you’re wearing the gerudo clothes, you going to lesbian town?” “yeah, you wanna come with? maybe you could find a gf” “a gf twice my height? yeah”
referring to every enemy/animal as a/n “[adjective] boy/girl”, such as calling chuchus “jiggly boys”, or calling lizalfos “jumpy/hoppy boys”
i think the chuchus are cute in every game except oot/mm, but my siblings do not agree
gets a new outfit; immediately goes to hateno village to see if i can dye it a different color
yells FIGHT ME at an enemy and then almost immediately gets destroyed
makes a cake after every boss i beat to celebrate my victory
“what the fuck am i supposed to be doing here?”
singing nonsense/silly lyrics to the music
“this is a cool weapon/shield so i can never use it ever or it’ll break and who knows if/when i’ll ever find another one? i’m gonna display it in my house”
the fucking motion-control puzzle shrines can go fuck themselves. or rather, the monks who made the motion-control puzzles can go fuck themselves
whenever a guardian spots me i yell (robot voice) “ENEMY SPOTTED. DESTROY. DESTROY.”
“man, how fucking awesome and weird would it be if humans could have like, 15 hearts, and they regenerate just by like, taking medicine or resting? you get hurt and you’re just like, damn it there goes one heart, better have some milk”
“oh nice, a shrine.”
“has there ever been... a zelda game without the triforce?” “the triforce has been in every zelda game except majora’s mask, i think. and it may have been in majora’s mask, like just the image of it on a shield or something, i don’t remember. but majora’s mask is in termina and the triforce is a hyrule thing so i don’t think the triforce was in majora’s mask” “isn’t there even a reverse triforce in link between worlds?” “yeah, the ecrofirt.”
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