#take this from me though I’m a sokkologist
transboysokka · 10 months
“hey why didn’t Sokka seem to care nearly as much as Katara about bringing his mom’s killer to justice?”
Hey that’s a great question but What You Need to Understand About Sokka is that this boy’s feelings about his family and childhood are SO repressed in order to allow him to function
I know I have other posts about this somewhere but like
This guy has always been the Big Brother. When his mom died and especially when his dad left he was Suddenly In Charge of his sister and the his VILLAGE and ALL the people in it.
He didn’t have TIME to have FEELINGS about these things. He’s a kid and the feelings are just so big they would just shut him down. He hasn’t even had the luxury of time to sit down and Feel and Mourn
He’s always moving from thing to thing right up to the end of the war until he’s suddenly basically become responsible for the fate of the world. (alongside Aang ofc ofc) He’s the plan guy, he was always responsible for everyone, and even if it’s not always necessarily true he definitely still feels that way all the way through the war.
So all of these personal things like thoughts of home and family…. They’re buried WAY deep because he’s trying to save the world right now. So it’s like
“Do you think we should stop the guy who killed mom?”
“Yeah sure but I don’t have time for selfish indulgences right now, I’ll think about that later”
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