#taki andteam
Fox's Fate
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✿ Synopsis: Befriending a small fox leads to a life changing turn of events, not only for you, but also for him. The fox being a kitsune, and he becomes just as attached to you, as you are to him. Not everything is what it seems, but does it really matter, after all you are happier now than you were before.
✿ Who: Takayama Riki / Taki (&Team) & Gender Neutral Reader ✿ Word Count: 8408 Words ✿ Genre: Angst/Fluff ✿ Warnings: Explicit language, arson, amnesia, murder, car accident, and identity theft. ✿ Request: No ✿ Enjoy.
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Feet hit the harsh rocks, he ran through the darkened alleyway, the yelling fading behind him, the footsteps that followed him eventually stopping. The shop owner had not taken well to the orange and white creature rifling through his trash cans, he was only on the search for food. Usually the large fluffy tail of his was enough to distract people, they would become enamored by the fluffy thing, letting the fox get away with whatever it was he wanted to do. This person however was not having that, yelling and screaming at the small fox, running him off with anger, repeatedly crying out that he will not have vermin in his dumpster. Deciding it was enough of the city for today, he found himself nearing the outskirts of town. No longer were there businesses lining the streets, instead it was houses, family houses at that. Finding himself in the garden of a house, he had no idea eyes were on him, they were observing the small hungry fox. Within the house was a person quickly searching what do foxes eat on their phone, before starting to pile up some food on the plate, for the poor animal. Moments later the person comes out of their house, offering a small white porcelain plate abound with leftover freshly cooked meats and a variety of fresh sweet berries. Unaccustomed to the kindness of others, the fox kept his distance, only going over to the plate once the human was back within their house. The person watching through the window as the small orange and white creature devoured the food, it was much hungrier than one would have thought. The food was gone in a matter of minutes, the fox finding its way back into the garden, falling asleep amongst the flowers.
As the morning came, the fox was surprised to see another plate sat out, more meat and berries. This became a common routine for the homeowner and the fox. It took a month before he felt comfortable entering the person’s home. They had shown him nothing but kindness, and he felt grateful for that. Eating freshly cooked meats they gave him, while they were eating their own dinner, and feasting upon bowls of freshly picked berries, became a daily routine. It was odd to the homeowner, the fox was basically like a pet to them at this point. It would join them for breakfast and dinner, curling up in their lap as they watched the television after dinner, and would allow them to pet it like a dog or cat would. The fox had grown close to the homeowner, enjoying his position as a pet for them, since it kept him warm, full, and loved. No longer was he roughing it on the streets begging for a meal, he had someone that was keeping him fed and clean.
Riki had gotten accustomed to this, he had been a fox for so many years he had lost count. He once was counting down the days until he would reach 100, being able to shift into a human form, being able to fully enjoy the human parts of life. But, years ago that countdown stopped, he shifted from loving life and wanting to be a human, to just struggling to get by. At one point he was no longer seen as a joy and blessing in his community, instead being seen as a problem, a vermin, something to get rid of. That was until he found them, they cared for him in a way he had missed for years. Seeing him as another being, not just a problem rifling through their trash cans. He enjoyed laying in their arms, the food they would give him, and despite how embarrassing it was, he did not mind them when they would groom him, commenting how much better he smelled after using the various products on him. He had not only grown to like this treatment, but found himself liking them as well.
Despite how hard he tried to behave, he had a habit of stealing little things from the neighbors and bringing them to your house, like a thank you. He knew enough about humans to know you would not like for him to bring you a dead bird or rat, like a cat would; but he saw no problem in stealing flowers from the neighbors garden, or maybe a discarded necklace he found in the park. These little things became a normal thing, the small gifts from the little fox were the highlights of your day most of the time. Little things like shiny rocks and flowers became normal things for you to see in the small fox’s mouth. You were thankful that he felt thankful for how you treated him, but even without these small gifts, you would have still fed and cared for the sweet little fox. He was so domesticated, you felt that he was a pet someone had abandoned.
This continued for some time, until one day Riki felt some odd feeling, while on his usual walk through the forest to your home, he felt this unimaginable pain. Only then did it hit him what it was, he had aged for a hundred years, he was able to shift into a human form finally, something he once counted down the days for felt like an inconvenience how, since how were you to love him outside of his fox form. Many kitsune would love to have this chance, however, Riki just ignored it, instead deciding to stay in his fox form for now, since the only person he knew enough about to shift into would be you. Continuing his regular routine, being nothing more than a little pet to you.
This was until one day when he came back home from a walk, seeing an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway, an unfamiliar scent was picked up easily. That was the first day in months that you did not come when he scratched at the door, there was no food outside for him, nor had you left the window open for him. Jumping up onto the windowsill, he gazed into the living room, seeing another figure other than just yourself. He growled slightly as he realized the other scent was another man, he could not hear what was being said, but he hated the look of joy upon your face as the other man held you in his arms. The anger was interrupted as the window caught the man’s attention, unable to hear what was being said, he knew it was not good, especially as he watched you grasp the man’s arm, simply making him sit back down. The door opened quickly after that, a bowl of berries was in your hand, and he heard you start to comment to the other man.
“Calm the fuck down Taki, it’s just a little fox, I feed it every night, it was just staring in wondering where it’s dinner was,” you yelled out to your boyfriend who was sitting on your sofa. Taki had been gone for almost five months at that point, his job sending him out of the country for a multiple month contract, luckily however he was back. He did not seem to like your little fox visitor, and you just hoped he would not do anything to the sweet little fox that you loved so dearly. “I’m sorry sweetie, you’ll have to sleep outside tonight, he doesn’t really like the idea of a wild animal in the house,” you told the gentle fox, petting it as it bumped your hand with its head.
It took not even a minute of you being away for Taki to reach his limit, getting up and coming to the door to force you back inside the house. “Let the damn animal starve, if it can’t find food out in nature, just let it go hungry, it’s not your fault it can’t hunt like a normal animal can.” Taki yelled out, glaring at the small fox in distaste. “It’s going to bring fleas and ticks around, probably has disease too, we should scare it off, that would be best.” He said, wanting the dumb animal to be away from him.
With a gasp, you turned to look at your boyfriend, shocked at the words from his mouth. “It’s just a sweet little fox, I think it used to be someone’s pet. There is no need to talk about it so rudely and harshly, it’s just a sweet little fox.” You attempted to defend the little animal, as you remained petting its soft fur. Taki was always a bit abrasive, it always had to be his way or no way, things were how he wanted them to be or things just did not get done, you had shocked yourself by standing up for the small fox, but it was just an innocent animal, and Taki’s anger was unfounded.
“Whatever, quit petting it, go wash your hands, and join me on the sofa again. The movie is playing, and I don’t like missing too much of it since you had to come out here to deal with that stupid little animal.” Taki said, before returning back into the house, closing the front door with a slam, scaring both yourself and the small little fox with his anger. Taki had decided that if the fox was there in the morning, he would scare it off, the last thing you needed was to get some disease from a wild fox. Laying back on the sofa, he started to complain again, this time at how long it was taking you to rejoin him on the sofa.
Petting the little fox one last time, you softly sighed at Taki’s anger. You were accustomed to this, he always had to have everything his way, and you knew he would not be happy until the fox was no longer a problem. “I’m sorry little one, enjoy your berries,” you told the small animal, before starting your way back in, “You may want to make sure you aren’t here in the morning, I don’t think Taki will like it if he sees you again.” Slipped past your lips, wishing the small fox would understand you, since the last thing you wanted is for Taki to scare off your little friend. He had scared off most of your real friends, and now was trying to scare off your animal friend. Rejoining him on the sofa, you ignored all the complaints and grumbles coming from him, just hoping his anger would subside for the rest of the night.
The little fox, Riki, hated the way the man, Taki he believes you said, spoke to you. Someone as wonderful as you deserved someone just as wonderful, not an asshole like him. It was not his fault the insecure man felt threatened by an animal, and it angered him how he so easily yelled at you. Complaining about how long it took to resume the movie, and about how the fox should just be left to die. As he enjoyed the berries, he just wished he could do something to help you, to get you away from this man. Hearing your warning, he made sure he was gone from your property after eating the berries, knowing that you would not have said it unless it was a serious thing. Which, seeing how Taki reacted upon seeing him at the window, you knew it was absolutely a serious thing.
The routine changed after that day. No longer were days spent in their house, enjoying breakfast and dinner with them. Instead, Riki would get a handful of berries, and luckily the occasional piece of meat, hidden within the trees just behind the backdoor of the house. Despite Taki’s hatred of the small animal, you continued to feed the poor fox, but tried your best to make sure Taki never saw it. Riki however would often hear Taki’s complaining, the man looking around for the fox, wanting to fully scare it off, knowing you still fed it regularly, and he did not like that.
Riki grew to hate Taki, how he treated you, how he treated him, and just everything. Yelling became a regular occurance from your house at night, usually Taki yelling at you for little things. It started with him yelling at you since he claimed you did not cook enough food for dinner, blaming it on your daily time spent feeding that fox. Then it escalated, him yelling at you for not doing all of his laundry by the time he returned home, despite the fact you worked as well, he expected you to do everything at home as well. It was then over you not cleaning the whole house, Riki could hear his yelling, screaming about the filth in the house, and how he could not be with someone who does not know how to keep things clean. Despite his desire to protect you, Riki stayed back, not wanting to make anything worse.
The day that made him decide to do something was when he saw Taki raise a hand to you, he had been yelling at you, reminding you how he could easily replace you, how he many others on his roster, that he could have another by the time he gets home, while you were just sitting here crying. Taki had anger issues, he would scream and he would yell, but he never once hit you until that day. Easily backhanding you with such force, you landed on the floor, hand holding your face in shock, unable to even scream or cry in this situation. Taki ended up storming out the house, yelling that it was over, but not before he openly disclosed that he had no qualms about hooking up with others while he was on the work trip abroad, reminding you that he never felt you were exclusive, you were nothing but a toy for him.
Riki wanted to rush into your house as Taki opened the door, but instead the imposing male stood in front of the closed door, a short laugh being heard, as he stared at the fox. A foot met the side of Riki’s fox figure, Taki muttering about the stupid animal before he started to leave. Taki however did not get far, seeing the little pet house that you had bought for the fox, he quickly grabbed the fox. Riki was too weak from the kick to fight back as Taki picked him up, but he tried his hardest, wiggling in his grasp, wanting to escape and run into the house to where you were. However, he was unable to, his small body being forced into a small box that had been bed for many nights while sleeping outside. As Taki went to lock the door, to completely trap the small fox inside the pet carrier, something stopped him. It was a shiny object, Riki felt his heart drop as Taki’s hand clutched the item, shoving it into his pocket, before proceeding to lock the carrier. Taki then left, taking the kitsune ball with him.
A seething hatred filled his body, watching Taki walking off to his vehicle with his kitsune ball, the idiot having no idea of what he just did, what he just took, what he just caused. Immediately Riki cried out, the pain from the kick finally fully hitting him, as he cried out in pain. By then you were already outside, about to start chasing after Taki, he was all you knew, having been with him for so long, you did not know what else to do. But, hearing the cries of an animal, you found yourself looking around, terrified that Taki had finally made true on his promise and threats, all the times he said he would kill that stupid fox. Luckily you found him, locked in the pet carrier, quickly opening it, you had no time to look at the fox, as he took off running. As the only other thing in your life ran away from you, you felt your heart start to crumble, Taki had scared off all your friends, all your family, and now your little animal friend as well.
As badly as Riki wanted to stay and be with you, he had to get his kitsune ball back one way or another. Hatred and the desire for revenge filled his being, wanting nothing more than to get his kitsune ball back whether it left Taki dead or alive. He was quick to trace the scent of the cheating abusive bastard you once called your boyfriend, Riki wanted nothing more than to kill the man, but he could tell you genuinely loved him. His anger drove him all the way to outside Taki’s house, it was the middle of the night, and he was unsure of what to do as he found himself on the doorstep of the man’s house.
Taki was quick to get to the door, thinking it was the girl he had texted on his drive over, but instead his video alert was alarming him of the stupid little fox on his doorstep. Opening the door, a laugh left his lips, seeing the fox he had once locked up in the pet carrier now on his doorstep. Taki had forgotten all about what he had stolen, until he reached to put his hands in his pockets, planning to kick the door closed on the small little fox’s head. A laugh slipped past his lips, removing the ball from his pocket with a smirk, “Oh, is this what you came for,” he sneered, starting to squeeze the small glowing golden white ball in his hand, attempting to break it.
Riki felt this rush through his body, a feeling he had never felt before, he found himself gaining height. Going from being eye level with Taki’s calves, to staring the man in the eye. Riki had shifted himself into Taki without meaning to, but it seemed to have taken Taki back enough that he dropped the kitsune ball, as he stepped back with haste. Taki’s back hit the floor as he started trying to get away, screams attempting to slip out of his mouth, but nothing came. This time it was laughing leaving Riki’s mouth, quickly picking up the glowing ball, before he started to walk closer to the man on the floor. “Oh, this is, but I also came for this,” he said, reaching down, watching as felt the power coursing through his body, he grabbed Taki’s leg, watching as it spontaneously erupted into flames. Riki had never used his magic, never seeing a reason in it, but for you, he would use it however often as he needed to.
Taki froze, falling to the ground as he watched the fox turning into a man, not just any man, but himself. Screams begged to escape his body, but no noise came out of his mouth, instead he hit the ground, trying to crawl away. Unable to get away, he stared in terror as he set himself on fire. This had to be some sort of fever dream, there were not two of him in the world, and the fire came out of nowhere. It was like all the air had been sucked out of his lungs, his whole body erupting in burning violent flames, but his screams met deaf ears, no noise coming from his vocal cords, despite how loudly he screamed and cried.
Riki felt such joy watching as the flames easily took over Taki’s frame. He would not bother you again, no longer would Taki get to enjoy inflicting such pain on you, if it does not bring joy let it go, and here Riki was letting Taki go. A laugh fell from his lips, watching as Taki tried to roll around, trying to get the flames to stop, the shock on his face was evident, as Riki had stolen his voice along with his looks. His joy overwhelmed him as he watched the last of the flames finally die down, leaving nothing remaining of Taki other than some charred clothing remains. His joy however did not last, as a random dinging caught his attention, a phone you had called many times, he read the screen quickly, seeing a message saying ‘on my way’ from someone Taki had named side chick number six, whatever a side chick was. But, as he stood there, something hit him, someone was on their way to see Taki, real Taki, not Riki Taki, maybe it was because he was new to using his magic and all, but he was unable to stop it when everything around him just erupted into flames. He found himself shifting back into fox form, quickly running from the house. Riki did not make it far however, he was hit by a car just outside the house, immediately shifting back into his Taki form from the impact. He watched as the entire house caught on fire, it was up in flames, he only got to enjoy the sight of the second story of the house collapsing into the flames, before all he saw was black.
You were sitting in your room when you got the call, it had been almost an hour since Taki had left and your little fox friend had run away from you. The call was from an unknown number, but answered it regardless, quickly being greeted with an unknown male voice, asking if they were calling the right number, before revealing it was the hospital. “What do you mean he was hit by a car?” You all but screamed into the phone, Taki and you might have been arguing that night, but you did not want him to get hit by a car. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” You told the receptionist, quickly throwing on your shoes and a jacket, before finding your way to the hospital.
He may have been a horrible boyfriend, but you loved him despite everything he did, and you were distraught when you heard the news. You wanted to get back at him, but him being hit by a car was never what you wanted. You wanted him to maybe feel bad about cheating on you, not to be almost killed by a car. Arriving at the hospital, you were quickly ushered into his room, seeing not only a police officer but a fire inspector in the room as well. They were quick to catch you up on what happened, his house caught on fire, he ran from the fire, he got hit by a car, he passed out, and the driver of the car was apparently someone he had invited over to his house that night.
Despite the anger that came from knowing he was actively trying to hookup with someone that was not you, you could not stop feeling the pain and sorrow you felt for the man laying out on the bed. You loved him, you would never not love him, even if he did not always love you. Quickly you found yourself taking his hand, clutching it as tightly as you could, tears falling from your eyes as you wanted nothing more than for him to awake. You would apologize for being a bad significant other, you would apologize for making him mad, you would do anything to make him happy, you would do anything he asked you to as you had so many times before. Taki relied on that, leaving you and then waiting until you came crawling back begging for him.
Riki had no idea what happened, but he felt a sharp feeling in his arms, something holding down his wrist as well. Immediately, he recognized he was not in his fox form, instead in human form, Taki’s form. A small soft hand held his hand in theirs, teardrops making his arm wet, he knew the hands were yours based on your scent. He fought the mind fog for almost an hour, just hearing your sobs, your pleas for him to be okay, to wake up, to forgive you. Riki knew these cries were for Taki, not him, but he wished it was for him. Riki knew nothing of being human, Riki knew nothing of being in love, Riki knew nothing of being loved, Riki knew nothing of any of it, but he knew he would never had treated you how Taki did, he knew that the way he felt for you was as close to love as he would ever feel, until he truly learned what love was.
As Taki opened his eyes, you found yourself gasping, clinging yourself onto his body, lips immediately making contact with his lips. It was odd as Taki did not kiss you back, instead just sitting there frozen, unsure of what to do. Moving back, you looked in his eyes, seeing nothing but confusion on his face. Quickly the doctor was called, not even an hour later, the doctor told you the diagnosis. “You believe he has amnesia?” The diagnosis was like a slap to the face, it explained why he was so frozen earlier, probably not remembering you at all. “So he remembers how to talk and read, but nothing else. Retrograde amnesia?” You easily repeated the doctor, listening to everything he tells you, how to care for him, how to attempt to get his memory to return and everything.
Riki felt odd, everyone referring to him as Taki felt out of place, but for all intents and purposes, he was now Taki, god knows what would happen to him if he revealed what had really happened to Taki. Despite how much he loved the feeling of your hands holding his, it hurt him that you were only doing so thinking he was Taki, but at this point, he had no choice but to be Taki. After everyone left, he felt lost, he did not know what to do, it was hard being in a new body, let alone also having a whole new identity. He could only guess the doctor was telling you everything as some random girl entered the room, quick to rush over and hug him, not even noticing as he froze.
As she started to cry, Riki realized this must have been the person the message earlier was from, what was it, side chick number six. He moved away from her grasp as she cried out, “Oh Taki, I’m so glad you’re alive. I was so afraid I had killed you, I was coming over like you asked me to, I didn’t think I’d hit you.” She cried out, trying to come to terms with what happened. She tried to hug him again, but Riki raised his hands, pushing her away, not wanting whoever this was to be on him, let alone touch him.
“I don’t know who you are, but please leave me alone,” He said, watching as the girl’s face immediately dropped. She was devastated by his words, but he felt no pain for her. She was only number six of who knows how many people Taki had been cheating on his amazing girlfriend with. He had such an amazing person who loved him with all their heart, but instead he was out there sleeping with anyone who would allow him to do so. Riki however, knew that Taki from now on would not be doing that, he would blame it on the traumatic head injury or something, but Taki would no longer be doing that, he would be honest and cherish what he had, like Riki knows he would.
The girl started to cry even harder, Riki did not even know her name, and he honestly did not care. “What do you mean? Taki it’s me? We’ve been dating for a while, you don’t remember me?” She cried out, becoming more and more outraged as she cried, becoming louder and louder. Riki luckily did not have to do anything as a nurse burst into the room, removing the girl from his room, before adding her to a list of people not allowed to visit, after Riki expressed how distressed her presence made him.
You had watched the whole scene, it was odd, Taki would oftentimes brag about how easily he could replace you, but here he was rejecting the girl he had invited over to do just that. It felt odd, but you reminded yourself that it was just the amnesia talking, he would probably go right back to it once he healed and had his memory back. Entering his room again, you found yourself sitting beside his bed, taking his hands in yours once more. “Do you remember who I am?” Being all you asked, watching as he shook his head, it hurt, but you knew you had bigger issues than him not remembering who you are. Telling him your name, you were quick to let him know, “I’m your partner, we’ve been together for years.”
Riki could do nothing but play stupid, knowing that while he might have Taki’s looks and voice, he did not have his memories, and would instead be unable to know anything you might ask him. “I’m sorry,” he muttered, watching how the hurt masked your eyes, knowing that the thought of your boyfriend not recognizing you must have hurt. “But I want to remember,” he added, hoping that it might make everything a bit better for you.
Despite the fact you would not admit it, hearing his words made your heart swell a bit. Taki was never one to really care about much, but you could only guess the brain injury had changed him, hopefully it made him a better man, but you knew that was a bad thing to think, especially given the situation. “I’ll try to help you remember,” you told him, yet, it hurt so badly when you thought about it. You would help him regain his memory, just for him to probably revert to how he was just before the accident. You would help him regain his memory, just for him to go back to reminding you how easily he could replace, bragging about his roster, and reminding you that he did not do exclusivity. He would more than likely go back to cheating on you when mad, claiming it was your fault for running him into the arms of another, and making you genuinely believe it was your fault, since he was being so generous with you, and you treated him like that.
Riki felt feelings he had never felt before as you clutched at his hands, his arms, holding them to your chest, gentle kisses on his hand, soothing him almost. The pain in your eyes told him how much you regret the words you just said, seeing how Taki treated you, he understood why. The relationship was so bad, but you were in love with Taki, and he knew that, which is why he would always get away with whatever it was he wanted to do, you would always forgive him and believe him when he twisted it to make it your fault. Riki knew that you deserve someone better, someone that would love you back with their whole heart, not just someone who only loves you when it is convenient for them. The pain in your eyes made him decide to be just that, you would never have to worry about him getting mad and storming out claiming he is going to go sleep with another, you would never have to worry about him hitting you in anger, and you would never have to worry about the pain Taki brought every time he came around.
Riki wanted nothing more than to let you know who he really was, but he knew you would not believe him. What was he to say, I am the fox you used to feed and cuddle with every night and I sorta killed your abusive asshole of a boyfriend, that would get him put in jail or worse. Despite how much he knew Taki had hurt you, he also had to admit to himself that pretending to be Taki was for the best at this moment in time, since that was who you thought he was. You thought he was Taki, just Taki with some minor brain damage, after all he had been hit by a car. Being Taki may not be what he wanted, but he was sure he would never treat you the way the real Taki would have, since you deserve better.
As the doctor’s cleared Taki to leave, you were quick to get him to your house, seeing how his own had burned down, an electrical fire is what the fire and police said. It was odd seeing him so demure, so confused, almost innocent, he was unsure of what he was doing, unsure of what to do, and unsure of everything, just waiting for you to tell him what he needed to do. Once he was seated on the sofa, you decided to do your best to help him start remembering little things, getting out a scrapbook full of photos from when you first started dating.
There was once a happy phase with Taki, romantic candlelit dinners, moonlight picnics, walks under the stars, and matching couple outfits. But, that phase faded into controlling behavior, if you made him mad he would start to yell, he would start to blame you for everything, which it was your fault, you were the one who made him mad. Those romantic dates started to end, instead he simply had home dates with you instead, claiming you did not deserve anything too extravagant or opulent, since you would just end up pissing him off anyways and would embarrass him if he did take you. The lack of romance then translated to him picking up others, claiming you were not making him fully happy, he deserved this, if you could not satisfy him fully, he deserved the ability to be with others who would, and that is exactly what he would do. Honestly, at some point Taki had fallen out of love with you, but he would not have admitted it, nor would he break up with you. Taki would never let you be the victim, he had to be the victim, if you were to break up, you had to end it with him, never the other way around. He needed to be able to turn it into a sad story for himself, claim the love of his life and significant other for the past five years broke his heart with such ease, he would have slandered your public image, making sure that you were never happy again. He deserved happiness, he would be damned if you kept him from that, but you only deserve happiness if it was with him.
Opening the book, you found yourself seated next to Taki, staring at the first page, you questioned how to go about this. Despite your brain telling you to tell him everything, you decided to only mention the happy moments, the good parts, thinking maybe he will not ever remember that he was once an abusive horrible asshole of a boyfriend. He would be mad at you once he did remember, but he would also be mad at you regardless of whether you told him about those moments or not, so instead you decided to focus on the lovely moments. “This was from our first date,” was how it started, “you took me out to a picnic, it was so sweet. You made all my favorite foods and snacks, and we ended up talking for hours upon hours. You were such a gentleman, listening to me go on and on about everything, even once the night came, we continued talking.”
Riki stared at the photos on the page, seeing sweet photos of yourself and Taki, you were enamored with Taki, and once Taki was in love with you as well. He felt his heart ache slightly, staring at the picture in which Taki’s lips were on your own. Staring at the photos, he felt a sense of pride, a sense of joy. He knew how Taki ended up, how he treated you all these years later, how horrible he was. He felt joy that you would never have to go through that treatment again, he would never treat you like Taki would, he would never lay a finger on you like Taki would, you were precious and he would treat you as such. He felt pride that he would make you feel this way again, he would never see the fear or pain in your eyes again, he would make you remember the days when you were lovesick and thought you had found your forever, he would be your forever.
Seeing his gaze catching a photo on the page, you ran your fingers along the photo, remembering that day. “That was the day we had our first kiss. You had bought me a bouquet of the most beautiful flowers, but told me I was the most beautiful flower of all. I remember you taking me out to a restaurant and us having a candlelit dinner, it was so romantic, we then took a midnight walk. By the end of the walk, neither of us wanted to go home, but you knew we needed to. You brought me to my door, we talked for almost twenty minutes just standing there, until you finally acted and kissed me. I’m lucky my doorbell camera caught it, otherwise I wouldn’t have this photo for that memory.”
Riki nodded, but he knew none of these moments, and he never would remember them. In that moment he cursed how shifting into a human did not give you their memories, but he also did not want those memories, he would never want first hand account memories of hitting you or anything. He gazed at the photos with confusion, not a singular memory coming up with any of the photos, obviously since he was not the real Taki. He was nothing more than an imposter, and he only hoped you would not catch onto that.
Gazing at his face, the look in his eyes told you everything you needed to know. “You don’t remember, do you?” You questioned him, your heart dropping as he shook his head. It was a long shot, but you had hope, hope he would remember, hope that things would go back to how they once were. But, instead fate had another plan in mind it seems. But, you would not give up on him, you would continue trying, you would make him remember it one way or another.
That is how days started, you showing him videos and photos, seeing if anything sparked a memory, but nothing ever did. He could not even remember how to do little things like using the toaster and making a sandwich, it was like his mind was just blank, an empty canvas ready to be used. The doctors offered nothing except comments about how the damage might be much worse than they thought, offering the advice that maybe making new memories would be better than reviving old ones, since it seems he has no problem remembering things that happen now.
This was how the two of you ended up where you are now, sitting together on a picnic blanket, surrounded by little snacks and drinks. If he could not remember your first date, you would recreate your first date for him. Words were not being passed between the two of you, Taki himself did not know what he liked, so there was nothing much for him to talk about, yet, it did not bother you. Oddly, it felt comfortable, he sat listening to you intently, as the two of you shared this space. Somehow the two of you ended up laying down, gazing up at the stars, your head on his chest, as you pointed out different constellations to him.
Riki was absolutely enamored with you, how gentle you were with him, how kind you were. He knew nothing much other than speech, and you were so calm explaining things to him, even things he felt you thought he should know. He just enjoyed being around you, he might never be able to do everything Taki could do, but he did not mind that when it was you teaching him how to do it. He felt joy when he overheard the doctor’s call, make new memories rather than focus on reviving old ones, just what he was hoping would happen, he wanted to make you feel joy and love you never felt with the real Taki, and this is how he would do so.
He knew nothing much to share with you, but he loved just listening to you talk, he would do that for hours, just hearing you ramble about things that interested you was his favorite thing. The date you planned for the two of you, he enjoyed, knowing it was a recreation of your first date, but he also knew it would have a drastically different ending. Somehow he ended up laying down on the thick blanket, staring up at the sky. He often observed the stars, but being with you made them all shine brighter, you made them even more stunning, but their beauty could not compete with your beauty. His arm found its way around your waist as you pointed out star formations to him, explaining them and telling him the names of them. He nodded, listening passionately to each word you said, his hand easily finding its way to your hair, simply petting it as you laid there.
Explaining the constellations to Taki, it was silent, except for the sounds of your voice, and his occasional voice of agreement and acknowledgement. It was odd feeling his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, Taki would have never done that, he was not one to be touchy with you, it was only ever on his terms. It was odd, you enjoyed it, the feeling of his arm holding you close to his chest, almost like he was afraid you would blow away with the gentle breeze that was blowing through. It was only when you felt the hand petting your hair gently, that you felt a feeling you had not felt in long, love. At that moment, all words fell silent, you started up at Taki, feeling the love that you thought had faded for him so long again. “Taki,” you softly muttered upon seeing him staring at you as well.
Riki had been observing your face the entire time you spoke, each word from your mouth captivated him, you could have been just saying random words, and he still would have been captivated. You were the moon and he was tide, you were pulling and pushing him with movement and words from your lips. He could not stop himself from staring at those lips, wondering what they would feel like against his own. You had mentioned before that the first kiss did not happen until almost a month into dating, but that was old Taki, this was new and improved Taki, and new and improved Taki honestly felt no need to wait. Leaning down, he quickly captured your lips. It was an odd feeling, but he liked it, and he wanted to do it more.
Kissing Taki was not on your list of things to happen today, but you welcomed it. His lips felt different than before, they were not rough or harsh, he was not dominating the kiss, nor was he trying to force his tongue into your mouth as he usually would. The kiss was gentle, it honestly made you fall in love with him all over again. A gentleness you had not felt in so long, it was welcoming to your heart, making you feel like you did once with him, filling your stomach with butterflies and your mind with thoughts of what might happen this time, how different it will be, how happy you may be.
Riki was unsure what he was doing, but it just felt right. His lips locked with yours, he mimicked your movement, giving you back what you gave him. His hand dropped from your head, going to your waist, pulling you on his chest completely. To any onlooker, it was a sweet couple sharing a soft moment, to him it was a sign of what he would be getting for the rest of his life, since after tasting how sweet your lips tasted, feeling how soft your lips are, and realizing how easily you fit in next to him, he never planned on letting you go. He would never let you go and he was sure you would never let him go. This time Taki would be a perfect gentleman, he would be just what you needed in your life, and Riki would make sure of it. Finally parting his lips from yours, he could do nothing more than just staring at you, “Beautiful, so beautiful,” he muttered, his lips pressing gentle kisses to your forehead, as the date came to an end.
Taki was different, so different, each date was so much better than the first ones. You were not sure what it was, but it had to be the car accident, changing him into a whole new person practically. Loyalty was the first word in this Taki’s vocabulary. Love was the second word. And perfection was the third, since that is what you were to him. No longer did fear stay in your eyes when you gazed at him. No longer did you fear he would storm out bragging he had a date with another girl. No longer did you fear he would hit you in anger. No longer did those feelings of inadequacy mar your mind. To this Taki you were perfect, you were amazing, and he would never find anyone that he would ever love more than you.
A part of your mind wanted you to admit that maybe Taki was not Taki after all, but it could not be that. It was just that the car accident brought something out in him that you never saw, something that made him a man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. Creating new memories was the best decision, replacing all those cold and harsh memories you had with Taki previously, with sweet and warm ones with Taki now.
Taki was a fast learner, you quickly had him learn how to be self sufficient around the house, to the point that he refused to let you help around the house. He was unable to work or anything outside of the house, due to the memory loss, so he felt it was only right to help around the house. It was odd, seeing him so easily take the role of what one would call a house husband, but it was appreciated. Previously Taki would have expected you to do everything on your own, he would not lift a single finger to help you, but Taki now would not let you lift a single finger to do it.
For the first time in years, you felt loved, each day falling in love more and more with Taki. He was finally being the man of your dreams, the man you always fantasized about, the man that would love you for who you were for the rest of your life. No longer did his kisses feel forced, no longer did the love feel absent, no longer did you feel as though your life was on eggshells around him. He always made sure you felt loved, reminded you that you were loved, and loved you like he felt you deserved to be loved.
Riki had taken to everything you taught him quickly, doing all the little tasks around the house for you while you were at work. Nothing ever needed to be mentioned twice, since he felt it was the least he could do for you taking such good care of him. Need the lawn mowed, he did it immediately after figuring out how to work the lawn mower once you went to work. The laundry needs to be done, no need to ask, he has already started it, even going as far as to sort the darks and colors. Riki was unsure who he was at this point, but all he did know is that whoever he was, he was loved by you. He loved you, you returned his love, and that was all he cared about.
It was a day he had finished all the chores early, he even had dinner in the oven waiting for you to return from work, when you caught him by the mirror in the bedroom. He did not hear you enter, nor did he notice you come into the house. You watched as he just stared at himself in the mirror, confusion did not mar his face, nor did anger, or any other identifiable emotion.
Staring at his appearance in the mirror, Riki was unsure where he began and Taki ended, he was unsure if Riki even existed any longer except for in his mind. Yet, feeling your arms wrap around his waist, he finally noticed you were home, and your lips softly littering his neck with gentle kisses, muttering sweet words of praise and love. He honestly found himself not caring, as far as anyone knew now he was Taki. As long as you loved Taki, he would be Taki, he was Taki, he is Taki; Riki no longer exists, since as long as he has you within his arms, he has no desire to be back in his fox form again. Moving his arm, he quickly switched your positions, moving you from where you stood behind him. Rubbing his nose against yours, he gently kissed your lips, before he picked you up with ease, feeling your arms wrapping around his neck. “I love you Taki,” your voice attempted to say, before it was enveloped by his lips against yours. He found himself smiling into the kiss as your words were cut out by the moans coming from his actions.
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lemonboy383 · 8 months
Is anyone else obsessing over Taki from andteam rn🧍?
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lilachannie · 2 months
Changing my lockscreen to a selfie of Taki because he's been running through my mind lately, and I can open my phone and be delulu about him being my man
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pshface · 1 year
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kimakento · 2 months
&team as your situationship
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pairings: ot9 x fem!reader ⌙ 0.9k
genre(s): fluff, general
tags: situationship!andteam, teeth-rotting fluff, also angst if you squint hard enough, slightly suggestive (?) on ej’s part
a/n: i actually really enjoyed writing this req even though i had to search what a situationship was because i wasn’t totally sure myself 😭 but still i hope you all enjoy this! <33 [this is not proofread so please excuse all the mistakes]
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jo can’t flirt for his life, so when you do it to him he’s way too flustered. (and you do it hourly)
he’s such a loser for you i swear (affectionately) like whenever you utter a single word it has him smiling like an idiot.
even though you guys are unlabelled, jo wanted you to meet his parents. and when you finally did, the word ‘girlfriend’ nearly slipped out his mouth. though his dad did think you were dating.
this man is such a gentleman, his love language is definitely words of affirmation. the way he comes up with compliments makes you swoon.
we all see how he’s always the sensible one among the teamies and takes care of them, he’s the exact same with you. from paying attention to you, concerned when you’re visibly overwhelmed.
always asking if you’re comfortable, doing anything he can do to help you. but your favourite part about him is definitely his arms (don’t tell him that though). when he wraps you in his embrace, you melt into him.
apart from all that, you’re definitely not satisfied with dancing around a label.
vv reassuring and has his eyes always on you. you guys cannot tell me he doesn’t shower you with compliments 24/7.
since he’s really tall it makes you feel safe when out with him. acts of service is his love language. holding an umbrella for you while it’s raining, carrying your bag, helping you change out of uncomfortable clothes and the lot.
although not official, k was definitely the one who fell first but wasn’t sure if you would return his feelings as he was the one who’d gotten you both tied up in this situationship.
probably the most possessive and protective out of everyone. even when you post any picture online of yourself he’s frantically texting you.
“take it down. you look too pretty i don’t want anyone to see it except me.” and when you refuse he’ll literally plead with you. (he’s so down bad)
nicholas eventually starts sneaking you into his dorms and spends time with you inside his room. (that had been happening for months until yuma had accidentally barged in and saw you fast asleep on nicholas’ chest and he was not happy about that.)
nicho has always been slightly emotionally unavailable which puts you off from confessing.
it all started when he had come over to yours late at night and he looked too pretty that you just had to kiss him. you still do.
euijoo loves it when you give him pecks all over his face until he gets impatient and steals a kiss for himself. very touchy with you, always has his hands on your waist when you kiss like someone’s gonna snatch you away.
this man acts like your husband of five years that sometimes even you forget he’s not actually your boyfriend.
juju has never been happy at your guys’ lack of a label but decided to wait for you.
calls you ‘baby’ too much for your own health. and every time you hear that from his mouth, you struggle to contain the urge to smile.
“baby, can you get that for me?” “you’re so pretty, baby.”
though you do frown when you realise that yuma isn’t your boyfriend. but all that washes away when he caresses your cheek before kissing you passionately.
he’s really lovesick, smiling whenever you look his way, holding you hand all the time and even just doing simple things by your side.
he loves it when you’re in his lap, absentmindedly playing with his hands that are around your waist while you watch a movie together.
taki loves the way you call his name, it sounds so right coming your lips. that’s a major reason why he doesn’t use pet names. his name just sounds more intimate.
constantly invites you to ‘not-dates’ and believes that all the cute outfits you wear are for him. (they are but you won’t tell him that)
has thousands of photos of you on his phone to the point where he has a separate folder dedicated for them.
harua’s probably the most calm about it than all the teamies. like nicholas, you’ve seen him as emotionally unavailable because of that. but he’s actually an over thinker, he’s always wanted to be your boyfriend but nothing else.
talks about you to his friends all the time, to the point they all believe you’re dating.
his favourite thing is when you call him cute but he always plays it off by denying.
once you verbalised how much you adore cats (probably because he resembles one) so one time he surprised you by inviting you to a (not) date to a cat cafe.
you guys have a cat and dog dynamic, and it’s so adorable. maki clings to you, always verbalising his every thought about you.
he’s adamant on making you flustered so he always experiments new pickup lines on you even though they rarely work.
this man is so obsessed with you to the point he’s never seen without you. he also makes sure everyone knows you’re (partially) his by always having his hands on you.
wants himself to be known as your boyfriend so bad. it doesn’t take him long before he confesses.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated :D
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lovelynicho · 5 months
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&team reaction to - making out
pairing: &team x gn!reader
Genre: suggestive
Warnings: making out (obvi), includes Maki
He likes to make out in bed. Lying on top of you, kissing you like a hungry animal. His hands touch every part of you he can reach and he likes it if you do the same. But after you take off his shirt and sees the spark in your eyes when you see his toned upper body, he holds both of your hands above your head so he can torture you. Then he kisses you again with the same intensity as before. Later he would travel down your neck with kisses. He likes to listen to you begging for him to finally let your hands go so you can touch him. I guess it is needless to say that he's definitely going to take things further.
Fuma is a strong guy and he likes to use his strength. He likes to pick you up and put you on the nearest surface (maybe on the kitchen counter or a table) while kissing you. His hand travels up and down your body but he always ends up grabbing your thighs. He just loves thighs. Eventually he starts kissing your neck moaning into your skin whenever you pull on his hair. His voice is so deep, so hot it drives you crazy. He usually likes to take things further (maybe even on the kitchen counter).
Nicholas is a wild card. Like he LOVES to tease you. Just leaning in but as soon as your lips just barely touch he leans back immediately laughing at your offended expression. But after a while he just can't take it anymore and he has to kiss you properly and when he does he's not leaving your lips again. Also I think he likes to bite your bottom lip, just loves to hear the sound you make when he does that. His hands are probably on your butt. I'm convinced that he's an ass guy. Moans into the kiss when you touch him, especially when you touch his waist. When he feels that you're getting more hungry, your kiss is getting more intense, he just can't stop smiling against your lips. Although sometimes he just wants to make out most of the times he likes to take it to the bedroom.
I think EJ loves your chest. Don't ask why but he's just really into it. It doesn't matter if you have bigger boobs or not he just LOVES your chest. So when you two make out you are probably pushed against the wall his hands going up and down your body and he just pulls away with a grin on his face. He looks down and then back into your eyes and he keeps the eye contact as he starts to kiss down your neck, unbuttoning your shirt so he can have access to your chest. And then he just starts kissing it, all wet. He loves it when you pull on his hair while moaning, it drives him insane. It makes him moan into your skin which drives you insane. He probably wants to take things further but of course he understands if you're not in the mood.
He's a cutie. He's always smiling whenever you initiate a make out session, it's an ego boost for him. He loves smiling into the kiss and loves when you do the same because it's his way to show you how much he enjoys making out with you. One of his hands is on your face the other is on your waist drawing circles on the skin underneath your shirt. He also likes it if you put your hands on his waist, under his shirt. He loves to feel you against his skin. But he also likes it when you put your hands in his hair especially if you pull on it. He might (definitely) moan into the kiss. He whispers sweet things to you like "you're so pretty/handsome" "I love the way you kiss". You only take things further if you insist, he won't push anything.
He's so cute even when making out. It always starts with a shy kiss, his hands slowly wrapping around your waist, touching you very carefully like you're made out of porcelain. When you start digging your hands into his hair he also becomes braver. He deepens the kiss as he's pulling your hips against his. One of his huge hands comes to cup your face, it is so soft but so hot at the same time. It's always up to you if you want to take things further because he's just too shy to ask, even if he really wants you.
I can picture Harua making out in two ways. One is when he's sitting on the couch or on the bed and you're in his lap kissing him with passion. He loveeeeees touching your ass and thighs. When he feels like it's time to do something else too he usually holds your hips firmly and makes you grind on him slowly making you both want more. The other way is similar but this time he's in your lap. He's so small I just feel like he loves to be in your lap, especially in a make out session. He likes to cup your face and neck then slowly make his hands' ways down so he can go up under your shirt, all this while your hands are wrapped around his waist. He really enjoys just making out without getting more heated, but if you want to he's never against the idea of doing more.
He's the one who likes to take risks. And by that I mean he likes to make out in public. In an empty hallway or a dressing room he likes to unexpectedly start kissing you. I think he's into agressive make out sessions which include lots of biting on lips and grabbing your waist. After a while he likes to go down to your collarbones. If you're in public (lots of times) he probably keeps one of his hands on your mouth so you don't make any noise. When you're in public you usually wait until you go home but sometimes you continue it wherever you are.
He loves your thighs. You usually make out in two ways. One is when you're standing and he puts one of his hands under one of your thighs so he can hold it next to his waist. He's kissing you aggressively while grabbing your thigh (his hand might or might not leave marks there). The other way is when he's sitting on a chair or on the couch and you're in his lap. His hands are going back and forth between your ass and thighs but always, ALWAYS ends up on your thighs. He likes it if you put your hands on his shoulders or arms. He's been working out a lot so please compliment him, tell him how strong he is, it will make him kiss you even harder!
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starry-nights-garden · 8 months
&Team Reaction ✧ You falling asleep on their shoulder
✧ &Team all members x gn!reader ✧ genre: reaction, fluff, some humor ✧ warnings: none
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pretends to be offended when you fall asleep on his shoulder during your date night at his place
lowkey pouts and mumbles a complaint about how you can't appreciate the time spent with your boyfriend enough
you’re stirred awake and as you're about to get mad at him he makes it clear he was joking and throws his arms around you tightly
"It's okay, if my baby wants to sleep we can sleep."
really he's just trying his utmost to gloss over the fact that you sleeping on his shoulder made his heart skip several beats and he's also sincerely praying you can't see that his ears are beet red
this just made him feel way too many feelings, and as he's letting you snuggle up to him while you're lying down on the couch he's kinda starting to regret his reaction
as he’s finally calming down he must admit you falling asleep on his shoulder was kinda nice, so from that day on he keeps hoping it would happen again
you're on the way home after a date night out and he can tell you're very tired
so he makes sure you can sit on the subway home, and once the seat next to you clears up he sits down too
will wordlessly put his arm around you and pull you just a little closer so that your heavy head will soon come to rest on his shoulder naturally
and then you really do fall asleep with him as your pillow, and what started as a simple caring gesture is soon causing him serious heart problems jdbdjdjx
this guy will just be blushing madly while trying to hide it from all the other people in the same carriage jdbdndnd
and if he hears you snoring softly that will just take him out, like he will be about to combust into a billion pieces right then and there
needless to say, once you arrive at your station, he will be the more tired one, and not just because you got a nice little nap to restore your energy :’)
notices right away that you're super tired when your eyelids keep drooping in the middle of the day
you're over at his place for an entire day of just watching movies with him, but you're not even halfway through the first one and you're already dozing off at the other end of the sofa
he knows that the reason why you're falling asleep isn’t because the movie he picked out is so boring to you, but he feels the need to tease you about it anyway
"I didn't think you'd be that bored by it?" 
his playful complaint shocks you awake and you're quick to assure that that's not it
however, all your worries fade away when you see him grinning at you, and he extends his arms to bring you in closer
tells you it's okay and that he understands you didn't get much sleep last night
offers you his shoulder to take a nap and suggests finishing the movie afterwards
you agree without even being able to think about it, and you immediately doze off again
when you wake up you find yourself laying right beside him on the sofa, your head on his chest and his fingers drawing soothing patterns on your back
lets out a soft "oh" when he feels the impact on his shoulder and he can smell your perfume right next to his face
you're studying together at his place, and because he knows how tired you are he tried his best to make it as fun as possible, coming up with elaborate examples to explain the parts you don't get and bringing your favourite snacks as a reward after memorizing each page
but now that you actually dozed off on his shoulder it dawns on him just how tired you really were
"Y/N..." - he calls out to you softly until he can see your eyelids flutter
tells you it's probably better if you rest for today and you continue studying tomorrow
when you agree and snuggle up to him more closely, he lets you
but his heart will also do the funniest things while watching you sleep peacefully so close to him…
his heart does flutter when your head suddenly hits his shoulder, but above all he's surprised that you're dozing off in the middle of the day
"Y/N... Y/N!" - calls out to you until you lift your head and look at him sleepily
scolds you for not sleeping enough at night and gives you a little lecture about how you need to use the day to be productive and the night to rest - not do whatever all night!!
when you start sulking and you tell him you couldn't fall asleep for hours he also realizes he might've been too strict
"Still... nighttime is for sleeping so... if you think you can't fall asleep tell me and I'll come over and help, okay?"
and now you find yourself smiling as he pulls you into an apologetic hug
lets you nap for a bit as you use him as a pillow, but makes sure you don't sleep too long so you could get a good night's rest later on
he’s startled when he suddenly feels your head on his shoulder for sure, but after a second or two he’ll simply be smiling at you in adoration
the two of you went out to see a movie together - a pretty fun action movie - and he wasn’t aware of just how tired you must’ve been
but now that you’re dozing off on his shoulder despite the loud sound effects and a storyline he knows would’ve normally had your eyes glued to the screen in excitement, he can’t but let out a soft laugh
he’s not mad at you for falling asleep during your date, quite the opposite actually
he finds it adorable and highly amusing how you can sleep under such circumstances
will carefully put an arm around you to pull you closer, and though feeling you sleeping by his side like this makes his heart beat just a bit faster, he’ll simply let you have your nap time
will give you a soft laugh once you wake up, and he swears he’s not laughing at you, he’s laughing because you were just so cute!!
he’s been talking to you about something and got really into it, so when you feel your ability to focus slipping away from you more and more you do feel sorry for him
but you also don’t want to stop him in his excited rambles, so you do your best to listen anyway
however, eventually your eyelids become too heavy and before you realize it you’re already dozing off with your head on his shoulder
“...ohmygod…” - he breathes out with wide eyes, completely panicking at the sudden closeness to you
whirls around before he can get himself together, and as a result your head now lands in his lap
and well, now he’s blushing madly, but eventually he’ll collect himself enough to figure that it’s better if he lets you sleep and gets you a blanket so you’re comfortable
forgets all about what he was talking about just earlier, and as he’s taking in your features from up close, tracing the lines on your face with a soft gaze, he feels himself calming down too
was joking around with you while you two were watching a video on his phone and gets so into it that he fails to notice how you're getting sleepier and sleepier
as soon as your head lands on his shoulder, he's so surprised that he freezes up
he's not used to having you so close to him and also the way he can suddenly very clearly smell the perfume you're using makes his heart race like crazy
but instead of freaking out he figures he should simply let you get some rest if you're this tired and not move around until you wake up again by yourself
awkwardly fishes his headphones out of his pocket to continue watching the video without bothering you
but turns out he really cannot focus on a single thing happening on his phone screen while you're using him as a pillow :')
you're sitting on the couch together in the late afternoon as you can feel your eyelids getting heavier 
the moment your head hits his shoulder he immediately lifts it up to shake you off, because he thinks you're playing around
gives you a playful smile but when he sees your confused and half-asleep expression he immediately realizes he fucked up
"Oh god, wait- You were really falling asleep? But it's not even that late yet?"
when you tell him you barely slept the night before he seems to understand, and he leans back to make space for you on his lap, giving it a few pats
lets you use his lap as a pillow for you to take a nap and promises to wake you up in time for dinner
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lunicho · 8 months
How does &TEAM tell you they want to fuck you?
kei: straightforward,, he'll come up behind u and wrap his arms around u,, he'd kiss ur ear and down ur neck to ur shoulders and he'll whisper in ur ear a whole bunch of things he wants to do to u,, how he wants to treat u like a little princess 😖
fuma: straightforward pt2!!! no need to beat around the bush! more often than not you're the one getting all needy and who is he to not take care of his baby! but when he is needy he'll tell you that he wants to make u feel good and how much he's missed u and wanted u.
nicho: filthy. will kiss you and tell you he's missed you on his cock, how he can't stop thinking about you and how bad he wants to be bawls deep in you. he's graphic too cuz!!! he's so vocal about what he wants like he does not care. he also just has this demeanor abt him when he wants u like his bedroom eyes would go so crazy 😣
ej: so shy omg. i feel like he'd be kinda like a puppy, just drawing circles on your thigh until you ask him if he's alright. he'd speak up but only when you give him the opportunity to <3. like when u ask if he wants something he'll shyly tell you how much he's missed u and how good u look and how bad he wants ur lips on his and 😖😖
yuma: perv!! will touch u randomly, pulling u in for kisses but slightly dipping his hand into the back of ur pants, putting his hand on ur thigh and slightly pushing against ur crotch,,, things like that, he'll make u want him so ur both needy,, teamwork!!
jo: definitely doesn't use his words,, i could see him kinda snuggling into you. i don't see him really being the type to initiate much in general so i feel like he might just try to play it off as innocent kissing but he'd get a little handsy and he'd hope you take the hint :(
harua: knows what he wants and when he wants it! when the time is right he'll run the back of his hand against ur arms or he might kiss you and move your hand onto him before he tells u he wants u.
taki: let's be real, you'll be able to tell without him saying anything. idk abt y'all but taki is a humper in my mind,, he'll grind against u or random things and you'll just be able to tell by the way he looks at u 🤷🏾‍♀️
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nichoswag · 15 days
hello! can I request texts with &team when you ask them 'what are we?' or something like that when you two are in a situationship?? :>
asking situationship!&team “what are we”
pairing situationship!&team x gn reader
warnings some innuendos/suggestive messages in some, angst and fluff, friends/fwbs to lovers, probably some spelling errors
playlist that way - tate mcrae
note hi anon!! ngl i hopped on this ask immediately because i love these so much loll. also, just as a little notice, i likely won’t be posting as much since i have started classes again. i hope you enjoy!
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3vergr3en · 3 months
helloo nana! i was wondering if you could do a little headcanon with &team members on how they would be/act with a black-cat gf(someone who’s a tsundere basically😭).
please don’t feel rushed to write it, and i honestly loved your last post/headcanon, keep up the good work darling <3.
&Team dating a black!cat!girlfriend SMAU ! 🐈‍⬛
(🐈‍⬛) PAIRING . ot9 x black!cat!fem!reader
(🦮) CONTENT . super fluffy with only a very suggestive content with nicholas.
(🦴) A/N . guys, I know anon said headcanons— but I really have been wanting to try out an smau for such the longest time. I hope y’all enjoy ittt 🤭🤭
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K & Fuma
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Nicholas & EJ
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Yuma & Jo
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Harua & Taki & Maki
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(guys im so sorry that maki’s is literally so tiny to read. I had to fit 3 pics into a collage since I couldn’t exceed past the 10 picture limit. And I don’t have my laptop because it FREAKING BROKE.)
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kthecutest · 1 year
&team reaction to their s/o sitting on their lap?
-for the first time, while they’re alone in the room :)
(ot9 if u comfortable with it, also, obviously sfw!!!)
✧˚ &team reaction to you sitting on their lap ༊*·˚
Pairing ➳ &Team members x gn!reader Genre ➳ Fluff ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ A/N ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ This was really fun to make! ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
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K : Literally pulled you deeper into his huge chest. Your eyes widen from his action but before you could even turn around to say something, he hugged you tight with his right arm, that was huge enough to wrap your entire body in one swing. “Is my baby finally brave enough to sit on my lap~?” – a teasing chuckle followed as he whispered in your ears that got your entire face reddening. It’s been a while since you’ve wanted to sit on K’s huge lap, it seemed like such a comfortable seat to you personally, but you can’t deny that you were too shy. K knew you too well, but he wanted you to come to him on your own so he stayed quiet. He made sure to reassure you that it was totally fine to do so when you finally managed to let your intrusive thoughts win.
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Fuma : Would stiff up subtly as soon as he felt your weight on his lap. It was just a normal evening, Fuma was focused on his game, headphones attached to him, his friend yelling incoherent words from the other line. You took this chance to try out something. You sneakily kept your closure to his figure sitting on the gaming chair before taking the opportunity to launch yourself on him. He was definitely shocked and it was obvious he lost focus from the game from the very start. When you started squirming on top of him though, he’ll hold you by the waist, still all your movements – “honey, stay still, I need to focus” That’s when you notice, your subtle little attempt wasn’t all that subtle.
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Nicholas : The fastest person to make your existence on his lap known. Would straight up call you out and tease you about it. He would dwell on that little action of yours for weeks while completely teasing you about it nonstop. He’d spin you around, making you face him and look you straight in the eyes with a  smug look on his face – “I see someone’s let their intrusive thoughts take over” You pouted at him, gesturing that you’re getting off immediately, refusing to take his tease but you’re only met with a tight pull at your waist and a sweet strawberry flavored kiss to your lips.
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Ej : Would stiff up very evidently and even started squirming around at one point. Honestly, it ain’t even on purpose, he truly wanted to keep his reaction subtle but he’s just still got a lot more to learn from Fuma hyung apparently. He’d stiffen up so much to the point you would even notice, stilling his breathing while the air is caught in his throat as he struggled to find a certain distraction to keep him calm. You’d let out a chuckle when you found his entire face reddening and sweating. “Stop laughing~ you’re the one who started this..” – he spoke in a sulky tone as you kept chuckling at him. This little blushy tangerine didn’t even gave you a chance to blush first.
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Yuma : The literal tease. But not as teasing as K. As soon as he felt your body heat on his lap, he’ll turn his head straight to your direction in the most obvious way. Will start squishing your cheeks and babying you, smiling like a cheeky kid inside from how happy he is. “Awww look at you so adorable on my lap~!” You grabbed him by his collar, landing a soft kiss on his lips to shut him up. And as expected, he’s content with your little payment, pulling you back into a deeper kiss just as bonus payment~
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Jo : The ‘I did noticed’ but nonchalant one. Obviously the sudden warmth he felt on his lap wasn’t just to his imagination, especially when you started squirming around, disturbing his view of the book in his right arm. Out of nowhere, you felt a huge palm pinning down both your arms while pulling you closer to lean against him. “If you wanna have a seat.. stay still.” You’d panic a bit now that you noticed he knew but soon you came to a sense of comfort, on his warm lap, tightly wrapped cozily by his arm.
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Harua : The Uno Reverse Card user. Would start squirming as soon as he felt your weight on him. Trying to keep it subtle but poor bunny boy can’t help that he was obviously a bit more petite compared to other group members and this applied to his strength and endurance as well. Finally had enough and gets up, pushing you up a bit before seating you back down. Then the most unexpected thing happens, he sat right on your lap as you looked at him with widen eyes. “Don’t mind me~” – speaking in a sassy tone as he started scrolling through his phone while you kept giving him side eyes.
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Taki : He’s the ultimate mixture of Yuma and Harua. Don’t expect for this boy to let you get a free seat on him unless there’s a payment method. And his payment isn’t a simple sweet little kiss, no. It’s actually you allowing him to practically do the same to you whenever he wants. You want to sit on his lap? That’s okay but you’ll also have to let him sit on your lap. But you weren’t one to know this system beforehand, taking it as a free chance for a free seat when you caught him, legs crossed on the bed, focused on his phone screen. It’s only when you’ve taken a seat, which you knew you were now in deep trouble – “Oh~ seems like my cutie fell for my trap~”
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Maki : The literal gentleman. He maybe the maknae and he maybe a tease but he’s definitely far off from the other group members when it comes to teasing. He barely teases you, because most of the time all you get is princess treatment. Would be completely comfortable with your sudden action, even resting his head on your shoulder to make you feel closer and more cozy with him. But then his sudden worry would click in his head. You could feel the soft warm breath of this gentle boy in the crook of your neck, when he spoke in a worry but gentle tone – “Had a bad day, love?”
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nichoswrld · 10 days
can you plz share &team nsfw twt links if u feel comfortable w it?????
&team nsfw twitter links
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he’s been missing you all day, so as soon as you get home, kei bends you over the counter.
you’ve been teasing him all day, so when you get home fuma gives you a punishment.
you’ve been way too bratty to nicholas, so he fucks you and chokes you ‘til you cry.
if you play with euijoo for a bit, he’ll lay you down and fuck you real good.
a binge watch marathon with yuma turns into him pleasuring you after you get horny.
after jo realizes that you’re needy, he just wants to give you a good time.
harua is more than content while only playing with your tits.
you’ve been such a good baby for taki, so your boyfriend treats you real well.
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lilachannie · 5 months
He looks like Taehyung from bts a bit
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jojosbingsu · 15 days
When &Team Members Are Your Boyfriend
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Admin: Ellie
Genre: Fluff, Wholesome | NO Smut, NSFW. | Minors can interact.
Pairing: gn!reader x Teamies (OT9)
Word Count: 3.04K
Notes: If you would like to request something, please find your way onto the blog to make your request~! Feedback is always welcomed. ^u^
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EJ 🍊
He's terrible at flirting because he always gets flustered when you flirt back, but he tries his best. His intentions are always good but he usually flirts through saying something you'd hear in a cliche rom-com film.
He's always a giggly mess whenever you're complimenting him. Teasing him is an incredibly easy thing to do and he will fall into it every single time. He becomes a blushy, giggly mess that tries to hide his bright red face away from you.
He buys you expensive gifts as his way to show love and admiration for you. Jewelry seems to be his favorite gift form and he always circles back around to it whenever he feels like you deserve a nice little treat from him. Whenever you wear a necklace or pair of earrings he's bought for you, he will just grin lovingly and say something like "I knew it would look stunning on you!"
LOOOOOVES kiss attacks. If you don't want your face smooched to the end of time, you've better get to hiding it! Euijoo loves to place pecks all over your cheeks and forehead when you're laying in bed together or whenever you're trying to help him cook something. It's probably his favorite thing to do because he knows you'll rarely complain about it. Bonus: Do it to him and watch him absolutely beam with joy and affection. He is the actual embodiment of the word "happiness."
Probably the most comforting boyfriend someone could ever ask for. He's very communicative about his feelings and always open to hearing your feelings as well. He would do anything within his power to make you feel better when he's done something that upset or hurt you. - If someone else has hurt you, he always knows exactly what to say to make everything feel better. He is the master of solving emotional issues and bringing comfortability into the relationship.
Fuma 🦸‍♂️
Wearing matching Pokémon pajamas is a requirement if you're going to be in a relationship with Fuma. If you expect snuggles before bed, you'd better hope to god that you're wearing whatever ridiculous pajama set or onesie he pulled out of his closet for you.
Cuddling up in bed on the weekends to watch movies is his ideal type of 'date.' He would lay with his arms wrapped loosely around you, a content smile always resting on his face, a light blush probably creeping onto his cheeks if you lay your head on his chest or snuggle your face close to his while enjoying the movie.
Cooking together is an activity he would absolutely NEVER say no to. He thinks it's so much fun to stand in the kitchen and try to match recipes you found on Google or TikTok together. He loves to give you backhugs whenever you're chopping vegetables or standing to wash your hands. One thing you should know though, he likes to get the first taste of everything just so it's perfect before you bite into anything.
He loves to tell you about his dreams as soon as he wakes up in the morning. His sleepy grumbles, mumbles, and chuckles seem to be the best thing to help start your day. He always asks what you dreamed of the night before as well and will somehow try to find a way to make the dream-talk a breakfast date.
Play any kind of Switch game with him and he's absolutely becoming a mushy, soft mess, especially if you need his help learning the controls. His favorite game to play with you would probably be Animal Crossing, as he could shower you with cute gifts he crafted or traded away on his island.
K 👑
This man absolutely adores you. There's nothing more important to Kei than you. He looks at you like you're the one who cast all of the stars into the sky above his head. If God created anyone perfectly by hand, it's you.
He's an attentive listener. He loves to lounge lazily on the couch and listen to you talk about your day. He asks a lot of questions just so the conversation doesn't have to end so soon. He's almost like your personal diary at some point. He's just an easy and comfortable person to talk to.
Protective and slightly possessive boyfriend. He is not controlling by any means but he does get obviously possessive over you if he feels that someone is coming onto you in front of him. He mostly reaches to hold you close or stands in between you and whoever is making him feel antsy in his spot. Protective boyfriend is a given. Yudai, though not a violent guy, would absolutely put a smackdown on someone if he felt it was necessary to keep you safe.
He's almost like your not-house-husband. This man doesn't let you do anything to pick up around your own house. If he's there, you're going to sit down and relax and he will take care of whatever has been bothering you. Laundry pile bugging you? No problem, it's folded while you're watching a movie together and put away before he goes home. Got some dishes needing to be done after eating dinner? Don't even think about it, he's on top of the issue and the dishes are drying before you can even reach for a sponge. Sometimes you have wonder if you accidentally hired a maid instead of getting a boyfriend.
He waits up for you if you've been out. He's a natural-born worrier who will keep a close eye on his phone in case you need to give him a text or call. He's always telling you to text him when you've gotten to your destination(s) safely and he will stay up all night waiting for the text message or waiting to see you. Even if you insist that he gets rest, he will stay up and wait patiently to make sure you don't need him to come get you.
Nicholas 🍓
Annoying in such an endearing way. He teases you nonstop because he loves to hear your gentle giggles and watch as your cheeks heat up a nice red color because of his antics
Romantic as all get out. He looooves to buy you small gifts like flowers or candies and he's all about the lifestyle of taking you shopping as a date. Going shopping with you is one of his favorite ways to spend time with you and he will call it a "date" every time.
Taking photos of you is his number one hobby. On a date? Fifteen photos. Sleeping comfortably in his bed? About sixty photos. -- No matter the occasion, you can be certain his entire camera roll is nothing but photos of you.
He sleeps most comfortably if you guys are cuddled up close to one another. He almost cocoons the two of you in his blankets whenever you stay the night at his place. He likes you hug you tightly and rest with his head lightly pressed against yours. He sometimes plays soft music when he's falling asleep but if he knows it bothers you, he will just mumble soft stories to you (mostly to himself) until he's fallen asleep.
Financially irresponsible but only because he loves to spoil his lover. He will buy you anything you say you want or hint at liking. If you guys are shopping together and see a pair of shoes you barely hint at liking, they're already tucked up under his arm and he's probably grabbing a second pair just in case the first ones get ruined. You like a design on a shirt? It's yours and he's not taking arguments. You often contemplate hiding his wallet from him or wearing a pair of sunglasses whenever you're shopping with him so he stops purchasing everything you look at. Anytime you fuss at him for spending so much money on you, he will get sulky and tell you "but I just like to see you happy, you wouldn't take that away from me, right?" -- And then you're left in a dilemma of either watching the dude drain his bank account or letting him sulk and drag his feet all day because you told him NO for once.
Yuma 🐱
Yuma would be such a cute boyfriend. He would be kind of shy whenever he tries to flirt with you and he always bursts into a fit of soft, nervous giggles whenever you lean in to give him kisses.
He always sends you the cutest selfies whenever you're not together. He loves to send you pouty photos with "it's less fun without you here" attached, or he will send a photo of something cute and silly with "I thought of you" sent right after.
Plushies are how he shows his love for you. Everywhere he goes, he buys you a new stuffed animal to toss onto your bed. It's getting to the point where there's not enough space for you in the bed because the stuffed animals are starting to take over but he cares not one bit. He would buy an entire house just for stuffed animal storage if he had the funds to do so.
Sharing clothes is something Yuma likes to do. If you have a cute shirt he knows will fit him, it's not your shirt anymore. If you want to steal a jacket or pair of jeans of his out of his closet, he'd never complain. He'd tell you that you look better than he does in whatever article of clothing it is.
He loves to share earbuds with you. Listening to music together is something simple that makes him feel more connected to you. He likes when you guys take turns picking the next song in the queue to listen to together. He always makes sure he brings a back up pair of earbuds in case the first pair ever dies in the middle of a small jam session.
Jo 🍚
Holding hands is his favorite form of intimacy. To Jo, there's nothing sweeter and more endearing than offering your hand to him and just allowing him to hold it tightly within his own. His thumb is always caressing the side of your hand lovingly, especially if he's listening to you talk. It's his way of showing he cares and is listening to you.
Secretly a jealous boyfriend. Though he's shy in nature and would never outright tell you he's jealous when you're giving someone else more attention, it's obvious that he feels a little bit left out whenever your attention is on another friend over him. He gets a little bit pouty and always reaches to place gentle touches on your hand or thigh to remind you that he's there and would like attention, too.
Going out to a nice restaurant for dinner is his favorite form of date night. He loves to see you get dressed up really cute just for him! He will probably compliment you four hundred times before you even reach the restaurant and you keep catching him staring so lovingly at you while he's eating.
Jo is always trying to improve his drawing skills so he can gift you his art or impress you with what he produces. You've seen his sketchbook and have found that he's tried to sketch you a few times already but decided to restart because he didn't like how he'd made you look. He would become incredibly shy and embarrassed if he knew you saw those drawings, so you always pretend not to notice when he's admiring your face a bit more closely than usual, especially when the sketchbook is sitting comfortably in his lap.
Sleepy hammock cuddles when it's raining. Every time Jo knows it will rain, he finds his way to the hammock he's gotten set up on the balcony of his apartment to curl up with a nice book. Of course, once it starts to actually rain, Jo finds himself becoming sleepy and clingy! He almost always calls for you to come climb into the hammock with him so you guys can cuddle and listen to the rain together. Bonus points if you bring a blanket you guys can snuggle up under together. Extra bonus points if you tell him fun stories about your childhood or ask about when he was little and would play in the rain.
Harua 🐰
Surprising you with your favorite dessert is Harua's absolute favorite thing to do. Seeing you get excited because he showed up with your favorite ice cream or yogurt is something that brings him incredible joy.
He calls you pet names more often than calling you by your real name. Sometimes you wonder if he knows your name isn't "sunshine" or "sweetie" because he's so allergic to calling your name.
Flirting isn't a thing with Harua. He's completely oblivious whenever you try to flirt with him and his attempts... Are bad. He thinks telling you he likes your shoes is flirting and he gets a little flustered when it doesn't work out so well. He can occasionally flirt to the point of making you blush but this happens rarely. More often than not, you just have to chuckle at him and give him a kiss on the cheek.
He loves to get his nails done with you. Even if all you get is your nails trimmed or a clear overcoat to make your nails shine, Harua loves to drag you out to a salon for special one on one time. Matching nails are his favorite thing, so if you decide to get a nail design, he will find a way to incorporate it on his own nail as well.
He insists on walking you home. It doesn't matter the time of day, where you live, or how far he will have to travel to get himself home, he wants to accompany you back to your home so he knows you got there safely. He always gives a gentle kiss on the nose before you part ways for the night and he stands patiently outside until he watches you get beyond the door. He never lets you walk alone, especially at night or during a storm and you can count on him to linger outside for a few minutes just to make sure you're safe, able to get inside easily, and weren't followed by anyone else.
Taki 🐣
Taki is a clingy boyfriend. He wants your attention almost all the time and feels lonely whenever you're not around. He's not overwhelmingly clingy, but he is the type who wants to touch you almost nonstop (hugging, holding your hand, playing with your hair, etc.) when you're together and he basically begs for your attention.
Karaoke dates almost every Friday night. He loves to hang out with you and eat yummy snacks while singing your favorite songs together. Duets are a favorite of his so you can also have a small dance together.
He is infatuated with you and thinks you're genuinely the coolest human being that's ever walked this planet. Whatever your favorite hobby is, he's in love with it simply because you are. He is forever going on about how cool he thinks you are to his friends and he loves to brag about the things you get up to. If you're an artist, he's showing off all of your art no matter what. If you make cute little bracelets, you better believe he will wear 5 at a time and talk endlessly about how you made them custom just for him. He's your #1 cheerleader always.
He would wear matching outfits with you. He thinks it's cute to wear matching colors or matching styles whenever you go out on a date together. If you're wearing blue, he will too. If you've got pink somewhere on your outfit, he will try to find a way to make something of his pink (or as close to it as possible) so you can have a cute "couple's outfit."
Taki's favorite thing about cuddling with you is the fact that he gets to be the little spoon. He loves to feel small when you guys cuddle up to watch movies or just to talk about your busy day. -- You always find that he puts his head right over your heart so he can listen to your heartbeat while you cuddle. If he's ever feeling particularly stressed out or upset, you know letting him listen to your heartbeat will soothe him and make everything feel better for a little while.
Maki 🐶
Maki loves to flirt with you. He is a master at flirting and making you blush. He always just grins and winks at you whenever your face is hot and red from his flirting and teasing. Even through text message, he finds a way to flirt and tease you until you're a blushing mess.
He talks about you all the time. Nonstop, he talks about you to his friends and family. He finds a way to bring you up in every conversation, even if it has little relevance to anything that's going on. The conversation could be about what his friends want for dinner and he'll but in with "well you know, y/n likes...." for no reason at all.
He brings you things that remind him of you at random times so you know he's always thinking about you. He mostly shows up with random candles or small throw blankets that had cute designs all over them.
Water gun battles are something that always take place when you're dating Maki. He will randomly pop up from behind the couch and just start shooting water at you before he scurries off to a different room before you can retaliate. Whenever you guys have been moody towards one another, he will offer you a water gun and tell you the first person to tap out has to apologize first. -- Of course, he ends up apologizing first, but the water gun fight is just a way he tries to bring the mood up and make things more lighthearted when you've both been a little grouchy towards one another.
Let's get one thing clear. If there's a bug, he's not getting it out of the house / room / area. He will scream like he's being ripped apart from the inside out and will in fact run to hide behind you if he sees anything resembling a bug or insect. Congratulations, reader, you're the exterminator of the relationship!
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zvouyage · 21 days
now everyone knows you’re mine ᰔᩚ !
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pairing.ᐟ ; andteam x gn!reader . . . fluff && established relationships . . . précis.ᐟ ; their reactions when you leave lipstick stains on them.
w.c.ᐟ ; 700 - 800 ( 𝒷ack 𝓉o 𝒷log ? )
warnings.ᐟ ; lowercase intended , not proofread , reader wears lip stick . . . 🌷
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“the type to feel smug about it”
yudai is usually calm and collected, but when he notices the lipstick stain on his cheek or neck, he can’t help but chuckle softly. “so this was your plan all alone, huh?" he teases, lightly brushing his fingers over the mark. he’s not the type to wipe it off immediately; instead, he finds it amusing and endearing. he’ll wear it with a sense of pride, enjoying the playful attention from his partner! “guess i’m marked now.” he’ll say with a smirk, leaning in for another kiss.
“the type to feel flustered about it”
fuma notices the lipstick stain almost immediately and can’t stop himself from laughing. “you did this on purpose, didn’t you?" he asks, raising an eyebrow playfully. he’s a bit embarrassed, especially if the both of you are out in public, but he’s also secretly pleased by the affection. he might gently wipe it off with his thumb, but not before giving his partner a playful smirk. "you’re gonna get me in trouble with this," he jokes, but there’s a warmth in his eyes that shows he loves the gesture.
“the type that is slightly confused at first”
nicholas is caught off guard when he realizes there’s a lipstick stain on him. “hey, what’s this?" he asks, his eyes wide with surprise. he’s a little flustered but quickly breaks into a grin. "i guess you’re marking your territory," he jokes, though there’s a slight blush on his cheeks. nicholas finds it cute and endearing, and he won’t wipe it off right away. he might even show it off to the others with a proud smile, loving the fact that his partner left a visible sign of their affection.
“the type that’s happy about it and loves it”
euijoo notices the lipstick stain and immediately breaks into a wide grin. “you left your lipstick on me!" he exclaims, pointing to the mark as if it’s the most surprising thing ever. he finds it adorable and is more amused than anything. euijoo’s the type to laugh it off and playfully suggest, “now you’re gonna have to kiss me again to even it out!" he’s not in a rush to wipe it off, enjoying the playful moment and the extra kisses that come with it.
“the type to tease you about it and probably do the same thing to you”
yuma feels the lipstick stain before he sees it, and when he notices it, he can’t help but laugh softly. “you’re really leaving your mark, huh?" he teases, tilting his head to give them a better view. he doesn’t mind at all—in fact, he thinks it’s a sweet, playful way of showing affection. He might run his fingers over the mark before leaning in for another kiss. “you know i’m not gonna let you get away with this," he adds with a mischievous grin, planning his playful revenge.
“the type that turns beat-red from it”
jo feels a mix of amusement and slight embarrassment when he spots the lipstick stain. “you did this on purpose, didn’t you?" he asks with a shy smile, his cheeks turning a bit pink. he’s a bit flustered but also can’t help feeling touched by the gesture. jo’s the type to try and wipe it off quickly, but he won’t be able to stop smiling. “you’re too much,"* he’ll say, but the warmth in his voice betrays how much he secretly loves it.
“the type that’s caught off-guard but loves it nonetheless”
harua is caught completely off guard when he sees the lipstick stain. “oh…you left something here," he says, pointing to the mark with a slightly confused look. he’s not used to these kinds of playful gestures, so it takes him a moment to process it. once he realizes what’s happened, he laughs softly and shakes his head. “you’re sneaky,” he comments, blushing a little. harua won’t wipe it off immediately, instead opting to let it be as a cute reminder of the moment. might even snap a quick photo with it and put it as his phone’s wallpaper, but shhh, that’s a secret!
“the type to show it off and feel proud of it”
taki is absolutely thrilled when he notices the lipstick stain. “look at this!" he exclaims with a big grin, showing it off proudly. he’s not embarrassed at all—in fact, he finds it incredibly cute and loves that his partner left a mark on him. taki’s likely to leave it there as long as possible, maybe even taking a selfie to capture the moment. “you’re not getting away with just one kiss!" he’ll tease, leaning in for more, his playful energy making the whole situation even more fun!
“the type to be unfazed by it, just a little bit”
maki notices the lipstick stain and laughs quietly to himself. “you’re really marking me as yours, huh?" he says with a smirk, lightly tracing the stain with his finger. he’s amused and flattered, finding the gesture both playful and sweet. maki might leave the stain there for a while, enjoying the teasing back and forth. “i’ll get you back for this," he’ll warn jokingly, already planning his next move to keep the playful banter going.
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@zvouyage. 24/plagiarism won't be tolerated on my page.
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lovelynicho · 3 months
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&team - what kind of petnames they would use
Pairing: &team x gn!reader
Genre: fluff, a little suggestive at some
Warnings: a little suggestive at K and Nicholas
Note: english is not my first language I apologise for any mistakes!
He mostly calls you honey. He thinks it's cute and sweet (literally) just like you. So when you're on a date or make breakfast together or basically anytime of the day he uses this petname. But when the mood gets heated he doesn't feel like using such a cute name. So in bed he prefers to call you babe.
Fuma is such a soft and kind person. He would use the sweetest petnames for you but his number one choice is angel. This is because he thinks you really are an angel.... Because you're incredibly kind hearted, and because you're unbelievably beautiful. He really thinks you're an angel from heaven.
I think it's self explanatory. Just the way Nicholas' voice sounds.... and how good would baby sound from his mouth (sorry). I think he would call you baby 24/7 because he just thinks it's adorable and it suits you so much. And when things get heated he still calls you baby, but in a very teasing way....
He's a cutie. And he thinks you're a cutie too. So that's why he calls you sweetheart. It also feels so personal to him, because you really are in the sweetest part of his heart. And the way he looks at you, full of love, every single time he calls you this.
You always know how to make him smile, how to make him laugh like he just lost control. And you are so beautiful, literally mesmerising. He believes sometimes you shine even brighter than the sun itself. So that's why he likes calling you sunshine.
Your name (nickname)/cutie
He's shy. He blushes even when you call him by a petname you have for him. So he usually just calls you by your name, it's just more comfortable for him. However, sometimes he mumbles cutie under his breath because he just can't resist the urge.
Harua is a sweet guy. When your relationship started to get more serious he wanted to call you something that sounds at least as beautiful as you look. One day 'darling' just slipped out and he realised that it's literally perfect for you. It's beautiful, just like you.
He's a silly guy. He uses all kinds of petnames but his favourite for you is sweetie. He just thinks you're the cutest, prettiest, sweetest human being on this earth so in his opinion, this name really suits you. He also likes to use it in a teasing manner.
My love
You are his first love. You were the one who introduced him to this unfamiliar feeling, when you love someone so much, you need to hear their voice every day or you feel like you'd die. Actually he likes calling you 'love' in general, but putting 'my' before it feels more personal to him.... and also he might be just a little bit possessive.
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