#taking on someone else's afflictions just has such a wild vibe to it. something about it feels so right.
neverendingford · 1 year
#storytime sexcapades#tag talk#sucked dick too hard. tonsillitis. I got it looked at and I'm already over the rough patch so it's all fine#remember kids. good oral hygiene is important before and after shenanigans.#also my sleep has been absolute shit and the day before it flaired up I'd stayed up for two days straight#tanking your immune system is a little rough because it makes it easy for your body to die#turns out not eating enough. not sleeping with. and then overexerting your body is bad for your body infrastructure#my neck muscles are so sore. but I managed to adjust my blankets so that I didn't sweat too much when the fever broke#ngl as long as it's not stomach sick I kinda like feeling sick. like. very strong and compelling physical sensation. it's a sensory thing.#just lying down and feeling the waves of sensation wash from the base of your neck down your throat to your core.#there's something about letting the pain circle around your joints before stretching it out.#I missed my calling as one of this funky devotees of brother flesh and brother bone in The Silt Verses.#taking on someone else's afflictions just has such a wild vibe to it. something about it feels so right.#I get that fetishizing self sacrifice and martyrdom is a very toxic christian thing thing to do. but there's some validity to it I think#like. the idea of willingly taking on someone else's pain. it's a classically emotionally immature thing to do. but informed consent tho.#like. you can't take on everyone's burden. but you can choose to carry someone else's pain if you know what you're doing#we do it for our friends. sometimes for our family. I think if you know what you're doing self sacrifice should be allowed.#pressuring people into self sacrifice is entirely shitty and I think that's the behavior policing that's the toxic bit of Christianity#but being in a space where you can see what someone is fighting and you're able to choose to fight it for them.#anyway. something spiritual about being physically unwell#yesterday evening when it was hitting the hardest I grabbed a blanket and lay out on the lawn under the trees and just chilled. it was nice#I almost fell asleep it was so calming to hear the wind through the leaves#also. every time my body experiences a little too much trauma something inside just.. bleeds. very dark red urine. it's annoying#when I got my covid vaccine and my body decided to self destruct it was dark red for a whole week.#and sometimes if I exercise too hard it'll also just decide to kill me.#anyway. weird body things#I also ate too much bread a few days ago and my gluten sensitivity flaired up as well so that probably didn't help any.#I can handle two bagels. but three is too many. four pizza slices but not five.
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solarlilith · 4 years
Synastry and how it feels being planet, angle, house person Part1
Synastry is fusion of energy of two people. The most searched is synastry of couples or sexual chemistry synastry, although it may be applicable to any relationship - business, family or friendship. Here, we’re going to discuss about love affinity synastry based on experience, personal and research over of 150 people (so far).
The most common question in synastry is “HOW IT FEELS... to be planet/angle/house person” and there is a big reason WHY is asked. Since energy is dynamic force and has changeable modality, it absorbs and creates... it is not often too easy to catch it’s true nature described in one synastry. 
We can blame lack of knowledge (astrological) and taking the aspect interpretation for granted. In life all it matters is FLOW. This is a natural order. We can try to understand it not only by mind, but with heart - soul/inner being/gut..whatever. 
That’s why many  astrolovers  don’t understand why, for example,  VENUS 0 MARS (conjunction) doesn’t work as described in many astrological sources, why you don’t feel that intense consuming passion, wild urge that wet your panties, or at least it’s not mutual.
Boring part for lazy astrolovers but important 
1. - To know the nature or entity of synastry it is important to know yourself. Be assured that EVERY SINGLE aspect in your natal chart - like it or not - you will FEEL in some point of life.  So, our Natal chart is not just screenshot of transit, of energy of the moment or just your life events. It is hermetic principle in it’s whole existence. AS ABOVE - SO BELOW. AS WITHIN SO WITHOUT. So, having in mind that we all contain microcosmos inside of us, the outside world is our reflection. 
2. - know yourself and do it daily. With consciousness, love and acceptance. We change and evolve. 
3. Having in natal chart any notorious aspect as Venus square Saturn, Mars opposition Saturn, Moon square Mercury it is not a same thing if you operate on mundane, primitive level or you have some degree of self consciousness and FEEL the world within and out yourself.
This energy still exists but in different manner.  And I’ll write about that in another topic. 
Back to the synastry and how someone is feeling having some placement triggered by other’s energy:
1.Basic rule - PLANET has it’s own vibe and being in specific house in Natal chart - it has extra flavor. When that planet jumps into someone’s house it brings that energy mixed with house person energy.
2. CHART ruler extremely important. It must have connection with your essential planets and points in your own chart. 
3. House angles and their rulers too.
4. TRANSITS are triggers. Doesn’t matter if you have perfect synastry if timing is not right.
Someone’s Mars in Gemini in 5th house - player, joyful, easy to arouse person becomes guest in your 6th house (health, duty, job, bypass between fun 5th and marriage/contract/open enemies 7th house), you have a situation:
-house person feels sex vibe from that person, it’s natural expression and wants that energy, but also wants to direct that energy into something with purpose- 6th house ruled by Virgo. Everything must have purpose. IT’s not a consciousness THING, it is our gravity and this is what pulls planet energy out.
- Mars person gets transformed into 6th house. It is still playful, but in manner to be someone that helps you to get in shape, takes genuine care of your health, mental and psychical. This Mars wants you to become better, to improve you. Still, there is some kind of attraction, because he is naturaly in tune with erotic, but he doesn’t accept you in raw manner as he would in 1st or 8th house - here - HE SHAPES YOU. It can be so exciting.
What would be product of that energy exchange depends of other inter aspects and condition of house ruler, in this case Mercury.
If you want sexy Mars Venus conjunction it is not enough to just have it in intense Scorpio or sensual Taurus, or in 8th house. I have couple of examples where I couldn’t feel that connection, except in one case:
- His natal Mars in Virgo is in 12th house with Jupiter and NN and all that conjuncts my Venus in my 8th house. So my Venus (being in his deep 12th house) was instantly from the 1st look upon his face mesmerized.  His Venus in conjunct with my ASC (so we both feel nice in each others presence)
Here 8th Venus in conjunction with Mars becomes catcher, or pursuer...but in Virgo terms.. subtle :D Mars is passive, observant. Even the energy is strong and evident - it takes a stroke from Above to move two Earths!
Other guy had Mars in my 8th house which is his chart ruler and he is deeply moved by Venus.  Since my Venus is guest on his 6th house cusp, it’s friendly but here Virgo being amplified - not so turned on. 
If Venus is afflicted it may bring obsession, moodiness, dependency, lack of selfesteem or Venusian characteristics disorted. 
. Having someone’s luminary (Sun, Moon) in your 4th house and (or) your 12th house - you will always have some deep connection with that person and forgive him/her more than you would for someone else. 
This angle house is sensitive place, it is your warm place, naturally ruled by Cancer in modern astrology. This is your “feels like home” place - physically or emotionally. Sun or Moon person feels your warmth and acceptance, but surely has it’s way to rub your buttons on the wrong way or even take advantage of your flexibility to forgive them. Even if you break up relationship, even when you’re angry, still this person would have some special place in your heart. Even (s)he hurt you and broke in 1000 pieces, still you would somehow have a nice words for him. This is unconditional love, but you can love and be distant - for your sake :)
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lilmajorshawty · 7 years
* Mars in the 1st/Mars in Aries: (men) you like submissive women and or men and someone whom you can dominate and conquer. The quickest way to arouse these males is by power plays. They like the idea of being challenged and sassed and “fought” so to speak they want to duke it out before they win the fight and an easy won fight can turn them off. So they tend to be drawn to the idea of earned submission from their partners. (Women) can be drawn to dominate and passionate men and like the idea of being conquered and tamed(seeing as how these women tend to be a force of nature) and usually they like the idea of “forced submission"The hair is a hotspot and hair pulling can be a common occurrence sexually here. Rough sex is a commonality and most people link mars in Scorpio to animalistic sex and I would say that’s more Aries mars natives.
* Mars in the 2nd/mars in Taurus(men) ideally these men love flesh they love the sensation of skin on skin and love and even romanticize the tender aspect of love making. They are usually aroused by their senses and tend to be easily aroused by “massages” and “rubbing” so to speak. You feel up on them in the right way(sensually) and you’ll have them going. Both guys and gals here tend to love a lot of touch in sex and need it to stay aroused. Women here are no different from the male counter parts and usually enjoy sensual stimulation and slow lovemaking. Both tend to hate being rushed no matter what house mars is resting in.
* Mars in the 3rd/mars in Gemini: “talk to me dirty” these males and females tend to be aroused by “communication” and anything they can visually and audio-bly witness. The enjoy sexting/nudes and sexual talk over the phone and in person. They have to be mentally aroused before they’re physically aroused and usually those two come in a pair so when trying to arouse these folks wordplay is keen sexual conduct! They tend to love communication during sex and like to hear all of the sounds you make as it make the act that much more intimate for them as mars here will tend to see communication as a form of intimacy.
* Mars in the 4th/mars in cancer: guys and gals here are all about vibes and tend to be aroused by emotional displays and emotional release and expression/connection. If any of these things are missing it can be super hard to turn these guys on especially since sex is super emotional for them and not something they can easily disengage from. So the best way to get them going is really to cater to their feelings. Not to say they can’t have casual flings but in all honesty it’s super rare that they do unless mars is afflicted as sex is a big matter for them. That being said breast and femininity turn them on(gay or otherwise) and touching as well as surrender arouse these individuals as it shows trust and intimacy.
* Mars in the 5th/mars in Leo: Mirrors-mirrors-Mirrors. They love to be worshiped and tend to be turned on by video recording their sexual endeavors! They like the idea of an audience mostly imaginary though. They are also towards the more dominate and "on top” role of things and males and women with this position are turned on when they have their back or the person their sleeping with has their back to them. Any position where they can be on their back and vice versa is appealing to them.The way to arouse men and women here is via worship and praise.(you know those bodybuilders that get off on muscle worship?) that’s I’d describe these guys. They lose their minds at praise and tend to be very lustful to the idea of being idealized and adored by their partner. Although the underdeveloped ones may be sexually selfish most tend to give out just as much praise to their partners when love making! But yeah attention is a turn on for them.
* Mars in the 6th/mars in Virgo: now I always hear about how cleanliness is a turn on for these folks and “oh my god the way you clean that counter makes me hard!” But I’ll be honest most I’ve known are very keenly attracted to “dominance” males tend to be sexually interested in being controlled or dominated or being the one enforcing the domination. Women can be drawn to more submissive and power surrendering roles as well. Masochist. Men can be easily aroused by “the first time” and innocence and the in experienced men/women. Women tend to like more domineering or forward male/female partners. CLEAN SEX is important to them and don’t even think they’ll take their clothes of if your hygiene is wild.
* Mars in the 7th: okay I’m doing this separately mainly because in my opinion people who have their mars in the 7th are way way different from mars in libra guys and gals. But for starters these guys and girls tend to be aroused by “passion” and “disputes” they actually act like Aries mars sexually and tend to find aggressive energy very sexually inviting. They usually are aroused by the idea of mutual arousal and mutual satisfaction similarly to mars in libra but in a more passionate way. Sex for them is a competition with their partner and or love interest and usually argumentative and willful sex is the name of the game. A battle of the wills so to speak. Women here can be turned on by a good debate and or argument. While men here can be turned on by disagreements and or confrontation. Sex here like libra is about mutual satisfaction.
* Mars in libra: these men and women are more on the passive side and may have a passive arousal pattern. Men here tend to be ambiguous in terms of what turns them on and can have varying triggers mainly based on the sign their venus is in which plays the role of their unconscious desire. For example a guys with his mars in libra and Venus in Scorpio may be turned on by genitalia and seduction via mystery and intensity. While a guys with mars in libra and Venus in Aquarius might be turned on by spontaneous sex or something on the border of kinky. Women here tend to be aroused by charm. They aren’t really aggressive or particularly into overly forward moves but once again as with the males Venus plays a big role here. But for the most part women like a bit of a more assertive taste sexually but not anything to cut and dry. Sex here is about mutual satisfaction in a peaceful and pleasure filled manner.
* Mars in the 8th/mars in Scorpio:(women) I’ve noticed women here aren’t aroused the same way men are. They tend to be more private and quiet about their pleasure and can be more into atmospheric means of arousal. These women are all about the scenery and the vibe. They are mainly aroused by the “situation” then the actual person. So as much as they like mr tall dark and mysterious they love the idea of the dimly lit room..the jewelry rubbing against their skin..the velvet sheets and so on. It’s all about textures for them. (Men) from what I’ve noticed are very much so turned on my the “moment” they LIVE for that one “moment” and the lead up to it. They can be very easily aroused by touch and perceived stimulation and or anticipation of a moment turning into something more. So if you intrigue them enough and give them the idea that something otherworldly(and or sexual) could occur via glances and movements and a small shake and jive here and there you’ve got them. Sex here is about control and how many ways you and them can lose said control.
* Mars in the 9th/mars in Sagittarius:👀"how many different ways can we experiment?“ These guys are super into the idea of trying new things and how many ways they can turn a mundane sexual escapade into an expansive sexual train so to speak 😭. (Guys) here are super turned on by excitement and a good time. Anything lighthearted and passionate is a turn o for them. Both guys and gals here are turned on by laughter and simplicity. There’s an edgy quality here that they are drawn to and that usually is intensity. Despite how lighthearted they may be they have a streak for being turned on by a lack of inhibition. (Women) here are turned on by passion and lust they like the idea of a uncontrollable sexual encounter that leads to a new awakening of sorts. The fast way to arouse these natives is “intrigue” like their opposite gemini they like the concept of being surprised and or having their curiosity peaked. So if you peak their interest in some way and overwhelm them with a passionate encounter and throw in some laughs here and there. Boom.
* Mars in the 10th/mars in Capricorn: “control me before I control you” these guys and gals are so military when it comes to sex like no lie. (Women/men) here can be into BDSM and anything where control is focal in the act. They tend to be aroused by moments and or situations where they can’t control themselves. Or situations where they might be restricted in some way from allowing themselves full sexual outlet. Men can be very aggressive and intense sexually and run on the colder side. Men here can be aroused by physical touch and physical intimacy while women can be turned on by dominance and touch as well. These guys are more vanilla sexually and into more traditional roles be it gay or heterosexual. (Mind you all earth placements have stamina but I’d say these guys take the cake)
* Mars in the 11th/mars in Aquarius:“mr and Mrs I’m not really here” these guys are kinda icy sexually and tend to have very fluctuating sexual moods. That border on hay lets go to hey let’s not. These guys are mentally sexual and can be turned on by the idea or concept of a sexual ideal. That being said they are very easily aroused and can be aroused by litturly anything. But that being said mentally they are turned on by communication and “mental visualization”(men) here can be cold and aloof in bed and seem hard to reach during the act but they are there trust me in fact sex is usually very deep for mars in Aquarius females and males they just process the act differently. (Females) can be emotionally gone or “blank” durning sex and can easily be somewhere else while it’s going on and seemingly in another moment of time. Both are usually turned on by the idea of sex itself but can vary on their emotional state and wherever Uranus is placed on how and when they would be aroused. These guys and gals run hot and cold and can sometimes be an entirely different person after the act is over as what they wanted in that moment sexually might be completely different and or non existent the next.
* Mars in the 12th/mars in Pisces: these guys and gals are mr and Mrs versatile. They are super fluid and a basic combination of all the variously mentioned mars positions since they are the last house and sign. That being said males and females here don’t have a specific gender archetype and I won’t be differencing between males and females for this one. They can be aroused by anything I’ve mentioned above and tend to actually need a strong emotional component and connection to their arousal as well. Sexually they can be very elusive and vague and may be so ethereal and fluid you won’t even come back from the sexual experience the same. They are extremely seductive and cloudy. So at times I call this the sexual fluid hot spot since many of the people I know with this sleep with guys and gals and guys and gals who seem to lose their own boundaries of sexuality when in contact with these people. That being said they can be either motionless and quiet in bed or very entrancing and moldable in bed like water there is litturly no in between. They get off on servicing the same way mars in Virgo does but via sacrifice. They actually fantasize about “losing themselves”
- Alright that being said this post isn’t meant to be taken to seriously and most of it is based on experience and stories from friends! None of what I said is set in stone nor is it something like a dis or shot at anyone’s mars sign or house placement. I really love all of you and I hope this post of anything gives you a laugh or maybe a little relatable aha :) but yeah bless 🎲🎲🎲
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operationrainfall · 5 years
Title The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics Developer BonusXP Publisher En Masse Entertainment Release Date February 4th, 2020 Genre Tactics, SRPG Platform PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One Age Rating E for Everyone 10+ – Alcohol Reference, Fantasy Violence Official Website
In some ways, it’s very surprising that I was the one that ended up reviewing The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics. After all, I am not super familiar with Henson’s original series, nor have I yet seen the new Netflix saga. What I am familiar with, however, are tactical RPGs, most notably the one that got me into the genre, Final Fantasy Tactics. After demoing The Dark Crystal: AoRT at PAX West, I immediately noticed the similarities between that game and FF Tactics. And I mean that as a compliment, not as a dig. It’s clear BonusXP took inspiration from that classic title, while still implementing their own unique style and features. The question then is this: even though I’m not a giant Dark Crystal fan, was I able to fully enjoy Age of Resistance Tactics?
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The story for The Dark Crystal: AoRT is told through well animated comic book cutscenes that expand as you watch, with new images and dialogue appearing every few seconds. I appreciated this technique, since it gave the game a storybook vibe, and even reminded me a bit of The Hobbit (the cartoon, not Jackson’s epic saga). You watch from the viewpoint of an omniscient entity called the Aughra, who can apparently see the past, present and future. There’s a celestial event called the Darkening that is making wild creatures act violently, and during this the Skeksis are implementing some sinister plans. It’s all pretty ambitious in scope, but in execution I found the story a bit hard to follow. Not because it was necessarily poorly written, mind you, but because so many disparate threads are woven together without one sole hero to focus on. By the time I beat AoRT, I had about 15 characters in my party, and each and every one had relevant stories that didn’t necessarily contribute significantly to the greater whole. As such, it was hard to always feel emotionally connected to the tale, though there were some highlights nevertheless, such as when one character returns as an avatar of mind controlling Arathim, or when the Aughra sacrifices herself to save some Gelflings. I really did enjoy moments that occurred, and my primary issues were the lack of overall story coherence and how fast the animated cutscenes moved. Sometimes they transitioned so quickly I lost details, which also made it hard to take screenshots at opportune times.
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Though the story left me somewhat perplexed, thankfully the combat was much tighter. You pick from a party of three to five for missions, and place them on the field of battle. Once placed, battle begins, and you go about achieving specific objectives. Often these involve defeating all your foes, but you’ll also need to sometimes move your party to a certain point on the map, hit levers, rescue prisoners, read sand glyphs and much more. There’s sufficient variety that I never got bored, though there are also some quirks of missions I found irritating. One map has something called Nurloc holes, from which giant worm creatures will continuously rise from until they’re stoppered by rocks or your teammates. There are others that involve rising tides which will instantly drown anybody unlucky enough to get caught underneath them. Or take the recurring boss the Chamberlain, who can just take over your teammates after he’s confused them. Another frustrating map had me fighting enslaved Podlings and a devious Skeksis scientist, who poisoned the ground and then suddenly upgraded himself when he was on the cusp of defeat, gaining a powerful chain lightning attack that almost wiped me out. These are only some of the more annoying examples, and besides these, I felt the missions were mostly fair for one reason: you have a wealth of customization options at your beck and call, and the combat itself is very intuitive.
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Each character in the game can learn from various jobs, and you can even equip skills from both primary and secondary jobs. Any job can be qualified as either, but there’s some provisos. Jobs are determined by the race of the character, and though most are Gelflings, there’s others like Podlings. Gelflings have complex and interwoven job trees, and you initially have several Tier One jobs you can pick from. By leveling up to a certain point, you can go for Tier Two jobs, and then by leveling up a couple of those, you’ll gain access to the coveted Tier Three jobs. I liked this approach, though there was one complication. You only gain experience for whichever job you currently have set as primary, meaning it can take forever to level up your jobs and learn all your skills. It also means you’ll be shuffling between primary and secondary jobs to get them fully leveled and changing equipment accordingly. Also, only characters you use in battle gain experience, and once you have more than five party members, that makes it quite easy for most of them to get left behind and under-leveled. Once I realized this, I figured out which team I wanted to focus on, and ignored everybody else. Which is a shame, since it meant I didn’t get to utilize all the special clan abilities. These are passive boosts, such as characters of one clan being immune to poison or another gaining more advantage from equipment. There’s some good diversity there, but given that the structure of the game forces you to only use a few of your party members, I didn’t find clan abilities to be all that relevant.
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That said, I did like the diversity of jobs that could be learned. You could go the more aggro route and make a Thief or Paladin, or go the arcane route and make a Mender or Bramble Sage. The Tier Three jobs are the most powerful, and have some devastating skills, though I found it curious none of these were a sufficiently tanky variety. Pretty much all three of the available Tier Three jobs were very physically fragile despite their strength, and could be taken down with a few solid hits. An example is the Grave Dancer class, which is able to inflict multiple statuses and gets some great passive skills, but can be wiped out if hit hard enough. This made me a fan of the races that didn’t have Tier Three jobs, such as Podlings. Instead of a branching job tree, they have a circular one, meaning you can only pick from a variety of Tier One jobs, though I admit that made leveling them up easier. By far my favorite of the Podlings was Hup, who you get early on. It’s hard not to love someone who screams huzzah and attacks foes with a wooden utensil, especially when he can become a monster summoner, able to call upon a friendly Nurloc to even the odds.
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Once you have learned skills by leveling up, you can select which ones to take into combat. You are allowed to pick three primary and two secondary skills, and can select them from a handy action wheel. I found this pretty intuitive, and was battling without any confusion. I especially liked how you could always restart your character’s turn, making it so I never made any tactical errors that I couldn’t turn back the clock on. What I liked less was you could only navigate the command wheel with the joystick, and not the directional buttons. This was odd, since you can use the directional buttons in other menus in The Dark Crystal: AoRT. It’s a minor quibble, but I still found it noteworthy. Another more serious issue relates to the skills I mentioned earlier. Yes you can take five into battle at any time, but here’s the catch: passive skills take up the same slot as active ones, meaning you’ll often only have a couple of abilities and several passive at times. I really found this to be a misstep, and wish passive skills were relegated to their own slot. I would have much preferred being able to have five active skills and one passive than this format. Part of the reason I feel this way is how many two-part skills the game uses. You’ll often have to afflict a foe with a certain status such as Marking them or Spicing them before you can use another skill against them the next turn. That means you’d have to use one of your active slots for the affliction skill and the others for special attacks. To be fair, you will eventually get some passive abilities that help, such as one that inflicts Mark just when dealing regular damage, but many of these take a long time and tons of effort to acquire. I don’t like harping about these issues, since I really did enjoy the combat the most in the game, but I also feel it’s necessary to illustrate the inconsistent nature of the game.
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I did find the combat streamlined and fun for the most part, other than some frustrating boss fights. I especially liked being able to move the camera around freely, spinning the focus and zooming when needed. Once the game introduces the Encounter missions, which are basically just free battles to grind for experience on, the whole experience got much better. The game does start slow, but it speeds up after that point. However, much like everything else, balance was a bit wonky in combat. I’d be leveled up and kicking ass one battle, then crushed on the next, even with higher tier jobs and equipment. This especially was the case in missions where I had to get to a certain point on the map, and more enemies would keep spawning after I defeated them. And the bosses I mentioned earlier, which are all Skeksis bastards, are all pains. The Chamberlain likes to confuse and bewitch your party members and empower his allies, the Hunter is ruthless and powerful, leaping about and slashing you to ribbons, and the others don’t get any easier. Worst of all, you never get the satisfaction of actually defeating the bosses fully til the very end of the game, since they always flee right before you’re able to take them out.
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Visually, The Dark Crystal: AoRT looks like an attractive PS2 game. It’s far from ugly, but it’s also not super easy to tell one character from another on maps, other than the blue halo for allies and red for foes. Frankly most creatures of the same species look almost identical on the map. That said, the menus were functional and organized, and I really did like the comic book cutscenes peppered throughout the game. Musically, the game isn’t bad, and has a quasi Middle Eastern vibe to it, sounding like most fights took place in a bazaar from Aladdin or something similar. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of diversity to the music, and it kind of got relegated to the background most of the time. Overall though, the aesthetic design of the game was minimalistic but inoffensive.
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I hate mentioning other quirks, but I also feel obligated to touch on issues I encountered. Thankfully none of these were bugs or glitches, but they were instead odd design choices. For one thing, it’s odd you cannot sell weapons, armor or trinkets, or even scrap them for parts. There’s also no disposable healing or attack items at all in the entire game. That means if you want to heal or revive someone, you can’t buy a Phoenix Down, and are entirely reliant on your magical healing. It’s also more than a bit awkward that some status effects don’t indicate their effect til they’re active, like Spiced for Cooks. Other statuses are entirely overpowered, such as Stun, which can be inflicted again and again, taking away all your turns in dire situations, yet Blind barely works, as 90 percent of the time blinded foes can not only hit you, but critical you. Also, despite liking the job system, I don’t feel there was enough differentiation between the jobs. And lastly, I really think the game would have been served better if there were only five or six total team members, letting you focus on leveling up one core group and not being forced to pick and choose which ones get experience.
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Despite my complaints, I really did enjoy playing The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics. As a fan of the genre, I found a lot to appreciate, despite my lack of familiarity with the source material. Though I can’t say this with certainty, since there’s no in-game timer, I estimate I spent about 22 hours playing through the game. Once you beat it, you unlock a New Game+, though I didn’t have enough time to test that out. Though it’s relatively linear, I felt I got my money’s worth for $19.99. If you’re a fan of tactics games, I’d say AoRT is worth the price of admission, even if I hope it gets some DLC to flesh things out and fix the quirks.
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