#takoma school
dustedmagazine · 10 months
Daniel Bachman—When the Roses Come Again (Three Lobed)
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Continuing the trajectory of his releases over the past few years, Daniel Bachman moves further into the world of musique concrete, this time around combining played, found, and manipulated sounds on a laptop. Named for a Carter Family song, the words of which provide the titles for the tracks, When the Roses Come Again is a densely layered and highly detailed recording. Snatches of often heavily treated fretless banjo (sometimes with slide-like effects, as on “Till the roses come again”) and guitar share space with other sounds apparently attributable to a mouth bow (a simple one-stringed instrument for which the mouth serves as a resonator), fiddle, and samples of bells and harmonium, though these are less obvious.
The tracks are generally concise (only two exceed four minutes), but they blend together into a kind of suite. There is a satisfying balance among those that are fairly noisy, bordering on industrial (though not aggressive), such as “As I wander, I will ponder,” those that are more melodic and less dense, such as “Happy hearts that feel no pain,” and those in which the emphasis alternates between texture and melody, such as “On a summer over yonder.” Nearly always, a drone of some sort either provides the background or dominates, and the electronics or treated sounds sometimes create a rhythm, as on the closing track. The resulting blend of sweeter, more bucolic tones with shimmering and percussive electronics is initially disconcerting but comes to feel organic, like a kind of palimpsest.
It’s been fascinating to observe Bachman developing his approach to Americana from Takoma school guitar excursions to the very modern sounds featured on his recent recordings. His increasing attention to the overt symbols of roots music exemplified by his use of Carter Family material has coincided with increasing incorporation of technology and its artifacts (such as the recurring buzzes, hums, and rattles heard here). Whereas last year’s Almanac Behind used a similar approach to address the weighty, almost suffocating issue of climate change, the focus here is personal, on the cycle of death and rebirth that defines existence. This is, in other words, still serious music, yet it is not necessarily somber. Probably not coincidentally, When the Roses Come Again provides the perfect soundtrack for a drive through a land of woods, farms, and small towns dotted with Dollar General stores and cell towers.
Jim Marks
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lemonnsss · 4 months
Moral of the Story: Chapter 8
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Warnings: Mild tangent based off of an actual conversation I had (I'm actually from D.C. so this was fun), one singular bad pun- it deserves its own warning, and probably strained warning.
Feedback is always appreciated
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Taglist: @vicmc624 , @mostlymarvelgirl , @yvonneeeee, @beetlejuicesupremacy , @moonlightreader649 , @whattheduckisupkyle , @chrisevans-realwife, @nekoannie-chan , @mrsbarnes32557038 , @imyourbratzdoll , @weallhaveadestiny
Word Count: 1.8k
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“Apologies but until you had agreed and were here it was still considered confidential.”
“O-okay, um, where- or how should I start?”
The director stood across the bed from me, eyebrows furrowed, the room filled with silence apart from the constant, steady beeps of the machinery.
“How the hell should I know? You’re the one with the super-abilities.”
“Right, sorry, that was dumb. Do you know if any of his internal organs were damaged when he went under? Or have you had the chance to run any tests yet?”
“I’m sorry, what crash are we talking about?” Tony said, still standing in the doorway.
Fury pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance before responding, “When the Captain here decided to take a trip twenty thousand leagues under the sea he was in a, shall we say, pseudo-nazi aircraft with a fixed route on its way to the states. His options were to let the ship take its course and let millions die or take a nosedive, he took the latter, rather obviously. Speaking of,” the attention turned to me, “how did you know that?”
“Sir, I’m a licensed teacher from pre-k to high school- I’m not by any means immune to misinformation; although, I do have a bit more knowledge on the topic than most people- not to mention my…” my mind trailed off for a moment before coming back, “former colleague taught history, rather fitting as he lived through it, too.”
His one eye began to look me up and down, “Remind me, where did you work last? Aside from with the X-Men that is.”
There was an uncertainty in his voice that made the agents who went down the elevator with us glance at each other nervously. What I had seen twice in my less-than-a-day stint of knowing this man seemed uncommon or unsettling for those who had known him longer.
“I don’t believe I said. Besides, doesn’t your file on me say?” We were both fishing for information, a push and pull I’d grown adjusted to on the flight over.
He remained silent, motioning one of the residents to come over.
“S-so we ran s-some tests-,” he took a moment to breathe and calm himself down, he spoke with a light stutter, likely to have been more prevalent in his earlier years. It sounded like he had gotten speech therapy, and was likely better, nervous, but better, “a lot of the scans were, well are, useless. His blood, everything about him really, was frozen, barely mobile. So the extent of the internal injuries he potentially sustained upon impact is uncertain. I sent for some new prints of the scans we took last week, but they haven’t come in yet; they’ll probably arrive today but it’s pretty touch and go sometimes.” He finished talking with a meek smile, likely proud of how he handled the situation.
“You did the scans last week and they’re only coming in today?” I could feel the look of confusion that overtook my face, he chuckled lightly and rubbed his neck.
“Yeah, we don’t have the equipment to produce the scans here so we send them over to the hospital over in Takoma Park to print- they have the most up-to-date machinery, and they were the only ones willing to work with us privately- so it takes a bit of time.”
“Perks of D.C., eh? Either have the most outrageous tax or go out of district.”
“Exactly! Say, did you grow up ‘round here?”
“No, up in Salem. I used to teach. I planned enough ‘government trips’ to last a few lifetimes.”
I could’ve sworn I heard him mutter a few “cool” s under his breath before he spoke up again, “It was nice getting to talk with you, but I kinda have some other patients I gotta check up on.” he moved by Fury, a “sir” slipping out as he passed and a little wave to me as he left.
The four who accompanied me in the elevator looked at each other, all but Tony practically questioning if this was normal for me.
The director cleared his throat, calling my attention back over to him, "When can you start?"
"Oh! Any time. I was only wondering how badly he was hurt so I can give you my best estimation for how long it'll take me to finish this."
“Will this not be a one-time excursion?”
“...No? Not likely.”
I was done with conversing, done with this nonsense. Placing my hand on the captain’s chest the area where we touched began to glow with a golden hue- I’d always been told my eyes did the same. It was unlike healing Tony a year ago- I didn’t have to rush, it wasn’t life or death- I could take my time and triage.
His biggest issue was hypothermia, unsurprisingly. I felt the cold move through his body to mine. A deep chill settled in my bones.
I pulled away, “Do you know if there’s a heating pad somewhere? Or something like it?” I hadn’t looked at them, afraid of how they would react. A few seconds of silence passed before I turned to them- Tony looked confused, maybe he didn’t see what my powers looked like, and he probably had some blood loss going on at the time; Fury stood unwavering with the smallest tent in his brow, but then again who could read him; the male agent who’d gone with us was standing, mouth slightly agape; and the female agent was gone slipped out without a sound- weird.
She looked like she’d be the ‘hard-ass’ type despite her being, what, 5’3”-5’4”. She was maybe Tony’s age, though it was difficult to tell, her seemingly ageless golden skin a potential factor, Tony’s substance abuse didn’t exactly help his cause though.
She walked back in, a wired heating pad in hand, she lifted it in the air inquisitively before tossing it to me.
“Thank you, Agent-”
“It’s no problem.” She cut me off gruffly.
I set the heating pad up in a chair and sat down, placing my hand back on the captain, and, over a few hours, I healed him as much as I could before returning to the hotel for the night. A comfortable cycle that lasted for a few months.
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I walked into S.H.I.E.L.D.’s office for what would likely be the last time, at least soon.
I walked up to the agents who had escorted me on my first day- Agents May and Coulson I’d learned.
“Ready for your last day?” Coulson asked a melancholic tone laced his voice.
“Are you excited to be done with babysitting me?” I teased.
I’d gotten more comfortable around Coulson, though it wasn’t exactly difficult with his rather ‘easy-going’ nature, and comfortable enough around Agent May to talk to her. We walked along the rather familiar path to Captain Rogers’ room. I made quick work of healing what remained of his injuries.
He still wasn’t awake. For whatever reason I thought Cap would wake up when I had finished healing him.
Coulson and I talked for a while before heading to the entrance once I’d gotten word back from Tony that his chauffeur was there to pick me up.
“I’m gonna miss you, kid.” he whispered, pulling me into a side hug.
“I’ll miss you too, Phil.” I replied, “ It was nice getting to know you, Agent-”
“May, call me May.” She cut me off, “And, unless you quit within the next year we’ll probably see you soon. Stark has an odd habit of getting in trouble with almost anyone and everyone.” 
“I’ll miss you too.”
A car horn was blaring outside for a minute and I knew it was Tony, “Guess that’s my cue, goodbye.” I sent them a soft smile and a wave before I got in the car.
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A few months passed by with ease with the Stark Expo taking up more time and paperwork than I could’ve imagined. I walked in one day to see Coulson in Tony’s office.
“Phil? Oh my gosh, it’s so good to see you! What’s got you across the country?”
“It’s good to see you too, kid. I’m here because S.H.I.E.L.D. is requesting Mr. Stark’s presence.” He spoke rather cooly about Tony, a stark contrast to his normal.
“TONY! Did you break the Geneva Convention?!” Tony looked at me speechless, feigning hurt I would even think of it, Coulson stood beside me struggling and barely holding back a chuckle.
“No, unfortunately not. ‘We’ need to borrow him, more specifically the ‘Iron Man’ suit. As I was saying before, we have a helicarrier waiting for your arrival.”
“Okay, Tony. Please, stop being a bitch and get your shit. You’re lucky they step in enough to keep you out of prison for some likely war criminal activity. Suck it up and grab your bags.” I walked to Tony’s desk and put down his coffee before walking into my office and grabbing the duffel I had stuffed in the corner of the room.
I walked back out, “Where’d you say the plane was?”
Coulson showed me to the plane where we waited for about twenty minutes before Tony walked over with his bags. We piled in and got up to the helicarrier, a giant airbase I was told was legal.
May was waiting for us on deck and showed me to my room before leaving me to unpack.
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I had to have been walking through those damn near identical hallways for half an hour before giving up.
After yelling into my hands I spoke, to no one but myself, “How do people even get around these things? It’s a whole death trap, I swear.”
“Exactly!” A voice called out from behind me. I turned around to find a familiar face, Captain America, “I guess you don’t work here either?”
“Oh, um, no. You couldn’t pay me to stay on this thing.”
He laughed revealing a warm smile that fit his beautiful, angel-like face perfectly.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Steve Rogers.”
“Kyrie Eirsson- I’m Mr. Stark’s personal assistant.”
I saw his eyes widen in recognition at the second half, “Oh! You’re the person I’m supposed to find.”
“What? Oh, fuck, that’s embarrassing.” I held my face in my hands, my face flushing furiously, I moved my fingers to see the Captain’s face. He stood across from me, face turned away, fist in front of his mouth in a failing attempt to hide his wide grin.
“In any case, Stark’s having a fit without you on the bridge. Shall we?” He held out his arm for me to take.
“I disappear for what, forty-fifty minutes and he goes nuts without me, shocker.” I took his arm gleefully, laughing at how ridiculous the situation was.
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Joshua Massad & Dylan Aycock - Two Improvisations
More stunning Takoma School ragas from Joshua Massad and Dylan Aycock, whose self-titled 2020 cassette has been in constant rotation over the past few years. This one is the duo's vinyl debut — and as the title tells us, we're invited to luxuriate in two long improvs, both stretching well beyond the 15-minute mark. Despite that open-ended approach, things never feel aimless or meandering. Massad (on tabla and sitar) and Aycock (on 12-string acoustic) manage to be both fully locked in and totally zoned out — floating into the outer regions, but always with purpose and a sense of direction. Highly recommended!
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kineticpenguin · 2 years
TAKOMA PARK, Md. — A Takoma Park man previously charged for vandalizing two Prince George's County libraries is now charged with possessing child pornography. Charles Sutherland faces at least seven charges of possessing child pornography, according to a charging document.
Sutherland was arrested back in June for spray painting the word "Groomer" on the front door of the Greenbelt library and the New Carrolton library during Capitol Pride Week. He faced vandalism and hate crime charges after he was arrested. Sutherland worked as a school librarian at Northview Elementary School in Bowie at the time. He has been on administrative leave since his arrest in June.
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There are basically two ways to have regular, spontaneous encounters with people. Both are rare in America.
One is living in a real place, a walkable area with lots of shared public spaces, around which one can move relatively safely and effectively without a car. It seems like a simple thing, but such places are rare even in the cities where they exist.
A robust walkshed is an area in which a community of people regularly mingles doing errands, walking their dogs, playing in the parks, going to school and work, etc. Ideally, cities would be composed of clusters of such walksheds, connected by reliable public transit.
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Rail riders can access very little of the station area on foot at Landover, but nearly all of the land at Takoma (Ref: https://planitmetro.com/2014/06/10/whats-a-walk-shed-to-transit/)
Extract from https://www.vox.com/2015/10/28/9622920/housing-adult-friendship
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bridegoalstheblog · 25 days
Unforgettable Quinceañera in the DMV Area: Ideas, Traditions, and Budget-Friendly Tips
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Celebrating a quinceañera is a cherished tradition that marks a young girl's transition from childhood to womanhood. It's a momentous occasion that brings together family, friends, and the community to honor this milestone. If you're planning a quinceañera in the DMV (District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia) area, there are countless ways to make the event special, even on a budget. From understanding the traditional elements to finding the perfect venue and incorporating modern touches like a photo booth, here’s how to plan an unforgettable quinceañera in the DMV area. The Significance of a Quinceañera A quinceañera is a deeply rooted cultural tradition celebrated in many Latin American communities. It’s more than just a party; it’s a rite of passage that symbolizes a young girl’s coming of age. Traditionally, the celebration begins with a religious ceremony, often a Catholic Mass, where the quinceañera gives thanks and receives blessings for her future. Following the religious service, a festive reception is held, complete with dancing, feasting, and various symbolic rituals. Key elements of the quinceañera include: - The Dress: The quinceañera dress is one of the most important aspects of the celebration. It’s usually an elaborate, ball gown-style dress that makes the young woman feel like a princess. Many girls choose a dress in white or pastel colors, though some opt for bolder shades. - The Court of Honor: The quinceañera is typically accompanied by a court of honor, which includes her closest friends and family members. The court often consists of 14 girls (damas) and 14 boys (chambelanes), representing the quinceañera's 14 years of life. - The First Dance: One of the most memorable moments is the quinceañera’s first dance, usually a waltz with her father. This symbolizes her first dance as a young woman and is often followed by a choreographed group dance with her court. - The Changing of the Shoes: This tradition symbolizes the transition from childhood to womanhood. The quinceañera changes from flat shoes to high heels, often assisted by her father or another significant male figure. - The Last Doll: Another symbolic moment is when the quinceañera receives her last doll, representing the end of her childhood. Affordable Venues in the DMV Area Finding the perfect venue is a crucial part of planning a quinceañera, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are some affordable yet charming locations in the DMV area where you can host your celebration: - Local Community Centers: Many community centers in the DMV area offer event spaces at a fraction of the cost of traditional venues. These spaces are versatile and can be decorated to fit your quinceañera theme. Some options include the Takoma Park Community Center in Maryland and the Arlington Mill Community Center in Virginia. - Parks and Outdoor Spaces: If you're planning a spring or summer quinceañera, consider hosting the reception in a park or outdoor space. The DMV area has beautiful parks like Rock Creek Park in Washington, D.C., and Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Virginia. Outdoor venues often require permits, but they can be a budget-friendly option, especially if you’re willing to get creative with decorations. - Church Halls: Since many quinceañeras begin with a religious ceremony, consider holding the reception in the church hall. These venues are often more affordable, and you can easily transition from the ceremony to the celebration. Many churches in the DMV area have spacious halls available for rent. - Historic Homes or Mansions: While it may seem counterintuitive, some historic homes or mansions in the DMV area offer affordable rental rates for events. Places like the Woodlawn Manor Cultural Park in Maryland or the Carlyle House in Virginia provide a beautiful backdrop for a quinceañera without the high price tag. - School or University Halls: Many schools and universities rent out their halls for events, especially during the summer months. These venues are often spacious and well-equipped, making them ideal for a large quinceañera celebration. Incorporating a Photo Booth for Lasting Memories One of the best ways to capture the joy and excitement of your quinceañera is by incorporating a photo booth into your celebration. A photo booth adds an element of fun, allowing guests to take home a piece of the event while creating lasting memories. Here’s why a photo booth from Bmore Photos is a perfect addition to your quinceañera: - Interactive Entertainment: A photo booth provides entertainment for guests of all ages. With fun props, themed backdrops, and the opportunity to take unlimited photos, it’s a hit with everyone from young cousins to grandparents. - Customizable Experience: At Bmore Photos, we offer customizable photo booth experiences that can be tailored to match your quinceañera theme. Whether you want a backdrop that complements your dress, props that reflect your hobbies, or a personalized photo strip with your name and event date, we’ve got you covered. - Instant Keepsakes: Guests will love the instant prints they receive from the photo booth. These photo strips serve as a memento of your special day, something they can treasure long after the party is over. - Digital Sharing: In today’s social media-driven world, sharing photos online is a must. Our photo booths allow guests to instantly share their photos on social media, spreading the celebration beyond the venue. - Affordable Packages: We understand that planning a quinceañera can be expensive, which is why we offer affordable photo booth packages. Our services are designed to fit within your budget while still providing high-quality entertainment. To book a photo booth for your quinceañera, contact us at 443-762-4393 or visit our website at bmorephotos.com. You can also explore our services specifically for the DMV area at photoboothdmv.com. Modern Twists on Traditional Elements While honoring the traditional aspects of a quinceañera is important, there’s also room to incorporate modern twists that reflect the quinceañera's personality. Here are some ideas to consider: - Themed Parties: Beyond the classic princess or fairy tale theme, consider a more personalized theme that resonates with your interests. Whether it’s a Hollywood glam theme, a vintage-inspired event, or a tropical paradise, the options are endless. - Interactive Stations: Set up stations that allow guests to engage in different activities, such as a DIY cupcake decorating station, a candy buffet, or a DIY craft station where guests can create their own party favors. - Video Montage: Create a montage showcasing the quinceañera's life journey so far. This can be played during the reception, adding a sentimental touch to the celebration. - Personalized Favors: Instead of traditional party favors, consider giving guests something more personalized. Custom items like monogrammed keychains, engraved picture frames, or even personalized photo strips from the photo booth can serve as unique keepsakes. Planning a quinceañera in the DMV area offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity, allowing you to create a celebration that’s both meaningful and memorable. By choosing an affordable venue, incorporating a photo booth from Bmore Photos, and adding personalized touches, you can host a quinceañera that honors your heritage while reflecting your individual style. Remember, the most important part of a quinceañera is the celebration of a young girl’s journey into womanhood, surrounded by those who love and support her. With careful planning and a bit of creativity, your quinceañera in the DMV area will be an event that everyone will remember for years to come. Read the full article
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rodspurethoughts · 2 months
NASA Engagement Platform Brings Experts to Classrooms, Communities
NASA Technical Group Supervisor for Sequence Planning and Execution and Tactical Mission Lead for the Mars Perseverance rover, Diana Trujillo, speaks to students at Rolling Terrace Elementary School, Monday, March 13, 2023, in Takoma Park, Maryland. Photo Credit: (NASA/Aubrey Gemignani) NASA/Aubrey Gemignani NASA Engagement With a new school year on the horizon, NASA is introducing a platform…
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hbhughes · 3 months
John W. Psolka, III
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John W. Psolka, III, 53, of Luzerne, passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, June 16, at Geisinger, Wyoming Valley surrounded by his loving family.  John was born in Takoma Park, MD on May 22, 1971, son of John and Clara Marina Luizaga Sweigert.
John completed most of his secondary education at Don Bosco High School, Bolivia, and received his diploma from Dieruff High School, Allentown, class of 1989. He continued his education at College Misericordia, Dallas, PA, where he earned his Accounting degree.
Throughout his career John worked in multiple Claims Adjuster roles, and most recently as Claims Manager at NVP Warranty.
John is native to Bolivia and spoke fluent Spanish.  He was a true handyman and he loved to fix up cars since his youth, even building model automobiles as a child.  With a glass of fine Scotch in his hand, he loved entertaining family and friends; he loved his family and friends immensely.  Most weekends, John could be found jamming out with his band as bass guitarist for DV8, running through the crowd, always putting huge smiles on the faces of everyone. He also played in a local band called “Bromance.”  John found the most joy spending time with his devoted wife, Megan, and their beloved son, John, IV (John John).  John John took a lot of interest in his dad‘s hobbies such as working on cars, his love for music and often requesting to help his father with the next task.
John is preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, John & Cecelia Psolka, as well as maternal grandparents, Roberto & Lucia Luizaga.
John is survived by his loving wife of 12 years, Megan, his son, his pride and joy, John, IV, his mother, Marina Luizaga Sweigert (Scott), his brother, Steven, John’s father, John Psolka, II (Claudia), and their son, Allan and multiple nieces and nephews.
Family and friends are invited from 5 to 8 PM on Thursday, June 20, at Hugh B. Hughes and Son, Inc., Funeral Home, 1044 Wyoming Avenue, Forty Fort.
Funeral services will be held at 10:30 AM on Friday, June 21, at Hugh B. Hughes and Son Inc. Funeral Home, with Pastor James Quinn, officiating. Interment will be held at St. John the Baptist Cemetery, Dallas.
In lieu of flowers, a scholarship account has been created for his son, John, IV.
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tsmom1219 · 7 months
This pay phone is free, but you can’t make a call. It only plays birdsongs.
Read the full story from the Washington Post. Hatib Joof sees elementary school students lined up at a pay phone outside of his restaurant in Takoma Park, Md., in suburban Washington, several times a week. “The phone attracts a lot of attention,” Joof said. “And it’s fascinating to watch people’s expressions when they use it.” It’s not just kids who are drawn to the phone, which has a canary…
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asianartsblog · 9 months
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Join this workshop to explore creative ways to blend diverse instruments of the world, including yangqin, banjo, ukulele, dumbek, cello banjo, and mandolin, with Grammy Award winners Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer accompanied by Chinese classical hammered dulcimer player Chao Tian. . Date and Time: Wednesday, January 10, 7:30pm
Location: The School of Musical Traditions 7112 Willow Ave., Takoma Park, Maryland 20912
FREE ADMISSION INFO: https://imtfolk.org/1-10-fusing-the-music-from-china-to-appalachia-and-beyond
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dustedmagazine · 9 months
Isasa — Canciones De Amor (Repeditor / Feeding Tube)
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Canciones De Amor is the fifth solo album by the Spanish guitarist Isasa. The sturdy thumb-driven rhythm and bucolic vibe of his early recordings under that name (like a lot of folks playing guitar soli these days, he has a distant rock and roll past, most notably in the band Room With A View) betrayed a strong Takoma school influence. The sound of Canciones De Amor continues an evolution away from the fields plowed by John Fahey, Glenn Jones, and Jack Rose, but it holds close to a chief tenet of their work — that music played on a steel-stringed acoustic guitar can take you on an emotional journey.
The LP takes advantage of its inevitable split to divide the music into solo pieces and more layered works. Isasa’s picking has become more delicate and reflective than on earlier LPs, and as the first sequence progresses, the tunes get longer, slower, and more elaborate. It finishes with a piece whose title, “Carta A Mi Joven Yo” (“A Letter To My Younger Self”), amounts to a missive telling Isasa-the-younger that it’s going to be okay to settle down. “Firmamento” begins side two with a transition of scene and sound. Isasa’s guitar seems to loom out of a still synthesizer-scape. From there, things brighten considerably, as the voices of loved ones pop up in tunes that are subtly dressed up with lap steel and piano. One track is named after his spouse, another after one of the children in his house, and two more kids contribute voices to a third.
Isasa’s trip has a very personal destination, and each element plays a part in telling the story.
The album’s titular love songs celebrate home life, and as member of the household takes their place, the additional layers take the music away from the stage. As it grows more elaborate the music becomes more comforting. It’s as though the composer wants his audience to know that as much as he’s happy that they’re listening, he is not going to be hanging out by the edge of the stage, because there are people he wants to see at home. And if he doesn’t come back to the club for a while, perhaps you can just listen to this record,  kicking back someone you love. 
Bill Meyer
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dertaglichedan · 10 months
A Maryland teacher is on leave while the school system investigates her for a string of anti-Semitic social media posts that included creating a list of wealthy Jews in her county, claiming they horde wealth while contributing nothing to society, and calling for “class war.”
Angela Wolf is head of the English Language Development department, which caters to immigrant children, at Takoma Park Middle School, in the most leftist enclave of liberal Montgomery County. Though she was temporarily removed from school, she remains a board member of the Montgomery County Education Association, one of the largest teachers union locals in the country representing 14,000 staff.
Her Facebook posts included a drawing of an Israeli tank pointing a tank’s gun at babies in a hospital NICU, and saying “enemy in sight!” As the war wages against the Hamas terrorists who murdered over 1,200 Israelis on October 7, she has posted frequently against Israel. On November 16, she commended “bus operators at Dulles who refused to transport Zionists to the pro Israel rally,” adding that “their solidarity with the victims of Israeli genocide should be commended.”
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takomaparkmaryla · 1 year
Explore the Lifestyle of Takoma Park Maryland
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Takoma Park is a small, historic Maryland city located just outside of Maryland. Takoma Park's ample outdoor activities, dining options, and cultural attractions provide plenty of entertainment for visitors and residents alike. Residents can take advantage of Montgomery County’s extensive bike trails, Birding, Recreational lake, and nature preserve. Additionally, Takoma Park Shopping Center and several antique stores provide unique items for purchase. In short, Takoma Park is a vibrant, diverse, and historically rich city that offers a peaceful and welcoming atmosphere for visitors and locals alike. Takoma Park is a one-of-a-kind community located just blocks from Maryland. More than just a suburb, Takoma Park is an eclectic, vibrant, and diverse town with an independent spirit all its own. Takoma Park is known for its strong sense of community, diverse lifestyle and social values, and for its green spaces and parks. Takoma Park is a great place for individuals, families, and retirees. Residents can enjoy a variety of activities available in the area, including cultural events, music festivals, farmers markets, local shopping, and fitness classes.
Takoma Park is also home to many outdoor recreational activities, such as swimming, hiking, biking, and even horseback riding. With its many parks and green spaces, including Woodstock Park and the Takoma Park Environmental Center, residents can enjoy nature and outdoor activities all year long. Takoma Park also offers a wide range of educational opportunities, from private and public schools to higher education and job training programs. For those looking for a supportive, engaged and active community, Takoma Park is the perfect place to call home.
Explore the majestic beauty of Takoma Park
It is known for its abundance of natural beauty, from a vibrant arts and music scene to its many outdoor parks. It also houses a number of historic sites, including Fort Stevens and the Old Town Historic District. Other attractions include the popular Takoma Park Farmer's Market, weekly outdoor movies, and the Takoma Park Silver Spring Arts and Entertainment District. With its rich culture and history, Takoma Park is a great destination for any nature lover. It is known for its beautiful parks and green spaces, its progressive politics, and its diverse and welcoming community. Takoma Park also has a vibrant arts and culture scene with a numerous festivals, art galleries, and performances throughout the year. Visitors can also take part in unique shopping experiences at Takoma’s Arts and Crafts Market, or the downtown antique shops. Dining and nightlife are also plentiful, with many excellent restaurants and bars to choose from. If you love nature and outdoor adventure, Takoma Park is a great place to explore. Whether you're looking for leisure or adventure, Takoma Park has something for everyone.
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The Joint Chiropractic — Waugh Chapel is a well renowned place for their high-quality chiropractic services. They are very affordable, convenient and specialized when it comes to providing pain relief from neck, head, knee & back.
They are offering $29 New Patient Special which includes a consultation, exam, and adjustment. One can even schedule an appointment at night or on the weekends. If you don’t have insurance, it doesn’t matter! 
Open nights and weekends, walk-in chiropractor, no insurance needed.
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theyoungturks · 2 years
A former schools librarian painted "groomer" on two libraries and then got busted for possessing child porn. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/local/maryland/library-vandalism-child-porn-charles-sutherland/65-e36e6a7f-5503-436d-8f8e-5f3c59b5e09f "A Takoma Park man previously charged for vandalizing two Prince George's County libraries is now charged with possessing child pornography. Charles Sutherland faces at least seven charges of possessing child pornography, according to a charging document. Sutherland was arrested back in June for spray painting the word "Groomer" on the front door of the Greenbelt library and the New Carrolton library during Capitol Pride Week. He faced vandalism and hate crime charges after he was arrested. Sutherland worked as a school librarian at Northview Elementary School in Bowie at the time. He has been on administrative leave since his arrest in June." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230309__TB03Groomer by The Young Turks
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occupyhades · 2 years
Vandal who painted 'groomer' on libraries had disturbing evidence of child sex abuse in apartment: police - RawStory.com
A former Maryland school librarian who spray-painted "groomer" on public libraries during Pride Week has been arrested on child pornography charges. Charles Sutherland, of Takoma Park, Md., was arrested last month on six misdemeanor counts of possession of child pornography...
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haitiansensation5 · 2 years
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First Baptist Church of Silver Spring (FBCSS), The Church Downtown, has always blessed me with a rich diverse experience within our Christ centered faith! Pictured below are the young adults during the church transitions from old building in downtown to the current facility today. We worshipped at the Takoma Park Community Center’s auditorium for several years. I relish the diverse experiences from my fellow sisters and brothers in Christ to include a Cameroon nurse, a white PhD federal worker, an African American elder and of course my former white Sunday School teacher who started off his career as an accountant, but became an entrepreneur for flooring in the area! #trulyblessed #diversity #centeredbyChrist (at Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoaW6EcuVj_RiqVKlFakN3psxvxCk03hXaLXAQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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