#tally-hoe i guess
beckiboos · 1 year
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I think Lucien has a crush
Honestly same
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whathedickens · 5 months
keep on tallying the hoes, toe boy 💪💪💪💪🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️💪💪💪🔥🔥🔥
" im going to guess you meant tea boy . dont call me that . and trust me , i will . "
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cyarsk52-20 · 8 months
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It’s Black people fault racists being racist? Shut the hell up.
It’s Black people fault this piss ass state has a Democratic party run by a Republican oil heiress who likely PURPOSELY handicapped this race?
Go shoe shine somewhere the fuck else
Black people dont even have the NUMBERS to do that in Louisiana. Yall dumb as FUCK.
Whole state party run by bitches who were at work when the Challenger exploded but want the KIDS to give a fuck about any of this
NO SMOKE for any other race. Black folks gotta fix it all? Suck my imaginary dick!
Shawn Wilson didnt even start campaigning around the state til THIS FUCKING SUMMER. The Democrats did not even TRY.
You slew foot ass unseasoned chicken flavored bitches really couldnt wait til MONDAY after the election to blame Black folks. Have they even finished the TALLY?! LIKEEEEEEEEE
It’s always BLACK PEOPLE fault for you piss poor ass bitches not wanting to do your jobs.
Kiss my ass!
Its Black people holding this PISS ASS STATE TOGETHER
and that piss ass state doesn’t deserve nann black body a resident or tourist
It’s Black people fault the LA Democratic Party spending time funding Dem vs. Dem races instead of recruiting new talent so we dont all have to vote DOWN BALLOT for Republicans? Go choke on a bag of weiners
So if you are on this app blaming BLACK PEOPLE IN LOUISIANA, a 3rd of this population and many of whom are ineligible to vote and are gerrymandered out of being able TO vote, you a shoeshining ass bitch and I wish the worst for you
This piss ass state is what it is CAUSE THE LA DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS A CLOWN CAR
How is this even ACCEPTABLE? To just outright LIE and claim Black people are the reason Jeff Landry is now governor? You dont think we dont know he HATES US? But guess what? So do LOUISIANA Dems.
We supposed to look at Katrina Jackson or Troy Carter like KINFOLK? PLEASE
LMAO at blaming low voter turnout on voting day being the same weekend as 2 HBCU homecomings (as if that wasnt by design by those fucking racists) AND NOT DEMOCRATS BEING FUCKING TRASH
Also bitching about low voter turnout? BABY GIRL /BOY OR BETTER YET BIIITCH FUCK OFF.
You fuckers didnt run on WOMEN despite THESE headlines circulating the block all year, if I had a penis you can choke on it
Black Democrats outlawed abortion in Louisiana. That bill was signed into law by a DEMOCRAT GOVERNOR.
YOU fquckasses NEED TO BURN IN HELL blaming Black residents of this ridiculous state for the disarray of the Party and the harm we experience. Heck I’ll take you down there myself if I could
Also ALOT OF PEOPLE are ineligible to vote due to their immigration status and criminal records. 1 in 3 Americans has a criminal record and Louisiana incarcerates the most people per capita IN. THE. WORLD. I dont wanna hear this goddamn bullshit narrative around us.
ALL you nigclears and nig hew bitches (along with actual hews and clears ) need to turn that mirror onto yourselves.
Fucking Carter out here shoeshining for Steve Scalise of all people and you want Black folks to swoop in and save the day for you ungrateful bitches.
YALL gave Jeff Landry this race. Leave Black Louisianians ALONE
And let me tell you something else! If Jeff Landry
1. Stealing taxpayer money
2. Using the LA police as hired guns for his donors
3. Running an interstate coalition of AGs to hunt women for abortions & supporting the DEATH penalty for them
wasnt ENOUGH? Nothing was gonna be.
And the ONLY reason y’all blaming Black people is b/c y’all are deluded enough into thinking we ALL experience harm the same. Black people suffer no matter WHO is in office. Bel Edwards signed the first Blue Lives Matter bill into law in the NATION & HID CORRUPT COPS FROM THE LAW
Honestly Yall mothers are BITCH MADE! And y’all daddy’s mommas some ugly HOES! And so are you
And that’s what the problem is. So on DAY 1 post-election in one of the WORST DEFEATS this state’s Democratic party has ever seen, maybe sit with THAT instead of uniting under a “Blame Black folks” narrative
The state with the WORST maternal mortality rate in the nation has DEMOCRATS ban abortion.
WORST education in the country and they banning Black history and books
HIGHEST incarceration rate & a Democrat shielded murderous cops from the FBI.
Like this state doesn’t deserve them!
let the state drown in the mess they made. Drown!
Sorry for the rant but I had to LET THEIR ASSES KNOW!! They always wanna blame the utter failures on black folks. Nah! The turnout sucked because your policies sucked and you didn’t want to do the work.
This is the same rhetoric that will be floating around next year in Florida if the Democratic and progressives orgs do not get it together. They have so much work to do to rebuild infrastructure & re-engage voters and I have yet to see it.
don’t you dare blame black folks because you’re incompetent af!
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universal-melodies · 4 years
(I made a fanfic!!! It's also up on whattpad and is far better.)
Saved from damnation chapter 1. (a La squadra x reader fanfic. Any errors shall be duely noted and hopefully corrected!)
Risotto had told you not to leave. That was what you were going to do. He asked that you stay safe because he wanted at least a fraction of the old team to be able to move on. He said that to you before he left to go and fight the boss so you stayed in the hideout waiting on that string of hope that maybe one of them would return.
You laid down on the sofa. Quietly refreshing the message page, waiting for one of them to say something, anything. Just to prove to you that they might just come back. This place was normally humming with Fromaggio’s silly little jokes and Illusio’s snarky comebacks. It felt like a ghost town. You placed the laptop on the coffee table opposite you.
You let out a deep sigh as you snuggled into one of Illu’s spare jacket that you were using as a blanket, pulling it tighter around your shoulders. You really miss them. As you hug the stuffed fish you borrowed off of Pecsi to use as a cushion. You were going to have to apologise for borrowing their stuff without their permission. You had borrowed one thing off of everybody. You were wearing one of Risotto’s hats, he had actually gotten you one of your own but it was just nicer to feel like he was there. You had figured out that Prosci had copies of his necklace clearly just in case his current one got damaged was your best guess. You also borrowed Melone’s laptop to check up on updates on the board the guys where using. The leftover ice cream Giha had made was gone you loved it as always. You had you had a football game on quietly in the background because it reminded you of Froma. You slowly let your eyes close as you fell asleep feeling safe, warm, and like they were all there.
You missed all of them so much.
It was a massive blow when Sorbet and Gelato died, they were the first ones to openly care about you or call you a friend and over the years you knew the pair of them you had never had a bad experience with either. They were the kind, gay uncles you would never replace for the world. One time they were all going to go out on the town for the evening as was very normal for them on weekends because they work stressful jobs that are break-neck not only metaphorically but also quite literally. They live every moment to the fullest as they should. However, at the time you were still only 13 and that meant you had to stay back at home and you insisted that it would be fine. But Sor and Lat decided that they didn’t feel like going out that night. They stayed behind to take care of you. It was a fun evening full of studio Ghibli movies and junk food. Needless to say, these where more of common occurrence between the three of you that started to drag the rest of them in until it was a tradition they all did together, almost as a family. They haven’t done them since.
Not much time had really passed before Fromaggio died. This hit hard as well because he was like your brother. His puns where always the funniest shit to you, especially thinking back to them at 2 am. You absolutely loved watching him get passionate about football because he would talk on and on and you’d listen to all of it. It was fascinating to you in a way it never was before. It made you wonder what had changed in the weeks you’d known him at that point. Maybe it was because you became more open in general. No threat of violence against you was ever actually followed through on and you felt the safest you’d ever felt. It was lovely. You also love to hang out with his cats. They were always so pleasant critters to be around and you often asked to just play with his cats with him. Hoe told you that it was unusual to him. They were always happy around you which he couldn’t say was true for him, because they would scratch and yell when he’s trying to hug them. He said that you, “Have the gift. You can pet the fuzzy babies without them trying to claw your eyes out.”
Then Illusio disappeared. You two weren’t as close but there was still a mutual enjoyment of each-others presence. He seemed to really enjoy doing your hair which was good because you really liked being the test subject for his hairstyle ideas. Seeing new things done with your hair gave you a feeling of warm contentment. Listening to him spreading rumours about his friends, never serious and always rather funny, another highlight was. He could, and would, roast absolutely anyone and everyone. He wasn’t quiet when he disapproved of something, and you’d hear about that too.
Then Pros’ and Pecsi’s remains were found…
Pros’ death hit like a train. It was an odd coincidence because of what you were told about his final moments. You felt like you were being slowly torn apart by the news of your friend’s, no, family’s deaths. Each man fallen left a deep wound on you. By the end of the long week, you had no more tears left as you sat on your bed staring blankly at the faded world around you. You saw him as like your second dad. He may have been snarky and harsh, but it never got to the point where it wasn’t legit criticism. He seemed to know all the best words to keep you going. Pushing the limits of your abilities, to run that extra minute, to do those extra reps. You were driven to near-breaking, but never over. There was always an end, and with him helping you, it became easier to use and control the abilities you seemed to have gained. He called a part of your Stand which Riso had recently explained to you was a manifestation of your spirit and subconscious. Every week you trained the abilities became refined, it eventually got to the point that she occasionally showed herself.
Pecsi was like your older younger brother. His confidence issues had him constantly stumbling over basic interactions that you tried to help to varying degrees of success. You were also very affectionate because it made him become a blushing mess and you found it to be quite funny. He got used to it eventually and it became just another odd thing that you just, did. When you were watching a movie that was even a little scary you two clung to each-other, shaking like leaves. This led to most of the group joking about you two being a thing, earning them a very flustered Pineapple, and scowls that could have murdered from you. The number of times you had to be pulled off the lad because you where petrified by the movie, was higher than the number of times Pecsi had doubted himself. On those nights he insisted on sleeping in your room, because the pair of you were normally too afraid of being on your own. It got so common that you actually asked if you could get a convertible sofa in your room, so he didn’t have to sleep on the floor. It wasn’t too great of an expense so your request was granted. Having him near gave you a certain solace. He was big and he was also rather strong, but he was such a huge teddy bear that he was about as threatening as a kitten. It was comforting, you felt safe.
When Melone and Gihaggio were sent on the suicide mission to go and kidnap Trish. you had tried to beg for the both of them to not go. Both responded that they didn’t have a choice and they had to at least try. Safe to say neither of them came back…
Melo was your favourite teacher because he was funny and always willing to help with anything he could. That ranged from helping you learn more complex Italian that you otherwise wouldn’t have ever gotten, to homework that was otherwise neglected. He also seemed to absolutely adore helping you with the schoolwork that was sent to you, well a post office near you, from a long distance schooling initiative that was set up to help kids like you. Those who couldn’t go to a real school for their own safety. His patience was saintly, and his enthusiasm, seemingly boundless. He never got angry at you for not understanding straight away, and was willing to re-explain everything to you. He also seemed so much happier every second he was with you. You felt appreciated.
Gihaggio was never your favourite person. That was because he was only ever in a bad mood. He was told to help with your education when Melo wasn’t there, this led to quite the tally of near scares. His lashing out was a terror to you, because your father and sister would get like that. When he saw you flinch at his raised fist and yelling, he would redirect and be forced to apologise later by one of the others. It very rarely got to blind rage, and never escalated to violence against you. This was simply due to him knowing that it would be a death sentence from how protective Melone was over her. When forced to apologise he tended to make ice-cream because he: “Has a hard time using his words” as Melone put it.
As Risotto walked out of the door, you couldn’t help but feel as though you were being abandoned. He was the last real member of your family that you had, and he was walking out into a guaranteed death. There was nothing you could do. He was the one who found you; it took a few days to trust him at all. It was a delicate process that took at least four days for you to accept food directly given from him, he had to put it on a tray and step back a few steps. He spoke some pretty all right English so you and him would have fairly regular chats. When you were finally allowed out of the room he helped with translation.
They were your family at the end of the day.
“They would come back eventually. Then we’d all go grab some ice-cream to apologise for leaving me alone for so long.” You muttered to yourself before dozing quietly off.
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wilted3sunflowers · 4 years
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i saw @terrors-of-nightraven doing this with their characters so i decided to do it with some of the twst boys of mine
Including some faces you haven’t been introduced to yet....and kits dad 
Rowdon: high key Feral and horny  Kit’s dad: He is a theatrical dramatic man. Feral and Horny is what he knows  Cyrus: Feral.....but its a swinging door on if he lands on precious or horny given the day  Blue hair: A face that hasn’t been shown here, is technically a villian inspo but also...well you probably can guess his inspo.  Kit: He is very functional....but he doesn’t always follows rules and will take measures he needs to....he has also tied ace to a tree and left him there so.. decide what you want
Ammiras: He’s high key functional but like...he got that horny aura behind the scenes  Brunette: I havent introduced this one yet but you might be able to guess his inspo it is a disney villian. He is pretty horny though but a lot of it is self horny in how good he looks  Deimos: He is not shy about anything, don’t test him. Unlike his brother he is functional...even if he doesn’t care
Functional:  Ambrose: He can be functional but because he likes to fuck off to seclusion and avoid people i can count that as a touch feral for him....and he will yell at you for interrupting his me time on his giant mushroom while he’s smoking  Tallis: The most functional one....or is he, either way he at least if any bit of horny, doesn’t show it. Keeps that shit on lock. 
Precious:  Shiloh: he is the biggest precious but also...he is a hoe....he may not be thirsty traditionally he does kind of be a hoe... Veleno: He is precious....but god if this boy is far from functional  Koku: He’s precious...but not really much else  Briar: He’s a sweet friend and helps around in theatre so he’s reliable  Dual tone: He’s very precious, praised back home but he mostly just tries to do his work on time and do whats right and asked of him
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artificialqueens · 4 years
The Audit, Chapter 1 (Branjie, Scyvie, Ninex) - Phryne
She’s back back back back (quarantine back rolls)! Here’s the rewrite of The Department of Public Safety, with more jokes, more warm and fuzzy moments, and less safety. Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed!
Thank you to @janssports for being the most lovely beta and @scarletenvy for endless support!
This Chapter: There’s a new sherif in town, and she doesn’t play around (though Vanjie hopes otherwise).
In the simple town of Lanmore, Virginia — where the grass trimmings lay on the sidewalks until the next storm washes them away, where the sun burns heavy on every blacktop in every strip mall parking lot, where the flag blows freely and haphazardly — it is quiet.
It is all quiet until Vanjie hefts a Wal-Mart bag, filled to the brim with loose packets of SweeTarts, onto the freshly waxed conference room table. She dumps them out, all good and messy, letting them brush against A’keria and Nina’s piles of citizen suggestions, and spill off onto the floor.
And there were at least a hundred suggestions at A’keria and Nina’s end of the table, sorted haphazardly into Bad, Extra Spicy Bad, and Wrong Department piles. They pass workable suggestions directly to Silky or Vanjie to turn nonsense into gold with their keen understanding of Lanmore and its specific breed of citizen, until they spit out a new program to address the concern.  Or the suggestion goes to Scarlet, who brings it to Yvie, who then handles the issue swiftly—and loudly— like she always does.
“So you’re tellin’ me—” Silky reaches across the table and snatches a packet of candy. “That these hos found a way to snort this?” She dangles it between her well manicured nails, as though it were a little bag of dog shit found next to the trash can in Smallman Park.
“They ain’t hos, Silk. They’re like….” Licking her finger, A’keria ponders the hoes as she flips through another stack of suggestion slips rescued from their cardboard box, which lived under Scarlet’s desk, more specifically underneath Scarlet’s balled up fuzzy socks and “secret files,” which no one really wanted to investigate, lest they get trapped in Scarlet’s world by spending too much time with her thoughts. “I don’t know, like, twelve year old boys. They’re just stupid.”
Nina turns around, capping her marker. “Twelve year olds can’t be hos. They’re twelve.”
“You can be a ho and be twelve.” Another flip. A’keria crumples a suggestion slip and launches it at the Extra Spicy Bad pile, missing and hitting Scarlet’s feet.
The Extra Spicy Bad pile held all the suggestions that A’keria took great pleasure in reading out to the group during happy hour, in the traditional Monthly Suggestion Box Clean-Out fashion — in the corner booth at Chewy George’s bar, sat halfway in Silky’s lap, drunk from three blended margaritas, sticking her favorites into her bra, so she could hang them on her desk when she got back to work the next day.
Scarlet turns in her chair and snorts. “Wouldn’t you know,” she says easily, teasingly light.
“Please, you wish you were,” A’keria shoots back, half her attention still on the suggestion slip in front of her.
With a laugh, Scarlet clutches pearls she’s not even wearing. “Excuse me, I’m a lady.” She brightens, splaying out her hands on the conference table, accidentally bumping the Bad pile. “Brigid treated me to a lovely dinner and show last night, sooo. That’s lady-like shit.”
“You’re excused,” Silky adds, but not before she can join Vanjie in rolling her eyes at Scarlet’s remarks.
“She’s not a ho and neither are you, so shut up.” Yvie booms from the front office in that unmistakably Yvie way — loudly inviting herself into a conversation happening in a completely different room, which she has no part of. Such are the powers of being the director.
“Course she chimes in now.” A’keria rolls her eyes before handing Nina a suggestion. “This one’s actually good.”
Vanjie trails away from A’keria and back to the candy. She whips off her shoe, holding the orange suede pump by its blocky heel, and starts pounding the candy mercilessly, throwing her whole body into it. Once, twice, three times, before she shifts her bare foot on top of her other shoe to redistribute her weight. She continues pounding, even as Silky reaches across her to grab a packet of candy, mesmerized by how Vanjie swings her shoe with a vengeance.
She rips it open and carefully pops a SweeTart in her mouth. “So how do these kids even get to snortin’ this shit?”
“You can do anything when you’re stupid enough.” A’keria begins folding the suggestion into a paper airplane, crumpling the nose of it when it doesn’t look pointy enough.
Silky waves a SweeTart in front of Vanjie’s mouth until she opens, letting Silky place it on her tongue. “But what are they getting out of this? Is it like drugs, or…?”
“They snort it, Silk,” Vanjie switches the shoe around to pound with the heel. She gives it a good whack and looks up at Silky with wide eyes. “That’s how they get to snortin it.”
“Yeah but they snort it and then what?”
“I guess you guys better…”
Nina shoots A’keria a look and mouths do not.
“Maybe we should try it and find out?” Scarlet adds, before taking the paper airplane from A’keria, looking over her shoulder, scooting her chair out into the hallway, kicking off of the door frame, and launching herself toward Yvie’s office.
She rolls through the open door, and in one swift move, hands Yvie the airplane, captures the stack of papers Yvie’s waving with a smile, and rolls over to the photocopier next to her desk, yelling behind her, “That’s three points.” Yvie marks the tallies on a Post-It. She’ll put it into the spreadsheet later.
Nina turns back to the candy and opens her mouth. She wants to say something, but instead mashes her lips and shakes her head. Vanjie and Silky mumble “stupid kids,” and “they got nothing to do but dumb shit,” and “you’d probably try snorting candy to get out of reading Lord of the Flies too, Mary,” as they take turns pounding the candy with Vanjie’s shoe.
“I did not, Scarlet did” A’keria drawls, judging that the suggestion of “No more traffic lights. I’m sick of fines and I want to drive like a man” as stupid enough to earn its spot in the “Bad Box.” She crumples it up and tosses it away.
Nina grabs another paper, breaking into a sigh as she scans over the first line.
“Marty the Giraffe and I had a real connection. He ate leaves out of my hand. Who can I call about adopting him?” Nina reads slowly, carefully, as though the sentences were not basic, as though there must be some deeper meaning to glean from the citizen report.
“Gimme that.” Vanjie says, grasping the air until Nina scoots around the table and fits the paper between her fingers. “We’re gonna try some Rizzoli and Isles shit, Silk.”
Silky comes up from under the table, having grabbed Vanjie’s other shoe clean off her foot. She smacks the candy with the heel. “What’s Rizzoli and Isles?” She hits it again, once more, with feeling.
“Like crime ladies who investigate drugs and the one is tough and wears leather jackets and also hot and the other looks at dead people and keeps them chocolate Ho Hos in her desk.”
“Oh my god,” Yvie drawls from her office, watching as Scarlet rolls back in with the photocopies and two pink Starbursts from the candy bowl she keeps on her desk. She breaks her gaze. “None of you are hos.”
A’keria smirks and flips over her phone with a sly smile, before sliding it across the table over to Silky. “Brightness down.”
Vanjie grabs it instead, glances down for a split second, and lets the phone drop into her lap “God, my lesbian eyes.”
“I didn’t know eyes could be lesbian,” Silky mutters, snatching up the phone and turning the brightness back up. She nods, and decisively states, “ho.”
“Everything’s lesbian. That’s how it works. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Mary,” Vanjie sings, poking Silky.
“And how is your head?” A’keria calls across the table, fishing a slip out of the box. “Nevermind I found it.”
Dropping her shoe back on the table with a clean thud, Vanjie throws herself across the table grasping for the slip.
“It says Vanjie’s tongue is so sloppy…” A’keria pauses to clear her throat.
“How sloppy is it?” Scarlet calls back
“It don’t say shit. Gimme that.” Vanjie grabs the slip and quick stuffs it down her shirt. “There, now you won’t get it.” She pushes herself up and walks back to her side of the table, looking pleased with herself.
A’keria rolls her eyes and turns to Nina. “You wanna get it?” She points at Vanjie, who is now pulling out her credit card. “I won’t even tell HR.” A’keria laughs, and Nina blushes furiously at the thought of HR, which only makes A’keria laugh harder.  
Vanjie separates the powdered candy with her credit card and turns to Silky. “We’re gonna try it, Riz.”
With a shrug, Silky pops her finger into her mouth, sticks it into the pile of candy, and then back into her mouth. “Why don’t they just eat it the regular way?” she mumbles around her finger.
“Because they’re fucking stupid,” A’keria drawls. “That’s how kids are. Fucking stupid.”
“Well, not all of them,” Nina chimes in before sliding another slip to Vanjie. “Here’s a suggestion I think you guys can do something with.”
Vanjie takes up the slip and sets it to the side before taking up the one about the giraffe, rolling it into a thin straw with precision. “Just the stupid ones.”
“Y’all are a bunch of clowns.” A’keria shakes her head as Vanjie cuts the candy into lines.
Vanjie ignores her and turns to Silky. “So, I couldn’t really understand the principal, on account of he sounded like one of those grown ups in those Peanuts cartoons, with Charlie Brown and that dog and shit. But anyway, he said he saw them snortin’ it through the milk straws during lunch period. And then that mom started goin’ off in the office about the police and Reagan and the War on Drugs, and then I stopped listenin’ so…”
“That’s fucked up,” Yvie yells, unwrapping a Starburst.
“Yes it is, Yvangeline. Yes it is,” Vanjie replies, ungrateful for Yvie’s input, before turning back to Silky. “So I take my card and make it into a thin line, like this. And now you got to get something like a dollar bill like they do in the movies or some other paper shit.”
Silky sticks the rolled up suggestion slip into Vanjie’s hand.
“So you just make a roll, and then you get one end to your nose and the other to the line and, like, you just sniff it up.” She plugs one side of her nose, imitating a sniff, but coming out more like a snorting pig on Benadryl.
Yvie glances up from her freshly printed budget papers, and flashes eyes filled with exhaustion and slight amusement toward the group in the conference room. “Guys, we really don’t need to practice snorting candy to see why it’s a problem that middle schoolers are making fake designer drugs out of candy.” She turns to Scarlet. “Hit me.”
“Another Starburst?”
“No, like with a big piece of wood, a lead pipe, your hand.” Yvie huffs, looking over the spreadsheets. “We’re fucked.”
Scarlet rests her hand over Yvie’s shoulder with a giggle. “You don’t try hard enough to be fucked.”  
Yvie lets out a tight laugh, ignoring the warmth of Scarlet’s touch and focusing again on the budgetary discretion spreadsheet.
Scarlet gives her one more pat before walking back out of the office. “Yeah guys, it’s kind of inappropriate.”
“Yeah guys, it’s kind of inappropriate,” Silky mutters into the powder, imitating Scarlet’s high-pitched whine, making Vanjie and A’keria snicker. She rolls up her own suggestion slip, presses it to her nose, and bends over the conference table.
Scarlet rolls her eyes, shoving her chair back toward her desk.
“Well, here I go.” Silky shrugs, making a sign of the cross and taking a deep breath. She holds her finger to her left nostril before shooting up at the sound of a nail tapping at the window behind her and Scarlet screaming at the sight of the blonde woman it belonged to.
The woman has her nose pressed against the window, peering in eerily, eyes wide and cold at the sight in front of her.
The air in the office sinks, quickly becoming dense and stifling. Silky releases the paper from her limp hand, A’keria drops her phone into her lap, and Scarlet’s chair slams right into her filing cabinet, knocking her pictures to the floor with a shatter.  
“What’s going on in there?” Yvie yells, standing in her door frame. Then she sees it, the scowling blond woman rounding the corner into her department.
The combination of the woman’s angrily clicking heels; Scarlet sitting in a pile of broken glass — from a picture of her and Brigid last Christmas at the city’s tree lighting — and cutting her fingers while trying to clean it up; Silky holding up Vanjie’s shoe; Vanjie bent over a table with candy “drugs” in front of her; and A’keria throwing a paper airplane that hits the newly arrived and even more agitated blonde lady in the chest; makes Yvie want to bite down on her hand until she sees blood.
She resists the urge, however, because Nina taught her that was a bad way to manage stress. So she breathes in for eight counts and out for eight more. It doesn’t work, but repeating “fucking Christ” over and over in her mind helps a little, even if it’s not a Monet Invented Nina Approved Official Stress Relief Strategy.
The woman clears her throat and picks up the airplane. She unfolds it and reads carefully, in a disinterested, even tone, “I lost my water bottle here. It is blue.”
Nina staggers out of the conference room, the rest of the team shuffling after her, still disheveled, but not more disheveled than they are on a typical Tuesday morning. “That was for our boss.”
The woman looks them over, her well groomed brows taut. “Why does your boss need to know this?” She shakes her head, as though looking over the team provided her with all she needs to know. Instead, she crumples the paper airplane, just as Vanjie begins to interject about a city-wide reusable water bottle program. “Would someone like to tell me what is going on in this department?”
Silky folds her hands. Scarlet looks between Yvie and her now bloody fingers, before getting up, wiping them on her skirt, and slotting in between Silky and Vanjie. A’keria and Vanjie exchange glances before turning to look at Yvie as well. Nina stands still, silent as possible, fiddling with the button on her cardigan, as though it were of sudden interest.
The blonde nods and follows their line of sight, heels clicking against the cracked tile floor as she strides toward Yvie’s office, coming to a firm halt in front of her. Breaking into a smirk, she runs her index finger over Yvie’s name plate.
“Director Oddly, is it?” she asks in a tone that suggests she already knows the answer, yet she accompanies the question with a tilt of her head, awaiting a response.
Yvie walks out into the department, takes one look at the scowling blonde woman, and mutters, “Oh, fuck me.” Her head pulls back and she closes her eyes, inhaling deeply for eight counts, just like Nina taught her. When she opens her eyes, all she sees is the brown water stain in the warped ceiling tiles—which Scarlet referred to as “The Amoeba” and Vanessa parodied into “Miss Amoeba Edwards, for your consideration, yass gawd.” If only she could laugh upon seeing the silly looking stain, pretend for a moment that the blonde woman and her obnoxious tone would disappear.
But when she looks forward again, she finds her still there. Yvie exhales once more for eight counts and looks at the woman squarely, sternly, her lips forming a tight line, eyes firm and unyielding.
The last time that look saw the fluorescent light of the office was July 24, 2017, at approximately 2:30 p.m., when Silky cut the office’s only AUX cord in half because she couldn’t take any more of Scarlet’s Christmas Spotify playlist, droning out “Blue Christmas” from the small speaker on the windowsill, claiming that “Christmas in July isn’t a real holiday, it’s a day for capitalists, and no, I don’t care if your girlfriend made you that playlist, I won’t listen to ‘Frosty the Snowman’ while I sweat my whole ass off.”
Scarlet bites the inside of her cheek. This is bad.
Yvie raises her gaze to meet the woman’s, grinds her teeth, and replies with a curt, “Yes.”
She extends her hand, which Yvie unceremoniously shakes, before letting them drop. “I imagine you are to be their supervisor then, and yet, they are clearly unsupervised.” The woman takes in the disarray of the office and the embarrassed expressions of the employees, and continues. “So I must ask, of course, why exactly you have one employee teaching another employee how to do drugs off of my desk, while looking at another employee’s nude pictures, while your secretary rolls back and forth between you and the conference room, creating as many safety hazards as possible in the process, just to make sure she doesn’t miss out on everyone crumpling up suggestions from concerned citizens and playing a game with our constituents’ lives.”
“I’m not a—” Scarlet begins before the woman looks at her.
“Well, technically we’re not elected,” Yvie mutters, hoping the woman might just catch it, burning for an argument strong enough to get her out of her department. “So, not constituents, per say…”
“Also, it’s not drugs, it’s candy because we got a call from Charles Middle that kids are crushing up this candy and it’s got to do with DARE and… Anyway it’s not drugs and we’re trying to figure out what’s up there,” Silky digresses.
The woman rubs between her brows, urging them to unfurrow. “No, you misunderstand me. It was a rhetorical question to emphasize that you, a group of grown adults, being paid with tax-payer money, could not possibly be allowed to supervise yourselves.”
“Well, technically, I do supervise them,” Yvie adds, again, growing more irate at this conversation.
“Please.” The woman brushes it off, “If you’re aware that your department is throwing around paper airplanes made of suggestion forms, then you’re clearly complicit in their misuse of time and resources.”
“Only the good ones become paper airplanes.” Nina shrugs. “The bad ones are crumpled, that’s how we sort.”
“You heard it, that’s how they sort.” Yvie gestures to the group before snapping, like her patience had been pulled taut for far too long.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” she says, clearly not sorry.
The woman continues, unfazed.
“So we just ignore concerns?” She looks to the ground, before crouching down to snatch up a crumpled paper. She chokes a snide laugh, unfurls it, and continues. “A slip from a concerned citizen, writing into your suggestion box. And it says.” She pauses, face twisting, eyes widening, before returning to her previously cold countenance. “It says: The Mexicans are throwing cocaine over the fence and I’m scared one of them will become strong enough to throw it into Virginia. You need to stop them.” She turns the paper over. “Sincerely, Jenny Miller.”
Vanjie grabs the slip from her hands, pouring over the words before recrumpling it and shooting the paper ball into the trash can behind Scarlet’s desk. “That’s fucking racist, Jenny.”
“Yeah, that’s fucked up,” Silky pipes up, rubbing her fingers together to get rid of the candy dust.
“Vanj is right, it’s racist, and either way, no one could throw that far, Jenny,” Scarlet drawls, bobbing her head. “We’re a hundred miles from Mexico, at least.”
The woman lets out an exasperated huff, not even touching upon the poor display of geographical awareness. It’s Virginia, for fuck’s sake. “Who’s Vanj?”
Pulling at her bottom lip with her teeth, Yvie points with her pen, releasing her lip as she replies, “The one who took the suggestion slip from you, threw it in the trash, and called Jenny a racist.” She crosses her arms. “And again, who are you?”
The woman pulls back her blazer and taps at her badge. Vanjie tries to look like she’s still offended, but it’s harder by the minute.
“My name is Brooke Lynn Hytes, and I’m your state auditor.” She fishes around in her purse, undisturbed by Yvie’s tightening glance as she scans over her employees. “And you’ve just made my job exceptionally easy.” Finding her notebook, she scans the room, recording something with a scowl before closing it up and placing it on the reception desk before Scarlet can even raise her finger in protest.
Yvie rings her hands out, fears confirmed. A’keria catches the look, and mutters her own, “Ugh, Jesus.”
“Now I was told that your conference room is the only free one within city hall, therefore it will become my office for my tenure. So I expect my office to be cleaned and sanitized.” She throws her briefcase and purse down on Scarlet’s desk, the jacket soon following, Vanjie’s gaze following the jacket and back to the woman. Again, trying to maintain her irritation.
“I would also like the department’s financial statements stacked neatly on my desk.” Brooke eyes A’keria, her confusion over where they could possibly be evident in her squinting, sideways glance.
When the office finally reaches silence, caused by Yvie and A’keria’s worried glances and increasingly raised brow at the thought of the financial statements, the two of them both acutely aware of how quickly the department was sinking into something between quicksand and shit. Shitsand.
The rest simply studied Brooke. The pressed white button down and cigarette pants. The creaseless leather pumps. The unflinching gaze.  
Of course, Vanjie breaks it.
“Uh, what’s an auditor?”
It’s ghost quiet as Yvie, from behind Brooke, drags her finger across her neck, shaking her head furiously.
Scarlet drags her foot across the cracked peach tile. “Well, an auditor is a—”
“Budget slasher,” A’keria interjects. She closes her eyes and inhales, hoping that someone will answer her prayers and make Brooke get out, and if not, will get A’keria out of here.
“Clean it. Now,” Brooke grits out before adjusting her shirt, picking an invisible piece of lint off of her and flicking it to the ground ceremoniously. “Director?”
Brooke pivots and heads straight for Yvie’s office, letting Yvie know that again, Brooke isn’t asking questions, though her intonation would suggest otherwise. Yvie follows. Brooke slams the door behind them, sits on the edge of the chair in front of Yvie’s desk, and waves her hand behind her aimlessly.
Yvie closes the blinds, leaving the team with a shaky thumbs up and a dorky smile as their only solace.
Somehow, this day of government work would be longer than all the others.
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nebulagay · 4 years
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got tagged by @angelfrogs for this and had a lot of fun! no bingo on yours but it's close, so I guess I gotta start listening to tally hall so I can win. I got a little bit carried away with decorating mine. also nobody is allowed to drag me for my weird taste in music.
I tag @mosette, @vaporgayve, @dixondyke, @nick-carraways-side-hoe, @koios, and @fennel-sylvanus, but please feel free to ignore this if you simply do not feel like filling it out atm.
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gltrngold-a · 4 years
—  ♥ ♡ ♥ THE AFFLUENT   ♥ ♡ ♥  —
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“A house with a death in it can never again be bought or sold by the living. It can only be borrowed by the ghosts who have stayed behind.”
                             — i am the pretty thing that lives in the house (2016, dir. oz perkins)
「 keira knightley. thirty. female. she/her. 」 welcome to cerulean pier, home of many mythological beings. did you know that our resident CAPRICE DE LUCA is the child of PERSEPHONE? they don’t, maybe that’s why they’re known as the AFFLUENT around town. they are GENTLE & SOLICITOUS, but also SENSITIVE & PLIANT. they are also currently A WRITER. don’t say anything, but they are hiding THAT SHE WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO INHERIT HER GRAND FAMILY FORTUNE. 「 shannon, 20, she/her, bst. 」
—  ♥ ♡ ♥ basics  ♥ ♡ ♥  —
name: caprice alessia de luca age: thirty birthdate: 26th september, 1989 — milan, lombardy, italy zodiac ( sun ) sign: libra orientations: bisexual, biromantic relationship status: single label: the affluent occupation: writer
faceclaim: keira knightley height: 5 ft 8 in
—  ♥ ♡ ♥ personality  ♥ ♡ ♥  — 
mbti: infp-t enneagram: two, with a one wing hogwarts house: ravenclaw temperament: melancholic theme song: rabbit heart (raise it up) by florence + the machine
hobbies: tending to the gardens at the front of her house; volunteering at the local library; cooking / baking; language-learning; playing the harp
—  ♥ ♡ ♥ favourites  ♥ ♡ ♥  —
i’d do anything for love (but i won’t do that) by meat loaf come as you are by nirvana a rush of blood to the head by coldplay
television series:
the good place (2016-2020) medici: masters of florence (2016-2019) pride and prejudice (1995)
rebecca (daphne du maurier, 1938) frankenstein (mary shelley, 1818) howards end (e.m. forster, 1910)
i am the pretty thing that lives in the house (2016) rebecca (1940) a streetcar named desire (1951)
—  ♥ ♡ ♥ summary   ♥ ♡ ♥  —
so here’s the hoe-down throwdown about my baby capri:
eclectic. if it can keep her interest she’ll love it.
many bookshelves and annotated copies of books and the first editions that she’s never written in so she has more than one copy of every book and polished desks and half-full notebooks and cups of tea she forgot about and flowers from her garden that just seem to live a little longer than they might otherwise though she can never work out why.
accidentally ethereal and vague sometimes but if you need specifics please ask her she’s trying. 
always trying to learn something new! educate urselves! but sometimes she just doesn’t have the patience and that’s okay too ( she gave up on learning woodworking, for one. the splinters weren’t good for her hands. )
so passionate when you get to know her okay. 
degrees in pride of place above the fire. silk pyjamas.
quietly intellectual. soft bean. literally the duck with knife meme because she protective but just because she could cut a bitch with her jawline doesn’t mean she’s going to.
spiritually the village wise old woman even though she’s literally thirty. automatically everyone’s mother she has adopted everyone i do not make the rules. you’re hungry? you want tea? you need help? need someone to talk to? go to caprice’s she’ll never snake you out.
if you live in the town she automatically cares about u that’s just how it is she is concerned about everyone always except herself she actually do be kinda self-hating tho my baby :(
she won’t seek you out because she prefers to keep to quiet places but you can find her at her house, in her gardens, or in the library she likes to volunteer at! 
you know that house everyone goes past and they’re like, ‘if i had the money i’d live in that house’? she lives in that house. it’s a bit like the tallis house in atonement with the view of jocelyn’s home in broadchurch. really pretty, relic from times past, unmatched view of the sea, everyone wants it. carefully looked-over gardens, a swing-seat where she sits and reads. you get me, it’s just... so pretty.
really sweet accent. like, italian accents are pretty and i’m a lesbian so i’ve gotta say it here you know.
so basically her getting her ( fake ) family’s fortune was one big ol’ mistake. her mother wasn’t of sound mind when she changed the will but someone didn’t check properly so guess she’s got it now. think murdoch media, grovesnor group, that kind of collective; conservative assholes and caprice de luca is not one jot like any of them. 
she just wants to write her books and help out as much as she can god bless her she’s such a sweetheart. ( she writes historical fiction and you’ve never met someone more cautious about accuracy. her one exception is medici masters of florence but we’re not having no philippa gregory in this bitch. elizabeth of york didn’t fuck richard iii thank you for your time. )
it was a difficult decision for her not to come clean abt the whole situation because she felt bad about taking advantage, but it meant she could really help people with the insane amount of money she came to have! she doesn’t flaunt it, and if it wasn’t for the last name most people probably wouldn’t even know she had it. 
she tried going to law school like her parents but she just couldn’t get into it. she’d rather pay for people’s legal advice rather than do it herself and not be any good at it! 
that’s particularly true of the winter though she can never really work out why.
hopeless romantic!1!1! even tho she’s been burned in love before like she’s a daydreaming sweetheart please protect her sweet lil bby
she’s the kind of person you feel spiritually should’ve belonged to the renaissance. just that sense of displacement that lingers around a person, and you wonder, just for a moment, if they’d have been happier. of course, it’s a futile thing to wonder, because we’re born and we die as it happens.
honestly she’s baby but so easily manipulated. like make her feel bad and she’ll bend over backwards to make u feel better... someone please give her a new backbone.
please... be gentle with my child.
—  ♥ ♡ ♥ wanted connections   ♥ ♡ ♥  — 
someone she tutors maybe? like she’s a smart little bean.
do your character’s actual fake parents suck? well then you can live at caprice’s house now. i don’t make the rules she does.
someone who’s taking advantage of the sweet but absolutely loaded bean for her money.
people who like her books because tell her you do and she’ll cry out of happiness and it’s the softest thing ever.
people she’s helped out with money for tuition etc. who are now friends with her and go visit to make sure the introverted smol is okay! like give her soft friends please.
ik she’s like the oldest person here right now but. hopefully at some point someone give her a soft partner. she’s a soft bi so anyone works.
a de luca relative who’s salty about the family inheritance??? conservative, entitled, still rich enough, pushy and trying to make her life a misery bc they hate everything she stands for 
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autisticmob · 6 years
tagged by uhh nobody but allie @pundeserving kinda left it open and im swoocing in because its fun. you cant fuckng stop me.
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in any order), answer the questions and tag 10 people you want to get to know better
I choose…
1. homed Stuck
2. mob psycho
3. fma
The first character you loved!
1. ARADIA like ok first panel she was in i saw her and i was like “telekinesis? kinda spooky?? oh shit my TYPE” and that was it. it helps that she turned out to be objectively the best homestuck character as well.
2. MOB HES SUCH A GOOD BOY!! like, he’s the first character you’re exposed to and he’s so good, I don’t think you can avoid loving him first.
3. i mean. it’s gotta be alphonse. like... what a sweet boy? all the bad shit happened to him and he deserved NONE of it, my poor fucking SON.
The character you never expected to love so much!
1. ok in all honesty, sollux. sollux is tied with aradia for my all time favorite homestuck character, but the only reason i ever paid any attention to him was because i happened to have some weird 3D sunglasses, and that meant he was the first character I was able to cosplay easily. but obviously if you pay enough attention to him you realize hes a fantastic boy. like hes a fatalistic douche and a massive weenie but he cares about his friends so much?? like to the point of repeated, kinda horrifying self-sacrifice? and he was 13!!! its so fucked up but he just is love his friends THAT MUCH and now I’m sobbing.
2. shou. it’s 100% because i watched the anime first, and he’s barely in it at all, so it’s hard to get a read on him from that. but obviously after reading the manga im like oh hes just a young chaos gay. a sweet baby boy who doesnt know shit except how to exploit psychic powers for fun and profit (and also revolution against his shitty dad.)
3. ed tbh? hes such a shit boy. like tbh i found him kind of annoying and unlikable at first? but he’s the protag, so you KNOW he’s gotta get that good good character development throughout the series, and he does! hes a lot more complex than he seems at first and even if he’s largely STUPID about his interpersonal relationships, that’s just because he’s, y’know, a literal child, and doesn’t mean he doesn’t care a whole fucking lot about his family/friends.
The character you relate to most!
1. dave. there is an ever-expanding running tally of outside sources which have pointed him out as my government-assigned homestuck kin and at this point it would be foolish to argue. rose is a CLOSE second.
2. mob. i have a whole post about why he’s so relatable to me but tl;dr he’s got mad issues with expressing emotions outwardly, but that doesnt mean he doesnt love his friends more than fucking ANYTHING and thats a mood
3. winry. special interest hell, no time for bullshit.
The character you’d slap!
1. andrew hussie the man himself... (among a number of other characters. it would take a lot to list all of them but just know orangeman is at the top of that list)
2. touchy hoe is the obvious answer, I think.
3. envy. the nonbinary representation i deserve and you’re coming in here with that hair?? that fucking crop top monstrosity?? get the fuck out.
Three favourite characters (in order of preference)!
1. aradia, sollux, dave
2. mob, shou, serizawa
3. alphonse, riza hawkeye, olivier armstrong. im gay, what do u want from me.
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore!
1. i had a phase toward the beginning of my time in the fandom where i really really liked eridan. i don’t like... DISLIKE him now or anything, but i just... don’t really care about him all that much anymore?
2. this is hard because my love for most mp100 characters has only grown over time. i guess mezato? again i dont DISLIKE her, i kinda thought she’d have more to her character than just manipulating mob for her own interests, but then she just... didn’t, really? which was disappointing, i thought there was more potential there.
3. most of the homunculi? tbh? they all seemed really interesting and honestly opening with greed’s arc the way they did I thought they’d all get more development than they did. like... envy got some, sort of, and pride/wrath kinda did too, but like. not enough to be satisfying. and then lust gluttony and sloth were just kinda... there? idk i understand WHY they didn’t all get individual arcs because like thatd be a mess but the fact that they didnt is why my interest in them kind of dwindled off over time. (aside from greed who was Very good the whole time.)
A character you did not like at first but do now!
1. She Who Must Not Be Discoursed. like at first i was like aight shes bitchy and terrible whatever im not interested but then as time went on i was like oh shes bitchy and terrible AND interesting. idk. still have mixed feelings about vriska and i absolutely will Not get into discourse about her but yeah shes Neat if nothing else.
2. teru... honey im sorry but before i watched mp100 everyone was like “wow i love teru!” and when i first saw him i was like “... okay why tho...” but I KNOW NOW. teru did a lot of things wrong, in his life, i know this and i love him.
3. roy mustang. literally didn’t give a shit about him for like... a lot of the time? toward the end i started warming up to him tho.
Three OTPs!
1. aradia<3sollux, sollux<>terezi, dave<3karkat. like... these are just some kids who genuinely care a lot about each other, and i like to cry about that sometimes.
2. teru/mob/takenaka is a good one. teru and takenaka both like mob because he likes them regardless of the fact that they are passive aggressive dicks. they continue to be passive aggressive dicks to Each Other for a while until they like, idk, actually talk to each other like real people and realize that they have shit in common and are actually capable of being decent. After this point they Will kill or die for each other (and mob still.)  serirei is of course a classic tale of two disaster gays. and then ritshou is VERY good. like. its SO fucked up how quickly they go from like one-sided crush, one-sided Mortal Enemy Status to just. Real Chill Bros in canon it makes no sense and my only explanation is that they were both so goddamn desperate for a meaningful connection with somebody their own age that they just. Settled for each other?? at which point they got VERY lucky because they both turned out to be genuinely good and sweet boys underneath all the trauma and questionable life choices.
3. ok ed and winry are okay and all, i get the appeal and stuff but like. WHY DO PEOPLE FORGET ABOUT ALL OF WINRY’S EXCELLENT GIRLFRIENDS? paninya?? an incredible option, 10/10 cyborg gf. sciezka? cryptid live-in gal pal. LET WINRY HAVE A TON OF GIRLFRIENDS, ITS WHAT SHE DESERVES!!
gonna tag...... uh. @whentvsfly @imhereformysciencefriends @margoslxix and i think most of the other people i wouldve tagged have already BEEN tagged so uhhh mutuals all of u DO it
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beckiboos · 1 year
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UGHHHH he's so pretty
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talknow · 4 years
Placed UNDERAGED kids in my presence totally NUDE sickening
By Terry Dwayne Ashford, InDaCarSeat DaTGuY
It is 9 pm and I got up to report all for you. You know since not in relationship and have chosen abstinence on my own recognizance. One practice I participate for sexual health or a grown was man is visualization to continue healthy man health just when I do have kids if I change my mind. Guess what y’all. LoLing
Last night I had run out of visual thoughts to ejaculate in my own presence right. So, the person I used in my mind was an 19 year old male that I knew. LoLing. All in my own private presence right. Well today, I noticed underage children being placed in my presence. The underage boy that sat on the bench reminding me of day day. And the two white children that ran into the street totally nude in my presence. That I thought was ridiculous.
Anyways the report tonight was to squash H9NKYs and N8GGERS plans to frame an underage on Terry Dwayne Ashford. We are handling these H9NKYs and these N8GGERS before they even think twice. Terry Dwayne Ashford do NOT do underage people for sex. Confirmed and clarified. Even if InDaCarSeat uses a younger person for sexual internal pleasure that is his business. But still let us all make it CLEAR. That no H9NKY or no N8GGER will scare InDaCarSeat away from his own GOALS and his OWN PLEASURES. So with that said - Terry Dwayne Ashford InDaCarSeat indeed chooses a younger person that would be legally of age. Scare ME bitch to an old fucker. And find you can’t. For the knowledge, Terry Dwayne Ashford finds gray hair in the pubic area un-appealing for sex for HIM. For others-go for it. But no MAN would have gray hair in his pubic area who would ever get Terry Dwayne Ashford. For the record also to squash this H9NKY/N8gger intimidation - InDaCarSeat DaTGuY May choose someone who is turning 18 and into 21st birthday and love him/her to death. In other words H9NKY, you ain’t scared me. You either N8gger, InDaCarSeat Terry Dwayne Ashford gets what HE Goddamn wants. And his tallie wackie JUST don’t get hard on OLD. So both KISS a N8GGER journalist’s ASS and find your place in the world. You don’t rule me. I would meet someone at 16 years old and wait 2-3 whole years to fuck’em if I damn well please. And wait for a H9NKY to try me. And that is InDaCarSeat. Kiss my ass. Dirty ass HOES.
Jack my dick
The Scheme had started a new frame attempt. Dude there is NO WAY I would look at a H9NKY or a N8GGER a bunch of nasty low class shit eater. By the way the shitmonkey activity is why the rebels rebelled against the British that started the revolution. The new SCHEME of LIES- that was to be up to the victims to prove without KNOWING any lie had been told at all- was supposed to hold the person’s progression until THAT SECRET BEHIND THE SCENE LIE was proven wrong. And that is how they had planned to KILL using a probe or an investigation. The plan was that the PROBE would kill the targeted individuals. And that killing would have been done by POLICE creating behind the scene LIES that was to be left to the individuals to prove the “unsuspecting” and “unknown” Falsification (LIE). What this is doing in legal “obstruction of justice” that swaps the BURDEN of proof of the innocent. For those who can’t get it yet- let me explain. In a legal case there is one who is responsible for proving the claim false. What is obstructing justice is the LIES behind the scene that is being “acted upon”. First they are behind the scene and the individuals don’t even know such lies have been told on them. So to the individuals they have nothing to prove. But behind the scene just like a Hispanic faked 911 call- there would be a falsified statement. Everything would be held up until that falsified statement behind the scenes is cleared. When the individuals don’t know about such statements how would a target clear themselves. A bunch of H9NKY deceit squashed. The only way the InDaCarSeat DaTGuY was able to see the LIE is through journalism training of pulsing the community. Like the pulse in your arm, a journalist can tell who is doing what just like the doctor of a patient. The culprits, we suspect of this plot, were African Juju males - and 🇨🇲 Cameroon representing the auto mechanic shop and Nicole. The person in mind was the male college student who I invited to author and lead a set of children books. The man is 20 years old. But was 17 turning 18 when we met. I used the person in my mind last night - and that sparked the new falsified lie. OMG. Amazing. Journalism is the only way an individual would be able to see through pulsing society that a new frame or falsified statement has been developed. See I am a grown man and I can jack my tallie wackie whenever I Damn well please. Hear me H9NKY faggit? For normal people who faces FEAR of the H9NKY lies, they would be scared to touch their own dicks. Well H9NKY NOT InDaCarSeat. As a matter of fact, I am going to jack off tonight again just to prove some shit to the H9NKY for power Point. And that is intimidation that Akins to terrorism. Fuck you H9NKY who you scaring. Watch me jack my dick to goddamn NIGHT. Nice enough yet HOE. Closed.
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trashy-greyjoy · 7 years
Season 5 Blarke Headcanons to Break Your Fucking Soul
I started writing these after the spoilers so I guess a few are canon already but whatever. This is what I’ve been crying about every night and screaming at @octanakin whenever she’ll listen. Join me in pain. Also, I know @asweetdeception told me to make bullet points sooooo....  Oh and feel free to use any of these for a fic, just tag me so I can cry about it!
Bellamy finding Clarke’s cell while looking around the Ark (I don't care if it’s not on the ring let me live) and finally breaking down when he sees her art, sobbing and repeating how sorry he is for leaving her
Clarke keeping a tally of how many days they've been gone on the wall (its already canon this hoe is did that™)
Every year on the “anniversary” of losing Clarke, Bellamy sits by that window, looking down at Earth and has a drink for Clarke.
And every year he tells her he still misses her and he should've told her he loved her when he had the chance.
Similarly, every year Clarke sits under the stars and tells Maddie stories about the boy in the stars and their struggles on the ground and how he’s coming back for her one day.
One night, Raven finds him sitting in Clarke’s cell, staring at the wall. They sit all night and talk about Clarke and Finn and how you never really get over losing the person you love.
***I wouldn't be surprised if they started something but just know i don't want it because then they’ll use it as lazy writing to add tension to blarke in s5 and raven deserves better.
She talks to him on the radio every night, even if he can’t hear her. She says she wishes they had more time, they deserved more time, and when he comes back, they’ll get it. (again ALREADY CANON. kinda)
She doesn’t even know if they survived up there or not, but she believes in her friends, and she believes in Bellamy.
What neither of them know is that ALIE is still up there and she’s the one preventing her radio signal from getting through.
The first year was the worst for Bellamy. He had nightmares almost every night and was irritable with everyone until Raven sat him down and told him this isn't what Clarke would’ve wanted.
Clarke’s wall is covered in pictures of her friends, so she doesn’t forget what they look looked like. But there’s more of Bellamy than anyone else. 
They were supposed to go back after 5 years.
He was supposed to come back for her after five years.
On the sixth year that Bellamy has a drink for her, Raven joins him and they talk about how great she was. How much she loved them, and how hard she tried, and how proud she would be of him.
On the sixth year without him, Clarke lays in the grass, looking towards the stars, and wonders why he isn't back yet. Because he’s not dead, he can’t be dead. She talks to him like he can hear her. She asks him where he is, like always.
As Bellamy and Raven share memories and drink, the radio at his hip suddenly goes off. At first it’s a cloud of static. Then, he almost catches a voice.
Clarke cries.
They stare at each other wide eyed, and scramble to hold the radio closer. They think they catch a woman asking “where are you?” Then the radio goes quiet, like she was never there. Bellamy doesn’t realize he’s shaking. He whispers her name. (highkey this is how i want the s5 premier to end even if the finale kinda trashed it idc this is my dream)
Clarke imagines a night where she does hear his voice talking back to her. It’s how she gets to sleep.
They don’t sleep for 3 days trying to find the radio signal again. They don't.
Nobody else believes him. They don’t think they should try to go down yet. It could've been anyone. Maybe he just heard something, he was drinking.
“I left her once, I’m not leaving her again. If there is even the slightest chance that was her voice and she is still alive down there, WE ARE GOING BACK.”
Raven has his back though and says they’re going to get her because she’s a true hoe *sunglasses emoji*
Personally, I’m thinking that ship is the mining colony everyone freaked out about in the articles, but I’m also totally on board for our delinquents to be with them, because I'm impatient.
When she sees him again its like he was never gone. He steps forward and his hair is just a little longer, he's got more wrinkles around his eyes. But it’s him.
When he sees her after 6 years its like seeing a ghost. Her hair is shorter and skin is dirtier, but then she smiles at him and its her.
They crash together and it feels like those six years never happened. They’re both crying and holding each other as close as they can get and he’s whispering apologies in her hair and she’s mouthing forgiveness into his shoulder. 
He immediately bonds with Maddie and Dad Mode™ activates. (Boy’s been in space without kids around for like 6 years, he's having withdrawals)
Emori gets pregnant and Murphy loses his shit because he’s not ready for that. Have you met him??
Uncle Bellamy is always there to help though
They make contact with the mining colony around year 3. There’s a sassy, headstrong captain thats got a thing for our own Raven Reyes (male or female i don't care someone just come along and put my girl first) and Bellamy won't stop teasing her about it.
Eggs is still trying to get into Bellboy’s pants and he’s still having none of it, but he oddly enough finds her easier to talk to, since he doesn’t really give a fuck about her opinion.
Monty finds Bellamy at the window one night and they both make a toast to their fallen friends. Bellamy tells jokes about all of Jasper’s pranks. Monty laughs about how everyone used to call them Mom and Dad. 
Bellamy gets hit in the head one day and gets selective amnesia where he forgets he ever had a sister. No one reminds him because they all hate her too. Bellamy is finally free of the white devil.
Its basically a hot mess the first month and Murphy won’t stop making jokes about drinking Bellamy’s piss.
Emori and Eggo are still amazed by everything 24/7
Raven takes on Emori as her new best friend and apprentice and they like to tease Murphy about being a shithead. I just want Emori to be friends with all the delinquents and finally have a family. (But Raven most of all.)
Harper is the first delinquent to try and actually befriend Eggo because she’s a ray of sunshine and its awkward at first, but they're cool now.
Monty helps the mining colony grow weed and then he smokes one out for Jasper.
Anyway, that’s what I’ve been crying about. Probably add more as the hiatus goes on, and I cannot stress this enough THESE ARE HEAD CANONS. WHILE I MAY REALLY WANT SOME OF THEM TO HAPPEN THIS ISNT ALL SPECULATION OR A DONE DEAL. THIS IS JUST WHAT I IMAGINE TO AVOID THE TEARS. So plz don't come at me telling me I’m being unrealistic, I know I am. 
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paniccord-ff · 7 years
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Opening my locker in a huff, closing my eyes as I sighed out while hearing a thud on the floor “not now!” I spat, opening my eyes looking down at my phone. This happens on a daily basis with me, every time I open my locker my phone falls out. Looking up at my locker, this locker is a mess so it is on me “let me” hearing his husky voice once again “why thank you Daniel” stepping back “it’s cool, hard day? Bailey not got away yet?” taking my phone from him “she is still with the changeover crew, I slipped away. I am just too damn tired for this shit half of the time” seeing the text from my brother which I will ignore because he stole my car again, I don’t want to hear it “always someone getting shot here” Daniel joked “I can’t wait to actually become more than an Emergency room nurse, I know I need to work my way up there. I am just blessed to be here, ignore me” I am so fed up “you know what Rylee, I know you said you don’t want to know but come on. It’s Friday, let’s go out for some drinks, just as friends” he says friends and then creates rumours that we are more “right, last time you said that we kissed” Daniel rubbed his head looking a shamed “oh come on, I understand now. Maybe one day you will like me” I will never like him, just because I found out he fucks with every nurse in this place “you know that bitch Carly, she about to catch these hands!” Bailey shouted, she is screaming in a locker room that could have important people here “what is wrong?” I said, Bailey came around the corner “telling me my motherfucking job! You know what. I am just so happy to see the weekend” Bailey will slap Carly one day, to be honest I want to slap her myself that is why I walked away “I was telling Rylee, let’s go out. Friends?” rolling my eyes as I turned my head away, we can never shake this guy away from us. Bailey giggled at me “you know what, Rylee let’s do something” I can’t believe she is agreeing to this.
Holding the white dress up to the mirror while J. Cole played in the background “the hell do I wear” I said to myself, I can’t wear white because it gets dirty too quickly “not that then” turning around as I threw the dress on my bed, I don’t think I want to go out now. Seeing my bed full of dresses that are ok to wear but I don’t feel right in. Grabbing my phone, let me find out what my bitch is wearing. Pressing the loud speaker as my phone rang out, I look awful “are you ready?” Bailey asked, eyeballing my screen confused “hell no bitch, I am still deciding. What we doing exactly? I don’t know what to wear? Shall we match?” Bailey and I have matching dresses, I have become so close to her since moving here “I am ready, hurry up. Daniel is literally outside my home, and guess who else coming? Tally the whore that never comes out and her man but also Joanna, we ain’t seen her for ages but there is a few of us and we are coming to pick you up now! Just wear black, you can’t go wrong and we are going to the club so you better wear the comfy heels, hurry up” she disconnected the call, I like the way they make plans and I never know what the hell is happening.
I ended up wearing black because I am taking Bailey’ advice, she knows better than me. Placing my shoulder bag over my shoulder, looking in the mirror one good time before I leave. Pressing down my skin tight dress, the dress fits snug on my hips and my ass is popping too. Anyways let me actually get the hell out of here, my heels clicking against the hard wood flooring of my room. Making my way down the lobby and seeing the top of Nathan’ head “Ry” Nathan jumped up off the couch “Rylee, please talk to me come on” placing my hand up making my way to the kitchen, the apartment is open planned so I can’t run far “I needed the car, I am sorry. You got to work on time right?” grabbing the water bottle “yes! Daniel picked me up, do you like guys picking me up?” he frowned at me in anger “the fuck I do, I will bust his knee caps. I won’t do it again, I am getting my own car. Sorry ok?” shaking my head lightly seeing Bailey calling “don’t wait up, I am going out” I didn’t even get to drink my water but whatever, taking the bottle with me “looking like that!? Seriously, these LA niggas out there ain’t good. Watch yourself, least hide your legs” is he really giving me advice “bye!” I shouted “wait till Blake comes out!” I stopped in my tracks when he mentioned his name “who?” turning around “he coming out, he will kill any nigga and you know it” I have not seen my eldest brother Blake in eight years, he never wanted me to visit him in prison. He went to prison and well I guess he is coming out “well he ain’t here so bye” I can only imagine how he is now.
I am still thinking about my brother coming out, I have had good memories with him but he was really bad. He was the first to move to LA and that turned bad so fast because Blake barely lived here for a year, then Nathan came and now me. My dad only let me come because he knows Nathan got me, I am all nervous to see Blake because I am not his little sister anymore, I am going to be twenty five soon. Stepping outside seeing Daniel’ car and also Tally’ car behind, I feel all nervous how everyone is staring at me. Daniel stared at me all wide eyed, walking around the car. Seeing Bailey’ face pressed against the window at the back, they would make me sit in front. She knows I didn’t want this, pulling the car door open. Hearing a wolf whistle as I got inside the car “my, my, my, my Rylee. You look so beautiful” pulling my dress down as I closed the door “thank you Daniel” this is just great.
It’s just crazy how I have Blake on my mind, he is just my half-brother but we are so close and to be honest if he saw me dressed like this he would be pick me up and bring me back in. Eight years and he has missed so much, on the phone he always tells me to stay away from boys “earth calling whore!” Bailey snapped her fingers in my face, frowning at her “what?” how annoying, I am in deep thought here “you haven’t touched your food and you’re daydreaming, what is wrong?” shrugging “just thinking” I mumbled “about? I am still thinking about Chris Brown trying to dick you down” not this shit again “can you please not do that?” I pleaded “what!??” Tally screamed from down the table “she is lying” waving Bailey off “yeah sure, I am lying” I wish she would shut up.
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Watching Royalty as she painted my wall, even though my art is getting ruined she can do what she like. If she thinks my art is bad and needs painting over then so be it “aww sweetie, you got it on the floor” my mom said, my white marble flooring “it should just wipe off ma” getting up from the chair “oooohhh look” Royalty said, jogging over to the kitchen counter, grabbing the paper towels “ooohhh what is that? Is it you painting over my walls” she held her hand up with paint on “yes baby, you can finger paint if you like” crouching down wiping the flooring “come here Royalty, stay here and do it” my mom said, spending time with my daughter is a blessing but she can sure turn my world upside down when she is here “do I get a kiss baby?” Royalty looked at me and then looked away “I guess that means no, no woman rejects me but you” getting up from my positon “you the only girl to do such a thing” walking back to the kitchen counter.
My baby moms is a hoe, she always tryna make me out to be a bad dad or get more money out of me. Shit is just wack to me, I am a good guy but people only like to speak on the bad “what y’all speaking about?” slowly making my way out side “Lo, he been fucking on some chick. Now this chick is blasting him on Instagram” Fresh said laughing, Lo does not look happy “what she saying huh? Which chick was it?” Lo shook his head “you saw her yesterday” pulling a face “that chick that I told you about, the one that kept trying to be near me? You know she wanted me nigga” Lo kissed his teeth “every chick don’t want you nigga!” he spat “oh really though?” I snorted “I will let you think that” I pointed as I walked away.
Jogging up the steps and making my way to Royalty’ room “you hear that baby, daddy is coming now” hearing my mom say “I heard that little stinker is not going sleep” poking my head around the door “nooo!!” Royalty yelped in bed “why you not sleeping? You have to go to sleep” walking slowly over to the bed “no sleep” she shook her head, I nodded my head “yes sleep baby” crouching down at the side of the bed “if you don’t go sleep then I can’t go out, you know that makes daddy sad” she reached over and touched my nose giggling “touch my nose again I’ll bite your finger” she pulled her hand away “you want me to read story to you?” I need Royalty to sleep because my mom will not let me go out, she says it is my responsibility which she is not wrong but my mom should help me too “I don’t think she is tired” my mom said, staring at Royalty being hype as ever “uhhh I don’t think she is but I really need to go” slowly looking over to my mom “oh you do? But I thought you had nothing on?” getting up from my positon “I don’t but the boys want to go out, I will be back in the morning” my mom shook her head at me “thank you?” looking over at Royalty “I love you baby, see you in the morning princess” leaning down pressing kisses to her face.
“Is little Royal asleep?” Hood asked, I shrugged walking down the steps ever so slowly “she is playing up, I don’t have time for that” hearing little footsteps behind me “dad!” Royalty screamed at the top of her lungs, I stopped midway turning around to see her little face “roro not sleep” she said, tilting my head a little “you not tired baby?” she pointed at me “you want me?” pointing at myself, Royalty nodded “I think little Royal wants her dad, we wait Chris go and put her to sleep” I feel a little bad now, I just walked off and she actually wants me. I do feel like I am just there and Royalty prefers her mom and my mom, but no, she is asking for me. Jogging back up the steps, picking Royalty up as I got to the top “daddy is bad, I will stay with roro” she actually wants me.
An hour later and Royalty actually fell asleep, I think she gets this off me. I never like to sleep and I am the same now “see Chris, she loves you. You just got to be there for her, give her a chance. She knows you are her father, she loves you and she loves her mom. I know you feel like she loves her mom more but which child doesn’t, all you can do is be the guy you are because she loves it” my mom stroked my cheek “I try” smiling lightly “good and do not bring any girls home, your daughter is here so I expect more from you. Do it somewhere else” my mom waved me off “don’t worry, I will get a hotel room” let me try and actually leave to go out again now that my daughter is asleep.
Driving to Playhouse Nightclub in my Lamborghini “you know what is annoying Lo” I said as I looked in my rear-view mirror “what is on your mind now?” he seems annoyed with me “niggas that think they can use my name, they think I am stupid when I know everything that be going off in my home” I am sick of these niggas “who we speaking about here? Name the names homie” looking over at Lo before looking ahead “Nathan” stopping at the red light “not this shit again, he is my nigga. He didn’t do nothing to disrespect you, I know you nigga! You upset that his sister don’t want to bother with your ass? Come on, don’t take it out on her brother” rubbing my chin “I ain’t doing shit, I don’t like the homie” Lo snorted laughing “you’re funny, honestly. You putting him at fault when he done nothing, I done told you that it has nothing to do with him. It’s what random niggas you have in the home” of course he will say it’s not Nathan, I don’t even know that guy.
I am not even going to worry anymore, I am just going to be me and do my usual thing. I am back with the girls in VIP, that’s if they do come but the homies usually help a nigga out with the females “it’s busy today” Lo looked at the entrance “well as long as I get inside fuck everybody else” pulling my door up, my bodyguard stood at the side of my car already as I got out of my car. Passing my key to the valet and making my way around the car “oh my god, it’s Chris” waking by the group of females, biting my bottom lip smiling “welcome” the security at the door opened the door for me as I walked by the people stood waiting to get in still, I only want to be here for a while because I need to go to the studio and get some music done.
Pointing and laughing at Hood near falling “you overweight bear, about to squash these poor females” passing the blunt to Fresh “he only has one job, he can’t do that shit right” turning around, it’s getting a little packed here “my nigga!” feeling someone place their hands on my shoulders, turning back around and seeing Tyga “family” dapping him “didn’t know you was coming” I said in his ear “ you should have told me I would have picked you up” turning back around and climbing up the step so I can stand higher, I ain’t about that life standing with all them fat niggas. I feel better now, I can see people. My bodyguard moved my friends out of the way so he could stand in front of me, Tyga made his way up “I wanted to come early but I got little man with me” letting out an oh “you know how it is with kids now” he said, rolling my eyes “trust me, baby moms is still trying to take me to court. She don’t’ want joint custody but she can suck my dick, she ain’t getting anything like that” I hate the bitch so much, sipping my drink.
Can’t go wrong with some Biggie, bopping my head “Biggie Biggie Biggie can't you see, sometimes your words just hypnotize me. And I just love your flashy ways, guess that's why they broke and you're so paid” I sang aloud, I just find it funny how the club is just always all eyes on me and then there is always females trying to get close. Seeing someone wave in the crowd and I just waved back, I don’t know who it was but who cares, a single wave or smile makes a fan happy. Looking down at Lo and then looking over at the crowd, what the hell he staring at. Seeing a tall nigga stood with a shirt on laughing, he must know him or something which is weird. The club lights got brighter on him as he moved to the side smiling, I am confused on why Lo is staring mad hard at him. Squinting my eyes hard and the reason why Lo is staring became apparent to me, licking my lips seeing Rylee smiling and giggling with him. She blew me off for that nigga but god she looks so beautiful.
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I swear to god, Daniel keeps trying it with me. Daniel flashed me a smile moving back again “oh come on you two” Bailey placed her arm around me, Bailey is so high right now “just get some dick, fuck everything else” is she being real “I am just joking with you” Daniel said in my ear, smiling at him “you keep trying it though, and stop making me smile too” hitting Daniel’ chest, he placed his arm around me, stood between both Daniel and Bailey as they both two stepped and I had to join them “I love this song!” I spat, I am about to twerk my ass “ass so fat I need a lap dance” I sang out stepping away from them “Woah! Lo!” my eyes widened hitting into him, he smiled at him. Bringing his face to my ear “come to VIP, Chris has asked for you” dragging my eyes up seeing Chris Brown stood, he is looking to the side of him like he wasn’t just looking over here. How did I not notice him in this club, moving my head back pulling a face “Lo, I am not about that life. I am not some hoe he mentions and I come running, nah. Fuck that” shaking my head, walking away from Lo.
Who does he think he is, I don’t fuck with that LA life. I do not want to get involved with that and get some name, no “what was that all about” Bailey asked, waving her off “nothing, ignore that shit” placing my arms around Bailey “not about them LA niggas Bailey” I said in her ear “I feel you but they just too fine to say no” rolling my eyes, moving my arms away from her as I turned around and started twerking on Bailey “Bands make her dance!” sticking my tongue out “ayyeeee!!” Bailey shouted, I giggled moving away from Bailey. She stared at me all wide eyed. Furrowing my eyebrows “what bitch?” walking back over to her laughing “what?” I said again, she stared ahead so I turned around to see what she is staring at “oh shit, that’s Chris Brown yo” Daniel said, my face dropped. Looking at Lo he just shrugged “you ain’t come to VIP, why?” Chris said, he is creating a scene and I don’t like it, Lo eyeballed me “do it” he mouthed “you wanted a special invite, well I am asking you” I swear the music just got lower, looking around me and I feel like the most hated female here.
Stood next to Lo, I am not moving away from him “you’re a bad brother” I said to him “trust me, I have been trying to keep away, believe me. Just talk to him, he really likes you for some reason. I have been trying” looking behind me as Lo was speaking, Chris waved me over but I don’t want this “you know what, fuck it” placing my hand on Lo’ shoulder and climbed up on the step, I hate this shit. Staring at Chris face to face he didn’t even look at me, it is like he is annoyed with me when I barely know him, he doesn’t even know me either. Turning around to face the crowd, ok this shit looks scary and I hate it “remember that bet?” Chris said, his breath against my ear, I swallowed hard. I shrugged not saying a word “you do remember, you’re not stupid. You blew me off for some dumbass” he pointed straight at Daniel, staring at Chris dumbfounded “what?” why is he acting like we was dating, is he feeling ok “I don’t need to be explaining anything to you, just keep your hoes. You have some beautiful girls here but me, I am going. Goodbye” I am not here for this.
I am shocked and very confused, Bailey held my hand as we walked out of the club. I don’t know what just happened, did Chris Brown just act butt hurt and act like we are dating, why. I sighed out feeling so happy to be out of that place “Ry! Why did Chris Brown point at me? I love that guy!” Daniel said smiling so wide “that is a little gay coming from you and he just said to bring your friends to VIP but I wanted to go home” I lied “I am tired, can we just go” I really need to get out of here “you don’t seem happy though? Do you not like him” eyeballing Daniel “drop it!” I spat, he won’t just shut up about it. Daniel held his hands up walking backwards.
Finally reaching the car in the car park “you know Rylee, you may want to look behind you” Daniel said stood at the side of his car “what is it now? Don’t tell me Blake is out already” turning around and seeing a whole entourage walking behind Chris Brown, what is life. Is this what rejection does to a famous man, he seems way too hurt “Rylee, let me apologise for what happened in the club. Let me speak to you in private real quick” he is not going to leave it “I don’t think she wants to speak to you” Daniel spoke up, the look on Chris’ face he was about to say something “and! I will come” I said cutting Chris off, I just rather tell Chris like a normal person that I am not interested and thank him for the compliment, but I am not about this life.
Closing the car door in the back of the Range, Chris climbed in also. Looking around the interior “this is a beautiful car” I can’t lie, it looks so nice “thank you” Chris said “uhm, I just want to say sorry if I came at you wrong, I didn’t mean it” I nodded my head not saying a word “are you with ole dude? Is that why you are blowing me off?” taking in a deep breath shaking my head “he wishes” I said in a whisper “what?” Chris said, shaking my head “nothing, I said no. He is nothing to me, a friend I work with” Chris looked ahead at Daniel “he looks a little too concerned for you, I think he likes you” Chris looks like he wants to fight Daniel “he’s not, he just cares. He saw how upset I was” Chris looked back at me “you blew me off, all week I didn’t go to a club or with any females. Lo said you ignored him, I gave the message to him” squinting my eyes confused “what message?” what is he talking about “I told Lo to tell you about giving your number, I was good and that I wanted to meet you” pulling my dress down a little, Chris’ eyes dragged down to my body and his tongue licking his top lip “your nipple pierced?” he blurted out, my cheeks became ever so warm “no! I am sorry” he closed his eyes “ignore that” placing my hand over my mouth smiling, that is so embarrassing.
“Wow, you smile. You always look so angry with me” Chris said, moving my hand away from my mouth “I never got any message from Lo, I haven’t seen him in a while actually. So any message you told him I didn’t get. Honestly Chris, it’s hard to not judge you when seeing that” pointing ahead of us, the group of his friends and hoes they are all about to share “you as a person can be a very good guy but I don’t want that life, thank you for thinking that I am beautiful but no” I said, Chris cleared his throat smiling “I came out here because I really like you, I know there is a lot of females out there, I know I have a child. I have a lot of baggage. I have never ran for a female but I like you, I really do. Give a nigga a chance, you said I can be good then give me a chance. I really like you, I can’t even get you off my mind and I will hate to know that I never tried so please just give me a try. Get to know me, leave the name out of it. You can call me Maurice, a new guy” am I crazy, what is this.
Looking away in shock “why me? I am just a regular girl” I don’t get it “you really not, you ain’t notice that all the females look fake as hell. All of them looking like Kim K, you all natural. I just like you so much, I am so attracted to you and it is making me look stupid, I don’t know anymore but I have fallen for you” I feel so ugly but yet he is staring at me like I am the most beautiful girl he has seen “I am honestly scared, I don’t know what to say” he rubbed the back of his neck “I get you, I will get Lo for not telling you. I thought you blew me off but clearly I am in the wrong, let’s start by you giving me your number? I feel like an idiot right now, look at me I am grown as shit just yeah, let’s start off with that” he is honestly giggling to himself, who is this man that switched so quickly from the club to here in this car.
Closing the door to the Range and pulled my dress down. Lo stared at me but I side eyed him, he is an idiot and I hope to god he doesn’t speak to me after this, he could have warned me. I hate that everyone is just staring at me, looking at every friend of Chris’ and every girl they have just picked up from the club. I feel so hated and I have done nothing to these girls, looking to the side of me even more and seeing Chris’ face. He flashed me a smile and I couldn’t help but smile back at him, let me just get out of here. Daniel held the car door open for to get in “are you ok?” Daniel asked, I nodded silently sitting in the car and then all I see is Chris staring mad hard at Daniel which is creepy “what the fuck just happened?” Bailey asked in the backseat “nothing at all, just asking about my brother” I rather keep things like this to myself, for now.
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gafou1 · 7 years
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The Tally Hoe’s Introduce-Your-Self(ie) Challenge!!
Rules: if you’ve been tagged, you have to (well, not have to, but if you’d like to you can) post two selfies and a random fact about yourself and your favorite song from Beauty and the Beast.
I was tagged by @danstevensgrowl who created this challenge. Thank you for tagging me! ❤️ I loved your story you shared it made me laugh and sounds like something that would happen to me 😂 also boys never like me back I feel, and you’re so pretty!!
If anyone happens to know me IRL then.. hey 😂 (The last two pics are prom pictures from earlier this month. I hope it’s okay I posted 3, I took a car selfie today since I know I don’t walk around in this dress all the time) Favorite song from BatB: Gaston; this was tough because I love them all, but I guess the one I listen to the most is Gaston Random fact about me: I can never talk or write short; I have such a hard time doing so. Like for fanfics I’m always like okay this is gonna be quick a page or two, because the idea is small… then suddenly I get more ideas and it is pages full. The same thing goes for when I tell people stories (weird things happen to me a lot but I’m awkward so I guess I attract it) I can talk forever. My stories are never short unless barely anything happens in the story haha. It’s good for essays though because I never have an issue hitting the page limit, and also for the careers I want to pursue (author, script writer for children’s T.V. (cartoons)). Tagging: anyone who wants to do this 😄
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bohemienne-221b · 7 years
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the Tally Hoes introduce your Self(ie) challenge! 
Rules:  if you’ve been tagged, you have to (well, not have to, but if you’d like to you can) post two selfies and a random fact about yourself and your favorite song from Beauty and the Beast.
so, finally doing this, thank you @danstevensgrowl for the tag! It took me sooo long to find a decent pic,then I gave up and I just took one this morning (first one), while the other one is of sometime ago (uhmm few years ago lol).
Random fact about myself: mmm I don’t really know what to say... ‘kay, so because of my enormous love for greek art and all things ancient Greece related in general, I spent, let’s say a few hours inside the Parthenon room & Hellenistic room at the British museum going a bit crazy over the beauty of it all and running away from my friends (because they were really too damn slow and I just couldn’t wait!) and after those uhm few hours, I sort of got lost. and hours later I realized that my friends went all “omg wtf we’re just in a museum o.o” and sit in a bench to wait for me... then because I got lost lol they came and dragged me away from a statue of Apollo saying “you’re crazy stop making out with the statues and come have lunch”. THEY CAN’T UNDERSTAND ME LOL.  My point is, I guess I have a bit of Stendhal syndrome lmao.
Fav BATB song: definitely GASTON. I sing it everyday screaming like Lefou akdjf.
guess everyone has already been tagged, sooo...
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funnygirltthatbelle · 7 years
I noticed on that tally hoes birthday thing that we have the same birthday. You know what's so awesome about May 6 also? In the book "disneystrology" that's the day Belle is associated with!!!!! So it's kinda sorta like her unofficial bday! Just thought that was cool 😎
Ahhh that's crazy! Hey guess what guys I'm actually Belle now. Brunette bookworms born on May 6th unite!
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