#tam-tara deepcroft
nolandnfriends · 2 years
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"...Why am I here? How did I get here? How did she talk me into this?!"
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alixennial · 2 years
New adventurer asks: B1. Did any (early level) side quests have a particular impact on you? Did you make a habit of helping people with 'adventurer' work, why or why not?
Indie was keen to make a good impression, so she offered to help anyone and everyone. Mostly she was asked to deliver messages and cull pests, pretty basic stuff, which is how she earned her nickname Noddy - thank you Thancred. Although some were nothing more than a drain of her time (eg sprinting across East Thanalan in torrential rain to fetch some muddy pond water for the "parched" plants and flowers in Drybone), others felt important. Trying to help the sick and wounded in Little Ala Mhigo when they were refusing Ul'dahn medicine was a good example of where putting in just a little bit of time and effort made a difference.
Since moving to Ishgard as a ward of house Fortemps, she's been less available. Initially this was due to the frosty attitudes of the locals and the trauma of having lost her fellow Scions, but she's also recently been pretty focused on tracking down the Archbishop*
*Mostly focused on that, despite having spent the last few days strutting around with a sword. She's in training XD
A couple of early quests still play on her mind a lot; the horrors of Haukke Manor still creep into her dreams some nights, but the one that haunts her the most began on the day she met a troubled Lalafell by the name of Paiyo Reiyo on Emerald Avenue. There was something very off about the wedding invitation he had received. Poor Edda, unable to come to terms with losing her beloved Avere, and her friend Liavinne, planned a very dark ritual… That one was brutal. The only pic I got from that is of Indie sitting in the rain afterwards attempting to process wtf just happened.
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artilaz · 1 year
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Half of the Monbaro family in the Tam-Tara Deepcroft, doing some family bonding 🥰
Also yes, Galvanth is definitely always that size, I'd never scale him up to make him look more intimidating or anything
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alongcameaspooder · 1 year
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Such a lovely crypt! Shame about the cult though~ 💜
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the warrior of (back)light
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ubejamjar · 6 months
FFXIV Vanilla Gpose | Four | Battle Eternal Calm
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Oh Edda, what have you done?
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fooltofancy · 11 days
sorry to the picto who ended up in my lvl18 roulette queue, lmao. neither of us wanted to be there.
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youngerfrankenstein · 4 months
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I’m sorry.
I obtain.
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searchingacct · 5 months
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impossible-rat-babies · 7 months
gonna be unpleasant on main, but I do not like when couples use custom emotes in instances
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arianeoftheglade · 1 year
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Even Ariane is here! Now your dream of becoming like her can come true!
The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard)
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alixennial · 7 months
Pic dump of recent posing: In which Indie attempts "intimidating" in Tam Tara Deepcroft...
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The two chosen pics
After which the poses became less villainous, more Indie has a great time pretending to be edgy
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Not even trying on that last one XD
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artilaz · 1 year
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He be in ✨situations✨
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Sastasha, The Tam-Tara Deepcroft & Copperbell Mines
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In Sastasha, The Tama-Tara Deepcroft and Copperbell Mines the Eager Conjurer is equipped with:
Weapon: Dated Elm Cane*
Head: Plundered Cavalier's Hat
Body: Plundered Bliaud
Hands: Leather Ringbands
Legs: Dated Hempen Tights*
Feet: Dated Leather Duckbills*
*Anything “Dated” is no longer available but most items have a non-dated version. I would recommend using Plundered Duckbills instead of Leather Duckbills as I feel they are more visually accurate.
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kamimuse · 2 years
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The deepcroft (HM)
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foxgirlbeans · 7 months
A Ninja's Guide to Eorzea: Part 1
I'm currently working on my relic weapon for ninja, and that means I'm suffering I'm going into a lot of dungeons solo as a ninja. And it got me thinking about stealth. Rogues and ninjas have a Hide feature that, aside from a few job quests, usually goes completely overlooked. you can usually run from any overworld enemies, dungeons mean you have to hang out with at least two people who can't hide from enemies, and you can't even try to hide from dungeon bosses.
So the ninja sadly doesn't get many opportunities to live out the classic ninja fantasy of striking from the shadows. But by soloing a dungeon at a higher level, you can sneak from boss room to boss room for the same effect. And since I'm going through so many dungeons right now, I thought I'd write down my thoughts on how well each one lets you live out that fantasy.
1. Sastasha
This is the dungeon I'll be comparing all others to. not just because it's the first, but it's one of the best. stealing a glance at the pirate's password and breaking into their base both happen in relatively secluded areas, so you can ignore all enemies right up until the first boss.
Thing get a little hairier when you first meet the pirates, mostly because their guard dogs can see through your sneaking. Which makes a lot of sense when you think about it, right? They live right next door to the bloody Rogues Guild, obviously they'd have ways of dealing with rogues.
This only really adds one extra fight to the list- the second dog and his master are mandatory to grab a key, and the third is in a wide open area that gives you space to avoid it. if you remember it's there, unlike me.
This dungeon is the quintessential "breaking into a base" fantasy, and it plays that part beautifully with realistic threats to keep you on your toes. also it's pirates vs. ninjas which was a big to-do during the lolsorandom years.
I'm also giving it bonus points bc despite having dogs that can spot you, you can open multiple doors without the door guards ever catching wise.
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look at them. morons. A+
2. The Tam-Tara Deepcroft
I'm not going to lie, this one's 100% bias speaking. The sneaking works fine, and you can get to bosses completely unmolested, it's just... almost every "boss" here is just some random guy. it doesn't really strike the right chord like Sastasha did. I'll give it a C+/B-, it's sneakable, but it doesn't feel like a ninja.
3. Copperbell Mines
This one's got plot coupons stuck in enemies up the wazoo, so it's definitely not sneaky. On top of that, the dust bunnies in this place all have tremorsense, so you can't sneak past them, and every part of the dungeon is a narrow walkway so you can't even sneak past the old fashioned way.
If that wasn't bad enough, there's multiple moments where hecatoncheirs appear out of walls, instantly breaking your stealth and forcing you into a fight. Sneaking does get you past the worst of the final room, but by then it's too little, too late. D
3. Halatali
Not gonna lie, I 100% thought this one would turn out like Copperbell Mines when I first thought about it. I've never been happier to be wrong though!
The first and third parts of the dungeon are predictably not an issue whatsoever, you sneak past the trash mobs and fight the boss, no problem. The middle portion is where things get spicy- you see, there's several winches in the area you have to pull to open the door at the end, but pulling them breaks your stealth. Further complicating things, pulling each winch has a chance to drop a monster on your head, which I just spent two paragraphs complaining about!
However, because these winches only get pulled when you want them to be, it feels more like you're disarming a trap than anything else. Waiting for the crowd of monsters around you to wander off, setting off booby traps, and dealing with the consequences actually makes the whole experience very fun. Exploring an abandoned ruin definitely falls more on the rogue side of things than ninja, but it was fun enough that I'll let it slide. B+
4. The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak
Hard F. You have to defeat every monster in an area before you move on, so hiding here actively slows down your progress when you have to u-turn and hunt down whatever you snuck past in the first place.
5. Haukke Manor
Another dungeon that surprised me with out sneakable it is. All of the manor's keys are either located in a boss you have to kill anyway, or on the ground. this means you can sneak into rooms, nab the key from right under the monsters' noses, and sneak back out leaving them none the wiser. Adding in the patrolling succubi that just so happen to give you just enough time to grab certain keys and hide again before they turn around gives a stealth game vibe to the whole experience like in Halatali. Plus you're sneaking into a mansion to kill a corrupt noble, which is a totally ninja thing to do! Another solid B+
6. Brayflox's Longstop
I was surprised to learn Colibri can see through ninja invisibility, but I guess that explains why Captain Madison had one. The starting room has a couple you pretty much have to fight, but aside from that it doesn't do anything special. It also doesn't really fit the ninja vibe what with you fighting random wildlife, but it has fewer filler bosses and fighting a dragon is always cool, so. B-.
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