#tamlins HEA
climbthemountain2020 · 7 months
Hope of Spring - Chapter 25
Friends, we have reached the end!
This was my very first fic that I've written and published, and I can't tell you how much it means to me that you all came along for the ride with me. To those of you who made a habit of following all my updates and regularly commenting, you have no idea how much your comments lit up my day (even when I made you mad lol).
I was so nervous to go out on a limb and share my writing, but this has made me so glad I did. I hope you'll keep an eye out for me--I've got some other good stuff coming :)
And, more than anything, I hope you've enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. <3
Now enjoy this tooth-achingly sweet, self-indulgent epilogue! Also on Ao3! Find Ch. 24 here
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The sun was setting over the hills of Spring, and the hot day was giving way to a balmy evening of twinkling stars. The fireflies were dancing around the edges of the garden, and mourning doves and crickets could be heard calling out in the twilight. A shriek pierced the evening, as two figures shot from the garden maze, a dead sprint towards the stairs of the house.
Tamlin was sitting on the stairs, whittling a small horse into an old piece of willow wood, when the two forms burst forward, hurtling toward him. The first figure dove, attempting to reach him in time, but the second figure was too fast, lunging on to the first with a grunt. The first, a boy, bellowed as the second, a girl, smeared a handful of mud down the side of his face.
“Kalliope, stop!” He slapped at her arms and face as she held him town, Tamlin looking over at the two teenagers brawling a few feet away from him.
“I told you it wasn’t going to go over well if she found out that you ate the last tart, Kyron.” The boy rolled then, pushing the girl’s muddy hands back into her own face as she wrinkled her nose and kicked. The twins rolled down the slight hill next to the manor as Tamlin sighed amusedly.
“Where’s Silas?” He called out after the two, still tumbling and now heaving great handfuls of mulch at each other.
“The fish pond.” Kyron gritted out as he slung the two of them into a nearby puddle, Kalliope gasping with rage. Tamlin sighed again, setting his whittling knife and the small figurine down and pushing himself off the steps to go drag his younger son out of the fish pond. Just as he made toward the gardens, a small boy, bright eyed and carrying a bucket, toddled out from the maze. He had sticks and leaves scattered through his light brown hair, a proud look on his face, and was soaked entirely through.
“Dada!” He pointed animatedly to the heavy bucket. “Fiss!” Tamlin peered into the bucket of, indeed, fish, who looked irritated at having been removed from their home. He laughed and ruffled the boy’s hair, trying to brush some of the nature out of it.
“Good job, buddy.”
“Fiss.” He confirmed, then stomped proudly back towards the pond.
Penny walked out on the porch just in time to see Silas walk back among the flowers, Tamlin watching him go and scratching the back of his neck. She hauled the baby she was carrying higher on her hip, then sent a little breeze to him and she began to walk closer. He turned immediately, love in his eyes as he found her.
“Baths tonight?” She asked, lightly.
“Baths tonight,” he confirmed with a laugh, gesturing over his shoulder to the twins, finally done sparring and attempting to brush themselves off. “How’s my Poppy today?” He came and kissed the cheeks of the baby in her arms.
“Your Poppy refuses to take a nap unless someone is holding her.” Penny cooed at the baby in her arms, who giggled and smacked chubby baby hands on Penny’s arms in response.
“Cass and Nes are coming tomorrow and bringing Irina and Osiris. “Kyron perked up at the mention of Irina, then immediately tried to play it off as Kalliope punched him in the side and snickered. He’d had a thing for Cassian and Nesta’s daughter, Irina, for years now. The twins were seventeen, along with Irina and Kit, the second daughter of Lucien and Elain, and the twins had spent almost every other weekend with the two since then. While the four were thick as thieves, Kyron was hung up on Irina in a much more romantic way.
“Maybe you won’t fuck it up and look like a total idiot in front of her this weekend, Kyron.” She smirked.
“Shut up, Kalliope.” He punched his sister in the shoulder as Tamlin sent them both a look.
“They get that mouth from you, you know.” Penny grinned at him and nodded enthusiastically as Silas waddled back out of the maze again, this time with mud adorning his cheeks and a very empty bucket trailing forlornly at his side.
“Fiss went home.” He shrugged sadly, as Tamlin came to scoop him up.
“It’s alright, sweet boy. We can go see the fish again with Osiris tomorrow, hm?” Osiris, the hulking, four-year old, sweet-as-a-button carbon copy of Cassian, was Silas’ very best friend. The little boy's eyes lit up.
“Yeah, buddy. He’ll be here tomorrow.”
The group had all grown up together, their parents staying close after the war. Nyx, Nova, Sirene, and Kieran, the four oldest, had been the ones who’d taught Penny and Tamlin all about children–and also encouraged them to wait for a decade or so before trying for their own. The little winged Night Court heirs were all wild will and energy. Their cousin Sirene and her cousin Kieran were wild bursts of fire everywhere they went. The oldest four were off most of the time now, Nyx and Nova training in the Illyrian Steppes much of the time, Sirene shadowing her grandparents in Day, and Kieran learning how to help run Autumn as the heir.
When Tamlin and Penny finally had their fill of quiet and sleeping and decided to try for children of their own, they’d immediately been blessed with twins. Around the same time, Nesta and Cassian had Irina, and Lucien and Elain had Kit, and thus the second group of kids were born. Now, the group of teenagers was always fighting–with each other and everyone else. If you saw dust clouds kicking up or a tavern about to erupt into a brawl, it was certain you’d find the four of them there.
A third wave had hit all the friends another few years past that, which provided them with Osiris, Silas, and Azriel and Gwyn’s daughter, Catrin. The three were a wobbly mess of toddler antics, always sticky, muddy, or otherwise.
Finally, Lucien and Elain had just been graced with a third, their first boy, while earlier in the year Poppy and Nira, Feyre and Rhys’ third and final child, had been born the same month.
More often than Penny would admit, she would think back to that first time in the Night Court, where she’d sat under the stars with Feyre and Nova, shushing the sweet babe to sleep and allowing herself to wonder for the first time if any of this could be possible for her. She had shared her dreams with Feyre, even though she’d never been tempted to tell anyone before, and Feyre had pushed her. Told her it was possible for her to have that here.
Sometimes, she couldn’t believe how much time had passed. They all looked the same except the children–time meant almost nothing to her anymore. Since the war, they’d lived in a period of peace in Prythian, which made being High Lady of Spring a relatively easy job. After the dust had settled, they’d set up a series of town halls in the village, allowing the people to speak about what bothered them. At first, the people were hesitant, but Penny set up an anonymous system of reporting. Once they realized that the things they suggested were being taken to heart and no one was getting singled out, they became more comfortable with sharing and speaking openly about changes they wished to see.
Over the years, the town halls gave way to a council that helped with ruling over Spring. Ideas were shared willingly and enthusiastically, and votes were often held between the different provinces. As had been the plan, the tithe was done away with, and the people flourished for it. The celebrations were resurrected across the holidays in Spring, and Penny and Tamlin had had their fair share of Calanmais together, too–one of which was almost certainly responsible for Poppy. Spring was a place like it had never been before, and trust had been restored in its rulers.
In the summers, the children would spend the majority of their time in the Night Court. When they were young, they would help Elain in the kitchen or the gardens, or paint with Feyre in her studio on the Rainbow. As they grew older, some chose to train with the Valkyries or Azriel and Cassian, though they’d had to break up and separate Kalliope, Kyron, Kit, and Irina on a number of occasions.
In the deep winter, when Velaris was so cold that training was miserable, they’d all travel to Spring and return the favor, spending long warm days outside identifying plants, learning archery, horseback riding, and about all the creatures that lurked in the woods. It was a great exchange, and it allowed all the friends and their children to stay close. As the children grew and Lucien and Elain moved to Day, the warm summers were spent in the sun, running through the towns of white marble and down to the gentle slopes of the sea. It had been a wonderful few decades of peace and memory-making.
Tamlin pressed his lips to Penny’s temple. “It’s the last day of the month, yes?” She perked up.
“Yes! I went into town for it the other day. I’ll run get it and have Tally start the baths up. Stay here.” she handed him Poppy, and raced into the house. She ran into her old bedroom, now mostly storage for items they weren’t currently using and grabbed for the cloak on the bed. She’d purchased one at the seamstress in town this week, as she did the last week of every month. She grabbed it off the bed, wrapped it up gently in tissue paper, and went back to Tamlin so that they could go put it out in the woods by the birch trees.
On her way out, she ran into Tally.
“Baths?” Tally asked, amusedly.
“Baths.” Penny nodded, with a laugh.
Before she made it to the doors, she paused, taking a few steps out of her way to run her hands across the cracks that remained in the walls and floor by the eastern corner of the foyer. Out of the window, she could see Tamlin, baby pulled to his chest, chasing Kyron and Kalliope around the yard, now also covered in mud courtesy of the twins. Silas trampled behind them, roaring and tossing mud around a few steps away, all of them laughing uproariously.
She let her fingers trail along the cracks once more, a smile on her face, and she held the cloak close and walked out into the evening sky of Spring.
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sad-scarred-sassy · 1 month
Idc what Cassian did he also trapped Nesta in that house
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unanswered-stars · 4 months
How did I only have two WIP last week and now I have 7?
What did I do…
Good news is my next chapter for Shadows of Regret and Redemption is 2/3 written so should be up in the next few days
My next fic will still be the continuation of @the-moth-writes Heaven Help the Fool Who Falls in Love this is my precious baby and I love it so much. So excited to share this one with you guys once I finish SoR&R
Tags have some hints at what my new WIP will involve when I have time to write them fully
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acourtofladydeath · 1 year
The way I ran to this inbox!!!!!!!!!!!!! Given our recent discussion...I'd love to see some angsty feytamsand with a happy ending!!! Maybe forced proximity trope thrown in there? 💗
Was I initially shooting for 500 words? Yes. Did I immediately know it would be 1K but still want it to be under that? Yes. Is it? noO. But that's okay! This is the first in what I hope will be a series of exercises where I learn to write and achieve my story goal in less words. In the end, I just had to take my hands off the keyboard and go with it in the spirit of the drabble exercise!
I sort of forgot about the forced proximity part of the request...but it's definitely angsty and leads to a HEA! I sincerely hope you enjoy "Live, and Be Happy." What is the first of what I think will be many polycule ACOTAR fics I write.
TW: mention of slight self harm
Read here on AO3 or under the cut!
A loud crash sounded through the main hall of the river house as Lucien burst through the doors, coat askew and breathing heavily. 
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Rhysand jumped from the couch where he lounged next to Feyre, who sat up and immediately asked, “is he okay?” 
Lucien stood hunched and disheveled, sorrow in his eyes as he looked between the mated pair before him. When he’d caught his breath enough to speak he could only get out a few words, “he’s not well,” before they were both heading out the door, brushing past him carelessly. 
“How was he when you last saw him?” Feyre asked as she rushed to keep up with her mate's frantic longer legs.
“Not bad enough to worry you.” 
Feyre scoffed, pacing past him to turn and face him, stopping Rhysand in his tracks. “That was not the deal, Rhysand. We agreed you could go see him in person without me until he felt ready if, and only if, he was okay in the meantime.” She stared down his violet eyes, unyielding in her anger and fear. 
Rhysand had continued to visit the Spring Court in hopes of helping Tamlin rekindle his control. They hadn’t counted on it rekindling other things as well. After one particularly long visit, Rhys had explained his former relationship with Tamlin before they’d become high lords.
After Rhys revealed their former, and newly sparked feelings, Feyre had started writing back and forth with the male she’d once hoped would become her mate, and was surprised to find her own feelings for him returning as well. Tamlin it seemed was happy to love them both, but his depression and the trauma he’d been dealt and never dealt with had taken its toll.
Rhysand’s violet gaze was full of emotion, pain for the male they both had grown to love again, fear for his condition, conviction to protect Tamlin, and shame from deceiving the female they both loved so deeply. Eventually, he bent under the solid will of Feyre’s stare, dropping his head toward the ground between them. 
“Take me to him” she said, a statement with no room for question, as she held her hand out to grab his own. Rhys quickly winnowed them to the place in Spring he knew Tamlin would be. 
Tamlin’s struggle with his own monsters had been going on much longer than he’d wanted to admit, and when he’d finally started opening up to Rhys about it after that one solstice, it was like a damn broke, drowning him thoroughly. Today had been worse than most. He and Lucien had been discussing how the courts were still healing from the Hybern War and Amarantha’s reign under the mountain, when he’d suddenly been triggered by a particularly bad bout of memories.
Unable to stop himself, he’d transformed into his beast, attempting to punish himself for being the cause of so much suffering. His friends, his courts, the other courts, and worst of all the suffering of the two people he held closest to his heart. 
When Feyre and Rhysand arrived, he was huddled on the floor of the cabin he ran off to to be alone, away from the prying eyes of his court. Both arms wrapped around his head and knees tightly as if he could hold himself together while his claws pierced into his skin, drawing thin streams of blood that flowed down his bare skin. He’d managed to stop harming himself most of the time, but still couldn't stop this one action to hurt both to punish his wrongs and to remind himself he was still alive. 
In the doorway, Feyre let out a soft sound somewhere between a gasp and a sigh, her tattooed hand rising to stifle the noise as she looked up on Tamlin for the first time in years. Rhysand moved forward slowly, his focus solely on the male before him. “Tam, it’s me,” he said as he slid onto his knees in front of the broken person in front of him, taking his tortured face between both his hands. 
As Rhys tried to tilt Tamlin’s face up toward his, he felt the male recoil away. Placing their voices together, Rhys spoke in a soft voice cracked with emotion. “Please don’t hide from me. I’m not scared of you. We want to help, Tamlin. Please let us help.” 
With that word, Tamlin looked up, his dulled eyes currently a deep, pained green. With a voice harsh and hoarse from what Rhys was sure had been hours of screaming, Tamlin spoke, “we? I thought Lucien left?”
Feyre had slowly walked into the cabin as Rhysand steadied her first love, until she was not standing a few paces away as she spoke. “He did, but he didn’t abandon you Tamlin. He came to get us, to get me.” Slowly, Tamlin turned to face her. Rhys’s hands still steadied him, one caressing his jaw tenderly, while the other softly ran across the spots Tamlin had punctured his shoulder. 
Unable to stay away any longer Feyre rushed forward the last steps, dropping to her knees and wrapping her arms delicately, yet firmly around his neck. After a long moment, Tamlin spoke, his face buried in her neck. “Why are you here…why would you bother to care for me, Feyre…after everything I did.”
Feyre pulled back, one hand caressing Tamlin’s chin as the other reached to cover Rhys’s hand still rubbing the sore marks on his shoulder. “We are both here Tamlin, because we see you. Because we’ve been where you are, and you deserve someone in your corner as you work through this.” 
Tamlin seemed to scoff at that, as if he either believed he didn’t deserve to heal, or was incapable. “That doesn’t explain why you are here, either of you.” As he said the second part of the statement, Tamlin looked between the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court, sensing the cooling mist of Rhys’s magic that always seemed to calm him.
“We’re here because we love you, Tamlin.” Rhys’s smooth and soothing words hanging in the air between the three of them. Feyre spoke then, adding to her mate’s words, “both of us. You deserve to be loved.” 
Using her hand to tilt Tamlin’s chin up to meet her gaze. “Do you remember what you told me, after you brought Rhys back? You told me to be happy. You deserve to be happy too, Tamlin.”
Rhysand’s one hand rested on his mate’s back while she held Tamlin’s gaze, his other gently holding Tamlin’s neck, thumb brushing against his jaw softly, in the way he’d often done so long ago. “Let us help you come back, teach you to be happy again. The three of us.” 
Tamlin closed his eyes, a tear softly falling and being wiped away before it tracked too far. And for the first time since his father died, Tamlin truly felt like it was true, like he could learn to be happy. The three of them together could bring him back to life.
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acourtofthought · 4 months
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"Gone to the mat again and again to fight for that future with Feyre"
Rhys may have stepped back and kept his distance for months when he thought Feyre would be happy with Tamlin but what Cassian said is true, Rhys did consistently show that he was willing to fight for Feyre.
Lucien fighting for his future with Elain:
Lucien breathed, "Where is he keeping her?"
"I don't know. Rhysand has a hundred places where they could be, but I doubt he'd use any of them to hide Elain, knowing that I'm aware of them." "Tell me anyway. List all of them."
"You'll die the moment you set foot in his territory." "I survived well enough when I found you."
"I need to find her."
I asked Lucien to escort me, and he'd been more than happy to do so, given that his own status of mated male made him uninterested in any sort of female company these days".
"I'm getting my mate back."
"Tell me about her - about Elain," Lucien said quietly.
"My mate is engaged to a human male." I want to see her. Just once. Just-to know." "To know what?" "If she is worth fighting for. And then I'll ask your mate how he survived it - knowing you were engaged to someone else. Sharing another male's bed."
"I would like to see them first. I know you're anxious -" "Just do it," Lucien said, bracing his forearms on the stone rail of the veranda. "Come get me when she's ready."
But Lucien was standing in the doorway. And from the devastation on his face, I knew he'd heard ever word. Seen and heard and felt the hollowness and despair radiating from her.
Lucien stiffened - not at what I'd said, I realized, but at the tone. A hostess. But he asked, "What of - Elain?" "I need to think about it," I answered plainly.
"I would never hurt her."
"She needs fresh air." "We'll judge what she needs." "Take her to the sea. Take her to some garden. But get her out of this house for an hour or two."
"I sensed no ill will, no conniving. Only concern for her. And ... sorrow. Longing."
"Let me do something. About Elain. I heard - from my room. Everything that happened just now. It wouldn't hurt to have a healer look her over. Externally and internally."
"Please tell me," Lucien said when I crossed the threshold into the foyer. "What the healer says. And if- if you need me for anything."
"I'll go." Lucien was staring at Elain as he spoke.
Lucien, haggard and bloody, panting for breath. As if he'd run from the shore. His gaze settled on Elain, and he sagged a little.
"I heard - what happened. I'm sorry for your loss. All of you."
"I heard you made the killing blow."
Lucien now stood in the sitting room, close to Elain's side.
"How is she?" "Good. But is she still..." A muscle flickered in his jaw. "Does she still mourn him?
Lucien had encountered him, I realized. Somehow, in living with Jurian and Vassa at the manor, he'd run into Elain's former betrothed. And managed to leave the human lord breathing.
"The bigger box is for you. The smaller one is for her."
Cassian's heart strained at the pain etching deep into Lucien's face as he tried to hide his disappointment and longing. "
Two years after their bond snapped "he tried to hide his disappointment and longing."
From the start of their bond snapping until where we are currently at in the series Lucien is still fighting for Elain.
Is he being pushy? No, because that's not what would best for a female who recently had a broken engagement with someone she loved.
But does he still think of her? Does he still long for her? Has he been loyal to only her?
That is the author showing us that Lucien remains committed to their bond, he is fighting for their bond.
Authors do not write loyal kings as not ending up with their HEA and Elain will always be able to take comfort in the fact that he wanted her, he waited for her, he allowed her to set the pace of things while he suffered for her.
That is how you write a real love story. Not a guy who rejected her at the first real test to their love as Graysen did, not a guy like Az who hadn't thought of a future with her beyond his sexual fantasies and proceeded to feel a spark in his chest at the thought of another female's happiness mere hours after he rejected Elain.
Lucien is loyal to Elain regardless of what he's getting out of the situation and that's exactly what we saw from both Rhys and Cassian with their mates.
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stargirlie25 · 7 months
Raise up your hand in the comments if you want Rhysand sister to come back somehow and her and Tamlin to be lovers who reunite after years of tension and end up being mates because
You want Tamlin to have a healing arc where he gets his HEA
you want it to piss of rhysand
you want to see rhysand sister defend tamlin to rhysand
NO because number 3 would be so insane and dramatic and juicy tho
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lovemyromance · 8 days
The thing is, Rhys also knew he was Feyre's mate at the end of ACOTAR and he let her go. Because he knew she was happy with Tamlin.
He sat there in the NC drinking himself to death at the thought that his mate would be married off to his enemy. He still, did not think of interfering. He still had no intention of storming in.
He was willing to let her marry Tamlin. He was willing to let Feyre go, despite knowing she was his "fated mate".
The only reason he interfered - was because Feyre was unhappy. Because she was panicking, because she begged to get out of the wedding.
Rhys was willing to stay away from her. In his mind, for eternity. We all know SJM is obsessed with Rhys. He is THE standard for her.
And even HE didn't feel entitled to his mate. He's an all-powerful high lord, and he still did not even raise an eyebrow when Feyre was going to marry Tamlin. Not until she asked for help herself.
So what exactly, pray tell, makes people in this fandom think that Lucien of all people should be entitled to his mate - even when all she does is shrink away from him and avoid him?
The second Elain displays that she is unhappy or wants him - Lucien is free to swoop in again. But she hasn't done that. So why is every EL so insistent that he deserves his mate?? He deserves a HEA, sure, but who says it has to be with Elain?
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elrielffs · 2 months
Let's look at why SJM couple's have ended:
CelaenaxDorian - I put Celaena instead of Aelin cause at this time, we know that Celeana had no plans to restore her kingdom and reveal herself as Aelin. Celaena decided that she wanted to free to travel the world and make her own choices instead of being stuck as Dorian's queen with limits. Internal factor, her choice.
CelaenaxChaol - Celaena could not fully forgive/trust Chaol after he hid the plot against Nehemia from her that contributed in her death. Internal factor, her choice.
DorianxSorcha - Sorcha sans head. Death.
TamlinxFeyre - Tamlin's abuse and lack of ability to give Feyre freedom contributed to the break down of their relationship. Internal factor, her choice.
NesrynxChaol - Deteriorated from Chaol pushing her away due to his disability and both falling in love with different people. The split is pretty mutual but the one who actually ends it is Nesryn. Internal, her choice.
BrycexConnor - Connor in pieces. Death.
What didn't happen in any of these couples to end their relationship? Nobody told them they couldn't be together ie an external factor. Nothing kept these couples apart. They were allowed to be together and explore a relationship that ultimately ended due to themselves as people. This let them move on to new relationships without baggage and a big what if hanging over their heads and new relationship. None of these couples had something-- be it a force, a spell, an order keeping them away from each other that didn't allow them to act on their feelings.
Azriel and Elain operate in the same circle. They have to be around each other at some point no matter if they try to avoid each other. There's no way it would never be discussed or brought up again. There's also no way narratively that Elain could move on without knowing that the choice had been made for her via Rhysand. It's counter to her arc and it would be so unsatisfying and from a story telling point would leave the door wide open for what if Rhysand didn't stop them that night? What if Elain found out about Rhysand's order? What if Azriel decided not to obey? Too many questions and what ifs to carry into a new romance for it to be believable and satisfying imo and hang over the couple like a proverbial axe waiting to drop.
It's why no matter who people ship Azriel with, you know the Mor thing has to be addressed. And now it's the same for Elain.
So in a potential Gwynriel book you would have Az dealing with the Mor situation, then dealing with the Elain situation, then FINALLY having a romance with Gwyn? That's too much for one book for it to be believable or romantic.
Dealing with the fallout of romantic entanglement while building the blocks for another? Okay but dealing with the fallout of TWO romantic entanglements? Makes your MC seem flakey and is not what you want to read in a romance heavy series/book that is stated to focus on one couple per book with a HEA.
It should also be noted in books that have romance for women by a woman that all relationships ending in not death, was the woman's choice.
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highladyjane · 5 months
Love vs. Fate
ACOTAR foreshadowed the whole love triangle with this
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Which I believe is the background for this part of this interview - where sure, Sarah may try to play things off:
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But I find that interesting, because TOG's ending clearly said this (Kingdom of Ash, Ch.98)
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And CC's ending said this (House of Flame and Shadow, Ch. 98)
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So isn't it funny that all of SJM's books are all about defying Gods, Odds, and Fate through acts of True Love, aaaand people still think that Elain, Azriel, AND Lucien are just going to do what everyone and that corrupted Cauldron expects and tells them to do in the end because "Sarah's a fated mates author", and because that's what they've been doing their whole lives prior to encountering each other?
Can't people connect the dots and see the real pattern of her books? Because it's pretty frickin' obvious to me.
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"What if the Cauldron was wrong?" is just the beginning of fighting for that HEA.
And I am sorry, not sorry, because as of ACOFAS, ACOSF, and the bonus chapters, there's not a single hint of Elain wanting to bridge the gap with her Cauldron-given mate... But rather a lot of her initiating the bridging of a gap between her and a certain Shadowsinger/Spymaster who confirms in his very own POV that he has feelings for her, but has been trying to stay away because he struggles with feelings of unworthiness - especially because a damned Cauldron gave her to another on top of that.
So if Elain's choosing anyone, it won't be because of any mating bond. No, Elain...
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I may be primarily pro Elriel but I'm also pro-Lucien, so I want him to be happy too. I just think he deserves someone who readily wants and chooses him back, mating bond or not... So I am pretty sure he's asking the very same questions Az is asking. Sure, Elucien can still happen -there's just going to have to be a great deal of retconning, including ignoring all the build-up and crumbs Sarah has scattered throughout her books to make it feel unforced. But just like with Rhys' or Tamlin's etc. parents, not everyone accepting their mating bond is going to guarantee a HEA. And once Lucien finds out about his true parentage and the truth about the Cauldron, now that he's an exile with no High Lord to submit to... I'm pretty sure he's going to start finally fighting about what he truly thinks is right and his own freedom to choose and to love - something he didn't get to do for Jesminda. And no, it wouldn't be through a Blood Duel for a mate that was "thrown at him".
So there's no need for "I just want ______ to be happy" or "_____ doesn't deserve ______." Because none of these 3 are going to end up without a HEA in an SJM book where a character can barely stay dead for longer than 3 minutes.
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goldenivy0 · 2 months
It's NOT that simple!
For every time I see a comment saying "I hope Lucien and Elain can be extremely happy together in the future, he deserves his HEA after everything he's been through and Elain too", I also see someone answering "What do you mean? He can have his HEA even if it's not with Elain, and Elain can also have her HEA with someone she chooses for herself" (you know who they're referring to with this lol).
Well... yes... but at the same time not really?? To what extent would that be a true HEA for the two of them? Elucien's situation and E/riel's situation are two completely different things. Rejecting a mating bond with your fated mate is something completely different than ending a situationship (yes, that's what E/riel have at the moment, a situationship... and a shaky one may I add).
In SJM's world, finding your mate is the peak of fulfillment when it comes to your romantic life, she believes in soulmates and the fated mates trope is a focal point in all her works.
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What I take from this: finding your mate is a blessing and having a mating bond with someone makes you have such a deep connection with that person that any other romantic relationship you might have with another (even if it's a whole marriage!) is insignificant in comparison. So yeah... imo this just further proves this notion that there's nothing greater than a mating bond in SJM's universe. Having a mating bond with someone and experiencing it with that person is the happiest of HEA there can be, according to text SJM wrote herself.
Why would you want Elain to experience just a standard HEA (with Az or anyone else) when she can have the happiest of HEA with her mate (who is a great guy btw, so don't try to compare their case with Tamlin's parents or Rhys's parents cause that's bs)? And the same applies to Lucien and Azriel. Don't tell me "Oh BuT ElAiN sAid ShE DiDn'T WaNt a MaTe" cause my dear friend, right after that Elain also said she didn't want a male and Azriel is a male. A male she was willing to kiss and whom you claim she's in love with. So I just wonder, if she apparently changed her mind about that, who are we to say that she didn't or can't also change her mind about not wanting a mate?
You're telling me that Elain shares a mating bond with Lucien but she will simply ignore that to be in a relationship with Azriel without ever asking herself "what if"? "What if I had given me and my mate a chance?". Azriel will never ask himself "what if I find my mate one day"?? You're telling me that SJM will write a book where Elain is SO in love with Azriel that she won't even look at Lucien with whom she has such a deep connection that's unlike any other?
When we compare Lucien and Azriel's situations individually, they are NOT the same. For Lucien, if Elain rejects the bond, that's permanent! There will never be someone better for him than Elain, his mate. There will never be a greater connection for him with anyone else than the one he lost with this rejection. For Azriel, if Elain ends things with him, there's still a chance he'll find his mate (people speculate he already did but that's for another day), there's still a chance he'll find this person with whom he will share a connection so deep that it makes whatever he felt for Elain seem insignificant (canon lol).
When it comes to Elucien, it's a whole mating bond that's at stake, a pull that they will both feel for the rest of eternity even if rejected, and that's why so many people wish things to go well between them, that's why people want them to find their HEA together. Just like @olenvasynyt once said, let's not treat Elucien's situation as if they were part of some tinder blind date that went sour. PLEEEASE 🙏🏼
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fuckyestherest · 2 months
Creator Highlight - Week 14
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Welcome to our Creator Highlight Week 14!
Every week, we’ll use this space to recognize the amazing individuals in our fandom who kindly use so much of their free time and creative energy to share their work with us and bring our imaginations to life via writing, art, visuals, and many other creative mediums. 
This week we want to highlight @climbthemountain2020, an incredible multi-talented creator of fics, art and mood boards. She excels at writing both original characters as well as for established ships within the fandom. Her OCs have substance, humor, and heart that makes them unique and pairs so well with beloved canon characters like Eris and Tamlin.
She also imbues life and creativity into less written about ships within the fandom including her Helion and Lady of Autumn fic. With suspenseful plots and deep dives into her characters, she’ll keep you on your toes. She brings her same creativity and love for each character to her art, depicting ships like Azris as well as more popular ships such as Feysand and Elucien, as well as depicting individual characters as well.  
“She is not only one of the nicest, most supportive people in this fandom, she also is so talented. CC is a true multi-shipper and writes for so many different ships and does all of them so well!”  
“I trust CC to build a beautiful world with intricate details within the setting and the characters … as well as to make me feel such painful heartbreak, only her love for a HEA is able to rescue me. How can so much talent fit into such a kind person?!”
“She was one of the first people in the fandom to reach out to me and share support for my stuff when I was still nervous and new. In addition to the writing she does, she’s just genuinely a very nice person who cares about making others feel included.”
Thank you for all you give to this fandom, @climbthemountain2020! We look forward to whatever you create next!  
Below are a few favorites from CC. 
Hope of Spring | Tamlin x OC 
Flame of Autumn | Eris x OC 
Love You Like Oxygen | Helion x Lady of Autumn
Contact | Azris Art
Lady of Autumn | Azris Art
Tilly | OC Moodboard   
Killer + The Sound | Azris Moodboard
Thank you for all your incredible work and for being a positive, kind, funny voice in this fandom. You bring us all so much joy and we are so glad you’re part of this fandom and all of our lives!  
You can find more of @climbthemountain2020 on her Ao3 and Masterlist!
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climbthemountain2020 · 7 months
Hope of Spring - Chapter 20
Find also on Ao3 :) Find Ch. 19 here!
The morning of their wedding was frigid, and when Penny awoke, legs pulled up to her chest and Tamlin running like a furnace at her back, she was more tempted than ever to call the whole thing off and stay in bed the rest of the day. The tongue Tamlin languidly ran along the column of her neck once he sensed her waking only doubled her resolve.
He worked his way around to her ear, giving the lobe a nibble as she arched her back and sighed contently, reaching behind her to grab for him. She heard his breath stutter as her cold fingers snuck past the waistband of his pants.
“Are you positively sure we need to get out of bed, High Lord?” She mumbled, voice still thick with sleep.
“Well, my mate, if you’d like to also become my wife, we will have to leave at some point today. Unfortunately, I also think some of our many guests might come harass us if we didn’t show up to our own wedding.” Penny grumbled halfheartedly as he kissed back down her neck, running his teeth lightly over her shoulders and slipping a hand across her abdomen to sweep across her breasts.
“But I can think of so many other ways we could use this time.” she purred, rolling over to run her fingers down the planes of his stomach and tug his pants down his thighs.
“Sunshine, is this meant to be a wedding gift or a distraction?” He groaned as her fingers slipped around the base of him and grasped tightly.
“Why not both?” She grinned devilishly as she slipped below the covers, planting kisses down the expanse of his chest as she lowered herself.
“I will absolutely never turn you down, but should I be offended that you aren’t more excited for our wedding?” He lifted the covers to look down at her, raising a brow in concern. She relished the way he had to close his eyes as she ran her hand up and down the length of him, licking a long stripe up and back down.
“I am excited. But I already get to wake up in a warm bed on a cold morning with the love of my life. Forgive me if I would prefer that to entertaining the countless guests waiting for us.” She slipped the tip of him into her mouth and he growled through his teeth, letting his head fall back against the pillows. “Would you like me to stop so that you can go say hello to your bat boy band?” She finished her sentence and dove, swallowing him as far down as possible and making up the difference with her hand.
“Please don’t talk about the Night Court with my cock in your mouth.” He complained breathlessly, all air leaving his lungs as all thought left his head. “Fuck, Penny.” She swirled her tongue beneath him as she took him in and out, twisting one hand around him and gripping his thigh with the other.
She pulled off with a pop just to look him in the eyes and lowly say, “Yes, sir.” Tamlin practically combusted. She lowered herself back down and got to work, hollowing out her cheeks with each pull, letting his breathy moans spur her on. He gathered her hair in his hands and pulled it up off her face as she gave him an appreciative look from beneath lowered lashes.
“Gods, I’ll never tire of this. You’re perfect. Absolutely perfect.” He mumbled, his eyes closing again as he let the feelings overtake him. She hummed with satisfaction and the vibrations sent him arching. She took her hands off him and let him guide her movements now that she knew he was close. “Penny, I’m going to–” She hummed again and took his thrusts as deeply as she could, looking up into his eyes as he furrowed his brows and his movements stuttered. He called out, coming down her throat in sharp bursts.
“Gods.” He sighed quietly, eyes closed, as she removed him from her mouth and licked her lips.
“Happy wedding day, love.” She smiled at him wolfishly as she flopped towards the edge of the bed. Tamlin made a mad grab for her ankle and just barely missed.
“Where do you think you’re going, Sunshine?” He growled darkly at her, the lust still apparent in his eyes.
“I, for one, have to get ready for my wedding.” She taunted with a smile as she walked towards the bathroom. “You have to go find your merry band of bats and start getting ready, as well. Now shoo! There’s always tonight.” She winked at him impishly and shut the door to the bathroom as Tamlin groused and pulled on his pants.
“You’re walking a dangerous line, my High Lady!” He called through the door, shuffling through his drawers for a shirt to wear. She swung open the bathroom door, entirely naked and looking flushed.
“High Lady?” She asked, looking for all the world like a startled deer in the woods.
“Yes…” He looked at her with confusion. “You…don’t want to be High Lady?”
“I just–I hadn’t thought. I don’t know, I just assumed I would be Lady of Spring for now. I’ve barely been here a year. Won’t they think it odd for me to be a High Lady? I’m still learning.” Tamlin walked over to her, pulling her into his arms tightly.
“Certainly it did not stop Feyre.” She whacked his chest and he chuckled. “The people here love you. They consider you one of them. But I can understand where you’re coming from, too. I want you to be my equal in all things, though. It doesn’t have to be today, but consider it for the future. I want to make sure you’re respected as a decision-maker as much as I am.” He leaned down to kiss her. “Remember, this was thrust upon me, too. I want you to want it, but I won’t force you to take it.”
“Are you trying to pawn your job off on me?” She shoved him lightly, laughing.
“Keep it in mind.” He kissed her once more, slipping the shirt over his head and walking towards the door. “We have time. See you at the wedding?” She lifted a hand to wave at him.
“I’ll be the one in white.” She smiled as he closed the door to make his way down to the study where his friends would be waiting.
The ceremony was absolutely beautiful, Tamlin had to admit. Feyre, ironically enough, had planned this particular Spring wedding, and with much more enthusiasm than the last one. With Elain’s help, they’d selected the most beautiful flowers to string around the backyard. The rows of chairs were set up by the garden, and peonies and hyacinths bordered the path leading up to the gazebo where they’d say their vows. Though they’d opted to invite all of Spring to the reception following, the ceremony was strictly for High Lords and close friends. Feyre had worked with Eris and Tilly to put up warm shields around the ceremony area, keeping the frigid temperatures at bay for the guests and participants.
Tamlin was nervous, and he couldn’t quite put into words why. He was already mated, for Cauldron’s sake. This was just a ceremony, but he couldn’t stop wringing his hands at the altar. The priestess gave him a knowing smile and whispered “Don’t be nervous, she’s so excited they could barely contain her until the start of the ceremony.” He breathed out a laugh. That sounds like Penny.
Suddenly, music filled the air and the guests sat. They had opted to not have a traditional wedding party; just the two of them up there with all their friends in attendance was enough for them. He shook out his hands one last time and turned to face the aisle.
There, in the setting sun of the late afternoon, was his mate. Shrouded in rays of light, she looked every bit an angel. The breath whooshed out of Tamlin’s lungs like he’d been hit, and he was distantly aware that tears had begun running down his face. But the delight in her eyes rooted him to the spot. She looked at him like he’d hung the moon, and he could tell she was using all her willpower not to sprint down the aisle to him. His lovely, impatient Penny.
Her white lace dress was delicately crafted to hug the soft curves of her body. The arms fell off her shoulders, draping gossamer across the neckline and down to her wrists. She looked like an ethereal being, plucked from the heavens above. And she was marrying him today.
Briefly, he heard Rhys mutter from the front row “Maybe I should winnow to the aisle with a crack of thund–OW!” Feyre had hit him, and both Penny and Tamlin fought unsuccessfully to hold their laughter.
When Penny reached him, she all but ran the last two steps to take his hands and press a quick kiss to his lips. The priestess cleared her throat and smiled.
“Oh, sorry.” Penny blushed and stepped back.
They repeated after the priestess, smiles so large they felt like they may crack their faces in two. The giddy air of joy surrounded them both, and Tamlin wondered if he’d ever been so happy as he was in this moment. The priestess wrapped their hands in ribbon as they both said the words “You are mine, and I am yours. From this day, until the last of our days, and then on into eternity.” Finally, the priestess allowed them to kiss, and Penny refused to keep it chaste this time as a chorus of hoots came from their friends .
The Spring Court manor was lit up from within and the party overflowed to the outside, too. Since rumors had flown that the manor had been restored to its former glory, everyone who could possibly make the trip had done so, curious to see the rebuilt manor and its new lady. Penny felt like she’d spent the better part of the last few hours meeting new people and dancing with her husband and friends, and her feet were absolutely killing her. She plopped down into a chair near the doors to the back veranda, open to the guests, and sighed contentedly. She’d never allowed herself to imagine what a wedding might look like for her one day, but this certainly would have outdone any wild imaginings.
Tamlin, shirt undone and definitely a bit more than tipsy, jogged over to her and sat down with a great breath.
“You stopped dancing!” He said, panting.
“Yes, about the time you joined the dance line with Cassian and Lucien. My feet feel like they might collapse.” Without another word, he hefted her foot up onto his thigh, knocked her shoe off and began pushing his thumbs deep into the arch of her foot. She let her head drop back and couldn’t stop the groan that escaped her.
“Keep that up and you’ll have your work cut out for you tonight,” she laughed.
She looked out across the floor at their court and friends, mingling, dancing, taking in the manor, and she was proud to call this home. Her friends took up the majority of the dance floor, all a bit tipsy, save Elain, who had come to Spring for the wedding ceremony, then promptly returned to Night to eat some cake Penny had sent her with and lay back down. Lucien had winnowed her back then returned to the revelry at her insistence. Elain was in the final stretch of her pregnancy now, and Penny couldn’t honestly believe she’d left the Night Court at all. But Elain had searched her visions for weeks beforehand, deemed it was safe for her to attend her friends’ wedding, and then nothing could sway her otherwise.
“Did Lucien say Elain made it back safely?” Penny asked.
“Yep, he left her on a big fluffy couch, in a nest of big fluffy blankets, with a plate of food and a slab of cake.” He laughed. “I can’t believe she insisted on coming.”
“Gods, me either. When that’s me, you won’t catch me moving off this property.” She chuckled, but Tamlin’s hands had frozen on her foot. She realized what she’d said then shot up to look at him, seeing nothing but shock and hope in his eyes.
“Is that…you want…do you want that?” He stuttered through the question.
“Of course I do. Don’t you?” He nodded so quickly and violently that she marveled how he hadn’t strained his neck.
“I wasn’t sure. You’d never said. And I would never have asked. I just want you to be happy. You’re all I ever need, Penny. But it would be the honor of my life to be the father of your children.” Silver lined his eyes as he leaned in to press a kiss to her lips.
“I’m happy to start as soon as this war is behind us.” She smiled contentedly and leaned back. “Though we can certainly practice before then.” She raised an eyebrow at him and then looked to the dancefloor, her friends and family dancing in one massive cluster, throwing their heads back in laughter as they pressured a stammering and blushing Eris into some sort of choreographed routine, Tilly cackling and clapping nearby.
She was so thankful for this group of people that she’d found in the last year–against all odds, considering the history between them all. To see them all here, in Spring, at Tamlin’s wedding was a miracle in and of itself. And to see the joy radiating off all of them while they danced wildly, laughing and celebrating, brought tears prickling at the back of her eyes.
“You okay?” Tamlin asked softly beside her.
“More than okay. This is….” She exhaled, gesturing out to the dance floor. “This is more than I ever dared to imagine or hope for.” She gripped his hand tightly in hers. “Thank you, Tam.” The emotion threatened to choke her words back down her throat. He pulled her close to his side, leaning his temple down to rest on her head.
“You are responsible for all this joy, Penny. All this happiness. All these people are here because of you.” She closed her eyes and swallowed.
A partial vision flashed behind her lids, fragmented as they always were when she didn’t have Elain’s powers at present. They were just flashes, like an ill-lit slide show, but the scenes made her grin with joy. Children, of all ages, running up and down the hills of Spring. Two of them, both with wings, taking flight over a willow tree, one of which held a giggling redhead girl pretending to fly while grasped in his arms. A small blond on the shoulders of a tall boy with inky black hair, running to catch up with the rest. Two blonds and a girl with hair of fire, followed by another winged girl, punching each other on the shoulders as they laughed uproariously and ran up the hills in a group. The vision was gone as soon as it had started, but the glee threatened to burst her heart.
She grabbed Tamlin’s hand and stood. “Come, let’s sneak off. We’ve got unfinished business, husband.” She said suddenly, conspiratorially, waggling her brows. His eyes lit up immediately, and he stumbled to his feet. He took off after her down the hallways of their manor, giggling like kids as their court and friends and family continued to dance the night away.
Outside, as the first lights of dawn started to color the far horizon, the first snowflakes of the year began to fall.
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sad-scarred-sassy · 3 months
I read this post by @acourtofthought talking about the selective feminism of elriels who say they are better because they want “what Elain wants”.
This is such a toxic thing to do in fandom, and it is funny how it doesn’t even make sense for them.
I commented that the whole “Elain wants Azriel” is a very bad argument for elriel. In a full fledged, compelling story, what a protagonist think they want at the start isnt what ends up happening…
Feyre wanted freedom to paint while caring for her dad at the start of ACOTAR.
Feyre wanted to marry Tamlin at the start of ACOMAF.
Nesta wanted to continue drinking alone and having sex with strangers at the beginning of ACOSF.
Elain wants to kiss Azriel in the beginning of her story.
As you can see the pattern is against it. This is not just an SJM pattern, its a literary pattern.
The story needs to teach the main characters something, they get a HEA but not in the way they planned. Why would Elain’s story start with her wanting Az and end with her getting Az? thats just a secondary plot line. Where is her lesson? Her character growth? Her struggle to face what she has to?
Elriels really try to shame fans of Elucien with supposed moral high ground. If we are talking morality, then instead of focusing on what Elain wants as a character, we should be focusing on which characters actually treats her with respect as an individual with thoughts, wishes, desires and flaws. In which case, that is Lucien.
He has not tried to push this bond on her, has respected her space, has empathized with her struggle, he understands she doesn’t want a bond, he’s the only character to give her credit for her actions. He canonically thought about her wellbeing and her health. I can go on but you get the gist.
In the other hand Azriel has canonically gone against her wish to help, treating her like everyone else treats her, he admitted to only thinking about fantasies he has with her and not much else, he has diminished her as “the third” sister in his conversation with Rhysand discussing her. Again I can go on.
We are all tired of this ship war, and everyone is entitled to ship whoever they want, but one thing I hate is the moral high ground they want to push and gaslight people into believing. When I was an actual new fan I remember doubting my beliefs because of these false elriel takes. So if you are a new elucien fan trying to simply exist without people criticizing your morality I wanna let you know you are good, you are not a bad person, let’s have fun shipping the most adorable characters in this series together!!
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toolsofmyenemy · 2 months
Wait so a dark fic where Elain is in an extremely toxic and abusive relationship with an approved character is fine but an AU where it is Elain not Feyre that falls in love with Tamlin and they have a healthy relationship with an hea is not fine?
Make it make sense.
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gwandas · 4 months
The most basic reason why Elucien/Gwynriel will end up being endgame over E1ri3l is because SJM will never leave her characters single at the end of a series.
Canon Pairs
Kallias x Viviane
Thesan x ???
Beron x LoA (dead man walking though)
Speculative Future Pairs
Vassa x Jurian
Helion x LoA
People left untethered (for now)
E1ri3l throws EVERYTHING off. It leaves Gwyn and Lucien stranded, unless you think SJM is gonna toss them together out of nowhere. Or throw Gwyn at Eris, Tarquin, or Tamlin, which would be insane actually.
Emerie could theoretically be an option to pair off with the men since she’s implied to be bisexual, but Mor prefers women and that would leave her stranded.
She’s not gonna shove Lucien and Vassa together because she’s not bold enough (à la Holly Black) to pair an immortal with a human, unless she decides to make Vassa immortal. But that leaves Jurian stranded, and I don’t see her doing TWO immortal x human couples.
Eris is either going to be gay and given some nameless/irrelevant partner like Thesan or he’s gonna get a new female character and love story made just for him. All depends on how big of a role he gets in the future.
I’m still convinced she’s killing off Tamlin (because she hates him), but if not he’s in the same boat as Eris. Tarquin is also in that boat.
SJM is a lazy writer first and foremost. She is going to take the EASY way out, which is pairing off the Valkyries with IC members to give everyone in the Night Court a HEA. She’s going to stick with her mates as she always does and keep Elucien together. What she WON’T do is make a bunch of crackships canon just to make E1ri3l work out.
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acourtofthought · 7 months
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If SJM wrote that Tamlin didn't deserve Feyre and Graysen didn't deserve Elain that must mean she feels certain males DO deserve the females in these books.
SJM must have thought Rhys deserved his mate despite a super rocky start and Feyre not initially wanting him but he proved himself worthy of her love and he got his HEA.
She must have thought Cassian deserved his mate despite Nesta pushing him away on multiple occasions. He too proved himself worthy of her love and got his HEA with her.
Why would she believe anything different for Lucien? Especially when the author has written it so he's proven himself worthy of Elain time and again AND in the most recent book made sure to have Rhys call out the competition (Az) for his unworthy behavior.
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