mavilisiir · 2 months
Elim, Samiri'yi boğan iplik
Samiri , nasipsiz rezillik
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bağrını kussa
firavun imana gelir,
Gözü dönmüş zalim düvel
cana kıyan kanlı bir el
gün geçtikçe kinlenir !
Bir gün bir âsâ gelir
zalime zulmü verir.
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unveil-morocco · 1 month
Exploring the Enchanting City of Tetouan, Morocco
Nestled in the serene hills of northern Morocco, Tetouan is a hidden gem just waiting to be discovered. This city, steeped in rich history and vibrant culture, offers a unique blend of Moroccan and Spanish influences that create an atmosphere unlike any other. From its charming medina to stunning natural surroundings, Tetouan captivates visitors with its beauty, heritage, and warmth.
The Historical Medina
At the heart of Tetouan lies its UNESCO World Heritage-listed medina, a maze of narrow, winding streets filled with the scents and sounds of local life. As you step into the medina, you'll be transported back in time to the 15th century, when the city flourished as a center for trade and culture. The intricately designed buildings showcase traditional Moroccan architecture, adorned with colorful tiles and ornate wooden doors.
Make sure to visit the Place Hassan II, a bustling square surrounded by cafes and shops, where you can sip mint tea while watching the world go by. Spend your day exploring the artisan shops, where you’ll find beautiful handmade crafts, from pottery to textiles, that make for perfect souvenirs.
The Royal Palace
Another highlight of Tetouan is the Royal Palace, or Dar El Makhzen, a stunning example of Moroccan architecture. Although entry is not permitted, the exterior alone is worth the visit, showcasing intricate tile work and impressive arches set against lush gardens. The palace is a reminder of Tetouan's historical significance as a former capital of the Spanish protectorate, and it serves as the official residence of the Moroccan king when he visits the region.
The Art Museum
For art enthusiasts, the Tetouan Museum of Modern Art offers a glimpse into the contemporary creative scene of Morocco. The museum hosts a variety of exhibitions featuring local artists and is housed in a stunning building that reflects the city’s architectural charm. It’s a great place to appreciate the artistic talent of Tetouan and its surroundings.
The Culinary Delights
No visit to Tetouan would be complete without indulging in the city's culinary offerings. With its mix of Mediterranean and Moroccan flavors, the local cuisine is a feast for the senses. Don’t miss the opportunity to try tagine—a slow-cooked stew that comes in various flavors—or couscous, often served on Fridays as a traditional meal. For a sweet treat, sample chebakia, a sesame pastry drizzled with honey, available in many local patisseries.
Natural Beauty
Venture beyond the city to discover Tetouan’s breathtaking landscapes. The surrounding mountains and valleys provide excellent opportunities for hiking, while the nearby Tamuda Bay boasts beautiful beaches for sunbathing and water sports. The stunning coastline, with its azure waters and sandy shores, is perfect for a day of relaxation or adventure.
Tetouan is a city that encapsulates the essence of Morocco’s rich heritage and captivating culture. Whether you’re wandering through its ancient medina, savoring delicious local cuisine, or exploring its stunning natural surroundings, Tetouan promises an unforgettable experience. With its unique blend of history, art, and culinary delights, this enchanting city is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in the beauty of Moroccan culture. Plan your trip to Tetouan, and discover the warmth and charm of one of Morocco's most fascinating cities.
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latribune · 3 months
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hotelsescape · 10 months
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maroc-news · 1 year
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6yuns · 2 years
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ksksksrahrah · 3 years
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tangledwing · 5 years
Looking up into his human’s face, he reaches high, begging to be picked up. The caretaker tries to be strict—he’s supposed to be teaching Tamuda how to fend for himself—but the plea is too much to resist. As any good pangolin mother would do, he lifts Tamuda up and cradles him.
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emrahcinik1-blog · 5 years
The History of the Hair Transplant
The issue of sparseness has influenced mankind as written history has made notes about people groups' absence of hair. Just in the previous 200 years have we had the option to take care of the loss of our hair through the hair transplant? In 1822, German medicinal school understudies and Professor Unger effectively expelled hair from one point on a scalp and transplanted it in another area. Never again did we need to go uncovered and do nothing about it.
Before the finish of the nineteenth Century different methods including unions and hair-bearing skin folds were utilized to treat horrible alopecia. Notwithstanding these medicinal methods, voyaging sales reps advanced tonics that could re-grow hair however these sold dreams more than real hair.
It wasn't until the 1930s that we start to see the establishments of present day medication's response to sparseness in Japan with crafted by Dr. Okuda. This dermatologist made a uniting system that utilized round segments of hair-bearing skin picked up from a punch strategy concentrated on helping consume unfortunate casualties re-grow hair. Another Japanese dermatologist, Dr. Tamura decreased the size of the unions to one to three hairs for better outcomes. These methods were lost during World War II, yet they were before long rediscovered and utilized in the West.
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In the United States by 1952 as Dr. Norman Orentreich demonstrated the connections of 'contributor strength' and 'beneficiary predominance' in fruitful transplant medical procedures. Effective medical procedure relied upon the giver being more prevailing than the beneficiary, yet American examinations additionally demonstrated that hair sparseness was an acquired condition that could be treated with transplants. As indicated by the examination of contributor predominance, it was a rule that communicated why transplanted hair would keep on displaying the qualities of the hair from where it was taken. Whenever taken from the side of the scalp, the hair will keep on developing as hair from the side of the scalp, yet it would keep on developing in territories of the scalp that were diminishing or totally uncovered.
The confinement on this strategy was the absence of a characteristic hope to transplanted hair.
The huge unions utilized during the 1970s ended up known as 'attachments', and hair plugs a negative term for a hair transplant. Confinements on innovation and strategy had extreme, now and then unrefined outcomes for Orentreich's patients, and this made a social shame related with hair transplants. This disgrace was fundamentally due to Orentreich utilizing Okuda's techniques instead of Tamuda's progressively current methodology.
These new perspectives on sparseness made a comprehensive treatment as the total issue was starting to be comprehended during the 1960s. Careful strategies concentrated on moving hair-bearing folds to bare territories, utilizing tissue expanders to help scalp recreation in uncovered zones lastly utilizing bare decrease scalp medical procedure to evacuate bare scalp and supplant it with hair bearing scalp tissue. These strategies still couldn't have the ideal regular look.
These systems set the establishments for present day careful practices that emphasis on wellbeing and regular looking outcomes. Moving far from effectively distinguished fitting transplants, propels in microsurgical methods, for example, smaller scale joining, follicular unit transplantation and follicular unit extraction and instruments have brought about hair transplants that can't be effectively recognized.
By 1984, miniaturized scale unions utilized littler unites as opposed to one long strip bringing about an increasingly characteristic look. Small scale unions were an improvement, yet they were not immaculate. By 1994, Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) was utilized by Drs. Bernstein and Rassman requiring follicular units from a contributor strip for a superior outcome, however requiring additional time and careful ability. By 2000, FUT was the favored strategy for hair transplants.
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In 2005, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) turned into the present technique for hair transplants that utilized an exceptionally minor punch from a contributor strip until the correct numbers of follicles were acquired. FUE turned out to be all the more generally utilized, especially as innovation improved taking into consideration Robotic FUE utilizing an ARTAS Robot for progressively exact and precise outcomes for follicle reaping. The Robot has likewise been utilized in the transplantation procedure for better arrangement of follicles during implantation and in the recuperation times of distinguishing scar regions.
Hair transplants have additionally been combined with new prescriptions like Propecia so as to moderate or even stop balding for far better outcomes. In the previous 30 years, gigantic advances have been made in ceasing male pattern baldness and re-growing hair. As the systems improve day by day, the following 30 years will be extremely fascinating to perceive how innovation and practice will advance.
By Contrast to the ancient Hair Transplanting in modern Era the technology has been replacing human even in the field of medicine but still a well qualified and experienced doctor cannot be ignored and In Turkey Dr. Emrah Cinik Is the well know personality in this Field.
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jimmythedonut · 6 years
(Double Eagle) Battle of the Zophonian Sea
Over the Midwinters, 18.23
They came back early. As if hungry, somehow sensing that they had their enemy on the ropes. Or desperate. That's what Jagdea told herself. The third wave came out over the coast in the early and unnatural dusk, seemingly just as immense as before. How could they have shot down so many of the bastards and there be so little sign of a thinning of their ranks? The remaining eight machines of Umbra Flight climbed with four other Thunderbolt squadrons to nine thousand, and circled in over the archipelago as the enemy formations approached. The other bases had put up their wings. The line was drawn.
Combat began at 18.45. Another new tactic was immediately revealed. Frustrated by the Navy's staunch resistance, the Archenemy had committed the front elements of its bomber waves low, to pattern bomb the islands in the hopes of annihilating the hidden bases there. From its overall heading, this arm of the wave was intending to cross the Straits of Jabez and target Tamuda once the islands were done. The radiant ripples of furious detonations began to light up the southern part of the island chain. The Imperial planes went in amongst the bombers, cutting them out of the air even as they dropped their warloads.
'I don't see any fighters,' Marquall called.
'There'll be fighters,' Blansher said.
Darrow made his eighth kill of the day, then throttled up to join Viltry in an attack on a super-heavy. The tracer patterns were torrential and bright in the stale air.
Jagdea turned in tight. She couldn't see Zemmic or Van Tull in the mayhem, but she could hear them over the link. Blansher and Kaminsky were attacking a trio of Tormentors. She was about to start a run onto Hell Talon when she saw the escort bats coming in across them.
'Bats! Twenty-plus! Two o'clock! Jagdea yelled.
There were Razors. Black and red, a few bright crimson. One pearl-white. The Killer and his circus came on. Two of his wingmen attacked and destroyed a pair of Navy Thunderbolts from the 96th who didn't react anything like fast enough.
'Umbra! Split! Split!' Jagdea ordered and opened her throttle, going for the pearl leader. His evasive roll left her wrong-footed, but she turned hard and tried to get on his tail. He refused to sit, vectoring to port and coming up underneath her. Desperately, she flick-rolled and dropped down around him to his right, but he turned off sharply to port.
For a moment she wondered if she had actually scared him into a break, but then saw in dismay that he'd simply been lining her up for his two crimson wingmen. Serial Zero-Two shuddered as laser bolts went through its wings. Jagdea slammed the stick over and tried to barrel under the Razors, but they were as agile as their master and stuck tight to her tail.
'Throne of Earth!' Jagdea cursed, fighting to break out. Moving far too fast for such close quarters, she almost rammed a Hell Talon, and bled speed miserable as she was forced to duck under it. Another shot clipped her tailfin. Two more ripped through the sensor clusters and her auspex screen flickered and died. She vectored, came round stubbornly and started to climb between a pair of Tormentors that lashed at her with their weapon mounts.
Viltry saw her plight. He pulled away from the super-heavy bomber he had just crippled and lit his burners, spearing down through the bomber formation into the denser smoke.
'Jagdea! Come left!' He called. She turned, but the crimson bats would not let her go. Viltry fired on them and tucked in. He couldn't get a lock. He wasn't going to get them in time.
Blansher and Kaminsky left the bombers alone and stooped after Jagdea too. Kaminsky saw the pearl-white bat first. It seemed to come out of the vapour of fyceline smoke like a spectre, gun-pods flickering. Umbra Two wrenched violently as gaping wounds punched into its tail plane.
'Blansher!' Kaminsky yelled.
Blansher tried to viff, tried to shake it just the way he had taught Kaminsky. But his vector ports were damaged. The white bat fired again, a stream of illuminated shells, and a spray of flames sheathed Blansher's entire tail. The shots had penetrated the tanks of the Thunderbolt's rocket motor and the hypergolic propellants had ignited. The huge thread of flame was greenish-white with intense heat. Blansher started to dive.
Ignoring the white killer, Kaminsky scream-dived after Umbra Two. Blansher's plane was now on fire from nose to tail.
'Get out! Get out, Milan, eject!'
'...can't! I...can't...canopy's jammed!'
The Thunderbolt no longer resembled a plane. It fell like a comet. A meteor. An attenuated ball of fire, almost too bright to look at. But diving with it, Kaminsky could not look away. He knew fire. He knew the terror of a burning plane all too well. Blansher started screaming. The fire was inside the cockpit now. The voice on the vox no longer seemed human. Kaminsky was strangely relieved when the inferno hit the sea.
Obarkon watched with curiosity as the Imperial's wingman made the strange choice to follow his burning leader down. How odd. As if there was anything he could do. It rendered the wingman an extraordinarily easy target. Obarkon turned into a dive, feeling the grav armor clench around his body and the cardio-centrifuges throb. He blinked to settle the gunsight focus and put the orange pipper on the wingman's tail.
Attention... Target found.
Just a little more.
A warning sounded. Obarkon glanced up and instinctively raised his nose, losing the target immediately. Shots stripped past him.
'Someone's eager to die,' he muttered
Darrow came in hard and tight, firing as soon as he dared, but leaving it late enough to be in positive range. The white bat pulled out of his line and banked away. Darrow turned and chased it. This wasn't going to be like last time. He wasn't going to run, frantic, in an outclassed machine. He was a Thunderbolt pilot now. The bastard white bat that had slaughtered all of Hunt Flight -- and Heckel too, in a way -- was going to be the one doing the running. A vector-aided roll and a burst of speed put Darrow closer and closer still, despite the enemy's excellent out-rolls. Darrow got two brief locks, but lost them both. He waited for a third.
Interesting, Obarkon thought, his pulse not even drifting in its rhythm. This one has some merit. He flies by the claws. If this had been a quieter hour, he would have enjoyed sport with this child. But this was the day of days, and there was still great work to be done. This duel was over.
The white bat dropped down to an altitude of no more than fifty meters and proceeded to whip in and out of the inlets and bays at speeds that Darrow thought he'd never be able to follow. Every turn threatened to smash them into a sheer cliff or clip a rocky outcrop. He stayed on the bat as long as he could and then was forced to climb by a jutting atoll that he knew he would not otherwise avoid. The white bat let him go over, then sliced up after him, firing. Darrow twisted out, but the bat locked him cold. Then shots sprayed in from a second Thunderbolt.
It was Marquall.
Viltry put all his power into a last turn and fired again. Now at last he disturbed the crimson bats enough to break them from Jagdea's tail. One looped back to engage him.
'Switch out!' Jagdea ordered.
Viltry obeyed. Ignoring the looping attacker, he kept on after the other one, lining up. Jagdea broke wide and turned up to face the threat to Viltry. Viltry opened fire and the crimson bat erupted and came apart. A moment later, Jagdea caught the other one in a head-on attack and ripped it out of the sky.
Marquall's flunked attack gave Darriw time to break. The white bat turned out to meet Umbra Eight.
'I've got him!' Marquall cried. 'I've got a score to settle!'
So have I, thought Darrow. And I wouldn't be so sure that you've got him either.
Marquall fired again, but the Razor rolled on its axis and slid under the fire cone. Marquall banked, exactly the right way, but the white bat had already viffed as it looped, and fell on him. Its gun-pods roared.
Darrow watched in horror as shots tore into the midsection of Marquall's plane.
Marquall wrenched the stick. He saw an engine tube explode off, and felt the airframe shake as rounds went into the hull around him. Two shots buckled his air-mix canisters and punctured the radiator. Two more ripped through his ejector mount and packed chute, shredding the chute and bursting shrapnel from the seat frame. A chunk of metal chopped Marquall's left calf and another whickered up from under the seat itself and punched clean through the meat of his left thigh. He screamed in pain and his bird fell into a sharp dive, but he hauled back on the stick and came up again. There was a track of blood spots glued to the inside of his canopy.
Darrow banked. Wounded, Marquall was dead meat. Darrow hit the throttle and shot across the pearl-white bat, deliberately turning out, drawing his aim. The Razor followed him.
The wounded one wasn't going anywhere. Obarkon knew he should take care of the one with the real merit first. Especially as the child had now made a very basic mistake and lined himself up, vulnerable for the Echelon chieftain's guns. The auto-sight reconfigured. The orange pipper drifted in.
Darrow went low through the atolls. He'd made himself a target for Marquall's sake. Running for his life did not seem like the best way to fight the enemy. But he remembered what Eads had said. Retreat is a hard thing to deal with. but you'll be a better warrior, Enric, if you realize that sometimes that's the only way to win.
'Come on! That's right! Come on! Darrow yelled. 'You couldn't catch me before, you won't catch me now!'
Darrow raced between the islets and the jagging rocks, lifting spray in his wake, flying on pure nerve and instinct. He had no idea how he avoided some obstacles. There was no time to think. The pearl-white bat was right at his heels. It fired twice, three times, missing Umbra Nine and spraying chinks of rock from the island stacks.
By the claws indeed. Such skill. It reminded Obarkon of a chase he'd once enjoyed in the Makanites. Another young pup with promethium in his veins. But the game had to end.
Attention... Target found.
'Goodnight,' said Obarkon, as his hardwired thumbs dug at the trigger paddle.
Darrow heard the target lock shrilling.
'Umbra Eight, for Throne's sake! How long have I got to keep him occupied?'
The pearl-white bat fired. Two shots tore into Darrow's tail fin.
Vander Marquall, travelling at over nine hundred kph, came up over an atoll's flat top, head on. He went right across Darrow's plane and blazed his quads on sustain at the white bat dead ahead. The furious fire needed no angle of deflection. Obarkon's machine flew straight into it, without any time to evade. For a millisecond, the pearl-white Razor deformed. It's multipunctured hill shredded. Stress fractures peeled away armour like dead skin. The blitzing cannon shell vaporised the pilot. Then the engine and weapons batteries detonated in a cataclysmic flash.
Marquall rode out of the sheet of fire and came clear on the other side. Fluttering hunks of pearl-white armour scattered wide and rained down across the lagoon. 'I think,' said Vander Marquall,' that makes me an ace.'
Over the Midwinters, 19.30
Darrow climbed back into the raging air brawl.
'I thought we'd lost you, Nine.' Jagdea voxed.
'Copy Leader, I'm okay. Marquall's been hit. I told him to turn for home.'
'Copy that.'
'Umbra lead, he got the bat. He stung the white bat. Definite kill.'
Jagdea rolled Zero-Two through the streaming tracer. That news was the only thing worth smiling about she'd heard all day.
The sky was full of aircraft and fire, like some great scene of damnation on a templum frieze. With Viltry turning high to her left, she stooped into the pandemonium and started to avenge Blansher.
Lucerna AB, 21.00
It was now almost dark, and strangely quite. The third wave had faltered and broken half and hour before, and some gut instinct told Bree Jagdea that there would be no fourth wave. Not that day. The fitters had to almost carry her out of her battered Thunderbolt. Zemmic and Van Tull had just landed. Van Tull, sneezing blood, had lost a third of one wing. Viltry and Kiminsky sat with their backs to the hangar wall, drained of all strength.
She crouched down with them. She wanted to speak, but there was nothing to say and no effort left to say it with anyway.
Darrow was last back. He had taken fifteen of the enemy. A triple ace.
He climbed out of his aircraft, dropped his helmet from his trembling fingers, and made the sign of the blessed aquilla. The sacred double eagle.
'Commander?' he called out. 'Commander Jagdea?'
She rose. 'What's the matter, Darrow?'
'Where's Marquall?' he asked.
Over the Straits, 21.01
Still flying level and true, Thunderbolt serial Nine-Nine Double Eagle crossed the Straits of Jabez at six thousand meters, cruising, with the fuel dwindling in its tanks. The ocean lay before it. Vander Marquall sat in his seat, his head hung forward slightly.
The vox crackled. 'Umbra Eight? Umbra Eight? This is Lucerna Operations, do you copy?
Marquall did not answer. The damaged air-mix system had filled his cockpit with carbon dioxide over half an hour earlier.
The plane flew on, true to its nature at the very last, out across the ocean and into the folds of the night.
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sahara-challenge · 2 years
19.9.2022 1. Tag
Gestern war noch ein sehr angenehmer Tag zum Ausspannen. Am Nachmittag die Unterlagen ausgefasst, danach Fahrzeugabnahme. Hat alles anstandslos geklappt.
Beim anschließenden Welcomedinner gab es eine Schweigeminute für die Queen. Mehr können sie nicht tun, entschuldigen sich die Veranstalter, da alle Hotels und Tickets gebucht sind...
Zufällig saßen wir am selben Tisch, wie der Chairman von HERO-ERA. Ein absolut sympathischer Typ. Er fährt den 15.000ccm American le Francis mit Startnummer 0, wohl außerhalb der Wertung.
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Heute ging es dann richtig los.
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Erst ein paar schöne Bergstraßen, dann weniger schöne Rumpelpisten mit Schlaglöcher und alles, was Autos eher nicht mögen. Egal der alte Schwede hat es bestanden.
Als wir aber wieder auf einer Landstraße dahin fuhren konnte ich plötzlich kein Gas mehr geben.
Der Fehler war schnell gefunden: eine Schraube vom Gasgestänge hat sich gelöst. Das Problem war aber, dass die Schraube ganz unterm Vergaser lag, wo es extrem heiß und noch mehr eng war.
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Hier liegt das besagte Teil oben, musste aber ganz nach unten. Zum Glück fanden wir die dazugehörige Mutter noch im Motor und konnten sie mit einem Magnetgreifer herausfinden. Nach mehreren verbrannten Fingern und Fehlversuchen gelang es, die Schraube zu fixieren und anzuziehen. Als das gerufene Mechanikerteam ankam, packten wir bereits wieder alles zusammen.
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Bis am Abend hat es jedenfalls gehalten...
Letztlich kamen wir noch rechtzeitig zur Fähre und konnten unsere Reise nach Afrika antreten.
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Die Zollmodalitäten waren wie immer mühsamst und zeitraubend, aber endlich doch bewältigbar...
Nach der Fähre wies uns ein Engländer trocken darauf hin, dass seit Malaga(!) rechts vorne eine Radschraube fehlt. So ein Sch...! Habe in Malaga noch die hinteren getauscht und die Ausgetauschten in Gernots Auto, das in Malaga blieb, gelegt. Wer hätte angenommen, dass wir noch eine brauchen? Ich jedenfalls nicht...
Nach der Fähre wurde es schon recht dunkel, was das Fahren sehr erschwert und die letzten 88 km wurden echt mühsam. Aber Gernot navigiert großartig u d findet selbst dann den rechten Weg, wenn das Routebook einen Fehler hat.
Um halb 11 landeten wir schließlich im Sofitel Tamuda Bay Beach and Spa, hatten ein schnelles Abemdessen und dann nur noch in die Dusche und ins Bett...
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Morgen geht's weiter.
Herzlichst Gernot & Roland
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architectnews · 4 years
Tunisia Architecture News, Buildings
Tunisian Architecture News 2020, North African Building Design, Construction Images, Property, Architects
Tunisia Architecture News
Key Property Developments in North Africa: New Buildings – Built Environment Updates
post updated 12 Dec 2020
Tunisia Building News
Tunisia Architectural News
Tunisian Architecture Designs – chronological list
Tunisia Architectural Projects, chronological:
12 Nov 2019 Dar Hi, Naftah Architects: Matali Crasset photograph : Jérôme Spriet Dar Hi in Naftah, Tunisia Health and Wellness Hotel “Dar Hi is not a hotel nor a classical SPA but more a place where you can experience withdrawal and benefit from a spiritual thalassotherapy a few hours away from Paris and in the middle of the desert”, says Patrick Elouarghi. After the experience of the HI hotel in Nice, now Dar HI in Nefta which is the fruit of the collaboration between matali crasset, Patrick Elouarghi and Philippe Chapelet with a new concept of eco-retreat. Matali literally rose a citadel, from the sand, dedicated to well being.
11 Mar 2018 Sarah Mag Toumi Cultural and Educational Center, El Hencha Architects: Philippe Barriere Collective (PB+Co) photograph © Yosri Boukadida Sarah Mag Toumi Cultural + Educational Center This Cultural and Educational Communal Center is based on social, agricultural, artisanal, and technological innovation. It is managed on social entrepreneurship principles to better answer the needs of women left out of the work force in rural communities. Designed to meet the needs of a rural environment, the mission of the center is to become a place of exchange where innovation and tradition and where social, economic, cultural and environmental coalesce to work together towards revitalization, diversification and empowerment of the regions and fight against desertification.
4 Jan 2017 Colline aux Oliviers, Tunis Architects: Philippe Barriere Collective (PB+Co) photograph : Abderrahmen Ezzine Colline aux Oliviers in Tunis
9 Jan 2017 Mahmud Qabadu Mosque, Djedeida Architects: Philippe Barriere Collective (PB+Co) photograph : Abderrahmen Ezzine Mahmud Qabadu Mosque in Djedeida The mosque has been designed to become a religious and urban landmark playing a central role within the rural community. It is positioned at the center of the two-major axis of the urban development, joining the rural park with the main commercial artery and the two large urban pedestrian plazas (one with shops, the other without). 
18 Sep 2015 + 4 Jul 2014 Revolution Tower Tunis, Square of 14 Janvier, Tunis, Design: Philippe Barriere Collective (PB+Co) image from architects studio – renderings: LMM, Mathieu Grenier Digital Artist Revolution Tower Tunis Initiated by the foundation Symboles, the project is situated at the intersection of two main axes in central Tunis. The project includes the redesign of the Square of 14 Janvier and its surroundings as well as the construction of the World Social Center (WSC) Tower. This project reflects the political will to express the ideological and social changes brought about by the Tunisian revolution that took place between December and January 2011. Supported by competent political authorities, the project was managed within the foundation Symboles by the innovation adviser of Tunisian President Monsef Marzouki and monitored by his cultural adviser.
More Tunisian Architecture News online soon
Architecture in Africa
African Buildings
Guelmim Airport, Morocco Design: Groupe3Architectes photography : Fernando Guerra / FG+SG and Groupe3Architectes Guelmim Airport Building The new Guelmim Airport is situated in an existing military infrastructure located 3km north of the city of Guelmim in the south of Morocco.
The Sofitel Tamuda Bay – A New Resort, M’diq, Morocco Design: Galal Mahmoud, GM Architects image from architects studio The Sofitel Tamuda Bay in Morocco New awards announced for this most recent major project by Galal Mahmoud. The Sofitel Tamuda Bay is located on the northern coast of Morocco about 20 miles east of Tangier.
Radisson Blu in Marrakech, Morocco Design: Atelier Pod image from architecture firm Radisson Blu in Marrakech
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The post Tunisia Architecture News, Buildings appeared first on e-architect.
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latribune · 11 months
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lifeismagnifique · 7 years
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Celebrate the French Riviera lifestyle at Sofitel Tamuda Bay Beach and Spa by experiencing the relaxing So SPA and lively So Beach Lounge while soaking in the Moroccan sun.
Book your own French inspired stay at sofitel.com
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iktichaftravel · 4 years
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You already know Tamuda bay, discover Tibouda beach! Located near Nador, this is definitely one of the most beautiful beaches of Morocco!! #morocco #summer2020 #beach #nador (at Tibouda) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCLT7NPAsxL/?igshid=4c6r7cjrwsgo
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rltmgraphic · 4 years
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Collage Tamuda
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