#tana x reader
mrylin · 3 months
Flaws and All (Tana/ Reader)
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Enjoy this tana x reader story!
Summary: After losing the only person who was next to her every day, Tana is instructed by her cousin to join a grieving group where she meets you.
“You should do it,” Lainey said. Tana bit the nail of her finger on the hand that was holding the phone and fixed her gaze on the floor, taking a deep breath.
She knew that her cousin was right and that maybe joining the grieving group she had researched could be good – even if she was not very inclined to accept the conversation. “Where’s the address again?”
In the same moment she stepped inside the house, she thought about turning back and pretending she was never there. But she would go to the end, since she had promised Lainey that she would attend a first meeting to have an experience and opinion about what was best for her.
In the first few minutes, she wanted to hide anywhere to avoid questions and introductions, especially when they needed to say why they were there. The rehearsed lines of apology and the looks of pity were too much, so she decided to skip her turn and just said her name. The circle continued until it reached the last person.
“Y/n, it’s your turn to speak.”
You bit the inside of your cheek and your eyes never left your hands. Tana, just like everyone who was there, stared at you waiting for you to talk. But she was a little too focused, noticing how your throat seemed to tighten and your hands shook. “I already did it when I arrived here.”
The woman sitting in the chair in the middle took off her glasses and looked at you softly. “I know, but it’s important that we talk about what happened to us so the others know that it’s okay to talk about what happened to them too.”
“I don’t see why.” You raised your head for the first time since the attention turned to you. “What happened to me doesn’t have to influence anyone here.”
She understood your anger and pain at that moment, and later, she understood even more. You had lost everything you loved at once and blamed yourself for what had happened. There wasn’t how you know about what would come next, but the guilt still swept you away — and Tana truly understood.
When the meeting was over, she returned home and told Lainey what had happened. The day hadn’t been the best, but even so she decided that she would go to the next one. She felt that she needed to go, that something good could come out of it. So she went.
Even when you seemed to hate being there, you were always in every meeting, never missing one second. Tana sat on the other side, as far away from you as she could, but her eyes were always focused on you and you alone. And she thought that being discreet was part of all this staring thing she had, but she counted with her luck more than she should have.
The realization that what she was doing was far from being hidden came in the middle a meeting, when the focus was on one of the participants who was neither of you.
You were with your head down, not looking for nobody in the room, just like every other day. Tana changed her eyes between you and those who spoke, squeezing her lips every time she saw some small change in you. At some point between these exchanges, she found your eyes, staring back at her.
Tana felt her heart stop for a few seconds.
You never, in all the times she went to that place, looked at her. She was someone invisible on your eyes, – but everyone seemed to be invisible to you either. She didn’t exist and for a time this was the best thing for her. However, in that very first moment, she was someone.
She didn’t looked at you for the rest of the time and was the first to get up and walk away, going to the kitchen were drinks and food was disposed. And you went in right after. “Hey,”
She swallowed the water hard, feeling it burn her throat. “Hi,” Came out in a choke. Tana cleared her throat and smiled awkwardly at you.
“You seem to be very interested on me in all of these meetings.” You started, and she watched as you took one of the candy’s in the counter. “I always wondered why.”
Even when she felt the shame raising through her body, she didn’t took her eyes off of you. “I- uhm”She started. “I don’t know. You’re just… an interesting person.”
And for the first time, she saw a smile on your face. It was weak and not really the most bigger one, but it was one. “My anger explosions and bad behavior are interesting?” Again, the smile. “Weird think about it this way.”
“Not the way you handle it but, the way you’re always here even when you don’t want to.” She drank the water, trying to put her nervousness down. “You are a great listener even when doesn’t seemed like it.”
Your eyes went for hers and you went silent for a seconds. “If you tell this in that circle people would actually laugh on you.” You bit the inside of your cheek, and she could see the slightest amount of fun in you.
Tana shrugged. “It will only show that they can’t see anything but themselves.”
And then you laughed, and she couldn’t stop herself of doing the same. You didn’t said anything after that little interaction, just left with a last look. Tana stayed for a few more moments, then went home.
She didn’t know that talking with you at that moment would gave her a special place in your life, only figuring it out when she arrived at the meeting and saw the girl who always sat next to you now sitting in her place. It was in that day that something she would call friendship was born.
“And how do you feel about this? About her?” Lainey asked. After getting home just like all the other days in the last couple of months, she called her cousin to talk about everything that was happening. And you became a very known subject.
Tana thought about the question, really trying to look inside herself to answer her in the best way possible. “She is someone I never want to lose,” Came in a whisper.
Lainey sighed on the other side of the line and Tana started biting her nails, waiting for what she would say. “Go after her then. To try. You deserve it, she deserve it.”
“Y/n would never want this. Me and a relationship, I mean.” She pulled one chair and sat, feeling that their conversation would last more than planned. Her head fell against the wall and she stared at the ceiling.
She heard a babbling of children and laughter, before a door went shut. “How do you know this? How do you know that she would never want? She said it?”
Tana’s shoulder went to cover her ear. “I know, Lainey. I’m having this talk-but-never-talking with her and I can see that she doesn’t want this.”
“You told me that she had lost her wife not long before you went to the meeting, it must be fresh, the feelings and the pain.” She said. “But you can’t be around someone you wish without having sure they don’t wish you back.”
Back on biting her nails. “I’ll think about it.” A hum of doubt came from her cousin. “I promise, Lainey.”
And she did, but never said when she would do something.
The type of friendship you had kept the way it was for a long time, but her thoughts never stoped spinning around her talk with Lainey. You were slowly being more and more comfortable around her, letting the hesitation go away little by little. For her, it was good. You talked to her about your life, never too much, but enough for her to get to know you better.
You liked her. She was the first person you talked to after everything. Tana was sweet, a great friend who never judged and was always there. When she came, you could feel yourself getting better. There were days when your loss overwhelmed you, but you were no longer angry all the time.
That’s why you decided to invite her to your house.
Tana hesitated at first, too worried about everything going wrong when she got there, but she accepted anyways. If she wanted to know you better, she would need to do more than sitting by your side at the grieving group and talking at the end of each meeting. Lainey was bothering her every single day for something, and getting close to you would give her this something.
Everything was you. Your house had told her, since she arrived there, that it was yours. Each corner had a piece of you and she felt comfortable there. “It’s beautiful.” She said as soon as you and her sit on the couch, face to face.
You talked to her like every other day, but this time it seemed different, it was different actually. You were on your comfort zone and even not being clear, she knew that you trusted her more for her to be there, then she letted all the hesitation behind and made more questions. She wanted to know and always kept her focus on you, trying to see where too much was too much.
And you were more comfortable than you expected. After inviting her, you thought if you weren’t taking a step bigger than your leg. But Tana was… her. She knew when and how say things, and for some reason you wanted to be around her more, maybe have her as a closer friend. So you were doing it, even when the guilt ate you alive.
She was the first person to be around you after everything, the only who never ran and never asked why you were so angry. She just stood there, understanding what you were going through without really knowing it.
She liked you for you, not for what you showed you were. You didn’t know how she saw more just watching you between boring talks, but you do knew that it was a real feeling.
She liked you with your flaws and all.
and part two is in the works!
i wrote a cam x reader but it just didn’t seem right to me so i deleted it.
i hope you like these just like i liked it!!
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emotionaldepravity · 2 years
Gifting various FE characters Valentines Chocolate...
-Before you would even get the chance to present your gift, Leo would have realized your intentions.
“I hope I’m the only one you are offering that chocolate to. I’d hate to think I’d have to share your affections with someone else.”
-If you can manage to give him the chocolate without becoming too flustered he takes it happily. 
“I have gotten you something as well, [Y/N]. Please from the bottom of my heart, I hope it brings you as much joy as you bring me.”
-Askr would be so excited to be offered any gift, but from you in particular he is very pleased.
“A tribute? Thank you mortal! I am so happy that you would involve me in your Valentine’s ritual!”
-Never having chocolate before, he excitedly tries one. His smile grows and gets somehow brighter after he eats the first piece.
“Here why don’t you eat one as well! You worked so hard on them so we should enjoy the fruits of your labor together [Y/N]!”
-Tana would be extremely flustered.
“For me? Oh wow! Thank you [Y/N]. I’ll cherish this forever!”
-She extends her own handmade chocolates to you. The packaging is extra fancy and regal looking. 
“I was hoping I’d get to give you mine first, but you beat me to it. I promise next year I’ll be first!”
-Tharja would look quite skeptical of the chocolates in your hand. 
“Did you curse them? I know would have if I were you. Why don’t you try one first?”
-Instead of letting you grab one yourself, she shoves a piece chocolate in your mouth. After a minute where nothing happens she decides to reply and offers, a bag of chocolates for you.
“I guess they were safe to eat after all. Huh. And here I put a love potion in yours just to be sure you only had eyes for me, [Y/N].”
Bonus Platonic one for Leif
-Leif would have quite of few chocolates gifted to him already, but he would be happy to accept yours too. 
“Thank you, [Y/N]. I really am happy that I got to see all my friends today.” 
-Leif looks pensively over the mountain of chocolate at his side and then back to you.
“Why don’t you take some of the chocolate yourself, and then lets give some to those who didn’t get any today. I’m sure they would really appreciate it.”
-As you pass them out to others, you notice that Leif had eaten at least once piece out of every set he received. 
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keyotos · 1 year
he does it so well
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summary ⎯ hot things they do.
includes ⎯ dan heng, gepard, blade, sampo, & jing yuan.
tana's words ⎯ struggling with writing requests rn so i wrote something short to clear writer's block. im sorry guys i'll get to them soon i promise 😭
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dan heng
⎯ waits for you before turning the page on a book. he notices that you are reading along with him and waits for you to signal that you're ready before carrying on.
⎯ private > public. he will brush your hand in public but he will be all over you in private. instead of only brushing your hand, dan heng will be brushing up on you. more touchy in private than in public.
⎯ pushes the hair out of your face when it's getting in your way. but he does it in a more sensual way. his fingers graze your lips as he agonizingly drags his hand through your hair.
⎯ long day? melts into your body at night. runs his hands up and down your arms as a way to relieve stress?? leans his head into your neck and sighs so dreamily??? like hello?? lips grazing your neck???
⎯ hot morning voice. raspy and rough. also kind of scratchy. when he tells you, "five more minutes," how could you say no to THAT voice? he knows of this effect and makes sure to use it to his full advantage
⎯ very observant. knows everything you like; knows your routines; knows you. he's the first to compliment you if you got a haircut or new outfit/nails/whatever. it always make you blush bc how is he always the first one to figure these things out?!?@#$%
⎯ gets jealous a little too easily. doesn't do anything verbal about it. opts for being a little more touchy than usual. he thinks it's embarrassing and he wants to hide his face into his pillow when you tease him about it.
⎯ lip biter. not when y'all are kissing, but when he tries to hide his smile or his laugh he bites his lip. you find it so cute and you just want to grab him and just connect your lips with his.
⎯ nerd. hot sexy nerd. he'll tell you about animals and mitosis and python and he's just so intelligent. helps you with problem solving things (probably puzzles idk) and he stands/leans over you with his breath dancing on the back of your neck.
⎯ jawline kisser. if he wants something from you he gives chaste kisses to your jawline. he does that when he's bored too ig. very big on jaw kisses and secretly loves when you flush because of them.
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⎯ blushes when you compliment him. he looks so adorable you just wanna pinch his cheeks and smother him. he gets even more embarrassed
⎯ big domestic guy. ntm on casual stuff or situationships. if he wants you, he'll let you know (even if he's blushing his way through it).
⎯ he is not shy. in the beginning he might be a little shy, but later on the relationship he'll get bolder. chaste kisses on the lips becomes long make-out sessions on his bed after a rather tiring day on the front lines. and if he hasn't seen you in a while... i will let you guys interpret.
⎯ leans down to listen to you. he's literally gigantic and when he LEANS DOWN just to hear what you say... and it's so innocent too but the way you look up at him doesn't make it so innocent anymore...
⎯ pins you to the wall on accident. may or may not be inspired by teenage dream. anyway, he does a lot of hot things on accident and doesn't even realize it. so you are trying not to explode while gepard is enjoying his merry day while caging you underneath him.
⎯ acts like a knight since u always make jokes that he's your "knight in shining armor." so dedicated that he kisses your knuckles out of nowhere and it makes you want to FAINT. like you could be reading and (out of nowhere) he takes your hand away from your book and kisses ur knuckles. AND HE HOLDS EYE CONTACT WHILE DOING IT.
⎯ flirty without knowing it. says something cute and flirty but doesn't realize it until you say something. and he says it so calmly too; like drops it into a convo
⎯ runs a hand through your hair before you two sleep. he just wants to keep you close and he just wants to feel you because he never gets to come home often.
⎯ ROLLS UP. HIS SLEEVES. TO HIS FOREARMS. he does this when he's particularly stressed. like come here i can show you a way to destress (i'm so sorry).
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⎯ he's only shirtless when YOU are around. he trusts you enough to show all of himself around you. you are reliable and trustworthy enough to be able to know the entirety of him: his body, his mind, his past, etc.
⎯ intensely loyal to you. like if he had to choose between the world and you he would obviously choose you. would do anything for you, would buy anything for you, would steal anything for you: you guys get the gist.
⎯ he's so loving only towards you. silver wolf and kafka like to tease him for it (especially silver wolf... bc how can he play a game with you and not her). he does little things for you, like picking lint off of your outfit or pulling your hair back when you're eating something. or pulling your hair back when you're doing something...
⎯ LOVES when you wear his clothing. his shirt his jacket ANYTHING. whatever it is, he will be going crazy for it. has a thing for when you wear his shirts; you just look so good and you're wearing something that's HIS. not anyone else's; HIS SHIRT.
⎯ has a little possessive streak. it's not a weird and overprotective possessive thing tho. more so, "no silver wolf you are not going to force them to play games with you." maybe it's more overprotective than possessive, but secretly he wants you all to himself and he does NOT want to share.
⎯ speaking of being overprotective, he is also just regular protective. he walks on the side near the road so you don't have to. he grabs your arm to pull you away from something dangerous. he shields you so he'll get hit before you. yk, cute stuff like that. your safety is his priority, no matter what.
⎯ he is the type to be like, "who did this to you??" and he WILL be hunting that person down. but not without urgently caring for you first.
⎯ his touch is so filled with emotion, genuineness, earnestness, and sincere. i hc that blade doesn't have much relationship experience and he isn't very wordy, so when he hugs you or touches you, all of his emotions are poured into his hands/fingers/etc. all of what he feels for you (which is very much) is shown in his physical touch.
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⎯ MANSPREADS. i said it. HE IS A MANSPREADER. elbows resting on top of his knees as he says something super coy or flirty towards you, and sometimes you even have to PHYSICALLY avert your eyes away.
⎯ a tease. if you lean in for a kiss, he'll lean backwards. if he's missing you, his fingertips will dance along the bare skin of your sides, and then he'll pull away to make you want him as much as he wants you. he is so INFURIATING.
⎯ if he flusters you and you blush n try to cover your face with something (literally anything), he'll grab whatever you're holding so he could see your face. to him, you look the prettiest when you're smiley and flustered, such as in those situations.
⎯ if you're going on a long tangent about something, he'll kiss you on your lips randomly. he doesn't mind your rambling, he thinks it's adorable, which is why he does it. it always leaves you with your jaw dropped before you could continue what you were saying.
⎯ the type to lock himself in a closet with you but on accident. you guys don't know how you two even got into that situation, but sampo is with you, so he couldn't be happier. big quality time guy.
⎯ brings you little trinkets or gifts based on his "business" adventures. whenever he sees something, he gets it for you. his mind is usually racing about you anyway, so he can't help himself when he develops a spending problem because of you
⎯ sings with you to songs. you could be singing in the shower and then you hear this agitating, grating voice. he's a terrible singer, but he'll do anything as long as you're there with him, so he sings with you anyway.
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jing yuan
⎯ wakes up and the first thing he does is admire you. he studies every single one of your facial features, acting as if he's never seen them before when he wakes up to your face every day. he finds beauty all around you: in your sleeping face, on the bridge of your nose, the pout of your lips when you're asleep. he just loves all of you.
⎯ a flirt and PROUD. he's bold with his quips. not afraid of initiating affection in public but he prefers private which i think is much sexier.
⎯ neck kisser. heavy on neck kisses (especially in the morning). practically an entire body kisser tbh. he can't get enough of you, and in a world where loneliness strives (immortality), he's grateful that he has you for the time being.
⎯ grabs your chin and tilts your head up if he wants you. he doesn't do it forcefully, more like a gentle smush. he locks eyes with you and omfg it makes your heart beat sm. like why are you looking at me LIKE THAT. so sensually or whateva....
⎯ urges you to come closer to him so he can whisper something in your ear. when do you come closer to him, he pulls you by the waist and gets super close to your ear. like lips brushing your ear. and he blows a raspberry in it. so stupid but too lovable.
⎯ lies down in your lap if you two are lounging together. since he's so busy, he doesn't get to lounge around often, so he likes to be as close to you as possible.
⎯ if he wants to kiss you, you will know. not because he'll tell you. but because of the specific LOOK he gives you. his eyes are narrowed under the spell of seduction, focusing only on your lips. his mouth is slightly parted like he is ready to kiss you, and the way he tilts his head down...
⎯ patient for you. will wait for you even when he is dying to feel you once again. he has to deal with yanqing so he holds a lot of patience. but he won't rush you with anything, lets you move at your own pace, and gives you help if needed. overall sweet guy.
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i hope this motivates me into finishing my requests
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jadesturn · 2 months
ik this is random but i have to share this before i forget
we were all at this really expensive resort and matt and tana were like holding hands and kissing
and it felt so real too like i woke up and was genuinely confused on if they were dating or not 😭
then i remembered tana has a bf but i shipped them so hard in my dream like they were such a hot couple
i took way to much melatonin 😔
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writeformesinpie · 2 years
for the game, how about...
corrupt, despicable, delicious, taunt? (or any variation of them!)
love ya!!
None for corrupt or despicable. These are not edited so not sure how it sounds just copying and pasting hehe
“You smell delicious,” he whispers, his tongue trailing down your neck. “How am I supposed to have any self control when you’re dressed like this?”
Diavolo x reader (from the yandere 2k follower event - coming soon)
His lips look delicious so you lean in to give them a taste flicking your tongue against them before he wraps an arm around your neck and up into your hair pulling you into a soft kiss. He tastes like a sunny day, like a walk in an orchid, like a gentle breeze on a summer night. It’s something you could get used to.
Mingyu x reader (This is for the sinful collab that is meant to be coming out in October!!!! ahhh I need to write these quicker lol lol)
Just looking at all its delicious curves and colours has you salivating.
Also from the Mingyu x reader one - am I using delicious too much? 😭
“I’d rather die,” you answer his taunts with clenched teeth, the hours of standing at attention starting to drain you.
Vernon x reader (from the 17 collab with you <3 lol coming December 14th)
The clock’s cruel ticking taunts you as it hangs just below the exit sign as you try in vain to keep your attention on your work. It’s no use. He’s all you can think about.
Diovolo x reader again - his fic is delicious haha
Send me a word from my wip ask game
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mamisfavmosherz · 8 months
The people below are the ones I will 100% write for! Feel free to request other women, tho and I'll let yall know if I'll write for them or not! <3
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~ Coming Soon ~
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~ Coming Soon ~
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~ Coming Soon ~
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~ Coming Soon ~
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~ Coming Soon ~
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~ Coming Soon ~
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~ Coming Soon ~
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• Safiya Nygaard x reader hcs
• Emotions On High (Safiya Nygaard x Reader)
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~ Coming Soon ~
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dumbseee · 6 months
when you’re the one interviewing lando norris for the podcast you co-created with your best friend, the only issue is that you’re his ex.
lando norris x ex!reader.
fc: riley hubatka.
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liked by y/b, yourbestie, ameliadimz and 271 728 others.
cutthecam: guess who’s joining us tomorrow 👀
fan3: how tf did they manage to get him on that podcast?
fan4: it looks like everyone forgot that y/n and lando used to date…
fan5: WHAT
fan6: FOR REAL???
fan7: is y/n doing the interview?? because yourbestie is literally in cabo partying with tana mongeau
fan9: i used to pray for times like this
see more.
i fckg hate you bitch
how could you do this to me??
out of EVERYONE you picked lando??
oops 🤪
no fr i totally forgot i was leaving for cabo
thank me later you’re reuniting with the love of your life
you’re the first name going on my suicide note
i’m not doing it
stop being dramatic omg
you have to be professional
besides mike already confirmed him on the podcast and you doing it
i’d rather bleach my eyes than do it
it’s been YEARS y/n
btw you still call him in your sleep so maybe he didn’t forget you
why would he even say yes??
he’s totally into you
i can smell it
says WHO
we broke up years ago and he got a lot of gfs after me
but it is weird that he said yes to the podcast when he knew i co-created it
i told you
totally in love with you
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liked by landonorris, yourbestie, tarayummy and 372 819 others.
y/n: 💋
yourbestie: you’re so fucking hot
liked by y/n.
fan1: MY QUEEN
fan2: pls invite charles leclerc for your podcast!
fan3: the prettiest podcast owner fr
fan4: your hand in marriage pls maam
fan5: i understand lando tbh i wouldn’t move on if i were him
fan6: pls get back with lando
fan7: she’s so pretty wtf
fan8: forget about lando i need her
fan9: can lando fight?
fan10: I LOVE YOU Y/N
see more.
landonorris just posted a story!
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caption: cheers my friend 🥂
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you sneaky bitch
"he’s not the love of my life 🤪🤪"
and literally goes to the restaurant with him
okay okay let me explain
HE invited me for the sake of old times and i said yes bc i was hungry
hungry for his dick
as if you’d say no to a free meal in a fancy restaurant
with your hottie ex bf? ofc i’d say no
(just bc he’s your ex, i would’ve said yes otherwise)
anyways i won’t see him ever again
whatever helps you sleep at night pookie
ig message:
i have some paddock pass for the japan gp, wanna come?
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liked by landonorris, larray, monetmcmichael and 562 929 others.
y/n: blocked @.yourbestie for this
fan2: I KNEW IT
fan3: pls not her blocking her friend bsjslslsl
fan4: how to be her
fan6: let’s not jump into conclusions omg they could be friends!
landonorris: nah we’re not
y/n: LANDO
see more.
can you follow me back now :( ?
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kyra-cooneyx · 29 days
the sweetest feeling — a.bonmatí x reader
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summary: four times you and aitana say i love you and the one time you both really mean it
never written anything with this kind of format before so :/
the first time - six years old
you raced down the street, little legs running as fast as they could to reach aitana’s house. you knocked rapidly on the door, bursting in as soon as it opened. you could briefly hear your mami scolding you for being rude but you were more concerned with seeing aitana.
it never occurred to you that she’d probably still be asleep given that it was still early until you practically kicked open the door, diving onto aitana’s sleeping body.
“tana, wake up! i’m home!” you shouted loudly, alternating between jumping on the bed and shaking her wildly. “i have presents and food for you! wake up! desperta!”
aitana groaned, her arm stretching out from under the covers to swat at you. you giggled loudly, grabbing her hand and tugging at her.
her eyes opened and she flinched back upon seeing your face right next to hers. you giggled again.
“bon dia!” you chirped, smiling widely.
“bon dia,” aitana muttered, pushing you to the side and sitting up. “it is so early.”
“sorry,” your smile turned sheepish. “but i missed you soooo much i could not wait!”
the sound of your parents voices got louder and your eyes widened at the sight of your angry mami approaching. “muévete ahora!”
you shot out of the room before she could grab you and you could hear your mami apologising profusely for the intrusion as you waited patiently by the front door. there was an innocent smile plastered on your face as your mami dragged you out, promising that you could see aitana later that day.
so until that time came around, you ran around the garden with your siblings, stopping occasionally to ask if it was time to see aitana yet. and every time you were told no your little body deflated even more.
after what felt like forever to you, you finally got the answer you wanted and you were so excited that you didn’t question why your mami was bringing loads of bags filled with food.
but when you got to aitana’s house the first thing you noticed was the strange car parked outside. you frowned a little but thought nothing of it, knocking on the door and waiting patiently. when it opened you heard aitana’s laughter paired with someone else’s. and had you been listening you would’ve found out the reason why.
your little face scrunched up as you stood by the patio doors, staring at the strange girl who was kicking the football around with aitana. there was a gentle hand on your back and you toed the grass as your mami introduced you to ona.
of course you knew that aitana had friends from football, she was there a lot. but you never thought that she’d like any of them the same amount that she liked you.
your little arms were crossed over your chest as you gave the strange girl the dirtiest look you could muster.
aitana looked up then, her face brightening as she ran over to you. you kicked at the grass again, a weird feeling settling in your stomach.
“do you want to play with us?” ona asked, her head tilted a little.
you shook yours, taking a few steps back and dropping onto a patch of grass a few feet away from the mini football net. a soft sigh left your lips at how happy aitana looked with ona. and the excitement you had felt earlier was long gone.
it felt like time had slowed down again by the time ona’s mami had announced that it was time for them to go. you watched with sad eyes as aitana hugged ona tightly and even walked with them to their car.
when aitana returned, you were still sitting on the grass, picking at the flowers. she made her way over and sat next to you. “estás bien?”
“m’fine.” you muttered, tucking your knees under your chin.
aitana didn’t know why you were upset, she just knew that you were. and she didn’t really know what to do. so she racked her brain, thinking of what her mami and papi did if they were ever sad.
“um, te amo.” aitana whispered and you looked over at her, tears shining in your eyes.
“really?” you sniffled as aitana nodded. “yo también te amo.”
aitana held out her pinky and you quickly brought your hand up, linking yours with hers. “para siempre.”
the second time - eleven years old
the movie played quietly in the background, an array of sweet treats scattered on your bed as aitana carefully ran her fingers through your hair.
your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling, a content breath falling from your lips until it was ruined by a sharp tug.
“ow!” you whined, reaching up to hold your head. “too rough tana!”
“lo siento.” aitana leaned forward, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. she gasped in mock offence and whacked your head after you made a show of wiping it off.
you giggled, head jerking back as aitana pulled at the braid she had just started. “ow!”
a comfortable silence fell over you both as aitana concentrated on finishing your hair. you winced every now and again, hissing dramatically whenever aitana accidentally tugged a little too hard.
“there!” she grinned triumphantly once she’d finished, reaching to grab the little mirror that was on the nightstand. “mirar.”
it took a few tries but you eventually got the mirror at a good enough angle that you could see the majority of the braid and you nodded in approval. “very good tana, can i do yours now?”
aitana nodded and the two of you switched places. you playfully tugged on her hair, laughing as she immediately whirled around to glare at you.
“you did it to me!” you reminded, giving her a pointed look.
“fue un accidente!”
“sure it was.”
you ran your fingers through aitana’s hair, separating the strands delicately as to not be on the receiving end of another her looks.
“what are you doing?” aitana asked after what felt to her like a very long silence. a little huff sounded behind her and she immediately reached up to feel what you were doing.
“something,” you said, slapping her hand away. “so be patient.”
“are you doing something bad?” aitana asked and you rolled your eyes.
there was a knock on the door and you pushed yourself up a little higher on your knees as your mami popped her head around the door. “mija, dinner is ready.”
“can we eat it up here?”
you stared your mami down, grinning in victory when she sighed and nodded. you quickly finished what you were doing to aitana’s hair, discarding everything onto the floor to leave a space on the bed.
your mami walked back into the room, placing both plates in front of you, warning you that if anything got spilled you’d be banished from bringing anything into your room ever again.
“okay mami.” you muttered, nodding your head a little.
the door closed and you were thankful that your mami hadn’t cooked anything that was easily spill able. you and aitana ate in silence and you ushered her down stairs after you’d finished, eager to carry on with your sleepover.
you giggled all the way back up the stairs, immediately heading towards your drawers to find the dvd that aitana had mentioned earlier that evening. you rooted through, eyebrows furrowing as your fingers brushed against something.
“no way!” you laughed, pulling it out and holding it up. “tana look.”
“i got this for you ages ago,” you explained walking towards her and dropping it into her hand. “remember that day i met ona? i never ended up giving it to you after my holiday.”
“because you were jealous.” aitana said teasingly.
“yes i was,” you nodded. “and i think it shows how much i love you. you’re my best friend tana.”
aitana smiled and you took the necklace from her, clipping it around her neck before heading back to the drawer. you fished around, pulling out an almost identical necklace and clasping it around your own neck. you dived back onto the bed and gently grasped aitana’s necklace.
“watch!” you said excitedly, clipping them together with a slight squeal. “isn’t it so cool? we’re gonna be together forever!”
“yeah, very cool.” aitana hummed, nodding along as she tried her best to listen to try and ignore the fuzzy feeling growing in her stomach.
the third time - sixteen years old
aitana watched as you cheered, wishing desperately that it was her you were cheering for and not him. she couldn’t remember the last time you looked that happy to see her score a goal.
she tried not to be too upset about it. he was your first boyfriend and aitana knew how excited you were about the entire situation. even if it meant pretending that hearing you call him the love of your life didn’t rip away at her heart. deep down she knew that he wasn’t. at sixteen you were still young and naïve and had plenty of time to find the actual love of your life.
and aitana secretly hoped that you’d eventually realise that it might be her.
but then you turned to her with a grin that set aitana’s heart alight and for a moment she decided that seeing you happy was enough.
“wasn’t that such a good game tana?”
“yeah,” aitana nodded, smiling weakly. “good.”
your eyebrows furrowed for a second seeing your best friend upset but it was quickly when you a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and a pair of lips were on your cheek. you turned from aitana, facing your boyfriend and some of his teammates.
by the time you turned back around, aitana was nowhere to be seen. and you didn’t know why her lack of presence made you feel the way it did.
over the next few days, you noticed aitana distancing herself and could not figure out why. you attended her next game, assuming that she was upset about how much time you weren’t spending together. but when her eyes found you in the crowd, her face never changed. you frowned, your stomach dropping.
did aitana hate you?
you were gone before the first half whistle. and aitana pretended not to care when she finally noticed even though she really did. and she pretended even more when ona asked her about it later that night.
when you didn’t call her to congratulate her on the win the next day, aitana assumed that the friendship was over. so when you showed up on her doorstep a few days later, tears falling like a waterfall as you sobbed heavily, she really didn’t know what to think.
aitana quickly ushered you in and lead you into the living room. you dropped onto the sofa, melting into aitana as soon as she wrapped her arms around you.
“we broke up,” you whispered after calming down a little. “and i know that you hate me but i-i did not know where else to go.”
“i do not hate you,” aitana shook her head. “i could never hate you. i love you.”
you burst into tears again upon hearing those words, spending the next few hours wrapped up in aitana’s arms where you belonged.
the fourth time - twenty years old
you sighed softly as you entered your bedroom for what was going to be the last time for a while. it was nearly empty, everything packed up and most of it shipped to your new home.
all that was left was a few bits and pieces and a box full of aitana’s things that you’d stolen over the years. you glanced down at your watch.
aitana was still in training but you wanted to see her before you left. so you grabbed everything you needed to and headed back downstairs.
your mami sat at the kitchen table, tears in her eyes as she watched you.
“oh mami,” you shook your head, walking over and wrapping your arms around her. “there is no reason to cry, we knew this day was coming.”
“I know mija,” your mami sighed. “but you are finally leaving the nest! and you are not only going down the road, you are going to the other side of the world!”
you let out a breath, dropping into the seat next to her. “am I making a mistake?”
“no. you have been dreaming of leaving for as long as i can remember,” your mami placed her hand over yours, squeezing it tightly. “it’s the reason you never moved out remember? so you could save your money for this very moment.”
it was silent for a few minutes until you spoke up again. “i think i’m going to get some coffee while i wait for tana. i’ll see you later at the airport.”
you pressed a long kiss to your mami’s cheek before grabbing the boxes again and heading out to your car. you got coffee like you said but then you drove around aimlessly, suddenly questioning if you had indeed made the right decision.
time flew by and without realising, you’d eventually parked outside of aitana’s apartment building. her car was nowhere to be seen so you’d figured that training had ran late which happened every now and again.
there was a knock on your car window and you jumped out of your skin, whipping your head around to glare fiercely at whoever it was. aitana stood there, her laughter fading as she looked at you. you were confused until a tear hit your leg.
aitana rounded the car and got into the passenger side, reaching out to wipe away your tears.
“how are you here?” you asked before she could. “your car—“
“i got a new one last week,” aitana reminded and your eyes dropped to your legs. “what are you doing here anyway?”
“i came to give you these back.” you smiled softly, stretching to the backseat to retrieve the box. you placed it onto aitana’s lap.
“you could’ve brought them tomorrow.”
your eyebrows furrowed. “how? i leave tonight.”
silence fell over the two of you. “do you think i’m doing the right thing?”
aitana hummed in confusion. “qué?”
“moving to australia. do you think it’s a good idea?”
“all you have spoke about since we were children is how much you love australia. remember that presentation we did in school? yours lasted nearly ten minutes before you were forced to stop. and all you spoke about was australia and its history. i think the wrong decision is not going.”
you didn’t really understand why hearing aitana say you should go made your heart hurt. and you had no idea how much aitana’s heart was breaking telling you to go.
“i love you tana,” you said seriously. “i know we haven’t been too close lately but i do love you. and i’m going to miss you.”
aitana lunged forward and wrapped her arms around you. a wave of emotion washed over you and you buried your head into her shoulder.
“te amo mucho,” aitana whispered and you pretended not to hear the way her voice cracked. “te voy a extrañar.”
“come to the airport. please.”
aitana nodded and pressed a kiss to your head then she was gone before you could utter another word. you blinked back tears and took a few deep breaths before driving home.
aitana never showed up to the airport. half of you wasn’t really surprised but the other half of you was devastated. you slapped on a smile and pretended like your heart hadn’t been ripped out of your chest
the one time you both really meant it - twenty five years old
the stadium was buzzing as the clock ticked down, your fingers entwined and resting under your chin as the matches dying moments played out.
you sat with aitana’s family, her name sprawled proudly across your shoulders. she had no idea you were there.
originally you had told her that you were working which was true but you’d managed to get the day off and accepted the invite from aitana’s parents.
the full time whistle sounded and you cried freely, feeling nothing but pride and happiness. you watched as the spanish players celebrated, along with the spanish supporters in the crowd.
you watched on as aitana and ona got their gold medals, being one of the first people on the pitch when the all clear was given.
ona was the first one to spot you, pointing you out to aitana. she turned around only for you to practically knock her over with the force of your hug. you pulled away for a split second to yank ona into the hug as well.
“estoy tan orgullosa,” you whispered. “all i have done is cry!”
“what are you doing here?” aitana asked, still feeling a little shocked to see you. “you told me—“
“i didn’t lie,” you quickly cut in. “i was working but my boss gave me the day off so i wanted to surprise you. so…sorpresa!”
aitana pulled you into another hug and you melted into her arms, ona looking between the two of you with a knowing look.
“you are coming to the after party.” ona said and you nodded straight away.
“wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
despite your initial protests, you allowed ona to drag you into the dressing room and parade you around her teammates. of course you knew who they were—and they knew who you were—but it was your first time ever meeting any of them so when the after party rolled around, you nursed your drink nervously.
aitana was nowhere to be seen, ona was tucked away in the corner no doubt texting her girlfriend, and the only other person you’d really clicked with was mapi’s girlfiend ingrid but they were off dancing together.
there was a flash of dark hair and you perked up, assuming it was aitana. but instead pina and patri stood in front of you.
“want to dance?” patri asked and you waved her off.
“oh i don’t dance—“
“vamos! i am sure aitana won’t mind!” pina exclaimed, grabbing your hand and dragging you onto the dancefloor before you could ask why aitana would mind anyway.
it didn’t take long for the drinks to start taking effect and with every shot jenni brought over, the more relaxed you became. and before long you were singing along to the karol g song that was playing, arms thrown around misa as she swayed you back and forth.
you hadn’t realised that everyone else had been slowly disappearing until a new arm snaked around your waist and you stumbled back into ona, giggling wildly.
she lead you over to aitana, gently pushing you into her. “take care of her.”
“I’m not that drunk oni,” you rolled your eyes. “alexia and irene made me drink some water.”
ona kissed your cheek before saying her goodbyes, leaving you and aitana alone.
“vamos,” aitana smiled, tugging you along behind her. “you looked like you were having fun.”
“oh i was,” you nodded. “i really like your friends tana.”
“i think they really like you too.”
you hummed in content, not bothering to question where exactly it was aitana was taking you, just happily following along.
aitana pushed open the door to her hotel room, assuming that ona’s disappearance meant that she’d gone to see lucy, and shoved you inside, rolling her eyes at the sound of your whine.
you then flopped onto the nearest bed, laying on your stomach and watching aitana as she moved throughout the room.
“tana, can i tell you something?” you asked and she hummed, throwing something at you from her suitcase. “i really like you.”
aitana’s eyebrows furrowed as she turned to look at you. “i really like you too.”
“no,” you sighed. “like really like you. think i always have. didn’t realise until i left spain though.”
aitana shook her head and you frowned. “you are drunk.”
“i know what i’m saying!” you sat up, arms crossing over your chest. “and i’m saying that i love you more than a friend should!”
hearing you say that set something off in aitana and even though she’d been wanting you to say those words since she was twelve years old, she couldn’t quite believe that it was finally happening.
and as she rambled on about how you wouldn’t remember any of it when you woke up and that it was the alcohol talking, she hadn’t noticed you getting off the bed.
with gentle hands, you cupped her face and pulled her into you, pushing your lips against hers with a little more force than you’d intended.
nothing happened for a moment. and as you thought about pulling away, aitana’s hands were resting on your waist and she was kissing you back.
you were kissing aitana.
“i love you,” you whispered after hesitantly stopping. “always have. probably always will.”
“i have waited so long to hear you say that.” aitana whispered back.
“and i’ll say it again tomorrow to prove to you that i’m not just saying this for no reason.”
and you stuck to your word. you repeated it word for word to aitana the next day, laughing as she tackled you onto the bed and kissing you fiercely.
neither of you heard the door open. but you heard the gasp and the cry of finally before ona jumped on top of you both, crying out in spanish that lucia owed her something. you blinked rapidly as she ran out of the room, taking aitana’s outstretched hand to pull you up.
you laughed softly and kissed aitana quickly, following behind ona to find out just what she was talking about.
aitana caught up and wrapped her arms around your waist. “te amo.”
“te dije! pay up!” you heard ona exclaim as you both got closer to where the team were.
“should we mess with her?” aitana asked quietly and you giggled whilst nodding.
“what are friends for?”
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Introductions II
Patri Guijarro x Hardersson!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You meet Patri
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"Relax," Talia whispers," It's going to be okay."
Her words did nothing to quell your anxiety, leg still bouncing as you sit in a hole in the wall café at the very back.
It's the first time you're meeting Patri, Talia's older cousin. She used to play with Alexia and your Tia Tana but you've never actually met her before. You've had her shirts too. You've just never seen her in person.
You wouldn't normally be this nervous but this is Talia's cousin, her absolute favourite cousin who might as well be her sister. When Talia's parents moved from Mallorca with her, Patri came over frequently.
Talia had grown up with Patri. Patri was important her.
You need to make a good impression, hence why you're so anxious about it.
Patri was important to Talia and Talia was important to you.
"Okay," You say, releasing a long breath as you reach for Talia's hand.
She squeezes yours in her own, bringing it up to press a soft kiss to the back of your hand.
You smile at her, a little awkwardly but still grateful for her comfort.
"Patri's not scary," Talia assures you," She's just Patri."
Strangely, that doesn't fill you with much hope.
Patri Guijarro, even retired as she is, looks fairly scary as she steps into the café. She catches sight of Natalia quickly, who stands up to greet her with a hug.
You stand, wiping the sweat off your hands. "Hola," You say. You offer her your hand to shake.
Patri takes it and you give her a firm handshake like how your Momma always taught you.
Patri watches you, eyes narrowing briefly before she releases you and glances at Talia. "Strong hands," She comments, giving your girlfriend a meaningful look that you don't quite understand. She looks back at you again.
"So," Patri says," I heard that you speak a lot of languages."
"I do."
"Can you teach me your favourite swear words?"
The ice successfully breaks after that and you relax into the simple flow of conversation between the three of you.
Now that she's up close, you can see the similarities between Patri and your girlfriend. They've got the same kind of features with slight differences. They're very clearly related though from the way their eyes spark to the way they gesture as they speak to the exact same way they push their hair out of their faces.
It's sweet and you can't help but smile as Talia tries to shove a cupcake down Patri's throat, who was just in the middle of telling a story about something embarrassing Natalia did as a small child.
"So," Patri says to you when Talia goes off to the toilet," I suppose this is the part where I tell you that if you hurt her I'll hurt you?"
You freeze suddenly.
That's what you've actually been waiting for. You should have known that this would happen. Credit to Patri though for lulling you into a false sense of security for nearly an hour now.
You throat bobs and you take a small sip of your water.
"Er..." You're not quite sure what to say to that. "If you want?"
Patri looks very stern now and she leans over to the table to you.
Her mouth opens.
Her hand comes up...to pat you on the shoulder.
She laughs.
"That was the plan, you know? To scare you into never breaking Nat's heart but you...you're way too sweet for that. I can't imagine you even hurting a fly."
You weren't quite sure if that was a compliment or not. You were going to take it as one though otherwise you weren't sure what you were meant to say to that.
Patri grins at you. "No problem. Now, Nat's probably touching up her makeup, do you want to here about the time she got stuck in a bin?"
When Talia returns from the toilet, she comes back to the table to see both you and Patri giggling with each other.
Giggles that turn into full blown laughter when she sits back down.
"What?" She asks," What is it?"
Patri is laughing properly now, wiping tears from her eyes and clutching her stomach as you bite at your lip to stifle your own, going out of your way to not look her in the eye unless you burst into laughter again.
"I'm serious," She says," Have I got something on me?"
"Don't worry, Talia," You reply, reaching out to gently cover her hand with your own," It's nothing."
"It's clearly not nothing!"
Patri snickers. "So long as you think getting stuck in the bin as nothing."
"I told you to stop telling that story!"
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pitchsidestories · 4 months
my kink is karma II Alexia Putellas x Reader
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a/n: Hi, we hope you've as much fun with the oneshot as we had writing it.
masterlist I word count: 1695
Champions League nights were always magical, no matter who the opponent was. But a Champions League final against record champion Olympique Lyonnais promised an even more special night.
After Barcelonas loss against the same team in the final two years prior, they had something to prove. So of course, the atmosphere among the team was a mixture between excitement and nervousness.
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest right before the game started. You hugged your teammates and wished them a good game, partly to calm their anxiety and partly to calm your own.
“What about me?”, Alexias voice sounded from behind you.
As you turned around, she stood there, her arms wide open with a winning smile on her face.
You looked her up and down before jokingly saying: “You? Well…”
“Well?!”, she echoed, playing offended.
You winked at her: “A goal from you later would be perfect, you know why.”
You could still feel Alexias eyes following you as you took your position on the pitch.
While the referee blew her whistle, signaling the start of the game, the bench was still busy discussing what just had happened.
“What did she mean, Ale?”, Vicky asked, barely able to contain her curiosity.
Alexia shrugged: “Nothing.”
The young striker wrinkled her nose: “I don’t believe you.”
“Focus on the game, kiddo.”, Alexia laughed, nodding in the direction of the pitch.
“I’m not a kid, you’re just old.”, Vicky retorted with a grin.
Mapi joined the conversation with an innocent look on her face: “She’s not wrong about that, Ale.”
“I’ll show you guys old!”, Alexia rolled her eyes with fondness.
Ona grinned at her: “Y/n wants a goal from you!”
“From the bench?”, Mapi asked, her eyebrows raised.
“No, when she’s coming on.”, Ona explained.
“More like if she’s coming on.”, Mapi corrected her.
While the two defenders giggled, Alexia just shook her head: “Of course I’m coming on!”
You realized quickly that the game would not be an easy win. Lyon had their chances but so did Barcelona. For almost an hour, it was an even match but you could feel that your team wanted it more. And then Aitana scored.
“Well done, Tana!”, you yelled as you ran towards her to celebrate.
She hugged you tightly: “Thanks!”
From this moment on, your priority was to defend the lead and try to put your strikers into goal scoring situations.
In the ninetieth minute, Alexia came on. Your heart skipped a beat while she joined you on the pitch. But you also felt some kind of anger. There were only six minutes left to play.
Alexia made the most out of it. 120 seconds after coming on, she scored the 2:0 for Barcelona.
You could barely contain your happiness as you watched your girlfriend run across the pitch while pulling her shirt over her head to celebrate.
You had to blink away some tears as you followed her and pulled her into a celebratory hug: “Ale!”
 “You got the goal you wanted after all.”, she retorted with a smug smile on her face. Despite her cocky attitude you could see that her hazelnut eyes were turning wet. The captain of your team was overtaken by her own emotions.
Everyone could see how much it meant for the midfielder to score in the final against a team to whom you both lost twice in a final.
“You deserve it so much, Ale.”, you whole-heartedly whispered into her ear, not sure if Alexia was even able to understand you as the noise in the stadium escalated.
Embracing you for one last time the Blonde had to let you go, not before muttering close to your face, giving you chills everywhere:” This one is for us.”
“Yeah, yeah, very romantic, but we still got a few minutes to play.”, Lucy interrupted the emotional moment between you two grinning before throwing the midfielder’s jersey back to Alexia who slowly put it back on.
“Lucy.”, your girlfriend rolled her eyes annoyed at the English defender.
“Let’s go.”, Lucy replied unimpressed.
“Don’t worry, we’ll celebrate that goal later.”, you promised Alexia winking.
“I can’t wait.”, she replied.
“Hey! Enough now!”, the older English player yelled impatiently by your lovebird’s behaviour.
“You don’t understand, Lucia.”, you protested laughing.
“We’ve four minutes left.”, she said unmoved by your quite visible emotional turmoil.
“Only four more minutes.”, you repeated to yourself. In fact, they felt like the longest minutes in Champions League history. Your legs were so tired, when the referee blew the final whistle, you fell to your knees, simply from exhaustion and happiness.
Barcelona has won, a second time in a row. It was Alexia's, your teammates and your triumph against Lyon at last. This was unbelievable.
“We did it!”, Alexia rejoiced, standing right next to you.
“Yes, we did.”, you answered cheerfully, before you added with a worried glance at your girlfriend, careful, don’t trip over!”
Your warning came too late, the Barcelona captain fell ungraciously over her own boots, lucky for her she landed very softly on top of your body.
“Girls, the children are still here!”, Sandra shouted at you, although the goalkeeper couldn’t hide her amusement by what just had happened.
“Shut up, Sandra.”, Alexia demanded, her usual stern face was now full of giddiness and excitement. It felt like the young girl who became a fan of Barcelona and fell in love with the club and football had overtaken her in that very second.
“Yeah, nothing to see here.”, you giggled.
“Exactly.”, the captain confirmed, while pressing a kiss to your already blushed cheek.
“You should get up now though, the press wants interviews with you both.”, Irene intervened seriously.
“Coming.“, Alexia said, carefully lifting herself off of you.
You immediately followed suit, brushing the grass of your shirt and short before hurrying to your interview.
The young journalist thrusted a microphone towards you: “Y/n, what does the CL win mean to you?“
“It means so much to me. I know people questioned whether we would be able to keep up with last years performance. But I think we proved that here tonight.“, you said. Your gaze subconsciously shifting towards Alexia who was interviewed on the other side of the stadium.
“You certainly did. Thanks for taking the time and have fun celebrating.“
You grinned at the journalist: “Gracias.“
Turning away from the camera, you were greeted by Alexia: “Done?“
“Yes, what about you?“, you asked, hoping that she was done with her media duties for the night as well.
“Me too.“
Alexia took your hand into hers, gently pulling you away from the cameras and the bustle on the field.
“Wait, where are you taking me?“, you laughed while you followed her.
“Somewhere more private.“, Alexia smiled.
You grinned: “Sounds like a good idea.“
“Come on.“
“I’m right behind you.“, you assured her while Alexia opened the door to your hotel room and pulled you in.
“So here we’re.“, you said, patiently waiting for her to make a move.
She nodded, her shoulders slumping in relaxation: “Finally.“
You wrapped your arms around her: “Oh yes, tonight was unbelievable…“
“You were unbelievable.“, she corrected you softly.
“So where you. After everything that happened in the past year.“ You were absolutely in awe about how much your girlfriend had fought to come back after her ACL injury, the setbacks she had injury-wise and with the conditions of the Spanish national team and how she dealt with the little game time she got.
People had started to doubt that she would ever come back as the World’s best football player but you knew, it was only a matter of time.
Apparently, Alexia felt a similar way. All the hard work she put in was finally worth it. She blinked the wetness in her eyes away: “Thank you. It means so much to me to have scored this goal tonight…“
“I can only imagine.“
Alexias hand come down on your thigh, right above your left knee. The bright red of the injury from the Champions League final two years ago had faded and only left a scar.
You both knew the injury was something that had bothered you for a long time. Alexia did not have to say a word, you knew what she meant but you only shook your head: “That was nothing compared to Ona tonight… that moment was really scary.“
“Ona’s tough.”, your girlfriend remarked softly.
“That’s true. Plus, she’s in good hands with Lucy.”, you were smiling fondly as you were thinking about your teammates who’s love for each other was so visible after the win.
“You don’t have to worry about it.”, Alexia declared earnestly.
“I don’t.”, you cleared your throat before you continued, close your eyes, what do you see?”
For a moment the Blonde gave you a questioning look, afterwards she dd as you told her. A huge grin was forming on her lips:” Us celebrating.”
“A very iconic moment.”, you answered mirroring her happiness while you were slowly undressing yourself.
“Oh, not this one. The next one.”, Alexia quickly corrected herself.
“The next one?”, you lifted an eyebrow which she couldn’t see, but your voice transported your surprise.
“Next year.”, the midfielder confirmed.
“What about now? You can open your eyes again.”, you offered her trying to sound nonchalantly and hide the excitement which you felt running through your veins right now.
“Now, I see you.”, Alexia swallowed hard while her eyes who appeared dark green under the light of the bedside lamp wandered through your almost entirely naked body.
“Liking what you see?”, you asked her in a cheeky tone knowing fully well what your girlfriend was feeling when she looked at you.
“You look so beautiful right now.”, the player replied, licking her lips as she bridged the distance between you both to gave you a passionate kiss. When her kink was karma, triumph never tasted as good as with you by her side.
It was going to be a long night and you couldn’t wait to get started with your own private celebration. The public could wait until tomorrow, now was your time to enjoy the win.
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keyotos · 1 year
well aware, you are always mine
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summary ⎯ bf headcanons w/ hsr men!!
includes ⎯ dan heng, gepard, blade, sampo, jing yuan
tana's thoughts ⎯ keyotos being active and writing?!!!?!!?!?!
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dan heng
⎯ TOTAL acts of service bf. cuts fruit for you, organizes your closet with you, helps you rearrange ur bookshelf. like all of that. he is ur #1 helper in all situations and is probably the most reliable person u know. if ur ever having problems, you always call dan heng bc he always solves them for you
⎯ considerate bf. listens to all ur song recommendations and also your book recommendations. never takes your word with a grain of salt (most of the time)
⎯ not a big fan of shopping trips, but will go with you anyway. he will carry all your bags and help you pick out clothes. AND HE WILL GIVE U ACTUAL FREAKING ADVICE INSTEAD OF BEING LIKE, "it all looks good on you."
⎯ like dan heng will pull up with, "that color washes you out," or, "that does not match your color pallete at all." he's detailed wit it too?? the only reason why he knows all of this is bc he pays attention to you.
you see something you like? let's find it in that color that matches w/ ur fav pants so you can wear it all the time. don't worry, i already found it.
you look dissatisfied? dan heng thinks he knows why: you think it won't look good. oh, he was right? well, he can help you style it in a way for it to look good. you can wear that with the shirt you like so much, with some added jewelry, of course.
⎯ does not spend ANY TIME in his room (but who could rlly blame him). he's always in yours and he's lying down in your bed. he takes the phrase, "make yourself at home," to another level. but i guess he gets a pass bc you literally are his home.
⎯ he's sarcastic asl. since his guard is down with you, there's not really a need to maintain seriousness at all times. his dry and sarcastic humor really comes out when you're around him specifically. dating dan heng would make u a victim of the sassy men apocalypse.
⎯ dan heng is the type of person to stare at you lovingly (like HEART EYES are coming out) while you guys are taking a photo together. and you wouldn't even know until you saw the photo. like picture this: you are over here smiling and being cute or whateva. and then dan heng is there. he's obliviously staring at you: like how the light perfectly bounces off your face and how perfectly your eyes crinkle when you smile.
⎯ when he feels secure around you, he is the definition of lovesick. longing stares from far away (even tho ur dating)? yes. touchy (you make sure to tease him about it)? yes. buries his head in the nape of your neck? duh. like he is the whole package and he can never seem to let you go... like ever. you are constantly stuck in his head and also his body.
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⎯ hilariously bad at taking pictures. like you tell him to get one angle and he gets the exact opposite angle. manages to always catch you off guard in every. single. picture. his excuse for this is, "but you look good in all of them :/"
⎯ when he gets super tired after work, sometimes when he gets home and finishes showering/etc, he just flops onto u. like. literally flops onto you. you're always shocked at first, but you move him into a position where he can comfortably sleep (and hold you) in and then you relax. he always apologizes for it later in the morning and makes sure to shower you in more affection than last night, but you always reassure him that it's fine.
it's only bc u take the time to take equally bad photos of him #payback.
⎯ you have to water his plants for him. we all saw this coming. but on the bright side, that means ur home more often!! and when you greet him on the couch after a long day... like you've never heard a deeper sigh of relief before. doesn't collapse on you like other days (thankfully). you two just spend the night eating dinner on the couch and watching reality tv. sometimes, when you fall asleep on the couch, gepard always brings a blanket from your bedroom and drapes it over you. and then he carries you into bed.
⎯weirdly good at cracking your back for you. like if he wasn't the captain of the silvermane guards, he could very well be a freaking chiropractor. like he knows all the right joints to pop, all the right places to put his hands, and all the right places to press down. and it feels SO GOOD. you've never asked him about it.
⎯ gets you really cute and considerate gifts since he isn't around a lot. sometimes gets lynx to deliver them for him. and they're always paired with your favorite flowers too. all his gifts r things that he remembered you liked/wanted (new shampoo brand, new book pela recommended, new plants).
⎯ still asks if you wanna go out even if you two have been dating long term. like he would text you and be like, "would you like to go out with me for coffee," all formal and wtv, and you would respond like, "gepard we have been dating for five years. you do not need to ask."
he would get all flustered when you would bring it up at the coffee shop. pays for your coffee so you could forget about it (you don't: you tease him endlessly).
⎯ learns other things for you. he's dedicated and loyal to you like how a soldier is dedicated to their general. if you wanted a specific kind of dish, gepard would learn how to create it. if you wanted to learn how to plant certain seeds, gepard would run to the florist (and pela) to ask for many tips. if you spoke a different language, gepard would be running to duolingo.
though there is always his duty, a part of his heart and soul will always belong to you.
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⎯ contrary to gepard, takes the BEST FUCKING PHOTOS of you. he should be a professional photographer or something because, all the photos he takes, makes you look like a MODEL. he gets all the angles perfectly right + he always makes sure the lighting looks good. and u look back at all the photos he took and ur jaw is DROPPED
⎯ hates going outside x goes outside 24/7. you're big on exploration and fun while blade wants to lie low. but either way, you two manage to have fun in your own respective ways. blade watches you from a distance (of 1 foot) and only intervenes if he needs to. other than that, you drag him around the entire place. he is not complaining: one stupid and cheeky grin from you, and blade realizes he is an absolute goner.
⎯ a little too supportive. it's a good thing in all aspects except for one: making decisions. this mf is like, "whatever you do, i fully support your decision." BUT THE PROBLEM IS THAT YOU CANNOT MAKE A DECISION. THAT'S WHY UR ASKING HIM.
⎯ this problem comes up very often during shopping trips. where dan heng excels at shopping trips, blade... not so much. blade is the type of bf to say, "everything looks good on you." but not bc he doesn't care enough: he genuinely thinks you look good in everything.
in his mind it's like: how could you think you look bad in that outfit when you are radiating luminosity from every crevice of the room??? does anyone else see that glow coming from you, or was it just him??
⎯ did not have a favorite color until you. he actually didn't have a lot of favorites before he met you. now his favorite color is blue (you like looking at the sky), his favorite scent is peach blossoms (the shampoo you use), and his favorite food is fried rice (it's the only thing you know how to make).
⎯ does ur hair for u. expert in hair care but it's not uncalled for (his only friends⎯not counting you⎯are silverwolf and kafka). you need to braid your hair? blade has already offered before u could even pull up a tutorial. a new cute hairstyle you wanted to try? don't worry, your boyfriend is there to help you part, section, and clip your hair.
⎯ pretends to give off big scary dog energy, in reality he is a small little lapdog. desires your love and affection so often. does not go out without you. grabs things n carries them to u like a cute little dog would. he's very devoted okay?? let him bring u stupid little trinkets and stay by ur side all the time.
⎯ you send him stupid ass memes all the time. one time u sent him one of those stupid 'good night' memes and he threatened to block you (lovingly). but he found that his reactions always make you laugh (and blade wants to keep you happy forever), so he just lets you send them to him atp. most nights, he sends a simple, "good night" text back. but when he wants to tease you, he sends a goodnight meme back.
⎯ those nights, he thinks that he hears your ecstatic giggles from down the hall. you sound so giddy that it makes his heart want to blow up. those are the good nights.
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⎯ bro is mischievous. he leaves little sticky notes for you all around the house and makes it a game for u to find them. they're not even super important too they're just little things like, "i miss you," or, "did u find all the notes???"
⎯ but he knows you get bored easily, so he made those notes so that you could have something to do during the day. his intentions are adorably sweet, but his execution is so. um. A FOR EFFORT!
⎯ most of the stuff he gives you... hate to break it to u but they are usually stolen. if you choose to ignore that, great! most of the things he grabs are usually rare and u have no idea how he gets them. you swear he doesn't leave belobog, but some of the items he gifts you seem a little too... outlandish. but yk, it's the thought that counts!
⎯ manages to distract you from every single task. usually disruptive, but sometimes, very helpful. after an entire day of work, you can always come back home to where sampo is, because he will always find a way to distract you from whatever stress you have on your plate. whether it be cooking you dinner or simply talking you through his day, you always find yourself feeling slightly better around him.
⎯ has a good relationship with your family. yeah this was very unexpected on both ends. your parents love him: they love his humor and his looks and literally are charmed by him. even tho is a CON ARTIST. anyway. sampo loves your parents and messes around with you by calling them as their parental names (mom/dad). you are not amused.
⎯ grabs dinner before he comes back home. always manages to swing by a place you like and he always gets free food (you've gave up trying to question his methods). before, when he brought home food, it was usually a special occasion because he would never be home often. now, it's a common occurrence: he's wanted to be with you more, and now he brings home food every day.
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jing yuan
⎯ the xianzhou's nagging king. this is not a good thing. he nags at you for a lot. did you take your allergy meds? did you eat breakfast today or just drink coffee? did you forget to clear out the pencils on your desk? he does it out of endearment. it does not make it less annoying (lies).
⎯ so accustomed to your little routines together that he can do it with his eyes closed. how do you want your tea? easy: he can list it within ten seconds. he can make it with his eyes closed. and he will always make it perfectly too.
⎯ lets you sleep on mimi (you could say you go mimimimi). not even gonna lie, sometimes he wishes he was mimi. you just sleep so peacefully on her, but you refuse to sleep on jing yuan. you make up stupid excuses like, "your bicep is going to be numb by the time we wake up." but that is simply not true (it is).
⎯ favorite times of day are when it's night. okay that didn't make any sense but he really just likes spending the night with you. it's quiet and the world is much less loud, and it feels like being with you redefined the definition of happiness. everything is so much more peaceful, and plus, you were there.
⎯ being a cloud knight general has its negative aspects. so, much like gepard, he would probably also crash into bed with you at night. but this time, he doesn't need you to move him, because he traps you in between his arms every. damn. time. it's like this man cannot fall asleep without you.
⎯ sitting down with him is like a chore. if you two are sitting down, jing yuan likes to grab your legs and move them onto himself, so you two would be closer. this isn't just on the sofa, by the way. armchairs, conference chairs, office chairs. the chairs don't even have to be connected. he'll just find a way to connect you two anyway.
⎯ you are the first person he looks for in a crowded room. in a place full of people, jing yuan's eyes will only scan for you. his height makes it easier to do so btw. but anyway, you are someone of great importance to him. he doesn't want to lose you like how he lost so many. and when he finds you, it's like the sun shines directly on you: it's always a surreal sight when jing yuan sees you, because he always thinks the sun has risen.
⎯ it hasn't. he was always looking at you.
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onsomenewsht · 1 month
from the vault:
my knees shake / my heart beats like a drum
》 Feels Like I’m in Love, Kelly Marie
》 Aitana Bonmati x Reader
》 the “language of flowers” is an example of cryptological communication that attributes meanings to flowers and plants, determined by cultural beliefs, legends, and myths
“I need flowers that mean I’m done with you, get married already, what do you have for me?”
The giggles that fill your shop are cute enough to overcome Aitana’s embarrassment at the looks of the other customers.
In her defense, the place is usually empty this time of the day, too early for an apology’s rush in and too late for a date’s pick up.
“Don’t worry Teresa, she means well”, you reassure the old lady, who turns around with a questioning – and quite judgemental, if you ask the footballer – glance.
The bouquet arranged for her every month to bring to her late husband’s grave is almost ready, you just have to cut and adjust some little touches.
As she waits for your attention, the brunette dances around the shop on the heels of her shoes, gaze wandering from the elaborated compositions exposed to the wall covered with green leaves and colourful notes left by your customers for you or their loved ones.
She always tries to spot the new additions.
“I’m all yours, stargirl”
“Can I have another name?”
“I don’t know, let’s ask the mural with your face right around the corner”
The ease with which you can stain Aitana’s cheeks in red is quite embarrassing, if not for the genuine smile the flirt always comes with. She could let you tease her all day just to keep talking with you and be able to pull an open laugh out of you.
“What were you saying about getting married?”
The Catalan’s brain short-circuits, she needs a moment to realise what you’re talking about as her mouth opens and closes several times to your amusement.
“Right! My friends! My friends invited me for dinner. I will be third-wheeling again, they need to get married already!”
“Your football friends, right? The one with all the tattoos who looks like could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll?”
“How do you do that?”, she asks, pointing at you with a frenetic moving finger, “You meet her once, how do you get people so well?”
“I have to, people don’t come in knowing what they want but asking for what they need”
You smile at Aitana’s questioning gaze, starting to walk around the shop to gather some flowers and decorative leaves to create a little table piece for her. Your hands move in precise motions, somehow knowing exactly where to place everything.
“I need a flower that means I’m happy you invited me to your house warming party, but I barely remember your husband name or someone could enter and ask for something that means I cheated on you with our kid’s teacher, but please just think I’m suddenly a hopelessly romantic and so on”, you explain, even faking different voices and accents to prove your point.
“You’re kidding”
“You’d be surprised”
“I told you Tana, you don’t have to bring flowers every time we invite you over”
Ingrid welcomes the Catalan inside, even so accepting the beautiful gift with excitement to find the perfect spot for it.
“Oh, please! Those are not for us, but just an excuse to see the flower girl!”
The cat’s toy that flies through the entire room perfectly hits Mapi’s head as soon as she joins them from the kitchen.
Completely ignoring the commotion, her girlfriend places the little arrangement in the middle of the table, carefully caressing the long green leaves and noticing how the colours perfectly complement the house’s decor.
She turns to spot the blushing spreads on Aitana’s face.
“Her flowers are beautiful”
“They are”, the taller footballer confirms, an amused smile on her lips.
“She’s cute too”, she admits.
“She definitely is!”
María is fast enough to avoid the punch coming from her friend – the midfielder may be shorter, but her arms are impressive.
“Do you remember that bouquet I came back home with last month?”, the defender asks the Norwegian, who nods with curiosity, “Well, I happen to mention our anniversary to our little Tana here. I somehow find myself in this flower shop, watching her talking and walking around as she owns the place, and the actual owner flirting without shame right in front of my salad–”
This time, the hit lands on her shoulder with just enough force to shut her up, but not enough to stop the laughter erupting from Aitana’s so-called friends.
The day after spending almost 30 euros in flowers she finds herself giving away to the training staff, Aitana knows she needs to put an end to it.
You’re setting up the shop for the day, putting out some green arrangements and new compositions.
It’s definitely too early to be here, but she has to talk to you without the fear of being interrupted by Pablo – the serial dater who buys a bunch of roses every two weeks for different girls – or worse, Teresa.
She marches into the place, dragging you inside and almost giving you a heart attack.
“I need a flower that says I’ve been coming to your shop an obnoxious amount of times the past couple of months, buying flowers I don’t actually need with any excuses I can come up with, just to talk to you ‘cus I have a huge crush and can’t ask you out to save my life, do you think you can help me?”
You study Aitana with a huge smile on your lips, closing the small distance and holding her face between your hands to properly meet her eyes. Her face is red, and her breath is shortened by the rushed confession.
She’s never been more beautiful.
“You don’t need flowers for that”
The kiss that follows is soft and full of meaning.
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barcaatthemoon · 4 months
balancing act || barcelona x teen!reader ||
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you struggle to find balance between school and playing for barcelona, and your teammates try to help you.
you were on the verge of tearing your hair out as you stared at the notebook in front of you. it was one of the last games of the season, and you were at the front of the bus studying for your finals. your parents had been on your ass since your last test had come back with a 76. that was better than most of your class, but your parents didn't care.
they wanted you to have something to fall back on, insistent that football wouldn't be there forever. you didn't want to believe them, you couldn't. they wanted you to go away to university and put all of the football stuff behind you within the next few years. it was one thing to do it while you were young, but they didn't see it as a full fledged career.
you hated hearing them try to convince you to look into other options. your team was fully supportive of what you wanted to do. they saw the way that you worked hard, not just relying on your talent. there was no question that you'd be a staple of barcelona football for years to come, possibly even decades. there were already news outlets calling you the future alexia putellas.
"chica, it is so boring in the back of the bus without you," mapi whined. she dropped into the seat next to you suddenly. you usually hated it whenever mapi interrupted your work, but now, she was a welcome distraction. you weren't going to understand your math any more when all of the numbers blended together. "what the hell is that?"
"calculus," you answered plainly. mapi pulled a face as she pushed it away from you, nearly knocking it onto the floor. she put her arm around your shoulders and pulled you towards her. mapi wouldn't be playing today, but she was so excited to get to come along after having had to stay behind for the past couple of games. "what are you doing up here? i thought alexia banished you away from me."
"oh, keira and tana thought that you looked like you needed a break. nothing helps clear the mind better than some quality mapi time!" mapi exclaimed. she rattled off about a million games that the two of you could play for her allotted half hour with you, but all you wanted to do was take a little nap. fortunately for you, mapi had great shoulders to rest against.
it barely took any time for you to fall asleep with mapi. you had more studying to do, but mapi shooed alexia away when she came up to remind you. alexia had a tendency to push, and if it wasn't for mapi, you definitely would have broken down much sooner than you actually did. the pressure from everything had been building up for a while, and everybody was waiting for you to blow up.
the only person who didn't seem to notice was alexia. she kept pushing and pushing, despite the warning from everybody else about pressure. alexia thrived under pressure, and you were so much like her that she assumed you did too. she failed to notice the way that your shoulders had begun to sag as you tried to go through the everyday motions of living.
"hola nena," sandra greeted as she sat down next to you. it was one of her last practices. you were definitely one of the saddest to see her go. she had been a staple in your life long before you had joined barcelona. the woman had lived on your street for as long as you could remember, having quickly become a family friend.
"hola sandy." your finals hadn't gone the way that you were hoping they would, so you had to do a couple of the optional end of the year assignments to make it up. you had been working on the last one whenever she walked over.
"you know that is important to rest your brain as well as your body," sandra said. she placed her hand on your shoulder, squeezing gently to get you to look at her. you glanced up from your paper, and sandra felt her heart break a little at how exhausted you looked. "what are you working on?"
"it is my physics. and no, you're not allowed to help. after the disaster that was my study session with alexia and patri, none of the team is allowed to help," you told her. sandra laughed a little. she had heard all about that, alexia complaining that the school work these days was far too difficult for anybody to reasonably understand.
"don't worry, i wouldn't even know where to start if i did want to help you," sandra joked. "i just wanted to check on you. you've been working very hard, and i know that it can get tiring."
"i'm fine. it's what i have to do. i keep my grades up, i get to play. that's the deal." sandra frowned at the almost robotic way you repeated the words that your parents, alexia, and the coaches had been drilling into you. "i can't rely on football forever. one day, i'll have to do someting else, right?"
"what would you want to do if you couldn't play football?" sandra asked you. that wasn't a question that anybody had ever asked you. your parents were insistent that you'd have to have a good career after football to take care of your family, and alexia talked to you like football was always going to be all there was. nobody had ever stopped to ask what you wanted to do, so you never thought about it.
"well, i don't really know," you admitted.
"that's perfectly fine, you're young. just don't put too much thought into what everybody else wants for you," sandra reminded you. she pressed a kiss to the top of your head as she got up to leave you alone. you let her words echo around in your head. it was a good thing to remember, even if it would be hard to undo the years of people pleasing you had grown accustomed to.
barcelona was full of motherly figures. sometimes, you found it to be a bit overbearing, but most of them knew when to back off. they had all sort of been alternating trying to check on you. usually, you were mature enough to realize that there had to be a reason for them to be so overbearing, but with the added stress of everything, you hadn't.
marta was one of your favorites. the woman had immediately taken you under her wing whenever you came up from the academy. she was one of the players that you looked up to the most. she had played at barcelona since you could remember, truly a club legend. it was surreal sometimes knowing that she was cheering you on.
whenever you had sprinted off after blowing up at marta's girlfriend, caroline, you had been terrified. marta had every reason to be mad at you. hell, you were pretty mad at yourself for getting so mean with someone who truly just wanted to make sure that you were okay. you swore that you saw caroline's eyes begin to tear up as you raced away from everybody and everything as fast as you could.
"(y/n), what is going on with you?" marta was the last person that you expected to come after you. much to your surprise, marta wasn't outwardly angry with you. if anything, you just saw concern in her eyes as she stared down at you.
"i don't really know," you mumbled. it was true, you had no idea why you were feeling the way that you were. it was normal for teenagers to get a bit angsty and angry, but this felt out of control. no matter what you did or who you spent time with, your mood never seemed to improve. "nothing helps, it's like i can't relax."
"can i tell you what i think?" marta asked cautiously. you trusted her, and knew that she wouldn't say anything if you didn't want her to. there wasn't any harm in hearing her out, so you nodded your head for her to continue. "i think that you're exhausted. it's been pretty obvious to most of us for a while. we've all tried to tell you to slow down, but we can't make that decision for you. have you tried talking to your parents about how you feel?"
"my mom says that i should look into summer classes, but i have to test into them. she's worried that i won't make it in. my finals didn't look good, and she says that she wants what's best for me, but i don't know if i believe that anymore," you said. it felt nice to get it off of your chest.
"would it be okay if some of us talked to her? maybe alexia or irene can lead the charge if you think that it would help. none of us want to see you like this anymore. we miss our little chica, the little ball of happiness and energy." marta caressed your cheek, and you leaned into her hand. you were absolutely exhausted, and it was like a weight was lifted off of your chest for having finally spoken about your feelings.
"thank you, marta." her heart broke a little at how defeated you sounded. she hated that they had let things get this bad. "i should go apologize to caro, she looked upset."
"do not worry about that right now. most of the girls are in the gym. i think that mapi left a blanket in the locker room for you. please just take a nap and then we can all have a big talk later, vale?" marta asked hopefully. she breathed out a sigh of relief when you got up and walked to the locker room. around an hour and a half later, she found you fast asleep on the bench in front of caroline's locker. there was a note with your apology written out on it, as well as one to each of the girls that you had already snapped at that week.
"she's a good kid," alexia said as she glanced down at your body. it was blocking her seat in front of her own locker, but alexia was happy to move around you for the time being. she believed that you needed your rest more than she needed to sit.
"she really is," sandra agreed. "i think that i'm going to take her home for a little while. she can sleep at my house while we talk to her parents."
"will they listen?" irene asked. she had heard a lot of things about your parents, whether from sandra or you in passing that made her question whether or not they really had your best interests at heart.
"if they don't, ingrid and i will take her in," mapi promised. for a moment, there were a couple of skeptical looks thrown around, but alexia shut each of them down quickly. alexia could see the seriousness in mapi's eyes well enough to know that the woman meant it. you were like her little sister, and mapi just wanted to make sure that you were properly taken care of. she already felt like she had failed you for letting you get so stressed.
you let out a heavy sigh as you flopped back against your bed. it felt weird to think about. this was your bed in your room in your home. your parents' place had been your home once, but it didn't feel nearly as warm and safe as mapi and ingrid's apartment did. this was a place where your best interests were truly at heart, with your input included.
it was definitely sad leaving your parents behind, but they had been all too happy to sign you away. they didn't want to keep you around if you weren't going to listen to them. somehow, they had tried to turn this all around on you for failing them, but your teammates were quick to shut that down. alexia and the others hadn't even walked out before mapi and ingrid were pulling up to take you away.
"that was the last box chica. i was going to suggest that we take a break because ingrid is on her way back with pizza. do you want some time alone or would you like to watch some tv with me and alexia?" mapi asked you. a part of you wanted to sit and sulk about your parents letting you go, but the part of you that wanted to enjoy your new family won out. you shot off of your bed and followed mapi into the living room.
alexia was curled up with a blanket on the bigger couch in the living room. you and mapi seemed to have the same idea as you rushed over to either side of alexia. the two of you played a little game of tug of war that alexia helped you win. you cuddled up against alexia's side, nearly falling asleep before ingrid got back with pizza. it was definitely different than the environment that you were used to, but it was a heartily welcomed changed.
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pinkyqil · 3 months
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- Crazy spainsh girl
Featuring: barcelona femeni x teen mischievous !teen reader
Summary: you make your official debut with the team scoring a banger goal.
Visual rep of Chiquita goal
Notes: chapter two is here hope y'all like it many more are to come either Wednesday or Monday and I still need a nickname for mischievous reader so if you have any send them in, I'm also open to any suggestions you guys have for the series headcannos,blurbs, requested chapter's send them in and as always enjoy and thank you for reading
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Today was the day you were finally making your debut for the team it was even impressive as your name made it to the starting eleven instead of the usual substitution that goes on.
Least to say some of the older girls were very proud of you especially aitana and mapi who seem to have notice the nerve-wracking look on your face.
"Eh Chiquita todo va a estar bien vas a jugar bien aye". Aitana told you
"Sí, pero estoy nerviosa". You told her
"No hay nada de malo en estar nerviosa, sólo hay que concentrarse en el partido y todo irá bien". She said which made you feel a lot better
"Gracias Tana".
"Sí sí Chiquita deberías escuchar los consejos de aitana". This time around it was mapi's voices you heard as she ruffled up your hair.
"María". You announced looking quite annoyed at the fact she ruined your hair.
"qué?". She asked
"My hair Idiota". You told her as you tried fixing it up.
"Aye, ¿Qué te dijo Alexia sobre maldecir?".
"She said not to curse at adult's but it's quite obvious that your a child". You told her getting a room full of laughter.
"Hija del diablo". she called you making you both earn a glare from Irene that translated too behave yourself.
the moment you we're waiting for finally arrived as you walk out of the tunnel nervously. onto the pitch warming up with your teammates everything felt great up until coach called out to the starting eleven to get ready.
Getting ready to get into your position you felt a familiar touch squeezing your hand. It was mapi who was smiling at you.
Getting onto the pitch felt amazing the nervousness that was once in your body transformed turned too a adrenaline rush you felt.
Your tackles where on point and timed perfectly even though you fell on yourself a few times the game was yours everyone could feel it does sitting down on the bench, fans around the stadium and the girls that were around you could all feel your presence on the game.
It was honestly around half way through the match that you saw aitana scoring a goal. That made you want too make a bigger impact to the game.
it didn't matter if the team was winning you wanted to do something and you were gonna do it was what you told yourself.
There was only a few minutes left before the match ended you found yourself precisely positioned, pina had the ball on her before she passed it on air making you move forward lifting your leg up into it and kicking it to the goal.
You knew that your goal made it to the net from the sound of your teammates rushing towards you and pulling you into a group hug.
The match ended and the rest of the girls came to onto the pitch. within a blink of a eye you suddenly found yourself getting lifted up to the air with your teammates yelling out your name.
"Mira que no necesitabas estar nervioso por nada". Aitana spoke up
"Sí". You told her getting shy at all the sudden attention you we're receiving.
"Mírate super diablo haciendo bicicleta". Mapi told you out of everyone of the girls she was really proud.
The girls decided to do a few rounds around the pitch to thank fans for their support you stayed behind mapi cause you stil felt very shy interacting with them. but mapi had other plans as she had pulled you over to a fan who made a sign that had your name to it.
"Sign it idiota". She told you
"That's what I'm doing loco or you can't see eh?". You told her which had some fans laughing at both your silliness.
"chica española loca". She yelled at you before running away.
"MARÍA". You said screaming her name as you chased her.
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bellawoso · 5 months
aitana bonmati x fem!reader
desc: kinda implicit smut but not much, still rated 16+ please!! also kinda short - im sorry its exam season and im dying 😭😭
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aitana knew from a young age that she was into girls, when her highschool friends spent their free time talking about boys, she could never find it in herself to involve herself in the conversation. not many people knew about her sexuality, only ona and keira had a slight idea of it, after seeing aitana go home with a woman on one of the team night outs. if anyone asked aitana about her sexuality, she wouldnt lie, she would tell them confidentially that she was a lesbian, she wasnt ashamed of who she was after all.
the reason why hardly anyone knew, was that aitana didnt do relationships. most people on the team already knew that, aitana prioritised football over everything especially after 2023 ended, and as the awards kept stacking up, her winning mentality only increased, she put all of her time into making herself better.
that didnt make the spaniard inexperienced in the sexual aspects, and was never one to turn down a woman at the bar, but aitana preferred to skip the flirting, and get out of the club as soon as possible, especially before someone like mapi saw, who aitana knew would tease her all day at training.
however, since you joined the team, aitana didnt care about mapi seeing anymore, and instead focused on trying to not let you see, aitana wasnt sure why she was so against the idea of you knowing she was going home with another woman. but each time the midfielder spotted you sat down, laughing with your fellow lionesses at the table, the midfielder couldnt help but feel guilty as she let the other woman tug her towards the door.
as aitanas hookups increased, so did the pit of betrayal at the bottom of her stomach. but after one night, when thoughts of you plagued her mind as a girl that she didnt even know the name of came undone on her fingers, she knew she had to stop. normally, aitana lasted a few rounds, however this time her skills in the bedroom couldnt change her hookups mind, as aitana did the walk of shame out of this girls house after accidentally moaning your name as she came.
aitana did stop though, nearing around 4 months without a single girl, however the longer the period of time she spent without anyone, the more time she spent daydreaming of you. the main issue was that aitana was hardly even friends with you, sure the two of you had chemistry on the pitch, but off the pitch, the spaniard had no idea about you. aitana could just go on google or youtube to find out some facts about you and watch your interviews (which she had already done) however, anyone could find this out about you, aitana wanted to know things that the internet didnt. and to do that, she needed to try talk to you.
aitana liked to think of herself as a confident person, it took a lot of courage to heartlessly tell someone that they are nothing more than a hookup, but aitana hadnt thought about the fact that she had never had to see those women again. if you rejected her, then aitana would still have to see you each day at training, and she didnt think she could live with the embarrassment and awkwardness of that.
so she decided to first ask you to get a coffee with her after training, she knew lucy had brought you to training, so she could give you a lift back as well. aitanas plan was to befriend you first, and then try figure out if you reciprocated her feelings or not.
so when aitana decided she would offer to spot you, she didnt anticipate her body freezing up with nerves as she was about to ask you, which unluckily happened at the same time you failed your rep and actually needed aitanas help.
due to your intense sets, you were breathing unevenly as you tried to get aitanas attention, except gasping out “tana” didnt help the brunette anymore. instead her face blushed crimson, the spaniards pent up neediness for an orgasm from somebody other than herself was getting to her, and her mind couldnt help but think of how good you sounded saying her name.
her short daze was broken by you once again saying her name, as she quickly took the bar off you, repeating “lo siento” as you still gasped for air. when you grabbed onto the brunettes bicep for support, struggling to hold your self up after having your oxygen supply restricted for too long. you couldnt help but notice the muscle flexing unconsciously below your fingertips, which only seemed to make you feel more lightheaded.
“dios mio aitana, are you trying to kill me?” you wheezed out with a raspy chuckle, only to be met with silence from the midfielder and her holding up your water bottle to you. “you know im not mad at you, right tana?” you asked the spaniard, uncomfortable at the thought of her thinking your mad at her. “si, yes i know y/n, are you sure your okay?” she asked, as she gathered the courage to start rubbing comforting circles on your back. only when ona came up to the two of you, asking the both of you what happened accompanied with a knowing glance shot at aitana, did her hand stop rubbing circles on your back. the brunette instead let her hand fall, so it rested dangerously low on your lower back, causing you to shiver involuntarily.
you decided to call off your gym session early, you couldnt keep aitana off your mind, and your back still tingled where her hand had once rested. aitana decided to accompany you and drive you home, claiming she “owed it to you” after almost ending your life. despite the girls actual reason to take you home being she wanted to build her friendship with you, you suspected the midfielder just felt bad. never once did it cross your mind to ask what it was that had aitana so distracted during your workout.
your apartment was a 10 minute drive from the training grounds, however aitana had decided to take a detour, claiming that it would be faster due to the bad traffic in barcelona. however, after almost 45 minutes in the car, you were beginning to get tired, you were having a great conversation with the brunette who currently had one hand resting on the steering wheel, expertly navigating round the quieter streets of barcelona. as you looked over at the midfielder, you couldnt help but admire her side profile, and the way her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she tried to remember the route.
a quick glance at the street you were currently at, on the map displayed by the screen of her car, had you internally groaning in frustration as you realised you were still half an hour away from your apartment.
“aita, are we almost there? im tired” you asked the midfielder, who now had a look of shock and suprise on her face.
aitana hadnt even realised how long she had been in the car with you for, she only meant to detour and make the route 10 minutes longer, not an hour. even the detour was only so she had enough time to build her courage to ask you out for a coffee.
“oh- yeah almost y/n! uhhh- like, another.. 30 minutes?” she said sheepishly, before quickly rushing out “¿Te gustaría tomar un café conmigo mañana?”
“aita, i dont speak spanish remember? especially not at the speed you just spoke at!” you said with a laugh.
fuck. aitana thought. although she had managed to ask you out, her nervous state had completely forgot to translate it into english so that you would understand. her adrenaline of asking you was wearing off, and she felt her previous nerves almost skyrocket at the thought of having to ask you again, especially now your full attention was on her.
“uhhh- get a coffee with me? i mean- uh, would you like to? to get a coffee with me? its fine if not- uh, it can just be as friends? if we are friends that is! its fine if-“ until aitanas state of rambling was cut off by you who although found her flustered state very amusing, was starting to feel pity for the spaniard who was struggling to even form a sentence at this point.
“i would love to aitana, its a date!”
“it is?” the midfielder said, receiving an encouraging nod from you, “it is!” she said more excited now, making you laugh at her excitement.
to other people, it would probably look like aitana had been stood up, but in reality, she had just decided to arrive at the coffee shop an hour early to hopefully have a coffee or two before you came, and prepare herself in hope to not embarrass herself too much in front of you.
the coffee shop she had chosen was one she had been to for years, it was relatively popular amongst locals, and was a small, cozy, family owned business, that aitana had grown to love.
as soon as you walked in the shop aitana requested to meet you at, you were met with aromas of roasted coffee beans and fresh pastries, you scanned the shop for the midfielder you had grown to love, and saw her sat at a window seat, with an empty mug infront of her.
“i didnt get the time wrong did i?” you asked her, glancing at her empty cup.
“no, no- i got here early” the brunette reassured, and outstretched her arms for a welcoming hug which you quickly accepted, the midfielder wrapped her arms around you, not wasting the opportunity to have you as close as possible. equally, you werent going to pass up the chance to have aitanas arms wrapped around you, especially as they were what you spent most of your gym time admiring as you did your weights, much to esmees amusement and annoyance, who was your usual gym partner.
as you pulled apart and sat down, aitana decided to go and order the both of you another coffee, coming back with two cinnamon lattes, your eyes widening in surprise as you realise she remembered your favourite drink that you mentioned during your rambling in the car yesterday.
the date went well, and much better than aitana expected, she managed to not embarrass herself at all, and left the date with a smudge of your lipstick on her cheek where you had kissed her goodbye, that she knew she would probably cry about when she had to wipe it off later.
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caption: owed me a coffee after almost murdering me in the gym ❤️ tagged: aitanabonmati
liked by: aitanabonmati, alexiaputellas and 23,416 others
aitanabonmati: are we even yet?
-> youruser: i think i might need a few more coffees…
lucybronze: are we even surprised??
-> youruser: i think i could say the same about you and a certain brunette defender on the team..
user1: guapaaaass
user2: are they together?!!!
user3: princess of england, and the princess of spain ❤️💙
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reminiscingtonight · 6 months
Aitana Bonmatí x Reader
Word Count: 955
A/N: Had to celebrate Fletcher's new album with a new fic
Part Two
[WOSO Masterlist]
“I think I should kiss you.”
You laugh, pulling the older girl closer to you. “Well I’m not stopping you.”
Aitana simply snorts in response, burying her face in your neck. You pretend it doesn’t tickle when she breathes out deeply, arms tightening around your waist. “How’s your mami?”
“I think you see her more than I do, Tana.”
It’s been three years but the longing from moving away from home still hasn’t faded. Barcelona’s always been the goal. Ever since you could remember. A product from La Masia, you knew you always wanted to play for the first team.
Sometimes the things you want aren’t always in the cards, hence the detour in your career to Manchester. Ona went to United but you went to City, both of you wanting to develop your football skills some more in a new city. Although your best friend has already returned back to Barcelona, you still have a little more to go before you could go back. 
“Shh,” Aitana giggles, clumsily raising a finger to press against your lips. 
It makes you feel warm, seeing how laidback and relaxed the midfielder seems right now. With all of the pressure she experiences on the daily, it’s rare to see the older girl as bubbly as she is now. After winning the Ballon d’Or, her own expectations have only increased tenfold. 
“Gotta go pee,” she mumbles, finally pushing off of you. You make the move to follow but Aitana presses a hand against your chest, stopping you in your tracks. “No, get me another drink please.” 
You have an amused smile playing on your lips as she makes her leave, dragging some of the other girls with her. 
Ona watches you watch Aitana, sighing under her breath. 
You try to ignore her, but Ona’s never one to mince her words. “I don’t get it.”
You shrug. “I wouldn’t expect you to.”
It’s always been the three of you, the trio of musketeers taking on Spain’s youth teams and now the senior one together. You’ve grown up together, experienced all the good and bad by each other’s sides. 
So safe to say Ona’s been here through the years to see how much you’ve fallen for Aitana. 
And just as much as you’ve fallen for Aitana, the older girl seems to be just as allergic to admitting her feelings. 
It’s obvious to just about everyone how much Aitana loves you. It’s in all the small things. The way she makes sure to tune in all of your matches. The way she sends you thoughtless musings every day. The way she always remembers your coffee order whenever you return to town.
But Aitana’s never been one to commit to anything other than football. 
You’ve always known this, so you haven’t done too much to try to convince her otherwise. No matter how much Ona’s always bugging the two of you to make things official or for you to move on, you’ve stayed steadfast in your belief that things will work out in the end. 
At the end of the day no one’s getting hurt but yourself. You’d be willing to wait for as long as it takes if it means it’ll be the two of you at the end. Because you know that’s the only outcome in this drawn out affair. 
You love Aitana and Aitana loves you, so there’s really no other ending to this. So if Aitana wants to pretend like the two of you don’t love each other, you’re willing to play her game. 
“How long are you going to do this?”
“As long as she lets me.”
Ona looks like she’s going to blow an aneurysm but follows you to the counter regardless. Despite your silent pleas for her to drop the topic, she doesn’t. “This is going to wreck you when it blows up in your face.”
“Then I won’t let it blow up.” 
Ona swipes the drinks away from your hands before you can grab them. “Listen to me. I love you and I love Aita but the two of you really need to figure this out. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Sighing, you press a soft kiss against the side of her head. No matter how annoying you find Ona’s constant pestering, you know it’s only coming from a place of love. “Thanks Oni. But I will be okay. Please don’t lose any sleep over this.”
Ona looks like she wants to say more, but she bites her tongue.
Instead, the two of you catch up. You’re happy that Ona’s settling in well in Barcelona, but the downside to her going home is that the two of you no longer get to share every moment together. Ona’s laughing at your reenactment of Leila having to deal with the spider in your shared home when Aitana finally returns.
Her eyes light up when she spots you from across the room, hurriedly waving at you. 
You have to muffle your laughter at her drunken state but smile back to her all the same.
You don’t let it show, but Ona’s words cut deep. 
It’s heavy on your heart when you drop her off later, when Ona has to peel Aitana off of you, promising to get the two of them to bed safely. Her words are still ringing around your head when you get a drunken rambling goodnight text from Aitana when you’re getting ready to catch the redeye home.
You’ve been waiting for Aitana for as long as you remember, and you’ll continue waiting for her until she’s ready. 
Aitana’s everything to you.
So if she wants to keep on pretending, that’s exactly what you’ll do.
Even if it cuts you to the bone.
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