#tania cousland
spratwurst · 6 years
OC’s alternative responses to “I love you” but without pictures because I’m lazy 
tania cousland: thanks
milosh aeducan: *laughs nervously*
ava hawke: i’m sorry
ursule: a horrible decision, really 
leilani mahariel: *finger guns*
cyrus hawke: i know
solveig adaar: why
nika kader: YEET
rory amell: if only there was someone out there who loved you 
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spratwurst · 6 years
♿ for rory, 🏨for leilani, ツ for tania
♿ : Has your muse had any injuries in the past?
Her worst injuries were from when she was taken to be brought to the Circle. She was 16 at the time and very much used to being free, so she stubbornly fought against it every way she could, but only ended up hurting herself. One time she actually straight up set herself on fire because she was too angry and worked up to control her magic and whom it was guided at. She was very lucky the templar assigned to bring her to the Circle was an older lady and much more sympathetic to mages than most, so she patiently allowed Rory to vent her anger, but also made sure she doesn’t hurt herself too bad. Once she let Rory go, told her if she wants to turn back to Nevarra she won’t stop her. And Rory did attempt to turn back, but she’d never traveled on her own before and has no sense of space in general, so she ended up walking in circles for hours before accidentally stumbling upon the templar again, and resigning herself to her fate. This templar is also the reason Rory was brought to Kinloch Hold instead of the Gallows like she was initially supposed to, because she knew with a temper like hers, Rory wouldn’t even survive long enough to be put through her Harrowing in a place like the Kirkwall Circle. So she took her to Ferelden instead and faced the sanctions from her superiors for disregarding their orders.
I accidentally went off on a tangent here lol, sorry!! 
🏨  : How well does your muse sleep?
Leilani’s always been a night owl and light sleeper, but much more so since she became a Warden. While she was with her Clan, she and Tamlen would sneak out of their tents at night to go climb trees and watch the night sky instead of sleeping. Later, she does the same with Zevran and with Velanna during her stay at Vigil’s Keep, as it gets more and more difficult to sleep. She’s also a tiny bit claustrophobic, and would rather sleep under the open sky whenever possible. After she becomes a Warden, what little sleep she gets is often restless and plagued by nightmares. Even years after That One Encounter with Tamlen, she still feels like she can hear him calling out to her at night, and it keeps her awake for days at a time until she literally passes out from exhaustion. 
In the happy timeline where she finds a cure of the Calling, she can finally get some rest in her older years.
ツ : Does your muse prefer lots of friends, or just a few close ones?
The more friends, the better! Tania’s a people person and quite extroverted. She also comes from a large family, so she’s used to always have someone around her, and can’t handle loneliness very well. She makes friends easily and trusts with her whole heart, which occasionally leads to trouble because of course not everyone is genuine or well-intentioned. Still, she chooses to believe in the inherent good of people. She and Leliana are almost annoyingly friendly and bright during the Blight, but it rubs off on the others a little too. 
Random headcanon meme!
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spratwurst · 6 years
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OCs moodboards: Tania Cordelia Cousland, Hero of Ferelden 
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