#tanzy octopath
nicandragon · 3 months
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For the "secrets" prompt, I did Giselle x Tanzy!
I think that they should have insane chemistry and tension, but... insurmountable secrets keep them apart 😔
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blvcklizard · 5 months
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Tanzy could have probably done something but her mind was occupied otherwise.
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Just saying, I don't think Eir's apothecaries would have let this happen to you-
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99999-damage · 1 year
fun facts about octopath traveler 2’s spanish localization:
Mindt’s name is Trinidad which just makes me feel like the game is more latinoamerican coded than what i originally feel like due to the situations and themes explored LOL. Actually a LOT of the names of side characters change in spanish which is pretty shocking to me because the spanish localization of the first game barely changed names at all. Rai Mei is called Lai Mei, King Jigo is named Rey Yi Gou, Roque is named Locke, Pala is named Paula. etc. Also Agnea’s last name in spanish is Bristarniz which still makes me confused when i have to tag her name and i gotta be careful not to put the z at the end
Allure is actually called Seducir (Seduce) both in the first game and in this one which makes the scene where you have to allure Giselle in Agnea’s chapter 3 pretty gay.
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You have to seduce her in order for her to see the value of her art again. Which i find a completely insane choice.
Tbh it’s quite Odd that uhh Agnea is canonically 18 and the option in spanish sounds sexual, whereas in the first game this wasn’t much of an issue because Primrose was more of a femme fatale kinda character and she was 24. But ok. There really isn’t much of a translation for Allure that doesn’t sound suggestive in spanish though. Maybe something like Encantar? Atraer sounds weird too.
Partitio and Agnea use a lot of very Castillian Spanish expressions which makes it really hard for me to understand what they mean sometimes help??? Like it makes Sense because they even have their own accent in the english dub and localization. But i’m not spaniard. I have gripes with the fact every single game gets a castillian spanish localization and never a neutral latin american because despite them being the same language there are a lot of different words and it annoys me to see hostia and hala like omg i’m so fed up of this
Also Tanzy’s journay entry is written formally with big boy words which i found awesome because it makes it sound more romantic, if that makes sense? Like some quotes coming out of the golden age of mexican cinema. i love toxic yuri
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Tanzy because she has no official full-size art and the only fanart I’ve seen of her depicted her on the heavier side. Therefore she is canonically chubby 👍 I don’t make the rules
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powwidge · 2 years
I would hereby like to state thwt octopath traveler 2 is the most lesbian thing I've ever encountered apart from lesbian romances like Jesus yall r gay
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beantothemax · 1 year
Spoilers for Octopath Traveler 2’s extra chapter under cut
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nightmaresghost · 1 year
I felt sorry for Tanzy. Losing her love to only be manipulated and sacrificed by Arcanette.
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cum-villain · 3 months
i gotta say, i've been loving the yuri involved with archanette.
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mayordeas-clone · 7 months
some thoughts on partitio and agnea's traveler stories and their ultimate contribution to the connecting plot of octopath traveler 2
i recently finished my second playthrough of octopath 2, and it was really fun because it reminded me on why this game is very special to me in spite of its flaws, as well as give me new reasons to appreciate it and its efforts to better connect all eight traveler stories to a grander plot than the first octopath game.
when i first played octopath 2, i thought agnea's story was pretty disappointing since it was the one that connected the least to the big bads behind the game's final chapter and was very low-stakes and lighthearted. however, after reading some folks' opinions on the game + reexperiencing the whole package for myself, i've softened up to her a bit and really appreciate the role she plays in the story, even if it might not be to the same level as the other travelers. (i'm also lumping partitio into this even though his connections are a little tighter + he's not as talked about regarding this issue since i feel like he and agnea's stories have similar ideas and tone)
this was originally apart of a grand infodump on the game i made after finishing the epilogue that i wanted to isolate into its own post!
some spoilers abound, up to the very end of octopath traveler 2 (with some mentions of stuff revealed in octopath traveler 1's endgame)
so the final chapter of octopath traveler 2 pretty much ties key characters and events together through the moonshade order, whose members were involved in all eight characters' stories in order to enact their plan to bring about eternal night. a common criticism of agnea's story is that her connections to this overarching scheme are pretty loose.
each traveler has a major member of the moonshade order involved in some way or another. temenos was acquainted with mindt, who turned out to be arcanette, the current leader and mastermind behind it all. castti's colleague trousseau was involved in the cult's activities as well, utilizing the shadow to spread pestilence after being corrupted by their teachings.
in agnea's case, her connection to this order is tanzy, who is a very minor character all things considered in her story. she was a member of giselle's traveling troupe, and she often mentions a "goddess" in most of her dialogue (who we later find out was referring to arcanette, who manipulated her into the order's cause). what gets to a lot of people is that agnea, upon finding out about tanzy's fate during the final chapter (that she was used and sacrificed by arcanette in order to further the moonshade order's ambitions), has zero reaction or comment about it. not even giselle, coda, and rico, the only other people that have actually met and interacted with tanzy, have anything to say about tanzy's noticable absence during the reunion during the epilogue, making tanzy as agnea's link to the moonshade order feel strange, especially compared to other members who had a slightly more active role in the other travelers' stories.
since i'm also talking about partitio, i might as well explain his connection as well: his story's moonshade order member is ori, a scrivener that always seems to appear out of nowhere. we learn in the final chapter that she was actually keeping tabs on a bunch of the other travelers (even appearing at osvald's trial at the beginning of his story) to gather information for the moonshade order. ori was a pretty important character, but her involvement with partitio's story is that she was Always There (that's the best i can put it), and partitio was sort of doing his own thing.
he and agnea's stories are the only ones to make no mention of The Shadow or any of d'arquest's shenanigans, and they're also a lot more lighthearted in tone, so they might feel a bit out of place when trying to connect them to the other travelers' stories and how they connect to the overarching plot. does that mean they served no purpose? not so! i think they’re relevant in their own way.
partitio and agnea’s story are about hope and forging a future that’s worth fighting and living for. partitio is all about bringing about prosperity to all and seeks to overcome the gigantic task of buying the rights to the steam engine so he can freely distribute it for the better. his resolve to help others is precisely what gets ori to doubt her nihilistic worldview instilled in her by the moonshade order, and it's what keeps her alive when she attempts to sacrifice herself at the fellsun ruins. ori states in her journal that she believes people, businessmen like partitio, are all destined to fall into the pitfall of greed that makes people suffer, much like how roque brilliante turned out, yet partitio’s compassion changes her mind. it’s really cool, even if it’s a detail buried among a sea of other stuff you have to read to piece everything together. (love the final chapter and its plot revelations, but yeah it's sort of disappointing that a lot of information is obtained through reading ori's journal rather than any kind of interaction between all of the members, but alas)
agnea on the surface has a really lighthearted story that doesn’t really have a natural place to mention the death cult lurking in the shadows of everyone’s story or the supernatural magic that will be used to bring about eternal night (see again, tanzy’s very minor presence compared to other moonshade order members). i thought the same at first after my first playthrough. HOWEVER! her story, more than anyone else’s, IS about hope, the main theme of the game. her final battle theme + the thing she works on her whole story is uniquely called the ‘song of hope’. she’s the only traveler to not have a version of the final battle theme; rather than being an epic clash between her greatest foe, it's a triumphant, uplifting song that she debuts in her "battle" with dolcinea ('song of hope' is such an amazing song too, perhaps my favorite in the ost). her journey involves inspiring others to keep moving forward in the face of adversity, such as motivating gill to pursue his ambitions as a musician or giselle to overcome her doubts or giving laila a reason to keep living and dancing despite her circumstances. it only makes sense then that she is the one to give the final speech that properly ends the story of the game, as it’s her journey that fully encapsulates that theme of hope for the future. it was the very thing the main villains thought there was none left in the world, that nihilism that made them want to put the world out of its misery by bringing about an endless night since the dawn was not worth fighting for.
agnea feels like the true protagonist of the game in my opinion, even if her story feels the least related to The Big Bads.
she’s not here to fight, she’s here to inspire, ya know!!! AAAAA
(if i ever play octopath 2 for the third time, ill definitely be picking her as my starter~)
(the reason why i’m kinda up on my soapbox defending my girl is bc i saw a gamefaqs thread of someone explaining this significance agnea’s story has to the main plot and themes and everyone dismissing it as a dumb, stretchy non-answer. YOU GAMERS KNOW NOTHING!!! /lh)
anyway, as far as lighthearted stories w a sort of vague goal go in octopath traveler, agnea’s heavily tying back to the main theme of the game makes it stronger than someone’s like tressa or alfyn’s since they kind of had their own plots that didn’t really relate back to anyone else’s. their only connection to everyone else’s stories were through their connections with graham crossford, which is PRETTY COOL!! but he was long dead/transformed into redeye before the events of the game and tressa and alfyn sorta do their own thing after he indirectly inspired them to go traveling. it just feels more vague i guess?
apologies this is really rambly. again, i lifted this from an infodump i wrote on the fly, so i was not really essay-brained, but i hope my point comes across adequately?
all the same, i just have a big appreciation and love for this game. i'm proud to call it my favorite video game, and though it has its problems, it's very special to me and i like talking about it. hopefully i got that across to any reader on this here post, and maybe it inspires a new appreciation for agnea's story and its place in octopath traveler 2 :)
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auncyen · 10 months
I think part of why I like Oboro is because I think of some of the stuff in OT2 as like "depiction of mental illness on fantasy steroids".
In real life, most people who are depressed aren't going to hurt anyone else (the unfortunate possibility of themselves on the table). They might hurt their relationships with others, though, because part of depression is your brain being stuck on only the negative. Oboro gets to raise his adoptive sister and be friends with a kind prince? That's because he's working for the prince's father who, going by Ori's journal fragments, went a LONG time ignoring any strategies Oboro proposed to avoid bloodshed in war and went the bloody way regardless. This same man is ultimately responsible for both Oboro and Ori being orphans, and Oboro didn't exactly enter his service freely. This man acts like this because his bloodline is cursed, which Oboro knows very well the prince has a second, crueler personality because of the curse too, and seems convinced that means eventually the prince will turn out the same way as his father.
He doesn't, but you know, even master strategists can ignore possibilities because of cognitive distortions.
Like this is the same setting where a book convinces a guy who seemed to be decent if extremely hard on himself "you can't save everyone from illness" means "you have to kill everyone so they don't suffer". Same book convinces another person that living is pointless too. Oboro doesn't find anything particularly noteworthy about the book...because he's already realized "the truths it laid bare on my own"... but I think it's noteworthy that even he, by his own account, "played my role" of "dutiful subject" until the day the man (I assume Claude) approached him with the book. Basically: Oboro was depressed and traumatized enough that if the book did change his thinking in any way, it did not register. But while his letter is somewhat ambiguous about when exactly the plan started, the implication seems to be the planning started then, either because he now had an accomplice in the man and/or because the book did nudge his thinking, even if it didn't register to him. (Which again, depression: sometimes you don't realize you're getting worse until it's suddenly like "whoa. wait, at one point in my life I did have more hope, but it feels like I might as well have been a different person then".) We don't have an account of a "normal" person reading the book and staying normal afterward (Castti might have read the book, because the opportunity was there, but there isn't anything saying she did) so it's...hm. That book definitely isn't doing anyone's mental state favors, huh.
Basically take the humans of the OCTOPATH villains: Oboro, Tanzy, Ori, Petrichor, Trousseau, Harvey. Petrichor is essentially a noncharacter, we never interact with her directly and she has very little description even in the infodumping journal fragments. Harvey, well, kind of seems to just be envy to the point of extreme evil. But I'd argue Oboro, Tanzy, Ori, and Trousseau all had depression even before reading the Book of Night (and iirc it's not even certain if Ori actually read the book or not; she's in close enough proximity it seems likely she did at some point, but it's not described). There are definitely other human issues at play behind the troubles in OT2, such as, whatever the hell Harvey's deal is, and while Roque is excluded from the OCTOPATH acronym clique (which seems a bit arbitrary to me given how far on the periphery Tanzy and Trousseau are, but yeah, sure, he's not in the conspiracy), greed certainly isn't helping anyone, but so much of the human side of Vide being brought back seems to be despair and trauma and depression being put on fantasy steroids. And in that context everything Oboro does is still terrible and wrong. But like I get how he screwed up that badly. (And still. Poor Hikari. AU where Hikari read the book as well everyone has the worst time ever)
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nicandragon · 1 year
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Oh, Tanzy
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blvcklizard · 4 months
The moonshade order is so funny because half the members have been through a lot of suffering and/or were in a vulnerable position and were brainwashed into following their ideals, and the other half just have one person in their lives they're Very Normal™ about.
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lunar-insanity · 10 months
Things I took away from Octo 2
Hikari needs better taste in friends. Good thing I found him 7 more
Partitio fucking 'Sunshine Incarnate" Yellowil is so strong he convinced someone that life was still worth living
If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended //at Temenos' Stormhail route, no one is allowed to die on my (Castti's) watch
Please do not start Parti and Osvald on a debate about coffee, they will end up incorporating it into ANYTHING
The real magic WAS the friends we made along the way! And love too!
Everyone needs a Cry, a Hug, and a Nap. In that order, an supersize it.
Are Therapists a thing in Solistia? They should get on that
Vide is a more fun fight than Galdera. That says all you need really.
I actually respect Lyblac more than Oboro. Lyblac is the daughter of Galdera. Everything she does is so Galdera can be released. She isn't human, everything and everyone is a pawn that she gleefully moves on the chessboard. Oboro on the other hand-
He is human. He is human and spent years with Hikari, raising him (for eventual fucking slaughter), he has a sister, and in all those years, all that time, he couldn't find ONE reason to live for another dawn. All he could see was suffering and thought the best thing to do was end it all, when, buddy, HAPPINESS IS FOUGHT FOR. You see a light and all you want to do is see it shine. How many fucking mental hoops did this guy jump through, just to keep justifying his actions to himself. Man says there's no good or evil but then says the world is cruel. PICK ONE. THE UNIVERSE IS A THING, WE ARE ASCRIBING EMOTIONS TO IT.
//Slaps Yomi's lute// This thing can hold so much foreshadowing in it-
//Looks at Pala and Mikka// So when's the wedding and where.
Devotion is an odd and powerful thing. Beware to not be too devoted, that you ascribe yourself to it blindly and be consumed. Rip Tanzy
I really wish you saw the travelers in cutscenes like the ending. I know it would be so much work, having to work out each potential combo, but the 'Journey for the Dawn" cutscenes were so lovely seeing everyone talk with each other.
I love Octopath Travelers with every fibre of my being.
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bad0mens · 6 months
Things about Octopath Traveler 2 that I think about WAY too much 2/????
Under the cut for late game spoilers, loose and speculative nonsense
So the four sacred flames and their connections with the gods connected to each one.
Brand and Sealticge to the Ku Flame
Alephan and Bifelgan to the Crackridge Flame
Dohter and Draefendi to the Toto'haha Flame
And Aelfric and Aeber to the Flameschurch Flame
Going to go ahead and put it out there, that my head canon is that the Moonshade order successfully completed the sacrifices line out in the Book of Night in this manner: Pontiff Jorg (Cleric, Temenos chapter 1), unnamed apothecary in Canalbrine (Temenos Chapter 2), scholar in Canalbrine (who's name I don't remember, also from Temenos Chapter 2) Tanzy (dancer/Sealticge aligned), Petrichor (Hunter), Ageha (Warrior), Ori (merchant), and Crick (Thief, as mentioned in some dialogue in Stormhail about his background).
I feel like, in a lot of ways, these flames would have been great spots for boss fights. I feel like, for a game like Octopath Traveler 2, just getting to relight the flames with ease was a bit too easy. There's a couple of different routes I personally would have taken with them.
Option 1 (least favorite) - the party fights a shadow creature of some type (excluding in Flameschurch because there is already a boss fight there). Alternatively, remix the chosen travelers' final chapter boss fight.
Option 2 - the party fights the shadows of the sacrifices associated with that flames gods (so Ku would be Ageha and Tanzy, Crackridge would be Ori and the scholar from Temenos Chapter 2, Toto'haha would be Petrichor and that unnamed apothecary from Temenos's Chapter 2, and Flameschurch (after Arcanette), would be Crick and the Pontiff (not a fun fight for Temenos especially)). Standard boss fights would be cool, but you could go a step further and have it a two on two fight with the chosen travelers against those shadows where path actions and skills came into play in defeating the shadows. Also makes the relighting of the flames a bit more personal. You've got potential either way with this option for some really cool character exploration and thematic resolution. This one is probably my personal favorite.
Option 3 - the party (or just the chosen travelers for that flame) fight the gods themselves (as a test). There's a few ways to do this too: 1. fight images of the gods. 2. the statues of the gods by the flames come to life and you fight those, not dissimilar to Osvald's chapter 4 fight with the Golem. 3. You fight a being of combined powers of the two gods, a strange and otherworldly combination of Alephan and Bifelgan for example, staff and scales in hand, plying magic and calling allies, making it rain in leaves as easily as flashes of magic lightning, or Brand and Sealticge (which I think would look something akin to Hinoekagura). This is also a personal favorite just to see how when faced with the gods, our travelers might act, when within the world itself the gods are mostly pretty hands off. The situation with Vide is an urgent one, and I think the gods would be willing to test their chosen in the final hour to make sure that they are truly ready.
I just think it would have been neat
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loregoddess · 6 months
not a whole lot of observations before I go and fight the final boss (who I think I'm gonna curbstomp anyhow despite not fighting the superboss first and not having yet used any nuts, I guess lv 70 which is my default "this seems like a nice level to be at for endgame stuff" is high enough to kill minor bosses w/out them ever getting a chance to attack once), but I did notice a few things while playing though the final chapter stuff since I decided to actually walk around instead of fast-travelling like I did my first run...
you know that kinda creepy girl who stands outside of the inn in Crackridge at night who, if spoken to, runs off in the direction of the Fellsun Ruins? Yeah, so turns out she is not there during the final chapter sequence at all. I'm gonna head back to Crackridge after kicking Vide's ass just to see if she returns or not.
checked a few of the towns and it seems most of the NPCs don't really...seem to notice the unnaturally long night going on. I mean sure you get some updated dialogue after relighting the Flamechurch Flame from the NPCs, but generally? no unique dialogue. which I mean, it would have been a developmental nightmare to have unique dialogue for every NPC during this sequence, but it's still hmm
ALSO I finally figured out (I think) why Castti is the only traveler to be directly attacked by Vide and nearly overtaken (her and Ochette's crossed paths ch2), and that's because she was the only one of the main characters to have read the Book of Night (when she met Claude with Trousseau when they were in Lostseed). It occurred to me while I was reading Tanzy's journal and Tanzy wrote that she had read the book, and I had gone down the TV Tropes rabbit hole on Octo2 a few nights ago and the people writing those pages seem to think that what caused Tanzy's death was similar to what Castti experienced in the second crossed paths, and so now I'm wondering if the Book of Night has anything to do with Vide being able to shadow-eat people. Like, Hikari's the only other traveler to battle with the shadow, but it's very much something inside him and according to what's been said about the bloodline of Ku, the shadow wouldn't have killed him had it overtaken him, it would have just used him as a puppet. So yeah, maybe there's something here...or maybe I'm overthinking it.
I absolutely annihilated the Grotesque Monster and Arcanette battles both in three turns, neither got a chance to attack, Temenos dealt 86k+ damage in one. This is why I think I'm gonna waltz through the Vide fight again, esp. since I know the battle gimmicks and am preparing accordingly
I have this theory brewing that D'arqest may have been stopped by eight travelers during his time, based on some things said by the Moonshade Order major villains (Arcanette mostly), and bc I took a good look at the "beginning of Ku" mural again and counted eight red squares gathered around the image of the Flame, and what Hikari said about the first ruler of Ku, and the implied history of the Lumina clan having once fought against the darkness, and a few other details I'm not recalling at the moment, but it would be very hmm-worthy if it pans out for anything. CotC lore implies Beowulf had probably seven other companions and traveled across Orsterra, so it would be an interesting recurring Octopath Theme if it pans out in any way.
everything about Ori in this part of the game still gets me like, even knowing what was gonna happen, I was still like, "holy shit." Love Ori, but damn girl.
actually despite there being very little writing overall for the final chapter sequence, I just really love this part of the game. Like it's not even that I think it's well-written or challenging in an interesting way or anything, I just love the vibes a lot I guess. Absolutely haunting story segment for me.
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powwidge · 1 year
[octopath 2 endgame spoilers]
i recently saw a post which was like "underrated tropes: foudn family that all hate each other" and that's just the moonshade order and it absolutely kills me kjafhgjdk i love how everyone in the moonshade order just kinda hates each other apart from some people being obsessed with others (tanzi and petrichor with arcanette, ori with oboro possibly)????? LIKE THEY ALL HATE EACH OTHER. ori fucking LOATHES harvey. she doesnt trust arcanette. harvey does nto care for any of them. only osvald matters! as if arcanette has any attachments here cmon.
like it kills me how they do give found family vibes but in the most horrid sense ever
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