#tao google map
gold-pavilion · 8 months
Toman and Buddhism + Tenjiku and Taoism
Another post to cover references in Tokyo Revengers! 
This time, I'll be covering the links to two religions to be found in two gangs in the series, reference by reference, with the according explanation of each. 
Some of these may be already known, I know one of them sure is (the whole buddhist manji confusion thing yeah yeah) but still, for the sake of a tidy compilation and of providing more detail, I'll go through them too. Some others are a lot less noticed, like Tenjiku's lean towards Tao, so it'll be best to lay down eeeeeeverything I've caught during my time enjoying this series. Plus, I'm pretty excited to get some of those less-known facts out here!!
Warning though, it's lengthy.
Let's start with Tokyo Manji Gang:
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- Firstly, the gang's name and how it's written.
Despite Mikey suggesting the name as a short form of Tokyo Manjiro Gang, putting himself front and center, the kanji that ended up forming the name of Tokyo Manji Gang show that it went in a different direction of meaning. The manji used for the middle part ended up not being the same one from the name Manjiro, but a manji written as 卍. Aloud it's read the same way (many, many, many kanji are homophones), but has a different meaning.
卍 (manji) is an extremely common buddhist symbol (not even limited to japanese buddhism, but in hinduism and other aligned east-asian religions too), which represents the path of Buddha and the endless cycle of rebirth through samsara; the pursuit of leading a more spiritually balanced existence until the soul can reach enlightenment. In other words, it's nothing but deeply buddhist.
(To answer a common question around it: can it be called a swastika? Yes. The symbol in general, with each of the million variations that have popped up in different cultures, can be called a swastika as a broad term. There are a fuckton of swastikas. They mean a fuckton of different things. The tilt and the direction in which this one "spins" makes it different from other swastikas though, and it's always best to be precise and call this one manji.)
Moving on,
- Reunion spot.
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The Musashi Shrine (based, but not exactly taken from any of the real-life shrines and temples of similar name in Tokyo, as far as I know) is a shinto-buddhist temple. And, apparently, a place where the founders hung out from time to time, but I'll add to that later!!
It's cute to me that the Toman members seem to use the temple very respectfully. They always meet in it at night waaay after it's closed (daytime meetings have always taken place in different locations, never the temple during visiting hours), they've never once set foot even near the oratory/sanctum/other buildings, never been seen bringing the motorcycles anywhere they shouldn't, and the one time a character was seen using the public temizuya (the little stone fountain where visitors purify their hands and mouth), he was proper about it in terms of pouring water into his hand to rinse his mouth with, not getting the ladle or the rest of the water dirty, as one should always do. 
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A fun fact: in Google Maps, buddhist temples are marked with the manji symbol!
- Gang's manifesto.
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Embroidered on the chest of the gang uniform, you can see the text  天上天下唯我独尊 ("Above the earth and below the heavens, I alone shall be honored"), which is the gang's manifesto or motto. Sounds just like something Mikey would choose, yeah.
That phrase is also of buddhist origin; famously, the words spoken by Buddha Gautama Siddharta (bear in mind that buddhism isn't a religion with one god or anything like that, anyone enlightened can become a Buddha and many figures have been granted that status, but Gautama is the first and main one, the creator of the doctrine) when he was born. To be honest, this is very much interpretative, but I've come to get the impression that it's not so much a power or ego statement, but rather an expression of cultivating and honoring yourself…? It's absolutely up to personal reading and I'm absolutely not an expert. But those are certainly THE Buddha's words.
- Ceremonial sash.
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Another part of their uniform that bears a slight reference: the sash worn by the commander, vice-commander, captains and vice-captains during important fights.
These are tasuki, sashes originally worn by shinto-buddhist priests during ceremonies, in order to keep long sleeves and such in place. However, eventually, they also began being worn by samurai and all sorts of warriors, 'cause of their convenience. In modern times, they even started being used by just about anybody who wears traditional clothing but also does manual work and needs the sleeves out of the way. So it can be concluded that, over time, they stopped being strongly linked to religious practicers. In fact, even biker gangs in general ended up adopting the use of tasuki! Not for their religious origins, but for the warrior part; a bōsōzoku gang member wearing one would look very prepared and determined for a fight.
That's why overall, Tokyo Manji Gang having them is only a relative reference; they could be paying homage to their reference religion, as they could be only honoring gang traditions.
- Additional notes about the leader.
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I feel it's important to add up all these little factors of Mikey's choosing, with other little details about him as a person that kinda make it all make sense.
If I say "Mikey seems to be religious, to an extent", I understand this can carry a bunch of tricky connotations. Japanese religion isn't exercised the same way it is in other places, someone being religious SURE AS HECK doesn't mean the same things it means in the christian west. Shinto-buddhism is so commonplace in Japan, most people partake in all kinds of religious practices without even thinking of them as strictly religious, such as new year's celebrations, casual prayer during shrine visits, purchasing and giving charms and such. Religion is integrated in life in a lot of extremely chill ways.
And we can observe a lot of things about Mikey that put him quite above the average in terms of his relationship with local tradition and religion. His house is a huge traditional-style family home, his family is hinted to be active in religious practice (remember Emma's appearances during the Christmas Showdown arc? How she mentioned that their family does a lot of temple visits, and even she considered it weird at that time of the year?), he's much more prone to wearing traditional clothing than his peers, his motif in extra clothing designs is the lion-dog (temple guardians; statues of these can often be found in them), his personal beliefs around death and relationship to the dead run deeper than others' to the point they find him disturbing when he talks about Shinichiro or Baji still being with him... many little things that aren't that deep on their own, of course, but when added up they paint a pretty coherent picture of the guy.
And so, it does make a lot of sense that, even from childhood, a temple was a regular place for Mikey to hang out with his friends, leading to the birth of Toman in one. And it makes a lot of sense that he made all those little choices about the way the gang would be styled. In my opinion, it's likely that those things just all came natural to him because they're a part of his background and worldview. Of course, how actively religious he is, how much he believes in the things he happens to know and how much exactly he might know about buddhism are all up to headcanoning and interpretation. Personally, I'm just a roleplayer that takes it as a relevant part of his character.
- Following a Buddha?
A little out-of-TR-universe element that I love to bring up, 'cause it's just hilarious and cool as hell, is the creation of this statue:
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This part of the 2022 Tokyo Revengers exhibition straight up imitates the famous Reclining Buddha in the Wat Pho temple, Thailand. 
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The ENORMOUS statue depicts the moment Buddha reaches nirvana, and his enlightened soul is at rest. The golden Mikey statue that imitates it very much intentionally likens him to a Buddha; funny to note that the exhibition staff even prayed to the statue, as you can read in the tweet itself.
What does this mean about Mikey's character? Well, this isn't within text in Tokyo Revengers, just a little outside factor, so I wouldn't take it too literally or too seriously, but it's interesting nonetheless. Personally, I see it as a hint that Mikey was supposed to be on his own little quest to enlightenment, or had the potential to be. Grappling with morality without having a natural sense of what's right, wrong, too much or enough is a major thing with his character. I can also imagine it might just be meant to represent the godlike view others have of him, the guidance they sought from him. Take it as you will! 
The important thing is just that it exists, to confirm that there is an intentional connection of some type between the Buddha and Mikey.
Thaaaaat concludes the Toman and Buddhism section of this post.
Whew!! That was a whole lot.
The Tenjiku and Taoism section coming now is shorter, but I'm sure it contains interesting and less-known things (at least, I've never seen anybody talk about these)!
So let's see, Tao references in Tenjiku:
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- Gang name.
Tenjiku is a now-obsolete word that translated directly to "heaven", while simultaneously being the japanese word for the country India (as taken from the chinese pronunciation, Tianzhu).
In modern times, it can be found mostly in ancient literature, the most prominent example being Journey to the West. Given that Kakucho and Izana mentioned this book and seemed to have knowledge of it as kids, we can conclude that's where they got the name of their gang from.
Why would they use the word for India to name their kingdom? What does this have to do with Tao? I'll get into that properly now:
- Kakucho, Izana & Journey to the West.
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Journey to the West is one of the four great chinese classic novels (along with Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Outlaws of the Marsh, and Dream of the Red Chamber) which are enormous, ENORMOUS influences on east-asian literature and fiction in general. Journey to the West, itself, is considered the most popular east-asian literary work overall; of course, being super well-known in Japan, too. (To give my favorite funny example of just how omnipresent it is, y'know Dragon Ball? Hit anime series Dragon Ball? Unabashedly based on Journey to the West, which was to thank for most of its initial local popularity.)
It's the story of the buddhist monk Tang Sanzang, who travels to Tenjiku, to India, to that certain heavenly kingdom, to obtain sacred texts for Buddha Gautama Siddharta (the guy I described as THE Buddha in the Tokyo Manji Gang section above). The quest doubles as a search and exercise of enlightenment, as Tang Sanzang is aided by three protectors that are atoning for their sins and learning from him. The main guardian and arguably the true protagonist of the book is Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, a fighter "so strong he could carry a mountain on each shoulder, and still dash as fast as a meteor". It's a huge, epic, 100-chapter monster of a book, in which each chapter is already a fantastic and entertaining anecdote about the characters or what happens in their travels, but also a long spiritual journey that pretty much serves to subtly teach the principles of Tao (term that can be translated to "the path", chinese religion and philosophy). 
A tangent: let me just show you how large it is (and why I haven't been able to finish it, 'cause I cannot take this brick of a book anywhere lmaoooo).
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(Cover says Journey to the West: The Adventures of the Monkey King. It's in spanish.)
My guess is that Izana and Kakucho studied about it or read some chapters in school, 'cause dang, there's no way they read all of this at that age?!?! BUT ANYWAY.
While there's obviously quite some buddhist influence in the story, most of what it works with throughout is rooted in chinese folklore and Taoism. The edition of the book I have even begins with extensive notes and introductory explanations about Tao, as its themes of harmony with the universe, self-cultivation, internal alchemy, its main ethics and values, etc etc etc are the basis from which the book is built up. The characters very actively engage with Tao. Sun Wukong is an ardent student of Tao who obtains a bunch of powers through it, for one.
I've gone into this much into detail because Kakucho and Izana make it pretty explicit that, to them, Izana is like monk Tang Sanzang leading to Tenjiku, and Kakucho is like his guardian of unmatched strength, Sun Wukong.
In the end of Journey to the West, it's both Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong that accomplish their goal and also obtain enlightenment, finally ascending to buddhahood. Had Izana and Kakucho's journey with Tenjiku reached their original destination (not "to become a criminal syndicate that controls Japan" but "to build a kingdom where everyone without a home could exist"), had it been like Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong's pilgrimage… they would've learned true balance and they would've found the necessary enlightenment.
Again, I find this little connection with characters that could've been on a quest towards buddhahood, but as far as things went in the main TR timelines, all failed.
- Uniform & logo.
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Finally, something lighter and quicker to add, haha.
There are symbols and references that are so so so widespread that they become more of an aesthetic detail than a symbol with meaning, in the eyes of the general public. The yin-yang is one of those symbols that just… appears in a lot of places, fashionably, and one kinda gets used to seeing it without thinking much about it. Sometimes it's not meant to stand for much more than a decorative detail, yes, that definitely happens, but sometimes it's very much a thoughtful choice. With Tenjiku, given its connection to Taoism, I'm gonna treat the yin-yang as a meaningful choice.
So! On the back of the uniform we have a yin-yang, Taoist symbol that represents the balance of the two complementary and opposing forces of the universe (note: it's not a good vs evil type of thing, as tends to happen with western black-white dualism, but rather… the fact that reality needs to be composed of push and pull to get anywhere, hard and soft things with their own function, sun and shade. A common comparison is how a mountain will have a sunny side and a shady side when looked at in a certain moment, but the sun and shade will switch over at another time of day, in a needed cycle). Other features of the uniform are a mao collar instead of a more common style for gang jackets, and an intense red color, the main auspicious and prosperous color in chinese culture. These last two little features could easily be coincidental, but when paired with the yin-yang, I feel like it's intended to lean towards chinese aesthetics.
And with that, 
I end this reference post!
Did you learn anything you didn't know? Did you enjoy learning it? Any thoughts? I LOVE TO TALK ABOUT THESE THINGS, SO FEEL FREE TO DROP BY MY ASKBOX with any comments or questions or such!!
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ballads-for-kuni · 1 year
SAGAU Worldbuilding Brainrot
What if, as the Creator, you put in place a mailing system?
In this order: nation (eg. Mondstadt [1]) -> region (eg. Brightcrown Mountains [1.1]) -> landmark location (eg. Stormterror's Lair [1.1.2])
And the mailing system would help to narrow down the location so that the poor mailmen and women don't have to go running all over trying to find people.
So national location code (eg. Dawn Winery [1.4.1]) -> organisation's location (if applicable) -> where you want the letter sent specifically (eg. office, front desk, or if you want to send it just to their mailbox, then don't write anything at all)
The numberings would be chronologically according to the places the Traveller has gone, and the mail would be written something like this:
To: Acting Grand Sage Alhaitham Postage: The Sumeru Akademiya Grand Sage's Office
To: Director Hu Tao Postage: Wangsheng Funeral Parlour Front Desk
To: Kamisato Ayato Postage: 3.1.8 Commissioner's Office
Notice how Ayato's (and Diluc's in the example) doesn't have a general location specified (eg. Kamisato Estate, Dawn Winery)?
That's because on the map of Teyvat in-game,
This has been an in-class 5-minute worldbuilding brainrot.
If you want the full taste of my brainrot, the Google Doc link to the locational sectioning is here (it will be updated as the regions come out, so do look forward to that!).
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ratherembarrassing · 25 days
2024: weeks 33 through 35
life hard, etc. here is an accumulation of things.
taskmaster new zealand, season 5. i'm enjoying this so much i had added it to my note for this list twice. there's also this weird element where jeremy taskmaster is the kiwi version of one of the partners i work for, and it's fucking weird.
am i ok? (2022, tig notaro and stephanie allynne). embarrassingly relatable, don't look at me.
the big lebowski (1998, the coen brothers). i am engaging in this vague task of watching things that i know i have seen but have no substantive memory of. sometimes: fun! this time: christ, what a trial.
smartypants episode 109. tao's charcuterie tier list was the worst tier list ever constructed and he should be proud of that.
'emotional blackmail' by joan didion (nov, 1962). savage. no one would write this in 2024, but they should.
random work related social activities. pasta making was involved, and it was both good and delicious? i think i'm a pasta chef now. also we spent half a weekend in lorne, which involved ocean sounds (good) and also google maps sent me in such a way home that i drove over both the westgate and the bolte bridge (bad) and during the second bridge crossing a truck with an evergreen shipping container on it drifted over in front of me and i did worry for my life for half a second.
dulce de leche pumpkin pie danish (falco). i think i should just marry the concept of pastries.
sportsball, always sportsball. tdff happened, the paralympics is happening and aflw has returned.
a very expensive haircutandcolour. that's a given, but while getting a post-haircutandcolour potato cake from the fish and chippie i also got a parking fine in the 3 minutes i was out of parking meter.
a friend had a baby! i am almost past baby-having age and it is still so shocking that this is a thing people do!
other things people do: people send me chappell roan memes now, but this one is by far the best, and also this one isn't a meme, it's just fucking good.
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pokidot · 1 year
MANDELA — nine
wc: 832
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A long sigh drawled from Kuni’s lips, gifted annoyance coursing his lips as a resting scowl laid.
It's been fifteen minutes, at approximately 7:45 in the morning, and Kuni has not seen a single trace of you other than the Disney princess towel that they had laying on the rack outside their house for who knows how many days. Every now and then Kuni would see somebody walk along the sidewalk, and some cars would drive past.
But other than the stuff he chose to pay attention to, time seemed to slow to a severely arduous crawl. His fingers tapped restlessly on the steering wheel, a silent rhythm of slowly building pent-up energy. "Why," He grunted lowly. "So much for a schedule. You can't even follow your own itinerary."
He considered getting out of the car to knock as soon as you tumbled out of the house with papers flying out of your hands. You and Kuni shared glances, with your messy attire and chaotic acumination of items you sprung together.
With a hint of a smile, you waved at him through the car when you knew he was staring, and the initial frustration loosened. Kuni opened the car door, wincing as he was greeted with the rising sun, walking towards you. "I knew you were making things up as you go."
"I was not!" You gasped dramatically, "I happen to need all of this stuff, thank you very much. We just happened to be 30 minutes behind schedule, is all."
"More like forty. You took so long that I had to turn my engine off." Kuni eyes dulled, looking down as you put your untied shoe in front of him. "You're not seven. Do it yourself."
"My hands are tied." You defended, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "I can't do everything by myself, right?"
Their eyes locked in a participated gaze, a gaze that Kuni tapped out of immediately. He rolled his shoulders, eyes moving away to the tops of your shoes as he crouched down, fingers deftly holding the laces.
With the final tug, he secured the knots and stood up. His brows furrowed slightly, the ripple of annoyance slowly returning in his grasp. "I can't stand you. Get in the car now."
"Jesus, fine." Your bottom lip jutted out at his sudden words. "Careful, I may think this is a kidnapping."
"Kidnapping you?" Kuni scoffed. "Why don't you think about making yourself useful and tell me where we're going."
"Psh. There's a reason why Google Maps exists. We're gonna get there so fast that those cryptids are gonna meet their maker! Their mooooney makerrr!" You put all of your items in the back trunk safe and sound, closing it all the while keeping your backpack on you. Kuni helped load the camera in a sack.
The excitement was palpable again in your tone. Though as you and Kuni were about to get in the car, a sudden burst of movement erupted from the corner of your vision.
A figure popped up from the front of the car bumper all of as sudden. "Hey!" The feminine voice shouted right in your face, but it was too late, because your heart leaped to your throat and you screamed.
You held up the canister of Venti's Shining Idol Barbara hairspray and pressed the trigger so fast that she couldn't even stop you by the time the cloud of potent, glittery mist engulfed the air.
Quickly, the remorse began to settle in, your mouth opened far as you gasped. "Oh, no! You're not a cryptid, you're just a bystander! I'm sorry!! I'm so sorry!"
"No, it's fine, I- oh my god it hurts! What did you spray me with?!" Her vision was clouded, trying to look through blurry slits but to no avail. "Am I dying? Oh, I'm dying!"
"It was...glitter hairspray." You hesitated.
"I wasn't trying to startle you!" She shouted in pain, the burning sensation overwhelming her. "I feel like this is so strong that I need to file a lawsuit!"
"Hah. Lawsuit." Kuni couldn't help but laugh. "I'd love to see you try."
"What?! You can't just sneak up on us and then get mad when I retaliate! I learned that in bear hunting school, it's a classic defense mechanism!" You frowned, "What's your name?!"
"Hu Tao! I thought you would remember me because I sat up front! I went to the presentation about you going on a research trip and I really liked it, so I wanted to join you guys- Ooow, ow, ow, ow!!"
You froze, eyes full. "...What?!"
Kuni, frozen as well, watched as the scene unfolded, with a bunch of screaming and painful crying from the woman. The situation was so on cue that he almost wanted to laugh hysterically. His shoulders dropped in disbelief, putting the key in his pockets and putting his hands on his faces to seethe in them silently, miserably groaning. "You gotta be fucking kidding me."
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NOTES || (sweating profusely) i'm back!
TAGLIST: @wisteriarain @akagism2 @murderisokayforme @aeongiies @d4y-dr3am3r @truck-kuns-gf @3lysiaa @ayoitsmarie33 @crucnhice @natsuscrustyscarf @dreamsofminnie @astreaa-express @goj0h @cicibao @xirthia @kylexzz @dollpoetwriting @dreamingkace @strawbxrrytiger
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yawnzloverz · 4 months
After the storm
And when the clock strikes twelve, will we be back to being strangers who never speak to each other?
⋆Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x fem!reader
⋆Genre: strangers to lovers, fluff, angst,
*Warnings: Cursing and cussing here and there. Mention of hookups and slight sexual innuendo.
⟶ Summary- With the failure of your past relationship, you try to move on with closure and no regrets; which you fail miserably. You don't need help, but a shoulder to lean and cry on. But what if that shoulder belongs to a total stranger? or so you thought...
a/n: GRAHHH my irls found this acc I'm crawling and digging my grave in embarassment 😭 but anyways thank you for reaading! raghagahgahghg-val! 🧸
🌧‧₊˚ ☁️⋅𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.🌧‧₊˚ ☁️⋅𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.🌧‧₊˚ ☁️⋅𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.🌧‧₊˚ ☁️⋅
⋆ Chapter V - Finding Leo
Nag-Grab nalang ako papunta. Matagal pa 'yung biyahe pero hindi ako makatulog. Ite-text ko sana si Leo, kaso siya na nauna.
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Grabe, hindi ba uso ang hi/hello dito?
Kaloka 'to ah. Oo nga pala noh, nasa kanya pala yung pangalan nung lugar. Minsan lang ako pumunta ng Pasay kaya hindi ko kabisado 'yung pasikot-sikot.
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SIRAULO KA PALA EH! Ang mahal mahal ng Grab. Mamaya mapadpad nanaman ako sa kung saan sa Pasay at baka mag to-the-rescue ulit si kuya, panigurado mababatukan na talaga akko no'n! Binalikan ko 'yung picture niya sa'ken, baka sakaling nahagip kahit 'yung logo manlang, nang biglang nag-vibrate phone ko.
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'Yun naman pala, kaya mo naman pala jusko. Ano kaya itsura nitong hindot na 'to?
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*1 Image Attached*
Binuksan ko 'yung image, para akong nakaramdam ng hiya. Picture ko na naka side-view, isang kamay may hawak na shot-glass, at isa hinahawi ang buhok. Namumula na ako sa pic, na parang onti nalang babagsak na talaga. Binilugan niya ang LED-sign na likod na nakasulat "Au Revoir", tapos sa baba nito ay may naka-ukit na teksto na hindi ko mabasa, pero siguro French din ang nakasulat. Ebarg, Pilipinas pa rin ba 'to? Napalingat din ako sa background, kakaunti lang ang tao sa bar, pero parang ang saya-saya ng mukha ko no'n. Y/nnnn, sigurado ka ba na wala kang ginawang katarantaduhan na pagsisisihan mo no'ng araw na 'yon?
Pero focus muna tayo. Sinubukan kong hanapin ang 'Au Revoir' bar sa Google Maps, pero walang lumalabas. Huh, kanina rin waang lumalabas, pero kanina kasi mahina talaga net namin sa bahay. Sinubukan kong i-search sa Waze, pero wala pa rin akong napala. Baka naman mali 'yung binigay na pangalan nitong mokong na 'to? Or maybe... the place doesn't exist? Pero imposible 'yon! Kung ipina-demolish man 'yon, may info pa rin na lalabas sa internet. Baka naman, binago na 'yung pangalan.
Pero parang pamilyar eh...
The words "Au Revoir" seem to hit a spot...
Au Revoir...
Au Revoir...
Au Rev-
I suddenly vaguely remember the familliar sound of a wind chime, rattling as I open the door.
"Bienvenue, Madam." Greeted a female bartender from behind the bar counter. Maamo ang mukha niya, ka-match ng vibes no'ng lugar. Tumingin-tingin ako sa paligid. Malawak 'yung lugar, at may malalaking bintana, kitang kita ang cityscape at ang mga kapitbahay na gusali. Sa taas no'ng cunter, nando'n ang LED sign ng Au Revoir, na sa ilalim ay may nakaukit na teksto. "À la prochaine."
"Good Evening, Miss." A familliar male voice spoke from beside me. Ngunit bago ako makalingon para tignan kung sino ang may-ari ng misteryosong boses-
I jolted awake from the sudden ominous voice. Nakatulog pala ako sa biyahe.
"Kuya, nasa'n na po tayo?"
"Papasok na po tayo ng Pasay, miss."
Malapit na. Lord, ano ba 'tong pinapasok ko? Sa buong mag-hapon na kinakausap ko si Leo, taong ngayon ko lang nakilala, I never felt any sort of fear until now. No'ng nag b-book ako ng Grab, hindi ako kinakabahan, kahit no'ng sumasakay ako sa kotse para sa mahigit isang oras na biyahe papuntang Pasay, hindi ako nakaramdam ng kaba.
Pero ngayon, parang gusto kong umatras, umuwi, at kalimutan na nangyari ang lahat ng 'to. Pero, bakit ko nga ba ginagawa 'to? Ano bang pake ko kay Leo? Bakit ba gusto ko siyang makita, eh kanina ko lang siya nakilala?
Ano ba talaga ang gusto kong malaman?
Ano ba ako sa kanya?
I brushed the uneasy feeling off and started collecting my thoughts. Napag-isipan kong isulat sa Notes app para mas organized.
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Huh? Ano 'to? Uy, October seven?
Pinili ko nalang muna na hindi pansinin. Nilista ko sa Notes lahat ng itatanong ko at sasabihin.
"Ask how he got my number, my photo, anong ginawa namin..." Bulong ko sa sarili. Nilista ko rin na wala akong maalala na kahit ano mula no'ng gabing 'yon, at kagabi.
Inangat ko ang aking ulo para tignan kung nasa'n na kami.
Teka....Eto 'yon! Dito 'yung lugar kung sa'n ako pinick-up nila Kuya! Ayun oh, ayun yung poste! Eto nga!
"Kuya, dito na po ako bababa." Sabi ko kay kuya habang nananalamin at nagre-ready.
"Sige, ibaba lang kita do'n sa babaan." Tumango lang ako.
"Matanong ko lang pala kuya, nasa'n na po tayo ngayon?" Tanong ko. Dito nalang rin ako magpapapick-up mamaya.
"Ah, ano, papasok na tayo sa Roxas. Ano, bungad ng Barangay 76."
Kinilabutan ako. Barangay 76?
Nilingon ako ni kuya mula sa rearview mirror. "Bakit iha? Mali ba 'yung pinuntahan natin?"
"Ah hi-hindi po...Sige, dito na po ako bababa."
Bumaba nako ang kotse na namumutla. Nasayang lang lahat ng pag-aayos ko kanina. Ano ba kasi ang nangyayari?
Pero eto nga, walang duda. Eto nga ang lugar kung sa'n ako pinick-up ni kuya Jake.
Mula sa posteng 'to, dire-diretso lang ako...
Naglakad ako nang diretso sa sidewalk mula sa poste, ngunit hindi ko talaga maalala ang lugar na 'to. Habang nag-lalakad, unti-unting lumalala ang kaba ko. Minsan lang ako maging mag-isa, sa isang lugar na malayo sa tirahan ko, kung saan wala akong kakilala at malalapitan. Binilisan ko ang paglalakad. Ipinikit ko muna ang mata ko. Hindi ko alam kung 'yung kaba, o 'yung init, o yung pagod ang dahilan ng mabigat na pakiramdam.
Idinilat ko ang mata ko.
Nasa tapat ako ng isang roundabout. Nasa tapat ako ng isang sushi restaurant. It looks as if I've seen it before. Parang pamilyar 'yung spot na 'to. Ang weird.
Y/n, you're looking for a place that not even Google knows, and you still think this is weird?
The dream I had. Pilit kong binalikan at inalala...
The long counter, the big sign, the light-bulbs, the windows...
The windows...teka...
Sa kaliwang bintana, may itim na establisimyento na parang nagbebenta ng mga sasakyan...Tapos sa kanan...
May logo ng cartoon na babaeng chef na may hawak na chopsticks na may...SUSHI!
Binasa ko ang bilog na signboard sa taas ng doorframe ng gusali...
Sashi's Sushi!
-val 🧸(May 17, 2024)
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Heartstopper season 2 play-by-play analysis
This would be the moment in the typical movie where the character comes out and gets the happy ending and love ever after, and everything is alright, right?
But coming out is a choice for some people, and not so much for others, and it's not always perfect, and love does not always conquer all, and sometimes love is not even part of your story...
And sometimes there are many more issues, and not so simple solutions, and things aren't always black and white...
I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I?
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- Nick knew how to get to the café without consulting Google maps or anything, which means this is a place he’s been to before.
- Nick and Charlie letting go of each other’s hands as they walk into the cafe. And “would you feel better if I waited here?” Nick’s rotund and absolute “NO,” then, a little as if to make sure that Charlie knows it’s about himself being nervous and not about Charlie being imposing, he adds “No, please come with me.”
- “He used to visit every summer”, and it makes you wonder why he stopped. Then Stephane really has no idea how old his son is and how much time he still has before he graduates, because he’s not involved in Nick’s life. Any child of divorced parents knows that nod either means Martine is not interested in meeting Nick (and probably David), or Stephane is unsure of how to bring it up. Or both. “Perhaps someday soon,” means “I will put it off forever because I don’t want to deal with that.” Martine definitely had to do something with Nick not visiting anymore, and even David probably hasn’t stayed with him either. Yet David brings it up when we first see him. “Next time I’ll stay with dad”. Sure. (Even the fact that he mentions how their dad will react when he finds out Nick is bi, indicates that he still very much cares about his father’s opinions and thoughts, even when Stephane doesn’t seem to care much about his sons’ lives.)
- “I’m sorry, something came up and I can’t get out of it.” Did you even try, sir? Dad bails out, this was probably always inteded to happen, to have a very short meeting, just enough to not leave Nick hanging completely. But because he leaves money behind to pay the bill, he thinks everything’s okay.
- Nick’s face when he realizes that coming out to his dad won’t happen, at least for now. Not only did he not stay long enough to even bring it up, but he assumes he’s straight and talks a lot about him having lots of girlfriends, and Nick is probably thinking that it’s just going to be like David, or worse. (Considering that even Sara said some things, assuming that Nick was into girls exclusively, it’s not like he was sure that she would react so great about him coming out, but it’s clearly very different with his dad, who is never there but for whom he still had a lot of admiration and excitement about being able to meet up. He wants his dad to know him, to know about him, to be proud of him. Maybe there’s even a little of “look, dad, you’re not in my life, but look how well I’m doing anyway”. I don’t know, I’m not a boy, and my parents didn’t divorce when I was still a teenager.)
- New favorite friendship dynamic unlocked: Charlie, Isaac and Nick squished up in one bad trying to find Wally.
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- Other new favorite friendship dynamic: the boys asking Tao for every single detail of his kiss with Elle. “But I kissed her that time.” “OH MY GOD NO YOU DIDN’T” “What does this mean???”
- Meanwhile in the girls’ room, the dynamic is much the same, but I love that we get to see it for both groups.
- Tara is so sweet, always making sure that Isaac doesn’t feel excluded.
- “So are we-?” Elle making Tao short-circuit with a kiss.
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- Charlie deflecting Nick’s question by asking him about how he’s feeling. And Nick refusing to let him get away with it. “I know I’ve been stressed about coming out, but I don’t think I realized how stressed out you’ve been about it.” “I get stressed about everything, you’re nothing special.” “Charlie- It matters to me.” Classic Charlie humor deflection technique. Poor Charlie, he’s never in a million years imagined that he’d fall for someone who cared so much about him, and he doesn’t even know what to do with himself.
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- Ugh, this whole interaction between the teachers is soooooooo perfectly off of the comic book page. Mr Ajayi fishing for info on Mr Farouk. Awww Mr Farouk… “Don’t think there’s an age limit on those”.
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- "You flirting with me?" "Maybe." MISTER AJAYI‼ AAAAAAHHHH‼
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- “They are gonna be a handful today.” Power of prophecy.
- “Thanks, I hate it.” “I knew you would.” Tara, if you don’t want it, I can take it off your hands. (Seriously, where can I get that t-shirt?). I think the pressure of giving an amazing gift is so overrated, why not get your significant other the worst gift ever? That’s amazing.
- Darcy taking the first step at talking about her feelings, thank god, because things between them have been horribly tense and all over the place… “I’ve got plans, big plans.” Oh shit…
-SO MUCH GREEN. Darcy and Tara matching tops, Elle’s whole outfit, Sahar’s vest, Isaac’s vest, Imogen’s striped sweater. And Charlie’s sweater is a big blue-greeny, I feel (and then later he wears the green hoodie). But I think it’s interesting that Nick is wearing blue now, both during the day and then at the party, on the episode where he comes out to more people. Everyone perceives him as heterosexual, so he has to fight that heteronormativity applied to him. He wears the color and defies what it represents.
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- I am Isaac at the bookshop, wandering around with a huge pile of books, knowing that I won’t be able to buy all of them, but by all the gods I will try…
- By the way, here's Isaac’s reading list from this season.
- Have kids these days stopped saying “take a picture of me” but instead say “take a selfie of me”? As if the word selfie has replaced the word picture?
- It’s sad how Nick and Charlie take a selfie in front of Notre Dame(?), and they seem tempted to kiss, but then walk away, whereas behind them, Tao and Elle don’t have to think about it at all. Until they walk into the area full of pride flags, and Nick and Charlie can feel more comfortable walking with joined hands. But that’s it.
- The pile of books on Isaac’s end of the bed… I want them all.
- The recharging scene is so lovely. They are so soft with each other. Charlie getting all worked up from that kiss and Nick just says “We gotta go”. I hate you too, Nick, how dare you.
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- “Everything has to be perfect for Tara, she’s a princess.” Darcy is feeling so guilty, but she’s terrible at making up.
- Tara’s face when Darcy brings out the booze… oh no…
- The fact that Ben just sneaks into the party, unnoticed, and he just meekly goes around, trying to pass under the radar.
- Seriously, is there any queer boy that is not into Charlie (except Isaac of course)? First Ben, then Nick, and now even James. If only Charlie himself knew, the power he has…
- Even though we already know where this is going with Isaac, James’s little face still breaks my heart. He was so smitten with Isaac… and that was his first kiss… and he probably thought they were two booknerds in love… and… *weeps*
- Wait, so if James hadn’t kissed Isaac just before, that means that his literal first kiss could have almost been his former crush during truth or dare in front of everyone???? Nightmare scenario…
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- Isaac, baby… I have now cried every single time I’ve watched this scene, I wonder if it will happen every single time. My little ace heart can’t take it.
- Nick really doesn’t like parties, or he hasn’t liked parties since he met Charlie, because he prefers hanging out with Charlie. Why pretend to have fun when you could be happily making googly eyes at your soulmate in a quiet corner? (Again, with Golden Retriever twin Darcy interrupting).
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- The contrast between the party room, full of color and shiny decorations, whilst Harry and his mate stand outside in the harsh blue light of the corridor (again, blue representing heteronormativity).
- Harry apologizes to Charlie and Nick but he sounds so insincere, he’s smiling the entire time like he’s not really taking this seriously, and it’s all made worse by his friend behind him smiling smugly. They really thought it would work… Charlie is not intimidated by Harry anymore, not even a little bit, and we love him for that. Slam that door in his face, Charlie, that’s my son.
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- At this point, why hasn’t anyone kicked out Ben yet? You’d think everyone would be behind Imogen on this. Unless she really doesn’t care, of course, she’s over him. And he just looks kind of relieved that he has managed to not get kicked out, but also… is that a bit of bitterness that I sense, at the fact that Charlie continues to stand up for himself and ignore him completely.
- As the game of truth-or-dare begins, it feels like maybe Ben wants to fit in, wants to be a part of this group, but he’s not entirely comfortable, but he’s still there, following the dynamic, maybe hoping that he’ll just be… accepted? And not have to put any work into it? (Am I reading too much into this?)
- “Imogen got a boyfriend last year and she stopped texting me.” “Uh, no, you stopped texting me.” The way that Imogen sort of nervously pushes her hair behind her ear… is kind of… flirty…?
- One of my favorite moments that’s not in the comics, the Charlie-Tao kiss had me in stitches. It’s the cheeky way that Tao crawls over, and Charlie’s embarrassed delight and Nick and Elle’s delighted faces. I love them so much. (Can't believe no one had giffed that yet, or at least I couldn't find it, so I had to do it myself! Guys, I'm really bad at this stuff, help!)
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- Who is this person stirring the pot??? Poor James, poor Charlie. But I love Charlie going resolutely “No, no way” when he’s dared to kiss Ben. And Ben resorts to his usual tactics of pretending not to know Charlie (Imogen’s face, knowing that something definitely happened between Charlie and Ben… that Ben is hiding something, and that Charlie very vehemently wants nothing to do with him).
- And you know Ben wanted to bump into Nick so bad on his way out. “Always making a scene…”
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- “I know who it was.” He takes the leap, and he checks with Charlie and he knows that, whatever happens, it will be okay. Elle’s smiling, Tara is smiling, but Tao still looks a bit tense.
- I loved everyone’s reaction to Nick coming out, very chill and “oooh so you gave him the hickey?” And Nick looks so relieved, they both do. And James, precious James, asking if they want it to be kept secret… And then Darcy, of course…
- That whole hallway scene all the way to the room, it’s so sweet. Notice how they go from blue-ish lighting to yellow lighting, the color of happiness, their color. Nick envelops Charlie in the warmest hug and they just, ugh, so fucking cute… then the whole carrying him over his shoulder, I want to know how many times they had to do that scene, it’s so perfect. (Had to gif this one too, am I searching wrong???)
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- The bed fight, the pillow fight, and then the conversation about not being ready to do anything more than kissing yet. Nick was so nervous, the way he wasn’t nervous when he was the one kissing Charlie’s neck. This time it was his boyfriend being sexy, it was his boyfriend taking the lead and getting him all worked up… he had to stop it, because he realized that he was starting to feel things that he wasn’t ready for at the moment.
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- “Why are we like this?”… Like what? Like perfect? Like the cutiest patootiest of all?
- Tao wearing Elle’s glasses and teasing her, whilst Imogen and Sahar are cuddled up in the next bed… And Isaac… baby…
- “I have to be perfect for you.” “Darcy, nobody’s perfect.” Darcy saying I love you with vomit in her mouth and smeared makeup and a crumpled party hat on her head, whilst Tara looks immaculate in her tiara and gold weaved into her braids and her white sweater…
- Mr Farouk giving Darcy a break, like he’s maybe not so strict anymore (because of someone’s influence)…
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- That whole Charlie and Nick talking and sleeping montage fixed my mental health, cleared my skin, watered my crops and fed my cows. I have watched it in an loop. It’s beautiful.
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- They are finally sitting together in the coach! And so are Elle and Tao. Meanwhile Tara and Darcy...
- The post about Mr Farouk. Merciless.
- Meanwhile both Mr Farouk and Mr Ajayi looking a bit tense and unsure after...
- “Is it true you guys are dating???” They haven't even gotten back from Paris... News spread fast...
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This episode is brought to you by Whatever the Hell Darcy was Drinking™.
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Above you can find my interpretation of the geography in the immortal realm in Love Between Fairy and Evil, exclusively based on the information given in the TV show and excluding any information that might be found in the book from which the show was adapted.
THE REALM On a macroscopic scale, I think that: - The Moon Tribe lives in the east, since "dongfang"/"东方" in Dongfang Qingxang means "east" and "xun"/"巽" in Xunfeng means "south-east"; - The Xilan Tribe lives in the west, since the "xi"/"息" in their name, which means "breath", is an homophone wish "xi"/"西", which means "west"; Consequently, I would propose that Shuiyuntian is in the middle, also on the ground of being the protagonist's home and point of view.
SHUIYUNTIAN For the specific geography of Shuiyuntian, we know that it is surrounded by four waters, the Xiao, Xiang, Li, and Yuan four Waters. Even if we are not given the orientation of these waters, in my opinion they are oriented just as the real-life rivers of the same name in the province of Hunan. Here's some quote referring to the four waters:
EP9: "The Four Water Pearl controls Shuiyuntian. Li River is the source of the Four Water. If we don't make up for it, the water will flow backward. The whole Shuiyuntian and Yunmeng Lake will be in misery." EP12: "Shuiyuntian is surrounded by the Xiao, Xiang, Li, and Yuan four Waters. Water Li and Water Yuan are full of spiritual powers. It's easy to defend but hard to attack. And there are Li Yuan's former soldiers stationing there for years. Water Xiang is foggy. The terrain is hazy and complicated. Therefore, we think... [..] We think we should attack from Shuiyuntian's weakest point Water Xiao."
Here’s the rivers in Hunan as marked by Google Maps:
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They have same order as the piece of dialogue “Xiao, Xiang, Li, and Yuan four Waters.”.
CANGYAN SEA For the specific geography of Cangyan Sea, we now that the nation is called Nine Youxian Counties, which if composed of a Nine You City, the Southern and Northern Youxian Counties and other counties. Silver lake and the Wind Plain also belong to Cangyan sea, being likely close to each other because they were attacked by the Southern and Northern kings in sequence and with Silver lake being likely in the south, since its southern border is exposed to Shuiyuntian's attacks. Here's some quotes referring to the nine counties:
EP9: "My Lord. Highness Xunfeng is fighting with the Kings of Southern and Northern Youxian County in Wind Plain. Now they have conquered the Silver Lake and are heading towards the Nine Youxian County." EP12: "There were many Cangyan Sea tribes. Among them, the Southern and Northern Youxian County are the most powerful. They never obeyed the commander of Nine Youxian Counties." EP18: "The Southern and Northern Youxian Counties had a mutiny one after the other. They intended to take over the Nine Youxian Counties." EP18: "Chidi Woman led the immortal army and attacked us. We lost the south of Silver Lake." EP15: "You must at least send me out of Nine Youxian City." EP29: "In my opinion, we should give up Silver Lake and retreat to the Nine Youxian Counties."
XISHAN For the specific geography of Xishan, it contains both the mountain and the Spirit-shattering Abyss, as we also know from the overlay "Xishan - Spirit-Shattering Abyss". Here's some quotes referring to Xishan:
EP03: "Since the generation of water by Tao and the beginning of the universe, the Xilan tribe has lived in a corner of Xishan to guard the three realms from the evil gods. They have always remained neutral and never been involved in strife." EP22: "But they didn't know the Xilan clan had guarded Xishan for generations to keep an eye on me and to completely destroy me." EP31: "Changheng will surely take her to Xishan to find her identity." EP33: "Stay at Xishan and guard her transformation. I'll be back soon." EP33: "I just want to invite you to Xishan's Shaking Light Peak to watch the sunrise. It's the highest point on Xishan, which has the most open and spacious view." EP36: "When the ancient gods and Goddesses Wu Qi joined forces to seal Tai Sui, the evil and killing, violent and evil spirits in the ancient barbaric era were also suppressed under Xishan."
THE BORDER Between Shuiyuntian and Cangyan Sea, there are the Memory Loss River and the Xuanxu Realm. It seems that the Northermost Ocean is at the northern border and that the southern border is made out of land. The Memory Loss River has an end; possibly it flows into the Northernmost Ocean, which is especially possible if it flows north because in the south there is land. Here's some quotes referring to the border:
EP9: "This is the Memory Loss River, the boundary of two tribes." EP15: "Even if you run to the end of the Memory Loss River and the edge of the world, I can still find you." EP30: "The Shuiyuntian Army is gathering at the area around the Memory Loss River, the Northernmost Ocean, and the border of the southern regions." EP30: "If we can't stop them in the Xuanxu Realm, they can head straight into the Nine Youxian Counties."
HAISHI CITY As for Haishi City, I believe it is found west of the Memory Loss River, because after Dongfang Qingcang returns from Haishi City, he is refferred in Cangyan Sea as returning from the Memory Loss River.
EP16: "Shangque said that the Lord's been in a foul mood ever since he came back from Memory Loss River a few days ago."
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sanchagocity · 8 months
Ang S ko sa PTSD ay Santiago
January 23, 2024. 2:09AM. Anim na oras nang nasa daan patungong Cabagan. Hindi pa ako naliligo.
Nilalamig na naman akong mag-isang bumabiyahe sa bus ng Victory Liner. Iba’ng pakiramdam ito lalo na’t dati hindi naman ganito. Dati, bumabiyahe ako pa-Maynila-Tuguegarao nang may balikat na natutulugan at pamasaheng hindi ko pinoproblema. Ngayon, nakakumot na ako dahil wala nang bisig na yumayakap sa katawan ko at nababawas na sa ipon ko ang pamasaheng ibinabayad ko sa konduktor.
Masaya akong naka-First Class (reserved) na ako dahil hindi tulad dati, pumipila lang ako sa terminal ng mga bus para maging isang “chance passenger”. Masaya ako na umuunlad ako sa sinsakyan ko pero dahil sa tulad ng ayos ng mga bus na First Class, mag-isa na lang ako sa upuang kinalalagyan ko. Sa kabilang dako naman, maaari kang magkaroon ng katabi ngunit maluwang pa rin. Mag-isa na lang akong nahihimbing sa tulog, nakasandal sa bintana matapos panoorin ang madidilim na bundok at ilog ng Nueva Vizcaya. Fun fact, noong bata ako lagi kong pinagmamasdan ang mga bangin at nai-imagine na baka mahulog ako sa isa sa mga ito.
Siyudad ng Santiago ang unang bumubungad sa akin tuwing nagigising ako sa pagtulog. Senyales ito na malapit na ako sa babaan at senyales na ito para tawagan ang dadatnan kong tao at ipaalam na dapat magising na siya upang sunduin ako sa highway. Dito na rin papasok ang konsepto ng pagluha at pag-alala sa mga gunita noong bata ako na laging nagtatanong kung saang bayan na ako sa Isabela at doon ikakakalkula kung gaano na ako kalapit sa aking babaan. Ngayon, gamit ko na ang Google Maps, sabagay, may edad na ako at ako na ang nagiging navigator ng mga daang tinatahak ko. Malungkot nga lang, wala na akong amang naghihintay sa akin kasama ang kaniyang motorsiklo habang kumakaway sa bus kahit nasa loob pa lang ako.
Bigla na lang ako maluluha sa mga bagay na ipinapabaon sa akin ng probinsyang ito. Wala naman akong problema sa probinsyang ito, matatamis ang ngiti ng mga tao tulad ng sikat nilang kakanin na tinatawag na “binalay” na isang kakaning nakabalot sa dahon ng niyog at isinasawsaw sa asukal na tinunaw. Nakakahumaling ding panoorin ang mga tanawin ng palay at mais na pumapaligid sa kalsada kong tinatahak. Perpekto ang lugar na ito, pugad ito ng katahimikan dahil pinaliligiran ng mga bulubundukin ang rehiyong kinapapalooban nito.
Ang problema ko lang sa tuwing pumapasok-labas ako sa probinsyang ito? ‘Yung biyahe dito. Laging bumabagsak ang luha ko sa tuwing pinapanood kong bumabalik pa rin ang parehong ako sa tuwing inaakala kong “nagbago na ako” . Umaalis kasi ako sa probinsyang ito na may dala-dalang mabibigat na dalahin at bumabalik nang mas may mabigat pang mga dalahin. Umaalis ako sa probinsyang ito nang may taong dapat nang kalimutan at bitawan, sa oras na tatapak ako sa Maynila, at babalik pa rin akong siya, parehong tao, pa rin ang aking nasa isip. Umaalis ako sa probinsyang ito na umiiyak at bumabalik pa ring luhaan.
Kung susumahin, sampung oras ang biyahe. Kung galing ka sa Maynila, magmumula ka sa terminal sa may Kamias, kaharap ng sikat na TV network na tinitingalaan ko pa rin ngayon dahil binalak noon itong pasukan sa kadahilanang gusto kong mag-artista at sumikat— hanggang ngayon pa rin naman.
May apat na uri ng bus ang inihahandog ng Victory Liner: Regular, Deluxe, First Class at Royal Class. Sa Regular, wala itong palikuran kaya dapat kung dito ka, marunong kang magpigil ng pantog dito. Masikip din. Ito kasi ang may pinakamurang pamasahe sa lahat kaya ang treatment dito ay kapareho ng halaga ng pamasaheng ibinabayad mo. Sa Deluxe naman, wala naman masyadong pinag-iba rito sa regular. May dagdag lang na palikuran. Sa First Class naman, malaki ang agwat nito sa pagkakaiba sa naunang dalawa. Dito may libreng snacks at tubig. Malawak din ang mauupuan, may palikuran at maaari kang mag-isa sa hanay ng upuan kung nanaisin. Panghuli, ang hindi ko pa nasusubukan, ang Royal Class o binansagan ding “Sleeper bus” dahil maaari kang matulog dito nang nakahiga.
Ilang beses ko nang nasubukang bumiyahe. Tradisyon ko at ng aking pamilya na ito simula noong lumipat ang aking pamilya sa Cabagan noong 8 taong gulang ako. Iba-ibang kulay na ang bus na nasakyan ko. Iba-ibang brand, iba-ibang treatment din kung babanggitin. Nasubukan ko na ang Florida, Dalin, Baliwag at marami pang iba. Pero sa huli, Victory Liner pa rin ang “top choice” namin tuwing binabalak naming umuwi. Ewan ko rin, abot kasi ng lahat ang terminal nito sa Kamias hindi katulad ng Florida na sa Sampaloc pa.
Marami kang dapat baon sa biyahe. Kendi, tubig, gamot upang hindi mahilo, pwede na nga ring kanin at ulam upang hindi ka an gumastos sa mga stopover sa Nueva Vizcaya na ginto ang presyo ng mga pagkain at panghuli lakas ng loob at daan-daang dasal dahil hindi biro ang makalagps sa bituka ng manok sa Diadi. Marami-rami na ring kaso ng murder sa mga bus papunta at galing Norte bunga ng hindi pa malamang dahilan. Advice ko? Bumili ng sleeping pills at inumin bago bumiyahe para bagsak ka buong biyahe. Gawain ko na rin iyan dahil ayaw kong gising ako sa biyahe habang nahihilo at nasusuka. Malaking tulong din ito lalo na’t pagdating mo sa pupuntahan mo ay diretsong tulog ka pa rin. Hindi mo ring mararamdaman na kinakantot ka na ng biyahe at pagod-na-pagod dahil nga tulog ka.
Tuguegarao ang signage ng bus na dapat kong piliin sa pag-uwi sa Cabagan. Dapat ding maisaulo ang bus number dahil baka mamaya ibang bus na ang mapasukan mo kung lalabas ka para kumain sa mga stopover. Baka madala ka sa “Aparri”, na dulo na ng Pilipinas. Baka naman maiba ang ruta mo kung sa “Tabuk” ka sumakay o makulangan kung sa “Santiago” ka bumaba at sumakay pa ulit ng isang bus. Isang araw nga sinubukan kong mag-book hanggang Cabagan lang, siyempre mas mababa ang pamasahe nito kumpara sa Tuguegarao na huling hantungan na’ng biyahe. Pero habang nasa daan na ako papunta, naisipan ko na lang na bumaba sa Peñablanca na dalawang bayan pa ang agwat sa Cabagan. Kaya noong nagtatawag na ang konduktor ng bababa sa Cabagan, tahimik ako at nagtutulog-tulugan para hindi na bumaba. Ngunit hindi gumana ang pagkukunwari ko at kalaunang nalaman ng konduktor na dapat na akong bumaba sa Cabagan. Sa huli, pinili ko pa ring bumaba sa Penablanca dahil nandoon ang aking kaibigan na tutuluyan ko sa bakasyon. Nagbayad na lang ako ng dagdag-pamasahe upang maipagpatuloy ko ang biyahe.
Noong pandemya, isa na sa mga checklist namin noon ang umuwi ng Maynila. Lalo na, pabakasyon na ang mga panahong iyon at balak na rin naming lumuwas dahil wala na ang aking ama na siyang orihinal na mamamayan ng Cabagan. Wala nang nagtatrabaho sa pamilya at wala na rin kaming matitirhan bunga ng Bagyong Lawin noong 2016 na humagupit sa 80 taong gulang bahay namin sa Centro.
Ilang taon kaming nagpalipat-lipat ng tirahan. Rumerenta kung saan-saan. Basta may matutuluyan at mapagpatuloy ang pag-aaral. Basta may mahihigaan, may bubong at mapaglalagyan ng mesa para sa kainan. Ngunit noong pandemya, hirap na hirap na ang aking ina sa pagbayad ng bills hanggang sa naisipan na lang naming umuwi ng Maynila dahil nandoon ang pamilya ng aking ama. Istrikto noon, walang bus na pinapayagang bumiyahe. Palaisipan nga sa akin kung papaano nagkaroon ng pagkain ang mga pamilya ng mga bus drivers lalo na’t apektado ang transportasyon sa pandemya dahil walang nag-aatubiling lumabas ng kanilang mga bahay bunga ng agarang pgkalat ng virus. Binibigyan kaya sila ng allowance ng bus company nila?
Noong humupa na ang pandemya, naisipan na naming lumuwas na ng Maynila. Sumakay kami sa tinatawag na “door-to-door van” na kapareho lang din ang presyo ng pamasahe sa bus. Mas kakaunti ang laman at mas sulit dahil mismong sa pintuan ng pupuntahan mo ka nila ibaba. Ngunit ngayon, nagbalik na ang mga bus dahil kakaunti na lang ang naitatalang kaso ng COVID-19. Hindi rin naman nagtapos ang “bus stories” ko noong umuwi ako sa pamamagitan ng door-to-door van dahil patuloy pa rin akong umuuwi sa Isabela nang mag-isa upang bisitahin ang puntod ng aking ama at makasama ang mga kaibigan kong nagiging pahinga ko tuwing nagtatapos ang semestre ko sa Unibersidad ng Pilipinas.
Enero 23, noong binalak kong umuwing muli ng Cabagan dahil tapos na ang unang semestre ko bilang kolehiyo sa UP. Noong pagpasok pa lang sa paaralan, nakaukit na sa 2024 planner ko na uuwi ako sa Isabela sa ganitong panahon. Sinakto ko pa nga sa panahong ito dahil dito nagaganap ang pista ng San Pablo sa Cabagan. Maraming paganap ang bayan namin tuwing pista, may taunang pageant, interhighschool competitions, inuman, kainan at marami pang iba. Sa panahong din ito, gaganapin ang Bambanti Festival sa kapitolyo ng Isabela, sa Ilagan. Sa panahong din ito, magkakaroon ang aming organisasyon sa UP ng “socio-cultural awareness week” na may layong palaguin ang kanilang kamalayan sa pagiging Isabelino para sa mga elementarya at hayskul na mag-aaral sa Isabel.
Nagpa-reserve na ako ng ticket, isang linggo pa bago ako bumiyahe. Ganito ko inabangan ang pag-uwi ko sa Isabela. Tulad ng isang batang sanay na sa pagluwas, madali na lang sa akin ang naging biyahe ko papuntang Isabela. Hanggang sa nakasanayan, nagigising pa rin ako eksakto sa lungsod ng Santiago. Ngunit ngayon siguro iba na ako, hindi na tulad ng dating ako. Sanchago na kasi ang dala kong pen name simula noong naging manunulat ako sa UP dahil sa pangalan kong “CHArles GOllayan” at gawa na rin ng Santiago ang sikat ng lungsod sa Isabela. Sanchago rin ang napili kong pen name dahil ito ang bungad sa Isabela, sa pagbibigay-talinghaga, nais kong maging bungad din ako sa pagkilala sa Isabela sa larangan ng panitikan bilang mag-aaral na nagpapakadalubhasa sa panitikan at pagsulat.
Iba na ako. Dahil naka-UP ID na ako na pangarap ko lang dati sa tuwing nilalagpasan ko ang lungsod na ito. Iba na rin ang aking kasuotan dahil napili ko nang ilabas ang tunay kong kulay, iba na rin ang laman ng wallet ko, bag ko, at puso ko. Hindi na ako tulad ng dating Charles; batang may kasamang pamilya sa pagtawid ng mga bulubundukin at mga probinsya. Mag-isa na lang ako.
Ang masakit lang dito ay sa bawat balik-punta ko sa Santiago, kumukulubot na ang balat ko at tumatangkad na ako. Nag-iiba na rin ang hugis ng mukha ko at lumalaki na rin ang itlog ko. Ngunit anomang dagdag sa bilang ng edad ko ay umaakto pa rin akong batang mukhang iniwan sa mall ng pamilya. Kung masisilayan siguro ako ng katabi ko sa bus, mukha akong nasa music video na nag-e-emote habang inaalala ko ang masasayang araw ko rito sa probinsya at nagnanais na mangyaring muli sa oras na tatapak ako dito pero sa totoo lang, gusto ko nang bumaligtad itong bus na ito sa isa sa mga bangin ng Caraballo.
Sabagay, ako na lang din namang mag-isa at wala na akong kasamang pamilya. Ako lang ang mawawala sa mundong ito at kung mangyari man, magiging misteryo ang paglaho ko. Nakita ko naman na ang ganda ng mundo, ang ilog-Cagayan at bulubundukin ng Caraballo, kaya kung ako, mas bali nang mahimbing ako sa tulog at huwag nang magising at masilayan ang siyudad ng Santiago.
Sa Santiago ako dumidilat tuwing alam kong malapit na ako sa babaan ko. Sa Santiago ako nagsisimulang mag-track sa Google Maps kung malapit na ako. Sa Santiago, nararamdaman ko ang paulit-ulit na hinagpis na papasok na naman ako ulit sa probinsya nang walang nagbabago sa pag-iisip ko. Mahina pa rin. Bata pa rin. Sa Santiago ako nagsisimulang lumuha hanggang maabot ko ang bayan ng Ilagan at Tumauini na tatlong oras ang layo sa Santiago. Sa Santiago ko nararanasan ang takot na sa oras na bababa ako— walang amang sasalubong sa akin upang yakapin ako at sabihing “Kumusta ang anak ko?” matapos ang sampung oras na biyahe mula Maynila at doon kakain sa paborito naming panciteria na nasa bungad ng palengke ng Cabagan.
Puno ng alaala ang ibinalot sa akin ng lungsod ng Santiago sa tuwing nadadaanan ko ito. Kung pwede lang na mag-teleport galing Maynila papuntang Cabagan, nagawa ko na dati pa. Kung iibahin ang ruta, papayag din ako. Huwag ko lang maalala ang mga alipato ng panahong lumiliyab sa loob ng bus tuwing dumadaan ako rito.
Nais kong masilayan ang hinaharap na nakalimutan ko na itong lahat. Ayaw ko nang lumingap sa panahong hirap-na-hirap akong bumiyahe dahil chance passenger lang ako at wala akong sapat na pera upang mag-Royal Class. Huwag lang sana sa hinaharap, kung saan ganap na ugod-ugod na ako ay dala ko pa rin ang parehong mabibigat na bag na dinadala ko noong unang beses kong pumasok sa probinsyang ito.
Ayaw ko nang maluha at magtaklob ng kumot sa oras na kinukulong na ako ng lamig sa katotohanan dahil sa mga susunod na araw, panigurado akong mag-isa ko lang ding babagtasin ang malalawak na kalsada ng Ilagan at Tumauini nang lumuluha. Ayaw ko namang mamaga ang aking mata’t dumagdag ng kapangitan sa tumatanda kong mukha. Nakikita ko sa hinaharap na sana ay wala nang “Sanchago” sa mundong ito, wala nang babalik at aalis na parehong ako. Aalis na lang ako sa mundong ito na malungkot at hindi na ring susubukang bumalik nang malungkot. Walang dadaan ng “Santiago” nang umiiyak parang batang naubusan ng ipon.
Luha ko ang nagiging gasolina ng biyahe nitong mga bus na sinasakyan ko patungong Tuguegarao at itong luha rin ang nagpapaligo sa akin tuwing nararamdaman ko ang tumatandang ako, sa bus, mag-isa.
January 31, 2024. 11:07AM. Uuwi na ako sa Maynila bukas. Hanggang ngayon nasusuka at sumasakit pa rin ang ulo ko sa ideya ng pagdaan sa lungsod na ito.
Opisyal na lahok para sa Saranggola Awards 2023
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greenbagjosh · 11 months
Day 12 - 12 November 2003 - Hong Kong Repulse Bay, Stanley, Aberdeen, Tseung Kwan O, Kowloon, and Tung Chung
Wednesday 12 November 2003
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On Wednesday 12th November 2003, I decided not to have breakfast at the hotel. I wanted to try something local, but the menus were in Chinese and I could not find anywhere suitable, other than either McDonalds or 7-Eleven. I settled on McDonald's, and the breakfast was not much different than in the USA. Also I added more value to the Octopus card at 7-Eleven, I think around US$ 30.00, plenty of money for a full day's fares on the bus.
After breakfast, I walked to Des Voeux Road to take the trolley to the Sheung Wan MTR subway station to go one stop to Central. At Central there is a bus terminal for the city busses. I had to wait fifteen minutes for a direct bus to Repulse Bay which cost about $0.75 with the Octopus card. The bus went along Des Voeux Road past Admiralty subway station, on to Queensway, Stubbs Road where it became Wong Nai Chung Gap Road and Repulse Bay Road. Coming down the hill to Repulse Bay beach, the bus passed by the Hong Kong Tennis Centre.
At the Repulse Bay beach, the main attraction is 109 Repulse Bay Road, where there is a building that has a large gap, eliminating six floors for part of the building. After that, there is a stairway to the beach, where hardly anyone was there. I stayed there for about five minutes. I think the beach was two square miles. There was a large digital clock that would sometimes show the temperature, and at the time, it showed 22 C which is about 71 F. Too cold for any serious swimming.
I took another bus to the Stanley Market. Stanley Market is a single-level mall, with probably two hundred independent vendors, selling clothes, electronics, jewelry, and so much more. If you look on Google Maps, and look up Stanley Market, you can use the Street View mode, to look inside the market (faces are blocked). I bought a silk handkerchief with a chain-link pattern. Most of the staff spoke English well enough. After Stanley Market, I went to the Wellcome [sic] grocery store at 88 Stanley Village Road to buy some lunch items. I remember buying a jar of vegemite, that yeasty and salty spread. And a box of bag tea. One thing that caught my eye, the Hong Kong authorities made a poster against SARS, with a warning in traditional Chinese and English, to people not to spit in public, but rather expectorate into some tissue, or face a HK$ 5,000 fine, approx US $ 600.00. SARS is no joke.
I found a bus line that went directly from Stanley Market to Aberdeen, passing by the Repulse Bay tower that had the gap. The ride took about twenty minutes and cost maybe $ 1.50 on the Octopus card. The bus went past Sham Wan. Aberdeen has many high-rise apartments, is more built up than Stanley Village. I walked along the Aberdeen Promenade, and when walking back to the bus stop for Kennedy Town, I saw a bird in a cage but no human was around to attend to it. Since my visit in 2003, there was a subway line opened in 2016 called the South Island line, that connects Admiralty to Aberdeen via Wong Chuk Hang and Ocean Park.
After Aberdeen, I took a bus to Ngau Tao Kok northeast of Kowloon, I think the bus fare was $ 2.50 including the fee for using an underground tunnel. Then I would start my subway adventure as far as Tseung Kwan O at Junk Bay. I boarded the Kwun Tong Line at Ngau Tao Kok for Tiu Keng Leng and further along to Tseung Kwan O with its eponymous line. At Tseung Kwan O I explored around for a few minutes, it was about as built up as Aberdeen but did not have any farther MRT extension to Po Lam or LOHAS park until about 2009. At Tseung Kwan O, I called back to the USA on a payphone. I had to ask for change as the phones accepted only HK$1 coins and I was out at the time. I took then the Tseung Kwan O line to North Point to connect to the Island Line for Central/Hong Kong. I wanted then to go to Tung Chung on Lantau Island. MTR stations on the Island Line at the time, did not have protective doors. Also on some of the Tsuen Wan line stations between Sham Shui Po to Lai King, there were also no such doors. Some stations however did, but only those that were underground.
Although Central and Hong Kong were physically in the same location on Hong Kong Island, they were classified as two separate subway stations, mainly for the distance that one has to walk between the two. There are two entry points for Hong Kong station, one for the Tung Chung line, and one for the Airport Express line that does not stop except at Tsing Yi. My Octopus card did not include the ride for the airport except a one-way ride, and I did not want to use it that day. My only other option was to use the slightly slower Tung Chung line. The train did not stop at the time, at Sunny Bay or Nam Cheong. It stopped at Kowloon, Olympic, Lai King, Tsing Yi and Tung Chung. Between Tsing Yi and Tung Chung, the train went very fast, right next to the Airport Express tracks. I exited the train at Tung Chung, and was hungry. I found some sandwich store at Skyline Gateway. After eating, I went to the Citygate outlets to buy more bag tea. The Wellcome store that I visited, had a "wet market" in the basement, where you could buy fresh fish and seafood. I was tempted to buy some but didn't. I bought a few magazines in traditional Chinese and I have some of them still today. After shopping, I took the Tung Chung subway line to Tsing Yi, where I wanted to try to take the Airport Express back to Hong Kong station but there was only an exit for Hong Kong and entry to the airport but no entry to the Hong Kong station. I strolled the mall for a half hour before taking the Tung Chung line to Lai King, and I took the Tsuen Wan line to Mong Kok, right in the middle of Kowloon. Kowloon, particularly along Nathan Road, is where the most lighted signs can be seen. I think the time was 7 PM and the sun had set. Nathan Road was very busy with people.
After Kowloon, I wanted to see how close to Sheung Shui I could get. You can't go to Lo Wu without a visa for the PRC, so Sheung Shui is the closest. I took the Kwun Tong line from Mong Kok to Kowloon Tong to board the East Rail line. In 2003, the East Rail line was not part of the MTR subway and thus the fare was not included and had to be deducted from the Octopus card. If you travel in first class, the fare is about US $10. On the East Rail line, I decided not to go any farther than the University station. It was about five stations prior to arriving at the PRC border. I spent about fifteen minutes around the University station before taking the East Rail line back to Hong Kong Island with the Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan and Island lines.
After the Island line train reached Sheung Wan, that was the last of the subway rides. I took the trolley along Des Voeux road to Hill Road and bought some curry buns and Sprite and ate them at the hotel. I had to pack up for the next leg of the journey. It was short and I wished I could stay longer.
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tsarisfanfiction · 1 year
Okay so i didn't see the questions i was looking for or missed so original questions ahead
~If you could slap someone from TOA (not Zeus) who would you pick? If you could hug someone from TOA (not Apollo) who would you hug?
~Which overused cliches ot tropes you can't get enough of?
~If protagnists' of the last book you read was put in the last game you played how much trouble they would be in?
~If any other god/godess from Greek/Roman pantheon could get their own version of TAO which god/godess you would pick?
~You find yourself 30 years into future and you're allowed to google one thing before going back to your time, what would google?
Well those are some unusual and unexpected questions - but also fascinating ones!
Let's go through these in order...
If I could slap someone from TOA (who isn't Zeus), who would I pick? Immediately narrowed this down to the Triumvirate because they're all assholes who would deserve it. I think I'll go with Nero, though - he's the most persistently irritating one (although Caligula comes very close with his Jason-killing)
If I could hug someone from TOA (who isn't Apollo), who would I pick? Will. I mean, if I can have more than one answer I'm adding Austin and Kayla to the mix, but come on, Will needs that hug so badly. So badly. And I know he has Nico to provide them already but that isn't going to stop me from supplying more.
Which overused tropes/clichés can't I get enough of? Hurt/Comfort in general, especially on the whump front, but someone getting hurt shielding someone else with their body and the panic that comes after it is so, so good. I need to do more of that it's been a while... eyes my newest potential victim. You. You fit.
If the protagonists of the last book I read were put in the last game I played, how much trouble would they be in? Okay, last book I read was Rick Riordan's Daughter of the Deep (which is absolutely fantastic 10/10 highly recommend). Last game I played was Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition. ...It would depend what map the kids were on, really. Any of the land-based maps (which is most of them), then they'd probably struggle a little but they're resourceful, tenacious and very intelligent so I figure they'd manage to conquer the map given enough time. Any of the sea-based maps they would thrive - after all, that's basically the same premise as their canon book!
If any other god or goddess from the Greco-Roman pantheon could be included in Riordanverse, which would I pick? Actually a hard question because Rick's covered most of the ones I know pretty substantially. The one that springs to mind for me is Eris, the goddess of discord and in some versions of mythology, Ares' sister. It would be very interesting finding ways to integrate her into the existing dynamics we know exist, especially with Ares himself!
If I was sent 30 years into the future and was allowed to google one thing before being sent back, what would I google? Hmm... That would be 2053 which is certainly a decent chunk into the future! I don't think I'd want to google anything about events or anything because then I'd be stuck with future knowledge I can't do anything else about. I might just google some niche osteoarchaeological question to see what the future makes of it compared to now. That seems like a safe enough thing to have foreknowledge of, right..?
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chereserene · 2 years
What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago? 🤭
• cutting ppl off, before kasi like nahihirapan ako to cut ppl off kasi nasasayangan ako sa memories pero narealize ko na it really cost my mental and emotional health too so, ngayon nas pinipili ko yung sarili ko kesa ibang tao palaging para sa saili
• kaya ko na pala bumyahe magisa just give me directions and thanks google maps never pa ako nailigaw minsan
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dan6085 · 3 months
Edward Snowden, a former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, leaked a vast amount of information in 2013 about global surveillance programs. Here are the top 20 most significant revelations:
1. **PRISM Program**: This program allowed the NSA to access data from major tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. The NSA could collect emails, chats, and other data directly from these companies' servers.
2. **Boundless Informant**: A tool used by the NSA to map and analyze global data collection. It revealed the extent of data collection across various countries, showing the agency collected billions of data pieces per day.
3. **Verizon Metadata Collection**: The NSA was collecting the telephone metadata of millions of Verizon customers under a secret court order. This included details like call duration, time, and phone numbers involved.
4. **XKeyscore**: An NSA tool that allowed analysts to search through vast databases of emails, online chats, and browsing histories without prior authorization.
5. **Tempora**: A British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) program that tapped into fiber-optic cables to access vast amounts of internet and telephone data.
6. **Upstream Collection**: The NSA intercepted communications directly from the internet’s backbone, including undersea cables, allowing them to collect vast amounts of data.
7. **Bullrun**: A program aimed at breaking encryption standards widely used on the internet. This undermined the security of online communications.
8. **Dishfire**: A program that collected hundreds of millions of text messages globally every day, storing metadata and content.
9. **MUSCULAR**: A joint program between the NSA and GCHQ that hacked into the main data links connecting Yahoo and Google data centers.
10. **Stellar Wind**: A warrantless surveillance program that included the bulk collection of internet metadata and the monitoring of emails and internet usage.
11. **LoveINT**: Instances where NSA employees used their surveillance capabilities to spy on love interests or people they were romantically involved with.
12. **Co-Traveler Program**: This program tracked the movements of people through their cell phone metadata, allowing the NSA to track the travel patterns of individuals worldwide.
13. **BULLRUN and Edgehill**: Programs targeting the weakening of encryption standards and securing access to encrypted data, compromising overall internet security.
14. **Black Budget**: Detailed information on the NSA’s budget, revealing the scale and cost of surveillance activities, including the operations of other intelligence agencies.
15. **SOMALGET**: Part of the MYSTIC program, it involved the recording of all phone calls in the Bahamas and another unnamed country, storing the content for 30 days.
16. **Tailored Access Operations (TAO)**: An elite hacking team within the NSA that conducted cyber espionage and offensive cyber operations against targets worldwide.
17. **Quantum Insert**: An NSA hacking technique that involved injecting malicious code into legitimate websites to exploit users' computers and gather intelligence.
18. **NSA and Israel**: Documents revealed that the NSA shared raw intelligence data with Israeli intelligence, including the content and metadata of communications from U.S. citizens.
19. **NSA’s Industrial Espionage**: Reports suggested the NSA engaged in industrial espionage, collecting intelligence on foreign companies and industries.
20. **Operative Relationships**: The NSA's cooperation with various foreign intelligence agencies, revealing the extensive network of partnerships and data-sharing agreements.
These revelations sparked global debates about privacy, surveillance, and the balance between national security and individual freedoms, leading to legal and policy changes in several countries.
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cddulichsaigon · 9 months
Cao đẳng Du Lịch Sài Gòn
Cao đẳng Du lịch Sài Gòn là Trường đào tạo chuyên ngành Du lịch Duy nhất tại TP. HCM. Trường có hơn 30 năm kinh nghiệm đào tạo nhân sự cho ngành Du lịch Việt Nam với các ngành Quản trị Khách sạn, Quản trị Lữ hành, Hướng dẫn Du lịch và Kỹ thuật Chế biến Món ăn. Chương trình đào tạo 70% thực hành, đội ngũ giảng viên đến từ doanh nghiệp giàu kinh nghiệm giúp sinh viên đáp ứng được nhu cầu của thị trường lao động ngay khi còn ngồi trên ghế nhà trường.
Tham khảo các chuyên ngành đào tạo tại trường:
Hướng dẫn du lịch: https://dulichsaigon.edu.vn/vi/nganh-dao-tao/huong-dan-du-lich-14.html 
Quản trị Khách sạn: https://dulichsaigon.edu.vn/vi/nganh-dao-tao/quan-tri-khach-san-17.html 
Kỹ thuật Chế biến Món ăn: https://dulichsaigon.edu.vn/vi/nganh-dao-tao/ky-thuat-che-bien-mon-an-15.html 
Quản trị Lữ hành: https://dulichsaigon.edu.vn/vi/nganh-dao-tao/quan-tri-du-lich-va-lu-hanh-13.html 
Thông tin liên hệ:
Website: https://dulichsaigon.edu.vn/ 
Địa chỉ 1: 347A Nguyễn Thượng Hiền, Phường 11, Quận 10, TP.HCM
Địa chỉ 2: 20/11C Kỳ Đồng, Phường 9, Quận 3, Tp.HCM
Giờ làm việc: 7:00 - 21:00
Hotline: 0988 575 086 - 0906 776 471 - 0906 783 686
Google maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/6uQzk1ZXcncVqjZu9 
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So ayun na nga. I just got back from hawaii. So much drama and toxic. I’m with difficult person ever. We are good friends but we are not that close. I was just her comfort person lol and slave. I feel like she’s holding me on my neck that I can’t breath anymore and naubos na ako. Para akong jowa haha
She actually planned the hawaii trip she wants me to go with her. She booked airbnb and she told me she want a jeep as our car so I rented one. I bullet type ko nalang yung mga ginawa niya para mas highlighted lol
• Ayoko sa lahat pinag iintay ko. Pinag intay niya ko ng isang oras sa labas ng apt niya hahahaha pota sya
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• I was in the middle of my work and she texted me that she needs me. Sobrang pagod na ako ha kasi nag baby sit ako sa anak ng mga boss ko sa disneyland. Tapos nawawala daw phone niya blah blah. It’s very serious daw. Baka daw hindi na matuloy yung plan namin sabi ko edi cancel na. Hindi ko alam gagawin ko kasi pagod din ako tapos pinapapunta pa niya ako sa place niya which is 1 hr travel time midnight na yun ha. Sabi ko oh wow I can’t leave my work here sorry I can’t help you. Hindi ko alam gagawin ko kasi grabe siya kausap as in magulo siya kausap hindi mo siya makausap ng maayos. Eh hindi din ako nag fufunction. Tapos na sabi niya pa na bakit parang yung trip daw yunb iniisip ko tapos sabi ko ay wow jowa ka. Syempre eto nilolook forward ko una sa lahat and problem mo yan kaya gawan mo ng paraan ano gusto mo gawin ko di ba. Nandito lang ako to support you. Hindi mo ko utusan.
• Nag dinner kami sa restaurant tapos sabi niya kilala niya daw yung mga tao dun sabi ko sino dyan yung mga nag wowork dun kilala niya kasi friends daw ng dinate niya. Coincidence daw lol. Ay wow di ako tanga po no. Grabe obsess niya sa guy eh isang beses niya lang naman dinate. Tapos grabe pag stalk niya dun sa guy alam niya lahat lol. Mejo creepy sya. Feeling niya daw gusto daw sya nun or iniistalk daw siya. Wow parang baliktad. Ginost kasi siya lol di niya matanggap maganda daw siya blah blah.
• Nalate kami sa flight 730 nag alarm ako puyat pa ako nun ha kasi kinagabihan hindi ako makatulog kasi ang ingay nya ang gulo niya kumakain tapos bukas lahat ng ilaw at nanunuod pa siya. So ayun na nga 8 na siya bumangon ang bagal kumilos 9 siya natapos. Take note usapan namin 830 kami aalis keso malapit daw siya sa airport ayan na traffic pa kami hindi kami tuloy umabot sa flight. Nobody’s fault daw.
• Pagod ako kasi spontaneous yung lakad namin. Nag mall nalang kami nag lakad lakad. Tapos grabe siya mag kwento ng life niya puro siya nalang hindi ka man lang niya pag kkwentuhin lol. Makinig ka lang eh di nga ako nag fufunction. Mejo nabbwisit na ako. Nag kkwento siya random na kwento na hindi naman ako interested.
• Pag landed, hindi niya man lang ako kinakausap tapos nakuha ko na yunf car hindi man lang ako tulungan sa google map pota. Picture lang sya ng picture. G n g sa self.
• Take note napikon siya dahil sa pag park ng car ha. Parang bata pota nkakabigay ng feeling.
• Hindi ko na sya kinausap buong gabi nakatulog na sya habang ako umiinom. Nakatulog pa sya sa gitna ng kama eh saan ako hihiga pota so sa couch nalang ako natulog.
• Kinaumagahan kausap ko friend ko tapos biglang pumasok si ate ghurL ano daw ba plans namin today kausapin ko daw sya na parang walang nangyari. Sabi ko plan ko iwan ka and bubukod ako. Nag wala si ate ghorL daming sinasabi hahaha tapos ako tumatawa lang lahat ng sinasabi niya, dinedescribe nya self niya. Eh kapag ganung away wala akong kwentang kausap gusto ko nalang matapos nalang kaya sabi ko gusto ko umalis di ko na kaya kasama ka. Tapos umiyak sya sabi niya bakit ko daw sya iiwan ano daw dahilan. Aba di ko kasalan yun and hindi ko naman kailangan pa i explain self ko dapat alamin mo kung bakit ka iniiwan ng mga tao sa paligid mo.
• Kinaladlad niya ako and nakalmot niya ako kasi pinipigilan niya ako umalis sabi ko gusto ko na umalis sabi niya wag ko daw sya iwan blah blah. Sabi ko bigyan mo muna ako space gusto ko muna mag isip and huminga. Tapos umalis ako iniwan ko sya haha nag unwind ako and kumain. Pag balik ko sabi ko oh ano mag usap na tayo aba hindi naman ako pinansin. Umupo ako saglit tapos mga ilang minuto sabi ko ay okay alam ko na sagot mo. Fine. Aalis na ako.
•Blinock ko sya sa lahat nf socmed and phone ko lol.
• Nakasuhan din sya ng shoplift ha. Ibang issue pala yon haha
• Tapos kapag nag cocompliment ako sa gamit niya sa apartment sabi niya ay syempre 1k usd bili ko dyan ay syempre 200 usd yan mahal yan. Jusko di naman ako nag tatanong kung mag kano hahahah
Minsan need natin mag bawas ng tao sa life natin lalo na pag pabigat. Kasi nakakadagdag pa ng isipin lol Excess baggage pa lol
Ingat ka nalang teh.
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ruou-tot · 1 year
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Montrachet Grand Cru của Olivier Leflaive được sản xuất bằng cách sử dụng các trái nho Chardonnay chất lượng cao từ các vườn nho Montrachet. Sau khi thu hoạch, trái nho được ép và lên men trong thùng gỗ sồi mới trong khoảng 16 đến 18 tháng. Đây là kỹ thuật sản xuất rượu vang truyền thống được sử dụng trong khu vực này.
Màu sắc của Montrachet Grand Cru Olivier Leflaive là màu vàng nhạt với ánh kim loại vàng óng ánh. Hương vị của loại rượu này khá phức tạp, cảm giác trên vòm miệng mượt mà gần như lụa, có hương thơm của trái cây chín, hoa quả khô và gia vị. Vị rượu thanh tao, đậm đà và kéo dài với hương vị của bơ, vani, vàng cam và hương thơm của gỗ sồi, tiềm năng lão hóa cực kì cao.
Địa chỉ: VP Hà Nội: 243 phố Đặng Tiến Đông kéo dài, Trung Liệt - Đống Đa – Hà Nội (đường ven hồ Hoàng Cầu) (Có chỗ đậu thay) 094.304.5529
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/5VsZp1Zc8oRthJuE8
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Đào tạo SEO tổng thể có chuyên môn cao tối ưu chuyển đổi
Chọn học Seo tại HeroSeo là bạn chọn
1. Sự toàn diện
Bạn không chỉ học kiến thức SEO mà còn được hướng nghiệp để lấy đó làm nền móng phát triển lâu dài
2. Sự chuyên biệt
Tất cả được đúc kết từ quá trình nghiên cứu và thử nghiệm trên 200+ dự án SEO cả trong và ngoài nước
3. Sự phát triển
Xây dựng hình mẫu ""SEOer chân chính"" luôn chủ động tìm hiểu khai phá những điều mới mẻ trong SEO & hướng tới sự chỉnh chu trong mọi khâu thực thi
4. Tính thực tiễn
Các kiến thức giảng dạy đã được kiểm nghiệm thành công trên tất cả dự án do Hero Seo thực hiện
Lộ trình học SEO bài bản dành riêng cho bạn
1. Tổng quan seo: hiểu rõ bản chất thuật toán & các đại lượng sau giai đoạn update google
2. Quản trị domain/ hosting/ CMS & ngôn ngữ lập trình HTML trong SEO
3. Toàn tập Audit website CSR & SSR nân gcao theo tiêu chuẩn W3C
4. Chiến lược nghiên cứu từ khóa & lập kế hoạch content Seo tổng thể smart
5. Checklist tiêu chuẩn và quy trình viết content chuẩn seo
6. Tuyệt kỹ checklist onpage seo cơ bản phần 1
7. Tuyệt kỹ checklist onpage seo nâng cao phần 2
8. Phương pháp xây dựng entity tổng thể & chiến lược Local Map chuẩn seo
9. Tư duy backlink thinking giúp tiết kiệm ngân sách & tối đa hóa hiệu quả
10. Phương pháp xây dựng cấu trúc website & schema Markup silo đa ngành nghề
11. Kỹ năng quan trọng trong tin học văn phòng để làm seo
12. Toàn tập PBN & Google Cloud Stacks phục bụ kế hoạch Seo tổng thể
13 Hướng dẫn xây dựng kế hoạch Seo tổng thể & lộ trình học Seo phát triển lâu dài
Cre: https://dichvuseotongthe.vn/dao-tao-seo-tong-the/
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#Hero_Seo, #dịch_vụ_seo_tổng_thể, #đào_tạo_seo
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