#tapping myself in the back bc the first thing i put on his moodboard is SLUTTY WAIST šŸ˜Ž
mrsleonkennedy Ā· 2 years
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ā€œI hate you so much.ā€ ā€œYou look nice today.ā€ "Stupid" ā€œCute.ā€
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(Eddie belongs to @xoxoalette ā€¢ Please dont interact with this post if you are a minor)
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janellion Ā· 4 years
HAPPPYYY BOKAY THURSDAYYYYYY!!!!!!!! *que air horns* Anyways would you like to write some 80ā€™s AU Bokay head cannons?? Like how you first met??
TYSM FOR THE ASK BB!! iā€™m sorry it took so long for me to get to it! this ended up being,, WAY longer than i anticipated? i just went off on one idea so this is less general hcs and kinda how we met and got together! also i made a moodboard for no reason?Ā 
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OK SO this is a college/uni bokay late 80s/early 90s au!!
bo is there on a sports scholarship (likely american football or maybe rugby) and also part of one of the frats on campus!!
so heā€™s not trying as hard as he could be on the academics side
i know a lot of ppl donā€™t see bo as smart BUT HE IS
heā€™s just focusing on other things and using his smarts to plan the best parties that campus has ever seen
so as a result of his scholarship, he has to keep his grades up
unfortunately, heā€™s slipping in a couple of his classes and gets told he needs to find a tutor and thatā€™s where i come in!!
i work at the academic success center (i actually did do this in college!) and so heā€™s one of the students that i get assigned to work w
our tutoring sessions consist of a lot of him semi flirting but also blushing?
heā€™s embarrassed bc heā€™s here to get help even tho he could have done the work heā€™s just kinda lazy and gets distracted when thereā€™s a million other things on his plate
like practice and workouts and training and the ton of frat events he attends
so the flirting is a lot of ā€œyou look different today, did you get a haircut or something?ā€ ā€œactually i slept like 3 hours thanks for noticingā€ and then awkward silences
at least at first?? but then he does all this cute stuff during tutoring sessions like chewing on the end of his pencil or doodling little notes in the margins of his books, or using cute photos of his family back home as a bookmark
and then it goes from just appreciating him as eye candy to ā€˜well shit i kinda wanna love him foreverā€™
we go on with tutoring for a while, but eventually boā€™s grades pick up and he doesnā€™t need the appointments anymore
both of us are a little too shy and awkward to say anything on the last session so we both go home at the end just kicking ourselves for not asking for a phone number or to meet up or anything
we donā€™t see each other for a while
or at least bo doesnā€™t see me for a while
i go to all of his home games and cheer him on but he doesnā€™t know bc i like to sit at the top and leave before the crowd heads out
but heā€™s always searching the crowd at games, trying to see if iā€™m there, and feeling a pit in his stomach whenever he sweeps the crowd and doesnā€™t immediately see me
one night some months later, after the season has ended, iā€™m waking back to my dorm through greek row bc iā€™m a slut for architecture and none other than bo is walking out of one of the large building wearing a toga, a crown of poorly painted gold leaves around his head, his face flushed, and a huge grin on his face
i stop in my tracks momentarily at the sight, wondering if iā€™ve actually passed out in the library and am dreaming
but then boā€™s voice calling my name is ringing through the sounds of the party drifting through the open doorway behind him and heā€™s bounding over, the grin on his face growing
as he gets closer, i see the flush in his face and the slight stumble in his step and brace myself for impact as he crashes into me for a hug, his arms wrapping around my waist and lifting me up
ā€œuh bo???ā€ iā€™m blushing and trying to free myself from his grip ok iā€™m not trying that hard WHO WOULDNT WANNA BE IN HIS ARMS
but heā€™s just grinning and laughing before setting me down and grabbing my hand, pulling me into the brightly lit doorway and up the stairs of the house
ā€œiā€™ve been kicking myself for not asking you out ages ago so letā€™s go out now!! we could get burgers or just walk around the city or get ice cream or go skinny dipping or ā€”ā€œ he cuts himself off, looking back at me with wide eyes as his smile drops for a moment while he lets go of my hand
ā€œoh my god i mean if you want to of course iā€™m so sorry this probably seems so creepy and pushy ā€”ā€œ he babbles on, his facial expression now one of panic instead of excitement
i just laugh, still kind of thinking that iā€™m dreaming, and reassure him with a squeeze of his hand and a small smile, ā€œbo no that all sounds amazing, iā€™d love to. i was hoping weā€™d run into each other tooā€
at this, his grin returns to his face as he continues bounding up the stairs and down a hall, before pulling me into a bedroom
ā€œarenā€™t we moving kinda fast?ā€ i tease him as i look around the incredibly chaotic room
bo turns around with a shocked look on his face before it melts into a grin and a hearty laugh as he sees the teasing look on my face
ā€œiā€™m just getting changed! canā€™t go out on the town in a toga,ā€ he calls over his shoulder as he walks to the closer. ā€œdonā€™t look,ā€ he turns around and waffles his eyebrows at me with a grin, before pulling out a shirt and some jeans
as he gets changed, i turn around and look around the the room, not failing to notice the sticky notes littering his desk, little messages and reminders that iā€™d written for him during our tutoring sessions
i feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see bo, eyes excited and face still slightly flushed, but now fully dressed
he sees me eyeing the sticky notes on his desk and blushes even more, a hand going to rub at his neck before heā€™s laughing and grabbing one, looking at it affectionately before sticking it back down
ā€œthey help me stay focused, you know? remind me that i should be working hard. you really helped me a lotā€
before i can respond, heā€™s grabbing my hand and pulling me down the stairs, out the door, and into the fresh night air
we walk around the city, getting to know each other better over burgers before getting ice cream and MAYBE SKINNY DIPPING IDK šŸ‘€
at the end of the night, we head back to my dorm, deciding to watch a movie and sinceĀ ā€œitā€™s close enough, and we might as well stay up to watch the sunriseā€Ā 
we end up putting on a movie, something fun and light like hercules, and cuddle up on the couch, falling asleep just before the sun risesĀ 
tysm for requesting this bb!! i rly didnā€™t think iā€™d be able to write much bc i donā€™t rlyĀ ā€œgetā€ decades aus? i think itā€™s bc there arenā€™t many POC in media from the 80s and 90s and so itā€™s hard to picture for me! but N E WAYS, this was my best attempt!! it was a lot of fun to write once i got into the mindset!! and thank yall for reading if you got this far?? I LOVE YOUĀ 
šŸŒ» bokay taglist (also my faves): @deadontheinsidebut @stcrryskies @sstardusty @zoni @kuronekomama @anianimol @the-kool-aid-man-is-real @nekoma-hoe @sugacookiies @churochuuĀ @shoyosun @achoohq @miel-meraki @dearest-kiyoomi and iā€™m tagging @strawberriimilkshake @yamagucciii bc i think yā€™all might like to see this as well?
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gentlethorns Ā· 4 years
JKJFLKJGDKLS did you mean. 1 through 31?? like. all of them?? LMFAOOOOOO okay but iā€™m sticking them under a readmore bc that is gonna be SO long
1. what is a genre you love reading but will probably never write? mysteries/crime. i love the technique and expertise it takes to expertly lay out and set up a plot twist, but i donā€™t think i could ever do it aptly myself.
2. which writer has had the greatest stylistic influence on your writing? probably stephen king, if weā€™re talking fiction, but even then i donā€™t think heā€™s influenced me a ton - my writing voice is pretty distinctive (or so iā€™ve been told). as far as poetry, i think reading @candiedspitā€˜s work has really caused me to stretch my expectations of where words can go and what they can do.
3. has a specific song/lyric ever inspired a work of art for you? absolutely! iā€™m super inspired by music, bc music is really important to me as a means of emotional expression. back in sophomore year of high school i was working on a story where all the chapters were inspired by songs from folie a deux by fall out boy. it didnā€™t pan out and i never finished it, but i still think the concept was neat.
4. a writer whose personal lifestyle really speaks to you? lmfao not to talk about him again, but stephen kingā€™s lifestyle really appeals to me. his writing is widely known and renowned, but he just chills at home and watches the red sox games and takes pictures of his corgi and keeps turning out stories. that literally sounds like paradise to me.
5. do you write both prose and poetry? which do you prefer? i do write both! and i canā€™t say i honestly prefer one over the other - my interest bounces between them and waxes and wanes, but i donā€™t consistently indulge one more than the other, i donā€™t think. last year i went through a huge fiction phase in october and cranked out eight or nine different short stories/flash pieces, and then in november/december i went through a poetry phase and wrote multiple poems a day for a long stretch of time. it just depends on my mood and my mindset and what i need from writing (a kind of escape vs. emotional expression/release).
6. do you read both prose and poetry? which do you prefer? i do read both, and again, i donā€™t think i have a preference. i definitely read fiction more, i think, but like writing, it kind of depends what i need at the time.
7. which language do you write in? which do you want to write in someday? i write in english, since itā€™s the only language i know. iā€™d like to learn spanish at some point, but i donā€™t know if i could ever write in spanish - iā€™m so firmly married to english grammar and structure that i donā€™t know if i could ever exercise the same control and mastery over spanish that i could english.
8. share a quote or verse that has been on your mind lately. ā€œyou said i killed you - haunt me, then!ā€ from wuthering heights.
9. a writer/poet whose life you find interesting. *sigh*. stephen king. iā€™ve read his memoir/writing workshop book (ā€on writingā€) and his success story always fascinates me. i just canā€™t imagine living in a shitty one-bedroom apartment with your wife and two kids and working days at an industrial laundromat and spending nights writing on a shitty wobbly desk in the laundry room, and you get your first manuscript accepted for publication, and eventually the paperback rights go up and you think you might get $60,000 if youā€™re really lucky, and then one day while your wife and kids are visiting the in-laws you get a call from your agent telling you that the paperback rights for your book sold for $400,000 and 200K of it is yours. thatā€™s just literally. unfathomable to me lmfao.
10. what do you feel about the idea of someone unearthing your unseen or discarded drafts someday, long after your death? what about your personal journal? itā€™s really hard for me to imagine that happening, i think bc i tend to see myself as really like. insignificant or unimportant in the grand scheme of things, so i canā€™t imagine any part of me lasting beyond my life. also, itā€™s very hard for me to imagine someone i donā€™t know personally reading my work, probably because my work (especially a personal journal) is a window into me, and i have a hard time even letting people i trust see into that window sometimes, much less a stranger.
11. do you prefer to write in silence or listen to something? what do you listen to? i definitely prefer music in the background, although i can work in silence. i tend to gravitate to music that goes with the scene iā€™m writing, if iā€™m writing fiction (often i work music into my fiction, so if thereā€™s a song playing in the scene, iā€™ll listen to that song), and if iā€™m writing poetry i tend to just listen to laid-back music (unless iā€™m writing from a place of grief or sadness, in which case i listen to sad music lmfao). i do also love writing when itā€™s storming outside and just listening to the rain and the thunder as i write.
12. has an image ever impacted your artistic lens/inspired your work? absolutely! less often than music, but visuals can inspire me on occasion. i once wrote a poem based on this image. i just couldnā€™t get it out of my head, so i decided to figure out what it was saying to me.
13. how would you describe the experience of writing itself? as in putting the words to paper, not planning or moodboards etc. do you agree with the common idea that the satisfaction lies in reading your work after you are done with it, rather than the process of writing itself? i think the process can be arduous sometimes, and other times it can be incredible. sometimes i write very slowly and haltingly, sometimes i write at a normal pace and it feels like the work it is (bc i am trying to write professionally), but sometimes the magic tap in the mind turns on and it starts flowing. that being said, i donā€™t necessarily agree that the satisfaction lies only in reading your work rather than also in the process. thereā€™s a certain fulfillment in watching everything come together and knowing itā€™s going to be good.
14. how often do you write? it varies. i would like to write more often than i do, now that i have a full-time school schedule and work part time friday-sunday, but i think i still get a decent amount of writing done, when i can actually sit down and motivate myself to get the words out.
15. how disciplined are you about your writing? not very, in the creative sense - as discussed above, i donā€™t write as often as i should/would like to, and donā€™t hold myself to much of a schedule. however, as far as the business side of it (submitting to magazines/contests), iā€™m pretty disciplined, and iā€™m usually pretty good about keeping all myĀ ā€œgoodā€ pieces in circulation at a couple of places at a time.
16. what was your last long-lasting spurt of motivation? maybe last night? i worked on a couple of pieces and then submitted a few groups of poems to some magazines. i also did some decent work on thursday while i was in my campus starbucks waiting for my zoom class to start.
17. have you ever been professionally published? are you trying to be? i have been professionally published! i got my first acceptance back in 2018, and now iā€™ve had poetry published multiple times and fiction published twice. iā€™m still trying to publish more of my work, but i think iā€™ve had a decent start.
18. do you read literary magazines? not regularly, although i entered a fiction contest for into the void last year, and since it came with a year-long subscription, iā€™ve been browsing the fiction there periodically. into the void tends to publish good short/flash fiction, so anytime i feel like reading some new stories, i head there.
19. a lesser known writer you adore? idk if sheā€™s necessarilyĀ ā€œlesser-known,ā€ but i loved ally carterā€™s gallagher girl series when i was younger. the first four books were immaculate (although i do remember that the last two books seemed almost unnecessary, and the ultimate end of the series was anticlimactic).
20. do you write short stories? do you read them? i write and read them! up until october of last year i could never figure out how to write a short story and effectively resolve a conflict in 5000 words or less, but then suddenly (like. literally overnight), a switch flipped in my head and i could do it. as far as reading them, i donā€™t read a ton anymore bc of my busy schedule ( :( ), so sometimes if iā€™m in the mood to read iā€™ll opt for a short story online or a book of short stories instead of a full-length novel.
21. do you prefer to involve yourself with literary history and movements or are you more focused on the writing itself? any favourite literary movements? iā€™m typically more focused on the writing itself, although i do love to learn about the horror boom from the 50s-80s (if that counts as a literary movement lmfao). i also do particularly love work from the era of deconstructionism, which i think took place in like. the 40s-60s, if iā€™m not mistaken. i enjoy that era bc of its symbolism and abstract nature - a lot of the work leaves the reader to draw their own conclusions.
22. are you working on anything right now? not particularly? i have a few works in progress that i tinker with now and then, but iā€™m not seriously working on anything in particular.
23. how did you get started with writing? i honestly donā€™t even remember. i remember the first time i realized that i really liked writing and had fun doing it (in fourth grade, for a school competition), but i know that even before then i was writing stories and poems.
24. do you have any ā€œwriter friendsā€? most of my mutuals are writer friends! but i donā€™t have any irl. i almost made one in my math class last semester, but we lost contact when our university shut down in march.
25. what is your earliest work you can remember? the earliest work i can remember is when i was really young (maybe like. five or six?). it was about our dog being pregnant (which she was at the time) and able to talk (which she was not).
26. have you found your writerā€™s voice yet? does your work have a distinct tone? absolutely. iā€™m very confident in my style and the distinctiveness of my voice - itā€™s been there pretty much since i first started writing. iā€™ve improved since then, honed my voice and made it more sophisticated and effective, but at the core, itā€™s still me, like it always has been.
27. do your works share themes/are commonly about certain topics? or are your subjects all over the place? in poetry, i think i tend to write about grief or loss of some sort or another often, bc itā€™s something i tend to feel often - either that or a false bravado (but ig thatā€™s more of a tonal device). as far as fiction, i like to write about religion gone wrong (false religion, religion as a front for personal gain and corruption, religion gone too deep into obsession and mania, etc.), and i like smart underdog-type characters that fight and have a lot of grit to them.
28. what does writing mean to you? to me, writing is catharsis, a bloodletting. this particularly applies to poetry, but it also applies to fiction. poetry shows you the things youā€™re regurgitating up-front, but fiction does it slyly, in a mirror or through a distorting lens. regardless, both stand to offer release and healing.
29. in an alternate universe, imagine you had not found writing. what do you think would be your fixation otherwise? honestly, iā€™m not sure. probably acting or theater. something creative, for sure.
30. do you feel defined by your work? maybe a little, but not to a large or limiting extent. like, in a new class, my interesting fact about myself will probably always beĀ ā€œiā€™m a writer and iā€™ve been published a few times,ā€ but i think that iā€™m a well-rounded person and that once people get to know me, my writing is just a part of me, not my whole identity.
31. have you ever written/considered writing under a pen name? if you would be okay saying, why? no, i donā€™t think i have. while a pen name can be a good tool, depending on your goals and what youā€™re writing, i have a Thing about getting credit where iā€™m due credit lmfao. i donā€™t think iā€™ll ever use a pen name bc if i know something i do is good, i want my name on it.
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