#Eddie Notice me pleaseeee!
mrsleonkennedy · 2 years
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“I hate you so much.” “You look nice today.” "Stupid" “Cute.”
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(Eddie belongs to @xoxoalette • Please dont interact with this post if you are a minor)
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lovebugism · 6 months
Could you pleaseeee do more single dad!Eddie 🥺
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✶ ┄ MAYDAY ! [ stand by me ]
summary: after totally embarrassing yourself at eddie's kid's birthday party, the metalhead single dad from the trailer park shows you his (perhaps equally embarrassing) favorite movie. (2.9k)
pairing: dad!eddie munson / f!reader
tags: eddie and maeve universe, strangers to lovers (eventually), slow burn, mutual pining, idiots in love, girl dad eddie munson™, fluff, ugly crying at movies
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You never did crack open that bottle.
The one you accidentally brought to Eddie’s kid’s birthday party? Yeah, that one. The glass container sits unopened on the coffee table in front of you, casting amber reflections on the old wood beneath the lamplight. It’s just a silly conversation starter now. You’ve got no real reason to drink it, anyway.
There’s nothing more intoxicating than Eddie Munson’s presence.
Sunrays spill from your mouth when you tip your head back to laugh. You turn to look at the boy on the other end of the couch, and your warm cheek squishes against the cushion. “Stand By Me is not your favorite movie!” you argue, giggling softly with disbelief.
Eddie has no idea how big he’s smiling. He’s too busy staring at you to notice the beam on his face. 
He shrugs his shoulders, now free from the confines of his leather jacket. He wears a faded Peanuts shirt now. A hand-me-down, you figure. “I mean… Land Before Time is a really close second,” he answers in a teasing lilt.
“Oh, yeah. Only the saddest movie ever made.”
“Maeve used to love it. And, like, not in a normal way— She used to make me play it for her until the tape spun out,” Eddie tells you, chuckling softly to himself. “It grew on me eventually, but… Then she grew out of it.”
You watch him get all forlorn at the thought. You meet his subtle pout with a scrunched nose. “Well, she’s only four, right? Surely, she hasn’t had time to grow out of much.”
Eddie scoffs and slouches further on the couch until his thighs spread. “You’d be surprised. Every time I think I— you know— start to understand her a little bit or whatever, she just… She changes, you know? Like, overnight.”
He doesn’t mean to get so suddenly sentimental about the whole thing. Especially not in front of a pretty girl he only met eight hours ago. He’ll blame it on the late night and the existential dread that always comes with birthdays. He conceals his brooding behind a dumb joke.
“I mean, just this morning, Maeve’s favorite animal was a Hefflelump… Now it’s a blobfish.”
You try to hold back your laughter. You fail. The sunshine-coated giggle sputters from your mouth despite your attempts to keep it hidden. Eddie only laughs because you are.
“I should’ve said turtle or something,” you humor with a roll of your eyes, tucking your knees to your chest. “Or, like, a badger. Maybe then I wouldn’t have gotten made fun of all day.”
“Those aren’t any less normal,” Eddie chuckles with a lopsided grin, dark chocolate eyes twinkling ‘cause he never really liked normal anyway.
You shrug. “Agree to disagree.”
“You wanna know something?” he blurts after a long beat of silent smiles. “When I tucked her in, she made me promise to take her to the aquarium tomorrow. Said she wanted to see ‘if the blobfish were just as gross in real life.’
You smile so wide your eyes squint at the edges. “Do they have blobfish at the aquarium?” you laugh.
Eddie shrugs. “Probably not. But she’ll get to pet a stingray or somethin’. Then she’ll forget all about it.”
“Sounds fun…” you murmur, picking at pills of cotton on the old couch with a suddenly anxious hand. 
“Yeah. Parenting always is,” Eddie hums with a distant smile. “Even when it isn’t.”
“Should I— Should I, like, go?” you stammer.
The boy seems shocked by your question. His fluffy brows pinch as he hums. “Huh?”
You squirm, less than comfortable in your own skin. “Well, I mean, it’s… It’s getting kinda late and everything, and… If you guys are going into the city in the morning, I don’t wanna, like, keep you or whatever—”
Suddenly anxious, Eddie sits up a little straighter. “No! No, it’s okay. I don’t mind,” he responds, then quickly follows with wide eyes. “Unless— Unless you want to leave—”
“I don’t!” you answer, equally flustered.
Eddie forces an awkward chuckle. “I don’t want you to think I’m, like, keeping you hostage here or something—”
“I just don’t wanna overstay my welcome—”
“You couldn’t,” he insists.
You nod, and in a mousy voice, you reply, “Well, you couldn’t keep me hostage, so…”
Eddie grins. “Good.”
“Good,” you echo.
“So… Wanna watch a movie or something?” he offers with a fluttering heart and fidgeting hands. 
He feels like a teenage boy all over again — only he never actually got the opportunity to ask a pretty girl out when he was a teenager. People weren’t exactly fighting to spend time with the local freak back then. Or now, really.
Except you.
“Whaddaya got?”
“Well, let’s see…” he says, grunting as he rises from the couch. 
Eddie walks the short distance to the box television across the room — which Maeve has carefully decorated with a collection of sparkly stickers. He sorts through the VHS tapes stacked in less-than-organized piles with a ringed hand, realizing must’ve left all the good stuff at Wayne’s.
“Oh, you know… All the Maeve Munson favorites…” he singsongs with a sigh.
“Surprise me,” you call from the couch.
Eddie rises then, with two bulky VHSs clutched within ringed fingers. He holds them on either side of his face and grins between them. “Stand By Me or Land Before Time?”
“Stand By Me,” you answer with a firm nod. “Unless, you know, you wanna see me ugly cry.”
“That’s second date territory,” he quips with a wink, suddenly and very uncharacteristically cool. “Stand By Me it is.”
You’re crying on a stranger’s couch about ninety minutes later. 
The credits roll in static colors on the tiny television across from you. The low bass of a nostalgic song floats quietly through the living room — If the sky, that we look upon, should tumble and fall… Or the mountains, should crumble to the sea…
Eddie looks on with a sympathetic beam as you hide your teary face behind your palms. He can’t tell if you’re shaking from sobs or from laughter. Maybe a healthy mixture of both. “I thought you weren’t gonna cry!” he chuckles.
You peek at him through your fingers. Your eyes are glassy with tears and squinting at the edges with a smile. “I forgot how sad it was!” you sniffle, then laugh at yourself.
I won’t cry, I won’t cry… No, I won’t shed a tear…
“You’re crying, too!” you observe as the boy beside you wipes at his eyes with his fingertips. You reach over to shove him with a playful hand. “You big softy!”
Eddie scoffs and swipes his nose with the back of his wrist. “I’m not crying! I’m just… I had something in my eye.”
“Tears?” you tease with a scrunched nose.
He nods, and with a sheepish look in his eyes, he says, “Yeah…”
Your quiet laughter entwines, filling the dim living room with something sparkly and golden. The sound of violins swells in a similar way. Eddie’s eyes flutter shut as he begins singing the lyrics to himself, not really trying but sounding pretty anyway.
“Just as long, as you stand, stand by me…” he croons quietly. You beam and sing softly along with him, audibly less serious about the whole thing. “And darlin’! Darlin’! Stand by me… Oh, stand by me—”
Both of you quieten when a door squeaks about open down the hall. The distant screech is followed by the patter of tiny footsteps. Eddie huffs and sits up a little straighter. “Ah, shit…”
Your face floods with horror. “Was I too loud?” you whisper.
“No. It’s just midnight,” he answers, shaking his wild head. “She always wakes up at midnight. Like my personal little Gremlin.”
Maeve appears in the dark hallway then, drowning in one of her dad’s old t-shirts. Corroded Coffin, the front of it reads, in what seems to be hand-made lettering. The thing fits her like a gown. 
Her curls sit in an untamed halo around her head from the intensity of her slumber. She rubs at her swollen eyes with chubby fists. Eddie can’t help but grin at the sight of her. 
“Hey, Mayday,” he coos. “What happened? You can’t sleep?”
The girl shuffles to her father like it’s muscle memory to her. Still half-asleep, she grips his shirt with graceless fingers and climbs onto his lap with her eyes still shut. She cuddles into his torso, fitting perfectly there, while you sit frozen on the other side of the couch. Like maybe if you’re real still, she won’t notice you’re there.
“We gonna go see da blobfish now?” she wonders in tiny slurs against his chest.
Eddie’s cheek squishes against her head when he smiles. The expression gets lost in her wild chestnut locks. “Not yet, May. It’s too late— All the fishies are sleeping now. Like you should be.”
She shifts on his lap like she’s trying to get more comfortable there. Her cheek, indented with lines of sleep, rubs against his shirt when she turns to look up at him. “Need you to tuck me in,” she tells him, tiny chin bobbing against his chest.
Eddie juts back to see her better. “Again?” he humors with his brows raised behind his curly bangs.
“Mhmm,” she nods, slow and sleepy.
“Okay,” he hums, scoffing a tired chuckle. “I’ll tuck you in again, bug.”
You don’t mean to laugh. It just crawls up your throat and out of your mouth before you can stop it. You try to hide it behind your palm, but Maeve still notices. 
Her fluffy brows scrunch together when she turns to you. She swipes at the hair sticking to her cheek with a fumbling hand to see you better. She doesn’t say anything, though. She just kinda blinks at you, with a brown-eyed, emotionless gaze.
You muster a wavering smile at the girl, lifting your hand in an unsure wave.
“Wanna go see the blobfish with us tomorrow?” Maeve blurts. Though, in her less than awake state, it sounds more like wanna go see da bobfish wiv us tommowow? It’s like you can feel your heart melting.
“The aquarium,” Eddie clarifies.
You squirm in your seat. “Oh, I… I can’t,” you sigh, then follow quickly when she pouts. “I wish I could! It sounds super fun, but I’m… I’m busy…”
You aren’t, really. ‘Cause tomorrow’s Saturday — the only thing you really have to do is try to wake up before noon. You just don’t know how else to turn her down.
“Maybe next time?” Eddie offers hopefully, mostly for Maeve’s sake.
You nod rapidly, just for Maeve. “Yeah. Next time. Definitely.”
“See? It’s okay,” Eddie lilts, squeezing gently at the girl’s sides until she’s smiling again. “We can have fun just you and me, right?”
Maeve pouts in response, a sort of snarled face that’s obviously playful.
Eddie laughs loud and boyishly in return. “Hey! Don’t make that face at me!” he exclaims, feigning offense. Maeve loses her poker face almost instantly as she giggles. “Go get in bed, you weirdo. I’ll tuck you in in a second.”
“And read me another book?” she presses hopefully.
He nods, knowing it’s a fight he’s bound to lose. “And read you another book.”
“Two of them?”
The girl holds her pointer and middle finger in front of her face. Eddie chuckles and guides the latter back down with a gentle hand. “One,” he corrects.
A brief stare-off ensues, one in which you’ve got a front-row seat. Maeve’s dark chocolate gaze resembles her father’s — button-eyed and swimming with something honeyed and stubborn. She tilts her chin to her chest and glares unwavering at the man in front of her.
Eddie inevitably caves. He sighs so deeply his chest deflates. “Fine… Two. But only if you run real fast.”
Maeves slides down his denim-clad legs until her bare feet hit the carpet. She scurries down the hall without another word, quiet giggles fading with her footsteps. Eddie slumps against the couch with a small, contented sigh. 
You realize you haven’t stopped smiling for several minutes now. “She’s really sweet,” you compliment to fill the silence.
Eddie scoffs a gentle laugh. “Yeah. When she wants to be.”
The quiet returns. You run out of things to say. The notion of the late-late night settles more heavily upon you. You swallow hard and fight for a way out that doesn’t make it sound like Eddie hasn’t just given you one of the best nights of your life. 
“I think I’m gonna—”
“Well, I should—”
The boy starts speaking at the same time as you. You cut each other off without trying, then laugh quietly at yourselves.
“You first,” you tell him.
“I should go tuck Maeve in before she goes all Mayday mode and starts screaming at me,” Eddie says, only partly joking. 
His sweet little Maeve is only Mayday when she’s throwing a too-passionate tantrum. Or when it’s past midnight, and she’s acting like a total gremlin. He doesn’t particularly want you to witness either. ‘Cause kids tend to be pretty gnarly sometimes — especially when you aren’t the one raising them.
“Yeah, I should probably start heading home, anyway,” you reply. “It’s late.”
Eddie rises with a small huff. You follow behind him towards the front door, both of you moving with slow and heavy strides — neither particularly wanting the other to go. 
“Thanks for keeping me company,” he says beneath the sound of the screeching screen door. “And for helping Maeve have a good day and everything… Most people don’t really consider hanging out with a four-year-old and her dad a good time, so…”
“Well, most people are weirdos,” you scoff and slide past him through the doorway. “You and Maeve are, like, the coolest people in Hawkins.”
You stand ahead of him on the front steps of the trailer, glowing beneath the silver moon and the buzzing amber porchlight. Eddie lingers in the entryway and holds the door open with his shoulder, so he can hear Maeve when she inevitably starts shouting for him.
“Yeah, I don’t know about that,” he wavers with a scrunched nose. “Maeve’s pretty cool and all, but… She definitely didn’t get that from me.”
“Your favorite movies are Land Before Time and Stand By Me,” you deadpan with a flat face. A smile inevitably pulls at your lips when you look at him too long, pretty as he is. “You’re cool, Eddie. Whether you wanna be or not.”
“Agree to disagree,” he grins, totally sheepish as he shrugs off the compliment. “Thanks for hangin’ around. Again.”
He feels like he’s said that too many times now, but he’s too full of gratitude to stop. It’s been just him and Maeve for so long. And, yeah, sure, Steve and Robin come around when they can, but they’ve got their own lives outside of this one. It isn’t every day someone appears at his trailer with a bottle of booze and the wherewithal to acclimate to his chaotic life.
Eddie feels like he should never stop thanking you, really.
You shrug. “Thanks for keeping me around. Again.”
“See you soon?” he wonders with a hopeful glint in his dark eyes, made a much lighter amber in the moonlight.
You nod firmly once. “‘Course.”
And even though that’s as good a dismissal as any, you both linger in the doorway still. Like your feet are glued in place. 
How are you supposed to walk away from him? The man with wild rockstar curls, rings on each finger, and a beaded bracelet with his daughter’s initial in the very center. The man who loves cartoons more than his toddler and cries with you at sad movies?
You figure you’ll spend forever chasing this foreign feeling he’s so effortlessly given you.
“Daddy!” Maeve shouts. Her high-pitched voice rings through the tiny trailer. It makes you wince a little. You didn’t think something so tiny could be so loud.
“And there’s Mayday…” Eddie lilts quietly, unflinching ‘cause he’s used to this by now.
“I’ll go,” you laugh, walking backward towards your car. “I’ll— I’ll see you around.”
“G’night,” he calls to you as he watches you go.
His chest stings when he realizes he never asked for your number. It feels much too awkward to do it now, and he’s only got a few minutes more before Maeve goes crazy on him. He should’ve asked you ages ago, really. But he didn’t. ‘Cause he’s an idiot.
You notice it, too, but you flash him a sheepish smile over your shoulder anyway. Even if you never hear from him again after you’re gone, you figure there’s always next year. 
Maeve will be another year older. Steve will bring you along to her party if you beg. Eddie will be in desperate need of a pick-me-up, and you’ll bring a bottle of booze just to make him smile. The alcohol will go untouched, though, as the two of you get lost in conversation and Stand By Me.
Even if all this was only destined to happen once every year — even if it was only supposed to happen once and never again — you’ll spend the rest of your life grateful that it happened at all.
With a cold hand trembling with longing, you wrench your car door open. Though your heart’s heavy with a distant worry that you may never be back here again, you grin at him through the grief and the small distance between you.
“Good night, Eddie.”
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taintedcigs · 6 months
— if you're feeling lucky
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pairing: fwb!eddie munson x f!reader
summary: friends with benefit never ends well... or does it? based on this prompt by @dumplingsjinson (wc: 1.2k+)
warnings: just absolute fluff, maybe tiny angst, and a kiss, and thats it, oh and my shitty writing.
author's note: ignore the corny summary im lazy. the title has no meaning i just luv that song omfg. not proofread. based on this lovely request i got from angel @voyeurmunson i hope i did it justice i am so very rusty!!!! and the ending is rushed i AM SORRY
pleaseeee reblog to support me. ty!! mwah.
Y​​ou knew this would eventually happen. You agreed to this stupid "arrangement" knowing that this would be the outcome.
Just because you couldn't keep your feelings in check. Just because the two of you kissed hazily one night, minds filled with each other and the cheap weed Eddie provided. Like a knot that had been waiting to be undone, unraveling, so quickly, fading just as much—if not more quicker.
You should've seen it coming.
From the way your last rendezvous ended, when you accidentally kissed him goodbye on his way home. It was a simple, honest mistake.
Or was it?
The two of you had a set of rules; fucking with no feelings attached, make sure none of it got in the way of your friendship. It was supposed to be simple.
But that goodbye kiss was intimate, more than just fucking, and much more than your stupid friendship.
His cheeks burned a salmon pink, your plushy lips tainting his with something he had never experienced before; pure affection. Making him splutter, almost tripping on his way out of your house.
You barely registered what you did when he finally left, too enamored to even notice. Your son-of-a-bitch subconscious playing its tricks on you, feelings acting out before your logic can even kick in.
Stress ate away at you, but you assumed he wouldn't make a big deal of it. That this wouldn't ruin anything. He would forget this by Monday.
By the time he ignores your fifth call, and even goes as far as to avoid you in town, you start to blame your poor assumption skills. Try to ignore the insecure feelings that churn in your stomach.
Anger replaces those thoughts in an instant, because how could he just fucking end things without even talking to you?
Did he not even like you as a friend anymore?
Did one kiss really disgust him this much?
A lump sits in your throat at the unanswered questions, anxiety seeping through your skin, eating away at your organs, consuming you.
And after hours of endless anxious thoughts rummaging through your mind—and a long talk with your girlfriends where they urged you to talk to him, you end up at his door, arms crossed against your chest, wearing a scowl.
He opens the door with a bewildered gaze, your name falling softly from his lips, like a prayer, devoid of the lewdness it held than the last time you saw him. Much more affectionate, shattering your heart in every way possible.
"What is your problem?" You don't mean to go all out on him, especially when looks this good, bittersweet gaze meeting yours, tousled curly hair framing his face just in the way that has your heart skipping a beat.
"W—what?" He splutters.
You brush past him in a fury, "do you hate me now or something?" Your anger doesn't hold the same weight anymore, tone now laced with insecurity, a sadness that finds its way into your skin.
You don't let him talk, "do you realize how fucking childish this is? Ignoring my calls? Avoiding me?" He watches the way your brows quirk when you explain yourself, teeth pulling on your bottom lip worry, he wants to kiss it, your thoughts, worries away.
"That's not—"
"You could've just talked to me if—if you had any problem, ignoring me is fucked up."
Plushy lips open to speak, to explain himself, but you don't let him, fluttering your thick lashes at him, rambling on and getting more and more upset each time you spoke, tugging at his heartstrings, making him want to slap himself for being the source of your worries.
"We could've just talked this out, you know? W—we could've set up clearer boundaries and uh—" You were growing more and more frustrated, words getting mashed together with how emotional you were being.
"Will you let me—"
Again, you didn't let him speak, wanting to get it all out, knowing that this might've been the last time you spoke to him. Ever.
Your lip wobbled at the thought. "I—I just... 'm sorry, I broke the rules, okay? I—I swear it won't happen again, I don't want our friendship to be—"
"I can't be friends with you anymore!" He breathed, tone loud enough to startle you, the weight of his words taking a while to sink in.
You gulped, physically, mind too hazy to register what he said, that horrible feeling caging your chest, eating up the words that are unable to leave your lips. "Oh... uh—uhm, o—okay." You nervously nip at your nails, not knowing what to do.
"I can't do this anymore, either." He adds, pointing toward the space between the two of you, and you're unable to meet his gaze, too scared. The tears begging to be let out.
"Why—" You take a deep breath before you continue, prying your gaze from his stupid wooden floors, and back into those swirly caramel hues, now big enough to hypnotize you. Softening you in seconds. "Why not?"
"Fuck..." He mumbles, this time he's the nervous one, cheeks flushed with the prettiest pink all over. Fingertips trace against your features, settling on your cheekbones, and you let him. "Because I'm starting to get greedy, sweetheart."
Hope gnaws at your insides, the way something flashes in his gaze has you healing all over, the hold both of you have over each other is strong enough to gravitate you, yet both of you are too dumb to see it, notice it.
Until now.
"I can't just have that and be okay with it... I want—fuck that, I need more," He grumbles, desperate, a silent plea. Your mouth grows dry, lashes fluttering heavily to process it, the world stops spinning on its axis at the implication of his words.
"I need you." You can't help the way your gaze turns mellow, melting into his touch, everything you craved, and more, right in front of you.
A little taste of heaven.
Rolling your eyes playfully, plushy lips stretching into the prettiest smile, followed by a giggle—a heavenly sound he decides he can't fucking live without. "You absolute idiot," you breathe with a shake of your head.
"You didn't think to tell me that? Were you just gonna pull away? Bury your feelings away?"
He mocks a thinking face, "I'd write a few songs about it too, probably." Grin growing wider the more he looks at you, barely registering what the fuck is going on. That you even showed up at his door. That you're even entertaining the idea of being with him.
He's at the palm of your hand, and you don't even know it.
Pushing a palm over his chest dramatically, he tilts his head in a manner that has you wanting to squeeze his cheeks. "An idiot you like back?"
"Unfortunately." His lips downturn, an exaggerated pout that has your smile stretching.
"An idiot I like too much that it's embarrassing," you add with a scrunch of your nose, a gesture Eddie wants to worship, want to leave open-mouthed kisses all over your face.
"I'll take embarrassing," he whispers, licking his lips before leaning in. You stare at his parted lips a millisecond longer, before pulling him by his stupid Hellfire shirt, pressing your lips hotly against his. 
Eddie only freezes for a second before his instincts take over, a groan rumbling in the back of his throat, deepening the kiss, lips parting to taste you, fully, completely. 
Only breaking the kiss once you consumed him, lazy smirk sitting on his lips, “Told ya we couldn’t be friends anymore,” he teases, that pretty dimple sitting on his cheeks. “Shut up,” you reply with a giggle, interrupting him before he can observe your features and try to drown you in compliments, fisting his shirt once again and pressing your plushy lips against his.
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diazheartsbuckley · 7 months
Oooo I’d love to know more about “ Bratty probie Buck/ new lieutenant Eddie” and “Confessions in the dark” pleaseeee 🙏🙏
Hi Matt! 🫶
I answered bratty probie Buck/ new lieutenant Eddie here (be sure to check out @disasterbuckdiaz’s fic about it, I got the inspiration from her 😘)
Whispers of the dark is one of the first fics that I made an actual moodboard for and I can’t wait to provide y’all with another little snippet 🌹 (dw, he won’t be Evan the entire time but it’ll last a while)
(Ask me about my wips 💌)
Snippet under cut ✂️
As Evan moved his hand out from his jacket, the priest turned to face him, backlit by the glow from the burning candles, his features bathed in the golden light.
It wasn’t exactly what he had in mind when he pictured a priest - this man was young but older than him, Evan’s bet would somewhere in his mid to late thirties, tall, with caramel skin and dark brown eyes that appeared to be looking right through him. Below the clerical robe, Evan noticed a faded white scar, tracing from the middle the priests collarbone to the side of his neck - it was wide and appeared to have been fairly deep, the scar tissue thick and bumpy.
It ended right below his pulse point and Evan raised a brow, a puzzled expression on his face as he searched the priests face for a reaction.
“Unburden yourself and this house of worship will be a place where you can feel the light of your own soul and be able to feel the peace that you so clearly long to feel. Otherwise you would not be here. Am I correct?” The priest stepped closer to him and Evan stood his ground, not trusting his actions. Or showing any signs of weakness. But he also knew that the priest was right. He wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t looking for some sort of absolution or a break from being who he is, who he was always destined to be.
“No” was the only word that came out of Evan’s mouth. He didn’t know what he was saying no to. To unburden himself? To feel peace?
Eddie looked at the man in front of him - blue eyes that looked like they contained the weight of the world, pink lips pursed together and an unwavering stance in a suit that seemed to have been tailored to his exact measurements. Eddie knew who he was. He was pretty sure everyone in L.A. knew who he was. And that he was completely and utterly untouchable.
“Then I’m afraid that you’re going to have to leave the premises. I do not want guns in my church. If you truly seek to change your ways, you’ll come back unarmed” Eddie stood his ground, the subtle bulge underneath Evan’s jacket more than visible.
“You and I both know that I can’t do that, Father” Evan said, a flicker of defiance in his eyes as his jaw tightened.
Eddie, with an unwavering gaze, felt a pang of recognition deep inside of him. There was something in Evan’s behavior, a silent echo of a past that he couldn’t quite place.
“Then perhaps it's time to confront the shadows that haunt you, my son. Come back when you're ready to lay down your burdens and find a new way of life” Eddie spoke, his eyes never leaving Evan’s.
Using this as my seven sentence sunday (although it’s way more than seven sentences lol)
I was tagged by @tizniz @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @dangerpronebuddie and @theotherbuckley 😚
Tagging!! @cal-daisies-and-briars @watchyourbuck @honestlydarkprincess @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @butraura @giddyupbuck @actualalligator @hippolotamus @spotsandsocks @puppyboybuckley @poughkeepsies @wildlife4life @elvensorceress @wikiangela @underwater-ninja-13 @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz 🦋🩵
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ayyeitssarahh · 2 years
Kinkmas Day 3: Eddie Munson(dry Humping)
Tw: Dry Humping, semi-public, neck kissing, rubbing. (I believe that's it but if I missed anything lemme know!)
A/N: So sorry for the super late post but I hope you like this! Also sorry if there's any spelling errors. 
Word Count: 859
So sorry for the super late post but I hope you like this!
“C,mon babe, just a quickie, really quick I promise.” Eddie said, hugging you from behind.
“Eddie, we have to meet the group at the arcade in 20 minutes. A Quickie to you is like eating ice cream, you always want more after you have a bowl” I said, Finishing up tying my hair back.
He scoffs, “It is not. I promise it will be quick! Pleaseeee” He whines. 
I shake my head, grabbing my bag and keys, walking towards the door. 
“If you don't hurry up, I’m leaving you here and you can walk” I said, opening the door and walking down the trailer stairs. 
I hear a huff behind me before a door closes and footsteps coming down the stairs. 
“You are so not fair.” He says, pouting and crossing his arms once he’s seated in the car. 
I just roll my eyes and ignore, backing out and going towards the arcade. 
*At the arcade*
“If you can wait two hours until we get home, you can have me all night” I whisper to him as we walk through the door. 
He stops and looks at me with wide eyes, I just walk past him and wink.
Finding an all familiar hat in a group of teens, I shout out Dustin's name, letting them know we’re here and on time this time. 
“Y/n! Good you’re here. Okay so we wanted to do teams of two for air hockey, Cause the arcade just got that big one, and since you guys are here now, there's an even number of people.” He started saying, explaining what we're gonna do and how it’s gonna work. 
While he’s talking Eddie walks up beside me, grabbing my hand to hold. 
I look at him real quick to flash him a quick smile but when I see his face, I see him with a stern gaze, looking around the arcade. Not even paying attention to what Dustin was saying. 
“Okay so you’re okay with that right Y/n?” Dustin asks. 
I shake my head, looking back at him, “Um, sorry, with what exactly?” I ask sheepishly. 
Dustin looks at me weirdly, “With Eddie being my partner cause Robin and Steve are already partnered up and Lucas and Max and el and Mike so you’re with Will.” He explained. 
I nod, and he grabs Eddie’s hand dragging him over to the rest of the group. I trail behind them, smiling as everyone says hello. 
“Okay! Now that everyone is here! Let’s play!” Steve says Clapping his hands. 
*After air hockey* 
“Okay, I don’t know about you guys but I’m tired and hungry so let's take a lunch break.” Robin says, walking over to the biggest booth they had there. Sitting down and scooting over so everyone else can fit in too. 
The last one in is Eddie and there's no room for me so he just casually grabs my waist and pulls me on his lap. 
I yelp from the rudeness but he just tightens his grip around me and grabs a menu.
“Ed, I could have just grabbed a chair.” I whisper to him. 
He just shakes his head, “No it’s ok babe. You can sit here, with me.” He says with a look in his eyes, a look I know all too well. 
As everyone is talking I feel little kisses on my neck. I move it a little to give him more access but not too much that it’s noticeable. 
He grips my hips, slowly moving them back and forth, I move my hand down, gripping his arms. 
Looking around and seeing everyone occupied I turned towards him a bit, “Eds, what are you doing?” I ask him. 
He just looks at me and smirks, discreetly moving my hips faster. 
I close my eyes, feeling something in my stomach. I lean my head back against his shoulder, turning my head towards his ears so he can hear the little whimpers that are leaving my mouth. 
Sliding his hand under my skirt, he starts to rub my clit through my underwear, adding more pressure to increase the feeling in my stomach. 
I nip at his ear and whimper a small, “Eddie” letting him know that I’m cumming. 
He rubs my clit faster until finally my body lets go. I grip his arms hard, leaving nail indents in them. He slowly stops moving my hips to help me relax and then suddenly stands up with me in his arms. 
“Y/n has got to pee and I'm gonna go grab some more tokens while we wait for someone. We’ll be right back” He says quickly before anyone can say anything, dragging us to the bathroom. 
“W-What are you doing?” I ask, still dazed about what just happened. 
He looks around before pushing me in the women's restroom and then walking in himself.
He closes the door, locks it and turns around, leaning against with a spark in his eyes and a smirk on his lips. 
“After what just happened, I am not waiting until we get home.” He says.
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lonelychicago · 2 years
hi bestie can i request number 9 from the one true pairing prompts pleaseeee ❤️
hi gary! for you? anything, bestie! 💗
9. taking pictures when the other’s not watching
Buck tells Eddie he used to be really into photography when he was younger and that he even took a course in college before being expelled and then having to sell his camera to give his parents some of the money he wasted back.
He says it in passing one day, shrugging and not even thinking twice about it, like it's not a big deal. Like he didn't quit one of his passions because his parents were too far up their own asses to pay attention to their own son.
Of course, Eddie can't let it go or be normal about it. He pictures a young Evan Buckley, full of energy and shiny eyes with a camera in hand, eager to capture a moment in time in a picture. It's kind of endearing and it makes his heart squeeze in his chest.
So of course, he buys Buck a camera for his birthday— nothing fancy, Eddie's on a budget. But it's fancy enough and professional enough, he thinks.
Buck loves it. He lights up and beams at him and it's worth every penny just to have Buck look at him like Eddie's worth his time, like he hung the moon, the stars and the sun in the sky. Eddie's kind of addicted to that look, it makes him feel loved and seen and— yeah.
The point is, Buck loves the camera.
And then he's taking pictures of everything.
Like when they're at one of Bobby's barbecues and Eddie tips his head back and laughs, eyes sparkling as he grins happily at something funny Christopher says. Buck takes a picture of that exact moment, wanting to treasure it forever.
Or when Chimney says a bad joke, Buck takes a picture of Eddie— his hand held out, mid-way through a laugh, an easy smile on his face.
Buck just— he loves Eddie. And Eddie's so— pretty, and beautiful, and stunning and Buck aches for him.
So, he takes pictures of the man. Sue him.
And then they start dating and his fill of Eddie pictures gets bigger.
He takes a photo of Eddie when he's in the kitchen, his head down and focused on cutting the veggies just right. He takes a picture of Eddie napping on the couch, head tilted at an uncomfortable angle, drooling a little over the pillow and the glow of the tv making his features look softer and a little younger.
He takes a picture of Eddie in the kitchen in the morning, having breakfast with Christopher and making the kid laugh by getting a cream mustache on purpose, looking kind of ridiculous and really adorable.
And then Eddie smiles over at him, so soft and teasing and fond that Buck's breath catches in his throat.
“I swear, I’ll break that thing if you don’t get that out of my face," Eddie says, trying to look intimidating, but the fond smile still persists, tugging at his lips, so Buck's not really worried.
Soon enough the pictures, the ones framed all around Eddie's house become Buck's, they are all taken by him. Candids of Eddie and Chris, them not even noticing they were being photographed in the moment but finding out much later. They’re everywhere, in frames from the vintage shop a block away from Buck's old loft.
send me a prompt 💌
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inairbinad · 1 year
DANI I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOUR S2 STEDDIE FIC I'M BEGGING YOU!!! (I have such a weakness for S2 Steve he can be so personal and I need to know all your steddie thoughts on it pleaseeee) 🫶
SANDY HIIII 💜💜💜 you've got it love! These are the asks where I've posted snippets so far: (x) (x)
You're so right! S2 Steve is everything to me I swear. Which is why I decided he needed to meet Robin a year earlier (so they could do high school shenanigans and be gay together), and of course add Eddie, because I always need more Eddie. I love the hype for this one because I got all weirded out thinking no one would care because a. it's pre-relationship pining and b. I already posted the S3 rewrite 😭 BUT now I'm excited to finish it and start sharing it!!
(Also it needs a title and it's now occurring to me that I should go find some FOB lyrics shouldn't I?)
ANYWAY have another snippet, because you deserve some of the boys flirting at Tina's Halloween Party:
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Steve didn’t have to ruminate on the exchange for long before Eddie’s eyes landed on him across the kitchen. Steve wasn’t really sure how, but his socked feet started carrying him towards Eddie without his having to think about it. He figured that was a good thing, because he was too busy feeling every inch of his skin heat up from the way Eddie kept staring to remember how his limbs worked.
“As I live and breathe,” Eddie actually whistled as he looked Steve over from head to toe, and Robin did a very poor job of holding back a snort. So she was moving with him, then. Good to know. “Risky Business?”
“Mhmm,” Steve confirmed, wondering if the way he felt hot all over was showing on his bare legs.
Steve needed a minute to take in Eddie’s “costume,” considering it was basically exactly what Eddie wore every other day—ripped jeans, combat boots instead of Reeboks tonight, some band t-shirt, a flannel, and a leather jacket on top. The only addition was a pair of sparkling red devil’s horns that sat atop his head, and some smudged eyeliner that left Steve needing to swallow before he could spit out any coherent words.
“Satan?” Steve guessed. Eddie smiled and twisted around to show off the spiked tail he’d also put on for the occasion. Steve nearly choked at the sight, just barely escaping Eddie’s notice since he was turned around. Then he pulled out a little pitchfork he had hiding in his back pocket, waving it back and forth for Steve’s approval. Steve could feel exactly how dry his mouth was as he said, “Works for you.”
“I thought so,” Eddie gave Steve a wicked grin to match. He snuck another glance at Steve’s thighs, then added, “You pull that off better than Tom Cruise.”
Robin, whom Steve had honestly forgotten about already, scoffed and rolled her eyes a little too dramatically before informing him she was going to find Barb.
That left just Steve and Eddie, hanging out by the drinks table and looking each other up and down. There was something electric about standing this close to him, outside of the drab backdrop of Hawkins High. Even in school, Steve could feel that tingle at the back of his neck whenever Eddie was paying attention to him above anyone else. But here it felt more like a jolt through every nerve ending in Steve’s body, trying to entice his hands to reach out and touch Eddie in the search for more.
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d3vilfy · 2 years
Okay, idea, an nsfw idea. A Steddie x reader idea. Please, here me out,
Reader gets motion sickness on a road trip (She sits inbetween Steve and Eddie, and is technically only dating Eddie) and to keep her mind off of it, Eddie starts fingering her, and Steve isn't paying attention so he doesn't notice, but Eddie has a crush on Steve and knows reader does too, and that Steve likes reader, so he gets Steve's attention and Steve is shocked (He's so confused, like 'Why is Eddie Munson giving me permission to finger his girlfriend? Wtf?' But does help) and reader is having such difficulties keeping quiet and-
Sorry, I've been thinking about this for like a week. If you're comfortable with this, pleaseeee write it!!
need a distraction ✧
this is too hot help... 18+ minors do not interact.
pairings: bf!eddie x gf!reader x steve
warnings: 18+ smut, fingering, 1 girl 2 guys, sub!reader, slight voyuerism, maybe dubcon if u squint.
word count:
a/n: first fanfiction i ever wrote so if it’s bad i’m really sorry
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you really loved eddie. he was your boyfriend, and there was nobody who could make you feel better than he did. still, your attraction to steve was undeniable. something about the fast car, your nose in a book, and your legs being squished together by the two hottest guys in hawkins made something stur in your stomach. motion sickness. feeling the contents of whatever it was you ate shift up to your squirmy mouth, you shut the hardcover with rapid speed, the loud music concealing the noise. eddie was still zoned out, looking at the clouds through the glass window.
you scratch his head through his curls to get his attention, still feeling like your stomach is gonna launch its contents all over your new skirt.
"eddie, i don't feel good" you slur, cheeks tingling. "think 'm carsick"
he turns quickly at the sound of your voice. "come here, sweetheart." he whispers into your hair, pulling you in. "need a distraction?"
“immediately” you mutter, lips brushing against his band tee as he shifts to open the window. 
“alright baby, think i have an idea” he grunts, cold ringed hand gliding up your black skirt. his dexterous fingers tease your pussy through the red lace panties, letting a gasp slip from your soft lips.
“eddie” you warn breathily, whimpering under his cold touch. but your stomach is still spinning like a tornado, and you still have that awful feeling in your cheeks, making you cough. eddie notices. knowing its not enough for you, he suddenly gets the best idea he could ever muster up.
“steve, wake up” he says softly, poking the sleeping brunette. steve lets out some incoherent words before opening his eyes to see your skirt lifted up and eddie’s fingers teasing at the hem of your wet panties.
“what the hell, dude” steve questioned loudly. your cheeks grew pink, realizing how vulnerable you were in the moment. with nothing to focus on besides your anxiety and embarrassment, you find yourself feeling even more carsick than before.
“finger her, we both know you want to” eddie demands. and what guy would say no to that? steve looks down into your eyes before reaching his hand down to meet eddie’s.
“so wet, sweetheart” he started to rub over your lingerie, unaware of how much it affected you through the thin fabric. eddie’s ringed fingers still thrusted in and out of you teasingly, whimpers escaping from your mouth.
soon, steve had pulled your panties completely down and is now steadily moving his lanky fingers in and out of you. 3 fingers stuffed inside your ever so small hole, and 2 hands massaging around your most sensitive parts did more than just distract you from your motion sickness.
“d-don’t stop, don’t stop please” you say through wretched breaths, moans, and whimpers as steve slips another finger in.
“im not stopping until you cum, baby” eddie grunts. steve hardens in his pants just by that thought, mixed with the heavenly sight in front of him that caused his poor pink tip to swell. you bucked your hips further into their fingers, only wanting more. “so good for me and steve, right, sweetheart?”
“yes, so good for you.” you whine, starting to fuck yourself with their fingers. you moaned “keep going, please ‘m gonna cum.” eddie just can’t help himself, seeing you like this makes him crazy. he finger fucks you even faster, rings drowning inside your cunt.
“oh- i, so close” you say, letting out a moan that was a little too loud. steve’s free hand flies up to cover your mouth.
“shh- quiet, okay. we’ll put that mouth to use later, not right now” he talks into your ear, dumbifying you. seeing steve treat you like this, arouse you like this, aroused eddie. both boys wouldn’t be able to hide the bulge in their pants if they tried.
so many different sensations stirred up into a big knot at your core, begging for release. you moaned and whimpered as your boyfriend’s fingered continued to move in and out of you. shaky breaths left your mouth as you felt your high approaching.
“y-yes don’t st-” your own ragged moans overpowered your weak voice. liquids spilt from your sweet folds as you began to calm yourself down.
“good girl, you feel better now?” eddie asks cockily.
you cant seem to get any words out. just ragged breathing and whimpering as your boyfriend leans down to kiss you.
“s-s close, guys. just a few more minutes.” robin moans mockingly from the drivers seat
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eddiesbigolepp · 2 years
let me help you
synopsis: cheerleading practice was taking a toll on you, and when eddie picks you up he notices how spent you are.
pairing: eddie munson x cheerleader!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, crude language, swearing, touchy eddie, perv!eddie, unprotected sex
word count: 3484
a/n: this reminds me of like bring it on where the boy cheerleaders help the girl cheerleaders stretch and they’re madddd close
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the groan you let out when you finally make it to eddie’s van is loud. and the slam of the door rattled the car, pulling him out of his jam session. he looks over at you, turning the music down with a sympathetic smile. he places his hand on your thigh, “everything alright, sweetheart?” he questions rubbing circles into your knee.
“just tired, and my legs are killing me,” you mumble turning in your seat to face him better. you get comfortable, almost as if your laying on the seat. “can we just… go to your place?” you ask looking over at him.
“yeah, yeah for sure.” he answers, squeezing your thigh once more before pulling his hand away to put the van into drive. he drives cautiously, scared that every bump will make your legs hurt that much more. the music is kept quiet and he can see you from the corner of your eye looking at him.
“what is it? you like my face or something, honey?” he laughs, his eyes flashing over at you quickly as he takes his turn.
“i’ve just never seen you drive like this. you’re so concentrated.” you giggle, “i won’t break if you go over twenty-five miles per hour.” you joke and smile up at him.
“you will,” he frowns looking over at you and squeezing your thigh one more time, “now sit tight were almost there,” he smiles turning the corner onto the long street that leads to the trailer park.
the moment he puts the van in park in front if his trailer you open the door and step out to stretch. he watches you from his seat and sighs. “is there anything i can do to help?” he asks as he pulls the keys out of the ignition.
“let me borrow some clothes so i can shower?” you ask turning your torso to face him with a big smile. “pleaseeee,” you add batting your lashes as he hops out and walks around to your door.
“come on, lets go get you a towel,” he smiles grabbing your bags and leading the way. your face is all smiles until you start walking and he notices quickly. “i’ll go turn the water on, you pick whatever shirt you want, and i think i might have some of your underwear somewhere,” he says muttering the last part and scratching his neck.
you slap his arm and laugh, waiting for him to unlock the door so you can finally try and relax. he walks inside, holding the door open for you. you beeline straight to his room to look for a shirt. you rummage through his drawers looking for a specific one before standing up and looking around the room.
your eyes freeze on the wall behind his bed. the ‘normal’ stuff is on there, posters, pictures, the handcuffs. but something black is hanging next to the cuffs.
you walk over, and eventually crawl your way over. you pull the piece of fabric off the nail in the wall and hold it up. your face goes bright red as he walks through the door to check up on you.
he had your panties hanging on the wall, like a damn trophy. “heheh.. i thought they were cute,” he chuckles grabbing them to try and hide them.
“i lost those like three weeks ago! you can’t just take them because you think they’re cute,” you frown and he comes over to press his hand to your face.
“but theyre so cute and they’re your only black ones its only right that they stay here.” he jokes holding them up with his finger.
“but i think theyre cute, thats why i bought them,” you answer trying to snatch them back. he pulls his hand away and heads to his drawer. he grabs the metallica shirt you were looking for and another pair of your underwear, pink ones and smiles.
“theres a towel in the bathroom and the water is hot so go shower and stop running up my water bill,” he laughs turning your body around and pushing you out the door. “i’ll be in here when you’re done.” he smiles flopping onto the bed, not before hanging up his trophy again.
you shower quickly, it was mainly you standing under the hot stream of water trying to warm up your muscles hut it was no use. once you stepped out you felt worse than before.
he noticed once you walked through the door. usually you’d bring your uniform neatly folded and would place it in your gym bag. but it was all crumpled in your hand and you tossed it on your bag and went straight to the bed.
“didnt help, huh?” he says opening his arm for you to lay on his chest.
“not at all, coach is driving me crazy with all these drills, we need to focus in technique not stamina, he’s too worried about what his wife is making for dinner to realize that.” you complain and nestle into his neck.
“let me help you doll,” he says and you shake your head. “come on don’t t be like that, this isn’t something your can sleep off.” he says again and you sigh.
“i don’t know how you could help though,” you frown up at him.
“i mean, doesn’t stretching help with soreness. heard that in health class once.” he says, looking down at you. when you look up at him he swears he can feel your pain through your eyes.
“thats not a bad idea..” you mumble and you sit up. “come here,” you say pointing in front of you.
“okay what do i do?” he questions crawling to that spot and sitting on his knees.
“im gonna do a spilt on the bed, just push my back down, okay?” you explain and he nods with a smile. when you spread your legs and push your body flush with the bed his shirt rides up and he can see your pretty pink panties. he sighs, knowing he shouldn’t be thinking like that when you’re in so much pain but its such a great view.
“push harder i cant even feel it eddie,” you say, muffled voice pulling him out of his daze and he pushes down a little more.
“sorry, princess. this better?” he says, consistently pushing down on your shoulder blades.
“mhmmm,” you mumble, followed by groan as you feel the strain in your thighs. “okok, lets do a different stretch.” you say sitting up and moving him over to the side. you lay down in your back and stretch a little, pushing your hands up toward the wall and he watched you, curiously and patiently. he also watches how your shirt rides up a little showing your panties again.
“okay, im going to lift my leg and your going to put it on your shoulder and push it down toward my chest, got it?” you explain again, and he nods, swallowing slowly as you lift your leg in the air. he slots himself between your legs and leans over, using his body weight to help you stretch out.
“well hello there,” he chuckles at your proximity and you turn your face away, blush dusting your cheeks. “what? you act like we’ve never been in this position anymore.” he chuckles grabbing your face and turning it back. “is it helping?” he questions.
“yes a little, i think we’d have to do this for a while for it to help,” you sigh.
“i can help you stretch everyday babe, my new pastime, forget hellfire club,” he jokes and you roll your eyes at him.
“switch legs, baby” you mumble. as he pushes off of you, you let your leg fall down his chest slowly to his thigh and you can see his face heat up quickly before he lifts your left leg over his shoulder and leans down again.
“you’re gonna be the death of me, doll face.” he grumbles into your ear and nips at it after.
“eddie stop it,” you whine as he starts kissing your neck.
“what? im just taking my payment in advance,” he chuckles kissing your neck again. hes pushing your leg deeper and you can feel the contours of his crotch against yours. you can feel yourself flutter against him as he presses open mouthed kisses again your throat.
“okay, okay, eddie,” you start, but you’re cut off by your own groan. “eddie lets switch stretches, im gonna cramp up,” you make up some lame excuse and pull his face away by his hair. his hips jut forward quickly when he feels the sting and he pulls back slightly.
“alright alright were switching,” he says before smirking darkly and licking a stripe up your throat and pushing himself off of your body with a wink.
you’re frozen for a second, eyes closed but you know he’s looking you up and down, with your leg still rested on his shoulder you sigh and shove him back with your foot playfully.
“i’ve told you before violence is never the answer.” he says, faking a pained voice. “now whats the next stretch, babe?”
“don’t make this one weird, munson. were gonna do the same thing but with both legs…” you mumble, knowing that this might lead to something else. but who’s to say it won’t be a good time?
“i can’t make any promises, sweetheart,” he smirks pulling both your legs up onto his shoulders and looking down quickly. “definitely not with this view.”
“you dog!” you laugh grabbing a pillow from his bed a throwing it at him.
“hey! what am i meant to do when you tell me to get in this position, with your pretty little panties and in my shirt?” he says, trying to dodge the pillow to no avail.
“i don’t know help me feel better instead of thinking so dirty!” you giggle and pull him down by his face. “come here already,” you mumble pushing your hand through his hair and kissing his lips quickly. he leans in and reciprocates, already enamored by the situation.
“i love how bendy you are,” he mumbles, leaning back into kiss you.
“is that my one redeeming quality?” you quip holding his face back with your hands.
“among other things, yes. now let me kiss you,” he whines and pushes his face through your hands and presses your lips together.
“take off. your shirt, babe.” you mumble kisses interrupting your sentence.
“i thought you told me not to make it weird?” he smirks.
“i changed my mind,” you say bluntly. “what do you need help or something?” you say pushing him back and taking you legs off of his shoulders.
“i mean, if you’d be so kind.” he chuckles sitting back on his heels. you roll your eyes and and readjust yourself onto your knees and push his shirt up his torso and off his chest.
“have to do everything myself,” you mumble jokingly and roll your eyes. “im broken don’t you know?”
“im sorry, princess. let me help you then,” he grins darkly pulling you flush against his chest and kissing you sweetly. he lays you back down before unbuckling his belt and slipping it out of the loops.
you stare up at him, legs pressing up against each other as you watch him toss the belt behind him haphazardly and crawl over you. “here lets get this off of you,” he says tugging on shirt. he manages to wiggle you out of it and the smile that grows on his face its blinding.
“my girls!” he exclaims, leaning down to kiss your breasts and lays himself on them. “i think were done here,” he mumbles into your chest, ending his sentence with a peck.
“you were supposed to be helping me with my sore legs,” you frown bringing your hands up to comb through his hair.
“have to do everything myself,” he mumbles, mocking you with a laugh.
“you jerk!” you laugh back pushing him off of your body and starting to get up to look for your shirt.
he sits himself at the edge of the bed and turns you around to face him. your stood between his legs and he’s looking up at you sweetly. “don’t leave, i’ve still got to stretch you out,” he chuckles watching your face go bright pink at his analogy. he snaps the band of your panties against your hip. you squeal slightly and roll your eyes.
“whatever eddie,” you mumble and straddle his lap. “are you gonna stretch me out or what?”
“wow, sweet little cheerleader just wants her word rocked…” he trails off leaning back onto his hands, “its a good thing you’ve got someone who can help you out.” he smiles, laying back onto his elbows and admiring you. you watch his eyes trail down from your face, to your chest for a while, then your panty covered core. his eyes on you makes you squirm in his lap, and he feels you through his jeans.
you lean forward to kiss him and he lays back completely, one hand on your back, the other slowly creeping down to your ass. you giggle into the kiss and put your hands in his hair. “you know this is just like a butterfly stretch,” you mumble pulling back for a sec.
“is that what your thinking about at a time like this?” he questions and watches you laugh up a storm.
“maybe if you took your pants off,” you say pulling at the waistband of his pants with a cheeky smile.
“you’re such a sweet talker, you know that?” he says bring his hand up to stroke your face quickly. “help me out?” he questions, and you lift your body up to hover above his as he unbuttons his jeans and shives them down quickly.
“i want my world rocked? you’re the one walking around town with no boxers on.” you giggle looking down between your bodies. hes hard, super hard, already leaking and his tip is redder than your face.
“its laundry day!” he defends himself.
“yeah you’re such a good job doing your laundry right now,” you mumble, sitting straight into his member and smiling at him mischievously.
“the death of me, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he groans, kissing you harder than before and using his hands to press you against his chest firmly. you grind down on him, trying to get a rise out of him but he knows what he’s going to do to you.
“sit up,” he says and you follow directions quickly. he admires you for a moment, even if you wriggle in his lap to get a reaction out of him. he just holds your hips in his hands and rubs circles into them. “you’re gorgeous, truly.” he mumbles pushing himself up so he’s sitting with his chest flush against yours.
“too bad i’m gonna wreck you tonight.” he smirks lifting you off his lap and standing up in one fell swoop. he turns and lays you on the bed and spreads your legs wide. “you’re gonna be sore everywhere after this.” he chuckles darkly before peeling your panties off with his teeth.
the moan you let out is whiny and so high pitched and it makes his cock jump in excitement. he presses the soaked panties into his nose and watches you turn dark red, almost purple at the sight. “no need to be embarrassed sweetheart, just enjoying your sweet, sweet, smell.” he teases throwing the panties into his top drawer before focusing back on your cunt.
“missed this little thing,” he mumbles kissing around your core before diving in. he’s quick with his work, already lapping at the bundle of nerves that has your leg already shaking. and you cant handle it. him helping you stretch was like the ultimate tease.
you thought about having him help you stretch at practice, and having to wait a whole two hours until you could touch each other again. you groan when he starts using his fingers and reach for his hair. you were practically ready to explode over his face but he pulled away, already reading your tell take signs.
“you suck! why’d you do that?” you whine sitting up onto your elbows with a pout on your face.
“because,” he starts, pausing to lick his fingers and waive his face, “im supposed to be helping you stretch, remember?” he jokes pushing your body off the edge of the bed and lifting your right leg up and over his shoulder again.
he leans in to kiss you and you can feel his member prod at your entrance and he shudders. “gotta get in there,” he mumbles to himself and looks at you for confirmation. even when he was desperate he’d ask permission, sweet boy.
“come on, eddie, please hurry up im gonna die if you don’t stretch me out!” you exclaim, using your left leg to push his hips in closer.
“fuck-” he grunts feeling his cock rub between the folds of your core before using his hand to quickly stuff himself inside of you. “so warm, so goddamn tight-” he grumbles starting to pump him manhood inside.
the slow pace he started with started to escalate quickly and before you know it, he was jackhammering into you, desperate to get some relief after being egged on for so long.
“god eddie, you’re so-” you start to speak but you’re cut off by your own moan, the spongy part inside of you being abused. he smirks into your jaw, proud he found your sweet spot on such short notice. he starts to kiss and suck on your neck again, focused on leaving you a reminder for the morning.
“tell me what you want, princess.” he mumbles kissing the soot behind your ear. “come on, doll. moan into my ear and tell me what you need.” he says, pounding into you harder at the end of his sentence.
“ahh, i want you to- oh my god!” you cry out reaching above your head to grab at the sheets.
“no god, just me honey,” he chuckles.
“rub my clit, please eddie, rub my clit, you do it so good. pleasepleaseplease!” you beg, using your free hand to tug at his hair.
“as you wish,” he smiles, pulling his head back to kiss your lips and he reaches his hand down to rub against your bud. you moan right into his face and it makes him grunt and thrust harder. “come on, baby, cum on my cock, i know you want to.” he says grinding into you like it was his job.
“im gonn- im gonna cum for you,” you mutter grinding back onto his hand and his member for dear life.
“someones cockdrunk, i’ve corrupted you. my sweet little cheerleader girlfriend is crying on my cock.” he chuckles, thrusts getting wilder and more random as he starts to feel his climax come close. the moment you squeeze him in a vice grip, he’s coming undone.
“eddie- im cummi- so hard! im cummin-” you whine out in a broken sentence as he ruts into you.
“god i fucking love you,” he says with a final thrust that explodes out of him. he pulls out quickly letting his cum paint your stomach in long streaks.
you’re laid out on his bed, covered in his cum, eyes closed, mouth open panting, leg still hanging onto his shoulder, and hands still gripping the sheets for dear life. he looks down at your core, fluttering around nothing. and theres only one thing running through his head.
“i love you,” he smiles and watched your eyes open and face flush immediately. his smile widened and he leaved down to press a sweet kiss to your lips.
“i love you too, eddie. always.” you giggle holding his face in your hands. “maybe i’d love you a little kore if you cleaned me off so we can sleep.” you joke rubbing your thumb on his cheek.
“right!” he says shooting up and walking out the door, “be right back!” he calls out to you. you can hear him grab a couple things on his way back. “towels, water, and a snack!” he smiles walking back over to wipe you off.
“there, lets get you some clothes yeah?” he asks quietly.
“no, just come here.” you mumble pulling him onto the bed and rolling him onto hid back so you can lay on him. you pull the flat sheet over your bodies and sigh.
“still sore, huh?” he laughs quietly, rubbing your back slowly.
“yeah,” you frown and look up at him, “i guess you kept your word.” you joke and roll your eyes.
“id never lie to you, doll face,” he says pressing a kiss to your lips, “now sleep, i don’t know how you’re still functioning tight now,”
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mlmmetalhead · 2 years
Not that other anon but please please pleaseeee more bottom!Eddie headcanons! I will give you all my possessions! Could be how Eddie's boyfriend gives aftercare and back rubs. But also how Eddie is when his boyfriend is rough
Eddie Munson NSFW headcanons part 4 oh my god
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Male reader
Part one
Part two
Part three
An: it's a never ending cycle.
Surprisingly, enjoys aftercare a lot. It makes him feel loved and cared for. Like what you two just did is meaningful.
I mentioned before that he looks like a cat to me, and I'm going to stick with this to the end.
He will literally purr if you pet his hair after a hot and rough session.
And also will fall asleep incredibly quick after a session.
He loves cuddling in general, but post-sex cuddles are forever number one in his heart.
Aftercare is also his way of getting your attention.
"Baby, please massage my hips... I don't think I'll be able to walk for the next two days.."
Always will tell you about how he felt, what he liked and what he didn't. Like a review. A sex review.
That sounds like a nice name for a fanfiction tho
Anyways, I know damn well that's not what you horny mfers came here for.
He enjoys you being rough. Really rough.
Brat tame him by pulling his hair and making him count how many times you can make him cum in one hour.
Eddie loves the feeling of being pressed against a bed, sandwiched between your hot, heavy body and the mattress, while you absolutely pound him.
If you get completely into it, and start calling him names into his ear, sends him over the edge almost immediately.
"You're such a dirty fucking slut, and all for me, right? No one's allowed to have you like this but me."
"Oh Jesus, Y/N... Hah... Oh my god, yes, yes I am, oh fuck!"
You found this out on accident, but Eddie's really into choking. The sensation of being almost passed out while you're stretching him out from the inside is almost heavenly.
The accident involved you accidentally pressing his face again a pillow without noticing, being too carried away from your own pleasure.
You haven't noticed until his hand started desperately slapping you in your backside. You quickly pulled him up, checking up on him.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry darling, are you-"
"Do it again."
He says, while drool is dripping down his chin, looking at you with blown eyes.
"Sorry, what? Eddie, are you alright?"
"That was so fucking hot, Y/N... Please do it again."
But you settle on you just choking him with your hand around his throat, that was you could easily see if it's getting too much.
Still, it has him trembling and drooling every time.
Especially is he's restrained and feeling completely helpless.
He can't help it, it just feels too great, the way you're completely taking control of his pleasure.
But if he's in a good mood, he will spread himself out on his own, like a good, obedient pretty boy he is on the good days.
And also will politely ask for it himself.
"Please, Y/N, I've been so good today."
He'll say while rubbing up and down your torso.
"I've already prepared myself for you and your big, thick... Personality."
Eddie chuckles, as one of his hands dives down, rubbing your clothed member.
"Please, go as hard as you can, I want to be claimed by you... To not be able to walk for the next couple of days... I love it so much, oh my god."
How can you reject him?
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soulesstravlers · 2 years
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I ONLY WANT YOU (part 4)
This is the last part, but I do have another story in mind
Warnings - death of major character, swearing, drugs mentioned, stealing, fighting
here's to forever Munson"
You and Eddie had started walking towards the trailer, when you had an idea "wait can we go upside down shopping now then" you look at him begging him "pleaseeee" you pout "you can I don't want to I need to find my lunchbox" you look at him with a stern face "fuck your lunch box and come shopping with your girlfriend" he frowned "I love my lunchbox thank you, very much sweetheart" you laugh at him slightly "no you like the stuff in your lunchbox Eddie" he nodded not arguing back "so where are we going first" Eddie followed as you kept walking "well I thought Steve neighbor had a nice wardrobe" you smirk looking at him "your so funny your just asking for trouble" you giggle walking to the house "come onnn Y/N, why do we have to go their" you look at him "because Steve's neighbor has some amazing's clothes and has good fashion I need fancy ass clothes and the house is closer then the mall" you walk up to the front door "its locks dammit" you look around for the key "oh god here" Eddie kicks the door down "there" you get up "thank you Eds" you smile walking inside and upside the stairs and into the main room "hmm green or black what you think Eds" you say holding the dress up to your body he looks at you looking your body up and down "black" he nodded "yeah that one go try It on baby" you start trying it on "oh my" he was basically drooling over you "do I look good" you spin "you look like something out a 5 star hotel" you smile "there is suits in their for you if you want come and get fancy with me" you smile "nah its not my vibe darling I need more band tees" you look at him and frown "get fancy with your girlfriend Mr Munson" Eddie groans getting up off of the chair he was sitting on and walked into the closet you go and sit on the edge of the bed "come on Eddies hurry upp" you fiddle with fingers waiting.
you look up after hearing a cough "well" Eddie said you looked at him in awe "well I've never seen a man look so damm good" you stood up walking to him fixing the tie "I wish we had gone on that date" you smile at him "vampire date?" Eddie smiles "there isn't any fancy restaurants but I'm sure the cinema is still working" Eddie comments "come on then lover boy lets go shall we" he smiled "you done shopping" you thought for a second "I did see a nice pink dress in there" Eddie rolled his eyes "pink and black do match darling go on try it on" you run back into the closet and find the dress "ugh come on be my size pleasee" you try it on "Eds can you zip me up please" Eddie walked in zipping up your dress placing his hands on your side as you both stand in the mirror "we really are a match made in hell sweetheart" he smiled kissing your neck gently "I'm done shopping for now" Eddie rolled his eyes "what are you eying off in this wardrobe, the black and pink one are amazing what else you need" you smiled "the blue one" eddie moves his hands off you as you pick up the black dress from the small couch and grab the blue one "NOW I'm done" you walk out the closet before eddie walked out he noticed a small stand of jewelry "Eds hurry up" he looked around it and found a diamond ring '2 caret yeah that one' he grabbed the box quietly shutting it and placed it into his pocket "what took you so long" you say already standing outside "was looking at the blue suit okay" you smile at him grabbing his hand "well how dare you keep a girl waiting Munson the movie starts at 8" you guys start walking towards the cinema as you were walking you guys start noticing the bats getting all worked up "what's up with them" you look at Eddie worried "Vecna" he sighed "must be gathering the bats for something" you nodded "lets continue on shall we" you nod and continue walking , you guys arrive at the cinema and you run up the stairs "is romance okay with you Eds?" you look down at your boyfriend who was sitting down getting comfy he put his thumbs up as you put the movie on and head down to him sitting down next to him "{insert movie name} okay with you" you smile at him cuddling into him "really not again Y/N" you laugh.
You had watched this movie roughly 20 times with Eddie and he had noticed you mumbled the words when watching it "Y/N I'm bored can we go I have something better we can do" you look up at him "wanna come back to the trailer with me my darling or should we do more shopping" you say "trailer" he quietly responded, you get up "let's go Munson" he smiled walking behind you. You guys walk for what feels like forever when you finally reach Eddie's trailer you open the trailer door "Eds I'm getting hungry again"  you whined as the smell of your blood soaked clothes hit your nose "I know trust me darling I'm starving as well" he slightly smiled "how do we even eat there's nothing down here Eds" you sat on the couch as Eddie looked around for his lunchbox "how did you not starve" you start taking the dress off finding one of Eddies band tees "I'll figure it out baby hold on just go lay down" eddie grabbed his lunchbox and headed to his room where you were already laying down "is that my Metallica shirt missy" he looks you up and down "why yes it my lord" he smiled  sitting down next to you opening his lunchbox taking out the weed as he started rolling a joint "want one or are we sharing like old times" he lights it as you take it from his fingers taking a draw then passing it back to him "that answer your question eds" you smile at him moving across so he has more room on the bed "sit on the bed properly Eds" he stood up and took his suit off "let me just get dressed my darling" he searched through his draws trying to find a pair of shorts finally managing to find some "you gonna put a shirt on Mr Cold" you look at him confused "nah" he laid down next to you pulling you into him "god this is like old times, only thing missing now is Uncle Wayne and the music playing" Eddie smiled playing with your hair.
Roughly 20 minutes had passed and there was a loud bang on the trailer door "what the fuck was that" eddie got up grabbing the bat from the corner of the room "stay here Y/N" eddie walked towards the door "who is it" he said before opening it "Dustin" said a voice, Eddie opened the door and was met with Steve, Eddie, Nancy and Robin "uhmm what are you guys doing here" eddie looked confused "Y/N Baby come here" yelled Eddie, you walked out in just one of Eddies long shirts, both your eyes and eddies eyes glowed red "What the fuck happened to her" commented Nancy "nothing I'm fine just a new different person" Steve scoffed "she's not even human anymore she's a freak like Eddie" Dustin slapped him "that's still my sister Steve" Steve rolled his eyes "so are you guys going to tell us why your here interrupting us or are just here for a rescue mission again" you chuckled at Eddie comment "no Vecna has his bats swarming our world and we figured you guys may be able to help so?" you look at Eddie and whistle quietly,  Eddie looked up at the sky the rest of the guys look up at the sky and see two bats flying your way "fuck get the spear ready there's bats coming" said Steve "touch my bat and you wont be breathing" you look at him with anger in your eyes the bats come in swooping pass the gang one landing on your shoulder the other landing on Eddie's, Dustin looks at you "so who's this" he points to the bat on your shoulder "this is Raven and that over there is Kirk" you run your hand down ravens back "she wont hurt you" Nancy lowered her shotgun and looked at Steve "well are you guys going to help or what the bats need to stop swarming our world" you nodded "one condition, me and eds well uhm, you see the thing is we can control them but we haven't eaten in what 6 upside down days" there eyed widened "so we are quiet hungry, we aren't full strength and we can't control crap" eddie butted in "I'll help if that makes life easier for everyone" said Steve "I've nearly drained you once Stevie you sure you can handle number 2" he nods "anymore volunteers"  Robin put her hand up "Eddie if you give me rabies I swear to god I will come back from the dead and hunt you down and gut you" eddie looked scared "okay feisty Jesus H Christ  no need for that" Eddie smiles "well come on it guys me and Y/N will get dressed and we can get this stuff sorted out" Eddie walked into his room you close behind him while the others headed inside and took a seat wherever they could  "Eds can I  borrow a pair of sweats, I don't have any clothes" Eddie chucked his pants at you "there a bit big but I hope they fit" he looked at you already dressed "what you staring at Munson" you smile "my girlfriend if that's okay?" he commented placing a kiss on your head "you know I love you with all my heart Y/N'' he said his hand gently resting on your cheek "with all your heart Eds" you kissed him gently standing on your tippy toes to kiss him properly "STOP MAKING OUT WITH MY SISTER" yelled Dustin, you and eddie chuckled and headed out to the lounge room " took you long enough jesus" said Robin. 
Everyone was fed, you and eddie were finally not starved wiping the blood off of their chins "you feel better darling" Eddie caressed your cheek "very much darling" you whisper, you smiled looking back at the group "okay lets go" Kirk and Raven settled on your shoulder as you reach the gate back to Hawkins "come on hurry up" steve said "I haven't tried going through the gate yet" you looked at Eddie "we can try it together eds" he held your hand as you both fall through the gate "e-eds" you open your eyes your in Hawkins in one shape "fuck that was scary" eddie said you smiled at him hearing a screech Kirk and Raven had made their way through the gate as well "fuck even the bats'' you stood up walking over to raven picking her up placing her on your shoulder "the smell of the world out here" Eddie sniffed the air "more blood I guess" you nodded at this comment following Steve and the rest of the group to the car "I call shotgun" you yelled Nancy groaned "you always called shotgun" you smiled proudly as you all got in the car "into town we go then shall we?" Steve sighed "there flooding the trailer park at the moment according to Lucas" you looked back at eddie kirk and raven had flew off as you headed to the trailer park, you and eddie hopped out of the car one of you climbing on the trailer before letting out a glass shattered whistle the bats all dropping looking up at you waiting for their orders "go home now and don't come back to Hawkins" you both yelled out watching as the bats screech and retreat back through tbe portal you smile over at Eddie and just as you went to get off one of the trailers you fell landing in what seemed to be the upside down again "ouch fuck that hurt" you look around your in Vecna's house "oh fuck".
Eddie looked over realising you were gone "where is she" he looked around "how'd she just disappear" steve questioned but then Eddie got goosebumps running down his spine "Vecna" he whispered his eyes went red as he looked up "Eddie?" stuttered Dustin "Vecna" Eddie slightly yelled "oh fuck" the group jumped into the car and heading back to the only open gate in Hawkins, meanwhile back in the upside down your venturing around the house "fuck Eddie where are you"
Eddie and the group rushed back to the entrance that they originally exited from rushing as fast as he could "come on steve fucking step on it" yelled Eddie from the backseat Eddie was worried god knows what Vecna would do "fuck I'm going as fast as I can man" he was 5 minutes away from the entrance and Steve was rushing as fast as he could "were nearly there". They finally reached the entrance rushing out of the car they fell through it "Y/N!!!" yelled out Eddie but when he looked up all the bats were swarmed around Vecna's lair his eyes went red and when he you scream something snapped he just vanished rushing to save you as fast as he could "EDDIE!!!!" you screamed out you could hear him yelling your name but you couldn't see him you started venturing around continuing yelling out his name "Eddie!!!"
you went around a corner bumping into the wall "Eddie" you yelled out "Steve" no response you were scared trapped you didn't know what to do you even whistled no response "Raven" you heard a noise almost like a demo bat it wasn't Raven but it landed on your shoulder "Kirk?" he let out a small screech "hi buddy where's Eddie" Kirk flew off you tried following but bang a dead end or so you thought you found the door walking out of it being met by the one and only Vecna "you thought you could betray me and get away with it, I made Eddie and he turned you, you were loyal to me but I guess you decided to be unloyal" Vecna used his powers driving a piece of wood through your chest "now I'll have to break him" he sent another piece through your chest, you fell to your knees before falling down completely "traitor's get there just desserts y/n" and with that Vecna disappeared.
you tried everything you tried to yell but the blood in your throat turned it into nothing but choking, you whistled but nothing until you finally heard yelling you looked up you saw Eddie and Dustin running towards you "I-I love you both" you whispered taking your last breath, Eddie had heard it rushing as fast as he could "no no baby come on wake up" he fell down to his knees picking your body up "Dustin help me she's, she's not waking up" Dustin was speechless his lifeless sister in Eddies arms "e-eds she's g-gone" Dustin chocked up as he started crying "I- only just got her back Dustin I cant, I-I was gonna marry her" he chocked up "we have to go Eddie" Dustin said "help me carry her body out of here please" Dustin nodded helping Eddie carry your body out of the upside down.
finally you were laid to rest Y/N Munson written on your head stone Henderson written underneath, Eddie visited your grave every day for months and finally after months of visiting he sat down next to your grave and read you your favourite book, your spirt sitting next to him leaning against his shoulder "god I miss you Y/N things aren't the same without you, Dustin misses you too he's gone and vising Suzie for the summer, Max and El went on a girls week and everyone else is doing there own thing" he sighed "I miss you Y/N" he stood up "I'll see you next week" he placed a new set of flowers and walked off "until next week eds" you sighed watching him walk off wishing you could tell him you were there
"I love you eds" you murmured before fading away
Eddie turned around "I love you too Y/N"
Taglist @prettyboyeddiemunson @twd01 @futuremrsmunson
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22 for the college prompts!! Reddie pleaseeee
22. I’m having a rough week so I show up to class stoned and you jokingly ask me if you can join me next time so I ask for your number.
warning for recreational drug use (weed)
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Richie knew it was probably a really stupid idea to smoke before his first class of the day, but he wasn’t exactly in his right mind that week. It had been the week from hell, from forgetting an essay deadline to getting a call saying his dad had been rushed to the hospital with low blood pressure. With him being in school in California, he had to rely on his mother calling him to update the situation.
Therefore, that Friday Richie had gotten completely stoned before leaving his dorm and getting on the bus to take him to college. His eyes were a little bit fuzzy, both due to the pot and the fact that it was just after eight in the morning. As he stepped into the classroom, he stumbled and knocked over a table full of pens, paper and stationary bursting out in a fit of giggles.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” Richie opened his eyes, only to meet the soft brown ones of none other than Eddie Kasprak. Eddie was the most beautiful man Richie had ever seen in his life, he knew that from the first moment they met. His friends are constantly telling him to ask Eddie out, but the fact was, Richie hadn’t actually spoken a word to him...ever.
However, Richie was stoned out of his nut and giggling like a maniac on the floor of his college class. He nodded his head, reaching forward and wrapping his hand around Eddie’s wrist. “Ya know what Eddie Spaghetti, I have never been better.” If he had been in his normal mind, Richie would have noticed the blush on Eddie’s cheeks.
“Let’s get you up before our professor gets here,” Eddie mumbled, his eyes trained on the floor, which was something Richie did pick up on. He let Eddie help him up off of the floor and over to a pair of the closest seats and helped him down. “Stay there, I’m just going to clean up the stationary table.”
A few moments later, Eddie was back and taking a seat next to Richie. The professor still hadn’t shown up, so Eddie turned to face him with a small smile on his face, looking him up and down suspiciously. “Do I have something on my face?” Richie asked, titling his head to the side and bursting into another fit of giggles. Okay, so maybe he had a little bit too much pot that morning.
Eddie blinked and cast his eyes away, “Uh, no no you don’t have anything on your face it’s just...you’re laughing a lot and you’re more...chilled. I just wanted to know what happened...it’s like a whole new Richie.” He smiled a little, flicking the end of his pen against the table. “I like it.”
Richie choked a little on his own breathing, his eyes wide as he stared back at Eddie, “You- you like it when I’m laughing and giggling?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. “You know, I have something to tell you,” he whisper-yelled, moving closer to Eddie. “I’m really really high right now.”
“Oh I know, I can smell it on your t-shirt,” Eddie giggled, resting his head on his hand as he watched Richie carefully. “You know, you should totally ask me next time you’re planning on...you know,” he winked just as the professor walked in and called their attention to the front of the class.
The whole class, Richie moved between looking at Eddie and thinking about how he was going to ask for his number without making a complete fool out of himself. So far, in his mind he had absolutely no plan that made him not embarrass himself in front of his crush. Why did he have to show up high to this particular class on this day? When the class was over, Eddie started to pack up and Richie couldn’t help but reach out to take a hold of Eddie’s wrist. “Wait- wait, wait.”
Eddie turned to face Richie, his eyes full of curiosity and Richie felt his heart melt a little. “Is everything okay? Do you need help walking to your next class?” He was smiling now, ready to help Richie to his feet just like he had at the beginning of class, but Richie shook his head before he could. “Then what- what is it?”
“Can I get your number?” Richie blurted out, biting his lip nervously as he looked up at Eddie. There was a silence, Eddie just staring at him with wide eyes. “I mean, you asked earlier if I could invite you next time I...you know, but I don’t have your number so....”
“Oh!” Eddie’s eyes widened before he burst into giggles himself. “I mean- that was just a joke but...if you really want my number then I would love to give it to you. The truth is, I’ve been wanting to go out with you for a while now. You’re really cute and I wanted to ask you, but I didn’t think you were interested.”
Richie blinked in confusion, tilting his head to the side, “What do you mean? You’re the cutest guy here! I’ve had a crush on you since the moment I saw you walk into class that first day!”
“What?” Eddie asked, his jaw dropped a little as he tried to process what Richie was saying. “You- but you’ve never even spoken to me before? I thought you didn’t like me very much.”
Shaking his head, a huge ass smile on his face, Richie moved his hand from Eddie’s wrist to his hand, “Never. You’re the most interesting person in this room. I just- I was nervous to talk to you in case you thought I was a weirdo. Turns out I just needed to get stoned to gain the courage to speak to you.”
Eddie broke into a grin and bit his lip, “Well, instead of us getting stoned tonight, why don’t we go to see a movie or something? Get to know each other properly over dinner?”
Richie broke into a smile of his own, squeezing Eddie’s hand that was still in his grip and nodded his head. “It’s a date.”
* * * * *
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@bi-bi-richie @bovaque @derrylosers @eds-trashmouth @eduardoandale @girasol-eddie @halfway-happy353 @inthebreadbinwrites @isaacslaheys @its-stranger-than-you-think @jem-carstairs-is-perfection @lifesucksheres20bucks @loserslibrary @losers-gotta-stick-together @madidraw @mars-14 @marsisaplanetyall @moonlightrichie @njess04 @no-she-wasnt-reddie @oldguybones @overcastedhills @percejackson @pink-psychic @purplepoisonedgem @rebecca-the-queen  @reddie-to-cryy @reddiesetandgo @richietoaster @roobarrtrashmouth @rreddies @s-onora @s-s-georgie  @sedanleystanley @sloppybitchreddie @spirited-marvel @stellarbisexual @studpuffin @sunxcherries @that-weird-girls-blog @thegoshdiddlydangdoor @thejadeazalea @thorn-harvester-ven @tinyarmedtrex @tozier-boy @tozierking @toziesque @trashmouthtozierr @twoidiotsinl0ve @violetreddie @wilding-throught-thehallways @xandertheundead 
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liesyousoldme · 6 years
can you do 20 & 9 for the way i love you thing pleaseeee? i love the way you write you're so talented
first of all thank you so much, that’s so sweet! i’m going to do a hc for 9 and then in a separate post write a drabble for 20! here’s 9: when baking chocolate chip cookies
they’re like sixteen and it’s summer break and they’re just BORED
it’s too hot to go to the barrens, and eddie has refused to swim in the quarry all summer ever since he found out the other losers had been peeing in it all these years
they don’t have enough money to go buy any food but they manage to find some chocolate chip cookie dough in richie’s freezer
eddie checks the date and makes sure they haven’t expired while richie just grabs a baking sheet and starts preheating the oven
“jesus richie, what if these had been like three years old?”
“i still woulda eaten em, eds”
“don’t you know what’s in cookie dough?! you would’ve been eating three year old eggs and milk!”
richie just rolls his eyes and says “yes dad”
eddie huffs
then richie grins and swoops in to kiss eddie on the cheek
eddie groans and shoves at richie before wiping at the wetness on his cheek, ignoring the heat he suddenly felt rising to his face and the way his heart was suddenly pounding
as had been happening lately
eddie just told his body to calm down, chill out, it’s just richie
his body, for the last six months or so, since richie had hit a ridiculous growth spurt and shot up like a weed to a full 6 ft tall, had not been listening to his brain’s admonitions 
next thing eddie knows, richie has spread the cookie dough out on the baking sheet in one giant circle
“richie what”
“it’ll be one big giant cookie!”
“it’ll never cook all the way through!”
richie sighs
eddie swears this boy is going to eventually drive him out of his fucking mind
so they start separating the dough into smaller cookies, though eddie notices richie’s are still much larger than normal cookies should be
and then he sees richie pull off a piece of dough and pop it into his mouth
“RICHIE” he squeals, eyes wide
richie just stares blankly at him, chews for a moment, then swallows. “what?”
richie looks nonplussed. “why not”
richie just rolls his eyes. “no one’s ever gotten salmon-yellow from eating cookie dough, eds”
eddie doesn’t know where to begin with that sentence
“if you die i’m not going to your funeral”
“please” richie laughs. “you’d plan it down the last detail and then spend the whole time crying because you looooove me”
richies grinning and tickling eddie’s sides now. eddie shrieks and shoves at richie’s hands, but finds himself not actually trying to push him away
“i do not” eddie says finally, out of breath from richie’s tickle attack
“don’t what?” richie asks, seeming to have forgotten the actual reason for the tickle attack
eddie can’t find it in himself to outright say “i don’t love you”
because it’s mean. and it’s not even true, eddie’s just stubborn as shit. and he doesn’t like being open about his feelings. especially with richie. he’s always scared everything is a joke to richie, and he doesn’t want his innermost thoughts and emotions to get turned into a punchline
but then richie’s face falls, and eddie sees the moment he remembers what the last thing he’d said had been
“wait.. you don’t? seriously?”
eddie isn’t sure he’s seen richie look so crestfallen so suddenly before, so he takes a deep breath
“of course i do, idiot” he says, and richie’s eyes light up a little bit, and he feels his cheeks heating up again, and he feels like his insides are on display so he tacks on, “you’re my best friend”
and the light in richie’s eyes dims a little bit. but he pastes on a smile and wraps an arm around eddie’s neck to pull him into a headlock and rub his knuckle into eddie’s scalp
and the small moment.. it’s not forgotten, but it’s glossed over. at least until that night, when eddie lies in bed and replays the entire thing in his head over and over and over, wondering what the look in richie’s eyes meant
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etherealrj · 7 years
Protective Richie hc pleaseeee
gurl idk if this was for reddie or just richie in general but I did reddie bc cant have too much content 
ok henry bowers can fuck the fuk off
richie will not let him or anyone else near eddie bc the smol boy is so precious
he bruises so easy and richie is the only one who is able to bruise him ;) kidding jfc
richie would take a bullet for eddie that we all know
the boy is also possessive af when it comes to others flirting with eddie
or even when they are just trying to take advantage of him
because one day a boy pretended to like him just to get eddie to do his homework
and eddie was absolutely heart broken
so richie went to confront the boy and ended up getting his glasses smash but it was totally worth it
also, eddie and his shorts right, they get everyone going
which obviously he doesn’t even notice
but richie notices everyone and everything about his baby boy
so he doesn’t leave his side all day
when he sees people stare too long he’ll send them a glare and start mouthing off at the them which gets him into trouble more times than he’d admit
sometimes when hes at eddies house he’ll hear eddie’s mother try start arguments with her son and boi is richie ready to just jump tf in
he’s always hovering behind  eddie to make sure he’s okay even tho he knows he can handle himself he always tells the small boy he shouldn’t have to
when eddie gets hurt he beats himself up about
telling himself that he should have been there to  make sure he was okay
richie never had a stable parental figure so he tries to be the complete opposite of his parents and when he’s passionate about something he tries his hardest to make sure that everything that can go right will
send me headcannons
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