boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
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dreamofstarlight · 10 months
Is the book The Kennedy Heirs worth buying?
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tedkennedyswife · 2 years
hi! are there any good books about Joan or featuring her?
AHello, yes! Not a lot but the ones that exist are pretty good.
Joan: The reluctant Kennedy by Lester David
Joan was interviewed a lot for this book. It’s excellent, the only thing is that it chronicles her life only until 1974. I loved learning about her childhood and teenage years.
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2. The Joan Kennedy story: Living with the Kennedys by Marcia Chellis (1985)
A tell-all published by her ex-assistant who worked for her from 1979 to 1982-1983 I think. Of course I don’t approve of the author’s sneaky ways, but it is juicy and gives an in depth insight about what was going on privately during Ted’s last campaign.
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3. The Joy of Classical Music: A guide for you and your family by Joan Kennedy (1994)
This is the only book written by Joan. Unfortunately it’s not an autobiography. I would say it’s 25% biography and 75% classical music. The pics are great though: there’s one pic of her as a girl scout, one of her and her family during Christmas, etc. All the pics were posted here of course.
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4. Jackie, Ethel, Joan: Women of Camelot by J. Randy Taraborrelli (2000)
I loooove J. Randy Taraborrelli, I’ve read a few of his books (Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe) and I really like the way he writes. He does a lot of research for his books and all of his books are real page turner. This book doesn’t disappoint, it’s excellent.
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5. The Kennedy Women: The saga of an american family by Laurence Leamer (1996)
A book about allllll the Kennedy women, starting from the 1800s. This book is so well researched. Oh and it’s also 992 pages, a brick!
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6. The Kennedy Wives: Triumph and Tragedy by Amber Hunt and David Batcher (2014)
This one is good, but it’s more like an overview. It’s not as in-depth as some of the other books listed here.
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Happy reading and thank you for your question :)
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bargainsleuthbooks · 11 months
#JackiePublicPrivateSecret #JRandyTaraborrelli #JackieKennedy #NewBooks #BookReview #July2023Books #StMartinsPress #MacMillanAudio #Biography
There's a new book out about #JackieKennedy. It's been almost 30 years since her death; is there anything new to talk about? Yes! #NewBooks #Bookreview #stmartinspress #biography #jrandytaraborrelli #july2023Books #johnkennedy #jacquelinekennedy
From New York Times bestselling author of Jackie, Janet & Lee comes a fresh and often startling look at the life of the legendary former first lady, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Based on hundreds of interviews with friends, family, and lovers over a thirty-year period—as well as previously unreleased material from the JFK Library—Kennedy historian J. Randy Taraborrelli paints an unforgettable new…
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Apple Said to Hire Key Lamborghini Veteran Luigi Taraborrelli to Work on Its Electric Car
Apple Said to Hire Key Lamborghini Veteran Luigi Taraborrelli to Work on Its Electric Car
Apple has enlisted one of Lamborghini’s top car-development managers in a sign that it’s stepping up work on a self-driving electric vehicle, according to people with knowledge of the situation. The company hired Luigi Taraborrelli, a 20-year veteran of the Italian carmaker, to help lead the design of Apple’s future vehicle, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the matter isn’t…
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mrskennedy · 5 months
Hello! Do you think Jackie Kennedy ever thought of Clint Hill? I know he stopped working for her soon after JFKs death or was forced to and they never spoke again, I read his book and i know he thought of her often and was devastated when he found out about her death. I wonder if she ever thought about him throughout the rest of her life- thank you for answering!
Hey, thanks for the question :)
I personally do believe that she thought of him and held him in high regard throughout her life. That being said, in the biographies that I’ve read about her it’s clear that after the assassination she wanted to look forward in her life in order to deal with the pain. More recent biographies such as J. Randy Taraborrelli’s latest one go in depth on her PTSD syndrome after what happened in Dallas, which I think explains why she didn’t keep a lot of close contact with people from her “D.C life”.
I know that they did see each other again sometime in the later sixties although I’m not totally sure what the occasion was. I also know that he was not too pleased about the news of her marrying Aristotle Onassis in 1968 and stated something along the lines of “she’ll always be Mrs. Kennedy to me”- which makes sense considering the tense Kennedy - Onassis relations in the earlier sixties.
Hope this was helpful :)
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gallescouture · 1 year
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Jackie knew how to navigate around the Kennedy culture. She had a lot of animosity towards photographers when she started out as a Kennedy wife. But later, she learned how to exist in New York with the paparazzi, and just go about her life looking gorgeous - J. Randy Taraborrelli
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rebeleden · 7 months
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lamilanomagazine · 7 months
Ravenna, accoglie la grande voce di Demetrio Stratos: a Palazzo Malagola il prezioso archivio dell’indimenticabile artista
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Ravenna, accoglie la grande voce di Demetrio Stratos: a Palazzo Malagola il prezioso archivio dell’indimenticabile artista Documentazione audiovisiva di performance, lezioni e concerti agli appunti preparatori legati alla sua produzione artistica, materiali che ripercorrono gli stretti legami con altri artisti – John Cage su tutti – stampe di fotografi che ne hanno immortalato il lavoro nel corso degli anni, strumenti musicali e oggetti, cimeli e capi d’abbigliamento, fino a libri e dischi in vinile e manifesti relativi tanto al suo lavoro da solista quanto a quello con I Ribelli e gli Area. Sono le centinaia di materiali differenti che compongono l'Archivio Demetrio Stratos, acquisito dal Comune di Ravenna grazie a un co-finanziamento della Regione Emilia-Romagna. Mercoledì 6 dicembre, alle ore 18 a Palazzo Malagola, verrà inaugurata la mostra dal titolo “Amorevolmente progredire, amorevolmente regredendo. La ricerca vocale di Demetrio Stratos ”, curata dai due co-direttori di Palazzo Malagola, Ermanna Montanari ed Enrico Pitozzi. L'inaugurazione sarà preceduta, alle 15, da un seminario-tavola rotonda promosso in collaborazione con Mar, Museo d'Arte della Città di Ravenna (in via di Roma 13 - sala Martini), dal titolo “Demetrio Stratos: il microcosmo della voce”. L'incontro, coordinato da Marco Sciotto, sarà curato dal Centro di ricerca Malagola con l'obiettivo di illuminare alcuni aspetti della sperimentazione vocale di Demetrio Stratos. A portare i saluti istituzionali saranno l'assessore regionale alla Cultura, Mauro Felicori, e l'assessore del Comune di Ravenna, Fabio Sbaraglia. L'introduzione sarà curata da Ermanna Montanari ed Enrico Pitozzi e vedrà la partecipazione delle eredi Daniela Ronconi Demetriou e Anastassia Demetriou. Seguiranno gli interventi di Franco Masotti, Janete El Haouli, Marco Sciotto, Dario Taraborrelli. Testimonianze di Silvia Lelli, Claudio Chianura, Paolo Spedicato. “La Regione sta mettendo molta attenzione agli archivi, sia acquisendoli quando necessario, che contribuendo alla catalogazione e digitalizzazione al fine di una disponibilità pubblica- spiega Felicori-. L’acquisizione dalla vedova dell’archivio di Demetrio Stratos è venuta dunque naturale, tanto più che l’opportunità si è presentata proprio mentre contemporaneamente nasceva a Ravenna, per iniziativa del Comune con la collaborazione della Regione, un centro internazionale dedicato alla voce, che è stato il campo principale delle sperimentazioni di Stratos. Un centro- aggiunge- che scongiura il rischio che l’archivio si copra di polvere e ne garantisce la fruizione, la vitalità, l’utilità per i giovani. Questa prima mostra ne è la prova”. L’Archivio Demetrio Stratos è stato acquisito a dicembre 2022 dal Comune di Ravenna, con co-finanziamento della Regione Emilia-Romagna, direttamente da Daniela Ronconi Demetriou – vedova Stratos – che lo ha fino a quel momento custodito e ha trovato in Palazzo Malagola un luogo ideale di conservazione, fruizione e valorizzazione. Si tratta di un fondo che rappresenta il primo fondamentale nucleo in espansione di un patrimonio di rilevanza primaria tanto nell’ambito della ricerca vocale e sonora, quanto in quello degli archivi d’artista. Un fondo costituito dalla documentazione raccolta dapprima da Demetrio Stratos nel corso della sua attività e, successivamente alla sua scomparsa, dalla moglie Daniela. "Come Amministrazione- interviene Sbaraglia- siamo particolarmente orgogliosi di ospitare nella nostra città questo patrimonio importantissimo, che gestiamo grazie all'opera preziosa di Malagola, della sua scuola di vocalità e del suo polo di archivi sonori e d'arte. Nonostante sia nato da poco più di due anni, questo centro internazionale di ricerca vocale e sonora è già stato insignito di diversi premi e da un anno si dedica all'attività di riordino e inventariazione di quello che diventerà l'Archivio di riferimento di studiosi e ricercatori a livello nazionale, ma non solo". La mostra rappresenta il primo movimento di un percorso di valorizzazione, che proseguirà con le altre attività di Malagola. Nel corso del 2024 i materiali potranno essere accessibili a tutti coloro che ne faranno richiesta, in modo che un simile patrimonio possa essere realmente un bene accessibile a studiosi, artisti, curiosi, ricercatori e a chiunque voglia entrare in relazione con la figura e con i processi artistici di Demetrio Stratos. La mostra dei primi materiali d'Archivio, che si protrarrà fino al 22 dicembre, prevede, nella serata di sabato 16 dicembre, alle ore 20.30, nella sala Martini del Museo d'arte della città di Ravenna, la proiezione del film La voce Stratos (Italia, 2009, 110 minuti), regia di Monica Affatato, Luciano D’Onofrio. Al termine della proiezione Marco Sciotto coordinerà il dialogo con gli autori.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 years
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One Aussie journalist proclaimed, "In a word, Michael Jackson is a nut case."
Michael responded by writing a letter to People Magazine that said:
"Do not judge a man until you've walked 2 moons in his mocassins. Most people don't know me, that is why they write such things in wich most is not true. I cry very often because it hurts and I wory about the children."
The letter didn't turn the tide against the lingering rumors about him. It did, however, prove to the world that Michael couldn't spell.
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dreamofstarlight · 10 months
if u want a good book rec, i recommend camera girl by Carl Sferrazza. learned a lot of cool new tidbits from that book about Jackie’s pre-first lady years. it also helps that he’s interviewed a lot of people who were close to Jackie compared to Taraborrelli who mostly writes based on gossip lol
I've heard of that one and it's pretty new like it was just released this year. I'll definitely check it out bc I'm running out of books to read and will be doing a trip to Barnes and Noble soon. Thanks for the rec!
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Si schianta con l'automobile nella notte: muore a 42 anni l'ex portiere di calcio Taraborrelli
Un ex portiere di calcio, molto conosciuto in Abruzzo, è morto la notte scorsa in un incidente stradale avvenuto sulla Val di Foro, a Ripa Teatina nella provincia di Chieti.  La vittima è Marco Taraborrelli, aveva 42 anni. Secondo una prima ricostruzione l’impatto è stato violento e il conducente, che era solo a bordo, è morto sul colpo. L’incidente è avvenuto intorno alle 4: Taraborrelli,  che è…
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durrell47 · 11 months
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celebritynewsinusa · 11 months
The Queen of Camelot and Hollywood: Jackie Kennedy's Unexpected Encounters with Stardom
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As the First Lady, Jackie Kennedy personified grace, style, and dignity under the most intense scrutiny. The years that followed her time in the White House were marked by triumphs and trials, including unexpected encounters with Hollywood. Yet, amidst her foray into stardom and her interactions with some of the biggest names in Hollywood, Jackie Kennedy remained ever herself – a woman of great substance, strength, and humility. This article explores Jackie Kennedy's interactions with Warren Beatty and Madonna, revealing a side of the former First Lady rarely seen. A Brief Romance with Warren Beatty In 1978, the former First Lady Jackie Kennedy found herself briefly drawn to the charisma of Hollywood actor Warren Beatty. However, the budding romance was short-lived. Despite Beatty's notable stature in Hollywood, the ever-discerning Jackie was left unimpressed by the actor's overwhelming self-absorption. According to J. Randy Taraborrelli's book, "Jackie: Public, Private, Secret," Jackie's dates with Beatty often ended up revolving entirely around him and his achievements. She had hoped for a deeper connection, but was instead met with a man unable to look beyond his own stardom. Disillusionment with Hollywood Stardom Taraborrelli's account of the brief affair reveals a stark contrast between Jackie's understated elegance and the unbridled flamboyance of Hollywood. Read the full article
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jeep4peg · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Book- Elizabeth Taylor.
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jawad-hd · 1 year
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ماذا حدث لوالدة مارلين مونرو غلاديس بيرل بيكر؟ شرح قصة شقراء --- تم إصدار فيلم "شقراء" الجديد للمخرج "أندرو دومينيك" على Netflix ، حيث يقدم سردا خياليا لحياة أيقونة هوليوود مارلين مونرو. بالنظر إلى أن الفيلم يمزج بين الحقيقة والخيال ، فمن المحتمل أن يتساءل العديد من المشاهدين عن مدى دقة جوانب معينة من الفيلم ، من المشاهد التي تتضمن جون إف كينيدي إلى افتقار مونرو إلى شخصية الأب. جانب رئيسي آخر من الفيلم يتعلق بالعلاقة بين مونرو ووالدتها ، غلاديس بيرل بيكر ، وقد يرغب الجمهور أيضا في معرفة مدى دقة تصوير علاقتهما الحقيقية. في الفيلم ، تم تصوير طفولة مونرو المبكرة على أنها علاقة مضطربة للغاية - لأسباب ليس أقلها علاقة صعبة مع والدتها غلاديس ، التي لعبت دورها جوليان نيكلسون. يشير السجل التاريخي إلى أنه من الصحيح أن غلاديس عانت من الأمومة ، بسبب كل من الصراعات المالية وصعوبات الصحة العقلية - على الرغم من عدم وجود دليل يدعم المشهد في الفيلم الذي تحاول فيه إغراق مونرو في الحمام. في حياتها المبكرة ، وضعت مونرو في رعاية الوالدين بالتبني. خلال هذا الوقت ، كانت والدتها تزورها بانتظام ، ووفقا لسيرة J Randy Taraborrelli The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe ، فقد حاولت في إحدى المرات تهريبها إلى المنزل. استمر الزوجان في العيش معا مرة أخرى لفترة وجيزة ، ولكن تم تشخيص غلاديس بالفصام بجنون العظمة في يناير 1934 وتم إيداعها في النهاية في مستشفى متروبوليتان الحكومي بعد بضعة أشهر ، ثم انتقلت مونرو بين الوالدين بالتبني ودور الأيتام لبقية طفولتها. لقد عاشوا معا لفترة وجيزة مرة أخرى في عام 1946 ، وخلال هذه الفترة ورد أن غلاديس لم تكن سعيدة بقرار مونرو بأن تصبح ممثلة ، لكنها غادرت بعد ذلك لتتزوج من رجل يدعى جون ستيوارت إيلي - الذي كان لديه بالفعل زوجة وعائلة. في هذا الوقت ، ادعت مونرو - بناء على نصيحة من المديرين التنفيذيين في الاستوديو - أن والديها قد ماتا ، على الرغم من أنها أجبرت لاحقا على التراجع عندما ثبت أن غلاديس كانت لا تزال على قيد الحياة في عام 1952. لبقية حياتها ، كانت غلاديس تدخل وتخرج من المستشفيات وكان الاتصال بابنتها محدودا إلى حد ما ، على الرغم من أن مونرو حاولت التصالح معها. وفقا لكتاب Taraborrelli المذكور أعلاه ، كان آخر لقاء بين الزوجين في صيف عام 1962 عندما ناشدت مونرو والدتها أن تتناول دواءها - وهو أمر كانت ترفض القيام به. توفيت غلاديس في النهاية بسبب قصور في القلب في عام 1984 عن عمر يناهز 82 عاما ، وتمكنت من قضاء سنواتها الأخيرة بعيدا عن دور الطب النفسي. #مارلين_مونرو #نجوم #سينما #الولايات_المتحده
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