tardisponycallout · 6 years
Questionable YCH
I've had several people message me about the newest activity from Maia and so here we go:
Maia (Crecious) has become more active on furaffinity these days and has decided to try selling a YCH (Your Character Here) of 9/11: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/28939199/
Now in general, I've seen art done of tragedies such as these but usually for charity, self emotion/expression, or someone commissioned them specifically for it but I'm not sure the thought process behind making a YCH.
Tumblr media
In my personal opinion, this is in poor taste but at the same time, there isn't a real intention for offense which is even stated in the description:
Tumblr media
So I will have to chalk this one up as just a bad idea. Honestly, if this was just a vent piece or something honorary, it'd be a really nice bit of art.
However, I do find an issue with the fact the background is near an exact copy of a picture taken by someone else and no link out credit is given for that photo. Also that 90% of the art for sale is that copy and not her original art. Even if this was art done for free it is wrong to not at least link the original photo.
To sum up:
On one hand, this is tactless, lazy, inappropriate, and an attempt to profit off a tragic event (and another's work).
On the other, perhaps someone actually wants to buy it and if that's the case, well then it's their money and I hope they enjoy it.
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elementoffaith · 9 years
Dear friends,...
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Proverbs 17:17
As someone who’s hid in the shadows for far too long as the endless nightmare continued on the minefield known as Tumblr, I have to say this about a certain individual who’s become an enemy to a portion of the brony community. I’ve been told that there is nothing I can say or do to stop what is happening. But at this point, I feel that if I don’t say what‘s on my mind about what‘s happened, I’ll regret it. This is not meant to be an attack to anyone, but please allow me to vent my thoughts.
It all started when I was looking at a post on the Discord Whooves tumblr blog. It described of a girl named Maia, whom while on a livestream, was being verbally abused by her mother. The post was a plea for help that Maia would be removed from that situation and into a better one through donations. While I couldn’t donate money, I posted a journal on DeviantArt asking for prayers for her and any sort of help.
After time passed, around Christmas, Maia was able to leave her home in Costa Rica and stay with people who helped her in that. My first actual encounter with Maia was on one of Keikoandgilly’s livestreams. I remember when she noticed one of my messages, gasped and said: “It’s ElementOfFaith. I haven’t seen her in my streams in a while.” The funny thing was, I had never actually been on any of Maia’s livestreams in the past. But as it turns out, my username may have been similar to someone else’s who had attended her streams. As more time passed, I started attending more of Maia’s streams and eventually shared my Skype info with her so I could get to know her better. We started chatting from time to time, even having video conversations. We became good friends and we’d share thoughts, childhood stories, laughs, and differing opinions; religion was one of them. I’m a Christian, and Maia’s describes herself as “not religious.” Even though we didn’t agree on everything, she respected what I believed and she helped me to feel comfortable when I felt like an outcast.
Once during a livestream while she was working on a commission, a conversation came up while she was on a Skype call with a friend of hers. The conversation consisted of things like religion and homosexual related things. As a Christian, I’m not always comfortable with hearing about stuff like that because of what I believe. But the reason for my discomfort was not because I don’t agree with some things that are acceptable in society these days. It was because I was afraid of hurting someone with my beliefs. As the conversation carried on, I just continued to watch Maia work on her commission as I listened to the opinions of those on the call. I kept my opinions to myself, hardly typed a word because I feared that my opinions would offend someone, thus opening the door for retaliation. But at one point I typed “I can handle it. I’m a big girl.” Maia’s reply was, “Yes you are Element. And I’m proud of you.” Maia knew that my faith was a big part of me. She then went on to explain that she was wary of carrying on with the conversation because she didn’t want to hurt me. I can’t say that everyone else would have labeled me as a bible-thumping homophobe, but to feel welcome in that stream, knowing I could be myself really helped me feel better.
Around this time in getting to know Maia, I had begun to form bonds with others connected to the effort to help her:
Keikoandgilly, whom I was following as an anon before I joined Tumblr. He and Maia had also formed a romantic relationship during her stay up north with him. I had already intended to be a friend to him before I met Maia. After learning of the hardships that he and Maia had gone through in the past, I felt that they deserved something nice that could be found in each other.
Rhythmrender and his girl Wispywinterwind, whom I met on one of Keikoandgilly’s streams. Nice folks, even though we don’t converse all that much.
As even more time progressed, things began to deteriorate. Maia and Keiko had ended their relationship and the former returned home to her family in Costa Rica. Maia told me that the original livestream that led to her leaving home only featured the bad side of her mother, and explained that her actions on the video was just stress of her worrying that Maia wasn’t doing anything with her life. But not long after, came a backlash. Maia was accused of taking money from people who donated to her and used it to “take a vacation” and other petty pleasures. Later came allegations of bad behavior at that year’s Bronycon and throughout different sites on the Internet. In addition came claims of Maia’s suicidal thoughts that she posted on tumblr --that scared the living daylights out of me-- to be merely a pattern of manipulation in order to gain sympathy and attention. More claims of wrongdoing were brought against Maia and thus came the creation of the blog, “Tardispony Callout.” The site was meant to be an archive of evidence such as screencaps of things she’s posted on numerous websites such as Tumblr and DeviantArt, chats with Maia on Skype, etc. I was surprised to learn that the creator of the blog was none other than Rhythmrender himself. Feeling used and abused by Maia, he decided to seek justice for those that have been hurt after Maia’s alleged betrayal.
Naturally Maia felt threatened and turned to friends for help. It was in that time that I introduced her to my longtime friend Polka-Dotted-Pony. I figured they’d get along and she eventually became one of Maia’s defenders who would post counterattacks on the callout blog along others willing to stand by her.
Also wanting to distant herself from the problem and start over, Maia kept changing Tumblr and DeviantArt accounts, assuming new identities in hopes that those on the callout blog would leave her alone and she would continue working in peace. At one point she even assumed a male alias in order to throw her enemies off her trail. But those plans were eventually thwarted because soon there would be posts about Maia’s new aliases in order to make her enemies aware of where she is so they could make sure she didn’t cause any more trouble. Maia assuming a male alias was especially met with negative reception, but I did a bit of research and found that female authors throughout history used male pennames when they wrote their books and I figured it was sort of the same thing. Her current deviantArt account under the name “BaffledDingo” is currently under the blog’s watch.
Trying to be a good and supportive friend, I did what I could for Maia mainly by trying to comfort her while she was down and maybe offer advice on what to do. I’d also try to talk to people like Rhythm, Wispy, and Keiko on Skype in order to help. But because I still saw them as friends and I cared for them as I did for Maia, I didn’t want to full on attack them. I’d try to be as civil as I could. As the mess got bigger, I started losing my trust in my friends, and Maia was starting to not trust me anymore because I was connected to those who hurt her. I refused to cut them off because I didn’t think they were as bad as she did and I thought there was some goodness.
Incidentally, I wrote The Foolish Crow as a way to vent out my feelings about what happened between me and my friends. The crow in the poem is me, hoping that within the bitterness that has taken over my friends, there lies goodness. But at times, it didn’t seem to be there. All I could do is pray that they be healed from drama that has happened upon all of us. Sadly, I have allowed that bitterness to fall upon me. My trust in those involved has deteriorated over the course of this little adventure and I don’t know who to believe anymore. Maia does have a history of lying and those against her are willing to do whatever it takes to expose that, even if it means hurting her because apparently her suffering doesn’t matter whether it’s legit or not.
I’m not ignoring the wrong that she has done in the past, but I’m not letting it snuff out the good either. As far as I know, she’s been able to obtain her driver’s license and that’s a start to bettering her life. But it seems that everyone against her says that everything that she claims is nothing but a lie, that her word isn’t to be trusted, and the only way she can be believed is through concrete proof that she’s trying to turn herself around. Most of the time, standing by and watching the activity on the blog was one of the big things on my mind. I’d constantly try to think of ways to help make things better whether it was mock trials or whatever.
But then, one Sunday evening fell upon us. It was the deadline for Maia to agree to a deal that was made between Keiko and others. If Maia didn’t agree to return a tablet and a laptop that Zaki had purchased for her by midnight, she would be faced with a lawsuit. Polka had posted to the callout blog that she wanted proof that the items in question were not gifts as we initially thought. That evening, Keiko requested a group chat with me and Polka so he could verify his claim. After some time, Polka promptly left due to what I thought was confusion with the screen caps that were shown to us, so I listened to Keiko’s claims myself. He pretty much drummed it into my head that the tablet and laptop weren’t gifts, but rather a business exchange of sorts. As the minutes ticked by, I started becoming more and more worried by each one because there was no word from Maia. I tried contacting her, as did Polka, trying to convince her that a laptop and tablet wasn’t worth facing possible jail time. Ultimately, time ran out with no response from Maia.
That night was among the worst I’ve ever had to endure. It felt like I was gonna throw up. And not just me. Polka was distressed to the point where she too felt sick from the stress, and my boyfriend caldera599 who has always supported me through this entire mess felt terrible because of how distraught I was. Their patience ran out, and I wished I could give them whatever of mine I still had. Since then, I’ve been paying less and less attention to the callout blog, which I probably should have done a long time ago. When Keiko and I ended the Skype call that night, he addressed me as his friend. It was something I had hoped to gain even before the drama. But it seems I earned his friendship at the expense of another.
As time goes on, I find myself becoming more bitter about everything that’s happened. Maia feels that I haven’t been there for her because I refused to cut ties with Rhythm, Keiko, and others because I still saw them as friends. It’s true when someone says to me that I’m naïve because I try to see the best in people. Especially people whom I care about. The thing is, it applies to both sides. I still care about Maia, Keiko, Wispy and Rhythm, and all the rest. Sadly, there are times where I can imagine telling them off because of what’s happened. How it’s hurt themselves, and me. In my honest opinion, no one is blameless in what’s happened. Maia should have made better choices in words and actions, but everyone else should have too. I’m not blameless either. I probably shouldn’t have gotten involved, make their problem about my needs, and/or should have tried to stand my ground a long time ago. I probably should have cut them all off but I didn’t want to lose them like I had lost other friends in the past. Foolishly and selfishly, I still don’t want to lose them because I feel I’d regret it. I hoped and prayed that I could help in some way to mend what‘s been broken, but it doesn’t seem that I can. I still pray that God will provide a way to allow this drama to pass, even if I’m not the one helping to do it. I pray that He will provide what is needed to be done and that something good can come from our suffering. Maybe not what we want, but something that’s needed even if it’s for someone else. And I pray that they will allow themselves to forgive their trespassers. We’ll see what happens. In the meantime:
To Maia: I do not appreciate you telling me that I haven‘t been there for you. I’ve messaged people for you, I’ve tried talking to people on Skype to stand up for you, and I’ve gotten a few of my own close friends to support you and pray for you; just because I refused to do the one thing you asked of me doesn’t mean that I’m against you even if your family might say different. You can’t deny the lies you’ve told, the stunts you’ve pulled, and neither can I. But I stood by you since the beginning, and I didn‘t want to give up because we were friends. I still don’t want to give up on you and the chance for you to better yourself and to have a better life. Rhythm has made it clear to me more than once that you were allowed to talk to him. Even if those statements are lies, you could have at least tested them and you wouldn’t have had to be alone in that either. You could have asked me, or Polka, or any other supporters you have to help work it out. I know that confronting them for what they did would be painful for you, but if I can take a stand and post it on my blog for everyone to read, open for attack, you should’ve be able to stand up for yourself too. In the past, you told me that you were proud for being brave. I bet you could be too. On another note, you had me and Polka worried sick that Sunday. Now you have more trouble to deal with and people are saying that Keiko has a strong case. Just five minutes of your time to respond to that deal and it would have blown over. Nevertheless, I’ll always try to be a friend to you even if you don’t believe that.
To Rhythm and the rest: You said that Maia was free to talk to you anytime. But I was made aware of a threat that Maia received, telling her not to contact those involved in this great mess or else she’d face the wrath of the individual that wrote it (who shall remain anonymous). And I have the screencap to prove it. You might not have sent the threat, but if I had seen a post like that directed at me, I’d be scared out of my wits. Maia pulled some stupid stunts, there’s no denying that. However, I don’t think that excuses bad behavior towards her or those who are willing to stand up to you on her behalf. In my opinion, it isn’t really becoming to call someone stupid, even when they’re anonymous. And here’s a little fact about the white knights you’ve been facing. We stand by her because we care about her, much like you care about the people who have been hurt by her. Yes some were over the top, but the way you have carried on about Maia, you make it sound like she doesn’t deserve friends at all. I also have in my possession a chat that was made between Maia and someone who was considering hiring her to illustrate children’s books. Upon finding your blog and the evidence you have piled up against her, he decided not to hire her. But I imagine you may not care since her “suffering” doesn’t matter. There were times when I read posts on the blog that made me really angry. And sometimes I wondered if y’all were no better than what you claimed Maia to be. I really don’t know as I might not be thinking logically. Even so, I pray that you all get what you need in life, even if it’s not necessarily what you want. And that goes for Maia too.
I’m aware that I’ll face negative feedback for writing this. That’s to be expected. But I needed to get my thoughts out, foolish and naïve as they may be. As mentioned before, this letter is by no means an attack on anyone involved in this mess. It’s not an “I’m right and you’re wrong” argument and I apologize if it came off that way. But when something’s eating away at someone, you need to let your feelings out you know?
And so, I conclude this letter with two more apologies.
To those of the blog: I’m sorry that I got myself into this mess. I was just trying to be a good friend to Maia and to y’all. And I was trying to be understanding to both sides of the argument.
And to Maia: I’m sorry that I failed you.
Lots of love, -Ele
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zelda-guru-momi · 9 years
Maia, AKA TardisPony, has opened up commissions on her new Tumblr Blog. I would have reblogged the post directly, but I’m unable to. It seems that in making this new blog, one of the first things she did was to make sure to block anyone who’s been hurt by her in the past.
Please be careful if you commission her. Many people in the past have commissioned her and not received their artwork nor a refund. I’m not saying that this trend is going to continue, if she finishes all of the commissions she gets from this day on, then good for her and her customers. It means she’s taking steps toward improving and becoming a better person.
If you want more information as to why I’m warning you about this possibility, please go to this site: http://tardisponycallout.tumblr.com/
I am one of many people that she has hurt in the past. She’s the reason I don’t reblog any of the posts I see of people who need donations, even my friends whom I trust. I trusted her, and I and many of my friends got bit in the butt hard for it.
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silver-tongues-blog · 10 years
Christ kid you need to learn to mine your own business and let Jitters and Maia solve the problems with each other.
I wasn't insulting jitters.
I was saying maia was acting like silver fang.
You know, the person who always promised to change and then made an alternate account to be a friend of them to continue harassing people.
I'm sorry if i was too vague about that.
Also, if you want to say something to me, if you have a problem with me, come out of anon.
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tardispony · 10 years
Leaving tumblr and the brony community
I have sold all my OC's. I have given away the stories.  I am leaving this site. I'm leaving this blog, so no one, on the off chance that they have a horrible chance of getting my url never get the backlash from my name.
I have avoided tumblr since all the recent drama has started. I have not gotten involved, besides voicing my concerns, and feelings to my closest friends and confidants.   I refuse to get involved. And I will no longer be on a site where I am being harassed.
 For what I have done that has upset anyone. I am sorry. I cannot fix my actions only move forward, work on it, and make sure it never happens again.    To those I've hurt. I know a sorry doesn't cover it, but it's all I can offer. I wish I could do more. 
I am disabling asks, and anything to contact me. I will not be part of this anymore. 
I need to fix myself, before I can help others. As it is apparent. 
I know now, I should have refused any money, and help back in November and December. And should have refused to leave home. There are a lot of things I could have done better.    I am sorry for lying and scaring a lot of you, by faking a snake bite, I felt at the time it was the only way I could get away from tumblr to heal after a lot of other drama. It was wrong, but all of my actions that you know, and have hurt you, was not me thinking clearly. I was scared, hurt and panicked. 
To Kerosene. I know a sorry doesn't cover how I treated you when I was mad. I know what I said was wrong, and I'm sorry my rage pushed me to someone ugly. I am working on never letting that happen ever again.
To those who have spoken out. Anonymously. I know who each of you are, and I've not contacted you out of respect. I don't want to make things worse. But please, know I'm working to change.  
All my Oc's are gone, given to other great artist, and story tellers.  So they are now owned by their new owners. Please do not use them. Since they were mine, now passed on to new great homes.
Do not contact me, do not search me out. To not bother my Deviantart.  If people harass me. I will seek law inforcement. This is not a threat, only a promise if people stalk me. I've left you all alone. Please do the same to me.
I will leave you all alone. Out of respect and part shame. I'm sorry I couldn't have been a better friend.
I'm working to change that.
Thank you for a year and a half, of the good, the bad and the ugly times.  Goodbye.  
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jestre · 10 years
I like that she goes to her "friends" for advice and then yells at them and calls them bullies when they give her actual advice. She doesn't want friends, just yes men.
She yelled at me for giving a synopsis.
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pocketyhat · 10 years
Oh wooow, the Maia thing that just blowed up? Yeaaah I have something to say as well.
Once upon a time, I used to see Maia as a sign of hope, because she was really similar to me. Too similar.
I'm also in a bad situation with my parents, who are basically manipulative, liars and have no sense of logic. Plus, I have an older brother who claimed that he would have beaten me up if I was born male. I'm genderfluid, physically female, so he didn't do anything like that, but he still hurt me both emotionally and physically.
Anyways, knowing that Maia was getting help to get out of her abusive situation made me have hope to get out of mine someday, because I'm still a minor and all that, can't do anything as of yet. And apparently she got out. But then when she claimed that her parents weren't abusive I was pretty much confused, because everyone else kept telling her it was abuse. In her situation, I would have listened to the many people telling me that.
And then I realized: I used to be like her, not listening to anyone because I thought I was superior. I mean, part of me still wants to be superior, but I'm trying to get that controlled.
Then other déja vus kept coming up. Lying to get away from problems, make other people do stuff for her, make people have pity for her, make up some dramas, didn't like certain people for barely anything, oh, and she was a crybaby, crying over every single thing that happened to her.
And guess what? I used to be like that as well, a manipulative, compulsive liar who all that she did was cry over everything that wasn't going on my way.
And seeing all this stuff on Maia come to light made me realize something. People would have hated me back when I was like that.
Now here's the difference between who I used to be and Maia. I was still a child. She's an adult. She should know how to suck up her problems and face them on her own by now. She should know how to listen. She should know better.
Not trying to sound arrogant, but knowing that someone who's actually younger than her being able to deal with certain situations and actually be able to act more mature than her says a lot about her. I am actually disgusted. Knowing that I could have been like her, could have done such terrible things to people around me, it makes me sick.
She might not have said or have told me anything directly, but she did hurt me indirectly. She hurt my friends. I felt terrible that my friends had to deal with her shit, that they had been marked as assholes. I grew to dislike her a lot. Anyone who hurts my friends don't deserve any respect from me. I'm sick of staying in the sidelines and watching as my friends struggled with her. I'm tired of her making assumptions, I'm tired of her not listening. I'm tired of her attempts to make everyone feel pity for her. I'm tired of her.
But you know what? There's one thing I'm thankful of. She showed me that I used to be a terrible person. And now I'm better than her. Thank you Maia. For answering my question of if I would have been disliked by people. Thank you for showing me I grew up. I'm sorry that you didn't do the same and remained stuck in the same place.
But fortunately you're facing the consequences of your actions, as did I a few years ago. Hope you learn something. If not, you can simply rot with those parents of yours for all I care. It takes a lot for me to hate anyone. Well congrats, you have done so.
Sorry for anyone who wasn't expecting me to join in on the Maia thing, but I felt that this had to be said.
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naomiknight17-blog · 10 years
Hopefully the last message on this for tonight
Yeah, I understand. Would you mind giving me more details as to exactly how she hurt you and your friends, so that I can keep an eye out for it and/or look more into it? Is it fallout by proxy from Jitters fundraiser?
I was one of the many people sending her encouragement and love and signal-boosting her fundraisers.
She probably doesn't even know or remember me. I was just one of the many who tried to get her help and get her out of her abusive situation, and sent her love and support during it.
I believed in her. I believed the things she said. And then she turned around and said it had all been a 'misunderstanding', after accepting all our help and donations.
After I, and many others, put our names on the line and vouched for her. She threw it all back in our faces, misspent the money, and went back home.
And that hurt really really badly.
It broke my trust.
It broke the trust of many.
And I check in on her blog every once in a while, and nothing about her has changed. She acts like the victim until she gets what she wants out of people, then acts like everything's fine.
A vicious cycle I can't let myself be part of any more.
Listen, this whole thing is making me feel really tired and sick. I don't mind telling you my side of things and what I've seen and heard from her, but could we maybe pick it up tomorrow or later? I'm getting a bit too upset to continue talking about it just now.
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tardisponycallout · 6 years
This is my way of burning the Maia bridge.
I have been, until a few days ago, Maia’s friend for almost a 5 year span, nearly uninterrupted. There have, however, been times when we “stopped talking” and yet I still kept coming back when she inevitably realized that she needed me for something after all. For that reason, I’m sending this to you now. It’s my way of finally burning this bridge that I keep crossing back over like some kind of damned fool.
You may know me as the original writer for Tardispony, the original creator of “Ginger Doctor”. The same one from whom she usurped control of the project without my consent, etc, etc, I think you all mostly know the story. Those of you who don’t… well, don’t trouble yourself too much in looking for it. It’s only one drop in the proverbial ocean of misery that Maia has left in her wake as she charges headlong through people like a bull in a china shop. 
Let me tell you, though, that the Ginger Doctor incident was one thing she did that she sincerely regretted, but not because it hurt me… no. In retrospect I know why she regretted it. She regretted it because she couldn’t find anyone else who was willing to work with her on any of her projects. She refused to acknowledge that she could ever be at fault, and was just generally a miserable person to work with; it was obviously that all these other writers are just horrible. 
In my naivety and my late-teens to early-twenties arrogance, that’s what I really wanted to believe. I was just that good. She played me like a fiddle, truth be told, and I think I’ve known it for a while now, but only recently come to accept it. There were too many things that went wrong in my five years of friendship with this person to be able to recount all of them. I’m sure I’ve even forgotten a lot of them myself. 
So, let me fill you in with the tiniest little bit of backstory. 
I. Am not good with people. I have trouble reading them, I have trouble understanding them, and I find prolonged interaction with them to be extremely tiring. I’m an introvert’s introvert, and make no bones about the fact that my proclivity for solitude has left me somewhat more socially inept than most. For the majority of the five year time I have described, I had at most 3 friends at a time. Most often, just two. For a brief, particularly terrible span of time about a year ago, only one. 
The reason I bring this up at all is to lend context to the events I’m about to detail, which preceded the final crescendo that compelled me to leave this entire half-decade long chapter of my life behind in a smoldering pile of ash and regret. To some of you this may seem insignificant, but consider it the straw that broke the camel’s back. 
Around January, I found a new friend via Discord, and by pure happenstance it turned out he was in the same state as me. Just a few short miles, in fact. Naturally, we started hanging out, and that one new friend turned into several new friends. Soon enough I was invited to join in on a Pathfinder game, because nerds bond over nerdy things. 
Maia and I had been Roleplaying partners for the entire time I’d known her. She’d become more than a little possessive of me. One night while I was enjoying the game with my new friends, she asked why I hadn’t been responding to her as much – a common complaint whenever I was doing anything except paying attention to her – and I replied honestly that I was playing Pathfinder, which I described as being “like DnD”. 
To say she went ballistic would be a massive understatement. She went on an hours-long tirade about how much she hated tabletop roleplaying games because someone once kicked her out of one (or some other equally vapid reasoning), at the conclusion of which she told me that I could either play Pathfinder, or keep talking to her, but not both. 
I, however, surmised that there was no way for her to tell if I was still playing pathfinder or not. So, in an effort to simultaneously keep her happy and also continue spending time with my friends, I persisted in going to weekly game nights. Unsurprisingly, she was none the wiser. It’s almost as if, like I said to her, what game someone else plays in private and in their free time has no impact whatsoever on other people. Curious, isn’t it? 
Now, fast forward another few months to more or less the present. Pathfinder has really brought together a fun group of friends for me. A few of us run our own private game via Discord with more casual, daily sessions. I don’t stop talking with Maia altogether, but I do start doing things in my life besides just talking to Maia. I start going out to be social in public with my friends, I start going out for dinner, I start trying to train myself to get a good quality job instead of the usual dead-end stuff I’ve lived on for years. Things are looking up for me, and even my depression (a companion of mine since I was 13, amounting to twelve years time as of this writing) has started to get better. This, to me, seems like something where a friend would be overjoyed, no? 
I understand that people have their own issues, and I won’t get into her private issues too much since they have no relevance to this post, but I will say that she was so absorbed in her own issues that she couldn’t even congratulate me. Instead, she took my good fortune as a slight against her, and began to berate me. 
This was the moment when I’d had enough, and finally told her in no uncertain terms that I was done. 
That was the 10th. I waited this long to be absolutely sure that I want to burn this bridge, and I do. My life has only gotten better since no longer having her in it. By posting this here, I state my unequivocal intent to never, ever let this toxic human being back into my life for any reason. She lies, she deceives, she uses, and she blames her own victims when they call her out on it. She seeks out those who are vulnerable or ignorant, and preys on them like a parasite. 
To any reading this who may have just found Maia, take it from someone who spent half of a decade obstinately sticking by her side and doing everything in his mediocre power to make her life easier. 
Run, don’t walk, away.
Proof is available to the moderators of this blog upon request.
Thank you for posting your confession. I am truly sorry for the experience you have been given by Maia, and hope your life is getting better for it. As always, I do ask for proof, and the more evidence that is given, the better it is people are aware of the sort of behavior those who have submitted here and I are legitimately complaining about; something Maia has not addressed at all to this very day. If you can provide such at your own time and convenience, it would be much appreciated.
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howlhardt · 10 years
She accidently deleted her mod blog recently, but was able to make a new one!
There, now GO! Even if you hadn't, she's an amazing artist, and a wonderful girl!
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megadork · 10 years
tardispony replied to your post: anonymous said:I'm going to say o...
Yeah but you know tumblr won’t do much, during the whole silver fang escapade they didn’t do shit with almost 3,000 people reporting him.
Meh, doesn't hurt to try ^^
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jestre · 10 years
Wow. You said "Stop wasting your money on the con and use it to try and get out of your shitty house" more times than I thought possible.
She wasted it on the con and badgered vendors for table space and guilt tripped them anyway.
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naomiknight17-blog · 10 years
The saga continues. Feel free to ignore.
Hm. Alright. Well, when it comes to things like this, the truth usually lies between the stories from both sides. I’ll admit that there’s not really much reason for me to figure out exactly what happened, besides perhaps adjusting my perceptions of people based on such, but I’m taking care to not get actively involved. So far, she’s merely asked me for advice on what to do given the situations that have been arising, and based on this latest one at least I’ve been advising her to get off Tumblr and head to a different site. Whether or not she’s right, whether or not Jitters’s right, there’s nothing left for her here. The reason I wanted to compare between yours and hers was that without a countering side, the only side of this tale I’ve been exposed to is hers. You say that “she will twist things to make herself sound like the victim”, but without a countering side, how can I tell that that isn’t the truth? And on that note, what right do I have to get involved in her life to that degree? We already talked about her family situation, and I myself came to the conclusion that it was abusive. However, when I confronted her about it, she told me that I had the wrong view on it since I had only heard the worst parts of it. From there, it went on to the discussion about Jitters and how, supposedly, the exact same playout happened with him except that he refused to listen when she told him that he had only been hearing the worst of it. Honestly, not only do I think there’s nothing I can do, there’s nothing I /should/ do. Condemning one side or the other will solve nothing. All I can do is listen so that whatever mistakes were made, everyone involved, myself included, can learn lessons from them. Don’t think that I’m just mindlessly listening to her. With every allegation I hear from her, I’m comparing it to what I know of the people involved in that. So far, it’s only been Jitters and his group, which are people who I haven’t been involved with anyhow due to my opinion of Jitters. So it’s not like this is ruining friendships or anything, especially since I refuse to act on my opinions. Nothing good can come of that.
I'm glad you're not getting too actively involved.
Again, the thing with Jitters trying to help Maia before was stemming from just how much he really does care about people, and he couldn't bear to see her in the awful situation she was in. He (and many others) actually witnessed the abuse because it happened during her streams a couple of times. Everything Jitters and his friends did then - fundraising, finding somewhere for her to stay, etc - was because they wanted to help someone they considered a friend.
But, clearly, getting actively involved only ended with a lot of people getting hurt, so really, you're being very smart by not getting too involved.
The other thing is - whether or not she believes her situation is abusive is constantly changing. One day it is, the next it isn't. This is likely a symptom of growing up in an abusive household - as soon as her mom does one tiny nice thing, she clings to it and decides things aren't really that bad, then next thing you know her mom is calling her worthless and screaming at her again. It's a terrible cycle. A terrible cycle we were trying to free her from. And maybe, just maybe, seeing a professional psychologist/psychiatrist may help her understand her situation better, and better cope with it. So, that's why I was saying it may be a good idea to advise her to seek such help.
I'm glad you're looking at this analytically and not just buying everything she says. When you mentioned that you'd been talking a long while, I got worried.
And it's not a reflection on my opinion of you that I thought she may manipulate or hurt you - remember, I'm one of the people who has been hurt by her past actions. I wasn't trying to insinuate that you were gullible or anything. I was just afraid that she may do to you what she's done to so many others.
I hope none of this has harmed the friendship between us. Despite our differing views on some people, I still like you for who you are, and I hope we can hang out at next year's Bronycon... (assorted niceties I'm cutting out because I don't want to accidentally identify this person)
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tardisponycallout · 6 years
I finally read the archive.
Yeah, it's me again, the former Ginger Doctor writer. 
As if I needed another reason to stay away from Maia... I just read through the archive in earnest. It took me a few days since I can't just sit down and read it all at once, but ... Jesus. 
The things she's done to all these other people. The undeniable proof she just chooses to ignore instead of answering, because there is no honest answer other than self-incrimination.
What's worse -- for me on a personal level, that is; it doesn't compare in the grand scheme of shit she's done -- was reading several posts including two of some of the earliest posts here and finding out how she talked about me to people behind my back. 
I never talked like that about her to people. I never called her a loser, or called her any of the things she called me or the others who were trying to work under her constant whip-cracking.
I finally understand. Maia... has no friends. She has tools to be used until they break, when they will be discarded and replaced. 
I'll stop bothering you now, but I want to say publicly that I apologize for everything I ever said against this blog, against its owner, and against so many other people who have contributed here.
Thank You for taking the time to read everything! Please know you are not a bother at all and you are very welcome to chat always! I also thank you for the apologies and know they are fully accepted.
It really is amazing just how many people don't actually read the blog and just roll their eyes thinking "Oh she can't possibly be that bad of a person." Or start accusing me of 'mud flinging' and such but since these new posts, I've had quite a few people message me that they did start to read and are absolutely stunned.
Every question I've been asked demanding proof tells me they haven't read a thing. The answers yall seek are posted here. Take some time and actually read. I know there's a lot but there is a reason.
The length of this blog shows just how many people were affected by her and that is just a fraction. There are many others who haven't made posts for whatever reason but have reached out to me and chatted. It is astounding, really, and I feel worry and sadness for the others she will affect in the future.
It's been five years. She hasn't changed. And I pity her.
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megadork · 10 years
tardispony replied to your post: LOOK IT’S ALL SO NEATLY ORGANIIIIZED
Omg, can you send me some of those folders! Please!
You can add me on skype and I'll drop you a link ^^ My skypename is Tracy.Flash
there's not a lot in them yet though ;w;
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