#tawna : exists
allofthebees · 1 year
"I miss the old Tawna" WHO?? SHE WASN'T A REAL CHARACTER. Just a hot trophy girl you got to at the end of the first game and promptly got scrapped afterward. There's literally nothing to miss!!
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demilypyro · 4 months
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ok so there's an evil scientist named Doctor Neo Periwinkle Cortex, and together with his lab partner Doctor Nitrus Brio he hatches a plan to take over the world by mutating animals into super soldiers.
He purchases a set of islands off the coast of Australia and begins experimenting on the wildlife. He has some success, creating various sentient anthropomorphic animal mutants with superhuman abilities. Among the experiments is Crash Bandicoot, who is set to be Cortex's general. There's also Crash's girlfriend Tawna, and his sister Coco, who through the experiments becomes a super genius.
Cortex uses a mind control device called the Cortex Vortex to brainwash his minions, but something goes wrong when he tries to use it on Crash. Crash and Coco escape, and in a bid to save his girlfriend, Crash ends up demolishing Cortex's base and foiling his plan, nearly killing Cortex. All the other animals also escape in the chaos. From then on, Crash and Coco mostly just try to enjoy their lives, while going back into action whenever Cortex has a new scheme.
The whole franchise has a very 90s cartoon vibe, which I find very charming. The rogues gallery is quite extensive, and has a lot of fan favourite recurring characters, including other mutants like Dingodile and Tiny Tiger, other evil scientists like N. Gin and N. Tropy, the alien Nitrous Oxide, and Nina, Cortex's niece. The games are largely a metaphor for pollution, with Cortex's influence symbolizing the waste and corruption brought by industry as it erodes nature. As you progress through the games, the levels often transition from lush jungles to harsh industrial environments as you venture deeper into Cortex's territory.
The series has changed hands many times over its existence, originally developed by Naughty Dog and published by Universal Interactive, who held the rights. Universal Interactive merged with Vivendi, which was then purchased by Activision, which then merged with Blizzard, and was then purchased by Microsoft. Other developers who left a lasting impression on the Crash franchise include Traveler's Tales, Toys for Bob, Vicarious Visions, and Beenox.
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dc-polls · 10 months
"That Really Happened?!" DC Comics Tournament Entry #41
Kon-El Got Enslaved By Furries (And It Led To Pearl Harbor 2!)
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[ID: A comic page from Superboy (1994) depicting Kon-el with wild, overgrown hair and barely any clothes, collared and chained. He is speaking frantic gibberish and struggling against his captors as a tiger man, Prince Tuftan, explains he wants to "domesticate" him and present him as a courtship gift to a lioness woman, Lady Tawna. Tuftan says, "But... Growler inspected the boy and found no sign of contagion, councilor! We never would have brought him into our metropolis if-" He strikes Kon-el with a chain, yelling "Down, boy! Forgive me, father - he doesn't know his place yet!"
Above, the king says, "Then I trust you'll teach him my son - That or he should speak more clearly when addressing the king!" A hooded dog-like advisor says, "Heh! A human speaking - very funny, your highness! How amusing!"
Below, Tuftan says, "Actually, rather, I was hoping to domesticate the boy, and present him as a pet to, um, Lady Tawna. If... if she'd accept him, that is..." Off screen Tawna says, "So- gambling to win my affections, are you, Prince Tuftan? Then I'm afraid I must say..." /END ID]
What Happened?
while fleeing from the realization that one of the only adults who'd been a constant in his life since his detubing had actually been financially exploiting him his entire life, kon flies directly into a huge storm and gets struck by lightning. he wakes up on an island run by furries where humans are kept as animal slaves and seen as lower than pets; it's later explained that this island was the result of a bunch of cadmus experimentation on animals for sentience, and there's a conspiracy where one of them keeps all humans who ever stumble on the island drugged into mindlessness to prevent them from ever escaping and revealing the island's existence to the world. this happens anyway when a coup happens in furry kingdom, and a faction decide to attack pearl harbor. kon ends up befriending the guys who kept him drugged and enslaved and hunted him for sport for months, in order to restore peace. because you know. that may as well happen.
Tournament polls will be posted after all entries are up. As always you can find all posts related to the tournament using #dc-polls-trh
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suzukiblu · 1 year
". . . honey," Bernard says. "That is the kinkiest thing I've ever heard you say, oh my god, do you have a secret clone from your superhero antics that you're holding out on me about the existence of?"
If Tuftan gives Tawna a pet that hates him, he's really going to have problems.
The Super-Cycle sounds like it's cooing over Kenley, kind of, which isn't even close to the weirdest thing it's ever done, so Tim just decides to roll with it and gives it a pat.
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neoyi · 1 year
The Catbat comic was a nice little treat for the upcoming Crash Team Rumble game, but I especially love the addition of this particular character.
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Like up until the ending slide show in Crash 4, I don't think there was anything to indicate Cortex's robotic scientists weren't anything but mindless automatons that did his bidding (and also end up as cannon fodder during.) The slide show implied they had to do something while Cortex was away post-final battle, which could either be them fulfilling their commands to keep themselves busy (or something) or the first signs of sentience and a life beyond their creator.
So you got one of the Lab Assistants who doesn't seem to work for Cortex. Or maybe he does and he has a rock gig in secret. Whatever the case is, there are signs of a free man here, one who grew beyond his programming and doesn't have to live a degrading, butt monkey existence as Cortex's minion. One who could be altruistic and help those in need.
Even the outfit he wears evokes the many, many costumes the Lab Assistants have donned over the games. They were always situational and appropriate to wherever Cortex sent them, but this rock n' roll look though? It's all his. This is his personal identity and what he can claim to call his own. Cortex did not choose this, HE did. I hope Rock n' Roll Lab Assistant Guy continues to explore his identity (find a name, continue to help people and rock out, etc.)
I don't know if Catbat told him the truth of their origin. If so, then they're with good company because he understands, and oh MAN, I really want to do fanart of these two buddies being good friends (or more? Catbat/Rock n' Roll LA pairing? Sure, why not?)
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Catbat has such a great potential if Toys For Bob plays their cards right. Because yeah, there really isn't a Cortex science experiment who carried the kind of emotional baggage the way they do. None of the Bandicoots are as burdened with angst about the whole thing. Crash is more than willing to forgive and embrace Cortex because he is a cinnamon roll and I bet he just wants to reconcile with his dad. Coco has healthy outlets when she isn't kicking Cortex's ass through engineering and gaming, as well as a loving sibling bond with her brother. Prime!Tawna? ...Who knows. Crunch? ...That character is so goddamn useless he's not worth talking about here (I'm sorry, Crunch was a better character when he was an evil rival to Crash. You strip that off of him and what does he contribute?) But I digress.
What I'm saying is, I dig Catbat's background, because it continues where Crash 4 took off by creating pathos and character exploration instead of ha ha goofy character and dumb 2005-era Dreamworks humor (god, post-CNK games before the revival era really flattened these characters into senseless clowns.) Like I don't know if Catbat is even on Crash's side, or they happen to want to work together because of common goals. We'll see, I guess!
If a hypothetical Crash 5 happens and Catbat returns, I would genuinely love to see them returning, with an even more greater focus on their revenge against Cortex. But I'm getting ahead of myself; let's see how they do in Rumble first.
Apparently we'll be getting snippets of lore like these throughout Rumble's updates, and I am genuinely looking forward to them expanding the world built by Crash 4.
Look man, I'm not saying Crash Bandicoot has the deepest lore, but seeing little things like these add so much.
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Playing Crash Bandicoot 4 for the first time and... it's really hard, but like... it's so much more difficult being distracted by alternate dimension Tawna and her.. existence....
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mugenloopdalove · 11 months
Wild card and Veni, Vidi, Vici for pinstripe?
omg this meme is perf for him lmao
Wild Card— talk about an au of your ship!
idk if its exactly an "au" since like. technically the verse does exist. but i have alt dimension summer. pinstripe and roary were killed by fem tropy and summer basically loses herself trying to get vengeance.
Veni, Vidi, Vici— is there a "big bad" or any antagonistic figure(s) in your ship? are they people, or something more situational?
not really? in summers mind, tawna his, but tawnas just kinda vibin lol.
i guess if i had to pick, it would be summers on brain issues
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I do vaguely remember the outrage about that Crash game; she had pants and personality outside of damsel/sexy boob bandicoot. The weird part was people claiming her barely existing character was empowering.
The people in the thread were not only doing those weird revisionist takes on the big booby damsel Tawna, they were also saying she’s bad because she’s overdesigned, the game takes her too seriously, she’s cringey, she doesn’t fit the Crash series… like what??? I knew the sub has a weird dislike of Crash 4 but this was next level
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sleuth-hounds · 2 years
Crash Bandicoot - Vigilante AU
Some time ago, I envisioned an AU were Crash, Coco and Crunch are an inseparable trio of vigilantes, similar to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or the Cooper Gang.
Crash and Coco are part of an anthropomorphic society, which means the humans don't exist, nor does the Evolvo Ray, and Crunch was taken in by the bandicoot siblings as their adopted brother. They live the fictional Wumpa City, located in the USA.
Meanwhile, as side stories, Tawna is dating Pinstripe Potoroo, and other characters like Tiny Tiger, Komodo Joe, etc. have lives of their own. Some good, some bad.
Crashworth Bandicoot The Second:
Birth: 1984
Species: Eastern Barred Bandicoot
Alignment: Good
Voice actor: Jess Harnell
Height: 5' 3''
Level of intelligence: Above average
Occupation: Vigilante
Family: Coco (sister), Crunch (adopted brother) and Aku Aku (father figure). Deceased biological parents.
Likes: Wumpa fruit, Pasadena, playing with his yo-yo, sleeping
Dislikes: rude awakenings,his sister being in danger, Pinstripe, watching wumpa fruit be used in a blender
Witty, kind-hearted and laid back. He is not known for his anger, even towards his enemies, but threatening his little sister seems to be among one of very few ways of setting off his aggression. While not as intelligent as Coco, Crash still comes off as resourceful and smart enough to defeat villains.
Crash retains most of his abilities from his original self, but also has vigilante skills. He can sprint, crouch and spin, but can also sneak around, slide on rails and even land on small spots.
What can be said about this heroic and limber marsupial that hasn't been said before? Well, you might like to know that he enjoys delivering some sense of justice with the help of his sister Coco and adopted brother Crunch.
Coco Bandicoot:
Birth: 1985
Species: Eastern Barred Bandicoot
Height: 5' 2''
Level of intelligence: Very good (164 IQ)
Voice actress: Debi Derryberry
Likes: Her brothers' companionship, going on adventures
Dislikes: liars, her laptop's power dying off, evil scientists
Coco is responsible, smart, kind-hearted and high spirited. Her high intelligence is often contrasted by her innocent demeanor. Despite being the opposite of Crash, Coco is far from prissy and is generally tolerant - if not outright amused - by her brother's behavior.
Like her brother, Coco can sprint, crouch, do spin attacks and sneak around, but she's not able to slide on railings or jump on small posts. She is good at using weapons such as a bowcaster or grappling hooks.
Coco is the high-spirited and intelligent younger sister of Crash.
When her face isn't glued to a computer screen, she tags along with her siblings using her expertise in technology. You can always count on her to hack into the mastermind's plans and warn Crash with some important information.
Crunch Bandicoot:
Birth: 1983
Voice actor: Kevin Michael Richardson
Height: 6' 4''
Species: BurgundyBandicoot
Level of Intelligence: Slightly above Crash's but below Coco's.
Ethnicity: Crunch is of Afro-Jamaican, Scottish, Irish and Maori descent. In short, he's biracial.
Likes: Ami, weightlifting, drinking smoothies
Dislikes: rude manners
Powers/abilities: Crunch is an accomplished fighter; he's able to knock out a group of thugs without the use of weaponry, and he's also good at driving, especially on car chases.
Crunch is hot-headed, irrational and sometimes over-confident. However, because of his time with Crash and Coco, he became very determined and loyal to them, and is always willing to help them when necessary. He is much more of a failure intolerant than his sibligns but does show a soft side.
He is also a nature lover and shows to be a ladies' man, much to the jealousy of Crash and the amusement of Coco.
Crunch is one tough and powerful bandicoot. As the enforcer of the trio, the villains never see him coming as he's unpredictable. His muscular figure knows neither friend nor foe: only destruction!
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ferallyartistic · 7 months
I'll be honest... Think I've lost my will to draw
I know I should create, draw beauty for palestine
But I just can't .. I can't when I can do is dread from the West that this genocidal island I live on is aiding another in murdering more indigenous, burning more literature, art and history... We are losing the heart of empathy in my eyes and my own heart is breaking while all I can be is a witness.. so these beautiful souls can be remembered. But there are so many..
I originally wanted to make this channel to post vtm stuff, draw cute vampires, make a beautiful story come to life .. that's why I made Tawna...
Tawna was meant to be my version of hope and liberty as her story grew.. her primogen ostracized and clan shamed by their action of attacking the Prince, duskborn regularly hunted, assassinations left, right and centre with consistent backstabbing from those she thought she could trust.. she was a very skittish thing, as most foxes naturally are, that would run from any source of danger as she was on her own - she only had her. She was very empathetic, she was more attuned to humanity as Gangrel were closer to life than death.. She travelled the world to find her sire which exposed her to a lot of horrors of mankind. Tawna may have been a creature of the night, but she had enough heart to give to those she could, even when they had hurt her.. she just wanted those to be happy since she knew their existence was pain. She believed very much in redemption, even when most within the city wanted the Prince dead, she had hope she could reach his humanity - to bring him back some resemblance of light
Now I can barely draw her
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I honestly find it weird that in crash 4 IAT it confirmed that the original tawna still exists, but apparently ceased contact with crash and coco. It’s honestly sad, and it makes me wonder if it’s implying tawna purposefully cut contact with them and never wanted to see them again. If so that would make the relationship with crash and coco and alt tawna, even more depressing, being that alt! Tawna is the tawna that would’ve never left.
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esmaelj · 5 years
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This is dedicated to the people who followed me here in 2013 
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mettamaxie · 5 years
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pinstripe and tawna are buddies and he’s happy to see his best friend’s racing career kick off, no i dont take constructive criticism
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red-cavalier · 4 years
I’m damning you all for making me like Claude.
Confession! I was secretly hoping you guys would pick Dimitri, because I didn’t have the gall to do it myself. Because I didn’t like the design. But, ha ha, here we are.
I know next to nothing about Claude, though. Probably never will. I don’t know; I like the idea of liking a character purely through a childlike sense of imagination. Like he’s some kind of mystery I have no way of digging into, and I have to rely solely on an outside looking in interpretation. Reading into it would ruin the magic. So I’m not going to do it.
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assassyart · 4 years
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Yes I like Tawna, no I haven't played a single Crash game. We exist.
Here's some unshaded Tawna doodles. Hope you like them :)
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anoddopal · 2 years
!!Masterpost of Details on My Personal Crash AU(s)!!
These are fully self-indulgent and exist purely for my own amusement. Selfship content ahead! You have been warned!
Other Warnings: Fictional character being in a romantically ambiguous situation with an AU version of themselves, mentions of periods of turmoil in relationships, mentions of canon/headcanon deaths of characters
Everything is fine and healthy in the end!! :)
Normal/Canon Timeline: “Normalverse”
- Follows the canonical events of the games (with some self indulgent modifications).
- Nefarious returned to his original universe after the events of Crash 4. FemTr.opy returned to hers. He spends loooooots of time kissing up to his wife, though he eventually ends back up in Opal’s good graces.
- Not too much to say about this one! The protagonists win. The villains (Tr.opy especially) are immensely humbled. Everything is well! (…. For now??)
Alt!Tawna + FemTr.opy’s original Timeline: “Tawnaverse”
- Follows the events of the dimension where our beloved bandicoot protagonists are no more. A bittersweet reality.
- FemTr.opy was married to Opal up until she murdered Crash, Coco, and her dimension's version of Co.rtex. Upon learning of their demise Opal was completely heartbroken. She packed her bags and fled. The woman joined the remaining bandicoots (who had teamed up with Tawna to take down the great evil that loomed over them). Here she met Ami. A romance blossomed between them and they went on to marry.
- In this particular instance, FemTr.opy was forced to return to her home world after the events of Crash 4, where she would eventually be caught and imprisoned for her crimes. She would remain locked up until her eventual passing.
- In this timeline, Opal essentially became a 'werebilby' due to drinking one of Brio's concoctions. It took her a while to get control of, but now she can phase between her human form and bilby form as she pleases.
- In the end, all those who deserve it get to live out their happily ever after in this universe... except for Crash and Coco. This fact looms over the heads of all the survivors. No matter how much time passes, it doesn't get easier for those who knew the siblings.
Most Commonly Depicted Timeline: “OT3verse”
- Follows an AU where the Tr.opys reign supreme but are constantly reined in by their significantly shorter, good-doer wife. Hijinks ensure.
- This timeline is the result of Nefarious bringing Nefertiti back to his original dimension after the events of Crash 4, rather than returning alone as he did in other AUs.
- Opal was NOT HAPPY when her husband brought back his other self. How dare? He invalidate?? The sanctity of their fucking marriage?? She was this close to separating from him/wouldn’t even acknowledge FemTr.opy. Both Tr.opys freaked out. The course of events may have played out VERY differently if it weren’t for FemTr.opy’s determination to make things right. It took months. Opal eventually was willing to give them both a chance but they had to start from square one. Trust had to be established. Rules and boundaries had to be made. Eventually one thing let to another and before they knew it they were planning the largest wedding celebration the world would ever see. 🕒🐇🕒
- The Tr.opys technically win in this universe. Of course Opal wasn't about to let them get away with smiting their enemies, so a compromise had to be made. It was agreed that a brand new dimension would be created to satisfy the masters of time while the bandicoots (and basically anyone else they don't care for) would live undisturbed in another pocket of the universe.
- Having lost her beloved wife (not to mention basically everything) in her old timeline, this FemTr.opy has taken it upon herself to not repeat her past mistakes. She isn't an entirely different person by any means, but in order to make things work this time around she needed to drop her cruelty to animals and find more... constructive ways to manage her tendencies.
- The relationship between the Tro.pys isn't inherently romantic. For them, it's more like having a clone to relate to. Why, imagine being a self-absorbed individual with a mirror reflection that can interact with you! In other words, they view the other as an extension of themselves. Certainly there's flirting between them, but that's mostly it.
- That being said, both Tro.pys know what if it came down to it, Nefertiti has the capacity to throw Nefarious into a raging fire with little to no remorse. She has more of a mean streak than he does, and she is fully determined to not lose what she had a second time around. He does not care to get on her bad side,
- Opal keeps her horologist spouses in line. They need someone to keep them in check. Hey, they can still be evil, sure! They just need to be evil within reason.
Opal/Tr.opy- The exact moment Nefarious started to take an interest in her was when she worriedly asked Dr. Cor.tex about his obvious jaundice. She wasn't trying to be mean, but everyone who was present at the time broke out into laughter at Neo's expense. Opal and Nefarious share a love of history, traveling through time, and appreciating the cultures of various societies- both old and new. They both also enjoy puns, though he only takes interest in time-related jokes. Their relationship has an air of nostalgic decorum. However there is a small point of contention, as ever so often Nefarious lets it slip he thinks he's smarter than her (in multiple contexts he is but that's not the point). 
Opal/Tr.opy (f)- Their relationship is surprising, given Nefertiti's pension for brutality. In the Tawnaverse, her sadistic tendencies were the reason Opal insisted upon a divorce. In order to make things work the second time around, the female Tr.opy had to redirect her destructiveness into more conductive avenues. She is incredibly soft on her wife, and has a hard time telling Opal “no”. They bond over history and exploring the world via time travel as well, but with an added fascination of the more morbid elements to reality. The Mistress of Time can be ice cold at the best of times but she'll absolutely melt in Opal's presence. It's a bit of a sight to behold.
Opal/Ami- They're two super soft dorks. Both are 100% fully grown individuals who are ready to cry over anything from an a fictional character's death to an adorable bunny at any given moment. They like indulging each other's interests, so much so that they've successfully converted their respective spouse dabble in the other's hobbies (Opal does a bit of noncompetitive racing and Ami now has immense respect for creative processes). Ami encourages Opal to be more active while Opal reminds Ami to settle down and chill out regularly. 
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