#tawny q&a
pinazee · 7 months
I dont want lower decks to go live action, but i DO want more Jack Quaid and Tawny Newsome running around causing mischief and to see our other mains. Im just… so conflicted. Like if we get a Lower Decks movie, it’ll be animated but i want the whole crew irl in the credits wreaking havoc on the Star Trek multiverse
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esmecarmona · 1 year
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TAISSA TURNER | 2.01 “Friends, Romans, Countrymen”
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warningsine · 1 year
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Natalie hallucinating herself as the Antler Queen
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siminycricket · 1 year
☆ — put this star in the inbox of your favourite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity!
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Thank you Rose! 🤗
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urhoneycombwitch · 5 months
shelter thee to me
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foreword: apparently I just love putting Steve in Situations™️ since this is the second back-to-back sick fic I’ve written for him. Hmm. Cheers to all u other hurt/comfort lovers this one’s 4 u <3 this piece was finished thanks to the inspo I got from Syl @thecreelhouse - she has a GREAT fic called Accident Prone that you totally should check out if you’re interested in this type of subject matter! ❤️‍🩹
cw: descriptions of a migraine, Steve is a bit of a depressed mess, there is comfort tho I promise, alcohol consumption, Steve actively does things to worsen his pain (but it does get addressed), gender neutral reader
wc: 4k
It’s the first warm spring day of 1987, and the Munson Bar-B-Q Bash is in full-swing.
Wayne flips burgers and rotates hot dogs dutifully on the grill, cigarette perched at his lips wiggling as he talks to El. Her doey eyes are wide with rapturous attention, like she’s never seen someone cooking outdoors before (highly likely; the world holds so much newness and wonders yet-unseen for a kid who’s been recently liberated from her windowless underground existence).
A few of the other Party kids are playing a raucous and complicated game of multi-player checkers, Dustin and Lucas kneeling in the grass while Mike and Will oppose, pressed in close around the small board. Max (inexplicably and suddenly) declares her piece as “knighted”, the chorus of boyish complaints quickly silenced the moment her hand flexes around the handle of the black cane at her side (in every possible alternate universe, you hope Max Mayfield always has a cool weapon to defend herself with).
The adults of the group are in various forms of relax around Forest Hills park- Joyce stacks paper plates at a nearby picnic table while Hopper is close behind, muttering things that make her laugh, earning playful little swats from her free hand; Jon, Argyle, and Eddie gave the classic “taking a walk” excuse to Mrs. Byers about twenty minutes back, the heady smell of weed drifting from the sparse forest nearly imperceptible over the smell of cooking meat.
Robin’s at your feet, the length of your legs supporting her torso as your fingers work to tie off the neat braid you’ve just finished on the left side of her hair. She’s been letting it grow, since the shitshow of last year- tawny brown locks swing just past her upper shoulders now.
“And I really mean it, this time- Keith’s out to get me,” Robin is saying, wiggling despite your instruction to “Sit still, or your right braid’s gonna be all fucked up,” gripping the strands of her hair a bit tighter in warning. She complies, then huffs out- “Steve, are you even listening back there?”
Steve hums. He’s by your side on the bench, a spot that you’d snagged early on for the both of you- under the comforting shade of a big willow tree, slightly on the outskirts of all the activity. Heat and direct sunlight can sometimes mess with Steve’s vision, loud noise has the potential to fuck with his hearing- facts of life he hasn’t so much told you rather than the result of many quiet observations about your partner over the course of a year.
Steve doesn’t like to talk about it. He’s not interested in rehashing the past, tunes out Eddie’s dramatics whenever the curly-haired boy’s story-telling nature arises; the only thing Steve hates more than remembering is being remembered- by Joyce, tearfully thanking him for being brave and saving her boys; by Hopper, with a firm pat to the shoulder and a stilted speech of unsung heroics; even by Robin, who gets in on the recollections in defiance of Steve’s glare, her hands arcing through the air to recreate the whoosh of his wooden oar.
Alcohol also tends to affect Steve differently, in this post-fight world that you all now live- but he’s taking sips from a cooler-chilled can of beer, thick-framed glasses resolutely off and buried in that nest of hair. You’d given him a look, earlier, when he’d walked back to give Robin a soda, hands still wet from digging around in the ice- but if Steve noticed your worry he didn’t respond to it, instead pressing a freezing can of Coke to the bare skin of Robin’s leg, backing down with a laugh when she squealed and got one good smack in against his arm.
“I’m listening, Robs,” Steve says, leaning forward to rest elbows on knees, condensation dripping off the can of Coors Light between his hands. “Keith’s been on one lately. I’ll fight him for you, if y’want.”
Robin snorts. You fit another elastic around her second braid, just as she brings her fist up to bump against Steve’s. “We’ll tag team him. Out back by the dumpsters. Great place to hide a body.”
“Jesus, Robin,” Steve chides, over the sound of your giggle.
She pushes herself up from off the ground, smoothing hands over her fresh braids as she thanks you, then turns to walk towards the huddled group of teens, winking over her shoulder- “Gotta show the kiddies what a real Checker Champ looks like.”
There’s a din of excitement as Robin joins, cheering and clapping echoing across the lawn- beside you, Steve stiffens, just slightly.
You pretend not to notice, instead scooching over until your shorts-covered thigh is pressing against his leg. Steve makes a happy noise in the back of his throat, wraps the arm not impeded by a beer can around your shoulders, tucking his nose to the top of your head.
“Feeling okay?” You try to keep your tone light, neutral, plucking a stray thread from Steve’s jeans absentmindedly.
He nods into your hair, squeezing your opposite shoulder- “Yeah. How ‘bout you?”
Ignoring his immediate deflection in the form of a question, you spread your hand flat over his thigh, thumb running up the side seam of denim, a bit more earnest in your questioning- “It’s just- are you okay? You’d tell me if you wanted to go home, right? You know I’m always happy to make some excu-”
“I don’t want to go home. I’m fine.”
Steve rarely ever interrupts you, even more rare that he speaks to you with any sort of anger, which is why the sharpness of those short sentences is enough to have you pulling back to look at him, incredulous and a little wounded (though you do your best not to show it).
He seems to realize his mistake as soon the words are out of his mouth; Steve winces, palm still warm over your shoulder blade, comforting squeeze as he cuts in, quickly- “Honey. Sorry. I didn’t mean to snap. I’m just- I’m good, okay? You don’t have to worry about me.”
Your eyes roam over his face: the deep-set apology in those amber eyes, the soft lock of hair flopping over his forehead, the twist at the corner of his mouth. You fit your thumb to it, and the shape changes, your heart lurching as he smiles against your touch. “Steve-”
The moment you say his name softly there’s a louder, more piercing version being yelled from a few yards away, Dustin waving frantically amidst Robin’s triumphant cackles- “Steve! Stop making out and come help, Robin’s whipping our asses!”
Steve blinks, and you can pinpoint the exact second he gives in, shuttering those walls back up with a straightened spine. One tender kiss to your palm, then he rises, leaving the beer in his empty seat- “Duty calls.”
After a robust round of Crazy Checkers surrounded by shrieking children, Steve’s energy is waning, you can tell- there’s this certain way he holds himself, little indicators of pain and discomfort that you’ve learned to pick up on; his finger taps mindlessly on the rim of his plastic water cup, the space between his neck and shoulders is one tight line, and his silence has been absorbed by the miasma of noise all around.
No one else seems to have noticed, too absorbed in eating and joking with mouthfuls of food, everyone crammed around two shoved-together picnic tables.
Robin jostles into your side reaching for the ketchup, which in turn makes you bump into Steve on your right; when you hear the sharp intake of his breath, you lean in, careful to keep up appearances, making it seem like you’re whispering a sweet nothing, hand cupped around his ear to dampen all the other sounds.
“Will you let me take you home?”
Should’ve known that wasn’t gonna work. Steve squeezes your leg under the table, his hand wracked with tiny tremors, smile tight and not reaching his eyes as he turns to whisper back, “Quit asking. Stop worrying. I’m fine.”
So goddamn stubborn. Well, so be it, Harrington. You scoff, as if he’s just told a joke timed to the beat of overlapping conversations, and peel yourself off of his side.
Cool air seeps up your bare arm where it had been kept warm in the crook of Steve’s own arm. It feels strange, to not have some sort of constant contact- but if Steve is playing the obstinate game, count you in.
Twenty minutes later, lunch and its accompanying mess has been cleared away, many hands making light work, and Eddie has brought out his stereo system to try and goad the anti-dancers of the group to join a makeshift dance floor.
Jonathan’s playing at being too post-meal sleepy to move off the bench, while Will and Eddie tussle and pull at him, and everyone’s laughing but you can’t focus on anything other than Steve- silent and stiff at your side, doing the bare minimum of human interaction to fly under the radar of suspicion.
Your radar, however, is finely tuned, and you know he’s minutes away from needing to be horizontal; it’s physically painful to keep your hands to yourself as they long to soothe, hugging arms-crossed around your own middle to keep from reaching for him.
Jonathan joins the dance circle with shambling reluctance, and when everyone cheers, Steve’s voice is at your ear, faint and sounding like a shadow of himself- “Gonna use the bathroom. Save me a piece of pie.” And with a final squeeze to your shoulder, he starts back down the path to the Munson’s new trailer.
Two minutes is a rather generous amount of time, in your opinion, to stay seated- until Robin splits from the jumping, dancing fray, light sheen of sweat on her forehead as she bends towards your seated form- “If you wanna go check on Dingus, I’ll make up a good excuse for you both.”
Overwhelmed with gratefulness and anxiety, you pull Robin into a quick hug, then make a smooth break for the winding gravel path.
The noises of the party fade as you walk through the door of the trailer, wiping your feet on the Welcome mat but keeping them on in case you need to make a quick exit with a sick partner in tow.
“Steve?” You keep your calling quiet, rounding the corner of the sun-warmed trailer walls towards the sliding bathroom door, then pull up short- Steve’s sitting against the closed door, on the outside of it, shoes planted on the rug, hands in fists at his side.
His head is tipped forward, resting on bent knees; his glasses are tucked by one arm into the neck of his collared tee, bellows of his breath coming shallow and quick.
Sinking to your knees beside him, you press a hand to the back of his neck, firm pressure against the taut muscle, attempting to bring some relief; Steve makes a choked, whimpery noise, and it almost breaks you.
A wave of helplessness washes through your veins; in defiance of the feeling, you suck in a steadying breath, grasping at adrenaline-fueled resolve as you run through the mental checklist of warning signs.
Thanks to Doc Owens (and the one-and-only appointment you forced Steve into last year, when you found him passed out on your kitchen floor from overheating in the summer sun), you know what to look for, and it gives purpose to your movements.
Steve’s breathing is rapid but not emergency-levels; he’s sweating, but not entirely through his shirt, yet; you get him to lift his head with murmured encouragement- thick lashes rimmed with tears, flushed cheeks reflecting heat back into your palms, and you find what you’re looking for- the black of his pupils equally dilated, twin moons almost eclipsing the almond-brown of his irises.
Last time Steve got a migraine, it lasted for hours, a whole sweltering afternoon of him pale and in pain on your couch, arm draped over his eyes while you kept a rotating supply of fresh ice packs to his temples and top of his spine.
The worst part of all, besides seeing Steve in pain, is the fact that he so resolutely denies himself the help that he would give others, in a heartbeat. Years of putting himself on a back burner, of making sure his nearest and dearest are taken care of before he even thinks about his own needs, have stuck firm.
Steve doesn’t have any heels left to dig in, now, as you feel the slide-grind of his teeth beneath your hands; you let your thumbs brush down his cheeks, a small movement to say I’m here, I’m not leaving you, and his eyes flutter shut.
“Gonna take you home,” you say, soft as your hands that drop to the broad width of his shoulders, “And this time I’m not asking.”
“Okay,” Steve manages, voice thin and strained, and you hate how much that single word is soaked in defeat.
Moving slow, you manage to get Steve on his feet- he leans heavy against you, waving off your offer to get Robin or Eddie to help with a simple and devastatingly earnest “Please, don’t, just want you-”; at a snail’s pace down the hall, in tandem down the front steps, Steve’s eyes slamming shut to block out the waning light of the sunset as you guide him to the Beemer, thankfully out of sight from the party.
You get him settled in the passenger seat, pocketing his glasses and sliding the seatbelt into place across his chest with a click; while you don’t want to make Steve feel any more childlike than he already probably feels, you can’t stop from pressing a kiss to his cheek before pulling away, adding in a voice that you hope is quiet enough-
“If you’re gonna throw up, do it in the glovebox, okay? This is my boyfriend’s car, and I can’t have him knowing I’m taking strays home. Especially since you’re so handsome.”
Steve smiles weakly at your joke- his eyes are still closed but he catches your hand wrapped around the seatbelt, brings your knuckles up to his lips- “Sure thing, honey.”
There are footsteps crunching up the gravel, and you straighten in the tight space of the partially open car door to find Robin approaching.
She stops a few feet away, hands planted on her hips with a shake of her head. “Jesus, Harrington, you look like shit.”
Steve, eyes still closed and leaning back on the headrest, says to you in an obvious, scratchy stage-whisper- “Maybe if we stay reaaaal still, she won’t know we’re here.”
“If you didn’t look ready to keel over at any moment, I’d punch you for that,” Robin snipes, rocking heel to toe in her converse, locking eyes with you- “Need a good excuse?”
Relief washes out any remaining traces of helplessness. You breathe a sigh. “Yes. Please and thank you, Robs.”
“I got you covered. Emergency at the office, sink sprung a leak, a goldfish death in the family- got ‘em locked and loaded.” She shoots you two exuberant thumbs up, then sobers a bit, expression dropping. “Just. Take care of him, okay?”
You shut the car door with the least amount of noise you can manage, bumping your hip into the handle so the inner latch catches, then squeeze Robin’s hand on your way to the driver’s seat. “I will, Robin. I’ll call your landline later, let you know if he’s up for visitors.”
With a final salute, the ends of Robin’s hair fan out as she jogs back to the party, outdoor sounds disappearing as you duck into the car.
The ride home is mostly silent as you listen for Steve’s breathing, taking each stop sign and turn in the road with measured slowness. Brake, check for signs of life, and creep onwards.
You’re less than three blocks from Loch Nora when Steve leans into the sling of his belt, one hand flat against the dash, the other to his stomach, and you’re quick to swallow down panic, asking in what you hope is a calm voice, “Are you gonna throw up?”
“No,” Steve says, chin dropping to his chest, huffing- then, quietly, “Maybe.”
You’ve already pulled off the main road, throwing the gear shift into park before unbuckling and scrambling around in the seat pocket behind you, plastic grocery bag you’d stashed months ago for occasions such as this crinkling in your fist.
Steve’s fingers on the dash curl into a fist. There’s a spike of alarm you claw at, capture, and shove back, unable to quell the rush of murmured comfort as you lean across the middle console- “Here, baby. ‘S okay. You’re okay. I’ve got you, you’re safe…”
Steve doesn’t take the bag that you press into his left hand, still in a fist at his abdomen; his eyes are squeezed shut under slanted dark brows, and tears begin leaking out, coursing in rivulets down cheeks gone pallid. His voice is barely more than a croak when he speaks.
“I just want to be normal.”
And then, Steve’s crying in earnest: short breathy sobs and strung-out whimpers, like the only thing that hurts more than the act of crying itself would be to hold it all in.
The plastic bag gets shoved to the side as you pull Steve in, hands soothing down the shuddering planes of his back, your voice soothing and breaking in equal measure- “I know, baby, I know, I’m so sorry…”
Hot tears drip down your neck as his forehead rolls against your shoulder. Steve’s hands ball into fists, fabric of your shirt caught in his desperate grounding attempt, fighting through the wreck to speak broken secrets against your bare skin-
“Jus’ wanna be normal. Just want to drink a fucking beer without getting a goddamn headache afterwards. I wanted to stay at the party, wanted to…”
Breath catching, a fresh jolt of pain, and Steve’s whimpering like a child against your chest, unspooling a release that’s been building for over a year- Steve never affords himself time for a breakdown, and it’s all coming to a head now.
“It’s not fair,” Steve grits out. He’s doing his best to ride the wave but it’s threatening to pull him under; you can tell by the sinking weight of his head at your collarbone, the way his hands loosen and go lax at your sides, sobs giving way to gritting teeth and steel-tight jaw as Steve battles back the slicing pain in his head.
You know this is a purging, of sorts, and you’re grateful that your boy feels safe enough around you to let go and feel, but you also know that him getting worked up is just going to prolong an already-bad migraine.
So you let your hands drift up again, take his face between your palms, let his forehead rest against yours, speaking low, stripped raw with honesty.
“You’re right, honey. It’s not fair.” Your thumbs smooth gentle against his cheeks, under the dark lashes that flutter into your touch. “I’m so sorry that you have to go through this, and you’re allowed to be upset- but right now, I need you to just breathe, okay, Stevie? Can you do that for me?”
It gives Steve something to focus on, instead of spiraling out- he’s obedient, clutching at your shirt again, eyes shut in concentration, trying to match his too-fast breathing to your steadied tempo. Your fingers wind into the longer pieces of hair at the base of his skull, notching against the pressure points Doc Owens instructed you on ages ago.
Steve shivers. Lets out a dry, choking laugh that sounds nothing like him. “Couldn’t even last one full afternoon.”
He sounds so disappointed in himself. It makes your heart ache, tears stinging at your own eyes as you respond, still gentle despite your first instinct to bite back against his self-loathing. “Steve, give yourself some credit. You’re doing remarkably well, considering the circumstances.”
Steve scoffs, makes to lean back and away but your hands stop him in his tracks, nose to nose with you now as you insist, “When you had to drive Max home because her leg was hurting during Will’s birthday party, you didn’t judge her, right? Didn’t question why she needed a ride home?”
With this proximity, you can see the light dusting of freckles spanning the width of his cheeks, color returning slow but sure. He doesn’t try to pull away again so you keep speaking. “And all those times you’ve taken care of me during a nightmare, or had to come home early ‘cuz I just couldn’t stand an empty room. Remember?
“You were there for me. Always have been, just like I’m gonna be here for you. Better or worse, Harrington. You’re stuck with me.”
There’s a puff of warm air against your lips, a half-laugh but you’ll take it, pulling him in by the elbows, nuzzling against the side of Steve’s tear-lined face for a close hug as you whisper, “I’m really glad you’re alive.”
Your nose follows the slope of his neck down, brushes at the rippled line of scarring, tissue healed but still lightly raised in a ring at the base of his throat.
“Really glad,” you whisper, fiercely.
Steve lets you take him home. Even lets you baby him, a bit; though you make a solid effort to not infantilize him, there lives in you a deep desire to swaddle Steve in a blanket and keep him there. Safe from all the swirling noise and light and too-bright colors of the harsh world.
You compromise. Get Steve stretched out on the couch, take his shoes off with a calculated swoop-tug, lay his favorite green knitted blanket over the length of his body.
There’s a pill bottle on the kitchen counter that you pocket, leaving his glasses folded in its place. Blue ice pack burning-cold until you wrap a thin dishcloth around it to take out the sting, you bring it to Steve’s side along with a glass of water.
He takes the pills you offer with a wince- sitting up causes the blood to pound at his temples so you help him back down, sliding the ice pack into place at the top of his spine where the pain is blooming.
From your place on the floor, you monitor Steve, one hand stroking soft at his chest to lull his breaths to normal. After a few minutes, his brows smooth out; a few more, and he’s taking careful blinks in the low-lit room.
“C’mere,” he says, voice still scratchy, doe-brown eyes pleading, catching your hand on the upstroke and giving a small tug. When you start to protest, he whines, sounding more and more like himself by the minute- “Come here, baby. Please.”
Another compromise. Keeping the jostling to a minimum, you settle into Steve’s side, ear pressed over the thumping beat of his heart, arms fit around his waist.
Steve holds you. Breathes. Says, “Thanks. ‘M sorry we had to leave so early.”
Nose tilting up, you kiss against his scar again. “It’s okay. I really didn’t want to dance, and Eddie was about to drag my ass out there against my will so really, you did us all a favor.”
Under your head, Steve’s chest dips and rises with a laugh. His lips press into the crown of your head, and you can feel his smile as he says, “You’re dancin’ with me next time. I wanna see some ass shaking at our next family barbecue.”
You exhale a laugh, too, kiss his jaw, his cheek. “Okay, Swayze. Next time.”
Eventually, you both fall asleep, winding down sleepy and safe in each other’s arms, Steve’s pain eased to near-extinction with the care you’ve given him.
Later you’ll call Robin, give her an update for her peace of mind, cuddle up to Steve some more and listen to a record.
But for now, you’ve got a boy in your arms and the warmth of his body as your anchor into the dreaming.
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tawny owl q!wil concept
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wildcmbcrsupdates · 1 year
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tonymiros: Here are some photos from tonight’s post screening Q&A for the Showtime series “Yellowjackets” with some of the younger/older cast members including Christina Ricci, Tawny Cypress, Simone Kessell, Lauren Ambrose, Sophie Nélisse, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Samantha Hanratty, Courtney Eaton, Liv Hewson, Steven Krueger, Warren Kole, Kevin Alves, and Executive Producer Drew Comins #emmyfyc #showtime #yellowjackets #christinaricci #tawnycypress #simonekessell #laurenambrose #foryourconsideration #paramountexperience @yellowjackets
Christina Ricci, Lauren Ambrose, Simone Kessell, Tawny Cypress and Warren Kole via tonymiros on Instagram, 05/21/2023.
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greekstar · 2 years
Warrior cat name Ideas Prefixes - A-Z A Acorn Adder Amber Ant Apple Arch Arrow Aspen Ash Asher Alder Amber B Badger Bark Beech Bellow Birch Berry Bird Black Blizzard Brave Breeze Bright Brown Bell Bug Beetle Bluebell Blue Bounce Brindle Brush Bush Buzzard Buzz Bee Bumble Bass Basil Bubble Brine Beaver Bison (I feel like this only goes good with ‘horn’ or Bisonpelt/fur.) Bat Bone Butterfly Burdock Broken Bramble Bracken Bay Brisk Blossom Briar Boil Branch Bud C Cloud Cloudy Crystal Cold Cricket Cliff Cardinal Crying Cougar Coyote Cobweb Chick Cow Cave Cheetah Carrot Coral Cactus Claw Cedar Cherry Cinder Clover Copper Creek Crooked Crouch Crow D Dew Dewy Duck Dusty Dust Dune Down Dagger Dodge Dolphin Daisy Doe Dapple Dappled Dark Dawn Dead Dove Drift Dusk E Eagle Ebony Echo Egg Eel Ember F Fallen Fallow Fawn Feather Fennel Fern Ferret Finch Fire Flame Fleet Flint Flower Flow Fly Fox Freckle Frog Frost Furze Fuzzy Foal Falling Fall G Gale Gust Golden Gold Goose Gorse Gorge Grass Gray Green Grass Goldfish Guppy Ghost H Hail Half Hare Hawk Hay Hoot Hazel Heather Heavy Hollow Holly Honey Honeycomb Hummingbird Horse Happy Hornet Hound Heron I Ice Ivy J Jagged Jay Joy Jaguar Jackdaw Jump Juniper K Kestrel Kink Koi L Lake Larch Leaf Lark Leopard Lichen Lightning Lily Lion Little Lizard Log Long Lost Loud Low Lynx M Maggot Mallow Maple Marsh Meadow Milk Minnow Mint Mist Misty Mole Moon Morning Moss Mossy Moth Mottle Mouse Mouth Mud Mumble Mink Muddy Moonlight Mountain Mushroom Monkey N Nettle Needle Nut Newt Night Nimble O Oak Oat Odd Olive One Otter Owl Orange Ocean Orca Opal P Pale Perch Pool Pike Peak Prickle Pounce Pine Petal Petal Pebble Pear Patch Pirate(kittypet or loner) Polar Peach Panda Pond Pigeon Plum Q Quail Quick R Rabbit Rain Ragged Rat Rattle Root Raspberry Reed Red Robin Rock Rose Rowan Rubble Running Rushing Rush Russet Rust Rye Raven Raccoon Rustle Rattlesnake Ravine Rapid S Sage Short Sheep Sedge Shrew Slate Slow Snail Sneeze Sorrel Soot Spider Spruce Sun Sunny Swallow Shallow Shade Sharp Scorch Sand Sandy Sky Silver Smoke Snake Soft Snow Sparrow Speckle Splash Spotted Squirrel Stalking Stalk Stalker Starling Stone Storm Stumpy Stump Sweet Swift Shred Sloe Shell Seed Shimmer Shimmering Skunk Spirit Squid Shy Sound Summer Sapphire Spiraling Spiral Shark Saturn T Tall Talon Tooth Timber Tiger Twig Tumble Thorn Thistle Thrush Tawny Tangle Ting Trout Torn Toad Tiny V Vine Vixen Void Vole W Wasp Weasel Web Weed Wet Whisker White Whale Wild Willow Wind Wolf Winter Wisteria Whisper Whispering Water Wave Waver Whisper Watermelon Whistle Wood Y Yellow
Yarrow- suggested
You guys DONT WANNA KNOW how LONG this took. I’m crying. And I might’ve missed some so feel free to send me messages in chat to request me editing it and putting it in some (not like messaging but the. Chat in this post lol.)
@cryptidclaw I also did this for our Au to help us with renaming.
I will get to suffixes soon I promise.
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palmviewfm · 2 months
MW 45+ faces?
rachel  mcadams,  jessica  chastain,  kathryn  winnick,  jennifer  connelly,  jennifer  love  hewitt,  pedro  pascal,  simone  kessell,  bianca  lawson,  diego  luna,  amy  adams,  gabrielle  union,  madchen  amick,  morena  baccarin,  rachel  weisz,  rosamund  pike,  andrew  lincoln,  patrick  dempsey, naomie  harris,  danai  gurira,  eva  longloria,  sara  ramirez,  jennifer  garner,  famke  janssen,  jesse  metcalfe,  sandra  oh,  taraj  p  hensen,  karen  david,  isla  fisher,  camila  luddington,  christina  ricci,  keri  russell,  chris  hemsworth,  alice  braga,  tawny  cypress,  daniella  alonso,  jay  hernandez,  adam  brody,  shemar  moore,  matt  bomer,  marisol  nichols,  melissa  fumero,  maggie  q,  gong  yoo,  lee  pace,  sterling  k  brown,  gil  birmingham,  gina  torres,  lucy  liu,  timothy  olyphant,  nikolaj  coster-waldau,  katherine  hiegel,  kate  hudson,  kieran  culkin,  jeremy  strong,  hiroshi  abe,  matthew  lillard,  and  viola  davis  !  feel  free  to  let  us  know  if  you  happen  to  need  anymore  !
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blueharborhq · 3 months
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SAUL WEISSBERG is looking for his SECOND EX-WIFE. For more details about the connection, read below!
CHARACTER NAME — Saul Weissberg.
CATEGORY — Romantic/Platonic/Antagonistic.
CONNECTION NAME — Tamara Bell (or UTP, can be changed, but I would prefer a first name that starts with T to keep up with the accidental theme for his ex-wives!).
SUGGESTED FACECLAIMS — Amy Adams, Jessica Chastain, Joanna Garcia Swisher, Christina Hendricks, or anyone that works for the age range. Red hair preferred, but not necessary. Non red-heads include: Keri Russell, Melanie Lynskey, Kerry Washington, Morena Baccarin, Carla Gugino, Gabrielle Union, Lana Parrilla, Rachel McAdams, Aishwarya Rai, January Jones, Tawny Cypress, Melissa McCarthy, AJ Cook, Maggie Q
This character would be Saul's second ex-wife; his first wife, Terry, and his third, Thalia, are already in play! (As well as Saul's son, Micah.) Now, this role can either be a jumping off point for the character and have very little to do with the actual story of Tamara that's going to unfold ORRR we can be super, super, super messy with this. It's truly up to you how we go about bringing her to the game.
Some options include Tamara's oldest child secretly being Saul's that she's passing off as her second/current husband's child or she's not 100% sure if her oldest is Saul's or her husband's biological child, which would be very dramatic and fun to play out. However, it requires deceit on her part so that's understandable if you don't want to do that! Another option is that none of her children are Saul's, but since their divorce fifteen years ago, Tamara has been unable to get Saul out of her head and wants to get back together with him. Again, these are just some soapy suggestions! None of these have to happen if you decide you want to pick up the role but take the character in a different direction.
Another thing that's up to you: why exactly Tamara has come to Blue Harbor. Maybe she had to move because her husband got a promotion to BH or nearby Chicago and they decided to raise their family in the suburbs instead of the busy city. If we go down the 'Saul has a secret child' route, maybe Tamara couldn't take the weight of her secret anymore and moved to BH in order to introduce Saul to his second born child, OR they don't know who their child's biological father is and can't take the uncertainty anymore, so they move to BH in order to find out the truth/request a DNA sample. (Again, the secret child plot is just a suggestion, so don't worry if you don't want to go down that route.) It can be a planned move to Blue Harbor in specific or it could be a total coincidence! Get wild with it.
Now, the NON-NEGOTIABLES. They were married for nine years, from July 2000 to July 2009. Tamara and Saul's backstory has to remain that they met while she was a secretary at the firm where Saul was a junior associate at. She was about four to seven years younger than Saul. She grew up Christian (denomination up to you! She doesn't currently have to be religious, just that she grew up going to church) in the suburbs with conservative parents. Their age difference and the fact that Saul is Jewish were the two reasons why her parents started off hating Saul, but relations between him and her family got worse after they learned that Saul was unwilling to have any more children after Micah. Initially upset, Tamara decided she was okay with not having any biological children of her own because she had Micah as her step-son, but secretly longed for Saul to change his mind. They spent nine years as best friends with Tamara quitting her job a year into their marriage and becoming a stay-at-home wife. As Saul advanced in his career, he had less time to spend with Tamara or his son, Micah, so she ended up very close with Saul and Terry's son after many missed dinners and baseball games. Along with his promotions throughout their marriage, his obligations and priorities changed as he became more obsessed with success and fitting into Manhattan High Society—that meant Tamara turned into a lowkey trophy wife that accompanied Saul to events and charity galas. For a long time, they were happy together, but eventually the yearning for having children got to be too much for her and they came to the mutual decision to divorce. After the divorce, Tamara quickly married another man and had two children in quick succession.
In Saul's mind, they had a perfectly happy marriage that ended because their goals were different and couldn't be reconciled. Saul still maintains this was the easiest, most amicable divorce he's ever seen in his thirty year long career. However, it was mostly a happy marriage because Tamara was a pushover. Saul thinks of her as his 'easy' wife out of the three because she didn't put up a fuss a lot and though she got upset with him from time to time, they never really had any big blowout fights. They mostly resolved any problems with Tamara compromising or Saul making empty promises. Now, as for Tamara currently, she could have grown tougher after becoming a mother, or she still has trouble standing up for herself. Again, a lot of this is up to you! I have a lot of lore for Saul and I love to discuss headcanons so please, do join Saul's extraordinary league of ex-wives in Blue Harbor if you enjoy angst and drama and soap opera-like goodness <3
do you need to be contacted by the potential applicant? — Yes please!
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dear-indies · 10 months
Hello :) Please could I get some FC Help? I am looking for female, 35+ , my only preference is that they're brunette. poc preferred.
Kathy Najimy (1957) Lebanese.
Alexandra Billings (1962) African-American, European, Unspecified Indigenous - is trans.
Michelle Yeoh (1962) Malaysian Chinese.
Ming-Na Wen (1963) Macanese / Chinese Malaysian.
Kim Hee Ae (1967) Jeju Korean.
Gina Torres (1969) Afro Cuban.
Chandra Wilson (1969) African-American.
Cherry Pie Picache (1970) Kapampangan Filipino.
Sandra Oh (1971) Korean.
Stefany Mathias (1972) Squamish.
Sherri Saum (1974) African-American / German.
Merle Dandridge (1975) Japanese, Korean / African-American.
Rhona Mitra (1976) Bengali Indian, English / Irish.
Tawny Cypress (1976) African-American, Accawmacke / German, Hungarian - is queer.
Taís Araújo (1978) Brazilian (African, Austrian, Portuguese, possibly other).
Bérénice Marlohe (1979) Chinese, Cambodian / French.
Sharon Chan (1979) Hongkonger.
Noémie Lenoir (1979) Malagasy / Belgian, Corsican.
Maggie Q (1979) Vietnamese / Irish, Polish, French.
Elaine Tan (1979) Malaysian.
Jung Ryeo Won (1981) Korean.
Jana Schmieding (1981) Miniconjou Lakota Sioux and Sicangu Oyate Lakota Sioux.
Atiqah Hasiholan (1982) Yemeni Indonesian / Batak Indonesian.
Ki Eun Se (1983) Korean.
DeWanda Wise (1984) African-American.
Seo Ji Hye (1984) Korean.
Débora Nascimento (1985) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Black, Italian] - is bisexual.
Nathalie Kelley (1985) Argentinian, Peruvian [Quechua, possibly other].
Meaghan Rath (1986) Ashkenazi Jewish / Goan Indian.
Alba Flores (1986) Romani, Spanish [including Andalusian] - is a lesbian.
Lucy Alves (1986) Brazilian [Black and Unspecified Indigenous] - is bisexual.
May Calamawy (1986) Jordanian, Palestinian / Egyptian.
Antonia Thomas (1986) Afro-Jamaican / English, possibly Welsh.
Anushka Sharma (1988) North Indian (Uttar Pradesh and Garhwali).
+ here's my fc directory with filters!
Please let me know if you want something more specific!
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ntzsche9 · 1 year
Writer Q&A Tag Game
thank you for the tag, @digital-chance. I love how this one forces you to look at your own work in such a positive way.
1. What motivates you to write?
Some of my characters are ANCIENT. Even when I went 5+ years without writing, they're still there, and I miss them. Daydreaming about stories and scenarios is my favorite hobby, especially during my work commute.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
From Ch 9(ish) of my Unnamed Nuka-World Fic:
From the corner of his eye, Luvell saw the Sunshine Tidings Co-op settlers jump and cheer, pumping their arms into the air. He couldn't hear them from the cataclysmic roar of the blast, but the rapture of revenge was clear on their faces. No one must be watching the settlement, with how many people were suddenly collected on the ridge. Even this far away, they could feel the sound and the heat threatening to bowl them over. He could hardly stare at the blast for more than a few seconds, and the people around him that didn't think to bring sunglasses dipped their hats and shielded their eyes. He had expected to be cheering, too, or at least relishing a deep satisfaction at finally striking back. Finally making someone pay for taking Lafayette from them. Instead, something inside him felt disquieted and out of place. This was too much. Too much like them. It wouldn't end here, it only raised the stakes. Things would get worse after this. Luvell glanced back at his parents, their faces brightly lit from the blast. Dave squinted behind his glasses, brows furrowed, still frowning. Gabe had tugged his goggles down over his eyes, and as the light made his tawny skin glow warm and golden, a toothy grin began to creep across his face. He watched the destruction with a growing smugness, a hand reaching up to squeeze Dave's shoulder. "He's gonna fuckin' haaate thiiis!" he relished happily when the world finally started to go quiet again.
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
I should say my main boy Lafayette, because whew I love putting him through things, but it's his lunatic little ex-boyfriend Mateo that delights me the most. He's hot in a way that is absolutely unhelpful to everyone, lowkey a nerd about plants, loves making lil spooky crafts, and will undoubtable one day run a death cult. Every time I write him, he does something so ridiculous and over-reactive that I didn't predict and its always fun.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
When the juices are flowing, and you're almost passively watching the things happen in your head and just recording what is being said and done, and the characters are in control. Especially when they surprise you by reacting differently than you anticipated and now everyone else has to react to them.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Dialog? Maybe? Sometimes I really enjoy it, but that might just be self-indulgent.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
The little daily tokens of encouragement to keep writing, and to write for yourself.
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Post-it notes. Lmao. I don't really use anything fancy, but as I'm reading, each and every book is gonna have at least one post-it note that is covered with page numbers, words I'm unfamiliar with, phrases I love or concepts I think I can use later. I have hundreds of notes like this and its a great source of inspiration when I need it.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
I write mostly fanfics, so I can't claim the world as my own too often, but when writing Salem's Child, the bit about post-apocalyptic Salem, MA being overrun with black cats came out of nowhere at me and now I'm obsessed.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Plotting, or over-plotting, is what most often bogs me up. To shake it off, I try to look back on a major plot point and change it, and write how things would go differently. Did Dave survive getting his leg eaten off by cannibals? Write about what happens if he didn't. (In my case, everyone wigged out and killed each other, and it really made me appreciate how Dave holds the whole family together lol.) When it works, it almost always fixes my slump.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
I'm still pretty new here, but no pressure to: @elean0rarose, @leebrontide, @touloserlautrec, @words-after-midnight and @ruinmegently
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arielrpt · 2 years
hi ari! are there any underused fcs you wish had more content or that were used more? or any of your favorite faceclaims you'd love to see more of? maybe in their recent projects?
Hey! I'm so sorry but once I received this ask I apparently forgot about every tv show/movie I had ever seen and any famous person I had ever liked lol
I have tried to create a list of fcs I like as well as projects I haven't seen content for them in! Here's what I've come up with so far:
Sophia Taylor Ali in The Wilds season 2
Reign Edwards in The Wilds
Alyah Chanelle Scott in The Sex Lives of College Girls season 2
Kehlani in The L Word: Generation Q (It looks like only 1 episode is out right now with her next episode airing December 4th and the third on December 11th. I don't know how much they're in but I'd love any Kehlani content)
Kekoa Kekumano in The White Lotus
Jasmin Savoy Brown in Yellowjackets
Tawny Cypress in Yellowjackets
This list doesn't feel long enough, so if none of these suggestions make you wanna make anything, feel free to ask again and I will try to give you more ideas to work with!
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warningsine · 1 year
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siminycricket · 1 year
Wcif the cloud dress in ur infant april post? :)
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Its the Viola Dress by powluna~
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novumtimes · 1 month
Quordle today hints and answers for Sunday August 11 (game #930)
Today’s Quordle is another potentially tricky one – so read on if you feel some hints might help you. Enjoy playing word games? You can also check out my Wordle today, NYT Connections today and NYT Strands today pages for hints and answers for those puzzles. SPOILER WARNING: Information about Quordle today is below, so don’t read on if you don’t want to know the answers. Your Quordle expert Your Quordle expert Marc McLaren Social Links Navigation Global Editor in Chief Quordle today (game #930) – hint #1 – Vowels How many different vowels are in Quordle today? • The number of different vowels in Quordle today is 3*. * Note that by vowel we mean the five standard vowels (A, E, I, O, U), not Y (which is sometimes counted as a vowel too). Quordle today (game #930) – hint #2 – repeated letters Do any of today’s Quordle answers contain repeated letters? • The number of Quordle answers containing a repeated letter today is 2. Quordle today (game #930) – hint #3 – uncommon letters Do the letters Q, Z, X or J appear in Quordle today? • No. None of Q, Z, X or J appear among today’s Quordle answers. Quordle today (game #930) – hint #4 – starting letters (1) Do any of today’s Quordle puzzles start with the same letter? • The number of today’s Quordle answers starting with the same letter is 0. If you just want to know the answers at this stage, simply scroll down. If you’re not ready yet then here’s one more clue to make things a lot easier: Quordle today (game #930) – hint #5 – starting letters (2) What letters do today’s Quordle answers start with? • C • L • T • O Right, the answers are below, so DO NOT SCROLL ANY FURTHER IF YOU DON’T WANT TO SEE THEM. Quordle today (game #930) – the answers (Image credit: Merriam-Webster) The answers to today’s Quordle, game #930, are… Sign up for breaking news, reviews, opinion, top tech deals, and more. There are a few issues in today’s Quordle: the repeated letters in TOAST and OCCUR, and the fact that LOAMY is not a common word. TOAST was the one that tripped me up – there are several other words that could fit there, for instance ROAST, COAST and BOAST, and of course I guessed the wrong one initially. But overall this is moderately hard rather than impossible, and not a Quordle that should end too many streaks. How did you do today? Send me an email and let me know. Daily Sequence today (game #930) – the answers (Image credit: Merriam-Webster) The answers to today’s Quordle Daily Sequence, game #930, are… Quordle answers: The past 20 Quordle #929, Saturday 10 August: MOLAR, FLIER, HEFTY, JAZZYQuordle #928, Friday 9 August: WEARY, SWILL, CUMIN, COBRAQuordle #927, Thursday 8 August: GUSTO, SPRIG, SOLID, SWOREQuordle #926, Wednesday 7 August: GONER, PEACH, SWUNG, USHERQuordle #925, Tuesday 6 August: AWFUL, BLAST, WRING, SCOLDQuordle #924, Monday 5 August: CHUCK, VILLA, JIFFY, FLAKEQuordle #923, Sunday 4 August: MUDDY, SCARF, DECAL, SURLYQuordle #922, Saturday 3 August: UNMET, EJECT, MAPLE, LUCKYQuordle #921, Friday 2 August: TIGHT, HONEY, RETRY, SPOUTQuordle #920, Thursday 1 August: SUING, CRAFT, STUFF, SPIKEQuordle #919, Wednesday 31 July: NOSEY, SHEIK, PHONE, SKIERQuordle #918, Tuesday 30 July: TAWNY, INDEX, SHOOK, SALVEQuordle #917, Monday 29 July: QUIET, ORDER, LEAVE, TODDYQuordle #916, Sunday 28 July: GAUGE, EASEL, GIRTH, LATERQuordle #915, Saturday 27 July: LEAFY, MOUTH, GLAZE, RINSEQuordle #914, Friday 26 July: NUTTY, TATTY, SHUSH, THIGHQuordle #913, Thursday 25 July: BLURB, PENCE, PHASE, SKIMPQuordle #912, Wednesday 24 July: FUSSY, PRIMO, THOSE, HEARDQuordle #911, Tuesday 23 July: CLIFF, SIXTY, FAITH, GRAPHQuordle #910, Monday 22 July: GRAIN, AGAIN, BRICK, APTLY Source link via The Novum Times
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