buckthegrump · 5 years
I hate you, really hate you
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Summary: You’re married and truths about your marriage are about to come to light.
Warnings: cheating, angst, slight fluff
Word Count: 3.6 k+
A/n: this is for @sgtbxckybxrnes​ my prompt was enemies to lovers
“Do you ever do anything other than scowl?” Y/n asked Bucky.
They were in the middle of another one of their arguments. No one was quite sure where the fight had started but it had been going on for at least fifteen minutes, at this point it was probably closer to the twenty-minute mark.
“Do you ever do anything other than talk? All you ever seem to do is run your mouth, it’s like you can’t control it. And don’t even get me started on how much you gossip,” Bucky said.
“Oh, how much I gossip?” She scoffed.
“One of these days,” Bradley stood up and placed his hands on his wife’s shoulders, “you two are going to get along long enough for us to get through a brunch.”
“Can we go?” Y/n turned to her husband and he nodded.
“We will see you all later,” Bradley smiled.
Y/n said her goodbyes and then glared at Bucky while she waited for Bradley to be done. They walked out of the restaurant getting a few glares from the older patrons.
Bucky hadn’t always been apart of the group. He was the most recent member having moved back home after living in London for a few years. Steve swore that he was nice and that everyone would love him, clearly, he’d been wrong.
From the first time they met a few years ago, Bucky and Y/n butted heads. It was never anything serious and their fights, while always loud, never had any real substance. They never said anything truly hurtful to the other.
Bradley opened the car door for Y/n and she got in and huffed and grumbled the whole way home.
“Sweetie, it’s just Bucky. You should really learn to get along with him.” Bradley placed his hand on her knee as he drove home.
“I’ll try baby,” she sighed, “But he just makes it so hard. He has to contradict everything I say.”
“Wasn’t he agreeing with you today?”
Y/n paused because she couldn’t remember but that wasn’t the point. The point was that Bucky annoyed the hell outta her and she would just like one meal where he didn’t speak any and every time that she did.
* * *
She pushed her cart around the grocery store, one of the front wheels was wobbly and it had been the last cart so it was either that or a basket.
Y/n had gotten off work early so she thought she might as well get something done before Bradley got home. She stared at the quarts of ice cream trying to decide which one to get when someone bumped into her.
“Oh I’m so sor-” the familiar voice cut off when she turned and made eye contact with Bucky. “Oh, what are you doing here?”
She glared at him. “People need food to live, Bucky. Are you going to finish that apology?”
“Well, I was but then you opened your mouth and suddenly I feel like the universe is punishing me for coming to the store today.” Bucky looked at her then to the ice cream. “There’s that scowl again.”
“I wasn’t scowling until I was greeted by your face,” she muttered.
Bucky chuckled lightly and opened the freezer and grabbed the last thing of chocolate cookie dough. Y/n bit the inside of her cheek to stop her self from complaining, but that was the exact flavor she was going to get before somebody ran into her.
He put the ice cream in his basket and walked away.
She spent the rest of the shopping trip groaning to herself, mumbling about how much of a dick Bucky was. She was loading up her trunk when she saw Bucky again. 
He stretched out his hands which were holding the ice cream. She gave him a confused look but took the ice cream and he smiled.
“Happy birthday,” was all he said before shoving his hands in his pockets and walked away.
Now she was angry for a completely different reason. She was upset that he was nice to her, and yes it was her birthday and she thought the gesture was cute but couldn’t it have come from anyone else?
After she got home and finished putting away the groceries she started angrily cooking dinner.
Bradley probably would’ve offered to cook but he wasn’t home yet and she really didn’t mind.
* * *
It was almost eight o’clock. She had long finished the meal and plated it and set up the table. The bottle of wine that she’d chilled for dinner was half gone.
She chuckled to herself darkly and ate by herself before tossing his plate. She grabbed her iPad form the counter and sat down on the couch. It didn’t take her long to realize that she’d actually grabbed Bradley’s iPad, not that it mattered much she was only going to use it to watch something before going to bed.
But it was hard to focus on the movie when notifications for messages kept coming in. With the intention to turn the conversation on silent before she continued her show, she clicked on the messages.
* * *
A few weeks after her birthday it was time for their monthly brunch. Carol, Maria, Sam, Steve, and Bucky were all in the lobby of the restaurant when Y/n got there with Bradley.
They all greeted each other, except Bucky stood off to the side and stared at Y/n. Almost as if he was trying to figure something out about her.  She really didn’t want to get into it with him so she left it alone.
There was a spot open in front of her because there las still one person missing. Bucky and Maria were on either side of the open seat, while Bradley was on Y/n’s left side talking to Carol, and Sam was on her other side talking to Steve. Bucky was still silent but no one was talking about that.
“Hey, you guys,” Bryanna greeted and took the open seat. “Sorry I missed last month, I was really busy with something.”
“Oh my god, don’t worry about it,” Y/n smiled at her, “We’re just really glad that you’re here.”
Their server came over and took everyone’s orders and once that was done they began catching up with Bryanna.
Y/n was smiling and nodding at what Bryanna was saying, but she had also gone through a few mimosas pretty quickly and was starting to feel brave.
“Also, I have news,” Bryanna took a deep breath with the biggest smile she could manage on her face, “I’m pregnant.”
There was a brief moment a silence before everyone started congratulating her. Y/n sat there in a state of shock. Her eyes drifted to Bucky who tilted his head at her silently asking if she was ok. Y/n only smiled at him not giving him any real answer.
“Do we know who the father is or is this an I don’t need a man to follow my dreams kind of deal?” Carol asked.
“It was kind of an accident but I’m happy about it,” Bryanna still had a big smile on her face.
Everyone continued to bombard her with questions. Like who was the father? What were her plans? Who were the godparents going to be? 
Bryanna gave little to no answers before she said, “Ok, let’s not make this entire brunch about me. Please?”
“I have one question,” Y/n spoke for the first time since Bryanna’s news.
“If you’re going to ask if you can be the godmother my answer is -”
“How long have you been sleeping with my husband?” Y/n cut her off.
The table went dead silent. Bryanna stared at her with wide eyes, she briefly glanced at Bradley. But Y/n didn’t take her eyes off Bryanna once.
“Wh-wh-what. . .What are you talking about?” Bryanna half chuckled.
Y/n sat forward in her chair and braced her weight on the table. “How long have you been sleeping with my husband?”
Everyone’s eyes were bouncing between Bradley, Bryanna, and Y/n.
“Because if I’m doing my math right, I would say about,” Y/n sucked on her teeth while she pretended to think, “I’d say about a year maybe two. With my luck it’s probably been two, right? Which bravo to you two for keeping me in the dark for that long. Ya know what? I lied. I don’t have just one question. I have one more. What fuck? Both of you. It’d be one thing you didn’t know that I existed but you were a bridesmaid at my wedding Bry.”
Y/n reached into her purse and pulled out a manilla envelope and handed it to Bradley. “I hope you two are very happy together.”
* * *
She didn’t know what she expected. But it sure as shit wasn’t this. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she’d hoped that Bradley would come after her and beg to talk to her so he could apologize.
But here shew as hours after she’d stormed out of brunch, the sun was setting and there was still no sign of him.
It wasn’t like she was going to take him back. She meant it when she’d handed him the divorce papers. But she’d be lying if she said that she felt fine with the fact that he hadn’t even tried to chase after her.
“Y/n!” Bradley’s voice boomed from the other side of the door while he pounded his hand against the wood. “Open the door!”
She smiled to herself as she drank more of her wine, she hadn’t bother with a glass tonight. She had the locks changed yesterday. Y/n had almost decided to do all of this quietly but when Bryanna showed up at brunch she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold back the part of her that needed to be dramatic. And it saved her the trouble of having to tell her friends.
“You can’t just serve me divorce papers and change the locks!” He yelled. It had been a while since she heard him yell at anyone. 
Giving in she walked over to the door and reached for the lock.
“You don’t have to be such a bitch about it,” he said in a lower voice. Clearly, he wasn’t expecting her to be standing close enough to the door to be able to hear what he was saying.
“What the fuck did you just say?” A new voice asked. It was the very last person on earth that Y/n ever expected. “She has made it very clear that she does not want to talk to you. So why don’t you go ahead and run along now and leave her alone.”
“Are you sleeping with her?” Bradley demanded.
“You have no right to ask me that, you lost that right when you crawled into bed with someone else. Now get out of my face,” Bucky said.
The door of a car slammed shut and there was a soft knock at the door.
“Y/n?” Bucky’s voice calmly asked. “Listen, you don’t have to open the door or let me in or anything. Can you just let me know if you’re alive? I need to know if you’re ok.”
Y/n only thought about it for a split second before opening the door. She looked at Bucky who’s eyebrows were furrowed. They were both surprised by her actions and to further the shock, she stepped aside so he could enter.
He walked in and looked around.
“You know I’ve never actually bee in here before,” he said off-handedly. He turned around and took in her appearance. It was at that moment she realized what she looked like. Her face was probably puffy from the tears from earlier in the day, her old gray sweat pants had stains from lord knows what, and her shirt was thinning and had so many holes it no longer counted as a shirt. “How are you?”
She chuckled. “I’m fine,” she said but then a sob broke through and she began to cry, again. “Except I’m not. I really thought he was the one ya know? He was one of the first people who ever looked at me and found me interesting and on top of that, he found me attractive. And this is gonna sound so dumb but there’s no guarantee that I’ll find that again.”
“Y/n -” Bucky said softly but was cut off.
“That’s not even the worst part.” She took a shaky breath and continued. “The worst part is I know when and why this happened. And it’s my fault.”
“No -”
“But it is Bucky. We’d been trying for a child for a while and it wasn’t going well, and I think that’s part of the reason I was so mean to you when we first met. Which isn’t a valid reason and I do apologize for that. But just before you got here we went to the doctor to find out what was wrong. And it turns out it’s me. I was what was wrong with the whole thing. We continued to try because the doctor said it wasn’t impossible, and we wanted to wait and see if we could get a miracle before paying thousands and thousands of dollars for a procedure.
“So I guess he went and found himself someone who could give him what he wanted,” she laughed humorlessly.
Bucky walked so he was standing right in front of her and cupped her cheeks with his hands. They were warm and soft and she wanted nothing more than to melt into his touch. He wiped a tear away with his thumb.
“That’s bullshit, all of this, is his fault. And Bryanna’s. No one else’s, least of all yours. He broke his vows and your trust. Even if he has fallen out of love with you, he should have had the decency to talk to you about it before he went off and found someone else, but I don’t see how anyone could. And the whole being mean to me? Sam is always telling me I have a big head anyway and need to be knocked down a few pegs,” he said. She laughed softly at the last part which made Bucky smile.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“Of course.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way. But why are you here? I thought you hated me.”
Bucky scoffed. “The past year would’ve been a lot easier if I had, but I can’t. I’ve tried.”
He smiled and dropped his hands. His mouth hung open as he stepped away. Y/n watched him shocked as he walked out of her house.
* * *
Maria and Carol sat on Y/n’s couch while Y/n was pacing in front of it. Monica was sitting on the floor in front of the couch watching Y/n.
“So you’re over your ex-husband already?” Carol asked. “Honestly, we should kill him.”
“Aunt Carol, murdering people isn’t very nice,” Monica said.
“Neither is cheating,” Carol grumbled.
“I don’t think Y/n wants to talk about Bradley,” Maria said.
“Who even goes by ‘Bradley’?” Y/n continued pacing. “That should’ve been the first red flag. And then he shows up here and has the audacity to call me a bitch when he’s the one acting like a bitch -”
“He said what now?” Carol asked.
“And then Bucky shows up and -” en lieu of finishing her sentence Y/n lets out a frustrated groan.
“What does Bucky have to do with any of this?” Maria asked.
Y/n then recounted the events the took place last week after brunch. When she was done she flopped into the armchair next to the couch. 
“I mean it makes sense,” Monica said and all the adults turned to her.
“Care to explain?” Carol asked.
“Uncle Bucky is in love with Aunt Y/n,” Monica said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“And who exactly told you that?” Carol asked.
“Bucky did, like last year.” Monica shrugged and walked off to the bathroom without another word.
“That rat bastard,” Y/n muttered and got out of the chair.
“Y/n where are you going?” Carol called after her as she walked out of her own house.
“Do we stay or go?” Maria asked and Carol shrugged.
* * *
Y/n paced the hall in front of apartment 9D. She stopped walking to pound her open palm against the door, relentlessly until it opened.
“Y/n,” Bucky said when he saw her, “What are you -?
“Are you out of your mind?” She asked as she pushed past him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said and shut the door.
“You - I - this - but -”
“That doesn’t help me understand what you’re very clearly angry about.”
“You act like you hate me for years. And then you buy me ice cream on my birthday, fun fact, also the day I finally put together that my husband was cheating on me -”
“I am not done, Barnes,” Y/n snapped. “Then you show up right when I needed you last week, but it doesn’t stop there. Because then you go on to tell me all these sweet things that are somehow exactly what I needed to hear.”
Bucky opens his mouth again but snaps it closed again.
“And then I hear from Monica, little Monica, that you are in love with me?” She gestured vaguely around her with her jaw slack. “What the fuck kind of bullshit?”
“What would you have had me do? When I first saw you, I knew that you were exactly the kind of person I could fall in love with. And then I find out you’re already married. So I thought that if I brushed you off that you would ignore me and then once I got over my infatuation then I could become friends with you -”
“That sounds like a load of -”
“I’m not done,” he mirrored her words and she stopped talking, “But then you confronted me about it. And then we started fighting all the time. Instead of me realizing that I could never love someone like you my dumbass goes and does the opposite. It really didn’t take me long to realize I was madly in love with you. But you were married and happily so, or so it appeared.
“And then Monica asked me what was wrong one day and I told her and she said ‘well, you’re fucked aren’t you’. Which is exactly what I needed to hear from a child,” he took a deep breath, “So, yes. I’m in love with you. But I never expected anything to happen and I still don’t. But I don’t hate you, I never did.”
Y/n stood there staring at him and she realized something. She and Bradley haven’t worked for a while, and she hadn’t been in love with him for a while.
“I’m sorry if that’s not what you wanted to hear,” Bucky said.
“I just -” she made eye contact with him, “I should go.”
* * *
It didn’t take long for Bradley to agree to sign the divorce papers. After it was finalized Y/n was sad for a short while before Carol told her that she could be sad or she could go out and slut it up. And she did a version of that, she started going on dates.
It had been a few months until she realized that she hated dating. The whole thing was a dance that she no longer found fun, and even though she just got out of a long term relationship she missed it. The problem was she knew who she wanted to be with.
She hadn’t seen him recently, he hadn’t been showing up to the brunches nor the game nights that Maria had started hosting. So Y/n went to him.
She knocked at his door late at night, too late because when he opened the door, he looked like he’d been in the middle of sleeping.
“Shit,” she looked down at her phone and saw the time, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that was the time I’ll come back later.
“No, it’s fine I’m already awake,” he mumbled and walked further into his apartment leaving the door open behind him.
Y/n followed him and closed the door behind him. She rocked back on her heels unsure of how to start.
“Is there a reason that you woke me up in the middle of the night? Or did you just want to stand in the middle of my entryway?” Bucky asked.
“You’ve been ignoring me,” not exactly what she’d planned on saying.
“Well, I confess my love for you, and then you walk away which is fine you’d just found out that your husband had been cheating on you. But then a month later you start dating pretty much everything with a heartbeat -”
“Are you judging me for getting of Bradley?” She scoffed.
“No, I’m pissed because you never said anything else to me about what I said to you that night. You just ignore me and run off doing whatever with whoever. And that hurt, Y/n. I wish you would’ve just told me that you don’t feel the same then I could’ve -”
“And what if I do?” She cut him off.
“What?” He breathed.
“I think I’ve known for a while now but I was married and then I had to make sure that I wasn’t just running into the arms of the first man who said that he loved me. I thought I would need more time but I don’t want anyone else.”
A ghost of a smile appeared on Bucky’s face. “So what now?”
She took a few steps towards him. “What do you want to do?”
“I would like to take you out on a date,” he said.
“I like the sound of that,” she said with a smile.
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iwillbeinmynest · 5 years
Seeing Ghosts? - Frank Castle x Reader(f)
Author’s Notes: This is for @sgtbxckybxrnes​ Fall Writing Challenge! I had fun with this one so I hope you enjoy!!
Word Count: 2.4K
Notes/Warnings: Mentions of cheating, mentions of drinking, kissing, anxiety, aggression, fluff.
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 For the love of all things. Y/N knew from the moment she started getting ready that tonight was going to be a disaster and now what was supposed to be a girls night was turning into a “Let’s see how many of us can find guys to go home with” night.
  Y/N rolled her eyes and sipped on what was left of her one and only drink. No way was she getting tipsy and ending up on a walk of shame tomorrow. No, after things ended with Sean there was no way she was going to rush into anything else for a while. The last thing she wanted to deal with was another guy. 
 Which was also why the fact that this girl’s night was less about the girls and more about guys ticked her off. 
 “Oh my gosh.” Raychel stood up at their table. “You know what we should do?”
 The table waited for her to answer herself. 
 “Go ghost hunting!”
 There was a mix of responses from the group of eight. 
 Y/N shook her head. “Absolutely not.”
 Raychel tilted her head and smirked. “Why not?”
 “Because ghosts aren’t real and it is a colossal waste of money.” She downed the last of her drink. “You guys do what you want but I’m going to call it a night.” She stood from her seat only to be pulled back down.
 “Um, no.” Jessa sassed. “You’re coming. Last thing you need is to go home and sulk. You need to find a guy and what’s the most guy-ish thing to do on a night like tonight? Ghost hunting.”
 “And that’s exactly why I’m not going.” She replied. This crisp and gloomy fall night was perfect for getting into something spooky and that’s why she refused. No way was she willingly going to get herself into trouble.
 Jessa shook her head. “You’re going. I’m buying and you aren’t going to complain.” She gave Y/N a look that didn’t leave room for arguing. 
 Y/N rolled her eyes and huffed.
 At her submission the rest of the girls cheered.
 An hour later and the group was standing in the lobby of Ghouls and Haunts Tours waiting for their tour to begin. 
 “Alright,” Began the tour guide. He was a rather round man with a fisherman’s vest on. It was loaded with all kinds of gadgets and blinking lights. He was the kind of man Y/N expected to believe in ghosts. “So, since we usually do large groups we are going to have all of you join together since each of your individual parties isn’t large enough to book a solo tour. So, get comfy people.”
 Everyone in the room looked around. Some offered small smiles and some were clearly annoyed. There was a group of four who were on a double date as they were wholly attached to their respective partners, and a group of maybe ten guys who Y/N guessed where a bachelor party and, of course, Y/N’s group of friends.
 It came as no surprise that her friends were blatantly eyeing up the boys. Jessa nudged Y/N in the ribs and raised her eyebrows in the direction of a man who seemed to be just as miserable and annoyed as Y/N was. 
 “He’s perfect for you,” She chuckled. “Maybe you two can be mopey and sulky together.”
 Y/N rolled her eyes. “No, thank you.”
 The tour started just as stupid as Y/N thought it would. The guide, Toby, told everyone the history of the abandoned button factory and of all the “odd goings on” that happened on a nightly basis and how everyone should keep an eye out for any moving objects. Y/N was convinced it was all rigged.
 Another few minutes and Toby was bound and determined to cram the whole group of twenty-two people into a small room where, apparently, two orphan kids were kept and chained to a small table as they were forced to work until they died three years later.
 “Pack it in people! The more of you who are in here the angrier these kids get and I’d hate to rob you of the opportunity to see them.”
 When Y/N stood with crossed arms and pursed lips outside the door, Toby lifted a brow. “Don’t you wanna see this?”
 She shook her head, “I’m good, Thanks.”
  Toby rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Just don’t wander off, kay?”
 “Sure thing.” She huffed a laugh. 
 Toby closed the door behind him and Y/N could hear through the walls as he started his dramatic story telling.
 When a movement caught the corner of her eye, Y/N noticed the man that Jessa had pointed out to her earlier. He was smoking and leaning on his side with his shoulder against a cement pillar.
 They made eye contact and he nodded politely before taking one final drag, flicking the bud to the floor and stepping on it to put it out. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his well-worn black hoodie and walked over to her.
 “Too scary for you?” He asked, clearly feeling like he had to say something to avoid an awkward silence as they both waited for the tour to continue.
 Y/N was slightly offended. “Um, no.”
 He chuckled. “Sorry. I was just curious.” His crooked smile was actually gorgeous.
 “Are you? Why are you out here? And don’t pretend that it was for a smoke.” She pressed. If he was gonna be nosy, so was she.
 He smiled and nodded. “I mean it’s a pretty good excuse. Gives me a break from a lot of stuff I don’t wanna do. But no, I’m out here ‘cause I can’t listen to that guy anymore. Twenty minutes is plenty enough.”
 It was Y/N’s turn to smile. “Yeah, he’s a real piece of work.”
 “I’m Frank, by the way.” He didn’t extend a hand but turned to face her fully.
 “Nice to meet you.” He nodded. “So, what brought you out here? I couldn’t help but notice, in the lobby, you looked like you were forced to come.”
 “So did you.” She countered.
 He sighed. “That’s fair. Yeah, a buddy of mine is getting married and this was what his best man picked as part of the bachelor weekend. So, no choice.”
 “Ah, well, I’m in a similar boat. My friends wanted a girl’s night and one too many cosmos later, here we are.” She gestured to the empty factory.
 “One of them getting married?”
 “Nope. Actually, they are all single and looking to go home with someone. So they picked the most guy-ish thing they could think of. And low and behold we got grouped with a bachelor party.” She laughed and he chuckled too.
 “What luck.” He sniffed and ran his hand over his short, dark, beard.
 “For them, maybe.” She shrugged.
 Frank inhaled to ask another question when the door flew open and a couple of people ran out of the room. 
 The door had slammed so hard against the wall that, instinctively Frank grabbed Y/N and shielded her from whatever he thought was going to happen next. When he remembered the tour he let go of her shoulders immediately. “I’m sorry.” He said obviously embarrassed.
 Y/N nodded, she had been startled by the sudden movement herself but then, when she realized there was no threat, she smirked up at him. “I thought you weren’t scared?”
 He backed up from her as the rest of the group poured out. “Ha. Ha.” He rolled his eyes with a grin. “I was just-”
 “You were just...Uh-huh, sure.” She grinned.
 The group was full of mixed emotions, some were laughing and others looked genuinely frightened. One girl was crying, it was Raychel. Serves her right for picking this stupid place, Y/N thought. 
Jessa was rubbing her shoulders and trying to calm her down.
 When Y/N looked for Frank he was back with his group but was watching Y/N. She smiled at him and then turned to follow the tour.
Up a questionable staircase and onto the second floor the group was once again escorted into another room to probably be told another embellished story of someone who had died doing something.
 And once again, Y/n and Frank held back- much to the protest of their respective friends. 
 “What did you mean earlier when you said it was lucky for them that my group was here?” Frank asked as he sat on some old boxes.
 Y/N shrugged. “I meant that they are looking for some single guys and that’s, generally, what you get with a bachelor party, so…” 
 He leaned his head back, understanding. “So, they are going to be trying to hook up with my friends.”
 “Unfortunately, yeah.”
 “Anyone my boys should steer clear of?” He smiled and leaned his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands together.
 Y/n thought about it. “Not really, but Sarah is one hundred percent on the hunt for husband material and she gets clingy, real fast, so maybe watch out for her. But other than that, there are no crazies to speak of.”
 He nodded. “And you? Are you on the husband hunt?”
 Y/n snorted and laughed, which made Frank smile even bigger. “No. Definitely not. No, I just got out of a really bad relationship a few months ago so, I’m trying to stay away from guys for a while.”
 He hummed and his smile dropped ever so slightly. “What happened?”
 Y/N took a deep breath. She didn’t even know this guy and yet, she wanted to tell him everything. Maybe just a brief overview of the traumatic split. “Uh...three years together and I guess he got bored. He proposed and then three weeks later said he wanted to break things off. Turns out he’d “fallen in love” with someone else. Actually, I’m pretty sure, now, that he’d been cheating on me pretty much the whole time.”
 Frank frowned. “So why’d you stay? Why’d you say yes?”
 “Because at the time I had no idea he was cheating. I only found out when he broke things off. He implied that he’d been seeing other girls so…” Y/N swallowed hard, embarrassed.
 “Well, you got no judgement from me so, don’t look so ashamed.” 
 When Y/N looked up at Frank she could see just how sincere he was being. She nodded. Another tour group headed towards them and the stairs. Y/N glanced their way and her eyes widened as she gasped.
 Frank jerked and followed her gaze. “What?”
 “That’s him,” Y/N swore. “That’s Sean, my ex!” She whispered and began to fidget. “What do I do?!”
 Frank looked from the group to Y/N. He didn’t know which one was Sean but he knew that Y/N was in need of a save.
 Frank grabbed her face and pulled her lips to his.
 Y/N gasped through her nose but quickly seized the opportunity to not look panicked in front of Sean and she’d be lying if she said this wasn’t a darn good opportunity.
 Frank’s hand tangled in the hair at the base of her neck as his other wrapped around her to rest on her back and pull her even closer. He felt Y/N relax into him and he kissed her more. He pulled back a little and peppered her lips with quick soft kisses before he rested his forehead on hers. Both of them sat there, just breathing in the cold fall air.
 “Y/N?” A voice called as it came closer.
 Frank felt her stiffen and looked up to see her looking at him. “You got this.” He whispered.
 She gave the slightest of nods before she looked up as she wiped her mouth from where Frank had claimed it.
 “Sean.” She said flatly. 
 Sean smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. He crossed his arms as he eyed frank quickly. “Hey, who’s your friend?”
 Frank stood up quickly and all but grimaced down at Sean, who he was taller than. “Frank Castle. Who are you?” He crossed his arms.
 “I- I’m Sean Galloway,” He seemed confused. He looked to Y/N who hadn’t gotten up and was very much not thrilled to be having this conversation. He looked back to Frank. “She hasn’t mentioned me?”
 “No, why? You some one I should know about?” Frank turned slightly and held out his hand. Y/N took it and stood up beside him. Frank wrapped an arm around her, sticking his hand in the back pocket of her jeans.
 “Well, Y/N and I...We - Uh.”
 “We what Sean?” Y/N waited for him to actually say it.
 “I guess,” Sean’s head ticked to the side and he sighed as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “I guess it was nothin’.”
 Y/N nodded. “That sounds about right.”
  Sean shook his head in disbelief. “You’re really gonna pretend we didn’t date, that we weren’t engaged?” He was clearly getting agitated.
 “Listen, Pal, you better get goin’ ‘cause you’re makin’ my girl real uncomfortable and I don’t like the tone you’re taking with her.”
 “Your girl? What is this the fifty’s?” Sean chuckled. “You two goin’ to the sock-hop later? Gonna share a milkshake, too?”
 Frank let go of Y/N and stepped up to Sean. “I’m gonna say this one last time.” His voice was low and all threat. “Get lost.”
 Sean swallowed and nodded. “See you ‘round, Y/N.” He spoke softly and defeated.
 “No, you won’t.” Y/N and Frank said in unison.
 They stood quietly until Sean disappeared. When he was out of sight, Y/N sighed and sank back down to the boxes they’d been sitting on. She leaned over with her head in her hands.
 Frank sat beside her and put a hand on her back. “You okay?”
 “I believe in ghosts, now.” She muttered to the floor.
 Frank huffed a soft laugh. “Do you?”
 “I’m pretty sure I just died so, yeah.”
 Frank pushed her shoulder back so she’d sit up and look at him. “Seriously, you good?”
 She took a deep breath and nodded. “Yeah, I think so.” After a moment, she added. “Thank you for that. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t...kissed me like that.” She blushed.
 “I didn’t go too far with the whole...pocket thing, did I?” He wondered.
 She shook her head. “No, no. It’s fine but I appreciate you asking.”
 He nodded. “I swear I was this close to punching the life out of him.” He scoffed. 
 “You wouldn’t be the first.” She smirked.
 He raised his eyebrows and leaned back slightly in surprise. “Have you punched him before?”
 Y/N looked at him proudly. “Yes, I have.”
 Frank cursed and chuckled. “Good for you.” He looked at her hard. Was he falling for her?
 Y/N laughed. “Seriously, thanks for helping me.”
 Frank smirked. Yes. Yes he was. “Hey, I’m happy to help, anytime you need me.”
 “How’s next weekend sound?” She chuckled as she scooted closer to him. “My parents are trying to set me up with their dentist’s son.” She leaned in closer.
 “I’m free next weekend.” He smiled and leaned in and pecked her lips. “And this Monday,” another kiss,  “And Tuesday,” Another kiss, a little longer this time.
 “How about Wednesday?” Y/N smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
 He hummed, “Mmhmm,” as he kissed her deeper. 
 *   *   *   *
Forever Tags:
@heismyhunter @sgtbxckybxrnes @pickledmoon @whimsicalrebirth @marvel-lucy @thisisthelilith @james-bionic-barnes @thedreamingowl @poemwriter98@kimistry27 @annie-lujan @buckyandsebsinbin @lilasiannerd @gypsy-storm-15 @cassiopeiassky @earinafae @the-stuttering-kiwi @obsessedwithatwell @shortiiqt16 @shifutheshihtzu @elaacreditava @nikkitia7 @theonewithallthemilkshakes @gallifreyansass @storytellingwanderer @palaiasaurus64 @iamwarrenspeace @engineeringgirlcve @magnolia-wanders @carameldaemoncakes @canumoveyourseatup-no @melconnor2007 @movingonto-betterthings @spideytrxsh @fantasticmiraclehologram @kapolisradomthoughts @iamwarrenspeace @melconnor2007 @yesiamdeliciouslycaffeinated @mcu-avengerrs @archy3001@mmauricee @barnesvogue @feelmyroarrrr @beyondbarnes @marvelous-avengers @veronicalei @cornflax01 @kudosia @witchymarvelspacecase@beccaanne814 @inumorph @thisismysecrethappyplace @artemis521@darkhologramblaze @palaiasaurus64 @awkwardfangirl2014@diinofayce @youclickedthislink  @lille-kattunge @patzammit @amiquette @destiel-artemis @nea90sweetie@miraclesoflove @nickimarie94​
Frank Tags: (I don’t actually do character taglists but I figured I’d throw yall on here from the last Frank fic I wrote)
@evilxcupcakexnik @harrysthiccthighss 
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averyrogers83writes · 5 years
Title: Festival (Pt 2) Author: @averyrogers83 Warnings: Mostly fluffy stuff, *Death by fluff* Pairings: Bucky x Reader Word Count: 202 Prompts: Accidentally swapped phones (pt 1) & Fall Festival (pt 2) Summary: When you accidentally collide into a man at the coffee shop your digital world gets confusing when you end up with a hot stranger’s phone. A/N: This is for the @sgtbxckybxrnes #taysfallfics challenge as well as secret santa gift for @honeybucks who enjoys fluffy things with Bucky for the @bucky-smiles​ #cmmsecretesanta exchange. I hope you like it. This is a two part fic. Thank you to @shield-agent78 for helping me with the concept of this and my beta.
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Last thing you wanted to do was jeopardize his career so you quickly explained to Steve that the two of you accidentally swapped phones at the coffee shop the day before and unfortunately was unable to reach him to arrange for a meet up to swap them back. 
So before hanging, you made arrangements with Steve on when and where to meet so they could swap phones.
Around 7:00P.M. you and your friends went to the annual fall festival.  You went every year since you were fifteen, spending the night riding roller coasters and playing carnival games.  You were just about to do the ring toss when a familiar slate blue eyed hottie showed up all smiles.  He stood there with his friends Sam and who you could only persum was Steve. 
“Hey you. Glad you made it. I think I have something of yours.” you held out the identical phone to yours and handed it to him.  
Once you’ve swapped phones.  The rest of the night was spent going on a haunted hay ride and more roller coaster rides and lame games.  By the end of the you had swapped phone numbers and had made arrangements for another date. 
@bucky-smiles​ @honeybucks​ @sgtbxckybxrnes​ @shield-agent78​ @i-love-marvel3000​ @hotoffthepressfics​ @bloodiedskirtts​ @patzammit​ @dj-lowkey​ @chuuulip​ @ellaprime68​ @buckysforeverprincess​ @drakelover78​ @caramell0w​ @loricameback​
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sgtbxckybxrnes · 5 years
Tay’s Fall Writing Challenge
It’s been awhile and I thought, lets see how this goes. So I present... A fall writing challenge
-Don’t have to be following me (@sgtbxckybxrnes) but it would be nice
-Reblog this to spread the word
-The minimum word count is 500 words. No maximum limit. It can be a one shot, drabble, series- what ever you want
-There is a prompt and an AU. You can chose one from each group. Two people per prompt
-Any character in the MCU can be used.
-Please make it a reader insert
-Please send me an ask only with the prompts of your choosing
-Please tag me in your fic when completed, so I can read it! I want to see the amazing fics!
-Please use #taysfallfics in your tags, in case I do not get your notification.
-If I do not like your fic within 24 hours of posting, COME BUG ME! I HAVE A BAD HABIT OF FORGETTING TO LOOK AT MY TAGS! I will be reblogging everyone’s entries.
-I’m not closing entries, however your fic must be posted by December 21st, which is the first day of winter
-If you need an extension or to drop out, I understand how life is. However, please let me know up to 24 hours ahead of time if possible.
-I will have a Masterlist for all entries
-If you are doing a series and the first part is posted before the deadline I will continue add it to the master list.
Now for the Prompts-
Hay Ride
Changing of the leaves
Sweater Weather
Apple Cider
Cabin in the woods ( @mrsdeanwinchester19 )
Hot choclate
Corn Maze
Fall festival  ( @averyrogers83​ @hawaiifive-0-fan )
Bake Sale
Hot Air Balloons
Ghost Hunting ( @iwillbeinmynest )
Sunflowers ( @megwritesbadly )
Firewood ( @dividedwecantfall )
Candy Corn
Movie Night
Farmers Market
And the AU’s
Arranged Marriage AU( @beccaanne814 )
Roommate AU
Soulmate AU
Sugar Baby AU
Bookstore Owner AU
Fake dating AU ( @iwillbeinmynest )
College AU
Coffee Shop AU
Baker AU
Accidentally Swapped Phones AU  ( @averyrogers83​ )
Police AU
Enemies to Lovers AU
Blind Date AU ( @mattaretto )
Teachers AU 
Road trip AU
Pet sitter AU
Rivals AU
Meet Cute AU
Childhood Bestfriends AU ( @megwritesbadly @hawaiifive-0-fan​ )
Star-Crossed Lovers AU ( @buckthegrump )
Pen Pals AU 
Actor AU
Neighbors AU  ( @dividedwecantfall )
Tagging people who did my last writing challenge and my mutuals
@capsickled @that-sokovian-bastard @yallneedtrek @justsomebucky @buckywintersoldierbarnes2017 @planet-holland-writing @lauxxury @minigranger @iwillbeinmynest @kjs-s @the-witching-hours12-3 @superfandomqueen @beccaanne814 @littlenerdgirl16 @hellomissmabel @themcuhasruinedme @dividedwecantfall @buckthegrump @whiskey-cokenfanfic @mindingmyownbusiness​ @unleashthebeees​
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averyrogers83writes · 5 years
Title: Swapped (Pt 1) Author: @averyrogers83 Warnings: Mostly fluffy stuff, *Death by fluff* Pairings: Bucky x Reader Word Count: 763 Prompts: Accidentally swapped phones (pt 1) & Fall Festival (pt 2) Summary: When you accidentally collide into a man at the coffee shop your digital world gets confusing when you end up with a hot stranger’s phone. A/N: This is for the @sgtbxckybxrnes #taysfallfics challenge as well as secret santa gift for @honeybucks who enjoys fluffy things with Bucky. for the @bucky-smiles​ #cmmsecretsanta exchange. I hope you like it. This is a two part fic. Thank you to @shield-agent78 for helping me with the concept of this and my beta.
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You were running late for an important meeting, but no matter how late you were there was one you had to have and that was “Coffee”. You’d make the President wait on you so you could get your daily dose of caffeine.
You ducked into your favorite coffee shop and stood patiently in line.  “Damn could the line go any slower,” you thought to yourself. When you finally get your order you realized it was all wrong, you were about to gripe at the barista you bumped into Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome himself.   
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry” you stuttered.  
“No, it’s my fault, that’s what I get for not watching where I’m going.” 
The two of you scramble to grab napkins and clean up the mess as you laugh about how clumsy the both of you are, making you completely forget the fact that you were running late for your meeting.  
“How about I buy you a cup to drink since it seems you’re wearing the last one” you looked at him sheepishly. “I’m sorry I don’t even know your name.” 
“James, but my friends call me Bucky.” He extends his hand to you, which you take. 
“Nice to meet you Bucky, names Y/N.” Immediately using his nickname. 
He smiled when you used his nickname without hesitation.  It made him feel more at ease.  The two of you received your coffee and sat down, forgetting all about the meeting you were supposed to be at till your phone started blowing up. 
“Do you need to get that?” 
“Give me just one second, if you don’t mind.”  You excuse yourself from the table, taking only two minutes to explain to your assistant/best friend that you needed to reschedule the meeting.  The perks of being the boss. 
When you got back to the table you were met with his beautiful blue eyes staring back at you. 
“I hope everything’s ok and your boyfriend.” Bucky had noticed the name Ronnie pop up on her phone several times and his heart sank a little. He hoped that maybe it was just her boss or co-worker. 
“Boyfriend?” You looked confused, but then realized that he must have seen your assistant’s name pop-up on your phone.  “No, no boyfriend. That was my best friend and assistant. She was reminding me of the meeting.” 
“Did you need to go, I don’t want to keep you from something important.” 
“No, it’s fine. I’ve already had her reschedule it, but I guess I should try and get some work done. It was very nice meeting you Bucky.”  You get up from the table and grab your phone and bag. 
“It was nice meeting you too Y/N” 
You went about your day, and found that she couldn’t stop thinking about Bucky, you wish that you would have thought to get his phone number when you had the chance.  Too late now, you had to hope that you would run into the man again sometime at the same coffee shop. 
It had been a long day and when you got home all you wanted to do was relax and unwind.  You grabbed a glass of wine, your phone, and set to enjoy a nice hot bubble bath.  You had just close your eyes allowing the hot water soothes your tired body when your phone started buzzing.  You tried to ignore it at first, but after a few minutes the thing just kept going off making it really hard to relax. 
When you grabbed your phone you realized that it wasn’t your phone at all. 
The picture on the screen wasn’t yours. You had no way of unlocking the phone and the messages you were receiving were from people you didn’t even know.  That’s when you realize that you must have picked up Bucky’s phone by mistake. 
This explains why you had received those weird emails from Ronnie who claimed she was trying to get in touch with you. The phone you had belonged to someone else and he had yours.
The next day as you tried to figure out how to get in touch with Bucky so you can meet him and swap phones when a familiar name popped up on the screen. 
“Bucky’s phone, how may I help you?” You said pretending to be his assistant. 
“Um, sorry..I must have the wrong num..” 
“Nope, if you’re looking for James Barnes, you’ve got the right number.”  
“Um, well this is Steve can you tell him there’s a construction job coming up and I need him for it.” 
@bucky-smiles​ @honeybucks​ @sgtbxckybxrnes​ @shield-agent78​ @i-love-marvel3000​ @hotoffthepressfics​ @bloodiedskirtts​ @patzammit​ @dj-lowkey​ @chuuulip​ @ellaprime68​ @buckysforeverprincess​ @drakelover78​ @caramell0w​ @loricameback​
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