#tbf this is more like a debrief
friend woke me up from a nap to run to a bar we frequent for a gossip session and who am i to say no
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sushisocks · 11 months
Do you have any Sean x Lenny headcanons? I’m so desperate for more of their content, lol.
DO I HAVE SEAN X LENNY HEADCANONS?!??! Dear anon I could talk about macsummers FOREVEEERRRR!!!! We are truly STARVED for content about them but yes yes let me share some THOUGHTS I have lolol (sorry for the late reply, this week has been kicking my ass aklsdjf)
Okay see I think MacSummers have such good potential to be real 'one fell first, the other fell harder', in that sense of the second person falling suddenly having to catch up on all the feelings, yknow? And it works EITHER way, which I LOVE abt them, so let's talk about what their crushes would look like njbhnjbhmk
Lenny's first to fall:
Lenny ABSOLUTELY has a crush foreveeerrr, pining HARD because he can't bring himself to make a move. Half of that is also reckoning with the fact that he HAS a crush, and on Sean of all people.
Sean is an oblivious idiot; a bi king so busy with the thrill of the chase he doesn't realize what's right in front of him at first, and also, in his mind the possibility of Lenny being interested in him is so small it barely connects.
It's a mess; people DEFINITELY start noticing - it's Lenny's first time having feelings as intense as these about someone and he is NOT as subtle as he'd like to believe he is.
Truly painful for anyone to witness; no, Lenny, that joke was not that funny, stop staring wistfully across the camp like that, everyone knows you're just sitting at the campfire because Sean is there, your book is upside down.
The girls swing back and forth between gently teasing him about it or trying to cheer him up after witnessing some horrendous attempt at flirting from Sean with one of them - they're all rolling their eyes at him for it.
Jenny is def the one who notices first, and the one Lenny goes to for advice. She does NOT give him good advice. Thankfully Lenny is smart enough to realize as much when she tells him to take Sean fishing during a moonlit night, like that's 1) romantic in any sense of the word or 2) something normal for them to do.
Hosea also catches on but it just makes him more grumpy when dealing with Sean, very fatherly 'youre not good enough for my child' vibes off him. Sean still has 0 clue, but now sometimes he catches Hosea giving him the deathstare, and there's a high chance that every time Hosea sees Sean even look in Lenny's direction, he's considering pulling his gun on him.
Tilly is the most sympathetic to Lenny out of the whole lot, when she's not laughing at him. Tbf they're all laughing at him.
The 'Let me teach you how to read!' thing is very much an excuse just to hang out with Sean more. Mind you Lenny is very serious in his effort to teach Sean, he definitely thinks Sean deserves someone making the effort for him, but he's very internally giddy about 'hihi spending time with crush!!' And he probably does have to go debrief with Jenny and Tilly about it.
He only FINALLY gets the nerve to make a move at the end of a long night of drinking. Liquid courage has Lenny grabbing a loud and laughing Sean by the wrist after he says or does something that makes Lenny want to vomit his heart out, dragging Sean out of camp past the treeline, and kissing him square on the mouth, if only for his sanity. Sean, once the shock passes, goes, verbatim "oh. OH! well, ya couldve told me earlier!" before proceeding to snog Lenny senseless <3
Sean's first to fall:
It takes a minute for Sean to actually realize he has a crush, but then Lenny looks at him in a certain way, smiling and gazing at him with those shrewd eyes of his, shining in the light of the campfire, and Sean feels like he's been struck by fucking lightning.
Who has eyes like that anyway?? Sean will not be able to stop thinking about them, ever, now.
He's upping the ante on silly goofy behavior by 11, just to make Lenny smile. Even better if he laughs!!
He agrees to be tutored in reading just to spend time with Lenny and promptly spends all that time vacillating between doing his utmost to distract Lenny away from the lesson with jokes or trying very hard to listen to him just to get lost in his eyes. Lenny doesn't really mind but they get nothing done.
Sean has a fucking army on his ass in seconds; Arthur, John, Tilly, Mary-Beth, and Karen all seem to know out of NOWHERE and Sean has to sit through a fucking impromptu roast while wondering if all his closest friends are fucking mind-readers.
It's funny to them all at first but there IS some sympathy for poor Sean. Doesn't stop them from teasing him mercilessly.
Those that know him, know he's fucked when he switches the 'I love ya!' to 'Ya love me!' with Lenny. It's harder to say to the people he has actual persistent non-platonic feelings for, and almost self-soothing to instead say the reverse as a substitute.
Thing is; if Lenny having a crush is unsubtle, Sean is a fucking bull in a china-shop by comparison. Lenny sure as hell has his suspicions from very early on.
Lenny is very good-humored about the whole thing but it comparatively to when Lenny's the one with the crush, it sure as hell doesn't take very long from Sean realizing his crush to Lenny also realizing Sean's crush.
It helps Lenny getting over his own nerves, if nothing else.
Everyone in camp knows by the time Lenny decides to end Sean's suffering. They walk down to the river near camp, find a spot which is a bit more secluded, and Lenny very gently cups Sean's face, tells him to stop him if he doesn't want this, and kisses him. Sean is grinning like the cat who got the cream afterwards, and Lenny v fondly calls him a fool.
There's like several relieved sighs when they return to camp holding hands. Like Sean isn't gonna be way more of a menace WITH a boyfriend than he is without.
Here's some general headcanons too, bcz I LOVE thinking and talking abt this ship lmfaoo
They're both very talkative - very much the types to stay up all night talking, discussing their thoughts and feelings, camp gossip, their childhoods, the most fucked up death they saw besides their dads', their favorite colors, etc etc. They've had SEVERAL items thrown at them for waking up their fellow gangmembers in the dead of night.
Lenny reads as very acts of service-y to me. Throwing a blanket over Sean when he's knocked out, bringing him food or snacks when he's on guard shift, teaching him how to read, etc etc.
Meanwhile Sean is very touchy; he likes the reassurance of Lenny's physical presence, and it can be as small as just feeling the press of their thighs while sitting next to each other, but they're not exactly strangers to other things like hugging or holding hands.
In that vein it's not uncommon to find Lenny like, doing his own thing, reading or writing, with Sean amusing himself by tracing the lines in Lenny's free hand, or dozing against his back or something.
They have that honeymoon period where you can't find one without the other and they're hard to separate for anything. Sean complains if they're set to different tasks during a job. They manage to be regular about it eventually, but there's an acclimation period for both them and everyone surrounding them -- baby's first proper relationship, y'know?
They're still prone to joining each other on their guard shifts though, even if just for a little while.
You know that comic that's like "I'm gonna kiss you stupid" "But I'm already so dumb!" "Youre gonna be such an idiot when I'm through with you" That Is Very Them imo lolol
Aaaannddd this is already so long I think I'll stop now before we're here all night kmjnhbjnbh
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Florrickology, Part 3: Wyll's Womancrush Wednesday
If Wyllyam Ravengard is gonna do one thing, it's gush about powerful ladies his dad works with big misty heart eyes and his goblet overflowing with Respect Women Juice. While it seems BabyWyll didn't hold a candle for Florrick like he did for Duke Stellmayne, he regards her as a knightly badass to aspire to, just like dear ol' dad.
Thus, when probed about her in Act 2, he delivers the following glowing endorsement... which is also implies some weird things about his (s)hero, when you really think about it.
Player: Can we trust Florrick? Wyll: I was eleven when the counsellor spotted and slayed an assassin who stalked father from the shadows. Wyll: I was thirteen when she brought word of a goblin warband advancing on Rivington. Her keen scouting saved a hundred lives that day. Wyll: The counsellor's loyalty to my father is beyond question. She's as steady as Tyr's heartbeat, as upstanding as the Sword Mountains.
These lines are a prime example of what exactly I meant by 'unintended characterization' in Florrickology Part 1. The point of this conversation is just to confirm that, yes, the player should trust and continue to cooperate with Florrick because her loyalty is well-proven. What Wyll literally says about her isn't important; it's the impression they leave you with that matters.
The writers possibly didn't really mean to imply anything extra with these lines.
But, they did.
What's more, is they seemingly managed to imply two consistent, if odd, things about her.
Wyll, what do you mean she 'spotted and slayed an assassin'?
Wyll, what do you mean 'her keen scouting'?
Both of these are pretty weird things to say about a woman otherwise presented as a urban public servant... but are they weird things to imply about Florrick? Let's dive in.
Side note: it's also funny yet perfectly in character that Wyll looks upon these subtly bonkers accomplishments with such high esteem, since he is also completely insane but manages to maintain a veneer of "the only reasonable person in the room"
In this universe, the threshold for killing people is admittedly pretty low, but the implication that Florrick kills people sounds sort of strange, especially the add-on that she just straight up and killed someone on the streets--no judge or jury, just executioner.
Florrick, a woman presented as a paragon of virtue, whom Wyll promptly then describes as 'upstanding as the Sword Mountains', kills people? And she is a wizard, so she kills people instead of casting any number of incapacitating spells like Sleep, Command, Hold Person, etc?
Yup-- if they're coming after Ulder Fucking Ravengard!
I will have many thoughts about the debacle that is her confrontation in Act 3 in another post, when she believes Wyll sold his father up the river for his freedom, slaps on a fuckass hood, and comes directly for his head, but at least it's consistent with something. She, like Wyll, looks upon Ulder as a hero and the soul of the city she loves and serves so faithfully, and so she, like Wyll, will scuttle all over creation to find him, take on any enemy to save him, and will treat any attempt on him is an attack that must be answered with impunity.
Moving on to the second line, whereas Wyll's other above is echoed in something else that comes up later, Florrick's alleged prowess as a scout is actually mentioned earlier, in Act 1... to a much less frustrating and much more amusing effect:
In Waukeen's Rest, Florrick states "the Duke has been taken westward, if my eyes and ears are to be believed."
By "my eyes and ears", one might assume she means informants... until you remember she's trapped alone and escapes with the player, so there's no way someone debriefed with her during the 15 seconds between busting down the door and this conversation.
So clearly, she was in the burning inn staring through a burning window , mad as fuck, at the drow dragging him away like
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tbf "her eyes and ears" could also be people yelling what's going on from the ground while she's trapped upstairs but shhhh this is for fun
While this is again an odd thing to imply about an urban bureaucrat, this one actually makes a lot of sense... because she's a wood elf, a race famously good at scouting the wilderness.
This is slightly debatable because the game randomly doesn't list her subrace and she lacks the Fleet of Foot trait (implying she's a high elf), but I assume her dress is simply so tight and impractical that it nerfs her movement speed. On top of having a distinctive wood skin tone, she's filed under "wood elves" in the list of character models in game files, and if she dies in Waukeen's Rest, you can report finding a dead female wood elf to the Fist and they immediately know it's her. So it seems the intention was for her to be a wood elf, even if they didn't execute it fully.
So, what's strange isn't so much that she possesses this skill, but rather that she deploys it on such a notable basis.
So, unlike Wyll's first line which reinforces something we come to learn later, this line opens opportunities to wonder what we don't know about Florrick.
In the previous installment of Florrickology, I posited she was possibly around 120-130 years old, but Wyll's examples only account for what she was doing 13 and 11 years ago. Other commentary, such as by Ulder, indicates she's been a friend of the family and a public servant for quite some time, but how long? We could have up to 100 years of life to play with. She well could have been wildin' since before Ulder was even born.
Has she always lived in Baldur's Gate? Was she always a government official? Is she even a Flaming Fist (I don't think so tbh, I think she's just understood to be Ulder's stand-in) or was she and if she was, what kind of shit did she get up to? When and how did she meet Ulder? Was she always a wizard (she is only level 6 in Act 1...)? And endless more questions!
The implication seems to be that she's been an advisor as long as Ravengard has been duke, so like... what was she doing out there at all, 11 years ago, discovering goblins far enough away from Rivington that she could intervene and save the whole town? Hiking? Keeping up with her secret ranger multiclass levels? Picking up a patrol shift to stunt on all the humans by having 4 extra hours in the day to spend in service of the city? Visiting her wood elf polycule in the woods and happened across goblin tracks?
For the discerning background character fan, this is a goldmine.
Speaking of headcanons and Wyll, I have also decided that one of his best and funniest ambient dialogues references Florrick, even though it's completely unsubstantiated:
Wyll: When I was a child, father sent me to Sharess' Caress to deliver messages. How was I to know what went on behind its closed doors? Lae'zel: Eating, sleeping, and sex acts of all manner, of course. Wyll: Hm. What's plain to you wasn't so plain to mini-Wyll. Lae'zel: Mini-Lae'zel wasn't so sheltered. On Creche K'liir, very little is hidden behind doors.
We all know Ulder only has one person he'd need to talk to so damn bad that he'd send his son to bother her at the damn brothel!!!
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webslingingslasher · 8 months
J girlie i have a new love life update for you 😭
first of all idk why I’ve pulled like three guys in a month ish? like NEVER BEFORE!! (and again gotta clarify that this is CRUMBS compared to your other anons but it’s fine)
ANYWAYS this guy who reminds me of James Potter (i don’t even know if you know who the marauders are) but yeah anyways i had this two weekend course thing so last week and this past one, and we like really hit it off??? And like it was me, another girl and then like 15 ish guys (it was a small one but yeah)
like he’s super smart and works hard and is like really pretty?????
ANYWAYS this “course” was a four day thing right? the first day we kinda just chatted and stuff, the second day he asked for my snap, so i added myself through his phone, then added him back right in front of him (he said he was nervous to ask but someone had to!! and like he wasn’t sure if i was actually gonna add him back and i caught him off guard when i added him immediately).
ANYWAYS we spent that ENTIRE afternoon like snapping back and forth and like chatting - HE KEPT COMPLIMENTING MY SMILE and I was about to like melt.
but we each had some like important tests (pretty much exam level) so we didn’t talk AS much during the week but he lost his phone for a day and when he found it he told me without me even asking!! like “sorry for the late reply, i lost my phone” (seemed genuine!!)
AND THEN this past weekend we’re still snapping and stuff (tons of flirting, irl but mainly online (im more bold 😭)) and he called me beautiful 🤭🤭🤭 (again literally crumbs in comparison but like im lowkey freaking out???) and he was so sincere about it too!! (at least it seems that way!)
and so basically when my friend picked me up today (last day of the course) she was like.. “so who’s the guy????” and i had to reply that he’s just a friend. BECAUSE I DONT KNOW! BUT THEN i meant to send this whole thing to another friend and i sent it to him by accident 😭 (that was actually so embarrassing) so i asked him what he would’ve said, and he was like “just friends.. at least FOR NOW” and i literally started giggling like a high school girl 😭😭😭 tbf i never experienced this type of thing then so yeah but anyways!
i have a really good feeling about him (esp bc in my gc w that friend who picked me up, i gave a little debrief and they’re all like happy about it ykwim???)
anyways i hope that made any sense at all 😭 im just like really excited about this whole thing and like i feel like i can tell you??? (but like if you want me to stop w this just lmk and i will!!!)
OH ALSO i can’t remember if i put this but that class was like miserable and he said i made him look forward to going to it!!! And even that i made him enjoy it 😭 and he said he was really happy to meet me there so yeah haha
OOMF GOT A BF!!!!! (perhaps?? update me on the king 🔫)
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cobraonthecob · 11 months
oh so monaco 2016 was after a few very frustrating races when the team fucked several of daniel's races (see spain 2016) and even with that he skipped the debrief after the race in monaco and went home because he didn't want to get his anger and frustration out on the team. he rarely lets his anger out on the radio even during his time with mclaren he was very professional. so I was genuinely wondering when you said that.
anyways it feels so stupid to be talking about this when clearly much more important things are happening but yeah it is free Palestine today and everyday
tbf i just started watching f1 this year and the drivers who i actively pay attention to (aka i go digging through what they've done prior to this year) does not have daniel on that list, along with me not paying attention to anything prior to the halo's introduction, so i'm only aware of monaco 2016 as the one instance i can point to as daniel being upset because it's such a rare thing for him to be upset on camera/radio.
i mean, you have to talk about the important things like a literal genocide going on, but to make it so the algorithm or whatever doesn't think i'm a bot or shadowbans me, i stir in other things onto this blog. if you want, i've tagged every single one of my posts regarding palestine so you can go through and reblog them as well.
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Taking a break from dw by watching the cOmpLetEly unrelated all creatures great and small
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