#tbh im still not 100% on the definition but its whump now bitch!!
raineandsky · 2 years
The first time the villain comes across the hero, they’re huddled in a dark corner of the street, shying away from the revealing lights overhead. She can tell even from a distance that they’re tired, almost half asleep. “What, did someone kick your ass so hard you have to hide out here?” she comments lightly, only getting flipped off in return.
“Piss off dude. I don’t want to do this now,” they say eventually, their tone short, and the villain scoffs.
“I didn’t do anything,” she defends, holding her hands up innocently. “Just asking. If you’re so comfortable sitting there and you’re totally not hiding from some big baddie, I’ll just leave you to it.”
“Thank god.” They scowl, and the villain leaves them there to wander further into the city, only thinking how funny it is to find a hero so exposed in the ruthless streets of the city.
The second time she comes across the hero they look worse for wear. She finds them tucked away in a new dim spot, hidden behind a metallic slide in a playground. She can tell from the way their hands press into their side and the dull red leaking through their usually pristine outfit that they’re not just simply hanging around on the floor anymore. 
“I thought there wasn’t a big baddie after you,” she comments as she crouches in front of them, and they grimace as they avoid her gaze.
“I never said there wasn’t. Not that it’s any of your business.” They shift slightly, wincing as they do. The villain watches uneasily as they move, worrying her lip thoughtfully.
She stands up straight again, glancing at their surroundings quickly before letting her gaze fall back on the hero in front of her. Whoever they’re hiding from clearly isn’t here.
She clears her throat uncertainly, reaching into the bag at her side. The hero watches her like they’re expecting her to pull out one of her weaponised oddities, but her hand manages to bring a small first aid kit into the open. She places it somewhat nervously at the hero’s feet, who just stares at it like it’s a bomb. “What–”
The villain doesn’t want to hear what they have to say. She turns on her heel and bolts, leaving the hero to their own devices and assuming they’ll take her offering.
The third time she comes across them is somehow even worse. She almost trips over them as she turns down her usual alleyway, cursing as she stumbles in the dark. “My god, what the hell are you–”
She pauses when she swings around to meet them, her eyes falling on their figure on the ground. It seems like they were leaning against the wall but have since slumped over, falling face first into the dirty pavement below. From their lack of snarky remark at her arrival she assumes they’re not the most conscious of conversation partners, and she carefully holds her hand in front of their mouth to make sure she wasn’t talking to a corpse. 
“God’s sake…” she says under her breath as she kneels on the floor in front of them. She ignores how the gravel digs into her knees as she tries to assess the damage. There’s a nauseating amount of blood blanketing the ground below them, more than would be deemed healthy, and their breath is shallow, struggling against the precious losses they’re making by the second. They’re alive though, and for the villain that’s good enough.
She runs through the options in her mind as she carefully shoves them about into a more convenient position. She’s not stupid enough to take a hero to her lair, but she doubts a hospital would want to see her – and the last thing she needs to be on the news, helping her nemesis for the world to see. She has to get them to wherever she’s taking them without the supposed hero-bully spotting her, to top it off.
She pulls them into her arms as she staggers to her feet, trying to focus on anything but the warmth seeping into her shirt. The options are limited, but she’ll figure it out one way or another. The best she can do for now is get them somewhere safe.
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