#tc utk
aerithstrelitzia · 9 months
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an observation. feel free to debate i guess
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cringywhitedragon · 4 months
Random HC time: Victor Niguel
Idk why but I’ve had this little personal HC for our favorite cranky lab-rat. Namely that I HC that Victor is of mixed Hispanic-Asian American descent.
This was manly due to his name and a bit from Victor’s overall design.
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lin-lizzie · 2 years
why did i
Derek, Angie, Leslie, Tyler and Victor in a car
Tyler, Derek and Leslie are loudly singing California girls
Angie is laughing her ass off and is trying to join, and Victor is annoyed as shit
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vonlipvig · 7 months
I’ve been trying to play trauma centre like a big girl who has basic motor skills. Things started off ominously with my getting a C rank in the tutorial, and every operation since then…. until Mario came swinging through the door and handed my ass to me with his multiple haemorrhages. I worked out that if I just sedated and cut the damn things first they’d stop swelling and wouldn’t explode, but my god it’s still not enough, and THE HECK YOU MEAN I MISSED CONNECTING THEM!? I DRAGGED IT WITH MY STYLUS JUST LIKE YOU SAID?! WHY IS IT JUST ME AND ANGIE IN HERE? WHY DON’T I HAVE A TEAM? I’M A C RANK DOCTOR EVEN WITH THIS HEALING TOUCH! SAVE ME GREG! NONE OF THESE PENTAGRAMS I’M DRAWING LOOK LIKE STARS! THERE’S BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!!
Anyway, as the expert in these games, is the Wii version easier and does it follow the same storyline? Having not even seen the disease that’s the whole plot of the game, I feel like I might be insurmountably bad at this and should try an easier version…
oh, so you're--and i mean this in the friendliest, mist kindly way possible--doing badly? just like me, friend, welcome to the gang! this game will kick your ASS, guaranteed lmao. and yeah, this is nothing, wait until you get to the fantasy bioterrorism, that shit gets MEAN (i cannot wait for you to meet my number one enemy, the shitty triangles....oh, those triangles...).
but jokes aside, YAY I LOVE TC, i hope you have a great time. it really is a challenging game (truth be told, i've never properly beaten utk1, the end is sooo fucking hard), don't be discouraged by it! (and i'd say if you have the possibility to cheat, do so if you need it. who cares lmao.). i loveeee the characters, say hi to derek and angie for me!
hmm, you're playing utk1 on the ds, i take it, then? the wii version, utk second opinion, is kinda the same story, except...not lmao. it does follow the same story but adds new characters that appear in a later game, so it's a fun different experience. never played that one on the wii, but i did play a bit of trauma team and i find the gameplay a lotttt harder on the wii lmao.
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calamaricaity · 1 year
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repost because tumblr cut off my pic.. here’s the tc shelf as of may 2023!!! i’ve had literally no time to organise as i’ve been in and out of the hospital funnily enough … only thing that’s obscured here is japanese utk behind the angie plushie and english utk which is behind the japanese atlus best utk. also utk2 kiosk demo which is in the utk2 case as i’m too scared to display it properly
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two posters on the other side of my room. think i might buy a smaller better fitting frame for the nintendo power ad for utk2
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and the stuff i don’t have a place for right now
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hauntingmiser · 5 months
If you like pina colada....please get out of the rain... you're going to get yourself wet and I do not want you to get sick!
- Dr D.S
( from tc: utk 2 )
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despazito · 2 years
What is your opinion on just playing trauma center: under the knife 1+2. I have a 3ds but not a wii, would I miss important story arcs or have a lesser experience?
UTK 2 is a direct sequel to UTK which is the very first game so no, you wouldn't be missing anything plot-wise but you would be missing naomi the best character in the franchise
i think trauma team is the best game with the most engaging plot, new blood is hit and miss (also most difficult) but it has some interesting stuff to say about money and ethics in medicine even if its got the weakest antagonists imo
UTK2 was outsourced and feels very direct-to-video and it's personally my least fave. the music especially is crusty af for a series known to have great osts, but if you're a derek/caduceus fan you'll probably like it. it's inoffensive but not anything to write home about.
i do think the wii titles really show the best tc has to offer, it can be emulated but its not the easiest to set up wii emulation, @cosimothegaydragonman and the tc discord server is where i'd go for tips on how to get it running on Dolphin emulator. the tc fandom is small but very nice and helpful to anyone wanting to experience the games :3
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somena-libra-dawn · 3 years
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Wow... Tyler.
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dew-creek · 5 years
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anon you have GALAXY BRAIN....I forgot how much I love this ship it’s been YEARS since I thought about it but damn...I’m hooked again
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141bpm · 5 years
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I remembered the Trauma Center series, and I am S A D that there hasn’t been a new title in 9 years... That series was so good... Anyways, here’s Victor(s).
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aerithstrelitzia · 10 months
OH YEAH FORGOT TO SHARE BUT I BOUGHT A PHYSICAL COPY OF UNDER THE KNIFE! *AND IT'S COMING WITH THE GAME CASE!!!!!!* (no manual sadly *BUT THE CASE!!!!* I haven't gotten a DS game in it's original case in years :'D)
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coolfire333 · 2 years
You take TC requests? how about Emma Wilson and Derek stiles?
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I do take requests! Thanks for being patient, I would have drawn this earlier but my computer's broken but thankfully today I got a computer to borrow until mine gets fixed :)
I'd like to imagine that Derek is really famous in the medical world so he (and Angie) are pretty much household names by the end of utk/so, and as a result Emma is a bit starstruck running into Derek here.
And no matter how many times this happens to him, Derek still gets shy about all the extra attention. He'd rather just be a normal doctor doing his job, not his fault that he gets all this extra recognition because of his excellent work in the fight against guilt
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kaiokentimesten · 3 years
idk the plot of trauma center but i used to play trauma team for the wii, and i liked that game a lot as a child. Naomi my beloved <3
Trauma Center UTK 1 and 2 were the original games for the Nintendo DS and they are SO fucking good. If you liked Trauma Team you'll like Trauma Center too I prommy
Additionally, if you have a Wii, you can play Trauma Center: Second Opinion. It's basically the plot of the first TC game with a few changes here and there, and that's actually Naomi's debut!
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calamaricaity · 2 years
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it’s been years since i first drew tyler and i forgot he had a long sleeve uniform in utk??????????? anyway sorry for no art recently but i’ll show off my cool new tc stuff
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flydotnet · 5 years
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The third and last batch focuses on the casual outfit sprites (which, for the fun fact, I don’t quite remember seeing show up. I think they appear in 1-6?), plus two little bonus icons. One results from an attempt at Frankenstein-ing the happy expression (pictured here) on one of the Hope Hospital icons and the other is a direct result of my sheer exctiment at seeing such an old sprite in the files.
For the anecdore, the bottom row center sprite was featured in two known occurences at the moment: an old IGN trailer from 2005 I accidentally found on YT and a promotional scroll owned by someone from the TC Discord server. Its style is different and so is its naming conventions, so it’s safe to say it was meant to be a placeholder. However, the Angie sprite also featured in both the trailer and scroll aren’t in the game’s files. It’s still a little miracle that sprite of Derek, which may as well have been the first in SO considering how UTK-like the design it uses is, is still in there!
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despazito · 2 years
What's the best way to get into the Trauma Center series?
ALRIGHT SO trauma center is absolutely wild. The games are about surgeons but they are also absolutely silly and ridiculous like operating on a time bomb, ninjas, the power to stop time during an operation and to hear dead people, pathogens that look like little aliens, and a surgeon who side hustles as an honest to god superhero in full spandex.
There's 5 titles in the series, 3 for Wii and 2 on DS. Chronological order of the series is:
Under the Knife / Second Opinion > Trauma Team > Under the Knife 2 > New Blood
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UTK was the first game released in 2005 and it follows the series protagonist Derek Stiles. it's a bit rough around the edges, crusty controls, has no difficulty settings, and the art style looks a bit dated (although many fans find it charming). Several years later Atlus decided to bring the series to Wii and remade the game with a major facelift and most importantly they added a new side storyline introducing Naomi Kimishima aka everyone's favourite character. Not my bias there was a poll. That was released as Trauma Center: Second Opinion and under the fucking incredible name of "Caduceus Z: Two Super Surgical Operations" in Japan, so you can just play SO and skip UTK.
One disclaimer about the game is that pretty early on there's a teen girl admitted who's suicidal and instead of being reassuring and acting like a health professional Angie is a fucking ghoul and yells at her that maybe she should just die then??! It's in both UTK and SO and so out of nowhere, Angie is an unpleasant little gremlin at the beginning of the game but she mellows out. I'd say the rest of the series is pretty good about grief and stuff like that, it's just this one scene that sucks dick
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Trauma Team happens two years later in-universe and you could technically play with no previous titles because it follows a completely new set of characters but with the exception of Naomi and her manservant, so I highly recommend playing SO beforehand so you know what her bioterrorism deal is. TT was the last game released and most ambitious tc title even having cutscenes, but they are not animated because Atlus won't spend more than 10$ to make a trauma center <\3
TT is my favourite. You have six playable doctors in surgery, first response, endoscopy, orthopedics, diagnostics, and forensics. The first four modes are similar to the classic TC gameplay, the last two are long form. If you like Phoenix Wright or the Edgeworth games I think you will enjoy forensics, it's literally solving murder mysteries. Diagnostics is basically playing House MD which sounds really fun but flicking between two identical CAT scans looking for a minuscule abnormality can get frustrating and I don't blame anyone just going to the gameFAQ walkthrough for help on that lmao.
The cast is also half men half women doctors with a pretty diverse background. You've got Maria who's latina, Hank is indigenous (although not divulged in the game itself so half points), Tomoe and Naomi are japanese, Gabe and CR-S01 are the cracker rep. It's definitely not flawless representation, like having the latina woman be the fiery aggressive one of the group and Hank be the hippy in touch with nature is a biiit questionable but still I commend the japanese studio for at least trying and both their characters are much more than that. This game was developed around 2009 before diversity in bideo bames became a nuclear topic on the internet. Btw it takes places in 2020 and a massive pandemic hits the United States and it all takes place in MAINE. Fucking wild.
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UTK2 happens one year afterwards in-universe and is a direct sequel to UTK back to following Derek, it was outsourced to another studio and frankly it shows. Not a bad game at all and it’s the most important trauma center contribution to mainstream society bc the track gentle breeze that became a viral meme. If you really liked Derek & co and GUILT operations you'll enjoy it. I do not have much to say, only played through it once.
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Lastly there's New Blood, another new cast of characters several years time skip, this time it's a duo of surgeons dunked in sepia tone. Again you can jump into New Blood without playing any other title although they do mention events in previous games. You can totally play NB single player but you can tell by level design it's tailored for two and imo the most difficult game in the series. It's also the only game besides TT to have full voice acting starring nyquil'd Troy Baker as Markus. NB was ambitious, you can tell they had a lot they wanted to say. Themes like wealth inequality, access to medical care, corporations mining in the global south, a common fan passtime is screaming about what NB could have been if they could neatly wrap all those topics up into a solid story. It's absolutely not a bad game at all and I totally recommend it, but it could have been More.
If you've got either of those consoles it's pretty affordable to buy the games used at some vintage games shop, especially the Wii titles. TT got a WiiU release in 2015 but I don't think the shop is up anymore? Nobody is serious about collecting TC, atlus didn't even make merch for the series and basically ignores its existance, nobody's bidding up prices for a copy Second Opinion. The Wii games can be emulated on Dolphin and DS games on Desmume, there's a dedicated discord server that's happy to help out and answer questions. Or you could just do passive and watch a yt playthrough.
After 12 years since the last release the fandom is incredibly small but very passionate and we get really excited about new people joining and discovering the series. There's no "wrong" way to play the games, nobody will give you shit for playing out of order we're just happy people play trauma center period!! It really is a hidden gem, there's no other series like it, and it was arguably one of the best implementations of motion controls for the Wii in the console's whole run. If you liked Shoji Meguro's compositions for persona or SMT soundtrack then you'll definitely find some new bops in TC.
The series sold better overseas than in Japan, but even then Trauma Team was a flop in terms of sales and never released in Europe. It's such a shame, I wish it could pick up some kind of cult following. I really really want a new game but at this point I'd settle for remaster of the old ones or even a cheap little trauma center keychain from the atlus store, but even that is wishful thinking 😔😔
So if you do play it and you enjoy them make some noise towards atlus and remind them they do in fact own IPs besides fucking persona.
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