#tcot laughing lady
theperrylleluniverse · 6 months
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frommybookbook · 4 months
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There are so few episodes with a jury, which is understandable from the TV production of it all, but I wish we had more because seeing Perry work a jury is a thing of beauty.
There's an art to working a jury (and this is something the character talks about way more in the books because those almost always have a jury) and Perry Mason is a master. The way he stalks the jury box, making eye contact with each and every member, the way he calmly and coolly ignores Burger's outburst, the dramatic turn as Paul unveils the key evidence. It's all perfectly calculated to get the jury on his side and it's :chef's kiss:.
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the-ellia-west · 21 days
Confession tag, tagged by the lovely @agirlandherquill
A confession scene - it can be about anything!
(Mild spoiler warning for TCOT)
Shyre took a measured breath, pressing her back against the wall. She was fine. It meant nothing now. She was only here for information, nothing more, nothing less. That kiss meant nothing now.
She set her shoulders and twisted all anxiety from her face. She would be a ridged ruler. One her father could be proud of.
The Noblewoman stepped further into the prison, Silic following closely behind her. She waved the prison guard aside and faced the prisoner, steeling herself. At her footsteps, he looked up, long strings of dirty, tangled black hair shielding his face in a sheet. He flipped his head back, golden eyes piercing into hers. Silic dropped into a fighting stance, spear pointed right at his neck as the prisoner lunged for her, chains clanking slack.
His face now only a few inches from hers, Shyre saw the tear tracks through the dirt and ash on his face, and the whiskers of stubble from days of isolation lining his jaw. He flashed her a nasty grin, straining against his chains. "Well hello there, Miss Rayeli."
"So you still remember my name? I wouldn't have guessed!"
"Spare me the small talk, Assassin. Who are you really? No lies this time." Her voice came steadier than she felt as a halo of coral flames sparked to life over her head.
He laughed, hanging his head as if he didn't have the energy to hold it up any longer. "So that's why you came here... I'm surprised, My lady. My name is the one thing I didn't lie to you about."
"You know what she means!" Silic twirled his spear around and jammed the butt of it into the Assassin's ribs.
Marril snarled at him, "Fine." He backed up, standing tall as he glared at both of them, bearing his rags as if they were finery. "I'm Adllsais. I'm your dirty, common murderer. And my masters wanted you dead. I played your game, and you played mine. Your only worth was in gold.
"Now run along little noble. You too, bastard. Maybe mom will be happy to see you when she's learned you killed me."
Open tagggggg
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browerreport · 5 years
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Matt and Aaron knocked it out of the park! Tons of info, laughs, and crazy stories! AOC attacks Ivanka, Pothole Birthday, Oregon Gives Illegal Aliens DLs, Kamala Harris Lies, Lady Eats Cake Walmart Ban IHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-brower-report-30762186/episode/aoc-attacks-ivanka-pothole-birthday-oregon-gives-illegal-aliens-dl-kamala-lie-46618585?cmp=ios_share&pr=false iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/brower-report/id370827906#episodeGuid=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blogtalkradio.com%2Fbrowerreport%2F2019%2F07%2F02%2Faoc-attacks-ivanka-pothole-birthday-oregon-gives-illegal-aliens-dl-kamala-lie Blogtalkradio: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/browerreport/2019/07/02/aoc-attacks-ivanka-pothole-birthday-oregon-gives-illegal-aliens-dl-kamala-lie Tunein: http://tun.in/tjawgf #politics #liberal #conservative #aoc #biden #trump #election #election2020 #iheartradio #podcast #itunes #blogtalkradio #BrowerReport #radio #tcot #meme #fun #news #views #comedy #laughs #truth #constitution https://www.instagram.com/p/BzrRdMDAksu/?igshid=b2l1rdq9r2e5
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Pelosi, House women peddle lady parts at presser; Boo Russert, cry sexism
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/pelosi-house-women-peddle-lady-parts-at-presser-boo-russert-cry-sexism/
Pelosi, House women peddle lady parts at presser; Boo Russert, cry sexism
Sigh. The peddling of lady parts continues.
As Twitchy reported, Nancy Pelosi held a press conference today to deliver the oh-so-shocking news that she’s not stepping down as House minority leader. On the plus side, she committed a hilarious and epic flub: She said that Democrats “still have the gavel.” Whoops!
But, wait, there was more hilarity to be had at the press conference. Evidently, all that was missing in the lady parts peddle-fest was some Code Pink style vagina costumes.
Flanked by dozens of women members & congresswomen-elect, Nancy Pelosi announces she’s staying as Minority Leader. twitter.com/CHueyBurnsRCP/…
— Caitlin Huey-Burns (@CHueyBurnsRCP) November 14, 2012
Pelosi: “The thought of four men at that table was not an appealing site…”
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) November 14, 2012
Men have cooties; can’t even bear the sight of them! But what about their Man-God Obama? The Patriarchy ™ is totally fine, natch, so long as he pats you on the head and pays (or makes someone else pay) for your birth control. Poor, helpless dears!
I have never seen @nancypelosi play up the pro woman theme as she is doing now. Even joking about the scary sight of all men at the table
— Dana Bash (@DanaBashCNN) November 14, 2012
When you lose CNN’s Dana Bash …
Pelosi say she’s staying “in order to continue work empowering women”
— Amanda Terkel (@aterkel) November 14, 2012
Apparently Nancy Pelosi, not content w/class warfare is now promoting gender warfare w/her we R women here us roar crap speech. #scary #tcot
— Alana Burke (@AlanaBurkeSays) November 14, 2012
I’m pro-women/Democrat/older people but that #Pelosi presser was a shitshow. Go find the Gingrich v. Bob Michel playbook. #permanentminority
— Aaron Polkey (@apolkey) November 14, 2012
@slone “We don’t have the gavel. But we have something more important… unity.”For a second I feared she might say “vaginas”! #Pelosi
— TrueTexasTea (@TrueTexasTea) November 14, 2012
Seriously, Nancy Pelosi is out of touch. Her interpretation of women empowerment is convoluted & sad. Don’t ever pretend to speak for me.
— Jacqueline Otto (@jacque_otto) November 14, 2012
The “future” of US women as represented by Pelosi & her new gal pals feels an awful lot like a huge step backwards.
— Kindy (@CallInSick318) November 14, 2012
Then the ladies started booing a male reporter. Luke Russert dared to ask a pertinent question, rather than worshipping at the altar of lady parts. Thus, he’s sexist. And agist. And whatever other “ist” they can come up with.
Luke Russert RT @charliespiering: Pelosi and women Democrats booing and mocking a male reporter. . . not sure who it is
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) November 14, 2012
.@lukerussert gets groans from women on stage by asking Pelosi if her leadership means younger leadership can’t move forward
— Alex Pappas (@AlexPappasDC) November 14, 2012
Luke Russert asks if Pelosi staying on prevents younger ppl from stepping up. He gets booed by all of the women in Congress… #heyladies
— Rebecca Berg (@rebeccagberg) November 14, 2012
RT @realclearscottThe response to @lukerussert‘s very legitimate Q to @nancypelosi is really something to behold buzzfeed.com/zekejmiller/na…
— Tim Miller (@Timodc) November 14, 2012
Libs on Twitter also freaked out. How dare he treat Nancy Pelosi as he would any other politician. Doesn’t he know that “empowerment” means being treated as a delicate flower who surely can’t be held accountable for anything. She’s lucky she can hold a gavel, much less remember if she has one or not.
@lukerussert would never ask McConnell if he’s blocking younger members from moving up. Way to be offensive Luke. #Pelosi
— Nerdy Wonka (@utaustinliberal) November 14, 2012
Pelosi’s body has a way of shutting down a “Legitimate” sexist question from Luke Russert, the confirmed Douche Bag.
— Micheal Stinson (@Symbolman) November 14, 2012
That kid got his job due to nepotism so this is rich: “Nancy Pelosi swats down Luke Russert’s offensive question!shar.es/GJbWQ” ”
— Lisa Guerrero (@4lisaguerrero) November 14, 2012
Hey, @lukerussert, #peggynoonan & #georgewill called. They want to buy you a drink, nincompoop. #pelosi
— SFLiberal (@SFLiberal) November 14, 2012
But, wait. Don’t Progressives of Pallor always criticize the GOP for being the party of old white people? What’s good for the goose, toots.
Lament “old white men” of the GOP= Sound analysis.Ask #Pelosi if its time to move along? “Age Discrimination.@ingrahamangle
— Brett J. Patron (@Longtabsigo) November 14, 2012
I stand corrected: (2) Luke Russert asked a good question.Pelosi tried to laugh it off and had her phalanx of Dem women boo him.
— Maxwell Power (@power_maxwell) November 14, 2012
Luke Russert took to Twitter to explain his question, which was a good one.
Negatives: Very polarizing, moderates hurt by association. Fires up #GOP. She’s an older face for a younger party
— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) November 14, 2012
While Pelosi laughed off my Q as age-ist, many House Ds will privately gripe it hurts caucus that all 3 leaders are 70+.
— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) November 14, 2012
The longer the top 3 stay, the longer it takes to infuse the caucus with new blood like #GOP did w Cantor, Ryan, McCarthy etc.
— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) November 14, 2012
Bingo! But, you know, facts don’t matter. They have gender identity politics to wage. You’ve come a long way, baby!
A happy warrior puts the faux-outrage in a hilarious, ageism-mocking nutshell.
Elderly women often take up hobbies; scrapbooking, collecting Precious Moments figurines, destroying Western civilization. #Pelosi
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 14, 2012
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/11/14/pelosi-house-dem-women-hold-presser-to-peddle-lady-parts-boo-luke-russert-cry-sexism/
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theperrylleluniverse · 6 months
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They're definitely the couple who talks shit together after a party
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theperrylleluniverse · 6 months
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Get a ROOM you two
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theperrylleluniverse · 6 months
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theperrylleluniverse · 6 months
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Call him Drake. Paul Drake.
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theperrylleluniverse · 6 months
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Perry! That's an antique, I don't think you're supposed to hit it!! And he does it two separate times in the episode!
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frommybookbook · 4 months
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Those hands are just so sexy. That's all.
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theperrylleluniverse · 6 months
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theperrylleluniverse · 6 months
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He almost knocks over the martini glass i'm dying
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theperrylleluniverse · 6 months
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Burger tried to do what to you Paul?????
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theperrylleluniverse · 6 months
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A collection of my favorite Hamster faces from TCOT Laughing Lady
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frommybookbook · 5 months
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Hamilton's face while Perry reads from obscure books during his cross-examination is INCREDIBLE. He's so confused and so exasperated and just so over this. I love it.
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