#teal and purple awareness ribbon gifts
mythical-lotus · 3 years
Okay everybody, I have finally decided to talk about my patch jacket - My pride and joy, and in theory the longest art project I have ever worked on and continue to work on. I started it in late September of 2020 I believe, And have continued to work on it since
All right here we go nerds
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This is the front and back of the jacket all zoomed out. You can zoom in and look at it here, but I'm also going to be showing some closer photos and elaborating on my favorite/most memorable parts
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I'll be going through and pointing out either my favorite or things that I think need explaining so you can skip the text if you just want to look but yknow
First Picture:
I noticed that in the very top right corner of this part of the jacket, one of the pins in the photo is a bit obscured and very small, it says "The future is intersectional," with feminine looking hands reaching for each other one with a light skin tone and one with a dark skin tone.
There's also a blue pen, hidden under the collar of the jacket by mistake, that's the Poseidon pin I bought from Overly Sarcastic Productions crowdmade shop (along with the Loki pin and Athena pin next to it). I would highly recommend their history and mythology videos!!
I am a type 1 diabetic, and have been since February 6th of 2012, and hooked onto the button of the pocket is an old emergency contact bracelet of mine.
There's a small tooth sewn into the side of the jacket with dark magenta thread, and I wanted to specify that it is a deer tooth and that it was gotten ethically. One of my friends participates in vulture culture, and she found a few deer teeth in the woods and gifted them to me.
This is slightly lesser known so I thought I'd throw it in, the purple bottle cap pin with the green ribbon on it symbolizes mental health awareness.
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Second Picture:
The green and blue patch that looks like a hourglass is a climate change awareness patch - To my knowledge the symbol isn't specifically related to any group, just a general climate change symbol.
The gold circle with a silver triangle is a Vulcan symbol from Star Trek: The Original Series called an IDIC (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations), that represents protecting and learning about diversity throughout the galaxy.
A very close friend of mine is a trans man and he is not out to his family because they are unfortunately very bigoted, and he has been forced to shave his legs by them and so I made a patch that's just a hairy leg, out of spite. This is somewhat for him but also a more general patch for "don't tell anyone else how they should look."
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Third Picture:
This part is pretty full so I'll just do like a rapid fire "What's all this then?"
The "Cabbage" patch was a recommendation from a friend cuz they thought it was funny, the tab sewn onto the side of the collar was found in my garden, the safety pins dangling below it are the rainbow and trans flag respectively although they need repainted, "I Don't Wanna Feel Better" is a reference to a Penelope Scott song (amazing artist btw), bisexual flag with she/her over it, and "God Loves Gays" in honor of my horribly homophobic church.
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Fourth Picture:
Ralsei pin of my lovely boi, Ari patch (the name and likeness of my dog), The patch above "Punch Your Local Nazi" is the cover art of Penelope Scott's album "Public Void," I.W.W. Wobblies stands for International Workers Of The World (who were called Wobblies in the early industrial revolution), and the Minecraft blocks at the very bottom are just some of my favorites (Grass Block, Mossy Cobble, Slime, and Enderman).
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Fifth Picture:
I live in a very cop heavy area (idk if that's even a term but whatever), So it's not really safe for me to have a obvious ACAB patch, but the dice show the number 1312 when you look at the rightmost face.
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Sixth Picture:
The embroidery of the Scales Of Justice on the bottom in purple and teal was commissioned from one of my very close friends (same person I got the tooth from), and I think her deerly for it ;)
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Seventh Photo:
Uhh these are all pretty self explanatory, but for literally anything on this jacket, please ask me about it if you want to know because like oh Oh I want to talk so much If you couldn't tell
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Eighth Picture:
I call this my healthcare arm, it has my omnipod, which is the device I used to treat my type 1 diabetes, and the patch below it refers to how a lot of times diabetic equipment is treated as a luxury when the different quality of equipment you use can drastically alter how healthy you are. It's like trying to do surgery with a kitchen knife and saying that "it's a luxury" to do surgery with a scalpel.
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madamhatter · 4 years
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bigcasinc inquired:  🚼- For Sophie and Jade! send me 🚼 and a ship I’ll use a doll-maker to design what I think a child between our two muses would look like | accepting | @bigcasinc​
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made using this picrew: loose carrot maker refer to ‘appearance’ for specifics (and what this maker couldn’t include).
NAME: Emery (A/N.: Or Moira! i’m unsure atm but i like emery a lot)  Leech Hatter AGE: 4~6 GENDER: Female (she/her) APPEARANCE:
Eyes mutated to a gold-brown hazel. No heterochromia like her father. 
Height is 3′2″/96 cm. Reaches to her mom’s waist.
Serrated teeth with a big smile.
Teal hair with silver highlights in it. Hair length at her neck and always picked up/styled. Usually in pigtails with bows or a ponytail with a bow. 
Thick brows and wide eyes like mother. Eye shape and mouth shape like father.
Can look unintentionally terrifying and does not understand she can be scary. She knows her smile can cause reactions (from her mom’s cooing and a barrage of kisses on her rounds cheeks to making people ‘jump’ (if she does a narrow smile like Jade’s or Floyd’s might scare the shit out of adults and children)). Bro, if someone asks her to flash her teeth, she's more than ENTHUSIASTIC to go ‘Okay!!’ and show them off.  
Usually seen worn rompers, pinafore dress w/ an undershirt, or repurposed shirts (from her mom’s childhood closet) and shorts. Always a solid purple, orange, or red top with a patterned shirt underneath it. Always in comfortable footwear for climbing and running or sandals.
Largely a talkative child, with the support of her mother and her sisters as they are receptive and converse whenever something is on Emery’s mind. By ‘talkative,’ she is one who is in constant thought and with high curiosity. It doesn’t mean she outright talks to strangers who pass by her or may even make eye contact with her. 
Blunt without recognizing negative connotations or thoughts. She will speak what is on her mind, which aren’t properly thought through in terms of socialization (not that she cares for that at her age). It follows the same vein as a certain eel, except without the patronizing tone.  IE: “Do not run. You’re slow.” / "I’m fast to catch everyone. That’s easy.” 
Is to an extent clingy to her mother and aunts. She is known to hold onto her mom’s legs or hide underneath her mother’s long skirts whenever she’s talking. Very upfront in greeting those who she knows are close and tries to be polite. (Mostly, this is her trying to mimic how Sophie speaks but it’s WAAAY too dense for Emery sometimes). Though, she likes attention. She hasn’t put two-and-two together, but she knows her mom ‘follows’ her whenever she runs. So, Emery is more committed to running around with her human mother chasing after her and telling her to wait. 
As the last point denotes, she’s pretty perceptive to the people around her and reading them. She’s quick to know that x will get her y. Though, she doesn’t have complex thoughts down at her age yet. She will ask a sleuth of questions which may not have answers for -- but she is one to impose and seek. It’s her way of ‘reading’ the room.
Ecstatic to learn and being hands-on in things. Always behind with her mom to help her out in the kitchen or the hat shop (mainly, taking ribbons) and always tries to peek at the table and countertop. Additionally, she is one that would go out to try to help others -- if not, tell them that her mom can fix anything and lead them to her (explained in personal headcanons).
Emery still gets outright overwhelmed and restless at her age, when it comes to roadblocks and rejection -- especially by peers. She has a big threshold (if not tolerance) for what she takes and usually reciprocates a smile, before going completely quiet. This is where she’ll go into hiding or finds her high energy leaving her fitful and bothered.
SHIFTER - As half-person and half-merperson, and given her parents’ magical prowl, Emery has the gift of being able to shift between these forms. Being raised on the land, she has defaulted to her two-legs. However, she will be able to morph into her mer-form, which is remarkably similar to her father’s (smaller, with numerous silver spots, and frills). She needs to train herself, but at her age, it will come fairly easily. She needs to be thoroughly dried and taken to a side by the water to help her shift back to her human form (which her mom takes well care of). Emery, however, is not aware of this ability or her heritage. 
HIDE-AND-SEEK CHAMPION - Known to hide in almost any place that she can find, Emery is known by the local children to be practically undetectable when it comes to her hiding spots and when she changes spots. This power is two-fold. She is an exceptional, if not terrifying, seeker. She can’t put her finger on it, but she finds them easily (through smell) and slowly walks over to the other children, patting them, which sends them in a jolt, if not, screaming from terror. However, this talent also comes into play when she feels restless and uncertain, as she’ll go and hide somewhere cramped and dark for comfort. Her mother is able to find her all the time, when at home. There was a point that newborn Emery would only calm down if Sophie made it dark enough and made the right arrangements (use a small carrier, partially covering the crib with a blanket, etc). It is near impossible to draw her out unless it is her mother, sisters, and family friends (or her few close friends).
DURABILITY AND ENHANCED STRENGTH AND SENSES - Comes from merperson heritage. The primary example is her baby teeth that are notably sharp (and will get sharper once her baby teeth fall out) and can draw blood without much effort. Though, she is very careful about this. Another example would be her reaction to pain -- like how she may run into a door or glass with a terribly loud thud and she’d step back, blink, laugh, and continue running after a friend. She isn’t invincible and she can get hurt, but she is definitely more resilient from human children. Can she break bones? Yes! She isn’t yet at that point, however, as she is literally a kid.
INCLUDED: Love for music and rhythm, collect-and-gathering trinkets.
Given circumstances (refer to #1 personal headcanon), Emery prefers her mom. Though, if she wants to budge her mom or wants something her way, she’ll easily wiggle to bug her aunt Martha, Sophie’s youngest sister, to (try) and get it. Genuinely, there are times where Emery will prefer her aunts over her mom, if not because the three of them group together and indirectly bully Sophie into doing something for their niece.
Physically, it is undeniable that she takes after Jade more. Blame the dominant genes on his end, but the gold tinge in her eyes, teal hairs, and sharp teeth are the biggest indications of this. I would also extend the thought that she takes on more Jade than one may realize -- if only because her own interactions aren’t as maliciously calculating as her father’s. There are core traits that blend in with Sophie’s, where the edge is there with an unhealthy amount of energy that needs to be burnt off. 
Emery is the unexpected product of Jade and Sophie’s relationship when it was coming to a close. Their relationship ended as soon as they departed from NCR, unsure really what to make of another (as in, be it if they could be long-term partners or they needed to seek out others). They were intimate, friendly, perhaps confidants. But, without a proper title, it was better to depart from their teenage dreams before it spiraled out of control. The discovery was never disclosed. Sophie realized what was going on and refused to reach out. To interfere with what they agreed with - that chapter was over, he went else and so did she. Did she regret agreeing to part ways? Yes, but who’d be that selfish to drag him back? For all she knew, he found better somewhere in the wide world -- maybe even a mate too, which would make this situation extremely problematic.  In this situation, Emery is raised by her single mother and is unaware of her father and likewise, her father is completely unaware of her.
Emery’s concept of destruction and fixing all revolves around her mother. She has a long history of destroying the toys that Sophie has made for her (one of the closest ones being a large purple patchwork bear). But, any time something the stuffing is coming out or the bear is losing an eye, she happily walks over to her mother and Sophie fixes it. She doesn’t quite get there is a point of no-return for certain damages, but she is more than content that with this logic, her mom can fix anything. Hence why she’ll instruct people who ask her questions she doesn’t know (or if they’re upset) to “speak to mama!”
Lots of moray eel behaviors that she performs. A couple of them were mentioned before. But, I have more. One of them happens to be how she interacts with blankets and trying to fall asleep, She ends up rolling around it, wiggling a little helplessly, before laughing and rolling around with it on the mattress. She also does it because she’s a little too excited to go to bed with her mom (both have shared the same mattress)!
Lettie and Martha’s MagiCam accounts, as Sophie either doesn’t have one (or recently made one post-NCR which is private), have some photos and videos of their lovely niece! She happens to pop into photos per accident, only because she’s wondering why her aunts are attempting ten poses and she thinks they’re trying to dance. A fun game that Martha plays with her follows is ‘spot the emmy’ (’emmy’ is her nickname from the hatter trio / sophie specifically calls emery ‘eri’ (pronounced like ending of emery) or tulip/tuli) where a large background photo is available and people have to guess where emery is hiding (in plain sight)! It’s quite popular! There’s also videos of Sophie and Emery interacting, which shows some parts of their personal life. For example, one would be where Sophie squats down tp Emery’s level and ‘blep’ her tongue/stick out her tongue, which Emery does in turn. The ‘bleping’ is something Emery already does.
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awarenessgallery · 7 years
Purple and Teal Awareness Ribbon Meaning and Gifts
#Purple and #Teal #AwarenessRibbon Meaning #SuicidePreventionAwareness, or the combination of #DomesticViolenceAwareness (purple) with #SexualAssaultAwareness (teal) and merchandise
Teal and Purple Awareness Ribbon Angel Art Painting to Support Suicide Prevention Purple and teal colors means support for suicide prevention awareness. (Suicide Prevention also uses the yellow awareness ribbon.) The purple and teal also combines the two awareness colors for domestic violence (purple) with sexual assault violence (teal) to show support for both causes. Follow this awareness…
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surveysonfleek · 5 years
Do you regularly… paint? draw? drink coffee? drink tea? curl your hair? straighten your hair? pray? read the Bible? worship? play online games? watch movies? watch television? read books? daydream? 
Would you ever… dye your hair a wild color? get a tattoo? get a piercing? bungee jump? skydive? dance in public? sing a solo? travel to Africa? ride an elephant? travel to Europe? travel to Asia? travel solo? travel to New York City?  ask out your crush? Can you… sing? dance? play an instrument? touch your nose to your tongue? lick the tip of your nose? do the splits? do a cartwheel? draw? write neatly? write in cursive? speak another language? whistle? pop your fingers out of joint? read minds? Are you… lovely? beautiful? double jointed? artistic? bold? boring? encouraging? loving? nice? positive? passive? passionate? ambitious? sensitive? honest? romantic? intelligent? unique? creative? generous? miserable? optimistic? pessimistic? mentally ill? sane? weird? different? special? anointed? Do you like… math? tea? coffee? English? writing in cursive? creative writing? to dance? to sing? to pray? chocolate? smoothies? sushi? pie? playing Truth or Dare? Have you ever… tried to redo your room to make it look like a room you saw on Pinterest? tried to give yourself a hairstyle you found online? set up a prayer corner in your room? had an imaginary friend? written on the side of a bathroom stall? fallen asleep with your clothes on? fallen in a pool fully clothed? gotten sick from inhaling nail polish remover? realized that life is amazing? thought about ending your life? cried in public? sat on a rooftop with a friend? written a letter to a celebrity? wished on a shooting star? Do you remember… Gigapets? Pikachu? Pokemon cards? Furby? pogs? the show Taina? the show Caitlin’s Way? when the Spice Girls performed on All That? when the very first episode of Spongebob aired? what you were doing on Sept. 11, 2001? Aaron Carter? N'Sync? choker necklaces? “LiveStrong” wristbands? Did you ever… play with Barbies? own an American Girl doll? watch Nickelodeon? obsess over a celebrity? crush on a celebrity? have imaginary friends? play tag? take swimming lessons? take ballet? take piano lessons? have the flu? have to go to the hospital? dream of running away as a teenager? get picked first in gym class? Do you/have you listened to… Avril Lavigne? Carrie Underwood? Taylor Swift? Paramore? Black Eyed Peas? A-Teens? Play? Aaron Carter? The Backstreet Boys? The Spice Girls? S Club 7? Hillsong? Casting Crowns? The Jonas Brothers? Have you ever played… Monopoly? Truth or Dare? Heads Up 7 Up? Red Rover? Tic Tac Toe? Four Square? Apples to Apples? Chutes and Ladders? Bingo? Uno? Go Fish? Never Have I Ever? Two Truths and a Lie? If You Really Knew Me? Roller Coaster Tycoon? American Girls Premiere? Operation? Candy Crush Saga? Mahjong Titans? Yahtzee? YoVille/YoWorld? Mario Party? Mario Kart? Zelda? The Sims? Pac Man? Skee ball? poker? beer pong? Do you like these names (for a girl)?… Skye Skylar Eliana Claire Sierra Madison Peyton Aurora Bianca Joanna Siona Felicity Ellery Epiphany Do you like these names (for a boy)?… Deklan Dylan Denver Dallas David Adam John Spencer Ryan Storm Scott Justin Meverick Brennan Would you ever dye your hair… dark brown? light brown? blonde? gray? white? purple? pink? green? teal/turquoise/aqua? burgundy? red (the natural hair color red)? red (as in, bright red)? magenta? periwinkle? Would you ever get a tattoo of… a cross? a peace sign? a quote?  someone’s name? a heart? something insignificant? a skull? a flower? a Japanese symbol? a continent? an elephant? an awareness ribbon? a fish? stars? What are you allergic to? dust pollen mold pet dander mosquitoes bees peanuts tree nuts another food a medication latex grass a type of glue or paint? Have you ever been… bullied? excluded? persecuted? harassed? molested? abused? raped? assaulted? yelled at? shoved? hurt? heartbroken? sick? shy? embarrassed? loved? complimented? insulted? discriminated against? hugged? attacked? fired? homeless? close to being homeless? manipulated? lonely? isolated for a long and unhealthy period of time? neglected? ignored? Do you consider yourself… beautiful? spiritual? religious? gifted? talented? unique? free-spirited? gentle? free? alone? carefree? alive? blessed? spoiled?
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nostalgiaispeace · 5 years
Bold Survey
Do you regularly… paint? draw? drink coffee? drink tea? curl your hair? straighten your hair? pray? read the Bible? worship? play online games? watch movies? watch television? read books? daydream?
Would you ever… dye your hair a wild color? get a tattoo? get a piercing? bungee jump? skydive? dance in public? sing a solo? travel to Africa? ride an elephant? travel to Europe? travel to Asia? travel solo? travel to New York City? ask out your crush? Can you… sing? dance? play an instrument? touch your nose to your tongue? lick the tip of your nose? do the splits? do a cartwheel? draw? write neatly? write in cursive? speak another language? whistle? pop your fingers out of joint? read minds? Are you… lovely? beautiful? double jointed? artistic? bold? boring? encouraging? loving? nice? positive? passive? passionate? ambitious? sensitive? honest? romantic? intelligent? unique? creative? generous? miserable? optimistic? pessimistic? mentally ill? sane? weird? different? special? anointed? Do you like… math? tea? coffee? English? writing in cursive? creative writing? to dance? to sing? to pray? chocolate? smoothies? sushi? pie? playing Truth or Dare? Have you ever… tried to redo your room to make it look like a room you saw on Pinterest? tried to give yourself a hairstyle you found online? set up a prayer corner in your room? had an imaginary friend? written on the side of a bathroom stall? fallen asleep with your clothes on? fallen in a pool fully clothed? gotten sick from inhaling nail polish remover? realized that life is amazing? thought about ending your life? cried in public? sat on a rooftop with a friend? written a letter to a celebrity? wished on a shooting star? Do you remember… Gigapets? Pikachu? Pokemon cards? Furby? pogs? the show Taina? the show Caitlin’s Way? when the Spice Girls performed on All That? when the very first episode of Spongebob aired? what you were doing on Sept. 11, 2001? Aaron Carter? N'Sync? choker necklaces? “LiveStrong” wristbands? Did you ever… play with Barbies? own an American Girl doll? watch Nickelodeon? obsess over a celebrity? crush on a celebrity? have imaginary friends? play tag? take swimming lessons? take ballet? take piano lessons? have the flu? have to go to the hospital? dream of running away as a teenager? get picked first in gym class? Do you/have you listened to… Avril Lavigne? Carrie Underwood? Taylor Swift? Paramore? Black Eyed Peas? A-Teens? Play? Aaron Carter? The Backstreet Boys? The Spice Girls? S Club 7? Hillsong? Casting Crowns? The Jonas Brothers? Have you ever played… Monopoly? Truth or Dare? Heads Up 7 Up? Red Rover? Tic Tac Toe? Four Square? Apples to Apples? Chutes and Ladders? Bingo? Uno? Go Fish? Never Have I Ever? Two Truths and a Lie? If You Really Knew Me? Roller Coaster Tycoon? American Girls Premiere? Operation? Candy Crush Saga? Mahjong Titans? Yahtzee? YoVille/YoWorld? Mario Party? Mario Kart? Zelda? The Sims? Pac Man? Skee ball? poker? beer pong? Do you like these names (for a girl)?… Skye Skylar Eliana Claire Sierra Madison Peyton Aurora Bianca Joanna Siona Felicity Ellery Epiphany Do you like these names (for a boy)?… Deklan Dylan Denver Dallas David Adam John Spencer Ryan Storm Scott Justin Meverick Brennan Would you ever dye your hair… dark brown? light brown? blonde? gray? white? purple? pink? green? teal/turquoise/aqua? burgundy? red (the natural hair color red)? red (as in, bright red)? magenta? periwinkle? Would you ever get a tattoo of… a cross? (have one) a peace sign? a quote? someone’s name? a heart? something insignificant? a skull? (have one) a flower? a Japanese symbol? a continent? an elephant? an awareness ribbon? a fish? stars? What are you allergic to? dust pollen mold pet dander mosquitoes bees peanuts tree nuts another food a medication latex grass a type of glue or paint? Have you ever been… bullied? excluded? persecuted? harassed? molested? abused? raped? assaulted? yelled at? shoved? hurt? heartbroken? sick? shy? embarrassed? loved? complimented? insulted? discriminated against? hugged? attacked? fired? homeless? close to being homeless? manipulated? lonely? isolated for a long and unhealthy period of time? neglected? ignored? Do you consider yourself… beautiful? spiritual? religious? gifted? talented? unique? free-spirited? gentle? free? alone? carefree? alive? blessed? spoiled?
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surveyjunkie · 6 years
Do you regularly… paint? draw? drink coffee? drink tea? curl your hair? straighten your hair? pray? read the Bible? worship? play online games? watch movies? watch television? read books? daydream? Would you ever… dye your hair a wild color? get a tattoo? get a piercing? bungee jump? skydive? dance in public? sing a solo? travel to Africa? ride an elephant? travel to Europe? travel to Asia? travel solo? travel to New York City?  ask out your crush? Can you… sing? dance? play an instrument? touch your nose to your tongue? lick the tip of your nose? do the splits? do a cartwheel? draw? write neatly? write in cursive? speak another language? whistle? pop your fingers out of joint? read minds? Are you… lovely? beautiful? double jointed? artistic? bold? boring? encouraging? loving? nice? positive? passive? passionate? ambitious? sensitive? honest? romantic? intelligent? unique? creative? generous? miserable? optimistic? pessimistic? mentally ill? sane? weird? different? special? anointed? Do you like… math? tea? coffee? English? writing in cursive? creative writing? to dance? to sing? to pray? chocolate? smoothies? sushi? pie? playing Truth or Dare? Have you ever… tried to redo your room to make it look like a room you saw on Pinterest? tried to give yourself a hairstyle you found online? set up a prayer corner in your room? had an imaginary friend? written on the side of a bathroom stall? fallen asleep with your clothes on? fallen in a pool fully clothed? gotten sick from inhaling nail polish remover? realized that life is amazing? thought about ending your life? cried in public? sat on a rooftop with a friend? written a letter to a celebrity? wished on a shooting star? Do you remember… Gigapets? Pikachu? Pokemon cards? Furby? pogs? the show Taina? the show Caitlin’s Way? when the Spice Girls performed on All That? when the very first episode of Spongebob aired? what you were doing on Sept. 11, 2001? Aaron Carter? N'Sync? choker necklaces? “LiveStrong” wristbands? Did you ever… play with Barbies? own an American Girl doll? watch Nickelodeon? obsess over a celebrity? crush on a celebrity? have imaginary friends? play tag? take swimming lessons? take ballet? take piano lessons? have the flu? have to go to the hospital? dream of running away as a teenager? get picked first in gym class? Do you/have you listened to… Avril Lavigne? Carrie Underwood? Taylor Swift? Paramore? Black Eyed Peas? A-Teens? Play? Aaron Carter? The Backstreet Boys? The Spice Girls? S Club 7? Hillsong? Casting Crowns? The Jonas Brothers? Have you ever played… Monopoly? Truth or Dare? Heads Up 7 Up? Red Rover? Tic Tac Toe? Four Square? Apples to Apples? Chutes and Ladders? Bingo? Uno? Go Fish? Never Have I Ever? Two Truths and a Lie? If You Really Knew Me? Roller Coaster Tycoon? American Girls Premiere? Operation? Candy Crush Saga? Mahjong Titans? Yahtzee? YoVille/YoWorld? Mario Party? Mario Kart? Zelda? The Sims? Pac Man? Skee ball? poker? beer pong? Do you like these names (for a girl)?… Skye Skylar Eliana Claire Sierra Madison Peyton Aurora Bianca Joanna Siona Felicity Ellery Epiphany Do you like these names (for a boy)?… Deklan Dylan Denver Dallas David Adam John Spencer Ryan Storm Scott Justin Meverick Brennan Would you ever dye your hair… dark brown? light brown? blonde? gray? white? purple? pink? green? teal/turquoise/aqua? burgundy? red (the natural hair color red)? red (as in, bright red)? magenta? periwinkle? Would you ever get a tattoo of… a cross? a peace sign? a quote? (maybe..) someone’s name? a heart? something insignificant? a skull? a flower? a Japanese symbol? a continent? an elephant? an awareness ribbon? a fish? stars? What are you allergic to? dust pollen mold pet dander mosquitoes bees peanuts tree nuts another food a medication latex grass a type of glue or paint? Have you ever been… bullied? excluded? persecuted? harassed? molested? abused? raped? assaulted? yelled at? shoved? hurt? heartbroken? sick? shy? embarrassed? loved? complimented? insulted? discriminated against? hugged? attacked? fired? homeless? close to being homeless? manipulated? lonely? isolated for a long and unhealthy period of time? neglected? ignored? Do you consider yourself… beautiful? spiritual? religious? gifted? talented? unique? free-spirited? gentle? free? alone? carefree? alive? blessed? spoiled?
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jaysurveys · 5 years
Do you regularly… paint? draw? drink coffee? drink tea? curl your hair? straighten your hair? pray? read the Bible? worship? play online games? watch movies? watch television? read books? daydream?
Would you ever… dye your hair a wild color? get a tattoo? get a piercing? bungee jump? skydive? dance in public? sing a solo? travel to Africa? ride an elephant? travel to Europe? travel to Asia? travel solo? travel to New York City? ask out your crush?
Can you… sing? dance? play an instrument? touch your nose to your tongue? lick the tip of your nose? do the splits? do a cartwheel? draw? write neatly? write in cursive? speak another language? whistle? pop your fingers out of joint? read minds?
Are you… lovely? beautiful? double jointed? artistic? bold? boring? encouraging? loving? nice? positive? passive? passionate? ambitious? sensitive? honest? romantic? intelligent? unique? creative? generous? miserable? optimistic? pessimistic? mentally ill? sane? weird? different? special? anointed?
Do you like… math? tea? coffee? English? writing in cursive? creative writing? to dance? to sing? to pray? chocolate? smoothies? sushi? pie? playing Truth or Dare?
Have you ever… tried to redo your room to make it look like a room you saw on Pinterest? tried to give yourself a hairstyle you found online? set up a prayer corner in your room? had an imaginary friend? written on the side of a bathroom stall? fallen asleep with your clothes on? fallen in a pool fully clothed? gotten sick from inhaling nail polish remover? realized that life is amazing? thought about ending your life? cried in public? sat on a rooftop with a friend? written a letter to a celebrity? wished on a shooting star?
Do you remember… Gigapets? Pikachu? Pokemon cards? Furby? pogs? the show Taina? the show Caitlin’s Way? when the Spice Girls performed on All That? when the very first episode of Spongebob aired? what you were doing on Sept. 11, 2001? Aaron Carter? N'Sync? choker necklaces? “LiveStrong” wristbands?
Did you ever… play with Barbies? own an American Girl doll? watch Nickelodeon? obsess over a celebrity? crush on a celebrity? have imaginary friends? play tag? take swimming lessons? take ballet? take piano lessons? have the flu? have to go to the hospital? dream of running away as a teenager? get picked first in gym class?
Do you/have you listened to… Avril Lavigne? Carrie Underwood? Taylor Swift? Paramore? Black Eyed Peas? A-Teens? Play? Aaron Carter? The Backstreet Boys? The Spice Girls? S Club 7? Hillsong? Casting Crowns? The Jonas Brothers?
Have you ever played… Monopoly? Truth or Dare? Heads Up 7 Up? Red Rover? Tic Tac Toe? Four Square? Apples to Apples? Chutes and Ladders? Bingo? Uno? Go Fish? Never Have I Ever? Two Truths and a Lie? If You Really Knew Me? Roller Coaster Tycoon? American Girls Premiere? Operation? Candy Crush Saga? Mahjong Titans? Yahtzee? YoVille/YoWorld? Mario Party? Mario Kart? Zelda? The Sims? Pac Man? Skee ball? poker? beer pong?
Do you like these names (for a girl)?… Skye Skylar Eliana Claire Sierra Madison Peyton Aurora Bianca Joanna Siona Felicity Ellery Epiphany
Do you like these names (for a boy)?… Deklan Dylan Denver Dallas David Adam John Spencer Ryan Storm Scott Justin Meverick Brennan
Would you ever dye your hair… dark brown? light brown? blonde? gray? white? purple? pink? green? teal/turquoise/aqua? burgundy? red (the natural hair color red)? red (as in, bright red)? magenta? periwinkle?
Would you ever get a tattoo of… a cross? a peace sign? a quote? someone’s name? a heart? something insignificant? a skull? a flower? a Japanese symbol? a continent? an elephant? an awareness ribbon? a fish? stars?
What are you allergic to? dust pollen mold pet dander mosquitoes bees peanuts tree nuts another food a medication latex grass a type of glue or paint?
Have you ever been… bullied? excluded? persecuted? harassed? molested? abused? raped? assaulted? yelled at? shoved? hurt? heartbroken? sick? shy? embarrassed? loved? complimented? insulted? discriminated against? hugged? attacked? fired? homeless? close to being homeless? manipulated? lonely? isolated for a long and unhealthy period of time? neglected? ignored?
Do you consider yourself… beautiful? spiritual? religious? gifted? talented? unique? free-spirited? gentle? free? alone? carefree? alive? blessed? spoiled?
0 notes
lameiskate · 8 years
Do you regularly… paint? draw? drink coffee? drink tea? curl your hair? straighten your hair? pray? read the Bible? worship? play online games? watch movies? watch television? (I watch tv shows on netflix) read books? daydream?
Would you ever… dye your hair a wild color? get a tattoo? get a piercing? bungee jump? skydive? dance in public? sing a solo? travel to Africa? ride an elephant? travel to Europe? travel to Asia? travel solo? travel to New York City? ask out your crush?
Can you… sing? dance? play an instrument? touch your nose to your tongue? lick the tip of your nose? do the splits? do a cartwheel? draw? write neatly? write in cursive? speak another language? (i’ve been learning???) whistle? pop your fingers out of joint? read minds?
Are you… beautiful? double jointed? artistic? bold? boring? encouraging? loving? nice? positive? passive? passionate? ambitious? sensitive? honest? romantic? creative? generous? miserable? optimistic? pessimistic? mentally ill? sane? weird? different?
Do you like… math? tea? coffee? English? writing in cursive? creative writing? to dance? to sing? to pray? chocolate? smoothies? sushi? pie? playing Truth or Dare?
Have you ever… tried to redo your room? tried to give yourself a hairstyle you found online? set up a prayer corner in your room? had an imaginary friend? written on the side of a bathroom stall? fallen asleep with your clothes on? fallen in a pool fully clothed? gotten sick from inhaling nail polish remover? realized that life is amazing? thought about ending your life? cried in public? sat on a rooftop with a friend? written a letter to a celebrity? wished on a shooting star?
Do you remember… Gigapets? Pikachu? Pokemon cards? Furby? pogs? the show Taina? the show Caitlin’s Way? when the Spice Girls performed on All That? when the very first episode of Spongebob aired? what you were doing on Sept. 11, 2001? Aaron Carter? N'Sync? “LiveStrong” wristbands?
Did you ever… play with Barbies? own an American Girl doll? watch Nickelodeon? obsess over a celebrity? crush on a celebrity? have imaginary friends? play tag? take swimming lessons? take ballet? take piano lessons? have the flu? have to go to the hospital? dream of running away as a teenager? get picked first in gym class?
Do you/have you listened to… Avril Lavigne? Carrie Underwood? Taylor Swift? Paramore? Black Eyed Peas? A-Teens? Play? Aaron Carter? The Backstreet Boys? The Spice Girls? S Club 7? Hillsong? Casting Crowns? The Jonas Brothers?
Have you ever played… Monopoly? Truth or Dare? Heads Up 7 Up? Red Rover? Tic Tac Toe? Four Square? Apples to Apples? Chutes and Ladders? Bingo? Uno? Go Fish? Never Have I Ever? Two Truths and a Lie? If You Really Knew Me? Roller Coaster Tycoon? American Girls Premiere? Operation? Candy Crush Saga? Mahjong Titans? Yahtzee? YoVille/YoWorld? Mario Party? Mario Kart? Zelda? The Sims? Pac Man? Skee ball? Poker? Beer pong?
Do you like these names (for a girl)?… Skye Skylar Eliana Claire Sierra Madison Peyton Aurora Bianca Joanna Siona Felicity Ellery Epiphany
Do you like these names (for a boy)?… Declan Dylan Denver Dallas David Adam John Spencer Ryan Storm Scott Justin Maverick Brennan
Would you ever dye your hair… dark brown? light brown? blonde? gray? white? purple? pink? green? teal/turquoise/aqua? burgundy? red (the natural hair color red)? red (as in, bright red)? magenta? periwinkle?
Would you ever get a tattoo of… a cross? a peace sign? a quote? someone’s name? a heart? something insignificant? a skull? a flower? a Japanese symbol? a continent? an elephant? an awareness ribbon? a fish? stars?
What are you allergic to? dust? pollen? mold? pet dander? mosquitoes? bees? peanuts? tree nuts? another food? a medication? latex? grass? a type of glue or paint? lavender?
Have you ever been… bullied? excluded? persecuted? harassed? molested? abused? raped? assaulted? yelled at? shoved? hurt? heartbroken? sick? shy? embarrassed? loved? complimented? insulted? discriminated against? hugged? attacked? fired? homeless? close to being homeless? manipulated? lonely? isolated for a long and unhealthy period of time? neglected? ignored?
Do you consider yourself… beautiful? spiritual? religious? gifted? talented? unique? free-spirited? gentle? free? alone? carefree? alive? blessed? spoiled? yes everyone is probably a lil more spoiled than they think
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surveyhoursss · 4 years
Do you regularly… paint? draw? drink coffee? drink tea? curl your hair? straighten your hair? pray? read the Bible? worship? play online games? watch movies? watch television? read books? daydream?
Would you ever… dye your hair a wild color? get a tattoo? get a piercing? bungee jump? skydive? dance in public? sing a solo? travel to Africa? ride an elephant? travel to Europe? travel to Asia? travel solo? travel to New York City? ask out your crush?
Can you… sing? dance? play an instrument? touch your nose to your tongue? lick the tip of your nose? do the splits? do a cartwheel? draw? write neatly? write in cursive? speak another language? whistle? pop your fingers out of joint? read minds?
Are you… beautiful? double-jointed? artistic? bold? boring? encouraging? loving? nice? positive? passive? passionate? ambitious? sensitive? honest? romantic? creative? generous? miserable? optimistic? pessimistic? mentally ill? sane? weird? different?
Do you like… math?  ^ (I only like algebra ;^; ) tea? coffee?  English? writing in cursive? creative writing? to dance? to sing? to pray? chocolate? smoothies? sushi? pie? playing Truth or Dare?
Have you ever… tried to redo your room? tried to give yourself a hairstyle you found online? set up a prayer corner in your room? had an imaginary friend? written on the side of a bathroom stall? fallen asleep with your clothes on? fallen in a pool fully clothed? gotten sick from inhaling nail polish remover? realized that life is amazing? thought about ending your life? cried in public? sat on a rooftop with a friend? written a letter to a celebrity? wished on a shooting star?
Do you remember… Gigapets? Pikachu? Pokemon cards? Furby? pogs? the show Taina? the show Caitlin’s Way? when the Spice Girls performed on All That? when the very first episode of Spongebob aired? what you were doing on Sept. 11, 2001? Aaron Carter? N'Sync? “LiveStrong” wristbands?
Did you ever… play with Barbies? own an American Girl doll? watch Nickelodeon? obsess over a celebrity? crush on a celebrity? have imaginary friends? play tag? take swimming lessons? take ballet? take piano lessons? have the flu? have to go to the hospital? dream of running away as a teenager? get picked first in gym class?
Do you/have you listened to… Avril Lavigne? Carrie Underwood? Taylor Swift? Paramore? Black Eyed Peas? A-Teens? Play? Aaron Carter? The Backstreet Boys? The Spice Girls? S Club 7? Hillsong? Casting Crowns? The Jonas Brothers?
Have you ever played… Monopoly? Truth or Dare? Heads Up 7 Up? Red Rover? Tic Tac Toe? Four Square? Apples to Apples? Chutes and Ladders? Bingo? Uno? Go Fish? Never Have I Ever? Two Truths and a Lie? If You Really Knew Me? Roller Coaster Tycoon? American Girls Premiere? Operation? Candy Crush Saga? Mahjong Titans? Yahtzee? YoVille/YoWorld? Mario Party? Mario Kart? Zelda? The Sims? Pac Man? Skee ball? poker? beer pong?
Do you like these names (for a girl)?… Skye Skylar Eliana Claire Sierra Madison Peyton Aurora Bianca Joanna Siona Felicity Ellery Epiphany
Do you like these names (for a boy)?… Decklan Dylan Denver Dallas David Adam John Spencer Ryan Storm Scott Justin Maverick Brennan
Would you ever dye your hair… dark brown? light brown? blonde? gray? white? purple? pink? green? teal/turquoise/aqua? burgundy? red (the natural hair color red)? red (as in, bright red)? magenta? periwinkle?
Would you ever get a tattoo of… a cross? a peace sign? a quote? someone’s name? a heart? something insignificant? a skull? a flower? a Japanese symbol? a continent? an elephant? an awareness ribbon? a fish? stars?
What are you allergic to? dust? pollen? mold? pet dander? mosquitoes? bees? peanuts? tree nuts? another food? a medication? latex? grass? a type of glue or paint? lavender?
Have you ever been… bullied? excluded? persecuted? harassed? molested? abused? raped? assaulted? yelled at? shoved? hurt? heartbroken? sick? shy? embarrassed? loved? complimented? insulted? discriminated against? hugged? attacked? fired? homeless? close to being homeless? manipulated? lonely? isolated for a long and unhealthy period of time? neglected? ignored?
Do you consider yourself… beautiful? spiritual? religious? gifted? talented? unique? free-spirited? gentle? free? alone? carefree? alive? blessed? spoiled?
0 notes
help-who-am-i · 5 years
Do you regularly… paint? draw? drink coffee? drink tea? curl your hair? straighten your hair? pray? read the Bible? worship? play online games? watch movies? watch television? read books? daydream?
Would you ever… dye your hair a wild color? get a tattoo? get a piercing? bungee jump? skydive? dance in public? sing a solo? travel to Africa? ride an elephant? travel to Europe? travel to Asia? travel solo? travel to New York City? ask out your crush? Can you… sing? dance? play an instrument? touch your nose to your tongue? lick the tip of your nose? do the splits? do a cartwheel? draw? write neatly? write in cursive? speak another language? whistle? pop your fingers out of joint? read minds? Are you… lovely? beautiful? double jointed? artistic? bold? boring? encouraging? loving? nice? positive? passive? passionate? ambitious? sensitive? honest? romantic? intelligent? unique? creative? generous? miserable? optimistic? pessimistic? mentally ill? sane? weird? different? special? anointed? Do you like… math? tea? coffee? English? writing in cursive? creative writing? to dance? to sing? to pray? chocolate? smoothies? sushi? pie? playing Truth or Dare? Have you ever… tried to redo your room to make it look like a room you saw on Pinterest? tried to give yourself a hairstyle you found online? set up a prayer corner in your room? had an imaginary friend? written on the side of a bathroom stall? fallen asleep with your clothes on? fallen in a pool fully clothed? gotten sick from inhaling nail polish remover? realized that life is amazing? thought about ending your life? cried in public? sat on a rooftop with a friend? written a letter to a celebrity? wished on a shooting star? Do you remember… Gigapets? Pikachu? Pokemon cards? Furby? pogs? the show Taina? the show Caitlin’s Way? when the Spice Girls performed on All That? when the very first episode of Spongebob aired? what you were doing on Sept. 11, 2001? Aaron Carter? N'Sync? choker necklaces? “LiveStrong” wristbands? Did you ever… play with Barbies? own an American Girl doll? watch Nickelodeon? obsess over a celebrity? crush on a celebrity? have imaginary friends? play tag? take swimming lessons? take ballet? take piano lessons? have the flu? have to go to the hospital? dream of running away as a teenager? get picked first in gym class? Do you/have you listened to… Avril Lavigne? Carrie Underwood? Taylor Swift? Paramore? Black Eyed Peas? A-Teens? Play? Aaron Carter? The Backstreet Boys? The Spice Girls? S Club 7? Hillsong? Casting Crowns? The Jonas Brothers? Have you ever played… Monopoly? Truth or Dare? Heads Up 7 Up? Red Rover? Tic Tac Toe? Four Square? Apples to Apples? Chutes and Ladders? Bingo? Uno? Go Fish? Never Have I Ever? Two Truths and a Lie? If You Really Knew Me? Roller Coaster Tycoon? American Girls Premiere? Operation? Candy Crush Saga? Mahjong Titans? Yahtzee? YoVille/YoWorld? Mario Party? Mario Kart? Zelda? The Sims? Pac Man? Skee ball? poker? beer pong? Do you like these names (for a girl)?… Skye Skylar Eliana Claire Sierra Madison Peyton Aurora Bianca Joanna Siona Felicity Ellery Epiphany Do you like these names (for a boy)?… Deklan Dylan Denver Dallas David Adam John Spencer Ryan Storm Scott Justin Meverick Brennan Would you ever dye your hair… dark brown? light brown? blonde? gray? white? purple? pink? green? teal/turquoise/aqua? burgundy? red (the natural hair color red)? red (as in, bright red)? magenta? periwinkle? Would you ever get a tattoo of… a cross? a peace sign? a quote? someone’s name? a heart? something insignificant? a skull? a flower? a Japanese symbol? a continent? an elephant? an awareness ribbon? a fish? stars? What are you allergic to? dust pollen mold pet dander mosquitoes bees peanuts tree nuts another food a medication latex grass a type of glue or paint? Have you ever been… bullied? excluded? persecuted? harassed? molested? abused? raped? assaulted? yelled at? shoved? hurt? heartbroken? sick? shy? embarrassed? loved? complimented? insulted? discriminated against? hugged? attacked? fired? homeless? close to being homeless? manipulated? lonely? isolated for a long and unhealthy period of time? neglected? ignored? Do you consider yourself… beautiful? spiritual? religious? gifted? talented? unique? free-spirited? gentle? free? alone? carefree? alive? blessed? spoiled?
0 notes
surveyyyys · 5 years
Do you regularly… paint? draw? drink coffee? drink tea? curl your hair? straighten your hair? pray? read the Bible? worship? play online games? watch movies? watch television? read books? daydream?
Would you ever… dye your hair a wild color? get a tattoo? get a piercing? bungee jump? skydive? dance in public? sing a solo? travel to Africa? ride an elephant? travel to Europe? travel to Asia? travel solo? travel to New York City? ask out your crush? Can you… sing? dance? play an instrument? touch your nose to your tongue? lick the tip of your nose? do the splits? do a cartwheel? draw? write neatly? write in cursive? speak another language? whistle? pop your fingers out of joint? read minds? Are you… lovely? beautiful? double jointed? artistic? bold? boring? encouraging? loving? nice? positive? passive? passionate? ambitious? sensitive? honest? romantic? intelligent? unique? creative? generous? miserable? optimistic? pessimistic? mentally ill? sane? weird? different? special? anointed? Do you like… math? tea? coffee? English? writing in cursive? creative writing? to dance? to sing? to pray? chocolate? smoothies? sushi? pie? playing Truth or Dare? Have you ever… tried to redo your room to make it look like a room you saw on Pinterest? tried to give yourself a hairstyle you found online? set up a prayer corner in your room? had an imaginary friend? written on the side of a bathroom stall? fallen asleep with your clothes on? fallen in a pool fully clothed? gotten sick from inhaling nail polish remover? realized that life is amazing? thought about ending your life? cried in public? sat on a rooftop with a friend? written a letter to a celebrity? wished on a shooting star? Do you remember… Gigapets? Pikachu? Pokemon cards? Furby? pogs? the show Taina? the show Caitlin’s Way? when the Spice Girls performed on All That? when the very first episode of Spongebob aired? what you were doing on Sept. 11, 2001? Aaron Carter? N'Sync? choker necklaces? “LiveStrong” wristbands? Did you ever… play with Barbies? own an American Girl doll? watch Nickelodeon? obsess over a celebrity? crush on a celebrity? have imaginary friends? play tag? take swimming lessons? take ballet? take piano lessons? have the flu? have to go to the hospital? dream of running away as a teenager? get picked first in gym class? Do you/have you listened to… Avril Lavigne? Carrie Underwood? Taylor Swift? Paramore? Black Eyed Peas? A-Teens? Play? Aaron Carter? The Backstreet Boys? The Spice Girls? S Club 7? Hillsong? Casting Crowns? The Jonas Brothers? Have you ever played… Monopoly? Truth or Dare? Heads Up 7 Up? Red Rover? Tic Tac Toe? Four Square? Apples to Apples? Chutes and Ladders? Bingo? Uno? Go Fish? Never Have I Ever? Two Truths and a Lie? If You Really Knew Me? Roller Coaster Tycoon? American Girls Premiere? Operation? Candy Crush Saga? Mahjong Titans? Yahtzee? YoVille/YoWorld? Mario Party? Mario Kart? Zelda? The Sims? Pac Man? Skee ball? poker? beer pong? Do you like these names (for a girl)?… Skye Skylar Eliana Claire Sierra Madison Peyton Aurora Bianca Joanna Siona Felicity Ellery Epiphany Do you like these names (for a boy)?… Deklan Dylan Denver Dallas David Adam John Spencer Ryan Storm Scott Justin Meverick Brennan Would you ever dye your hair… dark brown? light brown? blonde? gray? white? purple? pink? green? teal/turquoise/aqua? burgundy? red (the natural hair color red)? red (as in, bright red)? magenta? periwinkle? Would you ever get a tattoo of… a cross? a peace sign? a quote? someone’s name? a heart? something insignificant? a skull? a flower? a Japanese symbol? a continent? an elephant? an awareness ribbon? a fish? stars? What are you allergic to? dust pollen mold pet dander mosquitoes bees peanuts tree nuts another food a medication latex grass a type of glue or paint? Have you ever been… bullied? excluded? persecuted? harassed? molested? abused? raped? assaulted? yelled at? shoved? hurt? heartbroken? sick? shy? embarrassed? loved? complimented? insulted? discriminated against? hugged? attacked? fired? homeless? close to being homeless? manipulated? lonely? isolated for a long and unhealthy period of time? neglected? ignored? Do you consider yourself… beautiful? spiritual? religious? gifted? talented? unique? free-spirited? gentle? free? alone? carefree? alive? blessed? spoiled?
0 notes
Do you regularly… paint? draw? drink coffee? drink tea? curl your hair? straighten your hair? pray? read the Bible? worship? play online games? watch movies? watch television? read books? daydream? Would you ever… dye your hair a wild colour? get a tattoo? get a piercing? bungee jump? skydive? dance in public? sing a solo? travel to Africa? ride an elephant? travel to Europe? travel to Asia? travel solo? travel to New York City? ask out your crush? Can you… sing? dance? play an instrument? touch your nose to your tongue? lick the tip of your nose? do the splits? do a cartwheel? draw? write neatly? write in cursive? speak another language? whistle? pop your fingers out of joint? read minds? Are you… beautiful? double jointed? artistic? bold? boring? encouraging? loving? nice? positive? passive? passionate? ambitious? sensitive? honest? romantic? creative? generous? miserable? optimistic? pessimistic? mentally ill? sane? weird? different? Do you like… maths? tea? coffee? English? writing in cursive? creative writing? to dance? to sing? chocolate? smoothies? sushi? pie? playing Truth or Dare? Have you ever… tried to redo your room? tried to give yourself a hairstyle you found online? set up a prayer corner in your room? had an imaginary friend? written on the side of a bathroom stall? fallen asleep with your clothes on? fallen in a pool fully clothed? gotten sick from inhaling nail polish remover? realised that life is amazing? thought about ending your life? cried in public? sat on a rooftop with a friend? written a letter to a celebrity? wished on a shooting star? Did you ever… play with Barbies? own an American Girl doll? watch Nickelodeon? obsess over a celebrity? crush on a celebrity? have imaginary friends? play tag? take swimming lessons? take ballet? take piano lessons? have the flu? have to go to the hospital? dream of running away as a teenager? get picked first in gym class? Do you/have you listened to… Avril Lavigne? Carrie Underwood? Taylor Swift? Paramore? Black Eyed Peas? A-Teens? Play? Aaron Carter? The Backstreet Boys? The Spice Girls? S Club 7? Hillsong? Casting Crowns? The Jonas Brothers? Do you like these names (for a girl)?… Skye Skylar Eliana Claire Sierra Madison Peyton Aurora Bianca Joanna Siona Felicity Ellery Epiphany Do you like these names (for a boy)?… Deklan Dylan Denver Dallas David Adam John Spencer Ryan Storm Scott Justin Meverick Brennan Would you ever dye your hair… dark brown? light brown? blonde? gray? white? purple? pink? green? teal/turquoise/aqua? burgundy? red (the natural hair color red)? red (as in, bright red)? magenta? periwinkle? Would you ever get a tattoo of… a cross? a peace sign? a quote? someone’s name? a heart? something insignificant? a skull? a flower? a Japanese symbol? a continent? an elephant? an awareness ribbon? a fish? stars? What are you allergic to? dust? pollen? mold? pet dander? mosquitoes? bees? peanuts? tree nuts? another food? a medication? latex? grass? a type of glue or paint? lavender? Have you ever been… bullied? excluded? persecuted? harassed? molested? abused? raped? assaulted? yelled at? shoved? hurt? heartbroken? sick? shy? embarrassed? loved? complimented? insulted? discriminated against? hugged? attacked? fired? homeless? close to being homeless? manipulated? lonely? isolated for a long and unhealthy period of time? neglected? ignored? Do you consider yourself… beautiful? spiritual? religious? gifted? talented? unique? free-spirited? gentle? free? alone? carefree? alive? blessed? spoiled?
0 notes
umnachtung · 6 years
survey stealing prof
Do you regularly… paint? draw? drink coffee? drink tea? curl your hair? straighten your hair? pray? read the Bible? worship? play online games? watch movies? watch television? read books? daydream? Would you ever… dye your hair a wild color? get a tattoo? get a piercing? bungee jump? skydive? dance in public? sing a solo? travel to Africa? ride an elephant? travel to Europe? travel to Asia? travel solo? travel to New York City? ask out your crush? Can you… sing? dance? play an instrument? touch your nose to your tongue? lick the tip of your nose? do the splits? do a cartwheel? draw? write neatly? write in cursive? speak another language? whistle? pop your fingers out of joint? read minds? Are you… lovely? beautiful? double jointed? artistic? bold? boring? encouraging? loving? nice? positive? passive? passionate? ambitious? sensitive? honest? romantic? intelligent? unique? creative? generous? miserable? optimistic? pessimistic? mentally ill? sane? weird? different? special? anointed? Do you like… math? tea? coffee? English? writing in cursive? creative writing? to dance? to sing? to pray? chocolate? smoothies? sushi? pie? playing Truth or Dare? Have you ever… tried to redo your room to make it look like a room you saw on Pinterest? tried to give yourself a hairstyle you found online? set up a prayer corner in your room? had an imaginary friend? written on the side of a bathroom stall? fallen asleep with your clothes on? fallen in a pool fully clothed? gotten sick from inhaling nail polish remover? realized that life is amazing? thought about ending your life? cried in public? sat on a rooftop with a friend? written a letter to a celebrity? wished on a shooting star? Do you remember… Gigapets? Pikachu? Pokemon cards? Furby? pogs? the show Taina? the show Caitlin’s Way? when the Spice Girls performed on All That? when the very first episode of Spongebob aired? what you were doing on Sept. 11, 2001? Aaron Carter? N'Sync? choker necklaces? “LiveStrong” wristbands? Did you ever… play with Barbies? own an American Girl doll? watch Nickelodeon? obsess over a celebrity? crush on a celebrity? have imaginary friends? play tag? take swimming lessons? take ballet? take piano lessons? have the flu? have to go to the hospital? dream of running away as a teenager? get picked first in gym class? Do you/have you listened to… Avril Lavigne? Carrie Underwood? Taylor Swift? Paramore? Black Eyed Peas? A-Teens? Play? Aaron Carter? The Backstreet Boys? The Spice Girls? S Club 7? Hillsong? Casting Crowns? The Jonas Brothers? Have you ever played… Monopoly? Truth or Dare? Heads Up 7 Up? Red Rover? Tic Tac Toe? Four Square? Apples to Apples? Chutes and Ladders? Bingo? Uno? Go Fish? Never Have I Ever? Two Truths and a Lie? If You Really Knew Me? Roller Coaster Tycoon? American Girls Premiere? Operation? Candy Crush Saga? Mahjong Titans? Yahtzee? YoVille/YoWorld? Mario Party? Mario Kart? Zelda? The Sims? Pac Man? Skee ball? poker? beer pong? Do you like these names (for a girl)?… Skye Skylar Eliana Claire Sierra Madison Peyton Aurora Bianca Joanna Siona Felicity Ellery Epiphany Do you like these names (for a boy)?… Deklan Dylan Denver Dallas David Adam John Spencer Ryan Storm Scott Justin Meverick Brennan Would you ever dye your hair… dark brown? light brown? blonde? gray? white? purple? pink? green? teal/turquoise/aqua? burgundy? red (the natural hair color red)? red (as in, bright red)? magenta? periwinkle? Would you ever get a tattoo of… a cross? a peace sign? a quote? someone’s name? a heart? something insignificant? a skull? a flower? a Japanese symbol? a continent? an elephant? an awareness ribbon? a fish? stars? What are you allergic to? dust pollen mold pet dander mosquitoes bees peanuts tree nuts another food a medication latex grass a type of glue or paint? Have you ever been… bullied? excluded? persecuted? harassed? molested? abused? raped? assaulted? yelled at? shoved? hurt? heartbroken? sick? shy? embarrassed? loved? complimented? insulted? discriminated against? hugged? attacked? fired? homeless? close to being homeless? manipulated? lonely? isolated for a long and unhealthy period of time? neglected? ignored? Do you consider yourself… beautiful? spiritual? religious? gifted? talented? unique? free-spirited? gentle? free? alone? carefree? alive? blessed? spoiled?
0 notes
nostalgiaispeace · 6 years
Bold Survey.
Do you regularly… paint? draw? drink coffee? drink tea? curl your hair? straighten your hair? pray? read the Bible? worship? play online games? watch movies? watch television? read books? daydream? Would you ever… dye your hair a wild color? get a tattoo? get a piercing? bungee jump? skydive? dance in public? sing a solo? travel to Africa? ride an elephant? travel to Europe? travel to Asia? travel solo? travel to New York City? ask out your crush? Can you… sing? dance? play an instrument? touch your nose to your tongue? lick the tip of your nose? do the splits? do a cartwheel? draw? write neatly? write in cursive? speak another language? whistle? pop your fingers out of joint? read minds? Are you… lovely? beautiful? double jointed? artistic? bold? boring? encouraging? loving? nice? positive? passive? passionate? ambitious? sensitive? honest? romantic? intelligent? unique? creative? generous? miserable? optimistic? pessimistic? mentally ill? sane? weird? different? special? anointed? Do you like… math? tea? coffee? English? writing in cursive? creative writing? to dance? to sing? to pray? chocolate? smoothies? sushi? pie? playing Truth or Dare? Have you ever… tried to redo your room to make it look like a room you saw on Pinterest? tried to give yourself a hairstyle you found online? set up a prayer corner in your room? had an imaginary friend? written on the side of a bathroom stall? fallen asleep with your clothes on? fallen in a pool fully clothed? gotten sick from inhaling nail polish remover? realized that life is amazing? thought about ending your life? cried in public? sat on a rooftop with a friend? written a letter to a celebrity? wished on a shooting star? Do you remember… Gigapets? Pikachu? Pokemon cards? Furby? pogs? the show Taina? the show Caitlin’s Way? when the Spice Girls performed on All That? when the very first episode of Spongebob aired? what you were doing on Sept. 11, 2001? Aaron Carter? N'Sync? choker necklaces? “LiveStrong” wristbands? Did you ever… play with Barbies? own an American Girl doll? watch Nickelodeon? obsess over a celebrity? crush on a celebrity? have imaginary friends? play tag? take swimming lessons? take ballet? take piano lessons? have the flu? have to go to the hospital? dream of running away as a teenager? get picked first in gym class? Do you/have you listened to… Avril Lavigne? Carrie Underwood? Taylor Swift? Paramore? Black Eyed Peas? A-Teens? Play? Aaron Carter? The Backstreet Boys? The Spice Girls? S Club 7? Hillsong? Casting Crowns? The Jonas Brothers? Have you ever played… Monopoly? Truth or Dare? Heads Up 7 Up? Red Rover? Tic Tac Toe? Four Square? Apples to Apples? Chutes and Ladders? Bingo? Uno? Go Fish? Never Have I Ever? Two Truths and a Lie? If You Really Knew Me? Roller Coaster Tycoon? American Girls Premiere? Operation? Candy Crush Saga? Mahjong Titans? Yahtzee? YoVille/YoWorld? Mario Party? Mario Kart? Zelda? The Sims? Pac Man? Skee ball? poker? beer pong? Do you like these names (for a girl)?… Skye Skylar Eliana Claire Sierra Madison Peyton Aurora Bianca Joanna Siona Felicity Ellery Epiphany Do you like these names (for a boy)?… Deklan Dylan Denver Dallas David Adam John Spencer Ryan Storm Scott Justin Meverick Brennan Would you ever dye your hair… dark brown? light brown? blonde? gray? white? purple? pink? green? teal/turquoise/aqua? burgundy? red (the natural hair color red)? red (as in, bright red)? magenta? periwinkle? Would you ever get a tattoo of… a cross? (have one) a peace sign? a quote? (have one) someone’s name? a heart? something insignificant? a skull? (have one) a flower? a Japanese symbol? a continent? an elephant? an awareness ribbon? a fish? stars? What are you allergic to? dust pollen mold pet dander mosquitoes bees peanuts tree nuts another food a medication latex grass a type of glue or paint? Have you ever been… bullied? excluded? persecuted? harassed? molested? abused? raped? assaulted? yelled at? shoved? hurt? heartbroken? sick? shy? embarrassed? loved? complimented? insulted? discriminated against? hugged? attacked? fired? homeless? close to being homeless? manipulated? lonely? isolated for a long and unhealthy period of time? neglected? ignored? Do you consider yourself… beautiful? spiritual? religious? gifted? talented? unique? free-spirited? gentle? free? alone? carefree? alive? blessed? spoiled?
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jewellering-blog · 6 years
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$14.00 Bracelets, Charms & Charm Bracelets, Suicide Awareness Bangle Bracelet in a Bag (1 Bracelet - RETAIL) - C0186ULGD5N Suicide Awareness Teal & Purple Ribbon Bangle Bracelets Cuff style Bangles Measure approximately 7 1/2 inches Flexible plastic accommodates most size wrists White Bangles with Teal and Purple Ribbons and the words "Suicide Awareness" Thoughtful suicide awareness gift You may also like other Charms & Charm Bracelets at: https://www.jewellering.com/294-charms-charm-bracelets , Charms & Charm Bracelets & Charm Bracelets
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surveystodestressme · 7 years
Do you regularly…
paint? draw? drink coffee? drink tea? curl your hair? straighten your hair? pray? read the Bible? worship? play online games? watch movies? watch television? read books? daydream?
Would you ever…
dye your hair a wild color? get a tattoo? get a piercing? bungee jump? skydive? dance in public? sing a solo? travel to Africa? ride an elephant? travel to Europe? travel to Asia? travel solo? travel to New York City? ask out your crush?
Can you…
sing? dance? play an instrument? touch your nose to your tongue? lick the tip of your nose? do the splits? do a cartwheel? draw? write neatly? write in cursive? speak another language? whistle? pop your fingers out of joint? read minds?
Are you…
beautiful? double jointed? artistic? bold? boring? encouraging? loving? nice? positive? passive? passionate? ambitious? sensitive? honest? romantic? creative? generous? miserable? optimistic? pessimistic? mentally ill? sane? weird? different?
Do you like…
math? tea? coffee? English? writing in cursive? creative writing? to dance? to sing? chocolate? smoothies? sushi? pie? playing Truth or Dare?
Have you ever…
tried to redo your room? tried to give yourself a hairstyle you found online? set up a prayer corner in your room? had an imaginary friend? written on the side of a bathroom stall? fallen asleep with your clothes on? fallen in a pool fully clothed? gotten sick from inhaling nail polish remover? realized that life is amazing? thought about ending your life? cried in public? sat on a rooftop with a friend? written a letter to a celebrity? wished on a shooting star?
Do you remember…
Gigapets? Pikachu? Pokemon cards? Furby? pogs? the show Taina? the show Caitlin’s Way? when the Spice Girls performed on All That? when the very first episode of Spongebob aired? what you were doing on Sept. 11, 2001? Aaron Carter? N'Sync? “LiveStrong” wristbands?
Did you ever…
play with Barbies? own an American Girl doll? watch Nickelodeon? obsess over a celebrity? crush on a celebrity? have imaginary friends? play tag? take swimming lessons? take ballet? take piano lessons? have the flu? have to go to the hospital? dream of running away as a teenager? get picked first in gym class?
Do you/have you listened to…
Avril Lavigne? Carrie Underwood? Taylor Swift? Paramore? Black Eyed Peas? A-Teens? Play? Aaron Carter? The Backstreet Boys? The Spice Girls? S Club 7? Hillsong? Casting Crowns? The Jonas Brothers?
Have you ever played…
Monopoly? Truth or Dare? Heads Up 7 Up? Red Rover? Tic Tac Toe? Four Square? Apples to Apples? Chutes and Ladders? Bingo? Uno? Go Fish? Never Have I Ever? Two Truths and a Lie? If You Really Knew Me? Roller Coaster Tycoon? American Girls Premiere? Operation? Candy Crush Saga? Mahjong Titans? Yahtzee? YoVille/YoWorld? Mario Party? Mario Kart? Zelda? The Sims? Pac Man? Skee ball? poker? beer pong?
Do you like these names (for a girl)?…
Skye Skylar Eliana Claire Sierra Madison Peyton Aurora Bianca Joanna Siona Felicity Ellery Epiphany
Do you like these names (for a boy)?…
Deklan Dylan Denver Dallas David Adam John Spencer Ryan Storm Scott Justin Meverick Brennan
Would you ever dye your hair…
dark brown? light brown? blonde? gray? white? purple? pink? green? teal/turquoise/aqua? burgundy? red (the natural hair color red)? red (as in, bright red)? magenta? periwinkle?
Would you ever get a tattoo of…
a cross? a peace sign? a quote? someone’s name? a heart? something insignificant? a skull? a flower? a Japanese symbol? a continent? an elephant? an awareness ribbon? a fish? stars?
What are you allergic to?
dust ? pollen? mold ? pet dander ? mosquitoes? bees? peanuts ? tree nuts ? another food ? a medication? latex ? grass ? a type of glue or paint? lavender?
Have you ever been…
bullied? excluded? persecuted? harassed? molested? abused? raped? assaulted? yelled at? shoved? hurt? heartbroken? sick? shy? embarrassed? loved? complimented? insulted? discriminated against? hugged? attacked? fired? homeless? close to being homeless? manipulated? lonely? isolated for a long and unhealthy period of time? neglected? ignored?
Do you consider yourself…
beautiful? spiritual? religious? gifted? talented? unique? free-spirited? gentle? free? alone? carefree? alive? blessed? spoiled?
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