#team dad cinnabar au
Meeting the Team (Team Dad Cinnabar AU)
Inspired by @hailfire17's Cinnabar AU
When the disguised Gabriel Agreste had approached Chloé Bourgeois in the aftermath of her outburst to her mother, he’d been prepared for several responses to his offer. From an outright rejection, to suspicious curiosity, to immediate agreement.
He most definitely had NOT expected her to size him up, nod, and start dragging him along to another room in Le Hotel de Grand Paris.
And he was not at all prepared for when she flung open the door to reveal a collection of half-a-dozen teenagers, and for her to declare to them “Everyone, we have an actual mentor now!”, a statement which drew the room’s full attention.
“…Chloé, what the hell?!” a very familiar redhead in a red-and-black suit exclaimed in disbelief. “Half of us are transformed right now, you can’t just—”
“What do you mean, ‘an actual mentor’?” the even MORE familiar blonde boy beside her interrupted, and Gabriel had to fight to not give himself away and demand to know what on earth his SON was doing in here playing video games with LADY ROSE.
“Everyone, this is—actually I’m not sure what his name is yet, he never mentioned it, but he’s claiming to be a former superhero and was offering to train me. I figured it would be Nice of me to extend the invitation to the whole team.”
Gabriel was absolutely speechless, attempting to process what the Bourgeois girl had just said.
The whole team?
What did she mean, “the whole team”?!
“…Wait, so not just the guardian’s weird ‘doesn’t actually tell us anything’ teaching?” an unfamiliar, short-haired brunette asked, looking interested. “Well, sign me up!”
“I agree with Lyle.” Ryuko, the Dragon of Tokyo, got up from the beanbag where she had been sitting, inspecting the man. “A more active teacher would be beneficial for us all—even with my own prior experience in heroism.”
“Guys, will you keep it down? I’m watching something!” The ginger boy looked up from his computer just long enough to shoot the room a glare, before going right back to what he’d been doing.
“Okay—seriously, Derek, just stop,” Lady Rose grumbled. “None of us care about those stupid Minecraft videos you’re obsessed with! You can watch them when we AREN’T with the team!”
“Lily, shut up! You’re one to talk—”
“Look, the majority of us actually LIKE Vocaloid!”
“Sorry about those two, they’re siblings. They get like this a lot.” Adrien shook his head. “I think becoming heroes made both their self-control worse, but then again, I only met Lily AFTER she’d become the new Ladybug, so who knows.”
“Lily! Chill! You too, Derek. We don’t want another LynelMaster.”
“Honestly, though, I’d pay a lot to see Lily commit arson again,” the pink-haired rabbit hero Bunnix admitted from where she was lying on the couch. “I wish one of us had filmed that.”
…Dear goodness, what had he gotten himself into.
Chloé groaned. “Will everyone please pay attention?” she said with a huff, clapping her hands. Turning to the man, she sighed, rolling her eyes. “I only just joined this utterly insane group yesterday, but I’ve already seen enough to know that we desperately need adult supervision.”
Gabriel had barely been there five minutes, and had already come to the same conclusion.
“I can believe that,” he replied, shaking his head. “What I can’t believe is that these are the heroes who have been defending Paris for the past few months…”
“It’s very hard to take in, yes. Honestly, I nearly had an existential crisis yesterday learning that Lady Rose is the same girl who keeps asking me for Vocaloid music recommendations in class. But that’s nothing compared to the one I had after learning Adrien was Chat Noir—”
Chloé kept talking, but Gabriel heard none of it after the absolute bombshell she had just dropped.
His son.
If the disaster that was Style Queen hadn’t already made him swear off being Hawk Moth anymore, this revelation would have done so in a heartbeat.
He’d been fighting against his own son.
…He needed to sit down.
“—thing I will admit is that Lyle coming out suddenly felt a lot less out of nowhere once I learned they were Piccola Volpe—wait, where are you going?”
Gabriel managed to keep his composure as he strode across the room to an empty armchair, before immediately collapsing into it, holding his head in his hands.
“You…you’re all just children,” he finally managed to breathe out. “The heroes of Paris. Are all teenagers. Who in the world ever thought it was okay to give this responsibility to actual CHILDREN?!”
He couldn’t believe it.
All this time, he’d assumed they were in Lycee at the LEAST, and more likely even older than that.
But no.
These were Collège students. 13, maybe 14 at the most. And the boy at the computer looked even YOUNGER, maybe 11 or so.
He had been fighting.
And one of them was his son.
Forget trying to train a new Hawk Moth to take his place.
These children needed an adult.
And apparently, the burden of being that adult had now unwittingly fallen on him.
Him, the supervillain that had been terrorizing them.
Most likely the least qualified person alive to take care of them.
Gabriel Agreste had most definitely not signed up for this.
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heartless-curr · 5 months
*folds hands together* 😎 welcome. we have some redwood art by @/soulsilvers who is to blame for this. and general old art in the tags. wonderful doodles btw, I can't believe you went and drew an extra doodle!! they're so great <3 I found your dad Lance post and you are the perfect person to influence with rare pairs and agendas I see. Two cool gen 3 gals?? Why not why not yk? If you look at Leaf's concept art, she has a Combusken with her in the snow. If you believe, maybe May is somewhere off screen. When I mentioned Evolutions, they just have that action-based personality that seems to click you know? That reckless adventure thing? If you go further deep into Pokemon lore with the Kanto war theory, Silph rivalry with Devon, and the economy. Then Hoenn is arguably better off than Kanto, which is more impoverished without a Champion in Gen 1 and Team Rocket running around. You have Birth Island, where you can find Deoxys in both FRLG and in Emerald. There are places they can meet. Siri play "a whole new world" from Aladdin because you gotta take your new bff not yet gf to a clean functioning region and watch her be baffled at all the new things and concepts. You will never find a food court in Kanto, they will charge you a million for a bike. I am also huge on extending the Dad Lance agenda to Leaf (she's the most neglected pokegirl in fandom, and excluded even here where Red and Blue aren't.) Some of this is Pokemon Special, some of this is the fact Trace calls her "big sis" in the Japanese version of Evolutions, some of this is beta!Blue (the first version of her character of the unnamed female protagonist) that we make angsty art of in a metaphysical sense as if these characters know they were deleted from the game. It's fun. In my little world, she was late to Giovanni's gym and found the HGSS cutscene of Gio leaving happening while she hid behind a lampost and kicked Lance's door down like "yo old man, you'll never guess what I just saw" except my brain is more complicated than that and I go back and forth on how the story plays out for one ask. It can get more angsty and tragic too because imagine texting your bff not yet gf while chilling in Lance's office (if Red is on a mountain, Blue is running the gym, then by all means, split the champion title between them so he doesn't collapse at his desk) and in Kanto: one day Cinnabar island erupts, and in Hoenn one day: there's a meteor set to destroy the world in 4 days. imagine their world being the world where ORAS Devon succeeded in transporting it into another dimension. what do you say at the end of the world? think about the potential Celebi holds when you want to save someone. think of the consequences of attempting to use a mythical Pokemon like that when Arceus/Mew find out. will you become the villain here just for that...?
YES I SAW THE SOULSILVERS REDWOOD ART i have to go rb that actually.... also yes when i first got the redwood request my first instict was to go "huh???" but i stopped and thought about them for 2 seconds and i'm now obsessed with them. my new favorite rare pair. and also yes i am the perfect person to influence with agendas and rarepairs. gestures at my own agendas like rocket siblings. i used to spend Hours with my friend coming up with aus and obscure dynamics i am So Susceptible to agendas.
also yeah leaf is absolutely one of the most just. underrated and overlooked female protagonists. from what i've seen it'd be her and the alola protag i think. and the reasons you've outlined are a huge chunk of the reasons why!
ALSO YESS THAT'S SO GOOD ACTUALLY!!! leaf after seeing the state in kanto seeing how Stunning hoenn is and just going ??????
also yes absolutely i believe in lance adopting leaf as well propaganda. i think lance is just That Kind Of Guy considering his canon spiels about being proud of seeing the rise of a new champion etc. also i'm a sucker for leaf and silver dynamics after pokespe.
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
Writing Snippets--10/12/2022
And for this day we have a little surprise in that it’s not BH6 related--well yeah I did three pages on that time-traveling Obake AU but I also got some work done on the next chapter of Shadows and Ash so that’s important too.
“Great!  You brought your bags right?  No staying at the Center for you you’re bunking with us—come on!”
“But the entrance is right there,” Ash said, pointing.
“Yeah, the challenger’s entrance,” Janine said.  “You really think we drag our groceries through that?”
“Until right this second, yeah.”
Janine considered this. “Well, Dad does but he’s the hardcore ninja of the family, so….”
“Ven,” her Venonat said.
“It’s okay though, the side door is all secret and hidden so it’s still suitably ninja-like,” she announced, tapping on a wood panel before pushing it in.  “Okay hurry up it’s on a timer.”
They filed in, following her down a thin hall that eventually opened up into a nice kitchen were Koga was sitting with another ninja, this one a woman.
“Oh hey!” Koga greeted, noticing them.  “Janine said you called—this is my sister Aya, you didn’t get to meet her last time.”
“Which one of you beaned my big brother with a mallet?” Aya asked; stood when Misty raised her hand. “Then I for one have to shake your hand because I’ve been wanting to do that for years.”
“Excuse you.”
By this point Ash already has the Soul Badge and the team’s just circling around again to head to Cinnabar.  And since everyone in the team has at least one Poison type, they’re sticking around a bit for some training too.
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hailfire17 · 2 years
I have always been interested in your Au. Even though I have no idea about most of the context. Anyway, one question. Does Gabriel rent an apartment to be more secret with his identity or ???? (related to that question you sent to Corner)
I want to know if it's possible to make a joke of
Adrien : *discovers Cinnabar at his house* I can't believe you're dating my dad-
Ha, he would think that.
Cinnabar starts renting the apartment a bit later to add more crediblity to the identity, cause the team kept asking if he had a hideout somewhere they could use.
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Other notes on the dekusquad in the pokemon au
- Since Tsuyu was a little kid she has always spent a lot of time between wild pokemons in the ponds and rivers near her house (she lives in Route 30) so she has a strong natural affinity with pokemons that tend to trust her even when they are not captured. She is mostly interested in water types and all those that resemble frogs. Main team at the League: Politoed, Ledian, Quagsire, Seaking, Azumarill, Lapras
- Ochako comes from Goldenrod City where her family owns a construction company. She has always loved pokemons and is mostly interested in psychic type. Her mom and dad brought her an egg for her eleventh birthday that hatched into a Natu and so she decided to start her journey. Main team at the League: Xatu, Espeon, Ditto, Hitmontop, Smeargle, Starmie
- Izuku was born in New Bark Town but has always been bullied since he was a kid, especially by his childhood “friend” Katsuki who everyone believed would have become the greatest pokemon trainer ever existed, even more strong than the Kanto League Champion Toshinori. When Izuku finally became eleven years old he saved an hurt Heracross from a group of Noctowl that were attacking him. The Heracross got instantly close to Izuku and let himself be captured by him, so Izuku started his journey. Main team at the League: Heracross, Red Gyarados, Haunter, Tauros, Donphan, Snorlax
- Tenya is the little brother of Tensei Iida, gym leader in Cianwood City and future owner of the gym himself. His starter is a Riolu that his brother brought back from his journey to Sinnoh, before his accident. Tenya is mostly interested in fighting but also steel type and wants to beat the Johto League so his family will let him travel to other regions and find more fighting and steel pokemons. Main team at the League: Lucario, Scizor, Miltank, Skarmory, Steelix, Gligar
- Shouto is the son of Todoroki Enji, gym leader of Cinnabar Island and was brought up by his father with the intent of beating the Kanto League Champion Toshinori. When Shouto is eleven Enji gives him two eggs from one of his ninetales. When the first egg hatch and a fire vulpix is born Shouto decide to take that vulpix and the other egg and to run away to Johto. He then meets Izuku and the others and decide to join them. His second egg will eventually hatch into a alolan vulpix. Because of the training his father forced him since he was a kid Shouto is initially terrified of all fire pokemon that aren’t his vulpix but with the help of his friend he’ll overcome this. Main team at the League: Normal Ninetales, Alolan Ninetales, Corsola, Rapidash, Sneasel, Arcanine
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So @hailfire17 is completely on board with me doing this, so:
Lady Rose AU meets Cinnabar AU. Gabriel has just become an unwitting Team Dad to half a dozen chaotic teenager superheroes. One of which is his son.
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What happened to the old ladybug in cinnabar?
No it's not Cinnibar it's Team Dad Cinnabar which is specifically a crossover of the Cinnabar AU with my self-insert AU.
In my self-insert AU, "Lady Rose", Marinette somewhat successfully gave up the earrings. However, they fell out of Alya's bag, and I end up findng them.
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boom-fanfic-a-latta · 5 months
hey so why do i have at least 30 miraculous aus
5 Spots
Autophobia (+ LR version)
Black Widow of Paris
Broken Wings
Cheshire Noir
Claude the Bluebird
Hive Queen
Knitting Fairy
Lady Rose
Legion in Paris
Miracles on Station Square
Miraculous Bros
Miraculous Odd Squad
Miraculous Satogou
Mobians in Paris (+ LR version)
My Fair Lady
Persona 5 Miraculous
Princess of Dreamland
Project Sekai: Miracle Album
Psychonaut in Paris
Swan Song
Team Dad Cinnabar
The Miraculous of Zelda
We Rob The Agrestes
Yiga Chloe
*Blursed Ninjago Miraculous AU (not mine but i felt i should include it cause of how much content i made for this au and how much i helped)
*Elemental Kwamis (technically?)
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