#team: mi:13
excelsiorfics · 5 months
Showdown at Tintagel
Date: 21 Dec 2009 Author: Grey_Bard Rating: General Word Count/Status: 1,733, complete Dynamic: Faiza Hussain & Rikki Barnes Characters: Faiza Hussain, Rikki Barnes, Morgan le Fay Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, BAMF Faiza
Summary: Faiza Hussain and Rikki Barnes vs. Morgan Le Fay. News at 11.
0 notes
scrollonso · 5 months
First Kiss (Race 13)
A strollonso AU where 18 year old rookie Lance Stroll falls helplessly in love with the notoriously mean world champion. (3.5k words, angst at first, just a little overthinking, then fluff, Fernandos a big sap, sloppy kissing, they're desperate, choking, daddy kink kinda, dry humping, unprotected sex, overstim) [@v3lnys @biancathecool] {Now that they can be cute this is so easy to write}
last part - masterlist - next part
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It'd only been a few days since Lance and Fernando had seen eachother so it made no sense for them to be as excited as they were but that didn't change anything.
Lance had persuaded his father yet again to book the same hotel as the Spaniard, not wanting to spend a moment away from him now that they were together.
They were together, right?
Lance hadn't gotten a straight answer, ahen he asked Fernando what they were he felt stupid, he really felt like a teenager as he looked up to the man and uttered the words.
Fernando said he was whatever Lance wanted him to be but he wasn't sure, did Fernando want to be with him? Was it just casual sex? Is this casual to him? Does he do this with everyone? He felt like his head was spinning as he shoved his face into the pillow of his hotel bed.
Lance was getting bored waiting to see the Spaniard again, knowing he'd been booked a later flight so he wouldn't arrive for ages (he texted Lance 10 minutes ago saying he was 15 minutes away)
His stomach was in knots as he thought about seeing Fernando again, worried things would be awkward, worried Fernando was going to say he made a wrong choice, he felt childish for worrying about things like this. He knew Fernando was more mature than the people he'd had little crushes on, nicer than all of them too, but he couldn't stop worrying that he was going to change.
He was torn away from his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door, jumping out of his bed and peeking through the peeper before opening the door to the Spaniard. He was about to pull him in when Fernando came forward, pulling the Canadian into his arms
"Missed you so much, mi vida" He whispered, squeezing Lance as the boy giggled
"I missed you too, Nando" He responded, closing the door behind them. Lance's hand found its way to the mans head, running his fingers through his overgrown hair
"How are you? Was the flight fine?" Fernando spoke, pulling away to look at him as they spoke
"I'm good, Nando, we were just texting a few hours ago" Lance smiled, still playing with the mans hair "The flight was good, wished you were there"
"Really? Am here now" Fernando hummed, hands settling on the boys hips "Why did you want me there?"
"Not for anything dirty!" Lance said, hitting Fernandos chest and pulling away with a scoff "Dirty, dirty, dirty!"
"You don't wanna go again, Lancito?" The man frowned, trailing after the boy with a whine, it was funny to see how Fernando acted away from the cameras
"I'm jet lagged" Lance lied, turning away from Fernando to hide the smile on his face
"I could help" Fernando whispered, kissing the boys jaw between his words, earing giggles from the ticklish rookie
"Later" He answered, turning to face the Spaniard who looked fairly pleased with the answer
"I can live with that" He smiled, placing his hands on Lance's cheeks as he brought him closer for a kiss, the Canadian happy to give him what he wanted this time. "You look lovely" He felt the Spaniard whisper against his lips, breaking out into giggles, flustered at the sweetness.
They got to the paddock together, walking and talking before they parted ways to get ready for quali, both of their teammates quick to notice what was going on
"So," Nico started, looking at Lance from his side of the garage "Anything exciting happen last week?"
"Uhm" Lance thought, lifting himself up onto the counter behind him "Not that I can think of"
Nico scoffed, shaking his head as he listened to Lance, mr "i'm not gay"
Fernando was pissed, he'd just gotten pole then his team informed him he was given a 2 second time penalty for some bullshit ass reason. Those two fucking seconds bringing him from p1 to p15.
His irritation subsided when he heard a cheery Canadian coming his way, calling his name in a sing-song tone
"Hola, Lancito" He hummed a response, turning around to face Lance as he pulled out the chair next to him
"So, on pole again, feel good to be back?"
"Not anymore" He responded, seeing the confused look on Lance's face "Me and Michael got a time penalty for each part so I'm p15"
"What?" He scoffed, Lance confused at the decision "What'd you do wrong?" He asked, the man just shrugging, Lance felt bad especially considering how he'd just walked in talking about Fernando being p1
"Is alright, am winning the championship still" Fernando added, feeling bad at the sight of the sad boy, glad when his face lit up, knowing Fernando was right.
The race started and Lance was off to a good start, passing De La Rosa once again and getting closer to Button ahead of him, it seemed to be going well until turn 6 when his rear wheels locked up, sending him spinning into the barriers in a matter of seconds, all he could do was groan.
"Are you okay, Lance?" Brad asked, Lance feeling like he'd heard that constantly all season
"Yep, I'm fine, sorry." He responded, getting out of the car just in time to see his boyfriend drive past
He was in his drivers room, laying on his stomach since him and Nico both retired at this point of the race.
He was about to fall asleep when he heard a knock on his drivers room door, sitting up to see who it was "Huh?"
"Lancito, can I come in?" His eyes lit up, Fernando being greeted by a very enthusiastic looking Lance
"Is the race over? That was quick."
"Did not finish, they put my wheel on wrong." Fernando laughed as he stepped in, Lance closing the door to meet the man on the couch
"Isn't this your first retirement in a while?"
"23 races, yeah." He hummed as he sat down, leaning his head on the wall behind him, race suit unzipped half way down to his waist
"I'm sorry, Nando, are you okay?" Lance frowned, leaning his head on the Spaniards shoulder
"Mhm, I do not mind" He nodded, turning to look at Lance as his arm snaked around his waist, pulling the Canadian against him, planting gentle kisses on the side of Lance's face
"You sure? If you were upset I was gonna offer my help.." He whispered, head settling in the crook of the older mans neck to conceal the giggles from the feeling of the mans facial hair brushing against his cheek, leaving soft kisses near the tattoo on his neck.
"Did I say I don't mind? I mean..." He dragged out his words, resituating himself as he pulled Lance onto his lap "I'm so upset, Lancito," Fernando frowned, making eyecontact with the Canadian "It's so sad, I really wanted to do well"
"Oh, my poor Nando," Lance cooed, lips curving up as he leaned forward to plant a kiss on the mans forehead, hands settled on his shoulders
"Can you make me feel better, Lancito?" He questioned, looking up at the boy on his lap, pleading eyes admiring the sight of him from above
"Since you're so hurt I guess it's the least I could do" He spoke quietly, well aware of how thin the walls around them were. After he got quiet Fernando was quick to connect their lips, done with waiting for him, it was already enough torture to keep his hands off of Lance all day that now that he could he wasn't planning on holding back.
He started slow again, gentle, not wanting to make the boy overwhlemed but as soon as he could he brushed his tongue on the boys lip, grinning slightly as his lips parted, taking it as a chance to slip his tongue in, refusing to wait before exploring his mouth.
Lance whined quietly, hands gripping tighter onto Fernandos shoulders as he took breaths between each kiss, not wanting to stop the man but he hadn't exactly gotten the hang of kissing yet.
As the kisses got sloppier the two got more desperate, Lance whining quietly as he rocked himself back and forth on the stronger mans lap, adoring the different feeling of this kiss, he liked how it felt to have Fernando somewhat manhandle him.
He was no longer being careful, no longer treating Lance as if he was glass that could shatter at any moment, he was rougher. His hands were gripping him tighter, guiding his hips as he finally pulled back, Lance whining at the loss of the Spaniards lips on his.
"Shh, be patient mi vida" Fernando whispered, turning to lean back further, liking Lance on top.
"Nando, please" He begged, seeing how quick Lance was to get desperate caused Fernandos dick to twitch, Lance grinding down as a response.
The Spaniard groaned, the feeling of Lance pressing down on him made him feel like he was on cloud nine, he knew if he kept moving how he was the boy could easily make him finish untouched. Fernando was truly in awe at how much of a natural Lance was, how quick he was to catch onto things and get good.
"Fernando" Lance muttered, leaning down to rest his head between Fernandos neck and shoulder again
"Si, Lancito?" Fernando spoke "What do you want, mi sol?"
"You, Nando" He breathed, the shorter mans eyes closing at the feeling of Lances lips brushing against his lips "Please, need you so bad" He spoke quietly, part of him scared of being caught but the other eager to know what would happej if he was.
"Okay, baby" Fernando nodded, propping himself up on his elbows as he moved the boy to sit up, wanting to look at him "Move like you were before, Lancito, can you do that for me?" He asked, the Canadian nodding eagerly as he did what the man asked, supporting himself with his two hands on his boyfriends chest as he rocked his hips, eyebrows furrowing at the friction, he'd never considered himself to be horny before but as soon as he found out how it felt to have Fernando in him it was all he wanted.
As Fernando started to guide the boy Lance couldn't stop the noises he made as a response, embarrassed at how loud he'd become at barely anything.
Fernando bit his lip, one hand leaving the boys side to wrap around his neck, pulling him down by it as if he was picking a kitten up by his scruff as he connected their lips again, Lance breathlessly whimpering into Fernandos lips as he began to move faster, deeper, body needing more.
"Fuck, Lancito" Fernando breathed, hand tightening around Lance's neck, pleasently surprised at just how receptive he was to it. "Sound so pretty, mi vida, who's making you feel this good, Lancito?"
He whined, eyes lidded as he struggled to continue, legs beginning to ache as he rocked back and forth "You, papi" Lance couldn't help himself as the name slipped out, Fernando absolutely adoring it.
The man loved knowing he was the only person to ever make Lance feel this way, the only one to ever have Lance on him like this
"Nando, please, please, need you in me" His grinding slowed down, practically stopping as he panted, the grip on his neck loosening, Fernando not wanting to stop the boy from catching his breath. It was endearing, how quick he got out of breath considering he was a literal athlete.
Fernando leaned to kiss the boys jaw, leaving wet kisses and bite marks on his skin as he pulled his race suit down more, wasting no time before pulling the waistband of his underwear down as well, just enough for the cold air of the room to hit his cock
"Lancito, need you to get up if you need me so bad" Fernando couldn't help but laugh at how quick Lance was to listen, being off the mans lap in seconds. "Take it off for me, baby, need your suit off"
The Canadian listened again, finding his way back onto him after he finished
"So good for me, Lancito, always so good for me, baby" He praised, fingers brushing over the tattoo on the boys torso, the two drivers' cocks pressed together as he waited for Lance to get situatied "Tell me when you're ready, mi sol, we need to be quick." He leaned back again, half lidded eyes watching as the pale boy moved on top of him
"I'm ready, please, need you."
"Put it in, Lancito." He instructed, hands moving down from his bare hips to Lance's thighs "Do you think you can do that for me, princesa?"
The boy nodded, quick to lift himself up and line the Spaniards cock up to his hole "Do I.." He began to ask, unsure if he was doing anything right on his own.
"Just sit, baby, you're doing great" Fernando reassured him, hands moving up and down his thighs as he felt his tip be pushed inside, the two of them breathing shakily at the now familiar feeling.
Lance shut his eyes tight as he felt himself sinking down, hands gripping onto Fernandos shoulders as he took him in fully, the Spaniard unable to tear his eyes away from the sight, seeing how Lance's eyebrows furrowed at the feeling and lips parted slightly as he panted drove Fernando crazy.
"Fuck, Lancito." He groaned, hand wandering to Lance's neck again as he leaned forward to finally kiss him, not noticing how he'd absentmindedly began moving the boy on his lap "Taking me so well. You're so billiant, mi vida"
The boy whimpered, not satisfied with the slow pace Fernando had set so he took matters into his own hands, bouncing himself on the Spaniards cock.
"God" Fernando groaned quietly, grabbing onto Lance harder as he let the boy set his own pace.
The taller boy leaned forward, bringing Fernandos hand back up to his neck, missing the pressure.
"What do you want, Lancito?" He asked, hovering his hand over the rookiee throat "Use your words, princesa."
"Choke me, please papi." He whined, his movements getting sloppier as his legs began to give out, struggling to keep a steady pace.
Fernando obliged, not going to deny Lance of something he asked so nicely for. He tightened his grip on his throat as he sat up slightly, leaving the two drivers chest to chest, their position familiar.
"Doing so good, Lancito, such a good boy for me" He cooed, praising Lance as he connected their lips again, adoring just how desperate he'd become after not having Fernando for a week.
The kisses were wet, neither of them in a position where they could be gentle, gentle was the last thing Lance wanted now that he knew how it felt to be choked and bit by the Spaniard.
Fernandos eyes lingered to his hand adorning the boys neck as he pulled away from the kiss, settling on the now red and purple marks he'd left on the boys jaw and neck, leaning forward to kiss them softly, even as they got rougher the last thing he wanted was for the boy to be hurt by him.
"Nando" He whined, laying his head in the crook of the mans neck
"Yes, mi sol?"
"I can't-" He started, practically just sitting with the mans cock in him "Need your help, Nando"
Fernando couldn't help but smile, kissing the boys cheek as he lifted him up, laying him on his back on the sofa.
"Look so pretty under me, Lancito" He purred, connecting their lips in order to contain his moans as Fernando began to move, pleased with the string of sounds that left Lances mouth as he did.
He set a steady pace, one hand tight on Lances neck as the other settled on the rookies waist, adoring the sight of the boy under him being reduced to whimpers and whines.
He parted their lips to get a better view, needing to see just how much Lance relished in the pleasure Fernando was bringing him.
Fernando loved knowing he was the first to make him feel this way, the first to hear his perfect moans as he thrusted in and out. The Spaniard adored knowing he was the best Lance would ever had.
The Canadian felt the eyes on him, whining as he brought his arms up to cover his face to hide the pink tint covering his cheeks.
"Nando" He moaned, unable to stop himself from being loud as Fernando fucked into him
"Shh, you need to be quiet, mi sol" Fernando whispered, hand gripping the boys throat harder to pull his head up "Can you be a good boy for me? You don't want to be caught, do you?" He raised his eyebrows slightly, knowing the boy was still learning what exactly he wanted.
The Canadians breath hitched at the idea, cock twitching on his stomach as he heard the man above him scoff
"Would you like that, hm?" He cooed, moving Lance's hands away from his face "You want someone walking in and seeing just how much of a mess you are under me? How pathetic you look begging for my cock?"
He tried to respond, his words getting caught in the back of his throat, the thought of being caught causing Lance to react more than either of them thought it would.
Fernando continued thrusting into the boy, feeling himself slowly getting closer as the Canadian mewled. His sounds were so sweet, music to the Spaniards ears. He leaned down to nip at the skin on his neck, not bothering to care about the full garage on the other side of the door as Lance panted his name.
His hand left the pink drivers waist, wrapping his fingers around the base of the boys cock, knowing they needed to hurry up.
He began stroking his member at the same pace as his thrusts, enjoying the feeling of his hips bucking into the Spaniards hand, head arching back as he felt his orgasm creeping closer
"Fuck, fuck Nando, I- I- God, I'm gonna..." He struggled to form a sentence, gripping onto the material he was laid back on
"Cum, Lancito, Cum para papi." He instructed, biting harder onto the skin surrounding his collarbone, his goal to leave marks on the boys skin, claiming him.
As soon as Fernando told him to cum for him he did, his load coating both of their chests, Lance prepared for Fernando to slow down until he didn't, hand continuing to stroke the boy at the same pace
"Nando" He moaned, body shaking at the overwhelming amount of pleasure, the two cumming together seconds later, filling the room with gasps and pants at they both caught their breaths
"Fuck, Lancito, Took me so well, Such a good boy for me, mi vida" Fernando spoke, praise spilling out of his lips as he slowly rode out his high, feeling how full Lance was.
Lance moved his arms around Fernandos shoulders, pulling their chests together as Lance blushed, something so romantic about just laying in eachother presence after doing something so..... so.
Fernando found a hand towel and wet it, figuring the two had laid still for long enough. He sat Lance up, whiping off the boys torso before cleaning his own
"Si, mi sol?"
"I love you"
Fernando smiled, setting the towel aside now that the two of them had been cleaned off. He leaned forward, softly planting kisses across the boys face, adoring hearing the giggles that came out of him as a response
"Stop, stop, stop" He breathed, wide smile on his face as he tried to push the Spaniard away "You could at least say it back"
"Te quiero mucho, Lancito" He spoke, patting the boys hair to lay smoothly on his head as he spoke "Now, If we stay here any longer people are gonna start worrying"
"I guess you're right" The Canadian whined, getting into the jeans and team shirt he'd came in while Fernando put his race suit back on, the two walking out of the drivers room as if nothing had happened.
As if everyone in the garage hadn't heard them and were now acticaly trying to not look at the bruises on the Canadians neck or make eyecontact as the drivers left together
"I think you were a little loud, mi sol" Fernando teased, Lance hitting him on his shoulder before hiding his face in his hands
"God, Nando, that's so embarrassing!"
"You sure seemed to like the idea before" Fernando hummed, wrapping his arm around Lance as he headed to the Renault garage, needing to change before the two could go back to their hotel.
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silviakundera · 2 months
Snowfall ep watch comments 13-15
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Keeping it real with his nickname, Loser Li doesn't have the balls to join Team Vamp
Sorry dude, this would never happen to Elena Gilbert
Fun ass escape & fight scenes as our trio trash the train and escape in a field. The search in the field of tall grass as night closes in feels very 80s-00s vampire movie
Once AGAIN Loser Li punks out. This guy 😂😭 I love his constant, unrelenting failure
Look, the way Doctor Bestie realized he had to step up, because Mi Lan was injured & his bro distracted. TIME & PLACE, thank you.
He got close to making it thru this adventure without exposing himself but finally it was clear poor Vamp Daddy couldn't handle this one his own.
I both kinda do feel for Vamp Daddy's angst about his brother in disguise but also I'm too attached to them, so I'm just impatient for him to get over it and accept his only existing (and only mildly evil!!) relative
The brown leather coat is just not as suave a look for Loser Li. Return to your roots!
Oh good.
Henchman makes potentially his only smart move in the drama, to come plead for nep baby to rescue his crush. Li Yingliang looovesssss you! so muchhhhhh! it's ALL FOR YOU.
Our unhinged, unstable cyclone of insecurity & homosexuality emerges from the dungeon to fail another day! Good job, everyone.
"What ill intentions could a young boy in his hundreds have?" lol I love mysterious old guy
Sorry I'm unreasonably & unfairly on Doctor Bestie's side - kick his ass and settle him down. Vampires gotta stick together.
So doc is "complete" and Vamp Daddy, though made with the Blood Amber Stone, isn't? 🤔 Interesting. (ok not really lol, I'm not a 'lore' person)
Doctor Bestie cracked me up with his whole, I know all about equality in the modern age! I went to university! Look, he's probably more than a il evil but I like him SO MUCH, so can you just relent Vamp Daddy?
Otherwise WE might stop being friends. And that would be sad :(
All jokes aside, I do have the lingering feeling that Li Yingliang is being written as queer and the actor is playing it that way. Look at the way he is with his henchman too! It's just.... not like the vibe we see among other similar characters. They've fucked. More than once. And henchman told himself it's all fine between 'lonely' 1930s men, because they'll eventually take wives.
idk Vamp Daddy, I would have accepted the help of mysterious ancient master guy against a pursuing ARMY.
or maybe not kicked out my powerful brother.
Mi Lan knows what's up: stop the navel gazing emo and just get warm, eat well, and spend time with your loved ones.
Flashback to aftermath of Shen mansion massacre. Awful times had by all. Nobody thought burning alive a supernatural mom and her small child might have consequences. They did. Shen patriarch is like whyyyyy. His almost barbecued wife: r u 4 real?
Similarly, in modern remains of Shen mansion a bunch of people ambush Vamp Daddy and his gf, shoot her in the chest, so he goes murdery.
Then vamps her! YAY 🙌
Now you and doctor bestie just need to make up and find a way to extend your life too.
All hail Mi Lan's vampire awakening. Good stuff. Love the goth attire.
Also absolutely adorable and glowing in the bath
This is like Caroline in The Vampire Diaries, who was simply born to be a vampire and took to it like a duck to water. I want her to hang out more with the doctor. They can enjoy vampirism together.
Now that Vamp Daddy has healed Barely Legal Girlfriend, can we get (1) one more bloody kiss? Pretty pretty please? 🙏🙏🙏
Everyone but his henchman bf is hella pissed at Loser Li for being incapable.
This does not seem fair, as it's his defining quality 🤔
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sasuhinamonth · 1 year
Well, well, well.
Looks like we're finally here! After weeks of preparation and formatting and planning, we are FINALLY ready to make two announcements today!
Let's start with Artist of the Year, as congratulations are very much due!
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Perhaps you recognize this beautiful art style! The MOD team took attentive care to go through the many fabulous artists we have in the SasuHina fandom, and we found one artist in particular whose dreamy style and beautiful color schemes fit our theme perfectly!
We'd like to congratulate @daifukumochiin for being SasuHinaMonth2023's ARTIST OF THE YEAR!
Mochi is such an amazing artist that keeps pumping out beautiful pieces, and we were so happy to see the amazing pieces she made for our banner and icon for 2023! Everyone, please send your love and joy to DaifukuMochiin. She deserves it!
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Now, we think it's about we get into the meat of this post!
For anyone who needs a reminder, SHMonth2023's Theme is A SIGN OF AFFECTION. The MOD team has been working on the many prompts correlating with this theme, and right now, we're happy to share these prompts with you all! We've also translated the prompts in Spanish for all our hispanohablante friends :)
SHMonth2023 Prompts
Day 1 | Día 1
“Love at first sight” | “Amor a primera vista”
“Waiting for you” | “Esperándote”
Day 2 | Día 2
“Knowing me, knowing you” | “Conociéndome, conociéndote”
“Home is where you are” | “Mi hogar es donde estás tú”
Day 3 | Día 3
“A glance that reveals everything” | “Una mirada que revela todo”
“Doing chores without being asked” | “Hacer los quehaceres sin que lo pidan”
Day 4 | Día 4
“Knowing their favorite drink” | “Conocer su bebida favorita”
“First touch” | “Primer roce”
Day 5 | Día 5
“Forehead touches” | “Frentes unidas”
“Lips against fingertips” | “Labios contra sus dedos”
Day 6 | Día 6
“If you fall, I will catch you” | “Si caes, yo te atraparé”
“A warm embrace” | “Un cálido abrazo”
Day 7 | Día 7
“Noticing subtleties” | “Notando sutilezas”
“Tying ties” | “Uniendo lazos”
Day 8 | Día 8
“Playing with hair” | “Jugando con el cabello”
“Talk to me.” | “Háblame”
Day 9 | Día 9
“You can find something truly important in an ordinary minute.” | “Puedes descubrir algo realmente importante en un minuto”
“Cooking together” | “Cocinando juntos”
Day 10 | Día 10
“Kissing in the rain” | “Beso bajo la lluvia”
“Finding beauty in the ugly and broken” | “Encontrar belleza en lo feo y roto”
Day 11 | Día 11
“I love you” | “Te amo”
“Nicknames” | “Apodos”
Day 12 | Día 12
“Stay a little longer.” | “Quédate un poco más”
"A collection of kisses" | “Una colección de besos”
Day 13 | Día 13
“A love that cannot simply be expressed with words” | “Un amor que simplemente no puede ser expresado en palabras”
"Secret rendezvous" | “Encuentro secreto”
Day 14 | Día 14
“Bouquets” | “Ramo de flores”
“Enjoying a story together” | “Disfrutando de una historia juntos”
Day 15 | Día 15
“Take my hand, take my whole life too.” | “Toma mi mano, también toma toda mi vida”
“Love notes/letters” | “Cartas/Notas de amor”
Day 16 | Día 16
"The name you yell after a nightmare" | “El nombre que gritas después de una pesadilla”
"I missed you." | “Te extrañé.”
Day 17 | Día 17
“Sharing a meal” | “Comer juntos”
"Watching the sunrise together" | “Ver el amanecer juntos”
Day 18 | Día 18
“Unyielding encouragement” | “Apoyo inquebrantable”
“Daily routine” | “Rutina”
Day 19 | Día 19
“To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love” | “Ser aficionado (a) al baile era un paso seguro para enamorarse”
"Even shame can turn into love" | “Incluso la vergüenza puede convertirse en amor”
Day 20 | Día 20
“A shared bed” | “Una cama compartida”
“Sudden confession” | “Confesión repentina”
Day 21 | Día 21
“A hint of jealousy” | “Un toque de celos”
“You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how.” | “Deberías ser besado (a), constantemente y por alguien que sepa cómo”
Day 22 | Día 22
“Talking through problems” | “Hablando a través de los problemas”
“Vacation time spent together” | “Vacaciones juntos”
Day 23 | Día 23
"Poetry spoken by a simple man" | “Poesía escrita por un simple hombre”
"Courage found in a shy woman" | “Valentía encontrada en una mujer tímida”
Day 24 | Día 24
"Finding the middle ground" | “Encontrar el punto medio”
"If there was a rose every time I thought about you, there would be only one, because you never left my mind." | “Si existiese una rosa cada vez que pienso en ti, solo habría una porque nunca dejaste mi mente”
Day 25 | Día 25
"Shared hobbies" | “Pasatiempos compartidos”
"I trust you" | “Confío en ti”
Day 26 | Día 26
"A quiet relationship" |  “Una relación privada”
"Following you" |  “Siguiéndote”
Day 27 | Día 27
I’ve loved you for a thousand years, I’ll love you for a thousand more.” | “Te he amado por mil años, te amaré por mil más”
"Tears and touches" |  “Lágrimas y roces”
Day 28 | Día 28
"Calling late at night" |  “Una llamada tarde en la noche”
"I would do anything to call you mine." | “Haría lo que fuera para llamarte mía (o)”
Day 29 | Día 29
"If God made it a Sin to love you, I would be beyond saving" | “Si Dios hizo que amarte fuera un pecado, entonces no tengo salvación”
"An excuse to pull you closer" | “Una excusa para acercarte a mí”
Day 30 | Día 30
"Sharing a secret." | “Compartiendo un secreto”
"Warmth of a body on a cold night." | “La calidez del cuerpo en una noche fría”
Day 31 | Día 31
“There’s nothing I wouldn't do to make you feel my love.” | “No hay nada que no haría para demostrarte mi amor”
“Will you marry me?” | “¿Te casarías conmigo?”
We're excited for July to come to see all the creativity bloom from our little fandom! Just a reminder: we WILL be making weekly prompt cards for SHMonth, so keep an eye out for those as July creeps closer.
Thank you all for your patience and enthusiasm!
The MOD Team
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holygrailimagines · 2 years
Coach’s Daughter
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Summary: Reader is a coach’s daughter.
Author’s Note: I gave Diego a random ass number lmao. Also, no hate to no sabo kids. Also, maybe a multipart series? 
     Your dad was a very valuable man in the football community, especially Mexico. Football and Mexico ran in his veins like crazy. His passion was unlike any other, which is why the Mexican Selection team needed him. Everyone was sure he would guide Mexico into a new season of triumph and success. 
     Unfortunately for you, that meant you had to leave everything you knew in America and move to Mexico. Sure, you had a lot of love for Mexico. After all, it was quite literally your mother’s and father’s land. But, America was your home, you had been here for two decades. All your friends and family were here, so you weren’t super excited to leave everything behind just so your dad could teach a bunch of men how to play football. 
     Your father sensed your sadness and decided the best way to make it up to you was to bring you to work with him. Maybe his love and passion would rub off on you and you would finally understand that this was a good thing. 
     “Hijita, por favor, I don’t want you to be sad anymore.” Your dad begged as he kept his eyes on the road. You sighed, staring out the passenger side window. You two were on your way to the team’s practice. 
     “I know papa, but you know I don’t even like football.” It was true, you weren’t interested at all. He sighed at your response as he parked the car. 
     “Okay but, please just be nice to my players. And don’t worry about speaking Spanish, they all understand English.” You nodded as you both exited the car and headed to the trunk. Your father passed you a few orange cones and he slung a mesh bag of dozens of soccer balls behind his back and you both made your way to the open field. 
     In the distance you saw a group of men and when they noticed your dad, they instantly cheered and ran up to greet him. They hugged him and shook his hand before turning their attention to you. Nothing is as uncomfortable as millions of eyes staring at you, especially when those eyes belong to the most gorgeous men you’ve ever seen. 
     “Amigos, esta es mi hija, (Y/N).” Your father said in Spanish, introducing you. 
     “Mucho gusto, déjame ayudarte con esos conos.” A man with curly hair and gloves said, reaching out his hand. You noticed the number 13 on his uniform. (translation: nice to meet you, let me help you with those cones)
     “Umm. Hello?” You said in an unsure manner, reaching out to shake his hand. If you were being completely honest, your spanish was horrid. You hated to admit it but you were a bit whitewashed. The man looked at you with furrowed eyebrows but smiled a little. 
     “¿Que, no español?” He chuckled, sending a look towards your father. Your father sighed, as if he was disappointed at your lack of bilingual skills. (What, no spanish?)
     “Yes, about that. My daughter has spent all her life in America so please try to speak to her in English,” Your dad announced to the team as he placed both of his hands on your shoulder. 
     “Hopefully this time in Mexico will do some good for her Spanish, right?” He asked, looking down at you, shaking you slightly as you nodded in agreement. God this was so awkward. 
     Every football player took turns shaking your hand and greeted you in English. Well almost every football player except number 18. He shook your hand and proudly greeted you in spanish. He was absolutely beautiful. His caramel skin and hazel eyes left you red and flabbergasted. 
     The whole time you sat on the bench watching the team, you couldn’t keep your eyes off him. When practice was over, you said your goodbyes to the team and began walking to the car with your dad. 
     “¡Espera, tus conos!” You heard a voice yell behind you. Your dad chuckled as number 18 handed you the orange cones you accidentally left behind. (Wait, your cones!) 
     “Gracias, Dieguito.” Your dad thanked him, Diego smiled at him and then at you. He flashed his perfect teeth, and you couldn’t help but blush. 
     “Si, gracias,” you said, trying your best not to present your American accent. 
     He smirked and before jogging back to his teammates he said, “You’re welcome, American girl.”
I literally wrote this in like an hour because I was so desperate for any writing posts with football players. Lord knows how feral this world cup is making me. 
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forjongseong · 2 years
carmesí - the masterlist.
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hello, welcome, and thank you for your interest! I have grouped the masterlist below depending on how you want to read them: by order of release, in chronological order (of the stuff that happens in the story), and by the length of the parts (1k minisodes, 5k half-parts, and 10k parts)
if this is your first time here, I hope you won't feel pressured to read all or go through all the parts. just read whenever you'd like, and stop whenever you want. if you don't like series, reading and stopping at part 1 is good enough! it'll give you a nice open ending. if you like mini-series, I would say stopping at part 3 will also give a nice ending.
if you decide to stay through the end, thank you!
click here for the playlist and here for the 1st anniversary vid (author's voicenote)
code: ❤️‍🔥 smut / 💛 fluff / 💗 suggestive / 💙 angst
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by order of release
Part 1 - carmesí (released on Jul 28, 2022)
summary: you’re the CEO of your family’s company and you cruise your working days with the lovely help of your personal assistant, Park Jay. // wc: ~10.5k ❤️‍🔥
Part 2 - mi reina (released on Aug 1, 2022)
summary: in this sequel, you spend more (intimate) time with your secretary and you’re starting to notice how deep your feelings for him are. // wc: ~10.2k 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 3 - millones (released on Aug 8, 2022)
summary: in this part, you carefully cruise through your working days while keeping your relationship with your personal assistant a secret. // wc: ~9.8k 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 3.5 - hasta los dientes (released on Aug 15, 2022)
summary: your team is out for a team-building trip, three nights camping in a location that is actually much more romantic than you thought. of course, your beloved secretary would go out and wear his favorite sleeveless tee to spite you. or entice you? // wc: ~5.3k 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 4 - vente conmigo (released on Aug 29, 2022)
summary: little by little, people are starting to find out about your relationship with your beloved assistant, Jay. as much as you want to keep it hidden, your boyfriend wants the opposite. pressure from your family doesn’t seem to make things easier either. // wc: ~10.3k 💛❤️‍🔥💙
minisode part 0 - Somebody (released on Sep 12, 2022 as a part of tropetember)
summary: the new secretary you hired is doing more damage than help the first few months, until his efforts start to grow on you. // wc: ~1k 💛
Part 5 - tusa (released on Sep 13, 2022)
summary: you try cruising through your life in the absence of Jay, and although you seem to be doing well, you realize you need him more than you thought. // wc: ~11.3k 💙💛❤️‍🔥
Part 5.5 - apaga y vámonos (released on Sep 19, 2022)
summary: after almost canceling a family trip, you decide to invite Jay and his former flatmates to spend the weekend away with you. // wc: ~5.1k 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 6 - versos de placer (released on Sep 30, 2022)
summary: more people are finding out about your relationship with Jay. at the same time, you both step into the next level of your relationship by meeting each other’s parents. // wc: ~10.4k 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 1 - cuando nadie ve (released on Oct 9, 2022)
summary: you and your beloved secretary!Jay are taking a week off of work. meanwhile, your trusted employees begin sharing their thoughts about the two of you. // wc: ~1k 💛
Part 6.5 - yo te quiero más (released on Oct 13, 2022; birthday special)
summary: what happens when your lovely boyfriend/secretary whisks you away to Greece to celebrate your birthday? psst in involves a lot of sex // wc: ~6.6k 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 2 - la niña de mis ojos (released on Oct 19, 2022)
summary: taking place on the lovely island of Mykonos, you interact with a little boy who is completely captivated by your looks // wc: 900 💛
Part 7 - aeropuerto (released on Nov 5, 2022)
summary: a slight unfortunate event and an encounter with an ex makes you realize how much Jay actually means to you. // wc: ~10.4k 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 3 - falling autumn (released on Nov 5, 2022)
summary: taking place between part 1 and part 2, during these days your secretary was your favorite person to call on lonely nights. and he was always there with you in a heartbeat. // wc: ~1.6k 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 4 - night night (released on Nov 12, 2022)
summary: you had piles of documents to review and an important presentation to make for an upcoming meeting. naturally, the best solution you came up with was to invite your secretary to work with you at home. // wc: ~1.2k 💛
Part 8 - ambulancia (released on Nov 15, 2022)
summary: tension arises as you experience yet another encounter with your ex. Jay, your beloved boyfriend, reminds you who you belong to by treating you so well, in sickness and in health. // wc: ~9.7k 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 5 - subtítulos (released on Nov 20, 2022)
summary: your secretary arrives late and you can’t put your finger on what’s making him look different. // wc: ~1k 💛
Part 9 - al caer la noche (released on Dec 3, 2022)
summary: as the days goes by, your relationship with Jay becomes even more domestic, and it’s only about time until you both make it official. // wc: ~10.1k 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 6 - after last night (released on Dec 15, 2022)
summary: on a business trip abroad, you decide to let Jay relax for the night. wc: ~1.3k 💛💗
Part 9.5 - the way you look tonight (released on Jan 1, 2023)
summary: spending NYE in NYC could not have been any better without your favorite company in the whole wide world, your secretary/boyfriend, Park Jay. // wc: ~6.2k 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 10 - mon soleil (released on Jan 29, 2023)
summary: you’re enjoying life with your boyfriend/secretary, and you’re beginning to grow closer to his parents. perfect timing, though, since he seems to have something up his sleeve. // wc: ~10.7k 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 7 - daylight (released on Feb 20, 2023)
summary: you've just gotten engaged to your boyfriend/secretary the night before, and he woke up feeling horny and in desperate need of your touch. // wc: ~2k 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 8 - subside (released on Feb 22, 2023)
summary: after an upsetting phone call, you walk out of your office to the nearest cafe to cool down. you didn’t expect your secretary to follow you. // wc: ~1.5k 💛
minisode part 9 - your princess, my queen (released on Mar 5, 2023)
summary: Jay braces himself to face the most intimidating figure of all–your father. // wc: ~1.2k 💛
Part 11 - qué bonito (released on Apr 10, 2023)
summary: once you introduced the idea of house-hunting, Jay was immediately on board. however, between endless meetings, scholarship interviews, and calls from your parents, you feel the extreme amount of pressure build up. // wc: ~10.5k 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 11.5 - enchule (released on Apr 25, 2023; Jay's birthday special)
summary: Jay had taken you to Greece for your birthday, so you decided to take him to Australia for his. // wc: ~8.5k 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 10 - meet cute (released on May 15, 2023)
summary: on one of your little outings during your stay in NYC for New Year's, you and Jay bumped into strangers who were curious about your first meeting. // wc: ~1.3k 💛
minisode part 11 - dive (released on May 16, 2023)
summary: you've been sleeping with your dearest secretary for a while and you're dying to know how it feels when he goes down on you. // wc: ~2.5k ❤️‍🔥
minisode part 12 - tus gafitas (released on May 28, 2023)
summary: you’ve just returned from a long flight, and things aren’t going your way, but luckily your recently-hired secretary was having one of his more dependable days. // wc: ~1.8k 💛
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in chronological order
minisode part 0 💛
minisode part 5 💛
minisode part 12 💛
minisode part 8 💛
minisode part 4 💛
Part 1 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 11 ❤️‍🔥
minisode part 3 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 2 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 6 💛💗
Part 3 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 3.5 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 4 💛❤️‍🔥💙
Part 5 💛❤️‍🔥💙
Part 5.5 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 6 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 6.5 💛❤️‍🔥, minisode part 1 💛, minisode part 2 💛
Part 7 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 8 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 9 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 9 💛
Part 9.5 💛❤️‍🔥, minisode part 10 💛
Part 10 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 7 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 11 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 11.5 💛❤️‍🔥
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by parts
minisode part 0 💛
minisode part 1 💛
minisode part 2 💛
minisode part 3 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 4 💛
minisode part 5 💛
minisode part 6 💛💗
minisode part 7 💛❤️‍🔥
minisode part 8 💛
minisode part 9 💛
minisode part 10 💛
minisode part 11 ❤️‍🔥
minisode part 12 💛
Part 3.5 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 5.5 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 6.5 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 9.5 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 11.5 💛❤️‍🔥
full episodes
Part 1 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 2 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 3 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 4 💛❤️‍🔥💙
Part 5 💛❤️‍🔥💙
Part 6 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 7 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 8 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 9 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 10 💛❤️‍🔥
Part 11 💛❤️‍🔥
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back to main masterlist
© forjongseong 2023, all rights reserved
please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of the works above to any other platform.
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lilghostiequinni · 3 months
The Three of Us
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Main Masterlist Carlando Masterlist
Pairing: friend/girlfriend!female oc (Jazzy) x Carlos Sainz x Lando Norris
Warnings: Fluffy, Established relationship, Short
Summary: It started at McLaren. It's moved but always stayed the same as before, now it's moving again.
Requested: NO / yes
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Jazzy stood in the McLaren HQ, waiting for one of her two boyfriends, Lando.
Lando was doing some of the things required to do before a race weekend, the first race weekend of the season, and Jazz was just standing waiting for Lando to finish when Zak walked in front of her.
"Waiting for Lando?"
Jazzy nodded her head. She was rather shy when speaking to people, and she was rather quiet when she did talk.
"Well, I could give you something to do," Zak knowing that Lando would still be a few hours.
"What?" Jazzy asked if there were over a hundred people working at McLaren. What could he possibly need her to do?
It wasn't that she didn't have a job. She worked with Red Bull, Ferrari, and the F1 sport as a media personal and photographer.
She started in the F1 in 2016, and in 2017, Red Bull approached her about it. The F1 sport didn't want to lose a media personal as she was one of the best, so they added a four-team clause to the contract.
She could work with four teams and the F1 sport as a whole.
So far, she only had Red Bull and Ferrari, signing in 2017 and 2020, respectively.
"You still only have two teams of four, right?"
"Yeah," Jazzy nods as she does.
"Well, Lando needs a media team personnel as well as Oscar and the team itself, who also needs another photographer, I know that it might get stressful adding more, but I was hoping you would like to join?" Zak asks her.
"Yeah, I can do that, I can do both Oscar and Lan, the team too, both media and photographer," Jazzy says to the McLaren Racing CEO.
"Great, I'll talk the the FIA and Formula One," Zak then walks off.
Jazzy smiles to herself as her phone rings; she takes it out of her pocket to see that it's Carlos, the other half of her boyfriend duo.
"Hola Mi Amor," Carlos says when she answers.
"Hæ Elskan, Zak just gave me a job at McLaren, I have no idea what to say about that."
Carlos smiles on the other side of the line, though she can't see him smiling at her, "That's great, Amor."
For about an hour, Carlos and Jazzy are talking before Lando comes over to her.
Jazzy smiles at him, "Aluu! Asasaq."
Lando gives her a look of adoration as he kisses her cheek and says, "Hey Baby, hello Carlos."
"He says hi and bye," Jazzy says as she tells Carlos bye before hanging up to do his work.
"Alright, I have an hour for lunch before I get in trouble," Lando says to her, and Jazzy chuckles at him.
"Zak gave me a spot of your media personnel and Oscar's. As well as one of the team and a team photographer."
Lando smiles at her as he leads her away from where she had been standing to the car, listening to her tell him about what happened in the hours he was gone and what she and Carlos were talking about before he arrived.
The smile never left his face as she talked, and he drove to this small restaurant not far from McLaren.
It was the two of them from 13, then the three of them since 20.
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Translations: Hæ Elskan - Hi Love (Icelandic); Aluu! Asasaq - Hello Love (Greenlandic)
A/N: I added the Lando taglist because it has Lando as a love interest, but let me know if you want to be removed or kept. Also, the other two will be out first thing before today's stuff.
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @barcelonaloverf1life @tallrock35 @hellothere9597
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striked through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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pedrostylez · 1 year
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My name is Abi, she/her, 27
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. I am not responsible for what you read, and if you do not have an age listed, you will be blocked.
I do not consent to my material being fed into AI, reposted, or translated on other platforms without my permission. Please keep the community running by giving credit, showing what inspires you, and having open conversations about how your writing came to be
Visit my AO3 for additional content
Please search #abirecs in my search bar for pieces I’m currently reading and keeping an eye on!
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*indicates sexual themes/mature reading
500 followers fic rec list
Pedro Pascal
Javier Peña
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Mi Luz Series (In chronological Order)* Complete
You and Javi are coworkers at the embassy and Javi can't help but have pet names for you, but you have no idea that he is practically in love with you. Smutty, 5 original parts
click here for the full list
How The Crow Flies (series)* Complete
A Javier Peña and Frankie Morales crossover. You've moved to the embassy in Colombia to help with the Cali Cartel, where Javier Peña is your hard-ass boss. He sets you on a mission to the jungle where Gabriel Lorea is hiding money in the walls. Frankie Morales and his team watch you from the trees, and he thinks he can use you to his advantage
click here for the full list
One Shot/Drabbles/Rambles
Missed You* 1.1k words Not A Lot Of Time * 1.3k words
Ask Requests
I'm Yours*
Frankie Morales
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Something Else Series* Complete
You've always just been the friend; nothing more nothing less. Your friend Anna has always swooped in to take someone away, not realizing you were developing feelings, but now she has a boyfriend that seems good for her. Frankie comes out of nowhere one night, tagging along with his friends with the assumption he was babysitting a bunch of drunk people; but you were there. Smutty, 9 Parts, 3 Drabbles
click here for the full list
How The Crow Flies (series)* Complete
A Javier Peña and Frankie Morales crossover. You've moved to the embassy in Colombia to help with the Cali Cartel, where Javier Peña is your hard-ass boss. He sets you on a mission to the jungle where Gabriel Lorea is hiding money in the walls. Frankie Morales and his team watch you from the trees, and he thinks he can use you to his advantage
click here for the full list
One Shot/Drabbles/Rambles
Home from the Bar 2.1k words Cherry Flavored * 3.6k words Focus* 2.6k words Working Hard * 1.6k words
Ask Requests
Touch *
The Birthday*
Joel Miller
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The Gray Series * Ongoing NEW 9/13
A series of Super!Joel AU who is known for being an asshole, but after he shoots you sees an opportunity for revenge on his previous partner. Along the way, his soft spot for you grows. Angsty, fluffy, smut
One Shot/Drabble/Rambles
Don't: 3 Shot Series complete * I’m Here When You Need Me* The Way *
Din Djarin
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Every Time Series* Ongoing NEW 9/8
194 notes · View notes
fizzyxcustard · 7 months
Covert Eyes (22)
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Prologue| Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21
Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: Spooks
Pairings: Lucas North x OC (Amy Holland)
Warnings: Stalking behaviour, anxiety, language, sexual references, angst, smut, heartbreak, gunshot wounds and recovery, abduction, hostage situation.
Summary: Lucas takes notice of a young woman, Amy, but his obsession and want to get to know her begin to spiral out of control. Amy is now working for MI-5, after being recruited by Ros. But will her involvement with Lucas cause even more problems and heartbreak?
Amy has now gone missing; will Lucas get her back home safely?
Official soundtrack list:  here
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be tagged in any of my tag lists for fics or characters, please let me know, and stipulate what you want to be tagged in.
Key words/terms which people may not understand:
DVLA - "Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency' which is a government department in the UK and handles all driving licences, registrations and car tax.
ANPR - "Automatic numberplate recognition"
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Amy was bound at her wrists and ankles and perched on a chair, with the rope around her wrists, binding her to the chair. She grimaced and squinted as the bag was pulled from her head and an intense light was shone in her face. Had she been knocked out? She couldn’t quite remember what had happened once she’d passed The King’s Head and felt someone drag her down the adjoining backstreet. Everything turned black and then she woke in this place. There was a dull thump in the back of her head and she had a bitter taste in her mouth.
“Amy Holland,” a voice came. 
She could see the outline of someone from behind the light and they began to move closer towards her. By now and the light was hurting her eyes; every time she blinked and it felt like a stab of raw pain behind her eyelids. 
“If you co-operate then you’ll be fine,” the voice came again. It was an American man’s voice. “I want Lucas North. He’s the reason my sister is dead. She tried to warn you against him but, of course, you wouldn’t listen. So maybe this will wake you up.”
“Wake me up to what?” Amy replied. “How horrible of a man he is? It’ll take a lot more than that to make me think anything but that Lucas is an amazing man and I love him. You can’t take that away from me.” 
“He’ll definitely come and look for you though, won’t he? Play the doting fiancée and the hero so he can impress you.” 
“He’s already impressed me,” Amy hissed. “What exactly is your plan here?”
“See how far Lucas will go for you, and then I can kill him with my bare hands.” 
“I think you underestimate…”
“I don’t think you’re in the prime position to tell me I’m underestimating MI5. I have far more experience with the British security services than you. You started in November, and you seem to think you know everything about them. I’ve worked in intel for most of my life, and I know how your team work, darling.” 
The adrenaline was pumping in Amy’s body as she looked up into the grey eyes of Sarah Caulfield’s vengeful brother. Her fight or flight system had come online, ready to push her into further danger or pull her from it. She could feel tears stinging her eyes, threatening to fall down her cheeks. Her heart was racing, but she inhaled deeply, trying hard to somehow relax herself. Pulling against the bindings was of no use. 
‘Caulfield’ as Amy referred to him in her mind, soon left her alone in the darkness again. All she had was her thoughts of Lucas, whom she knew would have realised she was missing. Their living arrangement and schedules was something both of them had become so used to now, that Amy knew Lucas couldn’t have overlooked any changes or slight deviations. 
In the darkness and she replayed the times when they laughed together in bed, and he would tickle her under the duvet. But it would soon turn into a more serious moment and they would eventually make love. Caulfield surely could only go by what his sister had disclosed to him, and had no idea just how loving and gentle of a man Lucas North really was behind closed doors. She knew with her whole heart that he would get to her. Nothing would stop him fighting to save her. She had no place for doubts at this point. She kept her mind focused on Lucas and the words dum spiro spero: while I live, I hope. 
Back at the grid, Lucas had been working constantly for nearly two days. He was running on pure adrenaline now, unable to let any kind of fatigue take over. All that mattered was Amy. He hadn’t showered, shaved, changed his clothes and barely eaten. All he had managed to eat was a chocolate bar out of Amy’s desk drawer. 
“Lucas, go home tonight,” Harry said, coming to his desk. “And that is an order. We’re all on this.” 
“Harry, how can I?” Lucas said, looking up at his boss with dark circles growing around his ice blue eyes. “I know Sarah’s behind this, or at least someone connected to her.” 
“At least go and have a shower, change your clothes, get something to eat.” 
Lucas travelled back to his and Amy’s flat upon Harry’s final demand. He entered the quiet flat, sighing as he did so. Everything made him think of her: the Disney figurines, the Tinkerbell mug which was still on the coffee table, the pair of pink, fluffy slippers which had been left in the hallway. The hallway – the place he’d made love to Amy for the first time. He could feel her gripping onto him, hear her gentle moans against his ear, feel her soft skin and smell her honey shampoo. 
If she dies, what else do I have? 
Lucas sat down on the edge of their bed and picked up a jumper of Amy’s, and as he lifted it to his nose, he could smell her perfume on it: Olympia by Paco Robbane. It was the very thing that made him aware of her presence in the coffee shop over a year ago. The sweet scent had hit him suddenly, and he turned to see her, sitting alone in the back corner of the café, doodling in her notebook. Then it was her green eyes that attracted him first; large and bright. For a few days and Lucas had battled in his mind with why he had become interested in her. She was not the kind of woman he would have normally become interested in or involved with. Sophisticated, independent and sharp women were the ones he normally found himself in relationships with. Amy was independent, yes, but she didn’t possess an obvious air of sophistication and was not sharp tongued, unless angry. She was softer, non-assuming, and unique. 
Lucas bowed his head and wept. His one chance at a normal life, and it was being ripped away from him again, threatened by someone who could not let go of the past. 
Amy had no idea how much time passed. She was left in a dark room, with her captors only coming to her to allow her to relieve herself in a bucket, or to offer food and drink. Lucas’ face was the main thing that Amy saw in her mind; he was smiling at her, his voice wrapping around her, telling her how strong she was. She held on to that, knowing that he would come for her. One way or the other, Lucas would come. 
Caulfield came back to Amy, and once again, she had no idea how long it had been since he last spoke with her. As soon as he spoke, she felt her ears prickle as her hearing had become heightened due to the lack of light. The only noise she had had as company was the odd tap of someone from another room, or the sound of her breath. 
“MI5 should be aware of your disappearance by now, Miss Holland. And no doubt your boyfriend will sweep in to save the day, giving me the opportunity to take him down. This is personal, and it’s just a shame you got caught in the crossfire.” 
Amy remained quiet. Nothing she said would be of any use; this man seemed to enjoy the sound of his own voice, spilling his revenge talk bullshit. 
Everyone on the Grid worked long hours to get Amy home. It had been two days now since she was last seen. Lucas was quiet, with his jaw clenched constantly. No one dared approach him, unless it was something helpful to the case. 
On the afternoon of day two, Lucas’ phone rang. ‘Unknown number’ flashed on the screen. 
“Yes?” Lucas asked, inhaling sharply. This could only be in connection with Amy. Why else would an unknown number call his work mobile? 
“Lucas North.” Not a question. A fact. Whoever was calling was only stating that they knew they had the right number. “Will send coordinates. Come alone. If anyone else comes with you, we’ll shoot her. Leave your phone behind; we’ll know if you have it.” The accent was American, and the voice male. This was someone connected to Sarah Caulfield. He knew it. 
Before Lucas could muster words, the line went dead. 
Lucas rushed into Harry’s office, relaying the details of the call. “I need to go on my own, Harry.” 
“We need to make sure you can be tracked,” Harry demanded. 
“This is the CIA. I know they’re connected to Sarah Caulfield. Whoever was calling, is American. They’ll have metal detectors and know if I’m being tracked. This is between me and them.” 
Amy was sat in darkness. The bindings had started cutting into her wrists and her arms ached, being pulled behind her back. The pain had been getting worse in the last hour or two and it was beginning to spread up her back and into her neck. The only time she was free of the bindings was when she needed to relieve herself or was eating, and even then, a man sat directly in front of her wearing a balaclava, making sure that she couldn’t run. 
She let out a groan and tilted her head back. Her eyes focused on the darkness, her gaze falling further into it. In her imagination, she could feel Lucas stood just behind her, his lips trailing down her cheek and his arms wrapped around her middle. “I love you, angel.”
Time continued to pass. People came and went; that much she knew from the sound of doors opening and closing. There were muffled voices from the other side of what she felt was a metal shutter door. Whenever there had been any light shone toward her, she’d made out what seemed to be a factory-type environment. Voices in the room echoed, signalling that she was in a large space. More than likely she was still in London somewhere, stuck inside a factory unit. 
More waiting. Food was served to Amy; porridge, later followed by a cheese sandwich. She’d had at least two lots of breakfast now, so she’d been in this place for two days. 
Suddenly, a door opened from behind Amy. Voices drifted through into the open space and one of them she immediately recognised. “Lucas?!” she called. 
“Amy?” he called back. 
“Shut up, Superman!” Caulfield snarled. “Just get the fuck in there.” 
Lucas cried out in pain, his calls echoing. 
Amy whimpered for him. 
A light was shone again, blinding Amy. She gasped and lowered her gaze away from the light. Slowly she opened her eyes again, wincing against the ache. She could hear scuffling, grunts and could see the very vague outline of figures, all haloed by the light. 
Lucas was dragged to a seat and bound to it, just like Amy was. He could see Amy sitting a short distance away from him, and as the men walked away, he pulled himself up, the chair hanging against his bindings and he scooted over to her. 
Amy heard him whisper her name and just before the light disappeared, she saw the outline of his features, immediately recognising that profile. She pulled toward him and drew her cheek against his, immediately beginning to weep. Just the sound, touch and smell of him made an innermost peace wash over her. His cologne wafted up her nose and she felt the tickle of his growing stubble against her cheek. Unable to embrace, Lucas and Amy kissed in the darkness. 
As Lucas kissed down her face, he could feel her tears against his lips. “I promise to get us out of here, angel.” 
“He said he wants you,” Amy said. “But don’t you dare play some heroic so we get split up. We’re getting out together, or not at all.” 
Pride and love swelled inside Lucas’ chest. “I love you so much,” he replied. 
Back on the Grid, Malcolm and Tariq had been going over every piece of CCTV footage they could find, piecing together a partial vehicle registration number from a white van that was seen one street away from Amy’s abduction point. That was all they had to go on. Lists of vehicles with that same description and last three letters on the plate were run through all DVLA databases. This line of enquiry came to a dead end. Until Ros noticed a small van, only just visible at a junction in a southerly direction from the street where Amy disappeared. 
“There! I can just see the very edge of a light from the back of a vehicle. Malcolm, try and get footage from the angle looking down the junction and straight at the back of the vehicle.” 
“On it,” Malcolm said. 
A short while later and Malcolm had found that it was a small van which was registered to a window cleaning business. Also, it was noted that five minutes after Amy disappeared from view, the van moved. Two men, wearing all black clothing were seen getting into the van. 
Malcolm continued digging into the details of the vehicle and the paper trail that it was leaving behind. “The van is registered to Ace Window Cleaning, operated and owned by Robert Anderson. I’ve mapped out through ANPR data where the van has been and which properties it’s been seen doing business with. One of them was the ground floor flat of Martin Page. And with a little more magic, I can confirm that Martin Page is an alias that is used by CIA agent Randall Blanchard, known colleague and field partner of Simon Caulfield, older brother of Sarah Caulfield.” 
“Lucas was right,” Ros said simply. “Track the ANPR data of that van. Get everything you can on where it’s been the last two days since Amy was last seen. One of the agents obviously paid off Robert Anderson for use of the vehicle, hoping it wouldn’t be traced back to either one of them. Little do they know, we’ve got a lot of fancy tricks up our sleeves.” 
Amy rested her head against Lucas. Every now and again, she would feel him kiss her head. 
A night vision camera was hovering above them, and in another part of the building, in a sterile-looking white room, Simon Caulfield watched on. He stared at the monitor and then turned to his partner, Randall Blanchard. “Have you sent the package yet?” Simon asked. “First class?” 
“All done,” Randall replied, taking a mouthful of bitter coffee from the paper Costa cup in his hand. 
“We all know how doting Mommy and Daddy are with their little girls.” 
“What exactly do you want to do with them?” Randall asked. 
“Play with them a little, I guess. And then kill him. We’ll both get our revenge for what he did to Sarah.” 
Forever tag list: @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @knittastically @middleearthpixie @meganlpie @asgardianhobbit98 @rachel1959 @luna-redamancy @mrsdurin @quiall321 @missihart23 @lemond57 @evenstaredits @catthefearless @glassgulls @sazzlep @court-jobi @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @albionscastle @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @bookworm-with-coffee @danzalladaggers @ourlonelymountain @phantomessangel @estethell @windb3ll @protosslady
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If you would like to be added to my tag list please let me know. Likewise, if you wish to be removed, please let me know!
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
Birthday Surprise - Barcelona Femení + Atlético Madrid x Reader
A/n: a random idea i had, it's not very angsty but i like the platonic team fics, they're cute. Also if you think I'm being specific with R's past birthdays, it's because they're my birthday experiences😅 also, if you haven't seen the live action 2002 and 2004 Scooby Doo movies, you should... and Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated 2010-13 is absolute gold.
PSA: there were probably more players than mentioned attending R's surprise party, I just find it easier to write a select view interacting with R at a given time...
Your hands clasped the railing of the balcony, heartbeat racing in your ears as you breathed in the evening air. Your breathing exercises you were taught in counselling were working a little, but everything was still a lot.
You almost didn’t hear the balcony door open, but it shut a little too harshly, so you heard Carmen curse under her breath for the slam before she approached.
“Hiding from me, mi dulce?”
“Hide from you? Never.” You gave her a watery smile, wiping at your face quickly as Carmen stepped closer, the concern in her eyes evident despite your attempts to hide how overwhelmed you were feeling.
“Lo siento… I’m sorry, it’s just, this is my first birthday party since I was seven. It’s a lot. Last year I ate takeaway alone in my room.” You quietly admitted, drawing patterns with your fingers on the railing and keeping your gaze there, instead of looking at Carmen.
Your former teammate raised an eyebrow, before recalling where you were for your birthday last year. After two years with Atleti, Barcelona took an interest. But they sent you on loan first, which explained your lack of birthday festivities last year.
It had taken a lot for your teammates at Atleti to find out when your birthday was, in fact it took them until your second year in but you didn’t do anything big back then.
Now your Barcelona teammates had gone out of their way for a big surprise party, inviting your Atleti teammates into the mix too. How could you not be overwhelmed right now?
She was careful as she watched you go through your breathing exercises again, recognising them from when you’d do them before more intense matches with Atleti.
“We can stay out here? It is quieter.” Carmen suggested, hearing you let out a laugh that was almost damp with tears.
“I don’t know who picked the music, but it’s nothing I’ve listened to.” You admitted, trying to hold back tears but it was too late, leaving Carmen to pull you into her arms, despite how much you didn’t want to ruin her outfit with your tears.
“Hey, where is the birthday person?” Jenni enquired, looking around as Alexia and Lola had disappeared to sort out the candles.
“Uh, crying into Carmen’s shoulder on the balcony?” Patri glanced around, almost not hearing Jenni’s question over the music when she spotted you and Carmen through the balcony door.
“They listen to this stuff?” Patri tried not to judge, but Mapi shook her head, getting her phone out to open her music app and find your account from her following.
“Not even the same genre.” Mapi deadpanned, finding one of your playlists to link to the bluetooth speaker.
It took a while for Carmen to comfort you enough for you to feel comfortable enough to go back inside, sticking close to the Atleti defender as Jenni pulled you into a side hug, kissing the crown of your head.
“Hola, Jenni…” you accepted the hug from your teammate, having known Jenni since your first year at Atleti, plus you were cold from being on the balcony for so long. You had a feeling Carmen was too. Especially when you ended up getting wrapped in a blanket that Carmen passed to Jenni.
“Feliz cumpleaños.”
“Gracias… oh um, is this the part where I stand awkwardly as everyone sings happy birthday at me and a sweet dessert that has been stabbed by many small wax cylinders that are lit on fire?” Your sarcasm was evident as Carmen chuckled, while Jenni, Mapi and Patri looked confused until they spotted Lola and Alexia with a dessert that had candles in it.
“Not like last year though?” Carmen pointed out, confusing the others even more as you tilted your head side to side in thought.
“Last year, I blew out a lighter held away from the dessert by a housemate I don’t talk to anymore.” You held the blanket further around you, avoiding eye contact with your teammates, past and present, “So, this is better, it’s just overwhelming.” 
“Lighter?” Lola immediately looked concerned but you shook your head, cut off as Jenni pulled you into another hug and tried to kiss your head again, her lips getting the blanket instead as you squirmed slightly.
“You are loved.” The forward stated, holding you gently as you leaned into her, letting out a sigh.
“Okay, can everyone chill- oh look, the candles are melting wax everywhere!” causing a slight distraction, you escaped Jenni’s hold and headed into the kitchen to grab a drink.
Your face burned from all the attention you were getting, your skin prickling with heat. 
Standing over the sink, sipping your drink. You didn’t hear the front door open, but you could hear a few more of your teammates arrive, instilling more anxiety in you.
Your stomach flipped as footsteps approached. You were lucky your teammates had figured out how you functioned rather quickly during your first year at Atleti. You could be anxious and a little awkward when too much attention was on you.
“We’re going to put a movie on, your birthday, your pick.” Alexia explained, smiling as you turned to face her with a quiet hum, already having a movie in mind. Your captain chuckled as you kept the blanket around your shoulders, walking with her out of the kitchen with a chaotic smirk.
“You might regret giving me the choice.” You teased, watching as your teammates, former and present, took over the living room seating.
Leila nudged you in the shoulder with her foot as you sat down on the floor in front of the main couch and swiped the remote from Lola to set up the tv. 
“You know, if I had known about this get together, I would have brought the dvd. Leila, I am not your footstool.” You replied, smiling slightly as Carmen scooted off the couch to sit next to you and share your blanket, whilst Lola and Leila eventually let you two lean against their legs.
“What is this movie?” Jenni enquired, leaning forwards to hear your answer.
“A cult classic.” You smirked, turning your head as you and Carmen were joined on the floor by Mapi and Ingrid, everyone in the room watching as you set up the subtitles and hit play on the 2002 live action Scooby Doo movie.
“Happy birthday to me…” you murmured, humming along to the intro before Lola nudged you in the back, passing you a bowl of the dessert from earlier, sans birthday candle wax, and cutlery.
“Muchas gracias, for everything.” Thanking your friends for everything they had done, even if the original surprise idea had spooked you and led to you taking a breather on the balcony.
You were calmer than before as everyone’s attention was on the movie you had chosen, allowing you to breathe, resting the back of your head against Leila’s knee, eventually ending with everyone enjoying the chaos of the 2002 live-action Scooby Doo movie.
You were still awake by the time that the 2004 sequel had reached the credits. Staying still as you could as you realised a few of your teammates were asleep, carefully using the remote to turn the volume down and pressed play on the first episode of season one of Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated. Turning your head gently to glance around, you met Lola’s smile before you both went back to watching the show.
“Best birthday yet.” You whispered before getting shushed, Leila’s foot nudging you again as you realised she was awake, but your attention had shifted back to episode one, ‘Beware the Beast from Below’, completely entranced by the show.
It really was the best birthday yet for you.
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artcosmique · 4 months
Team Mi-Temps, issue #1
Hey, so, remember my little super-heroes team ?
I dont remember if i told yall i wanted to make a comic of that....but here i am ! With the two first pages, hope yall will enjoy, and dont hesitate to point any english mistakes ;)
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Thanks you for reading that it mean the whole world to me <3
And feel free to reblog, tell me anything you think abt that, show ur friends etc..... i am deeply in that little project
It should last 13~14 pages, but i might continue the aventures of Team Mi-Temps if i see pople enjoying that =^=
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mtdthoughts · 9 months
Differences Between Migi & Dali (Observation)
This is definitely long overdue, but I thought it may be helpful to those who aren't completely caught up or who aren't able to tell the twins apart.
In my opinion, the viewer should be able to tell who's Migi and who's Dali by the end of Episode 3 or 4, as their differences really begin to show. One of the most crucial elements of the story is the twins themselves and how they and their relationship evolve (IMO more important than the mystery). Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish the twins as early as possible, otherwise the viewer may miss out on the full experience of this story.
I wouldn't necessarily say that this contains spoilers, but if you want to figure out the differences yourselves I would hold back from reading for now.
Click here for the updated version of this post (in chart form!)
Birth order: Migi is the younger twin, and Dali is the older twin. The twins seem to be well-aware of this and certainly act quite befittingly.
Names: Migi means "right" in Japanese, and Dali seems to be short for hidari or "left" in Japanese.
Hair: Migi's bangs are swept to the right (his left), and Dali's bangs are swept to the left (his right).
Handedness: Migi is right-handed, and Dali is left-handed. In fact, Dali seems to be the only leftie in the story.
Favorite food: Migi loves cherry pie, while Dali loves omelets.
Brains: Migi is right-brained, artistic, and creative, while Dali is left-brained, scientific, and logical.
Vibe: Migi gives off a cute vibe, while Dali gives off a cool vibe.
Maturity: Migi is silly and childish, a glutton, and is a bit of a crybaby and a scaredy-cat, but is kind and gentle. Dali is serious and mature and can be tough and cold, but also has a softer side.
Emotion vs. Logic: Migi is emotional and impulsive, acts based on instinct, and sometimes even acts like an animal. Dali is calm and rational, and acts based on logic and calculation, but hides a passion that burns even hotter than Migi's.
Quirks: Migi sticks his tongue out when he's shocked (kind of reminds me of Anya from Spy x Family) and sometimes acts like an animal. Dali has his trademark laugh, which often consists of a literal ROTFL.
Dogs: Migi is associated with a Golden Retriever, while Dali is associated with a Doberman.
Expressiveness: Migi is expressive and open with his emotions, while Dali is closed off and hides/bottles his emotions.
Honesty: Migi is honest and genuine, and a terrible liar. Dali is deceptive and manipulative, and a great liar.
Talents: Migi is talented in imitation (self-branded "King of Imitations"), while Dali is talented in deception and manipulation.
Intelligence: Migi tends to be somewhat oblivious and dumb, while Dali is perceptive and intelligent (sometimes too much for his own good).
School: Migi doesn't do well in school unless motivated, while Dali seems to be quite gifted academically (likely has an affinity for math and science)
Trust: Migi has an easier time opening up to others, while Dali is distrustful of others (projection?)
Finding strength: Migi tends to seek strength in others (including Dali), while Dali tends to seek strength in himself.
Happiness: Migi actively pursues happiness, while Dali tends to deny his own happiness.
Focus: Migi can get distracted quite easily, while Dali is laser-focused on his goals (sometimes to the point of tunnel vision)
Humility: Migi is humble while Dali is arrogant.
Aggression: Migi is the gentler and more passive of the two, while Dali is more aggressive, and can be ruthless and violent.
Innocence: Migi is pure-hearted, naïve, and easily fooled, while Dali is wiser, darker, and cynical.
Symbolism: Migi is associated with the sun, light, and yang, while Dali is associated with the moon, darkness, and yin.
Sanity: Migi seems to be a normal 13-year-old boy for the most part, while Dali is more mature but more at risk of insanity.
Team roles: Dali is the charismatic leader and mastermind, while Migi is the executioner of Dali's plans.
Dynamic: Dali tends to give orders to Migi, and Migi tends to listen and defer to Dali. Migi asks Dali questions, and Dali gives answers to Migi.
Catchphrase: Dali says, "Don't let your guard down, Migi." to which Migi responds, "Understood, Dali." (*Note: I'm not sure if this is the best translation)
Honesty to each other: Migi almost always tells the truth to Dali, while Dali sometimes lies to Migi.
Family roles: It is likely (IMO) that Dali was parentified after his mother's death, causing him to act as his mother's stand-in and to take care of Migi physically and emotionally. This could explain why Dali is overly protective of Migi and why Migi seems more like a normal boy compared to Dali.
Attitudes to each other: Migi respects and looks up to Dali, while Dali is very protective of Migi.
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tomorrowusa · 11 months
Events in Israel and Gaza have overshadowed news of Ukrainian progress in driving out Russian invaders.
Ukraine used M39 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) missiles provided by the US for the first time against two targets in Ukraine occupied by Putin's forces. One of those targets was an airfield in Berdyansk on the coast of the Sea of Azov.
The result was “one of the most serious strikes of all time” in Russia’s 21-month wider war on Ukraine, according to Fighterbomber, a popular Russian Telegram channel. The Ukrainian military claimed it destroyed a combined nine helicopters in the Berdyansk attack and a simultaneous raid on a facility in Luhansk, farther to the east. Ukrainian analysis team Frontelligence Insight compared high-resolution Planet Labs satellite imagery from September with lower-resolution imagery from Wednesday broadly to confirm the military’s claim. Frontelligence Insight scrutinized imagery from Sept. 29 and pinpointed four Kamov Ka-52 and one Mil Mi-24 helicopters parked on the northern apron at the Berdyansk base. The group then scrutinized imagery from Oct. 17—and found scorch marks where those five helicopters should have been.
Here's how ATACMS work.
The M39 Army Tactical Missile System, or ATACMS, is a two-ton, 13-foot ballistic missile with a solid rocket motor and a warhead containing 950 grenade-size submunitions. Fired by a tracked or wheeled launcher, the 1990s-vintage missile ranges as far as 100 miles under inertial guidance. An M39 usually should strike within 50 yards or so of its aim-point. This isn’t super-accurate by modern standards, but it’s accurate enough considering that the M39 is an area weapon.
Why the attack on Berdyansk is important.
And now the Russians must make some difficult choices in order to protect their surviving rotorcraft from follow-on ATACMS raids. “The impact of this devastating attack is undeniable,” Frontelligence Insight noted. “It will likely disrupt helicopter operations in the south of Ukraine for some time, compelling the Russians to adjust their logistics and the operations of nearby helicopter bases.”
Russia can no longer count on distance to keep its helicopters safe. Not being able to use helicopters reliably will hurt its operations as Ukrainian forces gradually push south to cut off occupied Crimea by land from Russia.
Wars don't go away because other wars break out or because people in third countries get bored with them. Putin has no fucking business in Ukraine and his invasion is a direct threat to the eastern flank of America's NATO allies.
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leeenuu · 1 year
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A Ukrainian serviceman of 12 aviation brigade sits inside an Mi-8 combat helicopter before flight during a combat mission in Kharkiv region, Ukraine, Sunday, April 2, 2023. (AP Photo/Alex Babenko)
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Men lowered the coffin of a Ukrainian soldier, Andrii Neskhodovskyi, 24, into a grave in Kyiv on Saturday, March 25, 2023. His father, Oleh, 59, looked on from the front center of the group. (Mauricio Lima/The New York Times)
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An aerial view of Bakhmut, the site of heavy battles with Russian troops in the Donetsk region, Ukraine, Sunday, March 26, 2023. Europe’s biggest armed conflict since World War II is poised to enter a key new phase in the coming weeks. With no suggestion of a negotiated end to the 13 months of fighting between Russia and Ukraine, a counteroffensive by Kyiv’s troops is in the cards. (AP Photo/Libkos)
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Children play in a playground in front of missile-damaged buildings ahead of a visit by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, Monday, March 27, 2023. Zelenskyy has been increasing his travel across Ukraine as his country's war with Russia enters its second year. A team of journalists from The Associated Press traveled with Zelenskyy aboard his train for two nights as he visited troops along the front lines and communities that have been liberated from Russian control. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)
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A Ukrainian tank unit crew takes cover and waits for shelling to cease in a bunker, near the bombed-out eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, Ukraine, Wednesday, March 29, 2023. (REUTERS/Violeta Santos Moura)
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A woman sweeps away debris in her heavily damaged home, Sunday, April 2, 2023, after a massive shelling attack in the city of Kostyantynivka, Ukraine, a few miles from the besieged city of Bakhmut. (Heidi Levine/The Washington Post)
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A train platform damaged by shelling the night before in Druzhkivka, eastern Ukraine, on Thursday, March 30, 2023. (Mauricio Lima/The New York Times)
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People attend a vigil marking the first anniversary of the liberation of the town of Bucha, outside Kyiv, Ukraine, Friday, March 31, 2023. Kyiv says more than 1,400 people were killed in Bucha during the occupation including 37 children, more than 175 people were found in mass graves and torture chambers, and 9,000 Russian war crimes have been identified. (REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach)
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m3kszgyulafan · 8 months
Mi volt jó 2023-ban? Például ezek:
Lemezek: 1. The Lemon Twigs - Everything Harmony 2. Spector - Here Come the Early Nights 3. Teenage Fanclub - Nothing Lasts Forever 4. Grian Chatten - Chaos for the Fly 5. Slowdive - Everything Is Alive 6. Jaakko Eino Kalevi - Chaos Magic 7. Sufjan Stevens - Javelin 8. Kate Davis - Fish Bowl 9. Belle and Sebastian - Late Developers 10. Sparklehorse - Bird Machine 11. The Go! Team - Get Up Sequences Part Two 12. Ash - Race The Night 13. Beach Fossils - Bunny 14. The Mountain Goats - Jenny from Thebes 15. Blur - The Ballad of Darren 16. The Coral - Sea of Mirrors
Sorozatok: 1. Dave 3 2. Ted Lasso 3 3. Somebody Somewhere 2 4. Shrinking 5. The Lying Life of Adults 6. Gólkirályság 7. Rain Dogs 8. Beckham (Jó, ezt még csak most kezdtem, meg amúgy is doku, de idefér :D)
Ide még egy-két mondatot engedtessék meg nekem. Miután tavaly, 2022-ben konkrétan az első helyezettet véletlenül, fene sem tudja hogy, de kihagytam a listáról (After Life 3), így nehezen lehet komolyan venni a fenti sorozatos listát. Nem készítek év közben feljegyzéseket sajnos. Ugyanakkor leszögezni kívánom, hogy valami borzadály kevés sorozatot nézek, egyrészt mert nem érdekelnek, másrészt mert borzasztó sok a szar, én meg nem kotorászok már a szarban. Ráadásul két korábbi elsöprő kedvencem, a Happy Valley 3. évada, és a Time 2. évada el sem jutott hozzám, mert nem elérhető még legálisan felénk. Lehet 2024-ben lista sem lesz ebben a szegmensben. A lemezekről ugyanakkor hosszabban is tudnék írni, de kinek van erre ideje? Az a szegmens nincs veszélyben.
Koncertek: Ennek a szegmensnek sincs semmi értelme már :( Mindenesetre elképesztően nagy dolog 2023-ban mindenféle szempontból, hogy még eljutok külföldre koncertre. Így hát nem is lehet más: 1. Ash / Graz
Legjobb dalok: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/26ERdtsH4sVrt1EZZxpurl?si=71a7a54a7a334487
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general-yasur · 1 year
How does Jorge feel about his and Lloyd's new adoptive kids?
You are right. Jorge and Lloyd start co-parenting Sora and Arin.
He absolutely adores them because in a lot of ways he is like them. A big bright-eyes guy who wants to do good and was a fanboy of the ninja before he joined them team as the Neon Stallion
And, he is a tech guy and super smart so he really gets along with Sora and encourages her to use her powers. He loves them so much
He has to keep lloyd from doing too much…”Mi amor, 12 hour training sessions? Have you gone mad?”
Lloyd: “So? I’ve done like 13 hours! >:(“ <- Lying.
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