#technical content writing services
arghyasen11 · 8 months
AI Content is Good for SEO Ranking?
AI-generated content can have both positive and negative effects on SEO ranking, depending on how it's used and the quality of the content. Here are some key points to consider:
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Content Quality: The quality of the content is crucial for SEO ranking. If the AI-generated content is well-written, informative, and relevant to the topic, it can potentially improve your SEO ranking. However, if the content is low-quality, irrelevant, or doesn't provide value to users, it can have a negative impact on your ranking.
Originality: Search engines value original and unique content. If the AI generates content that is simply a rehash of existing content or is too similar to other pages on the web, it may not contribute positively to your SEO efforts.
Relevance: Content generated by AI should be relevant to the topic and keywords you are targeting for SEO. It's important to ensure that the content aligns with your overall SEO strategy and the needs of your target audience.
User Engagement: AI-generated content should engage and resonate with your website visitors. High-quality, engaging content can lead to longer page visits, lower bounce rates, and more social sharing, all of which can positively impact SEO.
Natural Language: AI-generated content should read like it's written by a human. Search engines like Google increasingly prioritize content that uses natural language and provides a good user experience.
Avoiding Duplicate Content: If you use AI to generate content for multiple pages on your website, it's important to ensure that each page offers unique value. Duplicate content can lead to SEO issues, including penalties.
E-A-T Factors: Google emphasizes expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) when evaluating content. AI-generated content may lack the expertise or trustworthiness that human-generated content can provide, which can impact SEO.
Ethical and Legal Considerations: Some forms of AI-generated content may raise ethical and legal issues, such as copyright violations or the creation of deceptive content, which can harm your site's reputation and SEO ranking.
In summary:
AI-generated content can be beneficial for SEO if it is high-quality, original, relevant, and aligns with your SEO strategy. However, it's important to use AI-generated content responsibly and ensure that it enhances the user experience rather than detracting from it. Always monitor the performance of AI-generated content and be prepared to make adjustments if it doesn't produce the desired SEO results. I am here for any help regarding Search Engine Ranking.
Follow me on - Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Medium
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contentusdigital · 9 months
The technology of voice search has been around for a long time, but its integration into marketing strategy, especially for digital marketing, is new. Today, companies are designing and optimising the material of their digital marketing campaign, especially the written part of it, to be compatible with voice search.
Now, voice search works based on speech recognition. Speech recognition transcribes human speech into words, and then the voice assistant analyses those words and identifies the questions or other instructions from a human being. This technology is now more advanced than ever due to the rapid progression of Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. Its accuracy and flawless search result makes it more demandable to the users.
Check - https://www.contentusdigital.in/the-impact-of-voice-search-on-content-strategy/
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jessejames1802 · 1 year
The main goal for any business is to generate revenue, and we all know that effective communication plays a vital role in generating revenue for businesses. 
Medical Writing Companies offer specialized services that can significantly impact a company’s success. 
From crafting compelling medical content to providing technical writing expertise, these companies are instrumental in helping businesses thrive. 
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forkanmahmud · 2 months
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Welcome to Forkan Mahmud's top-notch SEO services! Elevate your online presence with international SEO services, SEO copywriting, and more. Expertise meets innovation for ultimate digital success!
In today's digital landscape, establishing a robust online presence is paramount for businesses of all sizes. As an experienced SEO expert, I, Forkan Mahmud, offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to catapult your brand to the forefront of search engine results pages (SERPs). From international SEO strategies to tailored solutions for small businesses, my expertise ensures unparalleled visibility and engagement for your digital assets.
Forkan Mahmud: Revolutionizing SEO Services
International SEO Services
Expanding your business globally requires a tailored approach to SEO. My international SEO services encompass in-depth keyword research, multilingual optimization, and localization strategies to ensure your brand resonates with diverse audiences worldwide. By leveraging advanced techniques, I maximize your reach across borders, driving organic traffic and fostering global brand recognition.
Elevate Your Content with SEO Copywriting
Compelling content lies at the heart of successful digital marketing campaigns. With my SEO copywriting services, I craft engaging, keyword-rich content that captivates audiences and boosts search engine rankings. From website copy to blog posts and product descriptions, each piece is meticulously optimized to enhance visibility and drive conversions.
Live SEO Services: Real-time Optimization for Maximum Impact
In today's dynamic digital landscape, agility is key to staying ahead of the competition. My live SEO services offer real-time optimization to adapt to algorithm updates, consumer trends, and industry shifts promptly. By continuously monitoring and fine-tuning your digital presence, I ensure sustained growth and maximum ROI.
Shopify SEO Services: Optimizing E-commerce Success
For e-commerce businesses operating on the Shopify platform, achieving visibility amidst fierce competition is paramount. My Shopify SEO services are tailored to enhance product discoverability, improve conversion rates, and maximize revenue. From keyword optimization to technical enhancements, I empower Shopify merchants to thrive in the digital marketplace.
WordPress SEO Services: Unleash the Power of Your Website
WordPress powers millions of websites worldwide, making it essential to optimize your WordPress site for search engines. My WordPress SEO services encompass comprehensive site audits, keyword optimization, and technical enhancements to boost performance and visibility. Whether you're a blogger, entrepreneur, or enterprise, I tailor solutions to unleash your website's full potential.
Empowering Small Businesses with the Best SEO Solutions
Small businesses are the backbone of the economy, and I am committed to empowering them with cutting-edge SEO solutions. From local SEO optimization to affordable packages tailored to small budgets, my services cater to the unique needs of small businesses. Experience exponential growth and increased visibility with personalized SEO strategies designed for success.
Q: How long does it take to see results from SEO efforts? A: SEO is a long-term investment, and the timeline for seeing results can vary depending on various factors such as competition, industry, and website condition. However, clients typically start noticing improvements within 3 to 6 months of implementing SEO strategies.
Q: Can you guarantee a top position on Google search results? A: While I cannot guarantee specific rankings, I employ proven strategies and best practices to maximize your website's visibility and organic traffic. My focus is on delivering sustainable results and fostering continuous improvement in search engine rankings over time.
Q: Do you provide customized SEO solutions for different industries? A: Absolutely! I understand that each industry has its unique challenges and requirements. That's why I offer customized SEO solutions tailored to specific industries, ensuring optimal results and ROI for businesses across diverse sectors.
Q: How do you stay updated with the latest SEO trends and algorithms? A: Staying ahead of the curve is crucial in the ever-evolving field of SEO. I dedicate time to ongoing learning, attend industry conferences, and closely monitor algorithm updates and trends. By staying informed and adaptive, I ensure that my clients benefit from the latest innovations and best practices in SEO.
Q: Can you provide references or case studies showcasing your past successes? A: Certainly! I have a portfolio of successful SEO campaigns and satisfied clients across various industries. Feel free to reach out, and I'll be happy to share relevant case studies and references that demonstrate the effectiveness of my SEO strategies.
Q: How do I get started with your SEO services? A: Getting started is easy! Simply reach out to schedule a consultation, and we'll discuss your business goals, current challenges, and how my SEO services can help you achieve sustainable growth and success online.
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johnypage95 · 3 months
Become an author in UAE! - Best Ghost Writing Services in the UAE:-
Ghostwriters are in great demand because of the increasing popularity of eBook publications. Most individuals think it's excellent to hire an eBook writing service to finish their work quickly and under their names since they want to publish their books or content but need more time because writing a decent novel might take years. https://writersuae.blogspot.com/2024/03/become-author-in-uae-best-ghost-writing.html
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askgaloredigital · 4 months
Unveiling Success: Your Comprehensive Guide to Essential SEO Services | AskGalore Digital
Explore the world of SEO with our comprehensive breakdown of essential services! Elevate your online presence through expert keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, content writing, and more.
For additional details, please visit us at: https://askgalore.com/seo-service-list
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scoopit42 · 6 months
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Explore SEO Types for Growth - Learn with Scoopit
Discover 7 key SEO types to grow your online visibility. Implement strategies for your success. Click & master your online website SEO with Scoopit SEO Now!
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arghyasen11 · 1 year
How to Write Effective Headlines
Headlines are one of the most important portions of any content. The main reason is that it is solely responsible to attract readers to read your blog. Hence, it becomes a must to frame effective headlines for your content. Here are some tried and tested strategies that you can use to give an effective headline to your blog. Check our best website content writing services.
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7 Useful Tips to Write Effective Headlines
To ease the task of framing effective headlines, here are some tips that you can use:
Make headlines catchy 
A catchy headline intrigues the readers to go through the content to know more about what the headline states. Make sure to frame it in a way that it communicates to the readers what the article is about clearly without any spoilers. This allows readers to go through the content for additional details.
For example, instead of writing "Features and benefits of home loan" you can write "Build your dream house with an affordable home loan. Although both communicate the same idea, the second heading will appeal the most to the readers because of the change in the tone of the headline. 
Use numbers and data
When framing a listicle article, try to mention the number of contents in your list in the headline. If you are confused about how many items to include in the list, you can always perform a competitor analysis. Furthermore, you can also write the year in the headline to communicate to your readers that the article contains all recent data and ideas.
For example, instead of writing "Steps to avail a home loan" you can write "5 hassle-free steps to get an affordable home loan in 2023". The second subhead will give readers a clear idea about how many steps they can expect in the blog. Also, they will understand that the article contains all the latest information about home loan applications. 
Use unique rationale
Using unique rationales in the headlines can immediately draw the reader's attention to your blog. You can use rationales like tips, reasons, tricks, facts, secrets, strategies and so on to grab your reader's attention. For instance, you can write "5 tips to write a blog", "7 Secrets to organic marketing", "3 secrets to rank your website high in SERP", and many more.
Avoid any ambiguity
When attempting to frame an eye-catching headline, many people unknowingly write some headings that appear to be vague. This can mislead your readers as they will not find any information that the headline promises. 
Thus, there are chances that they will never in the future refer to your website when looking for authentic information. So, make sure that the headlines are catchy, logical, and completely align with the contents of your blog or article. 
Use interesting adjectives
Using interesting adjectives is a must when you are trying to make an emotional appeal with your headlines. It makes the headline of your content super-attractive such that it caters to your audience's needs. Some of the adjectives that you can use include fun, free, incredible, effortless, absolute, essential, and many more. For example, "10 fun things to do on weekend", "6 effortless ways to rank your content high on the SERP" and so on. 
Incorporate power words
There are several words that have the power to make your readers feel the emotion associated with a heading. There are several such impactful words that can have an emotional impact on your readers and increase the conversion rate of your blogs. Some examples of such headlines include "Conquer the world of digital marketing in 5 simple steps", "10 amazing tips to lower your home loan interest rate", and so on. 
Avoid puns or clichés
Playing with words when framing a headline is one of the popular practices that many people use. However, when doing so, make sure that the idea is fresh and original. Also, avoid using puns and alliterations unnecessarily, if it does not fit the idea that you want to communicate through your content.
For the best practices, you can brainstorm some ideas and make a list of them. This will help you to craft a headline that is straightforward, logical, concise and compelling to the readers. Also, it should perfectly suit the tone of your blog.
Pro Tip:
Make sure to proofread and facts check the headlines to no typos, wrong punctuations, missing words, or incorrect use of words. 
Using a catchy and effective headline when crafting your blog can make readers choose your blog instead of your competitors. This ultimately increases the traffic on your website and leads to more conversions. Also, it improves the rank of your website on the SERP, giving an ultimate boost to your digital marketing strategies. For more tips contact the top content writing service Bangalore.
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contentusdigital · 9 months
Contentus Digital: Your Go-To Destination for Top-Notch Content Writing in Bangalore
Contentus Digital is a premier provider of content writing services in Bangalore, offering a compelling blend of creativity, precision, and digital expertise. With a dedicated team of skilled writers, they craft engaging, best seo content writing service that resonates with target audiences and elevates brand visibility. Their services cater to a diverse range of industries, ensuring versatile and tailored content solutions. Contentus Digital stands out for its commitment to quality, delivering well-researched, error-free, and original content that drives engagement and conversions. They understand the nuances of online content, harnessing the power of words to enhance websites, blogs, social media, and marketing collateral, making them a trusted partner for businesses seeking to make a lasting online impact in Bangalore's competitive market.
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jessejames1802 · 1 year
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dilanblogs · 1 year
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forkanmahmud · 2 months
international seo services
Welcome to Forkan Mahmud's top-notch SEO services! Elevate your online presence with international SEO services, SEO copywriting, and more. Expertise meets innovation for ultimate digital success!
In today's digital landscape, establishing a robust online presence is paramount for businesses of all sizes. As an experienced SEO expert, I, Forkan Mahmud, offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to catapult your brand to the forefront of search engine results pages (SERPs). From international SEO strategies to tailored solutions for small businesses, my expertise ensures unparalleled visibility and engagement for your digital assets.
Forkan Mahmud: Revolutionizing SEO Services
International SEO Services
Expanding your business globally requires a tailored approach to SEO. My international SEO services encompass in-depth keyword research, multilingual optimization, and localization strategies to ensure your brand resonates with diverse audiences worldwide. By leveraging advanced techniques, I maximize your reach across borders, driving organic traffic and fostering global brand recognition.
Elevate Your Content with SEO Copywriting
Compelling content lies at the heart of successful digital marketing campaigns. With my SEO copywriting services, I craft engaging, keyword-rich content that captivates audiences and boosts search engine rankings. From website copy to blog posts and product descriptions, each piece is meticulously optimized to enhance visibility and drive conversions.
Live SEO Services: Real-time Optimization for Maximum Impact
In today's dynamic digital landscape, agility is key to staying ahead of the competition. My live SEO services offer real-time optimization to adapt to algorithm updates, consumer trends, and industry shifts promptly. By continuously monitoring and fine-tuning your digital presence, I ensure sustained growth and maximum ROI.
Shopify SEO Services: Optimizing E-commerce Success
For e-commerce businesses operating on the Shopify platform, achieving visibility amidst fierce competition is paramount. My Shopify SEO services are tailored to enhance product discoverability, improve conversion rates, and maximize revenue. From keyword optimization to technical enhancements, I empower Shopify merchants to thrive in the digital marketplace.
WordPress SEO Services: Unleash the Power of Your Website
WordPress powers millions of websites worldwide, making it essential to optimize your WordPress site for search engines. My WordPress SEO services encompass comprehensive site audits, keyword optimization, and technical enhancements to boost performance and visibility. Whether you're a blogger, entrepreneur, or enterprise, I tailor solutions to unleash your website's full potential.
Empowering Small Businesses with the Best SEO Solutions
Small businesses are the backbone of the economy, and I am committed to empowering them with cutting-edge SEO solutions. From local SEO optimization to affordable packages tailored to small budgets, my services cater to the unique needs of small businesses. Experience exponential growth and increased visibility with personalized SEO strategies designed for success.
Q: How long does it take to see results from SEO efforts? A: SEO is a long-term investment, and the timeline for seeing results can vary depending on various factors such as competition, industry, and website condition. However, clients typically start noticing improvements within 3 to 6 months of implementing SEO strategies.
Q: Can you guarantee a top position on Google search results? A: While I cannot guarantee specific rankings, I employ proven strategies and best practices to maximize your website's visibility and organic traffic. My focus is on delivering sustainable results and fostering continuous improvement in search engine rankings over time.
Q: Do you provide customized SEO solutions for different industries? A: Absolutely! I understand that each industry has its unique challenges and requirements. That's why I offer customized SEO solutions tailored to specific industries, ensuring optimal results and ROI for businesses across diverse sectors.
Q: How do you stay updated with the latest SEO trends and algorithms? A: Staying ahead of the curve is crucial in the ever-evolving field of SEO. I dedicate time to ongoing learning, attend industry conferences, and closely monitor algorithm updates and trends. By staying informed and adaptive, I ensure that my clients benefit from the latest innovations and best practices in SEO.
Q: Can you provide references or case studies showcasing your past successes? A: Certainly! I have a portfolio of successful SEO campaigns and satisfied clients across various industries. Feel free to reach out, and I'll be happy to share relevant case studies and references that demonstrate the effectiveness of my SEO strategies.
Q: How do I get started with your SEO services? A: Getting started is easy! Simply reach out to schedule a consultation, and we'll discuss your business goals, current challenges, and how my SEO services can help you achieve sustainable growth and success online.
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Get Top-Notch SEO Services in New York | Appstrice
Improve your online presence with Appstrice's expert SEO Services in New York. Boost your website's ranking and drive more traffic today.
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johnypage95 · 8 months
Technical content writing companies:-
Transform your ideas into powerful words with expert writing services from Writers.ae. Our team of skilled professionals crafts compelling content tailored to your needs, ensuring your message resonates. Explore our range of writing solutions today. To know more information, visit: https://www.writers.ae/Technical_Writing_Services_in_UAE_Dubai_Abu_Dhabi_UK_Australia_HongKong_India_Singapore.aspx
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I will do technical SEO audits and fixes for your website
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If you are looking for an expert to conduct a technical SEO audit and make necessary fixes for your website, then I am the person for the job. As an experienced SEO professional, I specialize in technical SEO audits and fixes. I have the knowledge and experience to identify any issues on your website that are preventing it from achieving optimal search engine visibility.
My technical SEO audit process involves a comprehensive analysis of your website and its underlying code. This includes a review of the page structure, content, links, and other technical elements that can affect a website’s search engine performance. After the initial analysis, I will make a detailed report to pinpoint any issues that need to be addressed.
Once the issues have been identified, I will provide a plan of action to fix them. This might involve making changes to the coding, optimizing content, or building more links. I will also provide you with strategies to improve your website’s search engine visibility in the long term.
With my help, you can be sure that your website is optimized for search engines and is performing as well as it should be. I will provide you with an SEO audit and fixes that are tailored to your website and it's individual needs.
Contact me today to get started on optimizing your website for search engine visibility and success.
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lysenfeu · 1 year
It's His Birthday
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It's His Birthday
Rating: Explicit 18+
Word Count: 5.7k
Pairing: Adrian Chase x F!Reader
Summary: The 11th Street kids take Adrian out to celebrate for his birthday and try to set him up with the cute bartender.
Content: Alcohol Use, Flirting, Fluff, Smut (Slight Dub-con/Drunk Sex, Sex with Strangers, Facesitting, 69 Position, PIV, Safe Sex)
[Read on AO3]
A/N: This is a silly little smutty one-shot to celebrate Adrian's birthday (or belated cuz this is technically late whoops). I've written mostly mask-stays-on Vig so far, so I thought it would be fun to try and write a cute birthday boy Adrian piece with a civilian!reader. Best boy deserves some fluff and spice!
Another evening, another evening shift. You sighed as you wiped down the countertop in the dive bar you were currently working in.
Three months ago you threw a dart at a map (okay, a GPS pin drop on your phone but whatever). You ended up dragging your tired and burnt-out self far away from your shitty hometown to Evergreen, Washington for a fresh start. Unfortunately, so far Evergreen was just as shitty as your hometown, albeit with a different landscape view.
You got the first job that accepted your application and now worked at a mediocre at best local bar downtown. It paid enough to live and your new apartment was nearby. You weren't sure how you felt about Evergreen yet but at least it was different.
"Hey, can we open up a tab?"
You snapped out of your thoughts at the sound of a customer and looked up at the impossibly large man in front of you. He looked like a marine and you wondered if there was a military base nearby. You shot him your best customer-service smile.
"Sure, I just need some ID and your card."
The man pulled out his wallet and handed over his license and credit card with the name Christopher Smith. You jotted down his info and handed it back.
"There you go, Chris. What can I get for you?"
"Five beers for the table." He gestured behind him at a booth across the room with four other people sitting down.
"And hey, can you make something special for my buddy?" He pointed out a brunette man with silver-rimmed glasses. "It's his birthday."
You nodded, this happened all the time with people out to celebrate.
"Sure. Does he like pineapple?"
Chris gave you a blank look. "I have no idea."
You filled a tall glass with ice, then poured in vodka, blue curaçao and pineapple juice. Grabbing a slice of pineapple chunk from the garnish bar, you hung it just right on the side of the glass then spun around, tossed a straw in and presented the bright-coloured drink.
"There you go! I hope he likes it."
Chris squinted at the teal cocktail and snorted before picking up the tray.
"He's gonna love it, thanks."
You watched carefully as the large man carried the tray over to the booth and dished out the drinks. He slid the cocktail in front of the cute guy with glasses and then pointed at you. The brunette glanced over at you, then took a sip and looked back up. He gave you a giant dopey grin and a double thumbs up. You returned his smile with a real one, genuinely thrilled he seemed to enjoy your choice.
You watched the group for a little while, there wasn't much else going on in the bar. A few regulars playing pool, what looked like a terrible date in the back corner and the full booth you were staring at were the only patrons tonight.
The group you were watching was new here, at least you didn't recognize them from the few months you'd been working the evening shift. You wondered how they knew each other, daydreaming about customers was a way to pass the time on slow nights like this. You watched them laugh and drink until another customer called your attention and you were forced to spend some time actually doing your job.
When you made your way back across the bar, Chris was leaning on the bar. You put down the empty glass in your hands and addressed him.
"Another round of beers for you guys?"
He nodded at you. "Yeah, thanks." He waited impatiently for you to open them and place them on the tray. "Also I should tell you my friend-" he jerked his head back at the guy with glasses sitting at the booth behind him. "-thinks you're really cute."
You raise an eyebrow at him. "Oh really?"
Chris nodded.
"Well if that's true, he can come tell me himself." You slid the tray towards him and then spun off to the other end of the bar where a patron was flagging you down.
You watched out of the corner of your eye as Chris went back to the booth and handed out the beers before whispering to the cute guy in glasses. The brunette flushed and started arguing with the larger man.
You quickly glanced away when they both turned to look at you and you focused intently on pulling the pint another patron had just ordered instead. Sliding the now-full glass across the bar to the customer, you wiped your hands with a cloth and walked back over to the register to ring it up.
You looked up and the dark-haired guy in glasses was standing right in front of you.
He gave you a little wave and an awkward, crooked smile. "I'm Adrian."
You couldn't help but giggle a bit at how nervous he seemed.
"Hi, Adrian. How'd you like your drink, birthday boy?"
A light blush formed on his cheeks as you grinned at him. He really was cute, especially when he was being so shy.
"Um, it was really good. Could I get another like that?"
You nodded and turned around to grab the ingredients. When you turned back around, Adrian was leaning on the bar watching you intently. You mixed the drink and handed it over to him. He took a big sip from the drink, smiled and fidgeted with the straw while he stared at you for a moment.
"Is that all? Or is there something else you want to say?" You gave him a small wink and a cheeky smile.
The blush returned to his cheeks, a deeper red than before. He coughed awkwardly and fidgeted more, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck.
He couldn't make eye contact as he blurted it out as fast as possible. "I think you're really pretty."
You leaned on the bar, propping yourself up on your elbows as you tilted your face closer to him.
"What a coincidence, I think you're really pretty too."
You were doing your best impression of a Cheshire cat, grinning madly at how flustered he was. He was still staring at you with wide eyes and it looked like he was about to say something but the magic of the moment was unfortunately shattered by Chris and one of his friends suddenly approaching the bar.
"Can I get a round of shots? Whiskey."
You nodded and walked back to the bar to pour the shots for him. Adrian looked a little miffed at his friends and you bit back another smile, hoping he would talk to you again later.
You quickly finished pouring the drinks and handed over the five shots on a tray and Chris grabbed it from you.
"Thanks, sweet-cheeks."
The woman next to Chris immediately scolded him. "We've been over this. That is not an okay thing to say!"
He turned towards you with a defensive look. "Can you settle this for us? It's totally about having a nice smile!"
"No, no. She's definitely right," You nodded at the woman in agreement. "That phrase is definitely about saying someone has a nice butt."
"I mean, either way, he's not wrong." Adrian gulped and ducked down to stare into his drink as all three of you whipped around to look at him.
"What was that, buddy?" Chris was looking at him in astonishment.
"Nothing." Adrian shook his head and all but ran back to their booth holding his cocktail, avoiding everyone's eye.
"Sorry about him." The woman apologised to you.
"I don't mind." You shrugged at her. "I think he's sweet."
Chris was giving you an incredulous look. "Him?"
"Yeah, him."
You were given a quick look of resignation by both of them before he walked back to the booth with their drinks.
You tried to keep an eye on the group, especially the adorable one, but a few more regulars came in and you were swept away to serve them. The evening progressed in a flash with back-to-back orders from the new tables. You were finally back at the register when a voice sounded out.
You looked up and there he was again, the cutie in glasses. You couldn't help but smile.
"Hey, Adrian! What can I get for you?"
He gave you a goofy smile when he heard you say his name. "Another round of shots please?"
"Sure thing!" You made a big show of pouring the shots from high up without splashing and Adrian gave you an appropriately awed look at your bartending skills.
"So hey, maybe we could-" He was cut off by Chris interrupting again, he had stomped over to grab the tray of shots from the counter.
"I said I got it!" Adrian protested.
"You were taking too long." Chris snapped at his friend.
"I was trying to ask her to join us."
"She can't drink with us, dumbass. She's working."
Adrian turned towards you. "Is that true?"
You shrugged apologetically. "Yeah, he's right. It's policy."
His face fell. "Aw, man. That sucks."
As if on cue, your manager walked out from the back and came over to you.
"Hey if you wanna take off in fifteen or so, that's fine. It's a little slow tonight, I can handle close by myself."
You nodded, any excuse to take off early was a good one. Especially such a conveniently timed one.
Adrian perked up at the news. "Wait, you're almost done with your shift?"
"Yeah, I guess I get off early tonight. Lucky me!"
"Does that mean you can drink with me?"
"What about your friends?" You gestured towards the booth where the rest of his group was gathering their things.
"They want to leave soon, but I'll stay if I can buy you a drink." He looked at you with big pleading eyes and you noted how bright and green they were.
You thought about it for a moment. You usually never drank with customers but… maybe a one-time exception wouldn't be too bad? Spending the rest of the evening drinking with a nice stranger who thought you were pretty could be worse.
"Sure, why not?" You smiled at him and winked. "It is your birthday after all."
You finished cleaning up and clocked out. Adrian was waiting for you as you walked out from the back without your apron. His friends were in the process of closing out the tab with your manager and the booth they had been in was mostly empty, save for two shots waiting for you.
You slid onto the cushioned seat and watched as Adrian said goodbye to the others. Chris clapped him on the shoulder and said something low in his ear that made Adrian whip his head up and look at you with an expression you couldn't quite read.
Your attention was pulled away from the interaction as your manager walked over and placed several candy colour shots and two bright teal cocktails down in front of you.
"Uh, thanks?"
The older woman rolled her eyes. "They're from the big guy that's just leaving. Said something about celebrating properly with something sweet?" She gave you a pointed look and walked off as Adrian came back over.
"What are these?"
You shrugged. "Apparently I have some catching up to do."
The next hour or two passed in a blur after you'd downed the shots and were working on the cocktails in order to catch up with Adrian, who had been drinking all night. The conversation got loud, with the two of you ending up arguing passionately about Star Wars, much to the annoyance of the few other patrons nearby. By the time the bar closed, you had definitely caught up and Adrian had sobered up a bit, leaving the both of you still rather tipsy. Your manager shuffled the two of you to the curb and warned you to get home safely.
"Did you have a good night?"
He grinned at you. "I had a great night."
You grinned back, warm and fuzzy from the alcohol.
"So… I'm just headed that way." You pointed in the general direction of your apartment.
He nodded at you but didn't make any movements. You're not exactly sure that you wanted a strange guy to follow you home but you were still slightly disappointed at his lack of response.
You headed down the street you had pointed towards and got about a block away before you realized Adrian was hot on your heels.
"Do you…also live this way?"
He shook his head. "Not at all, but there's no way I'm letting you walk home alone while drunk."
"What? Why not?"
He frowned at you. "You need someone to protect you, it's kind of dangerous for women out here."
"Oh, so I can't protect myself? Just because I'm a girl?" You stopped in your tracks and put your hands on your hips in annoyance, wobbling a little on the sidewalk. Your indignance at his insinuation briefly overshadowed the fact that you kind of wanted him to come home with you.
"Yes? I mean, no! …Kind of? Wait, is that sexist? Fuck." He was scrambling to explain himself and failing miserably.
"You're just as drunk as me, what help are you gonna be?" You poked him in the chest to emphasise your point.
"Okay maybe, but I can still ki-" He cut himself off suddenly and shook his head. "Look, there's safety in numbers! I'm walking with you, end of story." He grabbed your hand that was still poking at him and tugged you further along the path behind him.
"Fine, but you don't even know where you're going!"
"Oh. Right." He sighed, stopped and dropped your hand, looking back at you. "Which way?"
You rolled your eyes but grabbed his hand again and directed him towards a side street in the opposite direction he had been headed.
"Just down here. It's not far so you don't have to waste too much of your time."
"It's not a waste if I'm spending it with you." He muttered, looking everywhere but directly at you.
It was your turn to blush, taken aback by his unexpectedly sweet words. You kept a firm grip on his hand as you approached your apartment building.
You were just nearing the building door when you tripped on an uneven chunk of sidewalk and suddenly you were headed straight for the ground.
You braced yourself for an impact that… never came. Instead, a pair of strong arms shot out, wrapped around your waist and pulled you backwards. Rather than hitting the cold cement, you were now pressed against a very warm and solid chest. You had no idea how but Adrian had managed to save you from a brutal face plant.
You spun around to face him in shock. He loosened his grip to allow you to move but didn't let you out of his arms as he stared down at you with concern etched onto his face.
"Holy shit, are you okay?"
"You caught me." You stared up at him as he held you tight. Have his eyes been this green all night?
"Yeah, of course I did." His nonchalant tone made you giggle again. Of course , he did. You were still staring up at him and he was getting more concerned.
"Are you sure you're okay? You're breathing really heavy."
"Just…don't move." Your voice was low and soft, you were entirely distracted by how shiny his lips looked in the streetlight.
You found yourself leaning in close without even meaning to, swayed by the warmth in your veins flooding from his hands around you. Your hand slipped behind his neck as you rose on your tiptoes, slowly invading his space and getting unbearably close to his face.
You could feel his breath on your face, tinged with the pineapple cocktails he'd been drinking all night. The sweet scent wasn't helping your impulse control and you were so close to those soft, pink lips…
Your eyes flicked up to his, finding those bright green spots behind his silver frames. He caught your gaze and you saw something flash across his eyes. His grip on your arms tightened as his breathing stuttered and he finally closed the gap between you.
He tasted like pineapple with a faint hint of whiskey, a combination you thoroughly enjoyed. A warmth spread through your lips and into your very bones as he pressed into you until you both broke away panting for air.
"Hey, Adrian?" You murmured, still trying to catch your breath from the kiss.
"Would…you like to come upstairs?"
He paused for a moment, glancing over at the apartment complex door then down at you, still being held tight in his arms.
"Do you want me to come upstairs?"
You giggled again. You couldn't help it, he was so silly. "Yes, that's why I'm asking."
He swallowed hard and you watched his Adam's apple bob up and down. With your lowered inhibitions and rising temperature, you gave in to temptation and leaned forward to press a soft kiss to his throat. He inhaled sharply, instinctively tugging you closer to him.
"Okay, yeah. Upstairs. We should do that." His breath was shaky as his hands slid down your back to rest on your waist. The warmth from his touch spread through your body and you smiled up at him.
You stepped into the lobby, made your way to the elevators and waited for the doors to open. You hit the number for your floor as Adrian stepped in behind you. When the doors closed, he spun towards you and reached up a hand to gently cup your jaw, before pulling you in for another kiss. You sighed against his lips and wrapped your arms around his neck to bring him in closer. You let out a small moan as he caught your bottom lip between his teeth, slowly getting lost in the kiss and forgetting where you were.
He braced his free hand on the wall beside you and pushed you slowly against it, pressing his entire body into you. You relished in the warmth and didn't want to let him go. He slid his hand from your jaw down to your neck and was reaching under the strap of your top when the elevator doors loudly dinged open.
You squeaked, suddenly very aware of the compromising position you were in. You quickly disentangled yourself from Adrian and tugged on his hand, pulling him into the hall as you both exited the elevator.
"Come on!"
You dragged him by the arm down the hall and around the corner to your apartment door. Fishing out your keys becomes an arduous task as Adrian comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, tugging you back into again.
The keys slipped from your grasp and hit the floor, but you barely even noticed through the haze of Adrian's lips on your neck.
"I didn't want to stop, is this okay?" He whispers in your ear.
You were left breathless as his hand slid further up your hip, under the hem of your shirt. His warm palm ran across your bare stomach and every muscle in your abdomen tensed at the sensation.
"Oh god, yes."
He pressed more kisses along your neck as he ran his fingers along your skin, gently stroking along the waistband of your pants.
"We should-" You can barely get the words out as your body slowly melted under his hands and mouth. "-go inside." You managed to finish your sentence and he pulled away from you. You nearly whined at the loss of his touch but he swiftly grabbed your keys off the ground and turned them into the lock for you.
You had barely let him through the threshold of your apartment before slamming the door and pushing him against it, pulling him down for another kiss.
You made your way through the apartment, not bothering to stop the make-out session to give him a tour. You practically shoved him into your bedroom and pushed him down to sit on the edge of your mattress.
You quickly stripped off your work pants and top, standing in front of him in nothing but a plain black bra and panty set. You had a small smirk on your face as he stared up at you with wide eyes, his gaze running all along your body.
"Your turn."
"Oh, right." He snapped out of his daze and quickly pulled his sweater over his head along with his shirt.
"Oh my god." You didn't mean to say that out loud but how could you not? He was deceptively well-built under his clothes.
You marvelled at the bulk of his chest, shoulders and arms. His impressive muscle definition had been entirely hidden by his cardigan and plain T-shirt, you never would have guessed he was this fit. Your gaze trailed along his well-defined abs and down to the sparse pattern of hair leading past his waistband. You bit your lip at how gorgeous he looked, so strong and solid.
"Do you work out a lot or something?"
He laughed at your stunned comment.
"Something like that, yeah."
You watched him slip open his belt buckle and tug off his jeans, leaving him in nothing but a pair of dark boxers. Before you could stare for even longer, he tugged you onto his lap and pulled you in for another kiss. You moved to straddle him and kissed him back feverishly.
His tongue swiped at your bottom lip and you opened your mouth to let him in. His hands swept over your thighs and up your spine as his tongue explored your mouth. Fiddling with the clasp behind you, he finally managed to undo your bra. You broke the kiss to lean back, tug the straps off your shoulders and fling it somewhere distant in your room.
He took the opportunity to run his hands up your ribs and along the underside of your now-exposed breasts, cupping them gently and making you gasp. You couldn't hold back the whimpers that flew out of your mouth as he brushed his thumbs against your nipples, teasing them into stiff peaks.
He leaned down and took a nipple in his mouth, clicking his tongue against the hard nub. You grabbed the back of his neck, fingers tangling in the dark curls at his nape as you pressed him further into your chest, desperate to keep his mouth on you. His lips travelled across your chest, nipping and sucking at every inch of flesh he found.
Once you'd caught your breath, you gently cupped his jaw with a hand and pulled him up to look into his sparkling eyes.
"So…is there anything you want to do? It is your birthday, you know." You couldn't resist giving him a teasing smile.
The tips of his ears turned pink and he stared up at you with wide eyes.
"Really? Anything?"
You smiled wider at his awestruck expression. "Got something special in mind, birthday boy?"
"Maybe? Could you…um…" The blush slowly crept down his ears and across his cheeks as he stammered.
You gently rolled your hips against him and the tips of his fingers flexed against your soft thighs as he let out a small groan at the movement.
"Just relax. Go ahead and ask me."
He took a deep breath and looked up at you with a serious expression.
"Can you sit on my face? …please."
A jolt surged through you at the request. You took in his eager expression, the pupils in his green eyes blown out with desire. He nervously licked his bottom lip and drew your eyes downwards to his soft, pink mouth.
"That's what you want?"
He nodded vigorously, glasses slipping down his nose at the rapid movement. You laughed a little at his enthusiasm before leaning forward and gently removing his glasses. You folded them and stood up to place them on your nightstand before turning back to him.
"I'm in. How do you want me?"
His tongue flicked out across his bottom lip again, but much more deliberately this time. He sat back on your bed and lay down with his head on the pillows.
"Come here and grab onto the headboard."
A shiver raced down your spine as you looked down at this gorgeous man spread out before you, all yours for the night. You shimmied out of your black undies and knelt on the mattress, climbing up beside him. He slid a hand under your knee and helped you lift it up and over, holding you to hover above him with your legs bracketing his face.
His hands wrapped around your thighs, firmly holding you in place right over his mouth. The first few licks were tentative and light against your dripping core, his tongue cautiously exploring you. He let out a soft moan as your taste hit his taste buds and gripped your thighs harder.
"You taste fantastic." He mumbled into your inner thigh before running his tongue back over your folds.
As his mouth worked over you, you began to gently rock your hips against him, increasing the friction in the most delicious way. Picking up on your cues, he started to increase his pace, lapping at you with more pressure.
You let out a loud gasp when his tongue flicked over your clit, a noise which quickly turned into a low moan as he did it again. And again.
"Right there, oh god ."
You wound your fingers through his dark curls and held him in place, right over the bundle of nerves currently sending shockwaves through your entire body.
You rode the waves along with his face, cresting every time he hit that one sweet spot. You looked down at him, those gorgeous green eyes were glassy with lust as you coat his face with your own desire. God, you needed more of him.
"Hey, hey." You gently tugged on his hair and sat up a bit, moving off his face. "If you let me turn around, I can touch you."
He glanced up at you, the lower half of his face glistening with your juices. "Yeah?"
"Yeah, this is incredibly fun but I'd love to taste you too."
"Fuck, okay." He didn't need much convincing. He braced your thighs and allowed you to swing one leg over, spin around and throw it back, bringing you to face the opposite direction. You settled yourself back over his face before turning your attention in front of you.
You could see how his cock was straining against the fabric of his boxers, begging to be released. You slowly slipped his boxers down and his hard cock snapped against his stomach, thick with tension. He was long and thick, a drop of precum already leaking from the swollen tip. Yeah, this was a good idea. A really good idea.
You wrapped a hand around the base and began to stroke him up and down with gentle pressure. His hips arched up into your grip and a moan vibrated from low in his throat, rippling through your soaked pussy still pressed right against his face.
You found a solid rhythm between rocking against his face and pumping his cock, getting used to his size. When you were confident enough, you leaned down and swirled your tongue around the head.
The salty taste hit the back of your throat as you slowly slid him further and further into your eager mouth. It took some work and concentration but you managed to work all of him down into your throat without gagging. The choked moans he released when your lips hit the base of his cock were well worth the strain.
Any prior concern you had about this position was quickly worn away as you picked up speed, grinding harder against him. Your thighs started to shake and he tightened his grip on you, holding you steady as you started to come undone above him.
You were still bobbing up and down on his cock, your moans being stifled with him deep in your throat. His fingers were pressing bruises into your skin with their grip and he couldn't stop his hips from jerking up, forcing himself deeper into your mouth, chasing his own release.
You were desperately trying to breathe through your nose and not choke as he fucked up into your throat, teetering on the edge of orgasm as he ran the tip of his tongue over your clit again and again.
You braced your hands on his thighs as the rubber band finally snapped, your pussy drenching his face as waves of pleasure crashed over you. You somehow managed to keep your throat open as he thrust up a few more times before spilling down your throat in return. You dutifully swallowed and slowly pulled back, releasing his softening cock.
You rolled your hips off his face and flopped onto the mattress, grateful for the change in position. Your thighs were going to burn tomorrow but god, that was worth it. You rested for a moment, waiting for the last waves of bliss to fade before moving again.
You crawled to the other side of the bed and lay next to him for a little while, lazily enjoying playing with his dark brown curls and counting his freckles as you both recovered from your climaxes.
His hands were idly dragging across your skin, tracing unknown patterns along your thighs and stomach.
You turned to face him and let out a small giggle at the dopey expression on his face.
" …Do you have any condoms?" He wouldn't look you in the eye as he asked.
"Round two already? I'm impressed."
He flushed immediately, turning pink and twitching his fingertips against your hip. Your cheeks were starting to hurt with how much this man made you grin like a maniac. It was so much fun to tease him, to make him blush. He was the cutest thing you'd ever seen.
"Uh, yes? Only if you want to." He quickly reassured you.
You smiled and hopped off the bed to rummage around on your nightstand. Oh, you definitely wanted to. You tossed a foil wrapper at him and climbed back on the mattress. You watched carefully as he sat up on his knees and pumped his rapidly hardening cock in his fist a few times before rolling on the condom.
He rolled over on top of you and nudged your thighs apart to make room. You held your breath with anticipation as he ran his fingers across you, smiling when he found you already wet. He gripped his cock at the base and ever so slowly slid the head against your core. He easily slipped through your folds, gathering the wetness along his cock in preparation.
"Ready?" He looked down at you, waiting for permission.
You cupped his face in your hands, drew him close and looked into his impossibly green eyes.
He leaned down to capture your lips as he lined up his aching cock with your entrance. He pushed inside you, slowly sinking in inch by inch. You felt the burn of the stretch for a moment as he finally bottomed out, and he paused for a second to let you adjust. The sensation quickly melted into bliss and you felt impossibly full with him buried completely inside you.
You rolled your hips against him, urging him to start moving. He placed his lips on your neck as he slowly began to thrust into you. You gripped his shoulders and arched against him as his teeth scraped along your neck and down your collarbone while he found a steady rhythm, pumping in and out of your soaking pussy. He bit down gently on your shoulder and snapped his hips, forcing a loud moan from you.
Sitting back on his heels, he slid his hands under your knees and pushed them down into the mattress, forcing his cock even deeper. The new angle allowed his sharp thrusts to hit that sweet spot right in your core, sending new waves of pleasure coursing through you.
You couldn't stop from crying out as the pleasure wound up, pulling tight in your lower abdomen. He groaned, the loud sound torn out of him in response to feeling you fluttering around him, squeezing his cock impossibly tight.
"I want to feel you cum," he practically growled in your ear. "Be a good girl and cum on my cock."
"Oh, fuck."
The unexpected dominance in his voice sent liquid fire through your veins and you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your climax. His control was slowly slipping and his pace quickened, slamming his hips into yours and sending both of you hurtling towards the edge. You grabbed at his shoulders, your nails digging into him with each stroke.
A few more thrusts, perfectly angled to hammer into just the right spot making you whimper uncontrollably right in his ear, and both of you tumbled off the cliff together. The warmth you'd been feeling all evening spread to every atom of your body as you floated through your orgasm, leaving Adrian gasping for breath as you contracted tightly around him, your cunt desperately milking every drop out of him.
Once he'd caught his breath, he carefully pulled out and snapped the used condom off, tossing it in the small waste basket next to your bed. He climbed back into your bed and collapsed next to you, careful not to crush you with his body weight. He reached out an arm and snagged it around you, pulling you close. You cuddled into his side, fully content and boneless in his arms.
"Hey, Adrian?" You mumbled into his shoulder.
You leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before snuggling back into him and closing your eyes.
"Happy Birthday."
A/N: You cannot tell me this boy is not shy af and so goofy around pretty girls without the mask on 😂 Civilian Adrian trying to be normal is the sweetest, this was so much fun. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Let me know what you think ~
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