#technically bdubs outfit is from
locusfandomtime · 10 months
Rating each hermit’s likelihood of being a furry
scar keeps getting furry allegations so i thought i’d make this post
Joe Hills - 7/10 he doesn’t really consider himself part of the community but he has a sparkledog sona and dresses up in his homemade diy fursuit sometimes. he respects furries deeply and does not tolerate hate towards them
Xisuma - 8/10 totally a furry he changes his skin all the time to dress up as the latest minecraft mob. he already has a “cringe” oc (evil x). he doesn’t even know what a furry is i think but he probably owns a fursuit anyway because he thinks its neat
Hypno - 3/10 he’d say no but give him cat ears to match with max and he’ll be wearing them every stream from now on
Keralis - 2/10 pretends to not know what a furry is but he does. he does.
Mumbo - 1/10 logically he would know of furries due to his young age and activeness online but i don’t believe he does, he has never heard of a furry and never will
Cleo - 6/10 with enough encouragement she’d wear a fursuit. maybe if joe made one for them. she’s got a vtuber avatar so this is just next in the pipeline i think
Jevin - 3/10 he isn’t one but he does have a non-human character which technically qualifies him as one. instead of a fursuit i think he’d have to coat himself in jelly or something
False - 3/10 she already dresses up as a banana on stream how far away is dressing up as an anthropomorphic animal you must ask yourself. plants and animals had their last common ancestor 1.6 billion years ago, keep this in mind
Tango - 7/10 his fursona is an evil ravager named “skadoodler evil the third” and mrs tango has a matching fursona and they do that furry couple thing of commissioning art of their ocs kissing
xB - 4/10 not one but I don’t think he’d be opposed to the idea of being a furry. i think ferks could be a furry
Impulse - 4/10 i was gonna say no but then i remembered the imp + skizz cat fursona thumbnail
Etho - 3/10 he isn’t a furry but he is a weeb. maybe he’d wear like a fox tail or something
Doc - 9/10 he has an oc which is half creeper half robot half goat and has butterfly wings and is an evil scientist. this guy knows cringe is dead and is living his life playing as his middle aged man Mary Sue fursona
Ren - 10/10 “ren the DOG” 🤨? this is confirmed his minecraft skin has fucking dog ears
Wels - 5/10 he is not a furry but i like to think he’s a LARPer irl and has a knightsona so he gets an honourable mention.
Iskall - 2/10 i could see him wearing cat ears, only as a joke though
Cub - 7/10 “cub”? “wolf pack”? furry cub just makes sense and he’d be an epic furry. the world isn’t ready for furry cub
Scar - 9/10 the other hermits call him a furry for a reason. his fursona is anthro jelly i guess. there are so many disney movies revolving around anthropomorphic animals this is natural
Beef - 3/10 he never truly becomes a furry but at night he daydreams about what his cool llama fursona would look like. he peaks a little at furry art but is never brave enough to venture further. in another lifetime maybe…
Bdubs - 8/10 he seems disproportionally offended at allegations he’s a furry and is incredibly obsessed with horses. furry with internalised furry hate i think
Stress - 2/10 i think she’d find the idea of furries cute and funny but wouldn’t be one
Zedaph - 9/10 you’d see him rocking up to furcon. his fursona would be a weirdass sheep worm hybrid
Grian - 4/10 i can see it. despite fan interpretation, i don’t think he’d be a parrot though i think he’d be a cat tbh
Gem - 7/10 she would have the cutest most cottagecore deer fursona of all time and it would have a beautiful design and outfit and bi flag. she’d get a vtuber model and a custom fursuit and art made. it is insane to me that this hasn’t happened yet
Pearl - 5/10 she isn’t but she does seem like the kind of woman who was obsessed with wolves at the age of 12 and has never outgrown that. also double life pearl deserves to be a beautiful silver wolf
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snowinxs · 6 months
Okay guys hear me out… Cledubs except it’s Little Nightmares. YOU HAVE TO HEAR ME OUT! Okay the whole plot of Little Nightmares 1 and 2 is about betrayal! Honestly depending on which way you want to do it, you can either make Bdubs Mono or Six and same with Cleo! Bdubs is known for being seen as a betrayer and Cleo is often the person getting betrayed. So it can either be Bdubs journey and he can be six trying to escape trying to survive, while all Cleo dose is try to help but eventually it ends to her downfall! But then it could go the other way! But of course if it’s an AU, you can technically bring in the runaway kid, seeing that the Runaway kid and Six was at the ship at the same time. That the whole entire time they were running from each other yet they both just needed to see each other and work together. But may be wondering WHO WOULD BE MOJO! The runaway kid can substitute for Mono! Or we can go down the same route and since Cleo is a zombie that it’s like recarnation that she recarnates into Mono! Guys I swear THERE IS A VISION! You just have to expand on it! Plus the outfits would be so cute!
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hermette-historian · 4 years
A wild Bdubs appears!
It’s relatively common knowledge that while Bdubs didn’t upload any videos from Season 1, he was technically a whitelisted member of the server as he was best buddies with both Generik and Keralis and did reportedly do some livestreaming.
However, his first documented appearance on YouTube is in fact from Season 1, and can be found on Keralis’ channel. After Topmass accused Keralis of murdering his beloved pig, Pierre, in cold blood, Papa K felt the need to upload livestream evidence of his innocence. The two-minute clip features a large party of server members arriving at Matt’s base with intention of trolling, including but not limited to Generik, Biffa, Joe, Spoon, and Bdubs. Disaster strikes when Spoon decides to ride Pierre into battle without the control of a carrot on a stick...and runs straight into a creeper, blowing up half of Matt’s front foyer.
Most of the whitelist panics and runs for the hills, but Bdubs can be heard in the background trying to take control and wrangle a replacement for Pierre before Matt logs on and the clip abruptly cuts off.
Also, Bdubs was wearing the Rambo outfit. Down to the last pixel.
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Chapter three for Surprisingly Familiar. It’s time to get to the real plot of this thing!
@petrichormeraki is the maker of the hermit Tommy au, @helleborusangel likes to read these and give me their rambles which are my beloved, and then check my tumblr for my masterpost of things I’ve made.
“Hey Paul, you’re done talking with X, right?” Bdubs asked as he noticed Paul walking by.
“Uh, yeah. He said he could let a guest in for a little bit because he needs to talk with Phil and Phil’d rather stay here instead of coming to the castle.”
“Yeah yeah, sounds great.” Bdubs sad, waving it off. “Hey, new question. Paul what the heck was that back there?!” He shouted, making a number of hermits look over.
“Hey, calm down, keep things off tap.” Paul tried to calm the hermit down, but it didn’t work that much.
“Oh this is Hermitcraft. We don’t do things on tap. Except Tommy but that’s different. Now, what were you doing back there?” And Bdubs pointed towards the room Paul and Phil had talked in. From the crowd, Jrum felt a little nervous, wondering if it was something he did, but the answer calmed the bot.
“Calm down. It was something Hoodie taught me. I’m sure Zedaph can back me up.”
Behind Bdubs, Zed stopped slurping from a coffee cup that was actually filled with a slushie. “Yeah, don’t worry he’s fine. No necromancy.”
“See? I just wanted a private conversation.” Paul replied, though Bdubs still looked grumpy.
“Alright, don’t make me call in Genny.” And Bdubs signalled that he was watching Paul before walking off. As he left, Scar took his place, seeming pretty confused.
“So, what’s with him?”
Paul sighed. “He’s not a fan of certain types of magic. I did a bit of necromancy for a time and there was someone else in the world who essentially became a dark lord, so Bdubs and some others became witch hunters.”
“Huh, That’s not something I would have guessed.” Scar said. “I mean, I’m a wizard and he’s been fine with me.”
Paul looked a little stunned. “Oh really? Didn’t realize. What style are you? My friend Hoodie is coming in for a quick visit. He’s ars based.”
Scar laughed a little. “Is that so? Haven’t seen many of those. I’ve got a mix. Vex magic and crystalline. Cub’s also a user of vex magic.”
Paul nodded. “That’s nice. How many magic users you got around here?”
The hermit mayor started to count on his fingers. “So there’s me and Cub. Pretty sure Stress has some. Cleo’s definitely got some magic. Grian of course. Uh, not sure if Joe does or not. I think Xisuma’s just-”
“Xel- er, Grian’s got some magic?”
“Yeah. And I guess the kids probably do too. Not sure right now.” Scar said, before looking Paul in the eye. “You're not going to freak out about Grian having magic, right? You’ve already got him upset which gets us upset.”
“Yeah, I know.” Paul sighed. “Just been through a lot. I get overly worried sometimes, and to me, I suddenly hear that ‘kid involved in murders is now causing wars in the world my friends are in.’ So yeah, sort of thought the worst.”
Scar inhaled sharply. “Okay, yeah. I can see what made you freak out. But Grian’s fine. He’s been through a lot and while technically he’s caused chaos, it’s never something we hate and normally we’re all in on it somehow.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, you should hear about the sewer cats.”
“Can’t wait to hear about it. Haven’t seen any letters about it.”
Scar nodded, before being just a little confused. “So, is there a reason you’re always using letters instead of other stuff? I’m sure some of the others could make you something that would work.”
Paul nodded. “I don’t doubt that they could for the most part. I just deal with a lot of factors and have always preferred the tried and true method. I’m all over the place and sometimes I can only really bring along paper.”
“What do you do?” Scar asked, interest piqued.
“Let’s see. Not sure if Phil’s told you, but he used to be king.” Scar nodded. It wasn’t Phil, but Grian had mentioned it. “Well, I’m one as well. Hoodie’s my right hand man and royal mage.”
“Ah, and you said he’s the one visiting?”
“Yeah. So I end up busy there a lot. I also spend a lot of my time visiting my kids so I’m going from world to world. Then, there’s also my wife and she’s in the world we raised the kids in which is essentially my main home.”
“And that’s what?”
“Uh, the same one I found Xe- sorry, Grian in ages ago.” Paul answered. “And I’ve got a job there that doesn’t really work with comms sometimes, but paper is easy enough to have on hand, especially enchanted paper.” And Paul took out a sheet of paper, handing it to Scar.
Scar took the paper and looked it over. As he moved it, he could see how the light caught the slightly physical aspect of the magic, much like how enchantments could be seen. “This looks good. You can hardly see the magic but I can tell it’s there. What all is on here?”
“Mostly stuff to get it to the right recipient and make it illegible if you’re trying to read it and it’s not for you.”
“Ah. That’s a commonly known one for ars mages, right?” Scar asked. “I haven’t heard much about them.”
Paul nodded. “Yeah. That’s due to the mage wars. They happened a number of years back before Hoodie was alive. He’s the main reason things are sort of getting back to normal for those guys.” Paull pulled out an old communicator which looked like it was being held together with duct tape and prayers. “He should be here pretty soon. He said he was only going to get a few books and amulets. And your admin said he would be able to get in.”
Almost as soon as Paul had said something, a message went out that someone new had joined the world. Xisuma sent a message that he would go to help the guest to Aque Town and from there Paul and Scar just waited for the two others to arrive. Xisuma was the first to arrive, gliding down on his elytra. The other person wore a royal purple hooded robe and seemed to arrive with the use of an ender pearl, but Scar didn’t see them use one.
Paul was the first to move, going over to the other person. “Hoodie! You made it!”
With the confirmation that this was the mage coming in, Scar followed along, a bit excited to meet someone new with magic. “Of course Sir. You did ask for my presence.”
Scar watched as Paul put an arm around Hoodie’s shoulder. “You don’t need to be so formal here. In fact, here. This is Scar. He’s the mayor, and based on the kind of place this is, I’d say he’s the local hedgewizard.”
“Ah, I see. It is nice to meet you. My name is Hoodie. I am King Soares’ right hand man and royal mage.”
Scar shook Hoodie’s hand, getting a slight shock. “It’s nice to meet you too. Paul already said I’m Scar. I’m guessing you’re a lightning mage or something?”
Hoodie took his hand back. “Ah, sorry about that. Yes I am. Or at least I specialize in it. Same as my father lest he’s recently changed his affinity.”
“Well I don’t know enough about your kind of magic to know what that really means.”
Paul walked away as the two magic users started to discuss their various forms of magic and wizardry. He needed to find Phil again since the main reason Hoodie was even there was so that Phil could get more of the enchanted paper. Not wanting to drag the mage away, Paul was instead going after his brother since he was the one insisting he wouldn’t take any of it without knowing for sure it was enchanted by Hoodie. After that, Hoodie would help out a bit around the world as repayment for Xisuma letting him on, then the two of them would head back home. At least, that was the plan.
. .
Drawing him away from the nest was almost laughably easy. Grian and Mumbo were both asleep and the chicken was theoretically trapped. At least trapped enough it wasn’t going to escape into the room itself. And then it could only see out the window and not into the room which was a big plus. Because of that, it was simple enough to have viridian magic surround the prison and really ensure the chicken wouldn’t be getting out.
“You know.” The person spoke in a whisper, making Grian twitch ever so slightly in his sleep, but not wake up. “You’re really making this far too easy. I thought it would be difficult with those guests of yours here, but it turns out everyone’s distracted by them. And they put you in such a perfect position. Let’s just move you to somewhere a bit more private, hmm?”
Grian of course didn’t wake up, but as the person left, a bit more magic appeared around Grian, and then a few moments later, he woke up with a start. Grian looked around, glad to see there was only Mumbo and a box in the corner. For a moment he was confused about it, but faint clucking from inside helped him figure out what it was. But something still felt off.
Grian went to shake Mumbo awake, but he hesitated a moment before actually waking him up. “Mumbo. Mumbo!” And Mumbo woke up from his name being shouted, looking around to see what was going on. “Mumbo, I think we’ve been up here too long. Something feels wrong.”
Mumbo pulled out his communicator to look at the time. “Oh dear! It does look like we have been here a while. It also looks like someone else has shown up.”
“Really?” Grian asked, pulling his own comm out to look at the message. “There’s no way this person would just happen to show up today of all days for no reason. What if they’re someone else with… I want to check on the kids.”
Mumbo stood up and then helped Grian to his feet. “Don’t worry. I’m sure if anything happened, the other hermits would be taking care of the boys. We can of course check on them, but you don’t want your panic to make them panic.”
Grian nodded and from there the two of them went back down to the ground floor, leaving Kokatori behind. Finding the new person was rather easy as he and Scar were both standing on the street of Aque Town facing each other. Scar was currently donning his wizard robe over his Aque Town outfit. In his hands, he held a number of crystals that Grian thought he was never going to see again.
The other person was wearing a purple robe and held a wand in one hand and a book with a yellow cover in the other. His hood had fallen back slightly, so Grian was able to see as the other person glanced over at him when he got closer. Normally the avian would assume it was just because he was getting close and was noticed, but there was some sort of emotion in the eyes that made Grian worry.
Both of them had their attention pulled away from each other as Scar moved, a yellow glow around him as he moved like he had a speed effect. When he reached the other person, Grian watched as the Scar’s netherite sword struck them, and then a ring of white magic appeared around them, acting as a shield against further attacks.
Realizing at this point that the two were fighting, Grian moved to try and stop them, but then out of nowhere, lightning struck the ground in front of him, making him stop. When Grian looked back up, both mages were looking over to him and then Scar called out. “Hey, don’t worry! We’re just doing some sparring! It was my idea!”
“Are you sure? Who even is this?”
“His name’s Hoodie. Royal mage of Paul it looks like.”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Grian asked, concerned.
“Yeah, it just sounds like he was jumping to conclusions when he saw you. I’m sure it’s going to be fine if you talk to him again.”
Grian wasn’t completely convinced, but pretended enough for Scar to look back at Hoodie and then continue their sparring. Slowly, the avian started moving to where everyone else probably was, still in the party building. Mumbo followed him along, but eventually he passed Grian when the builder decided to actually watch the magic battle.
Scar seemed to mainly be using regular combat, but enhanced by his crystals which actually seemed to be doing something. Hoodie, on the other hand, was using his wand and casting a number of spells from his book. At one point, Grian watched the mage fumble a little bit to pull out a book with a green cover before casting a new spell that he hadn’t used yet.
Grian didn’t realize he was just standing there alone, and the magicians weren’t really paying much attention to him, but in the span of a few seconds, that all changed. To anyone watching, it would seem like it happened all at once, but really it was just one thing after the other.
Grian was barely aware of the space around him getting the slightest tint of green to it. As soon as that had happened, Hoodie turned away from Scar and instead faced Grian, pulling out a new red spell book. Scar was the next to react, still under the effects of his yellow crystal. He started to pull out a red crystal, accidentally pulling a pink one out at the same time. He threw them towards Grian just as Hoodie began to cast some magic aimed at Grian, but also in the direction of what would be in the path of the crystals.
Seeing multiple things coming his way, Grian started to panic, wings moving to act as a shield since he currently wasn’t holding one. As they moved, the tips of his wings started to change from red to purple, the shift in color working its way to the base of the wings. He couldn’t react fast enough to block everything, but the magic hit both of the crystals, making them shatter into dust. The pink and red dust didn’t completely stay their original colors, some of them charred by the magic attack that hit them, but each tiny piece seemed to glow with its own energy, and even with the, being broken so small, when the cluster hit Grian, there was enough force to make him crash to the ground.
For everyone not watching at that moment in time, they simply heard a large crack of thunder at the same time there was shattering glass, followed by screaming from Grian. Within a matter of seconds, people were racing out of the nearby building, there to see what had happened.
When people got out onto the street, Scar was yelling at Hoodie. “What was that?! Grian wasn’t involved! I thought I could actually- I can’t see why Bdubs actually trusted- I’m guessing he’s changed a lot since-”
“Please, I was just trying to defend myself. He was about to attack me. Didn’t you see it?”
“He was just watching us!”
“No. Your back was turned so you maybe didn’t see it.”
“I should have used a brown crystal too. What kind of spell was that?!” As they yelled, Xisuma was the first to get over to the pair to try and figure out what was going on, getting an answer from Scar. “That Paul guy’s mage just attacked Grian! If I hadn’t done something, it might have killed him!”
“What?” Paul asked, coming over. “Hoodie what just happened?”
The mage looked over to Paul, ignoring Scar and X. “Sir, the hedgewizard and I were simply having a duel to see each other's magic skills. As we battled, this avian mage came by and tried to stop us once. Of course Scar was able to prevent that the first time, but then the mage tried to cast a spell of attack. I was already using a spell to help my reaction time, as was the wizard here, so I began to cast a counterspell. At first I thought Scar was also about to assist me, but instead he seemed to try and stop my spell, causing our magic to collide. It seems to have still-” Hoodie tried to continue, but Paul held up a hand to stop him.
Paul then tried to speak himself, but then his shoulder was ground and he was whirled around by Phil. “Paul, what the fuck? Did you just have your wizard attack Grian?”
“What? No, of course I wouldn’t! It sounds like Grian was trying to attack Hoodie and he defended himself.”
“Yeah sure. Mate, just tell me the truth.”
“I’m just telling you what Hoodie told me. I know just as much as you do at this point other than what he told me.”
Again, the conversation was cut off by Mumbo speaking up, having joined the group. “Grian’s really hurt. His breathing is off and it looks like his wings were hurt enough for them to shift away. There’s also something else, but I can’t place it. Xisuma, can you look at him?”
Everyone moved out of the way for the admin to head towards Grian, but as soon as he took a step, everyone had their comms buzz with two messages. Xisuma peeked over the crowd to look where Grian had been a minute ago. He wasn’t currently lying there, but neither were any items that signified him having died and respawned. That could have been because he had nothing on him at the point, which was unlikely, but could have been what happened.
That being said, the shocked gasps from people who were looking at their comms didn’t assure Xisuma, so the admin pulled up the chat logs on his helmet. Instead of there being a death message for Grian, there were two messages of people leaving the world.
The_Grifter left the world Xelqua left the world.
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Hrrmitcraft AU (Hermitcraft villager AU)
...this started as a throwaway joke, but I guess we're doing this for real now! Might as well go with it. (I'm going to put summaries instead of direct quotes this time to help with length)
- The Hermits all live in or near a large Minecraft village
- Xisuma is a wandering trader who stops by every few days to trade and share stories of his travels. Nobody really knows where he lives, and they've never seen him actually sleep.
- Cleo was zombified a while ago and cured only partially. She is safe to be around now, but she still looks like a zombie and has occasional thoughts of attacking her neighbors.
- Stress is a witch who got lonely and moved into the village with her cat.
- Cub and Scar are villagers who were turned into illagers (1/10 chance of happening when a villagers health is brought low enough). It is unknown whether this was an accident, or if they orchestrated the incident in an effort to gain Evoker powers.
- Grian is a nitwit who spends his time pranking the others
- Joe works two jobs as a leatherworker and a librarian. Why? So he can have both a lecturn and a full cauldron.
- Beef is a butcher
- Impulse is a workaholic carrot farmer who just. Doesn't. Stop.
- Zedaph is also a farmer, but he spends most of his time 'farming' things that aren't actually farmable in the hopes of discovering a new crop
- Doc is a cleric, and so was Cub before becoming an illager. They take a scientific approach to potion brewing, and they developed the potion that cured Cleo. (Cub is still pretending to be a cleric after becoming an Evoker to blend in. Doc hasn't noticed yet.)
- False is a reformed pillager who now guards the Hermit village, crossbow at the ready.
- Iskall is a weaponsmith
- Bdubs is a mason. He really likes fancy and interesting blocks, and he's one of the first and most excited to greet Xisuma when he comes back with new trades
- Mumbo was originally an armourer, but he switches jobs a lot. Nothing really seems to fit, and he's a bit distracted by trying to mess with the redstone Stress gives him sometimes. He hasn't managed to create anything usable yet, but he's heard players can, and he's determined to try.
- Mumbo likes to help out when the others are overwhelmed with their own jobs, since he doesn't have a set profession
- Zedaph lives next to the sheep pen and has an understanding with them. He's figured out how to lead them with wheat and he uses them in pranks sometimes.
- in his experimenting, Zed discovered how to farm mushrooms in caves. He now gives them to Beef for making stew.
- in addition to being a cleric, Doc is also an armourer and the only one mentioned so far with the ability to make redstone work. He uses this skill to make cybernetics for anyone who needs them. He must have made some deal with something powerful to get his abilities extended like this, but at this point it's unclear who or what that might be or what the cost of the arrangement was.
- Beef isn't actually a shepherd, but he really wants to be. He spends a lot of time with llamas, getting them to trust him. He especially likes hanging out with X's llamas when he's in town, even if it makes him run a little behind on his travel schedule.
- Doc got his arm when a player found him injured after a creeper accident and decided to fix him up. He learned redstone using the arm as an example, but was missing the ability of a player to actually make it work. He made a deal (implied to be with Herobrine) at great personal cost to recieve this power. (Unclear exactly what that price was)
- there is at least one player in the Hrrmitcraft world, but the Hermit village is very far from spawn so the player has never been there. Doc and possibly Xisuma are the only ones who have seen the player.
(edit: there are two players in the world: the more compassionate one Doc encountered, and a much more efficiency-minded one who imprisoned Wels in a trading hall)
- Bdubs goes around the village every night making sure everyone is indoors and safe from mobs. He ends his rounds each day with the long, excruciating task of trying to get Impulse to stop farming and actually go to bed. He is hilariously and annoyingly persistent.
- as a consequence of his deal, Doc is very slowly developing creeper-like traits (an aversion to cats, slight gunpowder smell, green veins creeping up his arm). He hides it from the others and tries his best to deny or ignore it. (This may not be the only or the most severe consequence, but it is the most immediate)
- Grian has a pet parrot that X brought him from a far away jungle. He talks to it and has trained it to do simple tasks like pulling levers.
- Cleo used to be a leatherworker before her zombification, but can't do it now
- Tango is an iron golem who was accidentally given the ability to speak. He protects the village with False and hangs out near the farms with Impulse and Zedaph
- Keralis is an ex-wandering trader who got tired of life on the road and settled down. He used to travel with Xisuma sometimes, or at least their paths would cross often. Now, Keralis is a mason who spends his spare time trying to figure out bees.
- Etho is a cartographer who keeps to himself, often going days without seeing anyone other than Beef, Bdubs, and Doc. Xisuma uses his maps on his travels, and is willing to overlook how impossibly accurate they are in spite of Etho never being seen leaving the village.
- xB is a fisherman who's heard tale of Guardians in the deep waters. He wants to go find them, but Xisuma won't let him, fearing for his safety on the open sea and on the journey to get there.
- Wels uses his experience of being zombified and cured over and over again to help Doc and Cub cure Cleo
- Hypno is a fisherman, and he has a rivalry with Jevin the leatherworker. They argue over which is the smelliest after a long day of work.
- Hypno and xB talk on the docks sometimes while mending nets and lines. Hypno claims to have traveled the sea before, but won't say what happened. The hope of hearing the story gives xB a reason to stay, and the way Hypno gets when he asks about what happened gives him a bit more caution about following the horizon just yet.
- Ren is a shepherd. He's named all of his sheep, and his house is the first place they go for shelter in a storm. He has multiple outfits that he makes out of their dyed wool, and he loves to try out new colour combinations. He may or may not have taken some of Jevin's dyes for this....
- Joe picked up leatherworking after Cleo's zombification, since her fingers are now too stiff for delicate tasks. She's still very knowledgable though, so they work together a lot. Being able to keep doing her job with a friend is one of the main reasons she was able to accept and adjust to her new way of life.
- Evil X is a pillager captain who tricked Xisuma into leading his patrol to their village. They camped out on the edge of town and started launching raids on and off for several weeks. Tired of the attacks and feeling guilty for his part in causing them, Xisuma eventually lead the patrol on a chase after himself and trapped them in a cave.
- Scar was a cartographer before he became an Evoker, and he still does some of the work. Etho is the only one who knows his secret, and he's agreed to keep it if Scar helps him with mapmaking. Scar is the one to research for the details of the maps, since hostile mobs see him as one of their own, so he can leave the village safely.
- TFC is a (technically) retired weaponsmith who moved to the Hermit village after his own village died out. He makes weapons to help False guard the town, and he has a friendly rivalry with Iskall.
- TFC started out as a toolsmith, changing jobs after he left his original village. Before that, he made pickaxe after pickaxe and dreamed of exploring the caves, even though he knew it was far too dangerous.
(this AU was created by multiple lovely people through asks! I encourage you to scroll through the #Hrrmitcraft AU tag to see more details)
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Late night boredom.
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? Nicholas, what happened last night?! 2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed? It was Austin and I literally have no idea. I'm bad at love. 3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? Depends on the drug. 4. Is your last name longer than six letters? Peterson, appears so. 5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? Drunk. 6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? Yes, sounds accurate to my life. 7. What does your last received text say? "Truths" I said "Lies" prior 8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? Once 9. Where was your last kiss at? Tyler's driveway 10. When is the last time you saw your sister? A few weeks ago when I was visiting her in Arkansas. 11. What do you drink in the morning? Water 12. Where did you sleep last night? Tyler's couch 13. Do you think relationships are hard? What are those? 14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? Yes, 100% 15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems? No probably not, but knowing me I might pull some out of thin air. 16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? Sunny but I do still love rainy days. 17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? Considering how common Marie is, yah just a few. 18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? None of the above. 19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? I would like to think so but with my track record it's likely a no. 20. Does anyone like you? I think so. 21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? Sam. Shane. 22. Is the last person you kissed gay? I do not believe so. 23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? Lol yes. Maybe one or two. 24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo? Actually just got my first one. 25. In the past week have you cried? Yes. My life has thrown a lot at me lately. 26. What breed was the last dog you saw? Irish terrier. 27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? Out of the shower. 28. Have you ever kissed a football player? Maybe one or two. 29. Do you think you’re old? Depends on the perspective. 30. Do you like text messaging? Sometimes. But I am bad at it. 31. What type of day are you having? Lazy day. 32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? Yes but probably won't ever. 33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? Warm. I love the outdoors. 34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? A few actually. 35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? Relationship. 36. Are you a simple or complicated person? Both. 37. What song are you listening to? Rum by Brothers Osborne 38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? I won't say it if I don't mean it. 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? Yes. 40. What made you start liking the person you like now? Honestly I'm just not sure why I like him anymore. 41. When did you last receive a text message? An hour ago. 42. What is wrong with you right now? My ankle is fractured and I'm have surgery on my kidneys in 3 days. Life man. 43. How well do you know the last female you texted? Met grace in school and now she's a coworker. 44. Does anyone disgust you? Yes. 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? Depends on the person. 46. Are you in a good mood right now? I'm honestly not sure what my mood is right now. 47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? Mi madre or Bo 48. What color shirt are you wearing? Grey 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? Yes. Doctors. Mine and my moms. 50. Anyone you’re giving up on? Bo. 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? I hate that I can't change the way they feel about me. 52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? lol everyday. 53. Do you like rain? Love it. 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? Nope. 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? I don't think so. I'm pretty straightforward. 56. Do you like to cuddle? With the right person, yes. 57. Are you shy? Not normally. 58. Do you get along with girls? Uhhhh I'm trying to. 59. Have you dated the person you texted last? lol Nicholas only wishes. 60. What do you carry with you at all times? Phone, wallet, chapstick. 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? Nope. 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? Definitely. 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? Nope. I do miss aaron though. 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? Very. 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? Well Austin last night was sweet and sassy and I loved it. 66. How old are the last three people you kissed? Uhhhh 20 something, 22 and 23 67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? Pay. 68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? I hate animal print. 69. Do you have any stickers on your car? Chicago bears sticker. 70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? Luke. 71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? iPhone. 72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? OoOooooOooo good question. 73. Do you like diet soda? I don't drink pop. 74. What color are the walls in your room? I don't technically have a room right now. 75. Are you 16 or older? Older. 76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? Duh. 77. Do you have a job? Bdubs 🤙🏼 78. What are your initials? HMP 79. Did you ever have braces? Planning to. 80. Are you from the south? No thank the Lord. 81. What does your last status on facebook say? It's about muscular sclerosis. 82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? Yes sometimes. Oh Joe. 83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? My dad. 84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? Wrong. 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? Power Rangers and it was great, thanks for asking. 86. Do you smoke? Weed. 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? Depends on my outfit. 88. Is your phone touch screen? Duh. 89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? Straight. 90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? Yes. 91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? Lake. 92. Have you ever made out in a car? Who hasn't? 93. …Had sex in a car? I'm a virgin. 94. Are you single or in a relationship? Single as a Pringle. 95. What were you doing last night at midnight? I was hammered. 96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? I honestly couldn't tell you. 97. Do you like the camera on your phone? It's fine I suppose. 98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? Yah and I could use one right now. 99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? Doesn't everyone? 100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? Yes. 101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? Nope. Perks of having my V card. 102. Name your favorite Kesha song: Blah blah blah 103. Do you have any tan lines right now? Faint but there. 104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? Most definitely.
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