#technically it's now nov. 3
shakespearefreak · 2 years
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💀 ¡Feliz Día de los Muertos from Josefina! 💀
I know it's not historically accurate, but when AG released the new Día de Muertos outfit, I immediately knew I had to buy it for Josefina. Though I am not Hispanic, Day of the Dead has always been very important to me, ever since I was a child. When a close friend of mine passed away some years ago, I made a small ofrenda for him that November out of things I had around my apartment. Since then, every year I've added more and made it more authentic, and a few years ago I learned how to make pan de muerto (which was my first foray into baking, so that was... ambitious). Sadly, this year my ofrenda grew in another way, too... I had to add offerings to three more spirits, one of whom only passed late last month. It's painful, but celebrating their lives through Día de Muertos helps. I am very aware, however, that this is not my culture, and do my best to celebrate in a way that is authentic and respectful to Mexican traditions, and keep it mostly private between myself and my deceased loved ones.
I put a lot of work into this: I switched out the headpiece and shoes for more traditional-looking ones from Josefina's Christmas outfit, as well as replacing the wide, white mask elastic with thinner black elastic, which I think looks much better. I made the flor de muertos by taking apart regular-sized silk marigolds, then cut the leftovers into mini petals for the cempasúchil path. The heart milagro was an earring charm I took apart and painted silver, the Catrina cameo was likewise an earring, and the jeweled bird was once a pin. The doll-sized pan de muerto was a gift from a friend, who made it with Sculpey, and the crucifix is from a rosary, mounted in some extra Sculpey he let me use. The candle flames were edited in, but other than that, I made only a few small adjustments. I was hoping to have a proper tiered ofrenda for her, and in fact I've already ordered one from Etsy, but it didn't arrive in time. Ah well, next year!
Disclaimer: If you are Hispanic and see any issues with this image/post, please let me know and I'll either edit it or take it down. Thanks in advance!
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thecapricunt1616 · 30 days
Nov. 1st with Dad!Lip! 💕
WC: 888 DC: @gallaghersgal I hope you like this my dearest Maggie! I'm sorry it's shorter than I thought but I didn't want to overwrite it !
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It was the morning after your daughters 3rd Halloween, well, technically it was her 4th Halloween, but this was the 3rd night that you and Lip had taken her out to collect candy around the neighborhood. It was very surprising to you, that you were instead of being woken up by her, who had insisted on sleeping between you and Lip last night, you were woken by the sound of the toilet flushing in the bathroom next to your room. You hear the soft thudding of footsteps and when you finally opened your eyes you see Lip padding in, wearing his matching chucky pajama pants with your daughter. When you were at Walmart, and she saw them on the rack - she decided they had to have them. The only thing, was they didn’t make childs size for that kind of movie of course, so he gave her the medium t-shirt that hung off her like a dress, and he kept the pants that fit him just right.
She was currently in said dress, sprawled out on his side of the bed like a starfish dead asleep which she’d probably done as soon as he’d gotten up to pee. “See what I gotta deal with?” he joked quietly and you huff a sleepy giggle, reaching out and pulling her to your chest, kissing her curly strawberry blonde hair that was wild with sleep. 
“Can’t believe she’s still sleeping” you whisper, rubbing her back gently and she nuzzled into your chest as she slept, her legs all curled up into her tshirt that hung off her little shoulder and swallowed her like a cloak. 
“I think the extra 3 blocks wiped ‘er out” he chuckled, grabbing his phone from the nightstand once he settled back down next to the two of you and snapped a picture while you werent looking “they wiped me out too if m’honest” he put his phone back down and laid on his side, stealing your daughter away and kissing her head and she happily nuzzled into lips neck and wrapped her little arms around his bicep. 
You gasped playfully, poking the little freckle on his cheek “Did you just steal my baby when you complained she steals your spot?” you tease and he hummed
“She’s a little heater, you have all the blankets, she has my shirt- m’I supposed t’freeze? Then who’s gonna pay the bills ‘round here” he smirked and peeked a blue eye open at you. You leaned in, resting your forehead on his and smiling
“You’re lucky you’re so cute” you whisper as to not wake your sleepy baby between you and gave his lips a gentle kiss. “I can’t fall back asleep, I’m gonna go make coffee want some?” you sat up, grabbing your silk robe and tying it around you since you didn’t want to bother putting on a bra, it was looking like one of those days you 3 were just going to laze around.
“Please- you always make it good” he said and you smiled, shaking your head as you found your other slipper that your cat had found and bat around during the night 
“Yeah cause I brew it with cinnamon for you? It’s one extra step babe” you head down to the kitchen, but not without looking at your little family still all snuggled up in bed, now covered with the blanket Lip had quickly stolen back the moment you’d gotten up. You put cinnamon and coffee in the filter, starting a pot and getting out 2 of the nice big mugs and pulling the creamer out of the fridge for yourself. You decided to slip an apple and a poptart in your pocket for when the baby wakes and says she wants a snack, on days like this you didn’t mind allowing her to be a bit unhealthy. 
After making up the coffees, you carefully padded back to the bedroom, nudging the door that you’d left cracked open with your hip to be met with a sight that always melted your heart no matter how many times you’d seen it before. Lip of course, being so wiped out from classes last week now on his holiday break, had easily fallen back asleep, with your daughter snuggled up to him. But what was even sweeter was your daughter had snuggled up to him in such a way that her lips were pressed against his cheek as well as her little nose. 
“Oh” you couldnt help but whisper to yourself with a loving smile as you took in the absolutely beautiful sight of the family you had created with Lip. You carefully went over and set your coffee cups down on the nightstand without a sound, and returned the favor of taking a candid picture by slipping your phone out of your other pocket and snapping a few photos of them with a wide smile on your face. You set the apple and poptart carefully on the nightstand before taking your coffee, and carefully going to sit on the rocking chair in the corner of your bedroom as to not disturb them when you sat in bed, but also just enjoy the sounds of the morning from your cracked window, and the sight of your two most favorite people in the world getting much deserved rest.
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mercy67 · 1 month
Aideku Week 2024 Nov. 3 - Nov. 9
First Round of Prompt Collection!
Hello, everyone! It's time for me to start getting everything ready for the second annual Aideku Week!
To start off, I'll be going through different servers and platforms to collect starting prompts! This is just to gather together and condense into different categories that will later be put through 2 rounds of voting!
As for rules, there aren't many! You can submit as many prompts as you like, but note that the frequency of a submission has no weight on whether it is chosen. So feel free fill out the form multiple times! SFW and NSFW are accepted but the more ambiguous the better so people can choose their own direction no matter the content they prefer. You can technically submit last year's prompts (Supernatural/Paranormal, TattooxFlowershop, A/B/O, Quirk Accident, Villain/Mafia, and Soulmates), however, those prompts will no be repeated two years in a row! Finally, this poll with close 12:00pm EST August 24, 2024.
Now with that all through, I will let y'all know that some decisions and one of the rounds of voting will be exclusive to the Eraserdeku Discord Server, as they are my official cohosts! So if you want in, then you must be 18+ and PM either myself or @eraserdekuverse for an invite!
And with all the important information out of the way, here is what you all have been waiting for! The submission form! Hope you all have fun! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_SafvNkwkQIODFqfkf8v2hg_LKBpnYAA2c-Q9O62OsF1BLQ/viewform
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mrghostrat · 8 months
i appreciate all the kindness for my uni rejection, and anyone going through the same thing should def read through my replies if they need similar comfort. there’s a lot of “ATAR isn’t everything!” comments tho, which made me realise i haven’t actually talked much about my goals, so i wanted to share a little context.
i’m 30 (on the 17th). i took a gap year after high school and i went to uni at 19. i even dropped out a semester before graduating to pursue the one thing that was making me happy (my first original comic) during a really bad depression (undiagnosed adhd burnout). i got the last units and graduated a year later, a bachelor of game design.
haven’t used my degree once. i went into comics and freelance rather than games. but i also loved that degree and would do it all again, it was absolutely worth it.
i’ve been freelance and self sufficient for 6-7 years, and it’s fun and i’m proud of the things i’ve made, but i’m so tired. i’m specifically tired of having to work 7 different angles to make up one sufficient salary, and even if it ends up being temporary, i’d give anything for a 9-5. have someone else in charge for once.
got to the end of my rope last year and sat down to figure out what i like and what i’m good at. a Life Plan, yknow. i’ve always had an interest in teaching, helping, connecting like that. figured out degrees and became really invested in this new trajectory i pictured my life going on. i was also tired of waiting, because every time i wanted to move back to the city from this tiny town we’re in, somethings come up or delayed it. so zita helped me figure out how we could get the ball rolling and break our lease 3 months early, so we could move back to melbourne and i could start my degree this year. we looked for (and found) an apartment specifically on the side of the city that would be closest to my campus.
i hope that gives a lil context as to why i’m so devastated right now. the last 5 months have been me revving up to start this new chapter at the end of feb and one little email said nah.
the degree i wanted to do was a double degree, secondary education (hons) and a BA of fine arts. i was equally excited for both, because i never got to do a lot of actual art learning in my last degree, and the BA would give me all of that— life drawing, sculpting, painting, wood/metal/jewellery working, digital, fuckin everything. but it was the less important of the pair, when it comes to getting myself a job as an art teacher, because i already have the art experience. it was just a fun bonus, and the education degree was the one i NEEDED.
in nov i had to travel to melbourne to present a portfolio and interview for the BA. they showed me around the studio too, and i fell a little bit in love. i got the acceptance email in december, but i still didn’t have an offer for the education degree. another reason why i’m so discombobulated— i technically have an invitation, but it’s for the less important degree that would just be a money sink. do i go to uni anyway?? or just ignore this invitation and move on?
my state recently made education/teaching degrees free as a way of encouraging more teacher jobs. i learnt about this after i decided i wanted to pursue teaching, so it was just a fun lil bonus that i wouldn’t be adding to my student debt. apparently not, bc i didn’t think about how every teenager and their dog would apply for teaching degrees so they could get straight into uni without any debt. so, even tho i’m a graduate and i’m not relying on school scores, i was one in a million, likely just numbers on a page, and didn’t get in.
there could be other paths. i could start the BA and add the Edu degree later? i could reapply for mid year intake. i could… idk, most of what i could do requires emailing Monash and asking wtf, because i have no idea what’s actually possible and will need someone to lay it out for me.
still feels like i’ve run into a brick wall though. little bit shut down. more sad, not quite angry, but suddenly really spiteful for some reason— like “oh, you don’t want me? okay fuck you then, i won’t ever teach.” so stupid. just a bit fragile rn
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flame2ashes · 3 months
A guide to extracting a CC Shepard’s headmorph as a model (for beginners)
Are you a humble CC (Character Creator) Shepard user (like me)? Do you want your Shepard’s head as a 3D model (like me)?
Luckily for all of us, there is a Blender script for that, thanks to mustbetuesday (which I assume is their username; it’s the name of their website anyway). While there is a tutorial on their website on how to use it, it doesn’t go into detail on certain steps of the process (and also it mentions having to manually install UModel and use it to find and export the model, which isn't really necessary these days as Legendary Explorer makes all of that easier).
So here is a different tutorial, written in a way that beginners to ME modding and/or the tools required are able to follow. If you already know how to use these tools, you can pretty much just skim this guide.  The guide mentions both OT and LE, but the files mentioned/used will be from the LE version. Note that for the sake of simplicity, I will only cover extracting the model itself and extracting textures.
(btw this is technically part 1 of an overarching guide on mesh swapping an NPC with your Shepard, but I figured that it would help to have it as a standalone guide in case people are interested in this kind of thing. Feedback is welcome!!)
Disclaimer: this guide only pertains to ME3. The script should also work with ME2 facemorphs and ME2 head models, but I haven’t really tried it yet. Maybe you can let me know how it goes if you try it with ME2 assets :)
What you need:
A PC copy of Mass Effect 3, or Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Blender version 2.8 (You can grab it here)
A PSK import/export script for Blender (I use this one personally for 2.8)
Legendary Explorer (You can grab it here. Alternatively you can download it via ME3Tweaks Mod Manager under the Tools options)
A ME3/LE3 save of the Shepard you’d like
(ME3 saves are located in Documents/BioWare/Mass Effect 3/Save)
(LE3 saves are located in Documents/BioWare/Mass Effect Legendary Edition/Save/ME3)
ME3 Gibbed save editor (You can grab it here. The recommended version is from Nov. 14, 2015)
Trilogy Save Editor (You can grab it here. Alternatively you can download it via ME3Tweaks Mod Manager under the Tools options)
The Blender head importer script (You can grab it here. Make sure to get the 2.8 version)
The base head model for male/female Shepard (I’ll go into detail on how to get this one later)
PART A: Getting the .me3headmorph
This part requires:
ME3 Gibbed Save Editor
A ME3/LE3 save
Open the ME3 Gibbed Save Editor. It should look like this when you first open the editor:
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The save editor will automatically locate the directory for the OT ME3 career files, meaning that when you click Open, it will list all of your careers. This is useful for those using OT ME3; not as useful for those using LE3. Instead, what you want to do is click on the arrow beside the Open button, which will give you two options. The one you want is the “Open from File…” option:
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From there you’ll be able to navigate to your saves and open the save you want. By default it’ll open the directory for OT ME3 saves. You may have to navigate manually to the LE3 save directory. While Gibbed save editor was originally made for OT, LE saves have the same filetype and will load normally.
Once your save is loaded, it will show the basic info for that save, like this:
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The tab currently open is the Player > Basic tab. Navigate towards the Appearance tab. It should look like this:
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What we’re getting here is the .me3headmorph, so you can ignore the other stuff for now.
Click on Head Morph, then “Export to File…”:
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Save it wherever you like. It will save as a .me3headmorph file. Great! You now have the headmorph of your Shepard.
PART B: Getting the base head model
This part requires:
Legendary Explorer
You have the .me3headmorph of your Shepard, but you also need the base head model before you can actually apply that data. For this, we’re going to need the CC base head model.
Legendary Explorer (LEX) is the modding toolset for Mass Effect and Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. You can use it to view, browse, edit, or export any file from both the OT and LE versions of the trilogy. LEX has a tutorial wiki covering a variety of modding topics for those who want to try modding the game, but for now all we’re going to do is export a 3D model.
When you first open Legendary Explorer, it’ll look like this:
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Click on the “Meshes & Textures” tab. You will get these programs:
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Open Mesh Explorer (abbreviated as MSH). You’ll get this:
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(If it’s your first time using Mesh Explorer, you won’t have anything under “Recently opened items”. Also, read the Welcome page, as it has some useful info.)
To get the head mesh you need, you’ll have to open the Package file it’s contained in. Normally you can search where the assets are located using the Asset Database (a different LEX program), but for the sake of the tutorial I’m just gonna go ahead and tell you the package file you need.
Go to File > Open, and if it doesn’t automatically open to the appropriate directory, navigate to your game’s directory. It should look something like this:
Origin Games\Mass Effect Legendary Edition\Game\ME3\BioGame\CookedPCConsole
(Steam users, refer to your game’s file directory path by right-clicking your game in your library, then go to Manage > Browse Local Files.)
Locate and open the file BIOG_MORPH_FACE.pcc. This is what you’ll see:
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There are multiple base head models here, but the one you want ends in _CC (so HMF_HED_PROCustom_MDL_CC and HMM_HED_PROCustom_MDL_CC). The models that start with HMF are the female models, while HMM is the male models. When you click on the models on the left, they will render on the right:
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To export these models, right-click on the entry you want on the left, then click on “Export Mesh to PSK with UModel”:
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Save it in any directory you want. After that it will ask for the output format. Just select “psk” and click OK.
(btw, if this is your first time exporting with UModel, LEX will automatically install UModel for you.)
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Once that’s done, File Explorer will automatically open to the directory you saved your model in. A folder named after the package file you exported the model from will be created, and inside there will be three subfolders. The model will be in the SkeletalMesh3 folder.
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Congratulations! You now have the base head model. Now it’s time to put it all together.
PART C: Putting it all together in Blender
This part requires:
The .me3headmorph file you exported in Part A
The head model you exported in Part B
(Make sure your scripts are installed!! If you don’t know how, follow these instructions (just ignore the “Open Blender 4.0.0” part, it should still apply to 2.8))
When Blender is open, delete all the default items in the scene (the cube, the camera, and the light source). Once that’s done, go to File > Import > your PSK import script, then import your head model. (If you’re using a different script than the one I’m using, there may be an option to scale down your model. Make sure this is unchecked.)
Now your scene should look something like this:
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To hide the bones for the head model, click the eye on your imported model on the top right.
IMPORTANT: Once you import the head model, DO NOT MOVE IT!!! This will mess up the face import. You can move the model after you do the import.
If you look on the right of the scene, you should see a section called “Mass Effect Face Importer”, which is located under the Object tab (this tab should be displayed by default). Expand the face importer and you’ll get this:
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Click on the file button and navigate to where your .me3headmorph is located. Click “Accept,” and your .me3headmorph’s path will be loaded. When you’re ready, make sure your head model is selected, then click “Import HeadMorph”.
And boom!!! You should now see your Shepard’s headmorph applied to the model. For comparison, here’s the male base head before and after I imported John’s headmorph:
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And for further comparison, here’s John’s face in-game:
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So there you have it! You now have your Shepard’s head as a 3D model. From here you can save it, export it, edit it, do whatever you want with it. It’s your city now.
….But also I said I’d cover extracting textures so-
PART D: Extracting your Shepard’s textures
This part requires:
Trilogy Save Editor
Legendary Explorer
So you may notice that this guide requires two different save editors. The reason for this is that Trilogy Save Editor (TSE) does not export your headmorph in the filetype required for the script. That being said, It’s much easier to view Shepard’s headmorph data in TSE, hence why we’re using TSE for this part.
(Also, TSE is referred to in a lot of customization mods, so if you use hair or headmorph-related mods you’ve already used TSE in one way or another.)
When you first open TSE, it will look like this:
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Click “Open,” and File Explorer will automatically open to Documents\BioWare. Follow the usual steps to getting your save.
When you load your save, it will look like this:
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Currently, it’s on the General tab. Click the Head Morph tab to display your selected Shepard’s headmorph.
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(Oh yeah, you can also get the file path for your Shepard’s hair mesh if you wanted.)
What’s nice about TSE is that it displays an asset’s file path. The first part of the file path will always be the Package file the asset is placed in.
For textures, click on Texture Parameters to expand the list. To display the parameters for each entry, simply click on each entry to expand it.
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In this particular example, HED_Diff is the diffuse texture for Shepard’s face. The package file for this particular diff is found in BIOG_HMM_HED_PROMorph, and the filename for the texture is HMM_HED_PROBase_Face_Diff_Stack. Typically, this means you now have the info needed to open the file in Package Editor and locate the file yourself.
But there’s an easier way, and I mentioned it already: The Asset Database.
On the LEX menu, click the Utilities tab, and click on Asset Database (abbreviated as ADB)
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If this is your first time using the Asset Database, you’ll need to actually build the database before you can use it. Each game needs its own database. You should be able to build these by going to Database and selecting “LE3 Database,” then click “Generate New Database”.
Once your databases are generated, the window should look like this:
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To look for textures specifically, click on the Textures tab.
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Take the name of the texture you need and paste it onto the search bar on the top right. It will automatically filter the file list to the files that contain the name. To view the texture in the middle, click on “Toggle Texture Rendering”.
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Whoa, now you can see it! On the left is each individual file containing the name you searched. On the right are the usages – a list of the Package files containing that specific file. (NOTE: Package files from mods are highlighted in red. Vanilla Package files are in black.)
To export the file, click “Export to File,” where you can save it to any directory. You can save the texture as either a PNG, a DDS, or a TGA.
And there you have it! You now have your Shepard’s face textures. You can repeat this for all the textures you need. Note that some of the textures have alpha channels, which will come into play if you decide to edit them. Some textures, such as the eyebrows, may not actually be diffuse but rather normal textures. This is due to the way they’re applied in-game. But that’s a topic for a different guide :)
If you do decide to edit your textures by baking in the colours, you can go back to TSE to view your Shepard’s headmorph again, but this time expanding Vector Parameters. Here’s what it’ll look like:
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(All the vector parameters have the option for inputting RGBA values as well as selecting a colour via colour wheel.)
If you’ve gotten this far and successfully followed the steps, then congratulations! You’re well on your way to making self-indulgent content using your beloved Shepard characters and/or learning how to mod Mass Effect in general. If I get around to making more guides (read: if people want them), I’ll get into more detail on other things, particularly on how to mesh swap your Shepard into the game. For now, extra notes:
If you need extra advice on mesh or texture modding, I recommend joining the ME modding Discord. Here’s the invite. There are people there who actually know how to texture/mesh mod better than I can lol
Alternatively, here's the Github wiki for LEX modding tutorials :)
This is mostly a comment, but I am so glad the 2.8 version of the script exists. Back when I first did this I had to use 2.7 and it took a lot longer, especially with the way it affected UV maps. Luckily the 2.8 version doesn’t affect the UV maps, and in fact made this entire process much easier and less archaic.
Incidentally, the reason why I learned how to extract CC Shepards from the game wasn’t even for ME modding. It was for XNALara. Anyway here’s a meme:
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emilykaldwen · 8 months
thinking about that talk with @murmel-malt about how george's ages for these kids in F&B is just... a mess. Like we know George keeps his characters young (Look at... 90% of the cast of ASOIAF being like, 20 and under or what have you) and now I'm on a distraction rabbit hole of how do differently?
Which basically boils down to extending Viserys' reign, and then putting larger age gaps between Rhaenyra's children specifically.
But I thought: Okay, let's break this down side by side for everyone else who is staring at these ages in show vs book canon and trying to make sense of it. I want you to know that you're not alone in this, and I hope this could be a helpful resource for making your own narrative decisions.
TL;DR - the show time jumps do not track and make no sense and has weirdly aged people down and also up and so you make your own decisions. I've put my age recommendations at the bottom of the post.
We know Vizzy doesn't care about the health of his wife, since good lord we know what happened to Aemma and the text specifically states it was not only how young she was when she first started getting pregnant, but also the frequency she was getting pregnant/stillbirths. Like that took a toll. Luckily for Book!Alicent, she was 19/20 when she started having children, and could handle that better
We have two years between Aegon and Helaena, and then 1-2 years between Helaena and Aemond depending on when Aemond was born, and then four years between Aemond and Daeron
With Rhaenyra, we have:
Jace was born at the end of 114 (Rhaenyra is 17, and Jace is the same age as Daeron), Luke is specified as late 115, which... doesn't make sense? Like TECHNICALLY, you could get pregnant as early as three weeks after giving birth (I googled a... lot for this) but like really?
(ETA: I'm not saying this doesn't happen, we have it seeming to happen with Aemond and Helaena, it's the same with Bran and Arya, but as I address below, It doesn't seem to fit with Rhaenyra's character)
Westeros has a 12 month calendar. Jace is a december Baby, which means late 115 means... Oct/Nov/December, which means Rhaenyra was pregnant by February with her second kid.
then Joffrey is born in 117, however it doesn't specify what time of year. We just know that when Aemond loses his eye, Joffrey is 3.
Aegon III is born towards the end of 120 (again, Oct/Nov/Dec). We know that Daemon and Rhaenyra married in 120, not even six months after the death of Laena and Laenor, who died early 120 and Laenor not long after. so with this, like, is Aegon a wedding night baby? Had Daemon and Rhaenyra started boning before they married? (I mean, likely). Then Viserys II is born in 122, then we have a seven year gap before Rhaenyra's birth of Visenya.
Like, I'm sorry, but you want me to believe that Rhaenyra Targaryen who watched her mother have miscarriage after stillbirth for the first 10 years of her life wasn't gonna be more careful about this? Like George, just because we didn't have condoms and birth control pills doesn't mean that there wasn't some kind of bc was used (and there's evidence of that in our real world).
(and like I was saying to Mo: I mean at the end of the day, these ages don't matter, since 78% of these kids died and yes I calculated that percentage, and he wasn't thinking about people digging into the age things because at the end of the day, that doesn't matter for the story he's telling)
Which then brings us to the fuzzy show logic:
The Time Jumps As Follows:
Episodes 1-2: over the course of 6 months.
Episode 3: Two Year Time Jump from previous
Episode 4: No time jump specified but Alicent's given birth. Did Rhaenyra only go to Storm's End? In the book she traveled all the way to Casterly Rock.
No time jump is specified from what I could find for Rhaenyra's wedding but to get everyone there for Rhaenyra's wedding, to put together a royal wedding, you need 6 months at least. Given how big baby!Helaena is, we're looking at a 6-10 month time jump. And I'm sorry but by ship, it's taking like, two-three days to sail from KL to Driftmark, and then you have negotiations that last more than a single conversation. So I feel safe in assuming the 6-10 month time jump between Rhaenyra's return/daemon thing to the wedding. (HOWEVER, everything I found claims there's no time jump, but that's literally impossible because people need time to travel to King's Landing as it takes at least two months from Casterly Rock/Oldtown to get to KL)
Aegon is the child we have confirmation for on his age. He is 3 years old when Rhaenyra is married. We know that Helaena, on the show, is exactly two years younger since Alicent is clearly popping any day on Aegon's 2nd birthday.
The Ten Year Time Jump
Aegon - 13
Helaena - 11
Aemond - 10
Jace - ??? Book canon states he's 4 years younger than Aemond, but there's no way Jace is 6 years old.
Luke - 4 years old. AGAIN, there's no way. I cannot confirm an age for the actor (who did a fantastic job) but he's definitely closer to 5 or 6.
Joffrey - NEWBORN vs being 3 years old at the time.
The Six Year Time Jump
Aegon - 19
Helaena - 17
Aemond - 16?????
Jace - ?????
Luke - 14 years old which makes him 8 years old during Driftmark (Luke's age was confirmed as 14 at the end, he was 13 in the book)
Joffrey - 6 years old
In the book: Aemond is 19 years old when Viserys dies, which should make him 19 years old for the final time jump. But instead Aegon is 19/20 years old.
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It's just my suggestion, just my opinion, because again, none of this makes sense.
Aegon - 16
Helaena - 14
Aemond - 13
Jace - 10
Luke - 6
Joffrey - I mean you can keep him as a newborn to track but I don't think there's anything wrong with making him 3-4 years old IMO
ETA: adding in, Rhaenyra and Laenor talk about them trying to have a child, which means this actually builds in time for Laenor and Rhaenyra to try make their arrangement work instead of Rhaenyra just fucking off and hooking up with Harwin immediately.
Aegon - 22
Helaena - 20
Aemond - 18/19
Jace - 16
Luke - 14
Joffrey - 6 years (if newborn) or 10 years old.
Little Aegon - 6
Viserys - 4/5
I myself write a blend of show and book canon, but have tried to stick to show ages/timelines because frankly, more people have watched the show and I wanted to make barrier to entry easier for people. But the show timeline didn't make sense after Episode 5 so... here you go.
ETA: I FORGOT THE DRAGON TWINS but I suggest Baela and Rhaena to be the same age as Jace or Luke. Book!Canon, the dragon twins are the same age as Luke. Take that how you will.
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consanguinitatum · 9 months
Update: new info about David Tennant's elusive 1996 short film Quality Control!
I've got a few new updates to add to this post I did a while back about a short film David Tennant did in 1996 called Quality Control. If you haven't yet read my first post about this short film, you can read it at the link I posted above. And then come on back!
Firstly, Quality Control was broadcast many more times than I thought it was! I thought it was only broadcast four times between 1996 and 1998, so imagine my surprise when I did some digging and found it had actually broadcast eleven times between 1996 and 1999. Oops!
But by far the biggest update I have on this short is that recently I've discovered why it was made...and by whom!
But first, the updated broadcast list:
4 Jan 1996 - 1:55pm - Channel 4
10 Jun 1996 - 1:55pm - Channel 4
9 Dec 1996 - 2pm - Channel 4
10 Dec 1996 - 1:30pm - Regional S4C
18 Jun 1997 - 10:45am - Regional S4C
25 Jun 1997 - 10:45am - Channel 4 & Regional S4C
8 Feb 1998 - 3:30pm - Channel 4
26 Oct 1998 - 1:30pm - Channel 4
6 Nov 1998 - 1:30pm - Regional S4C
18 Jun 1999 - 1:30pm - Channel 4
29 Jun 1999 - 1:30p - Regional S4C
Of course now that I've found these, I'm aware there may be other broadcast dates I have yet missed. If so, I didn't find any past 2000. But I reserve the right to be mistaken, ha!
Now here's the bigger update: the why, and the who!
Published 23 June 1995 in The Scotsman, here's the article that broke it wide open for me, and its relevant quote:
"Simplicity and technical finesse marked this year's graduation films at the Edinburgh College of Art degree show. While Hannah Lewis's Quality Control makes excellent use of a superior comic performance by David Tennant as a youth trainee on his first day in a Leith sweatshop…"
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WOW, right?
But this new information leads to all sorts of other questions. If this short was initially part of a degree course, how did it make the leap to broadcast? Was it in one of the short film UK production schemes happening at the time which were helping new film creatives launch their ideas: i.e., First Reels, Tartan Shorts, New Found Land?
I'm not sure. At first blush, Quality Control doesn't seem to have been included in a larger broadcast of shorts like Bite and Spaces had been (Bite was shown on the program Don't Look Down on STV, and Spaces was shown on STV as a part of First Reels.) In its broadcast listings, Quality Control is always listed on its own.
The description the article gives on the short is also very interesting. The article says David played a youth trainee on his first day in a Leith sweatshop. But reviews and blurbs of the short's plot in newspapers say he was a job trainee who becomes a quality controller/inspector at a skateboard factory. It seems to me that a sweatshop and a skateboard factory are two very different places, but are they? Was that changed somehow between its showing at the College of Art degree show, or was it just the article writer's bad description?
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Blurbs about Quality Control from various newspapers
And just who is Hannah Lewis, its creator? Well my money's on producer Hannah Lewis, who's worked with Morag McKinnon and Colin McLaren. They all met at the Edinburgh College of Art, and had made three shorts together by 1999 (one of which, 'Home', won a BAFTA!) But if she is the right Hannah Lewis, Quality Control isn't listed anywhere on her IMDb. So while I can't be sure she's the short's creator, the time is right, and the place is right. A lot of the dots sure do line up!
Now we know why it was done - and who did it - can we find it? Is it archived somewhere? I haven't found it so far if it is - at least it's not archived at the Moving Image Archive in Glasgow, or at the British Film Institute. But I've yet to check to see if the Edinburgh College of Art may have it.
As far as all the other questions this raises - like how did David get involved with the project (since he was living in London at the time) and if he knew someone who knew someone who...ya know? Pfffft. Your guess is as good as mine! It's one more "I dunno" to add to the pile.
In conclusion, we may be as close as we've ever been to finding out more about David's elusive 1996 short, Quality Control.
I'll keep on searching!
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bergdg · 10 months
Analyzing Invention: Some Data for the Inventor's Fair 2023
As a way of introduction, the Inventor's Fair is a Magic: the Gathering card design contest blog here on Tumblr. Each week, a contest is announced and members of the community submit designs throughout the week meeting the design specifications. At the end of the week, a few winners and runner-ups are selected, with commentary given by a series of judges. It's a fun exercise in creativity, one that I have participated since November 2022.
This past week, I decided to go back and compile some data about the blog, from January 1st, 2023 to Dec 2nd, 2023. I got some general data and then did a dive into data on the winners and runners-up. I would have loved to look at data for all of the entrants (on average, 23 each contest), but that was just a little too much for the time I have.
If this all sounds interesting to you, continue reading past the line.
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To start, let's look at that general data:
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Image: Line graph showing the weekly totals for entrants and a rolling 3-week average.
To start off, there have been 48 contests thus far during the year, with 4 more potentially planned (yes, Dec 31st would be the posting date for one of the contests, so it is technically a 2023 contest).
In the above graph, I included a 3-week rolling average as a trendline: basically the average shown for a week is the average of that week with the two weeks preceding).
The highest participation happened from February to mid-May, which corresponds to the Spring Semester in the US school system (my area of experience).
The contest with the greatest number of entrants: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work, which started on April 16 and had 36 entrants.
The contest with the lowest number of entrants: Re:Vision, which was the most recent contest and had only 8 entrants.
Now let's dive into some of the stats around the winners and runners-up:
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Image: Bar graph showing the entry counts for winners and runners-up.
There have been 50 unique entrants who have been either a winner or a runner-up so far this year. Many entrants have been part of the contests since the beginning of the year. The most recent entrant to have their first win/runner-up was @aethernalstars, in the Nov 12th contest Lost Caverns of Ixalan's Lost Vault.
The entrants with the highest numbers of wins/runners-up so far:
@spooky-bard: 22 total, with 16 wins
@izzet-always-r-versus-u: 16 total, with 10 wins
@nine-effing-hells: 15 total, with 7 wins
@hypexion: 14 total, with 5 wins
(tie) @deg99 and @bread-into-toast: 13 total, with 8 and 7 wins
Congrats to these entrants for some spectacular submissions!
So what makes a winning entry? Mostly the awesome creativity of the entrants, but here are some stats about the cards themselves that I found interesting.
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Image: Bar graph showing the card types of cards that were submitted and were selected as a winner or runner-up
By far the most popular card type was creature (and this includes Artifact Creature and Enchantment Creature submissions). Granted, there were several contests asking for creatures, like Rebels and Dragons. But it is such an overwhelming favorite that I just had to call it out.
As a note on other, I lumped things like planes and phenomenon into a single group, just to keep things simple (since there weren't that many)
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Image: Pie (donut) chart showing the colors that were part of the color identity of cards submitted and selected as a winner or runner-up
Here, there has not been any contests for making cards in a specific color. However, red is a clear favorite among entrants. This is a mix of mono-red and multi-color including red cards. Black, white and blue are all closely tied for the 2nd most popular card, with green being fifth amongst the colors. I included colorless, but that being a low count is to be expected as I looked at color identity instead of cost, so many land submissions were pulled into one of the color categories.
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Image: Table of the mana value of cards submitted submitted and selected as a winner or runner-up
Here, we see that the most common mana value of cards was 3 - 84 cards total! 4 (with 60) and 2 (with 41) came in 2nd and 3rd.
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Image: Pie (donut) chart showing the rarities of cards submitted and selected as a winner or runner-up
Entrants seem to really like submitting Rares (114 total) and Uncommons (92 total), as they made up almost 75% of all entries. The number for commons will get a small bump from a recent contest that is currently being judged: One for the Money, but nowhere near enough to dethrone the other two.
SO, if you were to submit a card, it seems like the best chance for a winning submission is a red/partially red creature that is rare/uncommon and has a mana value of 3/4. Looks like a Santa Clause card is up for the next few weeks ;)
Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this nerdy dive into some of the data behind the @inventors-fair of 2023. Looking forward to what y'all come up with in the next few weeks!
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my pirates death predictions tier list as of 4 dec 2023 lore (6 days until the end)
explanations under the cut
survival predictions
p!shelby survives purely on the basis of having skipped town offscreen. it would kinda be funny to me. if not that, she's a 50/50.
p!acho's chances are either dying in the kishi quest (for personal lore reasons) or in conjunction with p!scott (for familial lore reasons). with the current theory discussed on the powcreations discord (if both p!acho and p!apo survive the last lore stream, they end up on kishi island which they might have passed on their way to the ice wall), i personally doubt p!apo is gonna die.
i feel that to give p!apo a satisfactory ending, he's gonna have to have at least one more lore stream to tie up the loose ends. ESPECIALLY the alphie-related backstory and to have a satisfactory conclusion to the character arc. if p!acho dies in the kishi quest, p!apo is gonna survive.
i want p!el to have a happy resolution to her identity crisis. p!jojo is just there for vibes but at this point, "kill the cutie" could be in order for her.
either/or predictions
most of the 50/50 people aren't very active on the server and i jokingly call them cannon fodder bc of this; the rest are based purely on how much character lore they have (not much). p!water is there mainly because of the whole jeffery ordeal and i dunno if she's gonna live as a widow or join her hubby-that-could-have-been in the afterlife.
p!will and p!shep have upcoming lore tomorrow/day after (time zones are weird). p!shep is PROBABLY gonna survive it, given he's said on discord he'll livestream the finale, but i don't know if he'll make it PAST the finale.
p!graecie's chances of survival depend on the isles because her arc kinda ties into the nightingale faction leader thing. if the isles go down in the finale, she'll go down with them. if the isles make it out of the finale still standing, p!graecie MIGHT survive to grow as a leader in the in-universe future, but she might also die. if she dies, either p!acho or p!apo is gonna be left in charge, partially bc it would be funny but also partially for arc reasons.
p!owen skipped town back on nov 18 and i have no way of knowing if he's gonna live or die and i ain't gonna guesstimate that.
death predictions
with cc!scott dropping ominous lore hints in his most recent livestream (dec 3), P!SCOTT IS ALMOST DEFINITELY GOING TO DIE. probably to the cult, his parents (derog), or his own mental health issues, since those seem to be the biggest ongoing storylines for his character.
i've always envisioned p!michela to be on the chopping block ever since p!aimsey went missing due to entwined lore. but it's hard to say she's 99% gonna die when she has barely logged on in a long while, so yeah.
the only reason i put p!kuervo in 80% is because as a (fellow) totalitarian autocracy survivor, i want to hold out hope. but realistically speaking, with the stunt he pulled with the letter to the armada, he's more likely than not to end up executed. ESPECIALLY with the ending of his most recent livestream (dec 2). and also nov 18 ending.
i haven't watched p!kyle's most recent lore (nov 17) so this is based purely on vibes (legacy, what is a legacy) from what i know about that lore stream.
p!saus because evil sword lore. p!ros just has the "kill the cutie" vibes. also hunter (powcreations discord) predicts p!ros is gonna die in the process of trying to stop p!saus from turning full evil and i honestly think that tracks, esp since mufasa is out of the equation now (as of oct 30).
p!martyn is a weird case of "dying in the pirates universe and returning to the datastream". so he technically will die but also doesn't. i think it's the villain arc spurring me into this decision.
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lincolndjarin · 11 months
ro's very reasonable 2023 wrap up schedule.
hi lovelies!! (figured out how to do a color gradient, took me weeks, i'm fucking thrilled, expect more of that nonsense in this post lol)
it's mid november and as the year comes to a close i'd like to wrap up a lot of stuff so here's the plan :
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NOV 12 : BKS 26 : crucifixion (currently being edited will be out by tonight.)
NOV 12-19 : BKS 27 : the apostate (will be released at some point here, it's gonna be on the shorter side so it shouldn't take too long
NOV 25 : Oh Honey, Chapter Four : painting the roses red (another long chap, gonna need some time to get this one out so at the latest it will be out on the 25th!!)
The First Week of December will be my 1,000 follower celebration, I'm going to be doing a week of Best Kept Secret content leading up to the final BKS chapter !! (this will include the release of my 500 follower celebration whoops)
Best Kept Secret Week :
DEC 1 : BKS 28 : a place for us (the technical final chapter of BKS)
DEC 2 : BKS Q&A (gonna ask for questions at some point here i'll make a post and answer any final questions about bks!!)
DEC 3 : Bound in Beskar - 500 follower celebration (a one off based on the book princess reads in bks)
DEC 4 : BKS what ifs (it's 8 days of stuff they can't all be hits. tbh i needed a day filler and i've got a lot of alternative story lines in bks so fuck it, i'll talk about those here)
DEC 5 : Best Kept Secret Art!! (i commissioned three artists to illustrate some of my favorite scenes bc i'm a sap so i will be posting all of that on this day and i'm so excited for y'all to see it!! they're wonderful artists and they've done wonderful work so far <3)
DEC 6 : Secrets Best Kept - 1,000 follower celebration (a one off where Din Djarin is the new reluctant ruler of Mandalore, a tutor is hired to help him during his early days as a ruler to learn proper etiquette for royalty)
DEC 7 : A love letter to Best Kept Secret. (pretty much just gonna be one last corny post to thank everyone for reading)
DEC 8 : BKS 29 : the best kept secret (epilogue) (corny ass name ik, anyhow, this will be it!! this will be the last main update of best kept secret!!)
DEC 16 : Oh Honey, Chapter Five : a very merry unbirthday (this will be the last chapter of oh honey!! i've always intended for this to be a short form story so it will be wrapped up at the latest by the 16th!!)
DEC 24 : Best Kept Christmas (gonna sneak one last good bye to bks in at the end of the month with a christmas special lol)
and then i will be taking the last week of december to write my next fics! rest!
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so yeah lol, my goal is to wrap up all ongoing fics this year but but but if you made it this far (i love you *mwah*) here's some of the fics coming in 2024!! i won't be starting anything new this year but next year i've got big plans >:)
Then & Now (probs gonna change that title) - this will be my main fic for a bit, i've been itching to start this for so so long, f!reader x joel. definitely gonna be more on the angsty side
i'm participating in pmamc 2024 so there will be an Oberyn one off in January!!
Andromeda - this is gonna be my next din x reader !! i don't have much other than the base idea but im gonna keep that a surprise haha
And plenty of other stuff i'll figure out lol
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lucigoo · 5 months
Weekly Roundup: 15th April - 22nd April
Whoop, Sunday, tht means weekly roundup and recs (were going to pretend it is NOT Monday lol) So, I have writtn 13,184 words this week, and have uploaded 2 fics this week (technically it's three, but the Thorin Spring Forge fic is revelaed o the 25th) So, on to the recs: Not All That Glitters (Is Good For Your Health) - comatosecombat - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, post quest for Erebor)
Summary: In his attempt to distract Smaug from attacking Lake-town, Bilbo accidentally destroys the One Ring of Power, saves the day and brings peace on Middle-Earth.
When it comes to him and Thorin, that resolves absolutely nothing. An Unexpected Addition - karategal - The Hobbit (Bilbo/Thorin, this whole series is pure gold imo) Summary: All of the dwarves survive the Battle of the Five Armies, but Bilbo must return to the Shire to sort out his old life and make way for a new one in Erebor. Over one year later, Bilbo comes back to the Lonely Mountain with a recently orphaned Frodo. King Thorin isn't quite sure what to make of this new, tiny addition to his Company. far across the distance - LinguisticJubilee - The Hobbit - (Bilbo/Thorin, schmoopy Thorin has my whole heart)
Summary: Balin blinks, shifting backwards. “Laddie, it’s—it’s been a year. Bilbo has returned home, to the Shire.” He looks at Thorin, then says more gently, “I did not realize you counted the hobbit among your treasures.” i've loved you in a million different ways - dotty456 - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, James/Regulus, this is one of my fav Hogwarts-No voldy fics ever)
Summary: An everybody lives fanfic that follows the Marauders from before their first year to the end of Hogwarts - may include mentions of their children/marriages and future stuff because I can. Dumbledore is a douchebag, Voldemort doesn't exist and the Black cousins join together before the elder Blacks start burning that damn family tree. One Flash Of Light, But No Smoking Pistol - Ludo_ten - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, Zombie Au)
Summary: Nov 1981: Sirius wakes up hungover in a stranger's bed when an emergency radio broadcast warns of a viral outbreak and instructs everyone to stay inside.
Isolated and homeless, Sirius has no choice but to reconcile with his estranged brother. Their uneasy alliance plants the seeds for buried family secrets to surface. Together, they venture to Wales in search of the man he never told he loved before it's too late. What to do when one has died? Dig of course. - DBlack13 (Bilbo/Thorin, Afterlife fic, I repeate Afterlife fic (not that i have a fav trope or anything .....)
Summary: After death, Bilbo is bored. He misses his adventures, and although Yavanna’s Garden is everything a hobbit would wish for, Bilbo can’t help missing his friends in the Company, and above all, a certain blue-eyed leader… Hopefully theres at least one for you there.
Now, on to my fics <3 I'm real, I'm here. Open your eyes and see. (For @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt 249, Siirus/Remus)
Summary: Remus often dreams about Sirius and it makes him reluctant ot open his eye to the nothing he knows he will find when he does. But will he? Has he really lost everything? Thank you for giving me the stars (Sirius/Remus, an Animal Au based of this amazing art by @depsidase)
Summary: Remus and Teddy are outcasts, on the edge of Axolotl society, but Teddy makes a new friend and it looks like Remus may make a something more who is willing to show him the stars. Have a good week all <3
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littlemssam · 2 years
Curseforge & Sims 4 Mods Infos
On Nov 14th 2022 CurseForge the Official Mod Hub for Sims 4 launched. The Mod Hub is still in development and not 100% perfect for Sims 4 yet.
You can now download most of my Mods there as well: https://www.curseforge.com/members/littlemssam/projects
A few important Infos regarding Curseforge:
1) The Client App does not support Sims 4 Multi Files Mods. Only Mods with one single Download File will work well. All other Mods with more Files need to be checked manually, and additional Files need to be downloaded via the Website itself. For example my "Live in Business" Mod contains the Main Mod Files, but also need seperated Lot Trait Files to work ingame. These Files need to be installed manually until CurseForge adds Multi Files Support to the App.
2) Because of the Issue above, and another ongoing technical Issue with uploaded Files that get rejected, new Mod Updates will be uploaded in All In One Files from now on (if possible). This means that Addons etc. that are not wanted need to be deleted manually after an Update.
3) After uploading Files to CurseForge it takes some time until they are approved & online. Usually this should only take 24hrs max. Just keep that in mind, when i post Updates, that they will be available on CurseForge a bit later.
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drarrygirl27 · 4 months
Hello Peeps!
I haven't been on here in a long ass time once again. At this point, I think it's just to be expected of me. LOL! 😆
Anyway, a lot has happened since I last posted. So... First of all, Nezuko is doing well. She's already a year and 4 months old already. Where in the hell did the time go?! She hasn't gotten too much bigger though which is why Doug and I both refer to her as our forever kitten. She's on the lean and petite side which is pretty common when it comes to female cats. She has recently gotten fixed, but if her surgical site looks like it is mended at least for the most part (It's been healing very well from what Doug and I have seen throughout this week.) by the time Doug gets back from work today (This is officially her 7th day of recovery since we had her fixed.), she'll finally get to be completely free and not have to stay in a relatively well sized dog kennel for most parts of the day anymore which would be awesome for all because she's missed her freedom to do as she pretty much pleases in the apartment and Doug and I have missed her and her kitty cuddles and such and she has missed that as well. We have fairly recently allowed her some supervised time out of the kennel in our bedroom with the door shut so she can get a little exercise and such which of course she has really liked and just yesterday, she went back and forth here and there between where Doug was at and where I was at in our bedroom to get some good quality time and get nuzzles, snuggles, and cuddles in too as well.
Second of all, we've had another cat for probably about 2-3 months now considering that he was estimated to be 6 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days old on May 30th for when him and Nezuko both got fixed. His name is Tanjiro. Unfortunately, with a lot of things that were going on at that time and the time before then, we couldn't seem to find the time, money, and or energy in some cases to get some things done including getting both Nezuko and Tanjiro fixed at technically a good or decent time so that by now, they could have been properly socialized and such, but recently we've been getting some things going and prepared which is good because of the 3rd really big thing that has been going on for a long while now. However, before I get to that, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for when it comes to anything and everything pertaining to all of these crazy changes. We are most definitely going to need it for many reasons. You'll see why for when I mention the 3rd and biggest change that is very life-changing in and of itself that is happening in the Jones and Filkins household.
Third of all, I'm pregnant! Doug and I both have been trying to get pregnant from June 1st of last year. I officially stopped taking my birth control pills on that day after we discussed it with my OB prior to that. I started feeling mild nausea for about 3 months starting in August or September I want to say in the early morning hours to about late afternoon hours of the day everyday and around that time and sometime after my period had started to regulate naturally, my flow was starting to fluctuate in quantity here or there (I made myself some charts that went from that specific pack of my birth control pills, including listing the last day I took one, and the day I stopped taking them altogether, that I was stopping on to June of next year because that's what my OB suggested for Doug and I to do before looking into our fertility and such like that (Not the detailed month charts. Writing down the month charts was my idea to keep track of things.). Then there was some spotting here and there happening more and more frequently as the months went by until there was almost nothing to absolutely nothing really showing up sometime in September or October if I'm remembering the months correctly so Doug advised me to take some pregnancy tests. I took the first two from the package on Nov. 5th and both the digital and + or - said positive. Well I did my due diligence just to be on the safe side of things and waited exactly a week after Nov. 5th to take the second two from that exact same package (a digital and + or - one) relatively around the same time in the morning that I took the first two and both of those also said positive.
We both were pretty sure that I was pregnant given my symptoms and the 4 positive tests that were taken exactly as the directions written in the pamphlet, but whenever we told his immediate family about it, we did both say that it's still just a possibility that I could be pregnant and that this wasn't technically an official announcement and that we won't know for sure for sure until getting it officially confirmed with my doctors so to please not say anything about it to anyone else until we get confirmation on it. They were of course very excited just like we were about the real possibility that I could be pregnant.
Fast forward to Nov. 28th, where we get told by my primary physician that the pregnancy test that they just did had come back positive. So... By that point, we have 5 pregnancy tests in total all saying positive which in and of itself was incredibly surreal, but nothing and I mean absolutely nothing could have prepared me for how more surreal things could get until I went to get my first out of 4 total ultrasounds I've had done where I got to see my baby for the first time right there in front of my eyes on the screen and hear their heartbeat on Dec. 7th. No words that I could ever think to say would be able to describe even a little bit of the feelings that I felt hardcore while I was seeing this little human inside of me and hearing their heartbeat especially for the first time. That was the moment it felt incredibly real, but still so surreal at the same time. After trying to conceive for just a small number of months, Doug and I were officially on our journey of parenthood.
So... As you can see here a lot of changes are heading mine and Doug's way and any day now I'll be having our baby because I am now according to the What to Expect App, 39 weeks and 5 days along and the estimated due date is literally this Sunday, June 9th which is insane because my own birthday is this coming Monday. Either way, you look at it Doug is going to be dealing with not only two Geminis (We be crazy sometimes. We're fun, but things can get crazy with us here and there.), but two female Geminis. May the Lord and all the highest, bless him and his soul is all I have to say. LOL! 😆
So... Yeah those are the biggest changes from last year to now that has happened and or is happening still. Oh and Doug and I both have a raise coming up in September and it's actually a really good one to be honest especially his because he gets paid more as a Plumber for the school district than I do as a Custodian for the school district, but what I have coming my way per hour is pretty damn good. I'm not at all complaining about it. Oh and another thing, whenever I get back to work from my maternity leave, I'll be at a different campus. I'm going to miss my boss and my co-workers and the people I've cleaned for and such, but I have to do what is best for my daughter which is why I'm being transferred to a different campus so I can work the morning shift while Doug works the evening shift. I'm a bit nervous and anxious about it, but a tad bit excited too because while the morning shift custodians get paid a little less than evening shift custodians do, it's also usually from my very little experience doing it at other school campuses a bit easier cleaning wise so that's a plus in my book especially being a new mom and all. My new work shift will be 6 am-2:30 pm instead of 2:30 pm-11 pm, but I know I'll be all right. I adjust to different work shifts relatively well. It'll take me, mind and body wise probably at most 2 weeks to adjust to that time difference especially as long as I allow myself enough time to eat a good breakfast and enjoy a cup of coffee before getting my work day started.
Well... I believe that just about covers it really at least for now. Have a good day and Ttyl, Peeps!
Sincerely, Kendra E. Jones
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zermizomilk · 2 months
you [erased some that were weird tho] 3. do you miss anyone? 4. what are you looking forward to? 5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? 6. is it hard for you to get over someone? 7. what was your life like last year? 8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? 9. who did you last see in person? 10. are you good at hiding your feelings? 11. are you listening to music right now? 12. what is something you want right now? 13. how do you feel right now? 15. personality description 16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? 17. opinion on insecurities. 18. do you miss how things were a year ago 19. have you ever been to New York? 20. what is your favourite song at the moment? 21. age and birthday? 23. fear(s) 24. height 25. role model 26. idol(s) 27. things i hate 28. i’ll love you if… 29. favourite film(s) 30. favourite tv show(s) 31. 3 random facts 32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? 33. something you want to learn 34. most embarrassing moment 35. favourite subject 36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? 37. favourite actor/actress 38. favourite comedian(s) 39. favourite sport(s) 40. favourite memory 41. relationship status 42. favourite book(s) 43. favourite song ever 44. age you get mistaken for 45. how you found out about your idol 46. what my last text message says 49. where i want to be right now 50. favourite picture of your idol 51. starsign 52. something i’m talented at 53. 5 things that make me happy 54. something thats worrying me at the moment 55. tumblr friends 56. favourite food(s) 57. favourite animal(s) 58. description of my best friend 59. why i joined tumblr 60. do you have a funny joke [[i zoned out during the organization proccess so if there are any asks you're uncomfortable w, just ignore them]]
3 bird
4 end of the day
5 you
6 sometimes
7 alot more naive to to internet interaction
8 yes
9 technically my brother
10 yes
11 no
12 rather not say
13 annoyed and angry
15 idk
16 yes
17 it's ok to be insecure it's only human
18 id rather die then go back to how it was
19 nope
20 butchers vanity
21 age 14, bday 26 nov
23 spiders
24 idk where a tape measure is so im just gonna assume it's like 178-179 cm maybe
25 brother
26 idk
27 list is long and i don't feel like writing all that
28 elaborate
29 wonka i guess
30 i got nothing
31 mosquitoes are attached to potassium, if you dissolve styrofoam in nail polish cleaner you get napalm, in fallout 4 everyone likes artificial gorillas
32 all of you guys are nonbinary or trans so idk
33 drums
34 to many to count rather not think of them
35 like school? uhh biology i guess
36 i got nothing
37 nobody
38 nobody
39 dodgeball
40 found a bird outside my doot hurt and had a zip tie around it's leg so i helped it to the best of my ability
41 aromantic
42 im reading how to kill a mockingbird so i guess that
43 can't choose
44 10-17
45 n/a
46 Ily<3/p
49 same spot my home but alone
50 n/a
51 idk and im too lazy to look it up again
52 ¯⁠\[•-•]/⁠¯
53 uhhhh talking to you, being around animals, sleeping, talking to friends in general, playing games
55 uhh you,Large,Axel i don't think i interact with alot of my moots
56 eggs
57 bird, dog, cat
58 well unable? describe your self
59 deltarune
60 nothing at the moment
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writtenonreceipts · 1 year
Hi friend! Can I ask you a book related question? So I read the Skyward series from Brandon Sanderson—those were the first of his books that I’ve read, and I loved them. I’ve wanted to read his other series for a long time, since I always hear so much about them, but I have no idea where to start. Cosmere? Stormlight? I read that they take place in the same universe, so do I need to read those series in order? If you could help me out it would be much appreciated. If not, I’m sure I can find the answer somewhere through google, but I thought I’d ask a friend first 🫶
Hey friend!! Yes! I love book questions! Haha 😄and I love Sanderson too, lol, and never get to talk about it enough. Forgive the rambling that is about to commence 😅
Skyward is honestly such a good place to start with his books tbh. He is very much a high and epic fantasy writer and that series really eases readers into his style as well. I still need finish them, lol, but I'm so glad you liked them! I've just read the first one and it was such a fun reach honestly.
As far as his other books go: The Cosmere is basically what Brandon called the magical universe he created to interconnect most of his books. (I think theres only 1 or 2 right now that aren't considered part of the Cosmere). So yeah, if you wanna choose chaos you can read any of the different series as you want in whatever order. But I do have some thoughts:
I do recommend starting with Mistborn. It is what he is best known for and what really launched his career. It's...it is a little denser, but the world building and characters and pay offs are phenomenal. It highlights a great magic system, political intrigue, overthrowing evil, and heists. Brandon describes it as his Cinderella heist novel, lol. It's the what would happen to the world if the villain had won? And highlights one man's desire to fight kill/eat the rich. The Mistborn books are considered "Era 1". He has 3 series planned set on this specific planet in the Cosmere.
Era 2 of Mistborn: The Wax and Wayne Books. A Western fantasy. And I love it. Queer characters, autistic characters, chaos, broody male mc, sarcasm and puns, marriage of convenience (thought that plot is very small. It's my favorite thing about the series though). The final book just came out last Nov. I'll spare you all the other thoughts lol. But it can technically be read on its own without needing to read Era 1, though, there are a lot of things about this series that work better when read after the og trilogy. I hold this series close to my heart. It's a lot of fun and you can tell Brandon just had fun.
Warbreaker. Handsdown love this book. I want to recommend reading it even before Mistborn as it does bridge the gap of ya to adult fantasy rather well. The magic system is different and fun too. This book has the forced marriage plot a bit stronger, political intrugue, queer rep (albeit small), and magical talking swords that want to kill you be your friend. And I love the female characters. Vivenna is my love. Hands down one of my favorite female characters ever. I don't think this book is talked about enough tbh. I could go OFF an all the things I love about it.
The Stormlight Archive. Get ready to buckle in. It is planned to be a 10 book series. Book 5 should be coming out in 2024. They are 1,300-1,500 pages long. So... yeah, long and epic but so so worth it. Like. I can't even begin to describe it. War, mental health, religious discussions, honor, depression, hope. Iconic characters. I also hold these books special to my heart. You can jump right into this one, but there are references to world hoppers on this book and the magic system is steep. So, I would recommend reading at least Mistborn. But that's just me.
>>Other Sanderson Books and thoughts: The Rhythmatist, people have mixed feelings but I liked it, which is why I bring it up. It's another ya almost adult fantasy. It's another great one to get into the way Brandon does magic systems and world building. Elantris is technically his first published. It was not my favorite. I mean...I enjoyed it but it was hard to get through. You can tell it's his first book. The premise is cool and interesting but I struggled with it. It is technically the first book of the Cosmere universe. He has a book of short stories and novellas interwoven through the Cosmere. If you can find it on it's own The Emperors Soul is great.
I'll stop. I loved this...anyways...
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supernaturalkickparty · 9 months
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