#techno would have loved chayanne
genevawren38 · 2 months
Phil picturing Techno standing behind Chay during the enderpookie battle and giving him tips based on knowing Phil's battle stance and styles after eras of fighting together....well I was thinking of writing something like that eventually but now that you just canonized it 👀
[Like an hour 20ish into today's VOD March 4, 2024]
Edit: Apparently he helped shield the duckling boy from injuries, trying to find a clip now bit haven't had any luck yet.
[Clip from Twitter & transcript courtesy of @foryouthegays ]
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fullyfazed · 3 months
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I love their Asian-style fishing summer home so much, so naturally I had to give them a costume change
close ups and style notes below :)
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Purple and yellow ribbon woven into a now handmade straw hat
Duck, skull, and flower charms from previous hat
Small windchime! Just because!!!
Has a slight sunburn and new freckles from fishing all day
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Glowing eyes and shadow skin, as always
Kimono style top is styled in an inverse y, because he's dead
White chrysanthemums on his haori to symbolize death
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Black and pink racoon tail for Missa and Techno
Duckie Haori instead of his floatie :3
Horns are longer and I've added a tail to his and Tallulah's designs!
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Black mushroom, music note, and flower pins/embroidery on hat
Hearing aids
Brian! Tallulah has been the bird queen during QSMP24 so I thought it would be more appropriate than her traditional flute.
Flower and plant embroidery on dress
Her dress was inspired by those cute dress overalls mixed with the high waisted style of Hanfu's!
Bracelets representing Phil, Missa, and Chayanne
Horns have also grown slightly, but not as much as Chayanne's
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anonymous-dentist · 4 months
Okay am I crazy or something because why do I see people referring to qQuackity as qWilbur’s husband like genuinely seriously despite:
Quackity not marrying Actual Wilbur and instead marrying Photo Wilbur
Quackity marrying Photo Wilbur during Festa Junina, which is known for its fake weddings
Wilbur hearing about the wedding when he came back and going “Well, I don’t feel married”
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Quackity’s feelings toward Wilbur regarding the ‘marriage’ basically being him projecting after Tilin’s death and while watching everyone around him find happiness where he could not, specifically Roier and Cellbit and possibly because Roier had just lost his own child but didn’t seem to be having all these problems Quackity had
Like if you go back and watch Q’s streams from this time, he even subtly admits that he doesn’t love Wilbur when he spoke to SOFIA
Wilbur wasn’t even his first choice! Etoiles was!
Wilbur not even knowing if he loves Quackity. He feels Emotions towards him, but he’s always refused to look any deeper because of his Issues (similar Issues to those he has regarding Tallulah, which is that he’s always going to be away on tour and can’t be there to love and care for his family the way they deserve to be loved)
And, lest we all forget, Quackity still might not entirely remember who Wilbur is because of his amnesia. (Granted, a lot of that seems to have been fixed by Spooky Cucurucho in Hell, but we don’t know the extent.)
So, with all this in mind, why do I see people getting legitimately upset when someone doesn’t include Quackity in Wilbur’s family as his husband?
And we’ve got to keep in mind that Wilbur’s only canon family is Phil, who he adopted as his father on the train, Tallulah, his daughter, and Chayanne, his half-brother. Techno and Tommy are family irl (because irl Wilbur Soot collects found family members like they’re Pokémon cards.)
So why do I see stuff like this?
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ElQuackity isn’t a canon brother, Q is quite possibly ElQ’s clone (or something like that.) Tilin always seemed to prefer the idea of Luzu being their father, and people have got to remember that Luzu IS canonically Tilin’s other parent. Pepito doesn’t even know Wilbur exists. And what about Quackity’s other son, Richarlyson? (Oh, wait, never mind, Richas is Brazilian, and a lot of the English fandom does Not like associating Quackity with the Brazilians on the server.)
Honestly, this all gives the same vibes as “Omg Wilbur can teach Q how to read again and they can live happily ever after with their ONLY CHILD Tallulah 🥰” and “Wilbur would know Quackity was replaced by ElQ immediately and he’d rescue Quackity because they’re in love and married” when that ignores actual canon dynamics
Anyway, this is all to say that you can ship what you want, but don’t let your fanon get in the way of everything else. Fanon is fine, but don’t get pissy when people say it isn’t canon, and please stop messing with the wiki to make it canon because it isn’t. And don’t harass people saying it isn’t canon, that’s fucked up
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bunfloras · 4 months
if technoblade was in the qsmp and had an egg, what do you think the little egg's name would be/ their behavior would be like?
in all likelihood techno would have named the egg after the highest dono or something funny but. given the fact that i have a chance to make a whole au right now…
i think he’d have an egg daughter he’d name atalanta. i can see him wishing for the best for her and trying to train her to be a strong pvper and be able to hold her own, but i actually think it’d be interesting for her to end up as more of a pacifist despite her name inspiration. i like the idea of giving techno’s character someone he’s attached to and has to protect and worry about.
she’d take after him in his love for greek mythology and probably demand it as her bedtime stories. vague thoughts of her liking poetry? she’d be more of the reluctant leader/advice giver type, and given techno and phil’s friendship she’d probably be around chayanne and tallulah a lot.
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floral-moon-light · 7 months
Major Phil/egg lore has happened! If you have not watched the streams /vods and don't want to be potentially spoiled go watch Monday and wensdays vods!
Ok, so Monday Phil gets on and Forever yells for help saying something about a freezer, so Phil takes tubbo and heads to the facility where Tubbo was frozen in ice. Upon getting there they were confronted with a federation guard (WB017) who basically tried to force the two off the property. Phil eventually tried to the distract the guard (which he achieved) while Tubbo snuck in (which failed due to Admins tping him out). During this Phil learned some new lore, but nothing of major ramification. Mostly conformation of things that had been in a partial state of confusion.
After that Phil went to check on Forever, who was back at his base safe, but acting "sad but determined".
Some time later though a message pops up in chat saying Forever died to a neither mob so Phil and a group of others run to the order's portal and find a strange device on it that has the same blue coloration as BadBoyHalo. During this the group decided to try the Freezer place again to try and figure out what is going on. They get in and get down to the lowest level which had surprisingly been completely fixed up but had a black concrete wall that the group broke through to find a hall that soon filled with mobs. After clearing out the mobs the group found a strange chamber with biomes in test tubes and some experiment logs from the federation, before being chased out by the guard using a gun.
I don't remember anything else important happening that day.
Wednesday is when sh** hit the fan.
First things first Fit came and told Phil about a new location found near Walter Bob's home as well as some more lore he missed. (nothing major I believe.) After which Phil and Fit decide to go mess with Tubbo and Fred (WA02)'s movie "date".
After That, Phil goes off exploring, which turns into Capibara time.
Once Phil decides to go home he sees Cellbit is on and goes off to info dump on the man all the stuff Phill has been saving up for the man. Afterword Cellbit takes Phil to to his castle to have the man chose one of the 4 gods he has in his magic room. Of course Phil chooses Death (Kristen you are loved and the best lady death ever! Though I kinda wish he had chosen blood if only as a tribute to Techno. (side note, I want someone to sneak into the blood room and add Techno in just as a nod to the blood god.)).
After that, when Phil went to head off to bed for the night, he decided to check his base's black concrete to find that a potato had replaced Chayanne's gapple and that the book in the chest now had coordinated in it for Chayanne's pumpkin patch. Which now had a black concrete patch and a chest with a glitchy picture of Chayanne (and yes, it was Chayanne; we could see his egg.) as well as coordinates to Tallulah's flower field that had a new black patch of concrete with a chest holding a Glitchy picture of Tallulah.
Phil's Eggs Are Alive! 100% surviving and telling that to their Dad!
And oh, did this rile Phil and Chat up (you could see the anger in the Voices screaming "blood for the blood god," and as a fellow voice, I would have joined the choir if I had watched this live (my schedule does not link to me being able to watch this live usually)).
Phil them went and showed this to Cellbit and Bad, leading to a long chat about what could be going on.
After this, a chat about the tickets occurred, especially about why Phil's ticket was unique. When Slime got online, they decided to check with him about the man's ticket because he was one of the few people the group had no ticket info on. In the process of checking Slime's ticket, which was unique having slime on it (which is typical for Slimecicle), they met JuanaFlippa (who is a code or at least code infected if their speech pattern is any indication) and they seem to be Infecting Slime as well!
After spending time with Smile and his ?Egg? Phil IRL got distracted by his neighborhood Cat for a bit before ending stream after leaving a new note to Chayanne and Tallulah, basically asking them to tell him anything they can about what is going on.
And gods if all that isn't Insanity then I don't know what is!
But this proves the eggs should be okay and leaves only one Egg unaccounted for in a photo. This being Leo.
So now there are potentially 3 mysteries! What is the federation up to with those experiments? How do we save the eggs? And, What happened to Forever?
Let's hope there is some news Friday.
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cateyeswrites · 5 days
Stardew (murder) Valley
Summer Year 1 
TW: Wilbur is mentioned but he is not in the story! also mention of cannibalism
This is a small self indulgent Stardew valley AU with a twist of mistery and thriller! So far this is the outline for the story and more of an introduction to the characters and the settings
Quackity and Tilin 
New in isla Quesadilla town 
Quackity inherited the farm from El Quackity who died a couple of weeks ago
Quackity and Wilbur are exes however Quackity never knew that Wilbur was from the small town originally 
Luzu and Quackity broke up because they didn't know if Luzu was Tilin’s father or not 
Quackity ran before Luzu could convince him to do the test, afraid of the result.
Quackity is fascinated by the mines in Isla Quesadilla, a small part of him believes it’s magic while the other just likes the fact that he can get money fast from there. 
Quackity and Tilin arrive at an old house and so much hard work to be done
Tilin is 5 and a half 
Quackity is 23 
Phil and Missa
They have Chayanne and Tallulah under their care
Phil’s wife passed away even tho people claim they still see her walking through the town at times or walking beside the couple and kids 
Phill and Kristen grew up with their three kids in Quesadilla Island, Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy. 
When the new scientist, Missa, arrives in town, it is Phill who welcomes him and offers him a room in his house, he quickly falls for the dorky scientist and Kristen takes no more than a day to fall for him too. 
A couple of years later, when their youngest gets sick, Kristin also decides to investigate the magic in the town with Missa. One day Kristin goes alone and gets lost but there she meets a small creature who promises to help her kid if she makes a deal with him and helps him overview the other side. 
That day Kristin went home, played with her kids, and passed away tucked between her two loves 
Lady Death was born that night.
Missa is interested in the cosmic and magical nature of the caverns and lakes of Quesadilla Island usually during his day he will spend the morning with the children and help Phill around the potato farm, during the night he researches the caves and makes tests in the waters of the lakes, with the company of a very sweet lady death.
Tommy moves away after graduating, Techno decides to follow only to give Phill and Missa some sense of peace. 
Sometime after Tommy leaves Missa and Phill decide to Adopt a kid, they have the space, and the parenting experience and they want to help a kid who needs it. 
Chayanne arrives exactly three months later, a spunky 7-year-old who brightens their days 
Two weeks after that a small 5-year-old girl is at their doorsteps; Hey Dad and Missa, this is Tallulah, my daughter. Please take care of her while I am gone. THANKS!
Roier and Jaiden 
Rier runs the tavern in the town 
He and Jaiden have a house where they stay with their son Bobby and Roiers son Pepito.
Jaiden runs an art school in town and does activities for the kids in town 
Jaiden has a daughter she co-parents, Empanada who lives with her other moms Tina and Baggi 
Roier and Jaiden have been friends since college, on their last year they found a baby on the side of their apartment building.  
They decide to keep the baby and formally adopt it as theirs. 
They name him Bobby.
After they graduate they decide to go live in the small town near the City, Isla Quesadilla. A small town where they can raise their child without criticism and peacefully.
Jaden opens her art school and Roier starts working in the tavern after a year of working there, the owner ready to retire gives the reins to Roier.
Roier is currently dating the sheriff who has a boy the same age as Bobby. 
Bobby is 3 and a half years old
Celbit and Pac 
Celbit used to be a big-shot detective alongside his partner Pac. 
There was a serial killer who would murder people, that was their main case at the time.
One night they were patrolling an alley when Pac is taken out with a blow to the head, unfortunately, he isn’t knocked out and he can hear fighting and wrestling, it isn’t until he feels someone take a bit out of his leg that it clicks why they can’t seem to find the dude, since he eat his victims and dispose of the bones that they would find months later.
When Pac wakes up Celbit is right there looking guilty at the side of his bed, he is so wrapped up talking to him that he doesn’t realize something is missing—his leg. 
After the incident, Celbit quits the police force and moves away to Isla Quesadilla where his child Richarlyson is being raised by his friend Mike, Richa’s other dad. 
Mike, Pac, Celbit, and Felps found Richas 4 years ago while working on a case of human trafficking, and when they couldn’t find his family they decided to all five of them to adopt him.
After Felps dies during a case, Mike quits his job and takes Richas with him to a small town that Celbit finds his way to, after Pac’s accident.
Celbit becomes the sheriff of the town and head of the station.
Celbit then meets Roier whom he falls in love embarrassingly quickly. 
Celbit and Richas semi-move in within less than a year but still keep things in the house they shared with Mike.
Roier is the only one ever to learn Celbits dark secret.
Besides Felps.
When Pac hears that there is trouble in Isla quesadilla and people are starting to disappear, the same type of people the Canibal would take in the city, he pacs his things and heads to the small town ready to catch the bastard.
A 19-year-old college student who is a bit of a genius.
He is doing a project where he helps farmers create a more productive watering system and testing other gadgets to help farming.
He is currently living at Fit’s Inn.
One day he finds a 9-year-old digging through the trash. The only name she gave him was Sunny.
He decides to take care of her and hides her from Fit. 
Fit finds out very quickly about Sunny.
Fit ends up agreeing to Sunny stay and he helps him to take care of her 
Tubbo struggles to understand how children work but at least Fit and Ramon are there 
Fit and pac 
Fit and Ramon are the only people living at the inn except for the tourists and scientists who come once in a while for special events.
Fit is not the type of person who you would imagine owning a cozy Inn but he also during the nights goes to mine alongside Missa and now Quackity as their protection from the bizarre things that are down there.
Fit has the best coffee in town so everyone treats his breakfast hour as a coffee shop and you can find a lot of people just stopping by for a cup of coffee or breakfast with the family. 
Fit was in the army and served a couple of terms before a horrible incident where he was the only survivor after that he left the army, bought the inn, and became content with his mundane life.
Ramon was surprised but one he embraced with a huge smile and open arms, however, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t hard.
Ramon is currently 7.
Pac moves into the inn and sets up an office in the room next to his.
Pac is immediately smitten with the cute innkeeper 
Fit can’t understand why he feels the way he does about Pac but he also has panicked flirt with him to distract him when Sunny escapes from Tubbos room 
Ramon demands a second father after the first accidental flirt with Pac
Tina and Bagi 
Tina and Bagi own the convenience store in the town 
Everyone shits on Bagi for being closed on Wednesday but that is obligatory wife-and-daughter time.
Tina has a small tea shop inside the convenience store. 
They both are Empanadas mom’s who co-parent with Jaiden 
Empanada lives with them most of the time but she sees her mom Jaiden all the time and spends weekends with her.
Empanada is 7.
Foolish lives in his home with his daughter Leonarda who is currently 9 years old
He is the builder of the town, do you need something fixed in your house or a new building? He is your guy
He is married to Veguetta who travels a lot 
He is Bobby’s grandad, don’t ask questions about it. 
Everyone loves Foolish but man what a gossip he is.
He is the mayor of the town 
He is most definitely seeing someone just that people can’t figure out who it is
He has a son named Dapper who is 9 years old
He kinda also is the go-to babysitter people will just drop the kids at his office or his house and he will be happy to take care of them.
So far this is everything I have on this Au hopefully I will be able to start posting the actual chapter soon but I was so excited to share this with you guys! feel free to contribute to this au with your own writing! I would love to see it!
And thank you to @peninkwrites for literally being the best and the person who I can always turn to when I have insane ideas like this! *mwah*
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cupidl0vesy0u · 28 days
i would like to know more abt ur origins au i love origins
Thank you a lot :D here’s some other ideas I thought of.
TW : little bit of death mention
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The color of his feathers are from Kristin. After he got revived they turned more dark and his ear-wings become permanently shorter.
His markings wouldn’t start to grow until he’s older, but because he died before that they showed after his revival that made his stop mentally aging but some of his features did changed after some years flew by.
Not only his wings changed, his eyes did too. Even though both Kristin’s and Philza’s eyes glow in dark, Tommy’s started to glow even in daylight.
His skin become more sensitive to sun so he had to wear protection. Philza used blanket he gave to Tommy when he was born, to make cape for his son to wear. Tommy usually wears the cape and hat that has veil on it.
Because of revival Tommy never got a proper grave, but he did saw a unfinished grave stone with his name on it in basement.
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Just some other ideas
Death family lives in tree house which has more rooms in the trunk of the tree.
It doesn’t look like it, but Philza is more clingy then Missa. He loves when Missa preens his wings or they cuddle in fluffy pillows by the fireplace.
Philza has flower tattoos on his back which represents people he cares about.
Philza loves to do tapestry (mostly because I love the tapestry that is in movie Brave), he still has one that got unfinished after the tragedy.
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Phil didn’t have the perfect childhood after his parents abandoned him in the nest, when he was older he met Techno who helped him after he had the same happened to him. Techno is bunny hybrid (maybe part piglin ?).
After Tommy was born Techno left to explore and look for other hybrids who might need safe space to live in. (He visit more often now to help out)
Missa loves to teach Spanish, Tallulah is the one who picked on it the most while Tommy and Philza are falling behind.
Chayanne started to love cooking after he helped Phil with soup that helped uncle Techno with fever. His favorite things to cook are family dinners when they all chat and eat together.
He loves to go out to swim with Niki, they talk about flowers and baking receipts. Chayanne started to rewrite some of his books on waterproof paper so Niki can read some stories she can’t get on her own.
Niki is quite skilled with swords even with her being water creature, she talks about beautiful fencer she meet on her adventures. Before she met Techno and came here.
Missa loves give Phil small kisses when he or Missa are upset, while Philza wears a lot of Missa’s shirts.
They write each other a small love letters every month to show how much they appreciate each other. Because both of them are stupid and think the other one doesn’t like them back.
They have a small shrine made for Kristin to thank her for protecting them all. And for her to have easier way out to visit.
Sneeg has now his wife and daughter here too :D (I be honest I just wanted to draw them three as little bug family).
Sometimes Sneeg hides in small areas and when you other residents find him he makes sound like Korok (Yahaha!), you don’t get something in return though, he steals something from you. (Mostly sugar or sweets but PSSST)
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As suggested by @becauseplot, xcomau sparring with Codebreakers! (I'll save egg times for later and have some planned out but may swap eggs before I get there). I... apologise for the invading Fit?
Hidden... not quite injury? There's some angst in here. It was supposed to be fun. Well I had fun. Also some non-graphic nudity and a distinctly unsexy shower scene. It is a bit homoerotic though. Welcome to qsmp.
"Phil. Phil. Phil. Phil."
"Etoiles, I said no!" Philza half-laughs with the words, used to this nonsense from everyone; at least from Etoiles it is genuine respect, not simply a dare.
"But Pomme! You love Pomme. I love Pomme. She wants to see you fight me, yes?"
Philza looks over to Pomme, who honestly looks like she could not care less as she shows off her new shoes to her siblings. He is about to say as much, before his eyes catch on Chayanne. His son has wonder and excitement in his eyes, quickly blinked away as he turns back to also compliment her outfit.
"That's a low blow," Philza half teases, already walking over to the rack of training weapons. "Using your daughter like that."
"So you will fight me? Properly? With swords."
"/Training/ swords," he forces. "I haven't touched a blade in years, you ain't getting me close to something sharp."
Etoiles brightens like the stars he is named after, running over to pick one for himself. Philza looks them over, trying to remember how to pick one even as the excitement of his son bubbles in his mind. If Chayanne has managed to infect the other children with the idea... God, they're going to have a fucking audience, aren't they?
Sure enough, by the time that Philza has warmed up, a not so small crowd has gathered in the gym. The kids are sat on the floor at the edge of the mats, while at least half of the adults are either sat on the benches, or standing around behind them.
Pac, Mike, and Tubbo are very obviously running bets, scampering around with a set of notebooks. Fit... seems to be wrangling them, except that he glances over to Philza with a grim - concerned - expression on his face.
Everyone else looks excited, and the weight of expectation is as it is; Philza makes a small gesture for him to back down. Fit catches it, and returns to herding cats with a solemn nod.
Nobody else seems to catch the interaction at least. Philza really, really does not want to make a show of it, but now a show is here...
He rolls his shoulders. Despite the careful stretches his back smarts. He swears, pretends he stubbed his toe on the corner of the mat, and prepares.
Etoiles is of course ready. Etoiles is a great many things more than a swordsman, but he is always ready, even when he is bouncing slightly in anticipation.
They do not need words to communicate, just eye contact and a nod. The crowd chatters as they circle each other. Philza has not fought a human since... some guards, back when guards were still human. Fit, once or twice. Techno...
Etoiles thinks he sees an opening, darting in. Philza parries, ducks to the side, and the fight truly begins. Once Philza was a god of the battlefield, now time and injury leave an abyss in their wake.
He is not, however, as stupid ass to fall for the tricks.
Etoules is honourable, straight forward, and fights friends only to help them keep themselves safe.
Philza is treason, and deception, and has always fought to rip the world back into shape by the skin of his fucking teeth.
They don't realise that, here, just how dark he can be - he hung up his sword for good reason, and he does not want to be that fucker again.
He doesn't want to be, but it was also always him.
Etoiles comes close. Philza twists, moving as though to raise his sword and instead kicking the other man in the ribs. He does not hold back - five years ago he would have broken ribs with that kick, but he knows he skips gym these days.
Still, Etoiles stumbles back a few paces, grinning as he does, "good kick! Good kick!" He calls, "I told you, you're the best!"
"The only best here is you," Philza calls back, watching close as Etoiles uses the banter to come close. "Etoiles, the goat."
Philza darts forwards this time. Instinctively, his wings move to assist. With difficulty, he holds his mangled musculature in place.
"This? This is just me hitting silly sticks," Etoiles calls as they clash their weapons together. "You're the real goat! You see everything!"
Philza does not fucking see everything, but he forces his grin into a smile and keeps up a relentless attack. Every strike he tries, Etoiles blocks. Every block he makes, Etoiles gets a little closer.
Sloppy. He has gotten sloppy with time.
Lost in the fight and the play and the laughter, Philza darts in again. This time Etoiles kicks him. Philza stumbles back, seeking his footing again.
He flares his wings.
He falls
He *screams*.
He tries to convince himself it is a shriek of rage, but he sees Fit stand, feels Chayanne and Tallulah's worry, hears the murmur of the crowd. By rules of the fight he has lost, sprawled on the floor as he is.
By the rules of the fight...
"Phil?" Etoiles immediately softens, stepping close and lowering his blade.
Philza has two choices: admit his weakness, or pretend it is a fucking game.
He keeps his wings entirely still as grabs Etoiles' wrist, pulling himself up and twisting it sharply - not enough to break it, but nearly.
The sword falls to the floor. Without thinking Philza grabs it, pushes Etoiles to the floor, holds it to his neck.
He is breathing hard, body straining under the position.
Etoiles looks at him not with fear, but concerning his eyes.
"Ça va?"
It's barely a whisper. Philza...
Philza drops the sword to the side, rolling off Etoiles' stomach and fighting the fucking pain to find his breath.
"You won the fight," Philza says. "But our enemy is a fucking shit. Don't let your guard down. Even when they're dead they might fuck you up."
Etoiles nods, eyes calculating.
Behind them, Fit whispers something to Pac, who nudges Mike and Tubbo. Between the three they stir the crowd into arguments over the betting.
"Good fight," Philza offers Etoiles.
"Good fight, good fight!" Etoiles agrees. "Next time, you will win properly."
Philza laughs, "I doubt it, mate; I'm out of practice."
"Then practice with me!" Etoiles offers. "At least help me train the kids! Chayanne would love to have you there."
"Etoiles," Philza does not have he fucking oxygen to laugh. "Don't give him ideas. I'm gonna get a shower, you coming?"
He doubts that anyone else could see the strain in Etoiles' smile as he waves him off, mentioning something about a bet with Antoine. Philza leaves it be, ducks around the now excitable crowd, and vanishes himself into the shower.
Under the water - hot, thank Tubbo - his muscles sting. His arms and his legs and his chest, all fine, but his back - his wings - where he cannot reach...
It is not just a sting, not really.
He grits his teeth through the shower gel, and rinsing it off. Cleaning his back without getting soap on his feathers is a nightmare, but one he's lived with his whole life.
But once the cleaning is done...
He rests his head against the tiles, eyes shut, and tries to remember how it feels to breathe.
The water is hot, and the tile is cool, and the agony begins to cool.
Nearly ready to face the world, there is a knock on the wall besides the shower curtain. Startled Philza turns, relaxing only as he sees the familiar form of Fit shadowed on the fabric.
"Hey Fit," he calls. "I was just finishing up."
"Yeah?" Fit replies. "And what was all that about then?"
"I'm fine."
"Philza. I've known you since you were twenty one and stupid. You're not fine."
Fit already knows - Fit was there - and Philza does not have the energy to argue.
"Come in, then, if you really want to see me naked."
"I always do, big boy," Fit responds.
The shower curtain shifts, and then falls back into place. Fit, also naked, prosthetic removed, joins Philza in the shower.
His eyes, immediately, fall on Philza's back.
"What did you break?" Fit asks.
Philza laughs in reply.
"Can I touch?"
"Go ahead, I can't stop you."
"Don't you know it."
Fit presses in close, and places his hand on his back. Gently at first he traces over smarting skin, and then combs his fingers through feathers as he checks.
"I think I just strained it is all," Philza replies. "I'll be fine in the morning."
Fit keeps working; Philza hasn't been fine in a very, very long time.
From gentle, assessing touches, Fit moves on to massaging across Philza's shoulder, and down his spine. Philza has no doubt the man will drag Missa into a joint preening session later, but for now...
"Etoiles is worried, you know?" Fit says. "He knows something is up. Most of them do."
"So long as they keep it to weird looks not questions, I don't fucking care," Philza replies. "I can fight fine with a gun and Crow, I don't need this."
Fit runs two fingers across the mangled tops of Philza's wings, the bones twisted where they healed out of shape, but in such a way it just looks like he was born with them malformed. It's normal, for an Avian, for their wings to be fucked up. Why wouldn't Philza's be the same?
He misses the sky. Fuck, he misses the sky so goddamned much.
The fingers press into an especially sore spot. For a moment Philza is blinded by the memory of much crueller hands, of something purple and something sadistic.
He gasps, and it is gone, just him and Fit in the shower again.
"Do you need some of my painkillers?" Fit asks, quiet despite his voice, almost hidden in the noise of the shower.
"I'll be fine. Just need to let it rest," Philza replies. "I should get to my shift. It's probably time, right?"
Fit hesitates, but hums an agreement. Philza has no doubt that some will appear at some point, probably on his tray with lunch. Still, if neither asks, neither tells.
"You should tell him," Fit says. "Etoiles. If you're going to keep fighting together, he needs to know."
Philza winced as his back tensed, "later. I'll do it later."
"What? Are you going to tell Pac about-"
Fit slams a hand over Philza's mouth.
"That's different!"
Philza licks him. Fit pulls away; Philza wins, and turns so they're face to face.
"I've got work. Will be seeing you. Want me to send Pac over?"
Philza doesn't care for the mock offence. He laughs as he ducks around Fit. The showers are empty, except for the two of them - suspiciously empty. He can hear Fit follow him out of the shower, but ignores him as he dresses.
They don't ignore each other - not exactly. Fit helps Philza tie his shit behind his neck, back still too sore to reach up himself, and they brush arms when the vulnerability has them loose themselves in fear for a second or three. Still, they say nothing more - what else needs to be said?
Outside the door, Etoiles waits. Philza is a little surprised to see his kids are not, but maybe Missa woke up already.
Etoules watches him, but does not say much. Its uncharacteristic how quiet he is - or maybe not, as he analyses.
Philza greets him, and walks past.
As he walks away he feels assessing eyes on his ugly, scarred back.
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alchemicaladarna · 9 months
I saw a lot of people making headcanons about a Percy Jackson crossover after watching the "Lost" animatic, so I thought I could contribute some of my headcanons! :D
Tldr for anyone that wants the short version of this post;
Leo: Aphrodite
Chayanne: Zeus
Richarlyson: Athena or Hermes
Dapper: Hecate or Hades/Pluto
Pomme: Demeter but she's a Hunter of Artemis
Ramon: Hephaestus
Tallulah: Apollo
Trumpet: Hermes (or unclaimed demigod)
Bobby: Ares
Tilin: a lot of options tbh (see explation) (or unclaimed demigod)
Juanaflippa: Dionysus
Leo: Aphrodite because she loves flowers and looking beautiful. Like. My girl cannot handle sleeping in a reinforced room because the reinforced blocks are ugly😭💀
Chayanne: feels like an Ares because of his connection with Techno and his warrior spirit, however, I do think he's more responsible/acts like a big brother to a lot of his siblings and sort of has a leader-like role, so I headcanon Chayanne as a child of Zeus.
Richas: kinda feels like Athena's child because she is known as the goddess of crafts as well as knowledge, and he has a talent for art and an affinity for enigmas like his dad Cellbit, but he is often very mischievous and chaotic, so I feel like he fits in with Hermes, rahter than Athena.
Dapper: a Hades/Pluto child in my opinion because of his connection to death; he's also very knowledgeable, but I'm kinda struggling to think of a god of knowledge that is different from Athena. To be fair, he did pick the Death entity in Cellbit's paranormal room, so I think Hades fits him more than a knowledge-aligned god. He can also be a child of Hecate because of his connections with the paranormal, mysticism, and necromancy/grim reaper stuff.
Pomme: She is definitely Demeter's daughter because of her affinity with nature, but if you're familiar with Greek mythology, you might remember that she can be fierce and very vengeful. She can also fit with Persephone because of this tbh. Also, although she is a daughter of Demeter, I think she would be a Hunter of Artemis, so you can incorporate her warrior side without her being necessarily affiliated with Ares.
Ramon: 100% a Hephaestus child, but can also be considered Hypnos' kid because of how much he likes to sleep, especially during the early days.
Tallulah: definitely gives off Apollo vibes, but she hangs out with the children of Demeter so often because of her love of nature and flowers, that people mistake her as a child of Demeter rather than Apollo.
The deaceased eggs are interesting because some of them died before they had a chance to truly develop their personalities to assign them to a specific godly parent, but I tried my best!
Trumpet: I didn't get to know him, unfortunately, but from what people say, he was very mischievous and liked to place bombs to prank people, so he could be a child of Hermes. (also, something sad to consider is how, at least in the first pjo series, kids who were unclaimed by their godly parents, ended up in the Hermes cabin- so, if we want to be super sad, we can say that Trumpet was never claimed by his godly parent D':)
Bobby: He looooved fighting and dungeons very much, and be was one of the most aggressive eggs (except when it came to Jaiden lmao), so I can't see Bobby having any parent other than Ares tbh.
Tilin: ngl I don't know too much about Tilin, but from what I've gathered from Jaiden's early streams was that they had a strong fighting spirit like Bobby; but, according to the wiki, they were very compassionate and empathetic as well, and towards the end of their life, they became kind of depressed because they felt neglected by Quackity and they never met their other dad, Luzu. They're actually kind of similiar to Tallulah in a way, but in the pjo universe, they kinda remind me of Bianca Di Angelo as well. They could either be a child of Hades/Pluto, Ares, Hermes, or even Nemesis or Eris, the goddess of chaos. Orrrr we could also go the sad route and say they were never actually claimed by their godly parent, and thus, they were kind of taken care of by everybody, just like in the server.
Juanflippa: Another egg I don't know much about except that Juanflippa was a very chaotic egg, but she was very kind and had a positive attitude, despite her situation often being very unfortunate. She kinda fits in the Hermes cabin, but I think she is a child of Dionysus because, according to the myths, Dionysus was a patron god for transgender or non-binary people. He was also a patron god of madness and chaos, and that's always the energy of Slimecicle's streams tbh. (Fun fact: even though Dionysus is commonly referred to with as a male entity, he rejected binaries and embraced a bigender identity, much to the dismay of the ancient Greeks) Anyways, got a little sidetracked with the lore, but I think Juanaflippa is a child of Dionysus because of her chaotic nature, and also for fun!
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fallen-elytrian · 4 months
I got Hades for Christmas and I’m a little obsessed with it atm and it got me thinking…
Zagreus is so sassy but also respectful and truly cares about his loved ones. And I got a dialogue where he was talking to Achilles and he called him “sir” and I was like “omg his literally an older Chayanne” and now I’m making this post.
I think it would look something like:
Chayanne- Zagreus
Philza- Achilles
Kristin- Nyx
Curochuro- Hades
Missa- Patroclus (I wasn’t sure if I should switch him and Kristin or not but I figured because he keeps being separated from Phil this made more sense)
I think the Olympian gods could be the other islanders. Who are trying to help him “escape the island”
I like the idea of Techno being Chaos, especially because you have so sacrifice HP to open the Chaos gates. Kinda like the whole “blood for the blood god” thing
Maybe Fred and Tubbo as Orpheus and Eurydice
I’m not sure who I would assign to the various bosses. Maybe ElQuackity as Theseus? And I wanted to include Tallulah in here but I’m not sure what role she would fit either! I don’t see her being one of the characters who don’t support Zag. I was thinking maybe Thanatos because he still helps Zagreus but is sad he’s leaving?
Anyone can feel free to add on if they have ideas too! I’d love for this to expand haha
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fruit-sauce · 10 months
im so happy other people have the headcanon of “qsmp eggs look like their parents + start looking like the people they hang most around” because i’ve had that idea since like. day one of the eggs lmao
i’ve only drawn dapper, but! i have many design ideas that i wanna write out (bc i might forget them lol), if you have any questions, feel free to ask them, I love talking about my designs, they are weird and silly and i love them all, i promise i will not be upset if you ask something i will instead by very happy
first, each egg started off basically as a blank slate (this is all with human designs in mind), just whatever is their defining detail but also pure white clothes, white hair, etc. but the more they hang around their parent(s), they go through a transformation and then look like their parent(s), typically after an emotional/impactful moment, like how pokemon evolve in the anime
second, to be more specific, every egg has different “Styles” that match each of their parents, as well as a few having mixes of parents (the beginning 8 [except Tilin and Dapper] and Richas w/ TazerCraft) called Duo Styles. All these Styles represent and resemble their parents in some way. 
Still, these Styles can change over time, fading when a parent is absent, or warping to fit the people (not their parents) that are around them the most. This came from the idea that BBH takes care of a lot of the eggs very often, even being referred to as another parent. but what if he hangs around them so much they start to look like him,,, as an example, now that Tallulah sees Phil as her father figure and wants him to refer to her as his daughter, she technically has two Styles, Wilbur and Phil, but since Bad takes care of her so often, tiny details start to change. most obvious, her eyes are becoming lighter, like Bad’s pure white eyes, as well as the tips of her fingers and fingernails creepily starting to turn into the charcoal black that Bad’s skin is. 
Warping to Styles can be stopped if the egg accepts the person as their parent, in that case, a new Style would be made, and the previous Styles revert to being not affected. 
Negative relationships with eggs or even between egg partners will reflect in the egg’s Style, for example, Mariana and Slime’s... thing they had going on? It showed in JuanaFlippas Duo Style
this is gonna be an entire essay, i’m sorry, but now its full on ramble time of each egg, some things will be vague, i’m just too lazy to try and describe it fully, while others i have more specific ideas that i wanna talk about ok lets get on with this mess:
Bobby - Since he had such a close, positive relationship with both parents, Bobby has fully defined Styles of Jaiden and Roier, both having full patterns and even a bit of color in his hair. He also has a Duo Style, again, very developed, comfy, and stylish. As for any particular warping, he wore fingerless gloves (Cellbit), had yellow and green accents in his clothing (Mariana and Slime), and had slightly light eyes but nearly had his hands fully black (BBH)
Chayanne - Fully defined Style of Philza, even to the point of having small crown shaped arm bands from his stories of Techno. As for Missa, his Style is less defined from not being around very often, but still very Missa, lots of bones and purples/blues. His Duo Style is more leaning towards Phil, but noticeably different from Phil’s Style. His clothing has soft yellow accents (Wilbur), a leather holster for his sword and one shoulder pad (Fit), and lately, his eyes are pure white (Missa Style already had pretty light colored eyes, but they’re now pure white from Bad)
Dapper - He’s basically Bad’s mini self, I’ve already made a design for him a while back, but it needs to be updated. After Baghera, he now has a second style! Lots of soft, fluffy colors and textures. Owns a pair of sunglasses that he wears every now and then (Max), has some brown accents in his clothing and a dark grey glove on his left hand (Fit), horns have bright yellow tips, his shoes have purple accents, and his hair is braided back in Baghera’s Style (Forever), and his clothes have gold and diamond details (Foolish and Skeppy respectively)
JuanaFlippa - With Slime’s Style, the ends of her limbs and hair were slime-like and green, and even had one of the slime creatures (?) that Slime has on his head and shoulder. Mariana’s Style wasn’t as defined, but still had the same colors and generally shapes. Her Duo Style was messy and vague, kinda like if you took the two main Styles and mushed them together, instead of being a third new one.
Leo - Very defined Styles of Foolish, Vegetta, and Duo. Foolish’s Style has many gold and emerald details, and is comfortable to even swim in (because shark). Vegetta’s Style resembles Trunks/Bulla from Dragon Ball because haha funny. While not being a parental figure, Leo does have a Roier Style, with heavy details of Cellbit. They have semi-red horns (Bad), black accents in their clothes (Bad and Max), and fingerless gloves (Cellbit)
Ramon - Duo and Spreen Style has nearly fully faded, but Fit’s Style, similar to Bad and Dapper, is very much like Fit himself. Lot’s of warping from Bad, charcoal skin goes up past his knees and elbows, horns are almost fully red, and eyes are also nearly fully white. He wears fingerless gloves and has a white streak in his hair (White streak earlier resembled Spreen, but is now closer to Cellbit’s hair)
Tilin - Never formed a Luzu or Duo Style, and his Quackity style barely resembled Quackity. Bright purple eyes and accents in clothing (Jaiden), bright red accents and spider web details (Roier), red/white shoes and green under shirt (Slimcicle)
Trumpet - Dan and Duo Styles vaguely resemble Dan at all, but it was still noticeable. On the other hand, Maximus’ Style was very defined. Had pure white eyes and red horns (Bad)
Tallulah - Again, Wilbur’s Style resembles Wilbur exactly, even after all this time. She doesn’t use his Style since he left, but it’s still exactly how it was since then (aside from warping). She had HEAVY warping from Phil, but since asking him to refer to her as his daughter, she now has a Philza Style. She has a lot of colors in her clothing, im gonna have fun designing her (i say, through gritted teeth) Her hair is now a lighter brown, nearly a dirty blond, and is braided back (Forever), eyes are fully white, hands are becoming that pure black, and she has many black accents in her clothing (Bad), a white streak in her hair and some dark brown accents in clothing (Cellbit), previously had dark brown eyes, still has light brown/blue accents (Fit), previously had dark blue accents(Quackity, not anymore tho), and her horns are purple (Jaiden). I’m gonna regret doing this once I get to drawing her design but its ok i’ll survive. maybe.
Richarlyson - Style for all five parents, Felps is the least defined but still there, and TazerCraft does have a Duo Style. He also has a Quackity Style, but that has been slowly fading since the arrival of El Quackity. Red horns and black accents (Bad), yellow accents (Baghera), and a few emerald details (Foolish)
Pomme - Has five Styles, but Kameto’s is basically just a dark blue dress since he was barely there, all others are very defined. Consistently has bright blond hair in all Styles (Forever), red accents in clothing (Forever and Bad), and has some black accents (Bad)
This is gonna be the death of me but I just needed to get these ideas and designs out of my head, I draw so slowly and I didn’t wanna forget anything so spitting them out in text form was my best bet, once i finish this kirakira precure drawings, i’ll start drawing these out, some of the wording might be confusing, i apologize, but it’ll all make sense once i draw them out
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ephemeral42 · 10 months
I’ve been thinking about how both the DSMP and the QSMP have affected my life.
I found the DSMP in 2021, so while I wasn’t an early early watcher, it was a big part of my life through Covid, moving, school and a bunch of other stuff. I found these creators who were just online having fun, and I lived through them.
Phil was the first person I started watching, and then it spiralled off to Techno, Tommy, then Tubbo, then Ranboo, then a bunch of others. I caught up on the lore, I watched streams, videos, joined Reddit communities, and it was a big part of my life. It definitely impacted my journey on the internet and in the real world. I would say I partly grew up on the internet.
I stopped watching for a bit. Life got in the way. I was still an avid YouTube watcher, but missed a lot of streams because of my timezone. I caught a few now and again. From what I could tell, DSMP was coming to a close. ‘That’s fine!’ I thought. ´They’ll be back soon. It’s not like everything else will stop as well.´ I had found Hermitcraft and Empires and a bunch of other stuff to watch, so I had mainly moved onto YouTube.
Then Techno died. And I launched right back into his community. I read every MrTechnodad Reddit post, watched every video of streamers talking about it, watched the whole of Phil’s silent memorial making stream. Watched his videos over and over again. It still hurts.
They announced the ending. I was fine with it. I mainly watched Phil and he said he wasn’t going to be in it so I wasn’t really bothered. I was prepared to watch Phil play hardcore and do the Sorry Boys with everyone and other stuff for at least a little bit.
Then, they announced QSMP. I honestly wasn’t really interested at first. I tried to watch some and couldn’t see the point. I thought, Quackity should add some more well know streamers if he wants people to watch, but that’s not the point of QSMP. I understand now.
QSMP is entirely different from anything we’ve had before. It has inspired the English creators to learn a language, or continue learning if they already were. It’s inspired me to learn a language, and a few seconds of watching it will give me new motivation to do so!
QSMP introduced me to Cellbit, Baghera, all the amazing, funny, great to watch and listen to creators I never would have known existed if not for QSMP.
And of course the eggs. I love all of them. I know the tricks and I know that they’re just admins but the admins are people! And I choose to believe their real personalities are shining through the eggs.
I love that Phil does his Cucurucho/Chayanne fourth wall breaking and that Tallulah has come out of her shell (get it) enough to join in on that. I love Leo’s sass and how Fit cares for Ramon. I love Dapper and BBH’s joking infighting and how people ask Dapper a lot of things because he knows stuff. I love Richas’s dad collecting and what an amazing painter he is. I love Pommes sweetness and how she and Tallulah hit it off. I miss Bobby’s tendencies to get himself into trouble. I miss how in sync Juana and Slime were. I joined after Trump and Tilin died, but I miss them too.
Thank you, everyone on the DSMP (which should really be BBHSMP because apparently he was paying for it the whole time), for being such a big part of my life. I’ll never really be able to thank most of you enough.
Thank you, everyone on QSMP for joining, because I have a feeling this will continue to be amazing, and Quackity, himself, for organising all of this and finding amazing admins and being so open with sharing your culture and language and experience.
I love all of you. (Except y’know… the ones that turned out to be terrible)
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found-wings · 5 months
i need to stop making philza centric aus
anyways here‘s a silly idea of an au where qPhil never arrived on the island - or at least won‘t until much later
something something about the federation having eyed the previous co emperor of the antarctic empire but because of the actual emperor, they never had a chance to actually get his attention - or rather to get a chance to bring him to the island.
so they abandon one or some of the eggs in their territory to find and use them to gather information about him, etc
this could either be :
1: all the eggs disappear of the island, which causes a lot of concern for the current islanders. the eggs meanwhile are actually in philzas ( and to an extent Technos ) care at the antarctic empire.
2: only chayanne ( and maybe tallulah ) disappear and are abandoned in the antarctic territory.
3: ….new EGG(S)???? <— least likely i’d go with that BUT IT‘D ALSO BE SILLY
the federation would use the egg(s) to lure phil into a place and state where they could easily yoink him
i love silly ideas
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lilliancdoodles · 18 days
heyo me again with the dnd egg ideas
I found some of my notes
the most ambitious was a vague draft of a homebrew paladin oath for Chayanne sdjkfhkgkas
other than that, I found a one shot that I wrote as a proof of concept and a few lines for class ideas so here goes:
Chayanne paladin
Tallulah druid (Shepard circle)
Pomme & Richas bards
Dapper sorcerer/warlock (Dapper has to be a minmax character he just has to)
Ramon artificer (I had notes about a cannon, so I have to think he was gonna be artillerist XD)
Leo warlock (possibly also barbarian? I may have been flip-flopping on that one)
Sorry I took so long to respond got caught up in other things. This is super cool!! I do not have the power to try to make a homebrew oath, good on you for trying that. I think I settled on Oath of Glory for Chay. I was going to go conquest, but I thought about it more and that was more Techno than Chay. So I thought about it more as Chayanne's oath with his god being techno and thought that Glory was a good fit. I also have Tallulah as a druid, though I had her as circle of spores due to the death connection + mushroom vibes, but i decided that at like 1 am. Looking at Shepard that would really fit with the being able to hear spirits thing she's doing.
I have Richas as a bard, but I think Pomme would be a better paladin or a fighting class, but paladin was the first thing that popped into my head. I currently have her as Oath of Devotion, but if I look again (at not 1 am) I might change my mind.
For Dapper I put him as a necromancy Wizard (at again 1am) but He 100% needs to be involved with death somehow. And I would totally min max them if I knew how. I play/design for character loyalty So whatever feels most character loyal is what I go with. But i'll see what i can do. Though question for you, If you remember were you designing these as them making the characters or them being the characters? like a qsmp dnd game v. qsmp dnd au? Genuine question im really curious.
Ramon 100% Artillerist artificer I already have his sheet made.
and I just put down leo with her race last night (im making all the eggs Dragonborn so picking their species of dragonborn). But I'll look into those for her!!
(also if you have any ideas for ANYONE in universe send them my way. I'm probably not going to make sheets for all of them (I don't have that much time) I would love to hear them. I've already thought of some fun races for people who are non human in cannon. Might make a post about them after this, probably will. But If you have thoughts on classes for anybody I would love to hear them)
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by-speaker · 3 months
So here's my question =D
Speaker, what could you tell us about Circe and Echo? I want to know more about them because I love them so much <3 🥰 (I'm the most impartial on the planet =3).
And Chayane is going to say daddy to Philza in some point? Frankly I think Phil would cry if she did (and the boys would laugh at him silently 😂).
Atte. The drama addicted bird, Crow
Okay so about Circe and Echo, I'm sooo excited to write more about them after the demand arc, they will have more importance in the trama that you'd think ;D
Also, Techno is soo excited to have them and loves them very much, as do the rest of the family.
About Chayanne calling Philza Dad, It will happen, Chay loves Philza, (in his own way) but his a little shy about it.
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kays-brains · 11 months
I made a qsmp animatic and i wanna talk abt it
this is just for my thoughts because it’s a scheduled post on my main tumblr but it’s already posted on Youtube, I just wanna talk abt it because it’s on a moment where Phil told Chayanne that he reminds him of techno. I kinda thought it was nice and since the music was a paid actor I just kinda took it lol. Phil and Chayanne have a rlly heathy relationship in my opinion because Phil has stated that even if chayanne wasn’t strong that he would still love him. The amount of genuine concern, unconditional love and encouragement of new hobbies that aren’t strength related make me just aa<3 I think that Phil and bad are just, great single (essentially single) parents and I love watching their streams.
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