#ted wheeler is not homophobic
floriphobic · 1 year
Everyone wants byler fake dating aus but there's like no fics for them 🤨 we need to band together and write more byler fake dating aus. Also the Mike thinks they're dating and Will has no idea fake dating aus are the best.
Another thing I think is good is when Ted Wheeler is non homophobic and thinks Mike and Will are dating and have been since they were 12. We need more of those too.
DW byler nation I will restart my fanfic author phase just for these. I'm not a hypocrite.
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goldenmorningglory · 2 years
the reason why mike can't stand being around ted wheeler is because aside from being an emotionally absent dad he's also the "mike wheeler i know what you are" dog of the house
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ur-a-banditlikeme · 2 years
people saying they think certain characters would be homophobic to will when he comes out just reeeeaaalllyy rubs me the wrong way tbh. like why are you hoping for that?? sounds like projecting to me.
(also i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again, the duffers would never make one of their main characters homophobic. ever. the only people that they would portray to be like that would be the actual villains bc we’re not supposed to like them (ie troy, billy, neil).)
like did we all watch the scene where mike stands up to troy because he was being homophobic to will in s1? if mike had a problem with the idea of will being gay he wouldn’t have said anything. they’ve established his love and support for will since the very beginning. NOBODY IN THE PARTY WOULD BE HOMOPHOBIC TO WILL!!!! STOP SAYING THEY WOULD BE!
this show is about nerds and social outcasts. why would they draw that line at someone in their group being gay?? be fucking fr pls
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Max and Will's dads suck, they were abusive and they effected their kids greatly. Dustin doesn't even have a dad, and Mike is too scared to ask what happened to him. But he relates to some extent to them of having issues with their dads. But he feels guilty because his dad never abused him to the same level as their dads did. So he never says anything about it.
But there are certain things Dustin knows Mike does due to his dad, such as never crying around people or hiding his sadness with jokes. He also knows that when he saw Mike jump off the cliff with barely any hesitation, it was because of his dad. So now, whenever Dustin is around Ted, he makes sure to be a harmless little asshole to him.
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byersfanclub · 2 years
im a ted wouldn’t care if mike is gay because he already knows mike is gay truther
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me-n-michael · 1 year
Honestly wondering how Mike's dad is going to react if he ever finds out about him and Will. I hope he's not like Mickey Milkovich's dad because shit; that'd be horrendous.
Edit: I'm talking about how they react to their sons being gay, not their overall character. Yes, Mickey's dad is a million times worse than Ted Wheeler, but that doesn't mean that Ted won't have a strong reaction to Mike coming out.
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bearyourbro · 1 year
Just a reminder that the byers/hopper family names are
Jane (technically)
And then there is just fuckin Will LIKE WHERE TF DID FUCKING WILLIAM COME FROM!!!
i blame Lonnie
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I'm bored so I looked if there is a sexuality tier list for stranger things (and obviously there were many)
So here
Tumblr media
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evil-ontheinside · 2 years
I want Mike to have a fight with Ted where he says some pro-Reagan bullshit and Mike, because he can't shut up on a good day, says something along the lines of "You just have a crush on Reagan and it shows"
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are there any straight people in stranger things?🤔
only hopper, he’s the only cishet in the group, but he makes up for it by being the best damn ally you’ve ever seen in your life
and i personally hc lucas as straight, but bi lucas is so valid too!!
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his-breath-catches · 2 years
STOP with the homophobic wheeler parent allegations. karen wheeler? icon. she was the surfer boy will/jonathan scene before the surfer boy will/jonathan scene. experimented in college probably but definitely hung out with gay people in the sixties. ted wheeler? i hate him. mildly homophobic but he HATES cursing no slurs in this house not for mr wheeler no sirree. also does he even know mike is gay? homeboy is so checked out
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hawkingabouthawkins · 2 years
Whumptober Day 2 - Confrontation
Wouldn't want it to rub off
Ted Wheeler didn't pay a lot of attention to his children's lives, but he knew something was up with Will. He didn't like Mike spending so much time with him.
This is my fill for day 2 of whumptober - Confrontation
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svnraez · 1 year
the best ted wheeler headcanon that exists to this day and every day into the future is that ted thinks that mike and will have always been in a relationship and that he doesn’t know el exists. mikes seeing will a lot s2? yeah he’s looking after his boyfriend. mike and will are fighting? must be a rough patch in their relationship. they’ll be right as rain in a week or so. he’s writing letters? must be to his boyfriend will. mike’s going to california? he must be going to see his “sweetie pie.”
i will forever push the ted wheeler ally agenda onto everyone because i think it is quite possibly the best and also an extremely stupidly hilarious aspect of what could make up his character and i think it gets slept on too much. stop making him homophobic. make him the driver behind the relationship.
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booksandpaperss · 1 year
dear byler’s who talk abt and analyze the wheeler family,
headcanons n fanon n stuff with the wheelers are fine obviously but if we’re talking about analyzing CANON:
no Karen is not going to be homophobic part of her arc is being afraid to break out of social norms and being proud of her kids for doing it even tho she’s not the best mom
yes Ted IS casually homophobic dude literally had a Reagan sign and he’s a conservative man in a 80s be fr
no Ted is not viciously homophobic he is too apathetic to care (tho he’s probably made comments abt it occasionally, that’s up to interpretation rn tho 🤷🏻‍♀️) and the fanon Lonnie Byers-ification of Ted is insensitive for several reasons
no Ted is not gay just bc Mike has been paralleled to him and he smiled at hopper one time like it’s probably just bc he’s pro police again be fr
no I will never unironically be a Ted apologist and sympathizer
no the Wheeler parents are not abusive yes the Wheeler parents are emotionally neglectful there are many ways parents can traumatize their kids
no Karen is not a bad person
yes Karen IS a bad mom
no Ted is not a good person he could not give less of a shit about Nancy and Mike and so far the show has not given me a single piece of evidence to believe otherwise
no Ted is not the worst possible dad but he’s a pretty shitty one
yes Karen loves her kids even tho she’s a pretty bad at showing it sometimes
yes it is ALWAYS the fault of parents for not properly caring for and raising their kids regardless of life circumstances tho there is room for complexity it is still always the parents responsibility to nurture their kids and support and reach out okay are we all clear on this now?
Okay great 🙏
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Mike doesn't like the term gay. It doesn't suit him. Yes, he does only like men and not women, but 'gay' just doesnt feel right. He likes the term queer better, it's more inclusive. It makes him feel like he doesn't need to fit into stereotypes he grew up hearing from his father
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fryeswiththat · 1 month
what if ted wheeler just straight up thought will and mike were dating. when he says “no sweetie pie” he’s referring to will. he thinks el was just a cover for him. because el is rarely brought up and the little conversational overlap between the wheelers, ted is firm in this idea.
mike catches on and either straight up never corrected him or stopped trying. ted even mentions the “sweetie pie” during family conversation and everyone just goes with it. the other wheelers think “sweetie pie” refers to el.
on one hand, ted wheeler is, nicely, not homophobic. on the other, this opens their only bonding session where mike is now free to complain about will not answering the phone or about how nice he looked in a photo el sent him etc.
surprisingly, mike can keep the “sweetie pie” will/el differences straight right until the point where the byers visit the wheelers for supper/to stay at for s5 and ted goes “oh it’s good to finally see mike’s sweetie pie”
and mike instinctively goes “oh yeah, will’s excited to be here. he helped make the tacos”
right in front of everyone
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