#tedros pendragon x you
fbfh · 2 years
Imagine Tedros learning that someone attempted to assassinate his s/o after he rose to the throne and finding his s/o shaken from the attempt on their life: He would sweep you in his arms and hold you oh so close while speaking to you in a soft and gentle voice until you calm down. However, once he makes sure you’re settled enough to take a nap to process what just happens, that calm exterior drops and he is fuming to figure out who sent the assassin, because they will receive no mercy.
OOOOH GIRL. protective Tedros is something I feel very strongly about so thank you for this.
it was late at night. he was in a council meeting that was running later than expected and you were already supposed to be asleep. he's had a weird feeling in the back of his mind for a little while, but he brushes it off as wanting to go to bed and hold you tight in his arms.
"did you hear that?" his brow furrows but no one else heard what he thought was a peircing scream. moments later, footsteps thunder through the halls, guards rushing towards your room, and he really knows something is wrong. he bolts up, finding you shaking on the ground across from a broken window. he pulls you in his arms immediately, holding you tight while you cling to him, shaking like a leaf.
"are you alright, darling?" his voice is calm and gentle, but you can hear how worried he is. you nod, face in the crook of his neck. he holds you so tight, rubbing your back and gently rocking you to help you calm down. he sends away most of the guards to check the perimeter, not wanting you to feel more worked up than you understandably already are. he presses soft kisses to your hairline, just as relieved as you are that you're okay. he has someone bring tea for you two and takes you into another room to talk. you recount what happened shakily, and he only interrupts when you mention you were awake when the assasisn had crept in.
"I thought you went to sleep hours ago," he says softly. you get kinda quiet before you reply.
"I can't sleep without you anymore."
that changes his fuckin brain chemistry. he pulls you close again, holding you tight and kissing your forehead. you can't sleep without him. he's going to process that fully once they catch the bastard who tried to hurt his true love. he continues to hold you and talk to you and drink tea with you until it nears daybreak, and you seem okay again. he sends for your handmaids and ladies in waiting, making sure they're instructed to stay with you in groups no smaller than three or four people at a time. he caresses your cheek, pressing soft kisses to your lips.
"try to rest, love. I have a few matters to attend to, and we'll get this whole thing sorted out before you know it." he speaks so softly, so reassuringly that you believe him. he kisses you one more time, then hands you off to your ladies. you don't see the drastic change in his expression the second he turns away from you and walks toward the doors, but some of the other people there and in the halls do. each step he takes is like thunder rumbling in the distance, and none of them, even the ones who have known Tedros his whole life, have ever seen him like this. He's out for blood, and he won't rest until he finds out who tried to do this to you and slays them where they stand. if anyone in camelot thought they had a chance of doing anything to you, that all evaporates when Tedros and his knights ride off on their steeds, pursuing your attacker, not giving up until his head is in a basket.
when he comes back no more than a few days later, he holds you tight, making sure you're still okay. he kisses you, resting his forehead against yours before pulling you into his arms again. you've never felt more reassured than you do when he holds you tight like this, and you know he's got you 2:24.
"you can rest well now, love."
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ang3lik · 1 year
smut w/tedros pendragon x fem! reader
tedros shows you how good you are.
(praise kink and slight cock warming?)
your blog is so cute btw!!!
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tsfgae masterlist. ˚ ೀ。˚ tedros pendragon x fem!reader
synopsis. tedros had finally gotten you all to himself and given in to his sinful desires pleasuring you for hours.
nsfw warning under the cut.
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ you whined as the sharp, yellow sun blinded you, slowly opening your eyes as you squinted. the sounds of the birds chirping alerted your mind as you lay your head back down on tedros’ chest.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ your hands smoothed up his sides, gently tickling him as he shifted. a spark of pleasure jolted up your spine as you felt the length of his cock still stuffed inside of you. the sticky feeling of his cum between your thighs, arousing you more.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ the feeling of his rough hands on the small of your back still pressing you against his body partnered with the heat of the sun shining through the window, warming both of your bodies lulled you to close your eyes again.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ you shifted your hips again, straightening your spine out as you laid on top of him, had him groaning. his hips jolted up slightly, pushing his hips deeper into yours and his cock deeper as he sighed out in pleasure.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ you squealed slightly as he moved your thighs to border his hips, angling his thighs for you to sit on as he moved his legs upwards. your hips gyrated above him as you moaned quietly, his gentle thrusts evening out.
murmurs of “good girl…” spilled from his lips as he peppered light kisses against your shoulder. the night before had been a blur of passion and lust. tedros had finally gotten you all to himself and given in to his sinful desires pleasuring you for hours.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ he had shown you pleasure in ways you had never experienced before. the way he had kissed you, touched you, made love to you had left you breathless and wanting more. as he continued to move inside you, you couldn't help but moan softly.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ the sensation was too much to handle. tedros' hands roamed over your body, up and down your back, the blunt of his nails catching on your delicate skin as they eventually landed on your hips in a bruising grip.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ your hands clutched onto his biceps leaving nail dents on his skin. you squeezed your eyes closed trying your best to keep quiet as your throat itched to moan louder as you got closer.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ you let yourself get lost in the moment, listening to his groans and his deep, husky voice filling your ears with sweet praise. you knew you were close to reaching your peak as the pleasure built up inside you.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ tedros sensed it too and thrusted faster, pushing your hips backwards to slam back onto him as you began to ride him yourself. the feeling of his cock hitting that tender spot inside you was euphoric.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, tedros too as his cock swelled and his sack pulsed. his hand travelled down to that little nub between your legs as he circled it.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ surprisingly he let out a loud groan moaning as he tipped over the edge, he couldn’t stop himself. the feeling of your cunt tightening around his length was too good. his warm cum spilled into you as it set your orgasm off, moaning as quietly as you could, your back arching as you hid your face in his neck.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ you moaned his name over and over as he helped you through your orgasm, softly thrusting as the feeling of warmth took over your body again. you collapsed back onto his chest as he let out a heavy sigh, wrapping his arms back around you and pulling up the silk sheets again that had fallen around your hips.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ you’d never felt so peaceful but alive and free before without tedros, and while his ego annoyed you the most at times he managed to always make you feel good wether that be laughing at his stupid jokes or giving you a mind blowing orgasm.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ after a few minutes he was wide awake letting out a light laugh as you titled your face to look up at him in confusion.
“what a nice way to start the day?” he spoke cockily with his infamous smirk. you cracked a smile as you lightly slapped his side cuddling into him as you both lay there, bodies intertwined.
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taglist. @liyahsocorro @gr4veyardg1rl
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websterss · 1 year
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓: I was wondering if I could request a Tedros x afab reader headcannons for dating! It could go in any way you like!
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): none. fluff.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Tedros Pendragon x afab!Reader    
𝐀/𝐍: Hope you enjoy it! <3 I also have the books people asdfghjkl! Also I’ve never done a headcannon before, and I’m not sure if they’re supposed to be this long lmfao
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At first, you had no interest in the future prince of Camelot. Too busy and too unbothered to pay the boy any mind. You mostly kept to your books, nose delved deep into an enchanting love story that seemed too good to be true. But these were your history. All the fairytales and love stories that your mother told you to help you sleep, were all written within the pages your eyes scanned, and fingers glided down. They were far more interesting than that of King Arthur’s son.
Tedros started to finally take notice of you one day, eyes shifting onto your figure that sat alone in a corner table during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Each time you got up to leave the great hall. His eyes would trail after the swift movements of your gown swaying side to side with each step you took. 
You intrigued him. You had him wondering why you appeared to be the only one who didn’t fawn over his looks, his title, or who his father was. 
Why did he only just start to see you? He pondered whether you were new but you weren’t. You had been there just as long as the rest of the Evers were.
His guilty conscience made him feel bad for never knowing your name. Knowing who you are because you appeared to be a wonderful soul.
It made him question so many things. So he set out to befriend you.
It first began with the introduction of one another. He hoped you would shake his extended hand but you only set your book down and stared quizzically at him. An eyebrow raised at his odd behavior.
“Hello, I don’t think we’ve formally met-“
“We have.” You cut him off bluntly. Tedros winces and retracts his hands.
“W-We have?”
“Yes.” You blink expressionless at him.
“I don’t believe so. I would’ve remember a pretty face such as yours-“
“Well, you didn’t. Otherwise you would’ve remembered that you bumped into me on the first day, told me to watch where I was going. Quite the impression you’ve set…” You gave him a light tip smile.
His face falls. Mouth opening and closing, in hopes to make things right. “I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t-“
The hand you raise cuts him off. You save the poor boy from embarrassing himself. “No need to apologize. All is forgotten.”
“What about…forgiven?” He looks up through his eyelashes with hope.
“I suppose that depends on how you make this interaction.” You smirk. Then avert your eyes back onto your book. This causes him to smirk.
“May I sit?” He gestured to the chair beside you. You meet his gaze, pursing your lips in thought. Then turn to your book.
“No.” You want to laugh at his puzzled face.
“No?” He scoffs, but laughter follows after. “Are you reserving these chairs for someone then?” He teases, gesturing to the vacant table and chairs around you.
“No…” You chew your bottom lip. To keep from laughing.
“Well, then how come I can’t sit?”
“I didn’t think you’d want to spoil your image.” You shrug.
“Is that what you’re concerned about? My peers seeing me being social?” He claimed the chair to the left of you.
“I thought of it as more of you being concerned. We don’t exactly sway in the same social group.” Your eyes vacantly flicker to the table a few feet down from your shadowed one in the dark. They seemed to be casting snickers and judgemental glances towards you, or rather where Tedros’s attention was on.
“Then allow me to be the first to be in yours...” You grow flustered with a loss for words. You scoff out a laugh, then finally set your book faced down. You extend your hand and he gladly accepts it. Shaking yours with a firm but gentle grip. 
“I don’t believe I got your name, my lady.”
“That’s because I never gave it.” You smirk. He mirrors it. 
“You’re gonna make me work for it...I assume.” He lets his head fall. 
“In due time...You’ll learn to love rewards.” You tease and rise to leave. He follows suit and stands up beside you. 
So it began. A love story in the making. One slow, but rather enchanting, and endearing. You knew you were being unfair, gatekeeping your name, but your heart fluttered each time he put in the effort to get to learn one new fact about you. One new trait or scrunch or twitch of your nose or hands. The journey to get to know all of you was one challenge he was willing to face.
You didn’t exactly make it easy on him now either. 
It took him a while but as soon as he found out where you liked to spend most of your free time. He had a hard time leaving you alone. Your peace was disrupted by his charming grin, and loud persona. Not that you minded though, the distraction was rather appealing to look at. 
“Thought I’d find you here.” You squint up, the sun half in your eyes. You lift your hand up to your face to cast a shadow over your eyes. Once you finally reel in on who approaches you, you roll your eyes. Though it was hard not to know who came trollying about. He was too loud to miss. 
You shrug, gesturing to the tree you were leaning back against. A green flower embroidered blanket laid out underneath your gown. Your slippers slipped off to help you find comfort more easily. Though your desire for peace and quiet was long forgotten as the prince himself plopped down onto your blanket. He laid on his side, a cheesy smile casted your way. You tried hard to fight your own, but your teeth peeked out from your lips. 
“It’s Saturday.” You go back to reading the page you were on. 
“Yes I know.” He nods. “As opposed to yesterday being Friday, where you picnicked by the wishing pond. Though you never wish for anything.” He quietly mutters, like he was telling you a secret. It was true though. After learning the history behind the pond due to Agatha saving that poor girl and freeing her from her captivity. You refused to partake in any wish making. “Only sit and ponder-”
“And read my book.” You finish for him. “I see you’ve been paying attention, but what about tomorrow? Where might you find me then?”
“Well, it’d be Sunday. Some princesses might find themselves at the great hall looking out for a prince...” He trails off. His hands tracing over an embroidered pattern on the hem of your dress. He smiles as you tuck your feet in, letting your dress swallow their visibility. 
“But?” You eye him over the top of your book. He meets your eyes for a fleeting second then looks away, his face flushes red. 
“But not you. I’ll find you in the library. Tucked away in the farthest corner from eyesight...You think you’re well kept hidden from sight, but I spot you right away.” 
Your face becomes visible as you lower the book down onto your lap. Your eyes soften. “You see me?”
“I do.”
You gain the trouble to suddenly breathe correctly. Tedros subconsciously reaches for your hand. A tingle runs up and down your spine upon his light touches. He smooths his fingertips over your own. You gasp as he sits up tall. Your book falls carelessly onto the blanket as you watch him inch closer. Closer than he’s ever been. You catch his eyes flickering down to your lips, then up to your eyes, begging for you to allow him to press a kiss onto your lips. A plea more like it as he turns into a puddled mess. He breathes out a laugh as he reaches up to cup your face. He pressed his head against yours.
“I’m gonna kiss you now.” A faint nod from you was all he needed to proceed. His lips felt soft against yours. Yet the way he held you. Cupping your face, thumbs caressing your skin delicately. Holding you gently like you were a flower in a meadow, hoping not to be stepped on and ruined. 
When he asked you to be his princess. You had said yes. 
As much as you enjoyed being Tedros’s friend. There was something about being his girlfriend that brought out a side to you, one you never imagined you’d have. 
Call it jealousy, perhaps troubled doubts. They were all there, but as scared as you felt. You revel in the small things. The way he reaches for your hand when seated during assemblies. How his eyes search for yours in the great hall. How he brings your hand up to place a kiss upon them. How he tries to sneak you out for a stroll in the gardens. 
You’re quite fond of the memories of your dates at the wish fish pond. You could still feel the gentle grip on your chin as he turned your face to kiss you gently, leaving you breathless each time.
Your timid giggles were enough to have him groan in delight. You made his heart soar. He was in awe of your beauty, your laugh, your affectionate smile. The way your kisses lingered as well that he’d chase your lips each time you pulled back with a smirk.
Though he too had his own troubled doubts. That he’d wake up from a dream, and you’d have only been a part of his imagination. He was scared shitless. Incredibly so that one night during your date by the pond, he dipped his finger into the water. You laughed at his antics, telling him from where you sat on your blanket, that the wishfish only showed you what you most desired, that the fish couldn’t really grant him the thing he wanted most. It was something he had to make happen himself. 
So that’s what he had set his mind to afterwards. 
He fully believed that you coming into his life was no coincidence. He had never felt as connected to someone as he had with you. It was almost like...
Like you were his true love. And he didn’t waste time to tell you either. 
It had been the night of the Evers Snowball. 
When you hadn’t arrived into the great hall. He left to find you watching the snow fall through the high raised arched windows. Though he stopped a few steps away from you. He hadn’t seen your pretty gown yet. A soft baby blue matching his own royal jacket. You had heard his familiar footsteps before you even turned to see that it was him.
“I understand why they called it the Evers Snowball now.” You giggled. You then turned to face him with a beaming grin. “Hard to believe since it was clear blue skies and puffy white clouds yesterday. Though this is a magical school. Nothing’s ever impossible.” You stepped forward. Offer your hands for him to grab. He smirked because you were in fact right. He curls his fingers into your palm. Your hands curl into each other. Your smile remains as you try to meet his eyes. Head tilting in confusion as to why he wouldn’t meet your gaze. He turns to eye the falling snow. 
Quite the perfect evening. A magical aura wrapping itself around you both. This moment with you truly felt like one from a well known fairytale. Though Tedros knew as much this would be your own fairy tale to tell in the future.
“Mmm.” He turned his head to meet your eyes now. He chewed on his bottom lip as he hummed in thought.
You only laughed. “You okay?”
“I’m great!”
“Yes. It’s all perfect. Being right here with you.” 
You only rolled your eyes thinking he was trying to be a sap again. You playfully slap his shoulder clad with blue epaulets. 
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s head back to the great hall, no? I’m in the mood for a dance to be honest.” You breathe out a laugh. You pass him with a hand on his shoulder. You had taken a few steps forward only to look back to see his back turned to you. You halt and frown. “Tedros?”
“No.” He shakes his head. Your heart skips.
“No. Let’s not head back just yet.” He turns around to face you. 
“Okay...” You step closer. “We can stay here for a bit if you prefer.” 
“No I do- I do want to head back, but I just. There’s something I’ve been wanting to do...” You raise a brow at him confused. You open your mouth to ask what he wants to show you, but your only left gaping as he lowers himself onto one knee. “Well...ask you really.” He laughs out nervously. He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a black velvet box. You were all too familiar with these kinds of scenarios. What surely was a ring beneath the closed lid didn’t pass you. You place your hand over your mouth in shock. Your other hand holds your stomach. You were thankful at that moment, you hadn’t eaten dinner yet. 
“Tedros-” You begin but he cuts you off.
“B-Before you say anything. I just want you to know that you are sure not like anybody I’ve ever met before. Until I got to really know you. I had no faith in falling in love because of what happened with my father and mother. In fact the concept of love scares me. It still does...” He gives a faint smile, one you reciprocate lightly. “But if there’s one thing I’m positive about is that you’ve made me want to be better. Make me want to see the world for more than just black and white, for more than just evil and good. You’ve been a wonderful best friend, but you have been the best love I’ve ever had.” He pops open the small box. You cry out a laugh. Tears brimming your eyes. “My true love.” 
“True love?” Your eyes widened.
“You are my one true love. I believe that this, right here. You and me. Us. It’s meant to be, that the universe brought us together, and if that’s not true then I don’t know what to believe in anymore because I can’t imagine my life without you. You, Y/n, are my one true love, and I’ll be damned if someone who’s writing our story thinks otherwise.”
You were a crying mess at this point. You tilt your head, a beaming smile on your lips as you look down at him on a knee before you.
“Is that all you wanted to tell me?” You breathe a laugh out. Tedros lets a tear slip down his cheek, his charming smile gracing you.
“I’m getting to it!” He laughs. 
“Sorry...go on.” You composed yourself. Nodding and gesturing to continue. You couldn’t stifle your laughter though. 
“Will you marry me?” He takes the ring out of the box and gestures it to you. “Be my ever after?”
“Yes!” You beam. Gently cupping his face, and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. He slips the ring onto your ring finger and stands to his full height. Cupping your face this time and pressing a hard but slow kiss on you.
“She said yes!” Multiple cheers and hollers startle you, causing you to pull away and look back towards the great hall entrance doors. 
You scoff out a laugh seeing multiple Evers, a few buddies of Tedros, and surprisingly a few Ever girls. Applauding you and Tedros. 
You look back to him, a cheesy smile on your face now, as your hands slide to cup the back of his neck. He leans forward to press your heads together, eyes closed, cherishing each other’s touch, and embraces. 
You can’t help the laugh that emits past your lips as the cheering only grows louder. It’s not long before you’re drowned in confetti. You gasp, blinking up to the ceiling as little pieces of plastic fall all around you, but the bigger surprise is when they start to dissolve before they can even touch the ground. It only adds to the magical feeling that swells in your heart. 
You lean in to give him another small peck. He chases after your lips. Then sighs in relief when you allow them to get caught up with his own. “I love you...” He mutters out gently, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“I love you more, my ever after.”
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magpiesworld · 1 year
tedros pendragon x reader
a/n: here’s the story! i still haven’t decided if this is gonna be a one-shot or a story with multiple chapters, so i guess you’ll just have to wait and see! the dress and hair that y/n wears when described is at the bottom, but it is totally optional, if you don’t like it then please just imagine something else! also please don’t judge too harshly lol, i know my writing isn’t quite top notch :/. also tedros might be ooc. anyways i hope you enjoy reading!!
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her eyes shone with glee as the took in the story inside of her book, transporting her to another land. the bustling and chatter surrounding her did not capture the girl’s attention, not when the room went silent, nor when the obnoxious sound of swords clashing filled the air. what did succeed in rousing the girl from her focus was a single rose landing on her book, obstructing the exciting scene that was happening in the pages from her view. the soft tendrils of her hair framed her round face as her head rose, an adorably confused expression on her face. a pool of adoration and amazement swam in the deep sea of his eyes. his eyes. there was a twinkle in his striking blue eyes as he stared into her wide ones. a breath she was not aware of holding escaped her lips in a heavy exhale.
a loud noise startled her out of her daze as she looked to her side to find a beautiful girl with topaz eyes staring at her while a sickly sweet smile molded her lips. her eyes were undeniably gorgeous, like the rest of her, but in a way that was so different than the boy’s in front of her. while his held a warmth and care in it that she didn’t quite understand, her’s were cold and distant, a strange hostility in them.
a loud noise startled her out of her daze as she looked to her side to find a beautiful girl with topaz eyes staring at her while a sickly sweet smile molded her lips. her eyes were undeniably gorgeous, like the rest of her, but in a way that was so different than the boy’s in front of her. while his held a warmth and care in it that she didn’t quite understand, her’s were cold and distant, a strange hostility in them.
a loud noise startled her out of her daze as she looked to her side to find a beautiful girl with topaz eyes staring at her while a sickly sweet smile molded her lips. her eyes were undeniably gorgeous, like the rest of her, but in a way that was so different than the boy’s in front of her. while his held a warmth and care in it that she didn’t quite understand, her’s were cold and distant, a strange hostility in them.
“he intended that for me.” she flicked her eyes towards the boy in question, smile softening.
“do I get a say in this?” said boy asked rhetorically, a charming smirk lifting his lips as he rose a brow in tandem. his eyes shifted to the girl clutching her book with a iron grip, softening slightly at the sight of her before nodding his head in her direction, “the rose went where I intended it to go.”
he sent one more smile to the confused girl, before walking away and sitting with a group of people she assumed to be his friends. the girl behind her was frozen, not believing the events that had just happened. once she had managed to shake herself out of her shocked daze, she sent a judgmental look towards the wide-eyed girl before huffing and turning towards the two headed dog that had just entered the room.
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“good morning, darlings! Rise and shine!” the excited voice of professor dovey sang into the pa, tearing the sleepy girls from their dreams. a tired groan fell from one of the girl’s lips as she tightened her blanket around her, desperately trying to hold on to her sleep.
“c’mon y/n, wake up” the voice of her roommate came from above, along with a hand that softly rests on her shoulder. she ripped her fluffy blanket from her head, staring up at her roommate with sleepy eyes and a pout resting on her lips. her roommate, savannah, had beautiully smooth chestnut skin that perfectly complemented her crimson red hair that was pulled back in a wavy ponytail pinned with a big white bow. how long had she been awake? savannah’s perfectly glossed lips stretched into a soft smile, helping the other girl wake up. “c’mon.”
y/n smiled at the redhead and slowly got out of bed, yawning as she walked over to her own vanity. she brushed through her knotted hair, pulling some of the front strands into two full plaits and tying them together at the back of her head with a silk gold, black, and silver bandana. she colored her lips with a tinted balm and applied a coat of mascara. she changed into an airy baby pink dress with a tight-fitting corset and big poofy shoulders paired with elbow-length silk white gloves.
“you ready?” savannah asked from her spot on her bed, checking her bag to make sure she had all of the supplies she’ll need.
“yup.” y/n turned around to grab her own bag, before meeting up with the redhead at the door, “what class do you have first?”
“i have beautification, what about you?” the two girls started walking to the area with some of the classrooms together.
“i have animal communication, so i gotta split here. i’ll see you at lunch?” y/n asked with a smile, pausing in her steps near the door that leads to the gardens and lake.
“yeah, definitely. bye.” savannah replied, shooting the other girl a smile before walking towards her class.
y/n took in a deep breath as she opened the door, quickly making her way towards the lake where her first class will be held.
✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹
her delicate fingers combed through the fur of the young bear currently resting on her lap. it was her first assignment for animal communication, taming a wild and irritable animal. all the sweet bear cub, that y/n had named bella, needed was some love and care. she took her hand from bella’s head to flip the page in her book, laughing softly when bella let out a soft whine when the petting ceased. y/n cooed as she quickly placed her hand back on the brown bear’s head, making sure to give her a little extra attention before turning back to her book, unaware of the eyes that stared at from the other side of the field.
some of the everboys were practicing with their swords, but one of them was distracted. tedros stared at the sweet girl, enraptured by her. she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. and with what he’s witnessed, he was sure that she was also the kindest. a nick on his upper arm pulled him out of his daze, sharply turning his head to see his friend, adam, staring at him with concern.
“hey, man, are you okay?” his fluffy brown hair shook slightly as he heaved, resting a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“yeah, i’m fine. why?” tedros snuck a quick glace at the girl across the field before turning his full attention towards the brunette in front of him.
“you sure? cause you seemed kind of out of it for a second there.” he furrowed his brows in concern.
tedros glanced to the side again, adam following his gaze to find a girl leaning on a tree reading with a bear resting on her. understanding filled his eyes as he smirked, realizing what had captured his friend’s attention.
“c’mon,” adam nudged his blonde friend, shaking him from his daze once again. he led them to a patch of grass where they sat down, the girl that had captured the prince of camelot’s attention still in view. “so…” tedros turned to face the brunette, curious as to what would come from his mouth next, “you like her?” adam nodded towards the girl in question.
tedros’ cheeks blushed a bright pink when he saw where his friend had nodded, realizing he had been caught. a sigh fell from his lips as he turned towards adam, “yeah.”
“so, have you talked to her?” the brunette asked tedros.
another heavy sigh, “no.”
“well are you gonna talk to her? or just keep staring at her like a creep?” adam raised an inquisitive brow towards his friend.
tedros let out an defeated scoff, sinking into himself slightly, “i don’t know.”
a sympathetic look graced the brunette’s face as he stared at the saddened prince, “well, why don’t you go talk to her now? there’s no time like the present…right?”
“yeah,” tedros nodded to himself, face becoming determined, “yeah! there’s no time like right now! i’ll just walk right over there and….” his face became worried.
“…talk to her?” adam tried to prompt his friend.
the blonde’s shoulders slumped in disappointment, not understanding why his stomach filled with butterflies whenever he even thought of her, or why his palms got sweaty at the sight of her. she just made him feel so uneasy. but the strange part was, he didn’t mind it. he actually liked it. there had to be something seriously wrong with him.
“dude, what has gotten into you?” he asked, staring at his dejected friend, “why are you being so weird about this? i mean, you haven’t even talked to her? why are you so worked up about this one girl?”
“i don’t know, man. there’s just something different about her. i don’t know what. believe me, i wish i did.” tedros stared at the green grass below him, nervously picking at it with his veiny hands, destroying the perfectness of the field that was next to the school for good enlightenment and enchantment.
“then talk to her!” adam stressed, looking at his friend with an expression mixed with concern and frustration. upon seeing hesitance on the prince’s face, he sighed. “c’mon man, i’ve never seen you this wound up over someone, especially a girl you’ve never even talked to! just go talk to her! she looks like she’s nice, so why not?” when he didn’t get a response, he sighed once more. he placed a hand on the blonde’s shoulder as he stood up, “i’m gonna go practice some more, think about what i said, alright?” when he didn’t get a response again, he gave his friend’s shoulder a few taps before walking back over to the other everboys who were practicing their sword fighting a a few meters over.
tedros thought over what his friend said, knowing that he’s right. adam had always looked out for him and gave him advice when he needed it, or just gave him a shoulder to lean on when he needed that. he had stuck by tedros’s side no matter what happened or what he went through, adam was always there. he knew that he could trust his friend’s advice, and even if he didn’t, he could still agree that the brunette’s words were wise.
tedros took in a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to do as he stood. a scoff left his full lips, he couldn’t believe himself. it was as if he were about to go to war with the prep he was doing. he shook his head at himself. this is ridiculous! she’s just a normal girl! nothing special about her. this’ll be easy! he was sure of it.
✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹ ✧ ⊹
he was wrong! so so so incredibly wrong! this is not easy! he had gotten across the field to a point where he was standing just a foot in front of her when he froze, staring at her with wide eyes when she looked up. her eyes. her eyes were so unbelievably beautiful. he had never seen anything like it. he had looked at her before sure, a highlight being when he gave her his rose, that was the closest he had been. but it was so different now. because now the sun was shinning on her in a way that perfectly highlighted her ethereal features, but also did not blind either of them. he would hate it if that happened, he feels a mixture of absolute unease and nerves with an undeniable feeling of peace and serenity. she confused him more than he could have ever imaged before meeting her.
he realized that he had been staring in silence with the weirdest expression on his face for a while when she awkwardly smiled at him, “hi?”
he was sure he could have died right then when he heard her voice. it was barely a whisper, her voice could have been mistaken for the wind. but he was so glad he caught it. her voice could have solved all of his issues. he was sure that if she had helped talk him down from his nightmares, he would have never had another one.
upon seeing her freaked out expression, he realized that, once again, he had not said anything, “uh-hi.”
tedros cursed himself in his mind. hi?! that’s the first thing he said to the goddess in front of him?! hiiiii?!?! he couldn’t believe himself. he wished the ground would just swallow him whole, save him front the situation he had put himself in.
“did you want anything?” her hypnotic voice broke him out his mental degrading. he slightly calmed when he saw her freaked out expression fade into one of ease, though there was a hint of nerves hiding behind her mask.
“no!- i-i-i mean yes! of course!” the blonde prince nodded, pursing his lips as he once again yelled at himself in his mind. if he were to stay around the girl in front of him, he was sure that his deprecating thoughts would get much worse.
the two stared at each other in silence. while one of them gaped, filled with confusion, the other admired the confused girl.
when she realized he wasn’t going to say anything, she gently smiled before prompting, “what did you want?”
tedros panicked, something he seemed to be doing much more recently. idiot! of course she would ask what he wanted! why did he have to say he wanted something? would it have been weird if he said he didn’t want anything? oh god, think fast! she’s staring at you like you’ve gone insane! just say something! “jumper cables!” oh god not that! now she’ll really think you’re crazy. tedros shook his head, “uh- your name?” he tried.
she smiled, still a tad freaked out, “oh, it’s y/n, what’s yours?”
y/n. such a beautiful name, it suited her perfectly. wait! she asked for your name. she asked for your name! chill out, dude, she asked for your name. yeah, yeah, be cool. be cool. a lazy scoff fell from his lips as he looked to the side, a bored expression gracing her face. “ it’s tedros.” looking back at her, he saw her face fall slightly. oh no! too cool! too cool! “um- it’s tedros! i’m tedros, tedros pendragon!” he smiled at her, hoping that she doesn’t think he’s uninterested. this is going horribly. seriously, he must be sick!
“well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, tedros!” her excitement shown through her breathy voice, the volume raising the smallest amount.
his heart melted. she was so sweet, even when he had been a complete nut-job for the majority of their interactions. and, god, the enthusiasm in her voice when she spoke to him just then, he had never heard anything like it. her emotions were displayed so freely from her face and voice. he envied her.
“it’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, ms. y/n.” tedros bowed, tipping his head up towards her with a smile when he heard her giggle. he made a promise right at that moment that he would do everything in his power to make sure she giggled and smiled all day long.
“do-” y/n paused, hesitation leaking into her voice, “would you want to sit by me?” she smiled nervously, anticipating his response.
“i would love to.” his smile was calm as he had besides her, “what are you reading?”
her face lit up, excited to tell him all of the details, “well the main character, mel, short for melinda, is a fairy! but she doesn’t know it at the beginning of the book, she thinks she’s just a normal human girl. and it all starts when riven, the love interest, comes to her town and-”
tedros listens with an extreme focus, eager to soak in every word she speaks. that was how they spent the rest of the day, talking back and forth about their most special interests as bella glares at the blonde prince for stealing y/n’s attention away from her, before she eventually fell asleep and the two parted ways.
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retold-tales · 1 year
I was wondering if you could do Tedros x swan princess reader but she has magic? If that doesn’t make sense you can freestyle it. Have a great day 😁
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A Change In Story
Dark Tedros Pendragon x Swan Princess Reader
Summary: he finally noticed.
I couldn't believe my luck when I first met Tedros Pendragon. He was handsome and charming, everything a girl could want in a prince. But, as much as I tried, I couldn't seem to catch his eye. He was always too busy with Agatha, his long-time love.
It wasn't until I revealed my magic to him that everything changed. He was mesmerized by my abilities, and suddenly, I found myself on his radar.
I'll never forget the way his eyes sparkled with amazement as he watched me weave spells with ease.
Tedros was different than I expected, too. He was no longer the aloof prince I'd once admired from afar.
Instead, he was thoughtful and kind, always ready with a comforting word or a helping hand.
As I grew to know him better, I realized that I was developing feelings for him. But, with Agatha still in the picture, I didn't want to rock the boat.
It wasn't until he finally got over her that I mustered up the courage to ask him out.
We spent that night dancing under the stars, lost in each other's company. I couldn't help but feel grateful for my magic, which brought us together.
And, in that moment, I knew that I had found my Prince Charming.
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angelitadiaz · 5 months
Temporarily going to hold the Tedros Pendragon x reader. Please have some patience, thank you! :)
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callisofcamelot · 5 years
where we belong
pairing: tedros x agatha
plot: movie star au, road trip au
notes: i just wanted to post it and this had good story potential, so here u go
@ tedrospendragon
so excited to be in the newest movie directed by the talented @ rafal
@ sophiewoods
thumbs crossed the audition went well!!! ahah pray for me u all xoxo
@ beatrixjauntjolie
this is fucking bullshit
Rafal announced his newest project, To Make A Fairytale, a new perspective on royalty, magic, and all your favorite classic fairytales, a few months ago at Comic-Con and we have all been on the edge of our seats to get more information.
Now that the day has come we aren't sure.
Tedros Pendragon, HBO's Broken Throne and the son of our favorite 90s couple, is said to be the male lead. Fan's are very excited to see Hollywoods new golden boy get a chance on the silver screen rather than our TV's. With his recent Emmy win, we all cannot wait to see his performance.
For weeks fans have speculated that either Beatrix Jaunt-Jolie, Accidentally in Love and Fifty Ways to Break a Heart, or Sophie Woods a new girl in Hollywood mostly known as an Instagram Model and a cameo in Broken Throne, would surely be cast as the female lead, but Rafal does love throwing us off.
It was announced that Agatha Woods would be our leading lady.
Now, most people have not heard of her yet. Agatha has been in the indie film Between You and Me and is currently in Film School at UCLA, so we have not yet gotten to see her much in anything noteworthy. But as we get closer to the release of the trailer we cannot wait to see what this wallflower has been hiding!
continue reading on ao3
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fbfh · 2 years
Imagine Tedros waking from a nightmare alone and panicking thinking his s/o left him like how his mom did but reader just went to get some water, imagine being held by him after that accidental scare because he needs to be sure that yes you’re there and he won’t end up like his father 😖💞💕💖
it's pure coincidence. the one time he has another fucking nightmare and the one time he notices when you get up to get water in the middle of the night colliding. his breath is shaky as he sits up, and when the momentary panic subsides and he's able to separate bad dreams from reality, he knows you're probably fine. it doesn't do anything to quiet the pounding in his chest, the panic gripping him that something horrible has happened to you and you've been kidnapped, or worse, you finally got so fed up with him that you left, running off in the night with no good bye and leaving him to wonder if you're dead or in danger forever. nothing is going to quiet that voice in his head until he finds you. whether he finds you on your way back or you reenter moments after he wakes up, he's still going to bolt over to you, pulling you into the tight embrace. You hold him back, figuring he just missed you, but he holds on tighter and longer than usual, even for him. you rub his back gently in that way you do as he curls your bodies together, face burried in your neck, and the catharsis almost hurts. he holds you tight, breathing in your scent, reminding himself to be here and now, to not linger in that awful dream any more than he already has.
"You okay?" you croak, voice groggy. it solidifies the knowledge that yes, you're here and you're real. you're in his arms and that's not imagined. he takes a few more breaths, collecting himself and embracing your warmth, your body heat mixing with his.
"Bad dream." he murmurs all gravily and sleepy into your neck. it's clear that he woke up suddenly, and you know him well enough to know what that means. you cuddle him extra close when you get back into bed, muttering little words of affirmation in the moments before you both fall asleep again.
"I love you, Teddy," you mumble before you doze back off again. he lets your words ring in his ears, and they remind him that you'll be right here when you wake up in the morning. when the sun rises and kisses your beautiful soft skin, he'll do the same, because you'll both be right here with each other come morning, and the morning after that, and the morning after that. when had dreams like this before - which used to be much more frequent - he wouldn't stand a chance at falling back asleep. but now, with you wrapped up in his arms, warm little breaths puffing against his chest, he feels himself pulled into the embrace of the late hour. he's excited for tomorrow morning to come.
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fbfh · 2 years
thinking about what a menace Beatrix would be once Tedros falls for you. god help you if you share a room with her, becuase she literally will not stop trying to win her Teddy over until you two are literally married. the entire time he's falling madly in love with you and pursuing you and stealing you away for quiet conversation and dances and homework answers, Beatrix keeps telling you to stop hanging around him. you have no idea how to tell her that he's the one instigating things with you but it doesn't matter too much because she wouldn't believe you anyway. eventually (depending on how bad it gets) there's a chance she'll try some type of petty sabatoge, probably something to do with the dress you're wearing. when you calm Tedros down and explain that you're totally fine, he'll send you to go get changed while he has a talk with her. she more or less drops it after that, and while you're dying to know the details you're a little too preoccupied with the way Tedros kisses you until you're both out of breath.
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fbfh · 1 year
i love tedros with a reader!reader sm lmao. just imagining them trying to explain meme references to him, making absolutely no sense, while he’s just sitting there with heart eyes
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YES YOU FUCKING GET ME. It's literally like high fantasy guardians of the galaxy. He's so confused and enamored by you. You don't give a shit about etiquette and everything you do is so unexpected and spontaneous and refreshing. You try to play my chemical romance on a lute. You call everything bardcore. You point to a fat rabbit you see in the blue forest and say "big chungus". You’re always talking about someone called Jones and his barbecue and foot massage and how good it is. You called Beatrix an idiot sandwich and he laughed so hard he had to be excused from class. Tedros has no idea what any of it means but he just loves to listen to you. You nail every beautification class with zero effort because you've been watching makeup tutorials for years and years. You're learning to waltz together for an upcoming ball and singing the lyrics to iris by the goo goo dolls and a thousand years by Christina perry and every other song with a waltz beat you can think of. You let out an excited little gasp when you think of a new song that works as a waltz and he thinks it's so unusual that you don't categorize songs by what kind of ballroom dance you can do to them. You spend so many late nights explaining the layers behind things like role play asmr of Bakugou helping you give birth and why it makes you laugh so hard when you hear anyone say dammit or when someone calls you honey. He finds himself laughing along at all these inside jokes with you and he absolutely loves it. No one else understands, hell Tedros barely understands it, but you're taking the time to explain and make him feel included, like he's part of your world too. He's never felt this close, this intimate with another person before, and it's all he's ever wanted. You're all he's ever wanted.
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fbfh · 1 year
I have no idea if you do cross overs but I am on my knees begging for Tedros x Demigod reader of Aphrodite (the reader just has a natural glow to them they just love being pretty but they also love beating anyone who thinks their weak just because their an Aphrodite kid like they get super competitive essentially when hanging around their siblings and their also a really good fighter and super good with their powers and weapons)
If this is to much I understand but I just think the Aphrodite cabin was so underestimated of the power they hold
List. First of all I love you for this anon. Second you are so so right. The thing with Tedros is that as cliche or pick me as it sounds, he's sick of girls scheming to get his attention then acting like they won some prize. He's sick of people looking at him as nothing more than his looks and title, and after what he watched his father go through, he's even more wary of anyone hypnotically beautiful, especially someone as hypnotically beautiful as you. I am a firm believer that if you treat Tedros like a person and don't hide your personality from him for the sake of conforming yourself to what you think he wants you to be, he'll fall hard for you. If you like sword fighting he'll propose to you within the month, and if you're good at sword fighting he won't be able to wait longer than a week. This is barely hyperbole. You love being at the school for good, you love the groom room and the classes and the books (especially with the spell professor Sader taught you to help you read easier if you're dyslexic) but after a while you wanted something else. It wasn't until you saw the ever boys fighting during a break that it hit you how much you missed sword fighting. Borrowing Tristan's training sword, you challenge Tedros to a fight.
"You want to sword fight me?" He clarifies with a smile. He should be wary of you, of how blindingly beautiful you are. All you would have to do is wink at someone and they'd stop the world turning for you. But he's never seen you do anything sneaky, never seen you whisper with your friends and size him up like a buck you're hunting. He's never seen you do anything less than sincere. Genuine. It puts his mind at ease, and he can't fight how intrigued he is by you as you test the weight and balance of your sword.
"Unless you're scared to lose..." a few boys drop their swords, more flustered and enamored with you than they've been with anyone. Tedros smiles and lets out a soft chuckle before striking, one you easily block. You continue until you're in a full blown sword fight, jumping onto rocks and dodging behind trees, eventually ending with you straddling Tedros in your poofy skirts, glittering pink in the sunshine, your sword at his throat.
"I win." You say playfully. You changed his brain chemistry that day, and for the first time in a very, very long time, he's found someone he not only wants to pursue, but can't stay away from.
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fbfh · 2 years
I think so often about Tedros ending up whisked away back to your world with you. it's not supposed to be perminant, it's just for a little while before you go back to the endless woods for you next adventure or school year or chapter of your lives (pun intended). besides how fascenated he'd be with the magicless magic you'd described to him (technology) and how much I firmly believe how much he would abso fucking lutely love 7/11 slushies, mostly he would love to get to be a part of your world, just as you've been a part of his. the only problem is how people treat you here. you have to work so fucking hard, people don't spare you a second glance, everyone acts like you're just like everyone else instead of worshipping the ground you walk on. being trained for future fairytales is a different kind of hard than the job and/or school and other responsibilities of your contemporary life, and it was a solace you had welcomed with open arms. you got to dress in beautiful clothes most would consider impractical, eat food you had only dreamed of before. you had time for liesure, reading under trees and staring out windows and soaking in long luxurious baths. you got to rest in a way you never had before, not having to push yourself every single moment. and of course, the moment Tedros fell for you, you gained a new sort of status. not only were you floating on a sweet, sugary cloud of leisure, but you were treated with so much respect, like true future royalty of camelot. you took to the role so well, and Tedros had never been more sure that he made the right decision. so here, watching you get treated so... disposably, like you're just a part of the herd, another employee another student, Tedros can't stand it. he's furious, he wants to walk over to your professors or teachers or boss and put a sword to their throat, demand the respect that his true love, his future co monarch deserves. most of all, he's more sure than anything that you don't belong here. you belong with him in camelot, you belong by his side. he has never wanted to pamper you, to spoil you and keep you right in the lap of luxury more than he does now. you're not one to shy away from hard work, but you shouldn't have to work so hard. he knows the moment you get back to the endless woods, he's never letting anyone treat you with anything besides the utmost respect. you should be pampered by faries, in the finest garments, dancing with him around a ball room right now. always. as soon as you get back, he thinks, he's going to spoil you so much to make up for all this lost time.
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frost-queen · 2 years
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Lady Lesso 
• A witches quirk (Fem!Reader)
• Deadly kiss (Fem!Reader)
• This means war (Fem!Reader)
• Disturbia (Fem!Reader) 
Tedros Pendragon 
• Fend for your own (Sis!Reader)
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fbfh · 2 years
an imagine or headcanon smut about Tedros please
as with all nsfw works all characters are aged up to 18+ yk that tiktok audio that's like "WHOO. WHOO. WOW AHOFSIOIJAS" this one??feeling it currently. I am SO FUCKING GLAD YOU ASKED bc I've had this raddling around my silly little brain for days and I finally have the braincells to talk about it.
Tedros.... Tedros is something else. he tries so hard to do things properly and not fucking throw himself at you and give you his body and heart and soul the moment he sees you but GOD it's hard. he's usually the one people throw themselves at so being so overcome with desire when he's with you is kind of new for him. it's refreshing and it honestly just makes him more passionate. even just making out with him?? he's dead. he's sighing and moaning against your lips and you've barely touched him. it's impressive honestly, how riled up and full of fire you can make him. sometimes he just can't help himself from fiddling with the strings of your corset while you're kissing like that and wondering what it would be like, wanting nothing more than to tug on those strings and get you out of that dress and have you tear off his clothes. he just wonders about it yk. thinks about it a lot. the thing is he only has maybe two or three times where he's able to just think about it before he succumbs to impulse and desire and your touch and actually does start to undo your bodice. let me tell you that is the hottest shit ever. god help you bc you could probably cum just from the way he touches you. it's so gentle and so painfully horny at the same time it's honestly impressive. he fucking throbs when you start pulling at his puffy prince shirt and will 100% moan into your mouth when you do. when he finally gets you at least partially undressed for the first time????? when he sees your legs and your hips and tiddies???????? he chokes on his spit. he's never been this aroused by anyone or anything before. the first time he sees your pussy he will drop to his knees and kiss down your stomach and eat you out on instinct. even if it's under your skirt. especially if it's under your skirt. "I only wanted to kiss you there" vibes. he wants so badly to lay you down in his big velvety bed and make such sweet love to you, give you all the pleasure he's capable of giving, but right now with your arousal all sweet and sticky like honey still dripping off his tongue he can't restrain himself. he can't wait anymore. and with the way you just came on his mouth, the way you're tearing off his shirt while he pins you to the wall, you can't wait either. he's burning for you, and when he finally buries his thick cock into your tight wet soft cunt where his lips had been moments before, he knows there's no going back. he knew you were his true love before this, but this is a whole new level of yearning, of devotion and passion, and all of it is just for you.
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ang3lik · 10 months
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ tedros pendragon p links.
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tsfgae masterlist. ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ tedros pendragon x fem!reader
📓 :: you have to have an account on twitter that lets you see mature content and login in to see these videos.
tedros eating you out late at night
tedros getting you off on a study date
bathroom sex w/tedros
69ing w/tedros
part 2
soft sex w/tedros
never!tedros fucking never!reader after the no ball
never!tedros, never!reader and never!sophie
never!tedros chocking you
morning sex w/tedros
taglist. @astarborntowrite @liyahsocorro @gr4veyardg1rl
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retold-tales · 11 months
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Fated Crossings
Tedros Pendragon x Princess Reader
Summary: the fairwell dance leads him to his true princess
The hall was echoing with whispers and laughs as the students waited for Ms dovey to say why she called them here before their fair well dance its been a few years since Agatha and Sophie left.
Tedros has not anyone since scared their gonna leave her just like she did and he's more focused on his soon to be kingdom and he didn't need someone to distract him.
"Students I have some exciting news, princess yn well be joining us tonight, so be nice she was home schooled because of her mom's horrible accident" she paused clearing her throat.
"She will be joining us for the dance so be respectful and show her the ladies and gentlemen you've become" and with that ms dovey left to do the finishing touches for the dance.
Tedros didn't really care that some princess was coming he just wanted to escape for the night and relax "I'll see you tonight bro" Tristan murmured walking away and all Tedros did was nod.
But he wasn't the only that wanted to escape the prince that was coming tonight had never been outside her castle walls her father saying it was to dangerous and she had to beg him so she could go.
Later that day
"Ms dovey I assure you'll take good care for her" king Edward asked as he eyed his daughter who was bouncing on her feet "I assure king edward princess yn will have the time of her life and be safe" she smiled.
And as soon as king edward got back into his chariot yn was ushered into the ballroom gaining everyone's attention "everyone princess yn" and as her name was announced tedros finally looked up from his book.
He throat felt dry as he watched her carefully walked down the stairs and she was immediately surrounded by people who asked questions and interrupted her whenever she wanted to speak but they were dispursed by Ms dovey and he watched as yn kinda backed into the shadows.
"The balcony is that way" tedros spoke up scaring the poor girl "oh thank you" she squeaked and went out the door breathing in the fresh air "must be hard to be stuck in one place" tedros murmured standing beside.
He felt a connection to her he feels like he can talk to her "yea it's hard even to just getting fresh air I have like 50 men following me armed to the teeth" she whispered staring up to the stary sky.
"How about we ditch this party and I take you on a horse ride" he smiled she wanted to protest because she knew if something happened her father will have her head but she needed to get out.
She nodded her head eagerly and followed him down to the stables where he led her to a beautiful pitch black stallion she lifted her hand to his face and he quickly rubbed his face on her hand "he likes you" tedros smiled down at yn.
He gently helped her onto his horse and settled behind her, she was tightly secured in his arms making her flustered how could she be falling for someone she just met.
He took her around the grounds showing her his favorite spots and only stopped when he came to the cliffs edge where they decided to sit and talk.
They started to speak about her home schooling and his father and kingdom and they soon came to realize they almost had identical personalities.
Yn cuddled up to him as a cold breeze blew over them, he wrapped his arms around her they felt as if they knew eachother since forever tedros thought back to Agatha yes he liked her but not like this.
It was like love at first sight
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