#teel wolf
stairnaheireann · 9 months
#OTD in 1798 – United Irishman, Bartholomew Teeling, is hanged in Dublin.
Captain Bartholomew Teeling was born in 1774 in Lisburn, Co Antrim. He was a leader of the Irish forces during the Irish Rebellion of 1798 and carried out an act of bravery during the Battle of Collooney. Following his capture at the Battle of Ballinamuck where an Irish-French army under General Humbert was defeated by the British, Teeling was tried by court-martial at the Royal Barracks, Dublin,…
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werewolfetone · 2 years
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dino-boyo-agere · 1 year
Teel Wolf character AgeRe head canons, because I want to and nobody can stop me!!
Mieczyslaw (Stiles) Stilinski: is a regressor. It started as an involuntary coping mechanism, when his mom died. He was really shy- and felt kinda bad about it at first. Jis dad reassured him that its okay and healthy. So did Melissa, when she learned about it. Stiles stopped regressing in middle school, he tried forcing it every now and then, when he felt stressed with exams and stuff, but wasn't able to actually get into little space for a long time. After a while of not being able to regress, Stiles moved on and accepted it as a thing from the past. He had almost forgotten about regression, but then the Nogitsune horrors happened. All the new trauma, paired with all the guilt and loss of sleep, lead to him re-discovering this coping skill. His Dad gladly took on the role as his caregiver once again, happy to have even more time with his lovely baby boy. And when Scott opened up to him, he felt even less alone!
Scott McCall: is a flip. He loves taking care of little stiles as his babysitter, but often ends up also regressing & playing with him instead. He does also take care of little Isaac, if he has to, but finds him really hard to handle and often finds himself overwhelmed or frustrated with his shenanigans. Nobody but his caregiver (Boyd) seems to be able to keep this kid in check.
Isaac Lahey: is a regressor. Just like in Stile's case, it's also a trauma response (because of his father's abuse). He's an absolute brat, always causes trouble and enjoys creating chaos. Isaac often throws tantrums and/or has meltdowns, when he doesn't get his way. However, he only acts that way, because he really longs for attention and doesn't know how else to get it. He never felt seen, nor safe growing up, so he acts out to seem 'too tough to mess with' and to make himself visible. Boyd (Isaacs cg) is basically the only person who is able to handle him and his outbursts. They're working on it though!
Vernon Milton Boyd: is Isaac's caregiver. He understands him in a way nobody else seems to be able to. He is compassionate and understanding. No matter the circumstances, his patience seems to have no limits. Boyd never yells at Isaac, he never even looks at him angrily. Instead, he praises his little one when he's been good, explains why a certain behavior isn't nice and teachers him techniques on how to handle (or deal with) negative emotions, without acting out. He also gives the best hugs!
Jackson Whittemore: is a regressor.. okay, I know what you're probably thinking, but hear me out, please. It'll make sense, i promise! We all know he is the typical 'bullie turns out to be gay' stereotype, right? It's basically the same with regression! He learns about Stiles being a regressor, when he finds his emergency pacieᵀᴹ in his bag after practice. At first, Jackson tries to bully him about it. But a heated argument between the two leads to Jackson pouring his heart out, opening up to Stiles (of all people). Learning all about Jackson's mental health struggles and self doubt, Stiles decides to put together a little AgeRe box for him. Finding it in his sports bag, after school, Jackson decides to give 'the regression thing' a try. At first, he feels weird about it, but he quickly learns how much it helps him cope. He has a less hard time expressing his emotions and dealing with all the stress. Jackson has no caregiver (yet), because he's really shy (& frankly embarrassed) about his regression, but Stiles did manage to persuade him into having a playdate every once in a while. (If I had to decide on a caregiver for Jackson, it would be either Boyd or Noah. I'm currently working on a fanfic revolving around this plot, we'll see where it goes sooner or later.)
Noah Stilinski: is the Dad and caregiver of Stiles. He also takes care of Scott, when he is regressed. Noah vehemently refuses to take in Isaac, ever since he threw a rock at Stiles, leading to the latter having to get stitches. Isaac doesn't regret throwing the rock, in his opinion Stiles deserved it, because he didn't wanna watch Isaac do a cool trick on the swing. He did apologize for throwing it that hard though.
Melissa McCall: is the Mom and caregiver of Scott. She takes care of Stiles, when he is regressed, aswell. Melissa also loves to care for little Stiles -and even little Isaac-, together with Scott, when he is big. It's their very special mother & son bonding time. Plus, handling Isaac is a lot easier as a team.. The little trouble maker still practically lives on the Time Out Chairᵀᴹ though.. This kid is quite a hand full and I love him for it.
Derek Hale: is a flip, but doesn't allow himself to regress. He feels it would make others see him as weak. He often acts as a caregiver without any choice in the matter. He get's forced to 'babysit' the little gremlins when no one else is able to.. He loves taking care of little Scott, but he'll never admit to that. Scott is just a sweet kid, always trying to help around the house or with his 'sibbies'. Derek doesn't mind caring for Stiles most of the time, but get's very overwhelmed when he goes nonverbal or won't stop crying, which happens quite often. Taking care of Isaac is-.. well.. Derek may have tried to leave him somewhere in the woods a couple of times.. Boyd threatened to beat him up when he found out, but knew he wasn't a match. So now he just doesn't let Derek near his angel anymore. Derek doesn't mind, quite the opposite is the case, actually.
Alan Deaton: is a caregiver and mainly takes over, when someone is sick or hurt while regressed. He makes the best chicken noodle soup and always kisses boo-boos!
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・.゚»・⁠°✧ ↓ DNI ↓ ✧°・« ゚.・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 4 months
Idk way but I can see Roxy/Roxanne wolf asking chica to watch animatronics wolf cassie while she goes to part and service for repairs.
And also teel chica Gregory and Freddy are not allowed in the raceway
Yeah I'm sure she would ask pretty much any of the others to watch her if need be. Not Freddy though for obvious reasons here
Roxy has made it very clear very loudly that the Raceway and Salon are strictly Freddy and Gregory free zones! She could draw a sign for this on the wall and everything lmao
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oriontheriddle · 2 years
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Hubert the simple-minded, gentle, kind, clumsy, honest, innocent, occasionally brave, shy, awkward, easily embarrassed, somewhat naive, gullible at times, courageous, creative and nervous Duck Furrie who frequently wears a baby blue bonnet with a matching bow tie and t-shirt and a giant diaper is a huge hero whose above-average physical strength can prove useful in certain situations, especially when fighting predators such as Wolves and Ferrets. Hubert first his true creator when he was intimidated by a whole gang of Weasel, Fox, Wolf, Ferret, Raccoon and Coyote Bandits who robbed him of his well-earned Dragons Treasure. Reduced to living in poverty and wearing nothing but dirty rags and a large diaper to keep him warm Hubert befriended his real creator along with his guardian angle aka Jodie the Heavenly Whippet and a few other Animal Furries whom they helped on their quest, A tearful Hubert teels his new friends how he lost his mom and dad to a swarm of MediEvil Dragons then got bullied by Ferret, Wolf, Fox, Raccoon, Weasel and Coyote Bandits who stole his only source of income before breaking down. A sympathetic Papa Bear kindly offers the overgrown baby Duck a permanent home on Pig Island, to which the latter agrees. Following a reckless journey all across Pleasure Paradise and finally arriving in Pig Island a swarm of MediEvil Dragons arrive to storm The Castle of Heaven for it's Dragons Treasure. When bumping into the same gang who ruined his life Hubert explodes in a rage beats them all up, and even punches out a couple of MediEvil Dragons twice his own size. Papa Bear provides Hubert a Duck Wand as a gift for his everlasting gratitude to teach him some magic. After casting a powerful spell on his enemies Papa Bear offers the empowered Duck a job opportunity if he agrees to build his farm, he gladly accepts. Much later Hubert works full-time at Georgette's Ice Cream and Yoghurt Co (she now owns Papa Bear's Farm due shortage on Dragons Treasure) and when not working the chubby Duck Furrie either goes to The Nude Camp, The Nudist Spa or one of The Nude Beaches to become a part-time nude clay sculptor. He occasionally visits Georgette-owned Farm to feed his former adversaries bananas who have since been reduced to slobbering imbeciles. Like Babo the Mountain Gorilla and Gordo the Purple Gorilla Hubert dose not know his own massive physical strength, and when he accidently (albeit conveniently) stops The MediEvil Dragons numerous schemes he grins sheepishly, before pummelling his Dragon enemies. Hubert is somewhat sensitive about his weight and when forced to take off his clothes he throws a temper tantrum. His favourite food is watermelons. Hubert may be a big baby but when upset or angered he will beat up almost any other predator regardless of how mean and intimidating they are🦆🍉🥥🍌🍍🏝️
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placentafluid · 12 days
Nnnnno… I don’t teel dylan obrien teen wolf gifset on my dash in 2024. Thank you 🙏
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staliaqueen · 5 years
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bittersweet | 05
pairing: stiles stilinski x oc a/n: this will be the last part from season 1. I know there’s a lot of long time-jumps, but bear with me. season 2 is going to be a bit more structured.  wordcount: 1214 warnings: none? mentions of rejection I guess. I don’t even think it’s worth putting in the warnings but oh well. 
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I was sitting on one of the chairs in the school gymnasium that had temporarily been transformed for the Winter Formal - and then Valerie Thomas sat down in the chair next to me.
“Don’t you hate me?” I asked, too confused about her choice of seat to stop myself.
She nodded. “Oh, I very much do.”
“Why are you talking to me then?”
“Because,” she said, “even though I absolutely despise your company, I’m too intrigued to resist asking. How in the world did Stiles Stilinski convince Lydia Martin to go to the Winter Formal with him? Depending on the answer you might actually win some of my respect.” 
I sighed. “I didn’t. Allison made her go with me to make up for the fact that she made out with Scott.”
Valerie snorted. “Wow. She’s going with you as a punishment? I’m losing respect for you, not gaining any.”
“You’re losing respect for me?” I asked, turning towards her. “I didn’t think you had any to begin with.”
“No. You’re right, I didn’t. It’s just going into the negative numbers now.” She smirked before taking a sip of her punch.
"So...” she started, breaking the awkward silence that had followed. “Where is she now?”
I sighed again, looking down at my hands. “Looking for the person she was meant to go with.” I didn’t have to say who it was, Valerie knew. Heck, I knew that even if it seemed differently, Lydia and Jackson had real, deep feelings for each other.
“Figures,” she said.
The silence returned.
“Do you have a date?” I asked before I could stop myself. I thought she was going to respond with some witty comeback, or punch me in the face, but she just shook her head.
“No. I don’t. Why are you asking?”
“Well...” I looked over at her. She was wearing a short black dress with bell-sleeves. Her hair was curled and she was wearing dark red lipstick, purple eyeshadow that matched the purple in her hair, and winged eyeliner. Her heels were tall enough so that she’d probably be taller than me if she stood up, which was weird to imagine. I’d never seen her this dressed up before. “This doesn’t really seem like your scene,” I said.
She nodded. “Yeah, you’re right about that.”
“So why are you here then? I mean, if you don’t have a date.”
She shrugged. “I don’t know. My dad thought it would be a good idea. I guess I hoped the music would be good. But unsurprisingly, it sucks,” she said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. The gesture made me furrow my brows in thought.
Now, Valerie and I may not be very good friends, (or friends at all), but I’ve known her for long enough to be able to tell when she was lying - and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear was her tell.
I had no idea why she was lying, or what of what she said that was a lie. I could call her out on it, but as I said, we weren’t friends. It’s none of my business if she lied or not, so I just decided to let it go.
“McCall! I see you!”
Coach’s screams snapped me out of my thoughts, and they seemed to catch Valerie’s attention as well. “Come here, buddy. Come here. McCall! Get out of my way! McCall!”
Scott ran past us, Coach still hot on his tail, screaming at him.
Then Coach seemed to struggle to get past a couple of dancing students, and Scott took his chance and stopped at the table Danny was sitting at. Scott urgently tried to tell him something, but Danny didn’t seem to understand what he wanted. Finally, Scott just gave up and dragged him up to the dance floor. Placing Danny’s hands on his waist and putting his arms around his neck.
“Is McCall really pretending that Danny is his date?” asked Valerie, a bit stunned. I lost her respect but it seemed like Scott was gaining it.
“It would seem so, yeah,” I said, smiling. I loved Scott, but he wasn’t always the smartest person, so I was proud to see him find a way out of this.
“Mccall! You’re not supposed to– what the hell are you do– what the hell are you doing?”
We didn’t seem to be the only ones who were watching them anymore. The chaos had drawn nearly everyone’s attention. They had all stopped dancing in favor of seeing what was going on.
Scott tightened his grip on Danny, furrowing his brows in confusion, (faking it this time). “Yes, coach?”
Realizing what it looked like to everyone watching, Coach started to shake his arms in dismissal. “Okay, ho, ho, ho, ha, ha. Hold on, you– I was just saying he’s not supposed to– I mean, I wasn’t saying that he shouldn’t– you guys don’t think.” Coach started making frantic noises. Trying to convince everyone that he’s not against the couple. “You don’t– I– I was– just dance, everybody. Just dance! Dance! It’s a party!” And he walked off. Scott immediately thanked Danny and went off to find Allison. When he did, she took his hand smiling, and they went up to the dance floor and started slow dancing.
“I didn’t know McCall had it in him,” said Valerie, still stunned.
“Me neither,” I admitted.
We sat there together in silence until the slow song ended, and a more upbeat one followed.
Valerie seemed to mumble something under her breath, before sighing and standing up. “Okay,” she said, “I know both of us don’t like each other, but we’re also both having a crappy time. So can we just make the best out of it, put this rivalry aside for one night and just dance?” she asked, reaching her hand out for me to take.
I was stunned, to say the least. If someone told me yesterday that Valerie Thomas would ask me to dance at the Winter Formal, I would’ve thought they were insane. But sitting here in the moment - I wanted to dance with her. The past few minutes had been the only ones since the beginning of 5th grade where Valerie hadn’t looked at me like I killed her grandma, and it was... nice.
I opened my mouth and closed it again, still unsure of how to say yes, when my eyes narrowed on something behind her back. It was Jackson. I could see him walking out of the hall, but something was off. I couldn’t describe what, but I had a really bad feeling. Then I saw Lydia walking out as well, following him.
I stood up. “Uh, yes- I would love to dance, but there’s just something I need to take care of first. I won’t be gone long, er- just wait here.”
Valerie sighed, but nodded and sat down again. I shoot her a quick apologetic smile before sprinting off towards the exit.
When I reached the door, I looked over my shoulder at Valerie one last time. She was sitting on the chair, drinking her punch, looking to be in a way worse mood than before. I felt a small pang in my chest - knowing it was my fault.
(not my gif)
taglist: @idontgiveahufflefuck64 @woyee
bittersweet taglist:  @stiles-o-dylan24 @theholydestiny @1967-chevy-impala-called-roscoe @cherry-sweet-cherry @kingidols-blog @xceafh @purple286 @bilesxbilinskixlahey @chipster-21 @profoundscissorshandsdiplomat
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bobfloydsbabe · 2 years
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Name: June Delaney Fic: Of Blood and Bones Love Interest: N/A (yet) Species: Human Occupation: Student Affiliations: McCall Pack Face Claim: Selena Gomez Status: Main, active
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Name: Emmeline 'Emmy' Walsh Fic: Of Blood and Bones Love Interest: Liam Dunbar Species: Unknown Occupation: Student Affiliations: McCall Pack Face Claim: Katherine McNamara Status: Main, active
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Name: Scarlett Lyon Fic: Hollow Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski Species: Werewolf (Beta) Occupation: Student Affiliations: McCall Pack Face Claim: Willa Holland Status: Main, active
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Name: Riley Harmon Fic: Dire Straits Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski Species: Seer Occupation: Student, receptionist Affiliations: McCall Pack, Dread Doctors Face Claim: Hailee Steinfeld Status: Main, abandoned
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dylanobemineforever · 6 years
Cry For Love - Stiles Stilinski
Series Masterlist
Part 1: Reunion
Author’s Note: Please tell me what you think, I really appreaciate feedback of any sorts, just sayin’!
Important! If I tag you in my fics, I expect you to interact with said fic in some way! Tagging is a lot of work and takes a lot of time and it has a purpose as to why I do it, therefore, if you lose interest in a story and want to be taken off a tag list that’s completely fine, just tell me! And if not, then at least give it a like?
Warnings: attempted sexual assault
Word Count: 4,6k
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The small bell above the door chimed, signalling that another costumer entered the bar. You swiped down the sticky surface of the counter, an unamused and solemn look on your face. This day was dragging by and it seemed like time stood still. You’ve only been at work for two hours, but it easily felt like ten. You sighed, rinsed the wash cloth in the sink and hung it up to let it dry. Then finally you shifted your attention to the man who was just about to sit down in front of you.
“What can I get you, sir?” You put on your best fake smile and your most upbeat voice. It sounded obnoxious to your ears, but the man didn’t seem to notice and flashed you a toothy smile in return. He was in his late thirties, it seemed, and you hadn’t seen him here before which was unusual given that the bar was mostly visited by locals and regulars.
“I’ll take a beer, sweetheart.” His voice was gruff and throaty. A smoker, you guessed.  
“Sure thing.” You turned around to grab a glass, feeling his stares on your back the whole time. When you turned around again to fill his glass with beer, he was licking his lips and ranking his eyes up and down your body without even trying to be subtle about it. A cold shudder washed down your spine and you wished for this day to finally be over for the hundredth time that day.
“Here you go.” You flashed him another smile and placed the beer in front of him. He only gave you a curt nod as a response, picked the glass up and brought it to his lips, never leaving you out of his sight though.
You tried to shrug it off, creeps like that were a common occurrence unfortunately. You couldn’t really do much but take a step aside and try to seem busy elsewhere. The bar was relatively empty, but it was still somewhat early so you still hoped that that would change soon. You needed it to be a little busier in order for time to hopefully rush by faster.
After half an hour you got your wish granted.  The bar was full and you and the other two girls had a hard time keeping glasses full and costumers happy. Your feet already aching and your head buzzed with an unwelcomed headache. This would be a long night…
You walked behind the counter to fill up another glass with beer as Mandy came up behind you, a mischievous grin playing around her lips as she suggestively wiggled her perfectly trimmed eyebrows.
“What now?” You groaned, already suspecting what that was going to be about.
She pushed you a bit to the side to fill up another glass herself. “Hot guy, third booth from the entrance. He’s been staring at you since the very moment he walked in.” Mandy looked up from the beer glass to let her eyes wander over the mass of people to lay her eyes on the mysterious stranger. “He’s still staring.”
You followed her gaze to the very spot she had described and indeed, a young man sat there and looked at you, a seemingly questioning look on his face, accompanied with a slight frown. As soon as he noticed that you had caught him staring, he looked the other way, brought his beer up to his lips and took a huge gulp by the looks of it.
“What are you waiting for?” Mandy playfully bumped her hip against yours.
“What do you want me to do? Just go over there and say ‘Hey, you’ve been staring at me all night, what’s your deal? Wanna make out?’” You shook your head, took the tray with all sorts of beverages on it up and mirrored Mandy’s disappointed look. “I’m not doing that. And besides, that isn’t even my section for today.”
“Oh c’mon, Y/N! When was the last time you’ve been on a date?” Mandy asked you as you walked away from her.
“I’m not doing it!” You shouted over your shoulder and hoped that she would drop the matter.  
Indeed, she hadn’t brought it up for the remainder of her shift, but now you were painfully aware of the other set of eyes following your every move. You briefly wondered why that guy hadn’t said anything yet or came over to you, but you dropped that thought as soon as it came up. It wouldn’t change anything for you, given that you still weren’t in the right headspace to even get into something intimate with anyone. For the remaining night, you forced yourself to blend out everything that wasn’t work related. To your surprise, it actually worked.
The cigarette smoke hit your nostrils before you even opened the back door completely. You pushed it open with your hip but didn’t bother to close it. You noticed a dark figure leaning against the brick wall of the building, smoking a cigarette. The court yard wasn’t lit; therefore, you couldn’t make out who it was, nor did you really care. You walked over to the big trash bins and tossed the two garbage bags in one of them, wiping your hands on your jeans right after.
When you turned around though, someone was blocking your path. You hadn’t heard him sneaking up on you. Now that this guy was standing closer to you, you noticed that it was the same guy who had creeped you out all night. A crazed fire seemed to be burning in his eyes and a drunken smile played around the edges of his lips.
You took a step in his direction, hoping that he would get the hint and would move out of your way. He didn’t though. Neither did he say anything, he just kept on staring.
For a moment you thought about just calling someone to help you with the trash or something, but then you remembered that everyone already left. It was just him and you now and you briefly wondered if he had planned this all along. Goosebumps arose across your skin.
You wanted to ask him to move out of your way, but that was when he grabbed your left arm forcefully and yanked you flush against his body. You tried to struggle against him, wiggled in his arms helplessly and clawed at anything that you could find. A scream erupted through the night – your scream. Tears built up in your eyes, blurring your vision.
The next thing you felt was a fist forcefully connecting with your nose and you could already taste the blood on your tongue.
You tried to beg, plead with him to let you go when he was about to rip your blouse open, when suddenly you saw someone running in your direction.
Everything after that was a blur. All you really remembered was that the stranger ripped you out of the man’s hold and, in the process, you fell to the ground and hit your head on the pavement. When you opened your eyes again, groaning against the pain that shot through your skull, the creep laid passed out on the ground a few feet away from you.
In your peripheral vision a hand appeared and you gratefully took it. Standing back on your feet, a new gush of blood oozed out of your nose and you had to clutch it with both hands, trying to hold the blood back somehow.
“Are you okay?” That voice. You’d recognize that voice anywhere.
Suddenly it felt like the world stopped spinning. Your blood froze in its veins and you were scared to look up from the ground where a few drops of blood had landed.
“Hey? Are you okay?” He asked again, placing a gentle hand on your back. You shrugged it off immediately and stood up straight, looking directly in his eyes… You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. Did you hit your head so hard that you were hallucinating?
“Stiles?!” You were blinking rapidly, hands still clutched against your nose. “What the actual fuck?!”
“C’mon, I’ll drive you to the hospital.” He was holding out a hand for you to take, but you just glared at him angrily.
“I don’t need to go to a fucking hospital! Let alone with you!” You pushed him out of your way and got back inside, walking towards the restrooms. You pushed the door open with your foot and locked it behind you. You didn’t want him following you in. Quickly you rinsed the blood off your hands in the sink, washed your face and stuffed some tissues into your nostrils to keep the bleeding at bay.
A faint knock on the door. “Go away!” Your grip on the white porcelain of the sink tightened to a point where your knuckles turned white. What the hell was he doing here? Why was he back now? What did he want?
“I’m not leaving until I know you’re okay!” His voice was raspier than you remembered, but it was definitely his voice. You were still feeling as if you were dreaming. This couldn’t be real. “I called the cops, so they can take care of that son of a bitch, but I’m sure they want your statement too.” You heard him sigh. “Would you please come out? Or let me in?”
“Could you just fucking leave?” Your voice was trembling. What the fuck was happening? Why now? After all those years? Why was he back now? “You know? Like you do so well?” The comment was definitely meant to hurt him. To show him that you were having none of the shit that was happening right now. That you didn’t want him here… or would ever want him near you again. He ruined everything. You couldn’t believe that he would just show up like that after everything that he had done. What a fucking asshole!
“I’m sorry, Y/N! For everything… but could you please come out and we can talk about this?” He tried the door handle, but just like he had suspected it was locked. He exhaled again. “Please.”
“I don’t have anything to say to you.” You hissed through gritted teeth and you had a hard time restraining yourself from punching the mirror on the wall to give your anger way.
Suddenly you heard sirens from outside and for a quick second you thought about jumping out of a window and running away, only because that meant that you didn’t have to face Stiles.
Stiles was rambling on the other side of the door, but you blended it out, not interested in the excuses he had to tell. Instead you unlocked the door without another word and walked straight past him, ignoring him with every cell in your body. It truly sickened you to be this close to him, to breath the same air as him and smell his cologne that he hasn’t changed over all this time… His presence felt too familiar and you hated it, because everything had changed and it wasn’t supposed to feel this way.
As you walked back to the front of the bar, Stiles silently following you, two cops and two paramedics were waiting for you, along with the creep who was laying on the floor unconscious. Stiles must’ve dragged him there to keep an eye on him.
The officers and paramedics greeted you and asked for an ID from either one of you. The both of you handed them over and the officers scrambled something down, then handed them back.
“Okay, Ms. Y/L/N, could you please tell us what happened?” Out of the corner of your eyes you could see the paramedics working on the guy as he came back to consciousness. A shudder ran down your spine at the thought of what might have happened if it wasn’t for Stiles.
“Uhm, yeah, sure, of course…” You bit your lower lip and tried to recall everything that had happened since the moment he walked in. Instantly a wash of disgust filled your body and your headache got a million times worse. Stiles must’ve noticed that something was wrong and grabbed a chair for you to sit on.
“I think, she might need medical attention too. She hit her head pretty hard.” Stiles remarked and the officer nodded, but you just shook your head.
“I’m fine. Just a little dizzy, is all.” You tried to play it down, but the two officers gave you a questioning look.
“Well, it might not be a bad idea then to run a few check ups, just to make sure that you don’t have a concussion.” One of them said. In all honesty you didn’t have the chance to fight either of them and simply nodded, so you could get this over with and be ‘home’ as soon as possible.
You nodded, signalling that you were agreeing with them and then you finally started telling what had happened earlier. You started with how the man, whose name you still didn’t know, looked at you as soon as he walked through the entrance. Then you recounted how you were about to take the trash out when someone grabbed you from behind and then how Stiles knocked him out cold.
One officer was taking notes while you talked, the other nodded sympathetically.
“And you two know each other?” The one taking the notes asked, pointing his pen to each of you.
“No.” You immediately blurted out.
“Yes.” Stiles said simultaneously and just with as much confidence as you. You looked over your shoulder and glared at him.
“What now? Yes or no?”
You exhaled, not bothered to hide your annoyance in the slightest. “We used to know each other well… Now not so much.” You shrugged. “Guess it’s complicated.”
“For now, this is all the information that we need, Ms. Y/L/N and Mrs. Stilinski. We’ll take the guy to the station, so he can sober up and you can come in tomorrow morning to press charges.”
You shook your head and immediately everyone’s attention was centered on you. “I don’t wanna press charges.”
“What?!” Stiles was baffled to say the least. “What do you mean you don’t wanna press charges? He tried to rape you, for God’s sake! How can you not want to press charges?!” He was flailing his arms around aimlessly and a sad wave of nostalgia hit you out of nowhere. Good to know that he hadn’t changed completely.
“I mean… I don’t wanna press charges.” Your voice was clear and concise with every word.
Stiles opened his mouth again to argue with you, but you cut him off straight away. “It’s none of your business anyway, so just shut the hell up, okay?” You turned to the officers who where following your conversation with confused expressions on their faces. “Thanks for your help, officers.”
“If you change your mind, you can still come by tomorrow.”
“I’ll think about it. Thank you.”
Both of them gave your curt nod, turned around and took the guy with them. He swayed between them and one of the officers had to grab his arm in order to prevent him from falling over.
You could feel Stiles’ lingering gaze on the back of your head as he waved over one of the paramedics. Again, you wanted to argue, ask him why he thought this was any of his damn business when it was apparent that he was unwanted here, that you didn’t want him here. The only reason why you didn’t immediately push him away was that you thought your skull might stood a chance to explode with the enormous headache that overpowered you.
The paramedic went to work, without saying much, which you were grateful for. It had to be around four in the morning and it was obvious that he just wanted to leave and go home.
“You have a mild concussion. I suggest that you stay at your boyfriend’s place tonight… You shouldn’t be alone, in case you start vomiting or get naseaus.” Ralph, which was his name, nodded over to Stiles and you could already feel the bile rising up, he probably hadn’t heard the already awkward enough conversation you had had with the cops.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You awkwardly laughed as Stiles came closer again, guessing that Ralph was done checking you up. “Just a stranger who was here at the right time.”
Ralph rose an eyebrow at you but didn’t question anything. This wasn’t his place and frankly he didn’t care much. “Well, anyways, you shouldn’t stay alone for the remainder of the night.”
Stiles who didn’t hear the previous conversation immediately chimed in. “You can stay at my place. I really don’t mind.” Fucker. As if this whole thing wasn’t awkward enough already.
“I’d rather not. Thanks.” You got up from where you were sitting, thanked Ralph and walked over to the counter, hearing the bell chime as Ralph went out the door and left you alone with someone you once knew like the back of your hand. Now, you felt like you were looking at a stranger’s face, someone you didn’t recognize.
He still had the same honey brown eyes and you would recognize these moles anywhere. His contagious smile seemed to be just like you remembered and you couldn’t deny that the moment you saw him all you wanted was to jump into his arms and never let him go again. It was so easy to forget about all the shit that he had done, just by looking at him. He was everything you always wanted to have and some.
His presence felt odd though, familiar in a way that he still smelled the same, but odd in a way that he didn’t feel the same way anymore. It didn’t feel right to have him this close again, especially because you thought that you would never ever see him again… Maybe it wasn’t his fault though, that his presence sort of frightened you… Maybe it was yours. A lot happened since he had left. Your life had been turned upside down… and not for the better. Maybe you were ashamed. Maybe you felt vulnerable, because he could see what you’ve become and it would be obvious that you were never good enough. You felt like you failed him and you didn’t even know why. Why did you still care so much about someone who obviously couldn’t care less about you?
You reached over the counter to grab your bag and took out two aspirin pills. Then you grabbed a clean class and poured yourself a glass of whiskey.
“What the hell are you doing?” Stiles was immediately by your side and it felt like that with every word he muttered, your headache only intensified.
“What does it look like, Sherlock?” You took the pills and swallowed them with a huge gulp of whiskey.
“Like a mistake.”
“Ah, yes, I forgot, I’m sorry. You’re the expert of mistakes, so you should know best.” You downed the rest of your whiskey and reached out for the bottle a second time, but Stiles grabbed your wrist before your hand even touched the cool glass of the bottle. You glared at him angrily. “Why are you still here?” You whined and yanked your arm back and out of his grip. Exhaustion set in and the reality of what had nearly happened earlier finally sank in. You were tired and everything you wanted to do was cry.
“You really think I’d leave you alone like this? After what happened?” He sounded genuinely hurt.
“Seriously?” You swiveled around, so that you were finally facing him. It was the closest that you’ve been to him all evening. He was taller than you remembered and his cheeks were covered with stubble. He’s always been handsome in your eyes, but now he looked even more handsome and you mentally scolded yourself for even thinking that. “You have a reputation of leaving me alone when I need you, so yeah… I’m surprised that you’re still here!”
“I’m sorry, Y/N… I really am.”
“I don’t care!” You snapped. Something within you exploded and you couldn’t help but scream at him. You had never gotten the chance to. The moment he left, he cut all ties to you. You had no idea where in the world he was, he had gotten a new phone number and when you tried to scream him out via email you never got a single response back, so you couldn’t even be sure that he ever saw your massages at all. “I don’t fucking care if you’re sorry or not! I don’t want any of your lame apologies!” Stiles took a step back. He knew that he had hurt you beyond repair, but actually seeing you this broken before him was too much for him to handle. He never wanted it to end that way. He really didn’t.
Stiles opened his mouth to say something, but no words were coming out. Everything he wanted to say felt stupid or irrelevant. There really wasn’t much that he could do to make up for what he did… but he wanted to try.
“I know I messed up, Y/N. There is no apology in the world that could ever tell you how sorry I am…”
“I really think that you shouldn’t be alone tonight.”
You crossed your arms in front of your chest and raised your eyebrows as if he had just told you a bad joke. “And now you care?”
“I’ve always cared about you…”
You huffed and shook your head to show him how redicioulus this whole thing was to you. Who did he think he was? Showing up here seven years after he ditched you without a word? Without an explanation? And how could he expect that you would take him back with open arms again? How could he ever expect you to trust him again?
“If you could let me explain it…”
“Explain what? Why you left me like this? Without a word? Without telling me where you were going?” You cut him off, tried or hearing him talk. “I’ve waited seven years for an explanation, Stiles! Now… guess you’re too late, because I don’t care anymore!” You grabbed your purse and slung it over your shoulder, fishing for the keys and jiggling them in your hand. “If you don’t mind now… I wanna go home.”
Stiles followed you through the door and waited behind you as you locked it. You could tell that he was waiting to say something and you briefly wondered why he hadn’t already. From what you remembered he had never been someone to be quiet.
You sighed in annoyance. “What is it?” You didn’t even have to turn around to know that as soon as the question left your lips, he stood up straighter.
“Uh… it’s nothing. Nevermind.” He brushed it off, following silently after you still.
You came to a stop in front of your old and beat up car, keys in hand and ready to go… but Stiles didn’t make an attempt of turning the other way. Instead he stood there in front of you as if he wanted to grow roots there and then. He kicked a small stone with his foot and it skidded across the empty parking lot.
On the horizon you could already see traces of orange and red, meaning that the sun was about to rise.
“Please, just tell me what it is, so I can leave.” You nearly pleaded. Finally, Stiles looked up from the spot where the stone had come to a stop and his gaze landed on you. The warm light of the rising sun was directly shining down at him, accentuating his golden eyes and long black lashes.
“I don’t wanna leave you just yet…” He sounded almost timid, standing before you as if he was a middle schooler confessing that he had a crush on you. You didn’t say anything, waiting for him to continue. This whole situation seemed suspect and unreal to you. Of all the things that could’ve happened that day, Stiles Stilinski standing in front of you and telling you at the brink of dawn that he didn’t want to leave you just yet, was definitely the last thing you expected. There were still so many questions swirling around through your brain, but you didn’t even know if you wanted any of them answered. “I know that I hurt you, badly, but I’m back now and I’d like to get a chance of making up for the things and damage that I’ve caused.”
“It’s not that easy.” Somehow, he had managed to transform your anger at him into something else. You didn’t know what it was yet, all you knew was that you didn’t have the urge to wrap your hands around his neck and squeeze anymore. Unbelievable that he still had so much power over you after all those years of not talking.
“I know it’s not… And I’m not asking you to forgive me…”
“Then what are you asking?” You really didn’t know where he was going with this. You still believed that you’d wake up any second and would realize that it was just a dream… You had these types of dreams a lot in the past.
“I don’t know honestly…” He scratched the back of his neck. “How about a second chance?”
You looked down at your feet and kicked a rock, just like he had done before. Maybe it was because you were tired, maybe you just felt thankful for what he had done earlier or maybe you actually wanted this… you didn’t quite know, but eventually you just thought ‘fuck it’ and looked up again. His eyes looked hopeful. “Okay, yeah, fine… whatever.” A huge smile spread across his face, showing off his dimples. Automatically, you mirrored his look. Damn those huge brown puppy eyes! Who wouldn’t fall for that? “But where do we start?”
“How about I give you my number and you can call me if you’re free and willing to do something together.” You nodded, still a bit sceptical about all of this. The offer that he would give you his number though, took some of that scepticism away. He wanted to move forward at a pace that you were comfortable with and that was actually really thoughtful.
You fished in your purse and got your phone, then you handed it over to him. His long slim fingers tipped away on the keyboard and it wasn’t long before he handed it back to you.
“I’ll call you.” You smiled, a little forced maybe, but you did… still this was your way of telling him that you wanted to continue this conversation another time and finally go home. He got the hint, thanked you for giving him another chance, wished you a good night… or day, whatever and then left.
You got into your car and drove off… though you ended up not heading in the direction to your apartment. As soon as you had started the engine you knew that it would be a little longer till you could crawl up under your sheets and pass out. There was something you needed to do first.
The drive wasn’t long and soon you pulled into an empty parking spot. A heavy sigh left your lips before you opened the car door and the still chilly breeze of a summer morning hit your skin.
You closed your eyes briefly, enjoying the nevertheless already warm sunrays on your face and a small smile played around the edges of your mouth. Something that hadn’t been possible for a long time… especially given where you were right now.
You locked your car and walked over to the with ivy wounded iron gate and passed the all too familiar sign right next to it which read: cemetery.
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Tags: @sleeplessnights-wonderfuldreams @mischiefandi @teamwolf2411 @deserve-to-be-saved @voidkitsune24 @xxxxdelenaxxxx
Forever: @koizorahana @eddies-gazebos @colette2537 @rissyrapp20 @evanesdust @wckdvoid @nogethelp @christopher-kreidopher  @whiteeteethteen  @funkenniffler @officialalls @bojabee @7e6205 @thegirlalmighty01 @inkythingsx @jadalecki-jackles @behind-my-hazeleyes27 @thesecretlifeofmeinmyhead @abbiefangirls247 @babyxgirlxb @oliviaashlyn @dafine18  @erickapug @16wiishes
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astraljedi · 7 years
Too Good At Goodbyes (Theo Raeken Imagine)
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Summary: A complicated relationship with Theo
Warnings: Some sad and messed up relationship
A/n: It’s pretty short, I just had this rush of emotions and words. so I decided to write it down.
The rain drummed against the windows as the clear night sky had shifted to a sudden thunderstorm. She didn’t plan to let him in, but there he was; completely exposed under her soft midnight blue bed covers. Y/N brought her knees up to her chest, biting down on her lower lip as she watched his chest rise up and down calmly. Sitting across the room on her small white love seat, she thought on how toxic he was.
He was the venom that intoxicated her blood, the one that pushed her buttons the most. But after all, he was the one she loved. He didn't have a place of his own, so they basically lived together for the most part. When they weren't arguing his things would be tuck away in his drawers; but if they were in a huge fight, majority of his things would be thrown on the floor since he packed up what he could before storming out.
"I loved you." She mumbled, pressing her soft lips against his warm cheek. He muffled something to the pillow, but he didn't even move a muscle. He didn't know she was leaving.
Now, her drawers were empty. Her clothes, shoes and belongings were packed away in her old buggy. She was familiar with the feeling of leaving something behind, it wasn't her first time pushing herself away from people before they hurt her. She saved herself from a heartbreak before it could happen.
He was messed up and she tried to fix him, but it couldn't be done.
His anger towards her, his urge to retaliate on her instead of those who hurt him in the first place. He was releasing all his fury on her, when all she did was love and care for him. All of the sudden, everything became numb for her. Her love, the hurt and the suffering wasn't there anymore; at least she couldn't feel it stabbing in her heart anymore.
The morning was grey, the birds weren't singing and the few droplets falling from what the rain had left was all what could be seen and heard. Theo stretched his arms across the bed, looking for a heated body but all he met with was the abandoned cold side of her bed. Sitting up, he looked around the bedroom and everything of her was gone. Her scent and her presence wasn't there anymore.
He knew time was coming where she decided to leave him. Leave his miserable, unlovable and selfless persona behind and move on to a better life. But, he didn't expect it to hit him that hard.
His eyes swelled up with tears as he rested his elbows on his knees, his faced hidden away in his palms. He had her and he didn't fight for her enough to make her stay. He had her voice, he wanted to tell her how much he loved her but he took her for granted.
She was nowhere to be found; she was a ghost now…
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mxgicthot · 2 years
Tanaka Sachie
My mc for the visual novel 'Tri city monsters'
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Art by : @/b00ket
Name : Sachie
Pronouns : She/they
Gender : Female
Age : 27
MBTI type : ENFP
Main Love interest : Mori
Birthday : 10 December
Chinese zodiac : Horse
Western zodiac :
Sun : Sagittarius
Moon : Aquarius
Rising : Pisces
Food : Okonomiyaki
Drink : iced coffee
Flower : Hydrangea
Colour : Teel
Most likely to : Win a contest
Height : 5'0ft (152 cm)
Physique : athletic /slim thick (100-120 llbs)
Eye colour : Brown
Hair : heavily layered shoulder length black hair in a wolf cut. She often wears her hair up in two messy space buns or leaves it loose.
Ethnicity : Japanese
Accessories : She doesn't wear much accessories, except the occasional choker necklace.
Piercings : multiple ear piercings, helix on her left ear, labret, nipples and tongue piercing
Tattoos : irezumi style full back and sleeves.
Fashion sense/style : a mix of Yankii and skatepunk
Sachie akin to a friendly cat - very easy-going, curious, playful and incredibly fun to tease because she gets all sulky. Also probably tried out every pastime activity at some point out of curiosity, interest and/or boredom.
She has a spontaneous creativity that flows forth without any seeming effort. Outgoing, witty, and flirtatious, Sachie may seem irresponsible, but she cares about her friends and will go to any lengths to help them – even if it means risking her life.
Any form of art
Unquie people
Body mods
Bubblegum ice-cream
Street food
High energy music
being tied down to a lot of rules, structures, or guidelines
Judgemental /closed-minded people
Blood type : B
Positive personality traits: Curious, strong, relaxed, creative, adventurous, passionate, cheerful, active and outgoing.
Negative personality traits: Wild, erratic, selfish, unforgiving, uncooperative, irresponsible and unpredictable.
Occupation : Freelance artist and candid photographer.
Hidden talents
Can play the violin
She's also a really good dancer, and has her own studio for kids
Random facts
Sachie doesn't like hard alcohol, she prefers to drink energy drinks at parties instead.
She is left handed
Swears like a sailor
A flirt, generally pleasant to be around, and tends to use endearments for everyone - babe, love, darling, etc
She's actually a decent cook, but is too lazy.
Always carries her camera with her at all times.
Loves learning about mythology and history and often states random historical facts.
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stairnaheireann · 2 years
#OTD in 1798 – United Irishman, Bartholomew Teeling, is hanged in Dublin.
#OTD in 1798 – United Irishman, Bartholomew Teeling, is hanged in Dublin.
Captain Bartholomew Teeling was born in 1774 in Lisburn, Co Antrim. He was a leader of the Irish forces during the Irish Rebellion of 1798 and carried out an act of bravery during the Battle of Collooney. Following his capture at the Battle of Ballinamuck where an Irish-French army under General Humbert was defeated by the British, Teeling was tried by court-martial at the Royal Barracks, Dublin,…
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werewolfetone · 1 year
What the fuck compelled the Defenders to put a sixteen year old in charge honestly. and possibly a bigger question is what the fuck compelled Wolfe Tone to just accept this without question
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morkofday · 2 years
🦄💮Ooooooooor 🌼🐼you can talk a bit more about.....
V. bloodplay. feral xiaoge AU
my sweetest loveliest jae ♥ but of course!
tbh i never tire of talking about my feral xiaoge. the flash of his. wolf eyes?? beast eyes??? in tlt2 are just stuck in my mind forever and that is why this fic exists. i wanted to explore his virus and what it does to him bc it seemed to a) affect his memory and b) make him somewhat feral. he is killing all those animals without any goal! he has that random hut full of captured and dead animals or something like that?? it was fascinating. (and my xiaoge does play with dead animals like a wolf pup playing with its pray so)
so the gist is kind of just... xiaoge first figuring out that he obviously lost his memory but that something animalistic was also let loose within him at the same time. then he meets wu xie, almost shoots him, and realizes that he could never do it which leaves him with questions. and then the beast within him gets interested in wu xie bc of this, bc it figures xiaoge out quicker than he does. it keeps wanting to kill ppl around it, keeps thirsting for blood and the feeling of something living dying beneath its hands, and it wants that for wu xie too at first but xiaoge refuses. not wu xie, he teels the beast and the beast gets it. then it starts thinking about other things they could do to this boy and xiaoge is very, very confused.
then the iron triangle kind of reunites (and this also involves xiaoge attacking pangzi and then absolutely despising a-ning bc the xiaoge can remember what a-ning did to wu xie and the beast takes that as permission to slaughter this lady) and they join chen pi ah si's expedition (and the beast remembers this old man, remembers how he stuffed them into a basket and used them as blood zombie bait even if xiaoge doesn't remember this at all). xiaoge follows wu xie bc there's no universe where he wouldn't follow this boy to the changbai mountain. bc he can feel the call of the mountain and he knows he should keep wu xie away from there. that mountain is hungry and it should not eat wu xie.
and then uuh. i only have plans until the end of tlt2 where the cave collapses. bc i wanted that to separate pingxie from the rest of the team. and wu xie is probably hurt and xiaoge takes care of him and it's just. kind of a struggle. bc the smell of wu xie's blood does something to the beast who already has dreams of killing wu xie in several very brutal ways. but then it mixes up with xiaoge's feelings for wu xie and the beast kind of... wants the other things now too. why not somehow mix both, pain and pleasure? blood can be many things, the beast whispers into xiaoge's ear and it's hard to shut it down when wu xie is right there, pretty and vulnerable. and xiaoge fears for wu xie so much bc his beast is so strong compared to his self restraint and. anything could happen, anything could go wrong. (and then i haven't dared to think any further but i keep thinking about xiaoge biting to wu xie's neck like that some way of him owning wu xie hhhh)
oh and also, the bronze gate is the only way to "fix" xiaoge's situation with the beast and get rid of the virus that let the beast loose within him. so he goes there to do that (steps through the gate to calm down so to speak. which is also for wu xie in the end bc this way wu xie is safe). but he comes back quicker than in canon bc i want him to return to wu xie and tell him about it and them to sort out whatever happened in the cave. i want xiaoge to show wu xie he is ok. and then i want xioage to take wu xie the hell away from that horrible gate and mountain. (how does wu xie's canon story and his wish to find his uncle fit into all of this? i have no idea and i don't really care jshfkds)
so that's about it :'D thank you for asking ♥
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likeagain · 3 years
list of npcs .. some have info, some do not ..  if you wanna maybe play any poke me?
nathan barkley / little sister who gets turned into a vampire for their dad, gets killed shortly after by their dad -  fc unknown / no ideas.
paxton halloway / ex girlfriend, he was serious in life and she wasn’t ready to be. parted way, could reunite flames  -  fc : tristin mays and i love you forever.
daisy perkins / step brother - max lahey, the only person whose ever really cared about her, still close to this day. - fc : nick robinson
arabella cage / rival ballerina - honestly just sexual / gay tension  .. they have dated in my head before .. - fc : samantha logan / up to you.
thomas green / ex girlfriend, honestly just bitch on wheels. very toxic, was a bad relationship. she  has grown and has changed as person, but they still don’t get a long. - fc : no idea .
kira  fowler / ANY OF THE OTHER POWER RANGERS THAT DIED !! (besides blue/yellow) - fcs : up to you. [[i can ramble mine and my friend’s lore to you.]
lizzy mercer (jatp based but an oc ) / her ex husband, they have two kids together and the split was amicable / still best friends. fcs : younger ray nicholson / older unsure / doesnt have to be this.
canon muses / probably canon muses who dont have a lot of info so npc time
teel johnson / face 2 face / college boyfriend, close geniunely has to be okay with the fact his best friend madison always comes first . havent decided if they stay together or not past college. fc : connor jessup for irony . 
cassie mcclure / the order / BEST FRIEND !! WHO MOURNED HER !! BUT ALSO HAS TO DEAL WITH FINDING OUT SHE’S ALIVE !! AND A WOLF !! fc : up to you.
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vinylfromthevault · 4 years
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Boss Hog “Cold Hands” released 30 years ago today, November 16th, 1990. Amphetamine Reptile Records. Produced by Steve Albini. Punk blues/noise rock, Cold Hands is Boss Hog’s was the band’s first full length release (their EP Drinkin', Lechin' & Lyin' came out in ‘89, also produced by Albini) with their original line-up: über-cool couple Jon Spencer and Cristina Martinez, along with noise rock notables - Kurt Wolf (guitar, also in Spencer’s band Pussy Galore), Charlie Ondras (drums, also in noise rockers Unsane; he died in ‘92) and Jerry Teel (guitar, also in Honeymoon Killers), and joined by new addition Pete Shore (bass, guitar). It’s loud, crazy, noisy, crazed and awesome. My top tracks are the opener “Gerard,” the malevolent “Eddy,” the industrial-noise “Red Bull,” the growling slink of “Go Wrong” and “Pop Catastrophe.” “Pop Catastrophe” is particularly great because its title spawned the name for Jon Spencer Blues Explosion’s archivist’s webpage: http://www.pop-catastrophe.co.uk.
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