#dylan o’brien angst
freedomfireflies · 1 year
One of Those Days* | Mitch Rapp
Summary: Mitch has returned home from a mission to find that you need a little extra love.
And who is he to deny you?
Word Count: 1.3k
Dedicated to @finelinesss 💞
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“Look at me. Look at me.”
Your eyelashes warily flutter open, head falling back against Mitch’s shoulder so you can see him in the reflection.
“That’s it,” he seethes, strong arm tightening around your middle. “Such a good little whore when you wanna be, hm?”
You shiver in his embrace, enamored by the way he speaks to you. The rough edge to his voice. The low, salacious purr as his dark beard brushes your cheek. The way his long fingers toy with your clit as he fucks into you from behind.
You nod to answer his question, knowing how much he hates to be left waiting.
The corner of his mouth dances with the idea of smirking but when his eyes find yours, you watch his expression darken.
At first, you’re unsure why, until you remember what led you to this moment in the first place.
Mitch had returned home from a mission to find you in bed, curled up into a ball, clinging onto one of his shirts as you tried not to cry.
After making his way to your side, he attempted to find out what was wrong. But you didn’t really know. You were just…sad. Pulled down by the weight of your unexplainable grief. To the point where it felt like you couldn’t even breathe.
Maybe it was because you missed him. Maybe it was because you knew he’d be leaving you again not even eight hours after returning home. Maybe it was because all you wanted to do…was have him hold you.
Either way, seeing the concern in his eyes as he crouched down in front of you nearly tipped you over.
But Mitch had made himself more than familiar with you and these bouts of sadness.
And he’d learned only one thing can really help:
A good, hard fucking.
He’d kissed you with so much fervor that it forced your breath to hitch, helping ease the panic in your chest. And you wanted to thank him, but he didn’t want to hear it. He only wanted to hear your soft, needy whimpers of pleasure.
Minutes later, he had you stripped and pressed against the wall as he got down onto his knees to taste you. Of course, it wouldn’t be an afternoon with Mitch if he didn’t edge you a few times first. He kept you there for what felt like hours. Yanking you to the edge of release only to abandon you moments before you fell. It was cruel, and painful…and everything.
And once he was sure these were different tears streaming down your face, he felt satisfied.
Next, he took hold of your wrist and flung you around until your cheek met the wallpaper and his large palm met your ass.
The sharp sound echoed around the room as you groaned and tried not to squirm back into his touch.
“That’s for not telling me how much you needed me,” he hissed, teeth grazing the outer shell of your ear. Then, another spank. “And that’s for being my good little slut.”
He didn’t stop until you finally came. And just when you thought he was through…he led you over to the full-length mirror.
Which is where you’ve been for the past twenty minutes. Mitch’s stamina has always been rather impressive and today is no exception. You already know he’s holding off just so he can keep playing with you. Distracting you. Giving you enough marks and bruises to remind you of him while he’s gone.
Not that you’d really need them to remember him.
“How’s it feel, hm?” he asks, and you let your eyes trail down the veins in his arms as he continues thrusting into you. It makes you smile. “S’this what you wanted? Wanted to be thrown around and abused?”
Again, you nod, unable to answer verbally. Especially not now that his hand has found your throat to give it a good squeeze. 
“I know, baby.” He sounds proud of you. Proud of the way you’re behaving for him, even when this is all about you. “Such a good fucking girl for me. Always. Always so fucking good. Make Daddy so proud, don’t you?”
The nickname makes you gasp as your lashes begin to flutter, overwhelmed by the need for him and the pressure to your neck. 
You know he did it on purpose. Can see the smugness on his face as he reaches up to brush his thumb down your lip.
The droplets of blood that had begun to collect from a previous kiss smear across his finger and your chin as he drags it down…before bringing it to his own mouth.
You watch him suck your blood off his finger. Indulge in the way he groans, and at the way he presses his chest into your back as if to consume you.
That’s what does it for you. Staring at him, and loving him, and feeling him. You come and he’s a half-second behind. Filling you up as your knees just about give out from beneath you.
And you love the sounds he makes. Love the way he groans deeply before burying his face in your neck. As he tries to kiss you through it but can’t quite find the strength to do so as it sweeps him under.
You feel proud of the way you can make him come undone. Feel proud of how easily he loses his self-control for you. How willing he is to wrap himself around your finger.
Missing him breaks your heart.
But having him…makes it all worth it.
When he finally drops his hand from your throat, you move to speak. To thank him or whisper his name, but his head is already shaking.
“No,” he murmurs, turning you around to kiss you before dragging you back to the bed. “None of that. Just gonna hold you, okay?”
“Mitch—” you begin with a teasing smile, but his firm expression remains put.
“I mean it,” he repeats, almost as if to warn you. “Want you to be a good girl and come lay in my arms, okay?” 
And you smirk as you allow him to guide you down onto the mattress. His strong arms quickly encircling around your frame as he pulls you into his chest. Your face meets his slightly sweaty skin as you giggle, and he buries his lips into your forehead. 
You breathe him in for a good minute or two as he rubs his palms up and down your spin. Helping to bring you back to this moment. Even though your brain is trying to take you to the next one.
“Mitch?” you whisper, eyes falling shut as you press your mouth to his sternum, feeling the way his heart thumps against your touch. 
“Yes, baby?”
A beat.
“I love you.”
He’s still for a moment before he’s somehow tugging you closer and tangling his legs with yours.
“I love you,” he repeats back, that confident voice of his now a broken rasp. “So fucking much. Hate leaving you like this.”
“I know,” you tell him. “But you have to. I’d never want to get in the way of your job.”
“You are my job,” he tells you, with so much earnest vulnerability that it makes your head spin. “Being here with you is all I want to do. Fuck this other shit. I mean it. Just want to make you happy.”
You smile, head tilting back to see him. “You do. Always.”
He takes hold of your chin, a look of indecision on his face. Almost as if he doesn’t believe you. 
Then…he sighs, and presses his lips to yours. “Did so good for me, baby. So fucking proud of you.”
You flush at his praise, smiling as he trails his kisses down your cheek. “Always, Daddy.”
He grins. “How about I take you to dinner? Wanna just be with you before I have to go.”
The reminder makes your heart lurch but the promise of a meal with him by your side quickly distracts you. Even after everything, he’s still taking care of you.
“I’d like that,” you whisper, nuzzling your face into his palm.
He smiles. 
“That’s my girl.”
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~ Other Dylan Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
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ateotd-izzy · 5 months
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right where you left me - stiles stilinski x fem!reader
“did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?”
summary: you weren’t entirely sure you were ready to go on a date, considering your last was when your then boyfriend broke up with you. so imagine the surprise when you see him at the restaurant too.
“time went on for everybody else, she won’t know it”
notes: i feel like i write too many cute and happy fics on here so here’s a change of pace, sadness and angst.
“she’s still 23 inside her fantasy, how it was supposed to be”
you brushed the front of your dress as you exited your car. you could see the restaurant’s front door from the parking lot as you took deep breaths.
agreeing to meet up with a man you barely knew for a fancy dinner date was not something you had exactly expected when you moved to a new city, but it was happening.
a fresh start had been what you needed after everything that happened, but you still weren’t sure if a date with a work colleague was exactly the best idea.
you stepped into the restaurant, the building much warmer than the cold breeze that blew outdoors, and carefully fiddled with a few stray hairs until you were soon being escorted to the table where your date was sitting.
seeing you approach, he slowly stood up with a smile to greet you.
“hi,” you gave a small wave as a waiter pulled your chair out for you. you turned your head to look back at the waiter. “oh, thank you.”
you took your seat and your date, a young man named isaac, just wouldn’t stop smiling.
“what?” you asked, puzzled slightly as you scrunched your eyebrows.
“nothing. i’m just glad you’re here,” he looked down at the menu on the table in front of him, picking it up. “do you want to order?”
your eyes drifted around the restaurant as you answered. “yeah, sounds good.”
then your breath caught in your throat at the sight of a familiar face sitting at a table not too far away.
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“stiles, this place is fancy,” you chuckled as the two of you were seated. “this is not our usual kind of restaurant.”
stiles didn’t say anything. he just adjusted his tie and put on a smile.
you and stiles had been together for five years, having began dating back when you were 18. and you were positive the two of you were meant to be.
you looked down at the menu, where some of the meals you could order were things you had never even heard of.
you then looked back up at your boyfriend, who hadn’t taken his eyes off of the empty wine glasses sitting on the table before you.
“you’re unusually quiet,” you spoke and he seemed to snap back to reality, meeting your eyes. “you okay?”
“yeah, i’m okay,” stiles then picked up his menu and started looking at the drinks.
soon the two of you had glasses of red wine in front of you and were waiting for your food to arrive.
stiles was still acting a little strange, giving mostly short, curt answers to your questions and seemingly zoning out every so often.
“so, what’s with the fancy restaurant, stilinski?” you asked curiously, a part of you hoping that he was going to propose to you that night.
stiles shrugged a little. “i just thought a change of pace would be nice.”
you reached out and put your hand on top of his. “well i think it’s great. we should do this more often.”
“uh, yeah,” stiles cleared his throat. “um… about that-”
before he could start talking, a waiter appeared beside your table.
“your meals.” two plates were placed down before you.
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“so, what are you thinking about getting?” isaac asked you and you turned to look at him again, tearing your eyes away from the man just a few feet away.
“i’m not too sure,” you forced out a small, breathy laugh. “there’s a lot to chose from.”
“i’m thinking maybe steak,” isaac told you, still looking down at his menu, and your eyes flickered over to that other table again. “you can never go wrong with steak.”
“some of these pastas sound good,” you forced yourself to talk to isaac and not be distracted by him.
“oh, i love pasta,” isaac lowered his menu to look at you. “i can make great spaghetti and meatballs.”
you smiled and looked back to your menu when a waitress approached your table.
“hi,” she smiled brightly. “are the two of you ready to order anything? otherwise i can come back around.”
“oh, drinks would be great.” isaac nodded and turned his head to you. “uh, you good with red w-”
“i’ll just have water.” you cut in, before slinking back into your chair a little. “sorry. i don’t really drink wine.”
“oh, well, we have other drink options if you’d like,” the waitress spoke but you shook your head.
“no, thank you. water’s fine.”
“okay,” the waitress smiled after taking both your drink and food orders. “i’ll be back with your drinks in just a moment.”
“thank you,” isaac then looked back to you as the waitress headed in the direction of the kitchen. “oh, hey, did you hear about what happened with james yesterday?”
james was another coworker who isaac was friends with. you kept more to yourself and only really spoke with your best friend, kira.
“no, what happened?” you asked and isaac began to tell a story of some event the day before.
but you could keep your eyes on the man sitting in front of you, and instead kept looking at the man laughing with a red-haired woman just a few tables away.
looking so happy.
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as you began to eat, stiles pushed his steak around with his fork.
“are you sure you’re okay, babe?” you asked as you finished your food and wiped your mouth. “you’ve barely said anything all night.”
stiles didn’t reply, or even meet your eyes. you had started to worry something was wrong.
“um, not quite,” stiles lowered his fork, sitting it next to his plate of mostly untouched food. “it’s just…”
you crossed one leg over the other as you brought your glass of wine to your lips. the dim lights reflected off of stiles’ still full glass of wine as he struggled to find the right words.
“stiles?” you spoke and he lifted his eyes to meet yours again.
“i don’t think…” stiles took a deep breath. “y/n, i think we need to break up.”
the entire moment seemed to stop as your wine glass slipped from your hand and dropped onto the table.
the glass shattered and red stained the white cloth on the table. the sudden loud noise drew a silence from the room, a number of heads turning to look.
but you paid no notice, your eyes trained on stiles, who was now struggling to keep eye contact with you.
“what?” you had to choke the word out and the silence that followed was almost deafening.
“we need to break up.” he repeated quietly and that’s when the tears began to brim in your eyes.
you didn’t get it. it had been five years. you loved him more than anything and everything had been seeming fine. what the hell changed?
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“so, isaac, we barely know each other outside of work,” you started creating small talk after your food arrived. “what kind of stuff do you do for fun?”
“well, i like reading,” he told you. “books mostly, but i used to love reading, like, superhero comics when i was a kid, and i still do.”
“oh, i love comics too!” you smiled, but it quickly dropped when you heard his laugh from that table.
your head turned and you looked over again.
“something wrong?” isaac asked and you shook your head.
“no, no, don’t worry,” you waved it off and sipped your water. “so you like comics? what about movies?”
you did your best to keep the conversation going, and while some topics actually lasted a while, most conversations fizzled out after a short time.
it was like the two of you couldn’t really connect.
then you glanced back at stiles at his table.
what a coincidence that he would be here of all places. especially after you moved.
then you turned your focus to the woman with him. red-hair and a bright smile.
you could only really see the back of her head, just glimpses of her face when she would turn.
but as she pushed some of her hair back, it felt like a part of you died when something caught your eye.
your heart sunk in your chest at the sight of the shiny engagement ring on her finger.
it had only been two years since you and stiles broke up. two years. and yet she was the one with the ring.
you were with stiles for five whole years and as much as you wanted one, there was never a proposal.
“y/n, are you sure nothing’s bothering you?” isaac asked and that was the moment stiles noticed you.
he had been laughing at something his fiancé had said when his smile slowly dropped and his eyes connected with yours.
that solemn look on his face was enough to transport you back to that restaurant. but a part of you was always there.
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“why?” your voice asked softly as the tears threatened to spill.
the wine had began to drip down from the table and onto the carpeted floor beside you.
stiles didn’t say a word, which just started to make you angry.
“stiles, why?” your voice was wavering and stiles squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. he held his hands together in front of his mouth before sighing.
“i met this girl,” he started and you could physically feel your heart break in your chest, snapping into two.
“a different girl,” that’s when you started to cry, but you did your best to keep your voice as steady as possible. “did you cheat on me?”
“no! no, i would never,” stiles’ eyes went wide before his face sank. “i just… whenever i talk to her, ever since we first met, i get this feeling. and it…”
his voice trailed off.
“go on,” you sniffled, feeling the mascara run down your face.
“it was something i hadn’t felt with you in a while.”
you stared at him. you just sat and stared.
“and it’s not that i don’t… look, i love you, y/n,” stiles reached out to grab your hand, and you were too frozen to move. “but i don’t think i’m in love with you anymore.”
those words sent your entire world crashing down. all those plans and dreams you had felt like they were just fading away, the product of your heart being destroyed by the only person you had ever trusted with it.
after almost a minute of dead silence between not only the two of you, but majority of the restaurant, you managed to find your voice again.
“what’s her name?” you asked shakily. you didn’t want to know how they met, or when. you didn’t want to know how long it had been with him thinking about doing this. you just wanted a name.
“uh, her name’s lydia,” stiles mumbled and you forced a smile, your lips trembling.
“pretty name,” you nodded and looked down at the wine-stained tablecloth.
not a word was shared between the two of you until stiles inhaled deeply, slowly standing up.
then he went up to one of the waiters, paid the bill, and left you in the restaurant. alone.
eventually the restaurant fell back into its original chatter, though there were some whispers of “what a sad sight.”
your hands found their way to your face, your elbows sitting on the table as you cried.
you sat at that table until the restaurant closed.
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after dessert and then paying, you and isaac started leaving the restaurant.
“i had a nice time tonight,” you told him, holding your bag close to your body. “no matter how distracted i seemed.”
the two of you had stopped on the footpath outside the door, so it wasn’t hard to notice stiles and his fiancé as they left the restaurant too.
you froze again, staring at stiles and his unreadable expression on his face.
“um,” isaac looked from your face, then followed your gaze to see stiles. “i’ll call you tomorrow. goodnight, y/n.”
“bye, isaac.”
as isaac walked away you looked down at your shoes as stiles’ fiancé kissed him.
“hey, lyd, why don’t you go to the car,” he handed her the keys. “i’ll catch up in a minute.”
“no problem,” she smiled, kissing his cheek before walking away, her high heels clicking as she went.
there was a silence as you looked up to watch her.
“hey,” stiles spoke to you, taking a few steps so he was standing beside you. it had been so long since he was this close.
“hi,” you mumbled before sighing. “so that’s lydia.”
“yeah,” stiles nodded. “that’s her.”
“she’s pretty,” you said softly. “really pretty.”
“yeah, she is,” a faint smile ghosted on stiles’ lips and you looked down.
“are you in love with her?” you asked and there was a quiet moment on stiles’ end.
“yeah, i am,” he answered and it was like you were in that restaurant all over again, sitting beneath the dim lights and feeling your heart breaking in your chest.
all those emotions had come back a second time and realizing he would never be able to love you like that made you want to cry.
“congratulations, by the way,” you told him. “when’s the wedding?”
“a few months,” he replied, his hands slipping into the pockets of his pants.
there was a silence between the two of you for a moment.
“i’m sorry, y/n,” stiles spoke and you shrugged.
you were still in that restaurant, the moment constantly played over in your head. the exact moment he told you that after five years, he didn’t want to be with you anymore.
he wasn’t in love with you anymore.
a part of you wished he would take everything back. decide he didn’t actually want to be with lydia. that he would come back to you, and you would gladly fall in love with him all over again, because you never really fell out of love.
then, once again, stiles left you alone at a restaurant.
you watched as he walked down to the parking lot and climbed into the driver’s seat of a car, kissing lydia after he closed the door.
of course in your mind, that was you he was kissing. the two of you were still happily together, the way things were supposed to be.
in your fantasy, stiles had proposed to you that night at the restaurant and the two of you got married, and there was only happiness and love between the two of you.
but as you watched the car pull out of the parking lot, reality hit you in the face again and you were ripped from your delusions as the car disappeared around the corner.
so you took a deep breath and forced one foot in front of the other, finally walking to your car.
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a/n: just wrote this whole thing in one sitting in 3 hours (it’s currently 3:38 am)
tags: @brvceyamada
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Getting with Mitch Rapp HC's
After an intense who knows how long a bitch finally cracked and decided to write about Mitch Rapp since he’s a sweetie who doesn’t get talked about enough… like I been under the tag and I know writing takes so much time and effort so I decided to step tf in and give it a turn… bare with me
We all know after the death of Katrina this man went completely off grid, quit college, didn’t speak to his brother, went all in on avenging her on his own….. To take down a whole cell and the mastermind… yeah, white boy won’t shoot up a school, but will become an almost martyr (he’s what the govt would deadass hire, and keep on rotation)
I dead do feel like Mitch would we cautious, wary, and sus as hell with a civilian s/o
Let’s unpack: this man after Katrina probably wasn’t seeing anyone after that being emotionally scarred and whatnot (maybe he had to fuck someone or a few for the sake of a mission or kiss them, but it was just business). So the likelihood of this man entertaining someone else like with intention and not just some one fuck wonder is gonna be crazy ngl. This man has to look over his shoulder and his trust issues got trust issues, like his energy on a regular basis doesn’t scream “stay away”
But anyway, to catch his attention I feel like would be by constantly meeting him in mundane situations. I’m not doing the whole “you’re partners” trope, my black ass isn’t in this luv
Laundry room in the apartment and y’all get clothes mixed in on accident and you end up with his shirt or something— or the age old tale of him getting your underwear…. Or y’all shifting through the mixed laundry picking out what’s yours lmfaoooo
Mail getting dropped off in the wrong box or something
Bumping into each other at the grocery store and Mitch has the bare necessities in his basket and yours is like girl dinner coded
And the thing is, he’s not necessarily rude in interactions (when him throwing knives and punching his punching bag got loud and the person who owned the building asked Mitch to keep it down, and Mitch was respectful and said sure…. He’s not an asshole) but he might be on edge and try to speed things up
I feel like what might get the ball rolling might be a few different things: him seeing someone following you home that he KNOWS doesn’t live in his building (ik this man recognized everyone who lives in that bitch), being catcalled aggressively while walking home, seeing you stay in your car because a sus ass person is waiting for you to get out your car so he comes up to your window to help you out, or some comment about a terrorist attack “shoutout to terrorists, bc the US when to Afghanistan saw all this oil and snatched their chain. “We” (bc ain’t no WE here) snatch their chain and they retaliate, then we yell “it’s the Muslims” to spark a debate
Ngl he’s gonna have to let you cook with that one bc I feel like the “shoutout to terrosits” would’ve had that man spiraling and attacking you immediately. IK that man would spazz on the spot…. So let’s keep it to the safer options hm?
Soooooo after that it would spark a bit of conversation and solidify the familiarity bc here is your neighbor that you tend to see sparklingly helping you out
And being the person I am, I feel like as a thank you you’d leave him some brownies, cookies, or maybe a whole ass lasagna with instructions on how to best reheat at his doorstep being too shy to outright do it
Mans is confused but I feel like he’d take it to be nice, leave it in the fridge for like 2 days until he’s back late from a meeting and needs something in him and the only in that barren ass fridge is the lasagna…. He indulges and once he finds it’s good as hell he bodies half of it
He probably has it for lunch/dinner next day too. And then like washes it and knocks on your door to like give it back. He tells you thanks and you didn’t need to, but you say otherwise. And at this point with his stubborn ass if you’d invite over for dinner he’d respectfully decline so now there needs to be an event that puts him in your place of residence
Cue you taking a tumble on iced pavement
Mwah, inconvenience 😘
And now Mitch being at the right place wrong time, has to help you up and probably check for a concussion since that fall was nasty. He helped you into the elevator then into your place to help check your head and then like how you’re functioning bc goddamn. Once he figures out your fine, he’ll tell you to get a professional opinion and he makes you an nice ice pack and gives advice for how to take care of it
He thinks he’s good to leave you until he sees you struggling to get your bearings. He hates that he does this, but asks if you need any help since your mind is scrambled. Maybe he gets your some Advil, but then realizes you can’t take it on an empty stomach (he’s done it too many damn times himself) and so he looks into your fridge for something to heat up in the microwave to give you before you take the pill 
This is where the relationship starts and y’all make small talk, and how this is the longest you ever seen this man. He smirks, and snarks back. Once he gives you the food and sees you take the pill he’s off the clock and bids you a goodnight 
Until you see him gain tomorrow since he probably starts to check in on you, not like he’s been getting emotionally fed by having an associate outside of work that isn’t trying to kill him or isn’t Stan or Irene. Just a normie…. But he be lying about his feelings 
Next interaction is him coming back from a semi rough work week, and you catch him before he goes in and since he looks over it. Maybe a home cooked meal could help? You invite him over, no strings attached and go ok your way to get the braised short ribs out the oven for the mashed potatoes. You don’t tell him what’s for dinner tho
Thinking nothing will result of this, you get a knock at your door 30 minutes later with him and his hair still slightly damp. And maybe like a case in his beer bc he was told to never show up empty handed (so cute). Then bam! Y’all have some nice conversation, Mitch making sure to keep the attention off him and his job and do some information digging about you. School you went to, parents, hobbies, etc
He’s also scarfing down the ribs and such, you’re probably going to send him with food home tbh. He looks like he’ll need it 
After that it’s really wraps, like it destined for y’all to be real friends! Once he gets sent home with the plastic tupper (we don’t give guests the glass in case we don’t get shit back) we all know he’ll be back again
Then starts the tradition of Mitch eating at your place for like once a week that later gets bumped up to like 3 times a week. At some point your forgetting ingredients and maybe text Mitch about it, funny thing is he’s at the liquor store getting alcohol you might like since beer isn’t always going to cut it. He texted back what you need, and when he arrives he hands you what you need. This man stopped next door to the Shop Rite to get you the stuff…. Eventually I feel like he just buys your groceries since he eat EATS with all the work he puts in 
Friendship established
Y’all been shooting the shit for a while until there’s an emotional shift…. Lets say he’s having an episode of anger and just shuts down. On top the roof brooding and shit, it’s Katrina in another nightmare, him walk my himself with a panic attack, Stan up his ass, he just cannot right now. You take an elevator up there to see what’s up. You ask him what’s up, what’s wrong but he just ignores you. And by this point you know he can be a tight lipped lil shit…. But it doesn’t stop you from being there. So you do what you know best about which is just being there
So y’all sit in silence. And maybe you start to ramble to fill the silence, talking about the way your parents did a thing about colors when you were super and didn’t feel like talking. They said numbers “1 was green meaning yes, 2 was red so no to whatever they asked, 3 was yellow so a I’m not sure”. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Are you ok to be by yourself?”
Him staring straight ahead
“Do you want me to go?”
A painful hard silence
You respect his wishes and get ready to leave him until you heard a soft “2”, and the. Sit your ass down.
“Ok, so you want silence?”
“Ok, I’ll just sit here and watch the time…. We can get ice cream after….” You were doing your best dammit
Mitch felt a fond feeling some up over him, but didn’t say anything. You guys were up there until it got too damn late and cold. You tell him it’s time to go, and that when he looks at you like LOOKS and it’s just different…. You know he doesn’t want to go, and you understand but you can’t let self sabotage happen
“I get it, life is lifing and shit sucks but even  when you’re not ready for the day, it can’t always be night” 
This man knows you quoted Kanye
He gives you another long look, and you get up and offer your hand to help him up. He stared up at it… then grabs it to get up and y’all get inside. You two end up eating ice cream sandwiches 
Now the seed is planted for feelings to grow… MWAHAHAHAHAAAAA
After that y’all hangout regularly when he’s home, you give him normalcy in his life which he appreciates 
He will die on a hill before he admits or even acknowledges the feelings he has for you, lets be real he probably feels like he’s cheating on Katrina and that he’s not here to make friends since he’s a whole ass assassin and whatever. That’s fine, but when he’s wondering what you’re up to, or what’s for dinner, or reminiscing on a joke you made he feels warm and fuzzy and sometimes not as on edge as he usually is on missions
Stan noticed
I don’t think things will turn until he gets home one day at an odd hour of the night like 3am type shit and is bruised over his face. He just wants to lay in bed after taking a nice shower, but nah there’s you in the hall coming back from the club and having fun. You might be tipsy and say hi to Mitch but all that leaves your system once you see his face.  *giggles like a school girl kicking her feet* 
You’re on him without thinking asking what happened, he’s trying to keep it together and not blow up on you since you’re friends but he really wants to go inside. But you let him and follow him in asking for a first aid kit that he has. And you end up cleaning off his face after he showers, during that time you go to your place and get a first aid kit that is more advanced than his (that spray on band aid shit). Now it's you disinfecting wounds and putting neosporin on them and sealing it. During this time you’re complaining about wtf this man did while he was away, completely ignoring the fact that he’s in a towel. You’re giving him an earful and Mitch is rolling his eyes but not moving much bc when was the last time someone touched him so gently?
He’s probably taking in your clubbing attire while you do this, not in a weird way but like looking at the glitter, the new hair style, etc and putting it to memory 
“What the fuck were you doing? Jesus you look like shit”
Cue eye roll and for that you poke a nasty bruise that has his muscles flexing, he grabs your wrist for that
You give him a glare and don’t back down…. He answers with “The government” after that you don’t ask questions. The FBI agent assigned to your phone is probably already on your ass so you don’t need more enemies 
You fix him up, tell him to chill out, and then go to leave, but not right before him saying “thank you” 
We love a polite man who is in denial about having feelings, and you not acting in them bc Mitch is like a blank slate to read when he really wants to be
So like the way y’all talk about feelings and decide to get together and shit is not my forte, and breaking down his walls to talk about Katrina and the nature of his work to a degree that doesn’t scare you off. And his work on being emotionally available to you since he now cares for you more than he can admit
But we KNOW this man is a complete softie
Once he loves he LOVES, no question about it. And once you gain that, you have him for life
Fuck even if he’s been away for an assignment for months at a time, he’d probably head back to your apartment rather than his…. He knows where home is 
He might not be the type to declare his love for you verbally all the time, but he shows it through actions like remembering the brand of stuff you like. Bringing you dessert or picking up food for you when work has been bullshit. Maybe not a gourmet meal for breakfast in bed (he can cook but like take your expectations, he can throw down for breakfast tho and make good ass sandwiches), but he will give you the rest of the milk for the cereal. Do the dishes, trash duty, put furniture together, wait for you outside till you get off work and drive you home. And even tidy around if he sees you don’t have the time
And when things get more serious put you as an authorized user on his card without telling you. You’ll just find that shit in your Apple Wallet
He’d keep the loving touches at home but he’s a cuddle bug, loyal to a fault, and loves to spend time at home with you. Home dates are a must, but he does love a good date night to see you dressed up
He would grow to love the domestic nature of your relationship and that’s what this man needs besides a copious amount of therapy
You’d also find out that he’s a nerd, but like undercover. I feel like he’d be a Nightwing or Red Hood fan from DC, and other comics from his childhood shows as well
He’s protective, smart, probably would talk to you about getting an air tag or some government tracking thing in case of emergencies. Then maybe take you on a gun date to teach you some self defense which probably goes wrong because you’re a CIVILIAN and that punch came too fast at you and you screamed and ducked while covering your eyes. He feels bad now, but now knows to take it to baby steps 
Your assassin boyfriend has your best interest at heart, promise 
A/N: I do be writing for black readers iykyk, but here is just very general.... Let me get to the tomfoolery next time babes (like Mitch helping you take down the braids)
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camping with stiles slow burn smut ?
sparks | s. stilinski x fem!reader | smut
summary: playing with fire is guaranteed to get you burnt, but in this situation you wouldn’t mind getting a little spicy.
warnings: swearing, slight angst, y/n being super sensitive and tons of smut
a/n: { first smut i’m posting on here, and it obvi has to be about stiles! hope you enjoy love <3 }
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“NO NO NO HELL NO.” you exclaim while spotting the spider on the lower half of your sleeping bag. “there is absolutely no fucking way i’m going to sleep here tonight.” you yelled once again. “y/n, can you ever just shut the fuck up?” stiles exclaims. how about you shut the fuck up you fuck face. having the spend the night with stiles wasn’t ideal, but you thought you could work it out. seems to be that your idea was wrong, and you are going to curse yourself for the next 12 hours of your life.
“now who’s quiet?” stiles says with a sly smirk on his face. 11 hours 38 minutes. that is the amount of time until you are back in your nice and cozy bed in beacon hills. for now you are stuck up in the woods, with no cell service, and absolutely no way to get out of this seem to be bonding moment with stiles; set up by the pack in efforts to make you two get along. kira and scott have been planning it since the day you two met. that day was the beginning of the bickering of your ‘enemyship’ as lydia says.
“maybe i wouldn’t be so quiet, if it wasn’t for you always being so obnoxious.” you spit out. his face contorts into a seemingly frown until the brunette starts to wheeze. “you really thought you did something y/n.” he says without failure of his laugh. his laughter echoed the quiet woods and god did you want to kill him. 11 hours and 20 minutes. “please just leave me alone the rest of the trip, that’s something that would really help.” you say.
without effort, stiles made you upset once again. you don’t know if it was the intention or just a joke but damn did it really hurt. without saying anything else you head into your camping bag and shut the zipper as quick as you possibly can. it was embarrassing enough being on this trip with him, but for him to see you cry because of his words was a whole other thing. you sit in your camping bag and it seemed to be dead silent. finally, no stiles, and only 11 hours and 15 minutes left of this stupid fucking trip. being caught in your own thoughts didn’t help you realize that the camper has been opened once again and a seemingly apologetic stiles was on the other side.
“hey, i’m sorry for before, i didn’t mean to make you upset.” he said apologetically. that was really sweet; oh shut up it probably was one of his other jokes. “no it’s seriously fine, don’t worry about it.” you say with snide in your voice. “geez y/n, i didn’t mean anything by it, maybe you should stop being so sensitive by everything” while he whispers the last part. “oh my fucking god.. it’s not my fault i have to be stuck in here with you” you say as you stand up from your place on the hard ground. “you seriously always seem to be a dick around me, and i never did anything to you.” your voice starts to raise as his eyes lower upon onto you.
“it’s not my fault you’re like obsessed with me or something” he laughs. “jesus stiles. are you really that full of yourself?” you laugh back. your hands start the clench as the anger inside you builds up second by second. steam seems to be flowing out of you being his eyes start to widen as your voice heightens. “SERIOUSLY PLEASE STILES GET A FUCKING LIFE.” you retort. all that goes through your head is how much you hate ruin and wish you would have never agreed to this.
his mind was filled with other things, things like what positions he could take you in or how hot you seemed to be when you were mad. he wanted to just let you keep talking forever at that rate because of how much it turns him on. “can i show you how much i hate you?” you say trying to walk off. you were quickly shown that he didn’t want you to leave because you felt a heavy tug on your hand from his.
stiles pulled you into him and placed his soft lips onto yours. he kissed you with passion and lust, adoringly with poison. he just wanted to touch you, so that’s what he did. he placed his hands upon your ass, but you didn’t seem to mind as you kissed him back with as much lust as he did. it was inevitable, you two getting together. the pack spotted the tension from day one of meeting you; even if that tension was anger at first.
you pulled back, out of breath in attempt to say something, anything. you were about to scold stiles and ask what the hell he was doing but he pulled you right back in again. with no hesitation he pulled back and sat on the floor waiting for you to join him. he pulled off his dark red flannel and his undershirt in a slight struggle. you watched his attempt and chuckled, wow stiles still clumsy while trying to fuck me. you took the bottom of his shirt and lifted it above his head easily. he looked back up at you with lust and him being slightly out of breath from that action.
in attempts to keep the mood you slowly took of your tank top; just leaving you in nothing but a lace bra and your skirt. his breath staggered at the sight of you, so he took your hand and pulled you down onto his lap. he immediately looked into your eyes then pulled you in to kiss you. his hands daringly caressed your body in attempts to feel your every curve and crevice. don’t get it wrong, you loved making out with stiles but something just felt off. maybe it was the clothes still on you.
you stopped kissing him and lead his hands to the band of your skirt. you waited for him to pull it down but he didn’t get the cue; so you had to manually put his hands and pull down your skirt. he did it with ease, skillfully. “nice moves stilinski.” you huff out. he gradually stops pulling down your skirt to say “do you wanna do it yourself?”. “maybe i will.” you say. you place your hands onto the floor to get up but he pulls you back in and starts to finish what he was doing before.
this time your skirt comes off quickly with ease and no hesitation from the one doing it. you were left in just panties and your lacy bra. he threw your skirt on the other side of the camping bag and it left a thump in the quiet of night. you couldn’t help but feel so bare when he only has his shirt off so you had an idea. “stand up”, you say. he quickly gets up off the floor and stands on the hard ground. you slightly crawl over to him in attempts to get closer to his dirty jeans.
you take one hand and grip onto his belt and the other to undo it. you heard him breathe in sharply and quickly exhale as his belt buckle soon becomes undone. you see out of the corner of your eye, his hand running through his soft hair. you unbutton his pants and quickly pull them down to the bases of his ankles. you pull back away from him, signaling for him to finish the rest. he steps out of his pants and heads back to the ground in only his boxers.
you were quick to get back on top of him and start to kiss him. your mouth lands farther and farther from his mouth to his neck. you slightly suck on his pale neck in attempts to make love bites. stiles exhales in and out, trying to be quiet but you want him to show you how much he wants you. you unlatch from his skin, “show me how much you want me stiles.” he pushes you slightly off of him and turns you onto your back. his body presses against yours and you can feel his hard bulge through the thin layers of underwear.
his breath gets caught in his throat as he places his lips onto yours. he forces his body down yours as his lips get closer, and closer to your pussy. once he arrives, he pushes your body up in attempt to get your underwear off your body, and it works. he slides your panties off with ease. stiles discards them to the other side of the tent, and sets his eyes back onto you. his eyes begin the pulsate as he lowers his head towards your soaking wet cunt. in a quick second, with no hesitation he latched his rough lips onto your pussy. you gasped in a sharp breath out of shock as he dives his tongue around your throbbing clit. your thighs sucked his head in deeper as your begging moans made it clear he should continue.
“stiles please, oh my god,” you say in a quick breath. he hums to your cunt and you can feel the chuckle pulsate throughout your delicious body. his mind was focused on pleasing you, while yours was set on finishing. he made it clear, he wasn’t going to stop until you came on his face. your moans became louder as the slim boy devoured his way through your soaking wet folds and all around your pussy. he gripped on your ass for support as he began to go deeper and deeper. you felt as though this couldn’t get any better, and your high was approaching.
stiles unlatched from your pussy, “what the fuck stilinski?”, you yell; clearly out of breath from this devilish act. as soon as you were gonna retort again, he stuck a finger into you. you huffed out a loud sigh in release. he slowly pumped his long finger in and out of you. you could see his devilishly hot smirk on his face as he began to pump it faster. he soon added a second finger into the mix and went down on you once again. “stiles, please oh my god go deeper,” you moan out. stiles starts to go deeper with the two fingers, while his mouth works on your throbbing clit.
you feel your high begin to almost release as the fingers and tongue are enough to make you start to shake. “stil- stiles,” you say while being out of breath. your legs start to clench around his body as he continues to go at a fast pace. it drive you absolutely wild, at how good he was at this. your high was close to hitting, so when he stuck a third finger in you near close to screamt. you were a moaning mess, and very messy. stiles unlatched his mouth from your cunt and you say gleaming cum all over his face. “jesus y/n, you did so good,” he said while being out of breath.
he was such a sight, messy hair, and puppy dog eyes. “now it’s my turn for me to please you”, and without hesitation you pushed stiles onto his back and hovered against his boxers. you grabbed the waistband and started to pull them down to his ankles. you took his cock into your hand and started to slowly pump it. you took one finger and slid it across the tip. stiles huffed out in pleasure as you aligned the tip with your cunt and slowly lowered yourself down onto it. you felt him instantly fill you up. he soon was deep inside you, and it felt magical. you didn’t mind the slow thrust of stiles going deep inside you.
“oh my god y/n, you feel so good,” stiles has to exclaim. your cheeks began to be rosy by overstimulation, and the fact that he’s praising you. you began to force yourself to go deeper. he felt so good inside you. he wanted more, he began to thirst his hips deeper to gain the maximum amount in you. “stiles, i love how this feels,” you groan out. you felt his cock start to twitch inside, so you started to grind upon him. his moans began to be louder as you clenched yourself around his base. “y/n please, i’m about to cum,” and as soon as he said it you felt him unleash his load into you. at the very same time you began to convulse and feel your orgasm approach you once again. “stiles- oh my god,” you say. stiles felt the same amount of bliss you did in that very moment, and maybe even more. as soon as you approached your finish, you slowly got off of him and fell against the bottom of the floor.
“you good?”, he says calmly. “yes i’m so good”, you say slyly. 10 hours and 20 min. “so are we good y/l/n?”, he smirks. “very good,” you laugh. you seem to feel calm and safe around him suddenly. his smirk was just too cute and too hard not to kiss. you reached in again and placed your lips onto his. he smiled into the kiss and raveled his fingers into your hair. why do i have to feel this way about him. you pulled back from this kiss just to see his pretty smirk, and you did.
10 hours, maybe i should just go camping once again with stiles. i wouldn’t mind. even if he is a dick, i’d like to suck his for once.
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ilovewriting06 · 2 years
I’m new to Tumblr and I love writing and hopefully I can write some good stories. I’ll write anything but I’ve never written smut but I’m willing to give it a try. I’m taking requests for the following shows/characters/celebrities :
Hawaii Five 0 (My favorite tv show 😂)
-Steve Mcgarrett
-Danny Williams
The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals
-Damon Salvatore
-Stefan Salvatore
-Klaus Mikaelson
-Elijah Mikaelson
-Kol Mikaelson
Teen Wolf
-Stiles Stilinski
-Scott McCall
-Liam Dunbar
-Derek Hale
-Tom Holland
-Dylan O’Brien
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Archived Works Navigation
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Characters/People I Have Written For Previously But Am No Longer Accepting Requests For
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ABCs of Dating Andrew Garfield ~
Description: 2k wc, headcannons, notes, ideas, etc. of what it would be like to date Andrew Garfield based on concepts starting with each letter of the alphabet.
Warnings: none I can think of, general relationship dynamics
I Will Say It Back: Andrew Garfield x Reader ~
Description: 1.5k wc, Andrew is nervous to pick up the role of Spider-Man again after how it went last time. Fortunately his girlfriend Y/N is there to support him the whole time, even when his costars jokingly don’t respond to one of his impromptu lines.
Warnings: NWH spoilers (if you haven’t seen it yet smh), minor NWH More Fun Stuff Re-Release spoilers (not scenes from the movie but the brief intro from the guys before the movie)
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New Year’s Day: Austin Butler x Reader Blurb & Moodboard ~
Description: 597 wc, the song New Years Day by Taylor Swift as it relates to Austin and the relationship he has with Y/n.
Warnings: none
The King and I: Austin Butler Elvis Premieres SMAU
Description: Social Media AU of what is is like doing press for Elvis and the Elvis Premieres while dating Austin Butler and being the movie’s photographer.
Warnings: None
TikTok Prank Preference: Stuck Tampon ~
Description: blurb preference based on the viral TikTok prank where the person pretend they have a tampon stuck and need their partner to help them to see how they react.
Warnings: mentions of period related items and topics, minimally suggestive words, otherwise fluff
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Dating Dylan: Dylan O'Brien x Reader SMAU ~
Description: SMAU fic of date nights with Dylan and overall what dating him is like including when he dyes his hair blonde.
Warnings: playful relationship teasing/banter, that’s really it
The Vogue 75: Dylan O’Brien x Reader
Summary: 3.5k wc, Dylan allows the crew at Vogue enter his home and meet the reader, his amazing wife y/n, and their precious kids, proud to show off this side of his life as he silently admired how blessed his life was.
Warnings: family dynamics I guess? That’s about it!
Harry Holland Navigation
Sam Holland Navigation
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Nathan Drake Navigation
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Harrison Osterfield Navigation
Pin Hawthorne
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Request Information/Process/Status
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orphicdreamers-wp · 5 months
No Caller ID — Travis Kelce
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Summary: In which you find your phone ringing at 3 in the morning
Content Warning; drunken phone calls, mentions of Christmas 2023 Chiefs Vs Raiders game, mentions of the Jan 21st Bills Vs Chiefs game, mentions of Travis and Taylor, moving on fast, breakup, Travis being a shitty boyfriend, angst, emotional cheating if you squint, physical cheating(Travis and reader kiss while in diff relationships) , reader moves on with Dylan O’Brien
Pairing: Travis Kelce & Model! Reader
December 26th 2023.
A small yawn emitted from your lips as you sat up in your bed. You reached your freshly manicured red nails on your beside table for your ringing cell phone. You finally grasped the phone as a new call began to filter through. It was an blocked number which caused you to frown slightly as you pressed the phone to your ear, “Hello?” Travis’ familiar voice filled your ears, “Hi pretty.” You frowned at the football players drunken slur, “Why are you calling me Trav?” Travis hummed softly as he glanced down at the blonde woman sleeping in bed next to him, “I miss you angel.” You sat up as a frown tugged at your lips, “You have a girlfriend Trav. A beautiful girlfriend who adores you.”
Travis slowly moved from the bed to avoid startling Taylor awake as he moved from Taylor’s bedroom to her living room, “She’s not you angel, she’s great but she’ll never be you.” You shook your head as you pulled your sweater closer to your body, “Dude, every news outlet is reporting you two are looking at houses together, talking about kids and marriage. I cannot be the girl who takes any Taylor Swift’s happy ending. I won’t be that person.” Travis sighed as he leaned into the couch further, “I had a really shitty game tonight. I wish you could have been there for me.”
You awkwardly smiled at his change of topic, “I watched the game. You played fine Trav. You aren’t the backbone of the team. No matter how well you play on your own, you can’t impact the entire team’s ability. It’s not on you.” Travis hummed, “Are you excited for Fashion Week?” You hummed as you took a sip of your water, “I have a Vogue event the first week of the new year. I’m also hosting the Golden Globes so I’m pretty excited about where my career is now.” Travis hummed as he stroked Meredith’s fur, “So no one special?” You frowned slightly at the hint of amusement in his tone, “I’ve gone on a few dates. I’ve been seeing a guy for about a month.”
Travis hummed, “I saw. What was his name, Dylan something? I saw some paparazzi photos.” You hummed, “O’Brien. I’m surprised your girlfriend hasn’t said anything she and Dylan are pretty close.” Travis let out a harsh sigh, “Whatever, there’s no way he’ll be good enough for you.” You scoffed under your breath, “Well, this was a refreshing conversation. Goodnight Travis.” Travis stammered as you were about to hang up, “I’m sorry I called. I shouldn’t have.” You hummed slightly as you heard Taylor’s muffled voice on the other side of the call, “You’re right Travis you shouldn’t have called.”
Taylor yawned softly as she emerged from the bedroom to find her boyfriend engrossed in a phone call, “Trav what’s going on?” The football player smiled kindly at her, “Don’t worry. It was my dad, I forgot how late it was. Go back to sleep.” Taylor smiled down at Travis, “Come back to bed with me.” Travis pressed a kiss to her lips, “I’ll be in soon.” Taylor retreated to her room as Travis opened his instagram to your page.
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yourusername; a good ending to this year💕
dylanobrien; the prettiest model ever
— yourbrother: dyl has top tier rizz 😆
user3929; dylan and y/n is almost as iconic as travis and taylor
— user493: i love this bc travis and y/n broke up like 2 months before trav and tay were spotted out together and dyl was in the atwtmv mv
taylorswift; iconic couple!!
kendalljenner: mom and dad?? is that you?
— yourusername: i miss you kenny💕
haileybieber: noo!! my wife has a boyfriend?
— yourusername: my girlfriend has a husband??
zendaya: my girl🥹🥹
— yourusername: my z💕💕💕
sydneysweeney; your so beautiful y/n
— yourusername: i love you syd!! so grateful to know you💕💕
January 22nd 2024
A small groan elicited from Dylan’s lips as he rested his arms across your waist while the two of you tried to sleep. Dylan had grown up in New York and you had grown up in Buffalo so he practically begged you to go to the Chiefs vs Bills game the night before. You reluctantly agreed, as it would be the first Chiefs game you went to since you and Travis broke up. You’d been with Travis since his rookie year in the NFL so it was hard for you to go from being at almost every game to none.
Something had gotten leaked to a media outlet about you and Dylan attending the game. So Brittany, who’d become one of your best friends during your relationship with Travis, invited you guys to sit in the box with her and some other friends and family of the Chiefs players. Which was how you ended up in the suite with your boyfriend, your ex boyfriend’s girlfriend, his parents, brother and sister in law. You found yourself easily conversing with Taylor which you hated because you felt guilty about the call you had gotten from Travis a month earlier.
Your phone blared through the serene air in your hotel room. You reached for the culprit of the blaring noise and pressed it to your ear without checking who was calling, “Yeah?” Travis’ voice sounded a lot more clear compared to the last 3 am call, “Hey, can we talk?” You frowned as you pressed a kiss to Dylan’s arm and excused yourself, “Sure what’s up?” Travis awkwardly rubbed a hand across his face, “I meant more so in person? I’m staying at the Marriott Hotel in Buffalo I can meet you for a late dinner there?”
You frowned slightly as you looked at your boyfriend who was half asleep in the bed, “I’ll give you an hour. I’m staying at the Marriott too. I have to get dressed but I’ll be down in a few.” Travis looked at the blonde woman sleeping in the hotel bed, the woman he’d grown to truthfully believe could be the one. He just needed to make sure the chapter with you was closed for good. He nodded, “I appreciate it.” You pulled on a pair of jeans and one of Dylan’s hoodies. Dylan stirred in the bed, “Where are you going?” You smiled softly, “I’m gonna go talk to a friend for a bit. I’ll be back soon Dyl.” Dylan hummed as he kissed you, “Okay. Love you.” You smiled to yourself as you left the hotel room.
You slid into the booth seat across from Travis, “Hey T.” Travis looked up from his phone at your voice, “Hey, I ordered you a Dr Pepper, mozzarella sticks and the grilled chicken strips I hope that’s okay.” You nodded, “That’s fine. I’ll pay you back.” Travis waved you off, “Don’t worry about it. How’d you like the game?” You laughed softly, “You played pretty well. Jason was off the walls. I swear I thought your mom was going to pull out a leash for him.” Travis laughed as heat rose up your cheeks, “He’s something else sometimes. Did the boyfriend have a good time?”
You smiled fondly at the mention of your boyfriend, “Dylan’s not super into football but he seemed into it today.” Travis smiled as the waiter brought over the food and set it in front of you guys, “He seemed to be getting on with Kylie and Britt.” You nodded as you took a sip of the soda, “Yeah. I’m sorry I haven’t been to many games this season. Kinda doesn’t feel like my place anymore.” Travis smiled widely, his natural charm taking over for a split second, “I always want beautiful models cheering for me.”
You buried your head in your palms, “You’re awful Kelce.” You and Travis fell into casual conversation about your work and his hopes for the Super Bowl this year. Eventually you found yourselves walking to the elevator to go back upstairs to your rooms. As soon as the elevator door shut Travis’ lips were on yours. Before it could register to you, you were reciprocating the kiss. You pulled away almost immediately and stared at Travis in silence as the elevator continued it’s crawl to your floor. Travis opened his mouth, “You can’t tell me that meant nothing.” You cut him off as the elevator dinged and opened, “Don’t.” You walked away before he could get another word in.
You opened the door to your shared hotel room with Dylan and tears filled your lash line. You pulled off the jeans and slipped into your pajama pants and laid on the couch in the room. You couldn’t find it in your heart to wake Dylan up to tell him, so you laid on the couch and waited for him to wake up. He eventually stirred awake and sat up, his vision noticing you on the couch watching him, “What is it beautiful?” You shook your head, “I’m so sorry. It was a mistake, I love you.”
Dylan furrowed an eyebrow as he raced to your side to console you, “What is it Y/N?” You burst into a sob, “I don’t know why I agreed to meet with him. We can never be friends. I’m a horrible person and an even worse girlfriend.” Dylan placed either of his hands on your cheeks, “You shouldn’t have met who baby?” You sniffled, “Travis, that’s who called me. He wanted to talk and I figured it would be as friends but when we were in the elevator we kissed. I’m awful how could I let myself do that to you? Your perfect for and I just screw it up like I always do. I don’t think we should be together anymore. I’m no good for you.”
Dylan wiped your tears, “Did it mean anything to you? The kiss?” You shook your head as you turned away from Dylan, unable to look at him anymore, “No but that doesn’t matter I still did it.” Dylan shook his head as he pulled you into his arms, “I love you and I know that whenever I kiss you here.” He pressed a soft kiss to the side of your neck which earned an unexpected laugh from you. Dylan smiled, “You giggle. I know that whenever I kiss you I feel like I can’t breathe. I know this and every kiss we have ever shared means something. I don’t care about a stupid mistake you made.” You sniffled as you melted into his arms, “I’m so so sorry Dylan. I shouldn’t have met him tonight.” Dylan shrugged as he pulled you off the couch and carried you to the bed, “Maybe so. We can fight about that tomorrow. Let’s sleep.”
February 14th 2024
Travis hadn’t heard from you since the awkward kiss in the elevator. He had told Taylor about the kiss and they’d fought over it and eventually made up. So when Travis was sat beside Taylor on Valentine’s Day as she scrolled through her instagram page. A certain post made Travis open his phone himself and find your instagram account. Your most recent post earned a heart warming smile from him.
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yourusername; mrs dylan o’brien sounds ok i guess🤷‍♀️
user392: elopement?!?!
dylanobrien; official vogue first man
— yourusername: someone get my husband off of tiktok😒
taylorswift; i love love💚
— yourusername: we love you tay💚💚
killatrav: y/n o’brien has a ring to it!
— yourusername: thank you mr kelce🙂
— killatrav: of course mrs o’brien🙃🙃
user8713: tayvis & dylan and y/n is my roman empire, like imagine if travis and y/n never broke up. would this be dylan and tay?
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
Main Masterlist (asks)
For published fics and works in progress
Smut - ❤️
Fluff - ✨
Angst - 🖤
Dark content -❗️ (noncon elements)
All of these are f!reader - no use of y/n
Disclaimer for WIP fics: I have adhd so what I work on completely depends on who my current hyperfixation is.
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DC (less active lol)
Marvel (inactive)
Spencer Reid (inactive)
Cillian Murphy & Characters
Dylan O’Brien Characters(inactive)
Misc. (inactive)
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strangerquinns · 2 years
Dylan O'Brien Concept/Blurbs
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new look; dylan o’brien
morning sun; dylan o’brien
bathtub fun; dylan o’brien
wakeup call; dylan o’brien
friends with benefits; stiles stilinski
first time in months; dylan o’brien
party; dylan o’brien (part two)
apart; dylan o’brien
night-out; dylan o’brien
dirty text; dylan o’brien
hard and deep; dylan o’brien
high; dylan o’brien
breaking the rules; dylan o’brien
slow and hazy; dylan o’brien
“use me”; dylan o’brien
in charge; dylan o’brien
happy birthday; dylan o’brien
four months; mitch rapp
strangers in a bar; dylan o’brien
baby making; dylan o’brien
interview; dylan o’brien
smoking; dylan o’brien
shower fun; dylan o’brien
morning; stiles stilinski
good night; dylan obrien
good girl; stiles stilinski
sacred romance prompt: first date
dinner for two; dylan o’brien
a third; dylan o’brien
birthday boy; dylan o’brien
love of my life; dylan o’brien
movie night make-out (smut-ish); dylan o’brien
family; mitch rapp
crush; stiles stilinski
NYC tourist day: dylan o’brien
the first moment; dylan o’brien | i love you, too (part two)
on the streets of New York; dylan o’brien
drunk snuggles; dylan o’brien
happiness; stiles stilinski
potentially romantic prompt; gaze; dylan o’brien
early morning cravings; dylan o’brien
dive bar; dylan o’brien
stay in bed; dylan o’brien
newborn; dylan o’brien
forehead kisses; dylan o’brien
sneaking in; stiles stilinski
tongue tied; mitch rapp
mother nature; dylan o’brien
little white chapel; dylan o’brien
mother nature; dylan o’brien
“mommy, mine!”; dylan o’brien
terrible plan; stiles stilinski
Halloween fun; dylan o'brien
need you close; stiles stilinski
the target; mitch rapp
proposed confession; dylan o’brien
one year anniversary; stiles stilinski | part two
jealousy; stiles stilinski | part two
potentially romantic prompts: catch; stiles stilinski
friends with benefits; dylan o’brien
“because I love you,”; stiles stilinski
“hold me”; stiles stilinski
a year in the dark; stiles stilinski
five years later; dylan o’brien
“will i ever recover?”; dylan o’brien (deleted by accident)
“by your side”; dylan o’brien
jealous; dylan o’brien
tied-up; void!stiles
pillow fort; stiles stilinski
red-carpet; dylan o’brien 
sleepover; stiles stilinski
baby; dylan o’brien
thanksgiving dinner; dylan o’brien
pda; dylan o’brien
mending and distracting; dylan o’brien | part two
shining armor prompt: (kill); void!stiles
Oblivious Lovers Prompt Night
Best Friends Brother
The Kiss
imagines + mini-series masterlist
blurbs/concepts page two
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pinkhoneydrop · 1 year
It’s a Game series Masterlist
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Ongoing last update was 12/31/2023
Y/n and Harry have been friends for a few years but in the last year and a half they have become more but are they ready to be on the same page about their relationship?
[Pairing] - Harry Styles x Reader! And a little Dylan O’Brien x Reader!
[genre] - Angst, Smut, Fluff
[warnings] - Strong language, Mature themes such as sex and drug use as well as alcohol use. This is an 18+ blog so please be aware that I write about some inappropriate content sometimes that is not for minors
Meet the Characters!
Read it here👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
If you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know :)
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aconites · 5 months
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happy 2024! as it's a new year, i thought this was the perfect time to post a plotting call for those who might be interested in writing with me!  if you want to do threads with someone who will message you at the crack of dawn with random headcanons, musings and create graphics (manips, gifs manips, crackships, etc​ )  for our characters — look no further. i also have no triggers, am sm.ut friendly and i love to do multiple plots with the same partner. bellow the cut you’ll find a list of wanted faceclaims, opposites, ships and plots that i would love to do and if anything catches your interest please give this post a like and i’ll message you. this is for mutuals & non mutuals, so feel free to like this even if we have threads/plots happening already!
faceclaims i’d love to play! * melissa barrera** * greta onieogou* * ana de armas* * phoebe tonkin* * margot robbie* * camila queiroz** * sydney sweeney* * ayca aysin turan * hande ercel * alycia debnam-carey* * simone ashley * melisa pamuk* * adria arjona* * olivia cooke * grace van patten * jessica alexander* * madelyn cline* * madison bailey * priscilla quintana* * meghann fahy * benedetta porcaroli * camila morrone * riley keough * suki waterhouse* * adelaide kane* * florence pugh * sophia bush * ester exposito * lily james * lily collins * gabriella wilde* * sofia carson * josephine langford * danielle rose russell * danielle campbell * abigail cowen* * halston sage * camila mendes * brianne howey * gemma chan * eiza gonzalez * lindsey morgan * zendaya * sabrina carpenter * candice swanepoel * elsa hosk * jasmine tookes * emily ratajkowski
faceclaims i’d love to play against!
* all the ladies above * pedro pascal** * ben barnes** * joseph quinn* * joe keery* *christopher briney* * henry cavill * ricky whittle * casey deidrick* * jd pardo * jamie dornan * adam demos * richard madden * sam clafflin * carlos miranda * scott eastwood * garrett hedlund * drew starkey * clayton cardenas * jonathan bailey * jeffrey dean morgan * rudy pankow * felix mallard * dj cotrona* * charlie hunnam** * sebastian stan* * alex fitzalan * dylan o’brien* * nick robinson * manny montana  * chris evans* * harry styles * jacob elordi * boyd holbrook
some ships i’d love to do! * any of the above fcs combined tbh. ( m/f or f/f ) * click here for full list since tumblr has a text limit.
plots id love to do! * this unhappily married dad/babysitter plot. * * this angsty/fluffy my best friend is having my baby plot. * * this zombie apocalypse/last of us inspired plot* but also any za plot. * celeb plots! especially this one. something like two super famous actors hiding their relationship or famous person/non famous plots?* * single dad/nanny plots! give me something cute and angsty. * * escort/client plot where she breaks the most important rule… don’t fall for your client* * grumpy ceo/soft assistant plots.* * royal plots! bridgerton esqued plots! * * f/f socialites plot… blair/selena/upper east side inspired muses but make it gay* * college professor/teacher’s assistant plot.  * college professor/student plot. * crimey plots? sons of anarchy inspired? or maybe m.afia/m.ob/gang stuff?* * bodyguard/client plots bc i’m a sucker for them* * soulmates plot. i have a whole lore i’ve been wanting to write out for ages so * sugar b.aby / sugar d.addy plots *  * best friends to lovers plots ( gimme angst) * WHEN THE M.OB PRINCESS MEETS THE M.OB PRINCE: forbidden love is always angsty so why not do that and add rival g.angs to the mix?  muse a is the daughter of the head boss of the local g.ang and is sick and tired of having her life controlled by her overprotective father. so, to rebel against his wishes after an argument, muse a decides to go to a nightclub that her father had always forbidden her to attend. unknown to her, the club is run by the rival g.ang’s boss’ son, muse b, and not knowing who she is, can’t stop looking at her on the dance floor. they eventually bump into each other and after having a few drinks, end up at muse a’s apartment and they hook up. i was thinking they both never brought up their families and their true professions and maybe start to hang out/go on dates and then bam, the truth comes out and drama begins. especially when they can’t stay away from each other.
* MY BEST FRIEND IS A ROCKSTAR: (tw: death) muse a & muse b have been best friends since they were kids and grew up together. throughout their childhood, muse b had always told muse a about his plans to become a famous musician and as he grew older, became more and more determined to make those dreams come true. when they both hit their teen years, feelings eventually grew and the two were head over heels for each other but neither of them was ever able to admit it. they were both terrified that the feelings would be unrequited or that it would ruin their friendships so just imagine the angst of them seeing each other with other people and FGHDFG. anyway, when muse b finally turns twenty-one, he decides to move to hollywood to make his dreams come true, and muse a stays in their small hometown. they keep in contact with one another but as time went on, muse b becomes a huge rockstar with his band and their contact start to drift but they always had each other in their thoughts, wishing they were closer to one another. a few years pass and they still speak but it’s not like before. muse b was hugely successful and enjoyed the life he was now living but always felt like something was missing. that someone was missing… it’s not until he gets a distraught call from muse a telling him that her mother died does he rush on a private jet and comes home to her. after helping her arrange the funeral and being there for her through her grief, he suggests that she comes on tour with him and the band. wanting to run away from everything and everyone in her small town, she agrees. queue cute ass moments on the tour bus, traveling the world and falling in love like they did when they were young. add drama, angst ( because they’re both still dumb and won’t admit to their feels) stadium tours, TENSION!!!, groupies, etc, etc. 
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simplyacerola · 1 year
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folklore (acerola's version)!
in which acerola interprets song lyrics from folklore to fit with various scenarios. these will be either gn!reader or fem!reader depending on the context of the song, story, or featured person.
see this post for the order. add yourself to the folklore taglist
thank you all so much for the support on this blog! it honestly means so much to me. my life has changed a ton (for the better!!) and having this blog gives me an outlet to express creativity that otherwise would sit in my google drive or never be written at all. i see and read every single like, reply, and reblog and it means all the world <3
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track one: the 1 — bellamy blake
fem!reader; established relationship, angst in which bellamy and (y/n) look back on their relationship before being separated for 5 years.
track two: cardigan — karl jacobs
gn!reader; established relationship, comfort in which karl is (y/n)’s rock, knowing exactly how to make them feel loved.
track three: the last great american dynasty — timothée chalamet (p1)
fem!singer!reader; established relationship, hurt/comfort in which (y/n), a singer, and timothée chalamet are caught on a date, revealing their relationship to the ruthless public.
track four: exile — regulus black
fem!reader; second chance love, angst in which regulus runs into (y/n) at slughorn’s party after their breakup—but she’s escorted by someone else.
track five: my tears ricochet — peter parker
fem!villain!reader; lovers to enemies in which (y/n) becomes a villain and has to fight both spider-man and her lingering feelings for him.
track six: mirrorball — georgenotfound
gn!reader; established relationship, comfort in which (y/n) wants nothing more than to cheer up george.
track seven: seven — nancy wheeler
fem!reader; friends to lovers, self-discovery (wlw) in which nancy and (y/n) are best friends who spend every summer together. they tell each other all of their secrets—all except one.
track eight: august — regulus black
fem!muggleborn!reader; lovers to strangers
track nine: this is me trying — dylan o’brien
fem!reader; struggling relationship, second chance love, angst with good ending in which a break in their relationship only makes (y/n) and dylan realize how much they need each other.
track ten: illicit affairs — sapnap
fem!dreamsibling!reader; brother's best friend, forbidden relationship in which (y/n) is sneaking around with her brother’s best friend behind his back.
track eleven: invisible string — dreamwastaken
gn!reader; soulmates, strangers to lovers in which (y/n) and dream are soulmates.
track twelve: mad woman — thomas
fem!reader; established relationship, angst in which (y/n) will do anything to avenge newt’s death and only has thomas holding her together.
track thirteen: epiphany — stiles stilinski
fem!were!reader; friends to lovers in which stiles stays by (y/n)’s hospital bed after she risked her life protecting him.
track fourteen: betty — jack champion / ethan landry (TBD)
gn!reader; second chance love in which (y/n) jeopardized their relationship due to jealousy and tries to win him back at his upcoming party
track fifteen: peace — steve harrington (p1)
gn!cursed!reader; established relationship, doomed fate in which steve will do anything to protect (y/n), even after they’re cursed to die.
track sixteen: hoax — steve harrington (p2)
gn!cursed!reader; struggling relationship, doomed fate in which (y/n)’s condition worsens to a hellish extent, but steve refuses to let them go.
track seventeen: the lakes — timothée chalamet (p2)
fem!singer!reader; established relationship, escapism in which (y/n) and timothée stay at a remote cabin to get away from the media.
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—𓆩[house on the water (r.b.)]𓆪—
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**I’ve literally been thinking about this since I watched the outfit. you don’t have to have watched the outfit, just know Dylan O’Brien is a fine ass mobster with a Jersey accent. slight angst, little bit of fluff, very toxic relationship (remember Richie is a guy from around the 50s raised in a crime family, he’s a bit of an asshole and misogynist but you change that later on) but Richie promises he’ll get better, definitely maybe a bit OOC Richie, mdom turned msub, I got carried away, most likely gonna have a part 2**
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Richie had come in right before closing, as always. Leonard had stepped out because he wasn’t feeling well, which was odd because he almost never left, leaving you to take over closing.
You were busy folding the handkerchiefs that Leonard was way too anal about, but followed how precisely he liked to fold them into long rectangles unlike the previous secretary, Zoey. You were glad when she left, mainly because she always eyed your boyfriend Richie every time he came in. Especially with the fact that she always gave Leonard more work when she wouldn’t fold the fabric correctly.
You sighed as the bell rang, looking up as Richie and Francis came in. “Leonard isn’t here,” you say as Richie slipped an envelope into the box in the corner, Francis humming.
“Where is he?” Francis walks over and sits on the table as you quickly move Leonard’s prized shears, setting them on the separate counter.
“He didn’t feel well,” you explain as you set a stack of folded fabrics on the other desk. “I told him to go to the hospital.”
Francis grins. “You couldn’t take care of that, darling? Thought you were a nurse.”
You glared at him as you turned around. “I was a nurse, Francis. Didn’t keep my certifications up whenever my daddy got sick,” you say as Richie whistles. “Don’t whistle inside my work, Boyle, you will call the demons inside.”
Francis laughs as he jumps down from the table, quickly trapping you between the desk and him. “Aren’t we already inside, darling?”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes as you pushed him back. “You keep trying that, you bastard, I’ll have my daddy throw your body on the side of the road like the trash you are.”
He shoves you back, glaring. “You talk big until-”
Richie quickly gets between you two, cocking his revolver as he pressed it to Francis’ lower abdomen. “You better keep your fucking hands off my woman, Francis. I’ll fucking kill you.”
You start to grin, rubbing Richie’s shoulders. “Shoot ‘em, Richie,” you teased him, Francis rolling his eyes with a scoff. “Make him bleed.”
“You’re fucking crazy,” Francis says as he walked out. “I’ll be at the house, Richie!”
You come out from behind him, watching as he uncocked the gun and put it back into the holster. You go to the fabrics, resuming to fold them up as Richie slowly comes behind you, hands settling on your hips. “What’s for dinner tonight, doll?”
“Whatever your maid is cooking up at home,” you say quickly, straightening out your dress before you grab another stack of fabrics. “You ain’t coming home with me.”
He rolled his eyes. “And why the hell not?”
You let out a laugh. “Why the hell should you? You haven’t come home for the past three days.”
“Hey,” Richie says, forcing you to turn around as he pressed you against the table. “You better remember who you’re talking to, doll. I paid for that pretty ass apartment you got right on the water, I can come home whenever the fuck I want.”
“Give me a number, Richie, I’ll fucking pay you back,” you hissed in response as he takes off his hat, pulling his gun from his holster to press it to your chin. This wasn’t the first time you had been held at gunpoint by Richie Boyle, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. “Pull the trigger, Richie Boyle, I dare you.”
He scoffs out a laugh as he cocked the gun, your hand pushing into your skirt Leonard had custom made for you with pockets. “You’re way too fucking bold for your own good, woman.”
You take out your own revolver, pressing it to his groin as you raised a brow. “At least I have bite behind my bark, Rich.”
He pauses, eyes flickering down as you do the same, cocking your gun. He huffs out a laugh as he uncocked his gun, trailing it along your jaw before tucking your hair behind your ear with the muzzle. “You’re so pretty, darling. It’s a shame your attitude makes me want to put a bullet in you.”
You roll your eyes as you uncocked your own gun, sliding it back into your pocket. “You’re such a charmer, Richie.”
He groans dramatically as he threw the gun onto the table, taking yours and doing the same. “You’re so bold, y’know that?”
“I think you forget I’m not one of those good little girls begging for a taste of bad,” you roll your eyes as you turn, grabbing your revolver that matched his, the only difference was yours had his name engraved and his yours. “You know I’ve been fucking gangsters since you were playing with yourself.”
He grins as he grabbed his revolver, slipping it back into his holster before grabbing a pack of cigarettes from his jacket and a lighter. “But I’m the best, right darling? I’m the one that can make you cum the hardest?”
You giggle. “Sure, handsome,” you say, taking the lighter and the cigarette he slipped between his lips between your teeth before lighting it. You take a long drag as his tongue darts out of his mouth to wet his lips before you blow the smoke into his face. “You can think that.”
He chuckled as he takes back the cigarette, doing the same you did before pulling your lips to his and blowing the smoke into your mouth. You hum, exhaling through your nose as he holds the cigarette between his pointer and middle fingers. “I know that, darling. I’m the person who’s got you clawing into the bed every night.”
You hummed. “Except for the past three.”
His eyes roll back as you push him off, grabbing the fabric and putting them in a box so they wouldn’t start to smell like smoke. “Don’t start with me, Y/N! I fucking hear enough from-”
“Don’t you talk to me like that, Richie Boyle!” You yelled at him, stomping over to take the cigarette from him and press it dangerously close to his Adams apple. “I’m not a fucking whore who will let you talk to her however you please. If you want to talk to someone like that, I’ll start packing my bags now and leave that fucking apartment you said you bought.”
It wasn’t a lie. He did buy the apartment, you just kept up with the bills. You made enough from Leonard and the monthly checks your father sent you, even being able to stowaway some as a keepsake. You definitely didn’t need Richie like he thought you did.
“Fucking do it. I dare you.”
You throw the cigarette to the ground, stomping on it with the tip of your heel as you turned around. “I’m fucking done with you, Richie Boyle. You think you can just come and go as you please and talk to me however the fuck you want? Think again, Richie, I’m not a girl you can fucking walk all over!”
He laughs. “Where are you going to go, darling? Hm? Don’t forget your daddy doesn’t own this town anymore, mine does.”
You turned around, gasping as he grabbed your hips and pulled you into his chest. “And you know what that means?” He grinned, leaning down, his smoke tinted breath fanning onto your lips. “I own everything in this town. Including you.”
You shoved him, fists clenching as you turned around. “Fuck you, Richie.”
“Where are you going to go, huh?!” He yells, following you through the tailor shop. “Look at me. Look at me!”
He grabbed your wrist, pulling you to turn around before your hand connected to his cheek, slapping so hard that the noise echoed across the walls. You gasped as his head stays facing toward the side, covering your mouth as he clenched his jaw. As much as it shocked you, you certainly didn’t regret it. “You better fix your fucking head, Richie Boyle. I am not an object that belongs to you, and I’m certainly not going to stand here and take your shit. I am not the cause of your frustrations and I’m certainly not going to be on the receiving end. Now let me go.”
His grip loosens as you walk toward the end of the room, grabbing your coat from the hook before slipping it on. “I’ll have my stuff out by the morning. Daddy will send people to get my things in an hour-”
You sniffled, wiping at your cheek. “We’ll talk about who will keep Kingsley,” you say, talking about your German Shepherd that you found on the streets. “But I doubt you’ll want him because you never fucking did anything for him. Daddy will send a car to get me in a few minutes, I’m going to call him.”
You couldn’t walk out of the room before he softly grabbed your hand, pulling you into his chest. “Doll, look at me.”
“No,” you say, attempting to push against his chest as you stared at the now insanely attractive ties. “Let me go, Richie.”
“Y/N,” he says, his other hand softly cupping your cheek to get you to face him. “I’m sorry.”
You inhaled sharply, those were not words you had ever come out of Richie Boyle’s mouth. “What?”
“I’m sorry,” he repeats, stroking your cheek with a shaky exhale. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, doll, I am. Don’t go. Please don’t go.”
Your eyes narrow, squinting at him as you shook your head. “I’m not dealing with your shit, Richie. I’m not, never again. I don’t fucking deserve it.”
He shook his head. “I know. I know, darling, I know. You don’t. I promise, I promise I’ll try,” he lifts your hand to his lips as you bite your lip, holding back a sob as he kissed your knuckles. “I’m so sorry, darling. I’ll be better. I’ll be better for you. I’ll come home every night, I’ll stay with you until you wake up, I’ll take care of Kingsley and let him onto the bed if you want. Just don’t leave.”
You shake your head. “You’ve said this before, Richie. I’m not going to be a fucking dumbass and listen to you again.”
“Why the fuck do you think I bought you that apartment, huh?” He snapped, the hand on your cheek going to hold your jaw. “So I knew where the fuck you were every night. So it was in my fucking territory and I can fucking protect you. Because I know you fucking love that stupid marina for whatever reason you’ve never fucking told you. Why do you think I want to do that, hm?”
You paused, looking up at him. He was so close. “You can’t even say it, can you?”
He scoffs, looking away before you tried to pull your wrist from his grip. “What are you doing?”
“I’m not going to be with a fucking coward who can’t even say three fucking words,” you snapped, trying to pry his hand from your wrist. “Let go of me!”
“Why are three fucking words so important to you, huh?!” He raises his voice before you gave him that look, oh that look that always put him in his place. “Why do you want to hear them so bad? Why does it matter if I say it or if I show it?”
“Because you don’t fucking show it, Richie!” You yelled at him, finally getting his hand off of your wrist before pushing him back. “You don’t show it or say it! All you do is come home, ask for sex, then leave! I’m not your personal fucking whore, got dammit! You don’t say it, you don’t act like it, for fucks sake, sometimes I wonder why I’m so fucking in love with you!” You inhaled deeply, covering your mouth. “I’m leaving, Richie, before something happens that we can’t undo.”
Richie licked his lips before covering his mouth, looking away. “You’re in love with me?”
You laughed bitterly before scoffing. “I was, yeah, Richie. Now I don’t know. What I do know is that I’m not going to fucking stay with a coward like you. You might be all strong and shit in every fucking area of life, but you’re a fucking coward in this one,” you grabbed your purse, turning around. “I’m not going to stay with someone who’s too scared to love.”
“I love you.”
You paused. Why did it take him so long to say it? Was it just because you were leaving? The fact that the great playboy Richie Boyle wasn’t going to get someone he wanted?
“I love you,” he repeats, walking over as you start to take off your coat and put your jacket onto the hook before putting your purse over it. “Y/N, I love you.”
“You should leave, Richie,” you whisper, turning around to cross your arms over your chest. “I still have work to do, and I’ll be damned before I let you push me out of my job.”
He walked over, slowly crumbling to his knees in front of you. “I love you.”
“Get up, Richie,” you say, trying to go around him before he grabs the back of your thighs and pressed kisses over your dress. “Pathetic isn’t a good look for you.”
It was a lie. Pathetic was an extremely good look on him. Everything was a good look on him, for fucks sake, he was Richie Boyle.
“You don’t think so?” He teased, rubbing your thighs down to your calves through your dress. “Thought you liked it when I’m on my knees.”
You scoffed, yelping as he pulls you flush against him. “Richie, I’m not dealing with your shit-”
“No more shit, darling,” he says, kissing at your hip. “I’ll show you. I promise.”
A gasp falls from your lips as he starts to lift up your skirt, bunching it up at your waist as his hands go to your pretty lace underwear. “You want me to stop, doll?” He asks, licking a firm line from your cunt to your clit through the fabric. “All you gotta do is tell me.”
“Fucking hell, Richie,” you whisper, covering your mouth. He always did this, always. You both had gotten into fights before, and they always ended like this: sex against the closest surface. Not this time though. “Richie, stop.”
He pauses, looking up at you confused. “Why?”
“Why must you ask why? You don’t need a reason, I told you to stop!” You shove him, going around his body as he rushes to stand.
“Hey! Y/N, don’t you walk away from me!” He quickly comes behind you, turning you around to press you against the table of ties. “Why the fuck are being so difficult, huh? I’ve done everything you’ve wanted!”
“Not when I wanted you to!” You yell back, the bell of the front door quickly covered by your shout. “You don’t try, Richie. I��m not going to deal with your childish antics like a little boy who doesn’t get the toy he wants.”
“You listen to me,” Richie says, voice shaking in anger as his hand grabs your jaw to get you to look at him. “I’ve been fucking trying the entire time we’ve fucking been together! Don’t tell me that I’m not trying!”
His yelling reminds you of whenever your father would yell at your mother before she walked out on him, immediately resetting his brain functions to where he found out how much he needed her and did everything she wanted to get her back. Your eyes were watering with tears just like hers used to, asking yourselves why you loved such a horrible man.
“Why aren’t you looking at me, huh? Don’t fucking-”
“Mister Richie,” a voice says, both of you looking to the side to see Leonard standing there. “I don’t… I don’t think it’s right for you to be talking to Y/N like that.”
Richie scoffs. “What’d you say to me?”
“Richie stop,” you say quickly, grabbing his jacket to pull him back to look at you. “I’m okay, Mr. Burling,” you smiled at Leonard, a sad, teary eyed smile. “I’m okay, Leo.”
“You hear that, old man?” Richie says as he grabbed your hand. “She’s fine. This might be your shop, but don’t forget who runs it.”
He looks at you, watching as you nod with a deep inhale. “I’m okay, Leo.”
Leonard shook his head. “You need to let her go, Richie.”
“Don’t tell me what to do, old man,” he yelled at Leonard, quickly pulling his gun with your name engraved on it towards the older man, cocking it. “You want to talk to me like that?!”
“Richie, stop! Stop, please!” It didn’t click that you had your own gun, but even then, you wouldn’t be able to put a gun to Richie. “Just… just stop! I’ll do whatever you want, just leave him alone. Please.”
You quickly grab his gun, uncocking it. “Please.”
Leonard exhaled as Richie puts down the gun, wrapping his arm around your waist. “Let’s go, doll. I’m feeling pasta for dinner, sounds good?”
You nodded mindlessly, his hand resting in the small of your back before he pushed you in front of him. “I’m sorry, Leonard.”
He shook his head. “It’s okay, honey, I’ll see you tomorrow-”
“No you won’t!” Richie yells as he gets to the door. “Tomorrow is date day. And night.”
You squeezed your eyes shut as the door slammed closed. “I don’t have my purse.”
“You don’t need it.”
“I need my coat.”
“You can have mine,” he starts to slip off his jacket, slipping it over your shoulders as he blew into his gloved hands. He fixes his suit jacket, slipping his hand into the pocket that lounged near your skirt to take out his cigarettes and lighter. “You want one, doll?”
You shake your head as he holds one between his teeth, lighting it by covering it from the blowing wind to make sure that it lit. He inhaled deeply as you bring the coat closer to your form, Richie’s hand settling back into the small of your back as he fixed his hat. “You wanna do anything specific tomorrow, darling? Can take you shopping, we can go out to breakfast-”
“Why are you acting like you didn’t just pull a gun on my boss?”
He scoffs, puffs of smoke falling from his lips before he takes another long inhale. “You don’t need him, or that stupid job. I Can support you on my own.”
“Why? So you can hold it over my head like you did earlier? No thank you.” You scoff in response as he shrugged.
“I could just make you quit.”
“Richie Boyle, you better fix- mhm!” You hummed loudly as he holds you hips, pressing you to a brick wall as he pressed his lips to yours.
Oh, you hated how addictive his kisses were. His smooth lips and breath laced with smoke, slick tongue pushing into your mouth as the cigarette holding hand cups your face and pulled you closer. “I wouldn’t make you do that, doll,” he says, smiling. “I know how much that stupid tailor makes you happy.”
“He’s a cutter,” you correct, shaking your head. “Not a tailor.”
“Whatever the fuck he is,” he says, taking the cigarette to his lips and inhaling deeply before blowing into the cool night air. “We should… invite him over for dinner one day.”
You shake your head, trying to push him off. “You say that now, but as soon as the time comes, you’re running for the hills.”
“Y/N,” he says sternly, stroking your lips with his thumb. “I’mma make you happy, doll. I’mma make you so fucking happy.”
You inhale shakily as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, the cigarette burning quicker than normal in the cold air. “Richie, I’m not dealing with your shit anymore. You got too many strikes.”
He shook his head. “I know, doll, I promise I’ll do better. I swear.”
You softly pat his cheek as he smiled at you. “You better, Richie Boyle.”
“I love you, Y/N L/N.” He says, loudly and confidently. “I fuckin’ love you.”
You giggled, stroking his hair. “I love you too, Richie Boyle.”
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part 2 maybe?
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© asterias-record-shop
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blueathens · 2 years
Before I Fall - Masterlist
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OC x Dylan O’Brien AU - Bodyguard/Secret Agent x Prince Four x Dylan O’Brien 
Writing Rule||Character List||Navigation||Masterlist  
Series Masterlist
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synopsis ⇢ The people who knew of Four existent didn’t know much except from these two things: 
1) Four’s a woman.
2) Four died at the hands of Xavier Boudreaux, a sociopath who happily pushed a chained and beaten up Four to a chair and pushed her off the bridge and into the sea below them, where she drowned. 
Except Four didn’t die, she escaped, and now she lives in an isolated cabin located within the mountains, where she’s been living low for nearly four years. Now at the age of twenty-two, her boss and partner finds her and asks for her help with a new mission of keeping two people of importance safe, and they requested for the best, and Four simply was the best that they were looking for.
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main genres ⇢ bodyguard/secret agent x prince, strangers to friends to lovers, grumpy x sunshine,
↳ fluff, angst and smut are all included into this series 
warning ⇢  explicit content, graphic violence, gore, mature themes, strong language, death, mental health and injuries, alcohol/drugs/smoking, 
↳ please refrain if you are sensitive to any of these themes. Please also keep in mind that not all warnings may be listed above - all warnings though fit into the series.
note ⇢ updates will be once a week, the day of the week has not been decided yet or what time it will come out on those days. Those will sorted once planning is completed. I’m hoping this will get me out of my many months worth of writes block :)
↳ to be informed when there’s an update, you can either turn @blueathens notifications on, or ask to be added to the series’ masterlist.
status ⇢ planning
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o. character profiles 
i. act one
ii. act two - arriving after act one
iii act three - arriving after act three
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162 notes · View notes
smut, fluff, angst, any!!!
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ilovewriting06 · 1 year
Heyyy! Just a reminder my requests are always open and feel free to ask for anything, I now feel comfortable to write all genres, including smut. So let me know if anyone has a request! 😊
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