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"Please Tommy, Please."
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Title: Killer In Disguise II
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Gif credit @teenwolfmazerunnerunited
Requested on wattpad
Hope you all enjoy
Happy Reading Dollies
Tuesday morning came and you were off to school. Meaning Derek drove you to and from since he didnt want you going past the woods or being near anyone that could set you off. But school was going to be challenging since every little thing about lydia and her friends set you off. Scott and Stiles had their hands full.
"Just ignore her. She's just trying to get a rise out of you". Scott stepped between you and Lydia's locker, she was staring you down.
"I just want to rip that red head right off her body". You snarled.
"Hey, bad werewolf". Stiles came out of nowhere with a spray bottle spraying you in the face.
"Stiles, what the hell are you doing"? Scott grabbed the bottle from him and threw it in the trash can.
"If it can work on cats getting on the furniture then it should work on a werewolf".
"You know I can tear you from limb to limb and not bat a eye doing it, right"? You warned Stiles, who was hiding behind Scott now.
"Calm down". Scott put his hand on your shoulder.
"Will you and Derek and everyone stop telling me to calm down"? You said pretty loudly as the hallway stopped and watched you as you slammed your locker.
"Wow, looks like someone forgot to take their chill pills". Lydia came walking past with her friends.
"See. I have to get to class". You huffed and walked away.
"Scott, you seriously need to get a handle on this. Or she is really going to hurt someone".
"I'm trying but you seem to not understand that Y/N isn't like me. She has Derek's blood in her and he's crazy so that mean"?
"She's even crazier"?
"No. It means she has his temper but worse and she's going to snap but I'm going to be there when it happens".
"Alright. I trust you. You handle her and I'll try and figure out who killed the guy".
"Sounds good. Better get to class. Keep a eye on Y/N when you see her". Scott ran down the hall to his class.
"Sure thing buddy. I'll be the one she'll probably kill". Stiles said with a nervous chuckle.
The bell rang and that meant lunch, you were starving. The werewolf in you was really hungry but you stayed with your ham and cheese sandwich. You sat on the bleacher over looking the field.  No one was there just you and the sounds of nature.
"Hello, my dear niece". Peter, your uncle startled you.
"What are you doing here"?
"Cant I come see you"?
"Not when you tried killing my brother, you can't". You scooted away from him as he sat down on the bleachers.
"That's water under the bridge. I heard that you because a werewolf yesterday.  I'm proud".
"Thanks". You said awkwardly.
"So who's your alpha"?
"No one yet. Derek and Scott are just trying to keep me calm for now".
"Ah yes, the women are more prone to more violent outbursts than us males. We can control our tempers".
"Really now"?
"But jerk uncles named Peter are more prone to attack their family members than other uncles".
Peter laughed, a evil laugh that sent chivers up your spine.
"Walk with me"? He held out his hand for you to take.
"I better be getting back to the class lunch is almost over". You quickly got up.
"Y/N. Come. Now". Peter ordered. You gulped and  walked with him to the woods near the field. You knew this was not good. Peter was trouble.
"Scott, I found something". Stiles ran to Scott's lunch table.
"What is it"?
"Derek and Y/N, they have a uncle".
"Okay and"?
"He's a werewolf just like them. That's maybe why you thought you smelt Y/N. The same DNA strand of smell. Peter could mimic hers".
"I dont think werewolves can do that".
"Fine. Where's Y/N"?
"I thought she was with you"? Scott dropped his fork.
"No, she was supposed to be eating lunch with you".
"Crap". Scott and Stiles took off. Scott put his nose to the air and sniffed you out. They went passed the bleachers and saw your stuff sitting there.
"Someone else was here too. The scent".
"Oh God, shes killed someone". Stiles started to panic.
"No, it was the scent on the body. They're here and they took Y/N. Call Derek". Scott said before taking off towards the woods.
"What makes you think Derek will even pick up if he knows it's me"? Stiles grumbled as he got on the phone to Derek and ran after Scott.
"He said he's on his way. But by the sounds of it I woke him". Stile rambled on and bumped into Scott as he stopped.
"Shhh". Scott put his finger over his mouth and pointed to you. You were in the woods just standing there, your back turned to them.
"What she doing"?
"I have a bad feeling about this". Scott walked around you to face you.
"Y/N"?  Scott spoke and you lashed out at him. A crazed look in your werewolf eye.
"Y/N, calm down. This isn't you. You're not a monster". Scott said as he backed up away from you as you walked closer try to him. He bumped into something hoping it was Derek to help.
"Hello, you must be Scott. I'm Peter". Scott swifty turned around.
"You're the werewolf". He picked up the same scent.
"You should keep your nose in your own business".
"You killed that guy".
"Perhaps". Peter stepped close.
"What has Y/N got to do with this"?
"She has to learn. To know what to take what she needs to survive".
"You brought her to the woods and forced her to watch you kill that man, didnt you"?
"Well my stupid nephew is going to let her talent go to waste".
"Talent"? Stiles asked.
"Killer. She'll be a good one. It's in her blood and I have the perfect person for her to start with". Peter smirked at Stiles.
"Stiles, run now". Scott warned Stiles as you growled and started after him.
Scott ran after you and tried his best to keep you away from Stiles but you were to strong.
"Y/N". Derek caught everyones attention.
"Scott get Stiles out of here".
"I'm not leaving Y/N. You want to hurt her and he wants to turn her into a killer. She needs me".
"Then do something. While I take care of Peter". Derek released his nails and fangs and went after Peter.
Scott tried to talk you out of your daze but nothing seemed to work.
"Y/N, you dont want to do this. He's your friend. We're your friends. Please listen. Peter is just trying to make you like him and you're not. You're nothing like him. You're sweet and kind.  Funny and smart. You wouldn't hurt a fly. I will teach you to control your anger. I promise. Please, you can do this. Just listen to me". Scott had his hands on your shoulders, looking into your eyes.  He could still see you in there.
Scott wrapped his arms around you and held you tight, even when you fought back. He held you.
"I'm not going anywhere. I love you". Scott said with a  smile.
You let out a breath. Slowly coming to your senses. Scott kissed you fast to see your reaction. Then again until you slowly turned back.
"Scott what happened"? You panted as your body went limp and Scott held you.
"Everything is going to be okay now. I've got you".
"Do you mean it"?
"I do. I love you".
"I love you too". You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.
You both heard foot steps coming from both directions. Stiles walked up with caution. "I'm okay now Stiles. Sorry I tried to kill you".
"Yeah, it's fine. I'm okay". Stiles said quietly with a squeaky voice.
"Y/N"? Derek came back limping. 
"Derek". You gasped and sprinted to him. He groaned as you hugged him.
"You're okay"?
"I'm fine. Are you"?
"Just a scratch". He chuckled laying his arm on your shoulder as you helped him hobble out of the woods with Scott and Stiles.
"What about Peter"?
"I scared him away for now but he'll be back".
"And we'll be ready". You tell him.
"I saw what you did, Scott. Great job. Now I know you can take care of her when I'm not around".
"I'd do anything for her. She has learning to do but she'll get there I'm going to teach her". Scott winked at you.
"Me too. You both need me, I'm a expert in werewolves". Stiles made you all laugh.
"That we do". You wrapped your arm around Stiles which made him flinch.
"I'm not going to hurt you".
"Tell that to the werewolf side of you. Cause she doesn't like me to much".
"She likes you. She could just eat you up". Stiles eyes grew big as Scott, Derek and you busted out laughing with the werewolf joke. Scott kissed your cheek as he saw the Y/N he knew come out.
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Thanks to the fabulous @bvcky-b for tagging me
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I tag @buckykingofmemes @sebastianstanners @teenwolfmazerunnerunited @upallnightogetloki @getbuckylucky @sebstanstuff @buckybarnesdaily
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