#tehehehe yippeeee
marinaiguess · 11 months
💜💜💜 “i’m sorry you had to see me like that” sonic + character of your choice 👀
Thank you so much for this prompt, Chaox! I started this today and I'm posting it now, without a second editing round bcuz I need to sleep but I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't finish this today :) Hope you like this <3
Sonic Forces inspired. 2k words.
He's getting out of control. Fists clenched so tight he's sure, weren't it for the gloves, he would have drawn blood. His mind is hazy, vision gradually blurring as he tries to shift his attention from the echidna in front of him to anything else.
He should do that right now; he should look away.
Albeit, he can't.
"Can you repeat that, Knux?" he says, his voice laced with venom.  
Knuckles takes note of the dangerous undertone—of the warning behind it—but doesn't quite grasp the severity of the situation. He crosses his arms, turning his head away from the other's interrogating gaze. Maybe he can't bear the look on his face, maybe he can't bear the fact that he's wrong. For just this once, he can't deny it, he should have been more careful. Yet another responsibility he had failed to take care of successfully.
"You heard me alright," He spits, anger boiling inside him. "He's not here, Sonic."
Knuckles can feel Sonic's gaze penetrating through his skull. From his peripheral vision, he is able to see the way he's staring at him, the way his jaw tenses and he realizes, it might have been a better idea to break the news in another, more tactful way.
Sonic takes one step forward and suddenly the air is thicker, denser; the room turns tenser.
Amy senses it and opts to act first by putting a hand on his shoulder. "Wait, Sonic, please--"
He yanks her hand away without even bothering to look at her. "Stay out of this, Amy."
"You're kidding," Amy scoffs and she’s not sure if she’s reacting to him ignoring her or to him expecting her to just stand and watch.
This time, he doesn't hesitate to turn his head to glare at her and his emerald eyes have never looked more intimidating before, not to her.
Yet, she doesn't back down. "This is not Knuckles' fault, you know that."
He laughs. There’s nothing funny or humorous about his laugh, but it emits from the depth of his soul, echoing in the room as he turns his attention to Knuckles once more.
"Tell me, commander, whose responsibility was it to look after him while I was gone?"
"Don't give me that shit, Sonic. We couldn't really keep an eye on him--"
Sonic's forearm connects to his neck, pushing Knuckles to the wall behind him. "You couldn't?"
He ignores Amy's pleas, putting more force into his grasp. "Where is he?"
"How should I know?" Knuckles growls. "He's been gone for three months."
Everything goes quiet. Even Amy's voice fades out of existence as Sonic registers Knuckles' words. Without really intending to, he backs down a bit, although he’s still holding Knuckles against the wall.
When Knuckles tries to push him away, Sonic doesn’t give him a chance to even touch him and he slams his head on the wall as a warning, his forceful grip returning shortly after, despite hearing Knuckles coughing. Sonic knows he's strong, possibly stronger than him, under normal circumstances, so he understands, even in this state of mind, that Knuckles decides to not fight back.
Good. He doesn’t wanna go all out on him.
"Where is Tails?" he repeats the question.
"I don't know, okay?!"
Knuckles’ scream is the last thing that’s heard in the room, inside the Resistance HQ. Silence fills the void, until Sonic breaks it.
"I trusted you, Knuckles. I trusted you with my little brother's life. And with mine too."
Those words hurt more than Knuckles could have imagined.
But Sonic doesn’t relent, throwing more daggers right at his heart. "Maybe you're just not fit for the job. Or for any job. You shouldn't be taking responsibilities you can't handle."
Knuckles finds himself unable speak, so Sonic does it for him. "I'm gone for six months and you're telling me the war is still going? Great job, commander. On top of that, Tails is gone?"
Knuckles coughs again. "Stop it."
Sonic’s fangs show as a grin carves its way to his face and Knuckles can't tell if it's a sinister act or if it's a coping mechanism to hide his pain. "How does it feel to have failed at everything?"
"Sonic!" Amy intervenes, not courageous enough to properly stand up to him, however.
She's standing still, her hands balled into fists against her chest. It's probably the first time in a long while she's felt this scared. She's never witnessed Sonic lose control like that.
Knuckles meets her gaze and reads her like an open book, agreeing with her thoughts. No matter how well Sonic knows him—well enough to use just the right words to hurt him—in any other case, he wouldn't have gone this far. Something about him is off, his no-die, no-lose attitude is nowhere to be seen, his hopeful, full of excitement for the next adventure eyes are gloomy and dark, his logic is clouded by concern. Even if this is about Tails, this isn't typical of him.
Those six months imprisoned in space did take a toll on him, however much he tried to hide it once they rescued him.
"He's fine," he reassures, getting ahold of Sonic's forearm with both hands, ignoring the way he tenses and hisses. "You trust him, right?"
"Of course, I trust him." he barks, immediately. "But we're in the middle of a war, commander. Eggman might have gotten ahold of--"
"You're--" he scoffs. "You're not thinking straight."
Sonic bares his teeth, his jaw tightening even more. "Are you saying that me being worried is irrational?"
"Yes, it is. The kid can handle himself, Sonic."
"You said it, Knux. Kid. He's just a kid and he's been gone for—for three months?"
"You've left him behind for longer than that before." Knuckles notices out loud.
"It was to protect him!" he spits on his face.
Yet, Knuckles seems unfazed. "What's so different this time around?"
Sonic's mind short-circuits. His eyes widen when he takes in the sight in front of him. He doesn't quite remember how they got here.
"What would he say if he saw you like this?"
The final blow. Sonic had him against the wall but Knuckles had him cornered. He may be right but Sonic would rather not admit that, for the sake of his ego not getting wounded.
He takes a deep breath, letting his arms fall. Knuckles is standing firmly on both his feet now, managing to keep his breathing in check.
Until Sonic approaches him, noses almost touching as he jabs a finger to Knuckles’ chest.
"If there's a possibility, even a slight one, that Tails went through half of the hell I did, I'm blaming you."
Knuckles knows he meant every word, which makes him furious; knowing that he was calm and collected enough to say something like that. Calm enough to walk away after that statement. He can’t just stand there and take it like a champ, resulting in Sonic looking like the bigger guy in this quarrel.
And so, he breaks, guilt washing over him like pouring rain. "You know what, Sonic? You're not the only one who's had it rough. While you were gone, we were fighting our asses to keep the world safe. It wasn't an easy task."
"Yeah? And how did that go?” He turns around to face him. “Ninety-eight percent of the world under Eggman's control and Tails lost,” He huffs a short-lived laugh, bitterness emitting from it. “Excellent work."
Knuckles wants to punch him, he wants to wipe that smug, sarcastic smirk off of his face to knock some sense into him (especially now that he seems he’s pulled himself together, at least a bit) but Amy steps between them, holding her arm out to stop Knuckles on his tracks. He could push her away but she knows he won’t.
"Knuckles is right," She states, locking gazes with Sonic.
For a single moment, she regrets it, upon witnessing the way something passes by Sonic’s eyes, pain written all across his face.
"Knuckles is what? He's right? By saying I didn't have it rough?"
"I didn't—"
Sonic cuts him off, waving his hand as he closes his eyes. "For once in my life I felt truly helpless but I thought you had my back."
Amy and Knuckles can only stare, jaws slack at Sonic’s confession.
"And you just… proved me wrong. I'm—"
His voice breaks, slightly, but of course, it doesn’t go unnoticed.
Knuckles’ face softens and Amy approaches him, just a little bit. "Sonic..."
Sonic ignores her as he sits on the ground, the reality of the situation finally sinking in. "Shit.”
He brings his knees to his chest, almost curling into a ball as he moves his hands closer to his face, inspecting them. Only now he realizes they’re trembling.
He starts rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms, even if he’s using too much pressure it hurts.
Amy takes a few moments before she kneels next to him, a comforting hand making its way to Sonic’s back. He winces when it makes contact with his fur, arching away from the touch but one look around him persuades him he’s safe. With one long inhale, he decides to relax and accept the friendly gesture, despite it not helping that much.
It is sincere. That’s all that matters.
“We can work this out, like we always do,” She speaks after what feels like an eternity. “We will find him.”
It is wishful thinking more than anything, Sonic notes in his mind. If Tails doesn’t want to be followed, he knows how to hide his tracks. Especially with all the commotion thanks to the war happening around them, it would be ten times harder to get ahold of him or even a rough idea of where he might be.
But Amy’s right. They always win at the end of the day. Together.
Knuckles crouches next to him, patting his shoulder since he seems less tense now. “I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to your expectations,” He confesses and Sonic turns his head around so fast he feels dizzy. “You’re right, I wasn’t fit for the job. But it was a real mess, Sonic. We were lost and outnumbered. Tails felt lost as well, helpless.”
At that Sonic tenses but allows Knuckles to continue. “With you around, we might be able to fix things.”
“Yeah, maybe I—”
“Under my command, though,” Knuckles smirks.
“Aye, aye, commander,” Sonic pouts, playfully.
“And,” Knuckles looks at the wall in front of him. “I didn’t mean to make you feel like whatever you had to deal with back there was not rough. With the way you’re acting, I know it was really bad.”
“Meh, whatever,” Sonic waves a hand at him, grinning. “I’ve had it worse.”
Amy snorts and Knuckles’ raises a brow but they both decide to let it slide.
Sonic hugs his knees, his grin falling. “I’m the one who should be apologizing,” He says, taking a deep breath. “I'm sorry you had to see me like that.”
“It’s okay,” Amy reassures without missing a beat. “We know.”
Sonic looks at both of them, their smiles urging his own to appear on his face as well. If he feels his throat tighten, he ignores it. He feels like he’s cried enough the past six months; more than he should have allowed himself to. Good thing no one was around to see the mess the Infinite illusions had made of him.
“Alright,” he gets up, newfound courage flowing through his veins. “Let’s get to it.”
They get up as they nod when a slam of the door catches them off guard.
That voice. Sonic’s smile reaches his ears before he finds the source of the voice.
He’s safe. They both are.
He’s real.
“I was so worried.”
“You worry too much, look! I’m perfectly fine.”
“Who’s gonna tell him he was losing his shit just a few minutes ago?” Knuckles whispers, which earns him a jab on his chest by Amy’s elbow.
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