#tell me what you thiiiiiink please
Fundamental Differing
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Chapter XVII: Something In The Way
warnings: MDNI 18+ ONLY! implications of suicide (very slight), alcohol abuse, drug abuse, unhealthy coping mechanisms, angst, miscommunications as always! you get called babe/baby a lot in this chapter (platonically)
tags: rockstar!eddie x rockstar!reader, gn!reader, afab!reader
a/n: remember last time when i said we were like halfway through yeah i thiiiiiink i may have lied. STRAP IN BFFS i have so many ideas and the will to write them. hope this one leaves u looking forward to the next few ;)
Disclaimer: I do not give permission to have my work reposted on other sites. Reblogs are more than welcome, but please inform me if you find my work elsewhere unless otherwise stated.
December 1985
Eddie’s POV
“We’ll always find each other”
You tilt your head in question, unsure what he’s getting at. Eddie continues, “When you’re stuck in your nightmares, or when I’m fighting my ego, we’ll find each other. Bring each other back down to earth. When we’re rich and famous and far away from here, we’ll still find each other.”
He can feel his eyes welling at his own words. He can’t imagine losing you, letting you go or watching you leave, not after everything he’s seen. When you nod your head, Eddie feels the tightness in his chest dissipate. “I promise. I’ll always find you.” You seal the words with a kiss, one that grows more desperate as Eddie grips your face in his hand. He lets the tears fall, his eyes screwed shut as you kiss him. It scares him, how he feels about you. Nothing in his life had prepared him for someone like you to love him. He knows he’s broken, that he’ll fuck up constantly. Something in his gut keeps telling him he doesn’t have forever with you, that he’ll make an unfixable mistake and push you away.
Your POV
You wake up to an empty bed, the spot where Eddie had lay growing cold. You groan at the light streaming through his windows, rolling over to shield your eyes with a pillow that smells too much like him. There’s a gentle knock on your door before Eddie opens it, “Hey,” He half whispers, “Wayne made breakfast, you hungry?”
You nod into the pillow before sitting up. Eddie’s already dressed in his street clothes, ready for the trip to Columbus for the show tonight. He offers his hand, and you take it, letting him pull you to your feet. You cling to him, your grip on his hand refusing to loosen as he leads you to the kitchen, where Wayne is flipping a chocolate chip pancake on the stove.
“Hey, kiddo. You alright? Ed filled me in on everything.” He eyes his nephew, who doesn’t object to his admission.
“Yeah, thank you.” You look up at Eddie, still feeling soft from sleep. “Eddie took care of me.” You squeeze his hand, and he squeezes back. Wayne places a plate in front of you, and goes to pour another coffee for himself, also pouring one for you and Eddie.
The three of you are quiet as you eat, the only sounds coming from the clinking of forks against plates, or the gentle slurping of coffee, until the comfortable silence is broken by the knocking on Wayne’s front door.
Eddie groans dramatically, head thrown back and eyes rolled to the ceiling. “I’ll get it.” He pushes himself from the table and leaves to answer the door.
You can hear it immediately, Steve’s anxious tone as he rambles, “I don’t know where they went, I figured you’d be the one to know—“
“They’re here, Steve,” Eddie deadpans, and you giggle as Wayne chuckles.
“Here? Like here, here?”
“Nance didn’t tell you?”
“No one tells me shit anymore, Eddie.”
You hear two sets of footsteps. Steve follows Eddie into the kitchen, where he inspects the scene before him; You, in Eddie’s clothes, hair disheveled, stuffing pancakes into your mouth with bright red cheeks, giggling with Eddie’s uncle. “You scared the shit out of me!” Your eyes widen at your friend’s anger, but Steve doesn’t stop. “I woke up and you were gone, not even Robin knew where you were. You could have left a note, called, something!”
“Well, you found me. And I’m safe.” You don’t want to argue, but you really don’t want to explain yourself to Steve right now.
He’s not done, though. “I’m responsible for you, Y/n. On this tour, you and the band are my only priority. If you’re gonna go somewhere in the middle of the goddamn night, you need to tell someone. Preferably me.”
“I figured Nancy would have told you. I woke her up last night, and she knew where I was going.”
Steve rubs his hand down his tired face, and you feel guilty for making him worry. “And I think she believed you wanted some alone time, truly. But we need to go if we’re gonna make it to Columbus in time.”
You hang your head like a scolded child, and drag yourself from the breakfast table. “Alright. I’ll be out in a second.” Steve gives you a short nod before turning around, slamming the door behind him.
“Well,” Eddie starts after a beat of painful silence, “Let’s get this show on the road, yeah?”
“Can I talk to you first?” It’s almost a whisper, but Eddie is so fine tuned to you, he nods without hesitating. You follow him into the dining room, away from where his uncle can hear you, you’re too embarrassed to say anything in front of him.
“I really don’t wanna hear you say sorry again, sweetheart.” Eddie turns to face you, his hand still trapped in yours, making no effort to let go. “You know I’d do anything for you. Anything you wanted.”
You shake your head sadly. “I won’t, I promise. But it doesn’t mean I’m not thinking it.”
Eddie shakes his head, bringing his free hand up to cup your cheek. You lean into his touch without a second thought, your eyes closing as his thumb strokes your skin. “I told you, we’d find each other.” It’s a whisper, barely audible, but you hear him like he’s shouting in your ear. It’s a promise you made to each other long ago, when you were love sick and naive, a promise to come back to each other after every battle, every stupid argument. Of course, things hadn’t gone completely according to plan in the last six years, but he’d still managed to find you. He’s just waiting for you to find him, to keep your promise. You’re still not sure if you can.
“I’ll see you in Columbus.” His hand falls as you speak, and you miss its warmth. “Thank you.�� It’s a standoff. You’re still not sure how to say goodbye to him, even though you’ve done it hundreds of times by now. Everything in you is fighting to stay stuck to his floor.
“Yeah, I’ll see you.”
And you finally tear yourself away, not saying a single thing you’d wanted to. Really, all you want is for him to hold you, to stay here with Wayne, quit the band, quit it all to remain in this happy little bubble you’ve deluded yourself into thinking you belong in. But you can’t, so you give Wayne a long hug, and wave goodbye to the Munsons’, closing the door behind you.
Eddie’s POV
He blows out the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. Behind him, Wayne snorts a laugh and Eddie whips his head around. “What are you laughlin’ at?”
Wayne shakes his head. “You, boy. You’re such an idiot.” There’s no bite to his comment, and Eddie laughs with him.
“You’re probably the sixth person to tell me that in the last twenty four hours.”
Wayne stops laughing suddenly, his frown lines deepening. “How many more ‘til you do something about it?”
Eddie’s baffled. “What am I supposed to do?”
“Be straight with ‘em, for one thing. You can’t keep beatin’ around bushes hopin’ they’ll be content with that.” Wayne scolds, and it breaks Eddie’s heart disappointing him.
“Okay, hold on. You don’t have a clue about what’s goin’ on with us.” He feels his walks rising, preparing to shield himself from a harsh truth.
“Because you don’t tell me, Eddie!” Wayne’s voice booms through the house, shooting into Eddie’s ears and rattling his brain. “I do know, that kid loves you.”
“Yeah, but I don’t-“
“Deserve it?” Wayne slams his mug onto the counter, causing Eddie to jump. “No, you don’t, not the way you’ve been actin’ lately. Kid I raised, though? That treated everyone like a friend or family, ‘n’ would chop his own leg off if it meant a better day for someone else? He does. Where the fuck did he go? What have you done with my son?” It’s unmistakable, the breakage of Wayne’s voice. “I almost lost you, Ed. Not once, but twice. You almost died, and your first instinct when you survived was to try and kill yourself.”
Eddie’s ears ring with the silence that follows. “You promised you’d never bring it up.” He feels his throat betray him, choking on his words.
“And you promised me you’d work on yourself. You promised me you’d try to get better.”
“And I am, I- I was. I slipped.”
Wayne rubs his tired face, trying to soothe himself. “I know it’s been hard. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling, frankly I don’t want to. But this ain’t the way to deal with it. Point is, you’re hurtin’ people you love, boy. I know Y/n’s hurtin’ bad.”
“You couldn’t possibly-“
Wayne stares him down, daring Eddie to question him again. “I know. I won’t ask you to promise me again, I’ve learned my lesson. But maybe it’ll get through your thick skull this time. Before it’s too goddamn late.”
Eddie swats a tear away, looking at his uncle through blurred vision. “So you’re saying it’s not too late yet?”
Wayne steps closer, his arms open. He lands a hand on each of his biceps, holding Eddie at arms length. “No, it’s not too late, kid. But you better shape up quick.”
Eddie nods, and lets Wayne pull him into a hug, wrapping his own arms around the older man. “I’m sorry, Wayne.”
“I know, kid. Get used to sayin’ it.”
Wayne pulls back, and Eddie adds, “Y’know, Y/n and I aren’t exactly sure what we’re doing.”
Wayne rolls his eyes, something Eddie’s never seen him do before. “Please, everyone on the planet and beyond knows what you two are doing.”
“Wanna enlighten me, then?”
“Bein’ fuckin’ cowards.” Wayne crosses his arms. “The way you look at each other, no way there’s anyone left that hasn’t caught on. But you’re not acknowledging the hard parts.”
Eddie groans. “Well, yeah, Wayne, we tend to avoid the hard parts. I don’t even know if I’m in the right place to be with them.”
“That is incredibly mature of you, Edward.” Eddie only scoffs. “Look, I get it. I respect your thought process. But you should probably reconcile at the very least. Have a conversation, spend a day together. Maybe not. Do the hard part. I can just tell it’s killin’ you to hold ‘em at night and not even see ‘em the next day.”
Of course he’s right, it’s destroying Eddie, only having you partially. There’s so much you don’t know about what happened to him, and so much he still doesn’t understand about you leaving. He knows he’s done wrong, he’s treated you poorly and he’s paid over and over for it in his mind, but he still doesn’t know what the final nail in the coffin was. Something tells him you’re not gonna give it up easily, either. Something has to give soon, even if he’s gotta make it. “Okay.”
“I’ll tell them. I’ll be honest.”
“Easier said than done, kid.”
Eddie shakes his head. “No, they deserve to know everything. Then, they can decide if they want anything to do with me.”
Wayne sighs. “They won’t see you as less than for it. You know that, right?” Eddie shrugs, gnawing on the inside of his cheek. “Why’d y’think you fell for ‘em in the first place?” He cracks a smile at his nephew. “You’re gonna be okay. You have a real good thing here.”
It’s Eddie who initiates the hug this time, throwing his arms around his uncle. Wayne returns the hug, chuckling into his nephew’s shoulder as he whacks his back lovingly. “Okay, okay,” Eddie let’s him go. “I gotta hit the road. I’ll call you when I get to Columbus.”
“Sure you will.” Wayne crosses his arms.
“I promise!”
“We’ll see!”
“I love you, Wayne.”
“Get goin’ before I boot you out myself.”
Eddie turns around, and right before he shuts the door he hears Wayne call “Love you, too!” causing a smile to creep across his face.
Eddie doesn’t want to tell you anything, obviously. He’s terrified. He knows it’s important, if any of this is gonna work out between you two. Trust is earned, he knows that, and he’s figured out it’s earned with truth. No fuckin’ shit.
So maybe he tells you. He confesses this deep, scary truth about himself to you in the hopes that you’ll reciprocate with a reason for leaving? Seems wildly unfair and selfish, even Eddie can see that. No. He shares this with you in hopes that you won’t run screaming in the opposite direction? Why wouldn’t you? Seems like a reasonable reaction. No. He tells you because you deserve to know. There can be no hope, not now. He can’t let himself expect anything from you, you don’t owe him. But it sticks inside his brain regardless, the idea that you might still speak to him after all of it. He can’t help it.
Eddie climbs onto his bus, back through the portal into the scary world of rock and roll, and the driver pulls away, cranking the volume to Something In The Way. His bandmates and Steve greet him cautiously, and he returns their curious glances with a shake of his head. There’s too much to explain right now, and Eddie’s sure they wouldn’t get it.
Steve, however, is not accepting that. “Can you come back here for a sec? Need some help with something.” It’s a command disguised as a question, and Eddie obeys, trudging towards the back of the bus, into the little bedroom where both of them barely fit.
“Thought you went with Death Dance?” Eddie stalls, ready to tiptoe around the elephant in the room.
“Nah, they’re fine without me hovering. You, on the other hand,”
“Need to be hovered around?”
Steve taps his nose. “Bingo. Anyway, look, I know you’re going through a lot, and I know Columbus harbors some old wounds, but I need you to keep it together.”
“I’ll do my best not to freak out, Harrington, but you and I both know I can’t promise anything.”
Steve pinches the bridge of his nose, screwing his eyes shut in frustration. “Fine. But you have to try. If this means anything to you, you’ll try.”
“What’s the big deal, man? Why’s this so important to you?” Eddie tries not to be irritated, but even he can hear the venom in his own voice.
“You’re important to me, dude. It hurts to see you all screwed up, throwing your life away, drinking ‘til you can’t see. You’re scaring us.”
“Us?” Steve presses his lips together. “You been talkin’ behind my back? Can’t really say I’m surprised.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “To who?”
“Who’ve you been talking about me with?”
“Who do you think?” Bastard doesn’t even bother lying. It’s Eddie’s turn to shut up. What has he told you? How much do you know?
“What did you-“
“Nothing. None of that shit, that’s not mine to tell. They’ve come to me, worried. I wish you’d open your fuckin’ eyes, man. That’s all.”
“Alright, alright. I surrender. I’ll try to be good!”
“Thank you. I’m kinda sick of the asshole you’ve become.”
“You and me both, brother.”
Your POV
“Hey,” Robin places herself across from you in the booth, “You wanna explain that little escapade for me?” She rests her chin in her hand, elbow propped on the table, the ultimate pseudo-posh body language meant for gossip.
You lean into the bit, and into your friend, mirroring her posture. “Well, first I woke up shrieking from a nightmare about Eddie dying, only to ask our lovely hostess for his uncle’s address, steal Mike’s bicycle, and bang on his front door like a fucking campaign volunteer!”
Robin blinks at you, seemingly unbothered by this irrational series of events. Great, you’ve become predictable. “What did he say?”
“When you told him?”
“Nothing spectacular, it was two a.m.” This isn’t the reaction you’d expected from her.
“So no wild accusations this time?”
You scoff, crossing your arms over your chest. “He apologized. He misunderstood-“
“He eavesdropped! Y/n, babe, please come back to earth for one second here. You really think it’s a shocker to ask if he’s hurt you again? Look at the notes.”
She’s right, but you’ll be damned if she gets to know that. “I’m done with this conversation, Robin. I mean it.”
“Okay, fine! New topic!” Robin snaps you from your daze. “There are whisperings.”
“Oh?” You quirk an eyebrow at her, and she nods vigorously. “I overheard Steve on the phone this morning. All I heard is that one of the smaller bands might have to back out of Lollapalooza. Nothing’s certain, and obviously I’m not supposed to know this, but-“
You hold a hand up to stop her. “Then why are you giddy?”
“Because it’s Lollapalooza! That would be huge for us!”
“Lolla hasn’t even started yet, Robs. Baby steps, please.”
“No, but it starts in two weeks. We overlap dates, and you’ll never guess where.”
You pretend to think. There are only two places important enough to you to mention, and one is growing smaller behind your bus. “August 7th. Great Woods, we play Boston on the 6th.” Home. Playing Lollapalooza at home. You could die after that, and be genuinely content. Robin’s smile creeps across her face again, and you join her this time, letting the excitement of hope tug at your heartstrings.
The sun is thinking about setting when you arrive in Columbus, having to forego stopping at the hotel for a shower. The buses pull behind the venue, an arena twice the size of the places you’d been playing until this point, not something expected from a state that’s mostly farmland.
“This is crazy,” Sylvie mutters as security leads the eight of you, Corroded Coffin, and Steve backstage.
“Dude,” Gareth backhands Eddie’s chest, “Judas Priest played here. Scott Travis walked these very halls.” Eddie only rolls his eyes at his awestruck friend. “Travis has only been in the band for two years.”
“I have a good feeling about him, though!”
The two continue to bicker, and you tune them out. It seems you take many turns down secondary hallways before ending up in a vast, mostly empty room save for two cheap vanity sets and a plastic fold out table with your rider orders displayed, and a few wooden shades to change behind. “This place is huge!” Their voice shakes with nerves, and you place a comforting hand on their shoulder.
“I know, but think of it like this. Maybe more people will leave here listening to our stuff.”
Sylvie nods wordlessly, and you give them a squeeze.
“Okay, guys, we have two hours to showtime, and I am begging you to use that time to relax and get ready,” He shoots a glare at you, instead of stressing yourselves out. Please.”
You raise your hands in mock surrender, and Eddie stifles a laugh poorly. “Alright, well, dismissed.” Steve shoos you all away, leaving the makeshift dressing room in a huff.
“What’s got his panties in a bunch?” Eddie wonders aloud, and no one has an answer. You look at Robin, and she only shrugs. The last thing you need right now is your caretaker having a meltdown.
You’re called for soundcheck, once again being led through the backstage tunnels, flashing your badge to staff members as they pass. The stage is about twice the size of what you’re used to seeing, and maybe four times bigger than the allotment usually given to you as an opener. “There’s so much room for activities!” Robin squeals, and you giggle. She’s right, you could really let loose with your antics up here.
“Alright let’s get busy, check, check!” Steve claps his hands together, and the rest of you scramble to your marks. You watch as Steve takes his place in front of the stage, making sure he can hear you, even though it won’t matter in the long run when there are six thousand people screaming in front of the speakers anyway.
You fiddle with your guitar, tuning each string as quickly as you can, testing your mic and pedals, playing with your in-ear, all while trying to keep an eye on Steve, tapping his foot anxiously in your peripheral. You and Robin send each other concerned glances, both thrown off by Steve’s palpable anxiety.
Despite Steve’s unexplained jitters, sound check is smooth, and the four of you are brought back to your dressing area, switching out for the headliners to deal with Mama Harrington.
You huddle, growling and grunting playfully to hype each other up to perform until you’re cackling so hard your ribs hurt. “This is our biggest show to date,” You put on your pep talk voice, “So we’re gonna go out there and rip this place to shreds, yeah?”
“FUCK YEAH!” You bring it in for one more group hug before shaking off your individual nerves. Security leads you out, the crowd getting louder as you get closer. Steve follows behind you, posture tight as he power walks to the side of the stage to wish you all luck.
“Break a leg, baby,” He holds out his fist for you to bump, but you swat it down, bringing him into a hug that he returns without hesitating.
“We’ll talk after, yeah?” You mumble into his shoulder, and feel him nod.
“Thank you.” You pat his back and let him go, and he watches as you follow the rest of the band on stage, the crowd getting impossibly louder when you appear.
Eddie’s POV
He wanders into the crowd with Steve and a crew member close behind, hair tied up and hidden by a baseball cap he’d never choose on his own. Tonight he’s insisted on not drinking, but the anxiety about talking to you, for real, is eating him alive. Of course, when Steve had heard this, he’d gone all Protector mode on Eddie, now following him through the venue to hold him to his word. I could use the company, though, Eddie thinks sadly.
In the back of the venue, casual fans collect their drinks from the bar, or walk away from the merch stands with handfuls of memorabilia. A few people give him second looks that he averts less than slyly, only trying to get a decent view of you on stage.
Tonight, like every other, you’re holding the audience captive with your performance. Dressed in an oversized Bikini Kill shirt, red fishnets, and spandex shorts, your body lifted higher by heavy boots. You glow under the stage lights, hair damp and sticking to your sweaty face as you pour your soul into your vocals. Tonight’s performance seems more raw, to Eddie. Your voice, though still incredible, holds a certain rasp it doesn’t usually. You sound more pained, the way you must have felt originally writing these songs. It’s like you sense it, the shift in your equilibrium finally catching up. Eddie feels it in himself, every time you look at him, somehow still finding him in his disguise, in a room of thousands.
He wants to drink. Or smoke, or fuck, or cut a line, even, the pain in his chest is unbearable, knowing what he’s put you through, and the fact that you don’t know everything. He wants to take it all away, every ounce of pain you could ever feel, even if it means his worst nightmare comes true. Everything inside of Eddie itches, squirms under his skin while you sing, voice grating and cracking against the screaming crown.
“Thank you, Columbus! We have been Death Dance Approximately, and this is our last song! Sing it if you know it!”
Lilith counts you in, and the song is met with even more shrieks of the casual listers recognizing your hit. The one about Eddie, the one written for him in high school by someone he’d never get enough of. He doesn’t usually stay for this one, the song almost impossible for him to listen to now. Tonight, though, Eddie sways with the crowd, even throwing a careless arm around a befuddled Steve. Eddie may never have you again, but he did once, and he plans to hold on tightly to that fact, regardless of what happens after tonight.
Your POV
“Thank you! Everybody get pumped, Corroded Coffin’s on next! Goodnight!” You blow kiss after kiss to the audience, eyes scanning for the person they’re actually for as you take your bows and walk offstage. Already, the crew buzzes around you, hauling instruments and wires on and off the stage, hustling to tape down setlists, check levels, and reveal the Corroded Coffin flag currently covered by your band’s logo.
“Great show, guys, absolutely killed it.” Steve claps for all of you as you enter the dressing room, careful to stay out of the way of your tour mates’ paths. But someone’s missing from the scramble.
“Has anyone seen Eddie?” Jeff looks from you, to Steve, to anyone else in his eye line. His question is met with the shaking of heads, no one confirming they’ve had eyes on him.
Steve takes charge easily. “Alright. Rob, check the bar. Sylvie, check the bathrooms, and Lilith, go talk to the bouncers. I will try to call his—“ he pauses, looking at you, “…friend, here in town.”
You ignore your friend’s strange inflection. “What about me?”
“Where should I look?”
Steve presses his lips together, not fully looking you in the eye. “I think it’s probably best if you don’t get involved, Y/n.”
This baffles you. “Excuse me?”
“It’s not you, it’s just,” he huffs, “This city is hard for him to be in, after… Look, I don’t know what you know. Let’s just say I expected this.”
“Steve, holy shit, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“I don’t have time to explain right now!” Your bandmates have already left the room. “We need to find him. If you have such a dire need to look for him, fine, but I can’t tell you anything else. It’s not my place.”
What the fuck could he be talking about? You groan, throwing yourself into a fold out chair, defeated, and Steve stomps out of the room. It takes you all of two minutes to give in, grumbling to yourself as you exit the dressing room into the backstage labyrinth. “He could be anywhere. Shit!”
Before you even make it around the first corner, you hear the beep of a security guard’s walkie. “Hey, yeah, we found him. Out behind the parking lot with some girl.”
“He alright?” Steve.
“Yeah, he’s good. No sign of substances. On our way in.” You chew on the inside of your cheek as you return to the room. He’s got a girl here?
chapter XVIII
tag list: @children-of-the-grave @five-bi-five @wiildflower-xxx @beebeerockknot @champagne-glamour @xxgothwhorexx @therensistance @chonkzombie @brxkenartt @sidthedollface2 @bibieddiesgf @gaysludge @eddiesguitarskills @littlepotatobeansworld @poisonedluv @kellsck @m-chmcl-rmnc
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shaykai · 2 years
teach me about the hyrule warriors lore in the worst and most confusing way possible please
Hoo boy, let’s give this a go
So there’s this seer who gets to watch all of the time lines, and whilst watching those time lines she’s like “H u h. That Link guy is pretty cute. And I would like for him to love me. But it won’t happen because I’m a seer and we’ll never interact and even if we did Zelda exists, etc.
But Ganon's spirit presense thing is there and it's like "okay but what if you just got with him anyways" and it split said seer in half (now we have Lana, aka good Seer, and Cia, aka evil Seer)
And so the whole universe kind of breaks and merges several parts of other Zelda timelines together! Fun!! Anyways Cia is on a mission to go free Ganon's soul bits that are separated in different time lines so she can marry Link, but she decides that, if she's going to break into a bunch of highly guarded places to release Satan, she needs an army.
So she finds the worst fucking guy (Wizzro) (affectionate) and Volga (A dragon/human who has no desire whatsoever to help her) and forces them to team up with her. Also she kills like. So. So many gorons in the process.
They run over to Hyrule Castle to fuck shit up and kill Zelda cause they're evil and they gotta, and shenagins ensue. Everything is bad, Zelda and Impa are doing their best to fight, at some point Link comes out to help and that's how they figure out he's the fabled hero of legend or whatever, and they use a giant magic fairy who giggles in what I'm going to say is an uncomfy way and said fairy explodes half of the bad guys with a magic bomb. At some point Zelda disappears and everyone assumes she got kidnapped. I don't actually remember what happened.
ANYWAYS so Impa is like "Hey cool you're the hero, the princess got kidnapped and we need to go get her, come on" so they start following Cia's army and find Shiek, who is just Zelda, and who also does not tell anyone that they are Zelda.
Anyways I don't remember how most of this goes, but there's lots and lots of in fighting on Cia's side, it's delightful, no one is loyal and they're all selfish and or angry.
At some point Lana pops up to help team good guys, she helps collect other good guys, like Mida, Darauna, Ruto, Agitha, etc. At some point Midna punches Cia and knocks her mask off (Cia has a mask) and Midna is like "WOW HEY YOU HAVE THE SAME FACE AS LANA" and Lana is just like "hmmmmmmmmm yeah, I'm ashamed of it, but we're the same person" and then we move on
Meanwhile Cia is building her army, getting fun baddies like Ghirahim and Zant to side with her. It's great. Anytime Ghirahim and Zant are on screen is a good time.
Eventually Link gets the master sword and beats Cia with it, but it also turns out that was the last soul seal thing for Ganon. So he's alive again. So naturally, he takes over as the main baddie and discards Cia (so now there are three teams! Team goodies, team baddies, and team dysfunctional idiots)
Ghirahim and Zant are on Ganon's side now, Volga wants to 1v1 Ganon cause "ooooo strong guy", Wizzro wants to defect to Ganon's side (pretty sure Ganon told him no) everything is on fire, and Cia is dying because Ganon's soul was the only thing keeping her alive. So now she also wants him dead.
Lots of stuff happens, fun villain shenagins, Ganon dies, Ghirahim and Zant are pissed off and I thiiiiiink they just run away?? Don't remember. There's a delightful scene when the heroes are celebrating and Link and Zelda give eachother the look tm and Lana looks SO SAD about it. Like trying to smile but if you even tried to look at her she'd start sobbing.
Anyways Lana sends everyone back to their timelines but UHOH Toon. Ghost... Ganon?? Wants to fight so that's an issue, and Cia is fighting him too for reasons I do not recall. I'm pretty sure it's so she can live or something. Oh also she's a good guy now, everyone just had to sit down and talk it out. She's still dying btw.
Heroes kill Ghost Guy Ganon and I'm 99% sure that Cia and Lana merge back into one person again after sending everyone (again) to their respective time lines and then Seer goes back to magic seer land. I guess. That's Hyrule Warriorsssss!
At least as I remember it, it's been a long while since I've played it
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 40
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.1k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- you can send me questions and theories and comments. tbh they all make me SO SO SO SOOOO HAPPY! and make me want to write more! you can also tell me if there are things you WANT to happen. you never know, i may add it :P
- note for this chapter: sorry? it had to happen. its not that bad yea?
btw, i forgot to add a request that i filled last chapter so i just added the screenshot to the last chapter. so to whoever requested them to look at old pictures together, obviously it was in chapter 39 and it was for you :)
oh and no request for this chapter, probably next one! :(
Chapter 40 : His chapter
I was surprised to see her already awake when my alarm rang in the morning but I understood exactly why when I finally sat in bed after everything was ready. She was shaking one of her legs, looking nervously around the room and although I felt a bit bad for her, the whole scene was a bit funny too.
"Darling, come here."
Her eyes finally met mine and I sent her a smile, raising my eyebrows to incite her to get closer. She finally took the few steps that separated us and I pulled her between my legs, slipping my hands in the back pockets of her jeans as she looked down at me. She stared in my eyes and sighed and my gaze dropped to her lips when she licked them.
"A penny for your thoughts?" I asked in a low tone, tilting my chin up to look at her better.
"You've got all the money in the world, you could at least offer me a bit more I mean, a penny?"
Her lips curled and it made me laugh as I pulled her closer. Her hands slipped in my hair  and I let out a low sigh.
"I know it's not easy, and i'm gonna miss you every second of every minute of every hour of every day." I let out, making her roll her eyes with a small smile. "But hey, we'll facetime every night and i'll text you and send you pictures... okay?"
Slowly, she nodded and tilted her head as her hair fell around our faces, hiding us from the world. I was torn between being excited and happy for the trip or sad and nervous about leaving her behind and somehow, all these emotions made a weird mix, forming a lump in my throat.
"Do you promise..." she started so low I barely heard, letting her fingers brush down my cheek, jaw and neck before grabbing the collar of my shirt. "...to be faithful to me?"
I hadn't expected the question and I moved my upper body back a bit to see her better as my eyebrows raised. I could hear my heartbeats accelerate but I wasn't sure why. Was I hurt by her question, or did it make me mad that she could think that of me?
"I.. hate this question, but i'm gonna answer anyway." Her eyes finally met mine and I could read in them that she felt bad for asking, but that it was stronger than her. I felt my body relax a bit and sighed. "I promise. You're the only one for me, and i'm not going to cheat on you. Physically or emotionally."
Her lips curled more and it made me smile too. I tried to tell myself that she was insecure and that it's why she needed to hear these things a lot, but I couldn't help the feeling of annoyance creeping inside my stomach. i tried to ignore it, if only because I wanted our last moments together to be happy, and shrugged my shoulders slightly.
"Are you coming with me to the airport?"
Her eyes dropped to her hands now both playing with the collar of my shirt and she started nibbling her bottom lip. She looked vulnerable, sad, and slightly embarrassed but the first thing I ended up thinking as i looked at her was how much I loved her.
"I'd rather not." she finally admitted, shrugging a shoulder. "I know i'd be emotional and I don,t want to cry in front of everyone and your fans and paps if they end up being there. And I don't want to drive back home by myself, I know i'll be crying the whole time."
I waited for her eyes to finally meet mine but it didn't happen.
"Hey." I let out gently. "I understand."
Her gaze finally moved up to meet mine and she mouthed a 'thank you'. I had the feeling she was on the verge of tears and I finally got up, keeping my arms around her and bending down to kiss her lips.
"How long do we have left?" she asked in a whisper, her lips brushing against mine.
"Like, 15 minutes." I let out low too, walking slowly her way and forcing her to take a few steps back until her back leaned on the wall. "They're about to pick me up."
"And you've got everything ready?" she asked, tilting her chin up to send me a cheeky smile.
I smirked back and chuckled, bringing both of my hands to the button of her jeans while still staring in her eyes.
"Almost." I joked, bringing my lips back on hers to kiss her deeply as I moved her pants down.
She whimpered low against my lips and squirmed a bit, finally taking her jeans and panties off and pushing them away with one of her feet. I laughed against her mouth as she pulled on my shorts too, leaving them right under my ass and when she took my cock out, I groaned low, my lips leaving hers. I leaned my forehead against hers and stared at her as I grabbed one of her thighs to place it around my waist.
"13 minutes." she joked, making me smile again. "Please do it."
I felt the tip of my dick press against her pussy and I watched her lick her fingers and bring her hand between us. Quickly, she rubbed herself and grabbed my dick, jerking me off slowly with her wet hand and I felt my eyes flutter a bit at her touch. It made me realize I was going to miss this more than I thought I would. The sex was good with her and I always wanted more. Being without her for six weeks wasn't going to be easy. She placed two of her fingers on each side of my cock as I pushed it slowly inside her and it felt so good to be inside her again that I let out a moan, pushing her hard against the wall.
"You feel amazing."
My lips found hers and I kissed her gently, feeling her fingers slip softly in my hair. I groaned low in her mouth and when she mentioned '11 minutes' I chuckled through the kiss. I moved my cock out of her very slowly and pushed it back, feeling her body tense a bit but it only took me a few seconds to speed my thrusts, pressing her more against the wall every time. I leaned my forehead against hers again and watched hr lips part as she started panting lowl.
"I love you so fucking much."
I saw her eyes flutter open at my words and her grip tightened in my hair.
"You mean so much to me." I added just as low. "I love you so much, Olivia."
Her lips found mine again and the kiss was so rough that my thrusts became unsteady. She kept her hands in my hair when our lips parted and I felt myself getting closer and closer to my orgasm.
"I love you too Niall." she whimpered very low. "More than anything and anyone."
I felt myself get dizzy and she started moaning and shaking against me. I fucked her harder to reach my own orgasm and when I did, I felt the fingers of one of my hands curl against the wall behind her while the others sunk in the skin of her thigh that was still around my waist.
I spilled inside her, shutting my eyes tight as her hands slid on my neck and chest, I waited until my heartbeats came back to a normal speed and opened my eyes only to see her smile at me.
"I'm gonna think about this every single night."
My eyes roamed on her face and I smiled fondly at her.
"Me too."
I don't know how long we stared at each other but from seeing her face, I knew that telling her how much I loved her while we were having sex was a good idea. It was not even planned, I just felt it and decided to say it and I never thought the result would be so good. I heard my phone and sighed without moving. It's only when I heard it a second time that I moved away from her. I stared at her half-naked body as I moved my shorts back up and passed my hand in my hair. She quickly put her panties back on and I finally took my shirt off, handing it to her. Her lips curled and she grabbed it, tilting her head as she stared at me.
"I know that's your kind of cheesy." I explained, chuckling a bit. "I hope it doesn't smell too bad."
She brought it to her face and smiled, shaking her head.
"I sort of kept your hoodie from last night, too." she admitted, biting her bottom lip and making me laugh this time.
"It's all yours."
I grabbed my phone and read my text messages before looking up at her. She hadn't moved, she was still leaning against the wall, her head tilted lightly, looking at me, and I smiled more, moving my phone to snap a picture of her. Her eyes got bigger and her lips parted as I put my phone back in my pocket.
"Oh god you didn't take a picture of me did you?"
I laughed again and grabbed my backpack but when I turned around, she was trying to take my phone, probably to delete it.
"Love, stop!" I said with an other chuckle, grabbing her hand gently. "I promise I won't show it to anyone! It's only for me.. for all those nights without you."
Her traits softened and although I knew she didn't like it at all, she nodded slowly. I cupped her face with both my hands and kissed her deeply, ignoring the sound of my phone again.
"Six weeks is barely anything." I whispered against her mouth.
"An eternity without you." she murmured. "I'll miss you."
"Not as much as I'll miss you."
The ride to the airport and the process of getting aboard was long and painful and it's only when the plane took off that I finally seemed to relax. I leaned my head on the bench, feeling suddenly exhausted and closed my eyes for a while. I tried not to think about her and to focus on every place I wanted to see but it was not easy and I grabbed my phone to look at the last picture of her I had taken. Once again, she looked slightly vulnerable and it made me realize that she always turned me on when she looked like that. I ran my thumb on her over the screen of my phone and sighed, closing my eyes again for a few seconds. Did I make the right choice? Maybe I should have postponed that trip after all, right?
I jumped slightly when I received a message and opened the application on my phone only to see a selfie of my girlfriend making a grimace with the caption: 'Don't worry, i'm fine without you!' and it made me laugh. I saw she was typing and waiting until more words appeared, staring at my phone.
'Don't worry. Just have fun. I'll be there when you call. I'll be there when you come back. I love you.'
I smiled more and chuckled again, quickly typing an answer.
'You're perfect, I love you too.'
I quickly took a selfie of me blowing her a kiss and sent it to her. She answered me with a few emojis and I did the same before to switch to Louis' number. At first, I wanted to ask Harry but I realized that maybe I was a bit jealous of the relationship she had with him... or maybe I was scared that if they spent more time together, she'd forget about me and fall back for him. It was ridiculous and deep down, I knew it, but I didn't want to take the chance.
'Hey Tommo, would you and El mind checking on Liv while i'm gone?'
I was surprised to get his answer only a few seconds later and frowned a bit.
'I don't know about El but i'll entertain her, don't worry mate.'
'Is everything okay?'
'Don't worry about it, just enjoy your trip!'
I shrugged and sighed, closing the application and going back to my gallery. I started checking all the pictures of her and us on my phone and my heart twisted in my chest until I just turned my phone off and put it back in my pockets. My fingers brushed against the fabric of her panties that was hidden in the pocket of my shorts and this time, my heart literally skipped a beat. I wanted to put them in my bag but I forgot and it made me wonder if she knew I had kept them after making her cum with the vibrator I had bought for her. I knew I should have asked her before taking them but it was stronger than me and finally, I pushed them deeper in my pocket to make sure I wouldn't lose them.
I tried to sleep for a while but every single time I was about to fall asleep, an idea would pop in my head and i'd quickly grab my phone again to write a few lyrics or hum a few notes that I'd record. I always seemed to feel inspired by something and even if I had promised myself that I'd do nothing but enjoy this trip, I knew I had to write down all my ideas or i'd end up regretting it.
I was trying to get distracted from her and from the hole in my chest that her absence had seemed to dig but it was not easy. I said six weeks were going to go by very fast, she said it was going to feel like an eternity... and if I wanted to be honest, I was started to believe she may be right.
"Niall! Let's go!"
I tried to read the text message I had received as we walked through the crowded but small town. It was pouring, I was only wearing shorts and shoes, but I was still heavily sweating. I hadn't seem Olivia face to face in three weeks and although it was tough to be without her, I was starting to feel at ease with my decision. This trip was even more incredible than I thought even if I had to stay in crappy motels and eat cheap food. It was an experience I really had to live at least once in my life.
'I miss you too' I quickly typed with at least one mistake before hitting 'send'.
We walked in a motel and I let my backpack fall on the floor, shaking my head slightly as some water fell into my eyes and finally put my cap back on.
"Okay, let's go get a few drinks."
"Amazing idea." I replied, searching through my stuff to find a shirt. just as my phone went off again.  "Fuck, I forgot, I have a facetime date tonight."
One of my cousins chuckled but I ignored it and just grabbed my phone, typing an other message quickly to my girlfriend.
'We're going out. Rain check?'
I didn't wait for an answer but still decided to bring my phone with me. We ended up drinking a few beers and meeting new people. It was fun, I was getting tipsy, and I started a conversation with the pretty girl sitting next to me. It took me about an hour to realize she was flirting with me but when she laughed, putting her hand on my thigh, I tensed. She moved her thick dark hair behind her ear and tilted her head with a smile, making me smile back. I liked her accent and her eyes and I was about to tell her about it when my phone rang. I saw Liv's face on the screen and immediately sobered up. I had changed her picture for the one she had sent me when I was on the plane and the way she grimaced on it made my heart skip a beat.
"I'm sorry." I told the pretty girl whom's name I couldn't seem to remember. "I have to answer."
I got up and walked out of the bar, letting out a 'hello?' in my phone. I brought my shoulders up when I realized it was still raining as water slipped inside my shirt, freezing me immediately despite the warm weather and the amount of alcohol in my blood.
"Oh shit, Niall?"
Her voice calmed me immediately and I smiled. I wanted to be mad that I was taken, I wanted to be annoyed with the fact that I was living the trip of a lifetime and that I couldn't sleep with a girl I just met in a bar, but as soon as her voice reached my ears, it seemed to reach my heart too. It was cheesy but I like it and I tried to take a mental note of these words to use them later.
"Olivia, are you okay?"
"I'm so sorry, I wanted to text you but my fingers slipped." she explained. "I'm having a hard time with this new phone."
I frowned, trying to stay under the small roof of the bar as people walked in and out. My shirt was already soaked and my hair was no better but I just wanted to listen to her some more.
"I didn't want to bother you, I know you're having fun, we can talk tomorrow." she quickly said. "I love you, Nee, goodnight."
"No wait!"
I had talked a bit louder than I intended and I felt something stir in my stomach. I didn't know if it was just because I missed her, or because I felt guilty for the thoughts that ran in my head only a few minutes ago when i was with an other girl, but I suddenly wanted to take a plane back home to be with her.
"I shouldn't have canceled our date, i'm going back to the motel now, I'll call you as soon as I get there."
Without thinking, I walked out in the rain quickly, my phone still pressed on my ear. The weather wasn't as bad as a few hours before but my shoes were still drenched and it made a weird sound as I walked.
"No, Niall it's okay!" she argued with a small chuckle. "I'm fine, really, you can't spend all the time talking to me, you have to visit and have fun. I'm fine here without you, remember? Or do I have to send you an other picture?"
She started laughing and my heart jumped on my chest.
"Send me as many pictures as you want. I miss your face."
This time, she kept quiet for a few seconds and when she talked again, I could hear worry in her tone.
"Are you sure, Niall? Are you sure you want us to talk tonight?"
I stopped waking, just feeling the rain fall in my eyes, trying to stop my heart from beating so fast.
It took me about half an hour to get back to the hotel and as soon as I arrived, I texted my cousin to tell them I was gone and that i'd see them in the morning. I took a quick shower, not really enjoying the bathroom but it was better than being dirty, and finally sat in bed with my phone in hands. It took her a few seconds to answer and I realized she was on her laptop. She sent me a smile as soon as she saw me and licked her lips, bringing her shoulders closer to her face.
"Hey petal, how are you?"
Her eyebrows raised and her lips curled slightly more. Fuck, I wanted to kiss her.
"I'm the one who should ask you that." she pointed out. "Are you okay, Nee?"
My eyes roamed on her face and I noticed she was wearing my hoodie. The sleeves were pulled over her hands and I desperately wanted to cuddle her.
"Yea, was just missing you."
She was about to answer something when I saw someone in the corner of the screen, making me frown. I sat up better in bed and tried to see who it was, and it suddenly hit me: she was not at my house, and also not at her apartment.
"Where are you?"
As if on cue, Louis appeared and sat next to her, handing her a cup of tea. She took a quick sip and thanked him, sending him a smile. I watched them interact and my heart seemed to sink in my chest.
"I'm at Louis'." she finally let out as if it wasn't obvious already.
"Is that why you didn't want to talk?"
"I wanted to talk, Niall." she frowned slightly. "I just didn't want to bother you. We don't talk as much these days and it's okay, I know you're busy and you're having the time of your life, and I don't want you to think i'm smothering you or stopping you from living this plenty."
My anger and jealousy faltered and my traits softened as I nodded.
"Can you go back home? I'd like to talk with just you."
I knew I had no right to ask her that and I was also aware that I was the one who had asked Louis to check on her but it seemed like I was just realizing that the world was still turning there, in London, without me.
Olivia glanced at Louis who sent her a smile and started nibbling her bottom lip.
"We sort-of had something planned..."
"No it's okay Livi, I totally get it."
She finally looked back at me after a few seconds and quickly nodded, her lips curling into a big smile this time, making me believe she wanted to talk to me as much as I wanted to talk to her.
"Okay, let me call you back when i'm home."
She blew me a kiss and without giving me time to answer, she hung up. I stayed in bed, motionless, realizing that I was alone in the dark in an other country and somehow, I felt extremely pathetic at that moment. I thought about the girl I was flirting with, I thought about the fact that I wanted to kiss her and maybe more, and even if that thought had crossed my mind only for half a second, I felt like shit. It was not Olivia's fault that I was here, or that I hadn't had sex in three weeks. It was my decision and she didn't have to pay for that. I had never felt that guilty before when in a relationship and it's not like it was not normal to lust other people but for some reason, I was scared that if I could have these thoughts, perhaps she could too. She was not spending her time all alone locked in my room, waiting for me to come back, and for some weird reason, it was just hitting me now.
I don't know how long I waited but I decided to call back again, even if it meant that I would look desperate. In fact, I sort of was.
"Babe, i'm in the car." she pointed out. "I'm almost there."
She had put her phone near the dash and I could see her hands moving on the wheel. She was not looking at me but I was staring at her and even from that weird angle, she looked pretty.
"Do you know what I want to do to you?"
Her face changed and she glanced at me but I could swear I saw her cheeks turn a soft shade of red, making me smirk.
"I really want to fuck you, pet." I added low. "I want to make love to you. I want to feel your warm body beneath mine. I miss you so bad."
She chuckled. "Me or fucking me?"
"Can't it be both?" I asked, raising my eyebrows, a smirk still gracing my face.
"It can."
I watched her and kept silent as she parked the car and turned to look at me in the screen of her phone, her head slightly tilted and her hair falling on her right shoulder, exactly like the picture I had taken of her before I left.
"I miss you too, Niall." she whispered, making my heart twist. "I wish you were here."
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moonfurthetemmie · 4 years
Sometimes I like to take photos on the internet and screw with them
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I’m going to hell
Should I tag Kevin’s creator? I’m going to.
Hey @onebizarrekai what do you think? Just how much do you want to burn it? ItsmidnighthereandIhavenothingbettertodosoIpostedthisbullshitImsorry
I know there’s more black and orange around his beak but I couldn’t figure it out. I’m a writer, not an artist; idk wtf I’m doing.
I thiiiiiink the original art for Sirfecth’d was done by the people who own Pokémon?? But idk for sure I got it off google images. I just made him change color. If you know the original artist please tell me so I can credit them I don’t want to get in trouble
71 notes · View notes
demonprosecutor · 4 years
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10  | part 11
“don’t tell me that you’re scared of myroclus.” the words leave your mouth amused, patting the flank of the enormous draft horse, watching as zagreus stared back at myroclus warily. like he was going to bite his head off or something. the cottage doesn’t exactly have a stable, nor is myroclus an entirely domesticated horse, but he’s a good companion and fairly compliant with you.
zagreus shook his head, a little bit peeved at the thought of being scared of a horse - after all, he was the one who faced the hordes of the underworld, dying so many times that hypnos had to dedicate a list solely for himself. “i’m not scared. just -- wary, ok? does he have special powers? what’s his parentage? and do i have to expect fire-breathing in the near future.”
the questions make you laugh, myroclus nickering and shaking his head before dipping it to sneak a few nibbles of grass below. tsk, tsk, what a hungry thing! “no powers, just a normal horse. he’s a draft horse. i use him for plowing and riding in the woods yonder, the wolves fear him.” you move forward, scratching myroclus’s neck, fond at the way he nestled his head on your shoulder. 
dark eyes peer at zagreus, almost conveying the words of: my human. zagreus raises his hands in surrender, no, he wasn’t going to steal your human. it was clear that winter was already nearing, and the journey towards the nearest town was going to be fairly treacherous, but there were some needed supplies and you couldn’t wait till after lady demeter’s anger abetted.
but still - you didn’t want your two best boys (don’t tell zagreus that you already considered him a best boy, his ego did not need any more stroking) to argue on the journey there. with quick hands, you produce an apple, voice pitching into something baby-ish, “you are a good boy, right, myroclus? you’re going to behave for me?” 
myroclus takes the apple from your hands, snuffling along your palm with a pleased snort. “ok, come here. he got his treat and he knows to be a good boy, right, sweet one?” myroclus shudders in delight, eyes going slightly lidded and hooves stamping the ground. 
“are you sure?”
you roll your eyes and turn around, reaching out to curl your hand around the prince’s, tugging him closer. “yes. i am sure. would i ever lead you astray?”
“no, but...” you shush him and press his hand on the side of myroclus’s flank, guiding him to stroke the horse firmly. “wait, i dont want to hurt him...”
“he’s made of pure muscle, he likes it firm, zag.” you concentrate on helping the prince pet myroclus to his liking, not noticing the apollo-bright smile that he levelled at you. when you do notice, you pause, narrowing your eyes suspiciously. “what.”
“you called me zag.” he points out, fingers curling to scratch myroclus’ favourite spot. “instead of zagreus.”
fluster rises like an inferno, ready to swallow you whole. “mm.” you pull your hand back, averting your gaze to the carefully-folded blue cloth that you meant to drape over the horse’s back in preparation of the journey.
zagreus grabs your arm, careful, gentle. like he always was, like he feared he could shatter you to pieces with one wrong move. (he wasn’t wrong exactly, but this sort of gentleness scared you because where else would ever experience that and prince zagreus’ destiny was beyond you and the simple cottage). “hey, i wasn’t making fun of you. i always told you, you didn’t have to be so formal with me. we’re friends. philia is what we are.”
philia, a friendly sort of love, an affection between friends, one of the four words love.
you tilt your head, heart molded like clay, warmed by the heat of his caring hands. and it is peace that makes its way in the hallowed atriums of your chest. home, you think. this was meant to be, in some strange, Fate-spun way. “philia.” you parrot, wrapping a hand around the one zagreus had curled around your arm.
it’s a strange moment, one that’s shattered with the way zagreus suddenly pulls back; flexing his hand slightly. “so, you were teaching me to ride this beast?”
myroclus whinnies in indignation, he was not a mere beast, he was the grandest of horses! you laugh again, unfolding the blue blanket that allowed you to the barest hint of relief from the bumpiness that riding horses could serve. “perhaps, but most of all, i will teach you to hold on. it would do you well to go and explore outside of my lady’s lands.” pause, thoughtful look. “if that is your wish, anyways.”
“i find no issue with that, i have been feeling a bit cooped up. and i have never ridden a horse before, how hard could it be?” zagreus watches as you tie the blanket to myroclus’ back before seeing the unimpressed look on your face. “what?”
“riding a horse is no easy feat, i’ll have you know.”
he could tell that he’s offended you, smiling sheepishly as if to say sorry! nonetheless, you turn towards myroclus, rolling up your chiton to revealed toned legs and thighs from years of hard work. sticking your tongue out, you take a few steps back before rushing forward and vaulting yourself onto myroclus’ back. zagreus claps wildly, whistling in appreciation at the show of athleticism, the only show of athleticism that you are willing to display.
you are simply content to walk through life instead of rushing. 
“me next!” zagreus mirrors you, tensing his legs to leap...
“stop! no! you don’t know how to do it yet and myroclus isn’t prepared, what we are going to do is this.” you pat the horse’s neck, whispering a quiet: down boy, and myroclus settles on the ground. “now, up.” you pat behind your form, waiting patiently for zagreus to sit behind you, but he doesn’t.
oh. he looks... petulant. like a child. “i’m not a child, you know. i can do what you did. it’s easy!” he crosses his arms, but obligingly sits on the spot you had indicated. “This isn’t too bad.”
His arms wrap around your waist loosely, a smile dimpling at your cheeks. “not yet, and tighter.” you tug him until his arms tighten, his body a spot of heat at your back. prince zagreus is tall enough that he could comfortably place his chin on your head. “ready?” a whistle has your horse standing up once again, the reins tight around your fists. “just hold on.”
you snap the reins and off myroclus goes, the earth rumbling underneath his thunderous hooves. he was a bulky creature, as strong as an oak tree and not as fast as his other kin, but a dependable steed. you can hear zagreus grunting behind you, knees pressed tight to avoid being knocked off, voice jumping in amusing leaps at every bound of the horse. “how do you fare?” you call above the winds, cheeks bitten red by the fall air, delight in your gaze. 
“iiiiii---- thiiiiiink---- im gonnaaaaaaahahhhhhhh----” his words come strangely and at a particular bump, one that has zagreus slipping and attempting to cling to you, thus setting off a chain reaction of him falling and you falling onto the rocky ground beneath.
luckily because of godlike reflexes, he maneuvers himself in a way that cushions your fall with his bulk, rollin in the mud before stopping. chiton messed, hair messed, face splattered with brown, you sit up, glaring at him crossly. distantly, you can see myroclus skidding to a halt and swinging his mighty head, returning in leisurely trots, taking a detour to a nearby field of sweetgrass. zagreus shrugs sheepishly at you, “you did say to hold on...”
“yes, but not yank me off the horse as well!” you try to wipe off the mud from your face, succeeding in smearing it even further. “ugh, it’s not getting off.” at least there’s one white spot left on your chiton. however, a splat against your chest has it disappearing --- you look up at zagreus who sports a shit-eating grin, the flames that licked his laurel wreathe dancing in delight. “you. did. not.”
he sticks his nose in the air, mouth curled in a manner that reminded you too much of lord hermes, “i did, and what are you going to do about it?”
if he insists on playing dirty, then you shall oblige him in turn. in his moment of gloating and taunting, you craft a mud ball and toss it right at his face, laughing at the way he sputters, features messed even further with dirt and clods of grass. zagreus appears to not have anticipated your retaliation and that makes it that much more sweeter.
your countenance may be reserved; however, that is by choice - underneath the mask, you had the capacity of being equally playful. you roll away from the god, scooping up handful of mud and temporarily overwhelming poor zagreus who attempts to escape the indent he made in the mud with a wet schlop! 
however, whatever your advantage you had was swiftly lost. his dual-coloured eyes flash with excitement, teeth bared in a grin that foretold trouble. with his forearms up, he blocked every mudball you threw, whilst stepping closer and closer. you try to outmaneuver him, but as fleet-footed as you were, zagreus was even more superior (you suspected that he had been blessed by lord hermes, hardly fair!).
“---- got you!” the prince tackles you to the ground, carefully cushioning your head with a hand and pinned you in the mud - braced over you with a forearm next to your head and knees next to your thighs. by then, you’re both heaving from your play-fighting and nearly unidentifiable from the amount of mud caked on your forms.
the laughter from being bowled over and trapped trails off, your gazes captured in magnetic timelessness. you’ve noticed that you’ve been having these strange moments often, an electric quality that you cannot seem to place. it was terrifying, it was exhilarating. prince zagreus watches you, lips parted, quiet. 
this moment - standing on the precipice of something different. you falter, pressing a hand on zagreus’ chest, laughing albeit awkwardly. “zagreus, m-myroclus. i have to get him. and we... we should get clean.” the words stuff your mouth as the moment is ruined, zagreus blinking in realization. he rocks back on his heels, smiling, but something in his gaze is different.
was it regret? was it disappointment?
he shouldn’t be, what this was -- it was an illusion. simply the games of lady aphrodite and nothing more. when he stands, he offers you a hand, which you take gratefully. “go back home and clean up, i need to get myroclus back.” it seemed like he wanted to protest; however, he doesn’t - midnight-hair matted with mud. zagreus doesn’t answer you, contenting with a nod and returning to the cottage.
you whistle loudly, myroclus’ ears pricking at the sound and trotting over to bump his snout against your cheek gently. “tsk, you were a bad boy, did you do that on purpose?” myroclus nickers, neither an affirmative or a negative. it must of been one of his bouts of mischief. “nonetheless, tomorrow, we’re going to practice more, please be good and i’ll bring you treats.” the prospects of treats, it seemed, was enough for the horse to internally pledge to behave.
after returning myroclus to his fenced field, you turn your feet back to the cottage and to the bathhouse where steaming rose water and oils awaited you. luxury has never been appealing to you, but the capacity to soak in a bath for an extended period of time was wonderful. you knocked on the door and upon finding no reply, entered the bathhouse, shedding your already-awkwardly dried clothes and sinking into the tub of hot water (zagreus had, no doubt, already refilled upon anticipation of your return).
you do not know how long you sat there and cleaned, allowing the day to sluice off your shoulders, but when you finish, your skin is pruny and countenance soften with the delight of someone well-soaked. a robe hung nearby, soft fabric that warded off the cold, cinched at the waist with rope. 
thankfully, when you return to the kitchen where you know zagreus was stoking the fire for the stew they had made, nothing was on fire. his hair was endearingly fluffed up, swaddled in a similar robe. “nice bath? you took long.” he offers you a bowl of stew, which you take gratefully.
“i’m a bit sore from the fall, it was nice to have the warmth soak into my skin.” you pull up a chair, stretching luxuriously enough that your joints pop. “you know, i’ve been curious.” zagreus spoons food into his mouth, humming in acknowledgement (he’s learned to not talk with his mouth full, something you’ve scolded him about frequently). “when lord thanatos was here, he talked about your purpose... i’m sorry, am i not supposed to...” you trail off at the look he gives you. it’s not menacing or angry, but filled with a brand of determination.
ah, you forget. the vengeful, cataclysmic drive to see his birthmother, you wonder - would you go to such depths? would you descent to the pits of tartarus to see your family, so cruelly stolen from you?
“no, it’s... it’s fine.” he wipes his mouth on the back of his hand, “i came here to protect my mother. from the rest of the olympians.” that gets your attention, straightening in your seat.
“my lady is in danger?” the panic in your chest tightens, mind already racing with contingency plans. how, just how, are you supposed to protect the goddess?
he can see the fear in your eyes, reaching out to hold your hand tightly. “no harm will fall upon her. or you. i am here.”
but you know the disastrous uselessness of fighting against forces of nature themselves. after all, it was lord ares whom blessed the army, the general, that ravaged her home. “don’t. there are... there are certain things that you cannot fight against, believe me, i know.” your words are harsh, zagreus taken aback by the rawness of your self baring. you squeeze your eyes shut, dismissing your memories and traumas. easy, after all. pandora’s box, locked tight. “regardless, lord thanatos spoke about something about things not dying, doesn’t that scare you?”
zagreus considers that, tilting his head before shaking it. “not really. it’ll sort itself out soon. now, let’s stop talking about this nasty business. eat your dinner.”
you feel scolded, dismissed, really. but that’s nothing new. zagreus was a god, you remind yourself. he did not feel mortality in the way that you did. bah, nonetheless, you and this cottage is an insignificant blip in the grand scheme of things.
after all, being faceless was the greatest gift of all in this life.
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coupsdecoeurs-blog · 6 years
BTS : An Ode to those “Go too far shippers”
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Note to self* : Things I'd like to say to BTS "go-too-far shippers" (the rest of you, you're doing absolutely nothing wrong and YOU WILL know reading me that you're not from that disgusting bunch, there will be no doubts, don't worry ! Innocent fantasy is harmless. THAT is not) :
 Here's a list of what you have to be doing to be considered a "Go-too-far shipper" :
 - FORGETTING that BTS members are REAL HUMAN PEOPLE BEING  and not characters from a TV Show or a book or a fudging YAOI. Actually, I'm a hundred percent SURE that you're not new to that kind of fanatism. Let me make a wild guess here : Marvel Universe ? Sherlock ? Supernatural ? Shadowhunters ? Yeaaaaah you know who you are.
- Loosing your precious time editing super long videos to analyse and prove without-a-doubt-omg-you're-so-smart-and-insightful-you-must-be-an-INFJ that your ship is the realest of all ships. It's a freaking Zodiac Boat, it's sailing so fast ! You guys... are loosing sleep over some 1 second footage slowed to the infinite and beyond of member n°7's left eye twitching (but be careful, if you blink, you'll miss it !) when member n°5 looked in his general direction. That proves it right ! I'm telling you ! But... but what is that ? Another shipper used the EXACT same footage to prove that member n°5 is actually doing this to make member n°6 jealous ! Look look ! N°6's fingers moved... slightly when that happened.
You should actually try to watch yourselves on camera. You'd be shipping yourselves with your father.
Plus, this is so creepy guys, watching them for hours, trying to decypher their micro expressions, looking for a sign, omitting what you don't want to see because it's convenient. But you know what ? BTS members get itchy, think about the weather, are sensitive to noise, their crew facing them during interviews, making gestures to tell them "we're running out of time", they have food between their teeth, they get BORED because they don't understand what's being said during english interviews... a thousand stimuli that would justify their eyes twitching better than your theories ever could.
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- Actually SENDING the links of your shipping videos, or even worse : pornographic fanart TO BTS via Twitter or else ! You know they are active on social media, your know they go to YouTube, Twitter, Instagram... Do you ever ask yourselves : "Did I go too far with this fanart of member n°6 and member n°7 doing anal ?" And then you put it ON THE FREAKING INTERNET !
Would you like it if someone draw you and one of your friend that you like ONLY as a friend because he is not your type (aka he is not a member of Bangtan) together doing graphic sexual stuff.  These 7 men grew up together, are living together, are really close... Why on Earth would they want to see a drawing of themselves in a sexual situation with one of their bandmates. Why ? Think about it, try to have EMPATHY for once (you know, that thing you all think you have tons of), put yourself in their shoes, and tell me you wouldn't be bothered to come across such drawings of yourselves and... let's say your brother ? Your father ? Your sister ? Your best friend ? Your co-worker ? And on top of that, on your Twitter feed, for everyone to see. Wouldn't that be embarrassing ? No of course, BTS would be admiring the likeness, the finess of the details and the liveliness of the art. They are not human after all.
                                                 They're Idols !
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- Linking EVERYTHING they do to your ship.
               Do you think they are THAT single minded ?
That the only thing in their mind at all time is their "boyfriend/bandmate/that-guy-they-spend-their-lives-with-because-it's-their-job" ? Just to be clear... when you are in love (if you've ever been), do you stop LIVING when the object of your affection is not on your mind ? Is it always ? Do you forget your other hobbies ? Like, if all of you fall in love at the same time, will you stop editing those hour long creepy videos ? PLease, let me know, I know one or two dating app that would make tumblr and Youtube a better place !
BTS youngest member is 21 YEARS OLD. None of them is a prepubescent teenager with raging hormones, with no self control and with only making his "boyfriend" jealous as his goal for the day. Yikes ! Let's not forget they are Kpop idols, which mean they are hightly trained (conditioned ?) to control themselves, their emotions etc. to FOCUS on their job. And besides, do you really, trully believe they have nothing better to do during promotion ? Because, let's face it guys (and I know you'll not like this but brace yourselves) : BTS are ALWAYS doing promotion. They are never truly natural. I'm not saying they are not genuine, I love them as much as you do, and I'm respecting them as mu... wait. MORE than you do, because I'm not actively trying to shove a relationship in their faces while they are working their asses off all day long to offer me quality content, music, MV's, while also trying to live their lives.
   Maybe that face twitching was sadness. But that doesn't mean it's because they fought with bae this morning.
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- Making EVERYTHING sexual. That's it. This is the WOOOORST thing you do.
Exemple I : "Oh lord ! Member n°5 licked his lips. Totally obvious. He was thinking about member n°7, sending him signals. They are totally doing it tonight *insert the giggle of a pervert*
Exemple II : "Hhh ! Member n°2 gulped while looking at n°1. He is so thirsty today !"
Exemple III: " Wow ! N°5's hand is on n°3's shoulder. So erotic. He is actually so subtle, but they know eachother so well. N°3's in for it backstage !"
Exemple IV : "N°4 looked at n°6's lips ! I saw him ! It means he wants to kiss him ! I read it on an article titled "How to know if he's into you" from a... scientific magazine. About body language."
Exemple V : "His legs ACTUALLY twitched, he is such a hoe ! I'm sure he has a boner !" (Like guys, you think I'm exaggerating ? Think again.)
...AAAAaaand sceene.
Once again, try paying attention to every little move your body make during the day. Every time you lick your lips, every time you sigh. Every time your eyes land on a "so called" inappropriate place of your interlocutor's body (yeah ! I know you've been watching your history teacher's ass, you hoe ! Thirsty much ?).
      Apply the same logic you do watching BTS members interact, and you'll be thrilled to know that you're sexually                   attracted to your dog. Congratulations !
 - Calling them "hoes", "thirsty"... this is plain insulting. Why, just... why ? I have nothing more to say.
 - Insulting and criticizing shippers that have a different OTP than you. Like, being verbally violent sometimes ... over a-freaking-fantasy of a couple that only exists in your sick mind ! LOOK AT YOURSELVES ! Look in a mirror !
                                 You're the same ! All of you !
Why not put your microscopic differences aside, and celebrate what you have in common : CREEPINESS ! You are all so tolerent, accepting differences, bla blah blah... let's not break our own words and stick to your script, shall we ? Some other BTS fan is creepy, but not exactly creepy-like-you ? Let them be creepy their own way ! Your OTP is [57] ? Theirs is [58] ? Not a problem ! At the end of the day, it's all in your head ;)
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- Talking about things you know nothing about, or very little. I've mentionned this earlier.
Are you Korean ? Do you have a Ph.D in Korean culture ? No ? 
So please, stop talking about such things as "the use of honorifics", "skinship", "the way Korean think about same sex relationships", "compliments between males", "fan service"...
Like, seriously you hate on this heteronormative society that we live in, but you are interpreting every single thing BTS does the wame way you actively despise, ho-so-western of you : "They graze eachother's hands, they're gay ! Proof ! They call eachother handsome : Gay ! Physical affection : Gay ! Impressed by a muscular body ? Gay ! You trully are a product of this toxic society you despise. And btw, if member n°5 does a peace sign and tounge to someone (*cough* a fangirl in the audience *cough*) during a choreography, does that mean... that his boyfriend has in fact a vagina, and that he was doing it for him to excite him in secret code ? No ? Do I hear "fan service" ? I thiiiiiink soooo... But wait, does that mean... That in one way or the other, your simple logic doesn't apply to every situation ? (If you are interested to know, one of BTS members actually did what I've just depicted during a choreography on stage. One of my favorite fancams EVER.)
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Anyway : You're not defending any minority behaving like that. You're just adding fuel to the fire. Am I insulting you yet ?
Do you have psychic abilities ? Are you Dr. Cal Lightman from Lie to Me ? No ? So please, stop making assumptions about one facial expression or the involuntary twitching of leg muscles.
Are you a pervert ? Are you dangerously-obsessive-but-lying-to-yourself-by-telling-you-this-is-romantic ? Are you living by proxy ? Are you so focused on the sex life of 7 men - that would find that extremely horrible if they knew you btw - you completely forget to live your own life and experience things ? Yes ? Oh.
 Let's recapitulate :
- Forgetting that they are real people, and not fictional characters but treating them as such, because hey ! They're famous, they must WANT the attention.
- Editing creepy videos, and actually believing you're raising awareness with your borderline psychic skills at decoding body language. Seriously, you're so sensitive, I'm amazed you're able to have friends, because you see everything : that is your curse.
- Thinking every single member of Bangtan is a single-minded teenage boy in love, incapable of controlling his impulses. Of course he'll waste his time during an interview to try and make his boyfriend jealous. How fun ! Making the person you love jealous. Haha. So intelligent and useful. Just like in that Tv Show you love. You know, the one with the toxic relationships and immature characters !
- Sending fanart to BTS. They're probably used to it, so why not taking your chances and trying to get their attention ! They might even like the picture of themselves giving a BJ to their bro. Aegyooooo !
- Making everything sexual. Not something unhealthy to do. Not at all. Again, so fun !
- Calling the artists you love cute names such as "hoe". Adorable.
- Discriminating shippers that aren't sharing your OTP. You're a pot. They're a kettle. But nobody's black, oh god no !
- Using Google to validate your theories, be it for body language or Korean culture. Everybody reacts the same way to the same things, true fact !
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Anyway, that's all for today ! Please feel free to comment, and tell me how much you think I'm right, that you too have been aggravated by those "Go-too-far shippers". That you haven't been fast enough either to buy a ticket to the concert in your country, so you would love it if you could go on tumblr to find new pictures of Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook because you love them all (ALL 7 of them, thank you) but without accidently reading a post about "n°6 and n°7 sitting in a tree. F-U-C-K-I-N-G". If you are tired, like me, please share this post and comment below ! Even I you know, just like I know, that it wll not whange annyhing. But Damn if it felt good writing it !
Thank  you !
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