#tell me you missed the core part of the Addams family as a whole without telling me sjfkskfks
bioswear · 2 years
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Anyway so I’m making an Addams family custom jacket/vest with detachable pinstripe sleeves
This is designed to be worn exclusively with a long sleeve button down and tie, black/white duo chrome with an accent of red (depending on occasion)
I have some mirrored rose appliqué patches coming for the back (bc weird but Sophisticated/dark academia vibes)
Patches and pins sourced from:
Gomez & Morticia Pins - amandabaldwinart (Etsy)
Hellish Crusade pin - HellishCrusade (Etsy)
Wednesday Buttons - AKProjectUnicorn
Nevermore patch - KristysKreationsUK
Addams Family Crest backpatch - Oakthorn Studios
Addams Family Patch (Custom) - HungryBearDesigns
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hislittleraincloud · 8 months
More Random Bitching from a Tired Gen Xer
...Am I just missing the pics, or did Emma Myers not show at the Emmys the other night?
I mean, y'all RPF Jemma ppl make a big deal about how they're so close n' all...but it's weird that we would see the little J meet up with the Core 4 the other night at the gala, yet...
Don't gimme the excuse that she wasn't personally nominated, Joy Sunday (BIANCA! BIANCA I LOVE YOU GIRL, I'M TRYNA BRING YOUR CHARACTER SOME JUSTICE 😭) was there and she wasn't personally nominated either.
Loved her classy outfit, too:
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I just love her 😭 I love Bianca so much, the show really needs to not just let her storyline die. But with this whole "I'm promising more action and horror!" thing, I have little faith.
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The Addams Family was comedy and satire. It was never meant to be gory/horrific. Even in the 90s movies, the gore was more comedic than horrific (e.g. the school play where Wednesday and Pugsley sprayed everyone with fake blood...or when Wednesday electrocuted Pugsley (that was off screen)).
Maybe that's just another reason why Ortega irritates me. The way she talks about the Addams Family makes me wonder if she ever even watched any of it before she opened her mouth about wanting to change it. She had to have watched some, since she incorporated OG Wednesday's dance moves (then again, you could find that with a simple Google search).
I dunno, maybe I'm overly sensitive to the negative stereotypes of 'goth' or 'weird' people (which is what they are, they're weird, not necessarily all goth) being associated with horror and violence, and that's what ticks me off. There's far too much violent shit in the world, why must it permeate our entertainment so much? Put out something that makes us laugh and has heart, and smack it up with a little gore. That's all we really need. Fandom can do the gore thing for ya, bb (and trust, fandom can do horror and gore better than these shitty Mummy writers). Don't Sabrinafy this IP. I will be so painfully disappointed if that happens that I'll probably disregard an S2 that has too much of a dark tone change from S1.
I will say one thing, as an honest fic writer/writer: I wouldn't put it past the writers to make Donovan a big part of the problem. Without any goggles on, I can say that Sheriff Galpin is anti-outcast (despite playing cozy with his Addams in canon, until the beginning of Episode 8). He's actually the one who put it into Wednesday's head that "Maybe it was one of your classmates." at the beginning of Episode 2 when he knew full well that there was a possibility of Tyler being the same kind of monster that his mother was.
My (non-goggled) hypothesis is that Sheriff Galpin suspected that the murders were Hyde related from the beginning because he most certainly had to have seen something similar happening when Francie was turning and killing. And McShane's expression once the Hyde photo had developed on its page was one of confirmation, rather than surprise or fear. I think it was right at that moment that Galpin knew it was Tyler.
Lots of crap that Wednesday comes up with happens to be wrong, like when she opens her mouth in front of Weems with "How long have you known...when I gave you that claw from the cave, did you already know?"
Yes woman, because you suck at looking through photos or looking at a photo that the man compared Xavier's drawing to the second you gave it to him.
But I digress, I was talking about Donovan.
Watch the writers make him into some kind of Goodmen-like douchebag, since he doesn't like outcasts. I'm going to hate that if that happens, because deep down we know he doesn't totally despise outcasts, having married one and--despite openly grumbling about them to Noble--he was open to working with one...the daughter of his enemy, no less. (Though the OG script has him calling Francie a liar, so maybe she didn't tell him.)
Bleh. What was I talking about? Ah yeah, Emma Myers being absent for Jenna's loss. Ah whatever...at least Bee was there. Afterburn Bianca will get her justice, hopefully.
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minebot45 · 7 years
Everything Wrong with Undertale
(Before we go any further, I’d like to say that this is mostly listing anything I can make a snarky joke out of. Don’t take anything in this post seriously.)
Horrific monster genocide is firmly implied but completely glossed over.
Game barely even cracks the thirty second mark before introducing magic…f*cking magic. The LORD of all media Ex Machinas!
I think this is a nasty enough fall to sin the fact that the kid survives this.
And another sin for the fact that we learn that MULTIPLE humans have survived this fall later.
There’s one D and one A in this logo, but they don’t get any special heart treatment. This logo is racist against, like, 30% of the qualified alphabet!
Here’s some math for you: video game logic squared equals indie video game logic.
You know, I think the reason the monsters lost as many lives as they did is because they didn’t fight silly enough.
How did Toriel get those groceries without exiting the Ruins? And for that matter, how could the monsters ever grow crops if there is no sunlight? And according to the internet, ultraviolet lamps weren’t invented until the early 1800s, so did they just live off of cave moss or something until then?
Toriel basically abducts a child and I’m okay with that, and I am not okay with that.
Sans would be excellent at CinemaSins.
From his perspective, Papyrus can pretty easily see the human.
Papyrus has all these traps and puzzles and sh*t laid out along the path to Snowdin, yet exactly ZERO of them actually trap or confuse this kid. I know he’s supposed to be incompetent, but it’s almost like he’s TRYING to screw up.
I’ve been trying to avoid commenting on how the characters look ‘cause they’re clearly stylized and I don’t find anything wrong with that, really, I don’t. But Gyftrot’s head is too far from actual deer anatomy. I feel like I’m looking at a deer that has broken his snout. Maybe that’s why he’s so cranky all the time.
OK, Papyrus actually making this battle kind of a challenge is worth knocking off a sin.
(Papyrus announces he’s twelve away from a double digit follower amount) Did Papyrus become an amatuer youtuber offscreen or something?
Does being a monster also allow you to alter the properties of space-time? If not, then what monster power is allowing Sans to apparate from one location to another?
I guess the fact that Sans drinks ketchup or cherry Pepsi or whatever that is is supposed to be one of those Addams Family jokes where their pleasures comes from awful things, but I can’t for the life of me figure out why a guy who drinks ketchup would go through this much work to do it, especially since this is the debilitatingly lazy Sans we’re talking about here.
This (the first part with Undyne) takes the “bad guys are terrible shots” cliché to a whole new level. Undyne is throwing medium-sized volleys of spears, and this is a fairly slow child. How do you miss with what amounts to a f*cking shotgun spray?
(the conversation told through the Echo Flowers) The game states that Echo Flowers repeat the last thing they heard over and over, and this conversation supposedly happened a long time ago, so the game wants me to believe that NOTHING ELSE could have happened in this section of Waterfall between the conversation happening and right now that would’ve either killed these Echo Flowers or, through other monsters traveling through here, muddled up the conversation so drastically that we wouldn’t be able to tell what it was originally about? …I guess so.
Undyne’s like the Bizarro Eagles from Lord of the Rings; she just shows up suddenly whenever the game needs some cheap tension.
The fact that a knight can’t catch a child.
We have taken some pretty serious liberties with physics in this game, but even in this universe I find it hard to believe that this old-, rickety-looking bridge can support a child and a person-sized fish in almost full armor at the same time.
The water from the water cooler being poured on Undyne will convince her that the kid is friendly AND get her to f*ck off, making it the most plot-convienient water cooler that ever existed!
(Mettaton barges through the wall in Alphys’s lab) It wouldn’t surprise me if Mettaton was in the next Avengers movie. Maybe he can take over for Hawkeye. F*ck Hawkeye.
Also, Mettaton is a dick to whoever built this lab.
No one will be seated during the Instant Noodles scene.
(Scenes of the ridiculous technology found in Hotland) Well, with this kind of evolution, it’s a wonder the Earth ever thought humans were necessary at all.
(Tsunderplane crashes and explodes) Look, I know we’re being total assholes, but…that sh*t’s funny right there. Removing one sin!
We never see how this bullsh*t contraption actually works, and based on what we’ve already seen and heard about the Core, I can safely assume it’s a geothermal plant, so why would it require technology more advanced than what’s used in human-made geothermal plants?
This dinner scene with Sans is just long enough for me to state that even though it’s only six hours long, this game had to PAD its runtime!
I think the ever-changing layout of the Core would interfere with its ability to generate electricity.
(Alphys says that both a human SOUL and a monster SOUL are required to pass through the barrier) Alphys withholds giving this very important information about the barrier to the human until they’re practically within arm’s reach of freedom, because…drama!
(Sans explains what EXP and LV are in this universe) How the sh*t does Sans know this? What makes him smarter than Papyrus and the other monsters? The Underground probably has some sort of educational inequality problem that can in no way be tied to socioeconomics or racial inequality because they’re f*cking monsters.
How is it possible that all the humans who died down here got to the exact same point before being killed?
Also, given all the other bullsh*t we’ve seen this kid go through, like the lack of sunlight and the probably nutrient-poor food, how is this kid not long dead, or at the very least not knocking on death’s door?
First the date with Papyrus, now the hangout with Undyne, it seems like this kid wants to follow the script more than they actually want to get out of this cave. Every single waking hour should be spent progressing toward that f*cking barrier, but no, they’re just blowing it off every chance they get.
Erm…did I miss anything? OK, I know I missed probably a lot of things, but what specifically did I miss?
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