#why would I want to BE Wednesday
bioswear · 1 year
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Anyway so I’m making an Addams family custom jacket/vest with detachable pinstripe sleeves
This is designed to be worn exclusively with a long sleeve button down and tie, black/white duo chrome with an accent of red (depending on occasion)
I have some mirrored rose appliqué patches coming for the back (bc weird but Sophisticated/dark academia vibes)
Patches and pins sourced from:
Gomez & Morticia Pins - amandabaldwinart (Etsy)
Hellish Crusade pin - HellishCrusade (Etsy)
Wednesday Buttons - AKProjectUnicorn
Nevermore patch - KristysKreationsUK
Addams Family Crest backpatch - Oakthorn Studios
Addams Family Patch (Custom) - HungryBearDesigns
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muppetbyers · 2 years
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doing wayyy too much for it to be unrequited
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demadogs · 1 year
ok the rate at which shows are being canceled after one season is becoming more and more ridiculous and excruciating to the point where they dont even give people TIME to watch the shows anymore!! i will be recommended a good show by a friend and think “ooo im excited to watch when im not super busy” and then just a month later before i even had the chance to watch it, its already canceled.
and these days whats considered a “successful show” has to surpass hundreds and hundreds of millions, sometimes over a BILLION hours streamed to be worthy of renewing but when shows get somewhere between 50 million and 100 million theyre treated like they were a complete flop even though that is STILL MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WHO WERE INVESTED IN THE SHOW AND WOULD WATCH FUTURE SEASONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was going to watch that show. i was so beyond excited to watch that show. it had one of my favorite actors in it and it was produced by the same creators of my favorite show of all time. but because i have responsibilities from work and school like a normal fucking adult, i couldnt make the time to watch it and now only a week after i was recommended the show, it was already canceled.
i am used to mourning stories that ive become attached to that will never be complete, but this is altogether different. you didn’t even give me a chance to meet these characters or watch this story. a story that an entire cast and crew of probably thousands of people put all their hearts and soul and TIME into and yet you gave it just a fucking month before you decided it was unworthy of pursuing. even though tens of millions of people who were lucky enough to have been available to watch it at the time thought otherwise.
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geekynightowl1997 · 7 months
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I work retail- and I've been feeling stabby all day... I saw this and I thought of Parker's "No stabbing Wednesday." And that's gonna get me through the rest of the day.
*I just want to add- this is not mine, idk who the artist is but all credit to the artist!*
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 2 years
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Okay but why ship wars if poly exist?
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propertyofkylar · 8 days
also this is so dumb to be upset about bc im 26 and a full ass adult but like. my family is going to the zoo on monday for my younger brother’s birthday. except me…no one even asked if i wanted to go and everyone is gonna have fun while im at home working….ngl i probably will cry about it lol
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wierdpersonononelikes · 2 months
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detentiontrack · 2 months
Devastating. In order to eat baked goods, you need to actually bake them.
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Y'all ever see a sweater that you instantly become Totally Normal about and then realize it's a 2.5K USD designer piece
I'm completely in love with this sweater. I swatched out the open work and got pretty close to the original (my double yarnover holes are more round than square but I'm ok with that. I also think they're slipping one of the vertical stitches in the decrease columns because I have one more stitch than they do for every repeat) I've never knit a saddle shoulder construction sweater tho so I would have to figure out the most optimal way to go about it.
This is certainly going on my "one day" project list mainly because I really would want to knit it in a similar colourway (or navy or dark brown) and fingering weight yarn. Which the only solid colour I have even remotely near of right now is a yellow and I'm pretty sure that still wouldn't be enough.
This isn't the first designer knit item I've ever looked at and said to myself "I could make that" but it is the first one that I've ever wanted to make. I'm not a sweater guy in either wearing nor making but I think this would be a good layering piece for formal wear which I just don't have right now. So even if I don't wear it often it would still have a use.
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sparrowposting · 10 months
I also read and crafted and got a lil wine drunk at a party for my aunt's bday + end of her chemo treatments and it's like??? Maybe sometimes things are good and I can spend a few hours without wanting to murder my family and without them saying something egregiously offensive or hurtful and it can be a decent conclusion to a weirdly emotional but kinda healing week?? Or at least. Peaceful? Tentatively????
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isfjmel-phleg · 4 months
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shivunin · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @scribbledquillz! I am still easing back in to writing after my burnout/hiatus, but here is what I've been working over the past few weeks instead c:
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The next step on the Fenris scarf is to draw all the tattoos onto the black section with silver Sharpie and then embroider over them. The bottom image is my test piece to make sure this kind of embroidery is something I can do (ignore the variety of stitch types; I wanted to pick one that showed up pretty well and didn't look too messy if I had to turn the work a lot; the one around the border is what it will all look like when done). I found a really really cool yarn to do the embroidered sections with and I'm excited to share that piece when it's all done (but expect it to be a few weeks, because embroidery will take a lot longer than crocheting this did).
I'm pretty happy with it so far! I like the way the favor section turned out and I learned a new stitch for the gauntlet/shoulder bits, which also came out pretty cool. I will take proper, pretty pictures when it's all finished, just like I did with the Cullen scarf, but I didn't have access to the dress form today for this set (so you can enjoy a little section of my library and the pretty table my husband made instead haha).
Thanks to everyone who helped with Fenris's tattoo resources! I really appreciate it.
Tagging back (no pressure, and sorry if you've been tagged already): @greypetrel @ndostairlyrium and @zenstrike
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pupkou · 1 day
i’m literally going to **** ******
#i’ve been without T for a month or so because my doctor forgot to prescribe it again when my last prescription period was over bc she could#only prescribe it a year at a time. so i went in to do bloodwork because ive been having health problems like getting a light period and#PMDD a year and a half into being on T and it happened to be when she was supposed to represcribe which iwas like ok nice!#but she forgot to represcribe it so I was 2 weeks without it before I realized that hmm something probably happened#so I called her and she fixed it. then the pharmacy told me that they're out of stock. so I called them to find out when it'd be in stock.#then they said it's in stock but she prescribed me the 10mL bottle when my insurance doesn't cover that. so I called her again to fix that.#and she said that she didn't prescribe me that because why would she when my shots aren't even close to 1 mL? so I called the pharmacy#and they said yeah idk who said that it's wrong. your T will be ready later today. I go to pick it up and quite literally the moment I pull#up to the window the pharmacists pull down the shade that says they're closed on lunch. so ive had horrible mental health and physical symp#oms for the past month because I've been without t right? so I thought okay when I come back home from moving out of my apt#because my pharmacy is in my hometown; then ill get my T. and then once I get my T I can start my new medication because I want my levels t#stabilize before we introduce something new into the ecosystem. and im cleaning my apartment today and going through bags and shit and lo a#behold? there are four fucking boxes of T sitting in a bag in my closet JUST LIKE I THOUGHT! I JUST COULD NOT FIND THEM so ive been going#through hell for fucking nothing. for literally nothing. and I was like oh my god okay I have my T I should go and pick up my new medicatio#and I go to get my shoes on and look at the clock and it's 5:01. they close at 5.#and I have my appointment with my psychiatrist on Wednesday where shes going to ask me how it's been starting my medication and im going to#have to tell her I havent started and im not better at all and im so new to her im nervous what she will say. sorry for being crazy. im not#good at this or medication. sorry. do you want me to kill myself ill do it in front of you if that would help. AUGHHHHGHHGHGHHHHHHHHHHGGHGH#NONE OF THIS HAD TO HAPPEN. I JUST HAVE SO MUCH SHIT IN MY APARTMENT BECAUSE ITS SO SMALL THAT I COULD NOT FIND PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION#I HATE IT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET ME OUTTTTTT (in my brain)
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SENDING MY FIRST ASK FROM THE NEW BLOG!!!! i feel like i am sending a letter from a new address... crazy. ANYWAY HOW R U TONIGHT!!!! i hope ur havin a good day!!!! kicking my feet like a teenager at a sleepover rn tell me abt ur day who r the blorbos in ur mind rn what kinda art r u workin on lately how's it going friend!!!
HIIIIIII HI HI . HELLO SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG- i mean catboy cellbit!!! . dude i am. dreading the coming week tbh but it is fine !! we will get thru it we will survive!!! i am so sleepytired but alas i also cannot sleep so i may just have another night of reading and music ahead of me . wah. i hope u are hsving a good night <3 IVE BEEN COMPLETELY ART NERFED TOO BTW. my laptop died on me a couple days ago and while i was able to find a new one affordably it will not be here until the 13th 😔 so no digital art from me for a while. sigh. i DID just decorate my new sketchbook with stickers tho so im hoping that will get my brain in gear for traditional art again. AS FOR BLORBOS. oh . u know. the usuals. vash the stampede. zacharie from off . masky marblehornets (also tim marblehornets) . to name three of them.
#who are ur blorbos rn. i dont watch qsmp i think sering ur posts abt it are really funny bc im like. guy walks into the room on fire gif.#i have no idea whats going on in here congratulations and/or my condolences <3#thank u thank u i love the sleepover vibes. literally had gossip talk w one of my other friends earlier#(name withheld for reasons but if u see this u know who u are and i love u )#so the vibes are so correct#i have 2 work tomorrow :( not looking forward 2 that.#however it IS my last day of my long term overnight job which means i will be able to sleep in my own bed tomoerow night.#this is something i have not done for like. close to a month now. whcih is why ive been sleeping so awfully! so hopefully that fixes me#also have. job interview on wednesday for another aquarium place..#fingers crossed this goes better than my last one but also part of me is kind of hoping it doesnt go well#bc i hate transitional periods and i dont want 2 go thru the moving process again#and i dont want 2 meet a bunch of new ppl all at once again. and do the while job training thing.#alas that is the anxiety talkimg and i do actually want the job bc it would be good for me <3#sorry it is late and im soooo fucking sleepy so im rambling !!!! do not feel like u have to respond to . gestures vaguely at all that#its blorbo talk time. i desperately want 2 warch more mh right now#however the house im.staying in IS in the middle of the woods and very isolated and i have been so scared and paranoid#so i am OUTTA LUCK sigh. i will simply watch smth silly instead like gg tmph or david attenborough or perhaps spongebob will b on the tv.#asks#friends!!!#false-anachronism#<< oh fuck new url!!! i got like halfway thru typing ur old one before i was like WAIT SHIT.
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essektheylyss · 2 months
Because it's the first song on my afternoon daylist, sometimes I just idly remember how Castle put its eponymous character intro to "Everybody Loves Me" by OneRepublic, and honestly, what an utterly correct choice.
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 2 years
Wednesday: Don’t.
Enid: I just have to sing you this song now that we’re dating!
Wednesday: Your smile reminds me of my mother’s Lion right now. I don’t trust you.
Enid grabbing her phone and connecting it to her speakers. Having that fucking smirk on her face and pressing play.
Enid wiggling her eyebrows: I still hear your voice-
Wednesday, recognizing the lyrics and remaining traumatized from her secret phase of obsessing over AMVs.
Wednesday: You have to be joking.
Enid: When you sleep next to me, I still feel your touch in my dreammssss~
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