#tenant services
chikinan · 1 month
im one mid-winter cold shower away from turning into the joker 🤗
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bursting-at-the-seems · 2 months
Housing Disability Discrimination Support
Hi everyone,
I'm reaching out to share my experience with my LL and to seek advice or support as I believe I am experiencing disability discrimination.
Am I on the right track? Are they in violation?
What to I do next?
Can I represent myself? Do I need an attorney?
Is it time to file state and federal reports?
Know of an AZ attorney who can help?
I've been facing significant issues with my landlord (LL) regarding delayed disability accommodations and incorrect billing. Despite requesting accommodations over three months ago, they has not resolved the issue. Additionally they have made billing errors, including unauthorized charges and fees that are connected to my accommodation request, and they have failed to communicate effectively. Additionally, their legal counsel has used ableist language and derailed conversations about accommodations, seemingly to discourage me from pursuing my rights; I also think they are misrepresenting the law. This situation has caused undue hardship, and I believe their actions may constitute harassment and discrimination under the Fair Housing Act (FHA), Americans with Disability Act, and Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (ARLTA). At this point I am prepared to take legal action if necessary and am seeking advice or support from others who may have faced similar issues.
- I and two roommates have lived here for 4 years. In December, my symptoms got worse, and I was diagnosed with chronic conditions. We have been in an ADA unit for 3 of the 4 years.
- I pay for a garage, one roommate pays for a carport, and the other utilizes the free parking option. There is no ADA parking on the shortest route to our ADA dwelling. Free ADA parking spaces are not accessible to me due to having to cross a parking lot and other spaces or walk through a handful of hallways.
- Many tenants complain of a lack of parking and often need to park far from dwellings, park illegally, in another’s paid spot, or leave the complex to park elsewhere.
- All dwellings aside from ADA units have top-loading washers. E-check payments can only have 2 fails before being revoked. During my flare of symptoms and unexpected medical costs, we had two fails. Our first two in 4 years.
- This is a privately owned complex with more than 4 units, built in 2009. AZ has one-party consent recording laws. LL office has a history of not answering the phone.
-Concern (confidential per agreement)
-During this concern I began learning about my rights with regards to my disabilities
-Concern resolved
-Accommodations requested
-documentation submitted (doctors note, state issued Handicap Card)
-Maintenance staff states it would be easy to provide top loading washer, could do it right away
-Attorney pushback need new medical note (dr signature not seen), states ADA doesn’t apply, doesn’t understand nexus
-New Medical Note submitted
-Detailed explanation o f nexus over and above required
-Lawyer states LL Not obligated to pay for modifications
-Approves some modifications at my expense
-Approves reinstatement of my ability to make echeck payments, one additional chance only
-Does not approve transition to top loading washer or elevating washer per doctors note or accessible parking
-LL legal rep implies I should be grateful for the upgrade despite stating why it is not accessible for me
-LL legal rep states ADA has no relevance
-LL states they have other top loading machines available but don’t want to have to deal with/ store our front loading.
-LL legal rejects accessible washer and dryer accommodation and accessible parking does not offer alternative solution
-LL states they will have maintenance build block under washer to raise it despite LL legal rep decline (this has been provided)
-LL legal rep states keep paying for garage or use covered parking space, despite covered spot irrelevance as it is another tenants
-payed June invoice via e-check since ability reinstated (documented)
-Lease on dwelling needs to be renewed at the end of month, in reviewing contract notice garage rent has increased by ~67%
-Called City of Gilbert to review ada parking codes, informed that if in an ADA unit FHA states that there must be an ada parking space on shortest route to dwelling. Recorded call.
-Emailed regarding lease renewal and ongoing parking discussion pushing back on increase and restating my request for accessible parking accommodation
-LL legal rep states there is no such thing as an ADA unit, despite the property management referring to it as it and it being a colloquially accepted term.
-LL rep states they do not see why I need accessible parking when I pay for a garage, and we have a covered spot and nothing LL needs to do. That the city is incorrect.
-Push back on this, reexplain that I would give up my garage if g tr here was a free accessible parking option and once again that the covered spot belongs to another tenant.
- nearing lease deadline, reached out asking if we can sign bur leave the garage terms out until resolved or have an extension without fee
-Followed up again with no response onexpiring lease options, highlighting unresolved disability accommodations initially requested in April (over 3 months without resolution).
- LL acknowledged the need for review and suggested a month-to-month (MTM) option at no extra cost until disputes over increased garage rent and the request for accessible parking are resolved.(Documented)
- Received recurring payment reminder, states billing amounts may change based on account balance, account balance is controlled by LL
- while not required as auto pay established, checked ledger around 10pm on 6/30 and saw an amount of $99.76. (Documented)
- In July 1 discovered LL increased the bill and auto-billed $2,943.81, including fees previously agreed not to charge (MTM fee and disputed garage cost).
- Called LLtwice, no response.
- Visited the leasing office with roommate 1; charges were adjusted but a refund was refused. LL assistant manager (am) asserted that only a credit for the following month could be issued, leaving us without $500 in our budget. LLAM said, “It’s not fair but that’s how it is.” Suggested we stop check if we needed another solution. The conversation was recorded.
- Emailed LL with an update.
- Called the bank and was informed of a $30 fee for stopping the check.
- Called LL and spoke with LLAM she stated LL would not cover the canceled check fee. Reminded LLAM this issue arose due to LL oversight and they should bear the fees. -Discussed an alternative solution of letting the check bounce, which LLAM confirmed would not incur a fee and would allow continued e-check payments per the accommodation terms, without a late fee. This call was witnessed by another resident.
- Emailed LL to summarize the call and communicated that we would not return from our holiday until July 7 and would make the payment once there was confirmation that the check had not gone through.
- LL acknowledged the situation, mentioned a grace period for late fees but incorrectly stated that we chose to make an overpayment.
-July 4 Leasing office closed.
-July 8 Received notice that the check was rejected by SanTan upon our return from holiday, attempted payment but was unable to do so online, called the office but was unable to connect with staff.
-July 9 Attempted payment again and found additional fees despite agreements from LL,LLAM
- Received a threatening eviction notice on the door with no prior communication from the leasing office.
-Emailed LL all the above, proving that we did not choose to make this payment; it resulted from LL error in not updating the system per the agreement to not charge for MTM or the disputed garage fee. The auto payment was triggered by LL incorrect managing of account balance despite stating we would not be charged fees and late payment was due to LLAM not following through with commitments on being able to make e-check payment and no fees.
-July Three calls to the office from various residents of 1086 went unanswered.
- Sent an email to LL seeking resolution.
- Follow-up emails from LL and LLAM stating they will get back to us
- Conversation with LL over the phone, who inaccurately asserted that the overpayment was our mistake and held us responsible for all fees. Clarified that the June 30 and July 1 amounts were both incorrect, and the automated payments were managed by LL. Call recorded.
- Left a voicemail for LL corporate office
- Paid July rent, excluding disputed fees and deducting $10 for the cashier check charge that was only needed to be obtained due to LL Error. LL spoke to other roommates incorrectly stating they didn’t understand why I chose to over pay. Roommate 2 states, auto payment controlled by them, and we had checked which we should not have needed to do -no one is checking their Spotify auto payments - recorded
- Submitted formal complaint for delayed accommodation and billing error highlighting the above information
- LL said was not needed as they had been communicating and that the billing and requests are a separate issue - says accepted partial payment as curtesy
- LL legal rep responds to earlier email, not formal complaint, and again rejects accessible parking accommodation, says not needed despite documentation, to keep paying or use other tenants spot, no other option provided, states rate increase is not discriminatory, says this is the last of the matter.
-LL states we are to sign lease by Aug 1, no reinstatement of epayment, offered to cover $80 of fees and we are responsible for over $250
-LL sends this in three separate emails
- Forwards Formal complaint to senior LL corporate staff, LL legal rep, and LL. States that billing errors and the 3 month delay in accommodation are inherently linked as the LL said no fee to extend while we sort through accommodation, then failed to ensure their billing was correct and put burden on me.
Key Points:
Untimely Resolution of Accommodation Request: Over three months have passed since the initial request for disability accommodations, an excessive and legally questionable delay under the Fair Housing Act.
Potential Delay Tactics: It appears that LL may have deliberately delayed the accommodation process, which coincided with our lease renewal period. This delay tactic is concerning as it suggests an attempt to force us out of the premises, especially given the sudden notice of five days provided after their billing mistake.
Legal Counsel's Conduct: LL legal counsel has repeatedly used ableist language and derailed conversations about accommodations by fixating on irrelevant information and nitpicking colloquial language. This appears to be an intentional strategy to wear out disabled tenants and discourage them from pursuing their rightful accommodations.
Legal Implications: Potential disability discrimination due to unresolved accommodation requests and mishandling of billing.
Definition of Harassment in Housing Context: Harassment in a housing context includes actions that create a hostile living environment, repeated and unreasonable demands, or failure to make necessary accommodations, particularly when these actions are taken against someone because of their membership in a protected class (such as individuals with disabilities).
Legal Case Summary:
LL actions constitute a blatant disregard for Arizona state law and federal housing regulations. Under the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (ARLTA), landlords are required to maintain fit and habitable premises and make all repairs necessary to keep the premises in a livable condition (A.R.S. § 33-1324). LL repeated billing errors and failure to address accommodations contravene these obligations. Furthermore, under the Fair Housing Act (FHA), it is illegal to discriminate against individuals with disabilities, including failing to make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies, practices, or services when such accommodations may be necessary to afford a person with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. The excessive delay of over three months in addressing my accommodation request is unreasonable and likely a violation of the FHA. Additionally, the rent increase after the accommodation request, the assertion that paying for accessible parking is the only option, followed by an increase in garage rent (the accessible parking option), and the mishandling of July rent with associated fees and penalties, are all linked and indicative of a pattern of discriminatory and retaliatory behavior by LL. These actions, taken together, create a hostile living environment and impose undue financial and emotional stress potentially constituting harassment. Federal guidelines and best practices indicate that accommodation requests should be acknowledged within 3-5 business days, an interactive process should begin immediately and be completed within 1-2 weeks, and simple modifications should be addressed within a few weeks. The delay of over three months in resolving the request for accessible parking is excessive and fails to meet these standards. Timeline above illustrates LL failure to uphold agreed-upon lease terms and accommodate disability needs regarding accessible parking. Their actions have led to undue financial burden and threats of eviction, potentially violating both the FHA and state law. SanTan's conduct could be construed as harassment and discrimination, subjecting them to significant legal liability.
Action Needed from LL:
Immediate correction of billing errors, waiver of unauthorized fees, reinstatement of e-check payment ability, resolution of the accommodation request, and execution of the lease agreement. LL must address communication shortcomings and ensure compliance with the FHA and the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act to prevent further legal consequences, including potential lawsuits for discrimination, harassment, and breach of contract.Failure to comply to result in legal action seeking damages, including punitive damages, for the distress and financial losses incurred due to LL unlawful practices. We are prepared to pursue all available remedies under state and federal law to protect rights and ensure fair treatment.
Any advice, support, suggestions on the above much appreciated!
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seraphim-soulmate · 5 months
how much mold is considered a mold problem in your bedroom also can mold make your heart rate fucked up thanks. Aoh also the wall which has the mold literally falls apart if I touch it so. Not really sure how to get rid of it also I assume there's more mold on the other side of the wall??? idk I think every couple of months I discover mold somewhere and panic and then clean it and forget about it.
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hag-o-hags · 7 months
confession time lads I am officially a Landlord I will turn in my shoelaces and be gay do crime stickers on my way out
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Learn The Best Way To Make Money Investing In Real Estate
The best way to make money investing in real estate, particularly through renting out a property in Brantford, Ontario, involves a strategic approach and careful consideration of various factors. Brantford is a city with a thriving real estate market and a growing rental demand, making it an attractive location for investment. To maximize your returns, start by researching the local market to identify properties in desirable areas, such as those close to schools, universities, and amenities. Additionally, consider the property's condition, rental potential, and long-term appreciation prospects. Once you have selected a property, ensure it is well-maintained, attractively priced, and marketed effectively to potential tenants. By focusing on these key elements and providing a positive rental experience, you can generate steady rental income and potential capital appreciation in Brantford's real estate market.
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blockmechanics · 2 years
I'm sorry to say, but if you think landlords is a service job that deserves tips you're a deeply violent vicious person whose only purpose in life is to harm people in the worst ways possible.
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citylawns · 1 year
I had to leave my flat because yesterday my mentally unstable neighbour became so enraged at the sound of me walking around my bedroom in my socks she tried to kick my front door down and was verbally threatening me and refusing to let us sleep by screaming at us and I don’t know what we can even do because she’s a council tenant
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kingcleanmelborne · 2 years
Read this article to go to a reliable end of lease cleaning service in Melbourne!
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larcomelegallimited · 2 years
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Solicitors in Waterlooville, Portsmouth | Larcomes Legal Limited
Specialist Financial Settlement Legal Advice
If you are looking for financial settlement advice or have questions regarding points raised in this article, our specialist family law solicitors in Portsmouth and Waterlooville can help. We have the knowledge and experience to help you and your family regardless of the complexity of your situation. We will explain all the options available to you and ensure you are aware of the costs involved, guiding, and supporting you through every step of the process.
Remember, you can talk to us in complete confidence and gain reassurance from speaking to someone who understands your situation.
Please note that this article is not intended as legal or professional advice. This is a general news article only and updates to the law may have changed since it was published.
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paralegalservices1 · 7 days
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smithlee1221 · 14 days
Tenant Representation | Tenant Representation Services | FVG Property
FVG Property offers tenant representation services that prioritise your needs and goals. Their commercial property valuers in Melbourne work diligently to provide accurate valuations and expert advice.
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vindaloo-softtech · 26 days
Bhaskar Metikel, Founder of Vindaloo Softtech Reveals Strategic Vision in Exclusive GoodFirms Interview
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The latest interview of Bhaskar Metikel with GoodFirms underscores Vindaloo Softtech’s inclusion in their prestigious list of esteemed companies, highlighting its new-age vision and industry leadership.
14 Aug, 24 – Ahmedabad, India – In the race to the top of the tech arena, it has become increasingly arduous for competent companies to distinguish themselves and for clients to effectively locate the right providers for specialised services. GoodFirms is a leading B2B platform that therefore facilitates connections between reputed businesses and discerning individuals. By featuring Vindaloo Softtech, a recognized leader in VoIP Software Providers in their list, GoodFirms interviewed our founder to catch the vision behind its success.
A Crowning Achievement – Goodfirms Awarded Vindaloo Softtech An Exclusive Badge.
It is a moment of pride to announce our recent accolade from GoodFirms, where we have been honored with the “Top IT Service Company” badge. This award shows our dedication to making a real difference for our clients.
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VoIP Software Development
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Candid Interview With Goodfirms – A Long-Term Outlook From Bhaskar Metikel, Vindaloo Softtech’s Founder.
The interview was aimed at exploring strategic advancements and industry leadership, as recognized by GoodFirms. It sought to reinforce Vindaloo Softtech as a top provider by highlighting its achievements, technological capabilities, and unique business model. GoodFirms also intends to understand its commitment to innovation, client satisfaction, and market resilience and to examine how its endorsement has significantly enhanced its visibility and credibility in a competitive tech environment.
“During my recent interview with GoodFirms, it was a moment of pleasure sharing Vindaloo Softtech’s advancement, achievements, and technological strengths. We view this as a strong validation of our success and strategic role within the industry.’
– Bhaskar Metikel
About GoodFirms
GoodFirms is a trusted platform for B2B reviews and ratings. It offers meticulously curated lists of the top companies supported by verified reviews from genuine users. Backed by client reviews and thorough research, it empowers businesses and individuals to find the right partner. This ensures that each review or recommendation is grounded in a real user experience to maintain transparency and reliability. Millions of users trust GoodFirms to make informed partnership decisions to foster successful business collaborations.
About Vindaloo Softtech
Vindaloo Softtech, a Ahmedabad-India-based company, has been a top software and solution provider since 2016. The company boasts expertise in developing VoIP business solutions. Vindaloo Softtech uses the latest AI technologies and customer-centricity to enhance its product features, showing its dedication to using advanced technology. It is leading in the tech industry with 8+ years of experience and successfully completed over 100 projects.
With 5 successful products launched so far, it has gained a well-regarded name in the tech world. It focuses on delivering highly standard customized solutions in project delivery. Try our products firsthand with a quick demo and see how they serve your business.
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syedaitzaz · 29 days
The Importance of Professional Holiday Home Cleaning Services
When you own a holiday home, maintaining it in pristine condition is paramount to ensure that guests have a memorable experience. However, managing the cleaning and upkeep of a holiday home, especially if it's a vacation rental, can be challenging without professional assistance. This is where professional holiday home cleaning services come in, playing a crucial role in keeping your property guest-ready, enhancing its appeal, and maintaining its value.
Why Professional Cleaning is Essential for Holiday Homes
Owning a holiday home comes with a responsibility to keep it clean and inviting for guests. This task is even more critical if your property is a rental, as cleanliness is often the first thing guests notice when they walk in. A spotless environment not only creates a positive first impression but also ensures that your guests feel comfortable and at ease during their stay.
Professional holiday home cleaning services, such as those offered by Elite Maids, specialize in the detailed and thorough cleaning that holiday homes require. These services are tailored to the unique needs of holiday properties, ensuring that everything from the kitchen and bathrooms to the living areas and outdoor spaces are impeccably clean.
Key Benefits of Hiring Professional Holiday Home Cleaning Services
Guest Satisfaction: The cleanliness of a holiday home directly impacts guest satisfaction. A clean and well-maintained property can lead to positive reviews, repeat bookings, and word-of-mouth referrals. By hiring professional cleaners, you ensure that your guests have a pleasant stay, which can significantly boost your rental business.
Time and Effort Savings: Cleaning a holiday home can be time-consuming and physically demanding, especially if you have back-to-back bookings. Professional cleaning services save you time and effort by taking care of all the cleaning tasks, allowing you to focus on managing your property and guests.
Enhanced Property Value: Regular cleaning and maintenance help preserve the condition of your holiday home, preventing long-term damage and wear and tear. This not only maintains the property's value but can also increase its appeal to potential buyers if you ever decide to sell.
Specialized Cleaning Techniques: Professional cleaners use advanced cleaning techniques and equipment to achieve a higher standard of cleanliness. They are trained to tackle tough stains, deep clean carpets and upholstery, and sanitize all areas to ensure a healthy environment for your guests.
Why Choose Elite Maids for Your Holiday Home Cleaning Needs
Elite Maids stands out as a trusted provider of holiday home cleaning services in Dubai and the surrounding areas. Their team of experienced cleaners is dedicated to delivering top-notch cleaning services [SA1] [SA2] tailored to the needs of holiday homes.
Customized Cleaning Plans: Elite Maids offers flexible cleaning packages that can be customized to meet the specific needs of your holiday home. Whether you need a one-time deep cleaning before the start of the season or regular cleaning services after each guest stay, they have you covered.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products: The company uses eco-friendly cleaning products that are safe for both your guests and the environment. This commitment to green cleaning not only ensures a clean property but also supports your efforts to be a responsible property owner.
Reliable and Punctual Service: Elite Maids understands the importance of timely cleaning, especially in the fast-paced world of vacation rentals. They offer reliable and punctual service, ensuring that your property is always ready for the next guest.
In the competitive world of vacation rentals, maintaining a clean and inviting property is essential to stand out from the crowd. By hiring professional holiday home cleaning services like those provided by Elite Maids, you can ensure that your property remains in top condition, providing a comfortable and enjoyable stay for your guests. This investment in professional cleaning not only enhances guest satisfaction but also preserves the value of your holiday home for years to come.
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kids-worldfun · 2 months
Common Challenges in Property Management and How Services Can Help
Managing a property involves the coordination of tenant needs, property requirements, and, most importantly, the owners’ expectations.   Property managers in charge of residential, commercial, or industrial properties face many challenges that may alter how they work and make it more challenging.  This article discusses the various problems that may be encountered related to property management…
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How to Rent Out Your Property in Brantford, ON?
Renting out property in Brantford, ON, can be profitable if you approach it with the right knowledge and strategies. By understanding the local market, preparing your property, advertising effectively, screening tenants, creating a comprehensive rental agreement, maintaining communication, and considering professional management, you'll be well on your way to a successful and rewarding rental experience.
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bhrarchinerd · 3 months
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