purplealmonds · 1 month
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Experimenting with new ways to present my Mononoke 3D models. Watching them tenbin spin off-sync is oddly mesmerizing - like a pair of hanging mobiles swaying in the breeze.
These will be the first of (hopefully) a series and slightly cleaned up models!
Update 05/23/24: Now updated with colors! 🌈
Q&A below the cut!
How did you create these models? Using gratuitous amounts of reference images, I made schematics in Adobe Illustrator and/or Photoshop. Then I import the 2D images into Google Sketchup 2017 to sculpt! I used the camera animation feature to cobble together a spinning animation, which I then exported as a MP4 and converted to a GIF in Photoshop.
Why did you make these models? They were for my most recent Mononoke fan art. A lot of work went into these models, so I wanted to showcase them more thoroughly! Additionally, I noticed that fan artists had difficulty depicting these complicated props on-model. I want to contribute a resource which this community can draw from!
What other models do you intend to create? Coming down the immediate pipeline are the classic exorcism sword and medicine box. Later on, I want to tackle their 2024 counterparts. The current version of the 2024 sword model is too messy and needs remodeling. The 2024 medicine box hasn't been modeled yet, as I haven't collected enough references.
May I use these as reference? As long as it isn't being used for the likes NFTs and/or generative AI, yes! Credit is appreciated but not mandatory as these designs don't belong to me. I would love if you tagged me in your creations though!
Can you render these in a different camera angle? Yes, but it'll have to be an image rather than a GIF as I'm not familiar enough with SketchUp's animation tools to do much beyond this. Please send requests to my ask box!
Can you render these in different poses? Send me an ask with a description of the specific pose. Depending on its complexity I may be able to pull it off.
Can you make a colorized version of these? As of 05/23/24, yes! Though the colors aren't 100% accurate due to how lighting is set up in SketchUp. Please refer to my non-animated turnarounds instead!
Are these models available for download? At the moment, I'm not comfortable sharing my working files. Please don't pester me about this, as it'll likely discourage me from changing my mind in the future.
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tetrix-anime · 9 months
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Light novel "Tenkou-saki no Seiso Karen na Bishoujo ga, Mukashi Danshi to Omotte Issho ni Asonda Osananajimi Datta Ken" receives anime adaptation.
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ten-bin · 11 months
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著者 : 和田秀樹 装画 : 須山奈津希
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wildflower-otome · 6 months
2023 Otome game progress
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100% completed:
Shuuen no Virche -ErroR:Salvation-
Shuuen no Virche -EpiC:lycoris-
Nil Admirari no Tenbin: Teito Genwaku Kitan
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70-80% completed:
Cupid Parasite (only Allan and secret route to go)
Spade no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful White World~ (only Lewis route left to go)
Taisho x Alice (half of Snow White/Wizard/Epilogue route still to do)
Collar x Malice: Unlimited (half of Yanagi's route and Adonis route to finish)
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One to two routes completed:
Bustafellows Seasons 2 (finished my faves Crow and Helvetica but got stuck on Mozu's route which I was really not feeling...I'll get back to it...eventually...)
Kamigami no Asobi (Baldr's route completed, would love to do Hades' next when I get back to this one)
Cendrillon palikA (finished blonde Sasazuka Klone Spinel's route, would like to do Ela's route next)
Clock Zero (finished Riichirou and Shuuya, Toranosuke up next)
9R.I.P. (finished Hibiki's route, Kureha's up next)
Piofiore (only finished Nicola's route, might do Dante or Orlok's next)
Nil Admirari no Tenbin: Kuroyuri Enyoutan (finished Hisui's route only, haven't really decided who to do after yet but following my original order, Shizuru I guess?)
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Steam Prison (did the common route and fell in love with Fin only to read spoilers about what happens with him later and yeah...I would like to finish eventually though, especially with the news about there being a sequel)
Birushana (started Shungen's route bc Souma Saitou and did like it although ended up getting distracted, will definitely finish when I have the time)
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dharmafox · 5 days
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Just turned up a ton of these fanzines on Surugaya. Obsessed with the cover art on this one. I saw it and immediately assumed it was yaoi. And that title translation is... interesting.
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hellcatinnc · 6 months
2023 Otome Game Challenge
I decided to do this challenge before this year ends. I shared the picture as well as the writing too since people may not always know by the picture as well as the blank one for anyone who wants to do this challenge as well.... enjoy! u/misobuttercornramen
Radiant Tale
A Date With Death
Allan's Route - Cupid Parasite
Collar x Mallice
Hayato Ozaki - Nil Admirari No Tenbin
Nimh - Blush Blush
Vilio - Radiant Tale
Leo - Piofiore
Yuo Kasanagi - Kagami No Asobi
Dante Falzone - Sept 17th He is a virgo like me :D
Flirty/Sad Boys Like Ikki Amnesia
Kohana Aigasaki from Magic Kyun Rennissance
I wasn't able to do the special ones
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soccerpunching · 29 days
I uploaded chapters 83 and onwards of honosuto (gouenji manga) in this google drive. Use it however you want just promise me to read this message in the drive first before you do (pictured below).
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They're not translated but have fun!
awesome bodacious google drive link
If you're having trouble accessing the drive or have concerns with the quality of the screenshots reply under this post!!!! So we can see the concerns in one place.
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t-u-i-t-c · 11 months
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🪐saviors of the universe 🪐
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obakatamago · 1 year
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The trio from each generation
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arthotsglasses · 2 years
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kumagorosh · 1 year
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left to right: kira hiroto (the original); hiroto; gran
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left to right: kiyama hiroto; kira hiroto (inago)
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left to right: kiyama tatsuya; kira hiroto (areori)
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ina11rarepair · 8 months
saginuma × atsuya they are real ❄️🪐
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good-beanswrites · 11 months
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My english lyrics for Triage woo! (They're written out under the cut, I just wanted to share my lil chart lol)
Though I'm too indecisive to officially label this as my favorite song, it's had the strongest emotional impact on me by far. It holds a special place in my heart, I definitely wanted to write lyrics for it first! I'll leave all my rambling process commentary in the tags, but I was so happy with how it came out!!
All of those cards of promise thrown down carelessly,
This must be retribution for all I've taken endlessly.
If that were the case, it should have been fate for me to die.
That's the truth, given my crime, so why--?
No, I can't take it, to this cruel joke I'll submit. You
don't know, you can't know, but I'm ready to admit:
Killing for them, extracting for them, won't change the fact they're dead.
I need someone to tag me as RED.
It makes me sick (sick), it's too unpleasant. Sick (sick)
Is this punishment? What do you mean I'm INNOCENT?
I see, the world is cruel and leaves you on your own.
(I can't die) to atone. (I can't love) alone.
I can't be saved (saved), you've nothing to give. Saved (saved)
But what if I lived? Why else would you choose to forgive?
I see, there's lives to save so let's be sensible.
Right now, you need me, (I can be) indispensable.
Tilt to and fro, I know the scales should land on GUILTY for me.
Tilt fro and to, it's INNOCENT that they choose.
They cry (x4) out in pain, I can hear them. There's no one else, to guard their health,
My mission is offering help.
All of those cards of promise thrown down carelessly,
This must be retribution for all I've taken endlessly.
So if that's the case, then it must be fate to make amends,
Extract that fang before we meet the end.
It makes me sick (sick), it's too unpleasant. Sick (sick)
Is this punishment? What do you mean I'm INNOCENT?
I see, the world is cruel, but what I've realized is
(Now I want) to be INNOCENT. (Now I want) to live.
It makes me sick (sick), This wasn't my plan, hostages at my command.
Their future resting in my hands
I see, there's lives to save so let's be sensible.
Right now, please save me, (I will be) indispensable.
Maybe this was meant to be -- oh  -- or maybe neither of us can know
There's lives to save so let's be sensible.
Right now, please save me, (I will be) indispensable.
I mentioned earlier that I always get annoyed with myself when people post translyrics and I can't figure out the rhythm they were going for, so here's a recording of me singing, but I'm bad at it! It's just for fun! Like a rough draft for music! Because the only thing worse than people hearing my voice is people thinking I can't count syllables!
#milgram#shidou kirisaki#lyrics#im real happy with how they came out :))#when i first got into milgram i started writing tear drop lyrics but got discouraged#(ill be revisiting them next but) it was so fun to work with this song!#i love the sound of it and had a great time creating my version#i wanted his repeated lines in the refrain to have a punch to them#and was SO satisfied giving the doctor 'sick' and 'saved' as his focus words#the mention of 'throw down' wasnt originally intended but it fit so well i just had to keep it asdfsd#i looked up an internet translation for 'Shinenai sentaku o ikenai ai o' because the official english line confused me#and it gave me 'i cant die. i cant go. i cant love.' and i loved that more than the official translation actually#really the only word that doesnt flow quite like id want is 'punishment' but the meaning/rhyme made me happy so i kept it haha#nothing can replace the sound satisfaction 'Yurayura tenbin yurusa naide hoshii noni/Yureteru yurushite hoshii to' gives me tho -_-#and i wanted a more open-mouth sound when he sings 'dattaka' the second time -- i absolutely love how he draws it out#but had to settle for what i could make work 🤷‍♀️#we are spitting in the face of cringe culture and posting my voice!!#some writers are okay if their complete vision doesnt make it across to the audience but Not Me#i gotta show my whole vision and draft 😂#oh and excuse his voicemail message LMAO#i love shidou with all my heart but i have to tease him about shoving his profession in our face every chance he gets#(did we ever get a translation for that btw?)#but yeah im always preaching to do arts and things youre bad at just because theyre fun so i figured id take my own advice#because it was a lot of fun to sing :3#and i dont know how to word this in the fans-having-collaborative-fun way and not a pretentious way#but if any of the milgram pals who like singing want to cover it hmu :D
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ten-bin · 11 months
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著者 : 有川真由美
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wildflower-otome · 10 months
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taxi-davis · 2 months
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