#tenten x oc
rikustarlight · 1 month
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Enjoy from a quick sketching session this morning on procreate
As you can see, Meiten can be a bit stabby-hotheaded-pants like her mother sometimes… Their kids may mostly look like Neji but their personalities are definitely Tenten. They have their work cut out for them for sure!
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Just some quick sketches of the kids. I’m missing ChouChou and Inojin but they would’ve made up the squad.
More sketches
Nejiten Kids head cannons | Nejiten Kids Designs | Nejiten head cannons
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sardonicfactory · 6 days
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pining doodles
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doodlesfromacat · 3 months
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*waits until the end of pride to post gay shit*
I colored this last night on a rush so it doesn't look great, but i still like it, here's ShinjuTen posting
This is kinda cool, when i was a teenager i told my friends i was gonna make Shinju Bi, to sorta like... check the vibe, and got just the most atrocious response, and shoved myself deeper into the closet than ever before
Literally over a decade later, i'm out of the closet and so is Shinju, and i can freely have my "weapons master x weapons maker" ship
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katrinthecat · 1 year
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lemonyaw · 2 months
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Look at them! So cute 🥺 aackk, I can't handle the cuteness from team 9—i love them so much.
So i decide to draw them with my style. And im giving them the matching outfit toned— as for my oc, seina. She's in the middle of disguise as princess maid. 🤏
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gerardwayissexah · 6 months
Over a decade after his father chose duty over love, Tenten's son activates the Byakugan in a moment of panic. That was never supposed to happen, but then, neither was he.
Neji's child is a living reminder that his dream of reforming the Hyuga clan came at the cost of another - a life alongside the woman Neji loved, and perhaps still loves. Amid the tangled web of clan interests and intimate politics, neither Neji nor Tenten can deny that realizing their shared dream bears a steep cost. Whatever their hopes, dreams rarely come free or easy.
Rating: Explicit (all smut scenes are skippable, and I've done my best to warn for them)
Words: 50k+ (final count ~100k)
Check it out if you like: Forbidden love, class/clan politics exploration, sibling bonding, tons of self-indulgent angst
**Read below the cut for some author's notes**
I've been really behind on updating Tumblr with my writing projects. But, sometimes writing and updating my fics is plenty for me to manage. Since I last shared this fic to Tumblr, I've updated quite a bit - hitting the 50k-word mark on AO3 was a pretty exciting milestone. Though I began posting with 90k+ words prewritten, I'm starting to rewrite and restructure large parts of my original work. Which is not a bad thing! As I've immersed myself back into the story, I've gotten a clearer idea of what kinds of dynamics I want to portray, and what character arcs make sense.
I also want to redo my original ending because the shipper within wants Neji and Tenten to have a more storybook ending. Well, as much of a storybook ending as one could have when there's blatant cheating and a secret lovechild (or multiple?) involved. Not committing to anything yet, though.
Hope someone finds this and enjoys it!
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sugutoad · 1 year
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Happy birthday to @sugarrfrog ‘s oc Kanna Fukui!
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spellcasterlight · 1 year
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Thank you, @nightingaleflow and the lovely Anon, that also sent me one of these! You are both so sweet! 😭❤️
Gonna put a few under the cut just for length! Smut entries and story warnings are labelled!
Thank you for the lovely ask! ✨
Ao3 ✨ |Story Request Bingo Cards 📖 | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Ko-Fi ☕ | Reblog Blog 🟢
Duty Beyond Everything - [Shino x Tenten] [Kakashi x Gai]
I loved writing some soul-crushing [Shino x Tenten] [Kakashi x Gai]. Putting Tenten and Gai through the wringer made me sad, but I did enjoy the outcome 😭
(Story Warnings: Major Character Injury. Minor Character Death. Mild Violence. Major Character Death.)
Buzz Buzz - [Shino x Tenten] - [Smut]
Probably the best smut I've ever written, and it's my most popular [Shino x Tenten] only story - most likely for that reason! 😂
(Story Warnings: Graphic Sexual Scene. Mild Swearing. Semi-Public Sex. Oral Sex.)
Should Have Been Me - [Shino x Tenten]
Another sad one (why are all these crying ones? 😂), but I enjoyed writing some wrenching Shibi and Tenten grief-filled father-in-law to daughter-in-law interactions.
(Story Warnings: Major Character Injury. Mentions of Poison. Major Character Death. Grieving.)
Mirror Mirror On The Wall - [Shikamaru x Temari] - [Smut]
This was my first time writing this pairing, and I really like the tone that came out of it!
(Story Warnings: Graphic Sexual Scene. Mild Swearing. Mirror Sex. Feelings of Embarrassment.)
Endings and Beginnings - [Shibi x OC]
I don't think this is my best story, but it was the first time I challenged myself to write an OC and I kind of fell in love with her (even if the first thing I ever did was make her suffer 😂) and I just really like how it turned out!
(Story Warnings: Major Character Death.)
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sischan · 6 months
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A rough sketch of another comic for Neji and Ai Hyuga(my Oc) with him taking her into the forest. Allowing the free butterflies to give them kisses on their noises as the land on them. However Neji soon noticed that they weren't in the woods alone.
^-^ I'll update when I work more on this, but I wanted to share this little comic! ^-^)
Ai Hyuga, my Naruto OC, posses the Byakugan like Neji, but sadly she is unable see as she is Blind. With her Byakugan remaining suppressed, but her Chakra sense skills were founded by Neji to rival his own. Ai was only able to strengthen her ability with training from Neji. With her learning his chakra well enough to recognize him. Over the time of his visits she is able to slowly recognize the differences of the Hyugas' that lived in the Hyuga Estate, and those that would follow Neji around as his teammates.
^-^ Just some rambling about my Oc. If you'd like to learn more of my OC Ai Hyuga please feel free to visit her gallery on toyhouse.
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This flat is of my Oc Ai and her son with Neji Hyuga, Eri Hyuga. ^-^)
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kia0i · 7 months
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Meet Shikana's lover, Libin!!! Libin is the adopted child of Temari and Tenten, They are Genderfluid but usually likes to be referred to as He/Him, only so times will he like to be call She/Her but most of the time people refer to them as They/Them if they can't tell which one he wants to be at the moment.
This was who Shikana was blushing at in the 14 year old drawing
In this drawing I made his hair longer than it actually is but I like it
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infernaldeguemes · 1 year
¡Hola! Aprovecho este espacio para promocionar un fanfic AU en el que he estado trabajando.
¡Gracias a Sofía Gangoso por el hermoso dibujo representando a mi OC y a la hermosa de Tayuya! Link a su IG:
Dejo los links y algunos datos de la historia. ¡Saludos!
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Título: Tiempo de Héroes
Género: Acción/Aventura/Drama
Tipo de Historia: AU
Rating: M (violencia y lenguaje fuerte)
Sinopsis: Kichiro trata de mantener el ritmo de su vida tras la muerte de su abuelo. Un día, la suerte lo lleva a cruzar su camino con el de un hombre llamado Kakashi Hatake. A partir de entonces, se verá envuelto en una guerra sin cuartel avivada por las intrigas entre las Grandes Naciones Shinobi y los shinobi renegados que amenazan a su país. El valor, el honor y la pasión por la lucha serán sus armas contra las naciones enemigas, contra los ninja perversos y contra su propio pasado.
Extra: Contiene alteraciones del canon original de Naruto y ampliación del trasfondo de muchos personajes secundarios (Tenten, Hinata Hyūga, Shino Aburame, Los 7 Espadachines de la Niebla, entre otros). Historia levemente inspirada en la mitología védica.
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rikustarlight · 1 month
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Quick sketch of the babies 🥰
Nozomi, Hizashi, Meiten belong to me and their parents Neji and Tenten 🫡😤
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satosuguswife · 1 year
Series Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue
Poly!SatoSugu x Toji'sSister!OC
A story about Tenka Zenin, the little sister of the man dubbed as the “Sorcerer Killer'' - Toji Fushiguro. Just like Toji, she is also blessed, or cursed based on how the Zenin clan sees it, with heavenly restriction.
Toji sibling fluff to angst, No SatoSugu yet, The Zenin clan being shit
Word Count:
2,059 words
A/n: feel free to request AUs for this through the asks :> if you want to be tagged for this story just leave a comment or ask
Ten years after Toji Zenin was born, came a little girl. She was named Tenka - meaning heaven and flower. The clan hoped she would be better than her brother but to their disappointment, it was another failure. The Zenin clan all thought that except one - her brother. While the rest of the clan looked at her as another stain to their name, her brother saw otherwise.
At first, Toji just pitied the pile of flesh that was unfortunately born into the vile clan. But when he held her for the very first time, it was also the first time Tenka ever opened her eyes. Toji feared that she would cry the second she saw him but to his surprise, she giggled as she reached out her dainty little hands to him. It was at that moment that Toji saw her as his light.
Life was not kind to the two siblings as they suffered from the constant berating insults of their own clansmen and the disappointed stares of their parents. Although that did not matter as long as they had each other by their side. Unbeknownst to them, their time together would be cut short on his 14th birthday.
"Aniki!" The 4-year-old girl shouted as she ran into her brother's arms. "Look! I made you a flower crown made from the Azlea flowers that grew in the gardens for your birthday!" Tenka beamed at her older brother, proud of the gift she made him. Toji chuckled at his sister, grateful that she remembered his birthday. It wasn’t common for him to be noticed but that was one thing Tenka never failed to do; after all, they were each others’ world.
They walked through the clan grounds as Tenka babbled to Toji about random stuff she thought of. The sun soon set and painted the sky with hues of gold. Toji stopped by the stairs and sat on them while they watched the sunset.
"Aniki? What's your wish?"
Toji's eyes widened. No one has ever asked him what he wished for on his birthday or even any day. For once in his life, someone bothered to know what he wanted. He softly patted his sister's head and spoke. "I wish to see you happy and safe Tenten." Silence swept the air as the siblings didn't bother to speak a single word and enjoyed the peace, but little did they know it would soon be ripped away from them.
The eerie silence cuts through the night as an unknown man spoke with the head of the Zenin Clan - the father of Toji and Tenka.
“We’ll pay you any amount you want. All we need is the kid with the heavenly restriction.” 
“You can have the girl. She has no use for us anyways.”
The two men shook hands and sealed the deal that would forever change the lives of the two siblings for the rest of their life.
“Let go! Help me! Aniki! Please let go of me!” The cries of the young girl were left unheard as she was dragged away from the place she called home by men she knew nothing about. Marks of blood were left with every step she took from her wounded feet. Tenka struggled and tugged her arm, trying to break free from their grasp but it was all rendered useless.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the estate, Toji lay restless on his bed. ‘Why do I feel like something is wrong…’ he thought. He tossed and turned but to no avail, he still felt wide awake. Minutes passed until he finally decided to take a walk and see if Tenka was awake. It was not out of the ordinary for Toji to feel sleepless at night, which is why he brushed his suspicions aside. Unfortunately, he was sorely mistaken.
The moment he reached Tenka’s room, he realized then and there that he should have trusted his instincts the moment he had it. The room was a mess - the picture frame that held a picture of Toji and Tenka was now shattered on the floor with blood staining it. It seemed as if someone stepped on the broken shards of glass. Having seen this, Toji was now in a panic.
‘What happened?’
‘Where is Tenka?’
‘Is she safe?’
All these questions swirled inside the mind of the 14-year-old boy. Toji never feared anything - not his clan, not his brother, and not even his father, but for the first time in his life, he was terrified. He ran out of the room shouting his sister’s name, not caring whether or not he was bothering the people in the estate. He searched for hours but he never found her. He knew that his last resort in finding his sister was asking his father. He knocked on his father’s study and to his surprise, he was still awake.
“Come in.” a gruff voice came from behind the door.
Toji never liked his father and neither did Tenka but unlike her, Toji never hid his hatred for the man. The two glared at each other the moment Toji stepped in the room. Toji wasted no time and asked. “Where is Tenka?” Their father sipped on his tea, simply glared through his cup. Toji, irritated by his actions, jogged to his father and slammed his hands on the desk. “Answer me old man! Where the hell is Tenka?!” The older man set his cup down and stood up. “I sold her. She was useless anyways.” He spoke as if the girl that was sold off wasn’t his daughter.
Toji stood there in disbelief. He looked at the man before him with pure resentment. “Well? I answered your question, now leave.” The man dismissed his son without even taking a glance at him. Toji left with a heavy heart. If only he listened to that voice in his head, and now he is forced to live a life without the one and only person he cared for.
Screams and cries echoed through the room as men strapped down Tenka on a table. She thrashed as much as she could to try and escape her bindings but this all stopped once she felt a painful sting across her cheeks. Her hair was grabbed, forcibly turning her head toward her captor.
"Stop thrashing around little girl. You will never escape, for you will be my little secret weapon"
Tenka could only stare through her tears in horror at the madman who cackled about all the experiments he would do on her. All to form the deadliest human weapon in his disposal.She suddenly felt something pierce her neck and a groggy feeling washed over her body. No longer able to feel her limbs, Tenka had no choice but to slip into the inky void of unconsciousness.
For several years, Tenka was stuck in an endless cycle of suffering just so that she could be the perfect human weapon. The sorcerers that held her captive saw potential in a child that had heavenly restriction, especially one that had no cursed energy at all, because everything comes with a price. The price for having no cursed energy is heightened physical attributes. The group of sorcerers thought that the Zenin clan was stupid for ignoring the children that could open up new opportunities for them.
For days on end, they put Tenka into experiments that would leave her wishing to be in the arms of death. Dosing her with different kinds of poisons so that she could build immunity against it, grueling hours of harsh training that left her with large cuts and bruises, and even going so far as to give her meals that could rival the taste of wet rags covered in vomit. 
It has been 9 years since Tenka was taken from her clan’s estate and it felt like she had gone through all the 9 rings of hell during those years. Until one day, it seemed as if the gods finally heard her prayers for the past years because they at last brought someone to get her out of the hellhole.
It happened after Tenka had gone through the day’s experiments. As she laid unmoving on the cold floor of her cell, she heard shouts and screams from outside her cell door. “Someone has breached the facility, all security personnel are requested at the ground level immediately!” Tenka heard a guy shout through the intercom. Tenka’s eyes widened to this information. She dragged her battered body near her door and started slamming her fist against the metal. She called out for help, shouting for someone to save her amidst the chaos, despite her dry throat already screaming for her to stop.
Suddenly the door opened and all hope in Tenka’s eyes faded as it was the man in charge of her experiments that stood in front of her. He grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up, a sadistic grin plastered on his face. “You really think you can escape me little girl?”. The man cackled as he threw her to the ground and looked down at her. “You will never leave this place until I’m done perfecting you! Never–!”. His words were cut short as a blunt side of a katana hit the back of his head knocking him out cold. 
Tenka looked in fear, unsure whether he had good intentions or not,  at the man that stood before her with katana in hand. He looked as if he was in his late 30’s. He had black hair with gray eyes and was dressed in a black button up paired with black slacks. He crouched down and reached out to her, only to pull away once Tenka flinched. “Hey kid, let’s get you home hm?” He smiled while reaching her hand out to her. Tenka, once hearing this, immediately hugged him and cried in her arms - thinking she was finally saved.
The man could only look at her in pity after seeing her current state. The man walked through the facility, removing anything in his path just to make sure he brought this kid out of the building and into safety.
The middle aged man didn’t bother on reporting first to the higher ups about his mission. Making it his first priority to get home and take care of the girl. The moment he opened the door to his home, he was greeted by a gasp. His wife stood there in shock to see her husband carrying a wounded girl. She immediately rushed to them and ushered them in. “Oh my god! Is she alright? Are you injured?”. The man nodded. “I’m fine dear, but the girl… Can you help her?” He asked his wife, looking down at the child in his arms. The wife nodded and went to get supplies to help the young girl. The man walked to their spare room and laid the girl on the bed. He sat on a chair by the bedside, waiting for the woman to come in. The woman came rushing in and immediately tended to the girl. 
After tending the last of Tenka’s wounds, the woman sat and tried to talk to her husband on what happened to his mission. “Honey… What happened? Where did the girl come from?” she looked at him in concern as she put her hand on his thigh.
"I just found her there… they were keeping her – experimenting on her. Based on the files I got in their lab, it seems she has been there for 9 years, my love.." The man spoke in a sullen tone as pity paints over his wife's face. He gently but firmly held his wife's hand and looked her in the eyes. "Love.. you can say no to this but… is it okay for you to let us adopt her? This can also be a way for us to finally have the kid we always wanted…" His wife only smiled. "I'm fine with that, my love." The two looked at Tenka with a smile, ready to take care of her as if she was their own.
From that day forward, Tenka's life finally changed for the better. No longer will she wake up to the horrendous cycle she called life for the last 9 years as she was now with the two people who would bring her unconditional love and happiness.
Series Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue
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doodlesfromacat · 7 months
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ShinjuTen wip
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kankuroplease · 4 months
I almost wish you had an prganozed master post with links to all your different things. You have SO MANY DIFFERENT oc's and ships and I feel like every time I get on Tumblr I find something new. You're so talented! ❤️🔥
Thank you! I could try, I do have a lot going on though 😆 the best organization ones would be the founders AU and TSAU, which both have masterpost
BEWARE: lots of links, lots will need to be updated, and lots of ships because I let my followers play match maker dhvosbusb
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My General OCs + their ships I chose (🌕) and their ships my followers picked (🌑) for them
Aori - 🌕 Yamato and 🌑 Tobirama
Yamato/Aori - Aio and Haruki (next gen)
Team Aori - Momotarō, Aoka-Chan, Benkei
Katsura - 🌕 Shino and 🌑 Madara 🌑 Shikamaru
Shino/Katsura - Shigeki, Yasuo, Niwa Aburame (next gen)
Okami - 🌕 Kiba and 🌑 Kawarama
Kiba/Okami - Ashi and Kumo Inuzuka (next gen)
Yuuta - 🌕 Daisuke 🌕 Tenten 🌑 Hanabi
Yuuta/Hanabi - Mihana Hyuga (next gen)
**he also hits on a LOT of canon characters
Haiiro - 🌕 Shizune
Haiiro/Shizune - Dan Hyuga
Gou - 🌕 Kankuro 🌑 Itama
Kankuro/Gou - son
OC Parents
Isamu/Mari - Aori and Katsura
Asa/Pia - Gou
Okami’s parents - Okami
Jon/Umi/Zenbe - Yuuta
Umi explains
Aoka’s father/Isamu’s cousin/Katsura’s sensei
FOUNDERS ERA (oc x canon and OC x OC)
Butsuma/Asako 🌕
You know the Senju bros lol
Butsuma had a mistress named Kane
Tajima/Sumi 🌕
You know 2 (Madara, Izuna), Inari, Kota, Tenko, and Ringo
Tsuna(Butsuma’s brother)/Ebba/Sara 🌕
Tsuna/Ebba - Wolfgang Inuzuka
Sara (Tsuna’s legal/platonic wife)/Kane
Kane had a child with Butsuma - Meiko
Founders Era Inuzuka Clan
Madara/Katsura 🌑
Riki, Kazuha, and Noaki Uchiha
Izuna/Mate 🌑
Son and a Daughter
Wakaba/Tenko/Runa 🌑/🌕
5 kids total
Inari/Yaya 🌑
Nene + two boys
Kota/Gin 🌑
2 boys
Okami/Kawarama 🌑
Miu, Sora, Kōmori, Akiko, Suzaku, and Tora Senju
Gou/Itama 🌑
Goemon and Kaga Senju
Tobirama/Aori 🌑
Nagisa and Tomoe Senju
Nagisa/Naori 🌑
Kakuzu/Riki 🌑
Kagami/Miu 🌑
Arata Uchiha
Arata x Sawa - Shisui Uchiha
Sora/Rei 🌕
Botan and Akihito Hoshigaki
About (no tag)
Sakumo/Kōmori 🌑
Kakashi Hatake
Erika/Suzaku/Aja 🌕
Michiko, Michiyo, Manami, and Megumi
Michiko/friend’s OC 🌕/🌑
Michiyo/Ken 🌕- the two Akimichi’s
Manami/Kisame 🌑
Megumi/Suigetsu 🌑
Orochimaru/Tora 🌑
Nisshoku (Sho) Senju
Manda/Nisshoku - Misaki (next gen) 🌕
Wolfgang/Ringo 🌕
Asahi, Kuri, Frederick, Leonie, Mika, Sena, Elke, and Arashi Inuzuka
Asahi/the Uzumaki that moved in/never left 🌕
Leonie/Arlo - Jugo 🌕
Sena/Tsume - Hana and Kiba 🌕
Elke/her partners 🌕
Arashi/Agapito 🌕
** working this out, but he’s getting one of each because he wants to and wouldn’t settle for less✨
Tsau (canon x canon + oc children + Canon x OC)
All links in the masterpost for the TSAU
KakaObiRin 🌕
Ryujin, Copy and Paste (not their real names but yeah)
HashiMadaMito 🌕
Neji/Tenten/Michi/Lee 🌕
Mugen and the twins (Neji’s future kids)
Naruto and Chiha
Naruto x practically everyone tbh.
Naruto x Shikamaru endgame
GaaSaku (early but still)
Kira (future kid)
Future Daughter
**swingers. Do not attend one of their parties if not one like Yamato accidentally did and to be rescued
If you’ve made it to the end of this post, apologies and thanks for reading all this 🖤😄
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katsuyuswritings · 1 year
— ᕦ kei ᕤ —
a lonely writer who has a few friends. asking for mutuals, also an employed attorney and has no social life 💗
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— MALE — genshin, naruto, saiki k, chainsaw man, stardust destiny (oc)
male; aether, dainslief, kaeya, diluc, albedo, venti, bennett, razor, mika, zhongli, chongyun, xingqiu, xiao, baizhu, tartaglia, itto, gorou, kazuha, heizou, ayato, thoma, alhaitham, kaveh, tighnari, cyno, capitano, dottore, pantalone, scaramouche/wanderer, lyney, neuvillette, freminet, wriosthley
naruto uzumaki/namikaze, sasuke uchiha, kakashi hatake, iruka umino, kotetsu, izumo, asuma sarutobi, sai yamanaka, shikamaru nara, choji akamichi, aburame shino, kiba inuzuka, kankuro, gaara, itachi uchiha, kisame, sasori, deidara, kakuzu, hidan, orochimaru, kabuto, jiraiya, minato namikaze, neji hyuga, zetsu, zabuza, haku yuki, suigetsu, juuga, maito gai, boruto uzumaki, mitsuki
saiki kusuo, kaidou shun, aren kuboyasu, toritsuka reita, nendou riki, hairo kineshi, makoto teruhashi
denji, aki, angel devil, shark devil (that's literally all)
aifuyo hime/yuzuki, renyue yuzuki, kōhaku hayashi, eijiro yuzuki, aoi hime, anh hyu, eugene hyu, feng xiang
— FEMALE — genshin, naruto, saiki k, chainsaw man, stardust destiny (oc)
female: amber, fischl, noelle, mona, jean, lisa, eula, klee, barbara, xiangling, xinyan, yunjin, ganyu, keqing, shenhe, ningguang, beidou, qiqi, yaoyao, kuki, kujou sara, yae miko, raiden ei/shogun, raiden makoto, kokomi, ayaka, sayu, yoimiya, faruzan, layla, nilou, dori, dehya, candace, dunyarzad, focalors, navia, lynette, yuelin, tsaritsa, la signora, sandrone, arlecchino, columbina, raiden makoto
sakura haruno/uchiha, hinata hyuga/uzumaki, karin uzumaki, konan, kurenai sarutobi, hanabi hyuga, ino yamanaka, tsunade senju, temari nara, tenten, anko mitarashi, kushina uzumaki/namikaze, guren (mommy), himawari uzumaki, sarada uchiha
kokomi teruhashi, chiyo yumehara/teruhashi, kuriko/kusuko saiki, aiura mikoto, rifuta imu, mera chisato
power, makima, yuro, himeno
katsuyu yuzuki/hime, chiyo hime, shinkkami ayakemi-sanjin (teiko), kohari hayashi, mina noshiro, maikka yue, yan xiang
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— ᕤ can request ᕦ —
smut, suggestive, angst and fluff
aged up characters smut/suggestive
child!reader x parent!character or vise versa
song related storyline
ships and oc x reader
— ᕦ can't request ᕤ —
minor character smut
oc x canon (I have my reasons)
weird shit like armpit kink and others (I don't wanna name them 😨)
Also I know most of y'all are minors... You can't hide from me
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