#teru needs joy
sallymew4 · 6 months
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pov a remake of Flying Dead Pig comes to theaters but they wont let you go in alone so youre forced to take your crush's best friend's psychic mentor as parental supervision but hes a cheapy
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i need them to have a sweet moment
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pararororurun · 8 months
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TBHK x reader
Summary : how'd they react to reader being similar to mitsuri.
Note : SOME (most) ARE PROBABLY OOC. SO. I'M SORH SORRY GUYS. Also I forgot to write some character oopsies that's my fault lolll but I'll do them some other time hopefully. ANYWAYSS PLEASE ENJOY AND BAIIII^_^!!!
• Hanako
> You're pretty fun to tease! (lol)
> but whenever he sees you fight in any
scenario he finds it interesting. Someone
who's usually all cheery and happy could
actually be this strong? Someone grab him a
notebook and a pen he needs to figure some
things out about you.
> as much as he treats you like a little kid he's
actually kiiinda deeply afraid of you!
Especially when you're a bit angry.
> tries to help you with your work as much as
he can! But unfortunately fails due to still
having the intelligence of a 13 year old.
• Nene
> honestly would love you with all her heart
and tries to protect you as best as she can.
> when she sees you in action she stares at
you in awe, flustered at how cool you looked.
Then after you finish she'll immediately run
up to you and hug you tightly.
> once she invited you to help her clean the
bathroom and she couldn't stop staring at
you. Talk about lovestruck..
> THE POINT IS. She love you with all her
heart and would do anything for you.
• Kou
> you are his inspiration. (After Teru)
> everything you do will make him interested
and he'll keep on praising at how cool you
were, and how you're always so kind and
smart, and
> head over heels. Oh it's not even subtle
anymore it's SOOOO OBVIOUS it's crazy.
Even tiara notices something off about him.
> tries to protect you. Everytime you're in
danger he gets in front of you and tries to
help you get away from the danger.
> please trust him, he wants to (always) be by
your side.
• Mitsuba
> would start by hanging around you first,
then dent that he was following you.
> everytime you mention someone else he
would always try to mention how he's a lot
more cuter.
> easily jealous, doesn't show it but it's
> would try to take some of the flowers from
the garden, then gives it to you. Saying
how it's just a show of gratitude and
nothing more.
> gets all giddy after.
• Teru
> at first he didn't trust you too much, he has
a little suspicion on you.
> would sometime let his guard down when
he's around you, but then remembers you
aren't quite human? So he keeps on
reminding himself.
> even if you weren't somehow human, he
would still try to help you when you get
> wishes you were human.
• Akane
> worst crisis ever.
> oh he likes Aoi but he also like you?!?!??!??
> walks around the council room in stress as
Teru stares him down, teasing him about
this new 'crush' of his.
> he tries to hit Teru with a bat.
> everytime he sees you he would go the
other way and try to avoid you. He's
> he would feel a little bit of joy but also
bitter whenever he talks to you.
• Aoi
> who knew letting out your feelings on
someone you trust dearly could be so
helpful? Huh?
> whenever you compliment her on
something she would go quiet and not say
anything else, then puts on a sour/pouty
> is actually really embarrassed by your
compliments. She would immediately go
red whenever you compliment her too
much, then she would ask you to stop.
> you are very dear to her. She just doesn't
know how to show it.
Note : happy Friday guys. Yay? I don't rly have much to say sooo
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
The common misconception that Akane has no personality outside of Aoi is a sign of immaturity among many fans, in my opinion. This isn’t really their fault, seeing as the majority of the tbhk fandom is on the younger side, but it’s still something that should be noted
When people say this, they are talking about his hobbies. It’s true that every hobby Akane has is something he started to impress Aoi. I’m of the firm belief that he stayed on the Student Council because he enjoys it but that’s slightly up to interpretation (it could also be a way for Teru to keep an eye on him). However, in general, Akane doesn’t seem to have much going on outside of Aoi. His favorite food is something he imagines her baking for him, he joins clubs based on what type of guys she shows interest in, the books he reads all have a character that shares her name, and when she asks him what he enjoys, his response is “I like you, Aoi.” He’s even shown to zone out of conversations when Aoi isn’t mentioned. This is clearly unhealthy, though he does eventually learn to give her some distance which is beneficial to the both of them. But he still doesn’t seem to actively engage in hobbies that have nothing to do with Aoi
This is a consistent character flaw, but it does not mean Akane has no personality or character outside of Aoi. This is where the immaturity bit comes in, kids want to describe themselves entirely based on their interests. With the rise of fan culture and the internet, many adults do the same. It’s not just a young people problem, it’s an issue of how we identify ourselves. We like to put people into categories, understanding them based on their hobbies and careers. These are very important elements of identity, but they aren’t everything. A person with no job and no hobbies is still a person. They might struggle due to having no outlet for their creativity, but they are a person nonetheless
Fandoms notoriously love to understand characters based on their niche interests. Aoi is a gardener, Hanako loves the moon, Nene plays idol games, Teru has a very sad life. These are absolutely elements of their characters, but there’s more to them than their hobbies. They have personalities too, goals and passions outside of what they do in their free time
Akane puts his all into helping others, he takes his Student Council duties very seriously and keeps his hands full during every school event. He is a very empathetic character, able to understand characters like Aoi, Teru, and Nene without them having to tell him what they need. He’s competitive, as seen in his friendship with Teru. He’s romantic, as is the driving force of his character (and romance is a perfectly acceptable goal, marriage is one of the most common things for a person to strive towards in life). He’s violent and overprotective, striking down any man who makes Aoi uncomfortable. He’s emotional, prone to fits of joy, anger, and tears. He’s easily annoyed and carries a chip on his shoulder, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting to help people. He hates supernaturals because of how they hurt others, and despite his stance as a School Mystery, he is so painstakingly human. He can be aggressive, especially when someone he loves is trying to do something self-destructive. He cares so deeply for people, wearing his heart on his sleeve. He’d stay up all night playing video games if it made the girl he loves happy, but he won’t attack Teru for having genuine feelings for her. He’s incredibly loyal. He’s also casually bisexual so there’s that
Idk there’s just so much more to Akane’s character than people give him credit for, I didn’t even cover everything. Remember when you’re analyzing a character, it’s important to look deeper than “they enjoy this” or “this is their job.” Akane may devote so much of his life to Aoi, but he is still his own person, whether he realizes that or not
I am begging ya’ll to stop throwing the “no character outside of Aoi” allegations at this man
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mari-lair · 5 months
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I think Teru doesn't care about the new timeline: This place doesn't matter to him, it's just a weird dream or a supernatural accident that will be solved soon and cease to mater, marriage included.
This is just like Mei's picture perfect world for Teru, something he can reject because his 'real' life is somewhere else.
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He has been angry or distressed or plain cold since he first stepped into this new world, the only times Teru looks happy or blushes are when he feels like he is one step closer to going home.
The first time is when he was holding the key that he believed could give him the power to change the past. And his joy fades as soon as Akane revels that the key is useless in Teru's hands.
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The second time is when he and Nene get a concrete hint to leave this new world.
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The third time is when he is threatening Akane, using his engagement with Aoi as a tool "Look at me, I'll have a date with my fiance! don't you hate that? Don't you want to get back to the old timeline?? So give it your all to get us back to the real world!"
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The way Teru interacts with Aoi also feels weirdly dismissive in chapter 113.
Let's push aside the nature of Teru's "I need Akane-san for my dream" deal with Aoi for a second and compare his approach with Aoi in the old timeline to the new one. He used to always try to spend time with her, starting conversations, wanting her company, and even forcing her to hang out at times.
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And most important, he asked her a ton of questions. It was his main way of approaching Aoi, just asking her about her preferences, her feelings, her motivations, or whatever he felt curious about.
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But in this new world? The only question Teru asked was "What are we?" and after getting his answer he basically ignored Aoi. He has no interest in the marriage or Aois's feelings about it. He should have a million questions but he has none at all, asking nothing even in the 15 minutes that he had waited with Aoi and Nene for Akane to come back.
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Teru's reaction makes no sense if he was in love with Aoi, but the thing is: His behavior is too dismissive to make sense if he was in love with someone else either. An arranged marriage is a big deal. It's a promise to be tied to someone forever. So this lack of joy, anxiety, anger, fear, or anything outside short-lived surprise, is.... weird.
His shock passes fast and he goes "ok, that's how it is" about it.
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He cares so little about this marriage he either doesn't realize yet that Aoi isn't happy by it or he doesn't care, since he tactlessly used their engagement to mess with Akane right she is right there. (something he never did before, the old Aoi doesn't even suspect Teru likes to use her to threaten or mess with Akane)
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That's why I think he isn't taking this engagement and more importantly, this new timeline as a whole, seriously. At all.
The only time he seems to take the Aoi of this new world somewhat seriously is when he brings up Aoi's memories. The memories of the old world Aoi.
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Cause this Aoi? She is a girl from a 'fabricated world'. She must be familiar but I doubt Teru considers her the 'real' Aoi.
I hope we get this marriage situation explored, I hope Teru slowly realizes this is real, if not to him, at least for everyone else: This world Aoi, this world Kou, and so on see it as reality. Maybe when Aoi gets her memories back we will get a more serious talk about the engagement? Who knows, there are still a lot of questions in the air about this new timeline.
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ygodmyy20 · 23 days
Was chatting with @sodasexual earlier about Shigeo or Teru having part-time jobs in collage. And realized, you know what job Shigeo (or Teru!) would exclll at?
Think about it,......
Window washing is a very dangerous job. But for an esper, it basically is just....washing windows on the ground. No need for scaffolding, or harnesses. Just fly yourself up and down the building!
I could see Shigeo finding joy in being a window washer. It is physically demanding, but is consistent and gives him the opportunity to use his powers in a way that feels like a perfect fit.
I also could see Teru and Shou doing it part time a lot through teens and collage. They may even just make their own window washing business. Their logo would be red and yellow, and like...two guys with their arms linked or something silly. Clearly I have a thing where I really want Shou and Teru to open businesses together. WHY DO I WANT THAT SO BAD??? Reigen would also get in on it. Serizawa I don't thin would want to wash windows tho. But Reigen could be their guy to get them business.
Ritsu doesn't care for it. He is still in finance or accounting or tech to me. He is a jack of all trades kinda guy. He helps out when needed but he would rather watch them fly around and wash windows. He doesn't wanna get wet.
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ynverse · 1 year
love’s gift
MIKAMI x gn! reader | fluff
a/n: i just know he would treat you right (pre-kira) <3 so this fic takes place before he becomes a serial killer 
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“please…,” teru called out, grabbing your hand in a way that was harsh but delicate at the same time, “stay with me. let me be in your presence longer than you have deemed me worthy. let me be blessed for a little longer…please.”
he smiled as you stopped shuffling to get out of bed. he wanted nothing more than to stay with you. he knew you had other things to do but the thought of being so close to you and feeling your touch was too strong of a desire. the idea that someone as strong as you and as remarkable as you are would listen to his desires made his heart race. the fact that you would allow him to pull you closer and feel comforted by him…the way you would melt into his kisses and allow him to pull you impossibly closer, it was exhilarating to him. teru mikami needed nothing more in this world than you.
teru never craved attention until he had a taste of yours, maybe that’s why he couldn’t help but view you as some otherworldly being. he knew he was being selfish but he didn’t want to let you go after he’s had you, even if he feels like he didn’t deserve to be basked in your love every day. with the constant joy you have brought into his life, he feels as if it’s only right for him to make you feel on top of the world.
“you know i would pick staying in bed with you over anything else,” you couldn’t help but lovingly sigh, snuggling yourself further into his chest.
“then let us stay in this position forever.”
his eyes were laced with adoration for you and the small smile he gave when you held him tighter made you melt.
“teru,” you couldn’t help but giggle, “i’m not even working today. i just need to go somewhere alone to buy you a birthday gift.”
“all i need is for you to wake up each morning,” teru placed a kiss atop your forehead, “that is a gift in itself. letting me love you is another gift you’ve given me. i don’t need anymore because i have you.”
you decided to give up (for now) and let yourself be lulled back to sleep by the sound of his heart beating for you and the warmth he gave off.
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garfeildfanpage · 9 months
Ok so on the topic of headcanons, I know I haven’t mentioned it yet but Terukane has been a gruesome infection in my brain for over 3 years now, and it’s about time I let the brain worms breathe
Terukane infested their way into my brain mostly because they both just so happen to be my favorite type of character design and character archetype (middle part and glasses / absolute wet cat of a man) so them also having a dynamic that makes me both very ill and also jump for joy is (to me) a combo made in heaven.
But I’m picky, especially picky with characterization in fan fiction. And I’m glad that most fics of them are written by people who understand how they behave in-series. Though my biggest fault may be that I love to write but hate the act of writing, so every idea I have is forever locked away in my noggin, I can attempt to get out something here.
Quick note I’m not a weirdo so don’t think I mean anything in any weird way at all, if you do I’ll eat your family. Okay? Okay.
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Smitten Teru is probably my favorite out of any characterization of the two, just because I love how it can either be mindrottingly sweet or just ,sad, personally I love going the “kicking feet and giggling” route but both are great in their own regard.
It also might just be that I can’t really see Akane behaving the way he does for Aoi to Teru, a lot of people just kind of move Akane’s unhealthy attachment issues to him without understanding why Akane behaves like that around Aoi in the first place. (I have a whole thing about that) So it’s refreshing to have him, like, not do that.
To add onto that: aloof/repress feelings as hard as possible Akane totally rocks, and I love seeing it. Especially with the “why in the FUCK would I have LIKE someone like that??” kinda shit, rocks me, love it, can’t get enough. God it’s like the only time where cheesy relationship junk doesn’t give me second hand embarrassment, cause like they’re both so unbelievably stupid at relationships, and watching them be awkward and terrible at it really alleviates the whole existential life-or-death stuff happening in the actual manga. Losers in love kills me, and they are just that. GOD I WANT TO THROW THEM OFF A RAVINE
Also, I know a lot of fan fiction does this, but it’s never to the degree that I wish it was. Flustered/embarrassed teru kills me. It always kills me in anything when he just acts like a normal person, just like, expressing normal people emotions but because he’s so repressed it just like kills him. GOD I went through like a six month period of not crying and the moment I did again it felt like I got hit by a bus, could not IMAGINE barely ever crying my whole damn life. A good hard cry, that’s what he needs.
Anyway, I think that’s enough, if I let the brain worms out anymore they’ll form a union and force me to pay them more. Ninja out
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quirkle2 · 5 months
no way, you haven't seen train to busan yet? i say you're definitely in for a ride 🤩
also hhhh ritsu finally getting his big bro back.. iwnxowmx i love them sm i rarely came across wholesome kaegbros content so thank you for your service 🛐
((i don't think anyone's ever asked this but what are zombie mob's dynamic with reigen and teru after they reunite bcs i am in need of dad reigen and angsty platonic terumob sobs ((also teru and mob's special hand shake hHHHHH SOBS))
i have not i should watch it ! looks sick as hell :]
both reigen and teru are ... a little distant with mob as soon as they see that he's a zombie, mostly out of fear of getting bitten, but also just... genuine grief and uncertainty on how to move forward
after just a few days of spending time with him though, they both see a Lot of mob in him, and like i said in that other ask a while ago, they Start To Believe. teru is a lot quicker to warm up to mob, and a lot more willing to get near him sooner than reigen. he misses hugging mob a lot, but he doesn't dare try for a while
when he Does get comfortable touching mob, and when mob seems unbothered by it, he kinda goes full swing into it and reverts back to his old clingy self. mob never seems to mind, though he doesn't do it back except for basic hugs. and also the handshake <3
teru Is a bit starved for returned affection—he desperately wishes mob could like .. compute that and Realize that and at least Attempt to do it back. he misses talking to him, and holding conversations, and seeing him smile. teru misses his smile a lot—he doesn't seem to smile as a zombie
reigen is frankly fuckin devastated bc he's rly not one to believe in a cure (at first, anyway) and this right here feels like a Fraction of what mob used to be, so it's rly rly hard to look at the kid and not get upset about what he Could be looking at instead, had reigen had a better handle on the kageyama's whereabouts when they got separated
reigen calls him "mob" out of instinct and mob, despite going a full year without hearing that name once, instantly turns to reigen in response, attentive. he thinks it's a fluke at first, but over time as it happens again and again he realizes that Yeah, mob recognizes that name and knows reigen is talking to Him specifically, and mob is trying to listen. it's a small piece of proof, for him, that mob is there
when reigen gets more comfy with the circumstances, he settles back into old habits. he ruffles mob's hair and the first time it happens mob looks comically bemused and he like.blinks several times like What The Hell Was That but the second time he does it he seems to recall the sensation and leans into the touch
HILARIOUS to think about mob latching onto old memories, and occasionally he'll stand next to reigen and hold his hand out. and reigen kinda stares at him, a little lost as to why, and on instinct reigen just kinda puts whatever he's holding atm in mob's palms and he seems satisfied w that and simply walks away ???? idk How long it takes him to recognize that mob is holding his hands out waiting to be paid, but it's gonna be hilarious when he realizes it . his memories r rough atm so he doesn't rly remember What he's waiting for, so when reigen gives him literally anything he thinks "ah, that must be it" and carries on.
teru and reigen don't realize it, but tome and ritsu catch on quite quickly—mob actually seems happier, after the reunion ! tome mentions that shigeo seems kinda chipper lately, and more alert, more talkative. ever since seeing teru and reigen again, sections of that rusty brain have turned back online to rifle through memories, and even though it's a little hard to tell, they can see it in his eyes, The Joy
makes ritsu think a lil bit. ritsu had sorta defaulted to the idea that mob didn't recall ever being with teru or reigen to begin with, beforehand. he's not sure why he came to this conclusion—he just never rly thought abt it too hard, over everything else to consider
makes him wonder if mob had been quietly mourning teru and reigen this whole time, quietly missing them, but never having the ability to show it or vocalize it, even to ritsu. or if it's like an out-of-sight, out-of-mind thing, where mob didn't rly think about them until they appeared in front of them, and now he's happy they're here. it's hard to tell
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nijigasakilove · 1 month
Tears man. White fox fed me today. Senya and Mudo was incredible, the mutual respect they developed for each other over the course of the fight was just wonderful, going from a fight of anger to one of pure joy. Once Tsukiko got freed it was just a clash of ideals and that OST for the Senki Yakou attack.. delectable.
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“I know senya will come save me awww tsukiko I fucking love yall” 😭 quickly becoming one of my fave ships.
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Back on the ground, shout out to Teru man. Stared death in the eyes literally and didn’t blink. Took on all the traitors, took on death itself and only lost because he was distracted. “father, your son fought without running..” man even Hasanora who’s a literal god couldn’t help but get choked up at Teru’s bravery.
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Feel awful for Shinsuke who had to kinda sit back and watch everything happen especially after what he went thru with Shaku, but these were the shogun’s final wishes and he got to fly at least once before dying.. amazing episode man, show needs more love
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shigayokagayama · 2 years
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mobtober day 2: video games
short story under the cut!!
“How about we play Jeopardy?” Ritsu suggested. It normally wasn’t his kind of game, but after Teru had thoroughly kicked his ass in Super Smash Bros he needed to get back into his home territory. He had played Jeopardy for the Wii many times in his life against Nii-san and Takane-san and had never once lost a round.
“Oh, alright, I don’t think I’ve played that one before,” Teru said with a casual air of confidence.
As the intro played Ritsu watched Teru’s face intensify and had to suppress a smirk. Teru-san may have been a more experienced competitive gamer, but Ritsu was one of the top students in the nation. There was no way he could beat him at trivia.
Categories: The Animal Kingdom. Music History. Wonders of the World. Sports. Video Games. Cinema.
It was Shige’s selection first. Music History for $300.
“Notable for being hard of hearing, this musician composed Moonlight Sonata.”
Before Ritsu had time to react Teru buzzed in.
“Oh, easy,” He rolled over Beethovan.
“H-how did you press it that quickly?” Ritsu stammered.
“Reflexes,” he shrugged. Teru selected the next category. Animal Kingdom for 600.
“This animal is the only insect eater in the hyena family.”
Again, Teru buzzed in instantly. He looked contemplative for a moment. Ritsu could feel his eyes boring into the screen. Don’t pick aardwolf, don’t pick aardwolf...
“What is an aardwolf.”
Ritsu gripped his controller tighter and grit his teeth.
“Ritsu, are you feeling alright?” his brother whispered, “You look kind of pale.”
“I’m fine.” Ritsu said, trembling with fury.
It went on like that for the next several rounds, Teru knocking out all of the 600 and 500 dollar questions without Ritsu or Shige getting to answer a single one. Teru even got a double daily, immediately betting all of his money on the question without hesitation and getting it right. 13200 points. Ritsu could feel himself sweating. He had to find a way to get an edge in or Teru would stealing this entire game without him getting to answer once.
“Music History for $400. In May of 1913, an orchestral performance of this song caused a riot in Paris, France.”
Ritsu looked at a photo on the wall, concentrating, and used his powers to swing it in its frame. Teru looked up, distracted. Ritsu buzzed in.
“Ha!” he couldn’t hold himself back from exclaiming. Teru glared at him. Ritsu was so overcome with joy from his victory that he forgot he had no idea what the answer was.
“What is Flight of the Bumblebee?”
“OH...” the narrator said in disappointment. Teru buzzed in the second the question went up again. Ritsu noticed his brother lean forward, gripping his controller.
“What is The Four Seasons?”
The question rolled over to Shige.
“What is the Rite of Spring?”
His brother got his first money of the round.
Teru: $12800
Mob: $400
Ritsu: -$400
But he had a strategy now. Every time a question came in he would disturb an item in the house. Scoot a chair. Open the fridge. Creak the door. Teru couldn’t seem to help himself from turning to look and was getting visibly frustrated. They moved to the second round of the game, all points worth double. Ritsu was climbing, but not fast enough. They were both getting sloppy, getting answers wrong, buzzing in too early and getting eliminated. The final question was upon them, all three got the chance to answer.
Teru: $35600
Mob: $400
Ritsu: $26000
“In 1947, aliens were said to have landed in this American town.”
It was a wager. Without thinking, Ritsu put all his money down. Teru did the same. Shige gave a conservative bet of 50 dollars.
“What is Las Vegas?”
“What is Roswell?”
“What is Las Vegas?”
“The correct answer is... What is Roswell?”
Ritsu’s jaw dropped. He heard Teru’s remote clatter to the floor and he put his hands to his head, gripping his own hair as if holding on for dear life. With 450 dollars, Shige was the final victor.
“Oh, I think this is the first time I’ve ever beat you Ritsu!” he said excitedly. Ritsu couldn’t even bear to look at him.
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eggcheeseham-ster · 5 months
I love RyuTeru since I was a child (11 years old) I'm glad to find another artist who likes it, Could you give me your Headcanons? I'd like to see what you think about them.
Pardon my language but holy fuck I thought I'd never find anyone else that likes it as much as me 😭. had to do a double take when I read the ask I legit thought I was hallucinating - anyway! I rmbr having posted some hcs about them before but I'm too lazy to dig it up so I'll dump it here
(bonus tobio and tetsuya crumbs i like to think the 4 of them as a happy friend group):
They are both early birds, but sometimes they sleep in on weekends. 
Teru drinks coffee and Ryutaro drinks tea. Ryutaro dislikes the strong, bitter taste of coffee even when there's a shitload of creamer in it (once Ryutaro made Tobio drink tea and he added soda in it).
Teru enjoys spoiling his loved ones.. Ryutaro often tells him to not spoil him too much. I like to think when they form a family in the future Teru is the parent that drags the entire (reluctant)  family out for shopping.
Whenever Teru falls sick, Ryutaro would use aromatherapy to ail his symptoms such as fragrant incense and essential oils.
Whenever Ryutaro falls sick Teru makes him soup. Granted it's canned soup but it's the thought that counts (i hc teru being an awful cook more lr8)
Teru is absolutely the one that gives really cheesy nicknames and it makes Ryutaro cringe to high heaven. But he tolerates it because he likes seeing Teru smile :) 
Teru is extremely soft (literally). He takes damn good care of himself I just know his hair is soft. Bedtime cuddles are also soft. I can imagine his sleeping robes are super comfy.. Ryutaro has to compete with everyone else for hugs :(
Teru has a sweet tooth and enjoys cafe hopping. Fluffy pancakes with LOTS of maple syrup, ice cream waffles, sundaes etc. The things he orders are enough to give Ryutaro a heart attack, so he just sticks to drinks. Give him a break, his entire diet is just rice and grilled fish. 
Among the dss trio I'd feel like Ryutaro is the least petty but he can be extremely petty when it comes down to it. Whenever he's mad at Tobio and Tetsuya he'd let Teru be in charge of dinner. No one has the heart to say no when they see Teru's eyes light up in joy as he brainstorms recipes to try out.
Both of them are really good at makeup and self care. They do each other's makeup and hair. They also spend an ungodly amount of time in the bathroom. You want to hang out with these two? Waiting time is 2 hours.
Teru is the one to initiate dates and plans them. Their first couple of dates are the usual restaurant/mall/movie dates. But when Teru learns of Ryutaro's dislike of crowds they move their dates to more outdoorsy locations, like parks.  
Ryutaro can be dense. He doesn't pick up on flirting or pick up lines. I feel like the same goes with jokes they fly by over his head and you need to explain the joke to him, which instantly makes it unfunny and awkward.
Tobio and Tetsuya are the perpetual unfortunate third wheelers. They get it, they're single. Can Ryuteru stop holding hands and looking at each other?? They didn't sign up for this.
I can imagine Ryuteru travelling together after battle bladers for a while before bumping into Tobio and Tetsuya randomly. Tobio thinks they're just besties,, until he sees them holding hands and his brain explodes. Mostly from the fact that he can't believe this fortune telling weirdo got on with someone. Someone so pretty in fact??
Tetsuya is usually in his world most of the time and at first he doesn't realise he's third wheeling. But after he catches on he'd be sick of their bs after a while.
Teru would be super sweet to the two,, he'd be very patient with tetsuya and listen to him rambling about his crab friends.. The crabs like Teru as well :) 
I am so deep into delulu that I gave them a fankid. he doesn't have a name actually I just call him blue baby because he's just a mini ryutaro. absolutely nothing goes on in that pea sized brain but his parents still love him anyway <3 if you want I can make a separate post about adult ryuteru and their spawn because this one is rly long alr.
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larathia · 1 year
TBHK 106: Quick thoughts
I don't think we've ever seen Hanako cry like this before. I'm really hoping it's just one of those odd comedy bits and he's not Genuinely Reacting to something about what Tsukasa did that isn't immediately obvious.
Huh. Teru didn't kill the helpless sobbing Hanako. He even took Hanako along. What the hell does he need Hanako for? When he's got Akane-as-aspect-of-One with him already? And Akane knows what Teru needs him for because he hates Hanako too, and he just joined in the ribbing and didn't say a word about leaving Frozen Hanako to his tears.
Y'all. Y'all. We should all remember, and treasure forever, the sight of the twisted manipulator Tsukasa being utterly fucking discombobulated by a de-aged Yashiro. I mean. We have never seen this before. We may never see it again. Treasure it for the joy that it is.
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Just look at that face. Even his kokujoudai are frazzled.
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Heyo!!!! I was wondering if I could request a Teru minamoto x gn! Reader who acts like a cat. Like pushing stuff over, falling asleep a lot, biting, ignoring. all that cat stuff! Could you make it fluffy aswell? Please and thank you!!
Teru with a s/o whos like a cat❣︎
Warnings: none
A/n: Hello anon!!!
And with the sad fics I've been writing lately, some fluffy Teru fics is just what we need!!
I hope you enjoy and have a great day or night!!
- Teru found your cat like behavior very cute
- You were always so awed by the littlest of things
- And it made him very happy to see you this way
- Though you can be disruptive at times
- He will quickly try and pick up everything you dropped, saying that you shouldn't drop things
- Through he can’t be mad at you and he will defend you if you break something
- He notices you nap a lot and he finds it so adorable
- He will ask if you are getting enough sleep
- A bit worried
- But when he finds out you just love naps he will make sure he carries a pillow and blanket for you
- He will let you sleep in the student council room whenever you want!!
- And if you decide to sleep on his lap
- Oh boy
- Very flushed
- He will stroke your hair as you sleep on his lap, kissing your face softly
- If you purr
- Double blushing
- He is such a sucker for your purring
- It gives him so much joy to hear you purr out of comfort
- he’s caught off guard when you bite and will look at you shocked
- he will probably mention the fact you are biting his arm but if you don’t stop he won’t mention it anymore
- He will only mention it if it interrupts his work
- He finds this side of you very cute
- He adores you more than anything
Teru sighed as you placed his pen down on the deck. He looked over to you who was sleeping on the couch in the student council room. Akane wasn’t at school today so Teru was left to do the work all by himself. It was quite stressful for him but he knew he needed to get things done.
He walked over to you, happy to see you were resting peacefully with a smile on your face. He sat down next to you, stroking your hair softly to get your attention. You started to wake up, opening your eyes to see your boyfriend.
“Teru…~” You smiled and sat up.
“Sorry for waking you up… its just that I have-” Before he finished you engulfed him in a tight hug. You pulled him closer to you and laid him down on the couch, resting your head on his chest.
“It’s okay… we can nap together~” You closed your eyes. Teru’s cheeks were red, shocked by your sudden movements. He took a moment to process this then placed a hand on your head. He ran his hand through your hair and kissed your forehead.
“I love you, my kitty~” He giggled as he closed his eyes to sleep with you.
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mob-choir · 2 years
hi! just wondering if u have any mp100 fic recs particularly nonromantic ones? i read “A Breach of Trust” already and that one went straight to the Fics of All Time for me!!
hello! here's some stuff from my bookmarks that is non-romantic, or where if there is any romance, it's not the main focus:
Issho by @toastytoaster22: a canon divergence AU where teru meets shigeo and ritsu when he's 8 years old, and things go from there. this is THE go-to fic if you liked A Breach of Trust imo - not for the genre and tone, those are different (though admittedly it's been years since I reread Abot so my memory of it is a bit fuzzy - will need to reread it soon!), but the key aspects are the same: it's a very well-written, long fic, with a gripping plot, excellent characterisation and introspection (the pov is absolutely fantastic), and heart-warming familial bonds that will make you cry. this fic will break your heart and then lovingly put it back together.
Butterfly Effect by Frecklefrog: similar concept to the above, also a fantastic execution. reigen and mob meet teru while out on a job, when the kids are around 11, and the plot evolves from there. again this has great characterisation and the relationships are very well-written, especially teru and reigen's.
Hiding His Horns (an orphaned work): this one is listed in ao3 as terumob but in my opinion this fic is plot-heavy more than anything else, and gives equal weight to reigen and mob's and mob and ritsu's relationship (in addition to teru and mob's), so i wouldn't say it's about romance. but it IS written in teru's pov, and his feelings for mob are not exactly subtle, so if that's not your cup of tea, i'd skip this one. but if that doesn't bother you, then i really recommend it. it's a witches and demons AU where teru, a promising young witch/exorcist, really really wants reigen, an incredibly famous exorcist, to take him on as an apprentice. he's less than pleased when he discovers reigen in fact already has a student, and that student is a demon of all things.
The Joy of Cooking (for a Family You Didn't Know You Had) by pepperfield: a 5 + 1 collection about reigen treating the people in his life to meals. this one is just great if you're looking for something about reigen and the gaggle of kids he ended up pretty much adopting. very very heartwarming, and the crazy conversations the kids have always make me laugh. each of their voices is spot-on. this fic does have some serirei, especially one of the later chapters, but it's not the overall focus of the fic at all.
The Destiny of Those Around You by @fightmemogami: this one is a series containing two fics, both equally great. both are missing moments from s1, after the seventh division arc. one is about shigeo visiting kamuro, the student council president (as he mentions to ritsu in the last ep of s1), and the other is about a conversation that may have happened between mob and onigawara (based on that comment he gave ritsu about how "your brother was worried about you"). both these fics are very good, i especially enjoy the way shigeo is written.
Color in a Monochrome World by Sifl: i have to be honest, i haven't reread this collection yet since i first did back in 2016, but it's in my bookmarks and i remember really enjoying it. it's a collection of gen fics, about different characters and different relationships, and while they can be read as stand-alones, they are subtly interconnected. the details are a bit fuzzy in my memory but it's very well-written, so i do recommend it. i will be rereading it soon myself.
Port in a Storm by W3LTERW8: this is a short character study set right after the separation arc. contains some good angst, as well as a great conversation between reigen and mob in the aftermath of what was a turning point for both of them.
Signed Up For It by @turning-the-kaleidoscope: heart-warming fic that takes place both before and after canon, focused on reigen's pov of the sort of world shigeo, as a born esper, lives in, and how different that world is from reigen's own. and how despite all that, reigen still wants to stay. has some great dialogue that really stuck with me, and the hurt/comfort is fantastic.
tomorrow isn't always another day by suitablyskippy (tumblr won't let me @ them, but they're also on here with the same username, I believe): hilarious fic, made me laugh out loud multiple times with how clever and quick-witted the writing is. reigen is caught in a time loop, is apparently the only person to be aware of it, and can't seem to find the cause, no matter how many times he asks mob to check if he's got a curse on him. excellent writing that casually drops some of the best-written, funniest lines like it's nothing.
Pull Up The Weeds to Grow Back Stronger by @spiritusrex: we are now entering what I'm calling the Mogami section of this post. this one is a great fic about minori in mogamiland, and how she slowly but surely manages to rebel against the role she is being made to play. great depiction of the start of a redemption arc.
I know who I am when I'm alone by RedWritingHood: mogami arc fic where reigen is also stuck in mogamiland as another random inhabitant of this world. really really great fic about how your thoughts and feelings don't determine the sort of person you are, your actions do. you can still do good by someone no matter how many intrusive thoughts try to get you to be a horrible person.
Come Morning Light by NotHereForIt: this one deals with the fallout of the mogami arc. reigen finds himself in a dream that isn't his, where mob is being haunted by the six months that never happened. some darker themes, as expected from anything dealing with the mogami arc, but great hurt/comfort.
since you asked for non-romantic stuff particularly, I will put the following two recs on their own. they're both terumob, and the romance is pretty central in both (especially in the second one), so they may not be your cup of tea, but they both have some of the best redemption arcs i've ever read, both in this fandom and outside of it. if you don't mind the romance, i wholeheartedly recommend them, i've read both multiple times:
Tunnel Vision (orphaned): a canon divergence AU (set before the two of them meet) where mob's school is undergoing some renovations and he and his friends are temporarily relocated to teru's school. teru senses there's another esper at his school and does NOT take it well. he makes a lot of mistakes. roughly follows the events of season 1. written in teru's pov so his feelings for mob are always prominent as they slowly shift from animosity to something else, but i don't know if i would even call this a love story. it's about teru's redemption first and foremost. excellent writing and characterisation, and i have to give a special shoutout to tsubomi, i really loved the way she was written in this fic.
Sword of Damocles (also orphaned): cannot describe in words the impact this fic has had on me. it's a no powers AU set when the kids are 16. teru is, to put it bluntly, a complete asshole, and so are his friends. when he brags to them that he'd be able to charm anyone and get them to kiss him (without being the one to make the first move), they dare him to prove it, and point to a random guy walking by (shigeo) as his target. now teru just needs to charm him and get his kiss so he can go back to his life, but it may not be as easy as it seems. obviously this fic has a lot of romance in it since teru is trying to charm mob into going out with him since the start, but the slow burn is one of the best i've ever read. teru starts off as highly unlikable, and he's not very charitable (in his head) towards mob at all, but slowly, very slowly, he starts to change. it's incredibly well-written, and as the title implies, you spend the whole time reading it with a sense of anticipation and dread, wondering when things are gonna come crashing down and how bad the fallout will be. a really, really great fic, i wish i could reread it as if it was the first time.
that's all i've got for you! i hope at least some of these can pique your interest, and that you enjoy them. would love to hear your thoughts on the ones you do read, if you like! i'm always open to talk about great fics.
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mari-lair · 9 months
Some angsty Terukaneaoi food for you: What if after this arc the clock keepers lose their yorishiro + power. In the past, people that were abducted by supernaturals lost their memories of it once the yorishiro was destroyed (look at Aoi in nr.2 story arc). So what if Akane would lose his memories of everything supernatural? He would forget about the severance and his advances with Aoi and instead would go back to confessing to her like crazy which would probably hurt Aoi a lot. He would also forget that Teru is an exorcist which in return means that Teru lost his only friend he could freely talk to about all his problems. Teru would try to shelter him from remembering it, because he knows it's what Akane would want (he wants to be normal and hates supernaturals after all) but it would hurt Teru a lot because this Akane doesn't know him truly and he needs to keep lying to him.
oooh angst! Just my tipe of angst too! Don't mind if I accept this food and throw a few random headcanons into this AU
Akane would get a headache when he is with Teru. He knows Teru is his friend and he is far from the charming prince that people perceive him as but Akane has no idea how they became friends (he just assumes it was through student council duties), he has no idea why there is a sense of guilt when he looks at Teru (he can't remember his clock keeper betrayal) nor why he associates Teru with safety, is not like him, a normal high school boy, need protection, right? He doesn't know why he has a pair of glasses with no prescription from Teru and even less why he takes great care of the glasses he doesn't use. He also know Aoi have a bracelet from him so he assumes these are weird gifts from someone with bad taste. What he is able to piece together from the tiny things he remembers with Teru is that he is one of the few people the president trusts, and he assumes he knows him (which is no longer true now that he doesn't know he is an exorcist.) taking pride in that.
Akane randomly gifts him a pen cause he had mistakenly assumed the 'something is off' feeling he gets when he thinks too hard about his enchanted glasses was born from getting a present from someone he values and not giving Teru anything back.
Teru can spend days happy near Akane, able to talk about his siblings and tease his crush on Aoi, keeping the topic focused on student council duties and other simple things, but he feels dead inside when he relaxes too much in Akane's presence and a reference to supernaturals slip up. He hates lying to Akane, and he hates even more when Akane sees through a lie, especially those that involve injuries. If he hears Akane says he should "leave his mysterious job for something less dangerous" again he will snap.
Akane feels uneasy when he hears clocks ticking. He stopped wearing his wristwatch.
Akane knows Aoi changed, she's acting more shy and reading his messages more, but he doesn't remember what he did to make them grow closer. It's maddening. Whatever he did must have gotten a lot of points? How could he forget? Why is he so forgetful about... anything regarding Aoi recently? (he doesn't even remember she is a Kannagi) He believes it's something he did, so he tries harder.
Aoi was flustered by the change at first. After learning Akane loves her despite all her flaws, she starts to believe in Akane's words so she is weak on the knee when he says he loves her so much with a big smile! But her shy joy crash and burn the second she notices his eager smile, as if waiting for her score.
They fell into a routine and she is horrified, she isn't brave enough to open up again so she leaves small unsaid hints as best she can't, and while Akane does catch some of it, since he is very perceptive, it still feels like they aren't on the same page. Akane stop waiting for scores when aoi stopped giving them, and goes back to her side ilke a moth to a flame when giving her space makes her distressed, fumbling like a hopeless idiot around her in an attempt to understand what she want, what will 'win her heart', and even if it doesn't, what will make her the happiest.
Even when he asks "What is wrong?" directly, she say "Nothing <3" cause she doesn't know how to explain, or how to gain that level of honesty again without a drug to help her emotions feel more manageable. He doesn't know what he did wrong but at least, he understands every indirect invitation to watch movies with her, they still spend more time together than they used to, getting ocasional instances where both are relaxed.
Teru still approaches Aoi to talk about his random questions and small talk, but he starts to talk about supernaturals with her too, since she remembers the trio Far Shore trips. She finds Teru even weirder when she gets more details on his job and views, but it doesn't bother her, welcoming the company.
Akane can somewhat sense that they are hiding something from him, and that they are growing closer together, it drives him insane on many levels, he even thought they were dating in secret at some point, but they snorted at the idea. They don't give him clear answers and doing his own research doesn't help either, he just has these vague feelings he can't explain. The most he could piece together is that he had 'an accident that messed with his memories', which is weird cause Lemon and his other classmates don't seem aware of whatever accident aoi and teru are shaken by.
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phantomrose96 · 2 years
Hello sorry to barge in with the word vomit/ramble, just wanted to let you know that god. Oh my god. You dont know how many things you’ve uncovered in me.
I started reading like, yesterday afternoon due to an animation for this fic, dreading over the word-count. I thought I could just read a little to catch a grasp of the fic, then put it to the side when my interest dies, and then 12 hours of reading happened and now I’m sitting awake at 1 AM wondering what the fuck happened to my emotions.
Cause?? I just?? Adored it so much?? The writing is such an experience to read, you just nail every single detail that just immerses me into the current scene or event. The amount of details picked and imbedded are just enough to fully paint a picture while also not overwhelming me with information. It was a Joy to read, and shone whenever a revaluation and/or breakdown happens to a character (no plural, we know all know which one). The tension parts always shakes me over with anxiety (like the teru v ritsu 2, one of my favorites), the tiny and wholesome moments are so well described too?? You know what’s happening and you know your heart it not coming out unscathed but nope, you sit there and take the pain as now the characters are allowed a sense of comfort and you realize how much they needed it after watching their lives turn into a slow motion titanic scene.
AND THE CHARACTERS, the characterization is immaculate I swear. Its so different from what I’m used to in the best ways plus more. I love how mob is just a confused kid trying his best and reigen is just Some Guy who managed to completely tear down (or breach-) the emotional walls of every Kageyama kid in sight and just?? Let them know he’s there for them?? Let them be kids?? His interactions with Ritsu is so tragic cause Reigen will just not let go of the fact that Ritsu is fucking thirteen and does not need this much stress condensed in him (god bless burger scene, also a favorite). And Ritsu. He is so insane it makes me want to blow up a house (positive connotation). The dude is just a walking car wreck that is slowly parking at the edge of a cliff. Just the way he snaps in the most unhinged and self destructive ways makes me want to set him down in a pile of blankets, because child you are not leaving until you book a therapist appointment. Teru makes him 10x worst its comical, they just hate each other, barfs at eachothers presence but also they’d entrust their lives to the other’s no problem, what are worst enemies with slight fond attachments are for (Ritsu realizing he was manipulating Teru all along, naturally? A well aimed strike that rattled my core, incredible). Ritsu’s journey throughout the fic has been a sight to witness, from him being a emotionally stunted mess to an emotionally stunted, but now slightly considerate, mess. Character development.
This story has been an absolute delight to finish, and my thoughts will still run wild for about a week. I cannot thank you enough for writing this and sharing this to the world of ao3.
fbjhfbj eating this review eating this eating this
I'm!!!! Okay to approach this in pieces.
>breakdown happens to a character (no plural, we all know which one)
we all know which one....
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I'm just saying this could still be about literally ANY character named Ritsu in this story.
Also yes!!! Another Ritsu vs Teru v2 enjoyer!! I was so goddamn excited getting to that part of the story. The role inversion between Ritsu and Teru. The weight of Ritsu making this a spirit possession battle against Teru of all people, and that being why Ritsu is able to hold his own against Teru who is so much stronger than him.
And absolutely ABoT is all about the small wholesome moments, cuz each and every one of those are wrestled in tatters out of the jaw of tragedy and misery which, to me, makes them extra special. The absolute fighting tooth and nail for happiness and betterment.
>reigen is just Some Guy who managed to completely tear down (or breach-) the emotional walls of every Kageyama kid in sight and just?? Let them know he’s there for them?? Let them be kids??
yep yep yep the double-meaning of "Breach" in the title. Breach trust. Breach the barrier. The role of lies and the role of trust in that very core element of Mob's barrier.
And I really adored writing all the Ritsu and Reigen interactions because they are. just. the worst for each other. But also Reigen is who Ritsu needs. And that hard fight to save Ritsu happens in the form of screaming matches that destroy a McDonalds and the massive decimation of innocent Build-A-Bears. The burger scene is. SO near and dear to my heart.
>And Ritsu. He is so insane it makes me want to blow up a house (positive connotation).
Ritsu "Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you wanna just go apeshit?" Kageyama. I love writing him as a foil against the Reigen and Mob plotline. Because both Reigen and Mob have been hurt, and their reponses are much more focused on how to heal themselves. Ritsu's been hurt (and Teru, too) and their responses are to lash out and hurt everything back. ABoT runs the whole spectrum of catharthis for just "You've been badly wronged. Wouldn't you just like to [heal] [have someone who cares] [seek revenge and destroy the world which destroyed you]?"
>(Ritsu realizing he was manipulating Teru all along, naturally? A well aimed strike that rattled my core, incredible)
I deeply loved writing the Teru and Ritsu plotline just every step of the way. And the hardest part was writing all the build up knowing the role-reversal was coming without tipping my hand--the part where Ritsu would surpass Teru in awfulness, where it would become Teru desperately clinging to morals and trying his hardest to stop Ritsu. And this all starts with the pivot in ch31 as Ritsu realizes he IS in a position to take advantage of Teru... because Teru sees him as a friend.
fkjfdnkjfddf thank you for this review! I'm eating it I'm eating it. You're talking about so many of the things that make me feral for this story and why I wrote it in the first place. It's the trauma it's the healing it's the character development it's the character regression it's the beating your bestie to death on a soccer field it's the taking a traumatized kid to get ramen it's the mindless destruction of a Build-A-Bear Workshop it's the manipulation it's the trying to do better it's the idea that self-sacrifice doesn't actually save the people around you who need you it's the different ways tragedy affects people it's the lighting a corpse on fire then slashing your own throat it's the adopting a kitten named Socks it's the corruption it's the possession it's the cursed Jade Statue that just follows you everywhere for no reason
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