#teru tries so hard to fight tha Fever
sallymew4 · 4 months
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some more pre-mob terumob :) this is kinda based on these tags on my last post about them from @mtndw-whteout below
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mean little teru when mob states the obvious lol
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mustdang-100 · 7 years
Reigen gets sick when his boyfriend's out of town. This is nothing but indulgent Dadgen & Teru sickfic fluff.
For @the-elf-draws​ inspired by their Mobtober #11.
Edit: Ah forgot to add, Teruki w/ hair ornaments is taken from @auro-cyanide‘s most excellent headcanon. 
Also on AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12937155
Reigen’s head landed on his desk with a soft thud.
The contact reverberated through his skull, sending new throbs of pain to join the existing headache. Still, the press of the cool desk surface against his overheated forehead was worth it. He closed his eyes and released a deep sigh at the mild relief. The sound turned into a groan as it emerged, chafing his sore and scratchy throat.
Fine, he thought to the part of himself that had been softly chastising him all day. The part that spoke with a voice eerily reminiscent of Katsuya’s. Fine, you’re right.
I’m sick.
He was just lucky that his boyfriend was out of town this week, off visiting his mother. Reigen would never hear the end of Serizawa’s soft reproach if he knew Reigen had gone to work despite feeling off that morning. Reigen had waved off the tickle in his throat, telling himself it was just allergies. That conviction had faded through the day as his coughing fits grew more frequent. When he reached for a paper towel to wipe the beading sweat from his forehead and found the roll hard to grasp due to his wracking shivers, he began to think working that day was maybe not one of his brightest ideas.
He should go home. Yet the mere thought of the journey filled him with exhaustion; his apartment seemed so far when every movement he made sent nauseating aches shooting down his limbs. And he would be just as alone at home as he was here, anyways…
A surge of wistfulness washed through him for Katsuya’s warm, comforting presence; cuddling with him on the couch at his place, or working on his laptop, feet propped in Reigen’s lap while the TV blared with one of Reigen’s favorite movies. But Katsuya wouldn’t be back for another few days, and as much as Reigen missed him, he didn’t want to bother him and spoil his first trip to see his family in almost a year.
Reigen let out another dry cough, feeling very sorry for himself. He was sick though, and also alone, so he decided that was allowed.
Honestly, he could probably rest just as well here at the office as at home. He would flip the open sign to closed, then move over to the couch, and just lie there until he felt up to making the trip. He just had to get up from his chair. Any… any second now…
Reigen ponderously turned his head to the side so that one flushed cheek rested on the desk. Locks of his fringe flopped limply against his face, the hair stuck together with sweat into wet tendrils. It hung there, cold and clammy against his forehead.
It itched.
It poked him in the corner of one closed eye, which twitched erratically in reaction.  
And suddenly, the irritation of that was more than he could take. On top of the throbbing in his head with every heartbeat, and the abrasion of his throat with every breath, and the ache in his joints with every movement, that nuisance was just too much. And the hair was something he could control, right here and now.
The hair was the enemy.
The hair had to go.
Eyes still closed, Reigen flopped a hand into the desk drawer where he was pretty sure the scissors lived. His fingers scrabbled blindly through a jumbled snarl of office supplies: paper clips, a stapler, pens, pencils… huh?
He touched a small object that his fever-riddled brain could not identify. Reigen pulled the odd contraption up close to his face and blinked at it blearily.
It was hot pink in color, composed of two hard plastic spheres connected by pink elastic bands. Reigen stared at it in confusion for longer than he’d like to admit before he realized it was a child's hair band, left in the office months ago by a client’s young toddler and thrown haphazardly into a drawer in case the client returned for it.
Reigen considered the contraption for a moment.
A moment more.
Hmm… yeah. This could work.
Reigen sat up, momentarily energized by his own genius. Using a hair band to hold back his hair; clearly, innovations of this caliber could only be devised by the great Reigen Arataka, the 21 st Century’s Greatest Thinker.
He twisted his fringe up into a small tail that stuck straight up from his forehead, like a tiny spout. He wrapped the elastic band around it tightly and released it with a snap of satisfaction. Then he returned his head to the desk, now irritation-free.
He sighed in relief, feeling accomplished if a little addled, and nestled awkwardly into his office chair. He should really get up, go to the couch. But the desk surface was cool. Nice, and cool. So nice. Mmm.
He rolled his head over, exposing the other side of his face to the soothing surface.
And found one Hanazawa Teruki peering at him with bemused interest.
Reigen blinked at the vibrant apparition before him.
Teruki’s lips switched, as though fighting a smile. He’d clearly come straight from school; his bag was hoisted jauntily over one primly uniform-clad shoulder. In rebellious contrast to his outfit his hair sparkled with hair ornaments, adding a riot of bright color that clashed horribly with the yellow and navy high-school uniform.
Reigen blinked again, still confused.
“Whaaaaa- Teruki, how… I mean, hi, you’re doing here, what’re?”
Teruki’s face lost its humor, a flicker of worry appearing for the briefest instant before he steeled his expression into something more neutral.  
“Is it inconven… would you rather I not… I mean, I know I haven’t been by the office as often lately, but I thought… since Serizawa-san is out of town, and Kageyama-kun is busy with his athletic club, that you might need some extra help this week…”
Reigen stared at him, mind chugging slowly into gear as he realized his mistake – he really must be sick to be surprised to see Teruki here; the kid visited often enough. But in trying to backpedal, his usually agile tongue tripped and stumbled.
“No s’fine! Y’re welcome t’ be here! And ‘m fine, jus fine, but if y’ wanna help, thas fine, thas good, but ‘m fiiiiine.”
Teruki relaxed, raising a brow as he tossed his bag absently to the floor. He scrutinized Reigen, hands on hips.
“Reigen-san, as… admirable as I find your new hairstyle, judging by your rather less-than-eloquent speech, I believe the change may be an indication that you are not entirely fine.”
Reigen reached up to feel the fountain of hair spouting up from his forehead, which he’d already forgotten about.
“It wass’ot. Too sweaty. Needed it to go ‘way.”
Reigen could hear himself slurring, but Teruki seemed to get it anyway. He nodded understandingly, then calmly pressed the inside of his wrist to Reigen’s forehead. His lips pursed in disapproval.
“Yep. Reigen-san, you have a fever. You’re in no state to be here; you need to go home and rest-“
Teruki broke off with a start. Reigen looked up to see him staring at his hair – or more specifically, the hair band – with something like horror.
“Reigen-san, you can’t use that cheap thing! It’ll rip up your hair!”
Reigen had never heard him sound so dismayed – Teruki had tortured a man with far less consternation than he was showing now. Reigen thought about pointing this out, but decided perhaps now was not the time.
Teruki carefully unwound the elastic band from Reigen’s hair, tossing it into the trash with disgust. Reigen tried to protest, pawing weakly at his head, but Teruki slapped his hands away.
“Just hold on, I’ll fix you up.”
Teruki pulled two glittery barrettes from his own hair, one magenta, one lime-green. He gathered Reigen’s bangs and pulled them gently back, then carefully slid a barrette into place on either side of Reigen’s head. He stood back, tilting his head to the side as he studied his work, then nodded in satisfaction.
As soon as his head was released, Reigen let it slump back to the desk; he’d started to feel dizzy. Teruki patted his shoulder comfortingly.
“That’s right, you lay down. Give me just a moment.”
One hand still patting Reigen, he pulled a phone from his pocket with the other and hit a button for speed dial.  Reigen heard only bits of the following conversation, drifting in and out of something approaching sleep, until the deep voice on the other end suddenly boomed loud enough for him to hear.
“What do you mean he looks great, you just said he can barely sit up!?”
“I said his hair looks great. The rest of him looks awful.”
“What!?” Almost a screech. Reigen gave a goofy grin; he’d never heard Katsuya’s voice reach quite that frequency before. He could practically see him clutching at his thick curly hair in agitation. Aww.
“Tell ‘im I’m fine, ” Reigen slurred in Teruki’s direction. “And to leave ‘is hair alone, I like it. Iss cute.”
Teruki ignored him.
“Don’t worry Serizawa-san,” he said, his placating voice thrumming with confidence. “I’ll get him home. I can stay with him until you get back, make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid and his fever doesn’t get any worse. I’ll crash on the couch or something; you enjoy the rest of your holiday.”
“No, no…” the voice on the other end of the phone said, still sounding harried. “I’m coming back tonight. But, but thanks, I’d appreciate you sticking close. He’s not very good at taking care of himself…”
Reigen wanted to protest this, but found he really didn’t quite have the energy.
Reigen missed the end of their conversation, too focused on trying to determine whether he was drooling on his desk. But he knew it must have ended when he felt Teruki worm his way under one arm, pulling him up with a small grunt of exertion.
“Not very good at taking care of yourself, huh. That’s ok Reigen-san,”
A soft hum surrounded Reigen; he recognized the familiar lightness of psychic power supporting his weight. Yet Teruki didn’t move from under his arm, remaining a small warm presence that spoke of caring, and of support, and of something like family.
“-we’ll just have to take care of you for you.”
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