#bu t it is a losing battle always
sallymew4 · 4 months
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some more pre-mob terumob :) this is kinda based on these tags on my last post about them from @mtndw-whteout below
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mean little teru when mob states the obvious lol
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toweringclam · 19 days
I want you to picture right before battle, Dante loads up a new ID for Heathcliff. Ishmael looks over, and holy shit it's Queequag. There she is, reborn. Only it's not Queequag, that's the annoying guy who you've almost killed more than once (and vice versa). But damn, did he always look that much like her?
And imagine Heathcliff, after losing Catherine in every world. They're just leaving T corp and how the hell did Cathy get on the bus?? How the hell is she still alive, anywhere?? Only that's not Cathy. It was a trick of the light. Ishmael's hair is fiery red, but just for a moment, she looked strawberry blonde and was the spitting image of Cathy. How did he never notice the resemblance before?
She turns and makes a sharp comment, and the moment is gone. But maybe she looked at him just a little bit longer than she should have.
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toastofthetrashfire · 8 months
Color in DFF: Part 2
Okay so here I have a post where I run down some of the way DFF is using color in the past (at least for ep 5-6). But there's even more to unpack in episodes 1-4. I'll have to return to color when more episodes are out cause I'm sure there'll be more clarity and layers to add. But for now let's jump to the present!
Shout out again to @slayerkitty for brainstorming with me!
In part 1 I came to this conclusion:
There are basically 3 groups of colors.
Blue=the friend group, conformity, those trying to harm or coerce others
Red=Non, poverty, outsiders and those with stigma
Yellow=A third category, not in lock step with the group, outliers
So what about the present?!
There's a lot going on with color:
-It show's the character's flaws and desires
-It signals romantic pairing(s)
-It conveys group dynamics and insider/outsider status
On top of that we have people changing colors and exchanging them
Importantly in the present we start getting more than just the strict primary colors groups. Our group is less in sync and now that they've had time to grow up and be apart there's less conformity and cohesion, more fracture. We could argue that more of their own colors are able to come out rather than be subsumed in just blue (though a few characters definitely stick to blue still).
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Let's start at the beginning. For a number of these boys their color represents their worse traits and fatal flaws:
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Por is in a pale green. This clearly represents his VERY deep relationship with nature (sorry not sorry). It also can represent rebirth which means he isn't dead yet.
Okay, joking aside, green can can represent greed and jealousy. Certainly things relevant to Por who both has it all and still constantly wants and needs more (especially affection from his father) and is willing to take credit from Non to get it. This greed obviously contributed to the way everything spiraled in the past.
Green can also indicate sickness, nausea, and disgust. Por often expresses disgust towards Non, wiping his hand off after touching him. We even get him and Top reacting with disgust in the opening scenes when Fluke is puking.
On one more note, there are cultures that would group green and blue in as the same color so perhaps we can still see him as not so separate from the group as we might think.
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Tee and Top are still in blue. These two are dedicated to hiding the truth and protecting themselves. Blue can also indicate loyalty and trust as well as confidence. Tee clearly has an issue with loyalty in both the past and the present. He's quick to throw his friends under the bus but does so while hiding this to still fit in. In the present he struggles with whether to abandon White or protect him. Top on the other hand is over confident, constantly wanting fame and attention.
Tee in particular is interesting because of his tie die shirts. They always mix blue with another color, just like he mixed blue with red in the past. Now it's a pink. Perhaps this means his money troubles have lessened or that he mentally feels less of an outsider or weirdo than when he added red in the past. Or perhaps it shows his strained loyalty to White, containing a color other than blue but not quite orange.
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This is certainly the case in a later episode when he changes his t-shirt to blue and orange. I'll mention this later but White is introduced in orange. So Tee's colors show his dedication to the group, his continued attempts to hide secrets that harm people, and his battle between running or staying to protect White.
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While Tee switches to orange and blue, Top switches to yellow and white. He makes the switch before he goes off with Tan and returns to kill Por. The yellow is a stark change. Unlike Tee who retains his blue, Top loses it completely. He's in yellow, marking him as an outlier. Is he possessed? Drugged? In any case he is operating without any affinity to the group at this point.
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We don't know much about Tan yet, but he's also in blue. He starts in a blue button up and then switches to darker blue with gray underneath. This is a bit odd since he's the most vocal about pushing the old group to reveal what happened in the past. Yet he isn't wearing orange (Phi and White), red (Non), or yellow (outlier). In fact, unlike our other characters he doesn't mix in other colors or change his color at all. It feels very sterile, as if he is operating under different rules. So either he is just part of the group and likely fodder, working with Phi, or up to his own plan. Regardless I think at this point he is probably hiding his color, or rather the show is hiding his color from us for a later reveal of some kind.
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Fluke is in purple. It's a balanced mix of blue and red, marking the way he acts as a bystander. He is in the group but not necessarily at the center of it. It also represents ambition, which Fluke clearly has in spades. So much so that as he tries to protect his ambitions, he makes things so much worse.
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Interestingly, when Fluke changes clothes he still chooses purple, but his collar has a stripe of red. This of course is what he wears as he starts to crack, ultimately confronting Tee about what happened to Non. The blood on Fluke's hand adds more red.
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Jin is in pink and a dark blue or grey. He later switches to a dark blue shirt. So part of him is still attached to the group (blue) but he also operates in a faded pink. Pink can represent love and compassion. We know that Jin acts as the kind one of the group generally. Interestingly this is quite a faded pink, perhaps representing how Jin, despite being kind (or at least having a kind exterior) is quite jaded. He's lost his rose-tinted glasses and they've become a washed out pink.
He no longer is in yellow. Does this mean at some point he failed to push back on the group in an important way? Why is he still with the group and wearing blue/gray colors? Does the fact he's wearing pink, a faded red mean he's still dedicated to Non?
Clown theory: Non was in pink in the preview for episode 7, so does this mark Jin as a romantic pairing with Phi? Does it mean Non died and possessed Jin's body (🤡)?
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Phi and White both have orange to start with. They're odd ones out. Interestingly, Phi also has on a denim shirt, making him outwardly seem to match Tee and Top, but the orange shows his true colors. This is very fitting given we know he's up to something (most likely revenge) and not genuinely trying to be a part of the group.
Orange is also partway between red and yellow. If we go by the past, Phi has had something going on with both Non (red) and Jin (yellow, past). Interestingly in this opening shot Phi's backpack moves from blue (his disguised allegiance to the group) to orange (his outsider status) and red (his allegiance to Non). But he is also next to Jin whose pink could be seen as a version of red.
White has orange but like Phi he has blue as well. Does this mean that White is aligned with Phi or is it just a way to signal that White is also a newbie to the group? If so why is Tan not in orange too? Is White Non's brother?
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Both Phi and White remove their orange as things progress. Interestingly they both keep the same touches of blue but change to neutral white/light gray tones. They're blending in now, either by force of the situation or in order to hide their intentions. But compared to Tan, we at least see them operating in other colors first.
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One last thing of note here. Phi wraps his outer shirt around Jin to brace his shoulder. This completely removes the blue from Phi and gives it to Jin. Is this a color exchange? But blue isn't Phi's color, so does is this an act of protection or is Phi marking Jin as a target?
And what does it mean that Phi is now purely in white--an absence of color? Or is white his color? If so, then what about White?
We've gone from 3 primary colors in the past to a mix of colors in the present. On top of that we have white too, an interesting contrast? pairing? with the black of the mask costume.
Okay this has been equally as much analysis as questions. I'm excited to revisit this when we have even more episodes and information to see what the patterns are here!
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pvnkc0rpse · 6 months
general 3d h4rm redvctiøn t!ps₊˚⊹☆ pls share <33
I AM PRO RECØVERY PLS DONT REPØRT, BLOCK INSTEAD! these might be triggering to some, although not intended!!! this is a post for people who already have 3ds. if you feel like you are developing a disørder please seek help asap. 3ds are not fun, cute, or cool; they are detrimental to our everyday lives and a battle we fight daily.
the following are things i learned throughout my years from general research, tumblr, moots, etc. ⋆⭒˚。⋆
✩ everyone says this but drink lots of water & stay hydrated. have a water intake goal & try to meet it every day, adapt if needed depending on how active you will be throughout the day!
✩ take vitamins, and if possible go to the doctor to check your vitamin levels to see exactly what you need most
✩ always carry something with real sugar in it. not a zero sugar candy but something with real glucose! take it if you feel dizzy/ feel like you are about to pass out. take this as a warning & go get something with real nutritious value, even if it’s small
✩ know that you don’t need a løw r3strictiøn d!et to lose weight. you can achieve your goals with a high-res d!et as well, look into things like bmr and figure out what works best for you
✩ if you are feeling sick from a virus or something else, make sure you are taking care of yourself. i personally recommend eating three meals and drinking water & 0cal vitamin water. i know it's scary but you can make pretty good & nutritious løw cal meals if you feel uncomfortable e4ting three times a day
✩ eat if you want to drive and don't put yourself and others at risk. if you really don't want to break your fast: walk (if possible), take the bus, a cab, or ask someone else to take you. be a responsible person pls :)))
✩ be kind to yourself if you b!ng3. it's okay, you are okay, and you are not a failure. don't try to go all out for a "last time" or because you "already failed", it'll make you feel worse and potentially get you sick
✩ if you b!ng3, try your best to not count the c4løries. i know it's easier said than done but trust it's only gonna hurt your mental health :(( drink water, or tea, and try to relax. if you have a stomachache you can put a pillow under your legs to feel better
✩ try your best not to use l4x4tives. instead, try drinking plum juice, natural apple juice, or even milk. flaxseeds and water also do the job
✩ i sincerely recommend everyone to stay away from pvrging at all costs, it is incredibly harmful to your teeth and organs, and super dangerous; you could literally d!e on your first try. however, as someone with mi4 i recognize that i would not have survived if it hadn't been for h4rm redvctiøn tips. if you have already tried 4nti-pvrging tips and are still in that mindset: drink lots of water before and after, don't use any objects (like ur toothbrush), and do it right after eating to minimize the stomach ac!d in what's coming up
✩ i know a lot of people know this but still, you shouldn’t brush your teeth after pvrging. regardless of how gross you feel, it is super harmful and you could lose your teeth :// if you have mi4 i recommend getting a good natural toothpaste but even then, the brushing itself is bad for your teeth. drink water or milk and wait 30-60 minutes before you brush your teeth
✩ if you feel in distress, please seek support! there are lots of groups both in person and online that serve to support people in active 3ds. do some research, ask around, all that :)) this is a hell of a disørder and it is even harder to battle alone. if you ever feel like it's time for recøvery don't think twice and seek help right away
✩ don't interact with people/blogs that claim to be a coach :// other people with 3ds know how hard this is to live with, we would never actively promote others to purposely make themselves worse! these "coaches" have been around for 10+ years at this point, and a big majority of them are old men who get øff on bødy ch3cks
✩ if you are a minor, i give you a big hug because i have been there before (ᴍɪɴᴏʀs ᴘʟs ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴏ :))). from someone who grew up in 3dblr, don’t tell anyone your age. there are creepy people out here who are looking out for young people to corrupt. adults in 3dblr will know not to interact with ageless blogs
please be safe!!! and if you have any h4rm redvctiøn tips please share! okee ily bye <333
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔    .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .                   ˖✶   ✦  
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knightinink · 1 year
Do you have any reccomendations for Dip/Pip fics??
OH BOY DO I!!! Let me give you some that I just love!!!
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Stairway-“Damien was sick and tired of being treated like dirt by his father. He decided it was high time to hop on the bus and head out of town. Sadly, he missed the bus the first night, but it did lead him to a chance encounter with a pretty blonde who seemed to be having the same troubles and an unlikely friendship was formed. DamienPip romance or friendship. Implied abuse.”
Accidental-“The first thing Pip noticed when he opened his eyes was a sense of numbness. The second thing he noticed was the pile of flesh and bones smashed into the concrete. Oh.”
The Fault in our Battle Against Climate Change-“Damien Thorn watches his father lose to ManBearPig.”
Sincerely, Pip-“Damien really has nothing to do, so when he gets a letter Invitation from a familiar blonde haired boy, who is he to refuse? Better than being in hell anyway. And who would've though so.ething as small as olives would of gotten them together?”
Spectacular-“Phillip and Damien cuddle.”
Tears of a demon-“Damien and Pip are having a sleepover at pips and Damien can't help but feel an emotion he isn't used to: sadness. Though, he doesn't know that, so he tries to ask and it doesn't go well.”
A Stone a Day Keeps the Pond at Bay-“"Can I kiss you?” The words were sudden, completely unexpected, especially from Pip.”
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known-“Damien is totally fine by himself, on his own, no friends or anyone required. He figures it'll be like that forever. Until Pip shows up, his halo broken and looking for help.”
A little too much comforting-“Basically Pip carried and comforted his child too much and Lucas became too attached and managed to cry his way into sharing the big bed with his dad's.”
Wings-“Life in hell is difficult, especially when you're Satan's son, but Pip was always there to hear Damien complain, curse at everything and everyone around him, as well as heaven and earth as they shared a cup of tea. Pip did so much for him, more than he could ever imagine. Even without wings, Pip was a true angel. At least for Damien.
Camelias-“𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 ▎damien regalaba ramos de camelias a philip, para demostrarle que sin importar la diferencia de clases sociales, su amor sería eterno y puro.”
Eisoptrophobia-“While on vacation in the mountains, Damien finds a tourist attraction he really wants to visit, but Pip is hesitant to go, puzzling the antichrist.”
Power Outage-“Pip and Damien are in the middle of a sleepover when suddenly the lights go out. Damien's isn't bothered too much by it, but Pip is another story.”
Growing Pains-“Damien’s horns and wings are starting to grow in, but he’s got extremely painful headaches and backaches and his dad’s excitement about it isn’t helping. Pip immediately notices the shift in demeanor of his friend and is quick to aid him through the process, even if Pip is unfamiliar with the situation.”
Shelter In The Forge-“It’s storming in a small England town one night and poor Pip can’t get to sleep because he’s afraid of it. Thankfully, Joe knows just to to comfort the boy, and they take shelter in the forge together until Pip falls asleep.”
Love Letters-“Pip has a secret admirer.”
Summon Me and I’ll Come Running-“Damien grants Pip a magic power and Pip doesn't abuse it, because he's the only good person in South Park.”
Stay with me and I’ll stop the hurt-“Pip renounces his position in Heaven to be with Damien, also renouncing his one chance to finally meet his parents and reunite with them, because he's a selfish human being.”
Need A Little Cheering Dip-“Damien comes home to find a crying Pip.”
Dip oneshots-“Damien and Pip, Dip galore, ranging from fluffy and cute to...not. T for South Park and yaoi. Fluff,angst, and randomness ahead!”
Name-“Damien hadn't anticipated that he'd have to be a shoulder to cry on. First and foremost, he had not a clue what he could say that might serve as a form of comfort. But comfort, it seems, can sometimes come from the most seemingly insignificant things.”
Graceful-“Even as married adults, Damien is always enchanted by every little bit of grace that Pip exudes. Every ounce of grace, intertwined with every action Pip takes, still manages to positively enchant him.”
Anthology of DIP-“A series of prompt short-stories involving he pairing of Damien and Pip”
The Red String-“What happens when a blonde is born without a string, especially in a world where almost everyone has one? What happens when a fateful encounter happens? Phillip longed to have a string, but maybe it wasn't meant to be.”
Hot Chocolate-“Pip is working in an empty café when a dark-looking customer comes in for a drink.”
Dear Santa-“Christmas isn't usually the best time of year when you're the son of Satan... (Festive Dip one-shot!)”
A Purrfect Christmas-“'Twas the night before Christmas, and there Pip Pirrup sat, eyes full of glistening sorrow, talking to a red-eyed cat. Meow. (Festive ONE-SHOT)”
Like Father, Like Son-“Luca Thorn-Pirrup and his father Damien like to torment Pip sometimes.”
Just for you-“damien finds a crying pip on his bedroom and tries to cheer him up.”
A Home Away from Home-“While getting ready to leave South Park forever, Pip looks back fondly on the small mountain town.”
How The Stars Came To Be-“It is not a tale of war, or of lovers, ill-fated or otherwise. Be it a tale of the stars, and how they came into the heavens above. Their origin be not from thy heart, or thy soul, but from the eyes of two younglings, an angel and a demon.”
20 Questions-“Damien and Pip ask 20 questions.”
Angel and Demon-“Damien is telling a bedtime story to his two kids”
Phoenix Wings-“How does one run from something that is everywhere at once? There is nothing safe to them, except the security of their arms.”
It’s Just A Nightmare-“Pip has a nightmare while sleeping at Damien's house.”
Unconventional-“Their romance was hardly picture-perfect, but it made them happy.”
Fancy Hand Sandwiches and Sunsets-“They sealed it with a kiss.”
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abronzeagegod · 1 year
Chapter 1 of a yet untitled novel
[This is the first chapter of the book I'm working on. It's a young adult, sci-fi, alternate history. It's weird and complicated because of course it is, it's me. I'm hoping that posting this somewhere will give me the motivation to finish writing the rest of this second draft that's 2/3 done.]
Part One: The Silence Comes
The zlilfian people have many things in common with the average North American honey bee, from the gold and black hair patterns to the compound eyes and wings. One of the biggest things they have in common is not just the physical similarities, like how homo sapiens have commonalities with the great apes, but that of their social hierarchy. They have three tiers in their society, most similar to gender roles, that are that of the qiin, the political head of the Great Houses that run much of the zlilfian society, the jdargandins, the minders who watch over the internal operations of the Great Houses, and the shrar, the soldiers and laborers who do the work for the Great Houses.
Chapter 1: Adventure Missed It’s Wake Up Call
Justin hated waking up early for school, so it was no surprise when he rolled over in bed and saw that he had missed his alarm, sleeping through it. Fortunately, or unfortunately as the case may be, he had gotten somewhat used to the early mornings and only woke up fifteen minutes late. Mornings were the worst. Why hadn’t the administration realized that teenage students wanted nothing more than to sleep until ten, or even ten thirty.
He rolled over and just slapped at the alarm clock out of half asleep muscle memory. After stomping to the bathroom, Justin brushed his teeth with mechanical disinterest. He saw how bad his hair looked, the shaggy brown hair was all over the place from the night of restless sleep. The second he got downstairs he knew that his dad was going to tell him to comb it. Might as well get that done now. He rinsed out his mouth of the strange mint flavored toothpaste and watched the water drain slowly out of the sink before cupping his hands under the faucet and wetting down his hair.
There was something about the dreary, cold November weather, and the second year of high school that really didn’t work for Justin. He didn’t want to go to school today, and even if he was late, he couldn’t bring himself to rush. This strange liminal space between being new at high school, all eager and excited, and the stressful ‘have you decided what you are going to do with the rest of your life’ junior year, was extremely dull and not all that exciting.
He didn’t try that hard with his hair since it was a losing battle anyways, and what was really the point of caring what he looked like. He was an average high school boy. Brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin tone that he got from his mom. Screw it, it didn’t matter, it was just high school.
After throwing on his clothes that were mostly clean, Justin went downstairs where he found his dad mechanically making some coffee and toast. They didn’t greet each other aside from a small nod. Alex, Justin’s father, wasn’t any more of a morning person than his son. He was off to work soon.
Luckily, Justin didn’t hear any comments from his dad about being late, or the state of his hair, or any of the usual complaints. Which was a small mercy.
The rushed breakfast was silent and still. Justin took some of the fresh made toast, liberally covered it in butter and then some cinnamon sugar, before taking it with him. He grabbed his backpack and left the house. He was going to be late for the bus, and if there was one thing he hated it was walking to school.
He must have told his dad goodbye, because that was what he always did, but he couldn’t hear himself say it.
Justin took a few bites of the toast, and chewed. He didn’t really have many thoughts in his head as he walked down the front walkway towards the bus stop. The only thing that was really there was the observation that the house was always so quiet and empty now that his mom had left.
“Justin! Hurry up! I will leave you behind!” yelled his only friend, Mike, from the bus window as the heavy truck lumbered to a squeaking halt a few houses down from Justin’s house.
This made him stop short.
The wall of sound, the shout of Mike, the rumble of the bus, the sounds of the traffic down the street. All of a sudden it was all there. The sound. It was utterly absent from within the house. Justin realized that his house was totally silent, but not in a way that was normal in any way.
“Justin! You’re going to miss the bus,” his dad called form the driveway as he left for work. The car chirping gently as he unlocked it with the remote.
“Yeah, the bus,” Justin muttered, his dad didn’t seem concerned, or he didn’t seem to notice. It’s just that he didn’t know which was worse.
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swampgallows · 2 years
thread on reddit about “what made you not kill yourself?” and all these people being like ohh my pets, my kids, my family, my best friend, etc and all i can think of is how people in my life would just make it about themselves
when T died all these fake ass motherfuckers came out of the woodwork talking about how they loved him sooo much and blah blah blah. none of these people fucking took him in. i lived in my dorm at the time but i let him sleep on my floor when i could get away with it, he even stayed over at my parents house once or twice cause they knew he was a good guy. all these people who knew he was trying to go straight and recover but kept pulling him back into drug shit. the system failed him in a lot of ways too (esp options limited to people who’ve been to prison) but i saw how people around him failed him too. i, too, feel that i failed him. i could have done things differently, but i was young and naiive. 
ive written it before but when T died the main reaction was people making it about themselves, how theyre so sad now, how theyre missing something, etc.  theyd make him take the bus to his own fuckin parties. demand guest list when it was like 10-15 at the crud. his own fucking mom wouldnt take him in but still posts on his fb all the time about how she misses her beautiful boy. when it came to actual talking about T, the majority of people just sort of shrugged and went “eh, he was on that track anyway” or “it was inevitable” or “it was bound to happen eventually”, and feeling no real remorse or regret that someone who was clearly in need of help never got any. 
and i feel pretty certain that would happen with me. all the people who bullied me in high school hearing that “bead girl killed herself, but eh, she was always pretty weird” or “well she’s always been depressed so :\” or “omg did covid finally get her? she never shut the fuck up about it” or “oh THOSE PEOPLE would have just died of the flu anyway”. those people. those people. those people. hell people have been begging me to kill myself since i was like 13 years old, i would just be fulfilling their wish.
there is a lot of talk about ‘battling suicide’ and ‘raising awareness’ but we still dont use the language yet about losing the battle. we never say we lost someone to suicide, we still say that they “committed” it, that it was an act on their part unprecedented by anything else, a choice they made that was “selfish” and independent of other factors. some have been trying to say people “die by suicide”, but you dont hear anyone say that people die of depression or that people die of mental illness.
and yet they do. they die of illness. they die of mental illness. suicide is not something that happens when you are healthy. every fiber of our being rebels against it, unless there is an illness to override it. saying it is a selfish choice someone made is like accusing someone of purposefully cultivating their cancer. and yet people do that too, the way they treat substance users. they ignore what help these people need and blame them for their poor coping mechanisms or their lack of access to treatment.
yes, i know being isolated at home for the last decade isn’t the best for my mental health, but what else am i supposed to do about it? “Go to the doctor”? and what then, genius? is prozac going to pay bills? will effexor boost my resumé with more work experience? does wellbutrin immunize against covid? does cymbalta allow me to meet with my therapist more than once every 6 weeks? is a daily dose of zoloft all i need to combat ptsd? does lexapro double as emdr, c/dbt, ect, or other professionally-led treatments? did me personally taking celexa remove any of the institutional barriers preventing me from connecting with my community, feeling included, being productive and valued and capable of actually participating in the world around me?
no. it made me hallucinate and unable to sleep for 56 hours.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
No One Else Can Know (Haikyuu!!)
Primary Universe
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So...this turned out to be less of a tickle war than a declaration of war on Hinata's part that leads to Kageyama getting wrecked and some interesting revelations, but...I really like how it turned out, even if it doesn't exactly fit the prompt, so I hope you'll forgive me for taking some creative liberty here. Enjoy!
This time, Hinata thought as he took off his sneakers before entering the gym. This time, I’ll be the winner. I’m not letting him beat me again!
Kageyama was inside, alone, practicing his serves. It was early morning before school. Hinata had no idea how the setter had gotten inside without keys – unless he’d talked Daichi into letting him borrow them, that cheater – but regardless, this was his prime opportunity to catch him by surprise. Kageyama always, always won their tickle fights because of his height and strength. But Hinata had gotten him begging once before, and dang it, he was going to do it again if it killed him.
He waited until the setter’s back was turned, then sprinted for him, leaving his bag and shoes behind. His speed was his ally as usual, and he leapt onto Kageyama’s back, wrapping one arm around his front and digging into his side with the other, legs wrapped around his friend’s waist.
“Ah – what?!” Kageyama yelped, letting out a shriek in response to those fingers in his side. He giggled, unable to help himself, but still managed to yell, “Hinata, you moron!”
“You’re not beating me this time!” Hinata laughed, clinging to Kageyama’s back for dear life as the setter twisted and writhed and tried to shake him off. “Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
“Gah – crap – dahahahang it, Hinata, gehehehehet off of me!”
“Nuh-uh!” The redhead reached even further around to his stomach and dug his fingers in there instead. “Not this time!”
“Nahahahahahahahaha!” Kageyama squealed, frantically grabbing at Hinata’s fingers even as he stumbled and fell to one knee. Hinata quite literally pounced on the opportunity, shoving the setter face-first to the floor and straddling his lower back, reaching into his underarms. Kageyama clenched his arms to his sides, but it was far too late for that. “Nohohohohohohoho! Hinatahahahahahaha!”
“You always win our tickle fights because you’re taller than me, stupid Kageyama,” the spiker teased, darting one hand out from its prison to scribble along his back. “But not this time! I’ve got the element of surprise on my side today.”
Kageyama tried to roll over, but it was useless. He giggled hysterically into the floor of the gym, kicking his legs behind him. “Stahahahahahahahap! Gehehehehehet off!”
“Not until I find your spot. You found mine immediately, which is super unfair. Today I’m finding yours so I can at least fight back a little!”
Good luck with that, Kageyama thought through his cackles. You’re going to be hard-pressed to get to it as long as you don’t move.
Hinata kept up his sporadic scribbling and digging into the setter’s underarms, ribs, sides, and all over his back, but to his disappointment, he got nothing more than crazed giggling and a few demands to get off of him, which of course, he ignored.
“Aw, come on,” he whined. “I got you to beg before! Why aren’t you--?” Then it hit him. The last time he got Kageyama pleading, his friend was lying on his back, not on his front like he was now. Still, shifting at all at this point was a dangerous move on his part. He hummed contemplatively, then did his best to sneak his fingers between the floor and Kageyama’s stomach, pleased with himself when he got some harder giggling for his trouble.
“Dahahahahang it, you lihihihihihittle moron, lehehehehehet me go already!” Kageyama half-growled, half-giggled at the boy on top of him. He tried once more to roll over, but that only afforded Hinata better access to his belly, and more digging made him collapse again, letting out an embarrassing squeal. “Nohohohohoho!”
“Aha! I found it, didn’t I?” Hinata laughed. “If only there was another bus for you to get stuck in, so I could tickle you without you being able to get me back.” Encouraged by his discovery, he lifted his weight from Kageyama’s back just a little, but that tiny fragment was enough of an opening, and the setter finally succeeded in rolling over, blindly reaching for Hinata’s ribs as he went.
“Then it wouldn’t be a tickle fight,” Kageyama informed him, grinning wickedly as the little decoy squealed and scrambled away. “Moron.”
“Ack! No! Not this time!” Hinata yelled, using a burst of panicked energy to shove Kageyama right back onto the floor, face-up this time, going for his belly. “I’m not losing to you again!”
Kageyama hated himself for how loudly he shrieked, the sound of it echoing off the empty walls of the gym. He threw his head back and laughed, grabbing at Hinata’s wrists and kicking wildly. “NOHOHOHOHO, STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
“Ha! It is your tummy! I knew it!”
The blush that had threatened to bloom on the setter’s face became a reality with those words. He growled through his laughter. “DOHOHOHOHON’T CAHAHAHALL IT THAT, YOU IHIHIDIOT!!”
“Aw, what’s the matter, Kageyama? Got a ticklish tummy?” Hinata latched onto the protest and sank his teeth into it, grinning widely, shoving his hands under his friend’s sweater to tickle the skin directly. “Oh, yes you do! You have such a ticklish tummy, don’t you?”
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Kageyama was mortified by the sounds escaping his mouth – sounds he didn’t even know he was capable of making. He grabbed Hinata’s wrists but was unable to pry him away. “GEHEHEHEHEHET OHOHOHOHOFF, HINATA!!”
“Not until you beg me to~”
“SCREHEHEHEHEHEHEHEW YOU, YOU LIHIHIHIHIHIHITTLE JEHEHEHEHERK!!” Then Hinata found the two spots directly below his ribs on his upper stomach, and he absolutely exploded with laughter. Hinata’s eyes went wide, shocked at how loud the noise was. “CRAPCRAPCRAP NOT THERE NOT THEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHERE!! HINATA STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
The redhead beamed, thrilled to have found a spot that could make Kageyama laugh like this. “Wow, this really tickles you, huh?”
Kageyama cursed through his hysterics and pounded the ground with his fist, using his other hand to desperately push at his tormentor. “PLEASE!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! STOP IT, HIHIHIHIHINATAHAHAHAHA!! PLEASE YOU’RE KIHIHIHIHIHIHILLING ME!!”
At that Hinata did stop, smiling so wide it nearly split his face. He was ecstatic. “I’ve never heard you laugh like that, Kageyama! It was so awesome!”
“Sh-Shut up,” the setter gasped, shoving him away. “I h-hate you.”
“You’re so cool,” Hinata continued, blatantly ignoring his friend’s grumbling. “Your sets have gotten amazing lately, and it’s even more fun to share the court with you now, and you’ve got a really fun laugh! I want to hear it all the time!”
Kageyama panicked. In a flash he’d grabbed the little redhead and pulled him in close, wrapping his arms around him from behind and drilling into his lower ribs with a vengeance. “Absolutely not, you idiot!”
It was Hinata’s turn to burst into hysterics, squealing and kicking desperately. “WAIT NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! KAGEYAMA PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
“No one else can know about that spot. You hear me?” The setter growled in his ear, tickling harder. “No one!”
“BUHUHUHUHUHUT IT’S SO FUHUHUHUHUN – AIIIEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!” He tossed his head back with an ear-piercing squeal, slapping the setter’s forearms as he switched to kneading into his ribs. “FINE OKAHAHAHAHY YOU WIN I WOHOHOHOHON’T TEHEHEHELL!! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Kageyama did stop, but he didn’t let him go. He held onto Hinata firmly, unwilling to unleash him back into the wild until he felt safe again. “Hinata, I’m…I’m serious. Don’t tell anyone about this.”
Hinata wiggled a little, but he knew he wasn’t getting away until the setter decided to free him, so he sighed and went limp, resting against Kageyama’s chest. “But why? You said yourself it’s not a big deal that we’re both ticklish.”
The dark-haired setter was silent for a long moment. So long, in fact, that Hinata wondered if he’d even heard the question. But eventually he murmured, “It’s just…stuff has happened, all right? People have…I’ve been…”
Hinata frowned, hearing the vulnerability in Kageyama’s voice and becoming worried. He twisted his head around to look up at him. “You’ve been what?”
Kageyama held him closer, though he really didn’t mean to. “People have used it against me. That spot. I’ve been…I’ve been humiliated with it before. I don’t want that to happen again. Not here.”
Humiliated with that spot? “You mean, people have used it to torture you?”
A flinch. A sigh. “Yeah.”
Hinata’s shoulders slumped. “So it’s not fun for you anymore?”
“That’s messed up.” The redhead patted his friend’s arm again, softer this time. “I’m sorry, Kageyama.”
Finally, Kageyama loosened his grip and let him go. “I just…wanted you to know. To understand that I’m serious.”
“I get it. I mean, I don’t – I haven’t been through it – but I still get it.”
“Yeah.” The setter wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Thanks.”
Hinata shifted a little, reaching for his friend’s knee and squeezing lightly, smiling at how Kageyama jumped. “But…I can still tickle you, right? Just not there?”
“Tch. Idiot.” Kageyama shot him a smirk, grabbing onto his ankle and scribbling his fingers along his socked sole.
“Ehehehehehehe!” Hinata squeaked, giggling happily. “Thahahahahahat wahahahasn’t a no!”
“Yeah, whatever, moron. If you must. Just not there.”
“Of cohohohohohourse I must tihihihickle you!” Hinata beamed, grabbing his knee and digging into the underside of it this time, making him giggle, too. “Hohohohow ehehehelse are we gohohohonna have tihihihihickle fihihights?”
“You ahahahahahare such an ihihihihidiot.”
With that, the two of them took turns tickling each other into round after round of hysterics for the rest of the morning, completely oblivious to the fact that three of their teammates showed up and then left again at different times, unwilling to barge in on their silly battle. And when the first bell rang, signaling to them both just how much time had passed, they scrambled to get to their classes on time, already so exhausted they had no hope of surviving the regular school day, let alone practice afterward.
But it was worth it.
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ct-multifandom · 3 years
Miracuclass Amogus Cringe
I was going back and forth about making this post, but then I saw @charming-mage ‘s and I was like screw it we’re doing this. This ended up 10x longer than I thought it’d be.
Marinette (crewmate) - tries to organize everyone into a buddy system to corner the impostors, gets frustrated when people agree to her plan and then start running rogue. When discussions start she’s leading the conversation and asking the most questions. She greatly prefers crewmate over impostor because she likes the mystery solving element of discussions.
Marinette (impostor) - whenever she kills someone she goes, “ahhhh” out loud and panics while her avatar sprints away from the body. She likes coming up with convoluted plans, especially when she can communicate with her fellow imp(s), and tries to make it seem like she’s in two places at once wether it be through venting or falsified testimony.
Adrien (crewmate) - he has to unmute and ask how to do like every individual task to the point where he’s been voted out over it before because cmon, you’ve gotta be lying about it at this point, just piece it together and stop unmuting during task time. He makes puns and sings little improvised songs while tasking. When he suspects someone but they don’t get voted out, he offers to tail them at the cost of his own safety. Same with fixing sabotages late-game. To him, getting killed is just part of the game progression, and it’s not a big deal because he trusts his fellow crewmates to avenge him and doesn’t mind ghost-tasking.
Adrien (impostor) - okay maybe he lies about not knowing tasks sometimes. But it also took him a while to learn imp mechanics and he kept asking about them out loud like, “what’s the red square task on the floor? Why’s my name highlighted?” And somehow nobody noticed while his partner(s) were like nggggg Adrien no... At least he’s good at playing innocent/fake-detective-ing in discussions. Whenever he kills someone he makes some stupid one-liner about it out loud.
Alya (crewmate) - we got Sherlock Holmes over here. She overanalyzes every tiny detail and isn’t scared to sacrifice the sus for the greater cause. When she finishes tasks, she likes to hang out by security and snoop in case of the rare satisfaction of catching someone red-handed. If there’s an emergency meeting, it’s probably because she probably saw something. She supports Crewinette’s plans to corner the imps. She thinks tasks wins are boring and that it’s a lot more fun to win through voting correctly. If they task-win or lose she stops before the new game and asks who the imps were and for a recap of their actions.
Alya (impostor) - a force to be reckoned with. She’ll wait for the perfect moment to strike someone, and then cover her tracks, join a group and win herself a strong alibi anyways. Her reputation as a ruthless detective protects her, even when the game is set to show that the ejected person was innocent. She always chooses someone to kill and someone to blame for it, but sometimes she gets carried away and they vote her off for pointing too many fingers.
Nino (crewmate) - he’s just tasking, man. If he gets killed he’s like, “oh mf” and just keeps ghost-tasking. He mostly hangs out during the discussions unless he has something solid to say, only jumping in at the end to confirm, “so we’re voting for _?”. He leads his own little crewmate squad around when he finishes tasks to protect them while they finish theirs.
Nino (impostor) - mostly plays off the strategy of his partner(s). He likes playing the protective team-player type “innocent diversion” role while the partner(s) get to killing, so when discussions start he’s totally in the clear, which gives him an opening to dodge suspicion in the future if he needs to take over killing. He pretends to fix sabotages all the time because people rely on him to do that as a crewmate.
Max (crewmate) - freakishly good at the card scanning task. People always ask for his secret and he’s like? It’s so easy? He has every map memorized to a t so he can point out the contradictions in people’s stories like an ace attorney character. It’s surprisingly really helpful. He’s the opposite of Alya in that he’s a big supporter of the “guys, stop voting off random innocent people, we have like five tasks left. Whoever hasn’t done them, just finish them” strategy.
Max (impostor) - he tries his best to protect his partner(s) in the discussion while laying low himself, and sometimes he gets voted out for it, but if he senses that there’s nothing he can do, he’ll throw them even further under the bus to build credit for himself. He doesn’t like sacrificing innocents as a crewmate, so his defenses are only sus when he’s caught being wrong. He sabotages a lot to control people’s movements and vents liberally unless he committed to a tasking group. That being said, he can go whole rounds without killing out of caution.
Kim (crewmate) - he’s the guy who calls emergency meetings early into the game only to say, “I miss you guys :)” He gets voted out all the time for doing troll-y crap and ignoring Crewinette’s plans. He’s also severely confused by some of the tasks and game mechanics, but fakes it till he makes it, until the discussion where he rarely says anything valuable and just jokes around. Sometimes, though, he’ll offer a tiny offhand detail and everyone’s like Kim, I hate to say it, but you’re a genius or that’s the piece we’ve been missing! And he’s like haha ok. He’s always behind on tasks, sometimes out of laziness, sometimes out of confusion, but he’s one of the people Max is impatiently waiting on.
Kim (impostor) - he gets caught in the act a lot and it’s hilarious, but other times he gets away with everything the entire time, which is kinda scary. He’s weirdly good at introducing so much confusion and derailment to discussions that everyone gets totally lost and doesn’t know what’s going on, allowing him to survive when they could’ve easily figured him out. Unlike Max, he knows literally nothing about the maps and always says he was at the “slidey thing” or whatever and everyone’s like idk wtf the slidey thing is, and if this were anyone else they’d be gone immediately, but it’s Kim so he might actually be telling the truth. He refuses to learn the names of anything because this really helps him out.
Alix (crewmate) - always trying to convince her friends to experiment with ridiculous game settings. Occasionally, she gets to them, and they get games with comically unbalanced imp:crew ratios, awful lighting, an overwhelming load or lack of tasks, or hilariously low cool downs. She revels in the chaos. When she tasks she usually moves from place to place alone but tries to hop in with groups to confirm her movements. She’s pretty good at sussing imps out when they offer enough information, but otherwise she just makes goofy comments with Kim.
Alix (impostor) - not too worried about killing people and venting. She moves fast and dashes from place to place, joining a group on the opposite side of the map from her last body. If anyone says, “I saw someone vent but I didn’t see who” it was probably her. She likes the “stand in a clump and watch the chaos ensue when one person drops” technique as well as the gambling “hope that the UI for the task everyone’s doing covers your killing and venting” strat. Sometimes she’s forced to vent to a dead end and gets caught, and sometimes the big brain detectives catch her, but she’s usually pretty smooth.
Rose (crewmate) - a big fan of hide and seek mode. She likes grouping up for tasks, protecting each other at the cost of efficiency. During discussions, she has a hard time believing anyone’s the impostor, and everyone’s like, Rose, we know there are exactly three of them, you can’t defend every individual person. Whenever she gets killed she is like *gasp* et tu, Brute? No matter who it was.
Rose (impostor) - runs around with her squad when... oops... looks like something got sabotaged! Uh oh, wonder who could’ve done that? She’s in a battle against that task bar more so than the players, and tries to stay away from killing. She emulates crewmate behavior perfectly so no one ever suspects her until really late. If she’s the only imp left and she has to kill, it’s like an Agatha Christie locked room mystery level of drama and betrayal within her squad. But we were all together the whole time... omfg no way... it was one of us.
Juleka (crewmate) - she secretly prefers when everyone tasks alone, but goes with the squad for Rose. She only talks in discussions if she’s 100% sure about something, and she often incomprehensibly mumbles vital evidence. ~10 minutes later when they catch the imp she’s like iItoldyouso and the crew’s like ??? If she gets killed and her tasks are done, she haunts that impostor relentlessly. Sometimes she even organizes ghost brigades in ghost chat and gets everyone to follow them.
Juleka (impostor) - definitely gets a kick out of the kill button. Whenever she takes someone down she’s like heeheehee. If she was peer pressured into a task team again, she’ll anxiously try to slip away unnoticed for a second to catch someone in the hallway outside, but if she’s alone, she’s on a hunt. Nobody is safe. When she defends herself on voice chat she also mumbles incomprehensibly and everyone’s like sure, fair enough.
Mylene (crewmate) - seasoned task group leader. She also sings little task songs like Adrien. She tries to organize people into chatting regular status updates so they can tell if someone goes missing. She reports every body she finds and actively participates in the discussion, but whenever she makes good points, she gets overlooked. Then, the crew’s like Mylene, why didn’t you say anything sooner? And she’s like agjdjdhh Either that or she gets voted off for always reporting and being too eager to discuss on top of it.
Mylene (impostor) - gets her partner(s) inside her team and tries to tag-team anyone passing by, only for all the impostors to have alibis when she reports. If the ratio is right, they can destroy their own group, and then immediately point the finger at whoever is left, which works about half the time. Mylene is a pretty convincing actress, but the high IQ tricks only work a couple times.
Ivan (crewmate) - he’ll take one for the team if he has to, especially in those sabotage cases where you’d have to be isolated and vulnerable. Otherwise he’ll protect his group. He has an “innocent until proven guilty” attitude when he runs into other people on the map, and skips during a lot of the votes.
Ivan (impostor) - we all know he can’t lie to save his life. He usually gets voted out really fast if he kills someone because he gets nervous and starts saying contradictory things when questioned. That being said, he’ll do what he can to keep his partner(s) in the clear. He never vents because the risk is too high for him, instead just running around and saying, “sorry” out loud when he catches a victim.
Nathaniel (crewmate) - he’s the opposite of Adrien in that he’ll do anything to avoid getting killed. He runs around tasking on his own, but he’s usually behind because he’s so focused on avoiding everyone, to Max’s frustration. He also never reports bodies. This causes him to be sus at all times, so he gets voted out a lot. Wild Nath sightings are rare and terrifying because he’s never in the clear and he’s just standing there, menacingly. Imp!Alix sees him as a fun combo of Where’s Waldo and Assassin.
Nathaniel (impostor) - the millisecond that cool down timer runs out, someone is getting killed. Hit and run. He’s good at entering a fairly crowded large space, striking, and staying in everyone’s blind spots while he runs away, especially when the lights are out. He likes venting to isolated areas and killing as many people per round as he can, laughing when someone finally reports and everyone unmutes to go WHAT!? at the number of deaths. He tends to operate separately from his partner(s) unless they have an actual plan.
Chloe (crewmate) - gathers every single person in medbay and makes sure they all watch her scan. Yeah okay, we get, you’re a crewmate. She feels personally offended whenever someone kills her, which is often, since people tend to jokingly target her. During discussions, she accuses anyone and everyone of being sus, even if she just walked past them or saw them tasking alone. She likes stalking people as a ghost and spilling tea in ghost chat.
Chloe (impostor) - reacts similarly to Marinette when she kills. She will throw her partner(s) under the bus if it’s more advantageous in the long run, and she’s great at shifting the blame to innocents. People vote her out a lot anyways, and she says she can’t believe that they even like this stupid little game. Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. Unless she wins. Then it’s fun.
Sabrina (crewmate) - discussion detective supreme. She keeps track of every piece of evidence and testimony, every detail. She tails the sus at a distance, trying to catch them doing something. Sometimes it gets her targeted, but sometimes she catches them and calls emergency meetings to snitch. Somehow she manages to do this and finish her tasks at the same time.
Sabrina (impostor) - sabotages everything, and tries to get her partner(s) to do it too. Once she won because the crew just didn’t fix O2 in time. She avoids killing Chloe, but feels bad if she has to kill anyone else too. She typically just sticks to making other people seem suspicious, and likes the game mode where you can’t see if you voted correctly or not.
Lila (both) - she rarely joins these games. She isn’t even a member of the chat group they use. They occasionally invite her, and she usually lies about how busy she is, but she accepted a couple times to further her narrative. She pretends to be really bad at being an impostor to establish herself as someone incapable of trickery. Regardless of her role, whenever the body announcement pops up, she goes, “oh nooo, not [victim(s)]... nooo....” and Mari’s like stfu Lila.
Bonus Polaroid kids because,,, they <3
Kagami (crewmate) - hella efficient at tasks. Two discussions in and she’s done. She’s the interrogation specialist who stresses out the imps and crew alike with her barrage of questions. She likes moving either alone or in partners, three people maximum, unless Crewinette needs her, in which case she’ll stick to the plan no matter what.
Kagami (impostor) - you’re walking through the base / there’s no one around and comms are down / out of the corner of your eye you spot her / Kagami Tsurugi. She will have you cornered and you won’t be able to do anything about it. She always has a made up explanation for what she was doing, but sometimes it falls through solely because she’s always acting sus.
Luka (crewmate) - he likes crewmate a lot more than impostor. He’ll tag along with a task group until he’s done, and then he’ll go lurk in the corner and spy on people. He moves along the walls, and a few times this has led to him witnessing murders in the middle of the room while the imp only saw him after it was too late. Cue the mad dash for emergency meeting.
Luka (impostor) - works together with his partner(s) to perform some high level backstabbery. He rarely gets voted out unless he messes up because he builds bonds of trust with like half of the crew while he leads the rest into his partner(s)’ traps. He feels bad about killing sometimes, but he doesn’t mind sabotaging.
Zoe (crewmate) - she finds one or two other people she trusts and follows them around. She uses the logic of “well we could’ve both killed each other by now but we didn’t so they must be safe”. She immediately recounts everything that happened to her that round in discussions, even irrelevant details, just in case they might end up useful, and tends to bandwagon with voting.
Zoe (impostor) - tries to catch people in secluded corners or rooms with closable doors to kill them. She avoids taking risks, but sometimes she reports her own bodies and tries to act all surprised by the discovery. She’s a good actress, but she’s not the best bs artist, although the crew is used to her giving a ton of details right from the start, so they don’t suspect her unless there’s a hole in her story.
Marc (crewmate) - does tasks on his own but makes sure to stop near crowds when he can. Whenever he’s running around alone and sees someone else, he immediately turns around like ohmygodohmygod and anxiously dances around the other person who’s more than likely just another, equally anxious crewmate with places to be. He still gets killed a lot.
Marc (impostor) - he goes full anime villain mode. All according to keikaku. He’s one of those people who disproportionately rolls the impostor role and ends up with it like twice every five games. He plans out every move he’s gonna make, every complex lie and big brain play, and sometimes he gets that glorious evil win, but sometimes his plans are totally sabotaged by stupid things like Kim’s trolling.
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magniloquent-raven · 4 years
I love your trans-billy! I need more <3
AW OMG IM SO FLATTERED!! it was just a little vent fic tbh, but i have been wanting to write more trans billy because the fandom needs more of it, so here is a part two!
(read part one here)
(i do get into billy’s childhood a little bit in this part, so cw: child abuse mentions)
seems like billy's whole damn life is just a series of stupid choices and him dealing with the consequences of his own impulsiveness.
started young and never stopped. when he was six he chopped off all his hair in the school bathroom right before class photos. didn't even consider what would happen when he walked out of that room, he just felt wrong and wanted to fix it.
he had to walk around for months with a patchy hack-job because neil refused to pay to get it fixed. his mom said she'd try to make it better but billy wouldn't let her touch it. he was afraid she'd try to make him pretty again. undo all his hard work.
after that it was easier to sneak into groups of boys unnoticed, like the kids three streets down who were always playing basketball in the empty parking lot. they'd turned him away before, took one look at him and sneered that a girl couldn't keep up.
but after he put on a pair of too-big cargo shorts he stole off the neighbours clothes' line, and a t-shirt he'd hacked the sleeves off of, with his newly shorn hair all they did was make fun of him for looking poor. but they let him play.
months later, they hadn't caught on, even though his hair was growing out, and he wore the same clothes every time he saw them. he was starting to get nervous about being discovered.
what he didn't expect was neil discovering him first.
it was the first time his dad really hit him. more than just grabbing his arm, or shoving him a little. the first time he left scars.
he said if billy wanted to act like a boy, he'd get taught like one.
and life was a constant battle after that. even when he had his mother in his corner, it was usually a losing one. after she left there was barely any point in fighting at all, but he could never seem to stop entirely.
not when this was, according to his father's standards, what it takes to be a man.
but in trying to prove himself, he ended up in some fucked up places.
on the floor in his bedroom, his back torn open and the sharp crack of a belt ringing in his ears, still refusing to admit that tearing up the dress his nana made him wasn't an accident.
under the bleachers, blowing a guy who called him a dyke one too many times. then leaving him with his pants down and a broken nose 'cause he wouldn't stop trying for more than that.
waking up in a hospital bed, eighteen years old and wondering why he's still alive. being told it's a miracle. being told he was heroic. saved some little girl. got his name in the paper.
four months later taking a bus to chicago, picking out a new name on the way and never looking back.
and he might be living a whole new life here, but that doesn't mean he left all his stupid back in california.
it's been a week since he spent an afternoon half-conscious in steve's arms, and things have been disturbingly normal between them. steve hasn't asked any weird questions, or commented on billy being pathetic and needy, or acted like things have changed.
they haven't talked about any of it, and it's making billy nervous.
he's not sure what he thought would happen when he asked steve to hold him, to stay, he wasn't thinking at all, really, so now he's gotta deal with that.
problem is, he hasn't been dealing well. he's been dodging steve's calls. he's been jumpy, freezing up when steve comes anywhere near him.
which, he's come to notice, he does a lot. always sitting next to billy when they hang out in groups, always brushing past a little closer than necessary when he slips by him to leave the room.
and now. steve's insinuated himself into billy's evening, showing up unannounced with beer and a blindingly cheerful grin, sitting next thigh-to-thigh on the lumpy love-seat. and. billy's grinding his teeth. pretending to pay attention to the tv and not steve's warm leg pressed to his knee.
touching steve has always been a special kind of glorious agony, but now. now it's all that and week-old memories of soft lips brushing his forehead, remembering what it was like to wake up in his arms, feeling dizzy with warmth and want and...
steve's knee shifts, presses firmer against his, and billy can't take it anymore.
"alright, that's it!" he's on his feet, fists balled at his side, steve blinking up at him with his big dumb precious doe-eyes, and he trembles like an indignant cat. "the hell is up with you, harrington?" he snaps, pointing an accusing finger.
steve stares at him, mouth agape. "...um. nothing?" his cheeks are pink, and billy wants so badly to kiss him 'til he blushes everywhere.
he swallows hard, and crosses his arms. "c'mon, man, don't lie to me. it's been a week—" his voice falters, but he sets his jaw, tilts his chin like a challenge.
when he woke up that night, steve drooling on his shoulder, arm securely around his waist, he panicked. he shoved steve off of him, and they spent the next twenty minutes in tense, awkward silence while billy cleaned up and ignored steve. steve, who stayed, ordered a pizza, payed for it, and then left without eating a single slice.
and then.
for a goddamn week. hanging out like nothing happened.
"i—" steve chokes on air, breaking eye-contact. "i mean. i didn't think you—" he's sinking in on himself, retreating into the couch, his gaze wandering the room listlessly. billy would feel bad if he wasn't so amped up on nervous energy, thrumming with adrenaline, waiting for the other shoe to drop. "i'm sorry."
billy blinks. "you're sorry."
"yeah?" steve glances at him, but only for a second before he ducks his head. he picks at his nails, frowning at his own hands in his lap. "i...i can go, i...sorry if i made things weird."
"if you...made things...weird," billy repeats, slowly. like it'll make any more sense coming from his own mouth.
it doesn't.
he deflates a little. steve looks up at him, expression pinched, bemused.
"are you just gonna repeat everything i say, or...?"
"harrington, i swear to god," billy grits out, "start making sense, or fuck off."
at least billy understands what's happening when guys sneer and leave after they find out the only dick they'll ever get from him is made of silicone. this clusterfuck is just...hurting his brain.
steve opens and closes his mouth soundlessly. "um..." he runs a restless hand through his hair. "i thought...you know...i got a little too, um. affectionate. last week. and you seemed so freaked out when you woke up, i...figured we could just, like, move on. act like nothing happened. 'cause it'd be easier?"
"but clearly that wasn't it—" he cuts himself off, and sags, groaning, head falling into his hands. "shit, i'm an idiot. billy, i'm so dumb, i'm so sorry. you were worried about how i'd react to. um." he pauses. gestures towards billy's crotch. "right?"
billy flushes. "i wasn't—can you stop pointing at it, jesus christ. i wasn't worried. i was just..." he trails off and bites his lip. shifts his weight around awkwardly. he's usually so much better at thinking on his feet, but fucking hell is he so off-balance right now. too thrown off to even come up with a little white lie.  
steve drops his hand, looking sheepish. "look, i...you never said anything, so i didn't mention it either. i'm not...it isn't any of my business if you don't want it to be."
"...do you want it to be?" billy's heart is in his mouth as he says it, pulse stuttering, tripping over itself.
"i—" steve's eyes widen. they stare at each other for a beat. the moment stretches, the drone of the tv in the background the only noise in the apartment. "are you asking what i think you're asking? because i don't want to assume and—" he trails off with a strangled noise when billy steps forward and climbs into his lap.
he's barely touching him, knees brushing his hips, sitting mid-thigh, keeping his hands to himself. but it still feels...intimate. steve's gaze heavy on him, inches away. knowing that if he put his hand on steve's chest he'd feel his heart racing.
"i'm asking," billy says quietly.
he sees this kiss coming and yet he still doesn't expect it. doesn't expect to be touched so softly, his face cradled like something precious. doesn't expect the way his stomach swoops, heart clenching, tense for a second before something warm blooms in his chest.
when he curls his fingers into the front of steve's shirt he does, in fact, feel his heart racing.
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karimac · 3 years
...in the details, Part 2
A/N: Warning for this series: 18+ audience (minors DNI), some cinematic level violence, some fluff and angst. Doubt that smut will be involved, but it may be implied. I’ll make sure that is noted clearly if it pops up.
All relationships, at this point anyway, are platonic.
Please do not repost or translate my work. Likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
A bit about the OC Kari
Part 1
All mistakes are my own.
Word count: 2,249
Before you ventured into Westview, a flight of birds overhead reminded you of Redwing and Sam. Poor Sam. That sixth sense you had told you that fight at the compound was going to lead you all into very weird places. And the first one left you very squarely not in the room once again.
This time it was Steve and Bucky being thick as thieves, and you and Sam were…making a sandwich run? Couldn’t exactly get GrubHub to make a delivery to an attack site, could you? Bruce did not want some driver with a cellphone putting video up on Snapchat. “How would that look?” he bemoaned as he worked on the time travel platform. “We’d be getting tourists left and right. I don’t need that.” So off you and Sam went.
“You know, you could just, you know,” Sam started to say as he waved his hands like he thought a wizard would do, “and just poof up a plate of stuff. Right? With extra food for Banner, of course. He inhales tacos like nobody’s business. Just ask Tic Tac.”
“Sam, what have I told all of you before? Magic is the transfer of energy and matter. No suitable food stuff means no sandwiches. I can’t just think about the deli counter at Wegman’s and make a sandwich and a side of coleslaw appear in my hand. So, we’ll order on the app and pick it up. Just like everyone else. Before I hit the button, any changes to your order?”
“No, it’s fine. But don’t tell me you’ve never done shit like that when you’ve had your back against it,” Falcon huffed as you went to the rental car you’d gotten earlier in the day. That, thank Heaven, was easy to get at the local but extremely small airport.
“I’ve killed small rodents and eaten them, and I don’t mean just rabbits. Snakes, too. And, well, birds of prey, like falcons,” you groaned as you started to get into the car, but you stopped and headed back to the passenger side. “And I know you hate my driving, so here you go,” you said as you handed Sam the keys. “Sorry it isn’t a Ferrari. I was lucky to get this Kia. They didn’t exactly have anything race course worthy.”
As Sam climbed in, he saw bags of gear in the back seat. “You pulling a Wanda? Need some me time away from all us testosterone jockeys? Cyborg is going to be pissed.”
“Bucky has other stuff to deal with, trust me,” you said as you rolled your eyes. “He does not need to add Crazy Old Broad to his growing list of things to do and people to take care of this week. I heard him talking to Steve…”
“You? Eavesdropping? You are human!” Sam smirked, but then he saw the comment had hit a nerve. “You know I was kidding, right?”
“I know you are,” you said as you swallowed hard. In reality, you were not exactly buying that last comment. Sam was a sweetheart, but his comment sounded like things Tony and Steve had said about you in the weeks before the Time Heist. It depended on the situation, but one or the other of them seemed to question you, your motives, your powers and what they could do, and, at times, your grasp on reality. You did have a connection to a goddess they couldn’t see. Blaming them for having those questions just was not in your wheelhouse. “And yeah, maybe I just need to go figure a few things out. You guys know how to get me back here if you need me.”
“Somehow I don’t think Steve, Bucky and I would look so great standing and screaming your name in the middle of a fight,” Sam noted as he finally turned the key in the ignition.
“Now who is having issues with gender roles?” you said with a very pronounced side glance. “Sam, we are all human. We all need a save now and then. Maybe you’ll never have to utter my name again after today, unless you guys can’t find something you think I hid? Thor will be back once he’s done exploring the universe, and you can always get him here fast if you have Strange find him. And Wong is just dying for his shot as a full time Avenger. We all know that! And I can go back and do, well, goddess stuff, I guess. And raise horses. Just, please, make sure no one drops the ball on Parker. He lost his parents and his uncle. Losing Tony will hit him harder than anyone likely expects. He’s a good kid. He just needs support and guidance. Now, want to get this thing moving, or do you want me to drive?”
“And have you antagonize the local cops by going Mach 1? No thank you!”
You had to laugh at that one. You did tend to floor it. A lot.
A short time later, you and Sam rolled back to the site Bruce had chosen to set up the time travel platform. After you two handed out all the food, you realized it was really time for you to get going. No, you didn’t have a train, plane or bus to catch or someone to meet. You just knew it was going to get harder to make the break the longer you stayed there.
“She’s pulling a Wanda on us,” Sam said as he finished off the last of the sweet tea he had grabbed at the deli where you’d gotten food. “I think it’s too much he-man macho stuff, but she won’t fess up to that.”
“Wilson, how many brothers did I have?” you asked as you cleaned up the trash from the table Bruce had borrowed from a local park that had been wrecked during the battle. It had a huge hole in the end, but hey, it was good enough for the moment.
“Eight,” Bucky replied before Sam got the chance. “Just don’t quiz me on all their names. I remember your twin, Branan, and the one who was the vampire. Ewan? Right?”
“Yup, that’s right,” you grinned at Buck. “And no quiz. Promise,” you said as you raised your left hand and crossed your heart with your right.
“Why are you leaving?” Bruce asked as he adjusted the sling on his still injured arm, putting extra emphasis on the word “are” as he uttered it. “We need all the help we can get.”
Bruce, heaven help him, was suddenly one of the last active OG Avengers standing on Earth. Thor was off finding himself with the Guardians, and no one could really begrudge him that. He needed time to heal, and you knew all too well that was not easy nor time limited. Clint had more or less retired again after Natasha’s sacrifice on Vormir. Steve was getting ready to take the stones back, but upon his return, he’d likely join up with Sam and Bucky again to root out any remaining Hydra cells. That left Bruce in a very different place this time around.
“Bruce, you don’t really need me being a head case. Trust me. You do not need me giving any news outlets ammunition to blast headlines that make the team look less than spotless. I need to go home, at least for a little while,” you replied, knowing full well you were not telling him or the others everything. “And as I reminded Sam, you guys can just call me, and I’ll be here. Just whisper my name. Or yell it. Whatever works. Text me! If it’s an emergency, and if I’m not in the middle of some new damned war on my end, I’ll come running. But I have a feeling you guys are going to be just fine. Hell, I’ll give you a blessing before I head out.”
Yeah. A blessing. More like the final nail in the coffin. The words to start the spell to make them forget you.
“Big guy, you first,” you said as you put your hands on Bruce’s injured right arm. “And no, I am doing this, Bruce. It won’t be a full healing, but it should speed things up. You got this, big guy. Biggest brain. Biggest heart. May you realize just how much this team was built with your sweat and tears as it was anyone else’s.”
“I can’t change your mind?” Bruce asked as he pretended to wipe a tear from his eye and pout a bit. “And I am not asking because you are likely the only one of us who can cook…”
“I’m pretty sure all of you guys can cook something. Maybe not a good Colcannon or a fine Dublin coddle, but you’ll survive. As for the cupcakes, you guys may need to get a bakery on speed dial,” you added with a laugh because you knew they’d make that bakery rich. The Avengers loved their sugary snacks.
“Just don’t bug my sister, Bruce,” Sam noted as he waited for you to come over to him. “I still remember asking why the Cupcake Lady had a sword that night when those demon things attacked near the tower. I never asked. Why the cupcakes?”
“And not why the demons or the sword?” you said as you nearly choked on your words. “You realize that was before Steve saw me at Peggy’s funeral. That night was truly a fluke, Sam. No one was supposed to see that side of me then. As for the cupcakes, they were my entry to your world. Gifts from a fan girl. They’re easy to carry, a synch to personalize when needed, and everyone can have their own without fighting,” you said with a grin as Sam shook his head. “What?”
“You sound like Sarah.”
“Then I am in good company. Tell her the good stuff you’ve told me all these years. The words of wisdom. The little jokes. The pep talks. Tell her often. A single mom with two boys needs that. Be there for her, and drag these guys to see her, too. It would do the boys a world of good to have all their uncles stop by. Now, Samuel,” you said as you gave him a hug, “remember to keep these guys flying right. And if the world drops opportunity in your lap, whatever it might be, do not look at it and push it away without a lot of thought. The world needs Sam Wilson, the hero with a heart.”
And now the hardest part of this good bye had you wiping tears from your eyes. “I know. I’m a big mush. Girls from Brooklyn would laugh at me for this, right? Sorry, but girls from Naas and Athy do cry sometimes. I’m going to miss you two lugs. A lot.”
“Lugs. Last time you called us that was in ’43,” Bucky said as he looked down at his feet for a minute. “Somehow Hydra missed that memory.”
“You’ll see us again,” Steve said as he turned briefly to see where the case with the stones was on the platform. “But this time, it better not take 70 years.”
As you looked at the best friends, something about their auras seemed off. They had been planning something when you almost walked in on their chat a few days ago. You had no idea what it was, and you suddenly didn’t want to hang around to find out what the next act was going to bring.
“Just…watch your back, Steve. From what Clint said about Vormir, that one is going to be tough. And Buck, whatever comes next, I’m rooting for you. Even if you can’t see me doing it.”
“You really don’t have to leave,” Bruce kept insisting as you hefted your backpack on your shoulder.
“Dr. Banner, do you really want to fight my demons after all this? I have enemies. You just haven’t seen them yet. Frankly, the only reason that Hydra didn’t grab me before I hooked up with the Howling Commandos was because I was pulled into another dimension by one of those enemies. It was only by some weird twist of fate that Peggy found me when she did. If the veil between worlds had not been so thin near that camp, I might never have made it back, or Hydra might have found me first. It was pure dumb luck.”
{{And, Heaven help me, part of it was these two lugs over here}} you thought as you turned to head to your car. Then you stopped. This was a lot harder than it had been any time before, but it was the curse of an immortal to have to keep moving on. “I wish you luck, joy and happiness. I wish you peace. And, if you are truly lucky, memories long enough to have little space to spare for the likes of me because they are filled with so much more! See you in my dreams, for now anyway, fellas.”
You rolled out of there before Steve started his mission to return the stones, and you got a text from Bruce hours later telling you everything that had happened. Steve not coming back as planned. Then an older version of Steve shows up, sitting on a bench near the platform, and he gives Sam the shield. Right in front of Bucky.
It was now weeks later. No. It was months later, and here you were staring up at the sign for Westview. You’d gotten out of your rental car so you could get a feeling for the area around this little town.
“You made it back,” a voice said behind you. “How are you, after all that mess with Wanda and that Agatha woman? She was a real piece of work.”
The person speaking to you was Dr. Darcy Lewis. Friend of Thor and Dr. Jane Foster. Why was she even here?
You couldn’t fully figure out what the hell she was talking about. You didn’t remember being here before. Yet, you knew who she was, and you had never met her before. Or at least you couldn’t remember meeting her, here or anywhere else.
“Apparently not as great as I thought I was,” you muttered as you winced again. “Dr. Lewis, how long ago was the blip?”
“Give or take a week, about six months ago,” she replied as you started to pace. “Why?”
“Shit. Not this again,” you hissed as you looked up at the sign once more. “I think I’m going to need your help. How much do you know about Celtic myths and Irish history, Dr. Lewis?”
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hajimeiwaswife · 3 years
Tumblr media
Word count: 4,1K
Warnings: major character death, little angst
Summary: two lovers reunited by the power of music.
"Traveller! Be careful!" Xiao shouted, reaching to Aether in time to safe him from being knocked by a giant rock that fell out of the mountain.
"Thank you, Xiao." the boy said, out of breath, before resuming the fight against their enemies, the ones that had taken his sister away from him.
Xiao recognised easily the odour of blood, having spilled so much by himself in his past. If it had been any other time, he would have fought harshly and precisely, but now that he had finally found happiness, he didn't want to die. Or worst, his significant other to die.
Years took upon the Adeptus to finally open up to the Anemo Archon, who didn't give up on him ever since they met. Barbatos, or Venti, as he liked to go by, had been by his side trying for the Adeptus to comprehend human emotions, feelings that he already had inside of him. He had been so patient with him, so caring, that now Xiao finally understood what it was to be loved. But what if this battle took it away from him? He was terrified.
The sound of explosions surrounded the landscape, lifeless corpses on the ground above pools of scarlet liquid decorating the grass. The touch of Death wrapping those who sighed their last breath, too many to be count. The Adeptus was heading into battle again when he felt someone grab his shoulder, the gentle hands of his lover.
"Not there," Venti stated, taking Xiao's hand in his, "you're needed in this other area. The Millelith are having trouble."
He took his orders, not without giving him a nod to indicate respect and, in Xiao's language, a 'take care'. Venti, however, took the Adeptus' nape and kissed him briefly before running away, laughing mischievously. Poor Xiao, flustered as ever, followed the way he had been indicated and started fighting in all his might again, powerful lance in hand.
Hours of battle passed, more dead around the survivors to assimilate. The Adeptus was tired and in need of checking on his loved ones, but he continued to fulfil his duty, he understood that if he was exhausted, humans would be in their limit. Nonetheless, after everything went quiet, he breathed as if he had been deprived of oxygen for centuries.
The silence was appalling, announcing the misfortunes and desperation that waited for those who were still alive. Xiao took a look around, sighting Aether with Paimon, Zhongli, Kaeya, Diluc, Jean and some of the Knights of Favonious. He also saw some of his fellow Adepti and the Qixing. But he couldn't find Venti, the Anemo Archon was nowhere to be seen nor to be heard.
A bad feeling sunk in the bottom of his stomach, with shaking legs he started walking along the path of corpses, wishing to be mistaken and to not find his lover laying within them. When he saw no green in the clothes of the dead, he felt relieved, knowing that the Archon was somewhere else, until he saw the blue braids he loved so much.
His heart dropped while he approached the corpse, green clothes now red from blood, characteristic hat lost somewhere in the valley, aquamarine eyes, once full of life, now looked at the sky without emotion, lifeless, no soul behind them. The Adeptus' knees gave up and fell next to his lover's body. He was speechless, in shock, completely gone from reality as his brain tried to understand what was going on in front of him. 'Please, let it be another nightmare.'
With tremble hands, Xiao took Venti's body in a cold hug, the Archon's head on the Adeptus' chest that rumbled in a hurt scream, shouting to the skies and letting them know he had had enough, he had lost the person he loved the most. Swaying them both from side to side, Xiao cried, caressing Barbatos' hair. "I love you, please, don't leave me." Xiao begged, heartbroken. "I know I never told you, but I think- no, I am in love with you. At last, I understand my feelings. Please, Venti, don't go."
Aether came next to Xiao, pitying his friend's sobs that didn't stop. He also felt sad by Venti's loss, he considered the Archon his friend, and he was going to cry and mourn his death. Along with him, the survivors of Mondstadt as a whole kneed in front of the dead Archon and the Adeptus, bidding their goodbyes to Barbatos, the Archon of the City of Freedom.
2000 years later, in another dimension...
Xiao was late, he had overslept and had lost the train to the Conservatory, again. He had spent the night studying Harmony II and lost track of time. What was sleep for a student, though? 'Never heard of it.'
Running across the street, trying not to lose his piano sheets, he finally got to the bus station, the only transport apart from the train that could get him to his destination. It was to its fullest, so he would have to be standing, not very practical to study. He eyes followed the Chopin Nocturne nº20, thinking the rubatos in his mind and trying to memorize the digits in the final scales. He sighed, if he hadn't had spent so much time studying the Harmony rules in the Gregorian Era, he would have had enough time to practice piano. But organization wasn't his best attribute.
He trusted his ability reading at first sight and closed the folder, looking out the window. It was a good day, the sun was shining and lighting the path of those who walked in their way to their jobs, schools, universities or even who were just strolling. The few trees the city had were full of green leaves that were swaying to the sound of the pre summer breeze, warning people of the incoming heat wave. Xiao wished to finish the year as soon as possible so he could go to the beach and stroll and listen to music with the dancing waves of the ocean.
The rest of the morning went without incident, his inner talent allowing him to feign having study and his teacher praising his musicality. Xiao was a sensitive person, he felt too deep, different from what everyone who knew him thought of him because of his rough facade. His musicality and deep feelings were what made him an expert in Chopin, being the best in his region to play the musical pieces of the Polish composer.
He exited the place and walked to the train station thinking about his incoming exams, music was definitely one of the tougher and more beautiful things he had ever experimented. At the same time, he started listening a guitar melody and a sweet voice accompanying it; Xiao looked to the source of the sound and saw a boy his age playing an acoustic guitar and singing inside the train station. He had dyed dark blue hair, nearly black, that degraded into a light blue the nearer it came closer to his hair tips. He had enough hair to pull it into a bun, giving him a carefree look that matched his crop trousers, white t-shirt and denim jacket. But when they both made eye contact, Xiao swore to had seen those eyes before, gentle aquamarine gaze looking back at him.
The pianist stood there for a few minutes, listening and admiring the singer, but he had to go if he didn't want to lose the train. He just hoped he would see the singer again, captivated by his songs and, especially, his eyes.
Indeed, he saw the man every day since at that same spot, at the same hour, different songs. Xiao envied him, he also wanted to compose, but was too focused learning classical pieces to invest more time in composing his own ones, but he was positive one day he would.
It continued like that for a month; the man would be there, playing and singing while Xiao stood there for some minutes listening to him. He was so familiar and strange at the same time that Xiao had no choice but be intrigued by him. Until one day, the man wasn't there.
"What?" Xiao looked around, but the dark blue haired man wasn't in his usual spot nor in any nearby.
For a week, the singer didn't appear and Xiao started to think he would not see him again. Much to his disdain, he felt sad; he always waited for the time of the day where he would see and hear the man, it was like a ritual for him. Now, all of a sudden, it was gone.
Walking out of the train, distracted looking for the man, he didn't notice his folder opening and the piano sheets getting lost among the people.
"Hey!" he heard behind him. Even if he had never heard him talk, he knew it was him, his voice sounded as sweet as when he sang. He turned around and saw the singer behind him, shaking some papers in his hands, "I think these are yours!"
Xiao took at what the singer had in his hand. He was still rather shocked by finding him again after so long, but he paid attention to the papers to recognise them as his piano sheets, the ones he needed for his exam tomorrow.
"Thank you," he said nonchalantly, taking them from the other musician.
Their hands touched for an instant, a short among of time for any other mortal, but enough for them to feel a tingle inside their chests. Xiao took the sheets quickly and put some distance between them both. He didn't know what that feeling was and he definitely didn't want to discover it.
"You're welcome!" answered the man, smiling brightly after falling silent for a few seconds after the incident, "I see you play the piano, are you majoring in music?"
"Yes," replied the pianist, looking at everywhere but the man in front of him.
"That's so cool! I would have loved to learn music officially, but I had to conformed with learning by myself."
"I see."
"Hehe! I always saw you pass while I was playing, it's cool to know that I had a fellow musician listening to me!"
"Hmm, you're not that bad."
"Why, thank you."
The singer felt how closed up the pianist was, so he took it as a compliment, comprehending that maybe he wasn't really used to interacting with people. Meanwhile, Xiao was panicking. He had been looking for the man for weeks and now he couldn't even talk properly.
"What's your name?"
"My name?"
"Yes!" the singer waited for the other man to reply, patiently.
"...Xiao," said the pianist after considering telling him or not, "and yours?"
"I'm Venti, nice to meet you!"
Again, them both felt like those names were too familiar, a similar sensation like the one before arose in their stomachs. Venti smiled, something that Xiao noticed to be frequent, as in the two minutes they had been interacting he hadn't stopped smiling.
"Well, I hope I see you around! Maybe one day we can play together."
"I guess so, yes."
With a parting nod, Xiao turned around and went to his daily classes, not without thinking about their encounter. Something felt odd in the deep of the situation, he just couldn't think of what it was. Feeling like you know someone without having actually met wasn't something that happened at Xiao's life.
Returning from the Conservatory that afternoon, he first heard the guitar and voice, and then saw Venti playing at the train station. 'So, he's back, definitely'. He passed by him, Venti's eyes on Xiao already, giving each other a smile from the singer's part and a nod from Xiao's, and then parting.
The following weeks followed the same dynamic. Sometimes, Venti ventured to talk to Xiao, small talk, enough to get the pianist to open to him. He learned that Xiao was majoring in music specializing in piano, that he had his final exams in June and that he had a cat. The singer felt happy to have collected so much information for someone who rarely opened up.
"I was thinking that maybe we should play together," Venti said, one afternoon after Xiao returned from his classes. They had decided to have a coffee every Thursday to catch up and so they could have more normal conversations and not rushed ones at the station. Or, better said, Venti offered and Xiao just followed.
"I don't play your type of music."
"Ah?" said the singer, confused, "What do you mean with 'my type of music'?"
"Well, I'm specializing in classical music." Xiao shrugged his shoulders, returning to his almond and chocolate muffin.
"Well, yes, but that doesn't mean you can't play other styles."
Xiao continued eating, listening to Venti rumble about pop, rock and R&B. The pianist knew which styles they were, their characteristics and the most popular singers for each style, but something in the way Venti talked made him want to listen nonstop. The young singer was passionate about what he did, just as Xiao was about his profession.
"So? What do you say?"
"I don't know," Xiao started, biting his lip, "I don't think I would be good on it."
"If you can play Chopin and Mozart, you can play four chords on repeat."
Like that, Venti took Xiao to the little studio he had with Aether, his producer. Both musicians were really young, but had already launched a couple EPs. Xiao was amazed by the studio, there was a little keyboard, an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar and then the recording studio and the production table.
"Do you like it?"
Xiao just nodded, directing himself to the keyboard and switching it on. The keys were less harsh than a piano's keys, but he was sure he could manage to play on it. The sound was more electric, just what he expected.
Venti, on his part, was following Xiao's movements, happy to see him interested in what he could offer. He had been feeling dizzy in the pianist's presence for quite some time now, and he was sure he was falling for him. He was determined to show him how he felt and to open Xiao's mind.
"You can come here whenever you want, I would love to play with you," Venti said, smiling brightly when Xiao sat on the bench and placed his hand on the keys, "Can you play something for me?"
The pianist thought for some seconds, deciding on what he could gift Venti's ears with, and decided to play Fantasia in D minor by Mozart. A beautiful and complete piece by his favourite composer, he enjoyed so much playing him that got lost in the moment. The most difficult thing was to keep balance between the left and the right in the sense of sound, but for the rest Xiao had everything so clear that the melodies kept falling out of the keyboard.
After nearly ten minutes, hi finished. Venti was shocked by the way the man played, emotional and emotionless at the same time, a technique enviable. If he could do that in a keyboard, what could he do in a piano? What could he do in a harpsichord to keep up with the real instrument Mozart used?
"Sorry for the quality, a keyboard doesn't make justice to the piece." Xiao said, timidly, standing up from the bench.
"Nonsense," started the singer, still moved by the little performance, "it was incredible. You're such a good pianist!"
"I'm just mediocre." mumbled the man, blushing furiously.
"No mediocre pianist can do what you had just presented, Xiao."
They looked at each other on silence for a moment, Xiao noticing his heart rushing again. Something about Venti made him feel dizzy in a good way, it scared him, but also desired to know why he felt so attracted to the singer. Venti was just admiring Xiao's features, skin kissed by the moon, eyes deep as gold wells, rough expression that was becoming in a vulnerable one. He reminded him of a cat, wanting to make it look as he was independent and surly, but that actually was a sweetheart who needed love and care as any other human being.
'Maybe he'll let me love him in a near future.' thought the singer, gazing at a distracted Xiao, who was touching the acoustic guitar.
They decided to try and play something together, improvising in the moment and giving each other inspiration to think of better ways of following the music. Xiao had to admit to himself that it was fun and that it sounded good. He never thought he would be able to improvise to pop music, but there he was, following a guitarist and singer man.
Venti opened his mouth and started singing an, of course, improvised melody. Xiao nearly stopped playing, too distracted with the sweet and hypnotizing voice of the other man. Every time he heard him sing a memory came to his mind, one of that same voice singing just for him. Memory? No, it couldn't be. It felt like a dream, a very far away dream he had when he was a kid.
Venti, on his part, had the same memory whenever Xiao appeared when he was singing. He saw a lyre, green clothes and tattoos, golden eyes that returned his caring gaze; he also heard his own voice. What it was he didn't know, but that it had a meaning, he was sure.
The following days, after a hard time convincing Xiao, the both of them started composing a song. The chords were not the usual for the 21st Century chords, they reminded of an old Era, one forgotten by the human kind, one that only the two of them understood. The melody was melancholic, similar to a letter to a loved one you lost. The lyrics were heart-breaking, Venti provided a cruel perspective of love, requited love that did not fulfil the dream of both lovers of becoming true for centuries of being apart.
Xiao was in love with their creation, wanting to play more and more, getting lost in the music that Venti gifted him with. He didn't care about the heartache he felt whenever Venti called him 'friend', he didn't care about the goose bumps every time the singer touched his hand, he didn't care about the overwhelming desire to kiss him when he smiled. He only cared for giving him the best piano version he could offer.
"Crimson red blinded my vision, there and then you took the decision," sang Venti, fingers moving within the strings of his guitar, "'I'll see you again', you said, 'when the sun goes down and I don't feel regret."
Xiao played, keys sounding too much for his liking, he really disliked the keyboard, but it was his only way of playing with Venti. He had considered inviting him to his house, but the acoustic wouldn't have been that good.
"Arrows flied, swords were wielded, but your kiss was enough to put me out of war. Let me tell you, everything but you was a blur."
The pianist couldn't take it anymore, the lyrics had been giving him a headache ever since Venti wrote them. He loved them and hated them at the same time, it was like they were mocking him, remembering him of something he lost, but he couldn't remember what it was.
He stood up from the piano, storming out of the room and living Venti confused. The singer knew how Xiao could be, but that didn't make him feel less worried. He had never left a rehearsal, always playing his best and taking part actively in the decisions taken for the song. What could have trigger him so much to make him exit the room?
"Hey!" Venti called out, stopping Xiao from going out the studio, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." replied the pianist, tone piercing.
"Don't even try that with me," said the singer, annoyed, "we're passed the state of putting a facade."
"Really, it's no―"
Venti didn't know what crossed his mind. He was so angry, frustrated, annoyed and disappointed in Xiao not trusting him after so much effort to get to him that he kissed him out of desperation.
The pianist couldn't move, not understanding why he had a pair of lips on his, but liking the feeling of the kiss. Hesitant, he placed one of his hands on Venti's waist and the other on his left cheek and corresponded the kiss.
Hearts content and reunited, jumping in euphoria; souls greeting each other after being apart for so long; bodies finding like you find an old item you forgot you had but that you deeply cared for. They separated, a thread of saliva connecting the two of them.
"Come with me, my lovely adeptus."
"Adeptus? What's that?" asked Xiao, confused, still grabbing Venti's waist.
"I-I don't know, it just felt... right? To say." replied an equally confused singer.
Venti dismissed the topic fast, carrying Xiao with him to the studio's couch. He made the pianist lay on it while he topped him, kissing him again and again, taking away his shirt after checking for his consent.
The windows tarnished because of the heat, moans of pleasure could be heard as they both took care of the other in a loving way, caressing, kissing, biting their bodies. When Venti entered Xiao after preparing him, they both saw the stars. Love noises filled the empty and soundproof room, fastened breaths demonstrating the effort of being in love, orgasmic euphoria filling the empty space on their chest, gifting them the chance of reuniting something that didn't consummate on the past.
No amount of time could break the bond they created at that moment mixed with the one they forged two thousand years prior. Post orgasmic music running between them as they recovered from the love-making session.
Venti got up, searching for towels on the little bathroom of the studio to clean both of them, trying to extend the blissful moment before they had to talk about it, focusing on the aftercare.
"Thank you." whispered a tired Xiao after getting cleaned up and being helped to put his clothes on.
"It's nothing," said Venti, shy for the first time the both of them had met, something that didn't passed Xiao's observant skills.
"Do you... regret this?"
"No!" exclaimed Venti after noticing the insecurity on the pianist's voice, "No, of course no. I was just, you know, wondering if..."
"Wondering what this leads us to."
Xiao thought for some seconds, he knew he liked Venti, it would explain his body reactions whenever he was near him, and he understood what had just happened as Venti returning his feelings. For what he had read on books, that meant they were dating, but he could be wrong.
"I guess I'm your boyfriend," he mumbled, gazing at the floor.
"B-boyfriend!?" asked Venti, surprised of the statement the other man made.
"Isn't that the term for the person you are dating?"
"Uh... yes, but you hadn't asked me to be your boyfriend..." Venti was amused and shocked with Xiao's bold attitude, but he blamed it to the pianist's lack of experience.
"Oh, then, would you be my boyfriend?"
"But don't make it so... cold!" Venti face palmed, laughing at the situation they had at hand. He had to say, though, Xiao's ignorance on the topic was adorable, his heart was melting at the man's confused gaze.
"Then how?"
"Forget it, yes, I'll be your boyfriend." Venti replied, still laughing.
"Okay, good," said Xiao, nodding and processing the information. "now what?"
"Now we continue with the song, that we have to finish recording it."
Venti stood up from the couch, giving Xiao a small peck and 'hehe'-ing after. He positioned himself on the guitar again, shaking a little at the amount of emotion running through his veins. The pianist was still on sitting, watching Venti's every move the same way he looked at his piano. The singer was touched by the sincere look on Xiao's eyes, meaning he did feel the same.
"C'mon, little Adeptus, go play the piano half as good as you played my body."
The blush on the other's man face was imminent, causing Venti to find his new favourite thing: teasing the music student.
Music had reunited the lovers that war separated once, being the conductor channel of an Archon and an Adeptus to find their way back to the other's arms. Their past kept a mystery from them both, but their souls did remember each other, hugging and causing the two men to love as much as they once did. A bright future waited for the two talented musicians now that nothing could separate them again.
The air was pure and clear again.
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
Different but the Same (pt 5)
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tw: Mention of blood, implied dubcon
Word count: ~2.6k
Rating: R18+/M
Omegaverse AU, Rating: 18+/M
Pairings: Iwaizumi x fem!reader, Ushijima x fem!reader
Summary: An unexpected encounter at the Inter-High tournament tossed you into a whirlwind. Being tugged between two males, two different packs, who will reign supreme in this battle for your heart?
Masterlist | prev | next
ch 5: the college team
It had been weeks since she had started as the Omega Manager of Shiratorizawa Academy’s boys volleyball team. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened so far. There had been an incident the first week or so that involved regulating her pheromones which caused Coach Washijo to yell at her and almost kick her out, but thankfully Saito and Ushijima were able to step in and help defend her. It helped her case when she’d broken up a banter-turned-fight between Goshiki and Shirabu that same day. Since then, though, Goshiki followed her like a lost puppy to the amusement of his senpais. “(Name)-san, can you please give me tips on how to receive better?” Her eyebrows raised at the passionate youngster as she waved him off. 
“I’ll help you later, Goshiki-kun. I have to take care of something right now.” She had been half-way out the door in order to meet the college team that was coming to play them. 
“You know you don’t have to always help him.” Maple washed over her as the ash-blonde alpha towered besides her.
She chuckled, “I’m the manager, I have to help take care of this pack!” He walked out with her as she made her way to the gate. She glanced at her wrist, looking at the rose-gold watch that she wore. “They’re running a bit late.” 
“Not everyone shows up 15 minutes early,” he laughed. They reached the gate and stood in silence. She surveyed the alpha, taking note of his taped up fingers. “You’ve been doing really well.” Their eyes met as her eyebrows raised. “As our manager!” Semi added quickly. “Practices have been a lot calmer since you’ve joined, and you’ve been really helpful with all the tips and side practice that you’ve been giving. I know Goshiki and the other underclassmen appreciate the extra attention.” A flush warmed her cheeks as she adjusted her jacket.
“Don’t get all cheesy with me now, Semi. I know you just like my company,” she winked playfully, ignoring the glow. He laughed and agreed just as a bus pulled up. “This must be them!” A tall dark-haired man got off of the bus, walking over to greet the duo as his team unloaded. “Good afternoon, my name is (L.Name) (Name), the manager for the Shiratorizawa Academy male volleyball team. Thank you for traveling here to play with us!” 
“Well hello to you, doll,” the captain’s drawl cut across the professional precedent she set. “I didn’t realize there were such beautiful girls here, makes me regret going somewhere else for school,” he chuckled darkly. 
“Hello, I’m Semi Eita. We appreciate you coming. If you’ll come with us, we’ll escort you to the gym.” Semi interrupted, taking a step so that he blocked her from the new alpha’s vision. The other alpha scoffed slightly, calling for his team over his shoulder. Semi bent to whisper into her ear, “stay by my side, I don’t like the looks of this guy.” 
With a soft nod, a forced smile made its way to her face. “If you’ll follow us,” she said, turning around to walk towards the gym. She thanked her lucky stars that she was wearing her loose sweatpants and t-shirt for this game. She would’ve hated to see what the college alpha would’ve done if she was in anything more form-flattering. 
“Kirishima-san, welcome,” Ushijima stood at the gym’s entrance, nodding at the other captain. “Thank you for bringing your team out here.” 
Kirishima waved him off, “Ushijima,” the drawl returned, “it’s always a pleasure to come play with our kouhais. I know my boys were just aching to show you guys up again.” Ushijima only smiled, nodding in appreciation. The young Omega stepped away, feeling uncomfortable at the tension. Semi jerked his head in the direction of the coaches, and she headed to stand besides Saito. 
“Is everything alright?” Saito looked down at the Omega, noticing a slight tremble in her steps and the barely noticeable bitter tang in her scent. She’s done a lot to learn how to better manage her pheromones, the coach thought.  
“I can’t wait to see Ushijima wipe the floor with that team,” she grumbled, eyes narrowed on the opponent. “Speaking of which, I prepared some onigris for our boys.” Her scent immediately brightened at the thought as she turned to grin at the coach. Dark eyes surveyed her in the distance, glowing at the scent change. 
“You’re too kind, (Name)-kun. You can set up a table so that they can have it during their break,” he smiled, pointing to a space on the opposite side of the room. Nodding eagerly, she made her way over, taking careful measures to avoid the courts as the teams began their warm-ups. 
“Watch out!” A whistling filled the air as a ball flew towards her. Her eyes widened as it approached. In a flash, she dropped to her knees as she put her arms up, successfully receiving it and sending it back the direction it had come from. A sigh of relief as she stood back up, brushing off her sweats. 
“I didn’t know you could receive like that.” Her back tingled as she turned to face Ushijima who had stopped in front of her. It was apparent that he had tried to stop the ball from reaching her. Besides him, Semi’s jaw was dropped. 
“Wow, (Name)-san! Did you play volleyball before?” Goshiki appeared besides her, bouncing in excitement as his fists trembled at his sides. 
“Nothing as exciting as that, Goshiki-kun.” Another giggle. “I’m just around volleyball a lot.” Her catchphrase. (E/C) eyes met olive ones as he nodded at her. “Now go finish your warm-ups! I’m looking forward to seeing you win,” she winked at the ace before turning on her heel to continue towards the table. 
“That was pretty impressive,” Semi muttered under his breath as the trio went to rejoin the team. Silently, Ushijima agreed. He already knew the Omega had some prior experience with volleyball considering the advice she’d been giving out, but to think she had relatively good reflexes like that...he would have to ask her about it more later. 
The practice game proceeded, with Shiratorizawa taking the first set, losing the second, and eventually winning with the last set. It was a close game throughout. Males scattered around the room as alumni chatted with guys they knew. After receiving the ball, she hadn’t had a chance to set-up the table. She wiped her forehead; she had been running around the room as she took notes. For players who weren’t involved in the game, there was individual practice littering the other courts. The college students were working with the first years and certain second years while the starting line-up played the college students. Washijo had her running between the individuals to make notes of what they were working on, while Saito had her come back to the main court here and there to have her examine techniques. It was almost like Washijo was trying to get her to quit by the way he was working her. She was completely, utterly exhausted. “Omega-chan~!” A hand clasped over her shoulder, and she grimaced before looking up at a beaming red-headed male. A sigh of relief left her, at least it wasn’t the college captain. Throughout the game, she had noticed his eyes on her as he sent her not-so-subtle winks. “You look exhausted! Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Do you mind running to the club room? There are trays of onigiris in the fridge there that I made for the team.” He cheered in delight, clapping his hands together. He saluted her before spinning on his heel, darting out of the gym. “And don’t eat any before you get back here!” She shouted after his retreating back. Another deep breath of relief. She had just been wondering how she was going to carry all of the onigiri into the gym. Looking around the gym, a rush of satisfaction filled her. Though she hadn’t been manager long, it was still nice to see how the boys in her temporary pack had improved in the short amount of time she’d been observing them. She closed her small notebook, tucking both it and her pen into the belt-bag slung over her chest. 
“Where’s your manager at?” Her ears pricked, noticing Taichi and Hayato standing with some of the college students. Kirishima heard the question, approaching the group while laughing loudly. The college students exchanged looks. 
“Yui is a bit...preoccupied.” The older libero replied just as Kirishima threw his arm around him.
“You don’t have to hide anything from them. Especially now that they have their own Omega manager.” His eyes glinted as his eyes focused on the Omega. “One of our players is going through a rut.” Her movements froze as she paid even closer attention. 
“That’s so cute that your manager is mated to one of the players!”
Kirishima laughed, his eyes darkened hungrily. “Oh no, they aren’t mated. It’s the duty of the Omega to take care of all the Alphas in her pack, including during their ruts.” She froze, those words washing over her and echoing. 
“You mean (Name)-san will be there for our ruts?” Goshiki had joined the group now, catching the last bit of the conversation. His eyes looking at the Omega, the sparkle of interest and a hint of lust burning through them. 
A hand clasped her shoulder sending sparks flying through her spine as she shivered at the contact, “That may be the case in your pack, but we respect Omegas in this pack. It’s up to (L. Name) whether or not she wants to.” Ushijima’s deep voice soothed her, eyes darkening as he challenged the other Alpha. He took a step forward, his chest almost pressing against her back.
Kirishima just put his hands up, shrugging. “That’s such a...modern perspective Ushijima. That definitely wasn’t that case when my packmates went here.” He was about to continue when a sharp growl cut him off. (E/C) eyes blinked up at the Apex Alpha, feeling his grip tighten on her as his lips began to curl. “No harm, I wasn’t trying to imply anything.”
“Ushijima-kun.” Coach Washijo joined the group now. 
Ushijima stiffened against her. She could feel his muscles tighten and a flicker of desire and perhaps even something more coursed through her before they both relaxed. “Of course, Coach.” 
At this point, Tendou rejoined the group. “(Name)-chan! These onigris are phenomenal~! We need you at our camp, your food would be amazing.” Tendou had the tray over his head in on hand, the other holding two onigiri as he bit into one.
“How many did you eat, Tendou?” She exclaimed, pulling away from Ushijima as she tried to get the tray. The red-haired middle blocker laughed, holding it higher mockingly. With a playful growl, the Omega jumped, kicking him in the stomach causing him to bend over slightly just as she grabbed the tray. “I told you not to eat any,” she scolded, smacking him again as he groaned in pain.
“I couldn’t help it, we had a long practice and it smelled delicious,” he gave her puppy eyes as she sighed. Turning on her heel, she made her way over to the table, and soon enough, both teams were swarming around her. 
“I’d mate that Omega in an instant.” Ushijima’s eyes snapped up, meeting Kirishima’s golden ones as the older Alpha smirked at him. “She takes such good care of the pack, and I’d just love to feel that body against mine. If Shiratorizawa doesn’t use her, then we’d love to have another manager.” Kirishima continued, his tongue darting out to lick his lips as his eyes glowed. He had just begun to describe what type of things he would do to the Omega when he noticed how black Ushijima’s eyes had gotten.
Ushijima’s loud snarl interrupted the otherwise happy atmosphere when he lunged at Kirishima. “Ushijima-san!” An onigiri fell onto the floor, slipping out of her loose fingers as she ran towards the conflict. The strawberry scent interrupted his concentration, his eyes snapping to her just as Kirishima upper-cut him. Ushijima grunted before he turned back to Kirishima and went on the offensive. “Stop!” She grabbed onto his arm, frantically trying to tug him away. Arms wrapped around her waist, swinging her away from the conflict. Agitated chirps blended in with the snarls and growls of the Alphas. Anxiously, she tugged at the arms struggling as the potent sour strawberry scent filled the gym.
“(Name)! Calm down and let the Alphas take care of it. I don’t want you getting hurt.” Semi’s gruff voice was in her ear, arms tightening as he pulled her away. She blinked away tears from her eyes, her scent souring even more as she witnessed with horror as Ushijima delivered a powerful blow to Kirishima’s face. Kirishima crumpled onto the floor, nose bleeding. Just as he was about to jump back up onto his feet, his pack-mates grabbed his arms and pulled him away. Tendou, Soekawa, and Reon were grabbing onto Ushijima, but the massive Alpha remained primed to fight as he glared at the wounded Alpha. 
“You should show some respect to Omegas, especially ones you supposedly want to claim,” Ushijima growled. With that, he pulled away and stepped outside. Semi’s grip relaxed, and the Omega darted out.
“Ushijima-san!” He froze, looking down at the young Omega. Her eyes softened as she looked at his hands. “You’re bleeding.” Her hands cupped his, soft fingers lightly tracing the bloody knuckles. Pulling out a small first aid kit from her bag, she escorted him to a nearby bench. He followed silently, taking deep calming breaths and letting her scent wash over him. As he took a seat, he closed his eyes, letting her gently wipe the blood away with a disinfectant wipe. “Mind telling me what that was about?” A hum left his lips as olive eyes met (e/c). 
A soft sigh escaped him. “He was being...disrespectful towards you.” Her eyebrow pulled up, letting her silence egg him to speak further as she began wrapping his hand up. A loud sigh left him. “He wanted to claim you as his mate and do...vulgar things to you.” He inhaled deeply, letting her scent soothe him. Just the mere thought of Kirishima’s comments had his blood boiling. His head dropped to lightly land against her shoulder, nose brushing dangerously close to her scent gland. Ushijima was relieved that the bitterness had faded back to her soothing sweet scent. 
A soft laugh left her. “Well, thank you for protecting my virtue.” He stiffened slightly before straightening up, unsure of the subtext of her comment. At his face, she began to laugh earnestly. “I’m serious!” She brushed away the tears of mirth from her face. “I know things happened between us, but that was out of our control. At the end of the day, you’re my Alpha.” His heart skipped a beat at those words; Ushijima straightened up completely, olive eyes scanning her face intently. She flushed red as she brushed her hair away from her face. “I mean, you’re the Alpha of this pack,” she corrected, “and I know you’ll do whatever it takes to keep me safe.” Maple scent engulfed them as they were joined by Semi. Relieved by the interruption, the Omega turned to face him. “Is he alright?”
“Yes, Kirishima’s fine,” Semi rolled his eyes. “Their team left though, practically fell over themselves at the door.” She giggled, that would’ve been a sight to see. “C’mon, coach wants you to take down the nets and mop. We gotta clean up the blood too.” Standing up, she gave Ushijima a nod before she stepped back into the room with Semi trailing behind her. 
Ushijima stood, making his way to stand in the doorway as he surveyed the Omega and the rest of his pack. His heart stuttered as she laughed while ruffling Goshiki’s hair. This is where she belonged.
Taglist: @sawamooora  @kriswu46 @pantasticalcat @shadowkunoichi @awuariyuh @4lfalfagarlic @kuroowh0r3 @sourapplex
Please feel free to message, comment, or shoot an ask if you’d like to join the tag-list!
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falsegoodnight · 4 years
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part one of my november fic rec! this list encompasses the fics i’ve read from the 1st to the 17th because now that the blff has started, i plan on reading a LOT of fics but i don’t want to cram 30 + fics into one rec!
you can find part two here
✰ you control me (even if it’s just tonight) by @happilyyhalo​​ | E | 2k - (short but sexy and fun!)
Louis rides Harry and thinks he's in control.
✰ when you turn off the lights by @loubellies​ | E | 4k - (so so hot!!! 👞💋!!)
Gothie Louis/Normie Harry drabble written for Kirs
✰ Act Out by @daddyharrie​ | E | 6k - (reread; all of fer’s fics are just comfort reads at this point)
Harry and Louis try to spice it up a little for their 10th year marriage anniversary. Cliché role play ensues.
✰ Coming Up For Air by stylinsoncity | M | 11k - (found this randomly and it was such a nice surprise!!)
It's a long plane ride to LA but sitting beside Harry makes time fly.
✰ tenderness flooded his voice by dangerbears | NR | 12k - (kind of in love with this author this month <3 friends to lovers perfection) 
Things collapse in on Louis, but Harry's there. Harry's always there.
✰ One Vote Can Rock the Boat by @2tiedships2​​ | M | 12k - (such an entertaining concept and story!! cute and lovely like all of this author’s fics!!)
The one where Omega Louis shows off his “I voted” sticker as one of the first 100 customers to get a free vibrator. The beautiful alpha behind the counter informs him that he’s customer 101.
✰ A Moment in Time by @jacaranda-bloom​​ | E | 14k - (exes to lovers - my favorite - and canon compliant with a dash of magic?? yes!!)
The one where Harry and Louis used to be together, until they weren’t, but with a twist of fate and a bit of magic, could this be their chance to find forever in each other’s arms?
✰ This Glorious Mess by @lil0​​ | M | 14k - (reread for the dozenth time; another major comfort read of mine <3 still just as amazing as ever; one of two of this author’s fics i reread this month)
His head lolls to the side, and his eyes float open to focus on what used to be his bedside table.
It’s empty now, devoid of the framed photo of the two of them. And Louis knows that he has no right to feel hurt, but somehow, this only confirms what this really is.
“This is the last time,” he cries, his voice breaking both from pleasure and pain.
“I know, baby,” Harry breathes, burying his face in Louis neck.
✰ your hands are tough (but they are where mine belong) by @defencelesst​​​ | M | 14k - (soft soft soft :’) lots of yearning and pining and loveliness <3 lottie does friends to lovers like no other)
Louis falls asleep in a bus and Harry is there to catch him.
✰ Falling Down For You by @lil0​​ | M | 15k - (the second one!! another reread!! one of my favorite royal aus and arranged marriage aus. the angst with this one is perfection)
If there was an alpha that Louis wanted to call his, it would be Harry. But what happens when an arranged marriage, a hungry press, and doubts get in the way?
✰ a grocery list pinned in blue by dangerbears | NR | 20k - (exes to lovers - again, my fav - so angsty and sweet and perfect!! will definitely be reading!)
After eight years, Louis finally has everything he's wanted. except for Harry.
✰ Runaway Darling by @solvetheminourdreams​ | T | 27k - (so so so cute; love the banter and dynamic between h&l and the storyline!! would gladly read 100k more of them)
Louis hates weddings, Harry loves them, and together they help a bride skip hers.
✰ sunflowers, sunshine, and you by @soldouthaz​ | E | 29k - (beautiful and perfect just like all of sarah’s fics!! loved the emotional layer to this one too!)
Sunshine county is small but mighty and Harry takes pride in knowing nearly each and every person that lives inside of it. For nearly eleven years now he’s been sheriff, and not one of them he’s ever regretted settling down here.
He knows the road names like the back of his hand, knows the people and the animals and the way the world works here. In all of the time he’s been here, not a thing has changed.
So, all things considered, when he starts seeing a beat up pickup truck roaming through town with plates he’s never seen before, Harry, to be frank, jumps on that like a fly on fresh dog shit.
✰ terror of surrender by @loubellies​ | E | 32k - (hot and smutty but with emotional depth and y o g a!! the ending made me tear up! so excited for what mar does next!)
Louis is a recent divorcee with a new favorite yoga teacher, Harry.
✰ Ever Fixed by @eeveelou​ | M | 42k - (wow why have i never read this - it was perfection! the concept, the angst, and harry and louis!!! ahhhh!!!! aND THE PLOT TWIST! mind blown!)
Three years ago, Harry was happily married, successfully heading the largest technology company in the world, and raising his young daughter. After he loses nearly everything in the aftermath of his daughter’s lost battle with a rare brain tumor, it may take three strange and yet very familiar visitors – and a man from the therapy group Harry keeps refusing to go to – to get him back on track.
If you read any of these lovely fics, remember to leave kudos and comment to show your appreciation!
*if i made any errors, please let me know :)
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danzinora-switch · 4 years
Typing the Turtles (ROTTMNT) Part 3 - Leonardo
This started out as an investigation into the turtles’ insecurities, because one thing the show does so well is demonstrate that they are still teenagers. And being a teenager is a confusing experience - there’s angst, drama, exploring one’s identity, a lot of growth, and overall figuring out who you are. That’s a messy process, too! And we see this mess in our turtles: they mess up, they’re learning, they self-doubt, they have fears and insecurities, but they’re also discovering their strengths and how to overcome their inner obstacles.
So after thinking about all this way too long, here’s my psychological breakdown of each turtle (I’ll be referencing MBTI and the Enneagram a ton, but will include links for more general information on those if you don’t know what I’m talking about). 
Parts One and Two found on the links for Raph and Don.
Leo: ESTP, 3w2
The Achiever, the Entrepreneur, the Charmer, the Explorer
I’ve wanted to say this for a long time: Leo is such a 3, he is such a 3 it hurts, oh my goodness. Read this: https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/type-3 and tell me that isn’t Leo to a T.
It took me a little longer to figure out the MBTI for him, but he has a lot of similarities with the ESTP. This does mean we need to step away from the ‘frat bro’ stereotype of ESTPs, though. They are a lot more keen than convention would suggest.
Really, a big thing with Leo is his need to be The Best. What that means, to him, is normally something physically-related. He needs to be the best at sports or performing certain moves, which we see in episodes like The Longest Fight where he bets he can pull off the impossible skateboard move, or Shell in a Cell where he asserts he can out-perform Ghostbear. Additionally, episodes like Air Turtle really showcase the ugly side of his competitiveness. But he also desires physical perfection. He is rather image-conscious, fretting about his body in Stuck on You, and routinely referring to himself as the team’s Faceman. The biggest example of this was his idea for a disguise in Hidden City Job: the Turtle Adonis. An adonis is considered the peak physical ideal, handsome and attractive to boot. If this drive doesn’t scream Enneagram Three I don’t know what does.
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Leo at his worst: Leo’s competitive side can certainly get the best of him. We see this in episodes like Air Turtle, where his ‘win at all costs’ attitude starts to alienate him from the group. Raph has also described him as a ‘poor winner’ which refers to his tendency to gloat when he does beat out the competition, or was proven right (Bug Busters, The Gumbus, You Got Served, LAIR GAMES). He’s smug, gloating, and when he does lose tries to wiggle out of it through technicalities. The one time he says something isn’t a competition is after Mikey beats him at Skateball (You Got Served). And when he ‘loses’ the Lair Games, Donnie’s win comes with a catch that Leo built in.
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Threes do this for approval and validation, though, and we see that underlying his need to be the team’s Champion in Minotaur Maze and Portal Jacked! “I’m nothing without them!” he cries to Hueso. “What good is a team with just a Faceman?” Threes have a need to distinguish themselves from others, to be admired, to have attention, so that they then feel valuable and worthwhile. Other people, then, are necessary. When Leo wants to get on the Wall of Champions in Minotaur Maze, his brothers factor in to his unmet needs. “...because what good is being a Champion if you can’t rub it in your brothers’ faces?” Leo doesn’t just need to be The Best… he needs others to acknowledge it, as well.
Average Leo: He’s got a practical eye for situations and the quickness to adapt and act as needed. The ESTP is known for being bold as well as perceptive. We see this in fight scenes such as Battle Nexus: New York when he is quick to determine that physical comedy is the key to making the sprite laugh and immediately changing his approach.
He also displays a remarkable amount of common sense when making decisions. In Origami Tsunami, as the guys discuss becoming heroes, he’s the one who shoots down ideas until they reach a more achievable goal: taking on paper thieves. And he’s got a point, can you imagine the turtles taking on a spine-breaker or mangler at that point in time? When everyone else is blinded by ideals concerning fixing the Mutant Menace, he’s the only one who asks “anybody down for staying home during the anti-mutant panic?” Of course, he still goes along with their adventure, because ESTP’s live in The Moment, so why not?
Something else that I want to mention is Leo’s appreciation for the Machiavellian. He has an incredibly intuitive grasp on it, and actively appreciates twists, turns, betrayals and deceptions. His love for magic probably stems from this (The Clothes Don’t Make the Turtle) and he is the only one enjoying the series of betrayals in Warren & Hypno Sitting in a Tree. Hidden City Job also expands on the fact that Leo doesn’t have a problem with betrayal, as he revels about brotherly betrayal happening all the time. He’s cool with being betrayed… just know that he can betray you back. It’s all fair game.
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This can have upsides and downsides. On the upside, his understanding of trickery can lead to brilliant plans and solutions such as what we saw in Many Unhappy Returns, where he was able to outsmart Big Mama herself. On the downside, this kind of behavior is not always the best move - his family does not appreciate being left out of the loop of his schemes, or actively being manipulated as part of them (Leo’s plan in Many Unhappy Returns worked, but he still left his brothers alone and exhausted, and did not consider the emotional effect it would have on Splinter being sent back into the arena). At that point it’s no wonder he asks “why does no one trust me?” Because you tend to have an angle, ‘Nardo. Be careful how you use that.
He is also incredibly persuasive. This is partly why I feel he is a 3 wing 2, ‘The Charmer’ because he knows how to communicate to get what he wants. When used for the right reasons, we see him settle discord such as cooling the mobs in You Got Served or apologize when he knows an apology is needed (Todd Scouts, Air Turtle, Hidden City Job). We see it used neutrally (and a bit skeptically) in Many Unhappy Returns when he declares he’ll just go to see Big Mama and “turn up the Leo”. It can also be used deceptively, however. Todd Scouts shows this when Leo is the one who convinces Todd that they’re ready to kick things up a notch by going out alone… when really they just want to get away from him. He’ll also use words to get under people’s skins: dismissing Warren Stone in Stuck on You, but also pointing out Donnie’s beach ball fear in Mind Meld. He knows which words will get the responses he wants, for better or for worse.
Leo at his Best: Leo is the team’s motivator. He’s the one giving the others the pep-talks and encouragement they need to continue (Origami Tsunami, Finale: Rise). Donnie said it best after Leo’s redemption in Air Turtle: “your confidence is giving me confidence!”
Because that’s the healthy thing about Threes: they strive to reach their own full potential, which also inspires others to reach theirs. Leo doesn’t like to fail/lose, but he won’t let anyone else succumb, either. He has the most confidence in each Mad Dog’s ability. “I knew you guys could handle it!” he says in Many Unhappy Returns, and points out with amazing accuracy just what his brothers are capable of. He not only believes in himself, he believes in those around him. And he’s able to inspire them when they’re feeling down about their own abilities or not enthused about the task (see his speech about standing up for the paper men in Origami Tsunami).
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This also includes encouragement and compliments in other areas. Regarding the Shell Hogs: “Donnie, these are amazing! And I know everything I say sounds sarcastic, but I’m being completely genuine this time” (Stuck on You). When Mikey isn’t sure Hypno will like him: “What? Of course he will, you’re adorable!” (Newsworthy). To Raph, “Does this place have smoke detectors? Because you’re on fire, Big Daddy!” (The Clothes Don’t Make the Turtle).
He’s also able to step in and take charge when Raph falls because he can see what action needs to be taken (that practical and observant, yet bold ESTP side coming in). When Raph gets separated in the sewers, Leo’s the one who doesn’t treat it casually and gets the others moving to find him (Man vs Sewer). When his older brother is hypnotized by Hypno in Stuck on You, he quickly reacts and tells Mikey and Donnie what the plan is and enacts it. We see this leader potential grow bit by bit, and his awareness of each individual’s role on the team allows him to step back from areas that he knows aren’t his forte: Raph can handle the ‘teamwork’ stuff, Donnie has got the technical know-how, and Mikey takes care of positive outlook for any situation. Leo can keep things fun and inspire confidence. His puns help lighten the mood, his jokes break the ice of tense situations, and he never stops believing in their own abilities, which keeps them all going (Donnie’s Gifts, Many Unhappy Returns).
Leo Relationships:
(While Leo has a competitive episode with each of his brothers: Shell in a Cell, Lair Games, and You Got Served, there is more going on than just that).
Raph: Both Leo and Raph have strong gut feelings that can be blindsided. Leo picks up immediately that Big Mama is not trustworthy while Raph is more than happy to believe her, but Leo is blinded by his fan-love for Jupiter Jim to realize that Marcus Montcrief is a crazy and suspicious adult, which Raph becomes aware of early on (Bug Busters, Jupiter Jim Ahoy!). They both can be a little too head-first when diving into plans, such as checking out the creepy bus in One Man’s Junk or doing their best to help April in Hypno: Part Deux. But they do trust each other to have each other’s backs, and there’s (thankfully!) no Leo vs Angst in this version of their characters. It really allows them to be comfortable with each other (and egg each other on with more than just missions: see the pizza pigeon in Mind Meld).
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Donnie: In some ways Leo acts like a foil for Donnie. His own natural confidence counterbalances a lot of his twin’s insecurities. They butt heads over it, sure, with Donnie perhaps taking things too seriously and Leo seemingly not taking them seriously enough, but I like I said in Donnie’s typing: one’s chill and one’s uptight. There’s a ton of back and forth between them: they are the epitome of siblings fighting one minute and getting up to no good together the next (Example from The Mystic Library: Leo grooves out with Donnie’s rap one moment and tries to get him kicked off the team in the next scene). They may antagonize each other in Lair Games, Smart Lair, the beginning of Snow Day and Hidden City Job, and so much more, but also demonstrate brotherly love (and antics) in Operation: Normal, the end of Hidden City Job and Smart Lair, and, of course, Battle Nexus: New York. “For Donnie’s honor!”
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Mikey: Leo sticks up for Mikey a fair amount, especially to Raph. He supports Mikey trying to open the portal in Mystic Mayhem, and going out on his first solo mission in Hot Soup: The Game. We actually need more Leo and Mikey episodes; of the two we have one is a competition episode (You Got Served), and The Gumbus has Leo tag along intent on proving Mikey wrong. It seems they like to hang out during the down time a lot, as they play in the arcade and skateboard off-screen in episodes such as Mrs. Cuddles, You Got Served, Mind Games, and Sparring Partner. And of course, we have the gripping image of Leo protecting Mikey’s shell with his own in Battle Nexus: New York. I’d really like to see them get up to more shenanigans, though. (hint, hint @nickelodeon​, @netflix​).
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Ultimately, Leo is a confident, competitive turtle striving to reach his full potential. He is normally great at encouraging his brothers to do the same, and devising grand strategies, but tends to forget the emotional effects his actions can have on them, especially if he gets carried away on his quest to be The Best. He’s still learning, and these traits will likely flesh out as he grows into a more leader-like role.
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For more information on the ESTP and Enneagram 3 personality types, click here:
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hd-wireless · 4 years
At last, the day you’ve been waiting for! It’s the REVEALS! 
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Come check out the talented people who created your favourite Wireless fics and artworks!
Massive thanks once again to all the 54 creators of our 64 works (yes some people created multiple works! Special mention to cloudlesslysky who wrote FIVE fics!). And thanks also to all the readers, betas and supporters of H/D Wireless! It’s been a bumper year!
Without further ado...
🎶 H/D Wireless Art 🎶
📻 Stuck on the Bridge Between Us (G)  by pygmy_puffy @pygmy-puffy
🎵 Song prompt: Talk Me Down by Troye Sivan
🎵 Summary: finding the courage within themselves to be vulnerable, so they can stop hurting the other and start loving each other as they so deeply want and need to
📻  So Let's Dance, Take a Chance, Understand Me (T) by Dazed_and_Inked @dazedandinked
🎵 Song prompt: T.Rex, Get It On
🎵 Summary: The War is over and everything has changed.
After a few of years of travelling around the world, Harry decided to move to Muggle London, looking for peace and a place where the scar on his forehead doesn’t have a meaning. His new flat is in a perfectly normal neighbourhood close to the centre, quiet during the day but full of students at night.
He really likes the small bar down the road, a place that serves cheap, awful drinks and plays good old classics. It’s always crammed with people talking, laughing or dancing along with the riff of electric guitars.
From the first time he crossed the threshold, Harry thought it was perfect, the right mix of noise and warmth to be alone without feeling alone. Just what he needed.
He couldn’t imagine that someone else was there for the very same reason, looking for a place where the Dark Mark was only a tattoo.
Blame it on the alcohol, on the music or whatever you want, but when Harry’s eyes landed on Draco’s slim figure, swaying on the dancefloor, something warm and inexplicable possessed him. 
📻  The Pass (T) by julchen_in_red @julcheninred
🎵 Song prompt: The Pass, by Rush
🎵 Summary: Draco, lost in darkness, seeks a guiding light.
📻  If you knew… (T) by gnarf @gnarf
🎵 Song prompt: Young Folks from Peter Bjorn and John
🎵 Summary: The war had left scars on all of them.  Some were obvious. Some only if they looked closely. But the worst ones were those they couldn't see. Those that were hidden inside.
📻  an ode to the boy i love (G) by nettleforest @nettleforest
🎵 Song prompt: Animal - Troye Sivan
🎵 Summary: an evocation of vulnerability, trust and tenderness
📻  Home Sweet Home (G) by gnarf @gnarf
🎵Song prompt: Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
🎵 Summary: In the middle of a Zombie apocalypse Harry made it his main goal to find a safe home for Draco and himself.
📻  Turn back time (T)  bt erlasart @erlasart
🎵 Song prompt: If I Could Turn Back Time - Cher
🎵 Summary: Draco's had a rough few years, if that's what you call falling in with a bad lot, attempted murder and a close brush with death. Now facing the weight of his misdeeds, Draco tries to pinpoint when it all went wrong.
📻  Time to Get Out (T)  by SoldSeperately @secretartlair
🎵 Song prompt: My House - PVRIS
🎵 Summary: A few years post-war, Pansy convinces Draco to go on a night out at a muggle club. They run into some familiar faces.
🎶 H/D Wireless Art and Fic 🎶
📻  A Different Kind of Meaning (E, 17k) by p103 @p103 (art by Zigster)
🎵 Song prompt: Outnumbered - Dermot Kennedy
🎵 Summary: The ceiling doesn't hold any answers, but there are cobwebs scattered across the corners with shadows tangled in their threads. The rug against his back is rough and scratchy, threadbare and devoid of colours other than various shades of brown. Harry takes it all in, absorbs the dingy and depressed state of his home. There's a pointed moment of decision, a note about to be played, a silence about to end, and then he rolls to his feet and sets to cleaning.
It's the first constructive thing he's done in years. 
📻  Keep Holding On (M, 33k) by gnarf @gnarf (fic) and MaesterChill @maesterchill (art)
🎵 Song prompt: Welshly Arms - Sanctuary
🎵 Summary: After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry and Draco both fall into their own battles with their mental states. Draco is sent to Azkaban, and Harry turns to drinking, hoping to forget.
Months later, Harry visits St Mungo’s new ward on request of a friend, only to find Draco in a deep vegetative state.
Not willing to give him up, Harry stays by his side, while simultaneously dealing with the Ministry's newest grand idea to make everything worse.
Making new alleys, and losing old ones on the way, would hopefully be worth it in the end.
📻 Fic : Modern Love (E, 61k) by tackytiger @tackytigerfic
📻 Art : Our Love Song (G) by chachisoo @creeeee
🎵 Song prompt: Modern Love by David Bowie
🎵 Fic summary: Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
And it really doesn’t seem fair that Draco Malfoy is back in Harry’s life, all of a sudden, and even though he’s wandless, and living with Muggles, and making his mother cry with his lifestyle choices, he’s happy. So what's he doing right, that Harry isn’t?
Because things don’t really change, do they? And if Harry can’t be happy, he’ll settle for a good night’s sleep, some posh antiques, and the opportunity to find out what Malfoy has been up to for all these years.
And that’s what starts it all.  
🎵 Art summary: Harry and Draco enjoying a Sunday morning bus ride in London.
📻  For the Thousandth Time (T, 14k) by bluefay @thesleepiesthufflepuff (fic) and mehroomiyat (art)
🎵 Song Prompt: Lucky by Aurora
🎵 Summary: When Draco's wand refuses to work after the war, he turns to Harry for help. 
📻 Fic : Returning Tides (E, 24.5k) by Zigster @zigster-ao3
📻 Art : Love Will Tear Us Apart (G) by Zigster @zigster-ao3
🎵 Song prompt: Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division 
🎵 Fic summary: 
Is my timing that flawed? Our respect run so dry? Yet there's still this appeal That we've kept through our lives
🎵 Art summary: Art piece to accompany the fic ‘Returning Tides’, based on the song claim, 'Love Will Tear Us Apart' by Joy Division ***** Harry's brooding while straddling a motorbike. Need I say more?
📻  That Sweet Sweet Craving (E, 33.2k) by TheUltimateUndesirable @ultimateundesirable
🎵 Song prompt: Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons 
🎵 Summary: Harry is miserable living a lie because he thinks being a gay role model is wrong. Fake dates raising money for a charity that ends up putting him in a situation he had never expected. Draco Malfoy appears back in his life by some odd chance trying to flip his world upside down and he isn't sure it's a good thing. Malfoy always worked that way to him. Mental health issues, sex, escaping, and that sweet sweet craving of happiness.
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic 🎶
📻  Follow the Water (T, 38.2k) by xanthippe74 @xanthippe74
🎵 Song prompt: “Follow the Water” by Calexico/Iron & Wine
🎵 Summary: Harry Potter’s life is fine. Maybe a little dull and predictable, but he shouldn’t complain about that, right? When he unexpectedly finds himself at Luna’s house one afternoon, Harry gets invited to join the secret wonderland that she’s creating with a surprising group of friends. Maybe a summer outdoors is just what a former hero needs to bring some zest back into his life.
📻  Life goes not backward (T, 8.8k) by shealwaysreads @shealwaysreads 
🎵 Song prompt: Daughter by Loudon Wainwright
🎵 Summary: Harry still isn’t used to gifts, but this one is different.
A story of coming home, finding safe ground, and the wild courage of putting down roots.
Leaving one life behind isn’t always a sacrifice, and sometimes the greatest good comes from embracing the people you love. 
📻  The Way We Used To Love (E, 5.3k) by Zzzara @big-draco-energy
🎵 Song prompt: 'Used to Love' by Martin Garrix & Dean Lewis
🎵 Summary: Is there hope when what is not enough for the one happens to be too much for the other? 
📻  but if you close your eyes (T, 3.3k) by cloudlesslysky @cloudlesslysky 
🎵 Song prompt: Pompeii by Bastille
🎵 Summary: The New Magic Order is trying to take over Wizarding Britain. They're not the Death Eaters, but they're not any better either.
The lines of alliance have shifted, but Harry is still on the front lines working tirelessly to stop them.
📻  Haunt the corner of my eye (T, 23k) by harryromper @harryromper
🎵 Song prompt: Echoes of You - Marianas Trench
🎵 Summary: Harry’s life is very much on track. After a successful career as an Auror, he’s set to become the youngest ever Minister for Magic. But strange things are starting to happen at Grimmauld Place. Items he doesn’t recognise are appearing left and right, and somehow he never feels quite alone. There’s only one thing Harry knows for sure: it has something to do with Draco Malfoy.
📻  Now that the spring is in the air (T, 5.7k) by cloudlesslysky @cloudlesslysky 
🎵 Song prompt: Seasons in the Sun by Westlife
🎵 Summary: A surprise attack in Diagon Alley leaves Draco struggling to make peace with the fact that he won't live long enough to experience his own wedding.
📻  Seven Days to Monday (M, 11.7k) by static_abyss @static_abyss
🎵 Song prompt: Say Something - A Great Big World
🎵 Summary: There are seven days before Harry has to meet Draco for the final signing of their divorce papers. It's been months and the surprise at finding nothing but more cold sheets and an empty pillow next to him still catches Harry unaware. He doesn't know where they go from here. Whether it's possible to go anywhere after everything that's happened between them.
📻  Blond Brew (E, 30.4k) by MicheleBlack @micheleblack
🎵 Song prompt: “Blondes” by Waterparks
🎵 Summary: A blond roast with soy milk makes Draco's morning, but a pair of green eyes makes his week.
📻  A Series of Nonsensical Events (T, 12.8k) by CoffeeCurse @coffee-curse
🎵 Song prompt: My Gospel by Charlie Puth
🎵 Summary: Malfoy is up to something. When Harry and the other Aurors are called into a Gringotts break-in and find him the culprit, Harry’s at a total loss.
But things only get weirder from then on.
📻  Ignore the Truth (E, 2.6k) by static_abyss @static_abyss
🎵 Song prompt: Dangerously - Charlie Puth
🎵 Summary: "Longtime on-again-off-again lovers Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were caught in a compromising position in one the Ministry's lifts yesterday evening. While fans of the couple are optimistic, there's still doubt as to whether or not this particular reconciliation will last. When asked directly about the nature of his relationship with Draco Malfoy, the Boy Who Lived had simply this to say, 'Fuck right off, we're busy.'"
- The Daily Prophet, "Love Is In The Air," 28th Oct. 2005.   
📻  Your Daddy Knows (You're A Flame) (E, 27.8k) by Ladderofyears @ladderofyears
🎵 Song prompt: Babyfather by Sade (2010)
🎵 Summary: It's just over a week until Draco's twenty-fifth birthday party and Harry Potter is a busy wizard. Amongst all the excitements of fatherhood, work and friends, Harry realises something special about his husband Draco. He is pregnant with their second, much wanted baby.
There's only one problem: Draco is entirely oblivious to the fact and seems determined to remain so. 
📻  Don't search me in here (E, 6.7k) by Sassy3 @sassy-sassy3
🎵 Song prompt: Gone - Charlie XCX & Christine and the Queens
🎵 Summary: Draco spotted him in a corner, crowded by Ministry employees. He looked like an animal, trapped in a cage. He had a strained smile on his , and his eyes were looking everywhere else than on the people in front of him.
Draco can’t quite help himself, watching Potter from afar. Just out of curiosity, of course. He’s happy with his life, nothing is missing, and if he’s lonely it’s entirely by choice. 
📻  I Can Be Your Lighthouse (T, 4k) by orpheus87 
🎵 Song prompt: The Lighthouse by The Used
🎵 Summary: When Harry gets called to investigate reports of Dark magic, the last thing he expects to find is an almost unconscious Draco Malfoy. After multiple instances, he resolves to find out what's going on.
📻  Drop Everything Now (T, 21k) by parkkate @parkkate
🎵 Song prompt: Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift
🎵 Summary: After accidentally bonding himself to Malfoy, Harry finds himself in an utterly precarious situation… 
📻  No one fucks with us (T, 3.3k) by Laura_Sinele @laurasinele
🎵 Song prompt: NFWMB by Hozier
🎵 Summary: Draco Malfoy wonders for how long has Harry Potter been a terrifying force of nature. Harry Potter thinks Draco Malfoy has been a badass MF all along. If the world has to end so they can have some peace and quiet, be it. They'll set it on fire.
📻  Will You Stay with Me? (M, 10.2k) by EvAEleanor @eva-eleanore
🎵 Song prompt: ‘Run’ - Daughter
🎵 Summary: Ten months ago, Draco had found none other than Harry Potter blindly drunk and bleeding outside a Muggle pub. He'd brought him home and hasn't left his side ever since. He looked after him, took care of him when yet another nightmare plagued him. 
Harry is sure that Draco will leave him at some point, and he can’t let it happen. He can’t have another person leaving his life unexpectedly. So, Harry forces him to leave — after they spend one last night together.
📻  until the sun has changed the colour of my hair (T, 4.9k) by cloudlesslysky @cloudlesslysky 
🎵 Song prompt: Jag saknar dig mindre och mindre - Melissa Horn
🎵 Summary:  Draco's life has been one big mess ever since Potter broke up with him. He doesn't want to see his friends, he's too ashamed to see his parents, and his apartment is one giant mess. He's constantly prepared for disaster, and spends his time either alone in Muggle parks or in his apartment. But one day... One beautiful day... He will forget Harry, surely.
📻  Love Found (E, 7.5k) by peachpety @peachpety
🎵 Song Prompt: I Found, by Amber Run
🎵 Summary: During Harry’s sixth year, Draco Malfoy joins the Order as a double-agent and continues with his task to get the Death Eaters into the castle as assigned by Voldemort. Draco succeeds with his mission the evening Harry returns from the caves with Dumbledore. The boys reunite on the Astronomy Tower and, with the Death Eater’s arrival, are forced to engage in a fight, driving Harry to come to terms with his feelings about true friendship and romantic love.
📻  On the Third Day He Took Me to the River (M, 14.4k) by pixiedustatsundown @pixiedustatsundown 
🎵 Song prompt: 'Where the Wild Roses Grow - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds ft. Kylie Minogue'
🎵 Summary: This is a story of two lonely young men falling in love.
This is a story about dreams and duty, about witches that give purpose to the one and doom the other.
You think you know how the story goes, but this is a different story, and it doesn't end well. 
📻  (When They Only Hear You Whisper) I'll Be Loud For You (T, 2.8k) by VeelaWings @veelawings
🎵 Song prompt: There for You - Martin Garrix/Troye Sivan
🎵 Summary: Potter must have been having nightmares again. He was restless in his bed across the room. Moonlight shone through his open bed curtains and highlighted the contours of his body, the grimace on his face blatant. His thick blanket was kicked down, one leg still covered by his twisted sheet, the musk of his sweat pungent in their small dorm. Low grunts accounted for the majority of the noise he made, but it was peppered by the occasional groan or unclear shout of words. However, ‘No,’ was always clear.
Draco hated it. 
📻  The Interview (T, 17.3k) by Cibee (Cibeeeee) @cibeewastaken
🎵 Song prompt: Just Say Yes - Snow Patrol
🎵 Summary: One interview had Draco realizing how naïve he was for thinking he deserved Harry. 
📻  Lookalike (M, 1.4k) by Zzzara @big-draco-energy
🎵 Song prompt: 'Lookalike' by Conan Gray 
🎵 Summary: When you look in his eyes, Do you think of mine? And when you look at that smile, Do I cross your mind? I know in your head You see me instead 'Cause he looks a lot like I did back then Baby, don't lie, He's just a lookalike... ©
📻  As Fascinating As a Slap Bracelet (T, 13.2k) by acupforslytherin @acupforslytherin 
🎵 Song prompt: Have It All - Jason Mraz
🎵 Summary: Who would have thought that a wacky little Muggle toy would lead to an unlikely friendship between Harry and Draco? Not Harry, certainly.
Who would have thought that this friendship would bloom into something more? Well, Ron, for one. 
📻  If Sex Is the Drug, Then What Is the Cost (E, 3.8k) by EvAEleanor @eva-eleanore
🎵 Song prompt: I Almost Told You That I Loved You - Papa Roach
🎵 Summary: For quite some time, Harry has been seeing Malfoy. Well... Actually, he's hired Malfoy, to keep him company, in his bedroom. It's only sex — honestly — and since Malfoy is the best, he's the only person Harry wants. That's all it is, right? 
📻  I Grow Fonder Every Day (M, 21.6k) by Drarrelie @drarrelie
🎵 Song prompt: One and Only by Adele
🎵 Summary: Draco still doesn’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse, sharing a flat in Muggle London with Harry Potter.
It’s all Draco’s ever wanted — more than he’d ever wished for. And if it entails suppressing his inconvenient feelings for the man, so what? He’s perfectly happy with his life as it is, perfectly content with just having Potter close and enjoying his company.
That is, until one Friday evening at the beginning of April when the end starts. 
📻  How Can I Live Without you? (G, 2.2k) by ununquadius @ununquadius 
🎵 Song prompt: "So Far Away", by Avenged Sevenfold
🎵 Summary: After Draco's death, Harry wonders how can he live without the one he loves when he's so far away.
📻  Following the Arrow to Your Heart (E, 10.9k) by goddessofthehearth 
🎵 Song prompt: Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran
🎵 Summary: After the war, Draco is recruited into the Department of Love (aka Cupid's Arrow). His job is to bring together witches and wizards whose magical signatures are only compatible with each others' (essentially soulmates). As they all learned during training, Cupids are chosen because they do not have soulmates.
Six years later, Draco's convinced himself that he's perfectly fine with not having a soulmate. But his latest client turns out to be Harry Potter, and he's forced to reconsider in light of his old feelings.
📻  cos I only need your name to call the reasons why I fought (T, 6.6k) by cloudlesslysky @cloudlesslysky
🎵 Song prompt: War, by Poets of the Fall
🎵 Summary: Ron and Hermione leave the Horcrux hunt, leaving a hurt Harry behind.
But at least Draco is still there with him.
📻  Madness (M, 10k) by tigersilver 
🎵 Song prompt: House of Fun by Madness
🎵 Summary: A desperate search for contraception all around Diagon Alley.
📻  Between Myth and Man (E, 16.2k) by slytherco @slytherco 
🎵 Song prompt: Why'd you only call me when you're high? - Arctic Monkeys
🎵 Summary: Draco, lost and a little broken, navigates post-war reality convinced that people like him should not be allowed to make their own choices. To solve the problem of his self-sabotaging tendencies, he starts taking a few drops of Veritaserum every morning.
A story about the complexity of choices, repressed desires that come to the surface when we least expect them, and the utter hopelessness of truths built on a foundation of lies.
📻  stay awhile (stay here with me) (T, 3.1k) by panicparade @panicissharp​
🎵 Song prompt: I like me better - Lauv
🎵 Summary: "Then when?" Harry tries again. He's not sure if he really wants to see the photo or if he just wants to keep talking to Malfoy. This Malfoy, who is so different from what he was expecting. In his Muggle jeans and smartly pressed sweater, with an air of vulnerability around him that Harry isn't used to seeing, Malfoy looks approachable in a way he never has before.
Harry stops his fidgeting as Malfoy looks up to meet his eyes. Through the hum of the crowded pub, he has to strain a little to hear him. "Maybe," Malfoy starts, hesitating a little but never breaking eye contact, "one day?"
📻  All it needs is messing it up and stars (G, 5.9k) by a_reader_and_writer @harrypotterfanfictionwriter
🎵 Song prompt: Tongue Tied by Faber Drive
🎵 Summary: After the war all the Malfoy's came off with light sentences. Now during 8th year Draco is finally free to be himself and date his crush; Harry Potter. Or at least so he thought..
A letter from his father rips that happiness away.
But maybe in the end it will take just a bit of messing up and some stars to get that happiness back.
📻  I'm gonna let it happen (E, 12.3k) by tomoewantsdolls @tomoewantsdolls 
🎵 Song prompt: Florence + The Machine - Shake it out
🎵 Summary: And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope It's a shot in the dark and right at my throat 'Cause looking for heaven, found the devil in me Looking for heaven, for the devil in me Well what the hell I'm gonna let it happen to me
📻  I feel it in my bones (M, 6.3k) by cloudlesslysky @cloudlesslysky
🎵 Song prompt: Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
🎵 Summary: Harry’s heartbeat is loud in his ears as his heart pounds in his chest. His lungs burn as he pants for air. His legs are screaming in protests as he continues to push them to their limit, forcing himself to run ever faster.
📻  Born in the U.S.A. (M, 9k) by KittyCargo @kittycargo
🎵 Song prompt: I'm on Fire by Bruce Springsteen
🎵 Summary: “You need to come home, Draco.”
“What? Why? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, I just have an opportunity for you, and you need to come home to take it.”
When Draco's mother insists he comes home, he drags his feet and convinces his friends to take a road trip.
📻  just tell me when it's alright (E, 23k) by M0stlyVoid @bonesliketambourines
🎵 Song prompt: Teeth, Lady Gaga
🎵 Summary: Harry’s been fighting tooth and nail for any bit of normalcy he can get his hands on. He’s sick of feeling like something’s wrong with him, tired of feeling different. He thinks he’s finally gotten to the root of it, and has settled into a routine that makes him happy. Naturally, that’s when Draco Malfoy walks back into his life and upends it once again. Has Harry bitten off more than he can chew with his former rival?
📻  The Courting by the Pureblood Who Only Has Five Milligrams of Romantic Intelligence and Thinks He’s Real Smooth (T, 19.4k) by Cibee (Cibeeeee) @cibeewastaken
🎵 Song prompt: Cupid - Amy Winehouse 
🎵 Summary: Draco could grab Potter and shove him into a stall before proceeding to suck his soul out of his dick, but secretly, deep down, in the part of Draco that he will never admit to anyone, he is (everyone pauses to shudder) a romantic. Potter is not someone Draco wants a one-off with. Potter is — Draco’s beloved!
So Draco decides to boldly go where no one has gone before: to put himself through scrutiny; their friends’ teasing and pranks; unsound romantic advice from a house-elf; wearing pretty clothes; all to try and win Potter’s heart through courtship.
(An unnamed ginger bastard can be heard yelling from afar: “This is actually a detailed guide on how not to court someone!”)
But who cares about the opinions of redheads? Literally no one.
📻  What Will We Do With a Drunken Harry? (E, 4.9k) by Thunder_of_Dragons @thunder-of-dragons
🎵 Song prompt: "Drunken Sailor" by The Irish Rovers
🎵 Summary: A victorious Quidditch match, a claimed Quidditch Cup, and a wild House party can mean only one thing. Will the aftermath lead to one excruciating hangover in the morning, or will it perhaps lead to something more?
📻  Though Your World Is Changing, I Will Be The Same (E, 15.9k) by hephaestiions 
🎵 Song prompt: Slave To Love by Bryan Ferry 
🎵 Summary: “I shower after work,” Harry had told him once when Draco had asked what cologne had such longevity as to be effective after a full day of gruelling Auror work. 
“For me?” Draco had asked. Teased, just a little. There had been a smile lingering on the edges of his consciousness, threatening to traipse onto his mouth. 
“For Ginny,” Harry had said, voice flat. “She hates it when I come back sweaty and crackling with other people’s hexes. Did you know magic has a smell? I didn’t until she told me.”
It's all fun and games, till somebody falls in love. Given his luck, it's obviously Draco who has to go and do it.
📻  I Can't Help Falling in Love with You (NR, 4.8k) by readdreamwrite26 @readdreamwrite26
🎵 Song prompt: I can't help falling in love with you - Elvis Presley
🎵 Summary: Harry stood up and set his hand out to Draco. “Dance?” “I didn’t know you danced, Potter.” “Hm, I’ve danced a lot in my time," Harry replied smugly. “How do I know you won’t step on my feet?” “You don’t, but I think the risk will be worth it.”
📻  Searching For a Place to Hide (T, 12.5k) by Erin_Riwen @erin-riwen
🎵 Song prompt: Love Will Keep Us Alive - The Eagles
🎵 Summary: After the war, there were threats against the Malfoys. Needing them kept safe until the trials are over, the Ministry puts them in protective custody but a murder attempt proves there’s a Ministry leak. Desperate, the Ministry decides a safe house is best, but who to trust to keep it secret and keep them safe? Narcissa calls in a life debt, the Minster calls in a favour and Harry Potter wonders why his life continues to hate him. 
Along the way, the Malfoys learn how to be a family again, Harry learns that some things are not how he thought and maybe never were, and the touch-starved boys discover that they may be each other's forever answer.
📻  Isolated Thunderstorms and Scattered Showers (T, 21.3k) by triggerlil @triggerlil 
🎵 Song prompt: Iris - the GooGoo Dolls
🎵 Summary: Post-war, Harry needs space. Everything is too much all at once, and time and time again, he finds himself pulling the invisibility cloak over his head, just for a bit of peace.
Returning for eighth year is hard, especially when you're considered a war hero, and your name is Harry James Potter. It's just that things go a little wonky when Harry starts following Malfoy, and finds that he can't (or doesn't want to) stop.
📻  Kiss It Better (E, 1.5k) by articcat621 @articcat621
🎵 Song prompt: Kiss It Better by Rihanna
🎵 Summary: When Harry's injured, Draco knows there's no place he'd rather be than by his side.
📻  (shut up and) dance with me (T, 7.9k) by punk_rock_yuppie @punk-rock-yuppie
🎵 Song prompt: Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon
🎵 Summary: Four dances Harry and Draco share.
📻  In Love with the Ferret (E, 21.9k) by Pineau_noir @pineau-noir 
🎵 Song prompt: I'm Yours by Jason Mraz
🎵 Summary: Harry has never been the most observant bloke. Sometimes to the point of him not realising his feelings for a particular pointy, pale git. And it's not his fault if literally everyone else knows about said feelings except for Harry and the git in question. So it's really not his fault, when faced with the scope of his feelings, he suddenly has a hard time talking to one Draco Malfoy. Or looking him in the eye. Or not being a total weirdo around him.
There's nothing to do but take the advice of his friends and try to woo Draco over dinners with friends, Ministry cases, and an unfortunately named Italian restaurant.
Harry just can't stop the flutter in his chest when he sees Draco smile.
📻  Dance with me? (M, 8.2k) by Aylaar @accioxanxiety
🎵 Song prompt: I Wanna Dance With Somebody - Whitney Houston
🎵 Summary: Draco had given up on love, until one day sitting outside the usual gaudy cafe he frequented 'people watching' he spotted Harry Potter lurking, a suspicious Draco investigates and a series of events ensue.
📻  The Cupid Incident (E, 12.6k) by meandminniemcg @meandminniemcg 
🎵 Song prompt: Can' Get You out of My Head - Kylie Minogue
🎵 Summary: Draco gets into the way of a potions attack and can't get Potter out of his head.
📻  Carouse (E, 19.9k) by Drarryismymuse (Hatchersn) @drarryismymuse 
🎵 Song prompt: Dead by Madison Beer
🎵 Summary: Carouse (verb): To drink plentiful amounts of alcohol and enjoy oneself with others in a noisy, lively way.
Harry finds himself using alcohol in increasingly dangerous ways to cope with the stresses of life. When he is put on leave from work to sort out his issue, he instead falls head first into a lively club scene where he can drink and fuck his worries away. That is, until a certain blond from his past reappears and throws off his entire routine.
Massive well done to all these talented creators - you’ve made this fest utterly spectacular! Take a bow!!
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🎙️ Don’t forget to check out the Playlists:
Spotify (Provided by @eva-eleanore​ Thank  ypu so much!)
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