#tesla code secrets program
nanomooselet · 8 months
Episode Zero: High Noon At July
So anyway, Vash is right about everything.
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Yes, I'm exaggerating. There are plenty of caveats to Vash's ideals. There are hard ethical questions surrounding humanity's relationship with the Plants, and those will have to be answered or neither species is going to survive much longer. But nothing's going to get better if all they have is Vash, busy getting shot at, and Knives, busy getting his brother shot at. What Vash has been struggling with from the opening minutes of the show is that he's been assuming all the blame for what Knives does, taking punishment and abuse from him and from humans without a word of protest, simply because he believes it's what he deserves.
And it's not. It never has been. He's never been to blame. It is, unequivocally, something Knives did to him.
From those same opening minutes, Knives has been the twin with agency. Never mind that he caused the fleet to crash and instigated the entire plot, or that he was also the one who actively sought to discover Rem's secret; I mentioned before that he offered Rem a choice before escaping in the shuttle. But what I noticed the second time was something equally crucial. Nai is the one piloting the shuttle. Vash is just a passenger, carried along as Nai steered, subjected to his decisions and forced to bear the consequences for his actions. And Nai didn't exactly... ask to be one piloting. He just sits in the chair and takes the stick, not a word said. He assumes agency for himself and for Vash both without room for discussion.
When Nai offered Rem a choice, and she refused, he resolved to give no one else he loved a choice, ever again. But Vash never got a choice, not with Nai. And that became a pattern.
When Nai told Vash: you're my accomplice, you're the one who gave me the program access code (I'm all but one hundred percent certain he means that when Vash accessed Tesla's records, Nai remembered the code he entered), Vash started to run. He fled. He couldn't bear the culpability - it's pretty much the instant he began to engage in suicidal ideation. He ceased to exercise his agency because he believed it lead to this unimaginable horror. The die is already cast: he's Nai's accomplice. It's decided.
Or rather, Nai decided.
Did Vash really keep running for a hundred and fifty years? Well, no, not quite - Knives (naturally) called time-out when Vash pointed a gun at his face. Just wait for a short while...a mere century or so. I promise I'll build a world of Plants. Even he, I think, realised slicing off Vash's arm was a bit of a dick move and had to regroup. But a hundred years later the game was back on and Knives's next move was founding his cult, stealing Plants, committing murders and framing Vash, and Vash was just as bereft of agency as before.
Vash the Stampede is a name that humanity gave him, but they gave it to him because of Knives. Note how it fits the naming scheme of the other members of his cult. Zazie the Beast. Elendira the Crimsonnail. Nicholas the Punisher. Livio the Doublefang. Monev the Gale. E.G. the Mine. A stampede is a herd of running animals too scared to think about the damage they cause as they flee for their lives. And that doesn't really apply to Vash, but it describes the twins as a combined force - Vash flees, Knives follows him bringing destruction. Vash is afraid of facing Knives; Knives is afraid of being without Vash. And between them, complete and utter ruin is left in their wake.
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So what changed?
I said before that Meryl is the only other character besides Knives with agency, with a couple of exceptions, and I'll say right now that Vash isn't one of them. In this game, Vash's agency - really Vash himself, his power, his soul - is the prize. People want to have Vash. They desire him. And he doesn't think he has a choice but to fulfil those desires in order to make up for his sins, which is why he went to confront Knives in July - despite knowing, deep down, that his brother will not be convinced and he's walking to a hideous fate, perhaps his death. Vash is an Independent, but he doesn't seem to think he has free will. It's been beaten out of him so viciously he attributes all his hard-earned skills to luck and his compassion to some instinctive bodily urge, as though he's a trained animal. Which Knives takes just the most disgustingly cruel jab at - You need to smile, show your charm, and behave like a harmless pet./They only love your charm, your tricks, and the tightness of your leash. Imagine if Rem had ever heard him talk that way to his brother. (I'm curious how the translation worked there.)
Ah, Rem. We see so little of her. We know almost nothing about her, save that she was an imperfect woman who did her best, who loved both her children as hard as she could. Who chose to love them. Who told them that as long as you can make a choice, you can choose a better future.
I think that was a belief she privately struggled to hold, personally. Knowing that by her inaction an innocent child was subjected to a worse fate than death, it would have been hard to imagine there could still be a future for her. I hope that in the end she came to forgive herself, even if only a little, and not just because of the twins. But we'll never know.
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And after Rem, Luida. Who told Vash he was a survivor rather than a coward and he deserved to live, and who survived herself because of Vash - the very last time he stood by, frozen, as Knives tried to take away someone he loved. Who, with Brad, showed that humans can change and learn, and that though they still need to rely on Plants they need not consume them. Who began to take real, practical steps towards that chosen future for both, who gave Vash his coat and built him his hand - a protective memory and the part of the body that reaches out to another that his brother cut from him. Because of them he found contact with his own kind, and began to bridge the gap that had always existed between the two species, and the two sides of his own nature.
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And finally tiny Meryl. Inexperienced, sheltered, easy to knock down, easy to pick up, unarmed, all alone, and absolutely filled to the brim with rage. Meryl's way of caring for things is by getting righteously, furiously angry about them. I wonder how long it's been since anyone knew and cared enough about Vash to be in the position to get angry on his behalf, over what's been done to him. Knives didn't take the slightest bit of notice of her (except to dismiss her as "another parasite" because he's a bitch like that) until Vash responded to her. She wasn't even supposed to be there - Zazie just thought it would be funny. Zazie is the best.
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(I always wonder if the song Vash sings was him trying to answer Meryl's frantic cries for him to wake up. If he somehow how meant to lift her closer or build the path she climbed to reach him. Conrad said he couldn't speak human language anymore. What if that was the only other way?)
These three women all shared faith in Vash and his ideals, and loved him, rather than what he's "supposed" to be or what he could do for them. All helped form him into the man he is now. Each of them had agency and made choices, even hard ones. And so in the end, Vash's victory over Knives's cruelty also belongs to them. Vash awakens because the connection forged by these women allowed him to pull himself free of the pit of corrosive pain Knives plunged him into - breaking chains of guilt his brother had forged to keep him by his side forever. When the question is asked, "Whose side are you on?" the answer is neither the side of humans nor Plants, despite what Knives thinks. It's the side of Vash choosing his own future, inspired and supported by the women who loved him, rather than being trapped and frozen in the past. Inevitably there will be mistakes, losses - even horrors.
And it'll still beat any future this asshole chooses for him.
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reviewhq · 2 months
The 369 Manifestation Code Review
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There are several manifestation programs on the internet that promise to be able to assist you achieve your goals. The 369 Manifestation Code is also named for Tesla Nikola, the man who inspired its creation. The Tesla Manifestation software was named after its developer, Darius.
According to Tesla, you have the ability to unlock and attain your desires. The Tesla Manifestation method employs one-of-a-kind audios to assist you in opening your mind, allowing the universe to grant you all of your wishes.
The numbers 3, 6, and 9 are said to have the capacity to bring prosperity, health, and love from the cosmos, according to Tesla. All you have to do is figure out how to use these three numbers to make the cosmos grant your wishes.
The 369 Manifestation Program employs 369 hertz audios to change brain waves and cleanse the root chakra, opening the way to wealth and plenty.
Negative energy, such as financial stress, relationship issues, and bad health, unfortunately, inhibits the ability to attract happy feelings.
What Is the 369 Manifestation Code?
The 369 Manifestation Code is a three-step manifesting method. That is, it is a rather basic technique that utilizes the power of the mind to channel positive energies and assist you in your daily life. It is stated that by releasing these powers, you would be able to attain your goals.
Darrius, a male, was the one who came up with the idea. He was in a poor financial condition, maybe the worst of his life. The man was in so much debt that he couldn’t even meet his basic demands. Then he learned that his partner was expecting a child.
He felt desperate at first, but then he realized the answer to all of his problems: the numbers 3, 6, and 9. A acquaintance told him that the sound of 369 hertz was the best method to enter a “Alpha state,” and that this secret had been known for a long time.
According to him, the legendary Nicola Tesla was already aware of the mind’s power. According to Tesla, the ability to materialize the life you desire comes from inside, not from the outside. These three numbers were also favorites of the scientist: 3, 6, and 9.
Someone might reportedly discover the key to a happy, prosperous life by connecting these numbers. As a result, Darrius created a 369-hertz soundtrack that makes direct touch with your chakras and opens the door to a lot more pleasant way of life.
Who Created The 369 Manifestation Code?
The 369 manifestation code was devised by Darius, one of the most prominent manifestation instructors, and is followed by over a million individuals.
He received 369 audio tracks from a friend, which he utilized in his life, and after seeing how successful they were, he decided to share them with the world under the moniker 369 Manifestation Code.
If you don’t know Darius, I have found his story for you.
Darius had a difficult existence, was lost, and was drained in every way. His financial circumstances deteriorated as a result of his lack of a high school graduation. Despite the fact that everyone felt he was performing well, he was consistently overlooked for promotions. He was heavily in debt and couldn’t afford even the most basic basics.
He learned that his fiancée was pregnant one day, and despite his joy, he was worried about how the two of them would handle having a child. He was attempting to come up with a solution without understanding that the cosmos had all the answers.
Sebastian contacted him when he was contemplating in a nearby café, and they began conversing. Darius was interested by the fact that the guy appeared to have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth after knowing about his difficult existence.
Darius heard about the three numerals 369 when he asked him how his life had altered.
How Does the 369 Manifestation Code Work?
The 369 Manifestation Code is based on a basic three-digit manifestation code. The 369 Manifestation Code soundtrack’s particular frequency assists users in unlocking incredible wealth and abundance of pleasure in their lives.
The sacred numbers 3, 6, and 9 are used by Darius, the originator of the 369 Manifestation code, to unlock the door to a new alternate and plentiful universe.
Hearing audio tracks tailored to a precise frequency allows you to magnetically attract mind-blowing money miracles in minutes. Because these soundtracks can seamlessly connect the user’s mind and the world to attract financial independence, riches, health, and pleasure, they are becoming increasingly popular.
The entire system runs on autopilot and is unaffected by the user’s present financial situation. The 369 Manifestation Program does not necessitate any physical exertion, nor does it necessitate any new knowledge or mental or visualization methods.
To link the user’s mind with the Universe, the application only requires a total commitment of 5 minutes every day for about 10 days.
The 369 Manifestation Code manifestation program has three steps:
Step 1: Take some time to relax and listen to the vibration-altering sound for 10 minutes.
Step 2: Give yourself some time to go into the Alpha Brain Wave Pattern, which is where all the changes happen on a deep level.
Step 3: Give yourself some time to enable the new thought patterns and vibrations to take root in your head and generate a new reality naturally.
What’s Included In The 369 Manifestation Code?
Because the music contains a frequency of 369 hertz, using the 369 Manifestation Code can help you open up new possibilities and unleash abundance. Listening to these vibration-altering music can help you materialize your new world.
Your new life might be full of first-class experiences and exotic trips, as well as financial assistance.
You’ll also receive some bonus songs to help you on your way to a more effective makeover.
Bonuses for the 369 Manifestation Code include:
Bonus #1: Millionaire Mindset Shift:
Do you realize that the billionaires you see around you aren’t always more gifted or intelligent than you? Some people believe that redirecting your mentality is the secret to success.
You will find yourself manifesting more frequently and tripling or even trebling your money if you listen to this audio clip.
This alone is worth $97, but if you get 369 Manifestation Code, you can have it for free.
Bonus #2: The Money Abundance Magnet Moves
Simple practices may make the process of creating riches ten times simpler.
You may study these habits in the 369 manifestation code and use them in your daily life.
Bonus #3: The Money Confidence Booster:
The state of your financial circumstances is inextricably linked to your degree of confidence.
When you are confidence in yourself and your skills, you will attract greater riches. You’ll gain confidence in a matter of minutes.
Bonus #4: The Health Chakra Spinne:
You may be familiar with the concept of chakras. Each of our organs has energy-related wheels spinning around it. If they are rotating properly, our health remains healthy.
A shift in their employment might be harmful to your health and cause you to become ill. The audio track is important in this case. It is said to aid in the proper spinning of your chakras in order to maintain optimum health.
Benefits of Tthe 369-Manifestation Code:
Users of the 369 Manifestation Code manifestation program can expect the following benefits:
You will have unrestricted money and will finally be financially independent.
Assists people in realizing all of their desires.
You will be presented with several possibilities that will help you advance in your profession.
Make a mental connection to the cosmos.
You will discover contentment and fulfillment.
Increase the users’ skills to attract an abundance of health and prosperity.
Money will come in from a variety of sources.
Provides an endless supply of possibilities.
You will have a more positive self-image and more self-confidence.
If the manifestation code does not work for you, you may get a refund within 60 days.
You will have no trouble manifesting the riches you require.
Reduces stress and anxiety by assisting in the elimination of negative thoughts.
You’ll have more time to focus on your relationships because you’ll have more time to work on them.
For individuals who do not profit from the code, there is a 60-day money-back guarantee.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the money-back guarantee and how does it work? A: If the 369 Manifestation Code program does not work for you, simply write an email to the developer to get a refund.
Q: How long will it take to view the findings of 369 Manifestation Code? A: Based on consumer feedback and testimonials, most customers saw changes in their lives after the first day. However, for the greatest outcomes, it is suggested that you try it for at least 2 to 3 months.
Q: Does the 369 Manifestation Code curriculum need any additional talents or techniques? A: No, it isn’t. To use the 369 Manifestation Code software, you don’t need any additional skills or methods.
Q: Can anyone use the 369 Manifestation Code program? A: Yes, the 369 Manifestation Code program is reported to be beneficial to people of all ages, genders, and abilities.
Q: What does practicing the skills entail? A: To listen to the audio tracks, all you’ll need is a mobile phone or CD player, as well as a headset.
Simple and straightforward to follow
Without doing any physical effort, manifest an abundance of health, riches, and pleasure.
Priced reasonably
A 100% money-back guarantee is included.
Because the program is available in digital format, anyone may view it right now.
There are just a few spots available.
Only available for purchase on the official website.
This is not for everyone.
If all other financial alternatives have been tried, there is still hope since the 369-manifestation code can be used. The 369-manifestation code is beneficial to anyone seeking unrestricted wealth.
There are additional books you may collect after you have it. It was found by the greatest mind, and the information has now been made available to you.
If you have any worries, rest assured that this code has been thoroughly tested and confirmed to function. Financial independence is within your reach, and all it takes is a small investment.
Try Now… Click the Button Below
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blogchaindeveloper · 2 months
Is Prompt Engineering a Real Job?
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Artificial intelligence (AI) drastically changes our environment by simplifying activities and stimulating creative thinking. Even if new technologies provide us all more power, it begs the issue of how, in an age where everyone has access to the same technology, we can all still be unique and creative. Furthermore, how can we ensure that our work stands out and gives our companies a competitive advantage? The secret is to become an expert in quick engineering.
The developing field of prompt engineering focuses on creating and perfecting natural language prompts, which are used as inputs for AI models such as language models and chatbots. An AI prompt engineer is qualified to manipulate the behavior of sophisticated generative AI programs so that they serve our purposes and yield the results we want.
Is prompt engineering, however, a legitimate job? And what steps are involved in becoming one? Here are seven things to think about:
There is a substantial and growing demand in the sector of quick engineering 
As generative AI becomes more widely used by businesses in various industries, including research, education, customer service, and content production, there is an increasing demand for qualified experts who can maximize the effectiveness and caliber of these AI systems. Prompt engineering is an increasingly important skill set for accomplishing this goal.
Indeed.com has 446 prompt engineer job openings and vacancies in India as of June 23, 2023. The salary for these roles is handsome and can reach up to Rs 2.50 crore annually. As AI becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, the need for timely engineering is expected to grow.
The discipline of prompt engineering extends beyond technical proficiency
Although some expertise with AI models and tools is necessary, computer scientists and engineers are just some who can accomplish it. Quick engineering uses general abilities that go beyond computer science. Proficiency in language, inventiveness, critical thinking, effective communication, and subject matter competence are all essential qualities in this field.
One of its key features is that rapid engineering only requires a little coding experience. It is a low-code or no-code activity that uses natural language to communicate between computers and people. 
In a tweet from January 2023, Andrej Karpathy—the former director of AI at Tesla—emphasized that English is currently the "hottest new programming language."
This suggests that anyone can pursue prompt engineering, regardless of technical expertise, if they have good language skills and can articulate their ideas accurately.
Quick engineering involves both imagination and focus on specifics
It entails more than just providing AI models with instructions. It also involves learning their strengths and weaknesses, spotting bugs or hidden features, and developing new uses. Engineering promptness is a combination of art and science.
A skilled, prompt engineer needs a keen eye for detail and a creative and resourceful mentality. They have to play around with different words, phrases, symbols, and forms so that the model can produce relevant and high-quality writing. The model's responses should be evaluated and analyzed for correctness, consistency, logic, style, tone, and other factors.
Quick engineering calls for the use of a variety of methods and approaches
There is no one-size-fits-all method; instead, it relies on the task, the AI model, available data, and the intended result. Prompt engineers can use different techniques and approaches to improve their prompts and get better output from AI models.
Prompt learning, often known as prompt-based learning, is one method. It entails employing prompts to turn tasks into a dataset so that a language model can be trained. Researchers could attain remarkable outcomes by optimizing a pre-trained model (T0) with structured prompts for twelve natural language processing tasks. This method fared better than pre-trained models and only trained on single tasks.
Chain-of-thought prompting (CoT) is another method. By assisting them in producing a sequence of intermediate steps that lead to the solution to a multi-step problem, it seeks to improve the reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs).
Prompt engineering is a context-specific ability that does not apply to all AI models or jobs
It depends on the situation at hand. Diverse kinds of data, prompts, and evaluation metrics are needed for diverse areas. Prompt engineering in healthcare research necessitates thoroughly comprehending medical terms, concepts, and ethical issues. It entails familiarity with legal vocabulary, precedents, and the capacity to craft strong arguments in law practice. When creating content, prompt engineering considers audience, audience tone, originality, and inventiveness. To provide pertinent and precise prompts for specific situations, prompt engineers must be subject matter experts or work closely with domain experts.
Prompt engineering faces potential and challenges in the rapidly developing field of artificial intelligence
Prompt engineers must deal with issues, including creating user-friendly models and guaranteeing dependable AI outputs in delicate areas. They must generate monitoring techniques and address any hazards like prejudice. However, there are other chances to investigate AI applications in different fields, such as media and education. Problems in the real world can have solutions brought about by innovation and collaboration. Additionally, prompt engineering is an opportunity to further AI research and suggest methods for improving model performance.
Prompt engineering is a respectable career with actual skill requirements
This is not a fad or a trick; instead, it's a valuable set of abilities that significantly improve the efficacy and performance of AI models. Prompt engineering can be used to investigate the many uses and benefits of AI models in various domains and circumstances.
How can you improve your quick engineering abilities?
To become a better, more prompt engineer, you must practice and learn from the best. One practical strategy is to enroll in a fast-track engineering course and earn AI certification.
Enrolling in a course can teach you the primary and advanced methods of prompt engineering, including prompt-based learning, prompt patterns, chain-of-thought prompting, and other techniques. Case studies and real-world examples will show how prompt engineering is used in various industries, including marketing, legal, healthcare, and education.
Obtaining a timely engineering certification will boost your reputation in the workplace and prove your abilities. A prompt engineer certification boosts your professional reputation and validates your skills and knowledge. It allows you to show potential employers or clients your experience and reliability. Joining a prompt engineering community will enable you to network with other prompt engineers and exchange experiences, knowledge, and helpful advice.
To sum up, quick engineering offers excellent professional and personal development opportunities in AI technology. It provides opportunities for societal influence, intellectual stimulation, creative expression, and problem-solving fulfillment. It's a demanding yet rewarding career that encourages imagination, creativity, curiosity, and discovery.
If you want to improve your prompt engineering abilities, consider taking a Certified Prompt Engineer course and becoming certified by the Blockchain Council. The Blockchain Council, a respectable association of industry professionals and fans, advances Blockchain technology research, development, and understanding. They cover basic and sophisticated prompt engineering strategies in their course, such as prompt patterns, prompt-based learning, and chain-of-thought prompting. Practical applications are demonstrated through case studies and real-world examples from various disciplines. Sharing insightful experiences, advice, and experiences with a community of prompt engineers is another benefit of engaging with them.
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the-secret-survey-pdf · 11 months
Tesla Code Secrets Review ( Scam? )
I spent years being frustrated in relationships because I did not understand men on a fundamental level. The fact is that they are not like us in many ways and we will never completely understand each other. What are the best ways to understand a man's feelings? Philosophically, we can never experience other people's feelings. The fact is that they are not like us in many ways and we will never completely understand each other and it is okay. The best way might be that try to imagine the feelings he describes and try to put ourselves into their situations and imagine how we feel. If you want to have a happy and healthy relationship with the man you love, it is important for you to be able to understand what he thinks and what he wants. The relationship expert Michael dire has actually interviewed tens of thousands of men and he has found a consistent theme and answer among almost every one of them, and it is exactly what you are looking for. A man can open up to you the way you want and give you what your heart desires if you are able to understand their inner thoughts and that is exactly what you will learn in this program.
The Secret Survey by Michael Fiore is based on 8 step by step lessons that show women what they need to do in order to correctly identify how men feel about them and their true intention without him saying even a word.  According to the author, the main reason why many women usually end up with the wrong man is because they don’t know how to correctly identify signs that shows that he is not the right man. All the instructions and knowledge of the men’s thought, psychology and desires provided inside this program is completely based on the real experiences of the author. The program contains some real life examples. He lays out the facts, focusing on what you need to hear — not what you want to hear. All the secrets of the men including psychology, thoughts, desires are laid out clearly and scientificly that help you could study about how to understand your man easily.. Physical beauty may be a romantic turn on for women but it’s not the only thing your man is after.  He lays out the facts, focusing on what you need to hear — not what you want to hear.  The program contains some real life examples. 
Similar to other programs by Michael Fiore, such as Capture His Heart, the Secret Survey system is very easy to follow and Michael Fiore always present his lessons in a fun but profound way that everyone can understand. The topic that the author has included in program will keep you glued until when you read the last word. The author has also used simple language that is easy to understand. He has explained a complicated topic using very simple language that users can easily understand. This program is suitable for women of all ages regardless of their current situation. So whether you are single, married or divorced and you are looking for tips and tricks to help you get the man of your dream, then this program will help make your dream a realit. With high quality videos, professional looking guides, excellent audios and active members area there is no doubt that Secret Survey is one of the most comprehensive relationship training courses available for women online these days. Michael Fiore offers a full, no-hassle money back guarantee for 60 days for every woman that will buy the Secret Survey Program. This decent guarantee makes his program completely risk free and imply about the confidence level that Mr. Fiore has in the quality of his Secret Survey system.
Click Here to Download The Secret Survey eBook Now!
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369 Manifestation Code Review ( Scam? )
369 Manifestation Code is a digital program that is designed to train your brain to unlock to attain unrestricted financial freedom. The program contains audio tracks that help your subconscious mind to reach its full potential and delete negative thoughts. The idea of the 369 manifestation code is based on the beliefs of Nikola Tesla, the most outstanding scientist ever to exist. What many people don’t know about him is that he is a “master of manifestation.” He believed that the ideas and inspirations he gets came from the universe and not his mind. He also felt that one could achieve more wealth and abundance by connecting with the universe with the right frequency. And, it can be through these three magnificent numbers. Moreover, Tesla was obsessed with the idea that he lived only in rooms and floors with these numbers. He also quoted this teaching by saying – “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, then think it in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
369 Manifestation Code was created by Darius, known for his success in manifestation, and people take advice from him to manifest their desired dreams. Many peoples take help from him, and they are now living a happy life. Darius gets the audio track from one of his friends, which involves a 369Hz powerful frequency. After listing to the track, he noticed a significant change in his life and hence decided to share it with other people who are passing through hard times and want to live a stress-free life. This idea is also backed up by scientific research. According to the Harvard Gazette, in a study conducted, the students with alpha brain wave rhythm were more good at their decision-making abilities. The brain waves define our reality. These brain waves guide all our thoughts and behaviors. So, listening to these audio tracks included in the 369 manifestation code alters our reality and shapes our experiences. Moreover, 369 hertz is associated with the cleansing of chakras, essential for our health and survival. Besides, it helps us achieve our dreams and goals. These waves also help us reach a clearer state of mind and get the universal messages to achieve a perfect life.
The 3 step process of the 369 Manifestation Code manifestation program are: Step 1: Take some time to relax and listen for ten minutes to the vibration-altering sound. Step 2: Let yourself enough time to enter the Alpha Brain Wave Pattern, which will automatically happen at the regular hearing of these audio tracks. These audio waves deeply enter your subconscious mind, eliminating unwanted thoughts and improving your positive thoughts. Step 3: Take some time to allow the thinking patterns and new vibrations to take hold in your mind and manifest a new reality without any effort. The sound frequency is based on the science behind numbers 3, 6, and 9, which helps to manifest fast and remove negative thoughts from the mind. The program includes a soundtrack that includes frequencies of 369 Hz. You just need to listen to the soundtrack for 10 minutes for 10 days. After using the frequency, you will feel the change in your thoughts, behavior, personality, and daily affair. After using this program, you will notice results in only 10 days. Throughout the ten days, you will not need to acquire new knowledge, make physical efforts or get into any boring visualization techniques. Your ability to manifest lies in how well your mind connects to the universe. According to the 369 Manifestation Code, your mind and the universe are the sources of all abundance and wealth; by visiting the official website, you can start today.
Click here to get 369 Manifestation Code from the official website
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Things You May Not Know About Elon Musk
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Elon Musk is one of the richest people in the world, and he’s currently shaping the global economy. But these facts are no secret. He’s been the talk of several circles for some time, but there are still some facts about him that might surprise you. Here are some things you may not know about Elon Musk.
A Young Entrepreneur
Elon Musk has been an entrepreneur since before he even reached high school. He found a passion for the technology industry at the age of 10 when he saw his first computer in a store. From there, he learned to program and develop code for a video game called Blastar, which he sold by the age of 12. A computer magazine purchased the game for $500 in 1984.
Movie Consultant
Elon Musk is an actor and a movie consultant—sort of. You might not have noticed him before, but Musk appeared in an immensely popular movie: Marvel’s Iron Man 2. Actor Robert Downey Jr. felt it was only fitting to place him in the film because Elon Musk played a role behind the scenes. While Downey was preparing to play Tony Stark, he turned to Musk for inspiration. Aside from the suit and saving the world, Musk does have some characteristics that are similar to the fictional character.
New Business Ventures
When you hear about brands such as Tesla and Twitter, you likely think of Elon Musk. But there are other business ventures Musk is considering going into as well. Nothing is really set in stone yet, but there have even been some rumblings about Elon going into the HVAC business. There’s some talk about him using the current cooling and heating system for Tesla inside homes. There would need to be some adjustments, but he does see the potential and is eager to start.
Founder of Tesla?
Is Elon Musk the founder of Tesla? Believe it or not, he isn’t. While many people make this mistake, the truth is that Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning founded the company in 2003 and brought Musk (and his money) aboard a year later. He invested a nice chunk of change in 2004 during the first-round venture—$6.35 million—and he’s now the CEO of the company. It’s easier to hear the word CEO and think founder, but there are many CEOs who had nothing to do with the start of their companies. There are just a few things you probably didn’t know about the billion Elon Musk. The complete list of facts about him is certainly much longer! Read the full article
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Alex West “Tesla Code Secrets” Review [PDF Download]
Subconscious mind is powerful because it has powers to transform our life. It controls our almost 90% life. Subconscious will open up ways for us and if we will put efforts to walk (take actions) then we can achieve our goals. It all depends how effectively we can communicate with our subconscious mind. With Tesla Code Secrets book, you will find many remarkable ideas including head physiology, quantum science as well as increase slit try things out. Gain the capacity to expand your mind to understand concepts which are both complex and abstract in nature. The author states that the key to success is Focus because our conscious intentions make our reality agree with it.
The Tesla Code Secrets is an exclusive program created to help elevate the lifestyle of people who are looking for greater success in life. The author has listed and explained life hacks and principles that were put in place by Nikola Tesla, a genius scientist who is widely known for coming up with theories of alternating current and other famous science theories. Tesla is famous for the quote, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” Based on what Alex West portrays in his book, this is largely where it stemmed from. By harnessing the secret of the universe, you can then propel forward utilizing the natural power around you. To ensure success, the program is divided into 18 simple lessons. Little by little, these lessons will help you to tap into the energy present in the universe. You can start practicing at least 5 minutes a day and then you can gradually increase the number of time you can devote in going through the materials from the Tesla Code Secrets. Some people who used the program reported that it is only a matter of weeks that they started feeling the changes in their life and how they are able to become more successful in controlling their chances and opportunities of getting successful in attaining their goals. In the end, this program will supply you with sufficient emotional and final power in your life.
In this book, it largely touches on quantum physics and other incredibly interesting scientific aspects of our existence. It shows us how these elements going on around us affect us on a subconscious level without us realizing. Once we do take heed, we can create lasting changes to embrace our potential. Through the program, you’ll develop mental skills to improve your thought patterns. In a matter of days, you’ll notice how life changes. It helps to alter both your unconscious and conscious state of mind to change your perception about success. By the time you are done reading this program, you will believe in your abilities and you know that nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams. It will help reduce you stress levels as well as help you make informed decisions that will propel you to success. It will help to improve your concentration levels enabling you to perform your tasks better as well as make better judgment on things that you should prioritize in life.
When you take the lessons of The Tesla Code and apply them to your life you’ll be able to solve just about any problem that comes your way. You have seen the smokers, drunker, people indulge in bad habits often try to relieve from these bad habits but not easily they get rid of the bad habits. Why? Because somehow they have trained / thought their subconscious mind that these activities give pleasure to them. This program is backed by several scientific studies and it has the ability to divert positive energy in your brain to ensure that you progress in every sphere of life. As such, Tesla Code Secrets is the program that motivates you to achieve greater heights of success. With it, you will learn all the basics you need to master to improve your relationships, business, finances, and health without even having to put in too much effort in what you do.
Click Here to Download the Tesla Code Secrets Book Now!
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mothercareguide · 5 years
Tesla Code Secrets Review (2019) ⚠️WARNING⚠️ Watch This First!
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emilybusroh26-blog · 5 years
Tesla Code Secrets Review (2019) ⚠️WARNING⚠️ Watch This First!
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manifest9money · 3 years
Wonderful Strategies To Manifest Your Desires
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The higher cortisol that is launched reacting to undesirable encounters along with ideas, the much better difficult it might develop to become, with hrs, to produce new positive remembrances. So using this week’s publish I desire to talk about 12 suggestions as well as practices that could have helped me - and yet aid me - to be able to steer clear of and to overcome my own unwelcome thoughts about the other hand also the negativity that is from time to time about me.
Begin experiencing all of the prosperity and prosperity you need by planning to the 369 Manifestation Code site. The sounds you get with this particular certain program is likely to make a supernatural incidence which helps you with exhibiting regardless of you wish in your very own own lifestyle.
Even though Concha states you may use manifestation to supply a unique specific for your needs, you are not able to purchase them to fall basically, madly, profoundly in accurate take pleasure in with you. After this calls for position, it is really really trouble-free to get rid of faith inside the law of attraction also as have each and every small point spiral downhill from that point. Somebody by performing with a greater vibration will produce their desires less complicated, far more rapidly as well as considerably more properly than somebody who is experiencing a less costly vibration.
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Selmaoui et al exhibited that night severe make contact with with possibly ongoing or sporadic 50 Hz linearly polarized magnetic causes of 10µT is not likely to influence melatonin secretion in mankind. Currently, there has been couple of operated lab studies on sleeping EEG below very low frequency electrical and magnetic job areas. The relationships in between being open to the magnetic pushes having a frequency of 16.7 Hz and also man health have been intensively studied in railway workers.
The focus needed for color along with other imaginative projects helps eliminate the concentrate from issues and negative pondering. A further valuable technique is to "positive evaluate." It means when you notice you will be negatively judging someone, oneself, or maybe a situation, research for just about any positive outstanding also. Simply 369 Manifestation Code Program for the reason that it really is entirely achievable that a volume of the days and nights, folks and also ladies will truly be essential and also judgmental towards you, it is essential that you may deal with denial as well as judgments.
According to the article writer, Darius, 650,000 folks have obtained a huge alteration of their day-to-day lives with this system. Contrary to almost each other manifestation techniques, the Tesla Manifestation method breaks down to perhaps you have just do connected with anything unexciting like imagining things, perfecting new methods, and plenty of other people The Tesla Manifestation System choices 369Hz audio, which clears the foundation chakra and alterations the brain waves. According to the Darius, Tesla Manifestation has assisted over 650,000 people from over 32 nations accomplish their monetary achievement.
If you’d like to go the extra mile and also make sure that your manifestation great outcomes, I’ve unveiled a down-loadable workbook to aid you to almost every move of the way by way of this technique of manifesting your " particular " specific. How could it come to feel should certainly you be with every single of the distinct man or woman you wish? Neville Goddard’s visualization method is in essence essentially the most exact method to manifest almost any desire. Through acquiring rooted within the guidelines also as aligning your methods also as values together with your desire, precisely what the law claims of Attraction is available living. The ultimate, also as possibly most significant, stage of the Law of Attraction manifestation technique might be to allow precisely what you’re asking for inside the long term for you.
Thus if you tune in to the 2 binaural beat tones, your thoughts will get the beats by suggests of a beat frequency, manipulating your brain into cortical synchronization. With EquiSync you receive a powerfully created, all-inclusive, cost-effective option that's a lot more effective in comparison towards the higher-listed brainwave music applications available presently.
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Discovering whether your Iphone has been hacked is nearly impossible thanks to Apple's walled garden
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This week, we learned that the notorious Israeli cyber-arms-dealer NSO Group had figured out how hijack your Iphone or Android phone by placing a simple Whatsapp call, an attack that would work even if you don't answer the call.
Apple has received a lot of praise for the security of its Ios devices, which are said to be so secure in part because of Apple's walled garden strategy, which prevents Iphone owners from running third-party software unless it comes through Apple's App Store; and which limits who can repair Apple devices, and whether they can use third-party replacement parts. All of this control is said to produce a much more limited attack surface, with fewer bugs, which are corrected more quickly.
However, there are several cyber-arms-dealers that are in the business of selling exploits to hijack control over Apple's products, from Cellebrite to Grayshift to NSO Group. These companies keep the bugs they exploit a secret, making it harder for Apple to repair them.
Meanwhile, security researchers who want to develop tools to perform forensics on Apple products to determine whether they have been compromised with one of these cyber-weapons are out of luck: Apple blocks the forensic apps from the App Store, and kicks the few that sneak in. That means that in order to test an Apple device, the user first has to jailbreak it -- and jailbreaking Apple devices has gotten harder and harder, as Apple defends its own security (against competing App Stores) while weakening its users' security.
Fundamentally, Apple's security model treats owners of Ios devices as potential attackers and goes to enormous lengths to prevent someone who owns an Ios device from ever learning exactly how it works, so that some processes can run in areas that users can't inspect or control (those processes prevent users from using their Ios devices in ways that benefit them at the expense of Apple's shareholders). If an attacker manages to hijack an Iphone, the attacker's code can run in this special mode that is supposed to be reserved for Apple's own user-control programs, and take advantage of all the anti-user countermeasures Apple has built to protect itself.
This isn't unique to Apple: it's a trait shared by any devices that are designed to control their owners, from inkjet printers to Teslas. If your device is designed to actively prevent you from knowing what it's doing and reconfiguring it to do your bidding, then "bad guys" who take over the device will be able to attack you without you knowing what they're doing and reconfiguring your device to kick them out.
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harriscranshaw · 5 years
Tesla Code Secrets Review (2019) - How To Get Anything and Everything Yo...
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cse6441-blog · 5 years
Week 7 Evening Lecture
Something Awesome is due TOMORROW before the evening lecture
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Presentation: Bug Bounties
Started off with a Kahoot which was kind of strange. I was coming first, but the last question tripped me up. I thought we simply send them an email like Richard alluded to in the morning lecture, but apparently we should make a report and submit it. It was really unexpected I guess because they tested us before even doing the presentation (kinda counter-intuitive).
Anyway it was a nice and simple presentation that covered a few of the basics with getting started being a bug hunter. The example they showed was on a real website (HackerOne), where big companies like Tesla posted their applications for hackers to test and find bugs. It was good since they outlined the key features of the spec.
For example, Tesla clearly outlines specific things that they do not want reported like Social Engineering attacks, phishing, etc. In addition, there is information about the payouts they give and what kind of information (source code, etc) they provide to start finding bugs. All these things were considered ‘in scope’ meaning that there were specific things they wanted people to be looking at. However, there were also other things that they outlined as ‘out of scope’ so that hackers wouldn’t waste their time looking at other things.
Getting Started Tips
Learn web application principles
Look for assets that have changed recently; Reddit /r/tesla posts the software updates and patch notes (find bugs there)
Look for publicly disclosed reports
Fuzzing (covered by @theslazarus) Fuzzing is a useful bug testing process in which you can run automated tests that cover a range of possible cases. This is a lot more streamlined than manual testing and writing your own cases, because this generates all the possible inputs and interactions a user could use with your software and allows you to analyse it for any unexpected behaviour.
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Fuzzers come in all different shapes and sizes, but generally fall into two main categories:
We can use fuzzers to trace different types of bugs. In the example, @theslazarus​ showed how he used a fuzzer to test for heartbleed in different C programs. A good tip he gave was to follow tutorials online on how to utilise these and go on Github and test other people’s programs to see what bugs they have.
Crapple Bug (How to get root on a Mac) So apparently as your Mac is starting up, if you hold down Apple + S, you are able to get root access into the system. This occurs if you HAVEN’T ENCRYPTED YOUR HARD DISK but it’s strange as to why this is even a thing in the first place. However it does go to show that once someone gains access to the hardware, they have access to EVERYTHING.
Presentation: Pen Testing
Pen testing is an authorised simulation attack usually done in a sandbox to evaluate certain security risks. It is usually performed for companies in order to identify vulnerabilities and strengths that exist in their infrastructure.
For example, if you sent a ninja to break into your own house.
The ninja is the pen-tester
Your house is the system
Stages of Pen Testing
Establish persistence
Establishing persistence I think is a really critical point. A hacker may break into your system at one point but remain dormant for a long period of time, or create some way to get back in (backdoor). This way they can plan certain attacks once they know they have access and execute this easily.
Demonstration The demonstration was quite nice where the presenters utilised Kali (gives you root access to everything) and hacker tools like Metasploit and Gobuster to analyse and brute force into servers. They attacked a system they set up on Wordpress and tried to login into ‘admin’. Although the password they entered was wrong, Wordpress indicated that the password for ‘admin’ was incorrect, giving out the information that there actually was an administrative account called ‘admin’. Lo and behold, the password to that account was indeed admin. For establishing persistence, the demonstrator installed a plugin he wrote himself that allowed him to create a shell and get back into the server (shell scripting).
Kahoot Was an interesting kahoot. I won which was cool got a s/o from Bucky.
Back2Lecture: Homework
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Richard gave us more homework to do ahhhhhhhhh. It’s not compulsory, but I am interested in these things and do want to research them but I’m so busy and it just keeps piling on and on there’s so much stuff he wants us to do and then it’ll be assessable just you wait. Anyway here’s what he wants us to look up (it’s in the notes; https://www.openlearning.com/courses/securityengineering19t2/notes/slides07/)
Find out about current state of biometrics
Read about transport for NSW idea of using Facial Recognition rather than opal cards (case study)
Read about san fransisco ban on biometrics
Read about University research allegedly helping Chinese security forces to track and detain Uyghur citizens in Xinjian, China
Think about ways you can use facial recognition (China)
Diffie-Hellman does not give Authentication
One thing to note about Diffie-Hellman is that it’s NOT giving us AUTHENTICATION, because we aren’t verifying the identity of who we’re communicating with. DH only guarantees that only the parties have the shared secret (the key) which is CONFIDENTIALITY. So even if you are doing a key-exchange with someone across the world, you don’t actually know if it is the person who says they are who they say they are lol.
Blind Computers
Drawing back from last week’s lecture, Richard reminded us how Computers are just like someone who lives in a dark jail cell, separate from the real world. A computer doesn’t “understand context” or “identify things” the way that humans do. Computers are machines that are simply processing 1s and 0s.
Computers don’t understand things like we do. If you asked it to verify the identity of someone through a photo, it would simply be taking that image’s binary encoding and doing a bit-wise comparison. So in the instance that a it can do a comparison accurately, it is because the computer is PRE-LOADED with that information. It can only do a comparison if it has something it compare the input with. In this case, the pre-loaded information would be the stored binary information of a picture of the person’s face. However even with that, and no connection to the outside world, the computer still has to make a decision whether or not that person is who they say they are. And that decision is VERY HARD with what they understand and what they’re given. In the end, it comes down to the shared secret that is helping them make that decision.
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codeguide99-blog · 5 years
Properly-enjoyed Blogposts Tesla Code Secrets By Alex West Genuine Evaluation
Tesla Code Secrets is undoubtedly an exclusive program created by Alex West to lift the way of lifestyle specifications of an individual also as encourage him/her toward good results of increased success in existence. He was able to realize precisely how to use the world so as it could give every single small point that you as well as your family want. I thought his suggestions on resonance began individually - probably they performed and in addition he just discovered many of the reality in eastern faith. In the future, the venture was deserted "simply because of the estimated increased costs connected with execution as well as the formidable technological troubles. Typically usually are not planning to support only the mobile phone quantity, uncover details on the very best approach to get a cure mobile phone quantity, invert phone search is absolutely a approach to tesla code secrets e-book lookup directory site. You as well as your family can exploit this durability for that success. Tesla code secrets is undoubtedly an fantastic offer. Regarding the tesla code secrets book. Genuinely, you actually need to have not invest hrs day-to-day for learning this craft. It looked like someone really punched me in the face, it was ridiculous.
To keep up in today's fast-paced corporate and business planet, you need to have to understand your strengths and also weaknesses and also have a plan for moving forward. Without this, you'll remain stagnant because career advancement takes a well-designed being familiar with of your specialist needs and aspirations. That's where an Individual Development Plan (IDP) is an invaluable resource. The 1997 distribution of Ghoshal's and also Bartlett's Individualized Firm corresponded to a modification of career development from a system of predefined paths based on companies, into a strategy defined by the individual as well as matched up to the needs of companies in an open up landscape of alternatives. citation needed An additional participation to the study of career development courses was included with the reputation that women's careers demonstrate particular personal requirements as well as various development pathways from men. The 2007 examine of women's professions by Sylvia Ann Hewlett Away-Ramps as well as On-Ramps 32 experienced a significant effect on the way businesses view jobs. citation needed Additional work on the career being a personal development procedure came from research by Herminia Ibarra in her Working Identification on the relationship with career alter as well as identification change, 33 implying that priorities of show great outcomes as well as way of life constantly develop via life span.
Tesla Code Secrets Review. The Tesla Code Secrets is really a technique created by Alex West who used the display results of Nikola Tesla in paving technique to accomplishment. Tesla provides an amazing display results with the interaction systems that the world useful for stereo also as tv broadcasting.
Check with your manager to have got comply with-up chats with you, that can support you as well as your participants of the household substitute ineffective behaviours with more successful versions,” he claims. Devote focus to experience, abilities, activities, and places of skills that present on each and every your examination as well as your proper career approach, as understanding these places will source importance in your boss as well as relocate you sincerely even much closer your skilled development concentrates on.”
A personal largemouth bass passage strategy is really a quarry seeding style, yet it'll consider a rather different strategy that is more effective and requisite or else just subsequent the common curtain establishing approaches. That is exactly why a PDP features cap now these with domination roles mainly mainly because goal environment is actually a distinct should thinking about tesla code secrets amazon that are faithful just a stage attaining accomplishment. Or actually, several of these respect jurisdiction tasks never ever set up objectives in help of their personal digenesis. Several operate facing goals for his or her professions and exactly how modify ego can progress support the step ladder together with accomplish more professionally however they actually do not have any insulting development programs and this really is the out of solution to their lavish slam.
Hi there I am Noel and I made this website to share with you my genuine review with all of these individuals who are trying to find Alex's Tesla Code Secrets. Most of us are honestly informed about Law of Attraction but Tesla Code Secret is little distinct. It shows secrets that Nikola Tesla employed himself to perform accomplishment.
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ginaxizas-blog · 6 years
Vishen Lakhiani on how Mindvalley became what it is today and how you too can live a successful, rewarding and liberating life according to the Theory of Awesomeness. Learn more from Vishen with his Consciousness Engineering program: http://bit.ly/1PLqhu7 TIMESTAMPS OF THE IMPORTANT LESSONS FROM THIS VIDEO: 03:29 Vishen Lakhiani's background 04:37 Started Career with Commission only sales gig 07:26 Moved back to Malaysia"Bad things happen for good reasons" 12:28 4 years of struggle 16:44 Two things -"Happiness right now and The vision for the future" 18:02 Third step" stress and anxiety" 19:02 The final step" State of Flow" 27:45 How do you inject happiness in your life? 34:22 Blisscipline - The discipline of bliss 37:07 Elon Musk has three major companies- Space X, Tesla, Solar City 41:29 Dream big and your problems become small 46:29 What is a Framework for the balanced goal? 48:25 Twelve areas of balance 53:13 Why is Money important to you? 54:24 The grand secret of awesomeness From being broke and jobless to becoming a personal development and entrepreneurial figure, founder and CEO of Mindvalley Vishen Lakhiani shared an updated version of his signature story during Mindvalley's signature event - Awesomeness Fest. Discover the 10 unconventional laws that all extraordinary people live by in Vishen Lakhiani's new book, "The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed On Your Own Terms". You can get access to the book and additional bonus content here: http://bit.ly/1WVUv0M Awesomeness Fest is a global non-profit, transformational event that brings together people who are driven to change the world-- entrepreneurs, authors, technophiles, mavericks, artists and visionaries alike. Like being at a festival that merges Burning Man, TED and an exotic vacation, you'll get to dance the night (and day) away at incredible parties, go on breathtaking excursions, form life long friends and connections and learn how to take your life to the next level both personally and professionally. And it all happens in a paradise location. To learn more about Awesomeness Fest, where Vishen gave the talk, visit http://www.awesomenessfest.com
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mothercareguide · 5 years
Tesla Code Secrets Review (2019) - How To Get Anything and everything Yo...
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